#character: felicity smoak
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team-angel-coulby · 9 months ago
Rewatching Arrow and Olicity and I never stopped loving them!😭
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Oliver looking at Felicity, and Felicity looking at Oliver (sort of, kind of) part two of  one  three and four
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 1 year ago
who had the Best 100th ep
invasion (arrow
what is past is prologue (flash
wvrd error 100 (lot
its a super Life (supergirl
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Not every show makes it to 100 episodes but these four did, so which one had the best episode to mark the occasion?
Thank you for the suggestion anon. This should be an interesting result.
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sandwhich-lady · 6 months ago
Nothing stronger than the bond between an adolescent girl and her favorite female character of a franchise that half the fandom hates for some reason
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lecoindecachou · 7 months ago
It's so funny how Iris ruined The Flash, and Felicity ruined Arrow, and Ava ruined Legends/Sara's character. It's almost like fandom just hates women.
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saturnfangirl · 10 months ago
I miss them # the ship that brought me to Tumblr
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak (Arrow) "We are the best parts of each other. And that is so much bigger than the friggin' universe."
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madwomanwithawarehouse · 6 months ago
so like... if I published some arrow fanfiction in the year of our lord 2024... would anyone read it?
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lacrimae23 · 1 year ago
"How I hate this moron. It's been a long time since there was such a crappy [i couldn't find accurate translation for English language, sorry. in my native language it is meant to be even more insulting] character in the series."
"did you know that the actress playing that whiney felicity is only 24 years old? i would give her at least 30 some"
"Best Arrow ending so far. I was moved. It was just too good to be true. Our dear Felicity is finally up out of her wheelchair and walking on her own. She will finally be able to fall down the stairs and break her neck."
"- Oliver really needs to start killing people again.  - Starting with Felicity."
"THIS FELICITY IS THE WORST CHARACTER I HAVE EVER WATCHED SERIOUSLY AND THE ACTOR IS A COMPLETE WOOD" "Felicity's character used to be pretty cool, but after the last episode even I wouldn't mind if she flew out the window"
just a few "lighter" examples from my own playground (Arrow fandom from my country) (i knew i shouldn't even visit this website with films/tv shows and its Arrow page. i know this part of this website's community all too well) and i'm sorry because i usually try not to generalize but all of this was written by men of course (and i know this; in my language you're using form of verb which indicates your sex) and some other person wrote something which in this particular case i agree with: "why nobody likes felicity" thread
"Because she helped defeat Slade and that's basically where it started. HOW DARE an IT girl in a ponytail and stilettos have the nerve to humiliate the great Deathstroak like that. She started to be hated when she became more independent and strong. Annoying when her opinion actually mattered and her decisions affected the plot and the main character. And already when she put HER in the first place for the first time is already a chapel. This is no accident. Still too many guys feel threatened by "strong female characters" and that's the problem. And it's that kind of strong, in a way that can be applied more to "real" life."
there are maaanyy reasons why people can hate felicity (or every other character) but i think that in the most part these are the guys who don't like a strong female character, who actually has an opinion that affects the plot, her opinion counts, oliver or/and digg [so men of the show] listen to her opinion etc. it's somehow wrong, right? she should be just 'nerding in the corner' or something. and she's not a human being, so she's not entitled to human emotions. [BAN EMOTIONS!] she also can't make mistake, right? right.
and i know that in season 4 we can have strongly different opinions about the break up [i think we ALL can at least agree that this drama was so unnecessary ech] but i saw all too many men just hating on felicity because HOW DARE SHE DUMP A MAN WHO DIDN'T TELL HER ABOUT HIS SON KEPT SECRETS FROM HER LIED TO HER FACE FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS DIDN'T LEAN ON HER WANTED TO LIVE ON AN ISLAND ALL OVER AGAIN - ALONE [...] HOW DARE SHE, STUPID WOMAN! yeah, so there's no 'okay, so i don't agree with her, but maybe she has her point. maybe he hurt her, maybe she couldn't be with him after that. or maybe she just run, because she was scared, or maybe she wanted partnership from him, she wanted to be a team [...], or maybe she's just a human and-blah blah blah". NO! she's stupid, how dare she, but at the same time - it's kinda good because now writers can un-alive her somehow, and show will be great again! yupi!
yeah, so amazing
so when i did this GIGANTIC rant yesterday or- when i wrote this rant, again? doesn't matter, anyway- i was writing about this kind of hate. maybe less insults and more "i think she shouldn't leave him because-[...] and it affects my opinion of her- blah bla blah something-something" and i would be cool with it even if felicity is your least favourite character of the series. it's cool! you don't have to love her, you don't have to like her or tolerate her, but stop hating like t h a t
//also, i wanted to apologise for the sound of my rants. i know they can be "passive-aggressive" and sarcastic (can't help myself, sorry) but i saw this hate too many times and had bottling everything up in me and now i just can't help it and be a little too much on the offensive[??] sorry about that, really. all of this is just frustrating. so sorry
stay safe, stay strong 💜
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m-cristiny · 9 months ago
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olicitybishop-clairmont · 7 months ago
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30 days of vintage olicity - day 9
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send-me-a-puffalope · 8 months ago
Sometimes, I think about how the CW undisabled Felicity Smoak after like half a season of her being paralyzed,,,
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Oh, your superhero media features a strong female character who, despite not having powers, is integral to the plot and closely tied to the main hero? What does she do for a living? And don't say journalism.
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mynameisgreenarrow · 10 months ago
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 3 months ago
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faelorelia · 1 year ago
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"Women, whether subtly or vociferously, have always been a tremendous power in the destiny of the world." – Eleanor Roosevelt, "It’s Up to the Women"
These fictional female characters have always been among my favorites. They've been a great source of inspiration for me, and I'm truly grateful for such amazing role models, even if they're only fictional. 🦸🏻‍♀️✨
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 1 year ago
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Invasion was the first of the crossovers to be spaced out over three of the shows. With one storyline it still managed to make each episode fit the style of each individual show. Which part of crossover was your favourite?
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amelia-queen-black · 28 days ago
Star City Hero
During a mayoral event, Oliver and Felicity are caught up in an explosion. Still, among the chaos, there is hope.
Chapter 1
Felicity opened her eyes to a world that was blurred and grey. Everything around her was covered in dust, with each breath, it crept down her throat, suffocating. Or maybe it was the smoke. A few feet from her, there were dancing flames, threatening, burning, devouring. The screams, the roar of the fire, her frantic heart pounding in her ears made it difficult to think clearly.
Her voice was hoarse, troubled.
By instinct, she adjusted her glasses on her nose, the movement igniting a searing pain in her right arm, making her cry out. A piece of glass the size of a hand was sticking out of her shoulder. Feeling nauseous, she looked away and tried to sit up, to no avail. Her lower body was completely numb, a dead weight she recognized all too well. Swallowing back a hiccup of distress, she looked around frantically, trying to find her husband.
People were screaming, running, crying. Others remained on the floor, unconscious or stuck under rubble. Oliver had been right here, in front of her, giving a speech for all the volunteers who had created this youth support center. Everything was destroyed now.
More on Ao3: Star City Hero
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