#ch: ryder
chevvy-yates · 3 months
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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lockerandom · 1 year
In Beetlejuice 2, I hope the Maitlands get to be in the movie. I know the actors have aged and ghosts don't age, but I'd be fine if they took on the form of their "scary" selves.
A big part of the story was the two becoming a second set of parents to Lydia. They wanted children but it was heavily implied that they were infertile
In the end it seemed like they were the ones doing the hands on parenting. They were the ones that greeted her when she arrived home from school and Adam was the one that helped her study for her math test and was the one who was expecting good grades.
Lydia also agreed to marry Beetlejuice to save them and as soon as they could they were doing every thing they could to save her.
So I hope that they can find a way to work them into the sequel as Jenna Ortega's character's doting ghost grand parents. Maybe Jenna's character can't see them but she can talk to them? We can see them briefly from Lydia maybe at the end of the movie.
On another note, I hope Lydia gets to be a goth mom. I'd also like it if Jenna's character was the complete opposite and was preppy and embarrassed by her mom. That will save Ortega from being typecast and she can show off other aspects of her acting. But its also cool if she's also a goth. (And we can get a joke where she and her mother are referred to as Morticia and Wednesday Addams).
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westealtoys · 1 year
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Some time ago I was crying dramatically into my pillow talking with @wonda-ch about Ryder's PR team (me) failing miserably while building his image and that there's more to him than the confident and horny asshole act.
There's soft and insecure side too, confused and full of doubts, side not many know.
Thanks to my fantastic friend @wonda-ch, who took upon herself making it publicly known, everyone can read about his other side here (yay!). Thank you wonda! You're the best and this is the sweetest gift. I still scream with delight ^^ <3
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lavampira · 1 year
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soni and her fave crew members (don’t tell the others)
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silkchvffon · 11 months
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THE EVENING IS BITING COLD WHEN esma exits the hotel, heels clicking rhythmically and fast against the marble steps. ryder moves like a ghostly figure ahead of her into the crowded new york streets, but it feels like they're completely alone. her hand has been in lucas' all night, but her eyes have been on ryder — it's easy to abandon her own engagement party, her fiancé, when her soul still yearns for him. « ryder, » his name falls softly from esma's lips as catches up to him and extends him his coat that he's either forgotten or deliberately left behind. once their eyes lock it's like all the air is punched right out of her chest, but she invited him and she can't just let him leave in the state he's in. and she certainly is incapable of letting him go. « are you getting home safe ? i can call my driver, or i could have a room ready, just ... maybe you shouldn't be out right now. » her fault. his broken expression, her own shattered heart — her fault.
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lcsingmyhead · 2 years
— who: Ryder & Elias  — where: the Clubhouse
It’s been almost a full year since he moved and Ryder wasn’t fully used to the minor differences in this charter to the other. But one thing never changed, and that was the clubhouse. Through the weird stagnant moments of moving, unpacking his house, seeing Becky and almost repacking and moving back out of sheer embarrassment, the clubhouse was a respite. He’s spent most of his free time there as of late - even sometimes bringing his laptop to work on the sticky bar top. Especially now, with his birthday on the horizon, Ryder didn’t want to be alone with his thoughts. Which is why he was here today. Checking flights for holiday travel to see if he could surprise his little sister back in Olympus when he heard the door behind him open. 
It was a weekday afternoon and only a handful of people have been in here before or after their shifts at work, but since lunch just ended he was a little surprised to hear someone else in the room that’s been empty for an hour. Raising an eyebrow at the club VP, the one that helped him through the transfer process, the historian gave him a halfhearted wave. “Hey -- what brings you here? Forget to hang your stocking or something?” Nodding to the wall where mini stockings with puffy paint were hanging - a sirens weekend art project. “I’m pretty sure I saw Bill walkin around shovin condoms in them earlier. You want a drink?”
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strywoven · 1 year
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@outlawryder has requested a story : ❝ i can see it in your face. i don’t hold that special place in your heart. ❞  -verona
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O’ how she DREADS these sorts of talks , entirely LOATHES being cornered into these conversations ( one may have to ponder the reason as to why that is ; for was it not she who is so entangled to the whims of own heart , so driven by the force of grieving madness that’s consumed it ? ) .  Foolish is she to have assumed they could have gone on with their whole affair avoiding the topic and never giving it the time.  Ryder is , however , only h u m a n ( & merely a man ) .  And in all her years Verona has learned that humans are TRAGIC , prone to getting attached , to giving themselves to even the worst of creatures should it mean a taste for something close to love and peace.  Sad is it that Ryder has fallen victim to own design , handing his unquestioning devotion to HER , a consequence of his blind faith in her as he lays himself willfully upon her waiting , ready blade ( i trust you , he’s said afore , i know you won’t do me harm ) .
Yet she’s not grateful for it , merely irked and discontent , especially when he presumes the authority to ask after the whims of her rotting heart.  It is times like these Verona thinks it would have been wiser to KILL HIM , to be rid of him for good.  For if only she had broken h i s heart sooner she might have been spared this too-familiar discussion now.
❝ You ought to be sleeping , ❞ She chastises with her back to him , purposefully avoiding the idea of turning to face him and indulging his company ( yes , perhaps if she ignores him he shall get the idea & stay quiet ) .  But the weight of him still remains , his presence still warming the space beside her in h e r bed ( another mistake , she knows , one she’s not thought to correct since it was first made weeks ago ) .  When he starts to speak again in lieu of her non-effort to reply , she tosses him a glare over her shoulder , silver eyes burning , sharp teeth bared as a g r o w l emits from breast in WARNING .  And it is rather plain , she shall warn him only the once ; they both know she’s not one to repeat herself.
Thus again , the room is quiet.
At length , Verona speaks up again ( reluctantly ) , her gaze trained towards the window nearby , ❝ Do not be offended , Ryder , ❞ Tone is reserved , voice is hush , ❝ I’ve not allowed ANYONE to occupy a n y place in my heart for … A very long time.  I doubt any shall. ❞  He may not know the meaning behind the words , but they are clear in their hurt , heavy-laden with a s o r r o w in each softly uttered syllable.  One day she may tell him about it , the reason behind her need to be kept FAR AWAY from everyone ( & how she looks on at everything with an expression of mourning )— Not now.  It is not the right time.  ❝ It … It Is not a place you should seek anyhow. ❞  A pause.  ❝ Why not covet the heart of a human woman like a normal man ?  You would at least stay a l i v e that way. ❞
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tuiyla · 2 years
it's honestly so sad and gross the amount of times the glee writers have had characters use throwaway lines about SA. puck has the threesome line, santana has 2 in PUC (there's the roofie line but also the one about 'playing doctor' when she was 9) and then brittany has the alien invasion. kitty's SA is only mentioned to support ryder's whose is treated as a joke by sam and artie who aren't called out for it.
Damn I forgot Santana has a second sus line in PUC.
I think the Kitty and Ryder scene is surprisingly tasteful but that is compared to the incredibly low bar of random one-liners, so. It's decent just by virtue of being an actual storyline and like you say, it's never brought up again after that. I have so many thoughts about that Kitty scene it's insane some of which I touch on here.
I don't mind that Kitty's story is only brought up to support Ryder's and Ryder, as I mention in that post I think it works well with her character that she would choose to share. But the way Ryder's story is framed is all kinds of problematic, mainly because of that stupid fucking Sam and Artie comment. I'm glad Kevin addressed his dislike of it in the latest podcast ep.
Glee had the same problem with SA as it did with all serious topics they tried turning into issue episodes. It's way too layered and sensitive of a topic to be your moral of the week BS and you sound like such a fucking hypocrite if before and after that one episode you continue making throwaway jokes about it. I'm just glad Glee didn't try to do more with it, you know?
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cass1x1 · 2 months
[ DISCOVER ] for receiver to find sender trying to clean blood off themselves - i don't have a main blog i can send this off but ryder/simon and i'm sorry <3
@meowtrash this one...got away from me a little. TW for blood and injury mentions obvi
The light, ultimately, was what got Simon up. A notoriously light sleeper, they'd been simply lying in bed, listening to the soft creaking downstairs and bargaining with themself about what would convince them not to go look. If they disable the second alarm, I won't go look. If they stay in the foyer, I won't look. If they don't go to the kitchen, I won't look. Simon was reasonably certain there was no danger. They were reasonably certain they knew who it was. The only strange part, really, was the light. They slid out of bed, yanking their discarded shirt over their head, and padded downstairs to see what Ryder was up to. They moved quietly through the house, like maybe they were the one sneaking up in the first place.
Their first reaction to seeing Ryder was, naturally, relief. They were glad it was just him. But their second was an apparently audible gasp of confusion. At first, they weren't sure Ryder noticed. He was, after all, apparently reenacting a scene from Macbeth, scrubbing blood from their hands with a ferocity that Simon--a slight germophobe by nature--could understand but didn't expect. But then he turned off the faucet and looked up, using a towel to dry off his arms. "Didn't mean to wake you," was all they said. Their voice was rough.
Simon liked the sound if it more than they ought to, which was on the whole more embarrassing than catching Ryder cleaning blood off themself. "I was already up," they lied, leaning against the door frame. "Do you need help?" Ryder didn't really answer that in any meaningful way, so they stepped closer, fully into the kitchen.
In addition to the blood on Ryder's hands, Simon could see their torso--why is it seemingly always bare when they least expect it?--had a few streaks, but the more concerning spot, which was shining with quite a lot of blood from a cut. Simon frowned, weighed their options for a moment, and then turned. Ryder turned the faucet back on, and based on his reaction when Simon returned with some supplies, he'd thought Simon had meant to leave. He seemed frozen for a moment, rendering Simon's next words a little redundant. "Hold still."
Simon figured it was best to begin with water, so they took the washcloth, soaked it, and began the gentle process of dabbing at the cuts on Ryder's face. They started with the cut above his brow, trying to keep their full attention on the cut. If they squinted, trying to focus in on the jagged edge where the skin ended, they could ignore the rest of Ryder's face, his unreadable eyes and the set of his lips. This was already grossly inappropriate, they suspected, and thinking about Ryder's mouth would only make it worse. So they did, willing the rest of the world beyond the spot they were cleaning to disappear.
Until it was justifiably clean enough, and they had to move to the next spot. A long, thin line from Ryder's temple to their cheek. This sort of task was something Simon could do. They were pretty aware of the fact that they were neither strong nor brave, but when they were in the right headspace, they were meticulous. They started on the long cut, worrying at their lip with their teeth as they ran the now-reddening cloth along it. After a moment, though, Ryder grabbed their wrist, forceful and just shy of painful. "That's enough," he said, voice rough.
Immediately horrified at whatever boundary they'd crossed, Simon dropped the cloth. It fell to the floor with a sad, wet thud. "I--sorry. You probably want…" Their mind began to spin, the way it often did, filling in the gaps of the evening with explanations they had no way to verify. Ryder had been mugged, or in a fight, or fell through a window, or a dozen other possibilities, all of which would have left them tired and in no mood to be put upon by Simon. They felt themself flush, which was probably also unfair as, at the moment, they had more blood in them than Ryder. "Let me just…uh…" Unable to totally help themself, they opened the first aid kit, gesturing at its contents. "There's more, too, in the bathroom." Their childhood warnings about safety and how most household injuries occur in the kitchen or bathroom felt foolishly naive. Ryder hadn't been hurt in the kitchen or bathroom or household at all. And all Simon had to help were his sad little bandaids.
"It's late and I was asleep and that's what I should be doing," they said softly, turning to excuse themself.
They wouldn't look back, but they didn't need to. They could hear Ryder's smirk in his words. "I thought you said you were already up."
They had no answer for that, so they scampered upstairs as fast as their legs would allow, hoping by morning came, Ryder would be gone or they would have learned the ability to disappear from shame alone.
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elfgremlin · 7 months
kylie literally never wanted to go to andromeda but her entire family and her best friend (liam) were all going so she felt like she had no choice so when alec literally forces ryder to become pathfinder on habitat 7 instead of letting her die once her helmet got smashed she was so so so so so so so beyond mad bc she was already suicidal as hell and she so desperately wanted to literally die and it took her a very VERY long time to heal from what happened (also she hated her dad so 💀 and she never wanted to become pathfinder to begin w bc she never believed in the andromeda initiative lmao)
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ashton-ryder · 8 months
🍪   to   bake   cookies   with   my   muse.
valentine's day ask meme
"Mm I got the cornstarch," Ash came into the kitchen with a few unusually additional ingredients, nose down to the paper recipe his mother had mailed over to them and they wanted to give it a shot. He handed the paper over to Charlie with a shrug, best give it to the chef before he tries to analyse it like a science experience, "I'll follow your lead, my mom's cookie recipe is in your hands."
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fvrsaeken · 1 year
📸Maddie's favourite photos of Sophia and Ryder (pictures of her parents to come)
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Maddie likes having photos of her siblings. She has hard copies as well as digital copies. She has a separate Instagram for posting non-business related content and most of it is pictures of her family. Her hard copies are all framed in a collage on the wall in her living room, it's the one thing she would save in a fire.
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anzellla-remade · 2 years
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(holds them gently in my hands)
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dontaskmemybias · 5 months
Ryder's Jisung Recommendations
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One Shots
Reckless convictions @moonjxsung This fic??? Hot professor Han falls for a student and chaos ensues. This shit rewired my brain chemistry.
On my mind @staytheword One of the first smut pieces I read and it is just so fucking beautiful. Stressed college student roommates hit home. This fic has stayed with me for so long, it showed me what fics can be like when someone really puts their all into it. I tagged more of Mari's stuff at the bottom because her fics are all so beautiful.
Weather the storm @doitforbangchan Ladies night out gets cancelled due to weather so boyfriend Han comes over and makes a fort with you. So cute, funny, and steamy.
The Heat @hwanghyunjinenthusiast Roommate Han brings home sex cookies. The hottest aphrodisiac fic I've read.
Friend Agreement @cas-skz First time with bff Han. So good. I don't normally love first time fics but this one is so cute and steamy, I couldn't leave it off the list.
Building Forts and Confessions @httpseiki Prompts: "Don't tempt me" and "lets build a fort". Bff2l story that was so good. Reader and Han are adorable and I loved it so much.
I need you, I love you @cb97breathing Amazing f2l with a nice accidental drunk confession. Everything I love in a fic. Belle is such a great writer, their fics are all amazing.
Blue Sunrise @quokkawritesarchive This fic??? Brothers best friend BLUESUNG!! Subby Ji is so hot in this fic jfc.
Same But Different @skzdarlings w/Felix. The world building is ethereal. I would legit read a whole novel. The entire threesome series darling wrote is so good but this one is one I have reread so many times now because it has such a phenomenal story. Check out the sharing a bed series too while you're at it 😘
2:23 AM Pt. 1, Pt. 2 @webcorelino Flora wrote the first smut I ever read. This is from her old account but there was a time when I read this multiple times a week. F2l fic that is just so amazing. First fic I saved in my notes app on my phone.
Like Never Before Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3 @writerracha Best friends brother fic that is so fucking steamy and just 🤤
Kinkuary 17, Truth Comes Out, Start of Something New @kwanisms I accidentally read the second one first because I thought these were oneshots but the whole stranger turned best friend Felix's roommate pipeline went so hard. These fics are so damn good.
What could go wrong? Ch. 1, Ch. 2 @daisykihannie Haneul wrote the best incubus Han fic hands down. This series is incomplete as of this moment but I am awaiting the next part! Soooo good.
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black-flag-if · 4 months
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Just came to give some news to anyone who's following and asking about the story. I know I don't write here a lot, but I am working on the story. Me not writing here for weeks is not a abnormal occurrence. I am almost done with Ch 2. I am currently working on the last scenes for the ROs. The problem?
I have been working on that for 3 weeks now? 🥴
I started with Lane. Didn't have anything. Moved on to Phoenix...I wrote quite a lot but I got frustrated with the coding and trying to diverge their path and it was just too much. Left it alone, and started working on Riley over the weekend and no issues for now. Will probably try to do all of them in similar style. After Riley, I'll probably work on Ryder's and they are usually easy to write so hopefully there won't be any issues.
Lane and Phoenix will have to wait for now but I finally see why people sometimes update route after route. Because of 1-2 characters, everybody has to wait. Let's hope I get some inspiration and magic fingers to type up the coding really fast. That's basically what takes so long and I am probably making this harder than it has to be because of the variations. 😬
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lcsingmyhead · 2 years
— who: Ryder & Becky — where: Blackstone Elementary
The holidays were hard. With Christmas and then his birthday so quickly following each other, and the general feeling of happiness and togetherness that Ryder never really felt, he wished he could skip it all. The season was a little easier to deal with when he had Becky to lean on, but then he had to go and ruin that. So here he was, back at square one, leaning against the wall of a coffee shop while Mariah Carey repeated through the speakers above him. It sucked. Grabbing the two cups, he moved out of the store and back into his car toward his next location. He didn’t think when he moved out to Blackstone. All he needed in the moment when he decided to get out of Olympus was a place with a club charter and once he found it, he was gone. Ryder hadn’t realized that it was the same place Becky ran off to until he physically ran into her at the grocery store. 
It was upsetting, genuinely so, when he realized just how hung up on this woman he still was. The memory of what he threw away just pushed him toward talking to her. If Ryder could only have her as a friend, then that was fine. But he needed her in his life. Which is how he ended up checking in at the elementary school, where the teachers were the only ones in the building, cleaning up before the holiday break, and walking into Becky’s classroom. “Well, I bought you this coffee before I realized how many Starbucks gift cards you probably have from your students,” Ryder said with a smirk, leaning in the doorway of her classroom. “How’s it feel to be free for a week?”
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