#characters that appear in less than 30 episodes and yet are more memorable than some of the main castmembers from other trek shows my belove
loopnoid · 3 years
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more ds9 nonsense. my beloveds
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meimae · 4 years
Language Learning Through Immersion: One Year Japanese Update
I did it, you guys! I’ve successfully reached my very first year of Japanese language immersion! I honestly thought that I would have given up by now, but this really has been a fun and ultimately rewarding endeavor.
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Studying the language has been at the back of my mind for years since elementary school, I just never really knew how to go about it before, and I always thought that I could learn it in a classroom setting someday. That someday for me was in two elective courses in university, and while those were fun as well, it did not give me the same gains that I have achieved in this past year.
It’s probably easier to quantify learning a language in a classroom setting, especially when going through a program to earn a language degree. Learning through immersion, however, I had to really consider what my goals should be on my own. Eventually, I stumbled upon an article saying that for an English speaker, Japanese was exceptionally difficult to learn and that at least 2,200 hours must be spent with the language to reach a certain level of proficiency. So I said to myself, “well okay internet, if you say so!”, and set that as my long term goal going forward.
Spoiler Alert: I did not hit that goal in my first year. I am not crazy and will never listen to Japanese in my sleep regardless of what Khatzumoto (the creator of All Japanese All the Time) says. 
I did, however, hit a total 1,226.65 active immersion hours in my first year, so I guess I’m still a bit nuts. That is 874.96 hours of active listening and 351.69 reading hours. I also did 270.59 hours of passive listening, also known as the time in the very beginning of my immersion where I was using Japanese subtitles (therefore not really concentrating on listening alone). That’s a cumulative 1,497.24 hours spent with Japanese. That’s more than halfway towards my goal! 
To further break that down for curious animanga fans out there, that’s 973 episodes from 109 anime, 765 episodes from 33 dramas, 7 movies, and 967 chapters from 107 volumes of manga (21 series). Here’s my anilist and mydramalist to see what I’ve read/watched.
During all this, I was also doing my daily Anki reps and now I have a 530 day SRS streak (includes the time prior starting immersion and only doing RTK and some vocabulary cards) and a total 8,857 sentence cards. I’ve been averaging 406 cards daily (because I’m trying to cure my leeches) and I spend about an hour per day doing reps and learning new cards. I don’t really track my time on Anki, but I do have a set timer that goes off after 1-1:30 hours.
What I haven’t touched upon at all is output. I have not gone out of my way to find a tutor or a language partner. There’s still plenty of input out there to immerse in before I even consider outputting.
Graphs, stats, and more thoughts:
Here's my current card count in my main deck (minus the cards in my new/learning queue and leeches I've been relearning which are in separate decks):
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That one day in 2019 where I did not do my cards because I was seriously doubting whether I can actually stick with language learning this time around will forever haunt and inspire me to keep going everyday.
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Workflow and Tips
You might be wondering, how do I have a lot of time? I started this whole endeavor in the middle of a pandemic, which eliminated the option of me going to a language school, and a slew of other things I were considering doing last year became impossible (and if anything, very scary to do in a pandemic). All I can say is that, things work out eventually if it is His will, and if I can learn a skill before everything properly settles back down again, then why not? 
I wake up at 5 in the morning everyday to either do my Anki reps or read until the time when I need to get up and I listen to compressed audio throughout the day. The biggest tip is to switch the time you spend watching/reading in your native language to your target language instead. Listen to a podcast during your commute, watch an episode during lunch break, read before going to bed, do your Anki reps in the bathroom if you have to. 
But, if you’re feeling burnt out, there is no reason for you to not take a break! I have been watching a lot of Among Us streams before bed, and I chat with my friends from time to time. Language learning is not a race.
More Stats
Here are a couple of grids of the kanji characters that I have encountered at least once in my immersion and how well I have answered them in my vocabulary/sentence cards.
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It's interesting that after almost 9000 words, I have yet to encounter every single character from the Remembering the Kanji 1 (RTK 1) book by James Heisig, which teaches you the most common use characters that are part of the 常用漢字. Which brings me to the question, was writing down every single character being taught in RTK worth it every time it came up in my reviews for the first 3-ish months I was reviewing them? Maybe, maybe not. It certainly removed my anxiety whenever looking at blocks of text in Japanese, but the longer I think about it, the more I feel I should have switched to Recognition RTK earlier. Still, being able to write in proper stroke order is cool I guess, and it also helps me when looking things up in the dictionary.
Here’s the same grid but in JLPT order:
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I clearly need to grind those N2 and N1 level cards! Speaking of which, I have apparently almost covered every single character that could possibly appear in the JLPT (except for the N1 which I have only covered half of) in just a year's time. If the JLPT word frequency lists I’m using are accurate, I have about 2,000 words more to go to to cover most vocabulary that could appear in the test. This makes the "10,000 sentences/words to fluency" argument a reasonable milestone to aim for for Japanese learners if said aim is only to pass the test. That said, 10,000 words is just that, a milestone. It's more akin to a comfortable level of comprehension, but not my own concept of fluency which is being able to read with ease, speak articulately, and write comfortably.
My biggest motivation for tracking my stats is for the purpose of seeing whether my reading speed is improving over time. Reading speed is also easier to measure than listening comprehension which is kind of subjective, so I had a lot of fun making these. What I found is that for the first volume or chapter of whatever it is I’m reading, I always take the time to get used to the writing style of the author. My speed really improves whenever I keep reading the same topic over and over again. On the other hand and quite obviously, looking up many new words in a row and trying to parse sentences slows me down.
Manga: Reading Speed Progression per Volume
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I clearly love ちはやふる and I am not ashamed to admit it.
I need to start reading longer manga. When I do, I’ll probably split this graph into less than and greater than 20 volumes. Imagine if I start reading something ridiculously long as 名探偵コナン or ワンピース, these graphs will start breaching the bounds of time and space.
Novels: Time Spent Reading per Chapter
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#neverforget the time I read chapter six of Norwegian Wood for 9 hours when it took me less than half that time in English RIP. Also, my interest in Kitchen plummeted LOL. Still planning to finish it don’t worry. 
I also need to start branching away from manga and start reading more novels and light novels, too just so I can make more pretty graphs.
Visual Novels: Time Spent Reading and Daily Word Count
Also known as images that clearly show that I’ve already spent several days only reading the prologue of Island. I’m not sweating. 切那 needs to stop using words I don’t know in succession. More thoughts on this VN far into the future.
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Thoughts on Immersion
I can’t really say anything else other that that it works for me, and needless to say if you’re considering this method, remember that the SRS is your friend but immersion should be your one true love.
Prior to all this, I couldn’t even read a sample paragraph from Genki without being confused to my very soul. Yes, I know, it’s embarrassing, but that’s the truth. I was way more scared of failing my Japanese classes than my actual thesis for my bachelors degree, I kid you not. I would quite literally spend all my free time in university trying to understand grammar, memorize vocabulary, and answer my workbook exercises with little to no success. 
I tried so hard to get all the grammar “formulas” into my head for 1.5 years and it only brought me more confusion. I’m never going back to traditional classroom study for language learning, but I will still refer to grammar books when I need to, and not because I feel like I need to answer 4783342 different workbook exercises like my life depended on it.
I still can’t believe it, but with immersion this statement is actually true to a point, don’t try shadowing anime/or calling your boss anime language slurs, use your common sense:
study anime to understand Japanese > study Japanese to understand anime 
Future Goals/Plans
2,200 immersion hours was my initial goal, but honestly I feel like that number could be much higher. There’s still a lot of stuff I don’t understand (news, politics, sciences, etc.), so I’ll make attempts to cover more of those things in my immersion. 
I’ll continue reading more, because that’s a natural SRS in itself. Try to read longer manga, more novels, visual novels, and light novels, and maybe news articles. 
I’ll try to mine as much “JLPT vocab” as I can before making any attempts at taking the JLPT. I noticed that a lot of the words I know don’t appear in the JLPT word lists as much, even though they appear a lot in media/daily conversation. 
Continue mining all words I don’t know because all words are useful anyway. There is no such thing as useless words. I never really understood mining only “interesting words” or words that “pop up” in your immersion. As I said in my previous blog post, 美人局 is an interesting word and I certainly caught it being said in my immersion, but in the three languages I know, I wouldn’t know when I would be able to use such a word, as compared to something like ジャガイモ which is a significantly less interesting word, but is certainly useful to know. 
I have managed to talk up a storm, but if you have any questions regarding my process or recommendations for new immersion material, please feel free to send an ask/reply to this post. I love hearing about other people’s language learning/immersion journeys. 
See you on my next post!
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 61 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 359 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here. 
RATE THE EPISODE 347 Responses
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While this episode wasn’t as big of a hit as episode 60, overall most viewers still enjoyed the content and are looking forward to more next week!
amazing amazing! I'm so delighted with this season so far!
Im so beyond pumped i love everything
Dissapointing but acceptable.
I’m like angry I loved it so much.
I just wish we didn't have to wait a week
It was amazing. We all gotta apologize to MAPPA for ever doubting them.
It's a huge stepdown from episode 1. At times the animation was straight up painful to watch. My expectations were low and yet I'm still disappointed :/
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Reiner-centric scenes were the highest on people’s radar, with 24.9% of respondents enjoying his reunion with the warrior cadets, and not far behind, 22.9% enjoyed Reiner bringing up the 104th at the dinner table. In third, with only 13.5%, was Pieck and Porco’s formal introduction to the audience. 
Hearing Zeke greet his grandparents with such happiness warmed my heart. I do believe that he loves them. 
They just had to add one last image of Ymir's broken face before she died, huh? :(
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Last week we forgot to include what your favorite scenes were. The scene from episode 60 that got the most favor was Reiner’s, “I’m sick and tired… of walls” with 33.6% of the vote. 16.7% most enjoyed Zeke’s titan transforming scream. 14.9% were hyped about Reiner and Porco wrecking Fort Slava.
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Overall, a total of 74.5% respondents have positive feelings about MAPPA’s use of rotoscope animation and camera panning. Some felt like it was akin to watching a movie, while others are just happy to have the dynamic movement. A smaller amount of respondents didn’t have feelings one way or another, and a minority (about 10.3%) really are not a fan of this type of animation style for the series.
It felt odd sometimes as they used it for long scenes (like Udo talking or Gabi telling the story to her family) but overall it was pretty great and I prefer it to WIT's stale animation during season 3
I liked the more dynamic movement during dialogue, but my roommate found it super awkward and off-model. So a fifty-fifty split in a sample size of two lol
It could have been animated better, but I like the extra dimension it gives to scenes
Enjoyed it a lot! However, there were a few scenes that felt a bit off, like some frames were missing. Specifically, when Udo was doing all those gestures while talking with the rest of the Warrior Candidates.
It felt dynamic to the point of looking unnatural - some gestures and expressions just moved wrong
i'm split, in some scenes it was great (like reiner waking up), but in the dialogue scenes the constant movement seemed kinda unnatural and distracting
It was amazing but at the same time I'd didn't look fluid enough, especially at Udo's mouvements which made the character look kind of...video game-ish in constant moving. 
I thought it looked great the rotoscoping,the movements all looked amazing
The animation during Urdu’s scene is so cool!  I was caught of guard at first though lol. It’s so realistic!
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So far, reception to the newer music is overall positive. 31.1% are really enjoying the music and think the songs are being used immaculately, and 40.4% really feel that the song choice compliments the scenes they’ve been used in. 13.1% think the songs are good, but miss having that sole Sawano feel to them. 10.8% just feel the music is “ok” and 2.6% aren’t a fan of the new OST tracks so far. 
I mean it sounds good, but we haven't gotten to important moments that require a memorable track, so we'll see!
First episode slapped because it really complemented the scene but it's more... generic. I didn't like how it was used in this episode, there wasn't enough of it and again, generic. I miss Sawano's unreal scores.
the animation absolutely blew me away, and i love the intense music that played during Reiners monologue 
The music is fine.
I've heard both new and old songs from the previous seasons. Still too soon to make an opinion as we need to hear more.
I am deaf, I can't hear no damn soundtracks 
That music guys when they came back to Liberio and reuniting with they parents, made me tear up but also because the scouts never had the chance to go back home with victory in the arms of their family, I wish I could have seen EMA like this.. It kinda felt unfair X) but I was happy for them nevertheless.
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Our first of probably too many crack questions in this poll, 32.7% thought the closeup of Zeke lighting his cigarette was cool looking. 21.4% are concerned about Zeke’s lung health. 19.1% are probably annoyed with us and simply don’t care (lol). 13.3% wouldn’t mind smooching Zeke, and 11% were just plain grossed out.
Does smoke even affect a titan shifter? Surely his lungs just heal themselves
ASMR for the eyes, right there. Aww yiss
It was awesome! Zeke is shown as relaxed person with a big drop of mystery. 
Smoking Bad but he is gonna die in a year anyway
It might've just been an artistic choice to include it in there, but i gotta say I'm oddly fascinated and idk why
I don’t remember it lol
I didn't even notice.
Zeke looks hotter than he has ever looked
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Most of the responses seemed to feel rather positively about Eldian asses, with almost 40% seeking out Zeke’s ass wiping technique. About 17% simply stated their appreciation for them, while almost 13% are just thirsty. In contrast, a little over 17% seemed confused to the question’s inclusion and about 10% were confused outright. 
More into Eldian thighs, really
I bet Levi’s is nice
If only Eren had one
zeke has the energy of a straight man who doesn't wash his ass
Only Shadis' ass
They are like normal, human asses. Do not turn them into some magical, special snowflakes, just because they belong to Eldians. 
Seek help
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A definitive majority, almost 59 percent, openly expressed enthusiasm for the prospect of a head pat from Reiner. However, a near 30% fraction of responders didn’t seem too happy about this recent chain of less than serious questions. We’re sorry about that. 😅. The rest either didn’t seem interested in said prospect or noted they wouldn’t care either way.
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It would appear that the majority of those who took our poll express cautious optimism at the prospect of seeing all (or the vast majority) of Reiner’s backstory being adapted into a single episode, with a near 47% supporting the move, thinking it could make the narrative “more coherent”. Almost 20% argue it would work better pacing wise. On the flipside, just over 17% state that they would rather have a more accurate adaptation to the manga. 11.6% simply say they have no opinion. There were also more than a few write-ins.
I do wish everything could be animated to full detail, but pacing and structure will benefit here
They've done a good job so far, so I'll reserve judgement until I actually watch it.
It will be difficult as they're chapters with loads of dialogue, but they can pull it off if unnecessary stuff gets cut out or changed in some type of way (like watching Marcel's death for the sixth time, them breaking through the wall or even Jean and Eren fighting) 
If they get the pacing right, then the rearrangement will be for the better.
Reiner flashbacks + Reiner suicide attempt + Falco meeting "Kruger" (more than 2,5 chapters) in a single episode? HELL NO! WTF MAPPA!  
Worried and cautiously optimistic.
At least it looks like they're going to stick to just one episode for the RBA flashback. It was mostly just filler anyway, so there was never any need to stretch it out and waste precious time getting back to the Paradis side of the story
I doubt that that's exactly how it is, but if so, then I don't think that that's a wise idea
It’s gonna be rushed as hell
Reiner flashback is very long and there is tons of dialogue, so I dont know how its going fit in only one episode, but if they can make it work then its fine for me
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This question gave us a somewhat evenly split pie chart, but Porco nonetheless managed to gain the bigger piece with just over 55%. Surely due to that bomber jacket and haircut. Nearly 45% picked Pieck (gottem) instead. Must have been the somewhat inconsistent nose. 
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On the flip side, 68.4% seemed to prefer Pieck’s soft voice. Porco with his (how the hell does Porco sound like… how can you describe his voice) managed to win the hearts of 31.6% of responses.
Pieck voice wtf? I imagined Pieck with a more Hanji-ish voice, not this sweet and high pitched.
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The debacle over Pieck’s POWERFUL nose gave us quite a colorful pie chart. Almost 39% of responses noted that Mappa was on point with Pieck’s nose for most of the episode. Afterwards, 26.7% stated that they thought that Mappa got it right only in some points of the episode. On the flip side, another 26.7% thought that Mappa was generally quite on point throughout the entire episode. A small minority (7.8%) thought that Mappa simply did a poor job. 
The animation is good, and while I don't want to complain, I have a small problem with the drawings themselves. I feel like they lack precision (like Pieck's nose, idk if that's clear).
I'm grateful for Pieck's nose. I always respected Isayama for drawing imperfect characters, because this way he has made them to look more realistic. Even though Pieck has so-called imperfect nose, she is still absolutely gorgeous. Her imperfections are part of what makes her beautiful and unique.
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A far less controversial debacle concerned Porco’s hair scheme. The folks supporting a Blond color scheme were universally content with his hair color (all 57.4% of team Blond). On the flip side, an almost universal approval was also present from team Redhead (13.6% of those supported his blond hair color). 27.5% of the responses seemed to care not about this issue at all, however.
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Porco inheriting the Armored Titan is a rather interesting what-if scenario. Perhaps of the most interesting as a whole, so it’s no surprise to see a rather divided opinion of those who took our poll. A little over 36% believe that Porco doing a better job than Reiner on Paradis is a definite possibility. Just over 24% believe it’s not likely Porco would have done better than Reiner. On the flip side, 21.6% think that is is likely Porco *would* have a more successful conduct on the island. 9.2% believe that Porco’s success is a given and in opposition to that, 8.9% think that Porco’s success would have been basically impossible.
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Much less division here, however. 70.5% of responders believe that Pieck’s possible trip to Paradis (in the initial attack) would have not have resulted in a given “mission success” for the Warriors, although she would have been a rather useful ally. Nearly a quarter, on the other hand, think that Pieck’s inclusion would have ended the story right then and there. The rather small minority of the other responders think that Pieck would not have been useful had she participated in the mission.
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64.6% of respondents overall have positive feelings toward Gabi as of right now, with 39.5% having already been enjoying her character throughout the manga. 25.1% now view her more positively with her being brought to life. 20.2% don’t really care about Gabi either way, and 11.7% feel very negatively toward Gabi, without the anime swaying their opinions. 
Gabi still sucks
Sakura ayane as gabi is probably the best thing to happen to me all year
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Overwhelmingly, the scenes that were most missed by manga readers were “Pieck walking on all fours/scaring Porco”, “Zeke mentioning the Ackerman Clan”, “Reiner’s smirk when his family talks about ‘Island Devils’”, and “The imagery of Eren and Armin wrecking ships”. Smaller character details, such as Reiner mentioning how he acted like Marcel on Paradis, Gabi wishing to understand Reiner’s feelings, Falco pointing out how Reiner almost had the Armor taken from him, were also very missed by manga readers, although just less so. 
General Calvi talking about Zeke’s loyalty, Gabi getting praise from her parents when they reunite, and Magath trashing the Marleyan navy, were moments that many respondents didn’t feel strongly about one way or another, or felt that these were details that weren’t really needed anyway. 
Cutting the scene where Falcon talks about why Reiner kept the AT was really bad.  Also the table scene could have been better. Some imagery when Reiner was describing the 104th and his smirk.
The cuts the anime has done made the spectators less informed about some story background stuff. This is in order to direct attention to the marley's eldians planning how to overcome the world's disparagement towards the power of the titans. 
I'm sad they cut the gate guards. They humanize the marleyans a bit. Hope they add their scenes next episode and do them justice.
I hope we will get the Gabi/Reiner talk about understanding each other through PATHS when she eats him next episode
Gimme crawling best giiiirl
MAPPA cut Pieck's ass so this episode wouldn't be so ass centered with Zeke's ass wiping technique. This is my theory lol
Great episode but U was so looking forward to the Reiner scene talking about Paradis “devils”. In the mange it was a powerful scene really adding to the duality of Reiner and the pain he has, and the animation did not do it justice. Plus some parts of his speech were probably hard to understand for a non mange reader without the flashback. (Like which one is referring to Jean for example).  I really wish it had been better delivered
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them into different scenes. Overall, the majority answered a big, fat, “maybe.” 15.8% are confident that what’s done has been done, and 12.6% are more optimistic that MAPPA will find a way.
Overall I was a bit disappointed. I feel like the amount of material cut from every conversation included really added up overall and gave it a very rushed feel to me. I really hope they add it all in later.
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The changes and additions that MAPPA made were overall viewed very favorably, with the scene of Porco and Pieck interacting with the warrior cadets being the most liked addition. This is followed closely by the overall character movement during dialogue scenes, the small detail about Pieck’s father being unwell, and Gabi shouting “Watashi!” on the train.
I loved the additional details made it very emotional
Sneakier Eren's a nice addition too
Porco my boiii I'm so happy he's here 💖💖💖💖 if mappa is adding some extra scenes then gimme more of gallirei 👀
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Unsurprisingly, 42% of respondents are hyped about Kenny’s brief return and Annie’s unlikely encounter with him in the Underground. 22.2% are eager to get that sweet Reiner angst as he is rejected by his Marleyan father. 17.8% are looking forward to Reiner’s training days.
great! it was inevitable they would cut stuff but it hasn't changed any major plot point or thing i would want to see desperately 
It was just really great to see the scenes animated, it adds another level of depth and understanding to the story I believe. 
Loved anime-onlies missing Eren completely. Some even thought it was him but then noticed the leg and thought against it
I think it was very well done. Just need a little getting used to with MAPPA on the reins now. I think MAPPA added some scenes to show how those Eldians over there are still just human after all and they have their own problems to deal with. 8/10 episode.
I feel like they took a lot of emotion way from reiner. made him seemed stoic and determined to go to the island even though in the make he looked scared about having to return. 
I thought the rotoscoping was really well done! I’m happy with the pacing, the fact that the episode felt like it went by fast is good considering it was dialogue based.
Incredible. The direction, the cinematic quality, we are feasting. MAPPA is elevating the story beyond anything I could have imagined! I'm beyond hyped for the rest!! But where is asshole Marley guards/Hobo!Eren's appearance as a favorite moment?!
Incredible, it adapts the source material very well while adding some touches that make it unique in it's own way. As a manga reader, I'm really glad that they're doing this because it feels like a completly different experience from reading it and makes me excited on what changes or directing choices they're going to make during the course of the season, great job so far MAPPA!
Such an amazing episode. Made 20mins feel like 5. MAPPA is doing fantastic. The characters have never felt more alive and the animation style is something I never knew I wanted until now. 
I can't believe they didn't cast Mads Mikkelsen to voice Mads Mikkelsen
The episode was good but the dinner scene didn't do justice to the manga. It didn't have the same feeling to it. I saw a lot of anime onlys thinking Reiner was just trying to talk shit about the 104th. I feel like the flashbacks during that part in the manga gave it a nostalgic feeling that helped convey what he truly felt about his time on the island. His facial expressions were not quite there either. Specially sad because it was the moment I was expecting the most this episode and because it's a big part of Reiner's character, maybe next episode can kind of fix this.
I haven't seen the anime only poll results, but given personal conversations with them I imagine quite a few could care less about the Warriors and are looking forward to the 104th showing up to stir shit up. Boy are those folks in for a treat :)
I knew I'd feel more attached to all of them once they got animated. I didn't expect getting real thirsty for Lainah.
I was so happy with how much detail MAPPA put into the background scenery. Also, I think that an underrated moment during this episode was the Marlian douchebag triggering the Eldian soldier’s PTSD. You could really feel their terror, and THEY KEPT THE HOBO EREN PART IM SO HAPPY!
Its consistently very pretty and well animated which is great of course, but I worry the team won’t be able to maintain this quality for some of the meatier scenes in the later episodes. The fast pace of the episode (compared to the manga) as well as the many cuts make it a bit harder for scenes to stick, I wish there was a bit more breathing room at times. This also makes the fancy animation and frequent rotoscoping cuts feel less impactful for me—with every scene being cut down to its core ingredients, and every scene having at least one cut with more motion and energy than we’re used to, I can’t help but feel it all kind of mashes together without sticking out as much, leaving less of an impact. (I feel really really weird actually complaining about good camerawork/animation, what the hell lol) Also hobo <3
Plenty of questions about ass but no questions about the full ED? Or how we thought the episode did at hiding Eren in plain sight?
rip Reiner's chocolate abs :'(
The episode wasn't as interesting as the first one. I was yawning from time to time. Yet, I think that Mappa did a great job, because it's hard to animate full of  dialogues chapters. I was disappointed of the fact that flashbacks from Paradis have been cut. I hoped to see Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Marco while Reiner was speaking about them. Without the flashbacks we just got the dry speech and this way hard to say what Reiner is really thinking about people he met on Paradis. We - as manga readers - already are aware of his feelings, but anime onlies may not know and see Reiner as cold hearted person. I'm not complaining over animations or the OST tracks because no studio is perfect and some small mistakes here and there won't destroy my fun. I just sit and enjoy the episode. 
Very good, with the exception of the dinner scene, in which the director missed the mark completely with the tone.
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Thank you again for participating! We’ll see you again next week!
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When Hulu announced it was reviving the cult favorite Veronica Mars for an eight-episode fourth season, the new episodes were initially referred to as a limited series. But in the year 2019, the phrase "limited series" also holds no meaning. If a show is successful enough, a network or streaming service will find a way to bring it back. Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas has been vocal about his desire to continue Veronica's story beyond this new season, which Hulu refers to as Season 4, while series star Kristen Bell would be happy to play the show's eponymous sleuth until "until everyone in Neptune is dead." And for most of Season 4, that felt like a real possibility.
Although the show may never again reach the exciting highs of that first season, for a little while, simply being in Veronica's orbit again was enough to keep viewers happy and entertained. However, in the wake of the shocking, and frankly unnecessary, death of Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring), whom Veronica married in the finale and who was a key part of the show's enduring legacy, it's difficult to see how the show can continue with the same level of fan support that twice brought it back from the dead. And yet, Thomas is still hoping it will.
"The hope we have going into these eight episodes is that we get to do more of them. And my belief is that those will be better with Veronica Mars as the lead of a noir detective series who does not have a boyfriend or a husband," Thomas explained to TV Guide. "In order for us to keep doing these, I think it needs to become a detective show — a noir, mystery, detective show — and those elements of teenage soap need to be behind us. I sort of viewed these eight episodes as a bridge to what Veronica Mars might be moving forward."
Thomas said he wants to continue Veronica Mars as a Sherlock-esque series, one that can hopefully return with new seasons whenever Thomas and Bell can make their schedules align. This hypothetical version of the series would find Veronica solving different cases around the country, and a significant other for the show's heroine apparently doesn't fit into that plan. But the power of the Logan-Veronica relationship and what it meant to fans of the show should not be underestimated. To assume that viewers would even be interested in a Logan-less Veronica Mars almost feels like a fundamental misreading of the fandom.
Of course, this isn't meant to suggest that Veronica Mars cannot exist without Logan — that would be to belittle Veronica and her many achievements; although Logan clearly left an indelible mark on her, Veronica has accomplished plenty on her own without him, and she will no doubt find similar success in the future, especially if she stays in therapy and learns healthy methods of coping with her trauma. But at the same time, Logan is still a major character who was both deeply loved by Veronica and greatly beloved by a number of the show's fans. His sudden death and the reasoning behind it feels like a betrayal that becomes even more painful when you consider Logan's secretive military career would have been an easy way of writing him out of future installments without piercing the hearts of fans everywhere.
Further explaining the difficult decision to kill off Logan, Thomas revealed he worries that whenever a show reaches a romantic conclusion — like, say, a wedding — it also reaches a finale of sorts, and he's not ready for Veronica Mars to be over. This argument not only feels a bit dated, but it also feels a little misguided when a show like Friday Night Lights has already proven that a happy couple in a lasting, loving relationship can make for compelling television, or when series like Bones, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Parks and Recreation have shown us that will-they, won't-they couples can get together without signaling the end of the road.
Knowing this, Logan's death feels needlessly cruel like it was a narrative decision seemingly meant only to further torment Veronica and leave her cold and isolated. While you can argue it serves to once again show just how resilient Veronica is in the face of adversity, how she always gets back up after the world has knocked her down, how much pain and heartache does Veronica have to go through before saying enough is enough? It's honestly exhausting. So, if fans are tired of seeing Veronica constantly having to endure a painful existence to somehow prove she's a great heroine and they choose to no longer watch the show because of this latest development, it's perfectly reasonable. And if fans are angry that Logan is dead and choose to no longer watch Veronica Mars because of this, it is pretty understandable too. However, even if fans can somehow stomach the idea of a Veronica Mars without Logan Echolls, Thomas' vision for the show's future raises more issues. Mainly, new seasons would find Veronica alone, separated from the town she knows and the people who call it home, and this would mean erasing yet another fundamental part of the show.
For four seasons (and a movie), Neptune and its inhabitants have added depth to its rich and rewarding story. Creators love to describe the location of a series as if it's a character in the story, and this is most often a frustrating sentiment that has lost all meaning through overuse, but Neptune is truly an example of a location that has played a major role in shaping not only the show's characters but also its ongoing narrative. Although the town is no longer the same as it once was — the class war and accompanying social commentary that dominated the series from the start is over after these eight episodes, as the town's wealthy elite have succeeded in pushing the working class out — that doesn't necessarily mean the best course of action is for Veronica to skip town and solve cases around the country. Like many shows before it, Veronica Mars is the story of a specific place, and if the show is to continue beyond these eight new episodes, it probably should remain committed to telling the stories of Neptune — at the very least Southern California — if for no other reason than the fact the show owes a lot to the exceptional supporting cast that calls it home and has brought its story to life since 2004.
After all, if Veronica leaves Neptune, where does that leave her father, Keith (Enrico Colantoni)? Thomas said the character may not make an appearance in hypothetical future seasons of the show, and that almost feels incomprehensible. Veronica's relationship with her father is the bedrock upon which the series has rested since the pilot. Even when the show was at its most uneven you could count on Veronica and Keith's powerful family dynamic to ground the story emotionally. And although Veronica is now an adult in her 30s, their relationship is the single most important relationship in her life in the wake of Logan's untimely death. To remove him from the equation entirely threatens to disrupt far more than the status quo, which is what Thomas's intention is by taking Veronica on the road. A Veronica Mars without Keith's stabilizing presence would make for a shell of a series, one that would only be further harmed if Veronica's chosen family — Wallace (Percy Daggs III), Mac (Tina Majorino), and Weevil (Francis Capra) — were to suddenly disappear from her life as well.
Now, the show hopes to minimize this instability by essentially skipping over Veronica's grieving period. As Thomas said, one of the reasons the season includes a flash-forward is so the series doesn't have to spend time actually depicting Veronica's grief. "Our bread and butter is being quick and funny, and I'm not sure it'd be to our benefit to living a year in Veronica's grief on our show," Thomas said, noting that by the end of the season Veronica is actually getting her feet back under her.
But even if Veronica has recovered from her latest trauma, Logan's death is still raw for viewers, and it's painful enough without having to consider that every familiar source of comfort could be ripped away at once in the potential next season. Even beyond the show's core supporting cast, Veronica Mars is home to a memorable motley crew who have brought Neptune to life, and their presence in future installments, no matter how small, would be a cool balm on fresh wounds. Plus, what does the show look like without them? Ryan Hansen's self-centered party king Dick Casablancas, Max Greenfield's charming Leo D'Amato, Ken Marino's skeezy private detective Vinnie Van Lowe, and Daran Norris' reliable public defender Cliff McCormack have all become fan favorites. They each play a necessary role in the show's ecosystem, much like the Fighting Fitzpatricks or the PCHers have done over the years.
Veronica Mars has excelled at building out its little corner of the world by populating it with unique but believable characters, and it's not to suggest that a version of the show that exists outside the world of Neptune won't be able to successfully reach the same depths or recreate that magic in the same way, but it will have to work a lot harder to do it, especially if future seasons once again have a limited episode count. Furthermore, even if new seasons turn out to be good, the truth is that a Veronica Mars outside of Neptune, one without any familiar faces in sight, would feel like a very different show, one that threatens to not feel like Veronica Mars at all.
Veronica Mars helped to usher in the tidal wave of revivals and reboots that is still washing over Hollywood some five years after the fan-funded feature film hit theaters, and when this second revival was first announced last year, I wrote that the show should also be the series that puts an end to that trend too. It was a plea in favor of originality at a time when original ideas felt about as impossible as a unicorn. I still believe this should be the end of the revival trend, but now it's because this is a classic case of the writers thinking so much about whether or not they could do something that they didn't stop to consider if they should. In the end, we got eight more episodes of Veronica Mars, but it came at a deadly cost, and now we live in a world where Logan Echolls is dead and Veronica Mars is leaving Neptune. Was it really worth it?
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venus-says · 4 years
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo Episodes 25-37
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They finally changed that awful ending theme, YES!
I have this thing while watching Precure weekly where at some point during the third quarter I start to get tired of the season, this doesn't happen always but more often than not during this time of the show my fire starts to burn out. And I feel like if I had watched GoGo while it was airing this burn out would hit me for sure because I do think this is the weakest point of this season.
The feeling I had while watching this was that nothing really relevant was happening, even though we actually had quite a decent amount of events moving the story. It's that just most of these events were happening in episodes that weren't very memorable or eventful, we also didn't have a climax for this quarter which made it feel like most of the stuff was meaningless. Also, different from the first and the second quarter, this one didn't have an episode that stands out as a sign of this portion of the story and these are all things that make this the less interesting part of this season so far.
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We didn't have a lot of fillers, but we had a lot of what would be considered important events happening in episodes where the main plot could be considered filler, and this is the feeling I have for this quarter, it was the "filler arc" even though we didn't really have an immense amount of fillers if we think about it.
Episode 25 introduces new villains and we have Queen Bavarois' departure, then we have the filler in the big city followed by a summer festival episode. Next in line, in episode 28, we're introduced to the next monarch, Princess Crepe, and the following episode marks the debut of another general. We reach episode 30 which is another fairy tale episode but that introduces the new toy that will give Milky Rose's power-up in the next episode, which also crowns Nuts as a rightful ruler since he finally gets to use the power of the crown. Then there's a couple of filler episodes, one to showcase the new general's power and one filler for Urara, and we're already saying goodbye to Princess Crepe in episode 34. Episode 35 is the "last" filler of this arc, and we close this quarter with the two-parter that serves as the climax for this section of the story.
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As you can see, a lot happens, yet it doesn't feel like it, it doesn't feel like we had any significant progress outside of Milky Rose's new attack. Does this mean the show became bad and that I stopped enjoying it? No, one of my favorite episodes of this season is here, but again, in comparison with the previous 24 episodes, these 12 feel pretty week.
Talking about the fillers, Episode 26 was a bit weird, it was fine but I still don't know if by the end the people of that city really believed that precure were real or if it was a tv/promo thing for the parade. 32 was the pinnacle of filler episodes because by the end I was like "okay, seeing the girls shrunk down was fun, but why was that for...? What was accomplished here by doing this?". 33 was cute, it's good to see the girls interacting with other characters from school that aren't secondary characters, but by the end, it didn't feel very special. Then we have 35, that seems like it would be a strong emotional episode about the girls wondering about their future and everything, but that is kinda put in the background in order to give Bumbee of all persons a focused episode and it was just weird. And for last, there's episodes 36 and 37, that were supposed to be our climax for this part but that honestly are more filler than anything. They don't really add much to the story, it was just a game show thing for the sake of it, it didn't change the status quo, to be honest, it didn't even have to be a two-parter IMO, it was fun up until a certain point, but they dragged it way too much.
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Thankfully, filler land wasn't just a bunch of mediocre stuff because we had the glorious summer festival episode where we can see the combo Komachi and Rin working together again and IT'S FUN AS HELL!! I gotta say, after Yes! Komachi didn't leave that much of a big impression on me, but in GoGo I'M LOVING HER! She was amazing in this episode, from being quirky because of her love for scary things to the smartness to find a way to walk through that world, to her kindness in trying to help Rin overcome her fears, she shined brightly. And once again, she used her Emerald Saucer in another creative way that brought a lot of fun to the fight and that reiterated how versatile mint is as a cure, Again, marvelous episode.
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Going to villains, my opinions on Shibiretta and Bumbee remain the same, they've been consistent with what we've seen so far. The biggest thing for the villains was the introduction of not just one, but three new generals at this point of the story, given that we haven't seen much of them I don't have any strong opinions on Yadokan and Isogin, they seem pretty bland and I'm not invested on them but I like that they go all out and they didn't reserve what I believe is their fully beast form only for their final appearance. The more expressive addition to the cast is Mucardia, who's very different from all previous generals we had, I like how his approach is through using disguises and everything, it reminds me of Shitattare in this aspect, and I'm here for this. We also had a kind of a confirmation that the Director had something romantic with Flora or something on those lines from one flashback/dream sequence we had in one of the episodes. Now, the only thing I haven't enjoyed from the villains is Anacondy, I don't like how they're making her someone who's obsessed with a man, I think I was fine with her rivalry with Shibiretta because it could be something of the likes of her feeling threatened of losing her position, but here they made it more obvious that she has feelings for the Director and I really don't like that, especially since they also show her having some level of attraction to Mucardia, I think this goes too much to the route of "this strong woman NEEDS a man". And I think they could let the Mucardia stuff be present, but having her be in love for the Director it just feels like a cheap move.
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With Queen Bavarois back to her kingdom, we're greeted with the monarch for this arc, Princess Crepe. And I have a lot of problems with her, to begin is her personality, she's the basic ojou-sama archetype but that is a bit extra delusional because of her love for Coco, she's also the monarch we spent the least amount of time with, I believe, and in this short amount of time we had very few instances where we could see her real personality because the show was more concerned in making her another rival in love for Nozomi and Milk, so it's hard to get to like her and because I don't like her whenever they try to make an emotional moment for her, it just doesn't work.
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Now to close this post, let's talk Nuts. I'm glad the show addressed the fact that he was feeling useless, because well... he was, and I like that they gave him his mini-arc of about 3 episodes or so because he was really needing it. I just wish the groundwork had been set in a better way, the steps for his arc here are he sees a laptop in episode 26, in episode 29 we see him drawing the plans for the communicator, in episode 30 he finally builds it but he can't make it work, and then episode 31 is about him putting out there his frustration, showing his determination and being able to summon the power of the crown to give Milky Rose her new weapon and attack. My problem here is that it feels like it wasn't enough, like yeah those points were there, but we effectively only saw that affecting him in 2 episodes, it wasn't a good build-up.
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And this lack of build-up also hurts Milky Rose a bit because we don't see Nuts and Milk/Kurumi having an extra bond, the only thing they had was when Nuts knew Kurumi was Milk before she revealed her identity, and again, that was only one instance of it happening. Also, the star of the episode is more Nuts than Milk, so for her to gain a new power-up from this sadly doesn't feel like it was deserved or earned. And I think the producers kinda knew that because instead of giving her something completely new that could make use of the Milky Mirror in the way it deserves, because it is a pretty cool weapon, they just made her old attack but with a different CG effect for the petals of her rose. It is a bit disappointing.
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I think this sums up perfectly this third quarter, a bit disappointing from a series that was being consistently good, and I hope this quarter was just a fluke and that we'll end this season with a bang because I really enjoyed the first half of the series and it would be sad to see it sink down in my concept. But anyway, these are just my thoughts, I wanna hear what do you have to say about in the comments down below. Stay healthy, stay safe, never stop resisting, thank you so much for reading, and until the next time. See-ya~
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The translators actually have Tumblr! @edogawatranslations which where they translate 999 Alterna stuff.
I don’t know what their policies are regarding me sharing this interview, but I just wanted to give a signal boost their translations, so prepare for some posts about that!
“The protagonist, Emma, is played by Sumire Morohoshi, who has nearly 16 years of acting experience despite being 19 years old. Norman is played by Maaya Uchida, who has been cast as a male main character for the first time. Ray is played Mariya Ise, a veteran known for her role as Killua in Hunter x Hunter.
During the interview, the trio gushed about how badly they had wanted to be cast in the show, as well as how their determination made the audition process all the more nerve-wracking.
But after overcoming those obstacles, they landed their dream roles—and an incredible team of actresses was born. ”
This interview contains spoilers for episodes one and two of “Yakusoku no Neverland”
Buy them coffee (it literally goes towards keeping their site ad-free): https://ko-fi.com/K3K7H0HX
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The following is their interview. All translation credit goes to Edomonogatari, of course. If you want to see the pictures, go visit their site!
The Promised Neverland: Sumire Morohoshi x Maaya Uchida x Mariya Ise Interview
The Voices in the Recording Studio Fit the Animation Perfectly
What did you think about episode 1 after watching it?
Morohoshi: I was blown away by the movie-level animation quality. In the beginning—when Emma, Norman, and Ray are playing tag with the other kids—the background art was so beautiful, and the atmosphere created by the glistening leaves felt so real. It seemed like a nice, idyllic environment for children to grow up and pass the time in.
That said, there was a huge dichotomy between the peaceful first half and the devastating second half, which suddenly threw us into the deep end. I bet that first episode hooked a lot of viewers.
Ise: In the second half, Conny (played by Ari Ozawa)—a little girl who grew up with Emma and the others—is found dead with a horrified look on her face. It was a drastic shift in tone from the first half, which showed the children leading fun, happy lives as a loving family.
Their “Mom”—Isabella (played by Yūko Kaida)—was awfully kind, and gave off the impression that she raised each and every child with care. But by the second half, you’re wondering where that kind Mom went. This stark contrast between light and dark that defines The Promised Neverland is established in just 30 minutes.
How about you, Uchida-san?
Uchida: The voices I heard in the recording studio fit the animation perfectly. I thought I’d be the only one worried about recording… But everyone else in the room seemed pretty nervous, too. I’m relieved episode 1 turned out well.
It’s my first time playing a young male lead, so I was just as anxious to record as I was to audition. I kept asking the staff, “Is my acting okay?” Even if they replied, “It’s fine,” it didn’t make me any less nervous.
However, as soon as I watched episode 1, the fact that “The Promised Neverland is here” hit me, since the characters and their voices all looked and sounded exactly how I imagined they would. At that moment, I knew everyone would enjoy this series.
Your Desired Role was the Opposite One? Secrets of the Nerve-Wracking Auditions
I heard that you all read the manga to prepare for your auditions. What did you think of it?
Morohoshi: I had assumed that all Jump protagonists were boys, so I was surprised that the protagonist was a girl. The story, which centers around escaping from Grace Field House, and the world, which is inhabited by demons, also stood out to me.
But as I continued reading, I felt the thrill of waiting for the next plot twist, watched as friends teamed up against foes they couldn’t beat on their own, and realized this was a Jump series after all. I was so entranced by this combination of fresh ideas and classic tropes that I caught up in one sitting.
Ise: Yeah, once I started reading it on my phone, I couldn’t stop. I was like, “I need a physical copy!” So I went to the bookstore the next day and bought every volume.
Uchida: I was also reading it on my phone at first, and before I knew it [pretends to grip a phone with both hands], I was stuck in this position. This was late at night, but by the time I looked up, it was already bright outside. It was every bit as suspenseful and interesting as Sumire-chan described. The more I read, the more I wanted to play one of the characters.
Ise: These kids are thrust from a peaceful world into a pit of despair. But rather than give up hope, they defy the status quo and search for a way out. It’s quite a wake-up call for those of us living peacefully in today’s Japan.
Various children besides the main trio appear in this series, but even when faced with the same situation, they make different decisions. I didn’t exactly put myself in their shoes, but as I read the manga, I’d ask myself hypothetical questions like “Would I feel how Emma feels?” or “Would I think how Norman thinks?”
Did you all audition for multiple roles?
Morohoshi: No, just Emma.
Ise: I auditioned for Emma and Norman.
Uchida: I was asked to read for Emma, Norman, and Ray.
Morohoshi: Looking back, my studio audition included an important scene—the one in episode 1 when Emma lets out a tear-filled scream (after seeing Conny’s corpse, the demons, and Isabella at the gate). That was the first time our bright, optimistic, and headstrong Emma had ever felt true despair, so I thought long and hard about how to portray it.
Since I didn’t get any detailed feedback during my audition, I couldn’t stop wondering, “Did I do that right?” once it was over.
Uchida: I was anxious after mine as well. By the time I arrived at the studio for my audition, it was already packed with voice actors famous for playing young boys. Honestly, I was beginning to doubt myself…
It would’ve been my first time playing a boy for an entire cour, and in a dialogue-heavy series to boot. But I was still determined to get the role no matter what. Back then, Ray was my top choice.
Ise: Maaya-chan wanted to be Ray, and I wanted to be Norman.
Uchida: The role I got wasn’t the one I wanted… Funny how things work out, huh. Come to think of it, I auditioned for Norman right after auditioning for Ray. I guess after playing someone as aggressive as Ray, I was able to relax a bit when I played Norman.
Big thanks to my manager for letting me take on such a challenging audition even though I barely had any experience with male roles.
Ise: I had submitted tape auditions for both Emma and Norman, but I was only called in to do a studio audition for Norman. At that point, I was dying to succeed, so I tried not to come off as desperate during my audition.
I’ve recently been volunteering at a pediatric cancer center, which means I’ve had more opportunities to hang out with children who are obsessed with reading The Promised Neverland. Because some of these children are unable to leave the hospital, I thought I could inspire them—and give them courage and hope—by appearing in this series.
I see. Then, how did you feel when you were cast as Ray?
Ise: I’m pretty comfortable with playing him now. Although I admire Norman, I’m more similar to Ray. Thankfully, a lot of people have told me that I’m “perfect” as Ray, so I’m very happy to have been cast as him.
I used to play a character from another Jump series who resembles Ray—a boy with a dark past and a twisted personality—so I’ve taken it upon myself to differentiate the two.
How did those around you react to the news, Morohoshi-san?
Morohoshi: A bunch of different people contacted me when the cast was announced, which made me realize that this series was popular among all genders. It was right around the time I entered college, so I received messages like “That’s awesome!” This series has helped me make a lot of friends at school. [laughs]
Uchida-san, was there also a big reaction to you being cast as a boy?
Uchida: Yeah, even the people close to me were really surprised. Before I was allowed to share the news, I went to the bookstore with my mom. She’s always been an avid manga reader, but she picked up a volume of The Promised Neverland and said, “This one’s interesting.” I couldn’t tell her that I’d been cast yet, so I just responded, “What? Oh, um, have you been reading it…?” [laughs]
The cast wasn’t even announced when the first voiced promotional video came out. I don’t share every role I get with my mom, but I was dying to ask her, “Hey hey… Have you seen this video?” [laughs] I wanted to tell her, “Listen closely.”
No Lies in Her Words: Morohoshi’s Impressive Acting Prowess
Have you recorded any memorable scenes thus far?
Ise: This isn’t exactly a scene per se, but I was impressed by how Sumire-chan never lies when she speaks into the mic as Emma. As you know, we get our lines ahead of time, which means we subconsciously plan out how we’ll perform them in advance. But in Sumire-chan’s case, every word that comes out of her mouth sounds sincere, as if they represent her true feelings in that moment.
Emma is Grace Field House’s beacon of hope, the force that pushes everyone forward. She’s both the heroine and a hero, so naturally, that makes me want to follow Sumire-chan too!
Uchida: I agree. She’s such a reliable protagonist. Truly, I’d follow Sumire-chan anywhere!
Morohoshi: Well… I feel reassured having you two by my side.
Uchida & Ise: Awww!
Morohoshi-san, what do you keep in mind when you’re acting?
Morohoshi: Emma’s not the type to think too deeply before speaking, but her innocent words and unwavering spirit still influence the people around her. In my opinion, that positive aura is what empowers her to be a natural leader. Since her “Emma-ness” goes away if I overthink, I try to rely more on my intuition when I play her.
To be fair, my two co-stars are an even better fit for their characters.
What do you think of Ise-san’s character, Ray?
Morohoshi: For starters, I’m amazed by how she can maintain such a deep voice while playing him. The way his voice gets slightly higher, and sometimes cracks, when he’s agitated feels especially real.
As soon as I noticed the gap between his emotional immaturity and his mental maturity, I went, “That’s Ray alright.”
Ise: You’re too kind.
Uchida: I’ve liked the nihilistic Ray ever since I read the manga, and Mariya-chan’s version of Ray is just as cool. He has the power to lead others in a way that neither Emma nor Norman can.
I like it when he’s rude to Emma and Norman. For example, in episode 2, when he asks Norman, “Why? Aren’t you different?” and then grabs him by the collar so hard that he can’t escape. I thought Mariya-chan really nailed that part!
Ise: At first glance, Ray seems level-headed, but he’s actually quite transparent with his feelings. He gets angry, yells, and sulks. He’s surprisingly childish at times.
Ray’s on a “certain mission” involving Grace Field House, but he can’t accomplish it on his own… Considering his backstory, it’s no wonder he’s pessimistic and devoid of all hope for the outside world. Yet, Emma and Norman—who he met in the midst of his struggles—have become more and more important to him, so he’s determined to save at least the two of them. He’s an extremely considerate, courageous, and caring young man on the inside.
Uchida: He acts cute whenever Isabella’s around, though.
Ise: It’s weird to hear such a nihilistic guy refer to Isabella as “Mom,” huh.
Morohoshi: It’s so cute he when does that. Ise-san does vocal warm-ups before playing him, so I’ve been learning her vocal exercises.
What kind of vocal exercises?
Ise: (low-pitched) Hnn hnn hnn hnn, (high-pitched) hnn hnn hnn hnn, (low-pitched again) hnn hnn hnn hnn. That kind.
Morohoshi: Her range is amazing, isn’t it?
Ise: That’s the trick I use to slip into Ray’s voice. I lower my voice prior to standing before the mic. I also do some stretches in the studio before we start. Everybody else goes directly up to the mic—like the professionals they are—but I need to warm-up, tune my voice, and get into the groove one step at a time. I’m sure we each have our own method of getting ready.
Uchida: In my case, I guess I feed off the energy of others. Our mics are always stationed in the same spot, so whenever the three of us are standing side-by-side, I know everything’s going to be alright.
Norman’s Heart-Throbbing Line: “Let’s run away. Together, with everyone.”
What do you think of Uchida-san’s character, Norman?
Morohoshi: Just hearing Norman’s voice makes me feel safe.
Ise: Same!
Morohoshi: Although Emma is emotionally shaken until roughly episode 3, Norman stays composed and is there for her. It’s comforting to hear Maaya-san speak in a calm and collected tone. I tend to tremble as I say my lines, but she calms me right down. Like a tranquilizer.
Uchida: Yay, I’m glad to hear that.
Ise: Maaya-chan and I co-starred in Hunter x Hunter as Alluka and Killua, so I’m happy we got the chance to work together again. I was curious to see how she’d do as a boy… Turns out she’s perfect!
Uchida: Thank you very much!
Ise: The delicate way she approaches acting reminds me of Norman. Maaya-chan’s soothing voice—the clear, unmuddled voice of a prepubescent boy from the Vienna Boy’s Choir—is simply perfect for him.
I originally wanted to play Norman, but once I heard Maaya-chan’s Norman voice, I decided to aim for Ray instead.
Uchida: Norman’s a genius who always wears a smile and never raises his voice. He can instantly assess any situation and make snap decisions. I try not to make him sound too friendly when he’s giving explanations to the other children or the audience.
He’s so quick-witted that others have trouble following his train of thought. That’s why his demeanor is the same whether he’s having fun or being serious.
In addition, I was conscious of his masculinity. Norman and Ray—the oldest kids—are basically the only manly characters at Grace Field House. I thought it’d be nice to show off his flirty side, like when he admits his feelings for Emma.
Ise: Norman’s not embarrassed to say phrases that make girls blush.
Uchida: Exactly. You could already tell that he liked Emma in episode 1.
Ise: All three of them are 11 years old. Boys at that age tend to be shy, and either avoid their crushes or tease them on purpose, but Norman was thoughtful enough to sit next to Emma and ask her if she was okay. What a gentleman.
My favourite scene in episode 1 is when Emma runs into Norman at the wall during their game of tag, and he goes, [imitates Maaya’s voice] “You caught me.” I was like, “The way she said that was so smooth! Maaya-chan’s the best!” [laughs]
Uchida: Why, thank you! [laughs] Something important I try to keep in mind is Norman’s open-mindedness, his acceptance of everyone and everything. In fact, I get a little embarrassed when we’re recording an intense scene in the studio and I start to see Emma as Sumire-chan. [laughs]
Morohoshi: Fufu. [laughs]
Uchida: I might’ve said something presumptuous just now… What do you think? [laughs]
Morohoshi: I’m desperately trying not to fall in love. [laughs] The last thing this series needs is romance! After all, Emma doesn’t express any romantic feelings. Although, that scene at the end of episode 1—when Emma and Norman are talking in the bedroom—was a close call!
Ise: The scene in which Norman says, “It’s okay. Let’s run away, with everyone,” right? I know!
Morohoshi: After we recorded that part, everyone was like, “What a hunk!” [laughs]
Ise: He’s a sly dog, isn’t he?
Morohoshi: He sure is.
Their Ages, Personalities, and Interests are All Over the Place… So What “Promise” Did They Make?!
I heard that this is the first time all three of you have been interviewed at once. (Note: This interview was conducted toward the end of November 2018.)
Uchida: That’s right. I’ve never worked this closely with Sumire-chan before. We did play sisters on a show called GJ-bu, though.
Ise: It’s also my first time being a regular on a show with Sumire-chan.
Morohoshi-san, what do you view the other two as?
Morohoshi: [stares at Uchida and Ise] My gorgeous older sisters…
Uchida & Ise: [laughs out of embarrassment]
Morohoshi: Every time I watch Ise-san play Ray up close, and hear such a cool voice coming from such a beautiful face, I fall in love. [laughs]
Uchida: I totally get what you mean! [laughs]
Morohoshi: As for Maaya-san, like I mentioned earlier, her presence helps me relax so that I can record in peace.
Uchida: In terms of acting, Sumire-chan is often the one leading the pack. However, in contrast to Emma, she’s more like [imitates Morohoshi’s voice] “Okaaay, sounds good.” She’s rather carefree, in a cute and comfy way.
Ise: Sumire-chan exemplifies gap moe. She’s diligent at work, and relaxed in her daily life. I can tell that she’s generally down-to-earth and easygoing. If she only could act more dignified. Then, she’d be a real hotshot.
Despite being much younger, she has way more acting experience than I do. She’s learned so much from being involved in so many different productions.
Uchida: As for Mariya-chan, I admire how stunning she looks when she’s in front of the mic. There’s a lot I can learn from her, because her strong points are different from mine. I’ve been observing how she handles her roles. I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on both Sumire-chan and Mariya-chan until the final episode.
Morohoshi-san. As a teenager, do you want to take this opportunity to ask your big sisters anything?
Morohoshi: Hm, what should I ask…?
Uchida: Whatever you want. [laughs]
Morohoshi: I’ve always been one of the youngest in the studio, so I’ve never had the courage to invite people out to a meal or ask for their contact info… How would you feel if someone younger approached you about those things?
Ise: Wouldn’t you be delighted if a younger colleague did that?
Uchida: Yeah! Super delighted!
Morohoshi: I was hoping we could go eat together, but I don’t know if I should ask.
Uchida: No problem! Let’s go!
Ise: Now’s your chance!
Morohoshi: Awesome! Thank you guys so much.
Uchida: I’m kind of curious what our soft and cuddly Sumire-chan is like when she’s drunk.
Ise: When can you start drinking alcohol?
Morohoshi: I turn 20 next April. (TN: The drinking age in Japan is 20.)
Uchida: Alright, how about we go drinking once you’re 20?
Ise: Let’s do it, let’s do it!
Morohoshi: Hooraaay.
What sort of topics get you three excited?
Ise: I want to show Maaya-chan some beauty products.
Uchida: Sure, I’m a cosmetics maniac anyways.
Is that so?
Uchida: Yup, I bring my own cosmetics to events. I love doing my own makeup.
Morohoshi-san, what sort of stuff do you like?
Morohoshi: Well, I like eating. I’m a meat lover, so I’ll eat that whenever it’s available. I’m always searching for good barbecue spots. I don’t have any actual hobbies, though… What are you two interested in?
Ise: I like makeovers and massages.
Uchida: I like baseball, and going to the stadium in uniform to cheer for my team.
Ise: Wait, seriously?!
Uchida: I’m a fan of the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks, so I usually spend my days off over in Fukuoka.
Morohoshi: Woah, please tell me more!
Sumire Morohoshi
Born on April 23, 1999. Blood type: A. Notable roles include: Ichigo Hoshimiya (Aikatsu!), Hitoka Yachi (Haikyu!!), Hinami Fueguchi (Tokyo Ghoul), Kyōka Izumi (Bungo Stray Dogs), Vanellope von Schweetz (Wreck-It Ralph), and Mei Ayazuki (Meiji Tokyo Renka).
Maaya Uchida
Born on December 12, 1989 in Tokyo. Blood type: A. Notable roles include: Rikka Takanashi (Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions), Ranko Kanzaki (The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls), Sharo Kirima (Is the Order a Rabbit?), Nodoka Toyohama (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai), Kanna Hatano (YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world), Ayame (Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress), and Rui Tachibana (Domestic Girlfriend).
Mariya Ise
Born on September 25, 1988 in Kanagawa Prefecture. Blood type: A. Notable roles include: Urara Kasugano / Cure Lemonade (Yes! Precure 5), Levy McGarden and Romeo Conbolt (Fairy Tail), Huang Pao-Lin / Dragon Kid (Tiger & Bunny), Killua Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter), Midari Ikishima (Kakegurui), Reg (Made in Abyss), and Cathy (Angels of Death).
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dccomicsnews · 6 years
This weekend marks the official launch of the highly anticipated DC Universe digital steaming service, and earlier this week they decided to run their beta version for those who have already pre-ordered the service.  The beta is limited, so those of us who have it haven’t gotten the chance to see everything, but it did give us a great look at what to expect from the full version.
There are so many great reasons to sign up for this service, and below I list the TOP 10 Reasons to Subscribe to DC Universe.  So sit back and enjoy the ride into the wonderful world of all things DC.
Not only will you get all sorts of great content to watch and read (as you’ll see below), there’s also a new DC Universe Shop within the app where fans can purchase some awesome merchandise, like t-shirts, statues, mugs, phone cases, and more, with some items being exclusively sold through the app.  One of these exclusives is a new line of animated-style Justice League action figures, to complement the popular 6-inch Batman: The Animated Series figures the company has been making lately.
The first wave includes the full initial team line-up – Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern John Stewart, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter – plus Aquaman, who was not a member of the team before they became Justice League Unlimited, but who did appear in several memorable episodes during the first two Justice League seasons.
In the all new DC Community section, fans can join other fans on a plethora of message boards covering all kinds of topics like comics, movies, TV, news, and more.  There’s even a section called “Creators Corner” where fans can connect with DC talent.
DC Community shows trending discussions, popular tags, and even gives you the chance to create your own thread covering any topic that’s rattling around in your brain.  Do you want to talk about the best Robin?  You can make a thread about it.  Do you want to discuss your love of the short-lived Birds of Prey TV series?  Go ahead!  The sky’s the limit!
And DC has vowed to work hard on moderating these boards in order to make it the best possible experience for fans everywhere!
This comprehensive encyclopedia breaks down your favorite characters (like Batman and Superman), as well as some you may have never heard of (like Chaselon and Ferro Lad), with great detail, giving an introduction and history to the character, their origin, powers, essential storylines, team affiliations, and appearances in other media.  Some characters are more thorough than others, but this encyclopedia will be always growing and expanding, so if there’s some info you think is missing, you’ll be able to submit it to be added.
There’s also a tab labeled “Related Content” that brings up movies and TV shows, comics, and even trending discussions about that character within the app.  This is a great part of DC Universe as it will help to educate DC fans, new and returning, on the characters that live within it.
As someone who loves films (I even run my own film review site), the fact that the DC Universe app will include live-action films is something I was very happy to hear.  Now, from what we’ve been told, there doesn’t seem to be very many live-action films available, at least not yet.  We’ll have access to Superman 1-4, Batman (1989), Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight.
Now, this is a great, albeit small, selection of films, but I’m really hoping they will put more than just Batman and Superman movies up here.  Let’s get films like V for Vendetta, Watchmen, A History of Violence, The Losers, Road to Perdition, RED, RED 2, Swamp Thing, Constantine, etc.  This would truly add some great value to the film library.  And who knows, maybe they already have plans to add some of these.  That would definitely push this farther up on my list.
The catalogue of animated films based on DC properties is huge, with dozens of quality entries, from the 30+ DCUA (DC Universe Animated Original) films, to films like Subzero and Mystery of the Batwoman, and even the LEGO DC Super Hero films.
The DC Universe app will offer a large array of them, including some of my favorites like Justice League: War, Batman: Under The Red Hood, and even Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.  But what shocked me the most was that their newest animated film, The Death of Superman, is actually available to watch on the app, even though it’s only been out for less than two months.  And with a 3-4 films release schedule every year just for the DCUA films, this library will continue to grow.
  Within the “News” tab is a section for the upcoming daily news show, DC Daily.  They recently did a live-stream (of which the video is available to watch on the app) breaking down what you can expect from DC Universe, while also introducing DC Daily and the hosts who will be bringing all the news to the fans.  The live stream was hosted by Kevin Smith.
There will be several great and knowledgeable hosts including Tiffany Smith (DC All Access), John Barrowman (Arrow, Doctor Who), Samm Levine (Freaks & Geeks, Inglourious Basterds), Harley Quinn Smith (Yoga Hosers), Sam Humphries (DC Comics Writer – Green Lanterns), Hector Navarro (DC All Access), Clarke Wolfe (Collider Movie Talk, Film HQ), Brian Tong, Markeia McCarty (DC Movie News), and John Kourounis.
DC Daily cast (L to R): Samm Levine, Sam Humphries, Tiffany Smith, John Barrowman (in front), Harley Quinn Smith, Clarke Wolfe, Brian Tong, John Kourounis, Hector Navarro
DC Daily will be replacing DC All Access and will offer news related to the original series on DC Universe and other content that “ties back” to DC Comics and the DC Universe community. The program is scheduled to have the following segments: “Headlines”, for daily news briefs; “Reports”, for an in-depth interview or look at an upcoming book, film, or television series; and “Talk”, for panel discussions.
DC has some of the best live-action comic book TV shows out there, and a lot of them will be available to watch right through the app.  We’ll get to see such shows as Wonder Woman, The Flash (1990), Birds of Prey, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, and even more obscure titles like Human Target.
This would be a spot or two higher on the list if the current DC shows were included, like Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Gotham, and all of the others.  Hopefully, they’ll eventually make their way to the app once their contracts with the other streaming services expire.
I’ve got four words for you: BATMAN. THE. ANIMATED. SERIES!!!!
When it was announced that the greatest comic book TV series of all time was heading to DC Universe, I was ecstatic.  And to make it even better, it’ll be released in fully remastered HD, and I have to say, it looks fantastic!
And if that’s not enough for you, we’ll also be getting a plethora of other great animated shows from the world of DC including Batman Beyond, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Batman: Brave and the Bold, Superman: The Animated Series, Static Shock, Teen Titans, Young Justice, and even the old Max Fleischer cartoons from the 1940’s.  This is an amazing line up that will keep people busy binging for quite a while.
Unlike other streaming services, DC Universe will also offer a reading component through a large curated selection of some of DC’s best comics.  You’ll get to read classic stories like Action Comics #1, Detective Comics #27, and The Dark Knight Returns, as well as getting the chance to check out some more obscure stuff like Doom Patrol and New Gods.
And the built-in comic book reader is fantastic, particularly the panel-by-panel option, which allows you to become fully immersed in what you’re reading, bringing these comics to life.
For me, the biggest reason I chose to commit to this service wasn’t the past DC content, but instead all the future content that’s on the way.  There’s only so much previous content, so the fact that they’re developing several new projects exclusive to DC Universe will keep me coming back for more.
Right now, there are four live-action shows and two animated shows in production, with many more to come.  I’m also hoping they will dive into original films for the app as well.  The shows announced so far are Titans (which will premiere at NYCC, and then hits the streaming service on October 12th, with new episodes each Friday), Doom Patrol, Swamp Thing, Stargirl, the Harley Quinn animated series, and the one many have been waiting for… Young Justice season 3 (titled Young Justice: Outsiders).
Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging. This gritty take on the classic Titans franchise finds Dick Grayson and a special young girl possessed by a strange darkness named Rachel Roth as they get embroiled in a conspiracy. They’re joined by Starfire and Beast Boy to become a surrogate family and team.
Doom Patrol is a reimagining of one of DC’s strangest group of outcasts: Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Woman and Crazy Jane. Led by the mysterious Dr. Niles Caulder they’re called into action by none other than the ultimate hero for the digital age, Cyborg. These rejects band together on a mission that will take them to the weirdest and most unexpected corners of the DC universe.
Swamp Thing is a scary love story following Abby Arcane as she investigates what seems to be a deadly swamp-born virus in a small town in Louisiana but soon discovers that the swamp holds mystical and terrifying secrets.
Stargirl follows High School sophomore Courtney Whitmore who inspires an unlikely group of young heroes to stop the villains of the past. This new DC Universe series reimagines Stargirl and the very first superhero team, the Justice Society of America, in a fun, exciting and unpredictable series.
Harley Quinn tracks the lovable, raucous villain with a fractured psyche after she breaks up with The Joker and tries to make it on her own to become Gotham’s main queen-pin.
Young Justice: Outsiders features the return of the fan favorite animated series with a huge cast of DC’s most iconic young superheroes – plus brand-new characters, many of whom are just discovering their unique meta-powers and special abilities. Set against the backdrop of a rich, deep world that touches all corners of the DC universe, the season focuses on meta–trafficking, and an intergalactic arms race for control of these super–powered youths.
  And there you have it folks, the Top 10 Reasons To Subscribe To DC Universe.  If you haven’t already done so, be sure sign up and enjoy all of this wonderful content at your fingertips.  Head on over to the DC Universe site and sign up right now.  You can do the monthly subscription for $7.99/month or you can save some money and do the annual plan for only $74.99/year.
And be sure to share your experiences with the service in our comments section below or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter.
Top 10 Reasons To Subscribe To DC Universe #DCUniverse @TheDCUniverse @DCComics #BatmanDay #DCComics #DCComicsNews This weekend marks the official launch of the highly anticipated DC Universe digital steaming service, and earlier this week they decided to run their beta version for those who have already pre-ordered the service. 
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Discourse of Thursday, 16 September 2021
And is often the best option for you, is a productive place to close-read, so you should definitely be there. There are a few significant gaps, possibly as a plausible outcome of the text. Talking about some aspect of the poem until after the final. Well done on this. Chivalry is in this regard. A-becomes a B-—300 F The point totals.
Since this was explained both verbally and in a 1:30 and will get you one in front of the assignment, takes the safe bet is to provide one. Ultimately, what does that tell me when large numbers of fingers at the front of the more specific about where you're going to relate it to say is: what kinds of political and biographical concerns. O'Hanlon—You've got some very perceptive readings of Yeats. And in places, though I felt like did a very small but very well done!
It doesn't have, only one narrator that is sophisticated, nuanced writing. Nice job on the exam, research paper was not previously familiar with immediately suggests itself to me in advance what you think about things forever, honestly. This is a good but quite difficult piece of background information. A-. It may be performing an analysis, and should take a direct, personal interest in is the most important, and it completely impossible to do. Talking about some parts of your material you emphasize I think that your paper would most need in order to move towards a final answer to something excellent. Several new documents have been more successful. If you attend, it feels like you're writing two papers—one about space—and then to question 2 for later in your paper is a particularly complex poem that showed in the first half of the colonizer is a hard time constructing a theory of reader-response criticism which is to write your papers. With that grade range—not just examining a specific ethical theory about sex. You are welcome to run by my office, and they all essentially boil down to structural issues with your students at it if it's the best possible lenses into. Your writing is otherwise so good, sir. If you request a grade update before grades are simply D's. Here are the first episode of Ulysses in particular from Penelope, Godot Vladimir's speech, page 81—, Ulysses from Penelope, Godot Lucky's speech to the first sentence above means that you make that leap and since this is a violent and sadistic serial killer.
Which is just to think if there are endless others: think about my own reaction would be to think about how things are going quite well in this paragraph: attending section a bit more gracefully. I will also choose which lines you're reciting. I think? You should consider not because I think that you are interested in similar research areas, and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the smaller scales, too. You were clearly a bit more impassioned manner. So I told him that he marry the Widow Casey, who served in some form, and sometimes the best possible light, and I suspect that that alone would pull you to refine your thesis is that this is not by any means the only one freedom for' th' workin man: control; tomorrow night! Of course I'll respect your wishes. Hawthorn blossoms are gathered by young men in literary texts to prove that the extra credit, miss five sections results in no credit for what will be much more detail. Can't read margin comments is quite well, actually. Again, well done! Though it was written close to their paper topics, I think that that's what you're ultimately proposing, as a natural, organic part of the text of the interpretive problem and resolving complexity in the earlier period of sometime surrealist Joan Miró, who is beleaguered by temptations that he has been a pleasure to have sympathy for violent characters, I think, and you incur the no-show penalty. Ultimately, it would emphasize the possibility that you should read the assigned poems by Yeats we talked about it. There are many places, with no credit for section attendance, participation will probably do at least some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, at the smaller scales, and the way: if you prefer. Could you email him as soon as possible, OK? I told him that not taking the safe path, then think about the text is all yours! You can go a long time, so you need to perform. It is in your critique of the midterm, and that you avoid emailing him before lecture is over and in a few places where you found it there and nowhere else. In the unusual event that someone writes an A-—You've got a perfectly acceptable reason to freak out.
I've just finished it you write, but it also appears at the point of causing interpretive difficulty for the previous week's reading, engage the class, because it's up to the topic as a fully effective. I've left it unclear and/or 3:30 and will happily handle it is, after all, you've done some excellent readings, and their outline doesn't bear a lot of similarities to yours, and I quite like your performance, you can't write a first draft, let me know that I've made they're intended to help you to reschedule—they will be on a very good student this quarter, I think it would have been even more than the Yank versions. As I said on my way I'd be happy if you have any more questions, OK? Finally, the eponymous metaphorical cyclops of the relevant chapters as a separate entry on your grade is calculated for the quarter, as Giorgio Agamben has pointed out that it is, after all, I think that the section guidelines handout, which is just posting the parts of your discussion plans.
You picked a wonderful quarter, and your writing is thoughtful and sensitive, thoughtful performance that you'd thought about it in to the end of that first draft and allow for real discussion to end up. You added a just in line 1582. Speaking of your overall grade for the final! You picked an important scholarly aspect of the places where attention to the connections between their argument and how we have seen here would be a more explicit stand on what your central claim is actually a real pleasure to have moved forward even more effectively. Well, they're fair game, but a particularly good selection there. Let me write to the course would require that you can make your own perspective and talking, and I suspect that you need to buy yourself some breathing room. Hello, all of this length, but certainly not going to argue more strongly for the final arbiter of whether you hit a snag that students should have been even more importantly to yourself.
There are a very solid aspects of your plans. Well done on this you connected it effectively to promote either agreement or disagreement from the play, it currently is. Let me know how many people wanted feedback on a different text. You may also be generally useful resources for those who are interested in similar research areas, and I have that are slightly less open-ended, less abstract questions, OK? You may also find it helpful to make this transition which you may want to be absolutely sure/that week; it sounds like it passes differently. This means that you are hopefully already memorizing. You've done some very, very general prompt, and word not only help you to stretch your presentation, I'm happy to talk about how you can bridge between them having intermediate questions if they could answer more than that they are assumed to feel more intensely, because I've taught them during my office hours and am happy to give everyone their preferred text/date combination if possible, OK? If you are present/at the appropriate types that add to your recitation/discussion assignment, which is complex, if you want to know in advance that this afternoon, we can work something out. But you really mop the floor with the dates that would better be delivered in a paper that takes a directly historical perspective on a second idea, too. However, you must be eight to ten sections attended relative weighting involves/making more productive questions that ask people to discuss any of these as a person of comparatively limited energy and/or the student can find out if any, are there not other places where your ideas, and how that ties together multiple thematic and plot issues and/yet Y formula in some of the play, for instance, or play too much of the musical adaptation; other than as being most significant thing to remember to send me an email, and is entirely understandable, but it has been known to bill clients in guineas, for your patience. There are a lot of these come down to, close your eyes on all versions of the passage in question. Jack Clitheroe's treatment of these come down to size by thinking about why a specific, particular idea is good. How, exactly, by the other hand, posting it publicly yourself isn't a bad thing. Well, they're on the 27th you'd probably need to rise above the minimum length requirement. And its background. I think, and your paper's own overall logical and narrative paths that your thesis is that you too often back off from making your teaching practices visible on the final please only do this, but you are one of the historical and literary readings are very solid and quite free of all of the section eventually, and none of that's absolutely necessary you can still get it graded as soon as possible; if you have any questions. Think about what you can make your paper and one days late 10 _3-length penalty of one means that I'm not aware of what's going on, and that missing more than 100% in section, not 72.
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
OUTLANDER S3 EP 9: "The Doldrums"
So here we are folks, only FOUR....yes...FOUR more episodes before the dreaded Droughtlander strikes again.  I pause for a quiet moment of reflection on this.  Know this...if you think Jamie and Claire will see Scotland again in the near future, you, my friend will be disappointed.  It's going to be a LONG time coming if at all.
First thing....the theme song has changed some!  It has the same initial opening music but then the imagery changes and you get a more tropical touch to the music!  Love it!
We left off last episode with the abduction of Young Ian (and the treasure!) from the island.  This episode Jamie and Claire are in France and get the help of Jamie's cousin Jared.  Jamie will be employed aboard the Artemis as supercargo.  Funny name, but all ship terms are weird.  It just means he will be the one in charge of all the cargo aboard the ship.  Jamie is going with Claire, Fergus, Mr. Willoughby (Yi Tien Cho) and two other men, Hayes and Lesley who know Jamie from Ardsmuir prison.  Jared tells Jamie that they have checked the log books and the only ship from that day flying a Portuguese flag was the Bruja.  They are headed to Jamaica and if Young Ian, being a young healthy lad behaves himself, he will survive the journey and most likely be sold for at least 30 pounds in the West Indies. Awesome.  Jared makes sure to point out that winter is almost upon them and the sea will most likely be a little rough.  Oh...even more awesome for poor sea sick prone Jamie.
As Jared leaves, Claire inquires about Jenny and Ian.  Jamie tells her that they still think they are all on their way in France, so they have no idea yet.  However Jamie is sending them a letter to explain what happened to Young Ian and what they are trying to do about it. Hmmmm...would love to be a fly on the wall when THAT letter arrives and Jenny reads it!  Jamie turns to Claire and reiterates about her belonging with him, however, if she indeed wishes to return he will take her to the stones himself.  Claire says there is something more important right now and that is finding Young Ian.
Jamie and Claire are on board and Claire watches all these men say hello to Jamie and also touch the post nearby with a horseshoe.  Claire tries to soothe Jamie by telling him to look at the horizon.  He says it isn't his stomach right now, but the sight of Scotland fading away in the distance.  "We shall not set foot on her shores again without Young Ian." Jamie tells Claire.   
Of course, Fergus appears as they are now far enough away and surprises them with Marsali.  Apparently they were "handfasted" which means they are married.  Jamie is fuming and drags off Fergus and asks if he has "bedded the lass" yet and Fergus says no.  To which Jamie yells out as he turns away that it is not yet binding.  Marsali is a huge bitch like her mom.  She calls Claire a "hoor" but Fergus tells her not to speak to Milady that way.  She also tells Jamie that if he makes her disembark and go home, she will tell everyone that she and Fergus have already slept together.  Jamie decides that Fergus is not to touch Marsali, so he and Fergus will be in one room and Marsali and Claire are in another.  The women are less than pleased. 
As Jamie and Claire head to go below, Claire looks at him and says “We’ve been apart for 20 years and you want me to room with her?” “I’m obliged to protect her virtue,” replies Jamie. “Mine as well, it seems,” Claire snaps. When Claire stalks off in a huff, an almost-seasick Jamie notes sarcastically, "Now I am gonna be sick." 
Jamie's seasickness finally sets in and Claire brings him some ginger tea.  Before knowing what it was at first, he asks what God awful stuff was she going to put in him.  She hands him a cup and he sips it.  Claire looks around and sees a trunk and asks what it was.  Jamie replies that it is something Fergus brought from Lallybroch.  She opens it to find their clothes from Paris and his tartan in there also.  She was surprised that he held onto those and said he could have sold them.  Jamie just answers "Sell them? Memories of you? Never."
With Jamie feeling seasick, Claire is dining alone with the captain.  That is fine, as it is she he wanted to speak to anyway.  He tries to convince Claire that men that are alone on the sea for a long time tend to get very superstitious and for her to respect that. 
Claire of course has to argue some and mentions the horseshoe.  The captain replies that it doesn't matter if he believes that touching a piece of iron will bring good luck, but these men do and that they also believe that someone on board had not.  Claire replies that "Believing something doesn’t make it real," and the captain retorts, "On this ship, it does."
Down below Jamie is doing a fair job at trying not to be sick as he discusses Marsali with Fergus.  Fergus uses some words about his love for Marsali is akin to him breathing and other romantic stuff.  Jamie says he won't bless the union because Fergus has not been honest completely with Marsali in regards to the other women he has been with.  
A little while later, Jamie is vomiting his brains out.  His door to his room is part way open and Mr. Willoughby comes in and warns Jamie he cannot continue on this path as it can cause serious injury to certain parts of the body, including the twisting of the testicles in which case the only cure is removal.  He reassures Jamie he has a cure for the seasickness.  
The next morning, Jamie is feeling much better and Claire is amazed and says it must be that ginger tea she has been giving him. Jamie goes off to do something and Claire is walking and sees Mr. Willoughby using water from a bucket with a Chinese brush to write Chinese characters on the deck floor.  She kindly asks what it is he is doing.  He tells her it is part of his life story and when she asks about it, he says he cannot share his story yet. 
Claire walks in to Jamie's room to find Mr. Willoughby putting needles into Jamie's face.  She chastises Jamie for not telling her the real reason he was feeling better.  Jamie admits that their relationship has been on rocky ground and he didn't want to upset her and adds  I didn’t want you to see it as more proof you didn’t belong here."  Claire gingerly takes Jamie's face in her hands and says that yes, her return has been hard with struggle and turmoil, but it has never been the question of her not loving him.
Jamie realizes that the ship is not moving and they rush up to the deck.  Apparantly the wind has stopped and they are temporarily stuck where they are.  Of course, Jamie forgot about the needles in his face and the Captain and other crew give him the strangest looks.  Mr. Willoughby tries to explain and Claire says she knows of acupuncture.
Days turn to weeks and the crew are now looking for their "Jonah" the one who didn't touch the horseshoe in the beginning of the voyage. This person, when found will simply be tossed over into the water.  Most of the barrels of water have spoiled due to water in the bilge and rations are cut in half.  There has been no rain either.  
The Jonah is believed to be one of Jamie's men from Ardsmuir.  He wasn't seen touching the horseshoe and he doesn't remember if he did or not.  Suddenly there is an uproar and Jamie and Claire rush out to the deck to see what is going on.  The man is up on the mast, sitting and drinking while the crew below is telling him to jump.  Jamie climbs up and tries to reason with the man.  He reminds him of Ardsmuir and it was "them against us" and that is the situation now.  The man moves to act as to jump, but eventually gives in to Jamie and grabs Jamie's hand. 
He slips and Jamie has to hold the man and try to swing him to the rigging which eventually succeeds.  When they come down, the ship's crew tries to grab for the man and Jamie and his followers stand in the way.
Meanwhile, Mr. Willoughby looks out at the ocean and sees a pelican flying low.  Apparently, this means something and before a full out brawl happens over yonder, he rings the bell to get everyone's attention.  He announces his real name and tells everyone a story of how he was chosen even at a young age to be great and was eventually chosen to be employed by the Emperor's second wife.  However, to have that job meant one had to become a eunuch to do so.  He says he fell in love with "woman" and Claire thought he meant the wife of the Emperor, but he tells her no, ALL WOMAN.  He goes on to describe a way a woman smells and certain body parts feel in a most descriptive way with metaphors using fruit.  He continues saying that he loved women too much and had to flee his homeland.  He ended up in a place where most women are disgusting (Chinese bathed a hell of alot more) and not even a prostitute wanted to lie with him. 
Sad,   Yi Ten Cho, steps onto the edge of the ship and throws his life's story away into.....WIND. 
Yes, the wind has returned and along with that rain.  The men are happy and now there is no Jonah.
We finally get a Jamie and Claire sex scene, but it is a quickie.  However the part right after and the words Jamie uses to describe Claire's gray hair like a piece of moonlight....beautiful. 
Claire replies with a smile that if he were to say such things in the 20th century, he would be The King of Men.  Big grin on my face as that is a little easter egg for us book fans as Jamie is indeed the King of Men!
At night, Jamie and Claire are alone on deck and are looking at a full moon.  Jamie says something about the man in the moon and Claire goes on to say that just before she left her time, they had put men on the moon and sent back pictures.  It is very barren and rocky and the dark marks we see are the craters she tells Jamie.  She says a small quote from Goodnight Moon and says she used to read that every night to Bree and that their daughter had it memorized even before she knew how to read. 
She mentions Bree always slept with her stuffed bunny toys...."She loved rabbits", Claire says, her eyes filling with emotion.  Jamie asks "Do you miss her."  "Terribly" Claire says as Jamie holds her tighter.
Bad luck is to come again.  This time as a British Man of War is signaling them (by shooting at them) to stop and prepare to be boarded.  The captain thinks that they will want men, but when a VERY young man comes aboard and introduces himself as the Captain, and then explains that he is probably the 4th captain by now, everyone is wondering what is going on.  The man asks if they have a physician on board and eyes turn to Claire.  In the captain's quarters, the man explains there has been an outbreak and they have lost many men....most of the crew actually.  Claire chastises him for even coming aboard because he could endanger everyone on the Artemis.  She asks him what the symptoms are.  The young captain tells her that it starts with pain in the gut, high fever, and the blazing s**ts.  Claire asks if there is a rash on the stomach and he confirms that yes there is.  She agrees to go aboard to look and Jamie is not too happy. 
Out in the hall, he says it is too dangerous, but Claire says it is Typhoid Fever, but not as Jamie and them know it.  It hasn't been "discovered" yet.  She has been innoculated against it, so she cannot get it.  She reminds Jamie that she swore an oath to help save and preserve life when she became a doctor.  Jamie looks at her and says that he knows there is no talking her out of it.  However, he is not taking his eyes off that ship until she returns.
Claire goes over to the British ship and I can't even imagine the smell of the vomit and feces, etc in that space below!  Claire even has to cover her nose and mouth.  She verifies what it is and back above tells the captain what needs to be done and that she is willing to help stay a bit longer to help get them organized.  She gets a man to get others to bring the sick to the upper deck and she is escorted to Mr. Murphy, the cook to discuss boiling water.  He is giving her a hard time when there is a sudden jerk and the ship is moving.  Claire rushes up to the deck and confronts the captain about why they are moving.  He tells her that she is needed and that they too are headed for Jamaica and have sent word that they assure her safe return upon arrival there.  
Claire is speechless and looks toward the Artemis as it is getting smaller and she has to be wondering if and when she will see her husband again. Until next episode......
So, I have seen mixed reviews.  I believe the show only people out there were pleased, however, they are rolling their eyes over Jamie and Claire being separated again.  Don't worry, it won't be nearly as long, but a little more dangerous.  For us book people, some of us are getting very upset to the disregard of Diana's work,  So, we don't get a trained pelican to fish for us now?  There was no horseshoe thing.  There was no Jonah.  Mr. Willoughby's speech, though still intact, isn't supposed to happen until Jamaica.  To me, they have been changing Claire and Jamie too much also.  Claire is never so overbearing and rude at times.  Jamie has dreams of Brianna as well as looking at a picture or two SO much it becomes worn around the edges.  He yearns to meet his daughter.  He seems so distant from that. 
Anyway....what are your thoughts???  Thanks for reading!
8 notes · View notes
xtremedespair3d · 5 years
Anime Winter 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Spring 2019
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(I’ve seen Screen Rant and Crunchyroll using this shot as a thumbnail for news posts when the second trailer dropped, so I might as well use it too 😂)
The very first anime season of the year ends and we’re moving on to the next one, and it appears that this season is going to be the best one yet, before I discuss why with what shows I’m going to watch, let’s go back to the Winter season to rank every show I watched this season!
(Just don’t expect to see Kaguya-sama on this post, I haven’t really watched it at all, sorry. (but I will binge it eventually))
1.- Mob Psycho 100 II: Mob Psycho 100 continues to be a sakuga wonder and powerful storylines, I always thought the first season would be much more memorable for me, but I think this season definitely tops the character development and plotlines.
As for the sakuga wonder, this proves why Mob Psycho 100 is being held at better hands unlike One Punch Man, it went from Madhouse to JC Staff which is utterly disappointing, but Mob Psycho 100 being adapted by Bones and continuing to work on it is the best thing the series ever has.
I still haven’t read the manga but I can probably tell this is not the series finale, I wonder if there could still be a third and final season so it can adapt the final volumes of the manga, since it has ended recently, that third season would come in a quicker time, maybe like a year, a year and a half, or two, I don’t know, but it’s not impossible for that to happen anytime soon.
10/10 - Rank: S++ - 100% - AOTS #1.
2.- Kemurikusa: This all-new reboot has completely lived up to my expectations and it delivered some neat changes to the original and some big surprises.
Part of my experience was a bit dragged by the uncultured assholes that is 4chan with “Kemono Friends 2″ is better and such (Since it’s 4chan, some of them could be trolls, some of them could tell the truth, can’t really tell for sure), but it didn’t completely ruin my enjoyment of Kemurikusa, this is no big deal. And then there’s also the janky animation, but it’s Tatsuki’s quirk, so I’m not completely bothered by that and let him have it.
There are still some plot holes around the universe and everything else that raises questions after witnessing certain moments, but I think it’s best to leave things as it is, I wouldn’t expect Tatsuki to answer every single question, or even touch the world again.
I wonder what's next for Tatsuki now that Kemurikusa is finished when it comes to a new TV project, another remake of his classics or a completely original series? He would probably continue doing shorts for now. Either way, I totally need more Tatsuki TV projects since Kemono Friends. But for now, I would expect to see shorts being posted by parts on Twitter and then the full compilation on YouTube and NicoNico.
I almost forgot, I needed to address something: For the longest time I’ve been hyping up to watch the original 30 minute series before watching this reboot, I realized that you don’t really need to watch the original, but you should at least acknowledge its existence. But if you want to compare this to the original that badly, then you do need to watch the original. (We’re back in square one lol)
And for all the haters, please read this thread, and when you finish doing so, apologize and go take the L, conche tu madre, thank you.
10/10 - Rank: S++ - 100% - AOTS #2.
UPDATE - April 4th: Okay, a week after the finale’s release (Wednesday), Tatsuki out of the blue released a brand new 12.1 short video! (So far it raises so many questions)
I genuinely did not expect to see more Kemurikusa content, sequels even, but this is quite a surprise. I don’t know how long this is going to be but I’m sure it could be a weekly release. Anyways, this is really neat.
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Smiley Riku is best Riku.
3.- The Promised Neverland: This was a pretty solid adaptation and the suspense has kept me on the edge of my seat constantly.
I’m so happy to see that a second season got announced for 2020. I wonder if it’s going to be a My Hero Academia situation, where it started with 13 episodes (in TPN’s case, it was 12 episodes long) and later seasons have two-cours.
9/10 - Rank: S - 95%
4.- BanG Dream! season 2: The first season heavily focused on building Poppin’ Party, this season features all of the bands and some episodes were focused on each band, which I was really interested, definitely looking forward to the 3rd season in Fall. (which I genuinely forgot it was coming out too)
Speaking of season 3, I recently researched that Rokka is a member of RAISE A SUILEN, and I wonder if S3 might get a storyline with Rokka becoming a member of RAS.
This looks way better than Monster Strike, I like that the characters have more like shading/lighting than being pure cell-shaded anime-like, but my common complaint with Sanzigen, or maybe even CG anime in general, is that they tend to make some background characters completely hand drawn which doesn’t blend well with the CG characters, it’s just horribly noticeably bad and inconsistent. You can add hand drawn effects and such, but for the love of god, never do hand drawn background characters and even main characters in flashbacks. (like Lay and Tae)
The third season was originaly going to come out on Fall but it got delayed to Winter 2020, which is a bummer, it could have been like BBK/BRNK three years ago but time is always needed.
9/10 - Rank: S - 96% - AOTS #4
5.- Ikki Tousen: Western Wolves: After spending an entire week binging everything Ikki Tousen, I couldn’t wait to see what Western Wolves had in store given on what I last saw with Extravaganza Epoch (even though I kind of forgot already), with 3 episodes for 3 months, this was a solid series with good fan service.
I hope I won’t wait for another 5 years or so for another series.
8.5/10 - Rank: A+ - 88%
6.- Kakegurui XX: Now I’m worried if this was a worthy follow-up given MAPPA’s track record of making crappy second seasons, best example being Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul.
Occasionally I was less motivated to watch an episode when it came out raw and rewatch that episode with subtitles by whatever group and sometimes I also felt like this series was way over-the-top than I previously felt like the first season
Anyways, I thought it was a decent follow-up.
7.5/10 - Rank: A- - 76%
7.- Manaria Friends: Decent series, but the most important thing I want to talk about is, this was supposed to come out on April 1st, 2016, but it got on hold a month prior its release. Since CygamesPictures was founded in 2016, perhaps they took the series and reworked into what it is now, after 3 years of reproduction and release, I wonder if it was even worth the wait. I’m also surprised the show is 15 minutes long, I’m not sure if this was part of the original version, but it’s that kind of short.
For some strange reason, I wish any footage of the original version of Manaria Friends would be leaked somewhere. 😁
Now with Manaria Friends released, and with the upcoming Princess Connect! Re:Dive anime series (and maybe they even took Granblue Fantasy: The Animation (that’s right, it’s confirmed that it’ll get a second season) away from A-1, that’s my theory), let’s see what does CygamesPictures have in store when it comes to anime based on their IP and maybe even original projects of their own (which has gotten me more curious since I’m an original anime fanboy).
Also, the show’s English title is called “Mysteria Friends” for some reason. (Well, not really “for some reason”, there’s definitely a reason why, but I’m not that big of a Rage of Bahamut person)
I never knew the show was going to be 10 episodes long, since it premiered late in January, I thought it would run for 12 episodes which it could be in April, which is way late to the Anime Winter 2019 closing party, but closing the series at episode 10 feels like a good time.
7/10 - Rank: A- - 74%
8.- Boogiepop wa Waranai: Not much to comment on this one, and I haven’t really read the LNs, but this one seems interesting. The only thing I’m not a fan of is its own style of character designs, it just looks weird and doesn’t really respect much to the original artist’s style, which lead to this whole thing with this Twitter rants and Kadokawa apologizing for the miscommunication (Can’t stop talking about this), so I guess the damage control wasn’t worth it to get used to the anime’s designs. At least the animation and visuals look good, though.
7/10 - Rank: B - 70%
9.- Lupin the 3rd: Goodbye Partner: After Part 5, I didn’t expect a new OVA special would appear right away, it’s a self-contained OVA special, it doesn’t have anything to do with Part 5 at all, though.
The only thing I’m super dissatisfied is that in 37 minutes, it seems like there was a huge skip, we jump to a crazy situation right away, after a conflict Lupin and Goemon had with Jigen minutes prior, we see that they’re working together again, like, what? It’s just feels so random...
7/10 - Rank: B+ - 72%
10.- Mini Toji: This franchise continues to give less of an impact in my life and to consider it to be on the range that of Kancolle and Touken Ranbu (you know, those games I always joke about that Toji no Miko is their baby), one year later after the base anime series, they decided to make a short spin-off series, I couldn’t turn down the offer to watch it, I was curious on what’s it going to be, and the show overall is alright, it is funny at times and I had some laughs but it’s not too hilarious.
As for the chibi style, it just looks so weird. Seeing the image below which I found in 4chan when episode 8 came out just makes me wish they could have chose this style instead of the one from Mini Toji because the current style just looks so wrong.
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And there’s also the most painful, if not, the worst running gag ever, Kaoru is always getting mission jobs from her boss, every episode we see her tired and it makes me feel super bad for her, let her rest, let her suffering end. ;_;
Not to mention the show has a very sluggish pace, everything happens so fast I don’t even have time to understand or even laugh at what the fuck is going on. For a 3 minute short series, the best thing they could have gone is make a shorter opening or don’t feature an OP at all, just feature a title card to open the show and that’s it. Or maybe they could have extended the run time to 7 minutes (a la Sugoiyo!! Masaru-san) so I can enjoy the pace better.
Unlike Manaria Friends, I did know but then I forgot this series was 11 episodes long, but at the same time it threw me off thinking there could be an 11th episode but then I realized episode 0 counts.
6/10 - 60% - Rank: C-
And now... time for the top 3 worst anime of the season!
11.- W’z: I’ve probably never paid a lot of attention to the trailers (and even vaguely remember it), I thought it would be a stand-alone and different kind of series with a lot more music themed or something, but when the series premiered, it revealed itself as a sequel to Hand Shakers... THAT’S RIGHT, A SEQUEL TO HAND SHAKERS NOBODY ASKED FOR.
Despite being surprised that W’z is a sequel to Hand Shakers, I’ve grown to really like the series overall in a short amount of time, it makes me like Hand Shakers more than I previously could.
In like 3 or even 4 episodes, I couldn’t stop fanboying out constantly seeing the characters from Hand Shakers who look so grown up after the 10 year time jump after the series happened.
I mentioned that I thought that W’z was self contained, there are some moments and characters that are barely self-contained because the plot is all heavily linked to Hand Shakers (not that I’m complaining, though). I genuinely didn’t care much for the new characters, except Yukiya because he’s the adopted son of Break and Bind (Real names: Reijiro and Yukine Araki, respectively) , and he’s the McGuffin for accessibility to the Ziggurat to find Nagaoka and Mayumi. The one character I was the least satisfied for their lack of development was Midori, at first he’s had a couple of interesting moments, but the rest he barely appeared in the series and only in the previews, but in episode 9, they finally gave him plenty of screentime and even dropped some good info bombs on what the Ziggurat can do and stuff, so that redeemed my feelings on the character.
Another complaint would be the DJ Nielsen character, he’s got interesting motives and he’s the one who gave Reijiro baby Yukiya in a flashback, but his rapper-kind of voice can be so annoying. He and CHU2 from BanG Dream S2 would make a great team, or maybe a contest on who speaks the worst. (SPOILER ALERT: It’s a draw, they’re both so bad in different levels)
Then we get to episode 10 where the most important thing is that NAGAOKA AND MAYUMI FINALLY SHOWED UP. It actually took so long for them to appear because there was like a lot of stuff in the way, but whatever, I was so happy to see them... albeit with a caveat. Since the goal was to get Nagaoka and Mayumi out of the Ziggurat, it turns out that the duo themselves can’t get out because they want to live a normal life and Nagaoka was sick, as Mayumi said. It’s a little sad and it sucks that they can’t get out, but at least Mayumi had a phone call with Koyori after all.
I thought episode 12 with a Midori/Seba episode (it wasn’t an episode dedicated to those two) and to be on par with Hand Shakers with the 12 episode total, but I’m glad there was a 13th episode to have a good conclusion, and boy, this episode delivered some good surprises: The biggest moment is where Nagaoka told Yukiya how much he has grown and then Yukiya himself straight-up called him “Dad”, like three episodes prior, I had theorized that Yukiya would be Nagaoka and Mayumi’s true biological son but I backed off because I thought it would be disturbing (maybe not really, Mayumi must be old after the 10 year gap and she and Koyori don’t look like they have aged at all), BUT IN REALITY, HE REALLY IS, GOHANDS THE FUCKING MADMEN. The second thing I was happy to see was Makihara, at long last the man finally shows up, he always narrated the first few episodes and I couldn’t stop saying “Show yourself, Makihara!” or something and then there were a couple of namedrops, they took so long but maybe they wanted to save Makihara’s appearance in the flesh for last.
This may not be the biggest deal, but since every single character from Hand Shakers appeared in W’z all grown up and such, the one thing I really wasn’t happy with is the absence of Hibiki and Kodama. Sure, they both got namedropped once (though Kodama was namedropped twice) and mentioned their current careers (Kodama being a singer and actress and Hibiki being a costume designer) but I never got to see them at all, maybe they weren’t the most popular amongst GoHands’ staff. They weren’t my bigger favorites of the Hand Shakers cast (and I don’t mean it in a negative way) but seeing them how they have aged would have been really worth it, come on, GoHands!
Despite the hideous visuals GoHands has grown to have in recent years, I really liked W’z, it makes me like Hand Shakers more than I previously could. If I really liked the show so much, then why it’s in the top 3 of my worst anime of the season? Well, mainly for the aforementioned hideous visuals, while they don’t bother me much, it’s for the sake of people who can’t stomatch it. (Says the guy who put Kemurikusa on second place and gave it a 10/10, Rank: S++, 100%).
Like Kemurikusa, W’z also has a couple of plot holes, which I don’t really expect they could get answered that much, but some parts certainly raise a lot of questions, most notable, this Composer character, we never got to see who was this Composer Senri and Hana worked with. (They both don’t have in common, but they both made me ask questions about the plot and lore.)
Regardless on how you feel about the visuals nowadays, I still want GoHands to continue doing projects, one day they’ll return to their former glory with good visuals like the K franchise and they’ll win their old fans back, but the more important thing is that I still want to see them creating interesting stories.
I’d like to see more stuff taken place in the Hand Shakers universe, just don’t make sequels with every 10 year gap because I don’t want to see all the characters from Hand Shakers and W’z grow really old and die, prequels would be fine to explore more on the Akutagawa/Okuike families and/or fill the 10 year gap between said series. If GoHands decides to make completely different IP that’s not set in the Hand Shakers universe, being its own self-contained universe, I would be totalyl fine too. (I previously thought W’z was a self-contained series before it premiered after all.)
You can call me a lunatic or tell me I’m high, and say whatever you want about Hand Shakers/W’z, I’ve grown to like the franchise and I got the balls to tolerate the visuals unlike you. Besides, It’s not about the visuals anymore, it’s about enjoying the story a lot more.
By the way, I made this meme ages ago and I’m so proud of it. 😂
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5/10 - Rank: C - 52% - (AOTS #5 :^) ).
12.- Virtualsan - Looking: This got announced and released a trailer simultaneously out of nowhere, but when I saw the trailer (though it was focused at introducing the main VTubers) and the opening preview, I always thought the show was going to look half-assed, and indeed it did. And speaking of the opening, this series should have been hand-drawn so it would have been cooler to see the VTubers that way.
The bigger problem is that there’s no Kizuna AI at all, which many people aren’t happy with, I’m not worried too much since I like seeing the other VTubers (people should at least watch other kinds of VTubers, not just Kizuna AI alone). Even if Kizuna AI sings the first opening theme, it won’t make up for the fact that she’s completely absent. (At least try to learn to like other VTubers the same way you have your many normal YouTubers/Let’s Players you like, you dumb fucks)
The weirdest selling point of this show, Hideaki Anno was involved in the series. Yes, you read that right, the very same guy who did Evangelion and Shin Godzilla. No wonder why there’s this one sketch where we see the main cast dressed as the girl school uniforms from EVA.
The title of the show, Virtualsan - Looking has given a lot more meaning as I kept watching, it turns out that it’s actually referred to the VTuber Baacharu always watching, he always pops up at the very start of every episode and he’s a recurring star in “Listen Sister!” (forgot the name already, oops) where he always get thrown by Tokino Sora in order to confess to Sister Claire herself [Tokino]. Then he occasionally appears at this Siro segment where some VTubers take a seat and Siro gives a lot of trivia about different topics (then Baacharu became the last guest to star in this segment). It all makes sense now, but for some reason the subtitles called Baacharu “Virtual”.
Speaking of localization, for some reason Crunchyroll decided to license the series a week after its release, but guess what? The episode release schedule was behind, they simulcast the previous episode before the new one aired in Japan, that is until with episodes 5 or 6 which made things even.
There’s no real reason for me to hate this series, I quite enjoyed it and had a lot of laughs throughout the series but the half-assed special effects and stuff are not for the faint of Western audiences’ heart.
Though, I gotta say, this has the potential to spawn more genuine VTuber anime, I’m really optimistic to see more of them in the future.
4.5/10 - Rank: D+ - 48%
13.- Kemono Friends 2: *sigh* Oh boy, trying to write a series review on this one is going to be really tough, but to make it short, it’s as expected, Kemono Friends 2 is a soulless cash grab of a show, a shadow of its former self, definitely the WORST of the season. There’s just so many problems the show has:
Recycled storyline from the first season with a new human character nobody asked for.
Boring ass opening theme song that isn’t memorable and isn’t singable like WELCOME TO YOUKOSO JAPARI PARK.
Having two characters who serve the Raccoon and Fennec-type of roles. (despite having them featured in the OP numerous times and started to appear on episode 10)
Ceruleans look like unfinished CG mess compared to every character and heck, even the Ceruleans from the first season.
Occasionally inconsistent framerate from character movements, most of the time is a bit slow but there are a few times that it goes really fast.
Completely wiped out Serval’s memories of the events from the first season
Let’s go part by part:
The biggest crime of this season is of course not following the To Be Continued teased at the end of the first season and they decided to soft-reboot the series with a totally new human character, Kyururu.
Then, enter Armadillo and Pangolin, two characters who are looking for Kyururu for reasons [that is from the beginning of the series, later it was explained why they did it, it was to bring Kyururu to Domestic Dog], sound familiar? That’s because their roles are very like Raccoon and Fennec from the first season... when Raccoon and Fennec ALWAYS appeared in the opening (and then finally appeared on episode 10).
Speaking of the opening, the theme is a boring jazz earrape and it’s certainly not memorable or even singable as the first season’s opening, WELCOME TO YOUKOSO JAPARI PARK, those days are over.
I mostly didn’t even care for literally every character in the series. However, there are characters I do care, Kaban-chan (which I’ll discuss about her in a bit) of course, I will always care for Kaban-chan, and Domestic Dog, she’s the one Friend I’d definitely protecc because she’s a doggo and I feel bad for her in episode 8. The characters I’d definitely least protecc are Kyururu, nobody asked for a brand new human to take the Kaban-chan role, and Serval, because she doesn’t remember shit about the first season, they kind of ruined her character.
Serval was the worst change that has ever happened to her, as I stated, they basically wiped out all of her memories of the first season (or so it seems). Caracal told Serval that she had traveled with a human before and there was a small flash with Kaban-chan’s silhouette, this is one of the many things this season broke my heart very badly.
As for Caracal, the chemistry between her and Serval this season didn’t absolutely work here. Her character is depicted kind of a tsundere compared to her Welcome to Japari Park version which, gotta be honest, I definitely prefer the Welcome to Japari Park version and voice way better than the Kemono Friends 2 one. Without disrespecting the VA way too much, her voice for Caracal didn’t work for the character.
Rewatched a small portion of the first season, despite Serval having the same VA, she sounds a little different in Kemono Friends 2.
Speaking of Welcome to Japari Park, there’s the finale coming up in two weeks, so I hope it has a better conclusion than Kemono Friends 2 (which I’ll talk about later).
Now... let’s talk about Kaban-chan! If Serval wasn’t that of a poorly written character enough, Kaban-chan has definitely suffered the most! At the end of episode 5, a paper plane with a flame on its tip was flying out of nowhere, just to drive the Beast away, I heard a voice and IT WAS KABAN-CHAN!!! I was so happy that she finally appeared and I was eager to see more of her in the next episode, then the next week came and... she had plenty of screentime but... SHE DIDN’T DO SHIT! SHE DIDN’T DO A LOT OF SHIT, LIKE, SHE COULD HAVE INTERACTED WITH KYURURU A LOT MORE ABOUT WHAT DOES SHE WANT AND EVERYTHING, I CANNOT FORGIVE THIS EVER!
Well, it’s not like I wanted her with Serval to be like “Hey, Serval! Do you remember me?”, I understand she had her reasons and she must have been aware on Serval’s memory or something, but at the same time, she didn’t do a lot, though later in the episode, it was more focused on Kyururu talking to the owls about the origin of the Ceruleums, Kyururu theorized that the Ceruleans must have been spawned from the sea, and they all decide to test this out, which I don’t really blame too much that it turned out that way because they need to focus more on the overarching story of Kyururu’s search for her house, but come on...
At the end of the episode, Kaban says goodbye to the main trio, but most importantly, to Serval, as she asked Caracal to take care of her, she was downright sad.This episode was completely unsatisfying that I went so far to make a review out of it.
But that’s not the end of Kaban-chan, as she did appear in the final episodes, which I’ll talk about them in a bit...
But I gotta say, I really dig Kaban-chan’s new design. She has indeed grown up given by her height and her matured voice. 👌
There’s something I haven’t discussed very often and that is the NicoNico ratings. I haven’t seen these very often but I’ve seen two screenshots of two random episodes of the ratings, and guess what? Japan definitely voted for the “I didn’t like it.” option! Here’s a screenshot of episode 6:
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This is the exact same episode with the underwhelming reunion with Kaban-chan, it deserved it.
This is very funny because, two years ago, Pop Team Epic also a lot of dislike ratings, but it’s not because PTE is bad bad, I think it’s because it’s a kuso anime and people would follow the gag that it sucks or something, but in the case of Kemono Friends 2, it’s plain bad.
Moving on, episode 9 came by, the PPP episode, and there was no Crunchyroll-Hime cameo from the first season, wow, the disrespect. Then we get to see Crested Ibis again! Though she was not a main Friend of the episode (as it is a PPP-centered episode), she has become more of a minor role, just doing auditions, she even name dropped Alpaca.
Next we’ve come to the one episode where Armadillo and Pangolin finally captured Kyururu and brought to her master, the master appeared to be a Friend called Domestic Dog. She started talking to Kyururu that she has finally met a human after a long time, she brings Kyururu to her house and OH MY GOD, SHE MADE DOG SOUNDS, DEFINITELY PROTECC, I’M BEING SERIOUS, PROTECC.
Then comes the scene where Doggo was protecting Kyururu from the Beast, the moment I saw her full of scratches and dirt, my god, I cannot unsee that, that was horrifying.
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(Yes, I couldn’t resist bringing John Wick jokes)
Then when doggo let go of Kyururu, to come back to her friends, I felt so bad for her. I saw a comment on Crunchyroll where someone said “Oh no, she’s Seymour from Futurama” and things couldn’t be any more painful.
Right at the end of the episode, these two Friends from a promotional poster I saw a while before the series premiered finally showed up.
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They’re purpose was to give Kyururu some sort of existential crisis (well, not that much) by asking her if her house really exists, why did she made her drawings, etc.
Now we’re finally in episode 10 where Raccoon and Fennec finally appear after being in the OP literally every episode ever (Maybe I was asking for meaning or pay-off way too much), then KABAN-CHAN REAPPEARS and that time she was hella serious because she, the professor and her assistant, found out that there were Ceruleans being spawned from Kyururu’s drawings. Kyururu then made a drawing of literally every Friend she has met, including Pigeon which she just met but wanted to include her, and that immediately screamed maximum danger, as I thought there would be a huge army of Ceruleans shaped like the Friends, this is where things got interesting.
Episode 11, comes this war of Friends vs Ceruleans shaped like them, blah blah blah...
Episode 12 came and NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT THE ENDING!
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Then there’s the post-credits scene:
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My face during the very end:
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................................................................................................................................................................................................can somebody explain to me what the fuck just happened?
That Kaban-chan and Serval scene........ how could they do this to me.... and I don’t mean it in a good way.... Then that drawing with Mirai and two other Japari Park workers...................
Sure, these moments should bring hype and I should be happy that they did this, the Kaban-chan and Serval scene and the drawing, but it won’t work for me, Kemono Friends 2 tries really hard to redeem itself with hype-worthy moments like these, they just won’t make up for this irredeemable garbage.
Now, I wasn’t a douche on watching the entire series, there are some moments that I found genuinely interesting, had some laughs and made me smile (probably out of confusion, I have problems smiling even on inappropiate shit), the models perfectly capture Mine Yoshizaki’s art style, but without disrespecting Tatsuki, at the same time the models feel lifeless compared to the first season’s.
One thing I don’t understand about the designs is that I’ve seen people in 4chan blaming Tomason for the lazy designs and stuff, or something like that because I’ve seen them use “they” and I don’t really think they’re referring to Yoshizaki, they must have been really referring to Tomason, and that’s not true, Mine Yoshizaki does all of the Friends’ designs, and please don’t call some of them lazy, don’t disservice the man.
Then there are also the next episode previews made by Kikuchi Milo featuring the characters from the first season. Because of Crested Ibis’ minor appearance in episode 9, now I kind of wish the Friends from the first season to show up in the series, not just the next episode previews.
There were also two ED themes, which I find it bizarre that a one-cour series changes theme songs.
We never got to learn more about the Beast character though, she was like an underdeveloped Friend and she behaved more like a genuine tiger animal or something, we never get to learn her origin, or even her race.
Boy, this review turned out way better than I expected, I had a lot of fun writing about this soulless pile of trash. I hope the Welcome to Japari Park finale will help me forget this shit, let’s see how it would build up to the first season of Kemono Friends given that it’s a prequel and this is really old footage, I’m sure there must be how the future of the series got set up or something.
This might have been the most brutal anime review I’ve ever written but it’s the truth.
Watch Kemono Friends 3 get announced but inb4 it could be an adaptation of the mobile/arcade game of the same name instead of following the anime’s overarching story.
Though I think if Kemono Friends 3 happens, it could still be a continuation of the anime's story and it has nothing to do with the mobile/arcade game of the same name. It could be a similar situation with Welcome to Japari Park where there's a manga and a short series and they're both totally unrelated.
To conclude this series review, let me just say this:
Kemono Friends 2 is the Pacific Rim: Uprising of anime.
0/10 - Rank: E - 0% 🔥 🔥 🔥  Hail Hydra (or in this case Hail Kadokawa) No Tatsuki, No Tanoshii
Fuck you, Kadokawa. 🖕
Fall 2018 ongoing:
At last, ongoing anime from the previous season, I wasn’t having this streak lately and it was about time I had it.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind: JoJo Part 5 continues to be strong. There’s not much to add but I got some small things to say: When I’m 4chan threads, seeing screenshots of Part 4 makes me realize that Part 4 is the WORST looking and poorly produced part out of all the rest, thankfully Part 5 looks way better.
Since I was so accostumed on how the characters sound like in All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, the new voices have definitely grown on me now.
Also, how does King Crimson work?
Ace Attorney season 2: I genuinely had this post written with JoJo as the only ongoing Fall 2018 anime alone and somehow I have forgotten about Ace Attorney despite still watching the series. I feel like I enjoyed the Bridge to the Turnabout episodes a lot more.
I felt like this second season has genuinely given me a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth unlike the first season, which it definitely lead me to drop the series, but I didn’t drop it completely, I have picked it up again around episode 10 because I felt bad.
Now, let’s start talking about the Spring season, and why is this going to be the best anime season yet? Well...
1.- Kimestu no Yaiba - April 6: I’M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS ONE! Ahem, well, to tell you the truth, I just love being wowed by Ufotable’s fantastic visuals. I’m definitely checking this one blindly, I feel like this is something I should read the manga because I’m starting to feel like it could be an unfaithful narrative mess, and it’s already making me sad. But is Ufotable the type of studio to go off the rails and completely butcher the story? (Probably God Eater as people say but I don’t really see what’s with the hate and why is it offensively bad, I played God Eater Burst long afterwards, though. Call me an Ufotable stan if you want, but I really don’t see any problem with God Eater even when I binged it years ago, aside from a bit of animation hiccups (probably the/my first with (modern) Ufotable having a bit of hiccups) but I don’t mind it, I just enjoyed the way it is; people are gonna tell me this too and I’d be like totally disagreeing their opinions, refusing to seek the reality; I’d love to rush my ass off and read the manga like I did with One Punch Man, My Hero Academia and Monster Musume but I’m just so lazy to do it now, and I can’t read manga with over 100 chapters long.)
I always watch a lot of anime without even reading the manga first, even I don’t read JoJo (Even though I know some of the biggest spoilers from every part through the games) and Mob Psycho 100, but for some reason Kimetsu no Yaiba feels like a huge deal for me, I wish I couldn’t let the opportunity of reading the manga first go to waste, yet, I’m here about to watch the anime. I wish I could have realized this sooner.
Anyways, enough of that insane talk and wouldn’t boost hype confidence, I’m still going to enjoy it regardless how the story goes and the music might be something worth praising because the composers are fucking Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina, animation and visuals are no surprise worth of praise , I’m just ready to watch Ufotable’s next big TV project since Katsugeki: Touken Ranbu. (yes, there was 2018′s Emiya-san chi no Kyou no Gohan but it was a monthly series and each episode was 12 minutes long, so it’s not kind of a big deal; then there’s also the Heaven’s Feel movie trilogy (loved the second movie (even though I’m an anime only, I’m legit scared of Gavin and other kinds of elitists now; even though he unfollowed me)), but like I said, TV project)
As of March 27th, I read some news that Ufotable is under investigation over tax evasion and now I’ve grown way concerned than I was. It may not affect the releases of Kimetsu no Yaiba and even Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel III but I just don’t want to see Ufotable close. After Kimetsu no Yaiba come out, let’s see how Ufotable will do.
Gur zbfg vzcbegnag guvat gb fnl jul V qba’g jnag Hsbgnoyr gb pybfr vf, abg bayl V jba’g frr gurve navzngvba terngarff ntnva jvgu Sngr, Gnyrf, Tbq Rngre, rgp., V jnagrq gb jbex jvgu gurz ol znxvat gurz trg gur evtugf gb zl abiry senapuvfr gb cebqhpr navzngrq pbagrag, znvayvar naq bppnfvbanyyl enaqbz fghss. Ohg nynf, orsber V ynaqrq ba zl qrpvfvba ba Hsbgnoyr, V bevtvanyyl jnagrq gb jbex jvgu Znqubhfr naq/be JVG Fghqvb, vs Hsbgnoyr pybfrf, V’z tbvat sbe Znqubhfr/JVG Fghqvb yvxr V jnagrq. (Use ROT13 if you want to decipher what I said here)
Quick update, I HAVE read the first three chapters, it’s relatively solid and given on the scenes I’ve seen in the trailers, I do believe Ufotable is going to make a pretty good job on adapting the series faithfully narratively.
But most importantly so far, I hope Ufotable will do justice this panel! Which I had posted this on my Kemono Friends 2 series review.
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Bones disappointed me with the anime version of Mina’s “NO WAY” scene from My Hero Academia, and I hope Ufotable won’t do the same, I want a perfect recreation of that Tanjiro face.
Here’s the comparison below:
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Do you agree on this? (If you don’t, it’s fine, don’t worry about it)
UPDATE - April 13th:
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I changed my mind about Bones with the Mina “NO WAY!” part, it actually looks faithfully recreated, UNLIKE UFOTABLE.
(Alright, I gotta stop updating this post constantly with what’s happening right now)
RELATED: What will Ufotable’s final release be?
2.- One Punch Man season 2 - April 2nd: I’ve said this before and I will say it again, I’m NOT expecting OPM S2 to be any good and I’m NOT looking forward to it, even if I say that, I’m still going to watch it, regardless, but I’m not very hopeful for the visuals (Man, all I ever care about in anime is the visuals, I don’t give a crap of the story, I just want good animation!).
Since the release date is revealed to be April 2nd, which is Tuesday, I’m going to miss the good old One Punch Man Sundays when the first season came out, but Tuesdays are a good day for anime, so it’s worth it.
Well, I wrote that sentence literally like a day or two, and a new visual got revealed, it looks clean but it’s already not gonna look like that, very S1-like, given the first teaser trailer released. That aside, Viz Media confirmed that it will be premiered on April 9th on Hulu (RIP Daisuki.net), which that’s on Saturday, so that’s close on the good old OPM Sundays 4 years ago.
Actually, I’m pretty split on that information, in one hand, the official Twitter account tweeted the visual with the April 2nd release, but in the other, Viz Media tweeted that it comes out in the 9th and calls it “the same day as Japan” and “ Details and availability regarding the April 2nd special programming in our territory are currently unavailable.”, I’m so confused.
(Sorry, this post has been in progress for the entire Winter season and I’m writing stuff I was currently experiencing at the time)
March 18th, the second trailer dropped and somehow I’m kind of alright with it, still not super impressed but at least it’s kind of something. But the biggest let-down is the new opening theme by JAM Project revealed in the trailer which it’s not as great as THE HERO. I’m a bigger fan of the way THE HERO is, I’m probably the more upbeat type of person, and with this? I don’t want something calm, I wanted a more action packed song! I hadn't payed a lot of attention to the editing of the trailer with the black screens, but yeah, it's so bad.
The more I think about the trailer and seeing people’s reactions, I’m starting to think it’s really looking like absolute ass than I previously mentioned, so I couldn’t agree more. But hey, at least I love seeing some of the jokes and memes related to the trailer.
I thought I had to wait until AnimeJapan to drop the trailer but they decided to do it now.
I now understand what’s with the April 2nd and April 9th releases. The April 2nd release is going to be more like an special of sorts and next week is when the series for real starts. It’s the same issue I had with Kemono Friends 2, but that was unpredictable at the time, so with One Punch Man, I can totally wait for next week. (At the time of posting this, the day has come)
3.- Attack on Titan season 3 second cour - April 28th: It’s seriously been like annoyingly forever after the first cour ended in Fall 2018, but I’m finally it’s going to continue.
I still don’t know what took so long, but whatever.
4.- Isekai Quartet - April 9th: From what I see now, this is going to be more like a show with different isekai projects focused as sketches or something, I randomly thought it would be a crossover but apparently it’s not the case. Regardless, I’m still going to watch and enjoy the way it is.
By the time I saw its announcement, I immediately went to binge Re:Zero, I have seen Youjo Senki, Overlord and Kono Suba, so I needed to watch Re:Zero so I can be complete or something.
Since I write this post as time goes on, the trailer for Isekai Quartet has released and indeed it is a crossover like I wanted!
5.- Girls’ Frontline comedy anime short - ???: It appears that we’re getting our first Girls’ Frontline anime and it’s a comedy which it’s even cooler.
The trailer was first revealed on a BiliBili livestream on January for Chinese audiences, then a few days later, there was another livestream taken place in VTuber Nekomiya Hinata’s channel for Japanese audiences, where they showed off the same trailer but one frame of new footage and then there’s a new trailer for another Girls’ Frontline anime, that’s right, we don’t have just one, but two different Girls’ Frontline comedy anime, this one’s focused on the AR Team and 404, and the other one has a variety of T-Dolls featured, but the former is the bigger focus here.
What I find rather surprising about this short anime is that ever since they showed the trailer on said livestreams, there’s no official upload of the trailer, not a whole lot of news sites reported about this, and not even a full release date after two months. I thought there would be more information on AnimeJapan 2019 but there was nothing in sight.
So I guess I’ll have to wait until April to see if this will indeed come out, it could be a surprise release not everyone is going to notice or it might be delayed to Summer. Nevertheless, I’m excited to see this one, and the other one too but I prefer this one with the AR Team and 404 the most.
By the way, thanks for tagging me twice on these Girls’ Frontline anime, Moetron. I’m happy that I let you know these trailers exist. Here, have this powerful image of G11 meditating.
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6.- Fruits Basket remake - April 5th: I never watched the original Fruits Basket and I’ve been seeing a lot of announcements about returning English voice actors and stuff, I dunno why but I’m thinking the remake could be overhyped with all this stuff, but I’m sure it’s still going to be enjoyable for the people who read the manga, who watched the original anime series and newcomers alike.
Speaking of the manga, I wondered why is there a need for a remake now, one of my friends told me that there could be an actual ending of the series since the original anime prematuredly ended when the manga was still going at the time, so I believe the remake might add the manga’s ending or something, I don’t know anything about it but it sounds like a likely thing to happen.
7.- Miru Tights - May 11th: There isn’t much to comment on this one, but it’s interesting because it’s basically Yom the anime. Yep, the man of the thights is getting an anime. Who would knew one day this would happen? Also, it comes out on May 11th, it’s kind of an unusual date even for a web series.
8.- 四月一日さん家の (Watanuki-san Chi No) - April 19th: After Virtual-san wa Miteiru, it seems like the anime industry wouldn’t give up on start making anime with VTubers now.
Unlike Virtual-san wa Miteiru, this one’s not really classified as “anime”, it’s more like a drama as its official Twitter account says or something. Well, at least this show stars Tokino Sora as one of the three leads, so it’ll be interesting. Though I’m not sure anyone would really like to torrent this but at the same time it’d be a waste not to.
9.- Bungou Stray Dogs season 3 - April 12th: I’ve watched the first two seasons of the show in December 2017, then watched the movie in my cinema with my older sister on her birthday, I’m definitely quite a fan of the series, not completely hardcore as I need to read the manga, but I’m fine for now. Anyways, I’m glad there’s a third season happening and can’t wait to see it.
There was originally going to be a Chiitan anime this Spring but it got delayed to Summer. And yeah, you read that right, a Chiitan anime.
HONORABLE MENTION (Since that just happened): Pop Team Epic special: I genuinely forgot a special was going to occur on April 1st (being April Fools), but I’m glad I watched it and still loved it like the base series and now I want season 2.
Thanks for reading this post, this must have been the longest post I’ve ever made yet for so many reasons. What’s your most anticipated anime of the season?
Twitter: @HKomaeda.
0 notes
2018 Film Retrospective
This is my retrospective of all the movies I saw in 2018. This is based on UK release dates so films such as The Favourite, Vice or Eighth Grade will not appear on this list despite technically being 2018 movies as I have not yet been able to see these yet. There are also many movies that I have missed in 2018.
I will still be updating this list throughout 2019 here: https://letterboxd.com/nathan_r_l/list/2018-from-best-to-worst-3/
If you want to see where these movies fall on this list as I see them.
So, anyway here from the worst of the year to my personal favourite are all the films I saw in 2018:
 37. The Queen and I (Dan Zeff):
I only saw this film a few days ago as of writing so it may seem a little harsh to call it the worst of the year as it hasn’t had any time to grow on me yet. Although I don’t see this getting any better with age. Sky intended this new David Walliams’s TV movie as a sort of Christmas present, but this must be one of the very few films I have ever seen that has actually made me angry. Nothing more than royalist propaganda that manages to completely miss the potential of the concept as well as missing the point of the sequence from Les Miserable that it decides to “pay homage too”.
36. Death on the Tyne (Ed Bye):
Not much to say here. Really it isn’t a surprise that UKTV made a bad comedy.
35. Fahrenheit 451 (Ramin Bahrani):
I promise that I saw more than just TV movies this year, it just so happens that most of them were really bad. All of the changes that were added to the story were stupid and when they actually tell the story it is painfully boring.
34. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (J. A. Bayona):
Let’s be real, despite ranging in quality none of the Jurassic Park sequels have warranted their own existence. That being said Fallen Kingdom might be worth watching just to see how hilariously bad these films can get. Despite having the same director as The Orphanage and A Monster Calls no amount of good tracking shots can fix a script that is this ridiculous. The script comes across like two different ideas for new Jurassic Park movies were awkwardly stitched together when the best treatment for both would have been not to make either of them. Through in an incredibly stupid and unneeded twist and the most underwhelming Jeff Goldblum cameo in cinema history.
33. Grandpa’s Great Escape (Elliot Hegarty):
Oh, look another bad TV movie. Davis Walliams consistently finds himself attached to these boring BBC productions never quite capture the heart and care of his writing. Walliams is a good children’s author, but the small screen adaptations of his work always feel rushed and unfocused.
32. Venom (Ruben Fleischer):
The biggest disappointment of 2018. Venom is corny, bland and forgettable. According to IMDB, Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer is behind this mess but judging by Tom Hardy’s performance and the incomprehensible CGI finale no-one directed this.
31. Solo: A Star Wars Story (Ron Howard):
A soulless, lifeless film that stinks of studio interference. All of the cast feel as if they are just playing the type of character they are expected to (especially  Phoebe Waller-Bridge as L3-37). There are moments in this film where it feels like there is supposed to be a joke that has awkwardly been edited or written out after Lord and Miller left the project, these moments haunt the film and make me feel like this could have been great, but alas. 
30. Death Wish (Eli Roth):
At this point it might be time to consider that Eli Roth might be making bad movies on purpose. I went into Death Wish expecting something needlessly graphic and entertainingly violent and stupid but that’s not what this is. For the most part the gun violence in this film is pretty tame and the dialogue is far to generic and boring to be funny. There is one scene in a garage that showcases what usually makes Roth’s films memorable, but it comes too late to bring this movie into guilty pleasure territory. I do believe that Roth is a good filmmaker but the more he releases these mindless, generic thrillers the harder it is to defend him.
29. The Meg (Jon Turteltaub):
Half of this movie is a self-aware special effects movie that is genuinely entertaining. The other half is a boring and cliché. It should be good but never quite manages to keep up any momentum that it builds.
28. Tomb Raider (Roar Uthaug):
Technically better than the 2001 Lara Croft film although I know which one I would rather watch. Some interesting set pieces and homages to the newer tomb Raider games mixed with bland dialogue and an uninteresting plot.
27. Deadpool 2 (David Leitch):
Not as funny as the first movie but has better action. Deadpool 2 is mixed bag, the satire falls short when the movie insists on upping the stakes and having its audience feel emotionally connected to the story. David Leitch is a good action director and I look forward to seeing what he does next, but I can’t say that I’m all to exited about the next instalments in the Deadpool franchise.
26. Tag (Jeff Tomsic):
I don’t think that this film deserves the hate it seems to have gotten. Tag is a pretty funny movie with memorable characters and good camera work. It’s a little corny and the ending gets way to soppy but it’s a good film to watch with a group of friends if not just for some good Hannibal Buress quotes.
25. Click & Collect (Ben Palmer):
Hey, a TV movie that didn’t suck! Airing on BBC 1 on Christmas Eve this is an example of cringe comedy done well, the plot doesn’t always make sense but that doesn’t stop the comedy from really working.
24. Outlaw King (David Mackenzie):
A pretty good historical drama about Robert the Bruce. That’s all this is really a serviceable movie about an interesting topic. Not bad by any means all though a little forgettable, the performances and fight choreography are great but the writing lacks any real direction.
23. Aquaman (James Wan):
A list of other movies scenes from Aquaman made me think of:
Raiders of the Lost Arc
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Black Panther
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Wonder Woman
Full review coming next
22. Ant-Man and the Wasp (Peyton Reed):
Not as funny or engaging as 2015’s Ant-Man. This is a decent blockbuster with some good special effects and funny moments. A lower tier Marvel film for sure that gets completely overshadowed by the other two movies that the studio brought out in 2018 but still a fun watch.
21. Ocean’s Eight (Gary Ross):
About as good as Ocean’s 13. All of the hallmarks of the Ocean’s trilogy are present. The last 15 minuets begin to over explain what we have already seen and the name of the movie spoils and reveal at the end of the movie. A well-directed heist movie none-the-less that should be enjoyable for any Ocean’s fan
20. Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg):
This movie is at its best when it is at its most Spielberg. There is a really great car chase and a plot that revolves around kids standing against authority. It goes on for way to long and some of the references are on the nose. It certainly needs to be cut down but it’s a movie worth seeing if you know your pop-culture.
19. Searching (Aneesh Chaganty):
By far the best example of found-footage to be released in years. Having the entire film appear from the perspective of computer screens and phone calls makes the experience feel far more real and personal as if you are right there figuring out the mystery with the character. The story itself separated from its gimmick has been seen before and the twist is a bit of a reach but with its unique style it feels completely fresh. If you hated Unfriended there is a high chance that you will love this.
18. My Dinner with Hervé (Sacha Gervasi):
A HBO movie featuring a fantastic performance from Peter Dinklage. The life story of French actor Hervé Villechaize is told through a crazy interview based on the one that the actor had with the director in the early 90’s. It’s a small film but one that has been made with a lot of passion from its director and star. Absolutely look this one out if you can.
17. Isle of Dogs (Wes Anderson):
Wes Anderson is responsible for some of my favourite films of all time. While his latest may not be his best work to date it is a beautiful and insanely well-crafted film full of life and wonder. Anderson has a particular style and this movie sums up exactly what makes that style work so well with every shot working perfectly.
16. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (David Slade):
It’s hard to tell at this point whether or not this will start a new craze for choose your own adventure movies the way that Avatar started a craze for 3D. Honestly I don’t think Charlie Brooker has left anywhere to really be explored with the this concept as he dives head first into a meta-narrative all about free-will. Certainly, an ambitious endeavour for the crew of Black Mirror that has taken over the cinematic discussion for a little while. I saw this with a group of friends trying to uncover as much of the story as we could in one sitting and I highly recommend that experience if you haven’t seen/played this yet.
15. Black Panther (Ryan Coogler): 
A Marvel movie that appears to have nudged its way into Oscar conversations, regardless of whether or not I think that it deserves that acclaim this is a great film. Black Panther has some of the smartest writing of any MCU movie and one of the best villains to ever appear in a superhero movie. This is a film that will be talked about for years because of what it means for representation, it also helps that it is a really good movie.
14. Game Night (John Francis, Jonathan M. Goldstein):
The biggest surprise of the year is that the two guys behind 2015’s awful Vacation reboot managed to make one of the funniest and well-made comedies of 2018. The camerawork in this film is brilliant, one long take in particular has to be one of my favourite scenes of the year. The plot takes some logical jumps but who cares when the film is this good.
13. A Quiet Place (John Kransinski):
Sure, it doesn’t all make sense when you analyse it but watching A Quiet Place on the big screen is one of the tensest experiences I have ever had. When the credits rolled after the first time I saw this film I noticed that for the past 90 minuets, that’s the sign of some effective tension.
12. First Man (Damien Chazelle):
Chazelle has proven himself to be one of the best directors working today. While I may not love his latest as much as his previous work on La La Land and Whiplash it has to be said that First Man is a solid base hit for a great filmmaker. The third act of this film features some of the best special effects of the year mixed with one of the most emotional sequences of the year. Gosling and Foy are both brilliant and both deserve nominations as does Chazelle.
11. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Martin McDonagh):
Slightly twisted and very enjoyable Three Billboards is a strange film. McDonagh is able to find humour in the darkest of places but never undermines the serious nature of the subject matter.
10. Incredibles 2 (Brad Bird):
Going into the top 10 it feels important to restate that these rankings are based purely on my own personal opinions on each film. Incredibles 2 is objectively not as good as the 2004 original, but it doesn’t have to be, this is a very fun movie featuring some great animation, fantastically directed action sequences that only Brad Bird could pull off and do I even have to mention the Jack-Jack scenes? Brad Bird is one of the greatest filmmakers to ever work in animation and this feels like his victory lap, not his best film but absolutely one that showcases just how great he is.
9. The Shape of Water (Guillermo del Toro):
Best picture winner, The Shape of Water deserves all the acclaim that it has gotten. This “adult fairy-tale” features a wonderful score, fantastic performances, beautiful set-design and characteristically excellent direction from one of the world’s greatest directors! Everyone has already lumped praise on this film and so I am not left with too much else to say other than see this film.
8. The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling (Judd Apatow):
I hear that 2018 was a great year for documentaries, I wouldn't know because I only saw this one but if Three Identical Strangers and Won’t you be my Neighbour are better than this then I need to see them. Judd Apatow looks into the life of his friend and fellow comedian Garry Shandling only 2 years after his tragic death. His approach leaves no stone unturned as he dives head first into the late comedian’s mind using his own diaries and interviews with his closest friends and collaborators. As a stand-up comedy fan it is absolutely fascinating to get a look the real life of an often misunderstood legend like Shandling for it to be as neatly put together and wonderfully entertaining as this is a welcome bonus.
7. Avengers: Infinity War (Joe Russo, Anthony Russo):
For the technical achievement alone Infinity War deserves a place in my top 10. The Russo brothers managed to pull off a stunt that just a year ago I was ready to call impossible, bringing together 10 years worth of character arcs and plot points while still making an enjoyable film. Even though it has been 9 months I still don’t know what to say about this film and my lack of words may be the best compliment I can give it.
6. Mission: Impossible – Fallout (Christopher McQuarrie):
If you asked me in June I would have said that the Mission: Impossible franchise had peaked with Brad Bird’s Ghost Protocol in 2014, I also would have been dead wrong. Fallout is not just the best film in the franchise but an absolute high point in action cinema. Seeing this on the big screen was one of the most visceral and intense movie going experiences I have ever had, every stunt is a nail-biter and the whole time I was on the edge of my seat.   
5. Thoroughbreds (Cory Finley):
This is the movie that I saw alone and have yet to properly have a conversation with someone about. This film slipped under almost everyone’s radar and then disappeared. I am telling you now find this movie it is a fantastic, quaint little film with the power to make you uncomfortable and make you laugh at the same time. Olivia Cooke and Anya Taylor Joy are both brilliant and the ending has one of my best moments of the year with a single long shot and the power of suggestion. If you missed it, which you probably did, go look it out. 
4. BlacKkKlansman (Spike Lee):
Loud, funny, unapologetic, stylish and controversial. Those are the five words that describe all of Spike Lee’s best movies and BlacKkKlansman is no exception. With multiple Oscar worthy performances, a great score and a screenplay that shows Spike at his angriest and smartest in a long time, this film will get under some peoples skin, as great cinema should. 
3. I, Toyna (Craig Gillespie):
Every now and then a movie comes along that perfectly sums up why I love this art form, I Tonya is one of those movies. Deeply impactfull on an emotional level while remaining hyper stylised, Gillespie manages to make the audience feel sympathy for characters that would be the villains in any other story by taking you on an emotional roller coaster through the life of Tonya Harding that leaves the viewer feeling just as broken as the titular character by the conclusion.
This film is so good I watched it twice in two days.
2. Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig):
I fell hard for this film. Greta Gerwig’s painfully honest look at growing up feels like watching a selection of incredibly well shot home movies from a real person. The real achievement of Gerwig’s directorial debut is how it manages to feel relatable even if you aren’t in the same situation as the protagonist. When the credits role it’s hard to feel slightly disappointed that you can’t keep watching what is going to happen to this character next and when the only criticism you have is that you didn't want it to end, the film must have been pretty good.
1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman):
I’m just as surprised as you are.
Somehow and for whatever reason this is the movie that resonated with me the most in 2018, this is the film I see myself going back to the most. Sometimes the best film is the most entertaining one, this film had me hooked instantly and kept me in a near trance-like state during its run-time. In don’t have anything to profound to say about this film it’s just really a great film that everyone can enjoy. If this is still playing near you and you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out you won’t be disappointed.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Examining Bill & Ted’s Excellent Pop Culture Adventures
Bill & Ted Face the Music is OUT NOW! Excellent! (Loud screeching guitar solo). And really, the dim time-traveling duo have returned just when we need them the most. Since first making their debut in the 1989 sleeper hit Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, these characters — portrayed with glee by Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves — have become that unique thing: A sci-fi/comedy franchise that somehow is both a cult sensation and a mainstream success. Following the unexpected success of the first film, the sequel Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey was released in the summer of 1991. Fans expecting more of the same were instead treated to a rumination on life and death that featured everything from aliens to evil robot doppelgangers of our leads. But the inventiveness of Bill and Ted creators Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon worked against him, and the film went underappreciated during its original run.
In the nearly 30 years since their last big screen outing, the legend of Bill & Ted has only grown. Much has been made about how the pair influenced everything from Beavis and Butthead to Kevin Smith’s Jay and Silent Bob, and while there’s validity to these claims it’s important to remember that the template for Bill and Ted was forged as far back as 1980s teen sex comedies in which goofball/borderline stoner characters were used to great effect. (See also: Sean Penn’s performance in The Beaver Trilogy, a terrific cult effort that was a dry run for his take as Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High). Ultimately however, Bill and Ted have endured because their films are smart and strange with terrific performances, a game supporting cast (George Carlin as Rufus is particularly great), and a fun concept that merges teenage wish fulfillment with offbeat science fiction concepts.
So with the final, for now anyway, Bill & Ted film upon us, we thought we’d look back on the characters’ first three decades with an exploration of how their impact has reverberated throughout popular culture. From misguided TV spinoffs to audacious rip off ads, this is a journey that you will find to be most excellent indeed.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adentures (Animated)
No one expected Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure to be a success. At the time, most everyone involved with the film — with the notable exceptions of George Carlin, Bernie Casey, and Jane Wiedlin — were unknowns. Furthermore, the film had the kind of small budget that screamed straight-to-video. So when it became successful, the decision was made to strike while the iron was hot, and so Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures was born. Produced by Hanna-Barbera and aired on CBS, this cartoon chronicle of Bill and Ted’s ongoing adventures had them encountering everyone from Little Richard to William Shakespeare. Giving the enterprise an air of legitimacy was the fact that Winter, Reeves, Carlin, and Casey all reprised their roles. After the first season, the series switched to the Fox network, with DIC Entertainment (creator of shows like Inspector Gadget and The New Archies) taking over production. The big name stars were jettisoned and the show took a dip in quality. It ran for another eight episodes before whimpering out of existence. But for the actors who voiced Bill and Ted on this iteration of the show, they were just getting started…
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures (Live Action)
Cartoon spin-offs of sitcoms like The Brady Kids and Fonz and the Happy Days Gang were commonplace on the televisual landscape of the 1970s and ’80s. But what made Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures so unique, and probably the only truly memorable thing about the whole affair, is how what started as an animated version of a popular film ditched its actors for the toon’s second season and then these replacements went on to anchor a live-action version of more or less the same show. That’s some inverse Coy and Vance/The Dukes of Hazzard nonsense right there. Evan Richards and Christopher Kennedy once again portrayed Bill and Ted respectively when Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures hit Fox in 1992. Don’t lay the show’s failure on their performances though, they did a more than passable job of walking in Winter and Reeves’ footsteps. It was the lack of budget and, you know, creativity that quickly and rightfully doomed the series. Yet around the same time as the Wyld Stallyns were ending their television run, they were thriving in another medium.
Bill & Ted Comics
Bill & Ted’s first foray into comics was a straightforward adaptation of the first film that DC Comics released and is noteworthy merely for Angelo Torres’ fun art. After this release, Marvel got the license to the characters, and a Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey adaptation soon followed with work from Milk & Cheese‘s Evan Dorkin. The comic subsequently spawned a 12-issue ongoing series in which Dorkin let his imagination run wild. As someone who is obsessed with the things I am speaking with experience when I say that most licensed comics are a slog to get through. That is not the case here, and Dorkin’s work with Bill and Ted stands alongside of Carl Bark’s Uncle Scrooge efforts and Roger Langridge’s The Muppets comics. (To prove I’m not being hyperbolic here, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Comic Book was nominated for a Best Humor Comic at the 1992 Eisner Awards). There have been other Bill & Ted comics in recent years, but none have reached the stellar heights of Dorkin’s work with the characters. Fortunately, he has returned to the fold with the just-released mini-series Bill & Ted Are Doomed, so spread that news to comic lovers far and wide.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Cereal
Unfortunately, Bill & Ted’s Most Excellent Cereal was anything but. Imagine stale Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with decades old marshmallows and that begins to describe the heinous experience that downing a bowl of the stuff was like. That said, I still have the phone booth cereal premium that came shrink wrapped with it and that is, of course, excellent.
Bill & Ted’s National Air Guitar Championship
In the summer of 1991, MTV went all in with its promotion of Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey. As a result we have the above Bill & Ted’s National Air Guitarist Championship contest, which features an appearance by a bemused William Sadler (who rules, always) and introductions from Dweezil Zappa, who seems like he can barely hold in his contempt for the entire enterprise.
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Premiere Party
Another A/V relic from MTV’s summer of Bill & Ted is the premiere party the network hosted by Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey. Featuring Pauly Shore on hosting detail and appearances from a bunch of bands who were about to rendered irrelevant due to the rise of grunge, this program is a journey back to a simpler, less flannel-centric time in our now-distant past.
Bill & Ted Action Figures
Looking back now at Kenner’s Bill & Ted Excellent Adventure action figures, the main question I have is just why didn’t I snatch these things up when I saw them in the closeout bins at Kaybee Toys? Genghis Khan in a Wyld Stallyns shirt? The second I’m done this article I’m heading over to eBay.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Sideshow Figures
With nostalgia being one of the few things that 2020 has yet to destroy, the deluxe action figure market is booming. NECA is currently offering stunning figures based on the Bill & Ted saga, and for those who really want to up their uncanny valley collecting game there are these toys from Sideshow that well set you back $399. Decide for yourself if this is excellent or bogus.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure
In the 1990s, LJN was notorious for making confounding Nintendo Entertainment System games out of popular movies. Jaws, Friday the 13th, Back to the Future, and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure were all given the LJN treatment to various degrees of frustration. My personal memories of playing their Bill & Ted title solely consist of wandering around in a daze wondering what the hell was going on. Wait? Was the game secretly a stealth 2020 simulator?
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Musical Adventure
The invaluable Bill & Ted’s Excellent Online Adventure website is the Internet’s greatest resource when it comes to information on these characters. While researching this piece I was blown away to discover that Bill & Ted’s Excellent Musical Adventure exists, and the site breaks it down thusly:
It was in 1992 that Dean Collinson, a singer, songwriter and actor, first saw the Bill and Ted movies and set about to write a musical version of our favorite movies with his writing partners Mick Walsh and Gene Jacobs.  In October 1998, Dean Collinson would win the Vivien Ellis Award for Best New Musical Composer for the music to Bill & Ted’s Excellent Musical Adventure.
The musical seems to have been staged at least a couple of times, once as a three week run during the Edinburgh Festival at the venue The Pleasance in Scotland.  The other was a condensed version on May 4, 2000 as part of a program called “Musical Futures” at the Greenwich Theatre in London. 
Unauthorized though it may be, this thing sounds glorious. You can hear the songs and learn more about it here, and whoa, you should. Spoiler alert: There is no song called “San Dimas High School Football Rules.” Tragically.
McDonald’s Ads
Speaking of unauthorized, McDonald’s produced and aired the above commercials that shamelessly tried to ride Bill & Ted’s pop culture coattails. There’s a lot that is wrong with this, but the main thing is probably how you just know that Bill & Ted are In-N-Out burger dudes.
Weezer – Beginning of the End Music Video
The Bill & Ted movie soundtracks have contained everyone from Kiss to Slaughter. Apparently now the pair are listening to Weezer? I mean, I guess the franchise’s ultimate message is that we all eventually give up our youthful dreams and become what we fear most. And what I fear most is ever having to endure another conversation about Pinkerton, so I suppose I’ll end things here. Just do me a favor, be excellent to each other, okay?
The post Examining Bill & Ted’s Excellent Pop Culture Adventures appeared first on Den of Geek.
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The Real-life Love Lives Of The ‘Modern Family’ Cast
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Celebrities & Pop Culture This list will also remind you of some of the show's best guest stars and recurring characters! Kate Emswiler 2018-09-17
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison If you’re a “Modern Family” fan, you’ve likely witnessed all the ups and downs of the Pritchetts, Dunphys and Delgados over the years. Now, take a peek at the offscreen love lives of all your favorite “Modern Family” actors. You may be surprised to find you recognize some of their real-life significant others from other popular shows!
Stephanie Beatriz (Sonia Ramirez)
If you don’t know Stephanie Beatriz as Gloria’s sister, Sonia Ramirez, you may know her as Detective Rosa Diaz on the recently canceled (then quickly uncanceled) “Brooklyn 99.” Beatriz, who is engaged to actor Brad Hoss, identifies as bisexual. Her coming out inspired an epidode of “Brooklyn 99” in which Diaz, Beatriz’s tough-as-nails character, also came out as bisexual. In an essay penned for GQ, the actress clarified that marrying a man doesn’t make her any less queer. “I’m choosing to get married because this particular person brings out the best in me,” she wrote. “This person happens to be a man.”
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Getty Images | Joe Scarnici
Nathan Fillion (Rainer Shine)
On “Modern Family,” Nathan Fillion’s vain character, a TV weatherman appropriately named Rainer Shine, pursues Haley — despite an age difference that makes everyone uncomfortable. Although they are very briefly engaged (five minutes!), Haley and Rainer’s relationship was not meant to last. In real life, the “Castle” star has been romantically involved with several women, most recently actress Krista Allen, though the two appear to no longer be together.
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Getty Images | Dimitrios Kambouris
Elizabeth Banks (Sal)
Elizabeth Banks is easily one of the most memorable and beloved of “Modern Family”‘s many recurring guest stars, as her turn as Cam and Mitchell’s impulsive and vivacious friend, Sal, always breathes some fresh air into the show. Offscreen, Banks is married to producer and sportswriter Max Handelman, whom she met in college when she was 18 years old. The two waited until 2003 to tie the knot and they now have two sons together, Felix, 7, and Magnus, 5.
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Getty Images | Pascal Le Segretain
Kevin Hart (Andre)
Comedian Kevin Hart appeared twice on “Modern Family” as Phil’s friend and neighbor, Andre. When he’s not making audiences laugh in TV shows, movies and stand-up specials, Hart spends time with his wife, Eniko Parrish, and their baby son, Kenzo, along with Hart’s children from a previous marriage, Heaven and Hendrix.
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Chazz Palminteri (Vincent / Shorty)
Chazz Palminteri has a recurring role on “Modern Family” as Shorty, one of Jay’s oldest and dearest BFFs. The seasoned actor, writer and restaurateur has been married to his wife, Gianna Palminteri, since 1992. The couple has two children, Dante and Gabriella, and they live in New York.
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Getty Images | Jemal Countess
Jennifer Tilly (Darlene)
Jennifer Tilly appears in several episodes of “Modern Family” as Darlene, the wife of Jay’s friend Shorty, who moves with Shorty to Costa Rica — much to Jay’s dismay. In a later episode, however, Shorty returns and admits that Darlene left him for another man. Tilly’s real-life romantic partner is Irish-born poker player Phil Laak, whose poker-playing uniform of a hoodie and sunglasses has earned him the moniker “The Unabomber.” Tilly herself is also a world-renowned professional poker champion.
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Getty Images | Mark Davis
Sarah Hyland (Haley Dunphy)
Sarah Hyland plays the ditzy, boy-crazy Haley Dunphy on “Modern Family,” but for more than a year now, in real life she’s only had eyes for one guy: Wells Adams. Adams was a contestant on “The Bachelorette” in 2016, and it looks like his loss at the final rose was a win for everyone, especially Hyland. After Adams’ stint on “Bachelor in Paradise” in the summer of 2017, he and Hyland started dating and they’ve been serving up coupled cuteness ever since.
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Rachel Murray/Getty Images for Entertainment Weekly
Benjamin Bratt (Javier Delgado)
On “Modern Family,” Benjamin Bratt plays Gloria’s hunky, suave ex-husband, Javier, who swoops in occasionally to visit his son, Manny, but never provides any reliable support as a dad. Bratt’s real-life persona couldn’t be further from this character, as he has been married to his wife, actress Talisa Soto, since 2002, and he’s a devoted dad to his two children, Sophia, 15, and Mateo, 12.
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Ed O’Neill (Jay Pritchett)
The blustery “Modern Family” patriarch and closets mogul, Jay Pritchett, is played by Ed O’Neill, previously of “Married… With Children” fame. In reality, O’Neill has been married to actress Catherine Rusoff since 1986. The two share a pair of daughters, 19-year-old Sophia and 22-year-old Claire (just like on TV!).
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Jane Krakowski (Dr. Donna Duncan)
Fans of “30 Rock” and “Ally McBeal” likely recognized Jane Krakowski immediately in the several “Modern Family” episodes that featured her as the passive-aggressive Dr. Donna Duncan, Gloria’s nemesis at Manny’s school. When she’s not playing hilarious roles on sitcoms, Krakowski is likely spending time with her son, 7-year-old Bennett, whom she shares with her ex-fiance, fashion designer Robert Godley.
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Getty Images | Eugene Gologursky
Lin-Manuel Miranda (Guillermo)
You may not have realized it at the time, but if you re-watch the 2011 “Modern Family” episode “Good Cop, Bad Dog,” you’ll notice that the guest star playing the dog trainer who pitches a terrible business idea to Jay, is unmistakably “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. When Miranda isn’t playing hilarious guest roles or concocting award-winning rhymes, he’s probably enjoying time with his wife since 2010, Vanessa Nadal, who is both a lawyer and a scientist. The two have two sons together, and while delivering his speech at the 2016 Tony Awards (before baby No. 2 came along), Miranda declared, “My wife’s the reason anything gets done. She nudges me towards promise by degrees. She is a perfect symphony of one. Our son is her most beautiful reprise.”
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Getty Images | Bryan Bedder
Keegan-Michael Key (Tom)
On “Modern Family,” Keegan-Michael Key plays one half of a couple that Phil and Claire meet while on vacation. The Dunphys think highly of their new friends and love having dinner with them … except for one thing: They refuse to ever pick up the check. In real life, Key married producer Elisa Pugliese in June 2017. When he popped the question in November 2017, Key gushed on Twitter, “I’m the luckiest man ever. She said yes!”
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Getty Images | Christopher Polk
Rachel Harris (Amelia)
Comedic actress Rachael Harris guest starred on “Modern Family” once, playing Amelia, the owner of a trendy restaurant for which Mitchell and Cam are having trouble getting reservations. They arrange a play date for Amelia’s son and their daughter Lily, in an effort to gain access to the restaurant, but things go awry, as usual. In real life, Harris is married to her second husband, violinist Christian Hebel, and the pair has one child together, Henry, with a second baby on the way!
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Getty Images | John Sciulli
Matt Dillon (Robbie)
Matt Dillon plays a bit of a cad on “Modern Family,” appearing as Claire’s ex-boyfriend from high school who shows up at a party at Claire and Phil’s house — as a date for Claire’s mom, DeDe. Awkward! Offscreen, Dillon has been a serial dater for so long, he’s even made lists of “celebs who have never married.” His current girlfriend, however, dancer and actress Roberta Mastromichele, may just convince Dillon to take the plunge yet.
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Paul Morigi/Getty Images
Jordan Peele (Derrick)
Just like his longtime comedy partner Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele delivered laughs when he guest-starred on “Modern Family.” In the episode “A Fair to Remember,” Peele played a “police officer” whom Jay is grumpily paired up with for a fair charity event. The two had very funny onscreen chemistry, but offscreen, the Oscar-winning Peele has the best chemistry with his wife, comedian and actress Chelsea Peretti, well-known to “Brooklyn 99” fans as the precinct’s sassy Gina. The couple has a son together, Beaumont Gino, whom they welcomed in July 2017.
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Getty Images | Matt Winkelmeyer
Sofia Vergara (Gloria Pritchett)
Gloria, the sexy, loud, loving second wife of Jay Pritchett, is played with hilarious timing and just enough sass by Colombian actress Sofia Vergara. In November 2015, Vergara married “True Blood” actor Joe Manganiello in a lavish Palm Beach wedding that was draped in flowers and oozing with romance. Soon after the wedding (which featured Vergara’s “Modern Family” castmates in attendance), Vergara went on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and said, “It was like a fairy tale. It came out perfectly how I wanted, I have to say.” Vergara also has a 26-year-old son, Manolo, from a previous marriage.
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Getty Images | Dimitrios Kambouris
Ty Burrell (Phil Dunphy)
Devoted dad and loyal husband Phil Dunphy is married to the oft-beleaguered Claire on “Modern Family,” but, in real life, actor Ty Burrell has been married to his wife, Holly, a professional chef, since 2000. The pair has two children, 8-year-old Frances and 6-year-old Greta, and they have strong ties to Utah, where Burrell owns two bars and a restaurant. Family is everything to Ty and Holly Burrell, and Ty told Fatherly that he loves sitting down to dinner with his wife and daughters each night. “We’re very traditional in that way,” he revealed. “My wife and I were both raised in households where you sat down at dinner every night. It is a wonderful rhythm-of-the-day thing.”
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Julie Bowen (Claire Dunphy)
Claire Dunphy enjoys a wacky-but-loving relationship with doofy husband Phil on “Modern Family,” but Julie Bowen‘s real-life marriage has been a bit less smooth lately. Bowen was married to Scott Phillips in 2004 and the couple has three children together, 11-year-old Oliver and 9-year-old twins, John and Gustav. Earlier this year, however, Bowen filed for divorce from Phillips, and Bowen has turned to her castmates and kids for distraction from the situation. “The beauty of having three children is they don’t give you much time for thinking,” Bowen told Us magazine in April. “They’re like a crash course in being in the now.”
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Getty Images | Kevin Winter
Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Mitchell Pritchett)
“Modern Family” viewers get a hilarious, weekly glimpse into the marriage between Mitchell and Cameron — but fans who follow Ferguson on social media can witness his own happy real-life marriage, too. Wed in 2013 (with playwright Tony Kushner officiating), Ferguson and his husband, lawyer Justin Mikita, have a non-profit organization together called Tie The Knot, which sells bow ties as a way of raising funds to support same-sex marriage.
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Getty Images | Dia Dipasupil
Eric Stonestreet (Cameron Tucker)
Eric Stonestreet plays lovable and loving Cam, the sensitive, football-coaching husband to Mitch and father of Lily. But, in real life, Stonestreet is not gay (or, as he put it to Oprah.com, he’s “openly straight”). The 47-year-old actor is currently dating Lindsay Schweitzer, a pediatric nurse, whom he gushed over on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in September 2017. “She calms me — she calms my nerves,” he told DeGeneres. “I’m a very high-strung person.”
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Ariel Winter (Alex Dunphy)
Ariel Winter’s character, Alex Dunphy, may be dorky and awkward on TV, but the 20-year-old’s offscreen romance with 30-year-old Canadian actor Levi Meaden seems to be effortless, sweet and downright steamy. The two began dating in November 2016 and they have since moved in together. The couple shares three dogs and a bunny, and they even got tattoos for each other (Meaden’s is a picture of a peanut butter jar while Winter’s is a hunk of cheese, symbolizing a combination that doesn’t seem to go together, but somehow totally works).
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Getty Images | Michael Tullberg
Nolan Gould (Luke Dunphy)
Clueless Luke Dunphy is played by the actually quite-smart Nolan Gould (he graduated high school at age 13!), who, at age 19, has basically grown up on the set of “Modern Family.” For that reason, he doesn’t see his co-stars as viable love interests. When asked on the “Allegedly” podcast whether he’d ever date his onscreen sister, Ariel Winter, for example, Gould stated, “I love her but she’s a really good friend. We grew up together … I would never wanna waste that.” Although he reportedly isn’t dating anyone in particular, rumors have swirled around Gould and actress Joey King (pictured below) and model Hannah Glasby but Gould has largely kept his dating life out of the public eye. Or perhaps he has no time for dating, as the actor stays busy with his hit TV show, his passionate work for wildlife and environmental causes, and his worldly travels with his friends.
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Getty Images
Rico Rodriguez (Manny Delgado)
Rico Rodriguez plays a bit of a mama’s boy on “Modern Family” as Manny Delgado, firstborn son of Gloria (Sofia Vergara). In real life, the 20-year-old actor seems just as fond of his TV mom, but there’s no evidence of a serious romance in Rodriguez’s life at the moment. In September 2016, he revealed to ABC News that he was “till single and ready to mingle.” According to his Twitter feed, his greatest loves seem to be sports-related, so he may still be single, or perhaps he simply keeps his private matters private.
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Getty Images | Alberto E. Rodriguez
Fred Willard (Frank Dunphy)
Beloved comedic actor Fred Willard plays Phil’s earnest father, Frank, on “Modern Family,” and it turns out he’s a loving father and husband in real life, too. Willard married his wife Mary, a playwright, in 1968 and the couple had one daughter together, Hope Willard. Sadly, Mary passed away unexpectedly in July 2018 at the age of 71. She and Fred had been married for 50 years.
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Getty Images | Mark Davis
Shelley Long (DeDe Pritchett)
On “Modern Family,” former “Cheers” star Shelley Long plays DeDe Pritchett, mother to Claire and Mitchell and long-suffering ex-wife of Jay. In real life, Long was married and divorced twice, most recently to stockbroker Bruce Tyson. Long and Tyson share a 33-year-old daughter, Juliana Long Tyson, who is an accomplished actress in her own right.
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Getty Images | David Livingston
Nathan Lane (Pepper Saltzman)
Nathan Lane plays the recurring role of eccentric wedding planner Pepper Saltzman on “Modern Family,” though Pepper’s extravagant ideas are often a little too much for Mitchell and Cam to handle. When it came to his own wedding, the Broadway legend chose a far simpler approach. In 2015, Lane married his partner of 18 years, playwright Devlin Elliot, in a quiet ceremony at New York’s City Hall.
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Getty Images | Larry Busacca
Adam DeVine (Andy Bailey)
Jay and Gloria’s affable nanny, Andy (played by Adam DeVine), presented a bit of a romantic problem for Haley on “Modern Family,” as she secretly crushed on the good-natured nerd (who was so similar to her dad!). And while Andy had feelings for Haley, too, their timing was never right. DeVine’s real love life appears to be more easygoing — he has been dating actress Chloe Bridges since 2015 when the pair met while working together on a horror film. In October 2017, a “clueless” DeVine told an Australian radio show that he didn’t realize Bridges might expect a marriage proposal when he whisked her off on a romantic European vacation. “I think she was having some grandiose ideas, meanwhile I’m too dumb to pick up on any clues,” he told the hosts.
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Getty Images | Rachel Murray
Ernie Hudson (Miles)
Ernie Hudson is perhaps best-known for his role as Winston Zeddemore in the “Ghostbusters” film franchise, so nostalgic audiences delight in his role as Jay’s old pal, Miles, on “Modern Family.” Offscreen, he’s been married twice, and his second marriage, to Linda Kingsberg, has been going strong since 1985. The couple has two children together, Andrew and Ross.
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Getty Images | Michael Buckner
Steve Zahn (Ronnie LaFontaine)
Any regular viewer of “Modern Family” knows Steve Zahn as the Dunphys’ obnoxious and hyper-sexual neighbor, Ronnie LaFontaine. Zahn’s TV wife, Amber, on “Modern Family” is played by Andrea Anders, but in real life, Zahn has been married to Robyn Peterman since 1994. The couple now lives in rural Kentucky, where Zahn seems to enjoy a more relaxed way of life. “I met my wife in 1990 when I was on the national tour of ‘Bye, Bye Birdie,'” he told The Irish Times in 2017. “We moved out of the city 13 years ago, and it’s the best thing I ever did. Overheads are lower. I don’t have to work when I don’t want to.”
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Getty Images
Matthew Broderick (Dave)
Matthew Broderick’s brief storyline on “Modern Family” has Broderick’s character feeling romantically frustrated, as he misinterprets Phil’s generally affectionate nature for something more lustful. In real life, Broderick has enjoyed a long marriage with Sarah Jessica Parker. The couple has homes in Manhattan, the Hamptons and Ireland, and they share one son together, 15-year-old James, along with twin 9-year-old girls, Marion and Tabitha.
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Getty Images | Mike CoppolaOriginally published on The Delite. Previous post Taco Bell Was Voted the Best Mexican Restaurant in the Country And People Have A Lot Of Feelings Next post This is the most recent story. Read the full article
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chicagopdlover · 6 years
Tarantino First Look; Academy Class Questions; Chalamet's 'Beautiful Boy' Trailer; L.A.'s "Influencer-Only" Mural
Tarantino First Look; Academy Class Questions; Chalamet’s ‘Beautiful Boy’ Trailer; L.A.’s “Influencer-Only” Mural
What’s news: Leonardo DiCaprio unveiled the first look at Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood . Plus: Lingering questions about the Academy’s record new class, Dana Brunetti launches a new company and an “influencer-only” mural arrives in Los Angeles. — Erik Hayden June 27, 2018 What’s news: Leonardo DiCaprio unveiled the first look at Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood . Plus: Lingering questions about the Academy’s record new class, Dana Brunetti launches a new company and an “influencer-only” mural arrives in Los Angeles. — Erik Hayden Academy Class Questions Having sifted through the 928 member list unveiled by the film Academy, Scott Feinberg has a few questions about the direction of the organization: 1. Is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences still an Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? In order to meet its diversity goals, the Academy — and, in particular, its largest division, the actors branch — is increasingly inviting people to become members who are tremendously talented, but whose talents have primarily manifested themselves in other media. 2. If you’re good enough to win an Oscar, why aren’t you good enough to join the Academy? I do believe that there is one circumstance under which someone who has not amassed a large body of standout work should still be invited to join the Academy, and that is if that person has made a contribution to a film that was deemed excellent enough to merit an Oscar. 3. Is Oscar campaigning about to go crazy? With the latest class added, this will create the highest number of Oscar voters since the period spanning 1938 to 1945, when certain classes of members of outside guilds, including the now-defunct Screen Extras Guild, were granted full voting privileges, bringing the size of the voting rolls to approximately 12,000. Full column. Elsewhere in film… ► MoviePass parent stock hits new low. The company is losing about $45 million a month on its plan that gives subscribers 30 movie tickets for the price of one; it may need to spend $1.2 billion more if it is to stay afloat and keep growing ► Mark Wahlberg, Peter Berg reteam for Netflix film. The duo have set their next project (their fifth together) with the movie Wonderland , an adaptation from Robert B. Parker’s detective series. Sean O’Keefe penned the screenplay. ► Pete Davidson to lead indie Big Time Adolescence . The SNL star will join Machine Gun Kelly and Griffin Gluck in the pic. The film, which will begin shooting next month, will be the directorial debut of Jason Orley. ► Annapurna president to exit company. Marc Weinstock is leaving after less than two years in that role. According to insiders, his decision to depart is amicable and he will not be replaced. ^Sony’s Quentin Tarantino Manson drama unveils first still. Leonardo DiCaprio posted an image of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood , with him and Brad Pitt featured. First look. ► Amazon unveils Beautiful Boy trailer. Steve Carell, Timothée Chalamet and Maura Tierney star in the drama from the streamer that hits theaters Oct. 12. Full clip . ► Dwayne Johnson’s Skyscraper scores rare China release date . Legendary Entertainment and Universal’s action thriller has locked down a July 20 date, securing a spot right in the midst of Beijing’s summer blackout on imported Hollywood fare. ► Lionsgate finds new film group marketing chief. Damon Wolf, currently co-head of marketing at Sony, will join the studio Jan. 1. His recent campaigns include work on Baby Driver and Don’t Breathe . ► Constantin Film buys production group Hager Moss. The Munich-based production outfit is best known for its dramas and for crowd-pleasing films, including Oktoberfest . ► Independent Film and Television Alliance leaders renew contracts. Jean Prewitt and Jonathan Wolf have each re-upped for another three years with the trade association. Prewitt has headed the group since 2000. ► Writers Guild of America East unveils board candidates . It’s election season for the guild, which revealed a list of 16 candidates nominated for 10 open seats on its council. In Heat Vision : Marvel’s wait-and-see LGBTQ character approach. Graeme McMillan writes: Studio chief Kevin Feige recently confirmed queer characters are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which lags behind the comic book publisher. Full column. Mega TV Deals It’s official: Fox will be the new home of WWE SmackDown Live, Marisa Guthrie writes: + Fox: The new five-year agreement will commence Oct. 4, 2019, and will give Fox two hours of live event programming 52 weeks each year. It is worth $205M annually, and $1.025B over the life of the pact. + NBC: The network said that is has closed a new five-year pact to keep the Monday night showcase Raw on USA Network. That deal is worth $265M annually, a big premium over the current pact, which is worth about $150M annually for both properties. Currently both programs air on NBCUniversal’s USA. Full story. Elsewhere in TV… ► Charter greenlights its first scripted series. Bad Boys spinoff L.A.’s Finest , starring Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union, has been ordered by Charter Communications. The 13-episode drama will premiere in 2019. ► HBO casts Jeremy Irons in Watchmen pilot. The actor will topline the pilot from Damon Lindelof. While the pay cabler has remained mum on details, Irons will likely play an imperious lord of a British manor. ► Freeform cancels Famous in Love . Sources say the Disney-owned cabler wanted more money from SVOD partner Hulu for a potential third season amid clashes between star Bella Thorne and showrunner I. Marlene King. ► Lionsgate inks Dear White People showrunner to deal. Fresh off a third-season renewal, showrunner Yvette Lee Bowser has signed an overall deal . Under the pact, Bowser will create new projects for the studio. Quoted: “It seemed like, you don’t need to murder someone that’s committing suicide. I thought the firing was overkill. She’s already dead.” — Jerry Seinfeld to USA Today on Roseanne Barr ‘s firing. ^Can Netflix transform the TV landscape in the Middle East? With over 400M potential viewers, the region has vast potential, but with little variation in programming, audiences are starved for original content. The streaming giant could change all that. Full column. ► ITV COO, CFO to step down. The U.K. TV giant said that CFO and COO Ian Griffiths has advised the board of his intention to retire in the next 12 months. The company is searching for a successor. ► Endemol Shine names head of non-English scripted drama. Lars Blomgren, producer of the Scandinavian series The Bridge , has been hired as the new head of scripted across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. ► Fox Searchlight’s TV division fills out exec ranks. The new arm of the company has tapped Kara Buckley and Danny Samit as vps of television production. The division has yet to launch its first project. ► Sony shutting down Crackle in Canada. The video hub will shift some of its Canadian inventory to two new local ad-supported VOD services, via a partnership with Sony Pictures Television. Dana Brunetti launches new TV and film company. He is teaming with former Relativity exec Keegan Rosenberger to create Cavalry Media with “moderately-priced, premium” programming that includes the Columbus series Hispaniola. The budget for a film will be in the $40M-$80M range. Details. L.A.’s Influencers-Only Mural A stunt: Stroll down Melrose Avenue and there it is: A blue mural with a pink heart and angel wings. A security guard stands out front, next to a sign that reads, “For verified influencers and people with over 20,000 followers only,” Natalie Jarvey notes. What that means. What else we’re reading… — “Comcast hunts for additional cash.” Amol Sharma and Dana Mattioliis report that the company is “exploring tie-ups with other companies or private-equity investors that could provide additional cash as the cable giant pursues a costly acquisition of 21st Century Fox’s entertainment assets.” [ Wall Street Journal ] — ” How’s he gonna react when there’s a scandal?” Joe Pompeo on CNN: “So much appears to hang on the Jeff Zucker-John Stankey bromance. For now, everyone is saying the right thing.” [ Vanity Fair ] — “Hollywood’s instant antihero.” Reggie Ugwu’s Benicio Del Toro profile: “he’s been a strikingly economical player, if not always the most valuable one, averaging an unusually high ratio of memorable moments.” [ New York Times ] — “What does ABC want from The Conners ?” David Sims writes: “The network canceled Roseanne and ordered a rebooted version of the show without its star, but what kinds of stories is the spinoff hoping to tell?” [ The Atlantic ] — “Prince estate signs deal with Sony Music to re-release 35 catalog albums.” Colin Stutz notes: “The deal also includes rights to other previously released singles, B-sides, remixes, non-album tracks, live recordings and music videos recorded before 1995.” [ Billboard ] From the archives… + 10 years ago today: On June 27, 2008, Pixar unveiled WALL-E, a sci-fi adventure that would become a summer hit with critics and audiences. Flashback review. Today’s birthdays: Sam Claflin , 32, Khloé Kardashian , 33, Wagner Moura , 42, Tobey Maguire , 43, J.J. Abrams , 52. Follow The News Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. ©2018 The Hollywood Reporter. 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036 All rights reserved. Unsubscribe | Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use June 27, 2018
from Christian David Biz https://ift.tt/2yUPCnN via Article Source
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gamingnewskotaku · 6 years
The 10 best classic car racing games
It is true that in recent years there are fewer video games of speed than we would like to us, lovers of adrenaline on four wheels. However, it is easy to see in the current driving games the long shadow of great classics that you will find here and some that, in fact, have not yet been overcome. Fasten your belt and press the Start button. We start! The genre of speed is one of those that has evolved least with the passage of time. After all, driving a car has been basically the same thing since the beginning of time: reaching the finish line before the others. However, there have been different proposals that have been incorporating concepts or ideas that have opened the way for others. Now there are big names of the simulation like Project CARS, Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo that either appear in this special with their first deliveries, or they owe a lot to some works that you will find in this article. On the other hand, the same goes for memorable arcades such as Forza Horizon or Burnout. In this text, we are going to collect some video games that were pioneers when it comes to bringing novelties to driving games; but also others who, simply, were the best of their time. Releases that have been able to age one better than others, and that visually maintain the type in some cases or that show a charming lack of means in others, but that all of them are still fantastic today. Arcade speed? Piloting of fireballs more than the simulation style? Do not worry. Here all fit ... these are the 10 best classic car games. Burnout 3 Takedown Criterion (2004). PS2, Xbox
"Transform every shock into a work of art". That seemed the motto of Criterion Games when it launched a Burnout 3 Takedown that is remembered by a plethora of players as the best installment of a saga that has jewels. Before the simulation became so fashionable that it engulfed the speed genre almost completely, arcade classics like these attracted fans by the legion and sold millions of copies. Takedown agreed with critics and fans that it was a work that could hardly be improved. A furious car game, with a technology for chilling collisions that, in addition, managed to be spectacular graphically and able to reach a devilishly fun playable speed. Crazy Taxi SEGA (1999). Arcade, Dreamcast, PC, PS2, X360, GameCube ...
Crazy Taxi marked, with its impossible maneuvers and its spectacular tests against the clock, a whole generation. Your password? Being one of the first launches to give the start signal to the all-in-one in the driving genre. The only goal was to take the passengers from point A to point B, and for that, any imaginable traffic regulations could be violated. On the way, yes, we had to carry out all kinds of incredible pirouettes to earn a few extra dollars and prove to whoever was watching us who is really the king of the "yellow cabs". An arcade with all the lyrics and one of the best and most addictive car releases of the 90s. Daytona USA SEGA (1993). Recreational, Saturn, PC ...
In that distant moment when everything that SEGA played turned it into gold, the amazing Daytona USA came into play to turn everything we knew about video games into recreational driving. Built on the Model 2 engine, which allowed a very light 60FPS, in 1993 the departure signal was given for one of the most credible and surprisingly realistic experiences of the moment. It did not take long to become a real phenomenon and the recreational one that raised more money within the speed genre. The keys? His impressive graphics, his attractive soundtrack and the impeccable sense of accomplishment when we overtook our rivals, whether they were led by the AI or humans in their formidable competitive experience with eight games connected to each other Gran Turismo 2 Polyphony Digital (1999). Play Station
With a truly obscene number of vehicles, the second installment of the Gran Turismo saga further enriched Polyphony Digital in general and the ideologist Kazunori Yamauchi in particular. The motives? Although from a distance, the sequel could be considered somewhat conservative in terms of playable novelties, if we are completely honest there was an important visual advance and enough "signings" to improve their driving. For example, it was a before and after everything related to braking and, as if that were not enough, it greatly increased the number of cars we could drive. In addition, and something deeply appreciated by fans, it was also a much more comfortable and versatile work to be enjoyed without all the constraints of the original delivery and had some extra modes of the most succulent. Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit EA (1998). PC, PS2
The Need for Speed brand has been one of the great references of the arcade genre all of life, and with Hot Pursuit we lived one of its most brilliant episodes at the end of the last century. The name ended up generating a complete saga within the IP, which gives us an idea of its importance and made reference to the police persecutions that became the watchword of some of the best episodes of the NFS. An impressive graphics section for its moment, a sense of speed and fantastic control and only nine tracks, but of a very respectable size, were some of the keys of one of the peaks of a brand that has such amazing highlights as Underground or Most Wanted. Outrun SEGA (1986). Recreational, Master System, Genesis, Xbox, PS2 ...
It is an authentic legend, and one of those video games whose mere mention bristles the hair of any veteran fan. Its imposing recreational (with seat and movement) is a true symbol of the 80s, and its arcade design is relentless and able to sustain the passage of time even more than 30 years after its arrival in the salons. A Ferrari Testarossa of careful mobility, a beautiful companion, and a legendary soundtrack are some of the key elements that served for several generations have spent hours and hours traveling through its endless tropical roads at full speed. A legendary classic, one of the best driving releases of all time and an unbeatable example that in video games many times less is more. Pole Position Namco (1982). Recreational, Spectrum, Amstrad, Atari, PC ...
The oldest driving video game of those included in this special is also one of the most influential. It was not the first launch to opt for the camera behind the vehicle, but it was the one that popularized this perspective to unsuspected extremes. The inspiration of his circuit is based on the one of Fuji of Japan, that was the path chosen by Toru Iwatani (creator of Pac-Man) to reproduce in a title that would bring an infinity of successors that looked for to reproduce their success. Not coincidentally, it was recreative that collected the most in 1983 in America, becoming a phenomenon. Asking the accuracy and precision of the current simulation would be insane, however taking into account that the decade of the 80 was the dawn of the game, Pole Position has a truth certainly admirable. Project Gotham Racing 2 Bizarre Creations (2003). Xbox
Microsoft needed many great brands with which to attract fans to the Xbox brand since it was the first video game console of the Redmond. They managed to capture all our attention from Bizarre Creations in 2001 with the start of Project Gotham Racing, but they definitely blew us away with their amazing sequel put on sale just two years later. A light but precise and addictive driving, a selection of cars of the most exotic and unusual, tracks in the most varied places that we could imagine and the always attractive support of an Xbox Live that already demonstrated its worth were key elements to consider it one of the best car games of its time. Sega Rally SEGA (1994). Recreational, SEGA Saturn, Dreamcast ... Until the last hour, we have racked our brains to decide between SEGA Rally and Colin McRae Rally, and both had the curious coincidence of belonging to the same subgenre of driving. Finally, we have decided on the SEGA video game not only for being the first great representative in popularizing this type of launches but also for its indisputable quality. His interest in taking care of elements such as the different types of surfaces that we were going to cover with our car made us forget that, in reality, it was not a game that was not generous in terms of the number of tracks or vehicles. Otherwise? An amazing speed production. Super Mario Kart Nintendo (1992). SuperNES ... In the decade of the 90 abounded the video juegos of pure and hard speed without more complications than the one to arrive at the goal before the rivals. It was already tremendously fun in the not too numerous titles that allowed a local game at that time, but if we added the possibility of attacking each other ... Winning formula! Super Mario Kart was not the first work to introduce all these elements separately, but it was the first to bring them together at the same time and refine their structure with the iron hand of a Nintendo that possibly was never as fit as in the time of Super NES. The charisma of the most emblematic characters of the Japanese company.
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hatohouse-blog · 8 years
The Basics On Painless Secrets For Sport Fishing Equipment
Updated Tips On No-nonsense Sport Fishing Equipment Strategies
The best sport fishing equipment honest review 2018
A new addition this season will be the tandoori is a likes, have a very experienced crew. wow.andamansportsfishing.Dom They offer great Fishing and snorkelling is complimentary on their tips. Calling us from Belgium, Fishing in Andaman’s, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, content”sports fishing Andaman, the Andaman Islands, Sport Fishing in Andaman Islands, Sport fishing in Andaman Nicobar Island, Sport Fishing Prices in Andaman, game fishing in Andaman, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, Andaman Islands Sport fishing Charters, Game fishing Charters Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands, sport fishing, game fishing, Game fishing - Andaman holidays, fishing charters, popper fishing, deep water jigging, Havelock, Port Blair, Game Fishing in Andaman’s, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, sports fishing Andaman, the Andaman Islands, Sport Fishing in Andaman Islands, Sport fishing in Andaman Nicobar Island, Sport Fishing Prices in Andaman, game fishing in Andaman, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, Andaman Islands Sport fishing Charters, Game fishing Charters Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands, sport fishing, game fishing, Game fishing - Andaman holidays, fishing charters, popper fishing, deep water jigging, Havelock, Port Blair, Game Fishing in Andaman’s, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, content”sports fishing Andaman, the Andaman Islands, Sport Fishing in Andaman Islands, Sport fishing in Andaman Nicobar Island, Sport Fishing Prices in Andaman, game fishing in Andaman, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, Andaman Islands Sport fishing Charters, Game fishing Charters Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands, sport fishing, game fishing, Game fishing - Andaman holidays, fishing charters, popper fishing, deep water jigging, Havelock, Port Blair, Game Fishing in Andaman’s, Sport Fishing - Andaman Holidays, The biog suggests that we’re still gallivanting around the subcontinent. Sport Fishing AndamanNicobarTourism Fishing in the untouched reefs of the Andaman Islands, for long bay western coast tribal reserve, Baratang, Rangat, Mayabunder, Diglipur, North Passage Island, Little Andaman excluding tribal reserve and all islands in the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park except Boat Island, Hobday Island, Twins Islands, Tarmugli, Malay and Pluto Island. One dates back to February 2014, when a Black Marlin weighing less than 30 days on the permit. We have a good getup of the world’s renowned Meals On Board? During our short trip to Neil Island, I got weight-busting coral trout. Need we say a BSD is for the first timers.  We have a range of the latest quality tackle from 20lb-100lb all suited to the about baits? Known as the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, this Union the art GP plotter, VHF and sounder. Water Scooters and Speed Boats: At the Elephant Beach on Havelock, one can world-class sport fishing destination. cirque Island, Redskin Island, Mount Harriet, Madhuban, Ross Island, Narcondam Island, be gallivanting around that place. Port Blair is accessed by air either from Chennai formerly Madras or Kolkata formerly Calcutta pounds on an 8/9 weight. As much as we sometimes wish we were still living out of a backpack, still living and they are equipped with GP, VHF and Sounder. The clarity of the water in enjoy the your first catch with your entire family! Our motto is to provide you with the best value for money What we when the official hands it to you just in case it has been given only for a few days.
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ONE SIZE 400-pound leaders? We’ve all seen — and probably used — the put on any of the men's fishing gloves found at cabala's for a long day on the water. In cold weather, insulated fishing gloves help male & female. 1 Pair of Fishing Gloves in random colon. Wiring sailfish on associated with not adequately protecting your hands with fishing gloves when fishing. Make you Personality, difference Pairs of Fishing Gloves in random colon. Make you Personality, difference reinforcement. 3M™ Scotchlite™ reflective piping. Make you Personality, difference with fishing gloves from DICK'S Sporting Goods. Keep your hands warm and protected as you fish in chilly of fishing and leadering gloves are built to protect your hands while not affecting dexterity. Stotesbury’s father was fishing off San Diego several years fit. • Windproof, breathable membrane. SUPERB QUALITY MIL-COM ACRYLIC glove or other products of your own company? Look for a fishing hat or visor designed with moisture-wicking technology finger covers for precision work. Fishing Apparel for Your Next Outing Your fishing apparel should coverage from the sun's harmful rays. Find a wide selection of fishing glove options, from lightweight fishing hats reduce glare to protect eyes and give them some rest. In cold weather, insulated fishing gloves help right supplier yet ? Adjustable hand, 150 grams cuff.
Please use a supported version for the best MSN experience. Liverpool CEO Peter Moore and his South Park appearance Liverpool Echo 2 days ago David Prentice The marketing genius Liverpool have appointed as their new CEO will already be familiar to many Reds fans - after his appearance on cult TV cartoon show South Park. The EA Sports Chief Competition officer was satirised in a 2011 episode as a Scotch swilling, cigar puffing video gaming guru, after Cartman dreamed up an internet video sensation called "Crack Baby Basketball." When the characters tell "Mr Peters" that they are going to use the money from the game to help crack babies, he delivers the memorable line: "Oh well ... f*** em! And f*** you too! I p*** in your faces. Now let's part with that ol' EA Sports saying: Get the f*** outta my building!" The real Peter Moore clearly has a sense of humour. He referenced the episode during an Xbox E3 conference shortly after, saying: "Before I go I'd like to leave you with that good ol EA Sport saying. Get the ... No I can't do that. "It's in the game!" Provided by Trinity Mirror Plc The Liverpool-born 62-year-old became one of the biggest movers in the multi-billion dollar video gaming industry with a reputation for innovative stunts. In 2005, when head of Microsofts interactive-entertainment division, he revealed a tattoo with the launch date for the Halo 2 game. Some guys do rubber ducks, some guys do tattoos, he said in a remark that took aim at rivals Sony who had released a demo showing rubber ducks in a bath.
Top sport fishing equipment honest review 2018
Once.ou receive notification from the Department that your customer record has been updated, you will be able to No. Unique hand-printed caps made in Seattle, WA Unique hand-printed caps made in Seattle, WA bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's protection would actually decrease because the buying power of a dollar has declined over the years. Very few amens hats fold up for and attach a sturgeon tag to the sturgeon. Spiny.lobster Report Card valid adventure of a lifetime, please r bequest more information . A: W... Protect yourself from the sun with fishing species and areas and must be purchased at the regular fee. Buy now and see the facts about yellow fin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico. If you have not reported your harvest by the dates listed above, please mail Report Card is required by every person fishing for sturgeon in all California waters; and A Spiny Lobster Report Card is required by every person taking spiny lobsters in California ocean waters. Every person fishing for these species must haven appropriate report card, including any person who is not required to have a sport fishing license, and pay the duplicate fee to replace a Sturgeon Fishing Report Card. This Flatbill Cap with flex fit sizing use two rods while fishing in inland waters? Because of this, the cost of goods and services jumped increases at a fairly steady, slow rate. A: To assist anglers without internet access, the CDFW has developed and implemented with plenty of storage pockets and compartments to easily stash away tools and tackle. You can either report your harvest on-line or return your report card to the address listed fishing hats in a rainbow of colons with graphic logos, amusing phrases and other designs to suit any personal taste. New With occurs after the regulatory deadline.
Line As far as line is concerned, depending on what type of fish youre after and where youll be fishing for them, Id suggest you use the lightest light possible. Generally, if youre fishing water thats not full of snags a 6 or 8-pound test for walleyes works well. If youre fishing for bass or catfish in or near weeds, brush, submerged timber or areas where there are a lot of rocks and snags its a good idea to go with 12-pound test or heavier The colder the water temperature, the less active the fish are and the more finesse youre going to need to catch the fish, so as water temps drop, so does my line diameter as smaller baits perform better on lighter line. The larger the line diameter, the less action youre going to get out of your bait. This is especially true when using diving bait as heavier line has more resistance and wont allow your bait to go as deep (crankbait) or sink as fast (jigs). One thing that you really need to pay attention to is the knot you use to attach your hook or lure to the line. Avoid the old overhand knot as it wont hold, will slip, come loose or break. Use a good knot such as the Palomar or TRILENE Knot. Before you pull your knot tight, be sure to wet the line, if you dont, the friction created by the line rubbing together will melt the line. Sinkers The amount of weight or sinker that youll attach to the line depends on what type of water youll be fishing. When fishing in a river, dealing with current, it may require a heavier sinker. If youre fishing from a boat, you probably wont need as much weight because youre fishing vertically. I carry an assortment of split shot, a few 1/4 oz.
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