#chase: thread
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sleg48 · 4 months ago
After the Total Drama reboot’s Rematch, the post-season drama is still going strong…
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So about that cut thread:
In the book, Percy sees the Fates cut a thread early on, and is scared because this means that someone is going to die. In the show we have Annabeth seeing it instead, a bit later in the season, but absolutely sharing the fear that book Percy felt.
However, we know that it didn't mean that one of them was going to die during the quest. In the Last Olympian, it is confirmed that the thread that was cut so early on in the series, was about Luke sacrificing himself to kill Kronos. Luke! The cut thread was never about Percy or Annabeth or Grover. It was about Luke at the very end of the series!
With that in mind, it makes so much more sense for Annabeth to see the Fates instead of Percy! After all, she is so much closer to Luke than Percy is. Now Annabeth is going to be fearing for Percy's or her own death for literal YEARS, until she is finally going to find out that it was about her oldest friend, her big brother, LUKE, all along!
Man they really want to make us hurt
(also yay, they're not only hoping for the full five seasons, they're also decently planting shit for it!!!!)
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moregraceful · 1 month ago
anyway before i got extremo derailed tonight, i was reading neon's curated collection of quotes from a russian interview with klim kostin and it got me wondering if any nhl teams keep chaplains on staff. considering this is the league where they will not even provide translators or language teachers like 95% of the time, i wasn't expecting them to, but cursory research turned up hockey ministries international which appears to pair local christian church pastors with junior, minor, and major leagues and call it chaplaincy even though everything on their website feels like youth pastor jock version. also found this very interesting if christian-focused athletic article from 2019 about the roles of faith in the nhl which mentions 23 nhl teams having a chaplain on staff. but the entire framing around the hmi program and chaplains in the nhl seemed to be around christianity? which admittedly i have only experienced chaplaincy in relation to hospice or extreme crisis situations so maybe single-faith focused chaplaincy is more standard when people aren't like imminently dying.
all of which of course gave me one million more questions while i was doing the dishes. like -- inclusitivity 101 but if they hired chaplains with interfaith training at all levels would they start seeing more religiously and culturally diverse players. and was also wondering if, even though hmi claims to be non-denominational, what kinds of outreach they do for orthodox players like kostin (i assume) or vasilevskiy (mentioned in the article) because none of the language on their website felt ecumenical. and also what kind of spiritual care they offer players in player assistance -- i feel like it's not uncommon to hear about goalies finding religion and coming out of player assistance concurrently. and also the number of goalies themselves who are christian, which was particularly interesting to me, as in the article, most of the ones who self-identified didn't come to faith until adulthood or were deeply on the pro-league career track. i also think about like--like what are the ahl (or echl/sphl) chaplains doing for the players who were raised with prosperity gospel and the various threads associated with that
and these are all very fascinating trains of thought for me to chase bc i love thinking about how faith impacts our lives broadly and in my little hobbies specifically but what i kept getting stuck on is if the framing around spiritual care in the nhl is all christianity, who is providing spiritual care at each stop for nazem kadri, who is a practicing muslim
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emmatcha · 5 months ago
can we start a thread of small but highly specific details we are excited for in pjo season 2? i just feel like getting randomly excited over seeing stupid little moments or details that happen in the sea of monsters on screen currently.
i’ll go first: i am SO SO hyped to see percy and annabeth head into the awkward i-sort-of-have-a-crush-on-you-but-you’re-still-annoying-and-you-are-mad-at-me-for-some-reason-and-we’re-only-thirteen territory. ok next!!
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Somebody take those incorrect quote generators away from me please
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bridaltrain · 4 months ago
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wardensantoineandevka · 1 year ago
the way that Sean adores Nathaniel is very much informed by the way that Sean loved his older brothers. it feels like Nathaniel partially fills the place created by the death of his brothers, just like how Sean partially fills that space for Nathaniel left by his own brother's death.
the unquestioning adoration and trust and respect that Sean has for Nathaniel makes me feel like Nathaniel specifically stands in for his eldest brother Tony. (perhaps, Marion is to Jimmy as Nathaniel is to Tony.) I often wonder if Nathaniel and Tony were of a similar age.
with that, it's interesting under that lends to think of how Sean describes Tony as being capable of anything to the way that Nathaniel thinks of himself as someone lacking, particularly in bravery but in talent generally. in turn, because of that lack, Nathaniel spends his life trying to be his older brother.
Tony, he was a hero of the neighborhood. My older brother could do anything.
My older brother was the hero. He was taken far too soon, and I've spent my entire life trying to be him, pretending I'm not the man that I am. Bringing in those with talents I don't possess, strength that I don't have to be near me, support me, work with me, in some vain attempt that it might rub off somehow. [...] All I can do is try and make amends for my shortcomings.
Sean adored Tony as a hero capable of anything, and he adores Nathaniel in a way similar to Tony, and in turn, Nathaniel sees himself falling short of the talents of his own older brother, whom he adored as a hero, and is trying to be the person his brother was.
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helyeahmangocheese · 7 months ago
my favorite thing to do bc I could care less abt canon is claiming that it was canon the entire time. every new discovery is a new hill to die on if you have some whimsy
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ink-the-artist · 9 months ago
which TOP video?
It was this animation that was projected behind them on stage at a concert I went to sometime in the mid 2010s, I think it was for the song heavydirtysoul, I can’t find a video of it online :/
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staticrevelations · 1 year ago
the early vibes of c2 were so nice they literally got out of prison and were just like "well shit where should we go" and basically picked a spot on the map and headed somewhere just for the hell of it and stuck together cuz they had nowhere better to be
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months ago
Im going back to my roots
Doll au >:3
Few of those that died technically comes back to life but as living cloth or wooden dolls.
The others have to kinda help them around/keep an eye on them.
Maybe happens during hoo? Someone brought back by Gaea figures out a way to trap their souls/ bring them back in that form. Mainly out of the fun of it. Maybe gets convince to do the last demigods specifically as to try force info from.
Instead they just kinda end up trapped in the box most of the time cause they're either too stubborn or done with helping world conquering deties to say anything. Even if they lost a bit of stitches or stuffing for fighting back...
They get found after being left when the person that brought them back gets ran off or defeated by the seven.
Of course, only really Percy and Annabeth really know who all them are and mix of awkwardness and some small bit of happiness to see most of them again is there(it mostly awkwardness with Luke, since Lee's been keeping him in a time out corner. And where do you even start a conversation with the guy who almost killed you multiple times who's now a doll gdgd)
Now they just have them chilling around the ship until they can fix it. Cue cute Lil interactions between Leo and Beckendorf and Piper and Silena gdgf
They're pretty beat up so to speak when they're found. Say the ones who had been on Kronos' side a little less.
Lee,Michael,Beckendorf, Bianca and Castor are lot more vocal against person that had them. Probably Ethan too? Silena and Luke are much more wrapped up in their own guilt from titan war to be as vocal. Ethan more focused on what's happened to them now.
They still kinda able to move their mouth and make some expressions, except at some point poor Michael got his mouth sewn shut cause the person got annoyed with him 😭(Lee was held down good bit after cause he was enraged-)
They got it fixed once they were found though 🥰
Lil concept art of it-
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coldjustness-archive · 2 months ago
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For me currently, the interesting thing is the difference of mindsets that is in Neve between her two Veilguard Hero paths. On one end, she becomes the hope of the people, and by principle sticks to the mindset she's had since the beginning by remaining the hand of justice that is astute as she was since the day we met her. Never killing, only arresting, bringing down the hand of the law.
Meanwhile, on the other - she becomes the Shadow of Docktown, the vigilante who is finished with playing by the rules when it comes to the corrupt crime of her home. A near Spymaster by her own right, when you think about it. She will kill a criminal if she thinks they will only be released to do the same thing they've been doing, she will take that extra step and not hold back where her alternate self will. This is also the Neve that can kill the juggernaut in the end game battle, and crush a man with her mind when sent after the Venatori lock.
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pastafossa · 1 year ago
Next chapter going up shortly! We're getting some final scraps of fluff towards the end of this chapter before we really dive into both the Frank's Trial arc (which obviously includes the ninja shenanigans happening at the same time, though stuff will obviously play out a bit differently) and a more serious arc having to do with Jane's hunt for Derek and Anthony.
So enjoy this moment, this calmness, this fluff. Then buckle your seatbelts, please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, cause we are going on a RIDEEEEEEE
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davekatzdefensesquad · 5 months ago
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cyberneticatoms · 4 months ago
WHERE: All Night Diner 2: Electric Bugaloo WHO: Kota Pluto (@mercurysunstar)
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Archer slid into the booth across from Kota, "So...they gave me September. Like I couldn't get a cooler month than that? No one even uses the calendar by that point, least not ill October for the spookiness," he complained. "I didn't even want to do the calendar this year, so I feel like I shouldn't even be as salty as I am."
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luriddaze · 4 months ago
CLOSED for @sevcnminutcs // chase ross. open to f (if romantic)!
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as he sat with his new roommate, the storm outside grew stronger. the thunder was so loud that it made the man jump at the sudden crack. "jesus christ..." he cussed, then laughing and looking over at her. suddenly, the lights flickered out and the tv turned off. " - and there it goes. you got some candles or something? i guess we might have to actually talk. i'm sorry about your luck."
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