#charlie definitely has more powers but i can't remember them all
pharawee · 9 months
Hi Jane! Thank you for answering my question :D Unfortunately, I now have MORE questions and as the one cursed with the knowledge of this omegaverse, you're the only one I can ask *nervous laughter* sorry
Do they explain the levels of Charlie's absorption powers and how they work in the novel? We know that he absorbs powers through touch and is able to siphon more the closer his is to someone. And you said in the tags that he somehow changed Babe's DNA (that's crazy btw???). Can he change the DNA of everyone he absorbs powers from or just those he is intimate with?
Oh that's okay. I aim to spread this cursed knowledge to everyone who will listen. But also the worldbuilding in the novel is actually really fascinating and I'm having a lot of fun with it (for someone who knew nothing about omegaverse before).
The novel goes into a lot of detail with Charlie's powers and some of it is spoilery for stuff that is yet to happen in the series. But basically Charlie inherited his powers from his mother who was also an alpha (no word on his father). She must have had somewhat different powers though because they only noticed when Charlie stole her powers. Those powers later vanished when she died.
Charlie needs to be close to someone to absorb their power. Babe mistakingly believes that it's through sex but Charlie probably does it through touch alone because by the time he meets Babe he already has a lot of powers (and he's a virgin so things don't add up otherwise lmao). I'm not sure I remember them all but he can change his scent, detect lies, put people to sleep, cause hallucinations, slow his own heartbeat... and then he also absorbs Babe's super senses.
There's no talk about genes or dna at all but something within Babe must change after Charlie absorbs his powers so he becomes worthless for Tony's breeding program. That or Tony is just really stupid. 🤡
It's later said that powers are directly linked to who people are (both as an individual and as their secondary gender) so taking away their powers somehow changes them fundamentally. It usually can't be done and will kill them. Even with Charlie it's more like stealing (e.g. if Charlie dies the powers return to their original owner; and if the original owner dies Charlie no longer possesses their power either).
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thebearme · 3 months
What's William Afton like in your Human FNAF AU?
ngl I was having a hard time here so I drew Willy for the past days to get an Idea that's more solid.
Here's Willy and Henry in the old days
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Well... it was kinda hard to say. Pretty much the same temperament as the og one; I can't get into too much about his home life or how he behaves around the other Fazbear restaurants rn, that's for later posts.
He's the brains of the operation; He came up with the idea of Fredbear's family diner and welcomed his collage friend Henry to help him in this venture. With neither of them having knowledge in owning a restaurant beforehand, they decide to put the entertainment in the forefront with him and Henry performed. It was a small business back then, but it soon got big and with that so did William ego.
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He's a bad father, husband and person like the original.
A bit of an uptight theater kid, so he was the MEANEST when it came to auditions and the overall everyday shows. Luckily, Henry in charge of the audition process instead of Willy.
Willy took his roll when he performed seriously, ironically the character he played was a hippie hillbilly for the 'ha ha American people stupid' satire’s sake.
Fredbear family diner had entertainment that was more like a theater show than a performing band. Henry wasn't much of a singer and Willy only knew a few songs on banjo, but their performances gave an amateur but campy feel to them if you were to watch the recordings of the shows.
Willy would micromanage the business if he wasn't pulled away from it. This leads to him being the most feared boss for everyone. His willingness to fire someone for the littlest thing is scary.
As much Willy makes it seem like he holds all the power, he still is under the leash of the higher ups that GAVE them the money to make this franchise to begin with. William will soon open his own company and entertainment industry later. (That's going to be baby's circus)
Henry and Willy would tend to use their diner performers has a little babysitter. Just dumping Charlie, Elizabeth, Evan and hell-even Michael if Mrs. Afton don't feel like dealing with him. But just because they're in the same building doesn't mean that they get to spend time with their fathers. And frankly, Willy doesn't want to.
Willy promoted Shirley to Head chef after one too many firings of the other cooks. (and other nefarious reasons that will be getting into later)
Shirley's dog being added to the character roster was definitely wasn't Willy choice, but it ranged positive with the higher ups and gave a bigger profit.
Like I said before, Freddy's actor, George, is the only one who's to get into Willy's head and tell him how he's a shitty boss. And that's because he's abit older than Willy, and the whole 'respect your elders' thing is something William has to reluctantly follow. But that doesn't stop him to redirect George's anger to Henry.
You already know that the performer of Bonnie, Janice, was looking for mentorship from William, but it doesn't go great. Well, if you think about Willy's 'pickiness' in actors and the norms in appearance of actors in the 80s... I think you could put one and two together. (before anyone gets mad, it's the 80s and Willy is your average old white man not an activist, so don't be surprised that he wants white skinny women instead of Janice and Shirley)
And for Francis, Willy barely remember that the character Foxy exist, let alone the person behind the character. Or at least he would like too, If it wasn't for Foxy being the most interesting and popular character for the age bracket of 12 and whatever age his 'bastard son' is. So for the time being, Willy just will act like he can't see him until he comes up with his next fuck up plan.
Willy is the same fucked up man that he's been, just without the murder.
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goodlucksnez · 5 months
I have been feeling not great for the past week so you know what that means...time to record a character suffering. Al/ has been living rent free in my brain so i made a short thing of Al catching a cold and having to deal with it. no other person just him talking in his head/alone while he rests in bed with jazz playing(and it gets more distorted as it goes on)
This was actually kinda fun to record, i ordered soup and got to just kinda rest/talk-sorry if it is lackluster/boring i have no energy
cw: sneezing, (duh) some sniffles,coughing/clearing throat (I am sorry)
Of all the things in hell.
Of course, the common cold is still a thing. Bubonic plague. Sure. Measles would gladly take them. Something is so unsettling as the common cold.
But I am one to persevere.
And I not backing down from the fight.
Although some TLC might be in order. Let's see what I can whip up.
Not bad, not bad. It's all. And see if it tastes just like I remember.
My mother, for as long as I live.I hope I remember this recipe fondly. Although….I don't remember this effect.
OH dear pardon me. I just can't seem to shake the chill. No matter, I still have things I need to do goals to accomplish. People, I want to tear the limb from limb until their body is gone.
my rampaging days may have to wait. Smile is a valuable tool. After all, Alastor. You can't show them any weakness not like you have any.
They'll jump and pounce like Peck of wolves, devouring your flesh until The only thing left is your soul.
The crowd that I run with nowadays doesn't seem to be that kind.
Oh dear.
They would never let me live it down. Pardon me. What a disgusting malady.
Out of all the ones after the extermination. Of course it's me.
 Charlie is immune to their power, their disease. And well, no one else really got badly. Hurt. Taking a blast from Heaven definitely wasn't part of the plan.
The show must go on.
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she-of-seidhr · 2 months
I have so many thoughts about The Rings of Power S2 SDCC trailer and some of the news that came out from the SDCC panel, but I am so unwell after watching it that I don't remember it all. Here's what I recall though:
The trailer is absolutely the best we've had of all their releases going back to S1. The difference is night and day. I like that this trailer has clear direction of what the general plot is going to be instead of just a bunch of clips that makes no sense whatsoever.
The Rhunic masks looked a bit futuristic to me. It reminded me of some background race in an MCU film, can't remember if it was in Thor 3 or Ant-Man 3, but yeah it looked a bit out of place and silly.
I really am quite puzzled at their insistence in dressing Gil-galad in gold hues when we have Pharazon and/or Sauron, or even the dwarves for that. I am hoping they are saving the silver and blues for the later seasons if we're not getting it now. That would look so striking since they went with the dark hair. Remember Thranduil's silk orange robe from The Hobbit? Now make it deep blue. Ah, a girl can dream.
I know this is a trailer so there's misdirection, but I wonder if that scene where Galadriel asks Elrond to promise he will not stop who I am assuming is Sauron is an indication that she's going to put up her sword (at least in S3 onwards) to do other things, bringing her closer to the Galadriel in the books in terms of character and also what we know she was doing during the Second Age. That will give Elrond and (as it should be honestly) Gil-galad the space to be the actual main protagonists along with the other prominent Second Age characters.
I wanted more of Cirdan instead of just a hand, and I got a different shot of his hand, this time going underwater. Exciting.
Entwives!!! I'm glad to see them featured, but I'm also terribly afraid they're going to show us how they were wiped out lost.
The Siege of Eregion looks fuckin' amazing. The shot of Sauron walking away with an explosion on the background? Sign me the fuck up.
Gil-galad's banners flying amidst the elven charge scene. Fuck me sideways.
Charlie Vickers was the best actor for me in S1, I have no doubts he will serve in S2. Owain Arthur, Charles Edwards, and Peter Mullan too.
I love Gil-galad to death but to be perfectly honest I kinda don't like how Benjamin Walker portrays him. That said, it definitely is also because of how he's being written. I imagine Gil-galad to still have warmth despite the burden of his position that has a 100% mortality rate.
Pharazon better not be fuckin' stabbin' that eagle.
Daniel Weyman's line delivery sounds so Ian McKellen, but I am still hoping he is a Blue Wizard. Then again, maybe he is just taking inspiration from the most iconic wizard portrayal we've ever had (that's not up for debate).
I know I said Robert Aramayo as Elrond is ok, but for some fuckin' reason I'm convinced that those curls is going to make him better in all aspects.
I love Elrond's hesitation about the Elven Rings because it deepens the mystery of just how much of everything we know so far has been by Sauron's design.
Really curious to see what Sam Hazeldine will bring to the Adar because he's got BIG shoes to fill. Joseph Mawle was born for that role. The subtleties and the quiet menace he brought to the Adar was just incredible.
Look, I like Tom Bombadil alright? But am I ever really hyped to see an adaptation of him onscreen? Not really.
Barrow-wights. Why, but yeah cool whatever.
I like that every ring has a different design and we're going to see all of them in their full glory.
Celeborn will show up, as he should. When and where, no idea but at least there's confirmation.
Glorfindel can show up. If I talk about this any more than I already have (although it's to my family members who don't give a single fuck about any of this), I would really start losing my shit.
Lloyd Owens who plays Elendil made some eyebrow-raising remarks in the SDCC panel in regards to Elendil and Miriel's relationship, so it has me worried about them going for a romantic route between the two. Theirs could be a story of friendship, loyalty, and steadfastness in the midst of all the unrest and danger, and it honestly cheapens the last scene they shared in S1, so I really hope they don't try any funny business with them.
Somebody did ask the showrunners if there's going to be LGBTQ+ representation which one of them answered along the lines of maybe we've already seen one. Is it really necessary? Is it really proper representation? Does it serve the story? There's so many additions to this series already that it's going to be one more thing that takes away from the lore characters who really should be the focus.
I know I'm still missing some shit, but yeah this list is long enough. Lots of good, maybe a little bad, but overall I feel good about this new season and I can genuinely say I'm excited again even after the meh that's S1. August 29 can't come soon enough!
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In regard to Roo, I have a theory about a connection between her and Eve. With Roo shaping up to be some sort of personification of evil itself, maybe she doesn't have a true physical form of her own and needs a vessel to do her dark deeds. Maybe eating the fruit of knowledge made Eve vulnerable to her possession. And as a result, Eve has had many moments throughout her life and afterlife where she's in control of her body for one period of time before Roo takes over for another to cause all manner of chaos she wants. Sort of a Norman Osborn and Green Goblin scenario.
I think this would make for a very shocking way for our wayward souls to be introduced to the Root of Evil. They meet Eve at some point in their endeavors and she (thinking she's managed to contain Roo for good) offers to help Charlie and Lucifer redeem sinners to make up for her role in allowing sin to manifest on Earth, only for her personality to take a sudden turn around as she breaks down laughing madly and then suddenly Charlie finds her new friend replaced with the ultimate evil.
What do you think.
Hello again my friend.
Oh they are certainly linked in my opinion. Its spelt all out in the few moments of the Amazon show.
I already pointed out that Roo that I believe she is Alastor contractor. Using her smile as the damning evidence.
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The smile its is overly stretched similar to Alastor, plus the red eyes. I think Alastor smile is force. Not because we saw stitches that would force him to smile when his more demonic magic shows...which is suspicious. But I think its Roo signature that no one realizes. I think he would try to keep a smile as a personal policy regardless because it special to him between him and his mother in his living life. But it would definitely fell a few times if he actually was able to do so.
But how is the red eyes and smile connected to Eve you may ask.
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Tho backstory lore of Heaven and Hell in the first few mins of the show, was shown in black and white. The only colors were used were gold to show Heaven/angels and red for evil and Hell. The very first red was shown as with the words angles shielded all from evil. Cue the first picture. The unnamed dark character (but we know its Roo)
The next show of red was the tree of knowledge. The tree that bare the fruit of mankind first sin. It....even shown the roots in red. The color the show picked for evil...the roots are evil...root of evil...Roo.
Eve bit into this forbidden fruit. She ingested evil and committed the first sin.
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I find it very interesting that they show her smile turning red-after she accepted the apple. I think the red (as well all the red eyes) and smiles is Roo symbolism.
I been toying with the idea that Roo doesn't have a physical body myself. Surprisingly I forgotten about Eve when I been wondering this and focusing on Alastor.
My thoughts on it so far, but been too distracted to conform it in rewatches. When Alastor shadow takes life on its own, I think that's Roo manifesting in his shadow. To watch how things are playing out or to aid him. I remember in Alastor lore about the overlords, it was pictured his shadow was doing all the work. So it makes sense if actually Roo that brought them down with such ease by storeaway in Alastor shadow. Roo being his animated shadow is also a nice representation that he can't he separated by the darkness that he bonded to.
Ugh edit in bold. I just realized I was thinking too small. Roo may already be intermittently possessing Alastor. His song bit in the last song could been Roo the the whole time. And the animated shadow is the "evidence" he being possessed. (Along with all the red eyes out in the background) Roo may have more tangeablity being in control of Alastor, but is still severely stunted in terms of powers that they use to possess. So that can be her hunger for freedom to "unclip her wings" And wishing to pull the strings for grand scheme of things and revenge. She needs a more powerful body....a fallen sephium or a princess of Hell perhaps? I don't think it happen but not implausible.
I lowkey thought she was staging a set to possess Alastor. Forcing him to get things ready to and prepare him as a vessel and his own unwilling demise of his soul. Which Alastor is kept out of the loop on but already heavily suspects it regardless. Which is why he so frantic to trying to find a way out of contract before gets to that final step. But now hes weaken and does not have the aid of his staff so he has to tread more carefully but he doesn't have the time for that.
But Eve...no, that makes more sense. As I mention its insanely suspicious Eve hasn't been a player to the game yet. I mean, granted her soul is thousand upon thousands of years old, which meant she had to survive almost just as many exterminations. But I doubt a key character would be killed off well before the show took place.
The angle you threw in with Eve is a perfect plot set up. Imagine....the first sinner...redeemed. The motivation there as you pointed out. To make amends for creating Sins, bring evil to Earth and the creation of Hell. The publicity it would bring to the hotel. The amount of guest who would check in if the first sinner gets redeem. Its appears to be a win-win for everyone!
It's such a perfect setup for Roo to stowaway in Eve to finally bring their evil to Heaven doorsteps. I'm pretty sure, bring Heaven to its downfall is Roo final objective. Having the first sinner bring evil to Heaven is beauty poetry in Roo objective. I really like that idea.
I don't think Roo would have ill will to Lucifer, Lilith or Eve...since they unintentionally help her further her reach to Earth. Unless there might been additional lore when Lucifer fell into Hell and discover Roo they might been some conflict and he managed to contain the evil. By somehow taking away her corporeal body so she became more of a looming presence then a threat. unable to interact with the world properly. But Roo ancient, she'll find a way to to return.
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 6 months
regarding my previous post I'm trying to flesh out this odd crossover plot bunny a bit more, and I think it would be interesting if harry and Voldemort both got sent to hell and became residents of the hotel.
Harry because he does Not want to be in hell and also he has a Saving People Thing and wants to help others redeem themselves. Voldemort would probably just want to stay close to the most powerful souls he can, and ofc that means hanging around the place with the king and princess of hell, and a collection of rather powerful and influential sinners. now you may be asking, "Lucas why the fuck would Voldemort decide to hang out around people in power why wouldn't he just try to Become the people in power and kill some overlords?" and to that I say; Voldemort is a smart man. he is capable of learning and growing. I think he can realize that the past 60 years of his life since his first year in Hogwarts were just so full of mistakes it makes him cringe. he will take this weird after-life in hell and make better choices!! not morally better choices, but definitely strategically better ones. also I think it would piss him off so much that as a sinner he can't leave the pride ring, he is Not used to that kind of limitation and he hates it.
I think Harry and Voldemort would show up at the hotel and immediately realize who the fuck is there and it would not be pretty. Voldemort would probably have a harder time with self control now because that his soul is back together because it would be really unstable and also personality disorders don't just Leave when you die. like that's not a soul thing that's a mind thing. Anyways he would still want to reach his goals and learn more about hell, get closer with the people in power, etc., so he'd make an Attempt of not fighting harry but it would fail. I think Harry and Voldemort would instantly get into a fight because Harry just got to hell and he's pissed that after All That he is in the same place as the man he was born to go to war against. However, I think they'd get interrupted by charlie and vaggie pretty quickly and would remember that they're not here to fight each other. So they both check into the hotel, get to know everyone a bit, and Voldemort would soon realize "oh wait this kid does not want to kill me and he's actually pretty powerful and gets along really well with the princess, it would make more sense to be civil around him." So yeah, Voldemort becomes noticeably less antagonistic toward Harry, is a bit less reactive, and generally pisses harry the fuck off with this sudden personality change and Harry would make up for it by being More antagonistic and reactive and etc..
and of course you all expect the obligatory angel comment "lol when r u guys gonna get it over with and fuck" but did you expect that to be a Plot Point? No? That's because I didn't either but it makes so much sense. Angel makes One (1) Angel comment abt them fucking and Harry's mind shatters. He is broken from the inside out. He never registered that as an option. He never had the realization that he had a crush on Tom Riddle and he never made the realization that yeah, odd internal monologues about how scary and weirdly elegant and graceful and beautiful your enemy is Might mean that you have a bit of a crush even on the non-conventionally attractive physical form he has. That one comment would make him completely short-circuit and he would have an epiphany so great and devastating that it makes him freeze for a concerning amount of time before leaving to Immediately imagine fucking Voldemort. He wouldn't be seen for days and he wouldn't jack off a single time but he would be in a near-constant state of cold showers, denial, shame, and then acceptance. Harry and Voldemort would probably fuck pretty soon afterwards and blah blah blah. you get it.
I feel like the radioapple needs far less explanation, however I will probably need to think it through later as I have a deep-rooted Need to keep them as canon accurate as possible and not have alastor be ooc because I love his c. it's a very good c.
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curseofbreadbear · 5 months
head hurts but i wanna write SO have my take on the mimic (and their "role" in my silly littol lore)
I'd like to start by introducing this video by TheChiptide which explains the Mimic, its functionality, and its likely role in FNAF canon. His video influenced my take on the Mimic and filled in quite a few gaps in my brain. Also, his videos on FNAF tech are fascinating and I highly recommend them.
Okay, so first off: Mimic's origins.
As stated in this video, the Mimic's technology is very reminiscent of the Charlie bots from the Silver Eyes trilogy. As is the case with MANY of FNAF's creations, Henry is likely the original creator of the Mimic (or is at least responsible for its programming); as is also the case with Henry's creations, the programming for the Mimic almost definitely fell into the wrong hands.
William procured many of Henry's creations after his supposed death; the endoskeleton who would later become Circus Baby, blueprints, prototypes...and the Mimic's original programming. William, obsessed with immortality and power, gets the idea to make a "copy" of himself using this technology. He specifically trains it to follow a behavioral pattern:
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(taken from the "sequel" video, "FNAF is DOOMED!")
The Mimic program that William built upon is actually, as you may have guessed from the screenshot above, Glitchtrap. Some time after William's death in FFPS, this program was eventually scanned and integrated by a modern Fazbear Entertainment into a new VR title, "Help Wanted."
Glitchtrap is not a manifestation of William's spirit; it is a digital clone that William made.
Because of modifications that the Mimic's program makes to result in a "better state" (please watch this video, I can't do it justice), Glitchtrap furthers its own existence by replicating itself in peoples' heads via a white rabbit mask. It happened to Vanessa, and as of RUIN, it is now happening to Cassie. This is the Mimic's way of immortalizing itself, and if left unchecked, the Faz-universe is in a LOT of trouble.
Now, that's all well and good, but I've also been "dropping hints" at another way the Mimic manifests in the Faz-universe: as the Glamrock animatronics.
If you watch TheChiptide's first video (which I highly recommend again because I'm just giving y'all the Cliffnotes), he describes how the Glamrock animatronics' AI is so sophisticated that it resembles the Mimic's machine learning. Theoretically, if the AI was trained on the behavior of a real person, it would be almost indistinguishably human. This was likely the program's original goal before it fell into William's hands (remember, Henry was trying to recreate his daughter).
In theory, if the creators of the Glamrocks stumbled on this AI, they'd have their animatronics set out for them. As a matter of fact, they would already have data to base their characters off of; previous night guards, previous owners, or even current employees. If you're wondering why Glamrock Freddy has so many similarities to either Henry or Michael, this might just be the explanation for you.
I personally love the idea that Freddy's behavioral pattern was based on Henry specifically; modern Fazbear Entertainment seems reliant on nostalgia for the original character's (and the 80's). What could be more reminiscent of the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizza / Fredbear's Family Diner than the damn owner, the man who built AND played Fredbear on stage?
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syst3merr0r · 10 months
After watching the trailer 10x times, I wanted to share my thoughts on it, and the changes!!
Aka mun takes this as a chance to ramble about Hazbin Hotel-
Spoiler warning for the HH trailer under the cut!!
Okay, here we go!
I'm sad to see the og voices go, but now that we've been able to hear the new ones, I'm not as disappointed. Alastor, Husk, and Vox's new voices(i know Vox never REALLY had a voice, but i mean the iconic fan made one) threw me off guard HARD. And not in a bad way!! I like Alastor’s, it's more upbeat, yet it can also be intimidating like how Edward's was. Husk's voice is a BIG change!! I do like how it's now more smooth sounding, although it's still a bit difficult to match the voice to the face. Vox's voice made me cackle. I adore how it sounds, and it makes him hard "I'm better than you" nerd vibes. Or John Mulaney.
The updated animation and artstyle is BEAUTIFUL!!! Everything looks so clean and smooth, it's truly amazing what the HH team has done. MAJOR props to them!!
The fact we have yet to hear Sir Pentious is a bit concerning, but also exciting. It's been revealed his VA will be Alex Brightman, which is a bit strange that have yet to hear him. But we'll definitely be hearing him in the show!
I'm sorry I have to ramble about the stupid ass deer man- I'm very excited to see whether he plays the belated villain or if he's fighting alongside Charlie! As he says in the trailer, "It's time I remind everyone why I'm here" followed by a clip of him going (assumably) full/near full Radio Demon. Although it's not clarified whether he's talking to Charlie, the entirely of Hell, or to Lucifer/Adam. I can't wait to see how he acts in the show, and how/if he makes relationships/friendships with the others! Remember, he's the Radio Demon. He's an asshole- It also intrigues me that when it shows him using his powers, it looks like he's melting a bit. Either way, in quote of Alastor himself, "This is going to be very entertaining!"
Charlie and Vaggie are adorable together. But it does look like they're going to have some struggles in the show with maybe their relationship. Probably- based on what we've seen in the pilot and the clips for the series, Vaggie is very skeptical about Charlie's whole plan, while Charlie just wants her to trust in her.
All in all, I cannot WAIT to watch Hazbin Hotel, and see where these characters and story lead!
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soda-boots · 1 year
Moths surround me, thought they'd drown me
This is a slightly concerning and definitely incomplete recount of yesterday (the 20th).
So post Passages, I have breakfast yada yada yada. Meet this girl named Antonia (we have breakfast and then dinner together actually with her friends Jessie and Islay). I go on the stand for xpression for a few hours and then go on the cinema crawl with the other committee. Meet some interesting people on there actually (most notably Lachlan). However before that I go to Rituals to see where Mo works and end up buying a 37 quid umbrella. Its a gorgeous umbrella and it better hold up. I rush back to my flat for my meeting with Jason and I think it goes quite well. I have dinner after and come back to my flat. I finally have the fantastic idea to go to the club... alone. I've never done it before and it's something I've always wanted to give a go. It's not like Jack and Haleemah are turning up at the club anytime soon and no one has ever invited me to join their group before (as far as I recall). I do try my best to be adventurous and this just me exercising that. I promenade to the shop to buy 2 bottles of cider and a can of pimm's. Downing one bottle and the can, while listening to Songs for You, I'm trying to hype myself up for this event.
I try inviting Lachlan to the club, but he can't make it (fair enough). Good even, this is a private event for me. The night starts to blur a little from here (but I can still remember pretty much all of it). I speak to Ellis about coffee or something and how coffee/alcohol makes me sleepy. An hour and a half before vaults opens to help the timeline. This is 7:27pm now.I talk about violet from Charlie and the chocolate factory I think at around 8
Going through messages to recount events is so funny lol. I listen to 'dem boy paigon' to hype myself up' and I believe I leave my flat say 8:40 pm -ish. I'm baskily power walking through these streets, no headphones on (I considered not even bringing my phone to stay fully immersed but I disregarded that whole ideology).
I walk by a bunch of people also going to town. These group of friends all walking and laughing together. At the time, I was so unphased by the juxtaposition of me alone and them in a bevy. It didn't matter, I was determined to have fun. {here begins ramblings from my notes app about how I'm feeling, what I'm hearing and seeing and comments from me}
‘We’re walking at gay speed “
This was so funny and initiated the whole idea
I wonder if it’s actually this cold or the alcohol has warmed up my body in some way 
It didn't feel as cold at first, but then again I was definitely tipsy, if not flat out drunk at this point. I felt quite warm in my chest actually
Speed feels a bit weird. I’m kind of dizzy, like in an odd state of vertigo . I should have worn my glasses because I why is verything a little bit more blurry 
I actually forgot that I felt like this. Time seemed to be moving very quickly at first. Like I was just racing through the streets. Everything had a slight blur filter on it and I was a bit dizzy. It was a strange feeling to be concurrently aware and so distinctly detached in this way.
I walk down the street towards the vaults and why do I start to sing 'mystery of love in my head'
Bounded by the time I cried ! I built your walls around me . White noise what an awful sound. Fluttering by rouge rivers. Feel my feet upon your the ground . Shall I find no other. oh woe is me 
For context, I'm struggling to type accurately (I know I'm sobering up when I can do it better again later in the night)
The walk felt like nothing 
It did feel strangely quick.
It’s closed (the vaults) . That’s so sad (one that it is closed and two that I got here while it was closed ) 
Of course in my eagerness, I get to the club while it's closed and now what do I do ? Go to another club (I'm determined !!!)
I just met Edward and his mum from film soc. I wonder how the interaction was from their end.
I stumbled back when I stop to speak to them. Edward is so nice and his mum seemed lovely. As I mentioned I wonder how that interaction was from their end. His mum had a strange but friendly expression on her face (she goes back to Belgium today).
Moving on, I see Rhys at some point (and I think it was around here. I also see Mo at some time while I’m on the cobbled streets near vaults but that’s earlier than this I think ). I trudge to Zinc and it's closed for a social !
I went to zinc and they were having a Taylor Swift Soc event. They’re playing all to well (10 minute version) that’s so cute . I think it’s Taylor Swift society . I don’t think it’s Taylor society because they started playing paint the town red by Doja cat 
I'm out of it at this point. The see-sawing between whether it is Taylor swift society or not. I was a bit upset that I couldn't go to Zinc (but I just walked towards fever) because they were playing music I liked. I love how looking back I kept asking the bouncers, how I could buy a ticket and they so nicely and attentively answered me. I must have so clearly looked clueless. I couldn't get into fever too till about 10 and I just left .
Timeline update - 9:27
I tell Ellis I might go home. He suggests I go to a pub, and so I do
Don’t dwell on your feelings too much if not you will cry !
I'm quite emotional it seems.
Have you ever had a krispy kreme? Was it crispy (context - I saw a Krispy Kreme van ) 
I'm walking back to vaults here and I can't find it again, but notice bar named Pixy's. I read the board and walk by some guy who acknowledges me and I walk past. I get a bit lost and then walk back to Pixy's. I go in and the guy from earlier kind of jogs and he's the bartender. How hipster of him lol. I have no idea what I want and say that to him. He asks what I don't like, I say lemon because I don't really know (in actuality, I do enjoy lemon flavoured things). He makes this drink with watermelon and thyme vodka, lime cordial and apple Frobisher, and it tastes so good ! He says if I don't like it I don't have to pay for it (ok sales man). I did pay for it. I probably would have lied and said I liked it regardless of how I actually felt. He put in all that effort to try and impress me (ehhh did he?)
I went to a bar called Pixy’s and I got this thing made with watermelon and thyme vodka and then like cordial and a apple and something Frobisher 
I sit and have my drink and every move I make has so much more weight to it.
Every movement feels exaggerated . Like with each sway, the strength grows more and more 
I’m definitely less coherent than I think I am 
Oh I’ve tried vodka now ( kind of)
There's a group of ladies having a great time in front of me. Once again the juxtaposition of them in their gaggle (but oddly I don't think about that at the time). I actually look back now thinking oh I actually had a fun time. I leave Pixy's and pass a bar called 'The Mermaid'. Just like with Pixy's I circle back to it very soon after and go in. I hoped I didn't fall down the stairs down into it. I go in and the art is very 'art nouveau' and the decor so heavily influenced by Art Deco. It was a shame there wasn't any have music playing. The walls were dark green. There were some geometric features within it.
I go to the bar and the man hands me their menu. Scanning it I notice a negroni and other things I recognise some other drinks. However, I loved the names of their mock tails more so I order one.
I went to a bar called the mermaid and ordered the rejuvenation. It has tomato and pineapple juice . Such a weird tasting drink. So tangy. The taste of tomato is highly present. Very acidic 
While he makes my drink, drink I have a chat with the bartenders. They ask why I'm out and I'm like I've never been to a club and none of my friends have really been interested so I'm doing it myself. The lady bartender seemed quite proud of me. the guy making the drink mentions it's a weird one unless you like tomato juice. I get my drink and sit in the corner and sip on my strange drink. It tasted nice as far as I can recall. I sit down and I'm texting people, Max (I see his new haircut) and Ellis (who is baking a bread). I might have texted Haleemah too. I hear a cuckoo clock ...
The cuckoo clockification of my mind 
There’s a really large plant here at the mermaid. I’m texting haleemah, max and Ellis. I texted Louise earlier 
The bartender compliments my jumper when I leave. The irony of me going to a bars named pixy and mermaid when I do a fantasy creature show isn't lost on me. I finally get into the vaults and of course I am one of two people there. Addendum: I text Louise before I leave my flat, while I'm pre-ing and when I first get to the vaults and it's closed
Help why did the dj at vaults start playing started at the bottom at vaults . The dj started playing burna boy 
Did I really offer the money back to the vaults workers after they forgot lol. The other guy in here (Andy) introduced himself 
I’m trying so hard to manufacture this fun night and I’m failing a bit miserably. The workers are in beanies and that’s really cute. I feel very uncomfortable when Andy comes around me 
They weren't wearing beanies, it was bucket hats. Andy is rather odd. He is quite tall and imposing and dwarves me, it doesn't help how close he keeps coming towards me. He seems to be having a lovely time on his own though. In a way maybe I should be more like him and let go. He's also here alone (like I am) but I would hope I don't come off that odd (now I have the implicit fear that I do). I leave and go off to the cathedral.
I’m at Exeter cathedral now. Why do I rely on religion so luck for some form of wholeness ?
It's that catholic school and religious family conditioning. I listen to 'goldwing' by Billie Eilish and walk around the cathedral; Examining the sculptures on the facade. I recite the Lord's Prayer and a Hail Mary (which I had to look up because I never formally learned it). I read the quotes/etchings on the floor around the cathedral and in a weird way they bring me comfort.
"Oh God give me of thy fullness
Thy surrounding and
thy peace"
It's attributed to traditional Celtic. I also view the monuments around and try to open some doors. It's 11 now. I know this because the church bells ring ( I never knew we had a church bells and it rang !)
I never knew Exeter had a church bell. That’s adorable and quite gothic.
Oh wow not Francis not noticing me . Uhh my god 
Francis is my old flatmate for context. I basically had to chase him to talk to him. I also noticed Jack B from the radio
Why does everyone wear such dark clothing at night. 
Contrasting my bright yellow jumper
Such a long queue at fever. It’s actually a bit cute how long it is 
I think it’s quite cute how long it is, it might be time to call it a night. I’m so over this whole thing 
I love how u still hold the vindication against America. In actually I did try and I did not enjoy. I did not like the whole night thing: I’m not saying I won’t reattempt but for a while. The club may just not be for me .
Of course I heard an American accent and got war flashbacks.
I leave fever and go back to vaults (for clarification this is the second time I will be inside ) and got to go right in since I got branded (stamped) with a pass.
Oh there are more people at the vaults now. 
Andy just keeps saying the most random things to me. “ I ain’t fucking racist “ the bartender even asked if I was ok . Andy if you need to start your sentence that way you’ve already missed it  He seems a bit nice.  I might be  sobering up because  I’m sobering up and feel more coherent (also I’m typing a lot better)  .
Why do I struggle so hard to villainise people? The bartender gestures towards me asking if I'm alright (nice of him I guess). I leave Vaults again. I leave vaults to join the queue at fever under the thought process that the line there will be more lively than this dead club.
People are so nice and caring here. Someone asked me if I was alright .
This occurs on the street for clarification.
I join the queue for fever and eventually end up talking to the people infront of me. They tell me I look 19/20. I literally turned 18 3 months ago. Can I just go a night without being ferociously humbled ??? Can I ? They were lovely however. Even offering to pay for my entry since I had no cash. I left soon after that
In a weird way it was contemplative. I’ve reached the point where I’m detaching my feelings and externalising them. I truly abhor  drunken patter.
I want to listen to seether by veruca salt .
Can’t fight the seether. I can see her till I’m foaming at the mouth.
For the final time I am back at vaults and it's finally lively.
I left fever and now I’m back the vaults . There a lot more people here and I still feel a bit more out of place: maybe it’s the music . The heart palpitation induced by this bass is simultaneously awful and glorious . They literally recognised me at the door. A guy literally said I was the second customer . I’m a bit sick from that lol . This haze / smoke smells so odd 
I know every song this dj is playing. He’s so cheesy . 
There was a weird amount of older people there and it was a bit odd. Not be ageist or anything (my ageism is showing). I tell a guy happy birthday because he's wearing a party hat and dance a little with this group of first years
And I actually began to enjoy myself it felt nice and fun . I kept locking eyes with people which was slightly disconcerting by oh well. The haze started to pick on and the lights flashed more aggressively and with party in the USA blaring in the back I finally left for home at 1:30-sh my first time clubbing was not bad at all. While I wish it was smoother. beggars can’t choose.
I hear someone scream that from firehouse while I walk back home. I love how it is still lively.
I think u try so hard to be interesting and fun and worthy of affection. A lot of the time I don’t notice but I think I might just be too insecure to truly be my own person in a way that I’m happy with. Sure I get glimpses of that every now and again but ok the whole I don’t think I'm that confident enough to to truly exude it . To actually go out and be
The come down lol. I think I'm saying here that I try to do all these things to make myself feel interesting and fun so I can come across that way to other people. I have the fear that I'm just so uninteresting.
Met Chris , Connor and will at the bottom of block d. They were so nice and fun. I'm going to go off to bed
We had a little conversation and my night ended like that.Chris, Connor and Will (and one more other person actually but he went of earlier ) are guys that live in the first floor of my building that I met when I got home. They seemed like fun, nice guys. Chris had a rather sad speech about him justifying racism he had received when he was younger (he’s from Singapore). I don’t think racism should ever be rationalised. For context, it was a child being racist to him (so he definitely picked that up around) which is so disheartening. Even thinking about it now (about 12 hours later makes me feel ill) .
I will fix any grammar errors later but that's it really
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clairewentwandering · 2 years
Steven F Uzdar-Hazy Air and Space Museum - Chantilly, VA
Visit: Tuesday December 13th 11am-2pm 2022
Louie and I spent our last morning with Charlie at the Air & Space Museum near the Dulles Airport. Parking cost less than $10 (Louie can't remember exactly), but they did only have credit options open that day (no ticket stall was open that would take cash). There was tons of parking available in the lot, and this museum isn't close to much else so parking directly here seems like the only option.
The museum layout is HUGE. With multiple levels, exhibits, an imax theater, an observation tower, and an engineering warehouse, it would take several multi-hour visits to thoroughly explore and experience the entire museum. I always expect air & space museums to be gigantic, but this may be the biggest I've ever visited. Pictured is a map of one of the floor layouts:
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Visitors walk into the museum through a huge exterior colonnade, into the grand opening glass doors of the museum that let so much natural light in. Visitors then pass through several metal detectors and under the scrutiny of at least 5 different security personnel (on this given day at least). Beyond this point you have free access to the museum, and there are donation stands and an information center right at the front.
I liked that the first hallway has exhibits on Uzdar-Hazy, how he began the museum and his own motives (childhood obsessions with flight) that led the museum to exist today. The context of origin was neat as we got to inspect little model planes that U-H had made as a boy out of matchsticks, pencils, gum and nail polish (I forgot to take a picture)
The museum has special exhibits on planes from WW2 - with large dedicated panels of information to the Allies airforce in WW2, the beginning of flight in the US (with many early planes), and German planes from the Luftwaffe (Germany's WW2 airforce), and examples of Japanese planes as well. More recent planes that have been "retired" are shown in the museum, many being the only remaining plane existing of that particular model.
All aircraft have plaques identifying the make & model, specs and paragraph-long bits of history/interest about that particular make.
Here are some examples of planes I saw:
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The Jenny is one of my favorites - to me it symbolizes a time in aviation when the point of flight was frivolous and playful. Humans were taking to the air to see what they were capable of, hosting air shows and rides, with no purpose but to astound and inspire.
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In contrast the Blackbird was developed as a stealth plane, for recon during a time when the tensions of the Cold War were at their peak - after a long history of aircraft being used for war & power. Still though, Louie (who brings a background enthusiasm for aircraft) told me a story of the Blackbird operators and how they would tease other, significantly slower aircraft.
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These were larger panels of information highlighting certain sections of the museum. I asked a docent if there were options for translations of info at the front desk, but he said that since the pandemic they haven't figured out a way to offer language alternatives (He described them using a headset prior to the pandemic). In this way the information presented definitely seemed to assume the demographic of its audience. Notably as well the 3 volunteer docents that we interacted with were all white men past retirement.
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This FA 330 was used as a "kite" by German submarines to locate targets. Other craft built more simply like this were used for research purposes, but I failed to get photos of those.
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Craft from early aviation
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The Enola Gay gave me goosebumps, thinking about that time in history when it felt appropriate to some to destroy a nation, the consequences of which it still recovers from today. Is there any ideal worth fighting for to that level of destruction?
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The underbelly of a Corsair
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I was curious about the use of a Sioux figurehead on the French WW1 escadrille. What was the intended symbolism here, and what are the unintended consequences of a legacy of naming war planes after our indigenous tribes while simultaneously hunting them, jailing them, demonizing them, and taking their children from them?
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I just thought this wheel design was fascinating & brilliant!
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In the museum there are also cases and cases of artifact displays. i didn't get photos of much but they highlights supplies, entertainment, weapons, and uniforms.
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There were also aircraft there that were yet more frivolous - this SKyBaby being one of the smallest aircraft to ever be built!
Next in the museum was the Space exhibit, but we zoomed through that as we were running out of time and I wanted to see the observation tower. Here are a couple things I saw, but didn't look into:
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I wish I'd caught the name of this spacecraft, it was stunning and reminds me of a boss you'd have to fight in a video game.
Finding the right route to the observation tower was a bit tricky, the floors are huge and there are only a few floor plans sprinkled about. We walked past a special exhibit of hot air balloons and their influence on culture, art and society. We also stopped to observe planes being restored/built in the engineering warehouse - visitors had a birds-eye view of what projects were taking place on the floor (no direct access though), it was a really profound way to see and appreciate the restorative work that occurs here at the museum. Felt behind-the-scenes without being intrusive or needing a guide.
There is a shake-shack restaurant inside the museum so we all stopped for a shake, the museum store right next to it (we've circled back close to the entrance/exit again). The Shake Shack guy says he doesn't know if food is allowed in the store, but he has seen folks try to take food into the museum and the security guards have forced people to throw out their food "they don't tell you to turn around - they tell you to get rid of it." I thought that was interesting and possible dramatic, but who knows? There were plenty of signs though, and one at the museum shop entrance saying that no food or drink was allowed inside the store. No problem! The area inside the restaurant had plenty of seating, wonderful warehouse-length windows with natural light to view the sky.
The store itself had a huge variety of items to interest its visitors - the demographics targeted would be interested in science-based games, activities for all ages, clothing, books (in english) for all ages, branded souvenirs (like keychains, mugs & shot glasses, magnets, etc...), toys, and big-ticket display memorabilia. The shop was very neat and the items were displayed together according to theme or type.
We then finally made it to the observation tower elevator, where a friendly docent instructed us to take the elevator to the top level, enjoy the view and to look for planes landing at the Dulles airport. We were admonished not distract the pilots by waving at them, and to report back if we were lucky enough to see any land. :)
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There were two docents in the tower when we went - seeming to change guard. Neither of them interacted with us - I felt a bit more "watched" than approachable. In hindsight I should have interacted to see what information they did have and how they would interpret the otherwise incredibly bare observation tower. We saw several planes land at the Dulles air strip nearby to the North. The only signage in the tower was this directional "South" panel. It insinuates that there is a display to the right of the panel with stone tool artifacts and more that were discovered on the museum site prior prior to construction. There is no display, and the panel does not mention which Native tribes are associated with the Chantilly area. That is a huge loss and I wish I'd asked more about that while at the museum. A search tells me that around 1600 CE, the area was once part of the Powhatan Chiefdoms - a large nation of 30 united tribes with a governing head that actively lived across the territory at that time. From this information I imagine the archaeological findings from this site would be significant.
The observation tower left a lot to be desired in terms of interactive displays and information, so we left after 5-10 minutes and passed by the old docent, "We saw three planes land!... Well, one of them didn't make it... we waved." He laughed and we left to see the show "To Fly" which was described to be a survey of flight from the beginning to the modern day. I didn't realize until afterward it was filmed 1970. It certainly felt dated - none of us could name any substantial information we'd gained from the experience - we mostly just talked about how dizzying the visuals were - it was meant more to be an esthetic experience than educational.
As we left we were thanked and bid goodbye by the security at the entrance and walked back to the car to take Charlie to the airport. And that was our trip!
Museum Rating
Accessibility: This museum is further out in the boonies of Virginia - one would need reliable transportation to get to-and-from the museum. There is an under $10 parking fee, but payment options are limited, so while the museum is free, you have to pay money to access it. The signage is extensive, but there were no linguistic options, braille, or tangible things to experience. This museum was almost solely visual & literate experience. There are ramps and elevators everywhere, but few sitting spaces or reflection areas in the museum corridors themselves. The store definitely felt targeted toward english-speaking visitors. The museum is open daily from 10am-5:30, which is semi-accessible, but I would truly love to see museums open later to allow a different demographic access to its exhibits.
Service: Friendly staff and volunteers, though I didn't necessarily want to interact with every single person there. Easily over 40 volunteers and staff present, so they were easily accessible.
Depth: I think this museum's highlight is its breadth - panels for each plane were limited to a paragraph or two of information, I could have used more information/stories/connections
Breadth: Yes! While the museum's most visible narrative is the military aspect of flight, it is a huge collection of significant aircraft through time, and one can consider this museum as a survey of the human pursuit of flight. The fact that the engineering warehouse has also been incorporated into the museum's exhibits is exciting and adds a layer of "collection stewardship" to the otherwise "show and tell" exhibits. In addition it broadly tells the overviews of WW1 & WW2, of commercial flight, and of space exploration.
Narrative/Flow: The floors are easy to navigate, with maps accessible near transition points (stairs, ramps, and elevators), and you could begin on the left with early aviation and follow the narrative through a chronological retelling of aviation history, with emphasis on the militaristic uses of aircraft through time.
Interactivity: No points. While it looked like there were activity workshops, and simulation machines, they all needed docents to be run and had set schedules, so without an interpreter or guide those activities are inaccessible. The rest of the museum relies solely on docents, signage, and visual impact.
Relatability: Without the interactive aspect of the museum I related to it only through my original interest in air & space museums. This museum, while interesting, was not relatable. One area of missed opportunity was the observation tower - there could have been more information on the skyline and surrounding area - with identification and even historic overlay - what would the area have looked like in 1600? in 1800? etc... Another missed opportunity was highlighting the history of the land itself - an exhibit with information on the specific original inhabitants and what was found on this museum's site would have been a fascinating way to tie multiple histories together with the visitor. Another missed opportunity is a conversation about the Hiroshima bombing - With the Enola Gay looming I think it would be easy to add into the signage thought-provoking questions about human rights, advanced military warfare, civilian casualties and the responsibility of power.
Website: Easily navigable! The aircraft descriptions are all stored online too :)
Wonder & Awe: In spades. This is an astounding museum - it's humble to stand next to these wondrous pieces of machinery, considering how so many were made before the computer, before the calculator. It's a humbling experience to stand under the Enola Gay, it's weighty legend heavier than the plane itself. This balanced with the light-heartedness of the history of the barnstorming era, when flight was fancy-free and explorative, not necessarily directed and purposeful.
Wild Card Points: None. Overall this museum was impressive, but traditional.
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alastanor · 4 years
So I have rewatched the pilot episode of Hazbin Hotel more times than I care to admit. And every time I watch it there is a line Alastor says that really sticks out to me. Like a window into an aspect of who he is.
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This scene is one of the very first we get of Alastor following his warning. To which, I think, makes it both important and actually quite telling. For multiple reasons.
For starters, Alastor was honest with Charlie and Vaggie from the moment he walked in the door. This goes against any concept we have, knowing his origins as a serial killer. Serial killers, as we all know, lure in victims and evade suspicion through dishonesty (not to mention serial killers have a tendency to kill to get some sort of sexual gratification, where Alastor is Asexual so the pieces don't line up there). But Alastor is honest about his desire to watch demons fail at trying to better themselves. He is honest about the reason why he believes Charlie's dream will fail, which by itself gives us a hint into who he may very well be.
That hint is that Alastor actually has a very strong sense of justice. So much so that he feels those in hell deserve to be in hell. Not just so much that they can't be redeemed, but that they shouldn't. For this reason, he wants to see them punished- to see them "trip and fall into the fiery pit of failure."
His sense of justice may have well been warped in the same way a yandere's concept of a loving relationship is warped. And that is something else I will get to in a moment.
If Alastor truly does kill out of some concept or personal sense of justice, the story Vaggie tells of Alastor toppling powerful overlords who had been dominant for centuries makes sense. We know, from what we have seen in the pilot, the Addict MV, and some comics that the Overlords are some of the most malicious demons in hell. If Alastor cleaned house, it is very possible that the overlords he killed were far more malicious than the ones that are left.
But back on track, Alastor doesn't come off as some creepy serial killer to me. Yes, he may have been one in life but that doesn't necessarily mean he was psychotic as he is sometimes portrayed. And my reason for that is, ironically, this:
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Alastor straight up says, basically, "yeah, I can kill you, but I'm not going to." And this isn't the only instance of this we have.
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The butcher, who we know was initially harassing a demon in his shop (as Alastor saw), reaches for his cleaver to attack Alastor. Whether out of fear or maybe he gets his meat from every animal-esque demon that passes through. Who knows. But Alastor saw the butcher as a potential threat and gave a similar warning to the one he gave Vaggie.
Which, for anyone who has seen my posts before, this was the butcher's strike two. His first was getting caught harassing his customer, to which Alastor civilly intervened. Only to demonstrate his ability during strike two. His strike three was when he was caught trying to hurt and possibly kill the lamb patron.
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Which brings me to what may have caused this skewed sense of justice in Alastor.
In the image above, look at Alastor's face. He hears the scuffle inside, and freezes. The expression on his face is one of clear shock. It is a common theory in the fandom that this was significant for Alastor. Perhaps because he witnessed his mother, who he loved so very much, get abused. Unknown by whom, assumed to be his father, but either way this could very well be another clue.
What I personally theorize is that Alastor did witness his mother getting abused in some manner or another. Perhaps more than one. Which wasn't that uncommon in his time period, as divorce still carried a heavy stigma in society throughout the early 1900s. You were looked down upon for divorcing your spouse for any reason, with the exception of adultery, bigamy, and impotence. So his mother likely stayed in the abusive marriage because she had to, and Alastor was powerless to do anything about it until he was a grown man. But witnessing that injustice night after night likely brought about what inevitably made him a serial killer.
But who were his typical targets? I believe, not unlike how he was in life, anyone he came across that "deserved" punishment met their end by his hands. Alastor played the role of judge, jury, and executioner. This, of course, was a sin for which he was punished.
Not to misdirect, but I remember reading somewhere that in life he hunted deer. If this is true, I thought that was rather ingenious. Invite a shit person along on a hunting trip, and they have an "accident" while hunting. Never to return again. And even if he somehow got linked to a discovered body in the woods, assuming one was ever found, he can easily say it was accidental death or flat out deny it, and they couldn't exactly disprove anything he said. Especially when you consider how bad investigative technology was back then.
There definitely seems to be a method to his madness. Mind, he did try to kill Sir Pentious at the end of the pilot, and definitely seemed pleased with himself... but to be fair he was more of a threat with his machine pointed at Alastor than a butcher reaching for a cleaver or a moth demon girl with a spear. Not to mention Sir Pentious doesn't seem to care who he hurts. Even if he is an absolute dork while doing it.
But to conclude, I definitely think Alastor is a much deeper character than people think. All the characters are very deep, we have gotten a look into some of the depth to Angeldust. And I think that alone should herald some interesting depth to all of the main Hazbin Hotel cast.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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3liza · 3 years
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hey im not gonna spread your weird social media-mediated brain infection on my blog, instead here are some cool studies to look at about how the "beautiful people have an easier life, every day, all the time" is a simplistic view, and is also patriarchal as fuck. more recent studies on "beauty privilege" are finding that the issue is complex, and that perceived beauty acts as a negative pressure in some/many social situations. i have always wondered why my experiences varied so much from the apparent wonderland the pop-science concept of "beauty privilege" paints, and more recent studies (often designed by women this time, imagine) are getting into the complexity there.
you personally may want to think about not reading my social media accounts if they are making you feel and act like this. i think i am not going to interact with you anymore if i can help it because i feel bad about what it is doing to you. anyway.
the short version is that beauty is beneficial in heterosexual social situations when dealing with the opposite sex, but detrimental when dealing with the same sex. this aspect of the research is usually ignored because who needs nuance in their pop psychology, right? not this guy (pointing 2 self)
very simply put, a beautiful woman can flirt her way out of a ticket from a heterosexual male cop. if she tries it on a person who doesnt consider her a potential romantic partner, there may be (and apparenly often are) negative consequences.
similarly in my own life i find that 99% of the apparent opportunities i'd been given for being young and fuckable were predicated on me actually fucking* the person who "offered" them, and most of them turned out to be fake/insincere opportunities anyway. tumblr refers to this as "grooming" when applied to child subjects (which i was, for much of it) but the behavior persists into the target's adulthood, middle age, and even old age if certain conditions are met. i can't find any studies on this because you can't put a Sleazy Guy in a lab setting and ask him "hey were you actually going to hire this woman on hte up-and-up, or were you going to 'hire' her and then spend 16 months making increasingly deranged sexual harassment attempts before reporting her to HR for made-up reasons and then finally firing her or hamstringing her career? just wondering".
i always think about that episode of Always Sunny where Mac goes nuts because every kid in his class was molested by the gym teacher and he imagines this to be some sort of privilege, even though charlie was one of the victims and is clearly devastated by it. thats what this conversation feels like every time it gets to the level of anons making fake tumblr accounts to KEEP pestering me about this stuff. remember that thing i said earlier about blood in the water, and how i dont post about bad shit that happened to me because it attracts the wrong kind of attention??? hehuehueheuheuhuehriuhgfidsrhru
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actually thats a whole other realm of study: why victims of sexual assault and abuse are often re-victimized. until recently it was assumed that the victims were making bad decisions in who to trust, and this is sooorrrrtt of true, but doesn't tell the whole story. i read a study once that i am trying to find and will post later if i find it, that took video of adult women study subjects (who had agreed to be filmed) walking normally just down the street publically, and showed this video to male test subjects. if im remembering the study correctly, which i may not be, the male subjects who scored higher on psychopathy indices were better able to indentify the women in the test footage who had been sexually assaulted at some point in their former lives.
something to think about is a lot of "attractive" qualities (including proccupation with physical appearance leading to altering that appearance to be more beautiful), especially in the manic pixie archetype, are very strongly represented in trauma victims, especially sexual assault survivors (as is the opposite, intentionally trying to be "unattractive" to avoid further victimization). this includes "seductiveness", one of the adjectives used to diagnose child sexual abuse victims before the verbiage in the literature got cleaned up. obviouly a child cant be "seductive" and thats pretty offensive and fucked up to say. what they meant is that the childs behavior has been altered by trauma to become sexualized to appease attackers. this is part of the "fawn" sector of emergency responses in humans (along with fight, flight, and freeze).
so when we talk so cavalierly of "beauty" and "attractive people" vs "unattractive people" we are simplifying an issue that is so complex it is difficult even to think about. this complexity makes me go "hmm" every time theres a study on it, much less a popular belief. a lot of it sort of doesnt square with easily-observable phenomena: if physical beauty is so correlated to success, why are the 1% of wealthy people, politicians, actual power-holders, hell even the CEOs of normal companies, very very rarely what you would consider physically beautiful, even when they havent aged out of what the culture thinks is the maximum span of time someone can be "hot"? some of this is just personal preference, and it's real hard to study any of this because of how complex that issue becomes. but where are all these hot successful people i keep hearing about? are they all trophy spouses and retired from the public eye? you can definitely cherrypick examples of "influencers" etc but thats an extremely narrow line of work, and not representative.
anyway! lot of the "do beautiful people get more stuff" research is from quite a while ago, wasnt designed well, and was based on a work and social culture that was quite a bit different than it is now. but even older studies document this effect. ive spent like many minutes typing about this stupid bullshit so im bored and annoyed now and i dont want to type about it anymore
1. Effects of Self-Esteem Threat on Physical Attractiveness Stereotypes
2. Does being attractive always help? positive and negative effects of attractiveness on social decision making (cant find the sci-hub version, alas, but documents a negative effect we're actually seeing an anecdotal example of in my inbox rn)
3. Is beauty a gift or a curse? The influence of an offender’s physical attractiveness on forgiveness
* often it wasnt even just a sex thing. it's very very often a romance/relationship that is desired by the perpetrator. it's a misapprehension of the public that sexual harassment/grooming is "just about sex" or even less accurately "just about power", it isnt
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bettercallsabs · 4 years
After Dark
Here we go again with some new trash. Yes! Let's spiral down quick into some chaos.
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Steve Rogers x Plus sized Reader
Steve POV
Warnings: Violence, guns, adults language, crime.
Word Count: 1.3k
Taglist is open, so never miss a post!
My name is Steve Roger's. I am the heir to my father's legacy. The AAM- Assassin's All Mighty- is the biggest and baddest Motorcycle club in the midwest. We are ruthless. I am ruthless. My father's club, After Dark,  is his biggest front for conducting our work. His legacy will soon be my legacy. I will go to any lengths to protect it. I play death...
That new girl. There's something about her that's beyond alluring. She's nothing like the other girls who work at the club. She's short and thicc, where all the other girls all taller and on the thinner side. 
But she's unbelievably breathtaking and I can't keep my eyes off of her.
When she walks away my eyes are instantly drawn to the perfect ass. So full and supple. I can't help but lick my lips. I bet she tastes like heaven.
Bucky " Damn if I could smack that ass…"
I swear to God if Bucky keeps talking my fist will connect with his loud ass mouth.
"For the last fucking time, Bucky, shut your God damn mouth before I shut it for you. "
He is quiet, much to my relief. I don't know what my deal is, but I don't like him looking at her... at all.
My hands ball into fists at the sight of such scùm. I can't believe my father wants to do business with this low life drug dealer piece of shit.The sound of the clubs pounding beats echo around us.The club is filled with bodies as I scan the room for threats. I see three men with White Fang jackets feathering through the sea of people. I nod to Kane and Tommy, who move onto.the dance floor.
"why so tense Stevey boy?" Ulrich says as he smirks in my direction. I clench my fists tighter, a slight pain running through my palm as my fingernails dig deep. 
"Watch your tone Ulrich, remember who the fuck you're talking to. Now why are you here wasting my time?"
"Straight to business eh? Well I am in need of your families… expertise."
"Which one?"
"Guns of course. "
"Ha." The laugh that slips past my lips is anything but humorous. Of course this scum is here for guns. 
I shift in my seat, folding my arms over my chest. " what could you possibly have to offer Ulrich? You know we don't deal with low levels. Fuck your drugs."
"Hey now, don't hate the game. I only deal in designer drugs. I'm the king of the party. My drugs, keep your club popping."
"Like hell it does." Bucky chimes in, jumping quickly to his feet ready to throw arms. 
I gesture to him to stand down, and he takes his seat once again, his chest still puffed out like a filed up dog. 
"I'm still not hearing anything of interest…"
He leans in over the table, his tone low as he speaks. " I have some information on Bassu."
The hairs on the back of my neck spring to acting at the sheer mention of that bastards name. 
He's definitely caught my interest. Not wanting to seem to eager, I lean back into my seat. 
"If it's useful enough,  you may have a deal."
Ulrich slaps a Manila envelope onto the glass table top, sliding it in my direction. I waste no time unveiling the contents of the folder on the table. A handful of photos cascade out, photos of Bassu and his men at the docks. 
"These photos are from yesterday morning."
Gazing down at the photos, I ran my finger along the length of my jaw… this was a trail, one I desperately wanted… and here it was before. As much as the thought of dealing with the trash, Ulrich had proven himself somewhat useful. 
"Fine. Let's talk orders…"
Ulrich's mouth curves into a faint smile, one of success. 
"What are you drinking boys? King Louis, Killian, rum?"
Charlie, hovers over the table.. 
"a round of Killian for the table. Ice."
"You got it babes."  She spins on her heels, strutting off toward the bar. I return my attention to the matter at hand, cutting a deal with Ulrich. 
It seems like the deal is cut in no time, Ulrich looks appeased, getting his much needed supply. Terry, was not going to be thrilled about this…
" Drinks up gentlemen."
 I lift my gaze from the paperwork before me, as a drink is set in front of me.. Y/N has to stretch over the table to get everyone their drinks,  her short stature, is no match for the monstrous booth… 
 It is quite the view…  I can feel my pants starting to grow tight at the sight of her full figure.
I catch the ogling eyes of Ulrich's goons staring hard at Y/N, his hands hover over her waist for far too long. 
"Ulrich, you better watch your fucking goons before I gouge out his eyes and shove them down his throat after I make him watch his hand being severed from his wrist." 
Ulrich's lips peirce as he glares at his henchman. 
"Boss." Kane appears beside Bucky, his breathing staggered as he forces out the words. "We've have a problem." 
" what the hell?"
"Fangs, there's at least 9 of them, and they're strapped." 
I scruff, they wouldn't be dumb enough to hit on our turf. 
The echo of gunshots breaks the through the boasting club music. The sound of shattering glass fills my ears, as I reach for the HK45 tucked at my side. Bucky and I leap from the table, eyes peered for the direction of fire, but it's scattered. 
I hear the splintering screams of Y/N's voice, as she's tugging at Charlie's arm, who is frozen in place, shear terror washed across her face. 
"Kane! Get them out of here!" I bark orders, pushing him in the girl's direction, directing my focus to Ulrich. This son of a bitch set us up…
"Ulrich you mangy piece of shit!"
He throws his hands up. "It wasn't me Stevel, I swear. I wouldn't!" 
I don't care. My fist connects with his face, sending a feel of power rippling through my core, as I watch his body collapse to the floor. 
"If you're lying, I will slit your fucking throat."
My attention is now focus on the White Fangs, who are now collected in a pack near the entrance. 
"Causing a scene boys, in public? How reckless."
"You seem to be quite out numbered, to be speaking so freely, Mr. Rogers."
One of Bassu's men steps forward with a smug look on his face. 
"Am I? You're in my zone buddy." 
Gunshots ring out as four Fangs crumple to the ground, their bodies quickly falling motionless. 
One of my men, Tommy, emerges from around the corner, taking out one more as he makes his way towards us. 
"Interesting…" I take a step forward, my heart racing in my chest with adrenaline. "It seems there is suddenly less of you, shame they couldn't stay for dinner.' 
The man before raises his handgun leveling it between my eyes. I can't help but to let out a chuckle. Was this supposed to frighten me? It wasn't the first time I've starred down the barrel of a gun. 
More gunshots ring out, but not bullets are discharged from the gun pointed at me. The solid thud of bodies dropping sounds from beyond the piece of filth in front of me. His head whips around, his eyes skimming over his fallen men. 
I look to the direction of gunfire, as my father pockets his gun, a wide menacing grin plastered across his face. He hasn't killed in sometime, and he was enjoying it. 
My attention returned to the swine standing before me. "And then there were two… so much for being out numbered, wouldn't you say?" 
I raise my gun to his head, nestling it centered between his ungroomed brows. 
I want to pull the trigger, to watch the bitch drop…. but I need answers. He's no use to me if he's dead… 
"Where is Bassu?" 
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windbournefree · 4 years
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After binging on The Newsroom (and loving it) created by Aaron Sorkin I got to thinking about his reputed "woman problem" when some YouTube commenter described all the female characters on the show as "twits." That's a characterization I strongly disagree with, and will show why, but also can't shake the intuitive sense that his portrayal is rightly controversial. By that I mean it is right that it should be a matter of discussion, not that it is necessarily wrong. The people holding the discussion need to decide that for themselves.
First the bald facts. Women in this drama hold power: Leona founded and still owns the company, Mackenzie is the Executive Producer of the network's flagship news program with a male second-in-command and many male staff, Sloan is the acknowledged smartest person in the company with far more lucrative prospects awaiting her should she choose them, Maggie is promoted instantly from a personal aide to an associate producer by a woman despite her youth and inexperience. Women are in leadership roles with real power that they do exercise.
In their relationships to men, the women in The Newsroom engage in give and take.
Mackenzie may look at Will like a doe-eyed schoolgirl at times but she's in love with him and is self-recriminating about previous behaviors. She isn't like that with any other male characters. Even with Will she frequently takes charge and makes him follow her direction, which he does. Mac exercises real power in her relationship with Will from episode one on. When Will doles out his "punishments" she only takes them to the degree that she believes she should. She holds the power at any time to say, "That's enough!" which she does in regards to the engagement ring. When she does that he realizes he's gone too far and changes his behavior.
Maggie coddles Don in most of the scenes we see of them and breaks up with him mostly in scenes we don't see. I'd venture to guess that the early breakups happen because the relationship has no room for her passion and she gets tired of soothing his ego to make things work. In contrast, Maggie's drawn to Jim because he awakens and allows room for her passion. Most employees who confront and yell at their bosses as much as she does with Jim would be suspended and/or fired. He lets her get away with it to a degree because he recognizes that that same passion drives her to become an excellent journalist. And because he likes her. Both are true. Every once in awhile he has to reprimand her in public to assert authority over his team or it gives permission to his other staff to behave the same way. Maggie is no shrinking violet. She is strong and self-directed and refuses to allow a man to control her. Most of her errors come from inexperience and human frailty. None of them occur because she's a woman.
Sloan clearly wears the pants in her relationship to Don which, to his surprise, he doesn't mind. Ever once in awhile, though, they switch roles or just relate as equals. Don goes from dating the young intern who part of him wants to dominate to dating the highly intelligent, self-directed professional who no man can dominate and becomes a better version of himself as a result. Sloan's errors in her first broadcast about Fukushima occur not because she is scared by Will as a man but because she's scared by him as respected professional. His gender doesn't matter to her. When Charlie yells at her about it she tells him strongly, "Do not call me 'girl,' sir!" And that's to the head of the News Division.
Leona clearly rules the roost and fights with Charlie as an equal or as a subordinate, never as a superior. They fight the way old friends do.
In no respect are women as a class portrayed as inferior or subordinate to the power of men. So why do I get that intuitive itch that there's something old-fashioned about Sorkin's writing on gender relations?
I think it's that some of the male characters in The Newsroom tend to be the carriers of logic and reasoning while the female characters tend to be the carriers of emotional expression. This isn't always true: Sloan is highly logical (while also passionate) and Charlie is highly emotional (while also reasonable) and Neal carries both in balance. It's certainly true, however, of the Jim & Maggie relationship which is intended as a reflection of the older Will & Mackenzie one. Remember how, in episode one, Mackenzie points out Maggie to Jim and tells him that she's a younger version of her before she grew into herself and got hotter with age? And why has Jim long been Mackenzie's choice for supervising producer? Could it be because he reminds her of Will? I think so. I also think it's fair to assume that Sorkin does not intend for that rational/emotional dichotomy to typify all gender relations since he gives us alternate examples. More likely it's because Sorkin is a brainy guy who prefers an emotionally expressive woman to bring balance into his life. When he writes romance it comes out of who he is, what he likes. That's how he connects to the material at a feeling level. Some viewers may prefer a flip on those traditional associations and the Don & Sloan relationship may have been his attempt to provide that. It's not where Sorkin feels at his strongest or most natural, though, so he writes what he knows.
There ARE problems with The Newsroom, though, that I think if addressed would have reduced criticism. In no way should bosses be allowed to date subordinates over whose careers they have an influence. The producers decide what stories are aired. The career of a journalist rises and falls with the number and quality of stories they get aired. Dating a subordinate in this environment is a breach of ethics and most professional workplace standards. To be fair, Maggie was first an intern then a personal aide and only became an associate producer (journalist) as Don was on his way out so it wasn't a total breach; definitely in the gray area, though. The sexual tension between Jim and Maggie, obvious to everyone (as Sloan pointed out in the finale), often broke out into open conflict. Mackenzie should have addressed this conflict as their supervisor but instead encouraged it. As Jim points out it was Mac's idea for him to get together with Maggie in the first place. Again, it was Mac's advice to Jim to "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" that led to his and Maggie's first kiss and then Jim deciding this was wrong. Mackenzie's regrets about her relationship with Will colored her judgment and led her to offer advice that may have been okay coming from a friend but was inappropriate coming from a supervisor. She could have been rightly disciplined or even fired by HR if found out. Jim does decide that he can't date a subordinate however he feels but Mac should have intervened and threatened to move one of them out if they couldn't handle the tension in a professional manner. In the series finale Jim offers the Supervising Producer position to the woman he's in love with. How is that not an HR violation? How would Maggie's career not be dogged by rumors of "sleeping her way to the top" if she accepts it?
The other thing is the way emotional conflicts between several of the characters break out into office wide battles. Talk about an unsafe working environment! I can't see how the entire management staff wasn't fired on an almost weekly basis. And when Mackenzie commends Maggie for her loyalty by saying she wouldn't complain to HR if her hair was on fire I cringed. Is that the message you want to send out in a #MeToo world?
Aaron Sorkin says he likes to write "very romantically, very idealistically." The chaos in the newsroom is intended for laughs, not to be taken as a serious reflection of a workplace. The characters are flawed and frequently do not do what they should. The lack of HR supervision is even mentioned by a character in season one so there's awareness that liberties are being taken. I don't think there's an inherent woman problem here, just a production not as sensitive as it might be to the struggles women face in the workplace. There are good reasons why "no dating" policies are in place, why it's unprofessional to carry your personal life into the workplace. Workplace comedies routinely feature HR nightmares for the sake of laughs: Brooklyn 99 is a good example. We don't take them seriously. It's the sheer intelligence of The Newsroom and the realistic setting that may make the comedy part seem more serious than it is. Personally I see the show as a kind of joyful fantasy; Sports Night without the canned laughter. If you can separate the fantastic from the realistic I think you'll find that The Newsroom is actually very empowering for women.
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omegangrins · 4 years
Chibnall, Children, Choice and Consequence
Allow me to introduce a companion piece to A Treatise on the Doctor:
It's pretty simple:
Chibnall knows what he's doing and is playing a long game to show how the Doctor needs to take more responsibility.
Let me start off with my favorite examples. That's right, plural.
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Every single villain 13 faces is never defeated, merely pushed away from causing them any immediate problems. Tim Shaw being the prime example.
1&10. Seriously, Tim Shaw. Her plan was to use his own bombs on him and then teleport him off the planet. Even without Ranskoor Av Kolos, the Doctor should have thought to check in on him. Especially after The Ghost Monument showed the Stenza were a greater threat than she knew. She still hasn't even checked up on WHAT THE HELL THE STENZA ARE! They sound worse than Daleks but naw, let's go rain-bathing in the upper tropics of Canstano instead.
2. Ghost Monument. We saw the END of an interuniversal race. What the fuck is the beginning that got them there? Who is Illyn and how and why did he orchestrate a super race?
3. Krasko. Sent back in time. Really, Doc? Not gonna take a look at the device and see where Ryan sent the prick so you can double check that he's not gonna cause anymore damage?
4. President Trump analog. Ooooo, you looked at him menacingly, Doc, that'll show him!! Not like he's gonna KEEP DOING ILLEGAL SHIT LIKE THIS.
5. The Pting. She literally shunted it off ship to be dealt with by someone else BUT DOESN'T GO BACK TO BE THAT SOMEONE ELSE ONCE SHE HAS HER TARDIS. That's like leaving a living nuke floating around after sweeping it under the rug while you fly off to Paris.
6. The Pakistani-Indian conflict still happens and millions still die. Not her fault but still....
7. Kerblam. Sure, Charlie's terrorism was solved but not the underlying problem that led to it. Humans still can't work because corporations like profits over people.
8. Similar to the Punjab, how you gonna solve sexism, classism and all the -isms?
9. WHY WAS THE SOLITRACT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE??!! It's been around since before the universe. Why'd it decide to come back now? It's a whole universe trying to hug our universe to death. Maaaaaaybe we should check out why.
11. She's gets a pass on the Dalek. Fucking impossible to eradicate them.
12. The Master!!! Finally she checks up on something after the adventures... and it's horrible. With everything gone to shit in her absence. Seeing a pattern yet?
And Barton? And the Cassaven? They didn't disappear into smoke.
13. Multiple Earths being multiply fucked. Remember when I said the Doctor couldn't solve racism, classism, sexism, or any of the other -isms? Starting to look like she needs to TRY.
14. The Skithra FLY OFF after getting hit by a laser beam. That kind of thing tends to piss people off. Even if they're idiots using other's technology.
15. Jack. The Judoon. The Ruth Doctor. All things I'd start checking out if I had a time machine BUT
16. WE CAN'T cause the TARDIS emergency alert is going off and we need to hurry up and run and solve this problem before we run out of time in our TIME AND SPACE MACHINE. Leading to another problem the Doctor could help solve but won't. Plastic and over-consumption.
17. Oh yeah, let's trap two Eternals from another universe in the same place. There's NO WAY that could ever turn out bad.
18,19,20. And again. Cyberium. Pushed off Shelley onto herself and onto Ashad and onto The Master.
That's almost 20 "enemies" the Doctor still needs to deal with.
Oh, not to mention that they let UNIT go defunct because they didn't have the forethought to ask if they needed any money in their alien fighting budget. After asking for an office, a desk, and a job. Kinda funny that way, aren't they?
I hope by now you've gotten the idea that this is VERY deliberate. This is Chibnall laying down some very heavy pipe to smack the Doctor like a clothesline. There isn't a one of these situations that can't come around to bite her in the ass.
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Barton, Roberts, Skithra. These are all very loose strands for a time traveller like the Doctor to get tripped up on. Chibnall's past episodes prove it. They're all about the Doctor learning how to take responsibility.
42: The Doctor almost gets Martha killed and almost gets himself killed trying to fix it.
The Hungry Earth: The Doctor (a thousand year old "adult") tells Elliot (a 10 year old kid) that "Sure it's totally fine to go get your headphones while we prepare for an approaching unknown alien force." And 11 rightfully gets his ass chewed for it by the child's mother when the kid goes missing because OF COURSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS, JACKASS!
Cold Blood: I could write an entire essay about the Doctor's guilt over the Silurian/Human conflicts they've witnessed, but I don't need to. Because every single Silurian centered episode written in the new era is from Chris Chibnall. And you can feel the sad knowledge of Classic Who spill through. He KNOWS how many times the Doctor has fucked up with the Silurians (about 8 times in television format. And it's rough everytime. Rough.) and he writes those episodes like an apology on behalf of the whole human race. And the Doctor. You know why people are put off by Warriors of the Deep? 5 releases a gas that melts the Silurians. And though it's cheesy, the idea and execution is still horrible.
Add to that if the Doctor hadn't stopped to check the crack, then Rory wouldn't have waited and been around to be shot then absorbed by the time crack.
Power of Three: An entire episode about how the Doctor has a problem slowing down and really taking account of the lives of their companions.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship: The Doctor actually tries to be responsible and pick the right people for a job. For once. But gets angry when they realize it's too late and there's another bunch of Silurians they failed to save. Classic!
Like I said, if you can't see the pattern, you're not paying enough attention to your responsibilites.
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Which leads me to the why.
When you fly around time and space for thousands of years, you develop a few duties of care along the way. In every situation, you're the oldest. Technically the only adult in terms of experience. You have a responsibility to act a little less rude and be a bit more aware than needing cue cards to tell you that you should be sad about things around you. And that's the purpose of 13. She's unlucky but learning. Like 12 telling himself something with his face he couldn't say out loud, 13's instincts are leading her to a new place for the Doctor: being a caring, responsible person. Not so much laughing hard or running fast, but being kind. It's the one thing they recognized as a problem in themselves when seeing 1. Being a Doctor is about being kinder than that. Just because you HAVE to saw someone's leg off, that doesn't mean you can't wait a little and comfort them before you do it.
You wanna know what gave me every faith in Chibnall showrunning Doctor Who? 13 staying for Grace's funeral.
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Do you understand how unprecedented that is? This is the same person who never said Goodbye to Jo Grant as she got married and fucked off into the night. The same Doctor who said, "I don't do domestic.", did it with Rose a regeneration later, and then closed himself off to everyone but a married couple he felt guilty about who ended up birthing his wife. Have you any idea the number of funerals the Doctor should have the common decency to sit through? This many.
So for 13 to stay around for the death of a woman she has only just met and not only that, BUT call out Ryan's father for not doing the same, it shows tremendous character growth. It's taken millennia but they're still changing.
Something similar happens with Rosa and The Witchfinders. Realizing that there a lot of companions who have been in situations that are sometimes worse than aliens, but they still manage to make it through. So she needs to buck it up and persevere for everyone else.
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That's where her anger comes from, and really it's one of my favorite traits on her. It reminds me of 7. Someone impossibly old and impossibly kind saying to hell with it and at least having some fun with the evils who drag us through the universe. And just like Cartmel planned for 7, 13's past will come to haunt her.
That's where children come in. Most of us are crying babies to the Doctor.
There's this thing you notice most in British shows about answering the question directly as asked. Someone says "Are you sure?", you answer "Sure". That's a direct acknowledgement that you heard the question, understood it, and processed it enough to respond in a manner directly correlating to the question asked. Yas and Graham got it and said "Sure" but Ryan missed it and said "Deffo". This is like Elliot with the headphones. The Doctor should have immediately been like, "Okay, Ryan, it's obvious that you're still dealing with the trauma of your grandmother's death and probably not processing things on a logical level. I said "Are you sure?" Not "Are you deffo?" Because we are most definitely not deffo, Ryan. Graham, you wanna help here?"
I'm being sarcastic for points sake but you understand the idea. The Doctor knows better and has a responsibility as such. She should've really sat down with Ryan and Graham and seen if there was a better way to process their grief.
Because I'm fairly certain that "Deffo" is gonna lead to Ryan's death and Graham's cancer resurging as time cancer (I don't know what time cancer is. I just know it's bad.)
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And that is gonna piss Yas off. Which will give you all that character you think she's missing (she isn't. Her character is in her subtleties and silences.). That's WHY her character is a police officer (like how does no else see that the man who wrote Broadchurch wrote an inspector character companion?) Imagine you're Yaz and you see the Doctor flying around in a big, magic box that says POLICE. As a fellow officer, you're gonna expect some basic safety protocols.
Like do a background check on everyone flying in the TARDIS to know whether they're stable enough (mentally, physically, emotionally) for time and space travel. It's no picnic. These people are going to go through hell. A little vetting and planning like Time Heist or Dinosaurs on a Spaceship goes a long way.
Secondly, full fucking disclosure.
"Oh. I can't die because I change my body. Oh. I have arch enemies that will try to kill and torture us any chance they get. Oh. My home planet is full of the biggest assholes in the universe and I'm including my arch enemies."
Third, police like to do this thing called "check-ups" where they go back to the scene of the crime in order to see if there is any more information that can be gleaned which you might not notice when you are busy running around trying not to be killed... Like, the Doctor has the perfect machine to do this with, but nope. Adventure done, run to the next place!!
These are all things you'd expect any reasonable person to do and say when taking others flying off into time and space and "helping". Even if they are an idiot passing through and learning. Especially when you consider the Doctor is vastly older and more experienced than everyone they encounter. They SHOULD know better. And they've got the lifespan to slow down. It's not like they need to be in a hurry because they're going to die at any moment like humans. The Doctor could easily stay for tea and it would be less than a drop in their lifespan.
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Now, as usually is the case when I make these theories, I have a parts 1,2,3,4 and 6. There's allways this 5th piece I miss but I manage to get at the end.
But the 6th piece is the Timeless Child. The Doctor isn't a Time Lord anymore. They're not beholden to those people and ideas anymore. Even moreso, those people basically raped her childhood for their own gain so it's not like you'd really listen to them and their "policy of non-intervention".
I'm sensing a coming Trial of a Time Lord season (even believing these two seasons are the opening statement and preliminary evidence of the trial itself) wherein the Doctor finally gets the turnaround 6 deserved. A Trial of the Time Lords, if you will.
"In all my travels through time and space I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here! The oldest civilization: decadent, degenerate and rotten to the core! Power mad conspirators? Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen — they're still in the nursery compared to us! Ten million years of absolute power: that's what it takes to be really corrupt!"
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This is what it's all coming down to. Chibnall's takedown of the Time Lords. And The Master is going to play the most crucial role of all.
They're going to be revealed as an Ux alongside the Doctor and show how the only constants they have in this universe are each other and it's about damn time they work together and tell these high collars to eat Schitt while they explore every star and planet they can find.
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Come on, the episode is called The Timeless "Children". If it was just the Doctor it'd be called "The Timeless Child". The Master says as much with the misdirect line, "built on the lie of the Timeless Child." since we see two kids playing in that flashback.
"Since always. Since the Cloister Wars, since the night he stole the moon and the president's wife, since he was a little girl. One of those was a lie, can you guess which one?"
Now we know which one was a lie, we know the Master HAS known the Doctor since they were a little girl. THAT little girl...
But this is all just speculation. It's not like Chris Chibnall could have been thinking about this for the past 40 years and was given a blank slate to do whatever he wanted for five years on his favorite TV show. If y'all want to think he took those reigns and is choosing to make things worse...
Well then you don't know much about responsibility.
I'll let the man himself tell you about it.
"Very early in my career,” says Chibnall, “someone told me that you learn more from a failure than you do from a success. And then I lived out that phrase for a year in Los Angeles. I learned that I would not work that way again or be put in that situation again.” The essential lesson was: “You either have to be in total control of a show or working with people who share your vision and will work with you to achieve it. Also, never work with 13 executive producers.
“Camelot was the classic case of too many cooks. It wasn’t a harmonious set-up and I think that does manifest itself on screen.
“I had a fantastic cast but you have to be free to tell the story you want to tell in the way that you want to tell it. What ended up on screen was not what I wanted and so it is a blemish on my CV.”
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Credit to @thirteenthdoc
“You immortals - so entitled, so spoiled. You never clear up after yourselves and you always leave stuff lying around.” - Thirteenth Doctor in Can You Hear Me?
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roswelldetails · 4 years
Episode 2x04 - What if God Was One of Us
AN ACT OF GOD — On the verge of a breakthrough in her quest to save Max (Nathan Dean), Liz (Jeanine Mason) turns to Kyle (Michael Trevino) for one last favor that could potentially land him in hot water. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Alex’s (Tyler Blackburn) investigation into Nora (guest star Kayla Ewell) leads them to a farm, where they meet a historian named Forrest (guest star Christian Antidormi). Elsewhere, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) confronts Jesse Manes (Trevor St. John) about her sister’s whereabouts, and Isobel (Lily Cowles) uses her powers for good. Amber Midthunder also stars. Shiri Appleby directed the episode written by Steve Stringer & Christopher Hollier (#204). Original airdate 4/6/2020.
Roy said that he took veterinary training, which is how he was able to help with Louise and Nora's injuries.
"How come it feels like you don't know what I'm saying, but you know what I'm thinking?"
Roy moved the truck (with the pods in it?) to the livery.
"Boss's wife won't let him blame the drought on God so that honor goes to his foreman -- that's me."
Kyle on The Science:
"You're telling me that Michael Guerin used pinball parts and a car battery to cause cutaneous perfusion?
(Cutaneous perfusion...i think it is circulation of fluid/blood through tissue, but it's a bit above my head)
The device Liz needs is a "Personal Genome Machine". She ordered it when she still worked at the hospital.
Before entering the Crashdown, Graham Green tapes a Missing sign on the door for Hank Gibbons (who Noah killed in 1x13).  Apparently someone covered it up.
The sign is HARD to read, but I think it says:
"All viable leads reported to Graham Green's UFO Emporium will receive a free keychain.  Make certain you subscribe to the Weekly Probe as we dive deeper into the untold stories of Roswell and answer the question on everyone's mind.  ARE YOU NEXT?"
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Graham Green references that he's the "creator of last week's 39th most downloaded true crime podcast." (Assuming that this is the Weekly Probe, referenced on the poster).
Graham Green is opening a 1947 themed malt shop at the UFO Emporium
U.F. Doughs (the Crashdown's new donuts).
Isobel's been coming to the Crashdown every day for weeks.  (Note that this episode is the first one that really doesn't have a clear time context).
"Feliz cumpleanos, mama!" Happy birthday in Spanish, of course, but note Kyle's choice term of endearment for fic purposes!  And she responds in kind "Gracias, mijo!" (Mijo = male version. Arturo calls Liz mija = female version)
"A wild Michael Guerin finally emerges from his weeks-long hibernation in a lab and a library."
Again, non-specific time frame.
"When every other farm was struggling, the Longs experienced record-breaking crops.  Summer of '47. No one could explain it…till October '48. The day after that photo ran in the paper, the farm was devastated by a massive fire.  Foreman, entire staff killed. Whole place burned down."
"What caused the fire?"
"Well the paper called it an act of God.  Said it was a freak storm. Bolt of lightning strikes the barn the same night that my mom's caught and locked up in Caulfield."
Wyatt Long's horses are named "Diamond" and "Silk".
Jesse Manes' beer of choice is "Polestaff".
Cam's postcard from Charlie (Likely the reason she came back to Roswell) says:
"See you back in Roswell --Charlotte"
Top left corner says "Greetings from Roswell, NM".
It was mailed to Jenna at the Green Hill Motel in Dayton, Ohio.
Jenna says it's not Charlie's handwriting.
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Isobel in the mindwarp: "And what's your dream, Arturo? What would be your miracle? What do you pray for?"
Arturo & Rosa's fight… 
"Did that fool give you drugs? I'll kill him!"
"Ow! You're hurting me! That's child abuse!"
"Everything I do I do to hold you up and you see it as abuse. I don't know what to do anymore!"
"Yeah right." Rosa falls down and laughs.
"This isn't funny! Sheriff Valenti won't give you any more chances."
"You should be happy. You wanted me to be on the field hockey team, remember? You said I should make friends and have good American fun."
"Who sold you the pills?"
"I stole them."
"Was it Frederico?"
"You wouldn't believe me."
"Tell me the truth!"
"It was Mom! She's either too high to notice that they're missing, or she knows and she doesn't care."
"You're lying to me. I don't know how to help you."
"So stop trying then. I'm beyond hope anyway, right? That's what everyone else in this town thinks."
"Maybe you're right. I'm going for a drive."
Arturo tried to register with Instagram as PancakePapi!! He ended up with PancakePapi58!
Scene with Steph and her dad...FIRST MENTION OF SOPAPILLAS ON THE SHOW!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 (They're the best...in New Mexican restaurants they're like, both an appetizer and a dessert.  They're like hollow fried bread that you eat with honey. Delicious.)  See here:
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Plus it gave the show another opportunity to be authentically New Mexican through food references.  (Last season it was in episode 2 when Arturo asked,"red or green?" And Liz replied "Christmas!". In New Mexico that means half red half green chile smothering her plate.) Like so: 
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1948...unclear how much time has passed, but Louise says months.
The kid's name is Walt.  (Walt Long?? Some other last name?).
Nora says that under the tarp is the "pumpkin launcher" and it's a surprise.
Nora says it's not safe for Michael here, "but soon."
"Hey do you smell that? It smells like rain.  It's what you smell like under all the grease and bourbon.  It's what your workshop smells like. Something alien happened here. Not that I can still smell it 70 years later."
"This is the best evidence I've seen that Max and Isobel's mother survived the initial firefight. This is something that you do with family."
"Nora's my mother. If she was here at the same time as Louise…"
Note - when did they confirm who Louise was or that she was Max & Isobel's mom? This has not happened narratively yet.
Since Walt was a young kid, Alex thinks there's a chance he's still alive (though at the end Nora definitely thought he died when the barn blew up. I suspect that Walt survived and is the key to the story...not fact, just speculation.)
Forrest: "The foreman, Roy Bronson, was definitely hiding something.  But it wasn't Little Green Men. It was Nazi spies."
"This is like Junior Year eraser room, getting caught by Coach Wiggins."
OG callback to the eraser room being the high school makeout spot. OG, "the eraser room takes our innocence." 
Rosa in Spanish "¿En serio?" Basically "are you serious!?!" Or "really?" When the blender shorts out (awfully similar to her first Noah nightmare in 2x01)
"...when Charlie told me she had stole classified documents, I reported her.  I thought I was doing the right thing and the military put her in prison."
"Right. Where she was safe."
"No. I… I didn't know who she really was when I turned her in. I didn't know what prison would do to her."
"She wanted you to turn her in, Jenna. She set you up to do so. She knew that as long as she was in government custody no one could get to her."
"Charlie fought in two wars.  Who was she afraid of?"
"A private securities firm, most likely.  You know that I met her? She was working on this genetic sequencing project that had the potential to save lives, but also destroy them. And there were some people out there who saw applications for her research that went beyond her intentions."
"She was doing research that could help save lives, and people wanted to use it to create a bioweapon."
"Well yeah, she created this pathogen that could seek out and dismantle specific sequences. Just think about it -- a smart bomb that could be detonated in the middle of a crowded city, only harm it's intended target. Think about the innocent civilian lives saved while you take out leaders of terrorist organizations."
"Or commit genocide. If her work fell into the wrong hands, it could quietly wipe out entire groups of people because they share a certain genetic code, while their neighbors go about living their lives.  Why do you know so much about this? What's your interest in my sister?"
"I believed that I had a use for her pathogen, at one time. But my fight is over now."
A few notes about this exchange.
Clearly Charlie's pathogen is the key ingredient in the smart bomb that Flint was developing, as discussed in 1x12.
Liz's "personal genome machine" can break down the alien genetics and give Project Shepherd what they need to use a smart bomb on the aliens. 
Don't forget, her lab is protected by Air Force security set up by "Alex's team". (Badbadbadbad!)
Rosa describing her bipolarism. 
"I get these mood swings sometimes. Like, I can be happy and singing one minute, and then, all of a sudden, this darkness just closes in over me, and I have all these voices telling me that I'm worthless."
Jesse gives Cam the name of the security firm looking for Charlie.  We don't see the name of it. He warns her to be careful. "I may be hobbled but they are not."
"Now, you were hunting aliens, and I gave you Max's name. Why didn't you lock him up in Caulfield with the rest?"
"I don't know.  I guess I feel like there's a story unfolding in Roswell. Has been for more than 50 years.  You can't blame me for wanting to see how it ends."
Catherine Zeta-Jones in a laser maze -- Liz is referencing the 1999 movie Entrapment.
Liz trying to science-intrigue Kyle….
"Interesting historical footnote. There was an internment camp in Roswell. Nazi POWs built half this city.  Hence the iron crosses. My great-great grandfather BoDean's foreman got busted for hiding a couple of women here. According to him 'A couple Nazi spies escaped and strudeled their schnitzel for room and board right here on this very farm.  See, I was never really as into shooting squirrels as Wyatt is, so, when I came out here for summers as a kid, my cousin Kate and I -- we'd prowl the property for artifacts."
"You know, what we're doing you and me -- it doesn't only have to be for Max...once Max is healthy, we could use this genome machine to Target cellular apoptosis.  I mean, we could craft polymerase sequencing in human DNA. We don't have to stop. We have no boards, no restrictions…"
Apoptosis is also sometimes referred to as "cellular suicide" or "spontaneous single cell death".
Polymerase is like the building blocks of DNA.
In other words, Liz is really, really smart.
FORREST LONG!!!!!! 😂😂😂. 
Alex on the bullet shells: "These match the M1917s the airmen used in '48.
"They were scattered all over the property. Legend has it the Nazis we're building some kind of bomb in the barn. Then one night the Air Force showed up."
"The night of the fire."
"The blaze burned so hot it turned sand to stone. Papers say that lightning struck the barn and everyone died in the flames, but...that's bull.  See I think the Air Force covered up the massacre that happened when they discovered that weapon.
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A few things on this scene… 
Forrest mentions his cousin Kate...Wyatt's sister who was murdered by Noah in 2008.  So Forrest is Wyatt Long's cousin. 
Substitute Nazi for alien and it's probably all based somewhat based in truth.  In the 1940s that definitely would have been a reasonably obvious way to cover it up, especially given the history that Forrest cites and the military culture in Roswell.
Note: POW = prisoner of war
The iron crosses Forrest references…
Article on the German POWs in the Roswell Daily Record…
Walt was hiding in the barn when Tripp made it explode.  Explosion looked shimmery, like the alien ship & tech. 
Also, more info than you ever wanted to know about the Roswell Army Air Field/Walker Air Force Base/Roswell International Air Center...including some info on the POWs.
Sheriff Valenti's theory on Noah's death:
"I think Max Evans poisoned Noah and left him in the desert the night of the lightning storm, and I think Isobel Evans was in on it."
Kyle says it would take gallons of acetone to poison someone.
Tripp was Alex's great uncle
Nora was working on a ship to take the pods home.
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TRIPP MANES!!!  Full name is Eugene Manes III.
Alex finally gives Michael the piece of alien ship he's had.  He doesn't want to be another Manes man standing in Michael's way.
Cam's voicemail to Liz.
"Got a lead on my sister.  Give me a call when you get that tin-star-wearing E.T. awake, so I can curse him out for worrying us all. Good luck Liz. Bring Max home."
Arturo's Spanish to Liz and Rosa.
"Das gracias a Dios.  Gracias todos los dias."
Translates generally to "Thank God.  Thanks every day."
Isobel's monologue at the end:
"The idea of God always freaked me out. Like, apparently he made people in his own image, which, first of all, get over yourself. And also, does that apply to us? Does every planet have its own God? Let's say that we're all clones of the big guy in the sky. Well then, doesn't it stand to reason that we're all capable of slinging light? Well I guess by that same token we're all capable of tremendous wrath. We're walking contradictions. A never-ending mercurial rise and fall. Darkness and light. I guess the real miracle is choosing the light. Despite the ever-present darkness. Look at us. You're in the middle of a downright biblical desert, galaxies from where we started. I mean, our very existence is a miracle. I'm capable of so much more than I thought I was, Max. I really think that maybe I could do great things. I need you to come back, okay? I need you to be the thing that I can believe in. That doesn't let me down. I just need this one little miracle, and I promise I won't ever ask for anything ever again."
1. LEN "Steal My Sunshine"
2. Spacehog "In The Meantime"
3. Duke Ellington "Take It Easy"
4. Maná "Como Te Deseo"
5. Oasis "Don't Look Back In Anger"
6. Ben Harper "Waiting On An Angel"
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