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rosieriott · 3 years ago
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Eating the rainbow and keeping my immune system up with daily organic salads.. 😋🌱♥️ - Kale, Spinach, Chard, Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli, Mini Peppers, Shaved Parmesan Cheese, Grape Tomatoes, Pumpkin Seeds and Pasture Raised Eggs! 💚 - - - #PostpartumHealing #TheFourthTrimester #OrganicAlways 💕#LetFoodBeThyMedicine 🌱♥️ #MedicineMama111 #TheBestOfTimes 💫 #TheLoveInMyLife (at The Mystery Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZIl8-oJbuY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ericayserrano-blog · 6 years ago
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And just like that it’s spring in the desert 🌵 : : : I love the sunsets during Spring and Summer in Las Vegas. The photo doesn’t do it justice but the colors that I see really bring a higher vibe and connection with the natural world. I was able to take my little dinosaur out for a walk today and just take in all of the oranges and yellows while also listening to @las.doctoras podcast. : : I’m learning so much about reproductive health. It’s been a journey tying women’s health, mental health, and postpartum care together. It’s amazing what a universe we have in our wombs and how that universe translates into our lives whether we give birth or not. : : Right now, I’m excited to continue my focus and services on postpartum care and being your postpartum doula. My future seems to be winding and traveling to places I never thought. But for now we continue our focus on healing our wombs, our bodies, our minds and spirits in the 4th trimester and beyond 🌬 : : : : : : : : : #fourthtrimester #4thtrimester #thefourthtrimester #the4thtrimester #postpartum #postpartumdoula #postpartumselfcare #postpartumcare #postpartumaupport #lasvegaspostpartum #lasvegaspostpartumdoula #lasvegasdoula #postpartumlife #wombcare #lasvegas #lasvegassunset #desert #desertliving #lasvegasmama (at Tivoli Village Las Vegas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvLHS8ZHPNc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4jigq7wpnown
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purlbella · 7 years ago
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New #hardcover #books @solidstatedc #fiction #nonfiction #TheBoatPeople by #SharonBala #novel #EattheApple by #MattYoung #memoir #TheFourthTrimester by #SusanBrink #SpeakNoEvil by #UzodinmaIweala #books #bookstagram #bookstore #bookshop #ReadingGreetings #read #Reading #booksofinstagram #bookaddict #bookworm #bookworld (at Solid State Books)
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doulabrittany · 8 years ago
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Speech comes in all forms besides just verbal. Communicate with your baby from the start. www.doulabydesign.net #doulaservices #postpartum #thefourthtrimester #newborn #postpartumdoula #speech
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happybabyclass · 3 years ago
How to Dress My Baby In the Winter Months - Happy Baby Class
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❄️ Keeping your baby comfortable in colder weather requires extra time, extra layers and extra patience. ❄️ As they say, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing." ❄️ The key to dressing a baby appropriately for cold weather is layering. Babies are less able to regulate their body temperatures, so they’re more vulnerable to the cold. In fact, babies lose most of their heat through their heads, so make sure to use a hat to keep them warm. 👉 Follow our advice in the post to help keep your baby warm during winter.
To Know More Click Here :- Baby Care Class #newparentssupport #newparentsupport #freeservices #supportingmoms #thefourthtrimester #newmother #postnatalsupport
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doulaheidi · 6 years ago
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Open the lines of communication. Instead of making comments that will get a simple yes or no reply (or worse, imply that you know the answer already), ask questions that leave space for a conversation. Take time to hear a new mom's heart. She'll thank you for it later. #Repost @mombrain.therapist How did people help you talk about your experience as a new mom? What helped? What didn’t? ⁣⁣________________________________________ #firsttimemom #newmom #momandbabystuff #mommeme #motherhoodunderstood #motherhoodquotes #motherhoodunplugged #postpartum #fourthtrimester #postpartumjourney #postpartumlife #newmomlife #healthymom #postpartumdepression #perinataldepression #ppd #postpartumanxiety #maternalmentalhealth #doula #postpartumdoula #happyhealthymom #birthstories #thefourthtrimester #mypostpartumjourney #newmomproblems #honestmommin #honestmom #takebackpostpartum #motheringthemother
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ameliakyoga · 9 years ago
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Sorry if this is TMI but I'm pretty stoked about this... Awhile ago I mentioned my inverted nipple woes and how my milk supply had nearly completely dried up on the left side because nursing was too painful. I nearly gave up even trying because of the excruciating pain that didn't seem to get any better no matter what creams, shields etc I tried, and I didn't think I'd be able to get my milk back. And honesty, Lily would have been quite happy just nursing on my rights side - but then that side was getting sore because she was on it so frequently, and I was worried about having no backup boob if things went south (and I know it's so superficial but having lopsided boobs drove me nuts). Well, I kept up with pumping and gradually reintroduced nursing as it healed. I find what helped was being topless/braless as much as possible to let it be exposed to the air, applying breastmilk and letting it dry, and wearing a nipple shield under my clothing to protect it. A month later I'm almost able to nurse evenly on both sides & it's only painful usually for the first few sucks when she latches. I still pump once or twice a day with my awesomesauce @pumpstrap to give it a break. My milk supply has gone from almost nothing to 4oz in 15 min of pumping! (For those wondering, no I haven't tried any herbs/teas or anything special for milk supply). I realize I talk about breastfeeding a lot but right now basically our whole life revolves around this so bear with me! #1monthpostpartum #LilyOrysia #thefourthtrimester #takebackpostpartum
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rosieriott · 3 years ago
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Oven Baked “Fall Off The Bone” Ribs and Asparagus! Simple yet delicious! 😋😋 - - - #PostpartumHealing #TheFourthTrimester #OrganicAlways 💕#LetFoodBeThyMedicine 🌱♥️ #MedicineMama111 #TheBestOfTimes 💫 #TheLoveInMyLife (at The Mystery Spot) https://www.instagram.com/medicinemama111/p/CZHY3KcF9xM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ericayserrano-blog · 6 years ago
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I’m super passionate about goals, meeting deadlines, changing the world, and supporting our community. You’ll also find me talking about human rights, sustainability, mental health and wellness, and nutrition. I might support you during your pregnancy, your TTC journey, your postpartum period, or during any time of need. But at the end of the week, on a sunny Friday, I’m a mom of a smiley 7 month old. Wanting to stop time and enjoy her messy hair, our messy family bed, and the endless love we seem to have for each other. My daughter is the reason why I am a doula. ✨ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : #doula #postpartumdoula #postpartumsupport #mamadoula #motherhood #thefourthtrimester #cuarentena #lasvegasdoula #wellness #mentalhealth #selfcare #postpartumselfcare #instablog #mamapreneur #mompreneur #stoptime #baby #girlmom (at Spring Valley, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWfE3cHEBQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19y96olrlsd5s
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rosieriott · 3 years ago
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“You don’t know what you have until you clean out your fridge” SIMPLE meals Part II.. 😅♥️ - Garlic Butter @butcher_box #GrassFed New York Strip Steak with a side of Steamed Kale topped with Cotija Cheese and a dash of Lemon Juice! 💛 - Halfway into the steak, Nick says, “This is like a fancy steak huh? Like a New York Strip or something huh?” Ha! I’ve taught the boy well it seems! Bravo, my dear.. Bravo! 👏🏽😂 - - - #PostpartumHealing #TheFourthTrimester #OrganicAlways 💕#LetFoodBeThyMedicine 🌱♥️ #MedicineMama111 #TheBestOfTimes 💫 #TheLoveInMyLife (at The Mystery Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYRgmIZldHb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rosieriott · 3 years ago
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Homemade Shepherd’s Pie with Cheesy Cauliflower Mash! 😋 - A couple days ago, I woke up in a really great mood. I walked around my home feeling the most chipper, I looked outside only to see Nick picking up trash in the pouring rain while loading it all in the back of our truck to take it to the dump (we don’t use a trash service). He didn’t complain about any of it either even though the amount we accumulated was pretttty wild, so I thought to myself, hmm.. I should do something nice for him! I decided to make him my version of Shepherd’s Pie! 🙃🙃 - Boy oh boyyy was that a task! Half way into making it, the weight of the task itself felt so heavy and SOOO incredibly DAUNTING! I had forgotten just how much work it was to make such a meal, but it came out great and he absolutely loved it! It’s just that in times like these, I need to remember baby steps are still steps and while I CAN do some things, it doesn’t mean I should overwhelm myself. Lesson learned! 😝😌 - Base layer made with @butcher_box Ground Beef, Onions, Garlic, Carrots and Tomato Sauce. Top layer made with Cauliflower, Cream Cheese, Parmesan Cheese and @redmondrealsalt! ♥️ - - - #PostpartumHealing #TheFourthTrimester #OrganicAlways 💕#LetFoodBeThyMedicine 🌱♥️ #MedicineMama111 #TheBestOfTimes 💫 #TheLoveInMyLife (at The Mystery Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYReBHNFZS3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ericayserrano-blog · 7 years ago
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My feed is gonna be baby themed for a while 🙊 baby feet and poorly lit polaroids. I’m almost ready to share more of our little nopal🌵. Just savoring this first month postpartum, spending time with my husband, and diving into our new roles as a parents. ::expect a blog post soon though 💕:: #newborn #newbornbaby #polaroid #polaroidphoto #postpartum #thefourthtrimester #baby #postpartumlife (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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