#charlie bradbury x reader!platonic
Childhood Crush
Summary; Dean Winchester x Fe!OC -> Dean and Zoey grew up together, they lived across from one another when they were children and their dad's hunted together. But when time begins to move on, and they begin to see each other over and over and over again, will something grow from what they once knew?
Warning; FLUFF, spn hunts, spn level violence, fade to smut, love, swearing, long fic etc.
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Dean and Zoey had known each other since they were 2 years old. Of course, she had only been a baby at the time, but same difference.
They lived directly across the street, Dean's bedroom window looked directly across from Zoey's nursery. And, as they both grew up, every night Dean would get out of his bed once Mary and John had tucked him in. Dean would crawl off his bed and kneel on his window bench, open his curtains a little and wave. Zoey couldn't see him, but he did it anyway.
Except, when he was four and she was two...everything changed. John roped Michael - Zoey's dad - into helping him. Both of the men had a fansination with hunting.
The years that followed, Zoey would stay home with her mom until Mike deemed her old enough to come with them. But, even from a young age, she knew that there had to be something better than this. Something better than watching Dean raise Sam, better than watching both boys learn how to handle weapons rather than learn how to solve 5th grade math. Better than...this life. Hunting.
However, as much as she cared for the boys, there was something that always made her closer to Sam. They understood one another. They had their love for school and a normal life in common. Whereas, Zoey and Dean...well...they butted heads more than they got along.
It had started from a young age. How to clean weapons. Who was better in the Scooby-Gang. What life was better.
But there were two key moments both could remember where everything came to a head. The first was when she was 14 and he was 16.
John and Mike had gone out on another hunt and with Zoey's mom out of the country for a business meeting, it meant all three kids were staying at Bobby's.
"And Dean will be training you."
"Training me? Why does he have to train me? I don't need training."
"Yes, you do. And Dean's the best."
Meanwhile, John was giving the same talk to Dean. But rather than talking back, all Dean said was, "Yes, Sir."
But once they finally left, Dean would come to regret underestermating her and everything that he'd known about her.
Bobby watched from the kitchen window, fixing up some grub for them to eat for the night. Sam was sat in the living room with his english homework writing up an essay to do Gullivers Travels.
Every now and again, he looked up to see Dean and Zoey talking. Well, more like...arguing calmly. But after twenty minutes, Bobby cursed loudly, dropped the plate into the kitchen sink and ran outside.
Zoey had been sparring with Dean when all of a sudden, Dean got into a readied stance and Zoey shocked him by running up the side of a car, jumping over his shoulders and within a few moments found himself on the ground with Zoey stood above him, his arm twisted and her foot on his chest.
"Boy, are you okay?" Bobby asked as Zoey eventually let him go. She had to walk away, her rage still rattling her. Bobby helped Dean up from the ground who was just as shocked, if not more, than Bobby.
"What the hell was that?" Bobby asked, turning to look at her.
"That was sparring."
"No, that was nearly killing Dean!"
Zoey looked from Bobby to Dean, making a point of repeating his words back to him. "What? I thought he could handle my 'girly' fighting. Besides, isn't what this is meant to be? Us learning how to defend ourselves against those things out there? Because apparently school work isn't as important."
There was a hammered silence between the three of them. Zoey looked down with her hand on her hips, taking in deep breaths before she finally looked up. "I'm gonna go help Sam with his homework."
Once she was out of ear shot and inside the house, Bobby looked back to Dean and checked him over. He had a small cut on his forehead from where she'd cut him or where he'd fell and cut himself. Zoey had done everything so fast, Dean just really dropped to the floor without any warning.
"I've got a kit upstairs. You know where it is. Go and clean it. Did you know she had that in her?"
Dean just shook his head but soon regretted it because only now did he realise the ammount of pressure that was inside his head.
"No. I didn't even know she could punch as hard as she did."
"She punched you?" Bobby hadn't seen that part.
Dean had to let out a chuckle. If he didn't, he wondered if he might actually cry. "Yeah, earlier. I told her to take a swing at me."
"Did you try and stop it?"
Dean just shrugged at Bobby's question. But he wasn't asking it out of worry, he was asking it because he didn't think Dean was that dumb.
"What? I've never seen her punch anything before. I didn't know she knew how to fight! You didn't!"
"Alright, get inside. Grub's almost done." And as Dean walked away, all Bobby could do was remove his cap, fix his hair before replacing the cap on his head, shake his head and mumble. "Kids."
The second time everything came to a head and when Dean and Zoey came very close to killing one another was when he was 17 and she was only 15.
Zoey had voulenteered to go with Mike and John on the hunting trip. She was done with her mid-terms and Sam had been begging her to go and, if she didn't feel anything else towards his older brother, she would have wanted to go just to see him.
Zoey sometimes wondered if she did harbour a crush on Dean Winchester but then he'd do something that would make her want to kill him, or punch him, or...she didn't know. Embarrass him in front of the girls at school so maybe he'd actually listen to her.
Dean had a habit of that. Not listening to her.
One day, Mike and John had decided to take the kids into the woods to 'train' them again. It was fucked up to Zoey, and secretly to Dean. Dean was okay with doing it himself, but John making Sam do it? Mike roping Zoey into it? No. Absolutley Not.
They'd set up different traps and senarios for them to go around to make sure they could defend themselves in the best way possible.
They were soldiers getting ready for battle.
Zoey and Dean found themselves together on a team. Mike on his own and Sam and John together. It was the first time Dean had actually seen a smile on Sam and John's face in a long time. And they were smiling together. That made Dean feel happier than ever.
But, as they got around, Zoey and Dean found themselves cornered. Or lost. They didn't really know.
"We're lost." Zoey called out to Dean as she looked around but he just shushed her.
"What? It's not like they can hear us. This is probably apart of it. Get lost in the woods and find your way out and back home safely."
Dean shushed her again. Zoey just rolled her eyes.
"I can see you doing that."
"You're not even looking at me."
"But I can feel you doing it."
"That's not the same as seeing it. To actually see it, you have to be looking at me when I do it, Smart-Ass. And you weren't doing either."
"Would you just shut up for a second? Wait! What was that?" A branch broke.
Dean moved a step more.
Another one broke.
"I think they're out here."
Zoey stood back and watched him, "Seriously?" she asked herself and rolled her eyes again before calling out; "That you, you idiot!"
Dean looked down and behind him. "Oh."
Zoey now marched towards him. "Yeah, 'oh'. Come on, the motel's back this way."
"No it's not." Dean argued. "We came from the south."
"No, we came from the west."
"We came from the south. That's south." Dean said, pointing it its direction.
They were face to face with one another now, Dean towering over her slightly.
"No. That's East. That's South. And that's West. We came from the west." Zoey corrected him.
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is." Zoey replied copying his tone. "You want me to make you a compass so you can see?"
Dean stared at her for a few moments before heading off in his direction.
"Where the hell are you going?!"
"Back to the motel!"
"You're going the wrong way! And they said not to split up!"
"You're welcome to join me!" Dean called back out, not looking back.
Zoey remained quiet for a second watching him walk away. He was going the wrong way and usually she would have left him but Sam would kill her if she did. So, with a loud groan, she followed him.
Dean heard her as she hurried to catch up, smirking to himself.
"You can wipe that stupid smirk off your face, while your at it."
"To see it, you have to actually be looking at me!" Dean called to her.
"Don't quote me to me. And, actually, I can see it. Every time you do that smirk of yours, it somehow makes its way into your walk."
Dean dropped the smirk and grumbled under his breath; "Smart-Ass."
"I heard that!"
It was a few months after that when all hell broke loose.
Dean was sat at the motel room table cleaning their weapons whilst herself and Sam were sat on one of the beds and she was helping him with his math homework.
"But how?!" was mostly Sam's reaction when it came to the answers. So she would go back and explain it again, and again, and again until he finally understood it.
Meanwhile, John and Mike were discussing the next case before John got annoyed and raised his voice turning to his son and Zoey.
"You don't even need that! What you need to be doing is research!"
Zoey, before realising she'd even spoken, spoke out in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, because that's true."
"Excuse me?"
"What's that meant to mean?" John asked her.
Zoey looked between John, Dean, her father and then Sam before back to John. She'd been harbouring these words for a long time. Maybe it was about time someone told him what for.
"Okay." Zoey sat up, placing her pen down and her feet on the floor. "I don't believe your research, the stuff you want Sam to do, is what he should be doing."
"And why not?"
"Because he deserves a life outside of all of this!" Zoey said with a small scoff.
"Listen here, Lady-"
No time like the present.
Zoey quickly stood up before John could finish. "No. You listen. You drag these boys around the whole fucking country their whole lives. No stability. No hope. Just plain, brutal killing. That's it. No family. No care. No love. No Life! You expect them to know everything before they've already done it and you expect the best!"
"As I should-"
"You expect them to be the best Hunters. Not students. Not kids. Not men. Hunters. Soldiers. Soldiers for your own sick and twisted crusade of finding the thing that killed your wife!"
John now stood. "Don't you dare-"
"Talk about Mary?" Zoey asked. "Why? Why should I? We all knew her didn't we? She's their mother! She was your wife! She was his best-friend. She was my mom's best-friend. Why shouldn't we talk about her? She's what this is all about, isn't she? She's why you do this, isn't it? Why you drag Sam and Dean from school to school, from hunt to hunt, with not a care whether you live or die. Whether they live or die! Because if you pulled your head out of your ass-"
"Zoey!" Mike scolded. But there was no stopping her.
"Because if you pulled your head out of your ass for just two fucking seconds, you'd realise that this isn't what Mary would have wanted for her boys! Right now! Right now Dean should be thinking about college or work-"
"He is working!"
"He's cleaning weapons! Guns! Something he's been doing since he was 7 years old. And that's only if he's not raising Sam because you can't be bothered to even look at your son's as son's rather that soldiers!"
Dean now stood up, annoyed, angry and frustrated. But at who? He didn't really know.
"Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here! And who said I even wanted to go to college?"
Zoey now looked at him, directly. "Yeah, but should at least get the choice."
After a quick second of silence that felt like it lasted a life time, she looked back to John and Mike.
"You both sit there, day in, day out, solving other people's issues because you can't fix your own. Right now, Sam should be in a bedroom, with a desk, worrying over his math homework there. Not in here being surrounded by crime scene photos that have been illegally obtained. I understand you think that there is a point to this, that you think that by putting yourself in danger that you're protecting others but did you ever think, just for two seconds, about the people you should be protecting? About who should come first in your life?" Zoey was now moving around the room, unable to remain still. She was too angry. Too enraged.
"You have a family." Zoey told John before looking to her own father. "You both do."
That hit home.
"What you should be doing is protecting your children, your families. You should be thinking that you have someone to come home to and if something happen to you, that there are people who would be lost without you. And I'm sorry, but none of this should be happening! God, you say that you're doing this to avenge your wife but in fact it's nothing more than an excuse to take your anger out on your children for being the ones that lived. Taking your anger out on other people because they weren't hurt. I'm sorry John, but Mary wouldn't want this! And you finding this Demon won't bring her back! She'd dead, John and maybe it's about time you accepted that!"
However, just as Zoey finished, she found herself in Dean's hands as he dragged her back and was about to pin her to the wall only, a roar ripped out from John and Mike and, sort of, Sam since Zoey wasn't about to be the one on the wall.
Instead, Zoey was dragged back but quickly flipped the control and Dean, shockingly, found himself as the one trapped.
Both were breathing heavily and deeply. Zoey's voice became calmer as she looked Dean in the eyes. His body language said he was angry. He was ridged. Stern. But his eyes. Zoey could see the truth.
He was hurting. He was breaking.
"I'm sorry, Dean. I really am. No kid should ever have to go through what you and Sam did. But this isn't right. You and I both know it." The pair kept their gazes on one another and she felt Dean's body under her arms relax a little, so she did the same in return.
"Mary's death was an accident. Or maybe it was fate. But it couldn't be prevented. And I know that's what you think this is. Hunting: Preventing other accidents. But the truth is, when time is up, it's up. You can't stop it. You can't slow it down. It hurts but you can't just alter the world with a click of your fingers or a shot of your gun. Sometimes things happen and we have no power or control over it and letting others try and beat it out of us to say that you can...it won't work. It doesn't work." Slowly, Zoey let Dean go and stepped back.
The entire room was silent. No-one moved. No-one said a word. Not even John.
After holding Dean's gaze and seeing the truth in his eyes, Zoey turned to look at her father.
"You finish this hunt and finish all together and come home, or you don't come home at all." Zoey told him, her gaze locked on his eyes. There wasn't a raise in her voice. She was steady. Ready. She'd accepted what she had to do and it was his choice, but either way she was ready. Zoey was ready to either hold on to him or let go. It was his choice.
"I've see the fear in mom's eyes every time the phone rings. I'm not going to be apart of that fear. I'm going home. I'll either see you there or we say goodbye now and I tell mom that your not coming home. That way, she can move on and not live in fear anymore." Zoey explained. "You took vows to protect her and any children you'd have together. Are you going to break them?"
There was that silence again.
"Okay, then."
Zoey moved over towards the bed and pulled her bag out from under the bed, packed the last of her books into the bag, grabbed her jacket and swung the bag strap over her shoulder.
Zoey made it to the door, opening it up when Sam stood up. "Wait!"
Zoey looked back and was greeted with Sam's body colliding into hers, hugging her tightly. She smiled, kinda sadly, and hugged him back just as tight.
"Please don't go." Sam whispered.
"I'll be seeing you." Zoey smiled at him. The only people close enought to see her eyes were Sam and Dean.
Dean didn't move from his spot but they made eye contact as Sam stood back from the door to let her go. Zoey gave a sad smile towards Dean and a small nod before it dropped as she looked to John and Mike.
And without another look, she grabbed hold of the door handle and closed the motel door behind her. She caught a Greyhound 40 minutes later and was on her way home.
After a week, Mike decided to go home. Hunting wasn't worth loosing his wife and daughter. Zoey had made her point and she wouldn't have to make it again, ever.
John understood but cursed him out all the same. That night Mike drive home and arrived back at 7 in the morning the next day. Zoey looked at him and after a few nervous seconds on his end, she rushed to him and hugged him.
Over the years, Sam and Zoey kept in touch but with John always being by Dean's side and making a point that they should never talk to them again, Sam never told anyone.
Zoey passed her exams and headed off to college, eventually graduating as a certified Vet.
But, even by the time Sam left Dean and John to go to college, he didn't see Zoey.
Yet, Dean did.
It was about a year into Sam being at college and Dean was on his own hunt. A couple of spirits possessing a few bodies around down.
Only, with the spirits he'd miscounted, he had a job on his hands.
It was the dead of night when Dean finally broke into the family funeral-home thing and after about an hour, the attacks started coming but just as he finally, maybe, found the thing that was tying them to the world since their bodies had be cremated, a spirit come to attack him and just as they were about to throw a marble slab into his face, a match was struck and the spirts all appeared and bust into flames.
Behind the real flames, Dean saw a face he recognised. It was a little older but still held the same beauty and anger as he'd know before.
"That's the last time I save your ass, Winchester."
Zoey said no more and walked outside. Dean was quick to scramble to his feet and follow after her.
"What- Why are you here?"
"I live here."
"In...Applewood Cemetary?"
Zoey looked back to him with her eyebrow raised and rolled her eyes. "In town, idiot."
"Did you follow me here?"
"I did. Spotted you coming out of the computer room in the library. Gathered you were looking into the deaths."
"You knew there was a case here?" Dean asked. "Did you even think about checking it out?"
"I have a day job, Dean." Zoey sighed. "That I also do night-shifts on. I have others to look after, Dean."
"Not once-"
Zoey zipped around to look at him. "You could just say 'Thank you' and we can part way again."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because I'd rather not be accused of murder. Also, Sam would kill me if I let you die." Zoey pulled out her car keys and unlocked her car.
"You still speak to Sam?"
"Yeah. Heard about how it went down. Sorry." Zoey said before getting into her car. "But, you should call him. He misses you."
"He could always call me, too."
Zoey rolled her eyes and got into her car, rolling down the window before starting the engine. "You're both too stubborn for your own good. Call Sam! It will be good for both of you!" Zoey called out to him before pulling out of the cemetary and heading home.
Dean stayed in town an extra night, watching as people came in and out of the Vet practice across the street. They looked happy. Zoey...Zoey looked happy.
Dean looked to his phone again, Sams contact bright on the screen. Maybe he should listen to her for once. She had always been complaining that he never listen to her when she should.
But as he went to call Sam, his phone screen flashed.
Maybe listening to Zoey for once would have to wait.
And he did. For another few years.
The world had almost ended 50 times over by the time Dean saw Zoey again. They'd gone from moving around motels to finally finding the Bunker.
It had been pretty quiet recently, going back to their Moster-of-The-Week hunts. And they had to admit...they'd missed it.
But it was one Tuesday morning when Dean was going filling up Baby's engine and spotted someone from the corner of his eye.
He had just been looking around, wondering if anyone was watching him. He couldn't be too careful. That was when he saw a woman. She was a few years older now, but still as beautiful. Her hair was pulled back in a messy pony tail whilst she wore green scrubs and running trainers on her feet.
She had rushed into the gas n' sip, smiling at the person who held the door open for her. "Thank you."
Dean watched as she rushed inside and grabbed a sandwhich from the back fridges, a couple bags of chips and finally a drink before paying at the counter, running back across the street where she narrowly avoided being run over -- so many times she'd stopped Sam, and Dean, from doing the same thing when they were younger. Dean watched then as she ran inside a clinc style building.
She had a practice in Witchita? 20 minutes from the bunker?
Moments later, Dean pulled up outside the Bunker and rushed inside.
"You'll never guess who I've just seen." Dean began, seeing Sam sat in the Map Room on his laptop.
"Amy Adams?"
Dean placed the plastic gas n' sip bag on the table, unloading the food. "Zoey."
Sam looked up. "Zoey? Wait- Zoey-Zoey? Our Zoey?"
Dean nodded. "She's working at a practice in Witchita."
"Seriously?" Sam asked.
Dean nodded again. "The lady at the counter said she came into town a few weeks ago."
"Do you know where she's staying?"
"No. My guess is in the motel down the street."
"Should we...I don't know...check in on her? I mean, we haven't seen her since...since I was, what? 18?"
Dean had never told Sam that he'd seen Zoey after he was 17 and when she saved his life. Now, he didn't know why. It just never really came up.
"I mean...we could try? But I doubt she'd want to see us again."
"Do you seriously not remember how it ended?" Dean questioned his brother. "She was tearing a new one into dad and then she nearly beat my ass to the ground again before she left. She looks happy, Sam."
"I say we go and see how she's doing."
"I can tell you how she's doing. She's happy."
Sam chuckled. "Dean, come on. It's not like we're dragging her back into the game or asking for her help. We want to see her."
"We do?"
"I do." Sam said. "Do you?"
Dean didn't answer right away. Did he want to see her? He hadn't thought about for in a long time and then today he saw her and...
And with that, they were driving around town looking for her motel. Sam went into the practice just before it shut, asking for Zoey but the girl at the reception desk said they'd just missed her but she would be back in the morning.
But, eventually, they found her motel.
"There's got to be reason she's here." Dean whispered under his breath.
"There is." Sam smiled, looking up from the laptop on his lap. "She's got her own practice here, man."
"But don't you find it...I don't know...freaky. We don't see her for years and then suddenly, she'd in the exact same town we are, no more than a 20 minute walk from the Bunker?"
Sam just smiled. "No, Dean. I don't find it freaky. It's just a fluke. Look."
Sam turned the laptop so Dean could see. "She's a renound vet. All her clients love her and so do their owners. She's got her own practice in five different states. This one is her new one. Maybe it's just fate."
"Do you not remember the last time we dealed with fate? She tried to kill us!"
"Fate tried to kill you?"
Dean, slightly embarrassingly, let out a small scream as he heard a voice from behind him. Both of the brothers had jumped and turned around to find Zoey, leaning down and looking into the car.
"Zoey." Sam said with a smile of relief.
"Hi, Sam." She smiled back before looking at Dean. "Fate tried to kill you?"
"Yes." Dean answered. "But an Angel saved us." Dean answered honestly and quickly before he looked around Zoey and found that she and they were the only ones in the parking lot. "Wait. How long have you been watching us?"
Zoey looked to her watch, estimating. "About half an hour. I was in the diner across the street when I heard your car. I've got grub if you want some. I'll be inside."
Without another word, Zoey stood up and walking into her motel room, leaving the door open for the brothers. Only, they were a little slow catching on.
So, standing in the open door way, Zoey held up a bag of food. "It's getting cold! You can either sit out their and freeze your asses off or you can come in! It's your choice!"
"Alright, alright. We're coming."
By the time they made it inside, Dean shutting the door behind them, Sam and Zoey were already hugging.
"God, you're so tall."
"Yeah," Sam chuckled awkwardly. "I kinda shot up after you left."
"I think that's an understatement." Zoey joked. "Food's on the table. I got your usual order. Chicken burger and a side salad. Got your's too, Dean." Zoey held it up. "Double bacon cheeseburger, extra onions."
"You remembered our orders?" Sam asked.
"Figured you'd both be hungry."
"How've you been?" Dean asked.
"I've been good. I heard about your dad...I'm sorry."
Dean nodded but Sam answered for him. "Thanks."
"I heard through the grape vine that you boys nearly ended the world and then fixed it again so...thank you for that." Zoey was unpacking some of her groceries into the mini fridge.
"You're welcome." Sam said just before Dean asked; "How'd you find out about that?"
As Zoey finished cleaning up the side, she turned around with a sigh and folded up the dish towel.
"After dad came back...it wasn't long until he went back out again. Just a couple of investigations here and there but he went back to it. I yelled at him. Mom yelled at him. He yelled at us. Mom kicked him out. I saw him at my graduation and he said he wanted to see me. He missed having his family. I told him it was too late. Over the years, a couple things came up and other hunters came to deal with them. Then, I got a call. Windigo attack. DOA. So, they brought him home. He had a Hunter's funeral. Bobby called me. He gave his condolances, I asked about you two. He said that you two sons-of-bitches were being a pain in his ass."
Dean chuckled. "That was Bobby for you."
Zoey smiled. "He updated me on everything and would call to check in with me once in a while."
"He never told us that."
Zoey nodded. "But he told be all about you two. Also, do you two ever stop to live?!"
Oh, boy.
"I understand him not listening to me," Zoey began pointing to Dean. "But you, Sam? Seriously?"
"Okay, okay. You may have a point."
"Oh, I have a million of them."
"But we're alive right now. Look. See."
The conversation soon turned to something else. Zoey told them all about her practice and could see Dean was still weary about the fact that she suddenly turned up in the same town as them.
They told her about everything else. About Lucifer and Michael. About meeting their Grandfather and how they're legacies. The whole story.
"Why are you living here anyway?" Dean asked, looking around. "If I remember correctly, you use to say we all needed a proper home."
Zoey nodded. "I've been looking but none of the houses are right for me. Even apartments. I went to look at one last week, the plumming was done so the toilet was in the middle of the master bedroom and that the electrics in the living room switch the oven on in the kitchen. Another, I'd be living in between a crazy cat lady and a guy who hangs outside his neighbours door, upside down. And don't even get me started on the upstairs neighbour."
"What if you lived with us?" Sam asked before looking to Dean. "I mean, you wouldn't have to pay. The place runs on magic as it is. It's warm and you wouldn't even have to have neighbours if you didn't want. There's like 50 rooms. An entire library, and we're usually away hunting. And it's warded so no-one can get in. You'd be safe. At least until you find a place you like?"
Zoey was surprised. She looked to Dean who seemed to agree with Sam. Why not? The Bunker was nice place, she'd be safe, she was just down the road from her practice and she wouldn't be living in a motel for the next year and a half.
It took some convincing but eventually Zoey agreed. It would just be like old times. Except, with less of the training and less of the whole out-of-fashion-even-for-the-70s vibe.
In the months that followed, everything ran pretty smoothly. Sam and Dean still continued on as they did, except when they came back from a hunt they actually had someone who knew how to do stitches and avoid infection.
Sometimes, like usual, Zoey would scold the both of them for getting hurt or not listening to her. She knew the lives they led meant that the chances of getting hurt were slim to non, but they could at least try.
Zoey walked to work every day and if she got back before the boys, she'd cook or if they were back before her, they would, well...Dean would.
Sam typically cooked breakfast since he was up at the crack of dawn.
But, as the months passed, it wasn't long before Zoey met Charlie.
Charlie had called. She had a week off work and she was due a major binge of tv, snacks and catch up with her two favourite hunters.
But, the boys had sort of forgot to mention that they had Zoey staying with them. And Dean couldn't have regretted it more. It would have at least avoided Zoey finding out about the Supernatural Books.
It was around 3 o'clock that Charlie got in, and after a long catch up on when she had been doing and what the boys had been hunting, they all turned as they heard the Bunker door open and saw Zoey walking down in her green scrubs and coat with her hair, once again, tied back in a messy pony tail.
"Oh, my god."
"Uh...Charlie. This is..Zoey. Zoey. This is Charlie."
Zoey smiled. "Hi."
But Charlie smiled back, although more star-struck than ever. "Oh my god. Zoey? This is Zoey?" Charlie looked to Dean who was a little confused. "This is the Zoey that beat you in training? The one you had, like, a major crush on?"
"What?" Zoey asked, looking slightly worried, flicking her eyes between the red head and Dean.
Dean flushed bright red as he walked backwards. "What? No. No. No, no. She- Huh - She's uh...She's just kidding. I - I'm gonna go and check on Sam."
"He's not cooking is he?" Zoey asked.
"What? Oh, no. We've ordered pizza."
"Oh, thank god."
By the time Dean slipped away and towards the kitchen, Zoey hung up her coat before turning to Charlie.
"It's nice to meet you. Sam told me your guys met on a hunt? Before Dean ended up in Purgatory?"
"Oh, yeah. I was working for Dick Roman at the time. Well, a Livaithan, but I thought it was Dick Roman and..." Charlie trailed off in the conversation and by the time Sam and Dean came back in from the kitchen with pizza boxes and beers, both of them stopped in their tracks.
"You guys have books written about you?" Zoey took a beer from Dean.
"The Supernatural Books?"
"Charlie." Dean scolded.
"What?" Charlie asked, innocently. "I thought she already knew about them."
"Can I find this books?"
"They're on-"
"No. Absolutley not." Dean warned to Zoey but she just laughed and smiled back.
"No what?"
"You are not reading those books."
"And why not?" Zoey asked.
"Because it's...weird. They're weird. Look, just...promise me you won't read them."
Zoey could see a look in Dean's face that intruiged her. There was something, or maybe many things in those books that they both wanted to hide. But...she nodded.
"Fine. I won't read them."
"It's okay, I have! I can tell you everything."
Dean took hold of the back of Charlie's chair and pushed her down the hall away from Zoey.
"I'll take it that I'm not allowed to either, then!" Charlie called out from down the hall before eventually rolling herself back.
Charlie left a few days later and they all went back to how they were before. Only, there came a time when they'd needed Zoey's help.
They'd been on a hunt about an hour away from the bunker. Nothing was adding up until eventually it did.
There was a werewolf pack experimenting. On humans, babies, animals. Turning them all. Sam and Dean had called Zoey on as much information as they could get about putting animals to sleep, just for a while - like they'd do in surgery.
"Dean, I swear, if you're about to do something stupid-"
"You know me. I'm careful."
"No, you are not. Look, do you need my help? Because I can-"
"No. Zoey. I didn't call you to bring you back in."
But she went back in anyway.
Sam and Dean had found the back, gathered together for a meeting in a barn just south of town. They all fought, they all either got hurt or were the ones hurting and just as one of the wolves sent off two shots of Dean's gun, by the time the third one was done, Dean found that it hadn't hit him but he had been hit by something.
Sam came behind the final wolf, killing him dead when the two brothers turned and found Zoey lay beside Dean.
Dean didn't have time to think as he turned to help her get into a more confortable position and called out for Sam to get the first aid kit.
Zoey had put one in their car just a few days after she moved into the Bunker. Dean had found it on their next hunt and it made him smile.
"What ever happened to 'that's the last time I save your ass, Winchester.'" Dean was worried as he looked for the wound in semi-darkness.
Zoey felt okay. It hurt but she would be okay.
"Well, this is definitely the last time." Zoey half-joked.
She could feel Dean beside her, looking for a wound when she took his hand and placed it to where it was bleeding.
It hadn't hit anything too serious. And the bullet wasn't that deep. She was lucky. They both were.
"Can you stand?" Dean asked after a sigh of relief.
"I think."
Dean carefully helped her up to her feet. "Here, put your weight against me."
Dean got her outside to her car and sat her on the rim of Baby's trunk. "Can I?"
Zoey nodded. "Sam, can you drive my car back?"
Zoey gave him the keys before Dean gave his brother a reassured look. "We're okay here. Go on ahead."
Sam nodded and headed off, driving Zoey's car back to the Bunker.
"I thought I told you to stay home."
"And I thought I told you to be careful. You almost got yourself killed, Dean! I wasn't just going to stay at home and wait for Sam to tell me he's sold his soul this time."
Dean cleaned out her wound and patched it up as best as he could. "I need to clean this place out before we leave."
"I'll help you-"
"No, you will sit there and not go dying on me. I'll be back soon."
A few hours later, Dean was finished and they were back at the Bunker. They all got a good nights sleep, waking up mid-day. Thankfully, it was a Sunday and the practice was shut for the day so Zoey could sleep in without a worry.
As the day passed, Zoey cleaned her wound and patched it up but was struggling to get the bandage to stay since every time she twisted, it only hurt her more - what with the bullet having hit her side.
"Zo? Zoey?"
"In here!" Zoey called out from her bathroom.
Dean walked in further until he found her. "Sam finished the ironing so I brought your clothes- What are you trying to do?"
"This...it won't stay. Everytime I twist it just-"
Dean placed her clothes down on the bed and moved over to her. "Come here. Stand still."
Zoey stood infront of the mirror and watched as Dean pulled the bandage gently around her waist and back and forth until it was secure.
Only now did she realise she was stood in her joggers and a sports bra. It was the only was she could see the wound without her t-shirt getting in the way.
Dean tied it securely around her middle before standing back up straight and meeting her gaze in the mirror.
Zoey smiled. "Thanks."
Only, as Dean smiled back, he looked down realising his hands were still on her shoulders and arms. But, a second later, that was when he saw something.
A scar.
Old, but still there.
Zoey seemed to notice as his gaze changed from whatever that moment was to seeing her scar. Swiftly, she moved around and smiled. "Thanks."
Zoey quickly zipped from his side and out to her room to grab a freshly warmed t-shirt.
Everything in Dean wanted to know where and how that had happened. How had she been hurt? When had she been hurt? Was if a pet with anxiety or was it something else? Was it a hunt?
But he could tell that she didn't want to talk about it. Or she would have mentioned something by now.
She kept her back to him as she put her t-shirt on. "Thanks for bringing my clothes."
"You're welcome. I- I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see you later."
Dean left after a short moment and once he did, the door closing behind him, Zoey sat on her bed.
Before he spotted her scar, there had been this feeling in her stomach. Usually, she wouldn't have cared about what she was wearing. Clearly Dean didn't. He didn't even notice. But she did. And when he looked at her in the mirror...his face when he saw the scar.
That scar played on Dean's mind for two months. He wondered if she'd ever tell him. Maybe it was nothing? Maybe it was just a pet she had been looking after? But her reaction...how she tried to hide it...it couldn't just be nothing.
But, he finally got his answer after two months when himself and Zoey were staying in a motel together.
She was checking in on one of her other practices since the very first client of hers had another pet and only wished to see Zoey. A puppy with a broken paw.
Dean decided to go with her since Sam was going to see Elieen for the weekend, so he would have just been on his own.
"Hey, how was it?" Dean asked as Zoey came in after almost 14 hours of being out of the room.
Zoey collapsed onto the bed. "All done. I have to go back in and check on him in the morning but he's sleeping for now. I need a shower but I don't want to get up."
Dean chuckled. "Well, there's chinese in the fridge if you want some."
Zoey was up at that. "Ooh."
She hadn't eaten since this morning.
Around 2 hours later, she had eaten and found the energy to have a shower before she finally came back out in her pjs. She hadn't put her jumper on yet since her hair was dripping wet.
Dean watched as she sat on the edge of the bed and towel dried her hair. And that was when he spotted it again. The scar.
"What? Sorry." Dean realised he'd been staring.
"You can ask, if you want to."
"I didn't know if you'd want to tell me."
Zoey moved her hair back and moved her shirt, showing him. She called him over and he sat beside her on the bed.
"How'd it happen?"
"About two years after I last saw you." Zoey answered. They were both so close to one another than it caused them both to speak just above a whisper. "There were a couple hunters in town. They had a spirit case. They called me and begged for my help. I got there and one of them was bleeding out. But, they hadn't burnt the body yet so the spirit was more pissed than ever. It threw me against a tree before I came crashing to the ground. Threw in a book of matches and then saved the guys life."
Dean traced a finger, gently across the scar, scared he'd hurt her. But she just smiled and whispered; "It doesn't hurt."
Dean chuckled softly. "Sorry."
The scar finished at the back of her neck and as Dean's finger stopped at the top, he looked to Zoey.
There was that look again.
It was the same look they had shared before he noticed the scar in the first place.
Their eyes searched one anothers for a small moment before they flicked to the lips and back up. Before either of them knew it, they were moving in closer and finally met in the middle.
Their lips met in a soft kiss. Gentle. New. Unfamiliar yet...like forever. Like they had done this forever. That it should be done forever.
They both pulled back, their foreheads pressed against the others, their eyes still shut.
Eventually, they opened their eyes and found they were both smiling. And it wasn't long until they kissed again. Zoey's hand was placed gently against Dean's cheek whilst the hand that had play at the top of her neck moved around and held her in closer. They each smiled into the kiss.
This is what they had been waiting for.
The passion behind the kiss, they could feel growing. Dean pulled her flush against his chest before they found their bodies moving for them.
Slowly, Zoey found herself on her back, Dean crawling to be over her body before he was above her.
They both pulled back in need of breath.
Just simply looking at her was enough to make her blush. Dean moved a strand of her hair from her face and behind her ear before he let his hand rest of her cheek. Even in partial darkness, he could see her loving blush. But that wouldn't have mattered because he could feel her smile and blush through his palm.
Slowly, he moved back down. Looking from her eyes to her lips and back again for confirmation, she nodded before Dean kissed her again.
Zoey hands pulled him in closer by his face, feeling the kiss deepen, and deepen and deepen.
It wouldn't be until the next day that either of them would talk about it, but even when they did, they already knew the answer.
Zoey's alarm went off at 6 and Dean groaned.
She quickly shut it off and lay back down, Dean moving himself to hold her closer against him. He was like a human heater for her as he did so and she didn't want to leave.
"Wait." Dean grumbled when she tried to move.
But, as much as she wanted to stay by his side, she had a puppy to check on.
So, she used her initiative to make sure she could get out of bed. Even if what she was about to do would make her want to stay.
She leaned up and pulled Dean closer kissing him, his arms around her becoming more secure as she made sure he stayed down until finally, she kissed him a final time and rushed off the bed.
Zoey just laughed and rushed into the bathroom. "You're welcome to join me!"
A while later, they both left the bathroom, this time Dean wrapped with a towel around his waist and Zoey in some fresh scrubs.
Dean pulled her back in before she left, and kissed her. "Be careful."
"I thought I was meant to be saying that to you." She smiled.
Zoey kissed him again but slowly backed out of his arms and rushed to the door. "I'll be back soon."
It got to around mid-day when Dean strolled into her practice. No-one was in since the place was shut for the day so, he called out and heard Zoey call back.
"Back here!"
Dean came through carrying a couple of sandwiches and coffee. "Thought you could use a break."
"Ah," Zoey smiled, closing the cage of the kitten she had been checking over. "You are a life saver. Both literally and metaphorically."
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you, you know, since you took a bullet for me?"
"I don't mind hearing it."
But Dean kissed her instead. The kisses peppered a little and she smiled. "Even better."
"Thank you."
"So, Sam called. He said he and Eileen are gonna be staying at the cabin for a few more days so I was thinking maybe, before we go back to the Bunker I take you somewhere." Dean smiled.
Zoey looked at him as she took another sip of her coffee.
"Oh, god. You're not about to kill me, are you?"
Dean chuckled, "No. Just...once you've finished up here meet me back at the motel."
Zoey smiled and leaned over to kiss him. She placed down her coffee and wrapped her arms around Dean, him doing the same with her with his hands on her hips.
The pair shared a kiss that only deepened. Both Zoey and Dean smiled into the kiss before they let go, but they still held onto one another, smiling.
They'd both waited a life time for this.
Eventually, Zoey shut the practice for the night and met Dean outside the motel. He'd picked up food for both of them and had already packed the car up.
"Ready to go?"
"Yep." Zoey smiled before Dean pulled her in for another kiss, not that she minded.
Dean drove the few hours towards their home town. As much as Dean wanted to avoid this place years ago, he'd found a happy memory to focus on now.
Eventually, he pulled into a small field and turned to his side. Zoey was fast asleep in the passenger seat, her head against the bench.
He watched her for a moment. She looked so peaceful. He felt peaceful. Right now, there was no worry. There was no hunt or moster of the week. It was just them and no-one else. Nothing else. Just them and a billion stars in the sky.
Gently, he shook her awake.
Zoey fluttered her eyes open and looked around, a little confused.
"You are going to kill me."
Dean just smiled. "Come with me."
"Okay, but if you kill me? Sam will kill you. And so will all my clients."
"Just come on."
Streching, Zoey got out of the car and followed Dean from where he grabbed the blanket from the trunk and lay it down on the ground a little further away.
However, as she looked around Zoey realised where they were.
"We're in Lawrence?"
Dean nodded.
Zoey joined him on the ground and lay her head on his chest as he covered them both with another blanket.
They lay there in silence for a while, looking above and watching the stars.
"When I was a kid, I'd get out of bed every night to wave at you from my window." Dean admitted as they lay there.
He hadn't hought about it in years until last night.
Zoey moved herself so she lay her head on top of her hands that lay on his chest, so she could look at him.
"Mom would tuck me into bed and the moment I heard her door close, I'd bound out of bed and sit under my window and wave to you. Every night."
Dean now looked to her. Zoey could tell every word he'd just said was the complete truth.
"I knew you couldn't see me but I waved anyway."
Zoey smiled and leaved over to kiss him. It felt different than the others. More...intimate. More...thankful. After all this time, she might never have grown up across from him. They might never have met. They might never have fought or loved. They might never have had this life together.
"Thank you for telling me that." Zoey said, her voice quiet.
"You were my first crush. I was so embarrassingly in love with you."
"I thought I was a pain-in-the-ass?"
"Oh, you were that, too." Dean teased. "But you were still you. You could beat my ass to the ground within three moves. Better than any damn hunter I know. And you were right, that night, about what you said before you left. We shouldn't have gone through that as kids, but...for some reason, part of me is glad we did, because I got to be with you. And Sam. After all of it...you and Sam made it worth it."
Zoey could only smile.
Even when she was younger, as much as Dean never listened to a word she said and always did the opposite of what he probably should have done...he was here. With her. And, once she took away all the moments of him being her very own pain-in-the-ass, maybe he was her childhood crush too.
But they were both more than that, now.
They were grown adults. They were living their lives, and sometimes it would be more dangerous than the typical life, but they couldn't focus on that right now. They didn't need to focus on that right now.
All they needed was each other. And they couldn't have been more happier.
Zoey moved closer, the kiss starting out soft and slow before she whispered against his lips. "I love you, Dean."
He pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and smiled. "I love you, too."
They both smiled lightly before moving in closer and sharing a kiss. Zoey's hands came to his face. She could feel the stubbled beneath her hands. Dean's own hands pushed through from her cheek to the back of her head, through her hair. His other hand was against her hip as she moved upwards and straddled his hips.
A moan came from the back of Dean's throat as she did so. Zoey pulled him closer and he soon found himself sitting up, pulling her closer if that was even possible.
All they needed was one another. And they would have, for the rest of their lives.
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river13245 · 9 months
The Wingman
Navigation / SPN Masterlist
Charlie Bradbury x Male reader Platonic, Sam Winchester x Maler reader
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Charlie had managed to convince you to finally come out with her. She wanted to go to a bar to hopefully find a woman, it had been almost a week of her asking you so you finally caved in. You weren't a huge party person and definitely not a drinker. In fact you drank so little that you're sure after a few small drinks you would already be tipsy and who knows what secrets you would let slip during that time.
So this is why you were currently getting into a nicer outfit. Wearing a white button up shirt with the few top buttons undone. The shirt is tucked into black dress pants and since its chilly outside you have put on a black jacket that goes well with the vibe.
The bar that the two of you were going to was a nicer bar than the ones you are used to. You go on hunts every now and then, either on your own or helping someone with one. So you were making sure you looked at least halfway decent.
Your hands were running through your hair when Charlie walks into the bathroom. Some people would have found this weird because why was a girl just walking into the bathroom when a guy is in there but with the two of you it isn't. The both of you have known each other since you were kids. So she's more than welcome to have no boundaries with you. Of course she wouldn't walk in when you were not decent. She isn't crazy.
"You know you have to be my wingman tonight right?" She says as she stands beside you finishing up the little makeup she does wear. She wasn't one for makeup but she will do light blush and some mascara just to liven herself up. "trust me. I know the routine Char"
She elbows you and turns you to look at her. Then she brings her hand through your hair some more and finally gets it looking good. "there. It was getting boring just watching you struggle" As you roll your eyes you grab your phone putting it in your pocket before walking out the bathroom. "come on we better leave now if we want to make it at a decent time"
As you walk to the door Charlie grabs her phone and wallet. She was planning on drinking while you weren't. If you did drink it would be because someone paid for it.
When the both of you were ready you open the door for her and then begin walking to the bar. It wasn't a far walk and because of the fact that she wanted to drink it wasn't a good idea for her to drive back home. You would walk her back home if she didn't go home with anyone tonight.
The streetlights were on and the sun was low so it was getting pretty dark. The only sounds to be heard as the two of you walked was the cars passing by and your own footsteps. Since you were the perfect gentleman you walked on the side closest to the sidewalk because you knew the rule.
Charlie was talking about plans she had next week and as she was listing her plans off she looked over at you. "Oh by the way I'm also planning on going to the bunker to see the guys. You want to tag along?" You thought about it for a moment and before you could even say anything she spoke "Sam will be there" This earned her a glare from you. "How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on between the two of us"
She laughs and shakes her head "yeah what ever you say. That man looks at you the exact same way you look at him." You were looking straight ahead at the building that you were approaching. "If something were to happen it would have happened by now" There was no response back because she knew that you would get into your feelings if you both talked about it too much.
When the two of you finally arrive and get used to the new scenery people start to come up to you. They ask if you would like a drink and you get a non alcoholic drink while Charlie gets her favorite.
While the bartender gets the both of you your drink. The both of you are just talking and not really paying attention until a random girl comes up to the both of you and starts engaging in a conversation.
The conversation is going really well until she says "You two are cute together" This causes the both of you to look at each other and laugh. "oh no no no. We are not each others types at all" Charlie says and the girls eyes widen "wait are you into women too!?"
This was your cue to slip from the conversation because that's all it took for them to hit it off. You head to the other end of the room and sit down, this is how it usually was when the two of you went out. She would find someone and hit it off, while you would sit and read or something else because you weren't interested in getting with anyone. Your feelings were for someone at the moment anyways.
From across the room you feel her eyes on you and when you look up you give her a thumbs up and a big smile encouraging her to go with the woman. Telling her that it was okay to kind of ditch you tonight. You could never be upset because you knew what would happen and even when she was drunk we never just left you alone she always made sure you were okay with it.
Everyone in the bar were on their way to being drunk or already were. Men were at the pool table in the corner talking loudly to each other not being able to understand just how loud they were being. Music was being played and people have been dancing along to it. Groups of friends were dancing together and some couples etc. etc.
Big crowds were definitely not your thing because your anxiety spiked. Especially when all the people were drunk. You weren't able to be around to many drunk people without you being super on edge because of some past experiences. So to try to calm yourself down you pulled out your book and began to read.
As you read you really wished you had your headphones or earbuds right now because all the loud noises were getting to you. Your sensory overload was becoming too much. You were noticing everything except that Charlie had looked over at you and instantly pulled out her phone
Charlie was flirting with the girl. They were both hitting it off really well as she talked about how she was into D&D too but has never tried LARPING so they were talking about it.
Then after a while Charlie looked around just to make sure you were alright and when she found you she seen the way you were running your hand through your hair every few minutes or squeezing your eyes shut. Even in her drunk state she knew exactly what to do.
She looked at the woman in front of her and spoke kindly "hey I have to call someone. But I don't want to stop our conversation" The woman smiles and nods "its for your friend its okay. Go ahead"
Charlie pulls out her phone and clicks on a contact and puts it up to her ear. "Charlie?" the mans voice spoke through the phone. "Hiiii Sam" it was obvious to know that she was drunk because her voice was more high pitched. "are you drunk? Where are you?"
There was a worried tone to his voice and she laughs while shaking her head. "I may be a little under the influence but that's not why I called. y/n is here with me, we kinds separated from each other but I can tell he's having sensory overload and not doing well can you be here?"
Sam had gone quiet over the phone, the only sounds to be heard was shuffling. "Sam?" Charlie said and that's what made him respond "sorry I was getting my shoes on and getting a few things. Ill be right there. Enjoy your time"
She hung up and went back to the conversation with the girl in front of her.
A few men and women had come up to you asking if you wanted to dance but you turned them all down. You really didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea and so you kept your head rested on your hand while you closed your eyes trying to block the noise out.
You hadn't known how much time had passed but when you felt a hand on your shoulder. It caused you to jump out of your skin. "sorry hun didn't mean to scare you" Sam's voice came out soft and the nickname he let slip out caused a blush to form on your face.
Looking up at him as he took a seat beside you. "its okay Sam. What are you doing here?" He was going through his bag that he brought with him as he replied. "Charlie called me told me you needed some company"
He hadn't wanted you to know that she noticed you weren't doing to well because he knew how you got when people pointed it out. You had traits of autism but have never gotten tested because your parents didn't believe in it. When you had your moments you would rather someone just silently make sure you were okay in public without pointing it out and making it a big deal.
The book that you were holding is not placed on top of the table. "thank you. Uhm I just, Crowds aren't really my thing" Sam smiles and pulls out a small bag "yeah I've noticed. Not a bad thing though, just means you like private more intimate places"
A smile forms on your face as you look at him. "yeah. I'm sorry that she called you. You were probably busy" He shakes his head "I'm never to busy" His words were spoke with such seriousness as if he was speaking the truth. You didn't know what to say but you didn't get the chance too before there was a loud smash that made your body jolt and your hands go to your ears.
Sam instantly stands up and places his hands over yours and brings them down to your lap. "it was someone just dropping their bottle. Its okay. Here" he grabs something from the pouch and pulls it out it was earbuds.
It was the same earbuds that he had gotten for you a few months back. Ones that blocked out most of the noise from the outside world. You looked up at him and the both of you made eye contact before he placed them in your hand. "thank you"
He smiled "its no problem. Put them in and ill play a song for you then we can dance to take your mind off everything"
You put in the earbuds and he pulls out his phone and once you nod he plays a song. Its songs that were just instrumental because he knew that at the moment if someone were to be talking in your ear you might just tip over.
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes for a moment just letting your body relax a little before you stand up and take his hand. Sam leads you to an empty place and then places his hands on your shoulders lightly. They roam up and down your shoulders and then down to your back and you can feel how your body immediately relax.
He makes sure to be gentle and let you make the next move because he doesn't want to overwhelm you. So when you finally move closer to him he moves his hands to your sides while you place yours on his shoulders.
The music in your ears had a romantic kind of feeling to it and it was making you feel so many things. Sam looks down at you as if he sees you for all that you are. As if he can see all your flaws and still think you are the most attractive man he's ever seen
"Sam" Your voice was soft and quiet because of the emotions going through you. The both of your bodies were so close that you can feel his chest against your own as you danced with him. "y/n" his voice wasn't as quiet as yours had been but filled with so much hidden emotion that it sent a shiver down your spine.
No other words were spoken between the two of you for a few minutes. The only thing you could focus on at this moment was the way your heart was beating faster and how you could feel Sam's breath fan against your face as he spoke your name.
You began to become so tired of all the games. Just wanting him to kiss you but you refused to kiss him and ruin whatever it was going on between you. He must have had the same reaction because he spoke "I'm going to kiss you" his hands pull you against him more as he leans down and places a soft kiss to your lips.
The kiss was soft at first and it made your hands go to the back of his head as you deepen it. His soft lips against your own and then when you deepen it he matches the energy and his tongue slips into your mouth as his hands tighten their grip on you more possessively.
Your knees almost gave out so its a good thing that he was holding you up. When he pulled away it was far to soon for your liking. He had just kissed you as if he needed you to breathe and now as you look up at him. He was looking at you as if you were the only one in this room. "How about I take you to the bunker with me?"
There was nothing that insinuated that he meant that in a way that was like *let me take you home and we can fuck* but still it made you freeze. When he noticed your reaction he shook his head. "Let me take you back to the bunker to take care of you. Ill make you food and then we can watch whatever movie you want"
As he grabs his bag, you grab your phone and book. Then once you both get everything he grabs onto your hand and you begin to walk out of the building but not before you look over at Charlie and she's already looking at you giving you a thumbs up and a smile. "Its about damn time" she mouths to you and you laugh while Sam just smiles and shakes his head while mouthing the words "be safe"
The night was spent with a sandwich that Sam had made for the both of you. A movie had been playing while the two of you ate. It was a romantic comedy, one of your comfort movie.
However your moment was ruined because Dean came down and whistled dramatically "well Sammy I didn't know you had it in you. Its about time" This caused you all to roll your eyes and laugh.
Then when the movie was finished you ended up falling asleep next to Sam as he just had a hand on you just to make sure you were there as the both of you slept.
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aceditwrites · 1 year
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
South park (platonic only for everyone, they’re children): Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Butters Scotch, Tolkien Black (or is it Token? I swear its always spelled different), Timmy, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Wendy Testaburger 
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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Team Free Will 2.0
Pairing: Charlie Bradbury x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~600
Warnings: none
Request by anon: Heyy! Can you write some headcanons of team free will x vampire reader? The reader would probably look 18 but be 600 years old. She would be a different kind of vamp tho (probably one like the vampire diaries). Can you include her platonic relationship with each member? She'd also be lesbian. Thank you so much!
Summary: You were never sure about your place with Team Free Will, but luckily, you have them to help you figure it out.
Square Filled: instant crush for @spnfemslashbingo​​
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Sam and Dean were hesitant to let you into their lives once they figured out what you are
It took some getting used to and a lot of convincing, but they realized how much of a good person you are despite what you are
All you’ve ever wanted to do in your six hundred years of life is to help people
Even before you died and became a vampire, you were a nurse that always helped people in need
Yours and Dean’s relationship started off rocky at first, but once he got used to you, you two became really fast friends
The one thing you two bonded over is your love for cars. His car has been through so much over the years, and Dean will always be working on her
The best thing is that you can do the literal heavy lifting and fixing impossible dents
It took longer than usual to gain his trust, but once you got it, you know you’ll have it for life
Dean’s other favorite thing to do is to cook, and for someone who has been alive for six hundred years, you’ve got more than enough recipes stored in your head
It’s nice to teach him about lost dishes and the art of cooking, especially for someone who has an appreciation for the art
It’s been easier with Sam since he connected to your humanity faster than Dean did
The thing you two bonded over was your love for nature and being outside
One thing you two stick to is going for a run early in the mornings. There are days you don’t want to go out, but once Sam forces you to, the you know it’s going to be worth it
Sam enjoys being pushed by you to run faster and run for longer. Your speed and stamina will never fail to surprise him, but it’s refreshing to be with someone like you
When Sam first got to the bunker, he was shocked by how much knowledge was there, and when you came into his life, you became a walking book to him
Whenever you can, you’d share your experience with him for hours on end
The same thing happens with Castiel
He was weary with you being a vampire, but after a few missions, you proved to him that you were one of the good guys
You two would stay up for hours on end since sleep is something you two don’t need in order to function
Since Jack is still so young, he became comfortable with you from the start
You know something about not being able to fit in, so you help him ease into society and teach him the unspoken rules that humans have
The only person who you see yourself spending a lifetime with is Charlie Bradbury
When she first came into the Winchester’s lives, you were immediately smitten
You’ve had plenty of flings and loves over the course of your life, but none of them compare to Charlie
There hasn’t been a person you’ve felt something for in a long time, and Charlie brings out the primal nature of yours
She was weirded out by you at first, but then she came to love you after a while
She even lets you drink from her because, for her, it’s euphoric
If only she knew what she did to you
Your life changed for the better as soon as you found the Winchesters, and even though you’ll still be here long after they are gone, you’ll still have Jack and Castiel after centuries
You wouldn’t trade your life for anything
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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derelictlovefool · 2 months
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | TWD Telltale | Motor Crush | The Arcana | Kingsman
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel ||| Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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toadspondofwhimsy · 1 month
Charlie Bradbury
Wildflower - SUMMARY: Cas and Dean can’t stand to see their best friend single any more, so they set them up on a blind date with their other friend, Charlie.  PAIRING: Charlie Bradbury x gn!Original Character
Winchester Brothers
Ain't No Apple Pie - SUMMARY: You got out, left the life, but you’re miserable and looking for a way back in.  PAIRING: Platonic!Sam Winchester x gn!Reader, Platonic!Dean Winchester x gn!Reader.
0 notes
that-winged-rat · 4 years
Platonic Soulmates
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*not my gif*
Summary: After a demon hunt gone wrong, you are victim to a sick game which might just cost you your life.
Pairing: Charlie Bradbury x reader!platonic
Characters: Y/N Y/L/N, Charlie Bradbury, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester.
Warnings: Angst, language, mentions/descriptions of torture, mentions/descriptions of blood, thought of death.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Holy shit I literally wrote this whole fucking thing in one sitting. I legit just sat down and did not get distracted once, which is like a once in a blue moon thing so I hope it was worth it haha. Also I've been reading a bunch of whump tropes recently and this is the result. Anyhoo, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Enjoy :)
Your eyes shot open when the rattling of chains pulled you from your unconscious state. It took a good few minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, and even when they did, you still couldn’t see much of your surroundings. But you didn’t need to see to know that you were on your knees and your hands were tied to the walls at either side of you. You tried to pull your hands close to your body but winced when something sharp dug into your wrist, blood dripped down your arm and splashed on the concrete ground.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to wake up,” a voice called out from a corner in the room. You squinted your eyes, trying to see who it was, and could just about make out a figure, hunched over something on the floor. How you didn’t notice him before now, was beyond you. It wasn’t like he was trying to be quiet with whatever he was doing.
“Who are you?” You asked with a hoarse voice. He stopped what he was doing then, and turned to face you. He walked over to you and knelt down so he was eye-level with you.
“I’m the guy who’s gonna haunt your dreams, doll,” he said lowly.
“Doll? What is this, the 40′s?” You scoffed. He ignored your comment, got up and walked away. He walked to the other side of the room and flipped on the lights. Your eyes instinctively closed at the sudden brightness. When they opened, they immediately fell on what the man was standing over earlier.
“Charlie?” You asked, hoping that she would wake up. She was sitting up against the wall, her hands tied above her head with chain, which must have been what woke you up. She was sporting a couple of injuries on her face; a nasty looking bruise by her hairline, and a split lip. No doubt why she was out cold.
“Oh, she won’t be waking up anytime soon,” he said and walked back over to Charlie, tilting his head as he looked down upon her sleeping form as if he were admiring her. 
“What did you do to her?” You demanded, your voice laced with venom and disgust. You pulled against your restraints again and looked over when it cut into you for the second time. You furrowed your brows when you saw you weren’t being held by chains like Charlie, but barbed wire, hence the pain.
He spun around with what you would call urgency. “Oh, no, no, no, she’ll–she’ll be fine. I just gave her an extra little konk on the head; she might be out a little longer than you,” he explained. 
“What are you?” You asked as he turned back to Charlie. “Demon? Shifter? Demigod?”
He chuckled a bit. “No, I’m all human, baby.” You groaned at the nickname. “But... there is a demon who has a lot of beef with you.” He pulled out a knife from the back of his jeans and pointed it at you as he started pacing in front of you.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, great,” you muttered. “And let me guess, he said he'd give you anything you could ever wish for?”
“Bingo.” He walked back over to you and crouched down again, this time slightly to the side of you. His arms were resting on his knees and his head turned to look at Charlie. “She looks so... delicate when she’s asleep,” he whispered with a chuckle. Although he wasn’t facing you, you could tell he was smirking as his eyes gazed over your best friend.
You leaned towards him, ignoring the metal spikes digging into your skin. “Fuck you,” you spat.
“Shhh.” The man put a finger up to his lips. “You wouldn’t want to wake her up, now would you? Not when she’s so peaceful.” A grin broke out on his face. A grin that filled your stomach with dread. You had seen it enough times to know that nothing good ever followed.
He took in a sharp intake of breath and you could practically see the lightbulb above his head. You warily watched his hands as he played with his knife, flipping it over in his palm. “I have a little game for us to play,” he whispered and brought the knife up to your cheek, caressing it with the cold metal without doing any damage. You pulled your head back, but he just followed.
“You wake her up–” he jerked his head back towards Charlie who was still unconscious– “and she’s dead.” You clenched your jaw and clamped your eyes shut when he put pressure on the knife and it sliced through your cheek with ease. “Actually...let me change that. You speak words, she gets a slice. You scream, and cupcake over there gets something more permanent.”
You closed your eyes and accepted your fate. Sure you had been kidnapped and tortured before, but you were allowed to express your pain through screams. Now, you weren’t only not allowed to scream, but Charlie’s life was on the line here. You slip up and that’s it for her. 
You sighed, knowing that only one of you was going to make it out alive. And you were going to do everything in your power to make sure that person was Charlie. She has so much more to live for; friends, passions, hobbies. All you had was Charlie.
The torture continued for days; punching, slicing, kicking, slapping, hell, sometimes even whipping. You were actually proud that you hadn’t screamed yet; not that you didn’t want to. The insides of your lips had been destroyed by how hard you had been biting down on them in successful attempts to silence yourself.
Throughout your stay, Charlie had stirred awake a couple of times. But each time, the man would come through and knock her out again before she could reach full consciousness. You figured he probably had a camera somewhere in the room, where the sick fucker could watch your every move.
You were in pain 24/7. You could feel yourself slipping from the land of the living. If you weren’t going to die from the injuries, it would be blood loss; there was a steady flow of blood dripping from your wrists because of your captors choice of restraint, and of course, the other wounds that covered your body.
You were going to die here.
Dean stepped out of the Impala and stared up at the building that towered before him. A few seconds later, Sam joined his brother, stopping next to Dean with a duffel bag, slung over his shoulder. They went over the plan they had both agreed on and marched inside, guns at the ready.
They scoured the building, looking for their nerdy friend, eventually coming across a room with a wall of monitors, showing surveillance footage from all over the old factory. If the whole building was rigged up, the son of a bitch that did this, was probably long gone. They observed each screen before finding what they were looking for.
After a few minutes of looking, the brothers found Charlie, tied up in a corner, her face littered with bruises. Sam was the first one to run to her, then Dean a few seconds later, neither noticing you, strung up in the middle of the room. 
“Charlie?” Sam called out, shaking her shoulders gently. Dean pulled out his lock-picking kit and worked on the chains. “C’mon, you gotta wake up. Charlie.” He shook her again, this time getting a response. She groaned and rolled her head to the side, gradually coming to her senses before opening her eyes. Dean muttered a celebratory ‘yes’ when he managed to get her hands free.
She groaned again, rubbing her wrists before her hands went to her forehead to feel her wounds. A few tears made their way down her face.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay. You’re alright,” Dean assured her, helping her to her feet. She froze when she looked past the brothers, her eyes catching your mutilated form. Upon noticing her distress, Dean turned around, having the same reaction as Charlie. “Holy crap.”
He passed Charlie over to Sam before running to you. His eyes and hands hovered over you, not sure where to start or what to do. Charlie convinced Sam that she was okay and begged him to go check on you.
“Sam, help me get her down,” Dean urged. The two brothers took out a knife and cut the barbed wire, causing you to instantly fall to the ground and cry out in pain.
“Dean... we need to get her to a hospital. Like now.” Sam looked over your wounds, putting pressure on the major ones to stop the bleeding. Charlie pulled herself up off the ground, using the wall for assistance. She stumbled over to you, gasping when she saw the state you were in.
Sam and Dean were careful as they tried to lift you up off of the ground; both of them acting as crutches under your arms. They got you a couple of inches up before you cried out in pain.
“Stop,” you choked out. They delicately placed you back down on the ground. Charlie ran to your side and fell to her knees, grabbing your face in her hands. You winced at the contact but she didn’t pull back.
“Hey, it’s just me,” she said, a reassuring smile on her face, keeping up a strong façade for you. “Listen, I know this is going to hurt like a bitch but we need to get you help–we need to get you to a hospital.”
Charlie was safe. That’s all that mattered to you. You wouldn’t mind dying right there, because you knew that she would be safe. But if you did die, she wouldn’t be okay. Safe, sure. But not okay. 
You nodded and scrunched up your face, bracing yourself for the coming pain. And it did come. The second Sam scooped you up, it washed over your entire being. You gritted your teeth and groaned in pain for the first time in nearly a week.
There was a shooting pain constantly travelling up both of your knees, presumably from the position you were held in, throbbing even more whenever Sam took a long stride. Not to mention the searing pain surrounding each and every one of your injuries.
Dean helped his brother lower you into the backseat when they reached the black muscle car. Charlie climbed into the back next to you, and the brothers into their designated seats in the front.
The half-an-hour drive to the hospital consisted of you slipping in and out of consciousness and Charlie reassuring you that everything was going to be okay and begging you to keep your eyes open. It got kind of annoying after the first five minutes, but she was just being there for you, she was being the good friend she’s always been.
You passed out again, just before Dean pulled into the hospital.
“Charlie, what exactly happened?” Sam asked when they were sat in the waiting room an hour later. Once they had brought you in, you had been taken into surgery to fix you as best as they could.
“I don’t–I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head. “She called for my help on a demon hunt. We, uh, we tracked it down to the warehouse you found us in and then... lights out.”
“When did this happen?”
“Uh, we went to the warehouse on the 9th, so, six days ago,” Charlie said. Just then, a doctor walked down the hallway, stopping before the three of them. 
They confirmed that they were the people who were with you and listened to the doctor as she went over your injuries; broken ribs, dislocated knees, lacerations, internal bleeding, blood loss, a slight concussion, and a bunch of other shit.
“When can we see her?” Charlie asked.
“She’s just getting settled into a room upstairs so sometime within the next half hour,” the doctor said with a polite smile. “I’ll let you know when you can see her.”
Sam nodded. “Thank you.” The doctor smiled again and left. Sam, Dean and Charlie sat back in their seats.
“This reminds me of my parents,” Charlie started, prompting Sam and Dean to look up at her. “You know, the waiting, the awkward doctor smile, the fancy words. Except this time, I actually know what some of the words mean.”
Dean threw an arm over Charlie’s shoulder and gently coaxed her into a hug. “She’ll be okay, Charlie. I’ve never met her before, but from what I’ve heard from her best friend, she’s strong and stubborn. She’s gonna pull through.”
She looked up at him and smiled before leaning back into his hold.
“Y/N/N, what actually happened?” Charlie asked a while after you woke up, deciding to give you time before you relived whatever you went through. “I mean, I get knocked out and wake up six days later and you’re half dead.”
You cleared your throat. “Um, yeah, so you probably remember going into the warehouse, right?” You looked up and Charlie nodded. “He, uh, got me too. I woke up in that room; on my knees, and my hands were tied to the walls with barbed wire. He said...” you trailed off, wondering if you should tell Charlie what actually happened. You knew that she would blame herself, and you didn’t want that.
“He said what?” Charlie pushed. 
“He said... that there was a demon that wanted to see me suffer,” you lied. “He was just a man. A man who was too greedy for his own good.”
Charlie narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to look at you. “Friends shouldn’t lie to each other.” You opened your mouth to speak but Charlie beat you to it. “You have a tell.” She shrugged.
You dropped your head in defeat. “He said that if I spoke, he’d cut you and if I screamed...”
“...He’d kill me,” Charlie completed when you, yet again trailed off. You nodded your head slowly as you numbly stared at the bottom of your bed. Your gaze was brought up to hers as she grabbed your hand. “You are frickin’ amazing, you know that?”
“I mean it. Most people wouldn’t go through all of that pain just so their friend would be okay. And for six days!”
“Because we’re not just friends, Charlie... we’re platonic soulmates,” you said. The two of you laughing before your laugh turned into a pained grunt.
When the two of you met a few years back, you clicked instantly. It was like something you only see in movies. Within the first day of knowing each other, you already had a bunch of inside jokes. One of them being that the two of you got along so well because you were platonic soulmates.
“How could I forget? Platonic soulmates,” she repeated, a wide and genuine smile reaching her eyes.
You gladly returned the smile. “You are frickin’ amazing too, nerd,” you smiled. She playfully shoved you, being careful of your injuries.
Sure you were in agonising pain, but now you knew that Charlie was safe and okay. And you would take sore and happy over dead and... well, dead, any day. You had your platonic soulmate and you knew that she would be there every step of the way on your who-know-how-long road to recovery.
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Who I write for - part 1
For character x fem! reader
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Loki Friggason
Tony Stark*
Peter Parker
Clint Barton*
Thor Odinson
Sam Wilson
Sam Winchester
Dean Wnchester
Castiel Novak
Bobby Singer*
Daniel Grigori
Cam Briel
*- I will only write these characters in a platonic role ( such as a sibling, parent, best friend, etc) with the reader as I've never seen as anything but that and would struggle to write them any other way.
I mostly write Marvel
This list will more than likely expand in the future.
If you would like for me to write for a character that is not on this list, then ask me about it and I will think about, or we can discuss it.
I reserve the right to decline or ignore any request or pairing for any and all reasons.
As always - I am eternally confused. Thankyou!!
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
Dean Winchester:
loading. . .
Sam Winchester:
loading. . .
loading. . .
Rowena MacLeod:
loading. . .
Charlie Bradbury:
loading. . .
Eileen Leahy:
Loading. . .
TFW 2.0:
loading. . .
For more characters, send in a request!
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
Girl’s Day
Pairing: Charlie Bradbury x reader (platonic)
Summary: Charlie stops by the bunker to visit and discovers that Y/N has been learning about human life solely from Bobby and the Winchesters, so she decides to take the archangel out for a girls only day.
“Sam, Dean, I’m stealing the archangel for the day.”
“Okay, have f- wait.” Sam looked up from his laptop when he processed what Charlie said. “Why are you taking Y/N?”
“Girl’s day.”
When Dean simply raised an eyebrow, Charlie sighed.
“I’m going to teach our dear archangel here about the things you guys have clearly forgotten. She told me she’s been wearing the same flannel and pants you gave her the first day you met.”
“Cas wears the same suit and trench coat every day.”
“Those are his clothes. Y/N is just wearing what you gave her, so I’m taking her to find something for herself. And she needs time with other girls.”
The brothers looked at each other for a moment, then back at Charlie and Y/N.
“She’s got a point. We’re the only people she regularly spends time with and we haven’t taught her everything yet.”
“Yeah, yeah. Go have fun you two.” Just as they walked past to the garage, Dean yelled one more thing.
“Take any car but Baby! She stays here!”
“Got it!” Charlie smiled sweetly at her new friend. “We can take whichever car you want.”
The archangel took a moment to look over the dozen vehicles in the garage before approaching a light blue four-door car and glancing back to Charlie for approval.
“1953 Chevy Bel-Air.” The redhead looked a little impressed. “Good choice.”
The two climbed in, buckled up, and were then on their way to the nearest mall. During the drive, Charlie turned on the radio and rolled down all the windows. Y/N, with gentle encouragement from Charlie, leaned her head out the window and closed her eyes. She decided she liked the feeling of the sun on her face and the wind through her hair; neither were unfamiliar sensations, but she’d never felt them from a car ride before. It was nice. Charlie kept the radio loud the entire time, excitedly singing along to each song she knew and trying to focus on the road instead of the archangel next to her. The happy hacker had only met Y/N a few times and she had always seemed subdued and quiet like Cas, but she was seeing a whole new side of her now.
Y/N kept sticking her hand out the window too to feel the pressure of the wind, then pulling it back in to let her skin tingle and the hairs on her forearm settle again. Despite having been free of her prison for four years, the whole world still felt so new and bright to her. Every experience was to be cherished and each feeling explored.
When a song that sounded familiar finally came on the radio, she pulled her head back in the car for a moment to smile at Charlie and tell her.
“I know this one! I know it!”
Charlie allowed her attention to turn to her very excited passenger for just a second.
“You know Hot Chelle Rae? When it ends, tell me how you know this.”
Charlie then cranked the volume higher and both women sang along to Tonight Tonight as the old car flew down the road.
“Okay, stay close when we’re inside. Malls can get a little busy sometimes and we don’t want to lose track of each other.”
“Of course. I won’t lose you in the mall, I promise.”
Charlie locked the car behind her as Y/N followed her into the building and asked her companion how she knew the song.
“Sam says I need to know more current music than Dean does, so he bought me a radio. I keep it in my room, but I don’t listen to it very often. One night, after Cas said I shouldn’t wander out of the bunker without telling anyone, I turned the radio on instead and that song came on. I liked it, so when it ended I kept changing stations until I heard it again. I guess my grace affected it, because it was all I heard on any station the rest of the night.”
“Huh. Cool!”
The two women entered the mall and the next few hours were spent looking through all the stores and getting lunch, Charlie explaining as many things as she could to the perpetually confused archangel. After dumping their garbage and leaving the food court, Charlie turned to her friend.
“Alright, Y/N. Now it’s time for the work to begin. You need some clothes of your own. Can you think of anything you want to try on?”
“Hmm…” Y/N looked around at the clothing stores. There were so many options; before the Cage, the humans had such simple clothing and so few choices. So much had changed.
When Charlie took in the blank look on Y/N’s face, she decided to give her a direction.
“How about this? We can go to the left first, then the right. We can grab whatever you think looks nice and you can try it on in the dressing rooms?”
It took nearly two hours and six different stores, but Y/N came bouncing out of the mall that evening in a brand new outfit that actually fit her, Charlie following behind with a smile on her face. Y/N had been a bit confused about having different clothes for different times of day or special occasions, but Charlie patiently explained it all to her and helped her pick a few outfits to rotate through.
While Charlie started the car, Y/N buckled her seatbelt and fidgeted with her clothes. The new jeans and gray sneakers she wore were comfortable and she liked the blue and white striped shirt, but her jacket was her favorite part. As soon as she saw it, she had pulled Charlie over to look at it and insisted on trying it on. It reminded her of the one Gabriel had worn; the same soft material, the same olive green color. It brought her an old kind of comfort that she hadn’t felt since she’d lost her youngest brother.
She smiled and hung out the window and closed her eyes like she had that morning, soaking in every second of freedom. Charlie hung her own hand out the window and took the long way back to the bunker. The radio wasn’t quite so loud as before, instead playing relaxed tunes that neither of them knew, but loved all the same.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel were seated around the map table in the war room when Y/N and Charlie came through the bunker door. Cas looked up from his book and couldn’t help but smile at his sister’s new look. She seemed happier than he’d seen in a long time. Dean and Sam both greeted them and Sam offered them some of the pizza still in the box next to him.
The rest of the evening was spent chatting peacefully and laughing. When everyone went to bed near midnight, Y/N still had a small smile on her face. She liked Charlie. Definitely one of her favorite humans.
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sorenmarie87 · 4 years
You don’t even drink
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Summary: A rough day babysitting turns into a calm night once you get home  
Pairing: Charlie x Reader (Platonic) 
Square Filled: Platonic Roommate AU 
Word Count: 263
Warnings: Alcohol mentioned.  Sexy times mentioned.   
A/N: Written for @spnfluffbingo​​​​  Also shout out to @fictionalabyss​​ and @iflostreturntosteverogers​​ for looking this over for me <3 
“Charlie, do we have any alcohol in the house?”  You asked as you threw your bag on the counter and took a seat in one of the empty kitchen chairs.  
“Was it that bad tonight?”  Charlie heard a faint yes and a sigh of frustration come from your direction.
“So do we?”
“You don’t even drink.”  She stirred the pot in front of her and placed the spoon on the counter beside her.  “Wanna vent about it?”  
“Yes.  No… Maybe, I’m sorry.”  You mumbled into your arms and realized something important.  “Charlie, do you have a lady friend over?”
“No, why?”  You chuckled to yourself as you pointed to her phone and what song she was playing.  
“I just figured that since you were playing your sex jams playlist…”
“Oh sweetheart, no.  I would’ve told you ahead of time if that was the case.”  She laughed and stirred the pot once again before turning the stove off.  “I was just making some oatmeal and got real into it.”  
That got a real laugh out of you.  “Hey, would you wanna play some Animal Crossing with me?”  
“I have so many peaches to sell so yes.”
“You want me to get our systems set up while you finish up your oatmeal?”  The muffled thanks you heard made you smile.  When Charlie finally emerged from the kitchen, she had her bowl in one hand and a few miscellaneous snacks and drinks for you in the other.  Your day was shitty, there was no denying that but now that you were home, you were feeling better. 
Forever Tags - @lovetusk​ @coffee-obsessed-writer @justballoonfishthings​ @littlehotmess26​ @galaxy-and-star-collector @flamencodiva​@mirajanefairytailmage​ @kazosa​ @wings-of-a-raven @docharleythegeekqueen​ @clockworkmorningglory​ @lefthologramdeer​​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​​ @holyfuckloueh​ @buckyscrystalqueen​​ @ilovetaquitosmmmm @n3rdybird​​ @super-fan-of-all-things​ @disneymarina​​ @sandlee44​​ @babykalika2001​
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jtownraindancer · 5 years
Charlie Bradbury x Reader: Season 15
She was the most brilliant person you knew.
She was sitting at her tablet, rapidly typing away on plastic keys, possibly bringing down another corporate empire, perhaps building yet another database. You were breathless, drawn in by the slight tug on her lips, but the fiery determination shining in her eyes.
She was the kindest person you knew.
She was stopping to talk with some local children, squatting down to their level, magenta blazer pulling firm across her shoulders as she offered them some candy, asking their thoughts on the weather and bumblebees. She offered laughter, warmth, soft assurances, longing look following the youngsters as they darted back to their games.
She was the most beautiful person you knew.
She was dragging you to yet another store, insisting it was time for another power suit upgrade. You begrudgingly tagged along, playfully feigning annoyance at the brightly coloured trousers she tried to recommend, secretly falling in love with each pair you were forced to try on. She was beaming in pride, fondness fading into triumph as she forced you to follow through on the purchases, her smirk at her accomplishment sending your pulse into overdrive.
She was the loneliest person you knew.
She rarely spoke of her mother, had only told you in passing of the found family she had acquired before. But it was a different life, she claimed. They were part of a world she didn't long to return to, part of a world you had both decided to flee. Sometimes, she still succumbed to wistfulness, fingers hovering over a number she had yet to delete from her phone, longing carving valleys into her crown.
She was the most playful person you knew.
The Queen of Moondoor had never truly disappeared, though she had surrendered her crown to another. But in the woods behind your cabin in Canada, she would still seek out adventure, dancing between the trees with a wooden blade in hand, parrying your every attempt to usurp her.
She was the most caring person you knew.
When you succumbed to a horrendous series of sniffles, she offered you tea and broth and quilts. When your shoulder was dislocated whilst repairing the warding around your property, she carefully guided it back into place, spending hours after delicately tracing over every inch of your back as you shared hot water, candles flickering as the bubbles slowly dissolved into oblivion.
She was the most charming person you knew.
She had won over the hearts of most of the townspeople, their newest archivist sweet and detail-oriented. She never missed a birthday, and she always made sure to check in with her closest acquaintances, securing you both a safe niche in the tight-knit community.
She was the most convincing person you knew.
When she had asked for your help to fake her demise, you had been hesitant, unsure. But she had won you over, a reminder of your mutual desire to escape the fold, to return to some semblance of normalcy. She had convinced you with the plan's simplicity and completely claimed you in her confident bravado.
She was the most affectionate person you knew.
While your relationship had never grown beyond close confidants, platonic life partners, you shared an understanding that you were the only two that could confide in each other. The second bedroom was soon abandoned in favour of shared heat, the separate wardrobes becoming one solitary unit. She was always warm caresses, solid embraces, lingering gestures of adoration.
She was the most determined person you knew.
She often would stay up for hours to finish her latest projects, sometimes missing several nights of sleep in her pursuits. She would never give up on a TV show, suffering through 15 seasons of even the most ridiculous mockumentary series you had ever seen. She would try to save every broken soul that passed your door, the collection of wayward pups and kits and birds constantly growing larger and larger.
She was the best person you knew.
You hadn't hesitated for a moment to accept her invitation, trusting in her courage, her resilience, her strength, her intelligence. She had confided in you, begging for you to abandon the only life you had truly known. But you knew- This amazing woman who had bested alternate realms, who had outwitted primordial beings and cultists and Fey and even her own mind- You knew that she deserved to retire. And you would not pass up the chance to spend your life at the side of the bravest woman you knew.
She was the most wonderful person you knew.
And this was the greatest decision you had made yet.
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Why is wincest on my dash, I don't like wincest. I don't want this here. This is graphic and kinda disgusting.
Me several times today.
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
Character List~
Finally! It is here. Hopefully this helps you all with any confusion or just in general.
What I’ll write: 
Polyamorous relationships (character x reader x character)
Plain old character x reader
sibling!character or parent!character x reader
Absolutely any AU at all, I’ll list a few ideas down the list
Any version of a character (yandere, dark, etc.)
Literally anything I guess, if it bothers me I’ll let you know!
For certain characters the requests will be strictly platonic however I’m still willing to write dark stuff for them too.
There’s also definitely some I’ve missed so if you don’t see a character or fandom you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to ask!
I’ll put a star next to the characters I’m most interested in writing just in case your struggling to choose!
So here’s the list itself (it’s a bit messy I’m afraid oops):
·        Dean Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Sam Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Castiel (most versions of) *
·        Gabriel *
·        Charlie Bradbury
·        Jack Kline (platonic)
·        Bobby Singer (platonic)
·        Rowena Macleod
·        Crowley
·        Kaz Brekker
·        Inej Ghafa
·        Nina Zenik
·        Matthias Helvar
·        Jesper Fahey
·        Wylan van Eck
·        Aleksander Morozova *
·        Nikolai Lantsov *
·        Alina Starkov
·        Zoya Nazyalenski
·        Genya Safin
·        Peter Parker (all versions) *
·        Loki *
·        Doctor Strange *
·        Natasha Romanoff
·        Yelena Belova
·        Steve Rogers
·        Druig * 
·        Milo/Lucien
·        Charles Xavier
·        Peter Maximoff
·        Jean Grey
·        Logan
Guardians of the Galaxy
·        Gamora
·        Nebula
·        Matt Murdock
·        Jessica Jones
·        Kilgrave
·        Billy Russo*
·        Benedict Cumberbatch *
·        Henry Cavill
·        Joker (Barry Keoghan or Heath Ledger)
·        The Riddler (Paul Dano)
·        Superman
·        Poison Ivy
·        Harley Quinn
·        Dick Grayson (any version of) *
·        Jason Todd (any version of)
·        Tim Drake
·        Damian Wayne (platonic unless aged-up)
·        Wonder Woman
·       John Constantine (Keanu Reeves)
·       Anarky
·      Jerome Valeska
·      Jeremiah Valeska *
·      Edward Nygma
The Witcher
·        Geralt of Rivia
·        Jaskier
·        Paul Atreides *
·        Channi
·        Jasper Hale - Major Whitlock (the fan concept of a different, more dominant personality for him interests me a lot so...) *
·        Alice Cullen
·        Aro
Doctor Who
·        Ten
·        Eleven
The Boys
·        Soldier Boy
·        Tobias Eaton
·        Tris Prior
Harry Potter
·        Tom Riddle *
·        Marauders Era!Remus Lupin *
·        Marauders Era!Sirius Black
·        Newt Scamander
·         Billy Loomis
·         Stu Macher
The Maze Runner
·         Thomas
·         Newt - Crank!Newt
Once Upon A Time
·         Peter Pan *
Star Wars
·         Kylo Ren
·         Anakin Skywalker
·         Luke Skywalker
·         Leia Organa
Star Trek
·         Khan Noonien Singh
Throne of Glass (please for the love of god request for this!!!! If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!)
·        Rowan Whitethorn *
·        Aelin Galathynius *
·        Aedion Ashryver
·       Dorian Havilliard (with or without collar) *
·       Manon Blackbeak *
·       Ansel of Briarcliff
·       Asterin Blackbeak
·       Elide Lochan
·       Lorcan Salvaterre
·       Fenrys Moonbeam
·       Lysandra
·       Nesryn Faliq
·       Sam Cortland
The Cruel Prince
·       Cardan Greenbriar *
·        Jude Duarte
Percy Jackson and Related
·        Piper McLean
·        Hazel Levesque
·        Nico di Angelo
·        Leo Valdez *
The Mortal Instruments
·       Jace Herondale
American Horror Story
·       James Patrick March *
·       Tate Langdon
·       Kai Anderson
Teen Wolf
·       Stiles Stilinski - Nogitsune *
·       Legend *
·       Jacks, The Prince of Hearts *
·       Donatella Dragna
·       Scarlett Dragna
·       Cordell Walker
My Bloody Valentine
·       Tom Hanniger
Cry Wolf 2005
·       Tommy Jordan
Peaky Blinders
·       Tommy Shelby
Gilmore Girls
·        Dean Forester
Good Omens
·        Crowley (Nanny Ashtoreth)*
·        Aziraphale*
Little Women
·       Theodore “Laurie” Laurence
The Matrix
·       Neo *
·       Trinity
Brooklyn Nine Nine
·       Rosa Diaz
·       Jake Peralta
·       Gina Linetti
Kingdom of the Wicked
·       Emilia di Carlo
·       Wrath
·       Lust
A Court of Thorns and Roses (still reading, will add more characters as I go on)
·    Rhysand
·    Feyre
·    Lucien
·    Nesta
·    Mor
·    Azriel
·    Cassian
·    Amren
House of the Dragon
·    Daemon Targaryen
·    Rhaenyra Targaryen
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kilibaggins · 2 years
what i'll write
anything on this can be written as platonic
crossed out shows/pairings/characters means requests are closed for those specific things!
bold & italics means i am in the mood to write them!
supernatural: castiel, charlie bradbury, crowley, dean winchester, sam winchester
marvel: bruce banner, bucky barnes, clint barton, drax, gamora, loki, mantis, natasha romanoff, nebula, nick fury, peter quill, sam wilson, steve rogers, thor odinson, tony stark, yondu udonta
the umbrella academy: luther hargreeves, diego hargreeves, allison hargreeves (s1 & s2 + au only), klaus hargreeves
misfits: nathan young, simon bellamy
the hobbit: ALL OF THORINS COMPANY !!!
jurassic park/world: ian malcolm, owen grady
the walking dead: daryl dixon, eugene porter, gabriel stokes, michonne hawthorne, rick grimes
supernatural: castiel x dean winchester , crowley x dean winchester
marvel: sam wilson x bucky barnes , thor x bruce banner , thor x peter quill, steve rogers x bucky barnes , steve rogers x tony stark , and more! just ask! i love to mix and match random ships! even if i dont write x reader for a character i might write them with another character
the breakfast club: all ships within the club including poly ships
the umbrella academy: klaus hargreeves x dave katz , diego hargreeves x eudora patch
misfits: nathan young x simon bellamy
the hobbit: bilbo baggins x thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins x kíli , bilbo baggins x bofur, and honestly any of the dwarves separately wth bilbo baggins
the walking dead: daryl dixon x rick grimes, eugene porter x abraham ford, daryl dixon x paul "jesus" monroe, michonne hawthorne x rick grimes, rosita espinosa x eugene porter, rosita espinosa x eugene porter x gabriel stokes, glenn rhee x maggie rhee, mercer x princess (and probably more just ask!!)
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salems-crimes · 3 years
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updated ; Jan. 24, 2O22
who I write for / what fandoms ;
i only do ‘x reader’ and I try not
to specify gender, however, I do
invision the reader as female.
bridgerton · anthony bridgerton,, benedict bridgerton,, simon basset
criminal minds · aaron hotchner,, derek morgan,, emily prentiss,, luke alves,, spencer reid
f.r.i.e.n.d.s · chandler bing,, monica geller,, joey tribbiani,, rachel green,, phoebe buffay
game of thrones · bronn,, daenerys targaryen,, jaime lannister,, melisandre,, oberyn martell,, robb stark,, tyrion lannister
harry potter · barty crouch jr,, bellatrix lestrange,, bill weasley,, draco malfoy,, fred weasley,, george weasley,, remus lupin,, sirius black
lucifer · lucifer,, dr. linda,, maze,, ella lopez
marvel · agatha harkness,, bucky barnes,, loki laufeyson,, natasha romanoff,, stephen strange,, steve rogers,, tony stark,, wanda maximoff,, yelena belova (platonic only for yelena)
ncis · jethro gibbs,, tony dinozzo,, ziva david,, jenny shepard,, abby sciuto
outer banks · jj maybank,, john b,, kie
outlander · dougal mackenzie,, jamie fraser,, murtagh fitzgibbons fraser
outsiders · dally winston,, darry curtis,, sodapop curtis
once upon a time · belle french,, charming,, cora,, jefferson,, killian jones,, mr. gold,, peter pan,, reigna mills,, zelena
peaky blinders · author shelby,, polly gray,, thomas shelby
supernatural · charlie bradbury,, crowley,, dean winchester,, gabriel,, rowena macleod,, sam winchester
the last kingdom · iseult,, ragnar the younger,, uhtred,, skade
the witcher · geralt of rivia,, jaskier,, yennefer of vengerberg,, triss merigold
the vampire diaries · bonnie bennett,, caroline forbes,, damon salvatore,, davina claire,, elijah mikaelson,, enzo st. john,, freya mikaelson,, hayley marshall,, katherine pierce,, kol mikaelson,, marcel gerard
twilight · carlisle cullen,, emmett cullen,, jasper hale,, rosalie hale
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