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champingnon triple cream cheese with mushrooms
really good
with cracker and probably jam and other things i dont rember
erm..... i forgot to remember like anything about this one but i liked it a lot. it has mushrooms in it and it’s basically brie and i like that. the moushrooms add a nice salt and ground flavor to the cheese that is good and i enjoy and it’s kind of cheap as fuck so its basically the best cheese ever
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Este final de semana o Haesun Complex oferece uma noite especial para todos os moradores: Uma noite de pizza e vinho!
Estão todos convidados para comparecer no cerimonial do condomínio para desfrutar dessa noite maravilhosa e o melhor: para encher a barriga!
Além do vinho, também contaremos com bebidas não alcoólicas para aqueles que querem aproveitar a noite sem ter aquela famosa dor de cabeça que o vinho deixa no outro dia. E aí, já escolheu o seu sabor favorito de pizza?
Vinhos e combinações
Cabernet Sauvignon para quem aprecia pizzas de embutidos e apimentadas, Pinot Noir combinando perfeitamente com champingnons e outros tipos de cogumelos. Já o Blend ou assemble, com combinações de mais uvas, é a pedida certa para a queridinha marguerita. E pra quem gosta dos queijos? Temos o Chardonnay!
Sabores de Pizza
Margherita; tomate, queijo muçarela e manjericão.
Marinara; tomate, azeite extra virgem, orégano e alho
Prosciutto e funghi; presunto, cogumelos e molho de tomate
Quattro stagioni; queijo provolone, gorgonzola, muçarela e parmesão ralado.
Capricciosa; presunto, alcachofras, cogumelos e azeitonas pretas.
Quattro formaggi; muçarela de búfala, parmesão, muçarela, gorgonzola, tomate, cebola e alho.
Ortolana/Vegena; muçarela vegana, abobrinha fresca, pimentões coloridos e alho-poró.
Diavola; muçarela, linguiça diavoleti, ricota e manjericão
Data: 24/08, sábado.
Horário: A partir das 19h.
Local: Cerimonial do Haesun.
Notas da moderação
Depois de festas, feriado, falta de luz e desconto na balada, chegamos com um evento mais calmo pra vocês!
Lembrando que nosso discord ficará disponível às 19h00 pra quem quiser participar ou só jogar conversa fora sobre o evento.
Vocês podem usar a #hsngram como #hsnpizza para postar suas fotos. E lembrando quem quem não puder participar, tem a opção da call para combinar "por fora".
Leu até aqui? Deixe um emoji "tudo acaba em pizza" ou culinário!
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Diet nr 5 p.Sparing variant.
1 st breakfast. Souffle meat, oats porridge of milk, tea, rusks.
2 nd breakfast curd calcium, juice vegetable 150 gr, rusks.
Lunch. Oats soup half portion, meat stewed cutlets with milk sauce. Soljanka stewed, baked apple.
Afternoon snack.
Omelet white egg, stewed, hibiscus drink 150 gr, rusks.
Dinner. Meat balls meat stewed with milk sauce, carrot purée, curd pudding, tea.
For night. curd fatness , kefir 200 gr.
For all day are bread white 200 gr, sugar 90 gr, butter oil in dishes 30 gr, vegetable oil in dishes 30 gr.
Cool helicopter garden.
About a honey.
Bee give two things are for human needing and for God are wax, honey. Honey helping in abscessed wounds, vision bad, as damages sides greasing for 14 times with rest or apply in plaster. Cracks cure in mouth, water urinary moves, softens belly, helps in cough, cures poison bites, and against dog s bites, healing deep wounds, inside cure.Boiled honey helps for cracked skin. A honey boiled with anise stomach cures. Gums greasing for babies are teeth growing without aches, if with honey and vinegar washes,thus are gums healing. Washing head with honey thus are lice, nits leaving you.
Diet nr 5 p. extended variant.
In chronic pancreatitis for different origin, acutings process calming.
Restoring functional ability for pancreas gland, mechanically and chemically sparing stomach and bowel, normalizing activity for gall way system.
Physiologically complete diet with high proteins having, limiting carbohydrates, and lists for products are extending, fewer requirements to culinary manufacturing, limiting spices, stimulating acidity forming, cold drinks, gas, alcohol are avoiding, meal regime is rubbing for 5-6 times/day.
Boiling, and rubbing kinds, frying avoiding, usual meal temperature. Proteins 120-130 gr, are 50 percent proteins for animal origin, fats 80 gr are 70 percents fats of animal origin, carbohydrates 350 gr, calorie 2500-2800 kcal, and rising containing vitamins groups A, B,C , nicotinic acid.
Millet bread of 2 nd sorts a latest day baking, or dried roasted, rusks, cookies Maria , fats of butter oil, not salted on 30 gr, vegetable, sunflower oils, raffinate, adding in dishes.
Potato baked pudding with mushroom filling.
Potato, fresh champingnons , vegetable oil, salt by taste.
Fry onion, chop mushrooms, fry, a [part for fried onion leave for puree and other add in mushrooms, Chop greens, add in mushroom filling.Cook potato till ready. And water not adding. In potato purée add oil. Form spread with oil, add a half of potato, and smooth his on all form. After on potato layer a mushroom filling a same layer, to the top layer an other part a potato. Sprinkle a vegetable oil all baked potato baked or spread with lean mayonnaise decorate with pieces of mushrooms, bake till ruddy crust.
Soups of mushroom broths are rising secretion stomach function, and mushroom broth cook of dried boletus ,as wash theirs in warm water, infuse 3 hours in cold for swelling and cook in same water till ready. Ready broth filter, add shredding boiled mushrooms.Broth mushroom use for the cooking transparent and dressing sups, and of fresh cook soup purée.
Soup vermicelli with mushrooms.
500 gr ready dish are vermicelli 35 gr, fromage, onion, carrot on ten gr, oil butter and mushrooms dried 5 gr, mas for boiled mushrooms are 16 gr.
Proteins 5.8 gr, fats 10.7 gr, carbohydrates 29.9 gr, energy value 226.8 kcal, use for diets nr 11, 15
Diet nr 5 p. Extended variant.
Eggs and egg dishes as omelet of eggs stewed, or of egg powder, egg /day, in dishes, soups vegetable , not of cabbage, bean, vegetarian, or of lean not strong meat or fish broth, milk, fruit soups. In vegetarian soups add butter oil, or romage. Fatness meat, fish, boiled, stewed, baked, soufflé, cutlets, pieces on, roll, frying avoiding. Milk whole, in porridges, in dishes, sour milk, kefir, rjazenka, sour milk, yogurt, acidophile milk, curd home, not sour, calcium of kefir or, cheese fatness.
Beef stroganoff.
100 gr ready dish are beef 1 st category 116 gr, flour millet , butter oil and fromage 20 perc fat on 5 gr, ready meat mass 49 gr.
Boiled meat cut, for fibers along, beat, shred, fry, add shredding fried onion, and sauce cooked of flour, fromage and tomato add in meat, salt, lead all till boiling, ready dish serve with chopped green.
Proteins 16.7 gr, fats 11,4 gr, carbohydrates 3.9 gr, energy value 162.2 kcal, dish use for diets nr 1, 2, 3, 4 a, 5, 7-10, 10 c, 11,15
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/UyHJhkn via https://ift.tt/QG807Fh
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Gnocchi Casserole!
Super delicious! However it tastes even better with pasta instead of Gnocchi!
My brother and I made this dish about 3 times now and with Gnocchi for the first time haha.
We left out the tomatoes, champingnons and used powdered forms of oninion and garlic! Super delicious! Even for picky eaters!
Recipe from here:
If wanted I'll translate the recipe for you.
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to feliz que hj t.a resolveu me dar uma folguinha... consegui comer umas bolachinhas e um pastel de champingnon sem me sentir horrível como sempre
de qualquer forma não posso vacilar, esse inferno sempre vai voltar e preciso continuar mantendo o foco
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Die Zucchini
Besteht zu 95% aus Wasser
Gut für unsere Durchblutung
Helfen Gewicht zu verlieren
Mineralien wie Phosphor, Kalium, Magnesium und Calcium --> Wichtig für den Stoffwechsel!
Vitamingehalt Gruppe A,C,E,B9 und andere B-Typen
Die Zucchini fördert die Gehirnfunktion
Sie haben keine Kalorien oder Fett
Rezept: Gefüllte Zucchini
4 mittelgroße Zucchini
8 Champingnons
200g Kräuterfrischkäse
2 Zehen Knoblauch, gepresst
2 kleine Zwiebel(n), in Würfeln
Salz und Pfeffer
Die Zucchini bis auf einen Rand ca. 3 mm aushöhlen. Die Champingnons, das Innere der Zucchini und die Zwiebel in kleine Würfel schneiden. Den Knoblauch pressen und alles unter den Frischkäse mischen. Die Masse in die ausgehöhlten Zucchini füllen und in einer Auflaufform in den kalten Ofen schieben. Bei 200°C rund 25 Minuten backen.
Guten Appetit!
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Para o almoço de hoje... Aspargos e cogumelos #aspargos #cogumelo #champingnons #restaurant #chefe #hungry #instafood #instaphoto #instagood #almoco #gastronomia #lanche #italianfood #sampa #sãopaulo #brasil #cidade
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Nach 2 kurzen Busfahrten erreichten wir Baños. Kaum aus dem Bus gestiegen, war uns richtig heiss. Die Sonne schien herrlich und wir schlüpften gleich in kurze Hosen.
Heilende Bäder
Wir erkundeten das kleine Dorf Baños, welches den Namen von den vielen Thermalquellen verdankt. Baños bedeutet nämlich Bad. Auch gibt es viele Aktivitäten rund ums Wasser wie zum Beispiel Riverrafting. Wir deckten uns noch mit Lebensmittel ein und verbrachten den Abend noch gemütlich im Hostel.
Nun war es Sonntag und wir verbrachten einen faulen Sonntag. Das Wetter passte auch dazu, den es regnete den ganzen Tag. Wir schauten den FCB Match, skypten mit unseren Familien und planten die nächsten Tage. Auch schrieben wir fleissig an unserem Blog weiter.
Am Abend erreichten Catherine, Daphnee und Evy auch unser Hostel. Wir waren aber schon im Bett, so begrüssten wir sie am nächsten Tag beim Frühstück. Sie hatten ihre Wanderung, bis auf ein paar Blasen an den Füssen, unbeschadet überstanden. Da sie noch voller Tatendrang waren, gingen sie gleich zum Riverrafting. Wir entschieden uns das Wetter abzuwarten (es regnete immer noch). Wir wollten nämlich mit den Fahrrad eine Wasserfall-Route abfahren. Die Fahrräder gibt uns aber die Hostelbeseitzerin nur wenn es trocken ist. So war es bald 14 Uhr und mittlerweile zu spät um noch los zu fahren. Also gingen wir wieder in das kleine Dorf. Fabian musste schliesslich auch noch seine Haare schneiden lassen. Also suchten wir einen kleinen Barbershop auf und Fabian wurde von einem Venezueler zurecht gepflegt. Auch sein Bart wurde gestutzt und sehr zu Pascale’s Vergnügen mit Schminke auch noch aufgemotzt. 🙈
Mit Souvenirs und Lebensmittel ausgerüstet machten wir uns zurück ins Hostel. Die drei Mädels waren auch wieder zurück. Sie gingen noch auf die berühmte Schaukel von Baños, oben auf dem Hügel anschauen. Wir begannen schon mal zu kochen, wir versprachen den Mädels nämlich eine Schweizer Rösti mit Champingnon-Sauce. So spiessen wir zusammen und spielten wieder ein paar Runden Frantic.
Schwitzen, Regen, Wasserfall; Hauptsache Nass
Am nächsten Morgen schlossen sich Evy und Catherine uns an. Gemeinsam machten wir uns auf “Las Rutas de las Cascadas” zu erkunden. Ausgerüstet mit Helm und Fahrrad fuhren wir los. Kaum waren wir aus dem Dorf raus, fing es an zu regnen. Also schnell Regenschutz montiert und weiter ging es.
Die Strasse war sehr abwechslungsreich, durch Tunnel, mal auf der Strasse mit den Autos, mal eigene Velowege. Aber stets am Fluss und an 4 verschiedenen Wasserfällen vorbei.
Völlig durchgenässt durch den Regender erreichten wir daas Highlight am Schluss; Pailón del Diablo. Ein riesen Wasserfall, der über eine Hängebrücke erreicht werden kann.
Danach stärkten wir uns mit dem klassischen Gericht Churazno. Ähnlich wie Bandeja Paisa aus Kolumbien, bekommt man hier Reis mit Spiegelei und Bohnen, Pommes, Salat, Avacado und einem Stück Fleisch. Sehr lecker. Danach ging es mit einem Lastwagen zurück ins Dorf.
Erholung im Vulkanwasser
Wir holten noch Daphnee im Hostel ab und machten uns auf in die Thermalbäder “la Virgen”. Mit Badekappe (ja diese war Pflicht und nein es existieren keine Fotos) ausgerüstet, wechselten wir vom warmen, ins heisse und ins kalte Becken. Richtig gesund. Nach etwas mehr als einer Stunde hatten wir genug und wir gingen zurück. Am Abend assen wir alle noch zusammen etwas. Nun war es definitiv das letzte Mal für uns fünf. Daphnee und Catherine nahmen noch am selben Abend den Nachtbus nach Cuenca (wir würden sie dort am nächsten Tag treffen) und Evy machte sich früh am Morgen nach Guayaquil um von dort zu den Galapagos-Inseln zu fliegen. Also war es wieder an der Zeit sich zu verabschieden.
Am nächsten Morgen machten wir uns auf zum Terminal. Wieder war eine etwas längere Busfahrt angesagt. Diesmal in die UNESCO Stadt Cuenca.
pa 25.5.
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Molho agridoce de champingnon com calado de pernil, e ervas m (em jardim Oriental jabaquaraS.P) https://www.instagram.com/conradojur/p/CYKx04_LElQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Champingnon ganz nah www.mima-foto.de www.facebook.com/mima.fotokunst #champignon #pilz #makro #mushroom #macro #picoftheday (hier: Zeuthen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRexg19JpAn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Now it is time for a delicious and healthy vegan dinner: Vegan schnitzel with lemon juice, raw champignons and arugula 🌿💚 #vegan #vegans #vegangirl #veganwitch #veganschnitzel #veganlife #veganlove #veganfood #healthy #healthyfood #vegandinner #vegandeutschland #veganinspiration #veganfoodlover #simplevegan #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #fitfood #lowcaloriemeals #lowcalorie #champingnon #arugula #lemonjuice https://www.instagram.com/p/BwphG_eANe1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ech3ocscbnu5
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Diet nr 5 p.Sparing variant.
1 st breakfast. Souffle meat, oats porridge of milk, tea, rusks.
2 nd breakfast curd calcium, juice vegetable 150 gr, rusks.
Lunch. Oats soup half portion, meat stewed cutlets with milk sauce. Soljanka stewed, baked apple.
Afternoon snack.
Omelet white egg, stewed, hibiscus drink 150 gr, rusks.
Dinner. Meat balls meat stewed with milk sauce, carrot purée, curd pudding, tea.
For night. curd fatness , kefir 200 gr.
For all day are bread white 200 gr, sugar 90 gr, butter oil in dishes 30 gr, vegetable oil in dishes 30 gr.
Cool helicopter garden.
About a honey.
Bee give two things are for human needing and for God are wax, honey. Honey helping in abscessed wounds, vision bad, as damages sides greasing for 14 times with rest or apply in plaster. Cracks cure in mouth, water urinary moves, softens belly, helps in cough, cures poison bites, and against dog s bites, healing deep wounds, inside cure.Boiled honey helps for cracked skin. A honey boiled with anise stomach cures. Gums greasing for babies are teeth growing without aches, if with honey and vinegar washes,thus are gums healing. Washing head with honey thus are lice, nits leaving you.
Diet nr 5 p. extended variant.
In chronic pancreatitis for different origin, acutings process calming.
Restoring functional ability for pancreas gland, mechanically and chemically sparing stomach and bowel, normalizing activity for gall way system.
Physiologically complete diet with high proteins having, limiting carbohydrates, and lists for products are extending, fewer requirements to culinary manufacturing, limiting spices, stimulating acidity forming, cold drinks, gas, alcohol are avoiding, meal regime is rubbing for 5-6 times/day.
Boiling, and rubbing kinds, frying avoiding, usual meal temperature. Proteins 120-130 gr, are 50 percent proteins for animal origin, fats 80 gr are 70 percents fats of animal origin, carbohydrates 350 gr, calorie 2500-2800 kcal, and rising containing vitamins groups A, B,C , nicotinic acid.
Millet bread of 2 nd sorts a latest day baking, or dried roasted, rusks, cookies Maria , fats of butter oil, not salted on 30 gr, vegetable, sunflower oils, raffinate, adding in dishes.
Potato baked pudding with mushroom filling.
Potato, fresh champingnons , vegetable oil, salt by taste.
Fry onion, chop mushrooms, fry, a [part for fried onion leave for puree and other add in mushrooms, Chop greens, add in mushroom filling.Cook potato till ready. And water not adding. In potato purée add oil. Form spread with oil, add a half of potato, and smooth his on all form. After on potato layer a mushroom filling a same layer, to the top layer an other part a potato. Sprinkle a vegetable oil all baked potato baked or spread with lean mayonnaise decorate with pieces of mushrooms, bake till ruddy crust.
Soups of mushroom broths are rising secretion stomach function, and mushroom broth cook of dried boletus ,as wash theirs in warm water, infuse 3 hours in cold for swelling and cook in same water till ready. Ready broth filter, add shredding boiled mushrooms.Broth mushroom use for the cooking transparent and dressing sups, and of fresh cook soup purée.
Soup vermicelli with mushrooms.
500 gr ready dish are vermicelli 35 gr, fromage, onion, carrot on ten gr, oil butter and mushrooms dried 5 gr, mas for boiled mushrooms are 16 gr.
Proteins 5.8 gr, fats 10.7 gr, carbohydrates 29.9 gr, energy value 226.8 kcal, use for diets nr 11, 15
Diet nr 5 p. Extended variant.
Eggs and egg dishes as omelet of eggs stewed, or of egg powder, egg /day, in dishes, soups vegetable , not of cabbage, bean, vegetarian, or of lean not strong meat or fish broth, milk, fruit soups. In vegetarian soups add butter oil, or romage. Fatness meat, fish, boiled, stewed, baked, soufflé, cutlets, pieces on, roll, frying avoiding. Milk whole, in porridges, in dishes, sour milk, kefir, rjazenka, sour milk, yogurt, acidophile milk, curd home, not sour, calcium of kefir or, cheese fatness.
Beef stroganoff.
100 gr ready dish are beef 1 st category 116 gr, flour millet , butter oil and fromage 20 perc fat on 5 gr, ready meat mass 49 gr.
Boiled meat cut, for fibers along, beat, shred, fry, add shredding fried onion, and sauce cooked of flour, fromage and tomato add in meat, salt, lead all till boiling, ready dish serve with chopped green.
Proteins 16.7 gr, fats 11,4 gr, carbohydrates 3.9 gr, energy value 162.2 kcal, dish use for diets nr 1, 2, 3, 4 a, 5, 7-10, 10 c, 11,15
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/YOo9iqV via https://ift.tt/KwEuoZ0
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Made some healthy whole grain pasta with a creamy cheddar tomato sauce + champingnons, cherry tomato , onion and lots of garlic + some extra cheese on top, mmm <3
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Para essa e mais notícias do mundo da música acesse onlink na Bio. #charliebrownjr #cbjr #champ #champingnon #nashwebradio (em Santa Maria (Distretto Federale)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQJwggnMlgs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Recept stamppot spinazie en spek lekker anders
Heerlijk spinazie stamppot met een mix van paddenstoelen gemaakt door viervoudig Wereldkampioen stamppot maken Michel Rekers
Stamppot maken
Stamppot met boerenkool, andijvie, zuurkool, peen & ui zijn voor ons Nederlanders bekende en gezonde stamppot recepten. Nu wilde ik graag een versie met een twist filmen. Michel Rekers, viervoudig wereldkampioen stamppot maken, maakt een versie met verse spinazie. Het resultaat is een geweldige stamppot met spekjes, serranoham chips, pijnboompitten, basilicum en een paddenstoelen…
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Hoje vamos de risoto de champignon, batatas ao murro com especiarias e denver no SV e finalizado na chapa com redução do próprio molho do SV. #food #instafood #pornfood #sousvide #champingnon #cogumelos #risotto #denver #batata #potato #batataaomurro #awbarros #mooca #cheffbarro #baraodapicanha #bronxmeat #reservadoboa (em Mooca) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrD-auAjHWE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nt9du91gni5g
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