#chapter 110 spoilers
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pikinanouart · 1 month ago
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I sooo need to learn how to animate cause I want to see a GIF of derpy FriendlyAlien!Donovan spinning in space with this stupid derpy face!
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legend-of-cupcake · 1 year ago
Spoilers for TBHK 110!!
Small analysis and thoughts below
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This right here, it broke my heart. Tsukasa has went this entire time believing with all his heart that Amane hates him, and that it's okay for him to disappear. That mindset he had at 4 years old never changed. And Amane doesn't help himself at all, he never says what he really means, and watching him say this:
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Is even more tragic, because we know he doesn't mean it literally. But Tsukasa will take him that way anyways, further strengthening his beliefs. Reading this though, it brought my mind back to that small flashback we had during chapter 101.
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I wonder if Tsukasa spent a lot of time trying to coax Amane into revealing his true desires, wanting him to be more honest so Tsukasa knew where he stood. But because of the way Amane naturally is, he doesn't say anything regarding his true feelings-- maybe he feels he can't. When Tsukasa grants a wish, bad things start happening.
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Maybe Amane knew that, and became more guarded about his dreams and desires. Became more closed off about how much he truly loves his little brother, never saying the words themselves, but feeling it all the same. Amane loved Tsukasa so much that he followed him into the afterlife, just so he could see him again, made him his yorishiro so they would always be bound together.
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Perhaps, had Amane told Tsukasa how he felt before they died, even just once, then things could've been different.
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helpimtired · 1 year ago
how many times is mitsuba going to die?
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mikasenpaidesu · 1 month ago
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damn, he gonna flip his shit once he knows 😂
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youuuimeanmee · 1 month ago
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(endo-san, if you've planned this from the beginning, then a thousand applauds for you for sticking to this plot & foreshadowings for so long. If u were just throwing shit up & rely on fans' theories to see where you're going next, then great job for making it seem so seamless. wtf.)
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I still don't buy the "Donovan is an alien" narrative completely; I still think he changed after he secretly volunteered to be a lobotomy experiment subject, to get the superpower he wants to reach a greater understanding in humanity.
Although, if Endo really wish to introduce a terrestial being into this series, then, does that mean Anya's telepathic ability is really born from the lab's experiment? Is she born from the sperm of an alien?? Alien DNA recombination?? Lolol. *edit: this is just me hoping that Anya's telepathic ability was developed in vitro, bc the idea of those mad scientists opening up Anya's skull & cutting up her brain whe she was a baby is just sick beyond belief & i cant accept that.*
I am so so glad to see Fiona in this chapter, trying to extract extra info from Desmond's staff! It really hammers down how incredible this valuable opportunity is for Westalis. Great job Endo-san, for not forgetting to include this 👍
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Wait a damn minute.
If what Melinda say is true, Donovan can read minds,
Then Donovan must've read Twillight's mind on their first meeting; his fake persona & and Operation Strix have already been busted.
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Maybe this is not just a mere illustration inside Twillight's head, maybe this really IS Donovan's reaction when he find out about Operation Strix?? LMAO
Or maybe Donovan can only read minds to a certain extent –not fully like Anya, so maybe he can only get the gist of what people are thinking; so he doesn't know Operation Strix yet, but he knows that Twilight wants to extract some information from him.
(though I wanna add, even if Twillight is from the opposing country, I hope Twillight's sincerity to meet in the middle could reach Donovan too.)
I've known these theories for awhile, but could these be true afterall?? (We're already at this stage, but I still don't wanna assume fanons as canons.)
IF Damian —at the family dinner— was remembering Anya's confession that she can read minds, and he wished he could read what's on his father's mind too,
Does it mean Anya's telepathic ability is already busted by Donovan?
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Is my theory from ch 106 correct afterall???
Oh wAIT.
FUCK I forgot if Donovan read Melinda's mind too, then he must've learned that Melinda has befriended Yor Forger. The mother of Anya Forger. The daughter of Loid Forger.
Combine that information from Melinda and information from Damian that Anya can read minds....
... does it mean Donovan has assumed that Twillight from Westalis is using his telepathic "daughter" as a spy in Eden Academy?
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Funny thing is, Twilight himself has no idea about all this implication. He's a million steps away from Donovan.
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(lol how could I not read this from miles away)
Argh fuck, I'm really worried for Anya now.
This could very well escalate into the "war" of obtaining Anya as an asset. Maybe it'll still be light-hearted, like manipulating Damian's romantic feelings for Anya by inviting her to have dinner together, but still. At first, I thought Donovan might get Anya expelled from school because she's dangerous, but I figure she's just too valuable to be tossed away; it's better to keep her close while extracting info from her as much as he can. Or use her ability to the fullest.
At least Anya is now aware that Donovan has the same ability as her, so at least she can proceed with more caution now.
I hate seeing Anya being the only one aware of the whole situation & she struggles alone to keep it all together — like what she has done all this time. That's why I really want Anya to come clean with Twilight so he can at least get a picture of the whole situation he's facing right now, and protect her properly, but I know it'll massively shift the Forger dynamic we're used to. I have no idea how will Endo handle this development from now on.
Well, that's enough anxiety for tonight.
Stay safe Anya! 🙏🥺🥺🥺
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aunnokokyuu · 2 years ago
what if YOU were a poor little animation studio who kept straightifying the very homosexual moments between a tiger and a malnourished victorian child in order to make the anime more appealing to the general public. but THE MANGAKA HIMSELF said NO here’s a scene where said malnourished victorian child sensually bites the tiger’s neck while he’s transformed as a vampire and U HAVE TO ANIMATE IT THIS TIME BCS ITS IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT!!! now bones if you straightify that scene like you did to akutagawa telling atsushi to run you fool then you can trust that i’ll find you more than you trust in god
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etrevil · 2 years ago
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Why do they always gotta leave with a smile, infront of the people who care about them?
*if we had art of Albatross in his dying moments he could be here 🥲
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karmicpunishment · 2 years ago
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basically me after this chapter
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toomanymarkers · 1 year ago
Nothing happened guys what are you talking about
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cresneta · 1 month ago
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I'll admit that I'm still not fully convinced that he can actually read minds, but I'm looking forward to the story exploring this possibility. I think it will make an interesting contrast with how the narrative handles Anya's mind reading now that she's told Damian about it.
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The main reason I'm not convinced he can minds is because Twilight literally thought, "I am a spy," during his meeting with Donavan, and nothing happened to him.
This does make me wonder if either Demetrius or Melinda has told Damian that they think Donavan can read minds, although given that he doesn't seem to be particularly close to his mom and brother I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't confided in him.
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I'm inclined to think that this happened after Damian's birth because Demetrius has some warm memories with Donavan.
I know this may be a bit of a reach, but I think that it is possible that Donavan, just like some fans of the series, might suspect that Damian isn't his son. If I'm right about that, I think this suspicion could be what led to him distancing himself from the rest of his family. The reason why he isn't treating Damian worse than he is due to him realizing that Damian is an innocent party in all this. I think the reason why he hasn't gone public with this is due to him wanting to avoid a scandal that could hurt this political career.
To reach a bit further, I think the person who Donavan suspects of being Melinda's affair partner may be a relative of his that we haven't heard of yet due to how he went off about not being able to trust people you share blood with. I personally wouldn't rule out the possibility that Jeeves is somehow related to Donavan...
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Then again, maybe I've just spent too much time reading dramatic tales of dubious veracity on the best of reddit updates sub for my own good...
Edit: I'd also like to point out that while they didn't have DNA tests in the 60s, they did have HLA testing that could be used to determine paternity with an 80% success rate, but it wasn't able to distinguish between close relatives. This is something that I initially came across while doing research for a Spy x Family time travel fic idea I have that I'm unlikely to ever write or post...
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chaotic-star-go-boom · 1 month ago
After this revelation, I realized that there was a reason why Anya couldn’t read Demetrius mind
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jejelovescats · 1 month ago
My analysis on spy x family chapter 110
well, this was certainly one heck of a chapter
I have LOADS to yap about so get ready
As stated in my previous analysis, that Melinda was most probably a victim of abuse, I stated that it was VERY likely to be canon, around 90% or so, after this chapter, the likelihood drops to 20% but we still have psychological abuse to keep in mind. (This does NOT mean that Donovan doesn't physically abuse her)
Now let's recap on what we said last chapter (pulls out last analysis bc I genuinely don't remember anything)
Of course, we still don't know why she has some sort of hatred towards her husband, it's pretty much been debunked that Donovan physically abuses her BUT psychological abuse is still an option on the table. She could also feel that her privacy is being invaded. It's also very likely that her hatred towards him started right after she mentioned him "becoming a completely different man" that I assume is when he got his telepathy.
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Now this is one of the MOST important things I would like to discuss today which, once again, is Melinda's relationship with her family, in the last analysis, it was stated that Melinda has a VERY complex relationship towards Damian, in which she calls him "my treasure, my curse" which creates a paradox since, how can Damian be a treasure AND a curse at the same time? which leads us to think, 'well, of course Damian's her treasure, he's her son. but why does she call him her curse?'
Didn't Melinda say that he became a different man when Damian was born?
what if..
Melinda blames Damian for the change in Donovan?
What if she thinks that the reason Donovan suddenly changed, is because of her son's birth? she said it herself "shortly after my first child was born, or was it the second?"
As I said previously, I still do believe that Donovan and Melinda were previously in love, we can see how he used to treat Demetirus.
and also, it would make more sense, she doesn't want to believe someone she loved so much became someone so distant.
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So that leads us to ask, if Donovan REALLY DID become a telepath, why is he so distant? I don't have an answer for that I'm sorry.
Something else I wanted to speak about is Melinda's reaction when Loid asked her if Donovan harmed her, that is a HUGE cause for concern, I lowkey cried for the poor woman. At first glance, I thought that she was lying, since sudden and insisting outbursts are a sign that someone is lying, but if you dig deeper, this might just show the extent of how much Melinda really does love Donovan, she's putting her mental and physical health on the line for him. she's scared for her husband and she's throwing any explanation, even if it's far fetched, just to justify her husband's actions. That's what love does to someone. She is suffering.
She feels trapped in her relationship with Donovan, she wants to protect both Damian and Demitrus when she can hardly protect herself. She thinks her current status with Donovan is a facade since, according to her, he's an alien. So all she can do, in an attempt to manage her life, is just go with it. whatever her husband decides to do, she falls victim to. (this proves the psychological manipulation/neglect)
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The second most important thing I wanted to talk about is the fact that it's technically confirmed that Donovan can read minds, so ummm, chat. Loid is COOKED. My guy just HAD to spill ALL his plan ideas in his mind when they decided to meet. you can tell Donovan was PISSED.
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but seriously though, apart from the fact that loid is screwed, what does this mean for Anya? I'm sure she does NOT want to meet the 'evil super boss anymore' in order to preserve her secret. I do wonder though, were their powers made in the same lab? (People theorize its project apple and I'm one of them) that would make a lot of sense since Melinda said that Donovan started acting differently after damiana was born, which was also around the time Anya was born. Maybe that's the time they BOTH got their powers.
conclusion: Melinda REALLY needs a new therapist bc her therapist is essentially screwed.
See you in 2 weeks guys!!
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tare-anime · 1 month ago
SxF Mission 110
(Beware spoilers)
Woah! That was such a scary jumpscare 🥶🥶
Endo would you please stop doing that with Donnie??? Gosh..... 😅😅😅
Anyway, this chapter make me relieved.
Before this chapter, I was conflicted.
I know and I believe Loid is a good man. He has good heart and really wants what best for everyone. However he also was known to be such a perfectionist when doing his job, and he's so good at it. Of course he is not a stranger to anything by any means necessary to achieve his goals. That's the grey morale of his character.
Logically speaking, as the spy it is such a waste of opportunity if he suggest Melinda to leave her husband to end her suffering. But... that's exactly what he did. And he was sincere when he told Melinda that he knows Melinda is suffering by being with Donovan (showed by the transparent speech bubble).
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He acknowledge that there are types of abusive behaviour. Physical and verbal. And he acknowledge that Melinda is enduring a great deal of stress.
This.... is a waaaaaaayyyy more better portrayal of how Loid doing his job as a psychiatrist. Miles better than his session with the Tutor Residence chapter.
His analysis and approach is way more compassionate while at the same time, he is showing a professional side.
Aside from being compassionate, Loid also managed to push his mission forward.
And by doing that, we now know another information: Melinda (and Demetrius) believes that Donovan can read minds.
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I know this theory has been going around for quite sometimes. Especially with Anya being an experimental result herself, and Donovan has two identical scars on his head, in the more or less identical position of Anya's hairclip.
But....... I'm going with the unpopular opinion here.
I say no, Donovan cannot read minds.
My theory: He might be undergo an experimentation to gain such ability, but he himself is a failure. However, Donovan does uses the rumor regarding his ability to read minds to its fullest potential. That is using the rumor to control the people and ensure he maintains his political power. He might even has few trusted inner circle who actively spreading this rumors.
And that's why Donnie was so happy during that disasterous "family dinner" several chapters back. Donnie can confirm that the rumor still has its effect to his own family. A very few "outer ring" people who has direct contact with him.
But, that's it. It's just rumors being used to its potential in giving suggestive thoughts upon others.
Because, plot wise, that would be unmatch with what Endo has been building, and creating a plot hole as mentioned by Endo himself via Loid's inner thoughts.
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Not to say that if Donnie really can read minds, it means he already know Loid was a spy from their very first contact.
But honestly, I don't know where Endo planned with this.
Maybe this will lead to Anya's backstory??? 👀
Either way, we can only wait and let Endo cooks his story 🤭🤭🤭
Next chapter is a short chapter, iirc 🤔 so maybe we will know something in 4 weeks.
I love how Loid said thank you to Yor, and didn't actually convey what thing that make him thanked her. Since the parenteses was in his inner thoughts 🤣🤣
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But he was being genuine (thank you Anya). And that's what matter 🥰🥰
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mikasenpaidesu · 1 month ago
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endo is definitely fucking with us because if this is true they all have no chance against donovan 😃
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youuuimeanmee · 1 month ago
If Donovan will truly shift his attention to Anya now, maybe Anya won't have to change class?
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What if Donovan manipulates the school so that the students in "exceeds standard" class consist of, not just students from the highest ranking, but also, the students who get a stellar star?
(I know Eden Academy is prestigious and highly values integrity, but Donovan is literally the ex-Prime Minister and corrupt teachers like Mr. Swan are probably prevalent, too).
Because Anya got a stellar star in Classical language, maybe she'll get to be in the same class as Damian and Becky again?
Maybe Donovan will set this up so that DamiAnya can "naturally" get close. I mean, one of this story's theme is Cold War, so if Donovan wants to get to Anya, he'll find the most peaceful & subtle way to lure her in, right?
Maybe we will get more DamiAnya in the future,but at what cost 😭
*edit: wait. If the "the students in "Exceeds Standard" class only consists of students who get stellar stars, that means Anya will get separated from Becky, but she'll still sit with Damian in the same class. No Emile & Ewen who interrupt DamiAnya moment. In fact, this class will have Bill and Crowley in it too! And those boys treat Anya decently! Will romance gag shift from tsundere-romcom to the reverse-harem genre?? Lmao*
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emaline10tothe-9 · 1 month ago
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