#character description writing prompts
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unboundprompts · 1 year ago
Could you do reddish brown eyes? And if you’ve already done if could you link that post
Different Ways to Describe Reddish Brown Eyes
-> check out these posts as well, they might give you some inspiration: x , x
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She had eyes like the red clay he used in his pottery studio.
His eyes reminded her of the old burgundy barn that sat in the backyard of her childhood home.
Her eyes were as beautiful as the leaves of trees in autumn.
Their eyes reminded her of old brick libraries and vintage books.
His eyes were the mahogany wood that his grandfather used to use to sculpt little figurines.
She had eyes like a dark sunset after a stormy day.
They had a faded tattoo on their arm-- that looks like it was once a vibrant red-- that matched their eyes almost perfectly.
He just couldn't get out of his head that her eyes looked like baked beans. He wanted to describe them as something beautiful, something that he couldn't quite put into words, but all he could come up with were baked beans.
She had eyes like the tea kettle set his mother used to leave out on the table.
His eyes were the same color as the lake water. It reflected the trees, the sun, and the muddy ground on its surface, hiding secrets beneath its docile waves.
They had auburn hair and it made their eyes look so much more noticeable.
She wore a necklace adorned with smoky quartz gemstones. If he didn't know any better, he would say that she had replaced her eyes with those very same stones.
Tragedy was hidden behind their red-brown eyes, weaved between their irises so it was well out of sight.
His eyes were like the red leaves on a maple tree.
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writersbloxx · 15 days ago
Character Building
Some things to think about when building/describing a character:
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Physical traits
Hair: color and length. Maybe it's natural, maybe it's dyed
Build: height, weight, muscle
Face: maybe they have a longer nose or forehead. Think about specific features like freckles, gapped teeth, jaw shape, acne scars, lip shape
Eyes: eye color, shape, 
Where is your character from?
Do they have family? How has that affected their personality?
What are their goals?
What are their likes/dislikes?
Strengths and weaknesses
Voice: is their voice deep? Lilted? Strained?
How do they react to stressful situations? 
What do they wear?
Are they kind? Meaner? Restrained? 
How do they move? If they're older maybe they're a bit slower. Maybe your character is clumsy or move awkwardly
Body language/face: is your character normally more serious? Do they have RBF? Maybe they smile more or their face is more relaxed at rest. Maybe they leave their hands on their hips a lot, or prefer them crossed or in their pockets.
How are they perceived by others? How do they view the people around them? 
Should I dive deeper on some of these?
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 days ago
460 Adjectives
as reference for your next poem/story
Affectionate - feeling or showing affection or warm regard; loving
Adoring - feeling or showing great affection and devotion
Affable - being pleasant and at ease in talking to others
Amorous - strongly moved by love; enamored
Caring - feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others
Devoted - characterized by loyalty and devotion
Loving - affectionate
Sweet - pleasing to the mind or feelings; agreeable, gratifying
Sympathetic - given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy, compassion, friendliness, and sensitivity to others' emotions
Tenderhearted - easily moved to love, pity, or sorrow; compassionate, impressionable
Agreeable - ready or willing to agree or consent; being in harmony
Courteous - marked by respect for and consideration of others
Decorous - marked by propriety and good taste; correct
Gallant - nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing
Gracious - marked by kindness and courtesy
Pleasant - having qualities that tend to give pleasure; agreeable
Polite - marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy
Respectful - marked by or showing respect or deference
Well-behaved - behaving in a polite or correct way
Well-mannered - having good manners; polite
Amiable - friendly, sociable, and congenial; generally agreeable
Affable - being pleasant and at ease in talking to others
Congenial - sociable, genial
Convivial - relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
Cordial - showing or marked by warm and often hearty friendliness, favor, or approval
Friendly - serving a beneficial or helpful purpose
Genial - marked by or freely expressing sympathy or friendliness
Hospitable - promising or suggesting generous and friendly welcome
Warm - marked by or readily showing affection, gratitude, cordiality, or sympathy
Welcoming - to greet hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality
Cheerful - full of good spirits; merry
Buoyant - cheerful, gay
Cheery - marked by cheerfulness or good spirits
Forward-looking - concerned with or planning for the future
Hopeful - full of hope; inclined to hope
Lighthearted - cheerfully optimistic and hopeful; easygoing
Optimistic - of, relating to, or characterized by optimism; feeling or showing hope for the future
Positive - marked by optimism
Sanguine - marked by eager hopefulness; confidently optimistic
Upbeat - cheerful, optimistic
Clever - mentally quick and resourceful
Astute - mentally sharp or clever
Bright - intelligent, clever
Brilliant - distinguished by unusual mental keenness or alertness
Intelligent - guided or directed by intellect; rational
Knowledgeable - having or showing knowledge or intelligence
Quick-witted - quick in perception and understanding
Sharp - keen in intellect; quick-witted
Smart - intelligent, bright; witty, clever
Wise - marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment
Eloquent - marked by forceful and fluent expression
Articulate - expressing oneself readily, clearly, and effectively
Graceful - displaying grace in form or action
Influential - exerting or possessing influence (i.e., the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command)
Persuasive - tending to persuade (i.e., to plead with; urge)
Poised - marked by easy composure of manner or bearing
Refined - fastidious, cultivated
Silver-tongued - marked by convincing and eloquent expression
Smooth-tongued - ingratiating in speech; persuasive
Well-spoken - speaking well, fitly, or courteously
Good-natured - of a pleasant and cooperative disposition
Benevolent - marked by or disposed to doing good
Big-hearted - generous, charitable
Compassionate - having or showing compassion; sympathetic
Considerate - thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others
Good-hearted - having a kindly generous disposition
Helpful - of service or assistance; useful
Kind - of a sympathetic or helpful nature
Nice - polite, kind
Thoughtful - given to or chosen or made with heedful anticipation of the needs and wants of others
Patient - not hasty or impetuous; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
Accommodating - willing to please; helpful, obliging
Forbearing - to hold oneself back from especially with an effort
Forgiving - willing or able to forgive (i.e., pardon)
Long-suffering - patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship
Stoical - firmly restraining response to pain or distress
Tolerant - permitting or accepting something (such as a behavior or belief) that one does not like
Uncomplaining - not complaining; patient
Understanding - endowed with understanding; tolerant, sympathetic
Unexcitable - not responsive to stimuli
Reflective - marked by reflection; thoughtful, deliberative
Contemplative - marked by or given to contemplation (i.e., an act of considering with attention)
Insightful - exhibiting or characterized by insight (i.e., the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively)
Introspective - characterized by examination of one's own thoughts and feelings; thoughtfully reflective
Inward-looking - more interested in themselves than in other people or societies
Meditative - marked by or conducive to meditation (i.e., a discourse intended to express its author's reflections or to guide others in contemplation)
Pensive - musingly or dreamily thoughtful
Self-analyzing - relating to or using self-analysis (i.e., a systematic attempt by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of another person)
Self-examining - a reflective examination (as of one's beliefs or motives); introspective
Self-observing - introspective
Sensible - having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason
Analytical - skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning
Cerebral - primarily intellectual in nature
Judicious - having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment
Logical - capable of reasoning or of using reason in an orderly cogent fashion
Practical - actively engaged in some course of action or occupation
Pragmatic - relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters; practical
Rational - relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason
Realistic - able to see things as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way
Reasonable - being in accordance with reason
Valiant - possessing or acting with bravery or boldness
Adventurous - disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown
Bold - fearless before danger
Courageous - having or characterized by courage; brave
Dauntless - incapable of being intimidated or subdued
Fearless - free from fear
Gallant - spirited, brave
Heroic - exhibiting or marked by courage and daring
Plucky - spirited, brave
Valorous - valiant
Apprehensive - viewing the future with anxiety or alarm
Doubtful - marked by qualities that raise doubts about worth, honesty, or validity
Hesitant - slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness)
Insecure - beset by fear and anxiety
Mistrustful - to be suspicious
Self-conscious - uncomfortably conscious of oneself as an object of the observation of others; ill at ease
Self-doubting - timid, diffident, insecure
Self-effacing - having or showing a tendency to make oneself modestly or shyly inconspicuous
Uncertain - not having certain knowledge; doubtful
Unconfident - lacking in confidence; unsure
Disillusioned - having lost faith or trust in something formerly regarded as good or valuable
Bleak - not hopeful or encouraging; depressing
Cynical - contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives
Defeatist - an attitude of accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat
Downbeat - pessimistic, gloomy
Fatalistic - hacing a belief or attitude determined by a doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them
Hardened - callous
Negative - marked by features of hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism
Pessimistic - of, relating to, or characterized by pessimism; gloomy
Skeptical - relating to, characteristic of, or marked by skepticism (i.e., an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object)
Dull - tedious, uninteresting
Bland - dull, insipid
Boring - causing weariness and restlessness through lack of interest
Charmless - unattractive or unpleasant
Stodgy - boring, dull
Tiresome - wearisome, tedious
Uncharismatic - lacking charisma (i.e., a special magnetic charm or appeal)
Unexciting - not exciting; dull, commonplace
Uninspiring - not having an animating or exalting effect
Uninteresting - not attracting interest or attention
Fierce - violently hostile or aggressive in temperament
Aggressive - marked by obtrusive energy and self-assertiveness
Antagonistic - showing dislike or opposition
Argumentative - having or showing a tendency to disagree or argue with other people in an angry way; disputatious
Bellicose - favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
Belligerent - inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness
Confrontational - clashing of forces or ideas; conflict
Defiant - full of or showing a disposition to challenge, resist, or fight; bold, impudent
Hostile - marked by malevolence; having or showing unfriendly feelings
Violent - emotionally agitated to the point of using harmful physical force
Impassive - giving no sign of feeling or emotion
Aloof - removed or distant either physically or emotionally
Apathetic - having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion
Cold - marked by a lack of the warmth of normal human emotion, friendliness, or compassion
Detached - exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest
Dispassionate - not affected by personal or emotional involvement
Expressionless - lacking expression
Indifferent - marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something
Stoic - not affected by or showing passion or feeling
Unemotional - not easily aroused or excited; cold
Lethargic - of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy
Idle - not occupied or employed
Inactive - not active; sedentary
Indolent - averse to activity, effort, or movement; habitually lazy
Inert - very slow to move or act
Languid - sluggish in character or disposition; listless
Lazy - disinclined to activity or exertion; not energetic or vigorous
Slothful - inclined to sloth; indolent
Slow-moving - slow-footed, slowgoing
Sluggish - averse to activity or exertion; indolent; torpid
Mysterious - exciting wonder, curiosity, or surprise while baffling efforts to comprehend or identify; mystifying
Closemouthed - cautious in speaking; uncommunicative; also: secretive
Discreet - having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech; prudent
Enigmatic - of, relating to, or resembling an enigma; mysterious
Evasive - tending or intended to evade; equivocal
Inscrutable - not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood; mysterious
Secretive - disposed to secrecy; not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes
Taciturn - temperamentally disinclined to talk
Tight-lipped - reluctant to speak; taciturn
Uncommunicative - not disposed to talk or impart information; reserved
Odious - arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance; hateful
Abhorrent - causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred; being so repugnant as to stir up positive antagonism
Despicable - deserving to be despised; so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation
Detestable - arousing or meriting intense dislike; abominable
Hateful - full of hate; malicious; deserving of or arousing hate
Horrible - extremely bad or unpleasant
Loathsome - giving rise to loathing; disgusting
Unkind - not pleasing or mild; inclement; harsh, cruel
Vicious - dangerously aggressive; savage
Vile - morally despicable or abhorrent
Presumptuous - overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy); taking liberties
Audacious - intrepidly daring; adventurous; recklessly bold
Bad-mannered - discourteous, disrespectful, ill-bred, impolite
Churlish - of, resembling, or characteristic of a churl; vulgar
Discourteous - lacking courtesy; rude
Disrespectful - to show or express disrespect or contempt for; insult, dis
Ill-mannered - having bad manners; rude
Impolite - not polite; rude
Impudent - marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others; insolent
Rude - offensive in manner or action; discourteous
Prickly - vexatious; easily irritated
Bad-tempered - easily annoyed or angered; surly, ill-tempered
Cantankerous - difficult or irritating to deal with
Crabby - easily irritated; peevish and irritable; grouchy
Curmudgeonly - (especially of an old person) bad-tempered and negative
Grouchy - given to grumbling; peevish
Ill-natured - having a bad disposition; cross, surly
Irritable - easily exasperated or excited
Sensitive - highly responsive or susceptible
Surly - irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner; crabbed
Proud - having or displaying excessive self-esteem
Cocky - boldly or brashly self-confident
Conceited - having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself
Haughty - blatantly and disdainfully proud; having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior
Overbearing - harshly and haughtily arrogant
Overconfident - excessively or unjustifiably confident; having too much confidence (as in one's abilities or judgment)
Pompous - having or exhibiting self-importance; arrogant
Smug - highly self-satisfied
Snobbish - being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob (i.e., one who has an offensive air of superiority in matters of knowledge or taste)
Supercilious - coolly and patronizingly haughty
Silly - exhibiting or indicative of a lack of common sense or sound judgment
Brainless - devoid of intelligence
Dense - slow to understand
Foolish - having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion
Idiotic - showing complete lack of thought or common sense
Ignorant - destitute of knowledge or education; unaware, uninformed
Mindless - marked by or displaying no use of the powers of the intellect
Slow-witted - mentally slow
Vapid - acking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit; flat, dull
Witless - lacking wit or understanding; foolish
Talkative - given to talking
Babbling - idle, foolish, or nonsensical talk or chatter
Blathering - engaging in or characterized by foolish or nonsensical talk or writing
Chatty - fond of chatting; talkative
Conversational - given to conversation
Garrulous - given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity; pointlessly or annoyingly talkative
Gossipy - characterized by, full of, or given to gossip (i.e., rumor or report of an intimate nature)
Loquacious - given to fluent or excessive talk; garrulous
Rambling - straying from subject to subject
Verbose - given to wordiness
Timid - lacking in courage or self-confidence
Bashful - socially shy or timid
Diffident - reserved, unassertive
Introverted - possessing a reserved or quiet nature typically with an inclination to solitude
Meek - deficient in spirit and courage; submissive
Reserved - restrained in words and actions
Reticent - inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech
Sheepish - meek, timid
Shy - easily frightened; timid
Withdrawn - socially detached and unresponsive
Tightfisted - reluctant to part with money
Avaricious - greedy of gain; excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches
Close-fisted - unwilling to spend money; stingy
Miserly - marked by grasping meanness and penuriousness
Parsimonious - frugal to the point of stinginess; sparing
Penny-pinching - frugal
Penurious - given to or marked by extreme stinting frugality
Scroogelike - not generous with money; miserly
Stingy - not generous or liberal; sparing or scant in using, giving, or spending
Ungenerous - not generous; petty, mean; stingy
Angry - feeling or showing anger (i.e., a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism)
Enraged - very angry; furious
Furious - exhibiting or goaded by anger
Incensed - very angry; enraged
Infuriated - furiously angry
Irate - roused to ire; arising from anger
Raging - causing great pain or distress
Seething - constantly moving or active; agitated
Upset - emotionally disturbed or agitated
Wrathful - filled with wrath; irate
Calm - free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance; still
Peaceful - untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion
Relaxed - easy of manner
Sedate - keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace; unruffled
Serene - marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude
Tranquil - free from agitation of mind or spirit
Unbothered - not feeling or showing agitation, worry, or annoyance
Unflappable - marked by assurance and self-control
Unperturbed - not worried, upset, or disquieted
Untroubled - not given trouble; not made uneasy; calm
Cheerful - conducive to cheer; likely to dispel gloom or worry
Beaming - radiant; bright; smiling brightly; cheerful
Content - contented, satisfied
Gleeful - full of glee; merry
Happy - glad, pleased
Jocular - characterized by jesting; playful
Jovial - characterized by good-humored cheerfulness and conviviality; jolly
Joyful - experiencing, causing, or showing joy; happy
Merry - full of gaiety or high spirits; mirthful
Radiant - marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness
Content - contented, satisfied
Appreciative - having or showing appreciation (i.e., a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude)
Fulfilled - feeling happiness and satisfaction
Grateful - appreciative of benefits received
Gruntled - in good humor; happy, contented
Pleased - feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction, especially at an event or a situation
Satisfied - pleased or content with what has been experienced or received
Thankful - well pleased; glad
Untroubled - not given trouble; not made uneasy
Unworried - not afflicted with mental distress or agitation
Disgruntled - unhappy and annoyed
Agitated - troubled in mind; disturbed and upset
Annoyed - feeling or showing angry irritation
Cross - marked by typically transitory bad temper
Distressed - of, relating to, or experiencing economic decline or difficulty
Exasperated - having or showing strong feelings of irritation or annoyance
Irritable - easily exasperated or excited
Resentful - full of resentment (i.e., a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury)
Stressed - subjected to or affected by stress (i.e., bodily or mental tension)
Vexed - feeling or showing irritation, annoyance, or distress
Jealous - hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage
Begrudging - said, done, or given reluctantly; grudging
Bitter - exhibiting intense animosity
Covetous - marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions
Desirous - impelled or governed by desire (i.e., conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment)
Envious - feeling or showing envy
Grudging - unwilling, reluctant
Malicious - having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone; given to, marked by, or arising from malice (i.e., desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another)
Resentful - caused or marked by resentment (i.e., a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury)
Spiteful - filled with or showing spite; malicious
Lively - briskly alert and energetic; vigorous, animated
Animated - full of vigor and spirit; lively
Elated - marked by high spirits; exultant
Electrified - to excite intensely or suddenly
Energetic - operating with or marked by vigor or effect
Enthusiastic - filled with or marked by enthusiasm (i.e., strong excitement of feeling)
Excited - having, showing, or characterized by a heightened state of energy, enthusiasm, eagerness, etc.
Exhilarated - very happy and excited or elated
Spirited - full of energy, animation, or courage
Thrilled - extremely pleased and excited
Unhappy - not cheerful or glad; sad, wretched
Crestfallen - feeling shame or humiliation; dejected
Dejected - low in spirits; depressed
Gloomy - low in spirits; melancholy
Glum - broodingly morose
Grief-stricken - very sad; deeply affected by grief
Melancholic - of, relating to, or subject to melancholy; depressed
Miserable - being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness
Sad - affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness; downcast
Sorrowful - expressive of or inducing sorrow (i.e., resultant unhappy or unpleasant state)
Aged - grown old
Ancient - having had an existence of many years; venerable
Centenarian - one that is 100 years old or older
Elderly - of, relating to, or characteristic of later life or elderly persons
Gray-haired - having gray hair; of or relating to old age or old people
Mature - of, relating to, or being an older adult; elderly
Nonagenarian - a person whose age is in the nineties
Old - advanced in years or age
Senior - a person older than another; of, relating to, or intended for seniors
Wrinkled - to become marked with or contracted into wrinkles
Attractive - arousing interest or pleasure; charming
Beautiful - having qualities of beauty; exciting aesthetic pleasure
Dashing - marked by vigorous action; spirited
Fetching - attractive, appealing
Good-looking - having a pleasing or attractive appearance
Gorgeous - splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent
Handsome - having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance
Pretty - having conventionally accepted elements of beauty
Striking - attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities
Stunning - strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence
Average - not out of the ordinary; common
Forgettable - fit or likely to be forgotten
Homely - plain or unattractive in appearance
Mediocre - of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance
Ordinary-looking - not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual
Plain - lacking ornament; undecorated
Plain-featured - ordinary
Plain-looking - not beautiful, distinctive, or remarkable in appearance; normal
Unexceptional - not out of the ordinary; commonplace
Unremarkable - unworthy or unlikely to be noticed; not remarkable; common, ordinary
Feeble - markedly lacking in strength
Decrepit - wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age
Delicate - not robust in health or constitution; weak, sickly
Doddering - showing or involving a loss of physical or cognitive abilities in old age
Frail - easily broken or destroyed; fragile; physically weak
Infirm - of poor or deteriorated vitality, especially: feeble from age
Sickly - somewhat unwell, also : habitually ailing
Unwell - being in poor health; ailing, sick
Wan - suggestive of poor health; sickly, pallid
Weak - lacking strength
Muscular - of or relating to physical strength; full-bodied
Athletic - vigorous, active
Brawny - muscular, also: strong, powerful
Burly - strongly and heavily built
Fit - sound physically and mentally
Herculean - of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, or difficulty
Powerful - having great power, prestige, or influence
Robust - having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health
Strong - having or marked by great physical power
Sturdy - firmly built or constituted 
Short - having little length; not tall or high
Diminutive - exceptionally or notably small
Little - not big
Petite - having a small trim figure
Pint-sized - small
Short-legged - having short legs, particularly in proportion to one's body
Small - having comparatively little size or slight dimensions
Stubby - being short and thick
Teeny - tiny
Tiny - very small or diminutive; minute
Sophisticated - deprived of native or original simplicity
Chic - cleverly stylish; smart
Dapper - neat and trim in appearance
Dignified - showing or expressing dignity (i.e., formal reserve or seriousness of manner, appearance, or language)
Elegant - of a high grade or quality; splendid
Majestic - having or exhibiting majesty; stately
Noble - possessing outstanding qualities; illustrious
Regal - of notable excellence or magnificence; splendid
Stately - marked by lofty or imposing dignity; haughty
Stylish - conforming to current fashion
Stout - bulky in body
Big - large or great in dimensions, bulk, or extent
Chubby - somewhat fat; having a full, rounded form
Heavy - having great weight
Large - exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size
Overweight - exceeding expected, normal, or proper weight
Plump - having a full rounded usually pleasing form
Plus-size - extra large
Portly - heavy or rotund of body; stout
Potbellied - having a potbelly (i.e., an enlarged, swollen, or protruding abdomen)
Tall - high in stature
Colossal - of, relating to, or resembling a colossus (i.e., a person or thing of immense size or power)
Gangling - tall, thin, and awkwardly built; lanky, gangly
Giant - having extremely large size, proportion, or power
Gigantic - exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence)
Long-legged - having long legs
Massive - forming or consisting of a large mass; bulky; weighty
Monstrous - having extraordinary often overwhelming size
Statuesque - having a tall and shapely form
Towering - impressively high or great; imposing
Thin - not well fleshed; lean
Angular - lean and having prominent bone structure
Bony - having prominent bones
Lean - lacking or deficient in flesh
Scrawny - exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size
Skinny - lacking usual or desirable bulk, quantity, qualities, or significance
Slender - spare in frame or flesh, especially: gracefully slight
Slim - of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length; slender
Underweight - weighing less than the normal or requisite amount
Willowy - pliant; gracefully tall and slender
Unattractive - not attractive; plain, dull
Ugly - offensive to the sight; hideous
Displeasing - to incur the disapproval or dislike of especially by annoying; to give displeasure
Hideous - offensive to the senses and especially to sight; exceedingly ugly
Ghastly - terrifyingly horrible to the senses; frightening
Repulsive - tending to repel or reject; cold, forbidding; arousing aversion or disgust
Unpleasant - not pleasant; not amiable or agreeable; displeasing
Grotesque - fanciful, bizarre; absurdly incongruous; departing markedly from the natural, the expected, or the typical
Revolting - extremely offensive
Unsightly - not pleasing to the sight; not comely
Young - being in the first or an early stage of life, growth, or development
Adolescent - of, relating to, or being in adolescence; emotionally or intellectually immature
Boyish - of, like, or characteristic of a male child or young man
Childlike - resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood, especially: marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness
Girlish - of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a girl or girlhood
Juvenile - reflecting psychological or intellectual immaturity; childish
Immature - exhibiting less than an expected degree of maturity
Teenaged - of, being, relating to, or intended for teenagers (i,e., someone who is between 13 and 19 years old)
Underage - of less than mature or legal age
Youthful - having the vitality or freshness of youth; vigorous
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs +600 Traits ⚜ 170 Quirks ⚜ 200+ Character Quirks ⚜ Types of Adjectives
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icamefromadream · 9 months ago
°•°Habits to Give Your Characters°•°
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Constantly crosses legs when sitting
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Doodles when zoned out (if there's no paper around they could trace doodles like little hearts on a table or even on the back of their hand)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Crucks knuckles
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Braids hair when their bored (or just generally plays with their hair)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Stands way to close to people when talking to them.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Avoids eyecontact when people talk to them.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Clutches on to other's sleeves.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Bites nails when nervous
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Raises their eyebrows when interested.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Offers food to others, before taking a bite themselves.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Scratches top of nails (like when you're scratching the coat of nail polish off your nails.)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Whistles to ease nerves.
Follow @paranoia-art for more!
Do message me if you have anymore you would like to add!
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shimmershy · 2 years ago
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Just two siblings back from the dead, hanging out, totally not using this opportunity to torment one another for the rest of time! <3
Chara Week Day 4: Flowers
[Image Description: A digital drawing of Chara and Flowey from Undertale. They're on the Surface, with grass and trees and mountains stretching out behind them. Chara has golden flowers clustered around their left eye and speckled in their hair and on their hands. They're kneeling on the ground and smiling wide, holding Flowey's flower pot in one arm. Their other hand is outstretched in front of them and holding a camera. Flowey has a red bow wrapped around his stem and stickers in the shape of hearts, stars, and smiley faces decorating his pot. He looks annoyed as Chara leans their face in close to his to take a photo. /End ID]
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eloquent-edits · 11 months ago
🗡️ Analogies for the poetic
similes for describing characters and their behaviors 🗡️ character inspiration
like the sun, radiant and raging against the far horizon, a clear beacon for others to follow
like a panther in the night, patiently stalking its unsuspecting prey
like a trapped bird flitting about, calling out for any help while nipping the hands that try
like a staircase in the woods, worn away by time, building up to something—somewhere—that not even you know
like a tree felled in a creek, uprooted from your home but still holding up to those who walk over you
like the static on old TVs, ever-present and ever-moving, fading to the background
like a cabin in a snowstorm, a comforting mirage as the world clutches me to its icy heart
like the antique vanity resting in the corner, stable in the dizzying array of things that come and go
like a stained glass window, taking the light you see in others and showing them all the colors within
like the glint of a knife, only there when you look from the right perspective
like a cat lounging in a garden, at peace with watching the world pass on
like reflections in a pond, serene yet obscuring what lies below
like a wound that won’t heal, annoying and a reminder of what happened
like syrup wafting through the air, sweet with a touch of familiarity
like the air after rain, fresh with the stench of earth and dew
like my favorite song, an unmistakable tune of nostalgia and hope to dance to
like the nebulae above, a fusion of stardust and the unknown
like a miasma of sulfur and rot, oozing death and corruption wherever you step
like summer, in all it’s stormy fury and welcome firelight
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oc-loving · 23 days ago
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by Eric Muhr on Unsplash
imagine/draw/write your oc in this setting. how do they feel about snow - are they used to it, awed by it? do they like or dislike the cold? are they well prepared? what could they be doing here, who are they with?
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whumpitisthen · 1 year ago
"People used to cut off the hand that the criminal used to enact their crime. Quite the severe punishment, I agree. We could crush yours, flay the skin off, or cut your fingers off instead... I'm flexible."
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hauntedraggedyanne · 7 months ago
Things to add to a character just to make them stand out more
These can play as big of a part in the story or it can have absolutely 0 effect on anything
—extra limbs/eyes/mouths
—Machine parts
—not human skin color (red, blue, green, multiple colors, etc)
—Fantasy/alien body parts that are creatively hidden or explained in a human form (like an alien pretending to be a psychic with a third eye, and everyone thinks that they’re just a really talented make up artist and not that they actually have a third eye)
—minimal or lots of body hair
—walking sticks
—different hair types and styles to go along with that
Let me know if you can think of anything else!
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pleb-the-original · 2 months ago
Day 28: Mascot Horror
(Well this is probably the single cringiest thing I've done for either Cringetober. Look, I am not a fan of Poppy Playtime. I can respect their improvement in crafting horror and their commitment but I can't overlook the sins of the past and present and what they've done to mascot horror overall. Heck, at first when then the Nightmare Critters were first being revealed I just wrote them off as cynical money printers from a greedy company. Then more of them started getting revealed and I slightly warmed up to the designs. But then they HAD to make the shark critter a mako. If you couldn't tell from the comic I posted earlier this month, I really like my oc Dr. Mako. By extension I get excited whenever I encounter anything shortfin mako related. And NOW THEY MADE A MAKO IN POPPY PLAYTIME. So my idiotic ass latched on like a fish to a hook and now I've created an oc version that quite frankly is asking to be made into an ask blog but I do not have the time or skill to host one. Anyways did you know I'm writing a full document on the doctor?)
Name: Maggie Mako
Species: Bigger Body
Personality: Hyper-intelligent, snarky, silly, witty, nervous wreck, opinionated, talkative
Summary: Maggie’s human memories are somewhat scattered but she remembers more than most other toys. She used to be a scientist that worked on the toy creation process. Despite most of the other adults fearing what might happen should they become toys after the Bron incident, she very much wanted to be a toy. She picked Maggie Mako due to her love of marine biology and submitted herself to the role. She expected to become a normal toy but her enthusiasm, intelligence, and drive got the others to attempt to turn her into a Bigger Body instead since they figured an adult would be more cooperative and prone to outbursts. It worked surprisingly well as Maggie maintained much of her human self only losing most of her memories. She was very active and used to just kinda hang out in the lab a lot with the other scientists, especially her old friends. But eventually her friends either died, were sent away, or became toys themselves only leaving other scientists with no connection to her old life. They could tell there was a growing feeling of rebellion amongst the toys and feared Maggie’s intelligence and awareness would be too dangerous and so locked her away alongside her fellow more monstrous Nightmare Critter Bigger Bodies. Soon enough, the Prototype came to them and told them of the Hour of Joy coming soon which horrified Maggie but she couldn’t say anything since by some miracle no other toys had figured out who she used to be yet. Eventually, they were all released onto the premises when the Hour of Joy came. To fit in, Maggie did have to kill a few people which she didn’t want to but did get some gratification once she got to the scientists that locked her away. After that, she roamed around the facility free to explore wherever. Her toy personality meant that she preferred sweet snacks unlike the others which allowed her to forage from the various vending machines around the facility easily. She actually dislikes the taste of meat and doesn’t seem to require it as sweets have been keeping her alive this long. She’s been trying to find an exit for a while as blending in and making sure no one finds out who she really is has been getting harder and harder. Worst of all is the Prototype, who she knows could be anywhere and could be watching at any time to take her and make her a part of him. So she just wanders hoping to find an exit and then maybe a place to live out the rest of her existence. 
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unboundprompts · 9 months ago
Random Prompt #130
She was a tall girl with long brown hair that came down to her hips. A tattoo of a serpent snaked up the length of her arm and coiled at the nape of her neck. She wore long floral skirts and black boots, and she had a cigarette tucked behind her ear.
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writersbloxx · 12 days ago
Body Language
When someone is…
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Darting eyes/avoiding eye contact
Rapid blinking
Tense jaw
Looking upwards when talking or fixing eyes on a more distant point
Furrowed (or raised) brows
Micro-expressions- quick/short facial expressions like suddenly widening their eyes or a brief grimace
Shaky or trembling
Higher pitch or thin
Raspy or slightly cracked
Speaking quickly or stuttering
Choppy (many pauses in speech)
Shorter, clipped words (staccato)
Tense, closed off stance
Hunched shoulders
Body is stiffened
Crossed arms
Touching clothes
Cracking knuckles
Bouncing knee
Subtly covering their mouth
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 days ago
Writing Notes: Describing Eyes
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A person's eyes can reveal a wide range of emotions. A simple gaze, a blank stare, or a narrow squint can all convey deep meaning. The expressive power of human eyes makes them the perfect literary tool for character development in fiction writing.
Tips for Describing Characters' Eyes in Your Story
In literature, a character’s eyes are a powerful resource writers can employ to engage readers in a scene. A character’s eyes can serve as a window into their soul. Here are 8 tips for describing eyes in your writing:
Describe eye color in different ways. Providing visual information about a character allows readers to visualize imagery in their mind. Eye color, along with hair color, is one of the first things people mention when describing someone’s appearance. Include it when sketching your characters, but be sure to do it in a descriptive way. Think of related words to describe eye color—blue eyes can be baby blue, light brown eyes might be described as amber, and green eyes can be referred to as emerald. Give a mysterious character black eyes that are described as obsidian—black, shiny, impenetrable. If you get stuck, use a thesaurus and come up with word lists for ways to describe eyes in your story, or use Google to find how other writers have described eyes to give you ideas.
Think about the entire eye. When describing eyes, think of the orbs in their entirety—from eyebrows to lids to lashes. What can they reveal about a character? Describe their shape. Sloe eyes are almond-shaped eyes, monolids are eyelids that don’t have a crease, hooded lids droop somewhat over the eyes. You can also describe how eyes appear in relation to the whole face. Are they close-set or deep-set? Is your character wall-eyed or goggle-eyed? Eyes can be sunken into their sockets. Zoom into details like the eyeball or the dilated irises of a character. The condition of eyes can also be a revealing tool. Dark circles under the eyes represent exhaustion. Puffy eyes mean a character has been crying. If a character has crows feet, that can be the author’s way of signifying middle age.
Use eyes to signify character traits. Writers can use eye descriptions to highlight character traits. An innocent child or naive character is often referred to as doe-eyed. A bad guy might have gunmetal eyes. Beady eyes conjure images of a rat. Rheumy eyes signify an elderly person. Steely eyes translate to determination. A twinkle in the eye is the hallmark of a jovial character. Eyes can be warm and inviting.
Describe eyes in ways that reveal intentions. Eyes gather information for a character, and they also reveal information about a character’s intentions or feelings towards a subject. When talking about a character’s body language, start with the eyes. A raised eyebrow casts doubt. Eyes suspiciously look over the top of eyeglasses. A character flirtatiously bats their eyelashes.
Use eye movement to forecast plot points. Eyes can be an active subject in a story and can help push the plot forward. Eyes can gaze, stare, glare, sparkle, pierce, roll, flicker, lock in, narrow, close, open wide, and shoot daggers. The movement of eyes can represent a character’s reaction to events or hint at plot points. A character might lower their eyebrows as they grow suspicious of another character—a writer’s way of foreshadowing who the killer might be.
Use eyes to heighten conflict. If a strong protagonist is wearing contact lenses, glasses, or even a monocle, a writer might use their poor vision as an obstacle that hinders them in moments of conflict. If a character blinks a lot, it might be a sign of insecurity or nervous energy. A writer can take a character’s sight away to strengthen their other attributes.
Recognize that eyes can betray a character. Eyes can be a tool used for contrast. While a character says one thing, their eyes might say another. For example, if a character comes home late with bloodshot eyes, it lets the reader know they were not working late like they said and gives the character away.
Use props to amplify the expressiveness of a character’s eyes. People often accessorize their eyes. Think of people you know and the different ways they hide or show off their eyes. A teenage character might have an eyebrow piercing. A character might paint their eyelids in colorful eye shadow or make their lashes stiff with mascara. A mysterious man, perhaps a law enforcement officer, might walk through a door wearing aviator sunglasses, pulling them off to reveal who he really is.
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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erushirosegold · 2 months ago
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜 #𝟶𝟷
Friend #1: “How on earth did you manage to get frosting on the ceiling?!”
Friend #2: “I take my cupcakes very seriously [insert oc name here].”
Friend #1: “Well then, I’m sure you won’t mind seriously cleaning it up..”
Friend #2: *Runs*
Tysm 4 reading, I hope this helps! Until next time strawberries... <3
Elle LOGGING OFF.....12:29 AM
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thethirdromana · 2 years ago
Servalan's costumes, rated
I was supposed to be going out and doing fun things like bouldering tonight, but it's pouring with rain, so instead I'm staying in and looking at Blake's 7 screengrabs.
Screengrabs from here (they prefer their images copied, not linked) and record of what Servalan wears when from here.
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As seen in Seek-Locate-Destroy.
We begin the list with what is - delightfully, amazingly - a relatively understated costume by Servalan standards. I guess it's the shorter sleeves over longer sleeves (a consistent Blake's 7 design choice, I guess that's just what fashion is like in the Grim Future) that gives the sense that this might be Dress Down Friday in the offices of the Federation. Almost dowdy in comparison with what's to come. Let's keep our powder dry for now. 5/10.
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As seen in Project Avalon.
What amazes me about this costume is how silly it looks in screengrab form - seriously, take a moment to really look at Servalan's tiny head emerging turtle-like from the enormous quantity of furs - and yet, in motion, Jacqueline Pearce completely pulls it off. It's ridiculous, of course it is, but not for one moment do you doubt that this is the kind of thing that Servalan would choose to wear and feel comfortable in. It also gets an extra point or two for how the opening of the coat is tailored to the collar of the dress she wears underneath. 6/10.
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As seen in Project Avalon and Deliverance.
There's a fun process that happens when you look at lots of Servalan's costumes (bearing in mind that I've preloaded all the images!) where you start to look at something like this and think, yeah, that looks normal enough, I could wear something like that to the office. And then you step back and go, no the fuck I couldn't, and you admire everyone involved in the process that brought us here. Love the beading and ruching, love the way that big collar actually looks quite comfortable, love the way that Jacqueline Pearce is lounging in it. 9/10.
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As seen in Orac.
Trousers? On Servalan? Not sure how I feel about that, and I get the impression nor is she. On anyone else the coordination of white gloves and shiny white knee-high boots would be noteworthy, on Servalan it's just a Tuesday. Bit bland to be honest. 4/10.
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As seen in Weapon.
There's an image limit to deal with, so I'm sacrificing at least one further fluffy overcoat thing in order to show more photos of this magnificent costume, and I make no apologies for that. Look at this swan-queen spun-sugar exposed-midriff confection of delight. Just when you think you've absorbed it all you notice the fishnet sleeves and the floor-length cape. Maybe it would be worth submitting to just a little bit of remorselessly evil oppression for the opportunity to float around all day dressed like this. 100/10.
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As seen in Pressure Point.
It takes quite an outfit for you not to really notice the Sexy Stormtrooper vibe of the Mutoids in the background. And so Servalan is delivering quite an outfit here. What a jacket, what a hat. Ladies Day at Ascot never looked so good. 9/10.
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As also seen in Pressure Point.
This is one of those beaded lizards that we all made when we were eight, right? I feel like I should like this: it's flattering, it's a bit weird, it's a nice dress with 25cm or more of a sparkly gecko giving it jazz hands across Servalan's chest, but somehow it's just not coming together for me. Maybe it's the lack of a massive collar. 5/10.
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As seen in Trial and Voice from the Past.
No. Absolutely not. The nadir of Servalan outfits, from the weird double-breasted bodice, which I can only describe as military meets straitjacket, to the terrible combination of off-grey stockings and shiny silver shoes. Even Jacqueline Pearce is struggling to make this look good. 0/10.
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As seen in Gambit.
From the nadir to very nearly the zenith. This is only one of two times that Servalan wears an outfit that isn't black or white and wow, does she make it count. The red! The glitter! The big frill thing that looks like the kind of adaptation a lizard might use to warn off predators! Also, not to get too pervy, but I think this has to get extra points for whatever machinations are preventing her boobs from making a bid from freedom from the astonishingly low neckline. 12/10.
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As seen in The Keeper.
It's another big fluffy robe! But a different one from the previous big fluffy robe! I like to think she might be hiding snacks under there. 7/10.
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As seen in Star One and Aftermath.
This is... a normal dress. Could be an understated bridal gown, plausibly a cocktail dress, but I could imagine both having this in my wardrobe and actually wearing it, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's just not what Servalan's costumes are for, you know? Obviously she looks great but where's the pizzazz, where's the oomph, where's the collar that could take someone's eye out? 6/10.
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As seen in Aftermath and Powerplay.
This is technically Dayna's dress, but Servalan wears it for two whole episodes, so it counts. Which is a pity because it's just so drab. It shouldn't be! It has a funky triangle neckline, only one sleeve, and a ribbon arm wrap on the sleeveless side like she's heading off to a festival with hippies. Unfortunately the colour scheme brings to mind nothing so much as a faded bus seat and the smock-like cut is deeply unflattering. 2/10.
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As seen in Volcano.
Things I like about this: for once Servalan gets to cover both shoulders, her arms and her cleavage. Jacqueline Pearce must have been so warm! It looks comfortable and practical. And dull, but I suppose it must be a lot of pressure on a Supreme Commander to look fabulous all the time. 4/10.
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As seen in The Harvest of Kairos.
Fun fact, of all of Servalan's outfits this is actually the closest to something that I used to have in my wardrobe. Mine was navy blue on one side and stripey on the other, and the stripey side emerged into a similar enormous... sleeve... thing?? I never wore it to my day job, but you know, perhaps I should have done. These are the kinds of things that Servalan inspires us towards. 8/10.
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As seen in Children of Auron.
And just like that, Servalan changes her colour scheme. Black, of course, looks just as good on her as white did, and I can't decide which I like better. What makes this outfit is the detailing: the collar, the little decorative slashes like a Tudor nobleman would use to show off his undershirt. 6/10.
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As seen in Rumours of Death.
I just spent ages scrolling through red carpet photos to try to find the celebrity who I swear recently wore almost this exact outfit. And I can't find them. But never mind! This ticks so many boxes for me: it looks everso pretty, it seems wearable, and the floofy sleeve feels like it reflects plausible fashion trends of the Blake's 7 universe. 9/10.
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As seen in Moloch.
Whereas this is not working for me. This is, thank goodness, Servalan's only foray into full-on 80s shoulders (unlike poor Avon, whose costumes suffered from this for the whole of series D) and I do not like it. The wide shoulders, made to look wider by the silver detailing, just serve to make the rest of her look small. And no one should make Servalan look small. 3/10.
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As seen in Death-Watch.
Just a normal LBD, innit. 5/10.
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As also seen in Death-Watch.
This is the same dress underneath with a semitransparent beaded cardi over the top. It should be fun and vaguely goth, but instead it reminds me of nothing so much as the kind of thing you throw on when you're worried you're showing too much skin for a funeral. Amazing how it makes her look about 10 years older too. I miss the days of the massive collars. 2/10.
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As seen in Terminal.
For someone who is confidently writing a series of posts about costume design choices, I know exceptionally little about costume, and as a result I don't actually know what this is made of. Is it leather? Some kind of matt-looking PVC? It's a solid costume choice, anyway; I'm starting to think that the mark of a good Servalan outfit is how much difficulty I have with the image description. In this instance, I have no idea what the thing on her shoulder is and I love it. I also love that this is the 80s and therefore she's allowed to be on TV with a normal human belly. 8/10.
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As seen in Traitor.
MAGNIFICENT SHOWSTOPPING ICONIC. She looks like a sexy raven and she's having such a great time. The way the points of her eyeliner match the points of her hair! This is the kind of thing that drives people to cosplay. I don't think I would get a buzzcut and dye my hair solely to get this look just right, but I'm also not ruling it out. 20/10
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As seen in Animals.
It's so disappointing when you get an outfit spot on and then it's in the wash, and all you can manage from what's available in your wardrobe is an half-hearted replica. That seems to be what's happened to Servalan here. Sorry, Supreme Commander, but sexy raven lightning doesn't strike twice. 6/10.
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As seen in Assassin.
Later on she wears a sort of lacy cardi over it, but I have an image limit and I'd only be repeating what I said for Death-Watch, so we're going to skip that one.
This is another normal dress. It's a perfectly fine normal dress; it's hard to see from the photo, but I like the fabric belt, and those are undeniably good earrings. Still, it's not exactly strange enough for a Servalan costume, and I feel for Jacqueline Pearce having to do this whole episode without a bra. 7/10
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As seen in Games.
Just as I am running out of ideas for commentary, I feel like the Blake's 7 costume designers were running out of ideas for outfits. This feels like it has a bunch of disparate ideas thrown at it - polka dots! fluff! peephole thing! - but the vibe is of a reality TV show fashion challenge where they have a box of stuff and 20 mins to turn it into a dress. 4/10.
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As seen in Sand.
This is a floor-length dress, but it's best in close-ups: it's the detail that matters. It looks pretty, comfortable, and quite soft. It's a nice costume, but is it really a Servalan costume? It doesn't scream command like some of the others on this list. 5/10.
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As seen in Orbit.
Don't worry about what I cut to be able to include two photos again, because this is worth it. From the front it's good but not great (though I'm glad she gets a bit more boob support in this one!) but from the back? Superb. She's wearing the splendid earrings from Assassin again, but here they also reflect the detailing on the back of the dress - oh, it's just a delight. A very creditable note to end on. 9/10.
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uhmmmsweetie · 1 year ago
You're character writes a message they won't send. Who is it to? What is it about? What prevents them from making their feelings known?
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