#challenges in prison
monicascot · 1 year
Cooking sushi in prison ! | From Incarcerated to Incorporated
Embark on a journey of transformation from “Incarcerated to Incorporated” with our groundbreaking culinary program, where inmates learn the art of cooking sushi in prison. This innovative initiative offers a unique opportunity for skill development and personal growth, empowering individuals to discover their potential within the confines of incarceration. Through mentorship, hands-on training, and teamwork, participants gain valuable culinary expertise, instilling a sense of purpose and hope for a brighter future. The keyword highlight, “cooking sushi in prison,” reflects the program’s creativity and determination to provide inmates with meaningful opportunities that pave the way for a successful transition to entrepreneurship and beyond. Join us in creating a pathway to new possibilities and a fresh start.
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sailermoon · 2 months
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The Handmaiden (2016) dir. Park Chan-wook / Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) ep. 38 "End of the World"
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sariphantom · 1 month
Rise August 2024 Day 5: Prison Dimension
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That one scene in the movie that emotionally DESTROYED the entire fandom
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ozzgin · 8 months
I really like the Monsters x reader story. Imagine if Reader got preggers and didn't know who the dad is. That would be one very intense fight amongst everyone.
I suppose it would be rather easy to figure out the paternity once the child is born. If it’s half lizard, for example, it might be safe to assume the many-eyed screeching creature wasn’t involved in its creation.
During pregnancy it could be once again the time for the mayor or Monstertown to interfere and keep Reader away (they have no idea how fragile humans are so they’d rather not risk stressing it out). To maintain the peace he might even turn it into some sort Olympic event, where only a handful of monsters that make it to the finals have a chance to impregnate the Reader as well. I won’t go into detail because I have another ask about a motherly Reader that triggers the monsters’ breeding instincts 👀
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Rise August: Prison Dimension
I don't always draw backgrounds. But when I do…
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…I absolutely kill it.
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reengeen · 2 months
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Day five of @sariphantom's rise August prompt list finished :D
I've tried to draw the prison dimension many times but it never quite turns out right. I really like this one though :)
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trashmallcw · 10 days
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more pris doods! ft. i'm still figuring out how i want to draw them but they're becoming more and more pigeon-like (save them)
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 23: coffee shop
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
This one is even longer than my favorite and although at first I didn't have an idea, I loved the final result. I hope you like it!
The movie on your phone was interrupted by the bell ringing, alerting you that some customers had just entered.
Your aunt had owned the modest cafe you were now in for most of her life and now that she was too tired to take care of it anymore and the money was already enough for a comfortable life, she decided it was time to sell it.
The transaction was still in process and you were there that day to cover for her while she went to a doctor's appointment, hoping that the day would be calm enough so that you could finish the movie series you were watching and, perhaps, make some progress in your schoolwork.
“Good morning, how can I help you?”
Your friendly smile seemed to please the couple of girls in front of you and they took a moment to decide what they wanted, until finally they told you what they wanted. You had worked as a barista for a while elsewhere and it wasn't difficult for you to prepare the lattes that they waited patiently for, while they carried on a conversation that you heard fragments of, but didn't understand.
A minute later, when you took another look at the line, you realized that there was a man behind them and you stopped for a moment to look at him carefully. He was older than you but you also noticed that he was very handsome and dressed like an executive, very different from the kind of people who frequented the establishment.
Once you were done you placed both drinks on the counter and the two girls, who had already held hands, thanked you and handed you a bill to pay.
“For a dollar more I can give you some cookies, we have chocolate and walnuts, would you like that? They will taste delicious with the latte you ordered” you offered kindly, showing them the product in the basket you had next to you “They are homemade and a sweet gift for a loved one.”
Your sales strategy seemed to convince them both and one of them gave you the missing dollar. You packed the things and before they left you wished them a good day, trying to be as polite as possible. When the couple left the place, the man walked to the front and you repeated the question at the beginning, a little nervous after noticing that he was even more handsome up close; he had slightly curly and messy hair, a discreet trace of facial hair around his pink lips, and beautiful honey-colored eyes that made you shiver.
“I wanted to ask you, is Mrs. Smith here?”
“No, she had to go to a doctor's appointment,” you responded, somewhat embarrassed. The idea of who he could be didn't even cross your mind, as you were too worried about recording as many details as possible about your attractive client “Who's looking for her?”
“My name is Spencer,” he replied. The name sounded captivating coming from his lips and there was something about his smile that made you feel nervous.
“I can call to tell her that you are here”
“No, if she's busy I'd rather come another time,” he murmured. The thought of what this man might want intrigued you and before he even turned around you rushed to say something, anything, to hold him back.
“Don't you want to drink coffee?” your words sounded small and rushed and you didn't even know why you had said them. That man would be, according to your calculations, about ten years older than you, but that didn't stop you from appreciating his beauty and wanting to be nice to him “You look like…” you began to say, feigning a thoughtful tone, “an espresso man. You know, something serious and strong”
Again, your attempt to attract customers seemed to be working, you knew by the small smile that formed on his lips.
“In fact it's quite the opposite,” he murmured, taking another step towards you that he had taken away “I'm a big lover of cappuccinos. The sweeter the better."
“Well, that's definitely a surprise,” you murmured, batting your eyelashes without even being aware of it “My aunt should be back soon and we have a cappuccino machine here. You can wait for her. If you want,” you added, hoping you didn’t sound too forward.
You saw him debate for a moment whether he should consider your offer or not and apparently something in your childish and kind eyes convinced him to accept, which you celebrated with a huge smile.
“Regular, vanilla, or mocha?”
“Regular, please,” he responded, walking to the nearest table so he could take a seat. All the furniture was shabby and rustic, with bright color combinations that had already worn out over the years “And you work here?”
“No, I'm just helping out today. There was an employee, but she had to resign for personal reasons and since my aunt is selling the cafe, we thought it would be more prudent for the new owner to hire whoever he wanted.”
“Huh, now there will be a new administration? Who is it about?" you weren't very used to sharing information with strangers, but you wanted to continue having this man's attention and if that was the way to do it, you would take the risk.
“My aunt said he is a Doctor Reid. I think she's known him for years because he comes here often for coffee and when he found out she wanted to retire... well, he offered” you could see him from above the counter and although you thought you saw a little smile, you thought you were just imagining it “Are you a frequent customer?”
“You could say so,” he responded and you swore there was a bit of mockery in his response.
You had already put the ingredients in the machine and now all you had to do was wait, praying inside that no other person would cross the door so you could have your little moment with that mysterious gentleman.
“I hope the new owner considers remodeling. There is a university near here and many young people could come if there were some more flashy things. You know, something that looks cute on Instagram”
“Instagram?” he asked, as if you were speaking to him in a strange language.
“The social network,” you answered obviously and he was quick to nod his head, as if he had just remembered what that was.
“Sorry, I'm just not very techie,” he apologized, with a sheepish smile. “But I think you're right, maybe this site could use a change. This way it would stop being full of old people like me and young people like you would enjoy coming.”
Was he describing himself as old? How old was he supposed to be? The question was drowned out on your lips because the machine announced that the drink was ready and you ran back to finish preparing it. You did your best to place a pretty design on the top of the liquid and then left the counter to hand the man the cup, accompanied by one of the cookies you had sold to the previous girls.
“It looks delicious,” he hummed, receiving the coffee from your hands and accidentally brushing your fingers. His hands looked calloused and big; the kind capable of holding you perfectly “Should I pay now or later?”
"Oh, don’t worry. It is courtesy of the house”
Again, you didn't even know why you were offering that to the man, and although he seemed surprised, he didn't protest at your show of kindness. You thought about how daring it would be to sit at the same table as him and in the end, you decided that the best thing was to return to your place behind the counter, now with no intention of watching your movie because if that were the case you would miss out on the good view that destiny had given you.
“If you need something else, you can tell me. We have some books on the shelf over there, if you feel like reading while you wait.”
Spencer thanked you and then you thought it would be best not to ask him any more questions or he would probably feel harassed. You saw him get up from his seat to listen to your suggestion and take a book, on the cover of which you managed to read Crime and Punishment. You wanted to tell him that you had read it for a college assignment, but instead you bit your tongue, reflecting that this information was something he clearly wasn't interested in. 
You stayed as composed as possible and he didn't seem to notice your gaze on him, or if he did, he didn't say anything of it. There were no customers the entire time he was drinking his coffee and when you thought about preparing something else for him, a clatter filled the air: it was your aunt, at the door, holding a shopping bag in one hand.
"Oh hello!" she greeted, both to you and to the man who was waiting patiently “Honey, why didn't you tell me that someone came looking for me?”
“I asked her not to, Mrs. Smith.” Spencer answered for you, getting up from his chair and leaving the book on the table, next to the empty cup “I didn't want to interrupt your activities.”
“Well, now I'm here. "Just let me leave these purchases and I'll be right back to discuss the contract, Doctor Reid.”
Contract? Doctor Reid? 
“I'll wait for you here” he smiled. Your aunt crossed the counter to enter the warehouse and you followed her like a lost puppy, trying to find an explanation for what you had just heard.
As soon as you were inside you stood next to the woman to get her attention, making sure to be out of the man's hearing range.
“Is that Doctor Reid?” you hissed.
“Yes, he didn't tell you?”
"No!" you squeaked, while she looked around for a folder with the documents she needed “I mean, he told me his name was Spencer, but he didn't tell me his last name. And since you said he was a doctor, I imagined a grumpy mister, not someone like him"
“But he is a mister, he is in his forties.”
"How many?" you screamed again, unwilling to believe what she was telling you “But he… he's so handsome! I thought he would be around thirty at most. How can he be forty?”
“Do you think he's handsome?” she asked and this time she did look at you. You had always had a good relationship with her, so her older woman's scowl judging you didn't offend you like it should.
“Of course,” suddenly your head seemed to remember an important detail and your entire face turned red, while your mouth opened in a soft oh “Damn, I even bought him a coffee! I just gave the future owner of this place a coffee, what is he going to think of me?”
“Youth, youth, you are becoming more and more indecent!” she murmured, half joking and half complaining. When she finally found her folder she grabbed it, ready to get out of it again, when you stopped her by her arm.
“Please don't go telling him that I think he's handsome,” you begged and she assured you that she wouldn't do it.
When you came out again, luckily, there were already some customers waiting and that gave you an excuse to escape from the amused look that the man you had been talking to had. The time you spent preparing people's drinks was enough for them to talk about the purchase and sale contract and for both of their signatures to finally be on the pages of paper.
“I know that this little corner is in good hands, I trust that you will take care of it”
“And of course I will, ma'am. While I was waiting for you, your niece kindly suggested a remodel and I think that will be the first thing I will do. I will keep the essence, but with a modern touch, right?” he smiled, giving you a kind look from his spot as if he were seeking your approval.
“I said it with the best of intentions,” you admitted sheepishly “If I'm honest, I didn't even know that you were the future owner, otherwise I think I would have treated you better.”
“Better than your friendly attitude, free coffee, and advice?” he asked and you almost thought he was returning your previous attempts at flirting, as if that amused him no end.
“What I want most is to see this place full of people again and I think a remodel would be perfect” your aunt smiled “Give me this week to take out my things and then the cafe will be all yours”
“Take as much time as you need, Amy. You will always be welcome here as if the place were yours,” he told her, with a sweetness inappropriate for a grown man, while he wrapped her in a hug. When he pulled away his eyes landed on you. “And you too, Miss Y/N. If you are interested in obtaining a permanent job, I would be happy to hire you. I’ll need someone young to help me give it that youthful touch.”
You wish you could say that his offer didn't flatter you, but that would be a vile lie. You looked at your aunt for a second and she already had a smile that bordered on disapproval of your victory, but she also hid some amusement at the situation.
“I need to talk about it with my parents and review my schedule at the university, but… I would love to, to tell the truth. Even if I am not a permanent employee I will continue to live here to shop”
And to see you, you wanted to say, but again you held back. 
“I'll look forward to your visits then,” he murmured, giving you a bright new smile.
From that moment on you knew that your aunt's old coffee shop would become the number one place for social gatherings, solitary visits to do homework and, with any luck, free afternoons to chat with the handsome and charming owner.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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harbingersecho · 8 months
tried to redraw one of my fav lolix moments w/ an animatic(?)
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 2 months
Rise August 2024
-- Day 5/10: Prison Dimension + Alone --
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... Don't worry, he'll be fine...
Days 5 + 10 of Rise August! I think this is the most I've ever beaten up Leo... I don't really draw injuries very often, but given the prompts... figured I might as well practice!
(Rise August 2024 Masterpost)
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thesoupisburning · 1 month
favorite princess from stp? or like your top three if you can’t choose lol.
saying the shifting mound is kind of cheating so yknow what im just gonna go through a list of favorites
wraith: her chapter is woefully short but she's so awesome. so full of hate. she's complex. she didn't want to hate you, she really didn't, and yet, you betrayed her at every turn. her voice is soooooo cool. her insistence her violence her look her sentences her ending. i want more of her. i need her.
burned grey: she... she's so tragic shes so trusting she kills you and me the fire the song the love in her eyes as you die and she KNOWS. she knows that it's the construct (of the house) (of the cabin) (of the story) that keeps you killing. shes the damsel's evolution she's love to the utmost and she KNOWS. round and round you go. she saw the future. and she killed you and me.
prisoner: ah yes local normal guy. local painless creature. local understander. sure she isn't the coolest looking or the most powerful or even the most interesting. but to me. she's so real. she's so grounded, and YET, despite EVERYTHING, she loves you. or at least trusts you. enough to be betrayed. enough to cut her head off. enough to leave everything in your hands, just to have a chance at freedom. for the both of you. she's the reason i love this game so much, i think. seeing her, still in chains, claw her way out of shifty's masses to plead my case. even after everything
but MAN what a hard question. i love everyone so so much. nightmare and wild and damsel are probably close contenders for favorites, but this is what i'm feeling right now. and as for narrative progression, apotheosis might have to be my favorite. but you weren't asking that so you're just getting my faves. thank you for asking!!!! this is so fun. what about YOURS, tofuuuuuu?
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monicascot · 1 year
Cooking sushi in prison ! | From Incarcerated to Incorporated
Embark on a journey of transformation from "Incarcerated to Incorporated" with our groundbreaking culinary program, where inmates learn the art of cooking sushi in prison. This innovative initiative offers a unique opportunity for skill development and personal growth, empowering individuals to discover their potential within the confines of incarceration. Through mentorship, hands-on training, and teamwork, participants gain valuable culinary expertise, instilling a sense of purpose and hope for a brighter future. The keyword highlight, "cooking sushi in prison," reflects the program's creativity and determination to provide inmates with meaningful opportunities that pave the way for a successful transition to entrepreneurship and beyond. Join us in creating a pathway to new possibilities and a fresh start.
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cinemaocd · 16 days
Fun fact: Amazon, UPS and Fedex have donated heavily to Trump and MAGA campaigns, despite taking a public pledge not to do so after J6...
Support the USPS a delivery service which treats its workers much better and DOES not support MAGA election denier bullshit.
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staticevent · 1 year
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color wheel challenge but it's imprisoned on the ocean floor
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reegis · 1 year
some raphaella perhaps? :3 being silly as hell? :3
shes just in a silly goofy mood
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muffinlance · 2 years
Fellow Prisoner Li, Part 4: Zuko Goes to the Time-Out Thinking Corner
Previous || Read from the beginning  || Read all chapters on AO3
The prison was there. And worse than Sokka could have imagined, which was a pretty high bar, but the Fire Nation really dedicated itself to exceeding his expectations. At least it explained why Li had been acting so weird. What with his trying to scout ahead while they were still outside. And trying to get them to wait inside that empty cell while he went ahead. And then they’d found the prisoners, and… yeah. Yeah, maybe Sokka shouldn’t have let his little sister and a twelve-year-old see that. Maybe, just maybe, Li had been on to something. 
Since the twelve-year-old was a fellow genocide survivor—and wow, that applied to three-fourths of their team, Sokka had never really realized that before—and. And since he was the Avatar, well. There had been glowing. And then there was a convenient hole in the ceiling for Appa to enter by. 
There hadn’t been many prisoners left. Still should have been too many for one flying bison. But their added weight was not large enough to cause an issue. 
It should have been. The Fire Nation was— 
Sokka did not have words. He just. He didn’t. 
* * *
They landed in some forest at night, somewhere outside anywhere major. 
And got jump-scared by some old lady who appeared out of the trees with the creepiest grin and then promptly lost it.
“Amka? Ikiaq?” creepy lady said.
“Hama?” whispered one of their rescuees. Her smile creased her face, like leather going against its grain. “You did it. You really did. We never knew if they caught you, they told us they did but there was no body—”
And now they were at an inn. Sokka collapsed into bed, and resolved not to question the convenience of this all until morning. 
* * *
He woke up too early, and yawned his way down the stairs.
“Why didn’t you go home?” someone was asking, from the kitchen.
There was a clink of cups being set down. Maybe bowls. Hama had insisted on bone broth and nothing but for last night’s dinner. To be fair, that had been all Sokka’s stomach could handle, too.
“And give them an excuse to raid again?” the innkeeper quietly scoffed. “No. I do what I can from here. Our tribe is safer without me.”
Sokka went back upstairs.
* * *
Hama offered to train Katara. 
“Yes,” Katara said. And, after the hugging was done, and after a small guilty time delay to remember their mission: “Will you train Aang, too?”
“He’s a waterbender?” the last healthy southern master said, with a glance at the airbender’s tattoos.
“He’s the Avatar.”
“Yes,” Hama said.
* * *
Sokka sat down next to Li on the steps outside. The firebender looked like he was having a moment. His face had been stuck like that since mid-escape, though, so. Probably time to talk to him. 
“Hey, Fellow Prisoner,” Sokka said. “Sure makes you realize how good we had it, huh?”
At which point Li opened his mouth and said words, but there was no way Sokka had heard them right.
“Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t catch that. Say again?”
“...The Fire Lord doesn’t know. There’s no way he… he wouldn’t have allowed that. I need to tell—”
“I am,” Sokka said, “going to stop you there. Li. Buddy. Fellow Prison Pal. I am aware that it is apparently a shock, that the people who burned half your face off as a kid, then beat you and threw you in Commander Muttonchop's fun-time ship prison basement for more beatings as a slightly older kid, are not the best people—”
“But…” Li interrupted, and then stopped talking, because apparently he didn’t know where he was going with that, either. 
“—And it is important to me that you know I don’t blame you for this. But it’s also important that you understand that that prison wasn’t built in secret, and it wasn’t staffed by uniquely evil people. It’s… it’s been there for decades. And people just… just went to work there, and got paid for it, and it was a normal job to them, and…” Sokka took a deep breath and let it out. “...And that is what the Fire Nation is. What it does. If you weren’t on our side from the start, I would have hated you and your bending on sight, because that’s what the Fire Nation does. And I really can’t be the one consoling you through this, because it is actually a little offensive to me that there are peaceful little villages like this a day’s travel from places like that, and decent people like you who knew the place existed but you… what? Think it’s just mismanagement? How should they have locked up generations of my elders, Li?”
Katara was right. He really, really shouldn’t be the one to have these conversations with the guy. Something something he’s got a good heart and yelling at him doesn’t help with the de-eviling.  
“Listen,” Sokka said, standing up. “Why don’t you… think about it. Some more. And maybe about your place on the team, okay? Because we want you here. And we trust you. But our goal isn’t to sit the Fire Lord down and enlighten him about all the things his country is doing. Our goal is to get rid of him. If that’s not for you, that’s…”
That would be a choice. But one Li could make. And Sokka would rather have him make it now than have a breakdown during some future fight.
“I’m going to go help Kirima take her walk,” Sokka said, and went back inside. The elders’ walks were all in done inside. Because it wasn’t safe for the prisoners to show their faces outside, and it wasn’t like she could walk far enough to enjoy the sunshine, anyway. 
Li was still sitting there, when he closed the door. 
* * *
“You,” said the innkeeper, “have been sitting here all day. I’ve always found an evening walk to lift my spirits. Help an old woman find her way in the dark? Besides, I know a better spot for thinking.”
“I… okay.”
Under the full moon, Zuko followed.
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