#charlie dalton x oc reader
ash5monster01 · 25 days
Getaway Camp : Ten
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, smut, alcohol use, mentions of relations with older women, language, oral, p in v, dirty talk, lots of foreplay, heavy tension.
Summary: It’s the busiest day of camp and despite how daunting the day may seem, Charlie and Valerie finally find a way to get some alone time.
word count: 4.5k
Nine ←→ Eleven
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July 4th 1961
When the camp bugle goes off in the morning, Charlie is quick to groan and pull his pillow over his head. Even though it was just another Tuesday, today was the Fourth of July. Every staff camper was required to work because they’d need all hands on deck. Everyone was guaranteed to be here, even the Bungalow Bunnies missing husbands. Campers would have extra family come in and the entire camp would be focused on celebrating the national holiday. Charlie always loved the Fourth of July, but right now he really wished this cabin would swallow him whole.
There was no point in stopping to see Valerie before his shift because she more than likely had been at the lake for an hour already. Today Charlie was only meant to be an extra set of hands, rowing not really a priority on a celebratory day. For Valerie though, they needed all the lifeguards they could get, the Holiday bringing more people to the lake than there had been all summer. So slowly Charlie got up and ready, hoping the day wouldn’t be to mind numbing or hot, yet maybe the heat would give him an excuse to visit Val.
“Hey Charlie” Chrissy greets from her and Valerie’s shared cabin when he steps outside. Charlie offers a small smile, waving his hand politely at her.
“Hey Chris, I’m assuming Val’s gone already?” he nods his head in no particular direction, knowing the girl would most likely be exhausted before the end of the day.
“Yeah, Levi and her left around 5am. Wanted to get a head start before the chaos” she tells him and Charlie finally notices the red, white, and blue outfit she has thrown on. With a quick glance it’s not hard to see that all the staff had gone out of their way to dress up for the holiday.
“Sounds like her, it’s about to be a busy day” and Chrissy nods, knowing he doesn’t even understand the half of it. With one more wave Charlie is off and in search of some food to fuel him throughout the day.
After being put on nearly a million different tasks throughout the day, Martha the camp director sets him free, and Charlie races towards the dock to see his girl. As soon as she’s in sight he’s the least bit surprised she has dressed up for the holiday as well. Star earrings dangling from her ears, a blue skirt pulled over her red swimsuit, and an American flag hat on top of her head. Beside her stands Levi in a white t-shirt with an American flag in the center, paired with just his regular red swim trunks. Funniest of all is Alex who stands in American flag overalls, his captain hat, and nothing else. Charlie isn’t the least bit surprised.
“Ace!” the girl cheers the second she sees him and Charlie can’t help the dopey grin that crosses his face as he watches her sprint down the dock and towards him. He never knew it could be like this, to always be so happy and excited around another person. He always just viewed girls as some convenience. He never knew it could be an actual and real relationship.
“Hey doll” he smiles once she’s barreled into his arms, body wrapped around him whole, and he’s quite sure he’ll never get tired of how warm she is or the way she smells. In just the last month her presence alone had become the place he felt the safest.
“You didn’t dress up?” She pouts once she’s pulled away and Charlie snorts, expecting this reaction completely.
“I would have if I had thought to pack anything remotely patriotic before I came here but I fear it’s only black and white t-shirts for me” Valerie raises her eyebrows and even though everyone around them views it as a teasing glance, Charlie knows it’s because the girl loves nothing more than him in a tight t-shirt.
“You can model those for me later, we can go to Levi’s cabin in a little bit and steal something” she tells him, hands squeezing at his sides and Charlie just chuckles because really who is he to complain when it comes to her.
“Happy Fourth of July man” Levi greets as they walk over. Alex smiles from beside him, bare shoulders and the curve of his chest peaking from behind the suspender straps.
“That’s quite an outfit” Charlie says and Alex grins with a shrug.
“Busy day for me, you wouldn’t believe the amount of activities I had to have planned. Guests always love it when I show a little skin” he flexes his arm, taking his job as a camp director and weird just a little too serious. Charlie just laughs and shakes his head until he spots Nate leaving the main lodge with two bungalow bunnies under his arms, wearing the most sheer red tights he’s ever seen.
“Put that thing away Fanning!” Levi calls out and Nate glares at him before bidding the two older women goodbye and stalking down the dock towards them. Charlie has to actually look away from how much is showing in Nate’s groin. He wonders if he actually even knew how to dance, let alone teach a class.
“Hey, complain all you want, but I could probably guarantee I made more tips than all of you combined today” he points a finger at each of them, a different kind of cockiness and confident persona than Charlie ever had. He’s almost thankful but then he wonders if growing up as a preparatory school kid really did affect him.
“Can’t argue there, Mrs. Thompson squeezed my ass during Simon Says today” Alex says, shivering at the thought of the older woman. Valerie can’t contain her giggles with that image now in her head.
“Nothing is worse than the time Mrs. Kellerman insisted I teach her mouth to mouth and then attempting to practice on me” Levi says, a hand wiping at his mouth as if the older woman’s lips were somehow still there.
“What about you Charlie, any older women hit on you yet?” Nate asks and Valerie instantly looks at him, eyebrows raised and patiently awaiting the answer to this question. Charlie turns fire truck red before a nervous hand rubs at the back of his neck.
“Only once, Mrs Turner took a morning class of mine a few weeks back. She sat in the front seat facing me and every time she leaned forward to row she leaned a little to close to my crotch” this has the boys laughing loudly at his sheepish answer and even Valerie can’t contain her giggles at the thought. Poor uncomfortable Charlie probably unsure what to do as the woman leaned closer and closer.
“Oh poor baby, I’m sure that was traumatic” Valerie says, voice full of amusement as she pats the boys chest and he rolls his eyes as the boys continue to laugh.
“Valerie, don’t pretend like all the guys here don’t ogle you everyday” Alex points out and Valerie just shakes her head before propping her hands on her hips.
“That’s only because men can never take a hint and I look damn good in a bathing suit” the boys laugh again but Charlie just gulps because that very bathing suit had haunted his dreams since he first got here. Now he was burning with jealousy over all the other men who did.
“Let’s just all agree it’s apart of the job” Levi starts and everyone nods. “And Nate just happens to abuse his power”
“Hey!” the boys begin arguing and Valerie just rolls her eyes before laughing and sliding her hand into Charlie’s.
“We’ll see you boys at the Tip later. Levi, me and Charlie are going to steal some of your clothes” and Charlie is quite certain the boys didn’t even hear her but Valerie is dragging him along anyway and he would never fight her on that. As long as he was with her.
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It’s not long until Charlie is dressed in one his white T-shirts and a pair of flag shorts they had found in Levi’s cabin. They surprisingly fit even though Charlie’s crotch was now covered in stars and legs in red and white stripes. Either way it made Valerie happy and he found no point in complaining when she set her hat on his head and a kiss on his lips. He wore the patriotic outfit and drank a beer at the staff camp dinner before following her on a hike to the Tip.
It was a clearing on the side of one of the camps mountains, it apparently had the best view of the lake, and was the ideal watch spot for any staff who didn’t have to work through the firework show. It also was a well known hookup spot. Either way Charlie was still sat next to Valerie on the same blanket from their first date, a stolen bottle of champagne between them, and a sunset better than any he had seen this entire summer.
“Please tell me it’s not some random staff blowing off these fireworks?” Charlie asks after a beat, admiring the way Valerie’s hair cascaded down her back. How it matches perfectly with her tan skin and the red sundress on her form. He fears he’ll never be able to look at the color red for the rest of his life without picturing her in this dress or her bathing suit.
“No, thankfully. Samuel Adler hires professionals that put on this big show. It’s usually the only time of year I see him out and about at camp with a giant Eagle shirt on” Valerie tells him and Charlie snorts at the image.
“He seems very patriotic” Charlie says and Valerie shrugs, eyes cast out in the horizon.
“Yeah but Adler means Eagle. That’s why it’s our camp mascot. So I also think that has a lot to do with it” and Charlie laughs, picturing all the Staff shirts stuffed in his cabin closet that have printed eagles on them. It suddenly all made sense.
“Figures” Charlie adds and Valerie giggles, reaching for some of the snacks they brought. The sun was dipping behind the horizon now. The bright orange sky now a faded blue. The perfect backdrop for an array of colorful fireworks, but Charlie can’t pull his eyes from the girl. Slowly he reaches his hand out and brushes some of her hair away, revealing the bare skin of her back. Eyes holding something she had never seen before.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks with a soft chuckle despite how on edge she felt, the anticipation bubbling underneath the surface.
“You’re just so beautiful” and much to Valerie’s surprise, Charlie’s leaned forward and pressing a soft kiss to the back of her bare shoulder. His lips linger there a moment, arm keeping her hair pushed out of the way, and fingers grasped lightly around the base of her neck.
Goosebumps rise along her body the same time her knees push together tightly. She’s unsure she’s ever reacted in a such a way to a man’s touch before. He’s already got her worked up and he hasn’t even done anything yet. Just the idea of so much bare skin and soft lips has her nipples peaking underneath the fabric of her dress. There was no chance tonight would end and they’d have to be apart. She needed Charlie Dalton and she wanted him now. She was going to make sure of it.
“I’ll be right back” she says when he pulls away and Charlie’s eyebrows draw together in confusion as she scrambles up in search of Levi. When she finds him he’s stood with Alex and he doesn’t even see her coming as she tugs him back into the tree line. Charlie watches this but chooses to ignore it despite the uneasiness that now settles in his gut. They were just friends, right?
“What the hell?” Levi asks until he spots her eager and serious face. It’s not every day your best friend pulls you into the woods with a mad woman look.
“I need a favor” and that’s how the plan goes into motion. Why when they step out of the woods Levi is approaching Mia for the first time since the first night at camp. Flirting and convincing the girl the ask her roommate Alice if she could spend the night with Andy tonight so Levi could come over. Alice agrees and goes off in search of Andy while Valerie goes for the most pivotal part of her plan.
“Nate, can we talk?” the cocky boy, now free of the revealing tights turns to face her. His dirty blonde hair styled perfectly and permanent smirk wide on his face.
“What’s good Val?” he asks, sipping from the beer can in his hand. Valerie knows it’s a long shot but she’s desperate, never been this desperate before.
“I’m about to ask you something I know you’ll say no to, but I’m desperate” Valerie whispers and Nate ducks closer, making sure neither of them can be heard by the fellow campers.
“What is it?” he asks and Valerie sighs, wringing her hands together nervously as she accepts her fate. Putting all her hope into Nate, of all people, hands.
“Ask Chrissy to spend the night? Please, before you argue. Levi is staying with Mia tonight and Alice is going to stay with Andy, I was hoping to have Charlie stay with me, but with Chrissy in the cabin…” Valerie trails off, waiting patiently as the boy mulls it over. He recognizes what lengths Valerie has gone too, the detailed way of cabin swapping almost everyone within their friend group. Despite how much he wants to avoid Chrissy he can’t help but feel a little pride over her sneaky way of finding alone time to hook up. It’s something he wishes he was clever enough to do.
“Fine, but you owe me big time” Valerie can’t help but clap her hands together before jumping and pulling him into a hug. The boy rolls his eyes but accepts it anyway.
“Thank you Nate” and then she’s rushing off, leaving him to find Chrissy despite how badly he didn’t want to.
Charlie doesn’t expect the girls return, she practically barrels into him, knocking him back on the blanket. He goes to ask her what she was up to but her lips lock onto his the second the first firework lights off in the sky and now he couldn’t care less. She kissed him a few more beats before rolling to her back and looking up at the sky. Green, purple, red, and blue fireworks firing above them.
“Would you want to stay in my cabin tonight?” Valerie asks and Charlie’s head snaps towards her, shocked by the question. Yet she doesn’t seem phased, eyes cast on the sky above her, and all the pretty colors. Perfectly content.
“What about Chrissy?” he asks and Valerie’s head turns, Charlie’s eye line following to see Nate curled closely to the blonde girl on a blanket not very far from their own.
“She won’t be a problem” and it finally occurs too Charlie what exactly the girl had been up to while she was gone. He can’t help the way his face heats up when she turns back to look at him, the suggestion heavy and looming, and the wait finally over.
“I’d love to stay”
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It’s the first time he’s ever seen Valerie say no to a party, dragging him into the woods while everyone stays at the Tip, drinks in hand and music playing from the radio someone had brought. The hike is practically terrifying in the dark but Valerie’s hand in his own as she drags him along gives him a thrill he never wants to lose. Even staff camp is dark with everyone gone, only a few lanterns along the walkway lit as they go past each of the darkened cabins. It isn’t until they reach their own does Charlie finally feel his heart stutter in his chest.
“Do you need anything from yours?” Valerie innocently asks and Charlie gulps, eyes flitting between the two cabins.
“Yeah, why don’t you go in and I’ll be right there” he urges her away and Valerie flashes a smile before Charlie lets go of her and and walks to his own door. Once inside he scrambles for an old Welton shirt and some boxers, stuffing them into a bag along with condoms he never thought he’d have to use. Before leaving he takes a quick swig from one of the liquor bottles on his desk, hoping the liquid courage would bring back the same seventeen year old Charlie that once seduced a woman in a cave. He could do this.
Charlie sees no reason to knock when he steps into Valerie’s cabin, the shades a hazy yellow now lit with life inside. Yet he freezes when he finds the girl standing in only her bra and panties, red fabric pooled at her feet. Valerie is sheepish but hides it well as she flashes him a pretty smile.
“Sorry, I was just sick of that dress” she tells him, reaching for a stray staff shirt on the chair of her desk but Charlie holds a hand up, stopping her while his other hand clicks the lock close on the cabin door.
“Wow” is all he can say and Valerie blushes, her head dropping to look at her feet, arms wrapping around her front. It’s the first time she’s felt self conscious and beautiful at the same time. Charlie walks over, dropping his bag along the way, before grabbing her arms and pulling them away. “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen V”
“Oh please” she tries to shove him but Charlie’s grip is strong, right hand leaving her arm and gripping the bare flesh of her waist. He pulls her close, close enough that for the first time she actually has to strain her neck a little to look up at him.
“I mean it, I knew it the minute we met” Charlie says and Valerie smiles before responding with a soft kiss. Her other arm escaping his left hand as she wraps them around his neck and pulls herself flush against him. Charlies hands slide to her back, every trace of his touch lighting her skin on fire. It doesn’t have to be rushed, it’s just them. The tension slowly unwinding, the itch finally being scratched. So it’s a surprise to no one that when Valerie’s tongue slips into his mouth and hand tangles in his hair, his hands are gripping at the dough of her ass.
Valerie breaks the kiss for only a second, pulling the tight white tee up Charlie’s form. Revealing the happy trail and the defined pecs from the past month of rowing. He’s so handsome and she has to try not to whimper at the sight. She never knew it could be like this, so intimate, so meaningful, so desired. Charlie’s eyes gaze deeply into her own, a need burrowing in him like never before. This time he attached to her more hungrily, guiding her towards her bed and gently laying her back down on it while his mouth kisses her feverishly. This time it’s fast, desperate, excited, and it’s already making Valerie wet.
“Shit Val, you’re so soft” Charlie mutters, lips trailing onto her neck, more than likely leaving deep crimson marks she couldn’t hide. Valerie just giggles, legs wrapping around his waist before grinding herself into him. He’s already hard, tall and proud against her, and she can’t help but guide her heat over it again.
“And you are not” she whispers in his ear and the hair on Charlie’s arms rise, involuntarily rutting his hips into her and that’s when he hears it. The softest and sweetest moan leave her lips and suddenly he’s ten times harder.
His lips trail from her neck to her chest, once over her bra, before his fingers are digging into the cups and pulling them down. Her breasts spill free from the top, her left nipple getting caught in his mouth. She writhes underneath him, whining as he sucks harshly at one and gropes the other. It’s a sensation she’s never had before. Hands tangled in his hair she moans as he switches between them, sucking and biting softly into her flesh before unclasping the bra and freeing it from her body.
Charlie sits up, eyes catching her own before dropping to her bare breasts again. Valerie watches eagerly as his hands reach out to grope her, grabbing at her chest and pinching her nipples softly. The action has her hips shimmying against him, searching for friction. Charlie complies, grinding into her heat and trying desperately to ignore the wet patch that has formed on her panties.
“Has anyone gone down on you before?” he whispers, words coming out in a soft pant, and Valerie shakes her head quickly. The idea scaring her, to many horror stories from her friends saying how men said it was disgusting. The last thing she wanted was to scare Charlie away.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to-” the words catch in her throat, freezing the minute Charlie’s hand cups over her pussy, rubbing slow circles over the fabric.
“I want to” is all he says and she chokes over the words, trying to fight it but his large fingers feel so good and then suddenly he’s on his knees. Staring at her like the most magnificent thing on this earth.
Valerie keeps her mouth shut, watching as his fingers slide under the hem of her white panties and begin to slowly pull them down. She’s almost embarrassed by how wet she already is but when she’s on full display, Charlie blows a soft breeze against her core and her head is already falling back into the sheets. He trails slow kisses along her inner thighs, her legs shaking with anticipation as his arms hook under them. She has no warning when his lips finally press softly onto her clit. Kissing it for good measure.
When his tongue dips into her folds she has to grip tightly at the sheets, a heavy whimper leaving her lips as he explores her. When his tongue slips inside at the same time his nose bumps her clit, she can’t help the way her legs begin to tighten around his head. Charlie doesn’t seem to mind, he just keeps devouring her like a man starved. He’s sporting his own wet spot through his borrowed shorts while he does so. Needing to be inside her more and more.
“Wait, Charlie, I’m gonna-” she doesn’t finish her sentence, the orgasm washing over her, legs clenching tightly and Charlie using his own strength to hold them open while he eats her through her orgasm. When her body finally stills he stops, the girl breathing heavily against the mattress.
“Such a good girl” he praises and Valerie wonders how that’s already made her wet again. As Charlie stands she finds the strength to lift her head, watching with wide eyes as he pushes the shorts off his form and his length snapping up against his pelvis. Just barely grazing the happy trail she had become so obsessed with. Her mouth waters at the sight and it makes sense his cock is just as pretty as him.
“You sure you’ll fit?” she asks as he reaches for a condom and Charlie smirks, a real Charlie smirk as he rolls it along his length. He doesn’t answer her question but instead dips his tip into her folds, gliding it up until it taps against her bundle of nerves, and that’s enough to answer her question with a yes.
“I’ll go slow” he promises, lips meeting her own in a sweet kiss. When she starts to grind against his length he uses one hand to line himself up with her entrance, sinking deeply, and doing his best to keep control. He was desperate not to cum within the first thirty seconds. Valerie winces lightly but her hands reach for his sides, guiding him deeper. Charlie takes his time, sinking slower and slower. Valerie can’t believe it hasn’t ended and finally, after what feels like forever, he’s flush against her. Already hitting a spot she didn’t know existed until now.
“Are you okay?” Charlie asks, brushing some brown hair from her forehead where it had began to stick and her heart somersaults. Something so romantic and gentle about how he was checking on her despite how deep inside of her he was.
“Yes, move. Please move” she begs and Charlie nods, pulling halfway out before rutting back into her. The moan she lets out he tries to memorize and keep locked away forever, encouraging him to do the action over and over again. When he finally finds his pace he reaches to grip her breasts, the sight of them bouncing mesmerizing. He squeezes at them gently before pinching her nipples and feeling her walls flutter against him. His hips stutter for only a moment before continuing.
“Charlie, I’m close” Valerie whines and Charlie removes his hands from her boobs, moving to hold himself steady while his free hand reaches for her clit. He rubs messy circles into it, pounding faster, and watching the way her face twists while she moans uncontrollably. Whimpering his name and making it impossible to last.
“Come on baby, finish for me” and as if Charlie’s words had flipped a switch she’s clamping down on him tightly, milking him for all his worth. The sensation has Charlie finishing right behind her, stuffing himself so deep as he fucks her through it. Her moans and whines make his heart race and when both of their orgasms are over he’s falling safely against her, panting out heavy breaths.
“Wow” Valerie repeats his words from earlier. Charlie chuckles against her, wincing when his cock brushes up inside her again. Slowly he slides out, trying not to get hard at the sight all over again.
“Agreed” he says and Valerie smiles, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling close. She’s quite sure Charlie has ruined every man for the rest of her life. Now not only did they have all night but they had the rest of summer.
“I never knew it could be so….. exhilarating” Valerie finally finds the right word and Charlie smiles, lips pressing against her own.
“Me either” he tells her and Valerie smiles, kissing him again, and secretly wishing to keep him forever. Just like this, wrapped in her arms.
“Think we could go again?” she asks and Charlie laughs, a piece of the old him returning to his soul as he looks into the girls hazel green eyes. Shining with adoration and something else he recognized as love. A word he was all too familiar with but not comfortable with throwing around. Either way he knew he was falling hard and fast for a girl he couldn’t keep.
“I don’t ever plan on sleeping again”
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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domorebemore · 1 month
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Dead Poets Society (1989) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Charlie Dalton/Original Female Character(s), Charlie Dalton/Original Character(s), Charlie Dalton/Reader Characters: Charlie Dalton, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Smut, Porn with Feelings, Phone Sex, Oral Sex, POV Second Person, Dirty Talk, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Outdoor Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sneaking Around, Porn With Plot, blowjob, Dry Humping Summary: “Darling, if I had my way, I'd take you in every room of this building. The lobby, the library, the study, my room, every single classroom… Mr. Nolan's office.”
NEW CHAPTER DROP! Thank you everyone for your patience this randomly blew up recently and I don’t know why. Appreciate all of you. Horny solidarity.
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stedefxckingbonnet · 11 months
requests info/intro!
hi, everyone!
i thought i'd take a quick second to introduce myself and to also formally open up requests. i'm already working on a few things, but requests really do always help and feel free to submit them at any point--but, we'll get to all of that in a moment!
my name is lavinia, and i am a uni student studying both theatre (dramaturgy specifically) and creative writing! i love to sing, act, write (obviously haha), read (i am a huge fan of classic literature, as well as donna tartt, mona awad, sally rooney, elif bautman, and ottessa moshfegh's works), go to concerts, go to the movies, style/design clothing, paint, collect records/cds, and so much more! this barely scratches the surface really but, if any of you share these interests, always feel free to reach out!
anyhow, as i said, i will officially be opening requests, and at the moment here is the media and the characters i will write for:
Our Flag Means Death
Izzy Hands (my BELOVED)
Ed Teach
Stede Bonnet
Lucius Spriggs
Jim Jimenez
Mary Bonnet
(more available upon request! these were just sort of my first instincts.)
Gilmore Girls
honestly, i'm pretty open to anything unless it's dean. just request and i'll see what i can do!
Gossip Girl
Blair Waldorf
Serena Van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey
Nate Archibald
Chuck Bass (like sometimes)
Rufus Humphrey
more available upon request.
The Fosters/The Good Trouble
Callie Adams Foster
Mariana Adams Foster
Brandon Foster
Jamie Hunter
Gael Martinez
Dennis Cooper
Malika Williams
more available upon request.
Select Wes Anderson and Tim Burton characters. just ask!
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Little Women (2019)
Jo March
Amy March
Beth March
Meg March
Friedrich Bhaer
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Padmé Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Ahsoka Tano
more available upon request!
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Basically me just saying I'll write Mr. Darcy. but more characters available upon request, of course.
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff and Britta I'm a little iffy on but with the right request, maybe. don't hesitate to ask!
The OC
Seth Cohen
Ryan Atwood
Summer Roberts
Marissa Cooper
The Umbrella Academy
Luther is like, not preferred for me but if you feel strongly about him and have a good request, i’ll consider it but don’t get your hopes up too high!
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
August Booth
Jefferson (The Mad Hatter)
Ruby Lucas (Red Riding Hood)
Belle French
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White)
David Nolan (Prince Charming)
Peter Pan
Robin Hood
Any others, feel free to ask! I know I left Mr. Gold (Rumple) off, but that's only because it depends with each request. Also, please specify if you want it to take place in Storybrooke pre or post curse, or in The Enchanted Forest.
any others, feel free to ask. i am just starting S2, keep that in mind.
The Holdovers
Angus Tully
Dead Poets Society
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Love Lies Bleeding
Lou Langston
Jackie Cleaver
i'll just start there for now, as honestly it's been a bit since i've written an x reader and i don't want to overwhelm myself much! but please, feel free to request at any time! I will update this frequently, as I am always either getting into new things or remembering things I already love. I am mostly dedicated to OFMD right now, but you may also leave requests for other fandoms and I will keep them on file, or who knows, perhaps even get to them sooner than you may imagine! Have a wonderful day (or night!), and don't forget to request!
yours truly,
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me filing through all of your requests (hopefully!)
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Harry Potter (Golden Trio Era):
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown
Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Cedric Diggory
Fleur Delacor
Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
Older Colin Creevey
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Harry Potter (Marauders Era):
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Lily Potter
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
The Outsiders:
Johnny Cade
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Rodrick Heffley
Dead Poets Society:
Neil Perry
Charlie Dalton
Todd Anderson
Steven Meeks
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
John B. Rutledge
Kiara Carrera
Pope Hayward
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Eleven (Jane)
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
The Mighty Ducks:
Charlie Conway
Adam Banks
Jesse Hall
Greg Goldberg
Connie Moreau
Guy Germaine
Julie Gaffney
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Luis Mendoza
Dwayne Robertson
Ken Wu
Russ Tyler
Lester Averman
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Britta Perry
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
That '90s Show:
Leia Forman
Jay Nelson
Gwen Rnuck
That 70s Show:
Eric Forman
Donna Pinciotti
Jackie Burkhart
Steven Hyde
Michael Kelso
Dazed and Confused:
Randall 'Pink' Floyd
Don Dawson
Kevin Pick ford
Mitch Kramer
____ _ _ _
I will write Character x OC and Character x Reader
I will NOT write going to 'paris' with the Weasley twins or SMUT
Requests can be made on my page
Please be kind<33
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do u have any dps fanfic recs? i feel like i dont know where to start
ooh okay so I’ve only really found a few that I liked on wattpad bc I havent had time to check ao3 so...
neil perry x oc
unscripted by vereaux
wherefor art thou by ervisisnotontumblr
exhuberant by 0hcaptain (the first o is a zero)
dawn by fairvenus
daydream by franlccastle
the show must go on by ellarmc1
neil perry x reader
grown up by tmbm123
amortentia by deadpcets
burnt pergament by tealovergirlwriting
charlie dalton x oc
saudade by narcissaes
euphoria by netpunezz
falling by laheysjeep
babe by keinoya
leaves of grass by stvrlightss
charlie dalton x reader
carpe noctum by deadpvets
todd anderson x oc
eutony by a_shakespearean_fool
she walks in beauty, like the night by laracolling
tainted existence by flowersforophelia
stephen meeks x oc
phoenix by kelsos
rain and roses by salesonmazdas
iris by synergy_5_
knox overstreet x oc
lovers lie by dazedtears
multi dps boys x multi ocs
redamancy by megan-tpwk
adore you by biebsxpurpose
31 notes · View notes
ash5monster01 · 13 days
Getaway Camp : Thirteen
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: language, angst, minor depression, hurt/no comfort, mentions of past trauma, coping mechanisms
Summary: Charlie spends his day feeling lost, unsure how to cope with the new information he has been given. While Valerie struggles to come to terms with her own feelings as well.
word count: 3.1k
Twelve ←→ Fourteen
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July 21st 1961
For the first time since Charlie had been at camp, he finally experienced his first bad week. The air at staff camp was tense, almost like everyone knew something was wrong. He had seen Valerie in passing but he still wasn’t ready to talk to her. She tried but Charlie hadn’t been able to bring himself to look at her without picturing her with Levi. It surprised him how hurt he was by all of this, especially since he once thought loving one girl would never be for him.
Now he had the day off of camp and no one to spend it with. Even Andy who was off with Alice and the rest of Valerie’s friends. That’s when it hit him that he had surrounded his time here around Valerie. Without her, he was still just the random guy who showed up one summer. So now on the gorgeous day, he sat alone in his bed, wondering when he became someone who relied so heavily on others. Especially after all he had been through. It just didn’t make sense.
When the coast is clear he finds himself sneaking out, avoiding anyone who did dare to talk to him. In this moment he wanted Neil more than anyone. To confide in him, hug him when he admits his defeat. His best friend, the one guy who would never judge him no matter how stupid he could be. Neil would love him anyway, probably offer advice Charlie didn’t want to hear but took anyway. It was this thought that made him miss his best friend so deeply, realizing all over again he will never get that back. For the rest of his life he’ll never get to share it with Neil. Never even get to tell him about the first girl he fell in love with me how she broke his heart.
Ducking into the boat house, Charlie finds himself drifting out in one of the single rower boats. He needed the distraction, the strain on his muscles, and the repetitive action to ground him in place. It was the only way his thoughts would still and he was guaranteed to be completely alone. It was another warm day, one he should’ve spent with Valerie, and instead she was probably with Levi. This angry thought fueled him to row harder and faster with no destination in mind.
“Charlie!” turning his head he spots the girl of his thoughts at the end of the dock, Levi and Mia stood behind her. Charlie clenches his jaw, turning away as he continues to row, desperately trying to ignore the splash that followed the call of his name.
“Charlie, stop!” the familiar voice calls again, and he wants to keep going, but the girl didn’t even remove her shirt when jumping in. She’s clearly fighting the water and no matter how strong a swimmer she was, he couldn’t live with himself if she drowned out here chasing after him.
“I’m not looking to talk Valerie” he tells her stiffly, doing his best not to look at her as she paddles to the side of the boat. She sighs heavily, fingers curling over the edge.
“Please, you have to let me explain” but Charlie doesn’t get a chance to respond because she’s trying to lift herself in the boat, the single person floatation device wobbling under her weight.
“Woah Val, we’re gonna tip” he tells her, hands reaching out to stop her, but she doesn’t. She fights it, the boat tipping further and further to the edge of the water. When Charlie leans too far to steady her movements his weight gives the final push and the boat sucks in the surface water and throws him in her direction.
“Damnit Valerie!” he says, splashing above the water, now soaked in his own clothes. She gives him a sheepish look, feeling awful for dumping him in the water, but at least he was finally looking at her.
“Sorry, I just didn’t know how else to get your attention” she pants, pushing her hair back off her face, and Charlie tries to not eye the see through fabric of her white t-shirt.
“Well you got it” he scoffs, swimming to the boat and trying to determine how to flip it back over. Valerie follows, still needing to talk.
“You have to let me explain Charlie, it’s not what you think” she says and Charlie finally stops his movements, turning to look at her with an anger that isn’t entirely directed at her.
“Isn’t it though? Even if you haven’t been with him while you were with me, I feel used. You told me you’ve never cared for anyone before. I feel like a pawn in a game I never asked to be apart of. Especially because I had real feelings for you” he seethes and Valerie tries to soak in his words, blinking and a bit surprised as the boy dips under water and into the air pocket under the boat. An escape while she tries to comprehend his words.
“Had?” she asks no one in particular, stuck on the past tense part of his sentence. When it finally catches up with her she ducks under the boat herself, ignoring the roll of his eyes when he spots her. Now angry with him.
“You think I don’t have real feelings for you to? It’s fucking terrifying Charlie, I’ve never felt like this before. I have no idea what to do especially when you won’t even talk to me” she says, grabbing his arm and using the water to drift him towards her. Her voice sounds weird in the muffled air around them but she doesn’t care. She keeps her grip on him tight and eyes pointed in his direction.
“And what about me?” he whispers, face close to her own and something flashes across Valerie’s eyes. Like she never even considered why he was as upset as he was. “I promised myself I’d never get close enough to someone to be hurt again and look where that got me”
“I’m right here Charlie, I’m trying” she begs, voice wavering as she tries to understand the boy who was still a mystery. She had learned so much and yet nothing at all about him. She wishes she would’ve tried harder.
“Just leave me alone Valerie. Let me comprehend it first” he counters with her and Valerie drops her head, loosening her grip against him. What she doesn’t expect is Charlie’s fingers lifting her chin and bringing her eye line back to his own. A look she doesn’t recognize on his face.
Shaking his head at her, he goes against his better judgment and pulls her into a kiss. He’s not quite sure if it’s goodbye or a see you later, but he does his best to get her out of his system for now. Kissing her like his life depends on it and trying to ignore how good she tastes. Yet every kiss with Valerie leaves him wanting more. His hand is curled around the back of her neck and in her damp hair, she wishes he would stay there forever. Yet once she’s surely dizzy from his kiss, he lets go. Without any words they share one last look before shoving the boat above their heads and back up right.
“Will you make it back to the dock okay?” Charlie asks, eyes not meeting her own once again and Valerie sighs, treading slowly in the water.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” she mutters, starting to swim back to where both Levi and Mia have waited for her. Charlie carefully lifts himself into the boat, water now filling the bottom from their little accident. He doesn’t look at any of them as he grabs the paddles and continues to row away. Already trying to forget what had just happened.
When he reaches camp he goes back to his cabin, passing Valerie’s just to see her own wet clothes draped over the railing of her porch. He changes and does the same before leaving all over again, not wanting to risk looking her in the eye again. He finds himself at the main lodge, eyeing the telephone booth that daunts him to call home. Use his Moms weepy hello’s as a distraction from the real thing that’s bothering him. Hear his father scold him or undermine him just with the hope he may finally say something nice. It isn’t worth it, it never was. That’s why he decided to call someone else.
“Overstreet residence” a woman’s voice fills the phone. Charlie is sure it’s Mrs. Overstreet but he doesn’t care to ask, he has only one mission in mind.
“Is Knox in?” he asks, hoping his voice doesn’t sound as desperate and sad as he thinks it does. He doesn’t need anymore pity.
“Let me find him” she says, followed by the clunk of her more than likely setting the phone down on the table. It’s not long until the rustle of it being picked back up fills Charlie’s ears.
“Knox Overstreet” his familiar friend says and Charlie can’t help the first real smile that cracks across his face as he hears this. No matter how sad he is.
“Hey Knoxie” Charlie says, and he wishes he could see his old friend. The way his shoulders probably loosen as he relaxes into the familiarity of it all. The recognition of hearing his voice.
“Charles, what a surprise” he says, his voice giving away the smile his friend wears. It’s crazy how easily he can still picture him.
“I know, I just wanted to reach out” even though it isn’t the truth. Charlie always wants to reach out but he also doesn’t want to be an inconvenience. Letters were more common than calls and even then he felt like a burden. Some pen pal they never asked for after he got kicked out of school.
“I’m so glad, it’s been too long. I wanna hear about all those Charlie Dalton adventures” and Charlie chuckles because he would love to tell him. Explain how he taught a rowing class each morning, discovered five different ways to get drunk at a party, learned games like beer pong, dirty danced, got a blow job next to a waterfall, and didn’t embarrass himself too bad water skiing. Yet none of it matters, now that it all blew up in his face.
“Not much of an adventure as you would think. A lot more working involved” Charlie tells him and Knox chuckles on the other end of the call. Unable to picture his old friend working.
“You’re Charlie, the most daring guy I know. You’ve probably climbed mountains and singlehandedly put out forest fires” and for a moment Charlie’s heart grows, the love for his friend expanding because of how much he believed in him. No matter how bad Charlie messed up his friends always saw the good.
“I wish that was the case, and instead I fell in love with a girl. Quite the adventurer” Charlie mutters, leaning against the phone booth and looking out to the bustle of people going about their camp day.
“Sounds like one to me. Especially since I figured you to use the opportunity to go through every girl at camp” Knox says and Charlie doesn’t even take offense because he knows it to be true. He was a ladies man, a lot like Nate, but what made him different was his ability to care. After all of this he learned he might actually care a little too much.
“I probably should have, considering I learned Valerie has hooked up with one of her friends. It’s almost funny how I could fall for a girl and get hurt by her doing something the old me would have done” Knox is silent as he takes what Charlie said into account. He realizes this was the reason for his call. A cry for help in a world so big and lonely. Comfort from his friend. Even if Charlie wouldn’t say it.
“Are you sure?” he asks, voice hushed from the way the words come out. Charlie shrugs even though the boy can’t see him, trying to keep his betrayal tears at bay.
“Heard if from the guy himself, in front of half our friend group might I add. She didn’t deny it either. The funny thing is I’m not even sure that’s what I’m sad about. I’m more disappointed in myself that I ever put myself in a position to get left by somebody I loved again” Charlie tells him and Knox’s face falls, wishing he was there for his friend who clearly still struggled. Experiencing loss so young had affected all of them but Charlie was Neil’s best friend. Then he was left to grieve all on his own.
“Charlie I’m so-“ but Charlie doesn’t give him a chance to apologize for something that isn’t his fault. In fact everything had been his fault. He should’ve never let Keating stop him from chasing Neil the day of the play. He should’ve never punched Cameron and get kicked out of school. He should’ve never let Valerie get close. So many times he ignored his gut instinct.
“It’s okay Knox. If I cried over every girl I came in contact with there’d be no more tears. I really didn’t mean to burden you with my problems” he tells him, regretting the call and wishing he had chosen his parents instead. At least the disappointment in their voices would’ve distracted him more.
“It’s okay to feel this way Charlie. I should’ve realized sooner how alone you must’ve felt” Knox says earnestly and Charlie freezes next to the receiver. Knox had seen through him so clearly and as much as he hated it, it made him miss his friends more.
“I’ll be okay Knox, I always have been” he tells him and Knox sighs, wishing there was something more he could do or say.
“You don’t have to be” is the last thing Knox tells him before Charlie hangs up the phone. He looks around, wondering if anyone else here can sense how sad he is. How broken and lost he had been for the last year and a half. Possibly for his entire life. Yet no one even looks his way and Charlie realizes he was maybe not as special as he once thought he was. As much as he tried to fight it he was just another preparatory school boy set off into the world to do what he had been trained his whole life to do.
“Hey man” Andy mutters when Charlie steps back into the cabin now with his dry clothes. Charlie nods his head in his direction, dropping the pile to the ground as he saunters to his bed.
“Hey” is all Charlie gives him as he lays against the sheets and wishes the entire world would swallow him whole. Andy offers a sad smile, feeling partially at fault for how his friend feels. He had been the one to tell him these things and put so many doubts in his head just to find they had been true. He set him up for defeat when in reality he was secretly rooting for him the whole time. It was nice to see Valerie so happy and even better watching his roommate come out of his shell.
“You have a good day?” Andy asks and Charlie thinks over all his pity party moments, the internal embarrassment, and wishing he drowned in that lake earlier.
“No” is all he says before pulling the blanket up and over his head and Andy pouts, turning to stare at the ceiling because he’s sure there is nothing he could say that would make his friend feel better.
“Goodnight” he tells him and the only answer he gets is Charlie shifting in the bed. Turning away and wallowing in self pity or maybe just sadness that had always been burrowed within him. It finally rising to the surface after spending so long suppressing it.
Yet for Valerie she’s experiencing that sadness for the first time, unsure what to with herself, staring at the campfire in front of her like it may provide an answer to all her problems. Levi sits across, watching her and unsure how to comfort his friend during this time and not be a problem. He has never seen her so happy, it wasn’t fair that it was his own actions that took this from her. Especially since he was the one who wanted it the most.
“It’ll be okay” he tells her in the quiet night air, fireflies flashing out in the trees surrounding them. Valerie pulls her blanket tighter, trying to ignore the fact that the two cabins behind her hold two people she had severely hurt.
“And if I don’t believe you?” she asks and Levi sighs, picking at the bark of the log he sits on, not knowing what else to tell her.
“You don’t have to believe me, you just have to trust me. Charlie will come to his senses, and Chrissy-” he’s not sure what to say, because he also didn’t understand the female relationship. Yet they both became pretty aware that what had happened was wrong. Especially when everyone knew how Chrissy had felt.
“Chrissy will never talk to me again” and it upsets her more than she ever thought it would. Perky blonde Chrissy who had annoyed her every summer. The very girl she rolled her eyes at when she saw her cabin assignment this year. Yet here she was, feeling like she lost something she never really understood.
“Things will change, time will pass, one day it’ll just be a story from summer camp” Levi counters but Valerie feels tears rim her eyes, the truth of his sentence hitting her in a way he didn’t intend.
“Then why does it feel like so much more?” she asks, voice wavering with her tears. She wanted it to be more. She needed it to be more. This was supposed to be her summer, the one she got to live without returning to a school where everyone judged her. She was free, excited for the future, and now it felt like everything she was excited for she had lost. The small promised amount of time with Charlie was gone and after camp season was over she was going to be alone in the real world. No Levi, no brothers, no Charlie, and she wasn’t ready to face it just yet.
“It’ll be okay” Levi reassures, knowing he was repeating himself, but wanting her to know it was still just as true. So she nods, letting the words wash over her, and trying not to let the panic seep in.
“I’ll be okay”
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A/N: The canoe thing was inspired by Gale’s other film The Finest Hour, I always found the kiss to be so intimate. It also reminded me so much of my childhood and growing up on a lake. We would always flip the canoe and go under to tell each other our secrets. I wanted the same for Charlie and Valerie <3
Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
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ash5monster01 · 17 days
Getaway Camp : Twelve
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, language, angst, nudity, illusions of smut, alcohol consumption, smoking, lots of yelling, misunderstanding.
Summary: Rainy days at camp are the only ones that allow the staff some relief. Taking advantage of the day off, Charlie and Valerie spend it together before joining their friends for some card games. What they don’t expect is how badly it will end.
word count: 3.2k
Eleven ←→ Thirteen
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July 17th 1961
It didn’t happen often, but today was one of those camp days where the clouds opened up, poured buckets of water, and killed any outdoor activity for the day. Charlie’s lesson had been canceled before he even heard the camp bugle, and based on the cool wind and lighting flashing across the sky, Valerie also didn’t have to report to duty. Lucky for the both of them, Andy wasn’t as lucky, so they had Charlie’s cabin to themselves.
“We better go soon” Valerie mutters softly against Charlie’s chest, her fingers tracing down between his pecs and to his stomach. She try’s her hardest not to eye the happy trail that she was addicted to.
“Why can’t we just stay right here, in our perfect little bubble” Charlie tells her, lips fumbling against the crown of her head, relishing in the feeling of her bare body pressed against his own.
“Because if we’re not careful, it’ll pop” Valerie teases, patting her hand softly against his hard pec. She never really preferred any body type, she had never preferred anyone. Yet girls her age always pined after the strongest and biggest guys they knew. Guys like Levi and Nate with abs and wide shoulders. Charlie was strong but in a soft and toned way. It was an unexpected strong and it was so much better than some big and beefy guy.
“It’s raining though” Charlie pouts and Valerie giggles, hugging him close as she presses a kiss to his chest. She didn’t want to leave this cabin as much as him.
“I know, which is why the boys are in one of the common cabins with cards. It’ll be fun, just some cozy clothes, day drinks, zero responsibilities. Then when we’re done, I’ll tear all the clothes right back off you” she tells him, fingers walking their way up his chest until tapping his nose lightly.
“Well now I have no room to complain” Charlie says, hand patting softly at her ass and Valerie uses this as a way to crawl over him and out of the bed. Charlie shamelessly watches her naked form as she pulls on her underwear and the clothes she had shed earlier. Her wild brunette curls are slightly frizzy and hanging in mess down her back that she didn’t seem to mind. Charlie thought she couldn’t be anymore beautiful.
“Come on, your turn” she beckons him over, picking up his own pants from the ground and Charlie grins as he whips the blanket from his waist. Valerie tries her best not to look at his length, already regretting convincing him to get out of bed. Charlie smiles as he pulls on his own clothes and finishes with a kiss to Valerie’s lips.
“This better be worth it” Charlie says before lacing his hand with her own and stepping out into the pouring rain. Running quickly with their hands locked, they reach the staffs common cabin that had been overtaken by her friends.
“Damn, it’s about time” Levi says when they step in, wet from the rain but wide and happy smiles on their faces. Everyone looks on with amused smiles, many faces Charlie’s sure he hasn’t seen in the daytime before. Majority is their friends, sat around the large table with cards laid out in front of them.
“Sorry, we were busy” Valerie apologizes, stepping further into the room and trying to eye where they’re at in their game. Not even noticing Nate side stepping her with a drink refill in hand.
“Clearly” Nate snorts, hand reaching to brush her hair back and reveal the fresh hickey on her neck. She quickly swats him away but both Valerie and Charlie turn red anyway. Charlie pulls a seat out at the table for Valerie, joining her side as Mia sets mixed drinks in front of them. There’s no guaranteeing what the cups withheld but both of them knew it was enough to get them tipsy.
“What should we play?” Chrissy asks from the table, clearly a few drinks in and eyes already a bit glazed. They both notice how she tries her best not to look at Nate across the table.
“Anything, just not go fish please” Alice pouts, a sad look on her face mostly because Andy was more than likely not here and she was stuck spending time with the rest of them. Same went for Alex, especially since his job was designed to occupy people on days like this.
“And no spoons. Nate almost broke the table last time” Holly the red head says and Charlie realizes he hasn’t barely seen the girl since his first night here. He briefly wonders if she was still hooking up with Alex. Especially since he now learned Alex was a bit weird.
“Strip poker is also a no” Mia says, pointing a strict finger at both Nate and Levi who hold their hands up in defense.
“Okay fine, but I’ll ask again after a few drinks” Levi smirks at the girl and she softly blushes, eyes rolling at the boy she clearly had a soft spot for. Charlie wonders how their whole hooking up situation worked and how neither of them had caught feelings for each other yet.
“How about War?” Nate suggests and cards come flying in his direction, the group laughing loudly at the simple and childish game he had offered. Nate expects the wave of cards and shrugs as if it was just another day at camp.
The group ends up playing Rummy, the more the drinks flow, the more loud and exuberant they get. Charlie was surprised to find him enjoying himself especially since he was annoyed he had to spend time here instead of alone with Valerie. As the day progresses the rain pours, and then lightens up, all before pouring again. Daylight is fading and the group around them begins to get dazed eyes from all the shared drinks. Every time Charlie’s knee nudges Valerie’s under the table they both find their skin lighting on fire. Desperate for time alone especially the more drinks they consume.
“I’m sick of cards” Chrissy pouts, slamming her pile onto the table. The group laughs, knowing it was because each of their own gazes was getting hazier and hazier. Making it harder to read the cards and make quick decisions. Especially for Levi and Nate who took an intermission to smoke cigars out on the porch half an hour ago.
“Yeah, let’s play something different like Never Have I Ever” Holly cheers as if it’s the best idea yet. The group chuckles but all begin to place down their cards anyway.
“We’re too drunk to come up with anything clever enough for Never Have I Ever. We need something more interesting” Valerie tells them, a look of mischief covering her face and Levi nods. Charlie watching as Levi’s arm falls behind Valerie’s chair and makes his stomach bubble with jealousy.
“I agree, I say we play Truth or Dare” Levi says, eyes daunting like it should be nerve wracking they’ve suggested such a game. Charlie doesn’t get it but waits patiently to see where this goes anyway.
“You just want to play so you can dare us to do dirty stuff” Mia says with a pointed look that Levi ignores.
“It’s not all dirty, come on. It’ll be fun!” Valerie begs and Mia sighs before looking around the rest of the table to see everyone else doesn’t really seem that opposed to a friendly game of truth or dare.
“Ugh fine” she agrees, shoving her own pile of cards and everyone smiles and cheers. The magic of a rainy day at summer camp. So as everyone gets settled, Charlie suddenly feels the heavy tension, because this game could exploit him in so many ways. Especially since not many people knew much about him.
“I go first” Levi grins, leaning back in his chair and clearly having more than one thing up his sleeve. “Mia, truth or dare?”
“Dare” she says, crossing her arms and giving him a look that dares to challenge her. Levi clearly didn’t expect this answer but stays unfazed as he eyes her.
“I dare you to run in the rain, topless” Levi challenges, eyebrows jumping up in a challenge. Waiting to see if she would dare deny him of this request but just like everyone else she has the liquid courage running through her veins.
“Fine” she says, standing and waltzing the door. When she opens it everyone can hear the rain still coming down but she lifts her shirt, revealing her bare back, and sprinting into it. The group hoots and hollers and when she returns, Alice is standing there with her shirt to make sure no one else gets a show.
“Cold?” Levi asks, eyebrow raised and she just shakes her head, hair damp from the heavy rain. It’s not a surprise to anyone that the girl ignores him as her and Alice return to the table.
“Nate” the blonde boys head turns to Mia, awaiting the question as she never removes her eyes from Levi. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth” he grins, like he has no issue sharing any detail about his life. Charlie wonders if his friends ever thought of him the same way he thought of Nate. He almost hoped not.
“Why’d you randomly spend the night with Chrissy on the Fourth of July?” Valerie stiffens against Charlie’s side, eyes pleading with Nate to lie. The last thing she needs is his overly honest self but no one is ever that lucky. Plus Mia is only asking to help her friend, she has no idea the answer is one she doesn’t want to hear.
“Valerie wanted the cabin alone, so she asked if I’d do it just this once” Valerie winces, eyes squeezing close and Charlie slides his arm around her waist. He offers as much comfort as he can. She never voiced that’s what she did that night, but Charlie knew she had done some convincing for them to be alone.
“What?” Chrissy asks, voice cracking as she tries to determine who to be more heartbroken with. Valerie can’t even look as tears well up in the blonde girls eyes. No one says a word as the Chrissy’s lip begins to quiver and then she’s bolting out the door. Escaping the room and everyone in it.
“Nate dude, that was so not cool” Levi instantly comes to his friends defense. Nate scoffs, clearly uninterested in a lecture when he was just playing a game.
“It was the truth, the game is truth or dare” he tries to defend but Valerie shoots a glare his way. Fuming with anger and guilt, surprisingly some sadness too.
“Except in that case. You out of everyone know how much you mean to Chrissy and now she not only hates you but me too” Valerie fires at him and Nate shrugs, not seeing an issue considering he’s made it pretty clear to the blonde girl that he’s not interested in her like that. It’s not his fault she didn’t get the hint all summer.
“What’s it matter Val, you’ve never liked her” Nate says and Valerie gets even more blind with anger, fists clenching at her sides. Both Levi and Charlie are surprised there isn’t smoke coming from her ears.
“You’re such a fucking asshole Nate. People have feelings you know! I guess you really don’t have a heart!” she yells at him and the other girls flinch at the table, not expecting such an angry and sharp voice to come from one of the most relaxed girls they knew.
“Oh, like you do Val! I’ve watched you ignore guys at this camp and show no interest in making any friends for years!” Nate doesn’t know what kind of nerve he’s struck, Valerie’s shoulders deflating as she faces the harsh reality. It was something about herself even she didn’t understand. How she struggled to be attracted to anyone or relate with women on a level she was desperate to understand. Levi is quick to notice the sadness that consumes his friend.
“Look, let’s just finish playing the game. Everyone take a breath” Levi tries to reason but it’s too late. Nate is angry and extremely worked up. So when his eyes meet Levi he knows exactly his next target.
“Fine. Levi, truth or dare?” Levi waits a beat, eyeing his challenger and trying to determine what the best move was. If he was to choose dare like he originally planned, it would probably be something awful. Something that made him look as bad of a guy as Nate. If he chose truth, he faced honesty but he wasn’t sure there was many questions Nate could ask that the rest of them didn’t already know the answers to. It was a safer risk he was willing to take.
“Truth” he answers confidently, smoothly, arm still wrapped around the back of Valerie’s chair as he waited for the shot to be fired.
“Is it true that you and Valerie have hooked up before?” this time it’s Charlie’s turn to stiffen at the girls side, praying that the answer is not one he doesn’t want to hear. Charlie hadn’t been insecure about many things in life but when it came to Valerie he was insecure about everything. Especially her relationship with Levi and all the things he had heard about it.
Levi sits on the question for a moment, waiting to answer because he knows this is Nate’s way of getting under his skin. Him and Valerie had a bond unlike anyone else, he was her best friend, she would never be anything more. There was a moment in his life where he wanted her to be but they both learned fairly quickly it wasn’t meant to be. So with full confidence and trust in his honesty, he answers. “Yes, it is true”
“How many times?” Nate asks and Valerie shoots him a glare that everyone at the table was sure could strike him dead if she wanted it to.
“One question per round!” she tells him but Charlie’s head his spinning. Suddenly he sees everything he has been denying differently. The shared laughs, the times she went off with him alone, all the rumors Andy had shared, his damn arm on the back of her chair. “Charlie?”
“I think I’m gonna go back to my cabin” he says quickly, chair scraping harsh against the cabin wood as he stands abruptly. Valerie watches with sad eyes as Charlie refuses to look at her or anyone at the table for that matter.
“Charlie, please. Wait” Valerie begs as he walks to the door but he doesn’t want to. He can’t believe he actually fell for someone who hadn’t fallen for him. He was just like every other guy to her, nothing more. Especially if you considered her relationship with Levi.
“Valerie just please. Leave me alone. That was all I ever wanted when I got here, to just be left the hell alone” and then the screen door was snapping shut behind him, the boy storming away in the rain that immediately soaked through his clothes. He didn’t care though, nothing could be worse than facing another heartbreak in his life. He was done with heartbreak.
Valerie watches him walk away, heart hammering in her chest because she had never seen Charlie look so cold. He had used her full name, something she hadn’t heard from him in a very long time. When she turns back to the table Nate wears a smug face which is the opposite of Levi’s sympathetic one. The girls are clearly uncomfortable, having been bystanders this whole time. If she had known what a mess they would’ve made she’d have stopped it sooner. Who would have thought the afternoon of simple games could blow up so bad?
“Nate, go somewhere and cool off man” Levi grumbles, standing from the table and walking to Valerie. As much as she doesn’t want his comfort, he was her best friend, and she needed him more than anything.
“Come on, let’s go” he tells her, wrapping his hoodie around her shoulders and guiding her into the rain. Escaping the shrapnel from the bomb that just exploded. Yet it was too late, Valerie had already been hit.
“I’m sorry Val, he pinned me to a wall” Nate says once they step inside the dark and quiet lifeguard quarters. It was the safest spot since Charlie would see them if they walked by to Levi’s cabin and Chrissy was more than likely in Valerie’s.
“I know, it’s okay. It was the truth, a long time ago” Valerie says, recalling the one relationship she found herself in. It was messy, unintentional, two kids trying to find out where they belonged in the world. Valerie who was desperate to love and Levi who looked for love in the wrong places. It had made sense, two best friends, to try out on one another. After a while it became more about the comfort and pleasure than ever about love. Their friendship was lucky to survive.
“Nate’s a dick, we all know that” Levi tries to comfort but Valerie just sighs, slumping in one of the desks chairs, and wishing the ground would swallow her whole.
“I don’t know how to fix this Levi, I’ve never loved someone like this before” she says and finally Levi sees the way her lip trembles and how tears pool in her eyes, begging to fall.
“Oh Val” he sighs, dropping to his knees beside her and pulling her into a hug. Valerie cries against him and he wishes they could go back and stop the game from ever happening. He had never seen her so happy before, so carefree, and now suddenly she was heartbroken.
“I should have told him. I should have told him how much I loved him and then maybe he wouldn’t think I love you” Valerie sobs and Levi just holds her tight, wanting to take away all this pain. Wanting to kick Nate’s ass.
“We’ll figure it out, we have time” he tells her, but did they really? Summer was halfway over. Before they knew it campers would be dwindling down and leaves would be falling from the trees. The deadline that had been looming over them suddenly more daunting. Daunting because it was once about how much more time they had together and now it was how much time she had to fix this.
Valerie makes the walk back to her cabin alone. She tries not to notice the blacked out windows in Charlie’s cabin, the clear message he wants to be alone. That is until she looks at her own and finds the same thing. Quietly she steps inside, praying Chrissy is asleep as she changes into dry clothes and slips into her bed. The blonde girls back is faced to her, rising and falling with each breath, and Valerie can barely make it out from across the cabin. Just when she goes to shut her eyes she freezes at the words that fill their shared cabin.
“I never begged you to be my friend but on at least some level I never expected you to be so cruel”
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Getaway Camp : Prologue
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: language, flirting, fluff, annoyance towards others, harsh parents, meet cute.
Summary: Charlie leaves home early for volunteer work in the Catskills, finally feeling free from his father, and on the path to the life he always dreamed of having. Yet when he arrives he meets someone who can’t help but capture his attention and he realizes fairly quickly that he’s already screwed.
word count: 2.3k
→ One
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June 4th 1961
Charlie wouldn’t consider himself much of a nature guy, but anything would do if it meant getting out of his parent’s house sooner. He had already been accepted to Columbia in the Fall but he didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment in the city quite yet. Which is how he discovered Adler’s West Lake Resort and Lodge. His counselor said the school looked fondly onto volunteers who worked there in the summer. So Charlie packed everything up and got himself the job. After all how bad could it be? A summer away in the Catskills, free food, free boarding, and a few rowing lessons here and there. He could handle it.
“Alright honey, do you need anything for your drive?” his mother asked from the porch, watching as he loaded his stuff in the back of the station wagon. She tried to pretend that she didn’t notice he had packed everything but a small part of her heart broke. This was truly it.
“I’m fine Mom, I promise” he told her, mind stuck on the five hour drive ahead of him.
“Okay honey, make sure you call and let us know when you get there” and both of them pretended not to notice the small chuckle that left his fathers mouth as he read the paper on the patio furniture.
“I will and you have the address and number to the resort already” Charlie reminded her, jogging up the porch where he quickly towered over his mother’s height. She hated how tall he had gotten, a grown man now, no longer her little boy.
“Be safe and good luck at school” she told him before pulling him into a hug. Charlie squeezed her right back, thankful to at least have a loving mother.
“I will Mom, thank you” he told her and she sighed, fighting back tears that threatened to spill over. Her only child driven away by the harsh expectations of her husband. He had been hurt so much by the world already and the minute he graduates high school he is off and running away from her.
“I’m about to head off, sir” Charlie says as he pulls away from his mom, walking to stand in front of his father.
“Good, you wouldn’t want to hit the afternoon rush traffic outside of the city” his father mutters, hands flipping the page of his newspaper. He felt that he owed nothing to his son. The only things his son had ever done was get himself kicked out of the best school in Vermont and cost him a lot of money pulling strings to still get him in an ivy league school.
“Exactly so thank you sir” Charlie said, holding his hand out and waiting for his father to bid him goodbye. He never cared much about what his father thought of him but he also figured if his father didn’t say some sort of goodbye he would always have control over some aspect of his life.
“Goodbye son, don’t dick around too much. That’s my name you’re tainting when you do that” his father responded, hand sliding into his own and firmly shaking it.
“I’ll do my best sir, I promise” Charlie said before letting his father’s hand go one last time. He was going to use these next four years to his benefit and take the well deserved break he needed. He couldn’t believe he spent all those years at Welton wishing his parents wanted him around more. What a waste.
“I guess we’ll see” is the last thing he says to him before returning his attention to the paper in his hand. Sighing Charlie brushes his hands down the front of his button up shirt and turns back to his Mom with a soft smile.
“Goodbye Mama” he says, swiftly kissing her cheek and the tears finally break through and cascade down her cheeks as Charlie jogs to his car that holds every piece of his belongings. He knew he didn’t need all of it for camp but he also knew his car could act as a private storage locker so he wouldn’t have to come back here before classes started.
“Bye baby, we’ll miss you” she calls out as the car rumbled to life and Charlie waved a hand out as he shifted the car in gear and headed down the long driveway. He knew his father would more than likely not miss him but it was kind that his mother still tried, so he waved his hand out his open window for her until she could no longer see him driving down the road.
The drive was fairly easy. Only two missed turns and one incident with a wrinkled map and Charlie was finally pulling his car up to the main lodge, the sun casted over the large lake beside it. It was quiet since campers wouldn’t be here until next week and Charlie was surprised to feel peace from the quiet and warmth that resonated in the area around him. Killing the engine he stepped out the car and started for the doors, prepared for direction to his cabin for the next three months.
“Hello camper!” a chirpy blonde girl perked up as he pushed through the cabin doors. He briefly wondered if it was an act, to be so excited about not having a real shower and mosquotio bites for three months on end. Yet the bright white smile on her face suggested otherwise.
“Hey” Charlie muttered, not one for too much enthusiasm. Actually he was pretty sure he hadn't been excited about anything since his Junior year of high school.
“Did you just arrive?” she asked, hands reaching for a large book that Charlie figured held all the information on every worker for the entirety of the camp. It's possible the smile could be fake but someone with this much responsibility had to enjoy this life somewhat.
“Yeah, Charles Dalton. I’m a Columbia volunteer, new rowing instructor” he said finally reaching the desk, hands falling and crossing over the top. He just wanted to find a bed and lay in it, especially after that drive.
“Well welcome Charles, let me grab your orientation packet and parking pass” she grinned still as cheerful and Charlie nodded, almost scared by how happy she is.
“Just Charlie is fine” he told her and she nodded before bouncing off and finding all the things he needed to get settled in. After only a few minutes she had a small stack of papers set in front of him.
“Okay so everything you need to know you can find in here. Cabin number, work schedule, map of the resort, and anything else you can imagine. When you get to your lodge you’ll find your walkie and uniform waiting for you. Meals and everything are all inclusive for staff and we hope you have a great summer” she finished her well practiced spiel and Charlie smiled as he collected the thick packet from in front of him.
“Josie” she filled in and he nodded.
“Thanks Josie, see you around” he tells her before heading back towards the front doors and where he left his car. Using the map to find employee parking Charlie found himself unloading the two suitcases he packed specifically meant for camp and locking up the rest of his belongings in his car. It was a bit harder to find the cabins but finally he was in the upper woods, brown buildings matching the next all in various rows. A big fire burning with a few people chattering around it and Charlie quickly looked for cabin number sixteen.
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Valerie had only been here an hour and already smelled like wood smoke. This wouldn't have been the case if she didn't somehow end up in a cabin with Chrissy Norwick. Valerie didn't necessarily mind the girl but she liked having a chill first day and Chrissy already had five girls compiled in the small shared cabin as she retold the stories of each date she had with Nate Fanning over the school year. She knew it would be the same thing, Nate would appear at camp and pretend Chrissy didn't exist, that was until the fall when he no longer had all of the camps options to focus on.
So Valerie sat by the fire with a few old friends she had been volunteering with since she was sixteen and listened to their much more relaxed conversation as she waited for her cabin to be much less crowded. It was then she saw a taller boy, chestnut hair falling in his eyes, as he walked the trail up into the cabins. It wasn't often new volunteers came around here so she was immediately perking up. He was handsome, in a soft way. A suitcase hung from each of his arms and she could tell from the hike and the strain off the weight, his chest was puffing out broadly. The small beads of sweat collecting at his hair line convinced her to approach him before no one else could.
"Hey, you need some help?" she curiously asked, straightening out her shirt as she appeared on the trail beside him. He jumped only lightly due to her quick appearance and she tried to hide her amusment.
"I’m fine" he muttered even though his hair was now starting to stick to his forehead from sweat.
“First rule as a staff camper, no job is too small to ask for help” and she was snatching one of the suit cases out of his hand that had been weighing him down the entire trek up the hill. Realizing she wasn’t going away anytime soon he finally took a moment to take her in. The white staff shirt laid across her shoulders and the eagle symbol stretched across the center of her chest. He admired her full hips and bright smile. Her long brunette hair tied high in a ponytail that hung in curly strands down her back. She was pretty and he was supposed to last all summer around girls like this. He prayed she wasn’t a lifeguard.
“For the record, I never asked” he told her before starting towards the cabins where she followed quickly behind.
“Well what cabin is yours then Mr. Independent?” she asked, ignoring his previous statement, and the boy sighed. He was realizing pretty quickly that most people around here were pretty cheerful and stubborn.
“Sixteen and the name is Charlie” he caved and finally she was beaming a smile back at him that made her eyes sparkle. He hated that her eyes sparkled.
“Well Charlie I’m Valerie and you’re in luck. I just so happen to be in cabin fifteen” and she was walking along and leaving him behind, going in a direction all too familiar to her. Charlie was a bit shocked by her ease but followed nonetheless as she led him to a destination he had been counting on the last five hours.
"So clearly you're new, so I'll share some wise wisdom as a camper of three years" Valerie told him, thrilled to have something to do other than stare at a campfire in the middle of the day. The June sun was already hot enough. "Never use the showers on the south end. Theyre used the least so not only do they include a variety of bugs you've never seen before but they’re also the showers that lose hot water first"
"This is not making this anymore exciting" Charlie says and the laugh that comes from Valerie surprises them both. Charlie hates the way the sound wraps around his heart and makes him content.
"If Big Al enters the bathrooms wait at least thirty minutes before going in. If you don't know who that is you'll find out fairly quickly. If it's an emergency we're surrounded by woods for a reason" and now Charlie is the one laughing which based on his attitude when they first met has Valerie fairly surprised.
"Lastly tuesday nights mystery dinner sounds fun but it's actually a mix of leftovers from the previous week so we have staff dinner here" Valerie says just as they approach cabin sixteen only to hear the girl laughs from the one beside it.
"Shouldn't you be in there giggling away?" Charlie asks as he takes his suitcase from her and sets them both on the small porch step.
"God no, no use giggling about cute boys inside when I can be out here talking to them" and much to Charlie's surprise she winks at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s so quick he's almost convinced he didn't see it.
"You seem to have it all figured out Valerie" Charlie says and she softly shrugs, glancing up at the tall trees above them. Birds chirp and in a few hours the cicadas would buzz and she'd finally be right back at home.
"I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting to share but when I remember I promise to tell you. In the mean time Charlie you can find me at cabin fifteen or the lake" she says, oddly comforted by the new guy herself. There was something nice about knowing she got to be the one to greet him here.
"Why the lake?" he curiously asks as Valerie moves to walk away and she flashes a quick grin at him, fingers gliding through her curly brown hair and Charlie nervously gulps.
"I'm a lifeguard" she informs him and for the first time for the entirety of this conversation Charlie accepts that he's screwed. Valerie was not the kind of girl you ignore despite how badly he wanted too. Now worst of all he had to spend every single day of the summer with her in tiny red bathingsuits.
"Of course you are” he says and she quickly flashes him a grin before starting back the way they came, ignoring the group of girls in her very own cabin. Charlie hates how he watches her walk away, admiring her long tan legs in her tight jean shorts. It had been ten minutes and he was already screwed.
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Happy 35th Anniversary to DPS. This is my love letter to this film <3
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Getaway Camp
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of smut, language, drug/alcohol use, mentions of depression, harsh topics, angst, summer fling, fluff.
Summary: it’s summer in the Catskills and amongst all the familiar faces appears a new one. Your last summer of freedom before college quickly turns into the best one yet when you fall hard and fast for Charlie Dalton. Thing is, was it only bound to be a summer fling?
Loosely inspired by Dirty Dancing and the beauty of summer in the Catskills. We really need to bring it back <3
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Chapter List:
Fourteen coming soon…
☆ Mood Board
🎶 Playlist
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ash5monster01 · 9 months
Goes On
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, depression, mentions of suicide, heavy topics, eventual smut, slow burn romance, fluff, gender themes/stereotypes.
Summary: Against his best efforts Charlie has to start at a new preparatory school after the tragic events that took place at Welton. The very events that led to the loss of his best friend and getting expelled in the first place. He has no plans to make friends let alone get close to anyone ever again. That is until he meets Evelyn and her interesting group of friends. No matter how hard he tries to push them away he finds it to be impossible. So he caves and in the end learns that life can still be enjoyable even if it feels like everyone is against you.
a story in which a 17 year old boy who feels like his life is over, discovers that it can still turn out alright in the end. All because he fell in love with a girl and rediscovered the hope he lost.
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Chapter List:
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ash5monster01 · 3 months
Getaway Camp : Three
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: language, mentions of loss, alcohol consumption, sexual tension, fluff
Summary: Charlie’s survived orientation week and finally has the weekend to himself before campers arrive. The real worry is if he’ll survive Valerie within that time.
word count: 3.5k
Two ←→ Four
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June 9th 1961
Somehow Charlie survived the rest of orientation week. Much to his luck not all of it was spent with Valerie. After their water safety lessons he was left to collaborate with the other three rowing instructors. Establish what equipment was his own, what his weekly schedule would be, and what group guests could sign up for to receive his services. Other than the few times he’d pass the main swimming dock while out with his fellow instructors he’d see her. Every time she’d smile and wave from her post, all tan long legs and bright white teeth. He had almost dropped his ore twice just trying to wave back.
It had been so long since he had rowed he found himself getting up early every morning just to feel the strain of his muscles and the pain on his palms. He had given himself callouses he hadn’t had in over a year but the pain felt nice. It felt like he was back at Welton, just like it was when Neil was still alive. This early schedule was also able to keep him away from late night partying. He’d attend a campfire, get a little to lost in the scent of Valerie’s perfume, and then snap back to reality and go back to his cabin. She pouted every time but he promised her he’d stay when the weekend finally came and they were off duty.
The only thing he didn’t count on was the weekend approaching so fast. Now it was Friday night and he was making his way back from the lake with the next two days off before guests were to arrive. No way he was avoiding his plans with her tonight even though he so desperately wanted to. It wasn’t that he didn’t find Valerie attractive or interesting, in fact it was the complete opposite. He came to this camp to have a summer to himself, to discover who he was, and instead found a girl he previously could only dream existed. Her beauty, her confidence, her charm, she was hand crafted for him and worst of all clearly showed interest in him as well. How could he possibly allow himself to get close to her not knowing who he was and knowing there was a possibility he could leave for classes at the end of summer and never see her again?
It was getting harder and harder to not want her because every time he looked at her, all he wanted to do was kiss the hell out of her. The perfect and permanent pout on her plump pink lips. The sparkle in her hazel green eyes. The wild way her brunette hair curled and frizzed in the summer sun. Even just the sound of her voice, the deep sultriness had him in a daze. She was charismatic and funny, he loved the way she teased him, and how beautifully she could tell a story. Worst of all she was wicked smart and he had a thing for smart girls after all the years in formative school. Plus he was past the point of tricking dumb girls into a trap, he wanted something real. Valerie was more real than he ever expected.
“Hey man” Charlie nodded at Andy as he stepped into the shared cabin. The boy was pulling a button down shirt over his shoulders, something nice for the partying ahead of them.
“Hey, how was the lake?” his roommate asked and Charlie shrugged, flopping down onto his own bed and briefly hoping he could squeeze in a cat nap before any festivities he had to join in on.
“As it always is, going to the hide out tonight?” Charlie questioned, trying to change the topic as he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to close his eyes.
“Maybe, I was kinda hoping to see Alice tonight” Andy answers and Charlie’s eyes open, knowing the girl from his brief interactions and how she always followed around Valerie’s group of friends.
“You’re gonna go for it?” Charlie questioned, sitting up and suddenly intrigued. He hadn’t stayed up late enough to see anything go down amongst the group but he did know Valerie was quite good at directing Nate in Chrissy’s direction instead of Alice. Charlie wasn’t sure who Alice fancied out of the group and figured she only hung out for her roommate Mia.
“Maybe, nothing good happens in the hideout. At least to me anyway, plus as far as I’ve heard, Nate has left her alone. I might actually have a chance” in this short week with Andy, Charlie had learned he was kind of a dork. He wasn’t necessarily shy but he didn’t hold any of the self confidence Charlie had too much of in a lifetime. For a moment, he looked just like Todd and Charlie’s heart clenched.
“You definitely have a chance. Just talk to her and I’ll be there if you need any advice. She seems super nice, if you’re nice to her nothing could go wrong” Charlie says, wearing a smile that shows the honesty he’s giving him and Andy blushes only slightly, turning his head and trying not to think about his future lame attempts at flirting with the girl.
“Oh you’re actually gonna be there, probably attached to Valerie’s side I bet” Andy snorts, reaching for some cologne and spritzing it on himself in attempts to not smell like bug spray and sunscreen. Charlie rolls his eyes, turning to lay back against the bed.
“I’m not attached to her side” he says to convince himself or Andy, he isn’t sure. Andy just shakes his head, moving to his bed to dig for the bottle of vodka he had stashed underneath.
“Hey man, I don’t blame you. Valerie’s pretty great, like one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met. It’s just weird seeing her actually take interest in someone” Andy says and this peaks Charlie’s curiosity once more.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he queries as Andy pours some of the vodka into his water bottle, clearly finding solace in some good old liquid courage before speaking to the girl.
“You don’t think a girl like that just stays single on accident right? She’s like the most sought after girl at camp, I hear about her even when I’m out of town. She’s never had a thing with anybody and she’s always surrounded by those three body guards of hers. The fact she’s dragging you along now has majority of us surprised” Andy explains like it’s so simple, and it probably was to camp goers who were used to knowing everything about everyone around here.
“Great, so I’m in for it” Charlie muttered, hands clasping behind his head as he thought of the fact he just got a crush on a girl that never crushes on anybody. What a scam.
"I wouldn't say that. In fact I'd say you're the lucky one. The guy that finally caught the most sought after girls attention. Guys who aren't even interested in Valerie have tried just to see if they're the exception. Who would've thought a random summer volunteer would be" Andy says with a shrug, taking a swig of the vodka and instantly twisting his face at the burning taste.
"She's really never dated around here? Not even a hookup? I've been here a week and I already know people go at it like bunnies" Charlie says with a sigh, wishing he had his own liqour bottle to take away some of the sting he is currently feeling. He shouldn't be, this is what he wanted. To not fall for a girl he wouldn't be able to keep. Her having no interest should be saving his ass, not having him drowning in self pity.
"Well there was always rumors about her and Levi, sporratic sightings in the hide out, but nothing ever confirmed. I just think they're close so I never really believed them" Andy says with the nonchalant shrug of his shoulders but Charlie's stomach drops. Even if it wasn't ture, Levi was a good looking guy. Nearly twice the size of Charlie and all toned and tanned musces. Valerie spent every day with him in tiny red swim trunks and flexing his huge biceps for everyone to see. He was the kind of meat head Charlie would've hated if it wasn't for the fact Levi was extremely nice. Suddenly he was even more sick about that, because what reason would Valerie have to not be with him. Charlie was just a preporatory school burnout with daddy issues and emotional trauma. He didn't have any stand beside a guy like Levi.
"I don't know if I would refer to myself as the lucky one" Charlie says and Andy snorts, tucking the vodka bottle away and keeping his small surplus tucked to his side. Charlie glanced at the time on his wirst watch and realized that cat nap was probably out of the question.
"No matter what you are, don't be an idiot. The girl likes you, it's summer, have fun" and as simple as his room mates words sound they resonate with him deeper than he expected. It was summer, his first summer away from home in fact, and the first summer he was proclaimed an adult. He could spend time with Valerie, get to know her, find out what she tastes like, and still do what he came here to do. He had all the power for the first time in his life and the fact this realization is hitting him now suddenly makes his stomach twist.
"It's been a long time since I had fun" Charlie mutters, recalling a hopeful and young version him from a year and a half ago that was so excited to explore the world with his newfound freedom. That Charlie would be disappointed to see the version of him now. One who forgot the power he actally now held.
"Hey, I'll see you out there and don’t worry. I'll be there if you need any advice" Andy mimics Charlie words back with a wink and Charlie chuckles just as the boy escaped out the screen door of their cabin, water bottle locked and loaded for a night trying to get the girl. What was once something Charlie was trying to avoid but as the realization of his adult freedom settles in he’s scrambling to find an outfit that actually looks good.
He wastes nearly a half hour until he’s settled on a green button down and some shorts. He won’t admit he borrowed some of Andy’s cologne and for the first time since he’s been here he actually puts some gel in his hair to keep it pushed back from his forehead. He knows it won’t hold in the humidity or nervous sweat he was currently sporting. Just for the first time since meeting Valerie he was actually quite nervous about how it would go. To think that within 24 hours of meeting her he was so confidently flirting with her and asking for a kiss. What was he to be nervous about now?
“Ace! What’re you doing in here?” Valerie yells through the screen door, her hands slamming on either side. Charlie nearly jumps, gasping as she lets herself in. Suddenly feeling the tension he unbuttons another button on his shirt.
“I’m getting ready since someone is so desperate for me to be social” he tells her and Valerie grins, leaping onto his bed and tucking her hands under her head just like he did not that long ago. He takes a moment to admire her legs in her jean shorts and how the bottom of her pink tank top has risen and revealed the smallest flash of soft flesh to him. His fists tighten at his sides as he tries to look at anything else.
“You look nice, trying to impress someone other than me?” she curiously asks and Charlie blushes, shifting on his feet as he thinks of how to respond.
“Can a gentleman not want to look good?” he counters back after a beat and she snorts, rolling to her side and smiling when she realizes how much his bed smells like him already.
“Come here, let me fix your hair” she says sitting up and Charlie flashes a confused look, curious if it really looked that bad. It didn’t, she just wanted an excuse to run her fingers through his hair.
Charlie just as uneasy lowers himself beside her, swallowing hard when she adjusts to sit on her knees and lean closer to him. Only a few inches and he could lock his lips with her own. He isn’t in control anymore when her small fingers finally glide into his hair, his eyes fluttering shut and body leaning closer. Valerie smiles, admiring the relaxed look on his face as she brushes his hair back. She’s desperate to kiss him but the idea terrifies her. She had never crushed on someone like this. She’d flirted and thought guys were cute, but Charlie was different, there was just something about him.
“How’s it look?” he curiously hums, his warm breath filling her space and she sighs lightly, lips parting and begging to press against his own. Her fingers don’t stop as she slides them through his chestnut locks. Finding her confidence she leans close enough her nose nearly bumps against his own.
“Nice enough to ruin” she whispers and the sound of her voice gives way how close she is and Charlie carefully opens his eyes just to see how bright her hazel green eyes truly are. A small squeak escapes the back of his throat and Valerie’s soft hands slide down to meet his shoulders and leave his hair.
“Shouldn’t we be getting to the party?” Charlie says, voice panting and eyes desperately darting to Valerie’s lips. He’s dying to kiss her, moments away from losing control, but he can’t let it happen like this. Valerie deserves more than to feel like a simple hook up, especially if he doesn’t end up being the only guy she wants.
“I’m quite comfortable right here” she whispers, nose nudging against his own and Charlie shudders, doing his best to regain control of the situation.
“You know I’d be more than happy to stay here V, but at least let me woo you tonight” he says, hand reaching to push her brunette locks behind her shoulder. Valerie smiles at the nickname, nose still pressing against his own and awaiting something, anything.
“Charlie Dalton plans to woo me, I’m shaking with anticipation” she says in a teasing manner, mind reeling over the nickname, and smiling nearly against his own lips.
“Then let’s not make you wait any longer” and with one swift motion he leans forward to press a kiss against her cheek, his lips barely touching the corner of her mouth and if she wasn’t fucked before she definitely was now. Barely processing what just happened Charlie is up on his feet and wiping sweaty palms on the front of his shorts before offering a hand out to her.
“Let’s get ourselves a drink, we deserve it” Valerie says when she comes too and Charlie smiles as she takes his hand and guides him out of the cabin.
“You two done making out, Alex already has beer pong rolling!” Levi shouts as they exit the small porch and Charlie’s stomach tightens as he remembers what Andy had said. How Levi was the only one to ever be suspected of having Valerie. Unintentionally his hand tightens in her own, a possessiveness he’s desperate to fight washing over him.
“Just had to warm up my partner!” Valerie calls back before flashing Charlie a smirk and dragging them both to follow Levi’s direction. This time the small group is joined by more campers than last time, it still too light out to disappear into the hideout. He figured majority of them were still trying to get drunk before they dared it.
Three beer pong tables occupy the space by the campfire and Charlie realizes it has become a sort of tournament. Girls stand by, watching the boys they like chug beer, and throw the ping pong balls through the air. Nate particulary has his shirt unbuttoned and either beer or sweat dripping down his muscular chest. Either way every smirk he flashes the small group of girls surrounding him makes Chrissy's face fall more and more. Charlie notices Valerie's shake of her head at the sight and he suddenly feels bad Chrissy is so head over heels for a guy who couldn’t care less about anything but himself. Much to Charlie's surprise Valerie grabs them drinks and leads them to a bench further away from the chaos.
"Don't feel like joining in?" he curiously asks, knocking the cap off his beer along the side of the bench. Valerie shrugs, twisting open her own wine cooler she had found. Charlie waits patiently as she takes a sip and eyes the peers around her.
"Not yet, I need to be a little drunk to be able to handle Chrissy's tears and the other girls flirty giggles" she says with the roll of her eyes and Charlie sees this as an opportunity to finally get some answers out of her.
"You really aren’t a big fan of girls" he says more as a statment than a question. Something flashes behind the girls eyes as she turns to look at him. Valerie hates how well he saw through her already and she collects her nerves as she goes to respond.
"I wouldn't say that, I guess I just don't understand them" this has Charlie's eyebrows furrowing together as he looks at her confused.
"You're a girl Valerie" he says like it’s the most obvious thing and she laughs lightly, sipping some more of her wine cooler before finally sharing more with the boy than she ever had before.
"I'm the youngest in my family. I have two older brothers and my Mom died when I was five. My whole life it was just me, my brothers, and my Dad. I liked superheroes and baseball and other girls like frilly dresses and dolls. I tried to fit in but most girls thought I was weird for playing football with the boys at recess instead of playing princesses. I understand boys, that's my language. Girls, they're too foreign for me to ever understand" something tightens in Charlie's chest as he hears the girls story, not realizing just how much there actually was too it. It could explain the very reason why she had so many guy friends and no interest in any of them.
"I'm sorry about your Mom, and I'm sorry that the other girls left you out. That wasn't fair" Charlie says sincerely and Valerie feels a lump lodge its way into her throat as she looks into his eyes that hold a sympathy different from one she had received so many times. He didn't feel sorry for her, he was sorry for her, like he understood loss better than anybody.
"Thanks, but I'm used to it now. I'm happy with who I am even if that scares boys away and freaks girls out. We're all just better off being kind" she says like it’s the simplest thing in the world and Charlie's heart constricts in his chest as he feels himself falling harder for the girl.
"It doesn't scare me" Charlie says, thinking of how her overbearing and outgoing personality had done anything but that. In fact, how different she was from other girls was the entire reason he liked her. Maybe she reminded him of that young and hopeful spirit him and his friends used to have, the confidence of his that had lessened over the last year. She was someone he understood.
"I know, that's why I like you" she smiles softly at him and Charlie blushes, not expecting the brute hoenstly or the adoration in her eyes. If Charlie wanted an answer to the question ‘why him?’, he finally got it. Valerie wanted him because he didn't shy away from her overbearing and flirty nature. He welcomed it and dished it right back and now the tension between them was wound taught like a rubber band about to snap.
"What do you say I actually take you on that date we talked about?" Charlie confidently asks, swigging some beer to hide his nerves and settle his stomach flapping with butterflies in anticipation of her answer.
"I'd like that, a lot" she says, blushing like a girl who was actually nervous for once. Charlie smiles as he wraps an arm around her and looks on to the other staff all laughing and having a good time. For the first time he doesn’t see some lame summer camp or required duties, he sees a loving community full of good friends.
"Then it's a date"
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
hey i saw that your requests are open and can i request a charlie fic where he realize that all this time his parents blatantly favors his childhood friend (aka a fem!oc) and sister (yes he has a sister in the movie—a super tiny details) and grew to resent them both especially the fem!oc? feel free to ignore if your requests are actually closed or if you feel the idea is way too dark ;;;
p.s.: i love ur new romantics fic so much and we're on the same discord server;)
Turn Back Time
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: angst, minor depression, emotional abuse, disconnect, mentions of death, personality issues.
Summary: Charlie hated a lot of people in this world but the one he never planned on, was her.
word count: 1.6k
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Charlie was used to it. In fact he was used to his parents favoring everyone over him. Friends, Teachers, Aunts, Uncles, hell even Neil. Most of all though was his sister and Iris. The girl next door, only daughter of a successful family that his parents were always trying to keep up with. They always wished he would be more like her, but to him that thought never really occurred. In fact it never even bothered him, especially since he could escape from it all at school. He could be at Welton for months on end with no worry about being the perfect child for once. That is until he was expelled.
Now that he was permanently home he never realized just how long he would be under the criticism of his parents and that it would make it harder and harder not to blame the people they favored more. Everyday it was ‘You should be more like your sister’ or ‘You know Iris is already scouting Ivy Leagues’ and he was beginning to hate it. Nothing he could do would get them to stop and because of all this it had started to put a strain between him and his sister. Worst of all between him and Iris. Iris, the first girl he loved and the only girl he always thought he would. For years all he had ever wanted was her and now when he looked at her, all he could see is an image of something his father wanted him to be. The last thing he ever wanted to do was please his father.
“Hi Charlie” his sister sweetly smiled from her bedroom door. He tried to offer a small smile back but he had just finished mowing the lawn and the sweat that was beaded on his forehead was already beginning to fall.
“Hey Claire” he responded and that’s when she opened her door a touch more to reveal Iris laid upon her bed, magazine pinched between her small fingers as she bounced her leg to the song on the record player.
“Me and Iris are hanging out if you want to join?” Claire offered, clearly excited at the idea of spending time with the brother she never gets to see, but as Charlie looks between them, he struggles to find the desire to spend any time with either of them. If he did his father would just see it as him wasting time. Time he could be using to get back into a good school.
“Thanks but I’m going to take a shower and probably study” he says and neither him or Iris miss the way Claire’s face drops at the denial. Charlie practically begs himself to feel a semblance of guilt but all he sees is a girl his parents would always deem better than him.
“Let us know if you change your mind” Iris says after a beat, sitting up to usher the small girl back inside and leave Charlie to do what he needed.
As soon as the relief of the cool water pounds on Charlie’s back he finds himself stuck in thoughts surrounding the current life he was living. He hadn’t heard from his friends in months, which wasn’t their fault. He had been banned from any phone use, and if he tried to write a letter, his Dad would remove it from the mailbox immediately. He was all alone, he no longer could even enjoy the comfort of his sister. Worst of all he couldn’t enjoy the comfort of Iris. She was once a girl he adored and now he couldn’t even look at her. He couldn’t look at anyone, not even as they all sat and ate dinner that night. All he could do was listen to the praise his parents gave to everyone but him as he pushed his peas around his plate.
Iris watched him from across the table, how he never looked up to meet her eye and she suddenly found herself missing him. She only ever got to see Charlie in the summer but for those short three months every year, he had become important to her. He was different now, he wasn’t as happy or witty. His sarcastic nature had been eliminated completely and worst of all he didn’t look at her with desire anymore and even though Iris had found it annoying before, now she missed it. So later that night, as she sat on her back porch she watched Charlie step out onto his and she decided to say something.
“You’re different” her voice carries out into the night air, startling Charlie as he turned to spot the girl with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, trying to bring himself to admire how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. He knew she did, he just could no longer bring himself to care. He hated that, all these years of loving her and somehow any feeling inside him had died along with Neil.
“It just means that the Charlie I know would never say no to spending time with Claire, let alone me. You won’t even look at me” she argued, a breathy chuckle falling past her lips even though she found nothing about this funny.
“I just-.. I can’t” he says, his excuse weak and coming out in a breath that couldn’t carry. Iris had no sympathy, she no longer understood him.
“I know you went through a hard thing and I know your parents are hard on you, but if you push away everyone who actually does care. Then you’ll have no one” she says with the shake of her head, scoffing into the night air as her eyes scanned the dark back yard. Charlie felt the smallest twinge in his gut but nothing strong enough to make him feel anything.
“Sorta feels like it already” Charlie says and Iris sucks in a sharp breath, not expecting the coldness from her friend. Charlie had a big ego, he was cocky and could be rude, but those were things that made him who he was. Now, he was the shell of something she never understood and her heart broke for the chance they could’ve had.
“We never stopped being on your side” she tells him and Charlie shrugs as he looks up to the night sky. The stars are bright tonight, shining down at him just as he spots orion’s belt.
“My parents already decided you weren’t” and it finally hits Iris exactly why he had been so distant. Something that wasn’t even her choice.
“You know that’s not my fault” she whispers, tears stinging at the back of her eyes. She may have never loved Charlie the way he did her but he was still there. A safety net of someone she always cared about and she always thought that maybe someday they’d have their chance.
“I know, but nothing ever is” he says, mind stuck on all the tragedy he had just endured. How he had tried to express free will only to find out it would backfire on you every time.
“So this is it then? You decide me and Claire are the bad guys and leave us behind forever?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the railing. The distance between the two porches feeling more and more.
“I didn’t want it to be that way” he tells her earnestly and Iris finally feels the tears begin to pool in her eyes as she looked at the brunette boy across from her.
“Will it ever change?” she asks, voice tearful and crushing Charlie’s chest even more and he looks back at the house that holds his parents. Parents he had to live with until they found another school to ship him off to or until college. Parents that will continue to compare him to every person in his life until Charlie wished he was dead. Thing was, Charlie hasn’t entirely lost hope. He had hope that time and distance could change him. Hope could be fleeting but it never meant it wasn’t there.
“I hope so, it’s not like I can turn back time” Charlie says with a pressed smile, knowing just how much he yearned for the ability to go back and change how things had ended up. Change how he felt about her.
“Me too” she says, tears glistening in the porch light as Charlie finally looked at her. Looked at how grown and beautiful she had become.
“You saying I had a chance?” he asks, knowing how many times he had tried to ask her out, tried to make her his own. Just to get denied every time, see the beautiful roll of her eyes and purse of those perfect lips.
“You always did Charlie, I was just waiting until you grew up” she answers honestly and Charlie’s heart clenches, practically begging his brain to stop being so dumb. Two parts of himself torn over what to do when the girl he always loved admitted to wanting him too.
“Don’t count me out just yet, I still have about a year of growing up to do” he tells her and Iris laughs, hands wiping the tears off of her face. Head tipping to the sky and eyeing the big dipper just to make sure no more tears resurfaced.
“Sounds good, we can talk about it in a year and if not then, maybe after college” she agrees and Charlie lightly laughs, a real genuine laugh for the first time since he came home.
“Okay, it’s a deal” he says with a nod and Iris smiles one more time, listening to the cicadas buzz and feeling the cool air around them.
“I miss you” she suddenly whispers and Charlie nods, knowing exactly what she meant.
“I miss me too”
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ash5monster01 · 1 month
Getaway Camp : Eight
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of abuse, neglect, mentions of infertility, alcohol use, language, foreplay, sexual innuendos, physical attraction, illusions of smut.
Summary: After spending a day with Ezra, Charlie finds himself in an unlikely place with Valerie but it turns out to be one of the best nights of his life.
word count: 3.1k
Seven ←→ Nine
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June 30th 1961
It’s a cool morning, colder than normal, more than likely considering the storm from the night before. Charlie didn’t even make it a step out his cabin before pulling on a sweatshirt. His rowers had gotten good enough he had started to join them and for the first time in his life he actually looked forward to sport than viewing it as a chore. Best part was he got to see Valerie on her lifeguard post every time he passed the dock. It was the best way to spend his mornings. Nothing could make his day better. Other than when he was actually with her.
“Gosh, you haven’t lost that dopey grin once since that girl kissed you” Ezra says from his easy chair. Since it was a chillier day, Charlie somehow found himself in the man’s cabin, helping build a puzzle to pass the time.
“Sorry Ezra, just been a long time since I was happy about something” Charlie tells him earnestly and the older man gives him a sad smile, feeling awful for the hectic life he already had lived. So young and so hurt by the world already.
"Well it's good at your age to be happy about a girl, it's healthy even. Sounds like you got a good one too" Ezra points out as he places another puzzle piece where it belongs. Charlie smiles and nods, already counting down the minutes until she finished her shift and he could snuggle up in his cabin with her. Especially on this cool and rainy day. Yet he wouldn't be surprised if she had some sort of party in mind, enough kisses from her pouty lips and big sad eyes, and he would cave.
"I did, actually surprised I got so lucky" Charlie says, a soft blush on his cheeks. Sixteen year old Charlie viewed woman as objects, something to obtain, and now it was so different. He appreciated Valerie, adored her even. If he ever dared disrespect her he's not sure he could live with himself.
“I’m not, good young men like you always deserve a kind young woman by their side” Ezra tells him with an earnest look, an honesty and strength behind his words.
“I’m not that good” Charlie mutters and Ezra snorts.
“Is anyone boy? We just do our best, it’s the ones who learn from their mistakes that make them good” he says with the point of his finger and Charlie thinks of his father. The man he should be free from and yet there was still that part of him that worked diligently to make him proud and still came up short.
Ezra sees the forlorn look on the boys face, the crease in his brow as he struggles with his emotions. He didn’t know much about the boy, just that he had a hard home life and had been kicked out of school. It wasn’t hard to tell he battled something so much deeper and that was a hard thing to do on your own. So he dared a change of topic. “You hear from your folks at all?”
Charlie flashes a look of surprise, not expecting the question. It takes a few moments for his brain to catch up with what he had just asked. “Just my Mom, I called the day I got here and a few more times after that. I figure I won’t ever hear from my Father again”
“You will, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. He’s hard on you because he cares, you know that right?” Charlie feels immediately defensive, almost angry this man in front of him is defending his father’s actions. The man who had emotionally abused him his entire life, gave him a sense of worthlessness he still couldn’t shake.
“If he cared he’d call” Charlie sneers, slamming a puzzle piece into place and feeling an anger boil inside him that he hadn’t had in a long time.
“Look, I don’t know him personally, but if I had to guess he’s probably afraid to call in fear of rejection” Charlie scoffs at the notion, damn right amused by the suggestion. His father, king of stocks, afraid.
“Afraid of me, rejecting him? All he’s ever done is reject me. Ship me off to boarding schools, forget me on Holidays, refuse to comfort me when my best friend died. He don’t give a shit that he hasn’t heard from me” Ezra freezes at his words, not knowing all of this. Not knowing the boy probably lost the one person who loved him as he was.
“If I were to guess he probably didn’t know how to face all of that, face you. Angry fathers were once forgotten young men too” Charlie sighs with the shake of his head, dropping his eye line to salmon colored carpet in the living room.
“Yeah well, me and my Dad may never agree and I’ve accepted that. No use fighting for something I finally got to leave behind" Charlie mutters and Ezra takes his defiance as a suggestion to leave it alone for now. After all he never had a chance to be a father but he couldn't gurantee he wouldn't of screwed up just like Charlie's father did. Maybe not as bad and in a world where he did have kids, he hoped that didn't deem him a bad one.
"I just hope you don't come to regret that decision" Ezra says before taking a sip from his cup of coffee and picking up a fresh puzzle piece to hopefully find a place for. Much like Charlie just looking for somewhre to belong, a stray piece to a puzzle, hoping he might fit in the world. Charlie stays silent, reeling in his words and trying to fight the anger he feels. Especially the anger towards the older man who clearly just had good intentions. He wanted more control of his emotions especially since they were the very thing that turned his life upside down when Neil had died. The very thing that led him to hit Cameron with all his might.
“Hey what do you say to me meeting this girl sometime though, I’m sick and tired of watching you blush over her. Might as well make her dinner?” Ezra says after a while and Charlie can’t help the smile that cracks across his face.
“Yeah okay, I’ll see if she wants to do dinner” Charlie agrees and Ezra gives a wide smile, hand reaching to clap over his shoulder before focusing his attention back on the puzzle in front of him. This one much easier to figure out than Charlie.
When Charlie makes the trek back to staff camp the heavy clouds begin to drizzle rain. When he’s safe in his cabin it’s finally coming down, dampening the entire camp, and justifying the drop in temperature from the day. Andy is no where to be found, probably in Alice’s cabin and already drinking for the night. A party lifestyle Charlie never thought he’d struggle to keep up with. Either way he hoped Valerie wouldn’t drag him to some campfire he had to get soaked at.
“Ah that came from no where!” the girls squeals, barreling through his cabin door and dripping water. Charlie laughs from his bed, until he spots the denim dress on her form. She so beautiful he’s sure he’ll never get used to it.
“Oh Val, you don’t seriously want to hang out in the rain tonight do you?” he asks and she rolls her eyes, pushing the wet hair away from her face before sliding off her sandals.
“Not exactly” she says, sauntering towards him slowly and making sure he had a perfect view of the cleavage she had on display. It would come in her favor for what she was about to say next.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks as she plops beside him, leaning forward with a mischievous smile. Taking her time as she presses a soft and sweet kiss against his lips.
“What do you say to going to the Hideout tonight?” she asks and Charlie’s so lost in the taste of her it takes him a moment to process. When the question finally hits him his eyes widen, hands reaching to squeeze at her waist.
“And why would you want to do that? You said the Hideout was for lonely people looking for a dance and someone to take home” Charlie says and Valerie giggles, leaning against him.
“Yes but other campers can still go too. Besides I only want to dance with you tonight and take you home. Plus I’m all dolled up, would be a waste if I didn’t get to show it off” Charlie blushes at her suggestion, the image of keeping her in this cabin tonight entirely too taunting.
“Fine but you really should only be showing off for me” Charlie fake pouts and Valerie kisses it away, making the boy roll his eyes. He gives a soft squeeze to her waist, indicating for her to stand which she complies. On his way up he lands a soft smack to her butt before walking to the tall dresser in search of a different shirt.
“Wear that sexy black one again” Valerie coos, snaking her arms around his waist from behind as he digs through the drawer. Charlie snorts but finds the T-shirt anyway. Who would he be to say no to her?
“You gonna take it off this time?” Charlie asks, mostly teasing and Valerie breaks away from him, smirking as he changes the shirt.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see Ace” she winks and the boy laughs before reaching for the liquor bottle on the desk. Andy must’ve taken the other one so Charlie settles for a long swig before passing it to the gorgeous girl.
“The only way I’ll survive this is with a buzz so drink up V” he tells her and Valerie furrows her eyebrows as she swigs the bottle anyway. Charlie’s tolerance had become much better since the first day of camp.
“Plan on forgetting it all?” she asks, hoping the boy actually looked forward to spending the night with her and not wiping it away with an excessive amount of alcohol and no recollection of her tomorrow.
“Absolutely not, any moment with you I want to remember forever. This is more for the sting of embarrassment I feel every time I see Nate trying to flirt with other women and Chrissy cry about it” Valerie snorts, loving him even more for this answer. How he had picked up on everything so quickly she didn’t understand but she appreciated having someone other than Levi to finally share this all with.
“Fair, now let’s go I want to dance!” she cheers, tucking the liquor bottle under her arm and hand reaching out for his own. Charlie just laughs as he takes it and allows the girl to drag him out of the cabin. The closer they get to the Hideout the easier it is to hear the loud music from inside. Flickers and pink and blue lights flash outside the gaps of the cabin. The outside itself was already intimidating enough but when Valerie has already started to shake her hips, and her hand squeezes his own, he follows her inside without question.
“No shit, Valerie in the Hideout” Nate greets them loudly over the music the second they come through the door. Valerie rolls her eyes and tugs Charlie a bit closer.
“I wanted to dance” she tells her friend, looking for any excuse because the last time she had been in the Hideout she made a decision she regretted immediately. The fact it all turned out okay would never not shock her. Now no mistakes could be made, she could dirty dance with her camp boyfriend and pretend the big question wasn’t looming overhead. The desire to know what would happen to them once camp was over.
“Isn’t that always the excuse?” Nate leans down and asks and based on the way Valerie’s jaw clenches Charlie knows Nate just struck a nerve. Suddenly her hand tightens against his own and starts to drag him towards the center of the dance floor.
“Bye Nate” she mutters, hazel eyes fading into a dark brown. Charlie glances between to two but decides it’s better not to ask. When they reach the center of the crowd Valerie is quick to weave her hand around Charlie’s neck and take another sip from the liquor bottle she had smuggled in.
“You okay?” Charlie asks and Valerie gives a curt nod, moving to set the bottle upon a table nearby before weaving her other hand around him.
“Yes now let’s dance, I wanna see what kind of moves you got Dalton” she says, that same teasing smile finally back on her face and Charlie laughs, his hands settling on her waist.
“I have to warn you, I’m not much of a dancer. Going to an all boys school didn’t provide many dancing opportunities” he tells her and Valerie giggles, the image of a younger Charlie having to dance with another boy amusing her to no end.
“Even if you had, it wouldn’t have been this kind of dancing” she says, head tipping to the crowd and Charlie finally glances around the room. Recognizing the faces of some staff and others not so much, huddled close to their partners, bodies flush together. Charlie can’t help the way his ears tint pink, suddenly feeling like he’s accidentally seen an intimate moment between two other people.
“You’re right, Nolan would’ve never let this fly” and even though Valerie doesn’t know who Nolan is she can only assume it’s someone from his school that had left a strong enough impression. One strict enough that it was his first thought.
“Well what do you say, few more drinks and some dancing?” and even if Charlie isn’t sure the kind of dancing she’s referring to is much like the dirty one he was seeing now, he agrees anyway just for the chance it might be.
As the night progresses and the drinks flow, Charlie comes to find that Valerie isn’t shy on the dance floor at all. He had to count to ten, and try to remember the Presidents in order, just to avoid a hard on at least six times so far. Yet her once wild and damp hair was now wild and curly, soft against his neck while her body was flush against his. She smelled like strawberries and was so warm, it was hard not to imagine her different ways. When she turns and presses her ass straight against his crotch, he’s sure he’s done for.
“You need to relax” Valerie tells him, guiding his hands to her stomach and rib cage. Charlie tries to loosen up, but now with him holding her steady she grinds herself softly back into him, and no amount of presidents or numbers could get him to calm down. Not even the image of Nolan in his underwear.
“I can’t, in fact you might have to walk in front of me on the way out of here” Charlie whispers into her ear and Valerie smiles wide, continuing her movements, knowing exactly what she was doing.
“I don’t mind” Valerie whispers back, voice heavy with lust, and Charlie knows she can feel exactly what’s happening to him right now. Yet instead of shying away Valerie grinds her ass against his length, enjoying to way he stiffens behind her. If there was a version of both heaven and hell, this would be it.
“I should’ve known” Charlie says, a soft growl into her neck and suddenly Valerie feels like a weak mess. Not expecting the possessiveness from him. The way his large hands grasp her body and pull her back into him, how he softly and slowly grinds his hard on against her. She can’t help how her thighs clench together, trying to hide how badly she needs him too. Trying to distract herself she settles into the music, finding a rhythm with his hips, hands lifting behind her and sliding into his hair as his lips find her neck in a hot kiss.
For the first time all night the pair are on the same page, drunk off of each other and the liquor flowing through their veins. There’s no worries about the future or the past. It’s just the two of them, falling in love, and coming to understand one another’s bodies. So when Valerie turns to face him, Charlie pulls her close, mostly to hide his situation, and press his lips against her own. Charlie shamelessly kisses the girl, tongue curling against her own, and memorizing the taste of her. She pulls gently at his hair and suddenly regrets even coming here tonight with the fire so strong between them. They should be alone.
“God where have you been all my life” Charlie breathlessly chuckles when her lips find his neck and she smiles against his skin, knowing she felt the exact same way.
“Waiting for the right moment” is the only response she gives and Charlie smiles, arms coiling around her waist and holding her close in a tight hug.
“What do you say to eating dinner some time with a favorite camper of mine, he’s dying to meet you?” Charlie finds the courage to ask and Valerie giggles, knowing this is quite possibly a version of Charlie wanting her to meet his parents. Show off the girl to someone special, make it more serious.
“I’d be happy too, just give me a day and time” she tells him and Charlie kisses her again, a happiness swelling in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. The old him climbing the surface and feeling safe again. Charlie couldn’t help but hope this would never change, that the bubble would never burst, and he could stay in this moment forever. Comfortable and happy with someone all over again. It was scary, undoubtedly, but it was also familiar. Like coming home after a long time and knowing that for one moment everything would be okay.
For Charlie he never really had a home and until this moment he never realized for him, home had always been the people he loved. He hadn’t been home ever since Neil died and he got kicked out school. Yet at this very moment, tucked in Valerie’s arms and dancing without a care in a world, he was home again and it didn’t feel as empty. This time, it felt like no matter what happened he would turn out okay. He wasn’t broken, at least not anymore.
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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ash5monster01 · 3 months
Getaway Camp : Two
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: mentions of drinking, language, sexual innuendos, blatant staring, physical attraction, mentions of drowning, fluff.
Summary: Charlie ends up attending staff orientation hung over. It doesn’t help that he has to spend the entirety of it with Valerie in a bathing suit. Maybe summer wasn’t off to such a great start.
word count: 3.4k
One ←→ Three
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June 5th 1961
When the camp bugle goes off at 7am sharp, awaking each of the staff, Charlie finds himself instantly groaning from the sound. He had never been hungover in his life, until now. The sound rung in his ears and he definitely didn’t get enough sleep to work off the drinking from last night, but today was his first day. The day he learned all the necessary things needed to stay employed and away from home. It should be easy, right now it was not.
“Rough night?” Andy, his room mate, snickers from his bed on the opposing side of the room. Charlie only groans in response again, pressing his palms into his eyes to relieve some of the tension.
“No more drinking for me this summer” Charlie finally says, sitting up and realizing very quickly that he needed a shower.
“Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts big guy” Andy chuckles, and Charlie briefly recalls a moment from the night that was entirely too fuzzy this morning. Valerie had walked him here but what did he say to her? Before he could think it through, Andy was pulling his staff shirt over his head, and moving towards the door. “We got an hour till breakfast, I suggest you do everything you can to recover by then”
“Thanks” Charlie muttered as Andy slipped out the door to go off and do whatever it was he needed to do. Charlie still wasn’t sure he’d establish a friendship with the guy just yet, but he couldn’t count it out. Since the moment he had gotten here, he had been fairly surprised.
Forcing himself up Charlie found a stray water bottle and chugged majority of it down. Digging in his bag he was able to find some ibuprofen and he finished off the water bottle with that. Now on the road to recovery he grabbed his Staff shirt and some fresh clothes to start the trek to the showers. Grabbing his caddy and towel he made his way to the West showers, taking Valerie’s advice about the South ones. Finally leaving the showers dressed in fresh clothes and hair damp on top his head, he figured breakfast would be the last to his cure, and he’d be good to go for the rest of the day.
The walk to the mess hall from staff camp wasn't terrible, but with the hot 80 degree sun pounding down on his hungover eyes, he deemed it the worst hike he had ever done. He needed some coffee and the largest stack of pancakes he could find, or he would never survive the rest of the day.
"Hey Ace, beautiful morning!" the now newly familiar voice called and Charlie looked up from his feet to find Valerie stood beside Levi. She wore cotton shorts and her white Staff hoodie with the eagle symbol stitched delicately on the side. Her red bathing suit peaked out the top of her zipper and suddenly his entire mouth went dry. Not only was she still the most gorgeous thing he has laid his eyes on but she called him Ace. Nobody had called him Ace since Mr. Keating.
"Not really" Charlie finally grumbled back as he reached them and Levi let out a heavy laugh, his red swim trunks tight around his legs and white staff shirt spread across his chest. What a duo these two were.
"Sounds like you need Val's hangover special" Levi said as Charlie passed him, clapping his hands over Charlie’s shoulders and following behind as they reached the mess hall. Charlie chuckled, enjoying the cool breeze the air conditioning let into the mess hall. He had a feeling this would be his favorite spot at camp.
"What's that? Another drink?" he curiously asks, looking over his shoulders just to spot the brunette girl, all long tan legs and wavy brown hair.
"I take offense to that, I'm not an alcholic" she defends, arms crossed over her chest and only further exencuating her body in that gorgeous red suit.
"He's got a point Val, for someone who drank more than any of us, you seem awfully chipper" Levi says as he lets go of Charlie, guiding him towards a table they could all share.
“Sorry I can handle my alcohol better than two big guys” she responds, sarcasm dripping from her tone and even though Levi laughs, Charlie’s reminded of her whispering ‘big guy’ to him last night and suddenly he’s hot all over again.
“We’re just teasing Val, but hey at least one of us is bushy-tailed enough to handle orientation” Levi grins at her before starting towards the line of similarly dressed staff, making their way through the lunch line and feeling up for the day.
“Come on Ace, let’s get you my hangover cure” she smiles at Charlie, hazel green eyes dazzling. Charlie moves without even questioning it, steady with her step in the direction Levi just went.
Charlie doesn’t say a word as he just stands and holds his tray that Valerie continues to pile food on. His mouth waters with each scoop and then dries every time she flashes him that pretty white smile. It’s not long until he has an eccentric array of foods across his tray, majority that Charlie is uncertain of with the way his stomach feels. He allows it any way, following Valerie like a lost puppy back to the table Levi was already sat at, now accompanied by Nate and Alex. Charlie realizes it’s fairly normal for Valerie to be the only girl amongst her friends and he briefly wonders why.
"Eat up, you have a big day ahead of you" Valerie encourages before sitting and digging in. Charlie follows suit, obeying even though the last thing he wanted was eggs covered in maple syrup. Even the sausage was making him nauseous but he had all this food and now his only option was to eat it.
"You were crazy last night man, we warned you about trying to keep up with Valerie" Nate says with a snort, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth. Charlie shrugged, doing his best to slowly chew his food and keep the nausea at bay.
"Leave him alone, let's talk about you and Mia" Evelyn said, wiggling her eyebrows at her friend who just rolled his eyes in response. Yet Nate gets saved when a sharp voice of a woman fills the room.
“Welcome Staff Campers to the 1961 summer season!” the room erupts in cheers, reverberating against the wooden walls, tables, chairs, and floor. Charlie has a feeling he’d be quite tired of looking at wood after living in it for the next three months.
“I’m Martha Adler, Samuel Adler’s wife. Majority of you know me from previous seasons but my job is simply to be in charge of all of you. Do not let this sound threatening. I simply want us to have the best summer together so if you need something, please come to me” chatter goes amongst the tables in the room. Previous campers with fond faces and new ones slightly panicked.
“Martha is the best” Valerie leans over to whisper in Charlie’s ear and he swallows hard as the hair rises on his arms just from the close proximity.
“Today and the rest of this week is built for everyone to prepare for our summer campers. I promise I will try to make it as easy on you as possible. You guys are here because you’re the best at what you do but for safety reasons, we still have to train. So please, for my sake, try your best to get through it. I know you all partied hard last night but we gotta push through. So do your best and make me proud” the crowd chuckles, all knowing exactly what kind of festivities they got up to last night. Charlie and Valerie included.
“For my previous campers you know how this works but for my new ones, you’ll be split into groups. So after breakfast the children camp counselors are to report to the kids camp, food service will stay here in the mess hall, water sports will meet at the dock, guest services at the head lodge, sports counselors at the gym, entertainment staff in the amphitheater, and head counselors will meet in my office” Martha fired off, eyeing the clipboard in her hands and very clearly having this down to a system now. Charlie internally groaned as he realized his category correlated with Valerie’s. He wasn’t sure he could survive much longer with her imagining exactly what that bathing suit looked like.
“You let me get drunk knowing we had to spend all day training in the heat, didn’t you?” he whispered to Valerie and she just grinned as she shrugged her shoulders.
“I am not in a position to either confirm or deny that” she tells him, knocking her shoulder with his own and he chuckles. Aimless flirting aside he was beginning to understand the fondness that surrounded Valerie. Why she had been so welcomed into these group of boys. She was different, in a good or bad way, Charlie wasn’t sure yet.
“I have a feeling this will be the best summer season yet and my best staff to date. So let’s make this one to remember for years to come and most of all, have fun!” Martha Adler finishes out, the staff erupting in cheers and clearly holding high adoration for this place. Charlie had just assumed everyone worked here for some conspicuous reason but as he sees the happy faces around him, he realizes some people just really love it here.
“You ready Val?” Levi asks, his plate of food somehow already vanished and Valerie smiles as she grabs a piece of bacon from her mainly empty plate.
“As I’ll ever be” she tells him before standing and Charlie can’t hide the confused look on his face as he watches the two begin to leave with their trays. Valerie clocks it quickly and bends down to offer him that signature sweet smirk of hers.
“Don’t worry, we’ll see you at the dock. We’ve got some business to attend too” she tells him and Charlie nods, swallowing some of his food as the pair begin to leave the table and dispose of their trays. Charlie tries to ignore the burning jealousy in his stomach as he sees Levi rest his arm across her shoulders.
It’s not long until Charlie’s stomached his entire breakfast. As much as he hates to admit it, he was feeling exceptionally better and Valerie had been right. He figured that would be the common theme for the majority of his summer, doubting her and being proven wrong. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. He was only supposed to suffer through this just to avoid his father and now he was already having all consuming thoughts about a girl he met yesterday. So as he headed in the direction of the lake he tried to give himself a pep talk. He could ignore her, she was just a girl. It’s not like he couldn’t man up and avoid her. They just met, he still had the power to deny her.
“Shit” he freezes in his tracks, fellow campers behind him cursing as they have to abruptly stop to avoid running into him. Yet Charlie can’t move. With the dock now in view he could see Valerie, free of her shorts and sweatshirt, red bathing suit tight to her skin and high up her hips. She must’ve already been in the water based on how her long brunette curls were dripping down her back. She was ethereal and he realized fairly quickly he had no power over this at all. He had to face it head on, and that was the only thing to get him to continue in the direction of the dock.
"Alright, looks like about everyone is here!" Valerie called out, offering a fresh smile to all the faces of water correlated staff. Charlie shifted on his feet, trying to look at anything but her.
"For those of you who don't know, I'm Levi and this is Valerie. We're your head lifeguards and will be assisting you with your training today" Levi smiles, all tall and strong in his bright red shorts. He wasn't wet from the water just yet but he had already gotten rid of his shirt and suddenly Charlie was self concious. Something he had never been before.
"Don't worry, it's just the basics. Ways to save people from drowning, CPR, normal swimming safety" Valerie smiles out amongst the crowd before letting her eyes linger a touch longer on Charlie. That comforts him for only a moment before he realizes the men amongst the group are eyeing her just as him. It hadn't even been a day and he was already placing claim and burning with jealousy. He wouldn't surive the summer if Valerie picked someone over him.
“Who are we practicing CPR on?” a boy shouts from the back of the crowd, suggestion filling the air around them and the group snickers. Yet Valerie doesn’t even flinch, taking it with stride.
“Well normally the CPR dummies but I’m sure you could persuade Levi if you feel more comfortable practicing on a human” the crowd laughs again and Valerie’s eyes shine with mischief. She was clearly used to comments from the young guys.
“If that’s the only question then why don’t we get started. Split off into two groups, one with me and the other with Val” Levi announces and everyone is off, majority of the boys trying to end up with Valerie and the girls with Levi. When her group gets too large she begins to turn them away, smiling to soften the blow as they get put with Levi.
“While Levi does CPR training we’ll practice water safety and switch. Let’s see what you guys know first” and just like that Valerie is firing off questions, answers being shouted back as she smiles pridefully at each one. When she’s done with her spiel, she flashes a grin as she looks amongst them all.
“Now to practice, everyone buddy up!” she claps her hands and previous campers turn quickly to friends, pairing up with people they know, and laughing together just like it’s old times. Charlie’s so distracted by it he suddenly realizes there is no one left to partner up with.
“Looks like we got an odd man out, that’s okay. Come buddy up with me” Valerie waves her hand over and Charlie obeys, ushering to her side. He feels slightly embarrassed he somehow keeps ending up in this position. Always with her.
“I didn’t do this on purpose” he tells her quietly and she laughs, shaking her head while the buddies wait for further instruction.
“Okay, now using what you just learned, practice how to save one another. Yes everyone has to take turns drowning and saving” groans fall out of each of the staffs mouths and Valerie laughs, finding amusement in it all. The staff campers obey even if they vocalized their disapproval.
“Alright coach how should we go about this?” Charlie asked, stretching his arms and making a show of preparing to practice. Valerie lightly laughs, eyes scanning around to make sure everyone was doing exactly what they needed to be before giving him her attention. The splashes around them proved it to be true so she finally relaxed.
“Well considering I’m not the one who needs to practice I should probably be the one to drown” she tells him and Charlie nods, chestnut eyes darting to the lake as he pretends to consider it.
“That might be for the best” he finally says and Valerie snorts, enjoying the playful nature that she worked so hard to get out of the boy.
“Yeah, and why’s that?” she curiously asks and he flashes a smile, lips twitching as if he had a secret he hasn’t quite shared with her yet.
“Let’s just say if they had told me what you looked like in a bathing suit I would’ve never taken the job” Charlie whispers, leaning close and eyes darkening only slightly. Valerie finds herself blushing, not expecting the comment and unable to hide her surprise.
“I don’t know if I should take offensive to that or not?” she tells him and Charlie chuckles, hand rubbing his jaw as he processes her words and tries to keep his eyes from wandering down her body.
“I mean that in the least offensive way possible” he tells her and Valerie feels her heart flutter in her chest, unable to stop it due to how at ease he made her felt. Charlie was different. She knew it the moment she saw him and now she knew she had made the right decision in getting to know him.
“How about we save this conversation for later? For now, try to make sure I don’t die” and before Charlie could say another word she was diving into the water with ease, disappearing under the surface and leaving only the slightest reflection of red. When she breaks through she offers him a smile and Charlie knows there is no fighting it now.
"Aren't you gonna make a show of it?" he curiously asks, pulling his shirt over his head and she laughed before spalshing her arms, adding great detail of her head bobbing under the water, calling out words like 'help', 'Charlie', 'save me'. Other staff looked on from their own practice and Charlie rolled his eyes before jumping in the water just as she had taught. Red float tucked under his arms, legs closing together tightly, and head never going under the surface as he made his way to her.
What he didn't think through was how on fire he would feel the moment he touched her skin. His hands gripping her arms as he holds her above the surface, her bare legs brushing against his own as he tried to pull her close and not slip off the float. It was proven to be difficult due to her attempts at keeping herself above water, taking the fake drowning a little too serious. Charlie stayed calm and tried to pretend it wasn't Valerie he was saving as he manuevered her into a position that he could tread her back to the dock. She calmed her drowning act down, smiling at how well he had done at practice. Charlie had never learned water safety before but he grew up in a preporatory school his whole life. Sadly he was pretty good at making sure things stuck the first time around.
"Wow, look at you" she smiled as they reached the dock and somehow her hazel eyes shined brighter in the face of the water. Just as easy to drown in, Charlie figured it wouldn't be long until he was the one who needed to be saved.
"I learned from the best" he told her smoothly and she tipped her head to him before lifting herself onto the dock. All long legs and tight red suit, water dripping fastly down her body and he tensed up, eyes darting anywhere but the curve of her hips and fully round-
"You coming?" she asked, hand held out to him and body bent over. Charlie swallowed at the sight of her cleavage and quickly looked away.
"I might stay in the water a bit, nice and refreshing" he tells her unconvincingly and she only raises her eyebrows before lifting back up. Let him be, she turns to find majority of the staff had stopped their practicing to watch the two of them.
"Come on slackers, let's see what you got" and just like that the other boys and girls go right back to practicing. Showcasing their skills for Valerie so she would hopefully send them off early from training and let them get a head start on partying.
Charlie treads in the cool water, allowing his heart to slow and his mind to stop reeling. He watches as the other practice what he had just done and other techniques made for saving someone in danger. Some of the pairs clearly had done this before or been trained in it themselves. He briefly wonders what qualifications he even had to teach rowing here. He only ever was on the team in Welton and the only coaching he ever had was Nolan with a megaphone yelling at them to go faster. Panic slowly starts to fill his chest but then his eye's catch Val's and she offers him a soft wink. For a brief moment, he realizes everything just might be okay.
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Getaway Camp
Mood board ☆
Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Forced Proximity - Grumpy x Sunshine
Summer of ‘61
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coming summer of 2024
Now Playing: (Summer Hits)
1:26 ━━○───── 1.35:47
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
22 notes · View notes
ash5monster01 · 3 months
Getaway Camp : Four
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of mistresses, mentions of age gap relationships, language, heart to hearts, fluff.
Summary: Campers have finally arrived and both Charlie and Valerie have conversations that brings them to realize what’s happening between them could be so much more than they originally thought.
word count: 3.3k
Three ←→ Five
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June 12th 1961
Charlie had expected the first real day of camp to busy but nothing he could’ve have pictured would compare to this. The mania of cars and families arriving, dropping kids 13 and under off with staff they barely knew, all while housing staff unloaded and moved luggage like cattle. An array of different colored Chevy’s decorated the drive in front of the main lodge and without even realizing Charlie had begun to hide behind his clipboard, regretting to help with housing on the first day. Valerie had warned him but maybe he should’ve taken it more seriously.
The weekend had passed by impossibly fast. He had tried for that date, but setting up plans within two days was near impossible, especially when the staff had every bit of freedom planned out. There was no wasting those two days before their entire summer was dedicated to assisting others. So when Charlie was free, Valerie was not, and the other way around. Then when they finally both were, the parties going on intervened and they weren’t able to escape Levi who dragged them to every one.
“You look intimidated” Nate says as he appeared beside him, chuckling with his own clipboard tucked against his chest. The difference was how confident he stood with his shoulders high.
“People really do this? Take off the entire summer and stay here?” Charlie knows it’s a stupid question, why else would he be here? Yet he can’t stop himself because women and men, dressed to the nines, kept appearing as some members of staff scrambled behind them with their bags.
“Yeah man, rich people” Nate snorts and Charlie suddenly feels embarrassed, cheeks burning under the boys gaze because he came from one of these families. His parents mirroring nearly every couple that walked by. The only difference was his father would never indulge in something as relaxed and time consuming as this. He’d rather work till he died behind that desk.
“Do they not work?” Charlie curiously asks and Nate chuckles in a way that tells Charlie what he said wasn’t amusing, he was happy about something else.
“The men do, go back to the city all week, and return to their wives on the weekends. Those wives are what we like to call the bungalow bunnies” as if on cue on older women with freshly dyed brown hair waves her fingers flirtatiously in Nate’s way. Nate returns the wave, a flirty grin in his face, and Charlie finally understands why Nate paid Chrissy no mind during the summers here.
“These women really sleep with you?” Charlie whispers, brows furrowed together and Nate snorts.
“Of course, and they tip. Why do you think I’m a dance instructor?” Nate says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and Charlie feels like he doesn’t understand this place all over again.
“Wow” is all Charlie can bring himself to say and Nate smiles as he claps a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go see if Mrs. Kellerman is signing up for some tango lessons this year” Nate wiggles his eyebrows at him and then slinks off like he’s king of the resort despite being a twenty year old dance instructor that sleeps with men’s wives.
“You lost?” Alex says as he suddenly appears beside Charlie, eating a banana, and looking entirely amused by the events unfolding in front of him. Charlie isn’t quite sure where they’re all coming from and then suddenly he realizes he has no idea what Alex even does here.
“Is it true that the married women sleep with the staff?” Charlie asks in a low whisper and Alex snorts a laugh, almost squeezing the banana in his hands a little too tightly.
“Sounds like you’ve been talking to Nate. Yeah, it’s true, but not all of them. And don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell the difference. The bunnies like to get a little handsy” Alex says, finishing the last bite and tossing the peel behind him with complete nonchalance. The behavior between the entire group of Valerie’s friends have confused him like no other.
“Is there anything else people haven’t felt the need to inform me?” Charlie asks, exasperated and suddenly nervous which is a feeling he is not used to.
“That should pretty much cover it. Oh, unless you haven’t heard about how the whole staff puts on an end of summer show for the guests” Charlie’s mouth drops open, an anxiety filling him like no other and Alex laughs.
“I better be off, I have opening day activities starting in an hour” He says before jogging towards the main lodge and leaving Charlie reeling about all the things that had been so casually left out this entire past week. He planned to interrogate Valerie later.
“Hey you boy over there! Can you come help me with this?” Charlie’s head turns, an older gentleman holding himself sturdy with a cane is eyeing him down, free hand gesturing to the suitcase beside him.
“Of course” Charlie springs into action, bending down with ease and lifting the bag for the older gentleman who had now leaned against his Plymouth.
“If you wouldn’t mind, could you help me to my lodge boy?” he asks once Charlie is back upright again and Charlie offers a smile of relief, welcoming the distraction to pull him away from the circus of newcomers buzzing around.
“Of course sir, you have the keys?” Charlie asks to confirm, knowing that same bubbly blonde girl that welcomed him had been greeting guests all day with smiles and keys.
“Josie already hand delivered them and Bobby already has the keys to the old girl here, I’m ready to go” he confirms and Charlie smiles, offering his arm to help steady the guy as they head down the trail to guest lodges, the complete other side of camp from the staff ones.
“Seems you have it more than handled sir” Charlie tells him with a soft chuckle, seagulls squawking in the air as they pass overhead.
“Please call me Ezra, sir makes me feel old” the old man’s shoos him off with the wave of his cane and Charlie finds his grip tightening on his arm incase he looses balance.
“Nice to meet you Ezra, I’m Charlie” Ezra nods with a knowing smile, as if something about the boy suddenly made sense.
“A noble name Charles. It means free man” he says, proceeding to wave the cane around more than to actually use it for the steps ahead of him. Charlie swallows hard, not expecting the words to hit him so hard. All this time, trapped in a life he never wanted, just to have a name that held his greatest dream.
“And what does Ezra mean?” Charlie asks trying to distract himself from the thoughts now running through his head. How ironic it was for his father to name him and suffocate him his whole life.
“Helper, which I suppose I can be but I much prefer my last name Levin. Which means dear friend” Charlie smiles at the older man, realizing he was guiding him in the direction of the cabin and not the other way around.
“Helper and dear friend are both very noble” Charlie nods at him and the old man grins, eyes squinting in the bright summer sun.
“Nothing compares to my wife Esther. That means star and my God she is one” Charlie hates that Valerie flashes in his mind, a girl he had only known a week but now he was curious to know what her name meant as well.
“Is your wife joining you this summer?” Charlie asks and Ezra wears solemn but longing look on his face.
“In spirit son, she loved this place. Possibly more than me, that’s why I come back every year” Charlie’s face falls as he realizes what he means, suddenly sorry for even bringing it up, but Ezra notes his apologetic face and stops him.
“This your first year?” he curiously asks the boy and Charlie nods, gulping away the remorse that sat on the tip of his tongue. “Did you meet her yet?”
“What?” Charlie splutters, confused by the question just as Ezra stops in front of a cabin that must be his own.
“The girl, the one that makes summer worth it, makes being here worth it” Ezra says with exasperation, chuckling at Charlie like he was silly for thinking anything else.
“I dunno, I guess, how did you know there was a girl?” Charlie curiously asks, setting the suitcase down on the front porch step and Ezra bellows a laugh, climbing the stairs with the help of the railing and his cane.
“There’s always a girl son. The Catskills have that kind of magic” he nods his head at the boy and Charlie gulps, realizing the old man may be quite odd but he was fairly wise. In fact he was the first adult to be comfortable around since Keating.
“It could be nothing” Charlie says with the shake of his head as he climbs the steps behind him, watching as Ezra eases himself into the rocking chair on the front porch. Wooden floor boards squeaking beneath him.
“And yet, it could be everything” Ezra says, tipping his head back and inhaling the warm lake breeze. It was like having a fresh breath of air after an entire year.
“I better be getting back” Charlie says after a moment, realizing Ezra was quite comfortable where he was and the old man smiled, eyes still closed as he rocked himself slowly in the chair, the empty one beside it awfully eerie.
“Yes, go help some other old men but do visit son. It can get lonely around here” Ezra says, his eyes finally opening to watch Charlie jog down the steps and back into the hot June sun.
“I will, thanks” he nods at him before starting to walk back to the main lodge but something stops him, freezing himself in place, and bringing him to turn back around. “Hey Ezra?”
“Yes Charles” Ezra asks, amusement sparkling in his eyes as if he knew the boy would turn around. It was beginning to freak Charlie out.
“What does the name Valerie mean?” he asks and Ezra smiles wide, each of his teeth on display for the boy to see even from up on the porch.
“Strong” he responds and Charlie nods, accepting the answer and realizing just how true it was.
“I’ll be seeing you” Charlie tells him and Ezra lifts a hand to wave, smiling brightly at the boy he figures he’ll get to see a lot of this summer.
“Good luck with the girl” is the last thing the old man says as Charlie jogs back down the trail in order to help other people move in, but he figures none of them will leave quite an impact like Ezra did.
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Valerie loves the first day of camp, especially if she gets put on duty, which was most of the time. That meant she got to sit in the chair on the dock and have the best view of all the families make their arrival, and make sure no curious kids get to close to the lake a fall in. It was the ideal work day, to catch a tan and long after all the families who got to enjoy this place as much as her in the summer.
“How is it I get put on valet duty every year while you get to sit there and relax?” a familiar voice casts up to her and she looks down to see Levi with his hands propped on his hips, staff polo spread tightly across his chest.
“Because I’m a girl” she answers innocently back, voice coming out in a sing song harmony as she kicks her feet that dangle like a little kid.
“Yes because it’s always the big men with muscles who have to carry the slack” Levi responds back and Valerie snorts, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head to keep her hair out of her face.
“So full of yourself” she teases with an accusing finger and the boy rolls his eyes at his eldest and dearest friend.
“You see Nate today, I watched three bungalow bunnies slide dollar bills into his front pockets” Levi says, climbing a step to her lifeguard chair so he could see her more eye to eye.
“Only three? He’s slacking this year” is Valerie’s only response despite the fact she will probably listen to Chrissy cry all night in their shared cabin since Nate will no longer be paying any attention to her and she doesn’t know why.
“Don’t count him out yet, there’s still a few hours left in the day” he jokes, hand reaching to steal the water bottle from her side and take a sip. Valerie giggles, dropping the sunglasses back on her nose and noting how majority of the people had made their way to their cabins. Slowly the sky was turning orange as the sun dipped down in the sky.
“I can’t believe it’s already the start of another year” Valerie says fondly, admiring the scenery and the people that surround her. A true testament to her love for this place.
“I can’t believe you actually have a crush this year” Levi throws in and she quick to slap his shoulder, a daring glare flashing his way.
“I do not have a crush” she says but she sounds unconvincing even to herself. If she was to be honest, when she had approached the cute boy she never actually expected to start feeling things for him. Now here she was unable to control herself and agreeing to dates, a date she was thankful hadn’t even happened yet because she knew exactly what kind of spiral it would put her in.
“Val, it’s not a big deal. Charlie is a cool guy, in fact he’s exactly the kind of guy I always imagined you’d end up with” Levi says, patting her leg softly and descending back down onto the dock. Only a few staff workers surrounded the area now, moving stray suitcases and cleaning up to prepare for the first full day of camp tomorrow.
“And if he ruins me completely?” Valerie asks, eyes nearly pleading for Levi to give her an honest answer. He was the only person in her life she had allowed to get so close, he knew everything about her, knew exactly why this thing with Charlie scared her so much.
“He won’t, I have a feeling he knows exactly what it feels like to be heart broken. Guys like that don’t go around hurting people” he tells her and Valerie smiles softly, eyes catching the brunette hair of the very boy they’re discussing as he rushes to help Mia with some suitcases she got stuck with.
“If you’re wrong, I’ll never forgive you” Valerie says and Levi knows the threat holds no weight, that he in fact would be the one to pick up all the pieces. Yet the way Charlie turns and nearly drops a suitcase offering a wave to them both tells him he has no reason to worry.
“I can accept that, but please don’t ruin it. This could be good for you” Levi says earnestly and Valerie’s heart clenches as she looks at the boy, knowing he was entirely right. That if she got to close, to happy, she would self sabotage it.
“I think it might be good for me too”
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“Valerie, you here?” Charlie knocks on the outside of her cabin door, the curtains inside drawn shut but the glow of the lights seeping yellow along the seams. He had just gotten back to camp and despite how much he wanted to lay down, he wanted to talk to her more.
“Hey Ace” she grins, tugging open the door with her free hand, the other scrunching a towel into her wet hair. She has a robe fastened tightly around her body and Charlie swallows hard when he realizes it’s possible nothing is underneath it.
“We need to talk” he says in amusement and Valerie grins, reaching to toss back the towel onto her bed and slipping on some flip flops by the door.
“Out here, Chrissy is in there moping about Nate” she whispers lightly and giving no warning as to her stepping in his space and shutting the door behind her. All it would take was a deep breath and his chest could touch her own but finding some self control he takes a half a step back and looks her in the eye.
“You were supposed to tell me all about this place. You very much left out the details about dirty mistresses and a staff production we put on at the end of the year” Charlie tells her, trying to look stern but even he can’t be angry about what’s happening here. Valerie giggles, enjoying how worked up he is by all of this.
“I didn’t think I had to, what else did you think wives did when their husbands don’t pay them any attention. Plus you’ve met Nate, I thought that was pretty self explanatory” she says with a shrug, hands propping up on her hips, the top of the robe opening even more to reveal more of the bare skin there.
“I thought they came and spent time with their families, played with their kids” yet as he says it he suddenly feels silly, knowing if it was his own family that came here his father would spend all his time at work and his mother would’ve sent him off with a sitter. The realization hits him like a ton of bricks, his loving mother who more than likely never stayed loyal to his Dad.
“As for the staff production that’s just an old tradition, you don’t have to worry about it. If you’re scared to perform you can help make sets or be a stage manager or something” Valerie continues, not realizing Charlie had now frozen up as he looked at his family situation in a completely different light.
“Did your Dad love your Mom?” he suddenly asks and Valerie freezes, eyes widening as she spots the troublesome look on his face.
“Very much, he was never the same after she passed” she answers honestly and Charlie swallows hard, trying to look anywhere but in her eyes.
“I’m not actually upset you didn’t tell me these things, I just really hated not seeing you today” he honestly says and Valerie’s whole body warms over at the admission.
“Is everything okay?” she brings herself to ask and Charlie gives a pressed smile, eyes finally meeting her own.
“Yeah, you get some sleep. I’ll see you at breakfast” he tells her and Valerie is still searching for an answer in his eyes when he ducks down and tugs her into a hug. His body is warm against hers after the cool shower she just had, and the smell of pine and sunscreen on him makes her want to curl up in a ball beside him. Slowly she wraps her arms back around him, sighing deeply as she relaxes into his arms, realizing he needed this hug more than her.
“Goodnight Charlie” she whispers against his neck, turning to press a soft and slow kiss against his cheek. Charlie’s mouth gapes open at the feeling, wanting nothing more than to spend the entire night beside her.
“Goodnight V” he smiles at her and Valerie returns it as he slowly removes himself from her form and starts down the steps of her cabin. He offers one last wave before starting on the dark trail to his own next door and Valerie places a hand over her heart.
“God I’m in trouble”
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