#chapter from my series
Totally cool if you don't want to share, buuuuut could we get a chapter of your book posted with Aeshma in it? I wanna REEEEEAD him lmao. I'm the one who asked to see more and sent you that DM about buying your book lmao
Lol hello again😂 I'm more than happy to share some of my story. Here's a partial chapter from book four. It was extremely difficult for me to find a chapter with Aeshma in it that didn't contain major spoilers 🥹 but here you go.
Blake is sitting in deafening silence. Freshly bandaged up, but emotionally torn to shreds. The sclera of his eyes have turned black during the heavy conversation. He’s leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees, playing with the silver chain around his neck. He’s been deathly silent for several minutes now, taking in all the information that was given to him. Processing it. Resenting it.
Talon and Spade are standing side by side. Relaying the news to Blake was beyond painful. The air in the room is thick with anger and confusion. Blake has always been a time bomb, so dropping something like this in him is dangerous for everyone in the room.
Zeke is in a chair a little further away. He’s watching Blake closely, trying to read the man’s face. Asmodeus posed as Serpent, befriended Blake, and ultimately used him to get to Talon. Blake was the executioner. The one who put Talon down and set this whole thing in motion. He was a pawn. Just like everyone else.
Talon’s pretty green eyes stare at Blake affectionately. He doesn’t feel a shred of resentment towards him. None. “Blake…” He takes a small, hesitant step forward, but recoils when Blake suddenly stands up. He blinks and gasps when the taller man shoves past him. He won’t take it personally. He understands Blake is just as much a victim as he is.
“I should have fuckin’ known.” Blake growls as he throws on his shirt. “How the fuck did I not see that?” He runs his tattooed fingers through his messy mohawk and scoffs, his eyes glinting. "How could I be so fuckin' stupid!" He kicks a nearby chair, sending it slamming against the wall.
Talon flinches, his heart breaking for the man.
“It’s not very hard for a demon of his caliber to pull a stunt like that.” Aeshma says, walking into the room with a dark look on his face. He dips down so he can fit through the doorway. "He has pulled the wool over the eyes of thousands."
“Holy shit.” Zeke stands up as the demon steps into view. His wide eyes are locked on him. He's still not used to this absolute giant being on their side.
Talon and Spade also can’t help but stare. Blake is looking at Aeshma over his shoulder. He’s seen the demon look like this before, so it’s less if a shock to him. However, it’s no less eye pleasing.
“Is that so?” Blake asks, almost distrustfully.
“It is.” Aeshma stands tall, his head lifted proudly. He has on a large, long coat. It’s black with tan fur lining the inside and the collar is high. Much to contrary belief, the fourth circle of Hell is extremely cold. Spiked metal armlets are around each of Aeshma’s wrists. He has on black tactical boots and black pants. His broad shoulders are adorned with deadly looking spiked pouldrons. Black leather straps with glistening buckles hold his impressive sword in place. Also strapped to him is a massive battle axe, freshly sharpened and stained with blood. Daggers are resting in holders on his belt and chest straps and strapped to each leg. A few other things are hanging from the demon’s belt. Two skulls stand out the most. One that looks human, and the other looks like it came from some strange animal.
“What is that?” Zeke is closer now, pointing to the strange skull. His eyes narrow curiously. “Some kind of deer?” He leans in to get a better look.
Aeshma looks down at his belt and then looks at Zeke. “Wendigo.” His rich voice carries even when he speaks softly.
“Oh, fuck…” Zeke breathes nervously, drawing his hand back. “Those actually exist?” Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. Not after everything that’s happened these past few months.
Blake moves Zeke to the side so he can face Aeshma. “They told me ya brought me here. Said ya gave ‘em what they needed to save me.”
Aeshma’s expression doesn’t change. “I did.” He confirms.
Blake meets the demon’s gaze, not saying anything. He nods gratefully. Years of respect are shared between the two.
Aeshma nods back. “Good to see you’re finally awake, Stahller.” He says lowly.
Zeke steps up again, displaying his lack of boundaries. A glimmer catches his curious eye. “What’s this?” His fingertips brush over what appears to be a bracelet hooked onto Aeshma’s belt. Near the buckle. Rose gold and diamond studded. Some of the diamonds are missing.
Aeshma grabs Zeke’s wrist with enough force to make the blond shout in pain. He leans in, growling deep in his throat. “Don’t. Touch. That.” His razor sharp canines are bared as he squeezes harder.
“AH! AH!” Zeke’s knees buckle and he hisses in pain, trembling slightly. He blinks away agonized tears and gasps. “I- I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Aeshma doesn’t let go or even loosen his hold. His eyes are trained on Zeke, a dangerous look in them. “It’s rude to touch another man’s things, you know.” He tilts his head to the side, his black hair falling away from his eyes.
“Aeshma.” Talon speaks gently. Seeing Zeke getting hurt is upsetting, however Talon doesn’t want to yell. Whatever or whoever that bracelet is from, it’s obviously something the demon deeply cares about. Maybe it was his sister’s. He thinks, biting his lip subtly. It’s strange to see Aeshma act so sentimental. However, Talon would be lying if he said it wasn’t compelling.
Aeshma’s grip tightens even more, his touch searing Zeke’s skin. He twists the boy’s wrist, bringing Zeke to his knees. He’s ready to break it. He refuses to let Talon’s soft voice weaken him. He can’t. Not again.
Zeke grunts loudly, his eyes widening when he sees the smoke coming off of Aeshma’s large hand. Pain is ripping through his whole arm now. He grits his teeth. “F-fuck..!” He whimpers.
“Aeshma.” Talon says just as gently as before. He decides to test the waters, and he steps over to the large demon, resting his delicate hand on Aeshma’s forearm. “Please.” He lifts his gaze, glimmers of pink revealing themselves to the older man.
Aeshma accidentally meets Talon’s gaze, and he closes his eyes tightly. ‘Dammit.’ He relaxes his muscles and releases Zeke’s wrist with a deep, rumbling sigh. He stands up straight and looks right at Talon. “Do you have an answer for me?” He asks, deciding to move on from Zeke’s behavior.
Talon knows he can relax now. He’s surprised speaking softly actually worked with this brute. “No, but I promise I’ll have an answer when you come back.” He smiles playfully, letting his hand slip from the man’s arm. “So make sure you come back.”
Aeshma pauses for a moment before a smirk plays on his lips. “Very well.” He rolls his shoulders and turns his attention to Blake. “My soldiers are everywhere now. There isn’t a state in his god forsaken country that doesn’t have a warrior of Khadah in it. Nothing will happen that won’t get back to me. I would prefer you all to stay here, where it’s safe.”
Blake nods. “I have no problem wit’ that. I just have to make sure some things are still in order. I was out for two weeks. I also have some shit to set straight.”
“If you’re speaking of Samael, I strongly suggest you hold off, Stahller.” Aeshma says calmly but firmly, adjusting his heavy coat. “Hunting him down right now will only bring unnecessary attention to you and your friends.”
‘Fuck, he’s right.’ Blake thinks with a frustrated scoff. “Fine. I’ll let him live. For now.”
Aeshma chuckles and smiles at the man. “I understand the allure of vengeance. You are more than welcome to join me today.”
Spade adjusts his glasses nervously. “I really don’t think—”
“Where are ya goin’?” Blake leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. He can feel Spade’s disapproving glare burning into him.
“I’m leading an attack on Mammon.” Aeshma notices Mahrem coming into the room. “He has stepped out of the lines of our treaty one too many times. I need to make an example of him.”
“As fun as that sounds, big guy, I’m in no state for war.” Blake declines with a chuckle. Gesturing to the bandages covering most of his torso. “Still recoverin’ from bein’ stabbed by an angel. And I really don’t want to face the wrath of the princess over there.” He cocks his head to a visibly disgruntled Spade.
Aeshma smiles at that, amused. “I understand.” He says simply.
“H-How long will you be gone?” Talon asks, slightly nervous. Isn’t Mammon one of the seven princes? And Aeshma is going to just march on him? Does he have any fear at all? He can feel his heart pounding in his chest, but he doesn’t understand why he’s so concerned. It’s just Aeshma.
“It shouldn’t take long.” Aeshma assures Talon with a subtle nod. He can hear the hybrid’s heartbeat. His eyes narrow and a sly smile forms on his face. “Are you worried about me, bunny?” He crosses his arms and arches one scarred eyebrow.
Talon’s face turns a deep shade of red when suddenly all eyes are on him. “Of course not!” He spits out anxiously, his heart beating faster. “I just don’t want to wait all day. You’ve got so much going on, I don’t really have that many chances to speak with you.” He pushes some of his hair behind his ear and looks down.
Aeshma’s deep chuckle flusters Talon further. “I’ll be sure to make room for you on my agenda.” He uses the knuckle of his index finger to turn Talon’s chin up. “So you don’t feel neglected.” He rumbles smoothly.
Zeke and Spade glance at each other with wide eyes and red cheeks, wondering what the hell they missed.
Talon yanks his face away from the demon’s touch, face burning even redder. “Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t feel neglected. Impatient more than anything.” He mutters dryly.
“Of course.” Aeshma says, his smile remaining for a moment. “Maher.” He looks at his second in command now, expression serious. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, sir.” Mahrem says, fixing his posture as he’s addressed by his commander. “As are the others.”
“Good.” Aeshma says approvingly. “Let’s get going.” He nods to the others before walking out with Mahrem.
“Jesus Christ…” Zeke grumbles, snapping out of his haze and rubbing his wrist. “That psycho almost took my hand off.”
“Let me have a look.” Spade adjusts his glasses again as he steps over to examine Zeke’s wrist. “You really need to stop touching people.” He mutters.
“Nice job calmin’ him down, snowflake.” Blake crosses his arms as he speaks. Part of him still feels the sharp knife of guilt in his chest. The weight of the news about Asmodeus is heavy on him. “Where’d ya learn that trick?”
Talon shrugs and closes his eyes lightly as he pulls his hair up into a ponytail. He feels hot all over and it’s irritating. “Yelling doesn’t solve everything.” He says simply. He smiles a little, proud of himself for calming the demon.
“Talon! Oh, my gosh! You’ll never believe what Rachelle just told me!” Matt comes rushing into the room, his excitement making him momentarily unaware of Blake. “She—” He stops cold, his eyes finally spotting the man over by the wall. “Blake!? Blake! You’re up!” He rushes over and wraps his arms around the man. His eyes are watery and his chest aches with joyful relief. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake!” He exclaims emotionally.
Blake hugs Matt briefly, rubbing the boy’s back. “Yeah, so am I, dollface. Didn’t plan on comin’ back, but someone kept buggin’ me.” He glances up at Zeke and winks.
Zeke scoffs and looks away. “Jackass…” The blond grumbles.
“This is fantastic! I’ll go get Zayne!” Matt turns away to walk back out the door, way to excited about Blake to remember what he even came into the room for.
“Matt wait! What did you want to tell me about Rachelle!?” Talon calls after him, taking one step forward. He needs the distraction.
“Oh! I’ll tell you later!” Matt calls back, his voice fading as he disappears up the staircase.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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mrs-gauche · 4 months
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The Dread Wolf Take You (Part 1)
~~Link to the complete 31 page comic here~~
"Imagine that, overlooking the god in your mids!"
May I present, my attempt at illustrating the last four pages of Tevinter Nights. 😁 (Also, the first time I'm posting art on here!)
As the whole thing was quite literally too long to post on tumblr, I uploaded the full version on a customized site made for reading webcomics (via ComicFury). Feel free to check out the link above if you like to read the rest! Also, if you're on mobile, there's a "Scroll View" option for easier navigation. :)
And, obviously, HUGE spoilers for those who haven't read Tevinter Nights!!
On a personal note though, I can't believe I actually finished it... As it had been a *very* long time since I drew (and finished) anything, let alone a 31 page comic and reading Tevinter Nights again finally sparked my motivation (and the courage to post it lol). So I want to thank Patrick Weekes for helping me overcome this massive art block and over two decades of Case Closed mangas for inspiring me how to draw an overly dramatic "exposing the imposter" moment. 😂 I tried my best to be as faithful to the book as possible and it took me forever, so... hope you like it! :D
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demigods-posts · 29 days
say what you want about the heroes of olympus series. but plucking your main character out of a story. giving them amnesia. and placing them in a different world with different rules goes so hard. allowing the audience to watch the character grow. allowing the audience to grow up with the character. allowing the audience to fall in love with the character. and then plucking said character out of a world with their name stamped on it. and the main character nonetheless? is such a genius move.
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enn0s · 4 months
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 6 months
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'Save ME'
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dianagj-art · 2 years
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What's this? is Raph with a steel chair!
prev / next
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puppyeared · 9 months
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au where asriel comes home early
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g1rlr0b1n · 2 months
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Yet another commission by the super amazing and talented @ookamihanta!!! Go check out their page to see more art!!! Their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I highly recommend them!!! 🦇
Blood of the Covenant (Preview)
Jon’s neck snapped over to where a silhouetted figure perched silently in a tree above. Had it not been for the scattering of birds, their frantic flapping and squawking, he may have never even noticed the presence up above. The figure crouched, hidden within the dark branches, like a predator observing, waiting to strike its prey. Jon felt a chill run down his spine as realization dawned on him. “just- just make it quick.”
Jon closed his eyes tight and waited for something that never came. Gathering his courage, he slowly opened his eyes and frantically scanned the area around the tree. The figure was nowhere to be seen. His body relaxed slightly, but before he could let out a breath of relief, the figure suddenly emerged from the underbrush, clutching a limp rabbit in his hand. Jon's breath caught in his throat at the sudden appearance and he couldn't help but shudder with fear.
“Tt,” he clicked his tongue and Jon immediately registered the sound as annoyance. He wondered if fear in its prey was becoming a nuisance for this particular vampire, it would have been almost laughable, if he wasn’t scared shitless right now.
Aside from the pounding in his chest, Jon watched on in silence as the creature expertly built a fire with dry twigs and leaves. The orange flames danced and flickered, casting eerie shadows on the surrounding trees. As the sun descended below the horizon, the fire became the only source of light, the sky now painted in shades of deep blue. The heat from the flames grew more intense, warming his skin and filling the air with the scent of burning wood. Jon’s eyes followed every move as the vampire gracefully skinned the rabbit, then with precise movements, drained the blood from the small animal. Jon’s throat tightened as the creature was skewered onto a freshly sharpened stick and placed over the embers. The smell of cooking meat filled the air, making Jon's stomach growl in hunger. The vampire seemed to have quite the sick sense of humor, subjecting him to such torture. Jon squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force his mind off of the pain in his gut.
Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice shattered the silence. "Eat," they commanded.
Confused and disoriented, Jon's eyes snapped open as he tried to make sense of the words. "W-what? Why?" His own voice came out weak and shaky.
“You clearly haven't eaten in a few days,” he stated matter-of-factly, his eyes roaming across him. Jon eagerly reached out, accepting the offering, savoring the succulent meat as it filled his empty stomach. When he finished, he crudely wiped his mouth with the cuff of his sleeve. He was still weary of the other but at least if he dies now, it would be with a full belly. The man continued to stare at Jon intently, never taking his gaze away. After a long silence, he spoke again, his voice low and measured, “how long have you been here?”
“Eighteen days,” he croaked out, feeling small and weak under the man's intense scrutiny.
The other only nodded. “Is that your canteen?”
Jon's heart sank as he nodded and replied, unable to hide the desperation in his voice, "It's empty." The sound of his own almost unfamiliar timbre only served as a reminder of how long it had been since he had last spoken to another human being…or anything close to it.
Without another word, the man snatched the canteen from Jon's hands and disappeared quickly into the dense forest. Minutes dragged on like hours, Jon could do nothing but watch as the moon dragged across the sky until it was directly overhead. With no clear sense of time, he began to wonder if he’d been abandoned once again, left alone in this desolate place with nothing but his thoughts for company.
As the last embers of the fire began to fade, Jon's gaze caught a glint of movement in the corner of his eye. He watched as the lithe figure of the man emerged from the shadows with the canteen in hand. With a quick flick of his wrist, he tossed the canteen at Jon, who winced as it thudded against his chest. “Vampires?”
Jon nodded, “yeah, we took them out but I got inj-”. He flinched, realizing suddenly that he was talking to a vampire about taking out his own kind.
The man seemed disinterested in the murder of his kin and instead chose to focus on something else entirely. “We?”
Jon swallowed the lump forming in his throat, “yeah, the guys I'd been traveling with.”
“They left you here?”
“To die?” he interjected.
“I told them too. I was slowing them down.” Jon’s voice came out smaller than he intended it to.
The man carried on, as though uninterested. “Kryptonian?”
“How did you-?” The man's piercing gaze landed on the prominent "S" adorning Jon's chest. Jon shifted uncomfortably, feeling foolish, “oh. Yeah.” The two sat in tense silence once more, until the question that had been gnawing at Jon could no longer be contained, “why haven't you killed me yet?”
For the first time since the man had appeared, he seemed to be taken off guard. He sat in quiet contemplation, his brow furrowed and eyes distant. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke again. “I knew your father. He was a good friend of my father.”
“Was.” Jon felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, “so, he’s dead then.”
“I’m sorry,” his eyes flashed with empathy, just briefly, before returning to their stoic state, “but yes. They both are.”
“It's okay,” Jon tried to reassure himself, though his voice trembled slightly. “I think...I think I already knew.” As the words left his mouth, he felt a sense of finality wash over him, confirming what he had been desperately trying to deny. His father hadn’t come looking for him, he had already known it could only mean one thing. Silence consumed the air once more, until Jon finally spoke, “so, you haven’t killed me because my dad used to be friends with your dad?”
“Is that not enough?” he shrugged.
Jon quickly shook his head, “no, I mean, I’ll take it.”
“Tt. So, don’t die on me Jonathan Kent or this will have been a complete waste of my time.”
Surprise flickered across Jon's face, “you know my name?”
The other man scoffed, “of course, I'm the son of Batman.”
“Batman? ... So then, are you ...Tim?”
“I'm insulted.” The man's expression turned from irritation to hurt, “no, I'm Damian. I'm... I'm the last living son of Batman.” A weight seemed to settle upon him as he spoke these words, as if the realization of his own loneliness had suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks.
“I'm sorry. My... my brother is gone too.” Damian allowed the silence to consume the night, he did not ask Jon any more questions and for that, Jon was grateful.
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Sub Bucky and a breeding kink 💀 dead unlived it's one of my favourite things 😌
This is pretty high up there on my list of dream fantasies 🥵 these are two of my biggest weaknesses, don't even look at me rn
One of life's greatest joys is cuddling with the other person's head resting on your chest so you can play with their hair and rub their shoulders. I love that shit, having someone else's body weight on you is so comforting.
I imagine that's something Bucky would really enjoy too. It's so soft and sweet and tender and getting to feel cared for would really appeal to him.
But that's up until his hands work their way under your top, up over your bare skin so he's able to cup your breasts and bury his face between them while he's getting his hair played with. Life's pleasures don't get much simpler than that.
After a few moments he shifts slightly, tugging the neckline of your shirt out of the way to give himself space to kiss and nip your skin. All of a sudden he's desperate and it's beautiful to watch.
"Please." He whispers between frantic kisses, flicking his tongue over the stiff peak of your nipple before engulfing it with his warm, eager mouth.
"Please, what?" You tease, tugging on his hair just a little for emphasis.
He groans, frustrated by his own lack of coherence, pulling his mouth from your nipple. "Please let me put a baby in you."
That's not what you were expecting but fuck, he makes it sound pretty appealing.
"Bucky-" You begin but he cuts you off, giving your other nipple the same attention as he gave the first. God, that's distracting.
"You'd make. Such. A pretty. Mommy." He whispers, kissing his way down your body until he reaches the bottom seam of your top. From there, he pulls it off, letting it fall to the floor before removing the rest of your clothes.
"You'd look so pretty with a little baby bump." His huge hand rests on your bare tummy, imaging how your body would change.
"I want it, Buck." You mean it too. It doesn't sound like such a bad idea when he's taking his clothes off.
"I know you want it." He groans, rubbing the tip of his dick against your soaked core. "Y-you're so wet."
He presses his hips forward, sliding inside you and you can't explain it but you swear it feels different this time.
"Don't even think about pulling out." You cup his face in your hands, keeping his eyes on you and you almost worry he's going to fuck himself senseless into you. "I want you to make me a mommy. You're going to give me every single drop of cum and when it starts to drip out of me, you're going to fuck it back in."
His head falls onto your shoulder, sobbing a pathetic moan against your already hot skin. The pace of his thrusts matches his need, his hips slamming into yours and when he finally gives in, he cums inside you with your legs clamped around his waist, making sure he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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gazkamurocho · 6 months
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Haruka draws Kiryu
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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rewatched Kurogiri's holiday story from ultra impact (not related to sketch at all)
(but it did inspire me)
on another note
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#fanart#sketch#my art#bnha#shigaraki tomura#tenko shimura#kurogiri#I cried a bit while playing it I missed the classic LoV I missed Kurogiri WITH the LoV it's been so long :(#and it feels like last chapter (423 atm) broke the seal of sketching them as anything but something static#it took me two or so days to just understand that Kurogiri is... yeah#I can't believe it took Horikoshi so long to bring him back but as I said and will say it again I glad it happened at all#after some thought I just want to sit with the chapters#anyway getting the preordered book was so much fun#it was full of LoV from Toga and Dabi talking about her house to Tenko being upset over being told that he doesn't have friends#and everything in-between basically only Compress left to join in the next volume#I think????#I actually want to get another one already they're so goodddd#and the translation sounds pretty good but I checked some pages not the whole book it'll be boring#it's actually so weird to think that I started a goal of reading the whole series ad it was now officially coming out like this back in 201#and now it's 2024 and the translation is pretty much ahead of anime and maybe it'll be faster than viz volumes too#since it's 2 in 1 basically - I think it's really great since I save some money but get LoV chapters every time#because they appear every 2 books at the start of the series and back then it was hard for me to get them#but I felt content seeing all the books that I bought when I was visiting family for holidays this month because there are so many of them#and I don't need any wi-fi or internet in general to read them back to back now with an addictional volume#they have some mistakes but I don't mind them it feels good to just hold all of them (and a bit heavy after like 8 books) and now it's 18
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fantasy-girl974 · 4 months
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His Trust...
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noahmullariii · 4 months
the rage I feel when reading Blood of Olympus chapters 45-56 is almost equivalent in magnitude to the absolute joy I experience when reading The Last Olympian chapters 1-23.
remember when percabeth was good? when they meant the world to each other but had other people they cared about (nico, for one. both of them. so much), other worries and other storylines aside from their romantic plot? and when nico's completed arc wasn't repeated for no reason other than to dump more trauma on the youngest character in the series? when background characters were included in the story not for all the unnecessary last minute romantic subplots but because they were fun and fascinating to learn more about? and were actually friends with main characters? remember when grover was percy and annabeth's best friend forever? and antagonists were actually interesting and intimidating and had compelling goals? and the story revolved around friendship and family and loyalty? and death was definite and loss was palpable and battles were thrilling?
yeah. good times.
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 5 months
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‘MIC Drop’
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tapakah0 · 1 year
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I'M SORRY I don't like to put something little mine with the great stories I love so much but *inhales* @somerandomdudelmao, @kathaynesart, are you okay with doing this???? *Puts you both in the "Bucket of suffering"*
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