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💕Angel Dust AgeRe Head Canons💕
Part one
Angel regresses from ages one to five
Little Angel is a sweet heart, but really struggles with emotional regulation
He loves pastel pink, glitter and sparkles
Angel adores Husk and Charlie when he's small and will follow them around the hotel
Some of his favorite activities are tea parties, dress up and going to the aquarium
He loves doing Husk, Charlie and Cherri's makeup and nails
He calls Husk 'kitty', 'baba' and 'dada'
Angel likes big comfy clothes
He loves dolls because he can brush their hair and dress them up
Charlie's nick names are 'Cha' and 'ChaCha'
His favorite snack is strawberries
He will put anything in his mouth and needs access to pacifiers, teethers and chewlery at all times
He loves just being in someone's lap and rocking back and forth
Angel often loses the ability to speak and has a communication board
Angel has a sticker chard for good behavior
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ranking all bob's burgers holiday episodes except in different categories to be fair to the holidays i don't care about <3
v for valentine-detta (AMAZING episode so funny and the introduction of nat who is iconic!!! also adorable subplot w/ bob and gene. not even really about romance)
can't buy me math (SOOO FUNNY tina and darryl have the best dynamic their fake dating was so stupid. don't even remember what bob and linda did in this episode tbh but im sure it was cute)
bob actually (super cute episode!!! jimmy jr and tina are so nerdy/adorable and i love rudy and louise's kiss. bob and linda were cute too <3 don't really care abt gene's subplot with the cafeteria lady but its not bad or anything and i prefer it to him having an actual romance subplot)
my fuzzy valentine (i actually forgot this episode existed bcuz i don't rewatch early seasons very often but its cute!!!! it has the kids wearing raincoats and jumping in puddles so it automatically gets an A+ from me)
the gene and courtney show (I FORGOT THIS WAS A VALENTINES DAY EPISODE LMAO its actually very sweet and genuine?? i think gene and courtney work better as friends but their relationship was very cute and gene's song for courtney was an actual 10/10. your hearts not broken its only growing 😭😭💕)
romancing the beef (this episode is okay!!! fun to rewatch and i love gene and louise's hijinks when serving the customers and their slow dance song Also the origin of the iconic arm hair line from linda and teddy. this is also the lastest appearance of hugo when will he return home from the war <\3)
ferry on my wayward bob and linda (a late addition because for some reason this episode isnt listed as a valentines day episode on the wiki??? idk i enjoyed bob and linda they were cute :) and i loved jen's stupid boyfriend and his stupid voice that subplot was. soo)
bed, bob and beyond (this episode being last makes it seem like i don't like it very much BUT ACTUALLY I THINK ITS A SUPER INTERESTING EPISODE I DONT REALLY GET THE HATE bob and linda having an actual argument is something we rarely see and it was interesting to see how the kids responded to it and also everything with the broken bed makes me laugh for some reason. we love dirty laundry and broken beds in this household)
the apple gore-chard but not scary (no real reason this episode is my favorite i just dont care abt most of the halloween episodes and this episode is VERY silly and fun. loved bob and louise going on a field trip together and gene/tina/louise's absolutely ridiculous costume like What is their problem)
the pumpkinening (a gayle episode where she's actually pretty okay and not the antagonist wow?? also i love having a peak into her and linda's high school years and their pumpkin smashing. very fun episode honestly my favorite to rewatch ALSO GAYLE AND LINDA SAY I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER AND GAYLE SAYS OF COURSE SHE CARES ABOUT LINDA AND WANTS HER TO BE HAPPY THEYRE SISTERS <33)
tina and the real ghost (FULLY unhinged episode but very funny i love louise lying about the ghost and tina's extremely fake ghost boyfriend. bob immediately knowing that louise was lying bcuz she is her Fathers Daughter. also jimmy jr and zeke were great in this episode love their philosophical debate about life after death)
the hauntening (GREAT episode i love the family working together to scare louise!!! truly a worthy successor to what an (april) fool believes but everytime i rewatch it all i can think about is how louise has been obviously scared SO MANY TIMES in episodes before this so her saying she's never been scared before is just straight up lying. like she faced Death she had a gun to her head cmon now.... but also it kinda makes sense that a nine year old would lie about that it feels very in character. cute episode)
heartbreak hotel-oween (this is such a weird episode i feel like everybody forgets it exists?? teddy linda and bob's subplot is a little gross but the story about the woman and her dead boyfriend who she tries to summon every halloween like GIRL WHAT???? idk its such a weird sad pathetic episode im kind of obsessed with it. how did they even come up w/ that one and why was it a 70s halloween party. many questions)
teen-a-witch (WE GOT MR AMBROSE IN THIS EPISODE HELL YEAH‼️‼️ other than that not very memorable but louise and gene's relationship w/ tina in this episode was very sweet they're great siblings But also they did use her magic to cheat on their homework and get free tater tots at school.....)
nightmare on ocean avenue street (not a bad episode i just forget it exists sometimes LOL but teddy's extremely gay subplot with the handyman was hilarious and the kids were cute too. easy episode to rewatch around halloween without it being too freaky)
the wolf of wharf street (THIS EPISODE IS SO??? love teddy's sexy nurse costume and kinda's cher costume?? gene is my favorite fruity boy. there are some good jokes but otherwise not an episode i think abt too often)
full bars (gun to my head i couldnt tell you a SINGLE thing about this episode i haven't ever rewatched it so it feels almost unfair putting it on this list bcuz i don't remember much?? they went to king's head island and bob accidentally killed teddy's pet rodent or smth. probably not a bad episode and i believe this was the first introduction of king's head island which eventually gave us sasha and ducan so of course i can't hate it)
pig trouble in little tina (this episode is so WEIRD like not bad and i think the hayride is kinda cute but the dead pig corpse.... god that fucking corpse haunts me)
fort night (dont like millie in this episode AT ALL and don't like how they almost die and nobody gives a fuck. don't like bob and linda in this episode who don't care that their kids never came home for their costume and get passive aggressive about it when they were KIDNAPPED???? don't like millie in general and this was her first appearance. but i think their box fort was pretty cute and i would like to see it again, plus all the neighborhood kids hanging out together was fun)
amelia (IT TECHNICALLY COUNTS OKAY IT WAS AIRED AS A MOTHERS DAY EPISODE anyway maybe one of my favorite episodes of the entire series so heartfelt and beautiful. louise's presentation + exploration of cultural misogyny + the ending song make this episode an absolute killer and an amazing season finale)
sauce side story (it was a tough call between this and mo mommy mo problems but i LOVED learning more about linda's family history and gayle was so great in this episode. still obsessed with gayle pretending to be their mom its so funny this episode is so good)
mo mommy mo problems (cute episode!!! for some reason i really appreciate the detail of the snack bar inside the ferry in this episode and the seating area bcuz i have taken MANY many ferries and boats in my life and i rarely see that aspect of island culture represented in media?? very unhinged ending with the squirrel blood SHE PEELS THEM LIKE FRUIT ROLL UPS but overall a sweet episode every character is so likeable and fun!!!! also just a hilarious episode tbh)
mom, lies and videotape (fun episode!! not really too much to say about it bcuz it was another three stories type episode but the kids were very cute and i loved gene's REAL performance where he was out of synch for literally every line of that song. god bless America. also louise's fictional play was very fun you can tell how much they all love and respect linda <3)
tell me dumb good thing (not a bad episode but the main storyline was pretty boring so i dont think about it too often. LOVED bob's subplot with the fucking internet cucumber however this might be one of my favorite subplots in the entire show they gave him such a big win. he loved that cucumber so much AND THE CUCUMBER GUY LET HIM INTO THE BASEMENT??? TEDDY TOO???? it makes me cry its so wholesome and sweet. also appreciate the clever way that they connect bob and linda's storylines in the end)
dawn of the peck (this episode is actually tied w/ stuck in the kitchen with you BUT i decided to put it in first place bcuz i think i maybe enjoy rewatching it like 0.5% more. every line of this episode is comedic gold like easily one of the funniest episode of the show if not the actual funniest it should have a higher rating than it does on IMDB. i dont care how high its rated it should be higher!!!! also rudy my beloved)
stuck in the kitchen with you (i dont expect this episode to be ANYBODY ELSES favorite but for me its such a wholesome and fun episode to rewatch and pretty funny too. bob and louise's relationship is great. the parade the kids throw with zeke's help is so funny. linda's subplot with sargent bosco is HILARIOUS and bob telling louise "i was being too much of a cook and not enough of a dad" is something i think he could stand to say more often in thanksgiving episodes. but also he's autistic and i understand)
i bob your pardon (very fun heist episode?? louise running out to protect the turkey from the ACTUAL WOLVES and bob saying that he'll save the next turkey from wolves gets me everytime. this episode is honestly just fun and silly its a great time)
turkey in a can (maybe this episode should be higher?? its SO FUNNY and also confirms bisexual bob is real. wholesome ending and i love that bob invited teddy and mort over for thanksgiving dinner along with gayle <3 they're his family)
thanks-hoarding (teddy focused episode :) loved finding out more about his family and relationship with them and learning a bit more about his mental interior and how he copes with stress and childhood trauma. very fun episode to rewatch)
putts-giving (ACTUALLY I REALLY ENJOYED THIS EPISODE louise and tina's relationship is always interesting to explore esp as tina grows older and matures/leaves her siblings behind. loved the mini golf setting and i would like to see it again someday but i think they got a lifetime ban.... from the mini golf course......)
an indecent thanksgiving proposal (absolutely unhinged episode?? any episode w/ fischoeder is great and i love drunk bob mourning his turkey friend even if his jealousy of the kids and linda kinda makes me sad <\3 HE LOVES BEING LINDAS WIFE HE LOVES BEING THE KIDS DAD OKAY HE DOESNT WANT IT TO BE ANYBODY ELSE and linda saying at the end of the episode that she doesn't want to be anybody else's wife not even for pretend is very sweet)
gayle makin' bob sled (this episode is very interesting and i love gayle's relationship with bob in it. also linda and the kids trying to cook thanksgiving dinner without him is SO FUNNY like gene and louise especially oh my god. "maybe its a good thing if your family annoys you sometimes because.... it means you have one" 😭😭)
the quirk-ducers (this episode is CRAZY but also very funny. louise spraying dead animals guts and blood all over the play's audience was deeply unhinged as was them publically performing tina's erotic friend fiction as a play to their families and teachers. amazing song which im assuming gene wrote)
now we're not cooking with gas (bob was just SLIGHTLY too crazy in this episode and i feel bad that he couldn't cook his special turkey :( but the kids getting the giant log from the park and almost killing somebody always gets me like?? WE ALMOST DIED AND MAYBE KILLED OTHER PEOPLE BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT WE GOT THE LOG bob needs more wins in thanksgiving episodes i think)
diarrhea of a poppy kid (this episode is really sweet tbh!!! louise and tina comforting gene when he's sick by telling him stories and him being holed up in the bathroom playing with makeup and writing a thanksgiving song which was of course very catchy. him and bob were also adorable in this episode and i love bob saying that he loves to cook for gene!!!! <3 they're both so supportive very cute episodes but the stories they tell are not very memoriable tbh)
the plight before christmas (this is such an obvious choice but it really is an amazing episode there's a reason its the highest rated episode of the show!!!! its so incredibly sweet and loving with really solid pacing and jokes throughout the episode and gene's musical ability saving the day without being turned into a joke. obviously tina and louise's relationship in this episode too. and i see my sister with something that looks like gingerbread on her glasses 😭😭💕 louise's poem GETS me every single time. also weirdly helpful birds eye view of seymour's bay at the end
father of the bob (INTRODUCTION OF BIG BOB!!!! honestly this episode is just very cute and interesting love analyzing the dynamic between bob and his dad.... it almost seems like big bob likes linda more than he likes bob. cute ending and i always like learning more abt bob's family so this episode is a 10/10 from me)
yachty or nice (THIS EPISODE WAS SOOO CUTE jimmy pesto and bob actually having a bonding moment and the kids subplot with teddy 😭😭💕💕💔 love that they call him their uncle father santa teddy and that he knew in the end they would do the right thing bcuz they're good kids so he saved a special toy for them. he loves those kids so much. jimmy pesto redemption arc could be real if we believe)
the bleakening (this episode was very fun!!! AMAZING songs and i really enjoyed the ending with the gay christmas party and everybody dancing together. some very funny jokes in there too and i just love the creepy vibes of the kids sneaking out of the house and tina being smart enough to bring the emergency phone along w/ them. genuinely a great two parter episode)
god rest ye merry gentle mannequins (THIS EPISODE IS SO???? still dont know what was going on with the crazy mannequin guy but i honestly think its sweet that lily's brother let him live there for free for so many years even when he didnt really need to. also i believe the first time bob's mom is mentioned in the series??? idk this episode is really fun and i love all the different holiday displays they do)
have yourself a maily linda christmas (nothing too interesting to say abt this episode its just silly and fun!!! linda episode!!!! also something about tina and bob trying to entertain the grandparents and keep the peace while everybody else is gone is SO funny theyre the worst at talking to people. the ending with louise gene and tina was adorable too)
nice-capades (honestly its been a minute since i rewatched this episode but from what i remember it was very sweet and silly. LOVE how many random adults were willing to drop everything to help these kids put on an ice shaking performance for santa. also louise being worried that she isn't a good person. gene giving rudy the last taco just because he Cares about him and wanted them to be happy. this episode was cute and they really are such good kids)
better off sled (I ALWAYS FORGET THIS WAS A CHRISTMAS EPISODE because the main plot doesn't have anything to do with christmas it feels like the die hard debate of bob's burgers holiday episodes.... either way bob and linda knitting scarves for the kids was cute and i liked the snowball fight subplot. very sweet and simple episode)
the last gingerbread house on the left (fun episode?? there are some funny jokes and i liked seeing linda and teddy go singing together w/ the kids while bob is tormented and experiences the horrors of gingerbread houses. lily mention!!! noticing that christmas episodes tend to be the episodes where bob's family gets brought up the most i wonder why that is???? absolutely unhinged gingerbread house competition btw but they should let felix join them :(
christmas in the car (i remember this episode being SO STRESSFUL like he tried to kill that family Good god. teddy was very funny in thjs episode and i did enjoy it otherwise)
gene's christmas break (i feel bad putting this episode in last place bcuz I LOVE GENE but it wasn't that interesting an episode tbh 😭 i did like getting to see younger gene even with his terrible autotuned chipmunk voice and seeing how he uses music to relate to his family. we need another gene-focused christmas episode at some point they flew too close to the sun here)
what an (april) fool believes (AMAZING EPISODE proably one of my favorite episodes of the entire show tbh. bob and fischoeder are so funny + homoerotic and gene not wanting to scare or upset anybody by pranking them is so cute <3 my baby)
eggs for days (the one and only easter episode!!! honestly this episode is really fun overall just a great time. love bob and linda being Extremely Hungover and the rotting egg and the raccoons.... they need to bring back easter episodes tbh there could be something there)
flat-top o' the morning to ya (this episode is so weird bcuz in order to make it a saint patrick's day episode the description and promo has NO MENTION of the main plot of this episode and only focuses on teddy and linda's subplot for some reason?? which makes it extremely hard to find the main plot of this episode if you dont remember the subplot despite it being Literally the focus. but other than that honestly i think its very funny and bob's story with the kids is sooo..... me when i accidentally rope my kids into committing Grand Theft Auto w/ me. sad that bob never got his discounted plates that man deeply needs a win)
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May 24th
Got er done this morning. And a ten minute meditation. Shower. Cooked a hot salad of beets, squash, and Swiss chard for lunch. Made a smoothie and some bacon for breakfast.
Feeling much more balanced this morning. Hoping it flows into the rest of the week 💕
#multiple sclerosis#healing#healthy#keep going#auto immune disease#exercise#adventures#self care#workout#food#Youtube
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Pairing: Choi Jong Ho x Female Reader
Word Count: approximately 2.5k words
Warnings: 1920s Speakeasy! AU, Mentions of oral fixation, choking (borderline asphyxiation play), Reader is wearing a skirt, blowjob, Dom! Jongho, mentions of saliva, UNPROTECTED SEX (plastic wrap your peenie weenies), pet names, marking, spanking, Reader has a slight pain kink (partially implied), cursing/swearing, porn with a lil bit of plot... I think that's it.
Author's Note: This was interesting to write. I had this idea bouncing around in my head for a minute. Previously, I essentially put out a profile of how I wanted this AU, and it is hyperlinked for you below. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ IT BUT IT'S HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THIS FIC! In conclusion, THIS FIC IS NSFW!!!! If you are uncomfy, please do not read! If I miss something, please tell me. Don't steal, all that ✨ jazz✨music. Drink your water and enjoy, you dirty lil harlots 😉
Intro and Masterlist ✨
Twilight Noir 🌃🌌🌆
Taglist: @shusan @yunhofingers @woowommy @joongsprincess @ceopjy
You are a new bartender at Twilight Noir; you just got the job a little over three days ago. You applied last week and got the call two days later.
You met one of your bosses, San, when you came for training as he was the trainer for the day. Overall did a pretty good job! He showed you how to make an Old Fashioned, Martini, and a Manhattan under a time limit.
You passed with flying colors, so San thought it was a great idea to start you off soon… Soon being tonight.
The night started off just fine, a couple Scotch on the Rocks along with some shots here and there. As the night got longer and it closed in on the cabaret performances, the drinks slowly became more complicated.
San was behind the bar with you as he handled most of the complex cocktails, which were mainly fruity along with harder drinks.
“Hey, I have to take care of something. I’ll be back in about 20 minutes. You shouldn’t have a hard time, but if you do, the recipe book is at the end of the bar.” San says as you wipe out a tumbler glass.
So here you are with a jigger in one hand, your finger following the instructional words of the recipe, and an annoyed group of clientele waiting on a liquid burning sensation to feel fuzzy tingles down their bodies.
The loud clamors of enraged customers managed to bring out the big bosses, well, at least one of them. Jongho walked around the mob, examining the spectacle that is you trying to complete some complex concoctions with three days of having a job and three hours of training. He got comfortable in one of the nearby booths, whipping out a flask of vodka.
After about 15 minutes of your hopeless floundering, Jongho huffs and removes his suit jacket, placing it on the chair with the flask under it. He walks with a strong sense of purpose and annoyance to the back of the bar to help.
“What are the orders?” He asked unamused, leaning to your ear so he could be audible over the people’s bellowing. He startled you with his warm breath on your neck and the overall presence. “What? Ummm… oh, 3 Margaritas, 4 Long Island Iced Teas, 2 Lemon Drops, and a Mai Tai,” you read aloud off the order pad as Jongho rolls up his sleeves and get to work.
You look in amazement as he mixes, shakes, and aerates the drinks and puts them in glasses with ease, slowly serving them one by one.
“Hey, grab that jigger and shaker behind the bottle. I’m only gonna say this once.” He proclaims with authority. He calls out the measurements along with each ingredient very swiftly and efficiently.
As he listed what was needed, you did it with speed and precision. It wasn’t really the easiest task. Maybe a little faster than San did, but doable, nonetheless.
In less than seven minutes, everyone was satiated with their alcoholic beverages, and you were wiping the counter down and making the occasional order that you were trained in.
“What was that?” You hear the eerily calm voice of your boss, who helped you out of your pickle. “I’m sorry,” you ask in confusion. “You heard me,” he strolls slowly towards you as the late-night drinkers strolled out, meeting Hongjoong at the door to leave.
"Do you know how much money you almost cost me with that little stunt?” He questions, standing in front of you, crossing his arms – stretching the taut fabric across his upper arm.
The action made you pan down to the rest of his body. He is dressed in an all-black suit and tie with shiny Oxfords. You can tell the suit is tailored because of the way that the custom slacks cling to his muscular thighs, along with the prementioned shirt sleeves.
“Hey!” He snaps his fingers, bringing your attention back to his face. The position you two are in is pretty compromising. You are pinned against the bar edge by Jongho, pelvis to pelvis, and caged in by his muscular arms. His breath flutters across your face, starting a path of shudders down your body.
“You’re just not good at anything, are you? Taking orders, listening… How did San ever finish training you?” He says condescendingly while rubbing your bottom lip with his thumb. Your mouth reflexively opens to accept the appendage and graciously suck on it. You roll your tongue around his thumb, coating it with saliva.
His eyes darken at your reaction, and his hand clenches into a fist on the marble countertop. “So, my little cub like fingers in her mouth, huh?” Jongho says as he slowly removes his thumb, creating a spit string in its wake. You let out a soft whimper automatically. His hand does quick work to go to your neck and lightly grip it.
“I wonder what else you’d like in your mouth….” He whispered breathily to you but also to himself in curiosity. As he says that, the pressure on your neck got tighter; nothing to hurt you, but you could feel the effect.
You feel lightheaded and fluffy. Your hands are loosely draped on his arm. Your mouth is agape, eyes in the back of your head. Your thighs are firmly pressed together to give yourself some sort of friction. You feel him let go of your throat, allowing you to properly inhale and exhale. “Why don’t you show me what San actually taught you?” He said.
You should have been offended because all you did *pause* was make drinks, but there was something in his voice that said that you should listen to him.
He grabs your head by the chin and kisses you. It is slow but lustful and passionate, making your endorphins levels rise. His tongue rubs against yours, and he slightly pulls away from you to lick your bottom lip. When he lets you go completely, he slowly pushes you down onto your knees.
You continued to make eye contact as you sink to the floor. When you are stable on the ground, he kneels down, grabs your chin lightly, and moves your head to look dead in your eyes.
“Unbutton that shirt for me, cub. I want to see those titties bounce for me as you suck my cock.” He lets go of your chin aggressively and stands back up, unzipping his fly and lowering his boxer briefs to let his hard-on free. As you unbutton your blouse, you analyze what is about to go into your mouth.
Slightly longer than average, but his circumference is much thicker than anyone you have been with. You raise your hand to grip it, and your fingers do not even come around the entirety of his shaft. You give kitten licks to his tip, and he shivers.
“Don’t tease me, cub,” he says as he grips your hair in a fist to look at him, then bringing you face to face with his dick. You take little by little until you could not anymore, covering the rest with your hand. You bob your head while twisting your hand around like you had a purpose.
Jongho is now leaning over the counter, looking at those big doe eyes of yours. Thank goodness the club is closed; that would have been such a bitch to explain to a customer.
You come up to apply suction to his tip and move your hands to his balls, massaging them – causing Jongho to throw his head back and release a low guttural moan.
Jongho usually has more control than this, but the feeling he is experiencing now… he has never felt this before. He might just cum early at this rate, but he is determined to hold it more than the two minutes you have been downstairs.
All of those plans go to complete shit when you try to take him entirely and succeed. You can feel him in the back of your throat, and it takes almost all of your being to not gag around him.
Jongho is in a cloud of bliss from this, and as much as he wants to stay in this position, he grabs the sides of your head and yanks you off.
You are heaving, with your chin, exposed breasts, and black bra drenched in your saliva. Your skirt may have a couple wet spots as well, but who cares at this point? Your eyeliner or mascara (probably both) is running down your cheeks, and Jongho loves every aspect of it.
“Baby, as great as that felt, you could have done much better.” He says, grabbing your forearms and softly pulls you up to your feet – contradicting everything that went through his mind a few seconds ago.
“Damn, didn’t San teach ANYTHING?” He thinks aloud as he presses your front against the cool counter, which is now glazed with your spit.
“Why do I have to do everything myself when it involves San?” He asks as he pushes your panties to the side and sheathes himself inside of your dripping core. You drop your forehead and place your hands on the counter, bracing yourself, and he moves slowly in and out of you.
“My little cub was just waiting on me to fuck her, wasn’t she?” He punctuates that by meeting you hip to hip, all the way to the hilt, causing you to moan out from surprise. He strokes himself inside your walls with his hands on your waist, more than enough pressure to leave slight bruises on you in the morning, but it’s going to be completely worth it.
“Damn, she’s so tight.” Jongho thinks as he closes his eyes and breathes, trying not to buss so quickly. You whimpered at the irresistible stretch he’s giving you.
He leans down to your ear. “You like it when I drive myself into you like that? That tight little cunt of seems to, the way that she’s dripping all over your leg.” He questions as he gives you long, deep strokes – touching places you did not know you had. You mewl from the dangerous words being whispered in your ear.
I guess Jongho didn’t like your silence, so… “I asked you a question, cub.” He harshly grabs the front of your neck and squeezes, your mouth opening in a silent moan. “Yes, sir, I love it so much.” You airily respond.
“Tell me how much.” He demands as he kicks at your ankles to give himself more room and thrust into you deeper.
You vocalize how much you are enjoying the feeling of the pulsing veins down his length inside you, the deep strokes and his thickness stretching you out. You were rewarded with a faster pace, soft touches to your clit. You cried out due to the feather-light touch, and you feel your high coming fast, and apparently, Jongho feels the spasming of your pussy signaling that as well.
“Look at you, cub. Taking me so well,” He said as he goes to slap your ass. The sound resonates through the speakeasy. You feel tiny prickles from the impact, and it brings your climax exponentially closer. You gasp from him, spanking you again in the same spot; a definite handprint-shaped welt will develop in the morning. He begins to alternate between your left and right cheeks, and the hits do nothing but amplify your need to cum. You are shakily teetering the line of ecstasy and disappointment.
“Don’t cum yet, cub. Almost there.” He said as he massages your left side. You can feel the cool metal of the ring on his hand, soothing the now-red marks until it’s gone… until you feel a hard slap that knocks over the edge. You collapse against the counter, seeing a bright and blinding white light behind your eyes. You bite your lip to hold in the scream that ended up sounding like a loud grunt until your lip slip from your teeth, letting out an unadulterated moan. You feel shockwaves of fuzzy tingles go down your whole body. You feel like you’re floating, and you would sell yourself for one red skittle and a marble to feel like this again.
Jongho follows suit, and like yourself, it’s nothing he ever experienced before. He tightly closes his eyes and saw tiny little sparks swirling around him as he fills you up, painting your walls white.
He feels scorching fireworks of pleasure just exploding through his body. To prevent himself from collapsing on top of your drained body, he braces himself with his hand on the edge of the bar. You can feel his hot breath in pants on the back of your neck and your hair standing on end from it.
Jongho slowly pulls out of you, and you moan out from the empty feeling. Jongho puts his penis back in his slacks and returns to his office, leaving you a sticky wet mess of a cum dumpster on the counter.
A/N: See, I could stop here and let you knock your rocks to your own accord, but it wouldn’t be Jongho without a lil bit of aftercare. You are welcome.
You try to stand up on your own, but the entirety of your body feels like the equivalence of a wet soggy noodle, and your front collapses back on the marble top.
You hear a soft chuckle as Jongho returns back with a cold bottle of water, a damp washcloth, and some aloe vera. Since you are virtually immobile, Jongho flips your skirt and pulls your panties down. He wipes the mixture of your fling off your leg and any remnants from your apex. Placing the cloth on the counter, he pulls them back up and opens the aloe, swiping some in his hands. He carefully wipes it on your buttocks, and the cooling sensation along with the rings on his hand feels really nice on the marks he left. He flips your skirt back down.
Jongho lifts you up and turns you around, then proceeds to fold the washcloth in half for the clean side and pours some water on the cloth.
He begins to wipe the sticky layer of spit off of your chest and chin. You watch him with glazed-over eyes, your dopamine levels still high. He even takes the liberty of buttoning your shirt.
When he’s done, and leans down to your ear and says, “A bit of advice to know while working here: Don’t mess with my money. If you wanted dick that bad, all you had to do was ask, cub.” He leaves you there with that lasting quote. You try to figure out why he said that of all things. This event didn’t need a reminder; you’ll never forget it.
As you try to figure out why he said that, San walks around the counter and looks around his bar. “Why do you have a bottle of water when you could just get a glass, some ice, and water from the tap?”
Little did he know.
And that's the fic ✨ hope you enjoyed the read. Also, I had an alternate ending to this. Would you read if I wrote it? Okay bye 😁😁😁
#mingissoggywaffles#ateez#ateez smut#atz smut#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#jongho x reader#choi jongho smut#choi jongho x reader#jongho smut#dom! Jongho#jongho x y/n#chard 💕
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Hi guys! I hope all of you are doing well. First part, thank you all for 700 followers! I’ve haven’t been very active on here so the fact that people enjoy my fics enough to follow me makes so happy! Thank you so much for the continued support✨
Unfortunately, I follow with some sad and good news, depending on how you take this. I’m going to put this blog on an official hiatus. This is not a goodbye, more of a “see you later!” I kinda lost inspiration to write for ATEEZ for the moment. I’ll try to stay lurking on this page to continue putting good recs on here…
but you can find me on my other blog, Dan and Terry’s, also known as @taehyunscaramelfrappe !
All of my written fics will stay here and only here. If you see my works anywhere except for Tumblr and I haven’t said anything about it, please send me a message and we’ll handle that accordingly. Plagiarizing is and will be enforced when it comes to my works. Love you guys and I’ll see you soon x
Tagging my moots, tag list and anyone who has left me a supportive message ✨🫶🏽 I hope you guys will continue to support me on my new blog as I love each one of you, even if we haven’t interacted much
mwahs from chard💕 xx
@ceopjy @shu-fie @woowommy @yunhofingers-writes @mingis-lightbulb @taeyongslilkitty @zitaosbadbaby @yungisstar1117 @yungisstar1117-writes @pseudosoobin @soobinshouseplant @wishuponthestars @qiankunlove-blog @ammcg0119 @yelloimmitch @lee--felix @seonghwaneedsjesusrn @multidreams-and-desires @violetwinters
#mingissoggywaffles#chard 💕#hiatus#see you later#love you all#ateez#ateez smut#atz smut#ateez x reader#ateez imagines
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My Fics/Drabbles 🥴 ❣️
Fun fact: All of my titles are songs I avidly listen to (with the exception of every timestamp besides 1:27) , and they're bangers. Go listen to the name and check them out. You won't regret it 😉
Smut is marked with 🥴
Fluff (which is not a lot) is marked with 🥰
One shots are marked with 🧐
Suggestive is marked with 😏
Violence is marked with 💣
Angst (which not a lot...) is marked with 🥀
* (ʘᴗʘ✿) (✿^‿^) *
Park Seong Hwa
Gunshot 🥴💣
2:56 AM 😏
9:43 PM 😏
Kinktober Day 11 🥴
Kinktober Day 15 😏
Kinktober Day 23 😏🥴
Kinktober Day 29
Kim Hong Joong
Make It Right 🥴 🥀
Promise 🥰
2:22 AM 😏
Kinktober Day 8 🥴
Kinktober Day 13 🥴
Kinktober Day 22 🥴🥴
Kinktober Day 27 😏
Jeong Yun Ho
I Don't Disappoint 🥴
2:21 AM 🥴
Kinktober Day 2 😏
Kinktober Day 6 🥴
Kinktober Day 28
Kang Yeo Sang
Celebrate 🥴 💣
10:16 PM 😏
1:42 AM 😏💣
Kinktober Day 3 😏💣
Kinktober Day 9 😏💣
Kinktober Day 10 😏💣
Kinktober Day 14 🥴
Let Go 🧐🥴
Choi San
Movie Star 🥴
2:16 AM 🥴
Kinktober Day 1 🥴
Kinktober Day 4 🥴
Kinktober Day 16 🥴
Kinktober Day 19 😏🥴
5:32 P.M. 🥰🥰
Song Min Gi
Love Scene 🥴
11:53 PM 🥴
Kinktober Day 12 🥴
Kinktober Day 17 🥴🥴
Kinktober Day 21 🥴
Kinktober Day 30
Jung Woo Young
Bambi 🥴
3:26 AM 🥴
Kinktober Day 18 🥴🥴
Kinktober Day 20 🥴🥴
Kinktober Day 24 🥴🥴
Kinktober Day 25 🥴
Choi Jong Ho
Advice 🥴 🥴
1:27 AM 😏
12:26 PM 🥴
Kinktober Day 5 🥴
Kinktober Day 7 😏💣
Kinktober Day 26 😏
12:36 AM 🥴🥴
#mingissoggywaffles#chard 💕#ateez#ateez smut#atz smut#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez x reader#ateez smut fanfiction#ateez smut writer#ateez smut drabbles
122 notes
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Can y'all help me find it?
#mingissoggywaffles#chard 💕#baby please... im on my knees#can you help me?#skz x reader#stray kids smut
14 notes
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Oh you scared me, bun xD
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Thank you guys so much for still loving me even though I suck at posting xD
I'm writing a request that I got a loooooooooooooooong time ago and hopefully I'll have it up by New Year's Eve.
Just a lil update on me and me being mushy after the cut 😃
I kinda just lost inspo to write on here after Kinktober so I'm never doing 31 straight days of writing ever again xD
Thank you so much again for reading and I hope to give you more content so you can also throw an empty water bottle at your bestie. Sorry for being so mushy xD
And I would like to reiterate that even though I write on here, I do not qualify myself as a writer.
Lex ( @dazzling-lightzzz ) is the writer of the friend group, not me. I just do it because I have thoughts I wanna write out and share. I really appreciate the love and support you guys give me.
Chard 💕
#mingissoggywaffles#chard 💕#non ateez#life update#i'm coming home soon i promise 💝✨#thank you so much for 600 followers#600 💜🤍💜🤍
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Hawks x reader
Fluff 9 and angst 16
Things changed after your accident, the way you looked and the way you felt were greatly affected. You were on your journey towards recovery but your relationship begins to feel....off.
Hawks x Pro Hero! Gn! Reader
💕💜Counting Memories Event💜💕: Now Closed!
💕💜Counting Memories Event Masterlist💜💕
W: Post War Arc, Burn Scars, Insecurity, Misunderstandings
16)“Are you ashamed of me?”
9)“You’re as beautiful as the moon and stars.”
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
Before the incident, your skin was only knicked by cuts and tinted with bruises. You had nothing obvious on you, nothing other than the faint paling scars from old fights. Those weren’t too hard to hide nor hard to treat. Compression sleeves and treating the injuries as quickly as you could help prevent a lot of improper healing.
“Babe, do you want to eat out or in. I don’t mind walking today so it’s whatever you want.” Your boyfriend, Hawks, walked into your apartment and began to list off things you could both eat for dinner that night. He wanted to spend time with you after nearly 6 days of not having you all to himself.
“Let’s eat in, I want to cuddle with you.” Hawks sat by on the couch and kissed you right away. His arm and wings wrapped the two of you up as he clicked through his contact list of restaurants you both liked ordering. It was a moment of peace that had become rare for the both of you but it was worth it. Holding on to each other was always worth it.
Your phone began to ring, it jumped with each buzz it let out alerting you of an incoming call. Hawks groaned and asked you to turn it off, it was “you and him” time. You chuckled at him and grabbed your phone. It was the Commission.
“We have an urgent assignment for you. You must come alone and not inform Hawks.” You nodded and excused yourself to Hawks. You told him it was your assistant who wanted clearance to sign a few forms and needed to review them with you.
“Really? Fine, just don't take long.” He kissed you before letting you fully move away from him.
The mission was a disaster, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. You couldn't feel yourself move towards the safe zone that was previously established, nor did you realize you collapse once away from the danger. You couldn’t feel the skin on your back crack and burn up and your fingertips were chard. You were too tired, your body screaming for a break. The nerves were all fried and your heart began to slow. The world was better off dimming itself out of your vision and you were happiest when you felt the pounding in your head forced you to fall unconscious. The next time that you woke up it was in a hospital, the room smelling of nothing but bleach and a constant beeping playing as the background to your confusion. You couldn’t feel any air hit your skin, if anything, you felt like your body was fully compressed. You tried opening your eyes, the blaring light making you blink in an attempt to get a clearer image of the room.
“Let me see them! I need to make sure that they’re fine!” The voice was familiar. The anger was familiar. You only ever heard him scream like that when a civilian was walking into danger and was harm needlessly.
There was a struggle outside your hospital room and it came to an end when your long-time boyfriend bursts through the door into your hospital room. It felt like the world had gone silent in the few seconds that he stood next to you and just watched your breath. Your heart burned inside your chest, you wanted to hold him. He looked distraught and his eyes began to fill with tears. What happened to you that had him on the verge of tears?
“Y/n…” His voice came out broken. Hawks arms moved towards you but he stopped himself before he could reach you. He looked afraid.
“Hawks” Your voice was rough, too raw for your liking. It hurt your throat to utter out his name. The burning was unbearable and you attempted to ask for water to help soothe it. Hawks picked up on what you were trying to do. He grabbed the pitcher of water that was placed on the small stand near your bed and poured some into the glass cup the nurse handed to him. He sat on the edge of the bed and tilted the cup so that you wouldn’t have to strain yourself to drink. The water wasn’t cool but lukewarm. You would have complained about the temperature but the relief that you obtained from drinking shut you up. You tried to open your mouth again but Hawks and the nurse quickly stopped you.
“It would be best if you did attempt to speak. Your vocal cords need to rest.” The nurse warned. Hawks kept tapping his foot and began to bite his nails while staring at you. You tried to ask why but the nurse quickly interrupted once again.
“You suffered severe burns. We found you bleeding out on the floor. You’ve been in a coma for the past week and your wounds are still healing, some of them having to be treated for infection. Please do not attempt to worsen your condition by extensive periods of speak or movement.” The feeling of dread that washed over you was blood freezing. Your eyes widened, and your heart felt like it was going to stop at any second. A week in a coma that you just woke up from just to find out that you suffered injuries that covered a large section of your body? So this was the end? Was your hero career over?
It wasn’t. Hawks took care of you from the moment that you woke up and continued to take care of you once you were cleared to go home. You felt bad about the whole ordeal. He would come back home late and tired from a long day of fighting criminals and doing paperwork, just to help you do basic tasks like taking a shower. He reassured you that he enjoyed rubbing unscented lotion into your skin to help hydrate and soothe the irritated skin. He told you that helping you put on your compression garments was always fun, he had another excuse to touch you.
The tense insecurity that began to build up inside you was beginning to break you. You could feel the strings of it snap as weeks went by. You tried to reassure yourself that it was nothing, that Hawks was just doing what the Commission was telling him to do. It was nothing to be concerned about….so why did it matter so much to you? He had to do public appearances and usually, he would do them with you, but it wasn’t unusual for him to make appearances with other people. He liked having your guy’s relationship be televised since it made it easier for the public to get a glimpse into the relationship you usually kept private. It was usually with you but when you couldn’t he would ask Mirko or Jeanist to come with him instead. Nothing wrong with it, nothing weird. You sat down on the couch in the living room and watch the hero gala the Hawks had to attend. This time, he was with a woman you’ve never seen before. You assumed she was someone from his agency, an intern he wanted to show the ropes of public affairs or a sidekick. He was dressed to the nines and the woman was wearing a dress that barely left anything to the imagination. She was beautiful and untainted from the cruel work of hero work. She looked like a model that people drool over. Hawks turned to face her and then the cameras, the flashes of light making his eyes twitch. He smiled lazily at the cameras and winked at the crowd of fangirls that were audible but out of frame. He held her close to him, his hand on her hip and it only moved lower and lower and lower-
You turned off the television and sat in complete silence on the couch. The apartment had its own sounds, the AC pushed air gently into the room as the sounds of your neighbors coming and going out of their homes. The injured skin on your cheek and neck pulled uncomfortably as you tried to keep yourself calm. You didn’t want to cry out loud and alarm the neighbors but the urge to scream and cry was bubbling inside you. Your arms that still had stitches stretched as you punched the couch you were sitting on. The wobble in your injured and bruised legs threatened to drop you as stood up to walk to the bedroom you shared with him. You had to be overreacting, he would never do that to you. He loved you, he told you that himself. But yet again he could always lie.
You woke up feeling sore all over, your legs and face suffering the most from it. You opened your eyes just enough to notice that you were tucked into your bed and that it was morning. You turned around slowly to prevent any further agitation to your burn scars. Hawks was sleeping on the other side of the bed, his wings were spread out over the both of you as he laid flat on his stomach facing away from you. You felt how your heartbeat picked up and the sudden insecurity come back. Did he come back because it was the only place to sleep at or because he was rejected by the woman he was with? You didn’t want to dwell on it, instead, you got up and walked into the bathroom. You had to change the wrappings you put on for the night in exchange for fresh ones. You then had to put on your tighter compression sleeves. It took you longer to do on your own, when Hawks was there to help you it took a third of the time. The last thing you wanted was to have him come anywhere near you, the memory of him moving his hand down the woman’s back and having it come over her ass was fresh on your find.
You supported yourself on the bathroom sink and took some deep breaths to help calm yourself down. You couldn’t be tense if you were going to recover properly, you needed to have a clear mind if you were going to go back to hero work instead of sitting alone in your massive apartment. You forgot to lock the door and completely tune out the world around you, so it came as a surprise when you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around your torso. They were gentle and there wasn’t a lot of pressure being pressed onto your torso. He was being careful to not hurt you.
“Morning.” His voice was groggy, filled with sleep and confusion as he used one of his wings to rub at his eye.
“Did you miss me?” He was being playful with you, he was always playful early in the morning. It always took you aback how ready he was to start the day, but yet again he was trained by the Commission.
“Yeah.” You whispered back. Your voice hasn’t fully recovered yet and the cool morning air didn’t help with your delicate throat. You moved back and walked out of the bathroom with Hawks following closely behind. He looked oddly refreshed, usually, he had heavy bags under his eyes with his own facial scar feeling dry and itchy.
He walked into the kitchen with you and watched you attempt to open the fridge. Your arms lost a lot of muscle, the flames ate it up just like it consumed you. That didn’t stop you from working hard and going to your therapy, that didn’t stop you from straining yourself and yanking the fridge door wide open. You hissed at the sudden burst of strength but whimpered once you let go of the handle. This is what you were reduced to. You depended on Hawks to help you do practically everything, you had no independence. You couldn’t help out with paperwork for your agency since you could barely keep your hand firm enough to hold the pencil or to write for a few minutes. You were stuck feeling trapped inside your own body with Hawks having to be your babysitter that ensures you won’t collapse. There was this hot feeling beginning to cover your chest, the skin began to darken on your collar and your neck began to tense. Fear and panic settled in as it daunted on you how much you had lost. You were nothing without the support of the #2 hero, nothing.
“Babe, are you there? You didn’t strain yourself too much did you?” He walked up behind you ready to provide you comfort and something to lean on but you instead continued to grab the things you needed from the fridge and dropped them on the counter. Your arms gave up on you and they hurt too much to just ignore it again. You felt the tears begin to swell in your eyes and finally drip down your face. It was pointless hiding it. It hurt so much being useless again, it hurt feeling pathetic in the face of a top hero. A person who you loved with your entire being that probably didn’t want you anymore since you no longer looked like the person he fell in love with.
This was the start of the end for you. You felt as more time passed, the need, the want he once had for you began to fade away. He wasn’t home as often, barely even slept in the same bed as you when he would come back to the apartment. He still took care of you, that was something he was committed to but the spark that was once there, that flame, was snuffing out. At least that’s how you took the lack of presence from him. You were cleared for more strenuous activities which meant that sex was back on the table. Hawks didn’t seem to want to have sex with you, always stating that he didn’t want to hurt you or that he was too tired for it. So you worked harder to recover. You didn’t want to be a burden anymore, you wanted to leave. Seeing him be all smiles with his interns and sidekicks while being neutral with you had set everything into motion. It hurt to think that at the end of your recovery your relationship would end but it was for the best. He had to be tired of helping you do practically everything and it seemed that you were no longer the center of his attention anyway.
Hawks spent a lot of time making public appearances at events and random functions that he was invited to. He would always have that woman with him, the one that always looked ready to elope with him in front of everyone with the amount of eye fucking she was doing. Jealousy didn’t come to cover how you felt about her, she was everything you weren’t and more. And it was all because you had chard skin that didn’t seem to want to heal and muscle that didn’t want to build. You cried alone in your once shared bed and held yourself as you reflected on what else to do. It hurt. Your heart ached in ways it hadn’t done in a long time. How would you make it stop?
It came in a form of a question a year into your recovery. You still weren’t at 100% and your doctors had advised you to still stay clear from hero work. You planned making comeback into the hero scene but it would have to be delayed. So you asked him.
“Are you ashamed of me?” It shook you to your core as you watched a news replay a scene of the previous night’s major hero gala that Hakws had attended. He was once again with the woman and this time she kissed him on her cheek. The rumor mill began the next day but everyone was now assuming that he and the woman were a couple.
“W- What? Why would ask that?” He walked over to you and sat beside you on the couch. He attempted to reach you but retracted his arm. Was he that disgusted? Is that why he didn’t want to fuck you anymore? You turned your head towards and asked again.
“Are you?” He shocked his head and gently placed his hand on top of yours. You couldn’t shake how distant it felt even though he was touching you. You kept our composure and stared him down till he finally gave you an answer.
“No- No no no, No! I love you, I’m literally head over heels for you. Wh-Where is this coming from?” His wings gave a lot away. When he was happy they would puff up and shake. When upset, they could limp and drag on the floor. His wings were stiff and shook as you silently continued to stare at him.
“I…..don’t look like myself anymore.” Hawks never agreed with the commission or his fans that he had bird tendencies, it wasn’t something he put thought into.
He wasn’t possessive nor was he ever someone who took interest in someone’s appearance but he had to admit that the moment he laid his eyes on you he was a goner. He was gone from the moment you smiled at him and his wings betrayed everything he felt. He enjoyed helping you recover, the burn scars that you held matched his own. It made him feel comforted, loved, and appreciated even while injured. Even while feeling ugly. His fans ate it up, they loved his scars and thought they were hot even though he never view them like so. You, on the other hand, made him see how handsome he was even while injured. He had you by his side during his recovery, his confidence soured as you kissed his uneven skin, and when you would gently touch him during your more intimate moments. You were never repulsed by how dry and red the skin appeared at the beginning and later on, you commented on how it showed the sacrifices he had to make to ensure everyone else’s safety. He wanted to do the same for you, maybe be the anchor that you had become for him in his time of need. But you pulled away. He wanted to hold you close but you’d always bring up an excuse to stay at arm’s length.
“You’re as beautiful as the moon and stars.” The words came out of his mouth without a moment of hesitation. The words weighed on him since you uttered your own. It was hard to see himself reflected on you, to see the person he wanted to devote his every breathing moment become the hermitted broken mess he once was.
He cupped your cheek and pulled you close to him, your faces just inches away from one another. He could see the tears that escaped your eyes, foggy and frantically searching for any malice he could be hiding behind his sweet words. You found nothing. His chapped lips met your own, nothing but the sound of mouths opening and lips brushing could be heard in the silent apartment. You sighed as he brushed his tongue against your lips and deepened the connection as if trying to become on. It was lonely, deprived of his contact was so unbearable after all this time.
“I love you, no matter what.” He kissed you again, and again, and again. He only stopped to keep mumbling encouraging and loving words to you.
He kept you on the couch, his wings and arms cocooning you. You felt safe but most importantly loved. He explained that the woman that he was with was another agent, not a sidekick from his agency, that had been assigned to do some fieldwork. The touches were not meant to be romantically charged, it was meant to camouflage the fact that he was turning on the electronic recorder that was hidden on her leg.
“The doors had electronic detectors so it couldn’t be on, don’t know why the Commission gives a fuck about what heroes are doing at a shitty gala but yeah, that’s what that was all about. Don’t be mad?” You giggled and gently caressed the burn scar on his right cheek. You remember how mortified you when you saw him at the hospital, he couldn’t breathe and his body was badly burned. His poor wings had been singed, nearly destroyed.
“I’m not mad, im- I was just being insecure-” Hawks kissed you once again and rubbed our arms gently as to not irritate the damaged skin.
“I should have explained what was happening, don’t blame yourself. Also,” He got up from the couch and opened up a drawer in the kitchen, pulling out a piece of paper. “Doctors said that you can finally be cleared for heavy reversal therapy next week. When do you want to set up the appointment?” Reversal therapy was a newer treatment on the market made to reverse physical damage. As quirks began to progress and awake after the war. This treatment could get rid of the majority of your physical damage, maybe even let you get back to work after a month of treatment.
“When are you free?” You felt tears well up again and Hawks gently wiping them away.
“I have the entire month off because of mandatory mental health treatment. But, if you’d take me, id rather stay by your side till your fully done with your treatment.” You nodded and pulled him into a kiss. You couldn’t wait to start your hero work with your boyfriend by your side.
#hawks x reader#mha hawks x gn! reader#hawks x gn reader#hawks x y/n#hawks x me#hawks x gn! reader#hawks#hawks my hero academia#mha#bnha#my hero academia#keigo x gn! reader#keigo x y/n#keigo x reader#keigo x you#keigo takami#mha hawks#bnha hawks#ask#DD answers
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Hi peoples!!! Just wanted to say that I am still alive xD
My college work is kicking my ass and there's this boy I like that makes my blood pressure rise and my coochie flutter.
I have a couple fics that have just been sitting in my head. There are listed in my works in progress. Drop a reply on this post with your vote for what should go first✨ W.I.P. List
My permanent taglist is now back open, so let me know in my ask box if you want to be added/removed.
I'm working on a Hongjoong fic now. It was supposed to be out for his birthday as it a request 🤠🙃 but it shall get done ✅ but to hold you over hopefully, my MasterList is in my bio.
Chard 💕
Taglist: @ceopjy @shusan @woowommy @yunhofingers @dazzling-lightzzz @roan-baekhyun-empire-bloodhaire @yungisstar1117 @yunsangoveryonder @damissub @totheworld-thisisnct @wooyoungsbae @qiankunlove-blog @rdiamondbts2727 @ammcg0119 @yelloimmitch
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Moots (gonna get updated as it grows)
@xuxis-pretty-devil-boy - Chai 🐺
@drunk-on-hwa - Sar 🌙
@kpopcrossworlds - Haru 💚
@hongwoosan - ???
@atinywhore - ???
@hipster-shiz - The Coffee Baby ☕️
@mingissoggywaffles - Chard 💕
@twancingyunhao - Lyssa 🫧
@lilhwahwa - ???
@yelloimmitch - ChaoticBun
@mommiejenjen - ???
@perfectlyspaceshongjoong - Hongbabie 🤫
@kpopmademygradesgodown - ???
@fantasy2wonderland - 🪶
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@xi2ku sporting her moss stitch bralette in the desert by Charde Crochets. 💕😊💕 #crochetbikini #handmadebikini #crochet #crochetersofinstagram #crochetdesigns #crochetersofinsta #crochetbralette #chardecrochets https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnLgalSr_1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes

Eating the rainbow and keeping my immune system up with daily organic salads.. 😋🌱♥️ - Kale, Spinach, Chard, Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli, Mini Peppers, Shaved Parmesan Cheese, Grape Tomatoes, Pumpkin Seeds and Pasture Raised Eggs! 💚 - - - #PostpartumHealing #TheFourthTrimester #OrganicAlways 💕#LetFoodBeThyMedicine 🌱♥️ #MedicineMama111 #TheBestOfTimes 💫 #TheLoveInMyLife (at The Mystery Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZIl8-oJbuY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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orchid & ginger
orchid - favourite fruit?>🌸 easy, bananas. No. Pear. Wait, Grapes. Gosh. Everything! 🍌🍇🍒🍑🍓🍐🍊 except pineapples. They're disgusting 😅ginger - least favourite food?>🌸 Chard 🤢Thank you! 💫💕
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Can y'all send me some number combos along with an ATEEZ member? I wanna write more drabbles since a fic hasn't come to me yet.
Prompt list
1. “I missed you so much.”
2. “Like what you see?”
3. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
4. “You’re so perfect. And I’m so fucking lucky.”
5. “Try to stay quiet, understand?”
6. “We’re in public, you know.”
7. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
8. “Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.”
9. “Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
10. “I like it when you say my name like that.”
11. “I heard shower sex is dangerous, but right now, I’m willing to take the risk.”
12. “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.”
13. “You’re so much fun to touch.”
14. “Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?”
15. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
16. “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
17. “Oh my God, do that again.”
18. “You can be wearing a trash bag, and I’d still want you.”
19. “I thought maybe we can do a little more than just kissing.”
20. “I’m going to be late because you can’t keep it in your pants.”
21. “I’ll keep you warm.”
22. “Does your ass even fit in those jeans?”
23. “I’m hot” “Yes you are ;)”
24. “This is ridiculous!”
25. “We could get caught!”
26. “I have a surprise for you.”
27. “…Or we could just get naked.”
28. “I’m still sore from last night.”
29. “Will you marry me?”
30. “I’m just pregnant, you don’t have to treat me like glass.”
31. “No panties, baby girl?”
32. “All I can think about is ripping that dress off of you.”
33. “Don’t hide from me, I want to see you.”
34. “You’re mine and no one else can have you.”
35. “Well good morning to you too.”
36. “Um, can I help you? Why are you staring at me?”
37. “Always so fucking tight for me.”
38. “Look at what you did to me. I’ve had to deal with this all day.”
39. “I’ll be gentle, promise.”
40. “Just relax.”
41. “Oh fuck, don’t stop.”
42. “Give me a little show.”
43. “Can we just stay home so I can fuck your brains out?”
44. “You’re a virgin? How?”
45. “Lay back and let me take care of you.”
46. Car
47. Closet
48. Gym
49. Bathroom
50. Park
51. Office
52. Hotel
53. Bedroom
54. Restaurant
55. Library
56. Pool
57. Classroom
58. Amusement Park
59. Dance Studio
60. Club
61. Frat house
62. Forest/ woods
63. Storage room
64. Backstage
65. Rooftop
66. Theatre
67. Changing room
68. Kissing
69. Making out
70. Eating out
71. Just eating
72. Cuddling
73. Holding hands
74. Telling each other I love you
75. Blowjob
76. Teasing
77. Flirting
78. Dancing
79. Skipping class
80. First kiss
81. First time
82. Drinking
83. Sleeping together
84. Getting caught
85. Sneaking out
86. First Date
87. Blushing
88. Picnicking
89. Spanking
90. Showering together
91. Playing video games
92. Cooking
93. Just sex ;)
94. Buying couple items
95. Confessing
96. Dating
97. Waking up
98. Surprise!
99. Telling him you’re pregnant
100. Make up sex
101. Dirty talk
102. Overstimulation
103. Caught masturbating (specify who)
104. Shy
105. Trapped in snow storm
106. Lingerie
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