#chaos marine
mypanicatsix · 24 days
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Reposting this because I wanted to share the love for space marine 2
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heuldoch7b · 3 months
I’ve never done an art request before so I don’t quite understand the formalities of it but I’d absolutely love to see your rendition of an OC of mine
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hell yeaaaaa :) super sick design
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Break All
Author's notes: Hura in Husbandry AU. Thanks to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric.
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Hura gets called in to take young Cedric with him to the Chaos base where the twitchy Imhoden is to do his intake exam. He notices that Cedric seems... Upset and Zariel's being... suspicious.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Hura had spoken with Zariel over vox, about transferring young Cedric to the Chaos base for a few days so that he’d be able to help with the twitchy and flighty new arrival of the Loyalist Thousand Sons Imhoden. 
He arrived at the base, with the pass in hand, and patiently waited to be processed, amused with the way that the Loyalists were watching and not-watching him. Even with the almost-treaty between the larger Chaos War-bands and the Loyalists, things were understandably tense with the way things are between the Corpse Worshippers and the Followers of Chaos. 
He steps up to the Space Marine in charge of intake and greeting visitors, an Ultramarine who was trying valiantly to not go for his Bolter as he handed over his credentials and stated his reason for being at the base. 
Zariel shows up with young Cedric at his elbow, Hura watches the pair as they head over to them. Something seems to be bothering young Cedric, from the way his eyes are dancing from person to person, and from exit to exit. 
There seems to be something… tense and almost protective in Zariel’s stance. He’s heard from others that a feral war band of Loyalist Black Templars is in the area. Hura also knows that they have likely stopped at this base, since it’s partly run by Imperial Fists, and Black Templars are a successor chapter to resupply, among other things.
“Hello Apothecary Cedric,” Hura croons out to the younger Apothecary, he watches the way Cedric almost flinches at him and hides a frown at that.
He turns to give Zariel A Look, and kindly warbles out to the youngest of the trio of Apothecary Marines saying, “I need to speak with Zariel for a moment, Cedric, can you handle my outtake with the Ultramarine at the welcome desk, they seem to be a frightfully jumpy sort. Perhaps your face will ease their anxieties, young one.”
“Yes, sir,” Cedric says, not looking him in the eyes, as he nods and heads over to the welcome desk to start Hura’s and his check out process with the person manning the desk.
“Zariel,” Hura croons to the ‘Ultramarine’, carefully grabbing one of the tricky Apothecary’s arms firmly as he picks up and easily carries the smaller Space Marine to a more private location, a supply closet that doesn’t have a camera inside of it. “What is going on, he looks like someone’s about to beat him to death.”
“Funny you should say that,” Zariel chirps at him, “I am not at liberty to discuss that, as it was something Cedric told me in confidence.”
Hura continues to loom over the smaller Apothercary, his grip on the other’s arm tightening. Displeased with the lack of information, “However,” Zariel continues to say, “things are fine at this Base, and we just need to ensure that Cedric stays with you at the Chaos base for a few days, then he can return with that Jumpy Loyalist Thousand Sons.”
“So what’s wrong with the Black Templar War Band that’s arrived in the city that has Cedric so scared?” Hura asks, his mind connecting dots.
“Now why do you think he’s upset about some of his older brothers being in residence nearby?” Zariel says, still trying to escape the grasp of the Chaos Apothecary.
“Alpharius don’t take me for a fool,” Hura hisses at the other, who’s features and colors don’t shift from Ultramarine colors. 
“Now that’s an Ugly thing to say to someone!” Zariel gasps wounded at the other’s accusation.
“I know that Zariel the Ultramarine died in battle in M40,” Hura says, “I killed him personally.”
“Well,” Alpharius says, shifting to Alpha Legion colors, “Fuck. How did you know it was Not-Zariel and instead him coming to Ancient Terra, people who died, or almost died have shown up from any-when and any-where.”
“I had infected him with one of Grandfather’s Gifts,” Hura says, voice now back to its more soporific honey-poisoned tones, “Even if he’d arrived on Ancient Terra, he’d slowly be transforming into a Plague Marine. You show no symptoms of such. Not just that, but into one of my Thralls.”
“Oh. Throne Curse me.” Alpharius groans and slumps a little, “And you haven’t called me out on it before… because?”
“It’s good to have secrets,” Hura says, “It’s good to know of cards that you can use to move others as you wish.”
“That is positively Alpha Legion of you,” Alpharius says, knowing that just might piss him off more.
“The Alpha legion isn’t the only one with secret keepers and those who know how to be Rule Makers, instead of pawns or players in the game,” Hura replies, “it’s just usually harder since we don’t get such training as you, or the resources.”
“... Fair enough,” Alpharius says with a sigh. “I meant what I said, if Cedric tells you about why he needs to leave the base for a while, it’s up to him.”
“So it’s bad,” Hura says, “To push a Son of Dorn, especially a Black Templar into a strategic retreat is.”
Almost completely unheard of, which tells him just how bad this potential feral war band of Black Templars might be. Granted, Cedric is an unusually gentle and kind one for his Type of Son of Dorn. More in line with a Crimson Fist. Or a young Word Bearer. Hm.
“I shall go and protect young Cedric,” Hura says, “We will discuss this further at a later time, once this small emergency has passed.”
“... I await with bated breath,” The Hydra snarks at him, before recoiling in a gratifying way when Hura turns to glare at him briefly for being a little shit who had to get the last word in.
Hura heads out of the supply closet and over to where Cedric is trying not to wring his hands anxiously, his ears are bright red. Poor young Scout, “Thank you for your patience, young Cedric, come- I need your help with a Jumpy Loyalist Thousand Sons who arrived on Terra recently. He refuses to be looked over by any of the Apothecaries that are on Base, due to their Chaos nature. Perhaps he needs a Loyalist to help him calm down?”
“Yes sir,” Cedric says obediently following him two steps back and to the left.
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Chaos Terminator by  Ferrum Ferrum
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gaykarstaagforever · 7 months
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belthegore · 1 year
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feeling regular
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valhallasoutlaw · 1 year
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*unholy Noise Marine screeching* Tertius would be having the time of his life as a noise marine and I wanted to draw the power armor crop top
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gaozme · 8 months
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Bay Area Open 2023
Group Commission work.
one of the challenging work i did, in middle of the progress i lost my iPad Pro that I worked on, was moved working on the PC, the progress was slow then unfortunate event stuck Corrupting the PDF file of this illustration including the other works, in the end i was able to salvage it and finished it, I learn so much from this work, and I'll always thanks my client for their understanding and patience with me.
Open for commission! you can contact me thru Discord GAOZ or Email me Via: [email protected]
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paniwarhamauser · 2 years
Those two should meet, fight and then kiss 😏
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crassussativum · 2 years
Latest round painted and no special bases this time. Another skaven, a nightlord and another red dude with a thousand sons decal on his shoulder pad.
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Fairly old pencil sketch of a Thousand Son and his little heretek buddy
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anitabottempubs · 2 years
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Author's notes: Zaarius in Husbandry
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Zaarius, happy from collecting the items from his Loyalist clients, the intel, and other resources that they paid in response for his Delights. Now, he just needs to trade with Hura so that he gets stuff from him.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Zaarius hums to himself pleased at how much he’d received from his Loyalist clients making sure to carefully put his trade goods in carefully protective crates with his name stamped on them. He knows that will only have some of those within the Base hesitate briefly before rifling through his stuff for their own benefit.
Now- he’s got an Apothecary to trade with, he’s heard the complaints from some of the Apothecaries about how stingy the Loyalists are with sharing supplies in certain kinds of medications and other sorts of supplies that they need. Some of those supplies are growing ever lesser, and thus more valuable to trade for.
Which has him grin sharply, and has those who are smart, avoiding him, while also watching him carefully for his Shenanigans. He pushes the crate on a rolling cart, it’s annoying that they don’t have any anti-gravitation hover carts, which are a much more elegant way to move things.
“Hura, dear cousin!” Zaarius calls out with a churring trill in his voice. “I am glad that we were able to have time to discuss something with each other.”
He’d requested some of Hura’s time, knowing that the other is very busy being a higher ranking Apothecary who’s really good at his job and isn’t an entirely sadistic piece of work, which can be a trend among the Renegade, and more particularly, the Chaos Apothecary Space Marines.
Hura inclines his head as he looks down at his smaller fellow Chaos Marine, Zaarius could be quite the entertaining fellow. So long as he wasn’t in a Spiteful mood, Hura gestures for Zaarius to follow after him.
“My office is just down the way,” Hura says, looking at the crate filled with something. ”What’s that you have there?”
“Supplies I traded some Loyalists for,” Zaarius says with a grin, his six sets of eyes squinting a little as he gives out a bit of a pleased trill. “That is why I wanted to meet with you Hura, is some of the supplies I gathered, I figured you would be interested, what with some of the supply issues that the Medicae of Chaos have been having due to that little squabble that you lot have been having recently.”
“Just what kinds of supplies did you acquire?” Hura asks, “and how did you acquire them?”
“I acquired them through honest, legal trade with some Loyalists who are interested in my particular services that I can personally do,” Zaarius says honestly, “how they acquired the goods is not my care to know.”
Hura looks at him steadily, for a few hearts beat, slowly taking in what the other has said and looks at the crate again before looking at Zaarius, “What kind of medical supplies did you legally acquire?”
 Zaarius grins up at him and with one of his extra arms he carefully lifts up the crate and grabs out some of the medical supplies, a sample of each of the medications that they are starting to sorely lack that the Loyalists have a decent supply of.
“A little of this, a little of that,” Zaarius replies as he hands over the samples, so that Hura can test the quality of the supplies for himself. “Please tell me if the quality is off so I can discuss with my suppliers the foolishness of their actions, please Hura?”
If they aren’t of the quality that he’d requested, then he’s going to ensure that those Loyalist clients of his will be properly punished for their hubris and foolishness for trying to short their Dealer of their rightful due.
Hura takes the samples, and uses part of his assessor array to test the quality of the medicines, which are what they are labeled to be as of the high quality that can be made on ancient terra with the limited supplies and technology that they have available.
He informs Zaarius of such, he seems most pleased with the answer, he knows that this crate of supplies is not going to be given to him, or to the Medicae at the base, but is something he’s going to trade for something he needs or wants instead. 
Such is the way of Chaos, even in these unprecedented times, so long as supplies are hoarded too much and theft is kept at a minimum those in charge are willing to look the other way, because trying to fight over petty stuff will leave them at a serious disadvantage with the Loyalists and Renegades. 
Not to mention the factions within the baseline humans that could also take advantage of such disharmony. So Hura negotiates with Zaarius for the supplies, discussing with him the details of the trade, and doing his best to not have to give the other too much.
Hura manages to get a good deal out of Zaarius, but reminding the other that he lives on this Base as well, and how they do need to maintain a professional relationship with one another.
Also, that he or one of his fellow Death  Guard Apothecaries are going to be the ones to do his next health assessment. And then he gives the other one of his pleasant smiles. Zarius’s main eyes stare at him and narrow slightly, while the other sets of eyes dart around a little as he thinks over his next response.
Zaarius decides to make the smart decision and not try to be too greedy with his request with only some minor Slanneshi Space Marine dramatics. Which mildly amuses and annoys Hura at the same time. 
Zaarius gives half of the supplies, waiting on the recompense for the trade that he just made with Hura. Following after the other and humming one of those stupid Ancient Terran human songs that are so annoyingly catchy.
Hura gets the requested trade supplies and he makes sure to double count them as he watches Hura take the supplies that he’d gotten in trade with the Loyalists. Pleased that Hura hadn’t tried to short him  he takes the supplies and plans where he’s going to keep the supplies and not have them stolen from him by some bastard either a wanderer or a resident of the base.
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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Traitor Legions
by Mick19988
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illustratus · 7 months
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Chaos. The Genesis — by Ivan Aivazovsky
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I made a stupid ridiculous hideous beastie, now you have to look at it
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