#Hector Navarro
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umactuallyshow · 2 months ago
Watch the season premiere on Dropout
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professorfcknmoriarty · 2 months ago
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I don't think he was very excited to do this episode...
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melorasmushrooms · 2 months ago
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The way they just stood there and had to be prompted to stop him
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dropoutdottv · 1 year ago
TONIGHT! The season 9 premiere of Um, Actually launches on Dropout at 7pm ET / 4pm PT! Featuring host Ify Nwadiwe, fact checker Brian David Gilbert, and guests Erika Ishii, Jess Clemons, and Hector Navarro!
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dailymarisharay · 9 months ago
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spaceshipsandpurpledrank · 2 months ago
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hardrockerhippie · 2 months ago
I really like Joan's dry humor. And this was a very well matched couch all around! I'd like it if they brought Joan back again on um actually some time!
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arianwyn-art · 11 months ago
Ephyra on the phone with Anton:
there’s plenty of fish in the sea but also a lot of trash
Beru:... not sure if Illya did something or if you’re raising awareness for pollution
Illya, taking the phone: for context, we’re at the beach
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antonscarrots · 2 years ago
i’m finally rereading there will come a darkness (and eventually the whole trilogy) and boy the obsession is returning !!!
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acumulaciondebasura · 5 months ago
1.- With advancements in technology, cities may implement smart waste management systems that use sensors and AI to optimize waste collection and recycling, minimizing overflow and reducing operational costs.
2.- More countries will adopt Extended Producer Responsibility laws, making companies financially accountable for the waste their products create, encouraging them to design sustainable packaging.
3.- New recycling technologies will allow us to break down complex waste materials, like mixed plastics and textiles, enabling more efficient recycling and recovery of valuable resources.
4.- Governments will introduce personal waste reduction goals, encouraging individuals to track and reduce their waste footprint through mobile apps and incentives for sustainable living.
5.- Schools worldwide might incorporate waste reduction and environmental sustainability into their curriculums, teaching children practical ways to reduce waste, recycle, and care for the environment from an early age.
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umactuallyshow · 2 months ago
Do the new Star Wars movies suck?
Watch the season premiere on Dropout
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theserpentsadvocate · 7 months ago
Aaaaah, I love stuff like this, thank you!
Tagged by: @copperarsenite
Tagging: @feeisamarshmallow @allonsymiddleearth @iceberg-hootenanny (and basically anyone who wants to, honestly)
rules: post the first lines of up to 10 of your last fics/chapters posted on ao3 or your wips and try to draw some conclusions.
I'm going with fics in general, not chapters (because otherwise it would be entirely Satisfaction), and probably sticking to VM fic because all the Tolkien stuff I've posted recently has been crossposting. So last five posted and last five WIPs worked on. :)
(Also, warning that the second-last sentence has a racial slur (used by a character.))
Veronica’s dad was the sheriff, so she was usually pretty scrupulous about not breaking the law. 
Flipping the Script
All Jade wanted was to get her mother’s car and drop it off with enough time to get to the library before it closed, and since the library was open late on Thursdays and she’d stopped to pick it up at 4 PM, it hadn’t seemed that difficult.
Unexpected Dividends
It was probably weird to run a to-do list for your boss in your head, but Eli had been doing it since his second month on the job, because Fred was competent, and reasonably organized, and obviously he was a hell of a mechanic, but his ability to prioritize was a little bit whacked out.
The Most Important Part
“Hot date?”
The Art of Starting Over
It turned out that calling your sort-of boyfriend after a whole week and a half of radio silence was daunting.
Choices (upcoming post S4 oneshot)
Jade grew up in San Diego.
Hunger Games AU for 'X universes Veronica didn't grow up in'
I didn’t sleep well, the night before the Reaping.
untitled WIP (zombie non-AU, post-S4)
Veronica made it home for the end of the world.
Carmen for 'Would've, Could've, Should've' (pending oneshot series)
Yesterday, Carter Phelps shoved Carmen into the stair railing and called her a wetback, like her parents swam all the way here from Venezuela.
Circle of Magic AU for 'X universes Veronica didn't grow up in'
The first time the Guard caught Weevil breaking into a rich man’s house, they tattooed an X on the web of skin between his thumb and first finger and threw him into a cell for the night.
So for the obvious – I favour third person (which I knew), and I’m a bit heavier on female POVs than I anticipated (which I’m pleased with, actually). Also Jade's very prominent, and since I’m already 50% of the Jade/Eli tag on AO3, that doesn’t exactly shock me.
(It’s not immediately obvious for all of them, but every single one of these is Weevil-heavy, which is the most unshocking thing possible. I think I have exactly one VM fic in progress where he’s not central to the entire premise, and even there he’s still majorly present.)
Other than that, the closest thing to a trend that I can pick up is that apparently I like opening sentences that feel either dynamic or relatable? Satisfaction and the post-canon zombie fic both have the more classic hook of raising questions about what’s going on, and most of the JEC fics as well as Carmen’s WCS entry are an attempt to jump you right into the characters’ heads or at least their social reality. Whereas the fusion AUs seem to establish their crossover-fandom immediately (THG with an immediate reference to a well known part of that universe, and COM by heavily echoing Briar’s introductory sentence). I don’t know if I did it on purpose, but I like it, so I’ll have to see how much/if that holds true for the other ones in the series. (The BTVS and Animorphs ones are harder, because they involve discovering something, but the summary of the latter will definitely start with My name is Veronica…, and the 1-800-WHERE-R-U one starts with a direct shout-out.)
Anyway! I’d be interested to know if there’s anything that strikes you. :)
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melorasmushrooms · 2 months ago
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Brennan Lee “you got on ONE paternity leave” Mulligan
Welcome back, Um, Actually
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dropoutdottv · 1 year ago
The season 9 premiere of Um, Actually is out now on Dropout!
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debaxchery · 6 months ago
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      ANGELICA CAN COUNT THE NUMBER of times she’s had sex on one hand. every single one of those times had been with her high school sweetheart; a guy her age who’d broken up with her upon moving away for college. he’d been the one to initiate each encounter, and she’d gone along with it because she’d thought that was what a good girlfriend did. their time together hadn’t been particularly fun or pleasurable. certainly nothing to write home about. which had left her believing that sex itself isn’t particularly fun or pleasurable. it’s just something to do to pass the time. tonight, her stepfather is proving that to be untrue. so very, very untrue. every brush of skin against skin – no matter how small– sends tingles of pleasure rushing through her. it’s an addictive feeling. one unlike anything she’s ever experienced. at first, angelica’s a bit confused when her stepfather adjusts her position. she’s unsure what the purpose of bending her knee is. then, she feels his cock sink just a little bit deeper into her, and it all becomes clear. “ oh, god, ” she gasps, canting her head to one side so that he has easier access to the sensitive skin on her neck. momentarily, she worries about him leaving behind marks that she’ll struggle to explain. but she’s simply too eager to feel his lips against her skin to give it too much thought. she owns a couple of turtlenecks. it’ll be fine. what she’s most concerned with is answering his question. what does she want ? the answer is simple: everything. anything he is willing to give her, she will happily take. but that doesn’t seem like a sufficient response. “ i want you to fuck me, ” she blurts out, grinding her hips upward in an attempt to get him to move inside of her. “ please, daddy. i want it rough. ”
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She is so warm, so tight, and slowly stretching around his thick cock, it barely keeps him sane. All of the booze from before really had him going, emotions were overflowing him and he couldn't believe his wife, her mother, was denying him sex for days now. All their arguments were so dumb when you really thought about it, and Hector had a serious case of blue balls happening. But this sweet little girl under him - all the flirty looks she sent his way; and when she'd bend over to pick something up just to give him a glimpse of her underwear? No way she did these things on accident, she craved his attention, to have his eyes on her and to lust over her. He had enough of teasing, tonight she was going to become his.
Letting out a grunt at how her body seemingly relaxed under him, he let one of his callous hands reach for her outer thigh and carefully folded the leg in the knee, to be able to go deeper into her. Humming in a deep, groggy voice at her little please, he let his hand glide from her thigh up the covered upper body and to her little chin, turned her head to the side enough to pepper her neck and collar bone with soothing kisses. "Please --- what?"Hector demanded, his cock barely thrusting into her, his hips circled ever so lightly to feel the tightness around him, to stretch her out. But he wasn't giving in just yet, no matter how much he wanted to destroy her. "Tell daddy what you want and I'll give it to you."he huffed against her cheek, teeth nibbling at the soft skin and tongue soothing the area afterwards.
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