#i connect the nonexistent dots between this one ep and other aspects of her ch
tuiyla · 2 years
it's honestly so sad and gross the amount of times the glee writers have had characters use throwaway lines about SA. puck has the threesome line, santana has 2 in PUC (there's the roofie line but also the one about 'playing doctor' when she was 9) and then brittany has the alien invasion. kitty's SA is only mentioned to support ryder's whose is treated as a joke by sam and artie who aren't called out for it.
Damn I forgot Santana has a second sus line in PUC.
I think the Kitty and Ryder scene is surprisingly tasteful but that is compared to the incredibly low bar of random one-liners, so. It's decent just by virtue of being an actual storyline and like you say, it's never brought up again after that. I have so many thoughts about that Kitty scene it's insane some of which I touch on here.
I don't mind that Kitty's story is only brought up to support Ryder's and Ryder, as I mention in that post I think it works well with her character that she would choose to share. But the way Ryder's story is framed is all kinds of problematic, mainly because of that stupid fucking Sam and Artie comment. I'm glad Kevin addressed his dislike of it in the latest podcast ep.
Glee had the same problem with SA as it did with all serious topics they tried turning into issue episodes. It's way too layered and sensitive of a topic to be your moral of the week BS and you sound like such a fucking hypocrite if before and after that one episode you continue making throwaway jokes about it. I'm just glad Glee didn't try to do more with it, you know?
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