#cham x eleni
xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
In an alternate Star Wars universe…
Eleni Syndulla is the new Senator from Ryloth after Orn Free Taa chokes on a fish bone and keels over at a dinner. (It was offered to Cham, but he declined, saying he didn’t have the temperament to haggle over people’s lives.)
She’s accompanied by Cham and Captain Howzer, formerly of the GAR. Cham, Eleni, and Howzer are a throuple, and coparent Hera together. It raises more than a few eyebrows, but they brush it off. It works for them.
And Ashla help you, because no one else will, if Hera hears you gossip about her mom and dads. She got flying lessons because Howzer convinced Cham it was a good idea. Howzer is her favorite.
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minniethemoocherda · 2 years
Sins Of The Past: Sleepover
Summery:  A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter, Omega experiences her first sleepover. 
So far, Omega's first sleepover had been living up the hype of the ones she had seen on TV.
First they had played soccer in Hera's garden which was easily the size of a real football pitch! Once they'd exhausted themselves they'd ate their weight in pizza whilst marathoning Hera's favourites movies; these really old films from the nineteen-sixties called Star Trek. Now they were all hanging out in the girl's bedroom, dressed in their pyjamas having done each others hair and painted their nails in each of the varying shades of green Hera's mum owned.
Omega was in an old army issue sleeping bag that Cody had leant her. It was way too big for her but it kept her warm which was what Cody said was most important.
Hera, Numa and Katooni were all piled onto Hera's bed because her parents let her have a double bed!
Ganodi was Katooni's best friend who had a cool curly mohawk and loved the colour green almost as much as Hera did. She had dragged the beanbags from the living room and had claimed them as her bed for the night.
There was one girl left who was joining Omega with a sleeping bag. Her name was Zosia. Out of all the girls, she was the one that Omega didn't know as well. They were both in the same class and on the soccer team, but outside of that, Omega hadn't hung out with her properly before. She got the impression that Zosia was quite shy. Which was fine with Omega as she understood what it was like to be shy around a group of kids you didn't know that well.
"So..." Ganodi sing-songed from where she lay upside down on the bean bags. "Boys..."
"What about them?" Omega asked in genuine confusion.
"Do you like any of them?" Ganodi asked, a gleam in her dark eyes.
Omega's bronze skin paled. She should have expected this question eventually. All the sleepover movies she'd seen in her research for tonight, always had the characters talking about boys. And by like, Omega knew that Ganodi didn't mean just like as a friend. She should have prepared an answer for this!
Thankfully Katooni came to her rescue.
"Why would we like boys? They're all stupid." She said which judging by the ones in their class, Omega thought was a pretty fair statement.
"Sure they are. And that's why you giggled when Petro did that one handed cartwheel that you dared he couldn't do."
"So, they're still all stupid." Katooni protested, her chin up and arms crossed as she refused to meet Ganodi's eye.
"Well..." Zosia piped up, fiddling with the end of her long ponytail. Omega nearly jumped. It was the first time she's heard the girl speak all night. "My Dads are married. And if two boys can love each other then why cant we have a crush on girls instead."
Omega nodded along with the others because yeah that made sense. Omega wasn't sure if she thought any girls were cute either. But she was only ten years old, and as Hunter was keen to remind her, she had a long rest of her life to think about romance.
Fortunatly the conversion moved away from romance after that. They watched some more of Hera's space movies, more recent ones thankfully. Until Hera's Mum came into tell it was time to go to sleep for real now.
Omega curled herself up in her sleeping bag, as the others eventually fell asleep. Despite her sleeping hood being pulled over her head, she could still hear the soft snore of the girls around her. She wasn't sure if the constant reminder of other people's presence was a comfort or keeping her awake.
It was the first time since her brothers took her home that Omega had slept anywhere else. And despite the logical part of her brain knowing that Nala was currently in prison, part of her couldn't help but worry that without her brothers there to protect her, there was nothing stopping their mother from snatching her away in the night.
She rolled over for what felt like the millionth time, trying to relax. Her heart nearly jumped put of her chest when she noticed the pair of bright blue eyes peering at her from the darkness.
"Sorry." A voice whispered. It took a moment for Omega to adjust to the darkness that the blue eyes and disembodied voice actually belonged to Zosia. "Is this your first sleepover?"
Omega nodded, annoyed with herself that it was apparently that obvious.
But Zosia just smiled at her. A genuine one, not the cruel kind that some of the other girls at school used. Omega watched as she stroked her ponytail again, until she sighed apparently coming to some sort of decision.
"Someone tried to kidnapped me when I was younger." Zosia revealed which, whatever Omega had expected the young girl to say it certainly wasn't that. "I was at the supermarket with my Dads when some man grabbed me and tried run away. I don't remember it very well. But I do remember being scared for a long time afterwards. My Dads barely let me out of their sight and I didn't want to leave them out of mine either. So when I went to my first sleepover I was terrified."
Zosia shuffled in her sleeping bag until she tugged out a stuffed toy pug.
"This is Muchi. My Dads got it for me on my first sleepover. To watch over me whilst I slept. You cab borrow him for the night, if you want?"
Omega took the stuffed animal from her outstretched hand. One of Muchi's eyes had fallen off, leaving it winking at her with its lopsided head and the fabric on its stomach had been worn away from where it had been hold tight. It was clear that Zosia loved Muchi very much.
"Are you sure?" Omega asked.
Zosia nodded. "Of course. Besides you've got to remember that Hera's parents are in the room next door. They'll keep us safe. Plus I'm nearest to the door. So if anyone wanted to hurt you, then they'd have to go through me first. And I won't let them."
"Thank you." Omega whispered. If Zosia trusted her enough with Muchi then she trusted that the girl also meant her words. And despite already knowing she was safe, hearing them said out loud actually made her believe it.
Omega snuggled back into her sleeping bag, feeling the warmth that it had been given to her by her family and the soft hug of Muchi that held her. As Omega finally allowed herself to drift off to sleep, her last conscious thought was that she wished she had made friends with Zosia sooner.
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coffeeandbatboys · 6 months
Hello! This is Carol (@clonethirstingisreal) but I can't send an ask from that account.
Congratulations on your 270 followers!!! Thanks so much for doing this event!
I pick Howzer, the #1 and 😜
Thanks so much!!
Thanks for sending in an ask! I threw everyone’s favorite future rebel and past gremlin child Hera in here for plot 😂
Prompt: sending each other little selfies or pictures throughout the day when they’re apart
Alema: Twi’leki meaning Protector. Nerra means Brother.
Warnings: possible itty bitty innuendo at the end if you squint really hard. Reader is Hera’s babysitter/bodyguard/chaperone. Howzer is a smooth and chivalrous little shit
Girls Day (Howzer x Fem!Reader)
“Alema look! Hera shouted, practically dragging you towards the merchant stall that housed racks of jewelry made with braided twine.
You sighed and trotted along behind her.
“Hera if you want me to take you shopping I need my arm in its socket.”
“Sorry. Got a little excited.”
You both scanned the colorful array of handmade jewelry when your eyes landed in a stack of teal bracelets. Hera must have spotted them too because she looked up at you with wide green eyes.
“It’s the same color as Howzer’s armor!”
You smiled and turned to the woman running the stall.
“How much?” You asked.
The woman peered at the teal bracelets you pointed to and nodded. “Four credits each.”
You took out your little pouch and handed her eight credits, slipping one of the bracelets on Hera’s wrist and one on your own.
“Let’s take a Holo for Howzer.” You said, kneeling next to the girl and holding up your wrist. She did the same and gave the biggest grin she could.
You snapped the pic and stood, taking Hera’s hand again and leading her along as you sent the holo.
“Honorary squad members?” You typed, giggling at your own stupid joke.
A few seconds later your comm pinged. A picture of Ballast and Howzer flickered up.
“Nice try. We’ll defend you fine ladies with our lives though. Having a nice girls day, cyare?”
You blushed, still getting used to the nickname. Every time he used it, your insides turned to mush and you couldn’t help but feel like a giddy child.
Speaking of giddy children, you decided that a something cold and sweet sounded very good at the moment.
“Hera, dear. How do blue milkshakes sound?”
If the girl’s eyes could get any bigger, they wouldn’t fit her face. She nodded. “Yes please, Alema!”
After ordering and receiving the drinks, you both sat down in the shade to enjoy them.
You and Hera chatted about her schooling and about your latest project when another shadow loomed over the both of you. Your eyes followed teal and gray plastoid up until they met that beautiful face.
“Afternoon, m’ladies.”
You smiled. “Afternoon, Howzer.”
Hera beamed. “Hello Nerra!”
Eleni and Cham waved to their daughter from the distance, beckoning her over. She scrambled up to leave, but not before giving both you and your trooper a hug.
Howzer chuckled and sat down next to you. You offered him the rest of your milkshake, which he gladly accepted.
"You know, Mesh'la, I had to think about something today."
"Mm?" You hummed, leaning into his shoulder.
"Holos don't do justice to your beauty. I think I'd much rather see you in person."
You giggled and kissed his jaw, right over the scar that sat there. He gave you a cheeky grin and twisted the straw around the cup with his tongue.
"Oh, I think that can be arranged."
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Here’s the bracelet that inspired this 😂 you can buy it on Etsy also
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pretchatta · 3 years
wartime traditions
Traditions are usually built over generations. In times of war and great upheaval, however, new customs are created and clung to like lifelines.
One such tradition was formed on Ryloth, when Cham Syndulla brought his captain home to his wife.
may i introduce you all to my new ot3? (no spoilers for TBB – set pre-o66)
rating: teen; howzer/cham syndulla/eleni syndulla; 1.4k words
Twenty-one twi’lek faces looked at Cham Syndulla from around the table. Twenty-one twi’leks, and one human.
The celebratory meal with his captains and commanders had become a traditional ending to the brief, intense periods of fighting that still plagued Ryloth. Every time they sat together, Cham would wonder when the next time they would be called up to fight would be. Even though the Battle of Lessu had resulted in Ryloth’s liberation from Wat Tambor, the Separatists weren’t giving up so easily. It often felt like for every attack they repelled two more would follow. There was no end to the fighting, only periods of respite after which they would return to the front lines.
But they were holding, for now.
And as the meal was becoming tradition, so too was Cham remaining seated until, one by one, each of the others rose and left, bidding him farewell until their next battle. The food was not noteworthy, the drink non-existent, and there was little to talk about other than war, so few lingered when their families and homes awaited. Only one stayed behind, and this was also their tradition.
The only human at the table, Captain Howzer led the clone battalion that the Republic had left behind to aid Ryloth following the Battle of Lessu. A clone himself, Howzer had proved himself worthy of Cham’s trust and respect a thousand times over. He was the only non-twi’lek other than Mace Windu to have sat at Cham’s table. But Howzer was more than just a soldier.
Cham knew the clones that the Republic had bought from Kamino were more than just mindless war machines. How could he not, after fighting with them for so long? Howzer was no different. He was his own person, as different to his brothers as Cham was to any twi’lek. Their time fighting together had made them understandably close, but something else had grown during the weeks of life-or-death situations. Now, there was more to their relationship than only the chain of command.
The two men stood to leave together, making the journey back to the Syndulla residence in a comfortable silence. Darkness was falling over the Tann province as the night drew closer and warm light spilled from the windows of the houses they passed. It was comforting to walk these familiar streets, but for Cham nothing was as comforting as reaching his own home.
It was different to how he had left it only a week ago. Some of the fighting had strayed uncomfortably close to civillian settlements, and one of their own Y-wing bombers had been shot down from the skies overhead. As General, Cham had received the impersonal, matter-of-fact report on the incident; they lost the pilot and the Y-wing, but with minimal structural damage at the crash site and no civilian casualties. It was a relief, but not enough information to sate his personal needs.
Later that evening, when he had made his usual holocall to his family (another new tradition) he had listened to Eleni tell him that the fighter had crashed mere meters from their own home. She and Hera had been on the other side of the house, thank the Goddess, and no-one had been hurt. No-one except the clone pilot, who was already dead when they pulled him out of the smashed cockpit.
He had told Eleni that he would deal with the wreckage when he returned, but seeing it now, he wondered if he would. It was a painful reminder of just how vital his fight for Ryloth’s freedom was. His eyes lingered on it as they crossed the courtyard to the front of the house, and he could tell Howzer was looking at it too. Howzer would have received the report on which brother he had lost that day. He would have mourned his loss in the barracks with his men, and then rallied them all to keep going, as the clones always did.
On the other side of the front door was a much more welcome sight. Eleni was waiting for them in the atrium wearing only a simple dress, but to Cham she looked radiant.
“Right on time,” she greeted them, crossing the room from where she had been sitting to meet them. Cham embraced his wife and kissed her, sweet and slow. He wasn’t truly home until he was in her arms. Here, he was not a General, and Howzer was not a Captain; the three of them could just be people enjoying respite from the war raging outside.
He drew back only far enough to press his forehead against hers. “It is good to be home,” he murmured.
“It is good to have you both back,” Eleni replied. She left the final word implied and unspoken: alive. Cham knew it was difficult for her to stay behind. She had been an active participant in the fighting following the Separatist’s first invasion of Ryloth, but fewer soldiers were needed to hold their retaken lands and someone needed to stay with Hera now that they had a house for her to live in again.
“I take it Hera’s asleep?” Howzer asked as Eleni slipped from Cham’s arms to his.
She twined her arms around the clone’s neck but paused before answering. “She was sent to bed,” she said finally with a hint of a smile. “Whether she is still there is another matter.”
“Is this something I need to worry about?” Cham asked over his shoulder as he crossed the room. From the cabinet there he drew three glasses and a bottle of amber liquid. As he removed the stopper from the bottle he glanced back to see Eleni greeting Howzer in the same way she had done him. It was a good sight.
“No, love,” she replied when she drew back, her hands moving to Howzer’s plastoid armour. Howzer was more than capable of removing his own armour but this, too, was now tradition. Cham poured their drinks.
“She pulled the astromech droid out of that wreck outside,” Eleni continued, her nimble fingers making quick work of the fastenings on Howzer’s shoulder plates, “and every night since she has been staying up to work on it. She thinks I have not noticed, but she forgets I can see the light from her room from the stairs.”
“You don’t tell her to stop?” Howzer asked, taking his armour from her as she moved to his vambraces.
“Of course not. There are much worse things she could be doing, and this way I know about it.” Eleni took the bundle of armour from him to set to one side. “Besides, I haven’t seen her this happy in a while. That little droid is good for her.”
Cham took a sip from his drink. “Then tomorrow I will ask her to show me what she has done. Perhaps this is something we can work on together, as father and daughter.”
“Tomorrow,” his wife said firmly. “Tonight there is something else you can work on.”
“The first being passing me my drink,” Howzer added.
Cham answered Howzer’s smile with his own as he brought the clone his drink. Eleni had knelt on the floor to work on his leg armour and Cham took advantage of her absence and Howzer’s immobility to take a kiss of his own. He’d only meant it to be brief, but that first sip of his drink was seeping warmth through his body and Howzer’s mouth was only adding to that. He was home, with the people he trusted and loved. Howzer’s blunt teeth nipped at his lower lip and the warmth solidified into a burning heat in Cham’s lower belly.
“As much as we are all enjoying this,” Eleni murmured from much closer than Cham expected, “you are getting in the way.”
Cham drew back, taking in Howzer’s dark eyes and flushed complexion that matched how he no doubt looked. Eleni had finished removing most of the clone’s armour and was now standing behind him; all that remained was his chestplate. Once Cham had given her space, that too was placed carefully to the side, and Howzer stood in only his blacks.
“How about we move upstairs,” he suggested, taking his drink from Cham.
“An excellent idea.”
This was, after all, their tradition.
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phantomfan16 · 3 years
Whenever I think about how I wanted Sabine and Ezra to get together I think about how other Star Wars couples ended up and then I think maybe it’s best that they didn’t. The only Star Wars couple that I can think of where something terrible doesn’t happen to one of them is that random ass clone in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch that deserted and started a family with that twi’lek.
Obi Wan and Satine- Satine was killed by Maul
Kanan and Hera- Kanan died
Padme and Anakin- Padme dies and Anakin turns to the dark side
Cham and Eleni Syndulla- Eleni dies
Leia and Han Solo- Han Solo is murdered by their son
Jyn and Cassian- both get blown up by the fucking Death Star
Rey and Kylo Ren 🤢🤮- Kylo Ren dies
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djk-creations · 3 years
*insert innocent face here* Howzer/Cham Syndulla/Eleni Syndulla in Sunrise, please?
Gently hands you  ✨ them ✨
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Thanks for the ask, Wander! ^^
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iknowwhattosaynow · 3 years
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Almost is Never Enough on AO3
When Kanan Jarrus was pulled from the flames of the night he was supposed to die, he finds himself closed off to the Force and left with questions about why he's still alive. Even more distressing to him is how his visions through the Force showed a future that ended in death and despair for the woman he loved and his family only to see that the future unfolded as if he had given his life to the fire. Fueled by the near-loss, Hera promises a future together with Kanan in which they raise their child together in the face of a war that isn't over.
This is the story of a man who married a woman who was already married to the Rebellion and found himself fractured from the only constant that he had ever known.
This fic is rated T unless otherwise labeled on the chapters.
Word Count: 60,719
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multifandomnonsense · 3 years
Cham, to Howzer: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Eleni: would you like to stay forever?
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Howzer/Cham Syndulla/Eleni Syndulla Characters: Howzer (Star Wars), Cham Syndulla, Eleni Syndulla Additional Tags: Realities of being a clone, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Howzer thinks the Syndullas couldn't be interested in him, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Healthy Adult Communication, Pre-Relationship, howzerweek2021 Series: Part 1 of Howzer Week 2021 Summary: “Howzer, there is no one else here,” he chided softly. “Call me Cham.”
The clone didn’t want to admit all the reasons why that was a bad idea. He had been tasked with helping defend Ryloth. Not fall in love with his general and the general’s wife.
For Day #1 of Howzer Week. Quote Prompt: You shouldn’t have come back for me. @howzerweek
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nottonyharrison · 3 years
Five Sentence Ficlet: Howzer masturbating to a Star Wars character of your choice.
Alright this one's definitely not safe for whales. Howzer/Eleni/Cham. Accidental voyeurism.
There was only ever one way it was going to go. Months of working close, then the regime change, the new political landscape, the tension and anxiety that ramped up, up, up, until Howzer barged into Cham’s office one day to find Eleni up against the wall, her husband going to town on her with his mouth.
And with his bucket off, he knows she can see the shock and embarrassment and flat out horniness he’s too slow to hide. The glide of his gaze as it travels over her tits, down her stomach, across Cham’s strong shoulders and then down his back until they land on an ass that’s far too toned and firm for a guy who’s knocking on the door of forty.
That’s when he flees, ducks off to a fresher that’s as far away from that part of the building as possible, and tugs off while desperately trying to push the thought of being the meat in a Syndulla sandwich to the back of his mind.
Send me an NSFW headcanon (or premise!) and I'll write a five sentence ficlet
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Howzer x fem reader
Also on A03 under the same username.
If you like this... I may be willing to take requests if you send something that clicks with me. I do plan on doing some Imagines with other clones. *cough*rex*cough. And even some General Grievous.
Stay Part 1
This imagine will probably be 2 or 3 parts. Eventually smut.
Setup for imagine: You are Cham Syndulla's sister, so close your eyes and imagine your beautiful self as a Twi'lek lady.
The Clone Wars recently ended and your family is gathered for dinner. This takes place before the events in TBB, so the Empire's plans for Ryloth are not yet known.
"This is nice, eating dinner without talking about battle strategies," your comment was the first thing to break the silence since everyone had started eating.
With full mouths, the others at the table either hummed in agreement or nodded their heads silently; until Cham, sitting at one end of the table, finally swallowed down his food, "Most importantly, we can finally work towards healing - Ryloth and ourselves. This war has taken so much from us; we must come together as a family, appreciate what we still have, and move forward."
To emphasize his point, he stretched out his arms and took a hand of both his wife and daughter, who were sitting to either side of him, giving them both an appreciative glance. Your niece sitting next to you, bowed her head slightly, the implications of his words hitting a still-sensitive part of her. Without hesitation, you placed a hand on the back of her shoulder, a silent offering of support.
You didn't have to be force-sensitive like the Jedi to feel the sadness hidden behind the words that were, on the surface, positive and inspiring. Your eyes travelled from Hera, to your brother, and to your sister-in-law as you admired and appreciated their strength. If it hadn't been for them, you would have lost faith and hope a long time ago.
Finally, your eyes landed on Captain Howzer, who sat directly across from you. Your eyes met for a fleeting moment before he bowed his head sharply, seeming to take a sudden, intense interest in the food on his plate, poking at it with the utensil in his hand. Due to spending so much time with him during the war, you knew that, by bowing his head, he was trying not to impose on the intimate family moment.  It seemed no matter how much time he spent with you and your family, no matter how much happiness you shared or pain you suffered through together, he still felt unworthy of witnessing such tender familial moments because, well, he wasn't part of the family - he was an outsider.
Technically, it was true, he was not part of your family; he wasn't even Twi'lek, after all. He was a human, a clone of a human - some thought it necessary to make that distinction, though you couldn't see why. And, yes, he had started off as an outsider, a representative of the Republic Army and the undesirable, but necessary, military occupation that made its way to Ryloth due to the war; however, that was no longer the case. Captain Howzer had been loyal to your family and played a vital role in maintaining Ryloth's liberation from the Separatists. Most of all, he had gained the upmost respect from your brother.
So, whether he felt worthy or not, there was an unspoken acknowledgement in the family that Howzer was a part of it now, welcomed with open arms. And you, feeling the way you did towards him, always felt the urge to actively include him when appropriate.
With your eyes still on Howzer, you added to your brother's statement, "Don't forget about what we have gained."
Your brother gave you a skeptical glance, no doubt wondering how anything could be gained from a devastating war.
"You are right," Eleni spoke up as she looked over at Howzer, understanding the reference of your words as if she had been thinking it herself, "Ryloth has received many blessings from unexpected places. Your friendship, Howzer, is one of them."
Cham's skepticism faded into understanding, "Agreed."
Howzer, no longer hiding his face, looked at Cham and Eleni and offered them a wide grin as he spoke generic words of thanks. He did appreciate the kind words, but honestly, they only made him feel more...conflicted.
Howzer was literally created to serve the Republic and he only came to Ryloth because of his given order: Aid Ryloth in their continued liberation from the Separatists; he did not come here for friends or family. And he took it very seriously in the beginning.  But as the war dragged on and he experienced wins and losses with your family, the more he came to care for your family in a way he had never cared for anyone before, outside of his brothers of course.
So, regardless of what brought him to Ryloth, he now found himself here, eating dinner with the Syndulla family with no meaningful purpose other than to spend time in their company.  Yes, he had certainly gotten too close and now, for the first time in his life, he felt anguish for the position he was in.  Tomorrow, he would leave Ryloth.  The war was over, so the military occupation was no longer needed. Which, of course he agreed, was a good thing for the people of Ryloth, but he also found himself yearning to stay.  To stay here with you.
He had fallen for you, hard, and it was absolutely the last thing he needed. From the very first time he saw you, he was stunned by your beauty, unabated, even through the visor of his helmet. And then, from all of the time spent together in close quarters, his appreciation of your beauty flourished into something much more.  Proposing plans of attack that turned into friendly games of competition to see who could destroy the most droids.  Debating best lines of defense that turned into intimate conversations to help each other work through the painful losses.  Harmless jokes that turned into flirtatious banter.  He was oblivious to the subtle changes over time and realized it only when it was too late.
He should have never allowed himself to become so completely enamored with you. You were a beautiful Twi'lek woman, from an important family, meant to bring Ryloth back to its former glory, marry someone worthy of you, and have a family just as Cham did. 
He knew he wasn't worthy of you.  He was a clone trooper. He held the title of captain, sure, but still a clone; he would never be anything more than that. And he was leaving, off to wherever the Empire ordered him to go, to carry out whatever task the Empire ordered him to complete.
So, no matter how he felt towards you, there was so much that attested to the fact that you and him were never meant to be. He had to keep trying to break free of the feelings for you that he recklessly allowed to flourish, unchecked. He had to let you go.
Still, his actions betrayed his reasoning, as his dark, honey-gold eyes moved from Cham and Eleni, to meet yours. 
A smile broke across your serious face at the sight of Howzer's returned gaze until you noticed the smile that lifted his cheeks falter slightly, your own smile retreating in response.  You'd seen this happen before, all of those times when Howzer tried to give some semblance of happiness while his true feelings were anything but.  You titled your head slightly, with one eyebrow raised in question, as you studied him.  He was hiding something.
Howzer's eyes widened slightly, realizing you weren't fooled by his counterfeit smile.  What had given him away?  Had he slipped somehow?
His minute reaction confirmed your intuition, causing you to furrow your brows and mouth the words, 'What's wrong?'
Howzer didn't have a chance to offer any type of silent response before Cham spoke again, "In regards to moving forward, Sister, you can finally think about starting a family of your own."
You slowly turned to Cham, hesitantly breaking your gaze with Howzer, but noticed in your peripherals that his eyes did not leave you, "This is true."
"Do you have anyone in mind?" Cham questioned as he stabbed some food onto his utensil.
Do you have anyone in mind? You could imagine your brother was expecting you to name one of the Twi'lek warriors that played a vital role during the war. Of course, before the war, you would have agreed with that notion, as you did spend a lot of time in your childhood whiling away the hours by daydreaming about a strong, Twi'lek warrior coming into your life and the resulting family that would come from that fateful meeting; a family that reflected very much the family your brother had been blessed with.
But that was before you met a tan-skinned soldier from Kamino.
When he first arrived on Ryloth, he was just one of thousands, concealed behind a set of form-fitting plastoid plates and black body glove, made unique only by the teal markings on his armor and teal pauldron that adorned his right shoulder. Meeting him did nothing to alleviate any of your apprehension of working with a clone army. The combination of his visor acting as a solid, black mirror and his voice filtering through the helmet, giving it almost a mechanical sound, made it impossible for you to really connect with man under the armor. It was almost like speaking to a soulless droid.
It wasn't until you took a more active role in the war, when you finally met the man beneath the armor.  After a particularly intense battle, that lasted far too long, both of you sat on the ground with your backs leaned against a boulder you had taken position behind during the fight, breathing heavily.  You weren't looking at him when you heard the movement of his helmet followed by an unfiltered sigh of relief.  Curiously and cautiously, you turned to look at him and you felt your eyes widen in surprise.  All of your speculating of what hid under the helmet did not compare to the strong, angled profile of the man that sat beside you. And you were so overwhelmed by it that you had to turn away from him.
After that battle was the first time the two of you really talked to each other and made some sort of connection beyond "Twi'lek" and "Clone Trooper".  He was actually a person to you from that point on and it didn't take long for that connection to cultivate into a friendship and then blossom into something more.  Or, at least on your end, you supposed. You weren't exactly sure how he felt about you, because the signals he gave you were a bit conflicting - always sliding on a spectrum of 'cautious flirting' and 'cordial indifference', but you knew your feelings for him had, at some point, crossed into a whole new, serious threshold.
You; however, had never revealed your feelings for Howzer to anyone and was not privy to the idea of doing so in the moment. Still, you couldn't help but flick your eyes towards Howzer for just a second as you planned your response.
If Howzer hadn't been looking at you so intently, holding onto his breath as he waited for your answer, he would have missed that split-second glance you gave him.  A glance that made his stomach twist on itself as his feelings of conflict washed over him again.  You had looked at him as you considered Cham's question.  Once again there was a small act of confirmation that you felt something for him, that you reciprocated the feelings he had for you, but only to be forced to remind himself that your feelings for him, no matter what they were, didn't change the fact that pursuing a life with you was just not a possibility.
You didn't see Howzer struggle to keep his straight posture as discontent weighed down on his shoulders.
"I may need more time to think on it."
Your brother nodded at your answer, giving himself time to chew through his food, "Understandable, but if you want any advice I may know of some good candidates."
Candidates? The word made you roll your eyes, "I love you, Brother, but I will not be taking advice from you on this subject."
He huffed a laugh and raised his utensil in quick surrender, "Okay, okay, but maybe Eleni can help you."
No longer interested in carrying out this conversation in front of Howzer, you waved your hand gently in front of you, "I don't need help. I will handle it," you pointedly looked at your sister-in-law to add, "No offense."
Eleni let out a soft, reassuring laugh, "No offense taken. I have every faith you will find someone perfect for you."
You looked away awkwardly; it took everything for you not to look at the man that sat beside her.
Hardly skipping a beat, Eleni turned to Howzer, "What about you?"
Though you did not look to see, you could tell, by his voice and the movement in his chair, that he turned the top half of his body towards her, "I'm sorry, ma'am, what about me?"
"Have you thought about starting a family?"
"Oh, I do-- I've nev--," the way he stuttered made it sound like his brain was going to short circuit before he could decide on a satisfying answer, "the Repub - I mean - the Empire will keep me on as Captain."
Everyone waited, you unable to resist peeking at Howzer, for him to say something else, but his silence confirmed that he felt the question had been adequately answered.
"But now that the war is over, things will be so much more calm and you would surely have the time to focus on a family, even if you do stay on as Captain," Eleni reasoned.
He shifted in his seat, "I guess so.  I've never really thought about it," though his answer seemed frail, like it wasn't entirely true.
"Well, I'm sure you'd have no problem finding someone if you wanted to.  Cham told me how popular you were with the ladies here on Ryloth."
Cham shot a glance at Eleni, not angry, but not happy, "Eleni..."
A beeping interrupted Cham, a beeping that came from Howzer's wristlink.  You couldn't help but smile inwardly at the audible sigh of relief that escaped his lips as he stood up, "Excuse me," his voice serious.
As he walked away, you noticed that your body had tensed from the sound of his voice and, looking around, saw that you weren't the only one to do so.  The war was over, but hearing Captain Howzer's serious military voice brought you all back to the battle field. 
He was hardly gone for a minute before he returned to the table, choosing to stand next to his seat instead of sitting back down.
"Is everything fine?" Cham asked calmly, but seriously, as he stared up at Howzer.
Howzer gave a single nod, "Yes, sir.  All is well, but I must check in with the evening patrol," he bent down to pick up his helmet from the floor and placed it snuggly under his left arm.
Everyone, including you, relaxed, but you couldn't help but be surprised by his answer, Why were they still doing patrols?
As he stood back at his full height, his eyes scanned everyone at at table, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner," his eyes landed on Eleni, "the food was delicious."
You quickly tossed aside your concern about the mysterious patrols, "Hey now," your firm voice drew Howzer back to you, "why are you telling her that?  I'm the one that cooked dinner."
His head shook slightly, dismissing you entirely as he said your name in a playful manner, "I know you didn't cook it."
You cocked your head back, "Is that so?" Your voice was slightly challenging, "And what exactly makes you say that?"
Howzer had started to turn to walk away from the table, but stopped when you posed your question, "Well, it's just that," his right hand moved up to rub at the back of his neck, his eyes avoiding you as he carefully considered a response he really wasn't prepared to give.
Suddenly, Hera spoke up, taking the bait, "Because the food is edible.  You're a terrible cook."
You released a sharp gasp, feigning offense at her words, but still looking at Howzer as he slightly lifted his right hand up into the air in surrender, "Whoa, that's not what I was going to say," he said, only to wink at Hera, causing her to giggle.
Cham and Eleni both failed to stifle their small laughs at what had been said.  You rolled your eyes, letting them have the moment to laugh at your expense.  There was no way for you to argue Hera's point; you were horrible at cooking.
It wasn't until Howzer once again announced his departure and exited the room, did your concerns about him and the patrols come back to the forefront of your mind.  So, after just enough time to decide on your next course of action, you quickly excused yourself from the table and made you way after him. 
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pretchatta · 3 years
post-war traditions
a @starwarsfandomfests valentine's day gift for @arcjesse
it's always a joy to write these three, I hope you enjoy Howzer getting to dress up nice!
rating: teen || howzer/cham/eleni || 1k words || AO3
It was mid-morning when the news reached Ryloth.
General Grievous is dead. The Separatist leadership is in disarray. The war is over.
Even out in the Outer Rim they noticed the change within hours. The droids stopped coming, both on the ground and in the air, and the respite from the fighting was a welcome one. There were even reports of retreats, of leaders fleeing their armies sure that retribution for their actions was coming.
In the Tann Province, the atmosphere was one of celebration. No-one had foreseen such a quick end to the war but everyone was embracing it. By early evening, plans had been made and the city was a hive of activity. The past three years had not been the longest war their people had suffered but it had been one of the harshest.
The air was alive with excited voices. The Jedi had done it! The Republic had won! True, it had been expected that Dooku and Grievous would be arrested and tried for their crimes before the Senate, but any end to the conflict was a good one. It would only be a matter of time before the other Separatist leaders were rounded up and put in front of a court.
From his position at one of the many windows of his home, Cham Syndulla watched his people thronging the streets, seeing how they walked lighter than they had in years. He understood that sometimes distasteful actions were necessary in warfare. He knew there were Jedi politics involved, given Dooku's history and Grievous' weapon collection, but it was something he put from his mind.
Tonight was a night for joy .
The sound of a door opening caused him to turn from the window. Before him stepped his wife, looking radiant as ever, but tonight even more so. Like him, she was dressed in the traditional brightly coloured stripes of celebration. Her dress was long and figure-hugging, and the colours made the jade of her skin even more vibrant than it was normally.
"You look beautiful," he told her.
She smiled, and somehow shone even brighter in his eyes. "As do you, love."
His own attire was just as multicoloured as hers, and in a palette specifically chosen to compliment that of his wife. The Twi'leks were a colourful people and that was how they liked to celebrate: washing off the dust of their desert world to shine and dance under the stars.
"Shall we?"
He offered her his arm and they descended to the atrium of their house. Hera was already outside, watching the aerial displays from overjoyed combat pilots. Cham could picture exactly the excited, longing look she would have on her face. If he didn't keep an eye on her there was a good chance she'd try to sneak off for some celebratory flying by the end of the night.
His attention was brought back to his surroundings by the presence of someone waiting just inside the front door. The man was dressed in neat GAR-issue formalwear and standing to attention for his general.
"Captain Howzer," Cham greeted him, "at ease. I thought we had dispensed with formalities when you are in this house?"
"I'm sorry, sir," Howzer replied, relaxing. "I've been making sure everything's running on schedule. Today's a big one for all the boys."
"It is important for everyone," Eleni agreed. "Fortunately there is still time for you to change, dear."
"Change?" Howzer gave her a confused look.
Cham chuckled. "You are about to attend a party, not a court martial!"
"Come." Eleni beckoned and led the way into the next room. "We'll start by removing this grey, boring thing."
She gave a faintly distasteful look to his dress uniform as she started unbuttoning the tunic. Howzer's brain was still catching up to what was happening and he only belatedly realised he should help her. The stiff material was sent tumbling to the floor along with the hat and gloves as Cham fetched the hangar that had been set out with Howzer's new outfit.
First, there was the long, sleeveless tunic that Eleni helped him into like a coat. Like what she and Cham wore it was multicoloured, and the stripes matched those on both of their  outfits so that the three of them were a beautifully balanced masterpiece. It went over his vest and slacks much like his dress uniform had, but it felt much more flexible and breathable.
Eleni cinched the tunic at his waist with a braided belt as Cham slid the matching lekku bands over his wrists. They were just as important, and neither of them had wanted to let a simple thing like anatomy get in the way of including Howzer in their traditions. Cham secured them around the thick muscles of the man's arms.
There was a mirror leaning against one wall that had been brought in specifically. The Syndullas led Howzer in front of it so that he could get a good look at himself.
"Gener– Cham… Eleni…" Howzer started. "I – I've never –"
I've never worn anything that wasn't standard issue.
I've never had something with any significance beyond the military.
I've never felt like I belonged somewhere that wasn't a facility.
He choked off what sounded like a sob. Cham merely waited for the emotions to pass through him, a tender look in his eyes.
"You are a part of this family, Howzer. What you have done for us, what you are to us – that will never change. You will always belong here."
"We love you," Eleni added softly.
Howzer took a deep breath, centering himself. He looked away from the mirror and took each of their hands in both of his own, loving the contrasts of green and orange skin against brown.
"I love you too," he told them, his voice only a little shaky.
Eleni cupped his cheek in her palm and leaned in to press her softly smiling lips against his. She drew back to allow Cham to do the same, and Howzer accepted their kisses with tears in his eyes. The three of them pressed their foreheads together, a silent expression of the strength and depth of their feelings.
"Come now," Cham murmured. "We have a victory to celebrate and a freedom to enjoy."
With his wife on one arm and his captain on the other, General Cham Syndulla strode from his residence towards the festivities, calling for his daughter to join them. Ryloth was safe, his family was together, and all was well.
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These drawings are done by me . If you need them for anything ,let me know ! I’m open to suggestions as well. I like drawing Star Wars stuff . This post is mostly to link it at the top of my page ,you can scroll past it .
Clone Wars /Prequels Era
Saw Guerrera [x]
Captain Rex [x] [X]
Arc Trooper Fives [X]
Kit Fisto [X] [X]
Commander Wolffee [X]
Padmé Amidala [X]
Barris Offee [X]
General Grievous [x]
Ahsoka Tano [X]
(Assajj Ventress x Quinlan Vos) and Obi-Wan Kenobi [X]
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Satine Kryze [X]
Riyo Chuchi x Commander Fox [X]
Bad Batch Era
Tech [X][X] [X]
Omega [X]
Crosshair [X] [X] [X][X] [X] [X]
Eleni Syndulla [X]
Hera Syndulla [x]
Howzer [X]
Gregor [x]
Echo [X]
The Syndulla Polycule (Howzer x Cham x Eleni) [X]
(Ketch x Bolo) and Omega [X]
-Dynamics (Not Ships)
Cid and Omega [X]
Darth Vader and Crosshair [X]
Wrecker and Crosshair [X]
Hera and Omega [X]
Roland Durand and Ruby [x]
Hunter and Crosshair [X]
Burn Book Gif : Rampart and Tarkin
Rebels Era
Kanan Jarrus [X] [X]
Kallus [X]
Thrawn [X] [x] [X]
Ezra [X]
Loth Cat [X]
Rogue one
Cassian Andor [x]
Original Trilogy
Lando Calrissian [x] [x]
Luke Skywalker [X]
Darth Vader [X]
Mandalorian- Book of Boba Era
Boba Fett [X]
Fennec Shand [X]
Grogu [x]
Bo Katan Kryze [X]
Sequels Era
Synara San [X]
Finn / FN-2187 [X]
Orka and Flix [X]
The village bride [X]
Lop & Ocho [X]
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
Have a good night darling 💖
6, 9, and 20!
Ahh thank you Tess 💕💕
6. Do you have any ships?
Um does me x everyone count? Because I ship myself with almost everyone sjshsgsgvs
But lmao yes I'm an absolute sucker for Codywan. Love Blyla, Mandomera is so 🥺🥺 and can I ship Bail and Breha if they're already married? Too bad I am anyway. Oh also I am fully on team Cham x Eleni x Howzer power throuple lmao. Also I love Finnpoe and Finnrey. Also I love the headcanon that Lando and Han are exes (its basically canon lets be real), and that Han and Boba are exes hahaha
Okay I think I'm done now 😅
9. What food from star wars would you want to try?
Definitely a jogan fruit!!! Also I know the instant bread rey makes in tfa isn't supposed to be good but it looks yummy and I want to try it lol. And I wanna try all the alcohol lol, especially toniray and other alderaanian wines, and spotchka lol.
20. What type of pet would you have?
TOOKA!!!! 🐱 Also I wouldn't say no to a bogling lol they're so cute. And do droids count as pets? Bc I would love a little BD unit haha
Send me some star wars asks!
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