rowenashexbag · 2 years
court: you realize it’s a crime to help a prisoner escape from jail, right?
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rowenashexbag · 2 years
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Stranger Things 4: Santa Clarita Diet edition
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rowenashexbag · 2 years
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brittana in born this way (2x18)
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
FOR YOU. (anya jenkins x female!reader)
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requested by @caitlinrosenberg : here it is!! hope you enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed writing this. I took a bit of liberty with the plot around but I promise it has fluff. thank you for your request!!! <3
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warnings: usual buffy-talk, fluff, bit of violence/demon fight and mentions of blood.
The sun set down on Sunnydale, an unusual calmness in the air. Without problems at sight, some felt the need for a night of relaxation. But being honest, it was a matter of time for something to end-of-the-world thing to come.
A small group of friends was about to reunite on the Bronze, you being one of them. After buying a drink for yourself, you walked over to your best friends, all sitting together on one of the tables.
“What are we talking about?” You stood next to Willow, receiving some welcoming smiles.
“Our sucky love lives.” Buffy was taking a sip of her own drink, with curled up eyebrows, you looked around at everyone. Once your gaze stopped on Anya she shrugged it off.
“Minus mine.” Willow smiled as she held Tara’s hand, the couple smiling at each other under the eyes of the single ones in the group.
“Alright! How about we change the subject into something more. . . Cheerful?” You suggested, trying to lighten up the mood. It was like luck was on your side, actually, the live band playing since they started a more chirpy song. “There we go! Come on, guys, it’s a Saturday night.” You took a long sip of your drink and left it on top of the table to head over to the dance floor, Anya, Willow and Tara following you.
Moving at the rhythm, you grabbed a hold of Anya’s hand, dancing closer to her as you both got into the music. Once she started moving, she let go, a free dancer the woman was. Now, there’s the thing, you always had so much fun with her. She was a long breath of fresh air in the middle of all this mess.
Laughing together, you started spinning her, forgetting about the world around yourselves. She was gorgeous. Her huge smile, the way her nose scrunched while she laughed, her strangely cute way of saying everything that came to mind, how brave and upfront she was. Anya was perfect.
Oh yeah, you were head over heels for the ex-demon. And the best thing? You found out around two months ago when you worried a bit too much about her well-being after a fight. You wouldn’t know what you’d do if something happened to her. You both knew each other for a while now. You might love her — correction, you did love her. Unlike the others, who you loved as a family, friends. Anya. . . You loved her as a family too, but in the —I would marry you— type of love. You are in love. You were friends, not best friends, but closer than with anyone. There was always a flirty two sided thing between you two.
Anya on the other hand? She felt attraction to you. Why didn’t she took the first step? She had no idea. But when you make her laugh with genuinely funny jokes, support her on the sometimes way too honest comments she makes, when you act brave and fight nonstop the evil threatening the world. The amazing hunter you were, not a slayer but a hunter of the Supernatural, of course leaving some exceptions. You were so pretty and fun to be around too. She promised herself not to fall for anyone ever again. Love equals suffering, she learned that on all these centuries as a vengeance demon. But, yet again. . . She revenged women who were cheated and lied by men. And you’re not a man. You are actually the most beautiful and wonderful woman she’s ever seen. Holy shit. She suddenly came to realization. She loves you!
Just as she was about to take the first step, a scream interrupted the party. Turning around, you found yourselves with a group of gigantic demons starting to destroy the beloved pub. Lower music kept sounding behind as you watched Buffy starting to fight. Still with a held on Anya’s hand, you both moved aside, watching as the others did the same. Some people ran, others hid.
“Don’t.” Anya spoke up once she saw your intentions drawn on your eyes. You had that sparkle that meant you were going to get into the fight. Once you looked at her, worried eyes welcomed you. “They eat people. Raw. You are not going there.” She was so sure of her words that her hand squeezed yours to keep you in place.
“Anya, I’ll be fine.” Jenkins moved her head side to side. She knew it was selfish. But she didn’t want you to get hurt, she wanted to keep you safe and sound, without a scratch. Sure, she cared and loved her friends, but she knew they could handle themselves. You are able too, but you were the girl she loved. She didn’t care how selfish she sounded, as long as you’d start another day alive.
Besides, “the others got it under control!” She answered back with a frown, just as she said that, you both could see Xander received a hit from standing in the middle and Buffy fighting with two at the same time.
“Is that worry I see on your face?” Your lips curled up slightly in a mock to try to calm her. Her brows frowned deeper.
“Of course I’m worried, you never measure the danger you get into and then you end up hurt. And I’m the one that has to patch you up.” How could you forget the long shared gazes you had when she patches you up? This was the moment Anya was going to be honest, she chose the worst, but well. It’s not like you were normal people.
“Ann.” Your hand found it’s way to her waist, standing in front of her. “I have to. Stay back, yes? We’ll be alright.”
But there was a problem. One of the demons got closer to you both, kicking a table to scare some people. Anya and you shared a look, everyone else was busy. She sighed annoyingly. You took the front line, running to it with Anya stepping on your feet. Grabbing a chair, you took the chance that the demon was turned to break it on his back. It growled as it turned to you, finding itself with Anya using another chair to hit him right at the chin.
You were left with the wooden sticks of the stool. You used them to dodge some hits, hearing growls and screaming around. Anya was at your side, using the wood to crash it into the demon, gaining a punch from itself. You screamed back.
“ANYA! Are you okay?!” You kicked and fought the demon. She didn’t answer. Just yet at least. “Oh, you’re so dead.” Your words went out angrily, almost growling back. That wasn’t going to be an easy ending for the demon. You won’t let it go at all now. You couldn’t see Anya, but you made sure she was away from the fight when you got the demon to chase you to the stage, the wood flying somewhere else once it hit you. Using the tall height of the stage, you hit, punched and kicked the cranky looking demon, receiving punches too. Lots of them. Did it hurt? Like hell. But you wanted to make sure you could be at least a distraction.
“Y/n, duck!” Hearing Buffy, you sliced yourself down to the floor, watching as the demon fell to the floor. Dead.
“Thanks.” You screamed back, quickly standing and running to where a just awake Anya sat on the floor. “Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, Anya. Look at me, are you okay? Does it hurt? How are you feeling?” Her confused gazed traveled throughout your own bruises and the bits of blood that decorated your face.
“Like I’ve gotten hit in the head.” She simply answered, her hands moving up to caress your face. You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Next time listen to the one with experience.” She cleaned the blood of your lips, making your whole body shake.
“I can’t promise you anything, after all, you’re both a great fighter and nurse.” You smirked at her, hearing her scoff. “Although I’ll have to be the nurse today, you took one for the team.”
“For you.” She said. “Not for the team, dumbass. For you. The demon was going to get you.” Your eyes softened as she explained her move. You almost melted at her words. Not everyone could say they saw Anya’s sweet side. “I want you to be safe.”
She didn’t even let you even talk since her lips crashed against yours, shutting you up. Her hands went to your neck, wanting to feel you as close as possible, taking out some of the hairs falling to your face to hold them in place. You hugged her by the waist, ignoring everything else around.
Anya was kissing you! She liked you back. You felt fireworks explode inside of you as you kissed her back. It was a much needed kiss. You both didn’t even care about anything. You just wanted to hold one another.
Once separated and catching air, you smiled at the woman. Her wide eyes looking at you as if you were the only woman in the world. You loved her. You really did love her.
“Let’s get you somewhere safe.” You whispered, stealing a quick kiss from her lips and helping her up. Making sure everyone was at one piece, you said your goodbyes.
“I hope you learned your lesson.” She talked as you drove back to your place. Curling an eyebrow to her, your hand on top of her thigh, talking to keep her awake a fun smile appeared back in your lips.
“What? That I have to put my life at risk for the pretty girl to kiss me?” You laughed as her eyes rolled back. Still, a small smile was painted on her lips. Her heart was beating rapidly, making her feel like the typical teenager in love. Is this how real and healthy love is supposed to feel like? Because Anya may like this more than she expected.
“No. That you’re an idiot.”
“An idiot you love?” You dared to ask, parking in your usual spot, turning your head to look at her with the most adoring look. Even looking like a mess she looked beautiful.
“Yeah. . . The one idiot I love.” She answered, her smile becoming wider as she sat up to grab you by the top you were wearing to start another kiss, already feeling how addictive your lips were.
“I love you too.” You whispered in her lips, getting her even closer. That was going to be a long but wonderful night you’ll both enjoy. This was just the start. And you were so ready for going through the path of life with Anya.
second request of the night! i’m really happy with how this one turned too. hope whoever reads it, enjoys! i’m really excited to write for the buffyverse. anya will forever be one of my favorite characters ever. I kinda made her a bit of a softy but still keeping her wonderful honest personality. <3
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
One post up! Next one to come in the next couple of hours. Requests are always open.
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
REMEMBER ME. (stiles stilinski x reader)
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request: Can it be from Teen Wolf with Stiles were him and I are best friends and I secretly like him, when him and I are doing research about the ghost riders in my room I try my best to nonchalant flirt but he’s too oblivious right when I’m about to say I love you I get taken away by one of the ghost riders, when I return Stiles comes hugging me and I confess my feelings and we kiss and it’s all romantic lol thanks :)
@gpiggy98 : Thank you so so much for the request, I enjoyed writing this so much. I really hope you enjoy this, love!!! Hope you have a great day! <3
Warnings: none. Just fluff, some banter and a bit of angst in the middle.
You have been through everything. From the very first moment you found out about Scott being a werewolf, to getting involved in the pack and saving each other’s repeatedly. You were all a family now, you knew you’d do anything for them. But there was someone you would fight for even in a falling sky or apocalyptic situation. That someone happens to be your best friend.
Stiles Stilinski was always there for you when you needed him. And you sure as hell were for him too. You were so deeply in love with him. Your mind always rushes on every little thing you love about Stiles. For example how his jokes never failed to make you laugh, he always made sure you weren’t left alone on plans, the softness on his eyes every time he looks at you that makes your legs shake. Even that moment when you were 7 years old and he was clear in his words that he’ll always have your back and never failed to do so ever since. You actually think that was the very moment it clicked for the both of you, that your friendship was a true one, since that moment you were inseparable. Even with Scott, the little three musketeers. You can’t remember a time where Stiles and you didn’t understood each other with only a look, or where you didn’t joke around with Star Wars references, or even where you wouldn’t want to bother him at night. Since you were little kids that your phones where free for the other to talk until sunrise.
But you didn’t know that he thought the same of you. How you always had an open door on the nights his dad takes night shifts and doesn’t want to be alone warms his chest, the way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions, the way your laugh sounds every time he comments something witty or sarcastic, how brave you always are against the scariest villains. In Stiles’ words, you were perfect.
“What?” You suddenly said, once a voice made you leave that special little world inside your head.
“Wow, you do pay attention to me. I was starting to think I was only here to bring food and listen to your playlist over and over.” The sarcasm on his voice was extremely obvious, as he looked at you attentively, trying to understand what was happening with you. The whole day you were out of it.
“Sorry. I got distracted. This is just. . . So much to take in and I guess I’m kinda tired.” You passed both hands through your face. The research exhausted you, after all, it had been a long day.
“Want me to bring in more coffee and cookies? You could also sleep if you want to.” Stiles suggested, leaving his computer on a side, worried eyes pacing through your face.
“I’m good. I will take the coffee and cookies offer tho.” You nodded, sitting up scratching your eyes and closing a book that wasn’t helpful. “Did you find anything useful?”
“Gotcha!” He instantly stood from the chair, grabbing a couple of papers that fell on the ground to hand them to you. “Just that. Which we already knew. . . The Wild Hunt, they ride the storm and erase people from the map.”
“How hard can it be to find something about these dudes? I mean, there should be more!” Groaning loudly, you kept talking as Stiles made his way to the hall of your home, going downstairs to grab what you asked for. He knew every bit as if it was his own house. He still was pretty energetic for how late it was. But that was normal for the hyperactive boy.
“Hey! At least we’ve got something.” You heard a couple of minutes later as he came back into your room, a tray in hands. Leaving some space in bed, you grabbed the cup of coffee he was offering you, rolling your eyes.
“What? The fact that I heard those Riders and could see the room of the disappeared kid? Yeah, not a good omen for me.” Taking a sip of the beverage, you finished reading the last paper in Stiles’ pile.
“You don’t know if they’ll come. Maybe they don’t. Maybe you saw all of that because you have a special power or something, or maybe you’ll be the only to see and remember. There are a thousand of possibilities.” He tried to focus on a more hopeful note. Stiles was denied at the fact that might be one of the next ones to be taken, he was trying to create other theories. Your eyes softened at his words. He was honestly so hopeful. You on the other hand. . . You weren’t on a positive stand.
A sigh came out of your lips as you left the mug on the nightstand. “Since when are you so optimistic?” Curious eyes traveled through Stiles’ face, from the dots decorating his skin, his honey eyes to the way his lips parted in a fake offended way.
“I am always optimistic” He joked back. Your eyebrows shot up in a mocking way, nodding as if he was saying the one truth in the world.
“Sure. Because you’ve never said 'we are all going to die' at least once a day.”
“That’s not being negative! It’s realism.” He fought back, index finger pointing at you, making you once again roll your eyes back.
“I should be rewarded for putting up with you every single day.” You scoffed, stealing one of the cookies from the bowl he held on hands. Stiles gave you a soft shove in the shoulder.
“You are rewarded by having me present every hour of every day.” He talked matter-of-factly. God, he was killing you. If he only knew. His presence is enough, and you only wanted that. That was the fact, you wanted to hold him at day and night as something more than friends. Yet — His presence was enough. Having him as a close person in your life was enough. But of course, the boy was totally clueless.
“I was thinking like, maybe a million dollars but guess that’ll have to do.” Shrugging your shoulders, you ate the cookie, ignoring how your best friend was touching his own chest as if hurt by your words. A smile appeared on your features, taking a quick look to the young man next to you. “I guess I’ll have to think about another thing as payment. Maybe dinner, drinks. . .”
“I already give you rides to school and bought you dinner. What else you might want?” His smile showed how clueless he was about the situation. He didn’t catch you sugestive tone.
“Pfft.” You simply answered, acting out. It’s been weeks where you had been trying to ask him out, and he keeps confusing your moves as a ‘friends night out’. He could be the smartest person in a room but also the most gullible one. Jeez. You were going to miss him.
You will miss Stiles.
Suddenly, the thoughts of the Riders came back. What would you do if you got taken? How would you come back? How would Stiles know he is the most important person to you?
Looking back up, his soft eyes were already on you. “Hey, you know we’ll find a way, right? Everything is going to be okay.” He tried to reassure you. It was obvious he was acting tough for you.
“But if I’m taken—.” Taking a second to think, you kept talking, before he could cut you off. “If it happens. . . Then this is my last couple of hours around, and I just want to have a good time, you know? So — There’s something you should hear.”
“Y/N. . .” Stiles moved his head from side to side, refusing to the idea of you being taken. You didn’t pay much attention, since you were already putting on your shoes and grabbing his hands.
“Shut it and listen to me.” You were sure of it. You will tell Stiles of how you felt about him. You cannot let another minute pass, but first you wanted it to be the moment.
Hearing some branches hit your open window, your gaze went to the dark sky. The wind was getting wilder, leaves flew around, entering the room. The curtains flew and the cold air hit your side. Deep inside, you knew. You knew from the moment you saw the horse, how it walked around you. From the moment the kid disappeared and people started to forget. You knew you were next.
“Stiles, you have to promise me.” Squeezing his hands, you both connected gazes. He looked hurt, even more desperate than you where now. Your heart was about to break your chest, but Stiles, he looked like a broken child. “They are coming for me, you have to go. If you see them—.”
“No. I’m not leaving you, Y/N.” He reunited enough courage for his voice to sound louder. “I’m not letting them take you, come on.” Still with a hold on your hands, the boy started dragging you downstairs. He won’t stop and won’t let you be gone without a fight. By now there wasn’t time to call anyone. It was just you and him.
Running through your house, you stood outside as the wind went wild. The storm was coming. Your breathing became heavier as you heard the horseback noice becoming louder. They were closer. Stiles was grabbing a hold of the bat you left on the entrance. But you knew it was worthless.
“Let’s go.” The brown eyed boy didn’t let go of you, taking you to the Jeep. But the horses sounded louder now, turning your head, you could already saw them coming.
“It’s too late.” Even if your voice was a whisper, he heard it. Stiles looked down at you, his eyes already watering, trying to find the words. “I will be erased. You need to listen to me. Promise me something, promise me that you’ll find a way to remember.” Your hands went to both sides of his face, making him look at yourself only. That’s the last view you wanted to have. It wasn’t ideal, since he was already crying, so were you. But it was something. “Don’t forget me, Stiles. Remember fourth grade when we watched Star Wars and acted for a hole week as Jedis?” He just nodded with a sad smile as his own hands caressed your cheeks. Taking out the necklace he once gifted you, it was left on his right hand so he wouldn’t lose it. “Remember when we bought matching shirts and refused to take them off? Remember when you saved my life? Twice.” You let out a shaky laugh, as his hands found a way to yours’, once again squeezing them.
“You saved mine. I’ll bring you back, Y/N/N, that’s a promise.” For what you thought it was the last time, you looked at his features. Heart full of love.
From your peripheral view you noticed the Riders closer. Just about to get you. A cry went out of your lips, you were going to say it. You love Stiles. You will tell him before they take you.
But when do things turn out right for the Pack? Feeling a hold on your waist, you were taken away from Stiles’ hands. And just like that, you were erased from everyone’s memories. Stiles was left standing there like a lost puppy, a foreign necklace in hand and tears in his eyes as his broken voice repeated one word. “Remember. . .”
(. . . )
Time passed, you didn’t know how much since you were taken, but you woke. People seemed lost in that Train Station. Oh how small was the world that you even found Peter there. After discussions, investigations and decisions being made, Peter left to let the others know. And there you stood by, awaiting.
On the other side, Stiles insisted every day since the very first moment, that you were real. First, he felt as if a part of him was missing, then he got to the conclusion that there was someone. Not anyone, but someone he loved. He knew you were real, and he’d fight anything and anyone to get you back and prove you did exist. “Y/N is real.” He kept repeating.
Time kept flying, with yourself looking for ways to communicate and Stiles helping everyone remember. And they slowly did, but it wouldn’t had happened without the young man.
Suddenly, you found yourself on your front garden. You were back! Was it real? Pinching your arm, you turned all over to check if anyone was around. You had to find him. You had to find Stiles, you gotta help everyone! The Jeep wasn’t there, you didn’t even know how long it’s been since you were taken.
You had to make a decision. That’s how you found yourself running through the streets. Thankfully, you lived close to Beacon High. Minutes passed and you just kept going, you ran nonstop until you went through the front doors. It wouldn’t be difficult to find everyone, just search the destruction or the loud fighting noises.
Loud steps sounded closer, the school halls never felt so long like now. Almost crushing into someone a pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders. “Y/N?” Looking up, you found the one person you were wishing to find.
“Stiles! You remembered.” The words didn’t finish going out of your mouth when his arms surrounded you strongly. He held you close, your bodies perfectly fitting together in an awaited hug. “I-I didn’t say it, they took me too quickly as I was about to tell you something important.” Still holding his sides, you broke the hug only to get a good look at his face. “I love you, Stiles.”
“I love you too.”
“No, I mean — I am in love with you.”
“Y/N, would you let me finish, for heaven’s sake.” Even if he sounded slightly annoyed, Stilinski’s eyes showed nothing but adoration. “I am in love with you too.” A sigh escapes his lips and soon enough, he kissed you. Stiles held your face delicately, tasting you with such passion. You both have been waiting for this for so long. But it was worth it. Your wide eye gazed looked at him in surprise once you separated for some air, which was changed for a genuinely happy smile. He was already watching you as if you were the last glass of water in a desert. Because to him, you are the ray of sunshine that lights up his world.
“Don’t you dare leave me like that ever again.” You let out a laugh at Stiles’ words, kissing him once again, wanting to be in that romantic bubble for a few more seconds.
“Never.” Whispering against his lips your eyes got connected to his’. Those gazes said everything. Who knew that you’d need to be taken to find the love of your life? “You won’t get rid of me easily, darling.”
Looking for something underneath his shirt, Stilinski ended up grabbing a silver necklace and left it hanging in your neck. Right where it belonged. The thing that helped him remember you, that gift you will always treasure.
Grabbing a hold of his right hand you let him know you were ready to keep fighting. You still had to defeat the Ghost Riders, but something was different now. You always had Stiles and he always had you, that will never change. It will always be him and you.
hello y’all! hope this was enjoyed. it’s a long one, so sit back and enjoy the reading. i’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or something, english isn’t my first language and I haven’t edited this yet. thanks!! <3
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
i’m going to be posting some requests over the weekend. if anyone wants any type of imagine, headcanon, etc just let me know!!
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
Hey i was wondering if you could write something for Anya Jenkins x female reader?? Thanks <33
hey there! yes, of course I will write it. if you want something specific just let me know!! <3
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
IT’S HARD TO KEEP A SECRET (stiles stilinski x reader)
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Where Stiles and the reader are in a secret relationship, until Christmas comes around and they have to make a decision. Will they tell the pack or will they stay in the shadows?
Warnings: none.
“Alright. Got Scott’s present, Liam’s, Malia’s. . . And with them my list is finally complete!” You announced with a satisfied smile, listing off everyone from the board hanging on your room. Something you caught off from hanging out so much with the future detective.
“You have mine too?” Stiles lifted his head from underneath your drawer, hiding the last gifts you just got from the mall. His nose scrunching at the sight of his name underlined on the board.
“Of course I have yours! You think I’d forget about my boyfriend on Christmas? How heartless d’you think I am?” Turning around you took a hand to your chest, making him huff.
“You have a black hole instead of a heart.” He stood, a playful smile painted on his face as he gazed your own offended expressions, both hands going straight to your waist.
“Oh, is that it?” A curled eyebrow was sent his way, as he got closer to steal a kiss from your lips.
The afternoon was spent in between kisses, laughs and binge-watching a show. Christmas was in the air already. You were going to spend it with the Pack. Since your parents were spending it on Europe, your house was the chosen one this year and you focused so much on getting everything ready and cleaning the huge mess your house was, that you forgot to buy presents for your friends. Of course, you had some from the beginning of December, like Stiles’ or Lydia’s who were usually the easiest for you.
Which comes back to Stiles hanging out in your room for the whole day. You called to his phone in that unusually cold morning to ask for some help on buying last minute gifts. Thanks to both of your creativities combined, and your shopper ability, you ended up getting everything you wanted to.
After months of traveling, pack meetings every four months, Birthday celebrations all around the globe and Holidays spent as away as possible from college and work, you all decided it would be best to spend Christmas and New Year at your home town. And with that the whole Pack was back in Beacon Hills.
“Hey.” Stiles whispered that night, as you were lying on your balcony with drinks in hand and a pizza being the only thing between you and the man. “You think it’s time?” His honey eyes went to his right, where you were finishing a slice of pizza.
Letting out a sigh, you changed positions to look directly at him. It’s been seven months since you started dating and no one in the Pack, apart from Melissa —who somehow discovered you both as you were in a hospital room way too close and obviously, she isn’t dumb to believe in your lies— knew. With all the traveling, latest threats and college being a priority for you all, you both didn’t have much time to announce your relationship. Besides, you both thought mentioning something like it over a call or a quick meeting wasn’t the way. Of course, you wanted to. Both parts, actually. But there was something holding you both off, as if it wasn’t the right moment just yet. Although you did had a suspicion that Lydia knew something was wrong.
“I honestly have no clue. I mean, it would be nice to hug, kiss and show you off in front of everyone, but y’know with the other Pack hanging around and— you know what? I don’t care, we are celebrating even with a threat, we are twenty one years old. Fuck it! Let’s be open about it!” A small pause was made, with Stiles’ eyes on you. “. . . After seven months.”
“Seven and a half, if we count the flirting and moments were it wasn’t yet official.” Added Stiles, making you hide your face with both hands, letting out a laugh.
“Ok, pro side: we don’t have to hide, con: bad guys will know our weakest points.”
“Bad guys already know we are each other’s weakest points.” Stiles remarked.
“Good point. Alright, another pro: our friends will support us.”
“Bad: they’ll make jokes, although we handle them ‘cause we are the sarcasm royalty.” Stiles finished. They didn’t have any con that made sense on it.
A long pause was made, the couple getting lost in their thoughts. They have been discussing telling them once they got to their fourth month of dating, and it had been a point they both agreed on. Which made them more confused as to why they were taking so many turns on telling them.
“We are two dumbasses. Jeez, it’s been a lot of time and we are chickening to tell our best friends that we are dating? After laughing at Death on their face?” You broke silence.
“Which is why we are dating, by the way. . . The dumbass thing, not the facing-death-one.” Sharing another look, you just knew. It was time.
It was the day of Christmas, Stiles and the Sheriff spent it at your house, the both of you heading straight to the point with Noah. And his face shown how happy he was with the news. There was something about the both of you that fit perfectly. He knew you’d end up in love one way or another. He was glad it was now.
As you were fixing your outfit, the doorbell rang. Almost everyone was already hanging downstairs, while you finished getting ready. It wasn’t anything new, you always took your time and tend to lose track of it. Hearing a knock, a loud “come in” was out of your lips. Stiles got inside, eyeing you up and down a couple of times with a dorky smile on his face.
“Calm your heart there, Stilinski. People will notice.” You joked, finishing up your hair as he rolled his eyes. A loud mumble was coming from downstairs, the music was just at the right amount and the smell of delicious food traveled through the air.
“You look stunning.”
“And you look so handsome.” Standing on your toes, you kissed his cheek, heading to your bed. “Is everyone here?”
“Yeah. The last ones were Liam, Mason and Corey.” His fingers started playing with your hair as you sat to put on your shoes. “Finally! Theo was being so annoying, now Liam can shut his ass with a kiss and make him shut it.” As he heard the laugh coming your way, he groaned. “Are you done yet?”
“Stiles, this is the fifth time you came to my room.” You stood, running to grab some perfume before he even got the chance to drag you downstairs. “Okay, I’m done.” With a small spin, you turned, sending a smile to your boyfriend as he happily sighed. His eyes showing just how much he adored you. “So, how should we do it?”
“I dunno. I grab your hand, we go down there and face them like the mighty warriors we are.” He shrugged, making a face as you started doing as told.
Just as you where about to go down the first step, a voice that came from the living room made you freeze. “Would you two lovebirds come downstairs already? The food is getting cold!” The Sheriff made your faces go red and silence suddenly filled the whole house.
“I KNEW IT!” Lydia’s scream was the first one that was heard, before everyone else’s voices got closer to the stairs, awaiting for your arrival.
Stiles shared a look with you, both equally shocked and somehow relieved. You felt a bit grateful to Noah, he saved you from the awkwardness of telling everyone. Pulling Stiles’ hand, you let yourselves be seen by the curious eyes of your whole family, you had some explaining to do. This was going to be a chaotic Christmas.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! I wrote this in like fifteen minutes and I honestly liked how it turned out. If anyone wants a part two I was thinking about making one with everyone’s reactions or moments where everyone suspected. So, yeah, I’ll keep those in mind. First imagine officially up! Hope everyone that reads it, enjoys!! <3
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
Dean Winchester:
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Sam Winchester:
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Rowena MacLeod:
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Charlie Bradbury:
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Eileen Leahy:
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TFW 2.0:
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
Buffy Summers:
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Willow Rosenberg:
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Tara Maclay:
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Anya Jenkins:
Cordelia Chase:
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Faith Lehane:
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Rupert Giles:
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
Stiles Stilinski:
Lydia Martin:
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Scott McCall:
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Malia Tate:
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Allison Argent:
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Isaac Lahey:
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Kira Yukimura:
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Liam Dunbar:
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Theo Raeken:
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Derek Hale:
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loading. . .
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For more characters, just send in a request!
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rowenashexbag · 3 years
(requests open!)
(loading more universes & characters. . .)
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