#cg vanessa
icarusredwings · 5 days
Taking requests for how Kid Wade sees certain disney movies and if he would like them or not.
You can specify if-
Vanessa's wade, Logan's wade, or both of their wades because they behave differently. As you get older how you regress changes and for wade he semi grows up in a sense? With vanessa hes very timid and almost mute. With logan hes much more cuddly and talkitve but still anxious and is more likely to behave then Poolveriness' kid wade, whos yappy and has an attitude. More tantrums and questions authority, curses more.
Or if you want Al's wade so post vanessa but pre logan, very similar but slightly different then logan's wade.
I would say this he ranges from 4-6-8
Asks prefered, not commented or else ill forget.
Already did Fox and the Hound :)
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megatraven · 1 year
One of the CGs for Vanessa’s route in HIFL has her holding MC’s glasses (presumably having removed them from her face) and she seems to be holding a finger up. I like to imagine she’s doing the “how many fingers am I holding up” thing, though MC without her glasses is unlikely to have any clue whatsoever.
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ive never seen this cg before so thank u :) it looks like a very cute scenario vuv
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eveekin · 2 years
the urge to yell "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" at every character that gets me horny when it is in fact me who has something wrong with her
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
I applied for a research assistant job in the arctic this year and I am wailing and crying and shitting because I won't know if I even got an interview until the end of february. please give me a lucky organism, I want to go to Nunavut so so bad. I want to lick a rock from a place where trees are basically physically incapable of growing. I want to take a selfie of me soyjack pointing at a seal. I want to Hold a Bird because that's what the job is. pray for me
String identified: a a ac atat t actc t a a a ag a cg a ttg ca 't gt a t t t a. a g a c ga, at t g t at a. at t c a c a ac t a aca ca caa gg. at t ta a ac tg at a a. at t a ca tat' at t . a
Closest match: Vanessa atalanta genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Red admiral
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dragcnbreak · 11 months
I’m not sure if you just focus on just x reader stuff or not but *pats movie!mike on the head* he’s definitely a little, mans needs to be taken care of the same way he takes care of Abby, he needs to be babied and loved….needs the snuggles…needs to be the one being taken care of for once….
Maybeee a some hcs or Drabble of regressor!mike w/ CG!vanessa (or CG!reader if you just do xreader stuff!)
you get me anon you get me… here’s some hcs of little!mike and cg!reader <3
• he would hesitate to try the other side of being a little at first but then, he would absolutely love it
• loves to be called any pet name you can think of, but especially “mikey bear” or a “good boy”
• speaking of good boys, you can shower him in any sort of praise and his metaphorical tail would start wagging (he claims he’s a cat person but he’s very puppy coded)
• definitely has a certain comfort object (i.e. a stuffie) that he brings absolutely everywhere with him. if it has to be washed by you, he stands outside the washing machine and watches it until it’s done. he doesn’t have a collection of things or anything because he still realizes that money can be tight for you and him
• he would cuddle that stuffie to sleep since his tiredness would still translate over to being a little. please let him take a nap!
• still recognizes abby as his sister (big or little one depending on how old he regresses to) and includes her and you in all of his drawings
• claims he’s too old (no matter how old he regresses to) to hold your hand anywhere but you still end up holding hands even after he’s said it
• I don’t think he would regress to too young, maybe around 10 or whatever age he was when garrett went missing
• will shyly ask for physical affection like hugs and kisses from you, he’d never fully admit it but he would love to be smothered in your care and affection
• either calls you by your name or “mama” or “papa”
• I headcanon him as autistic and I think he would lean into stimulating himself more when he’s feeling younger. especially rocking on his feet, flapping his hands, always fiddling with his stuffie, etc etc
• loves to help you cook or bake anything, I think he cares about feeling useful around the house and wouldn’t always mind doing chores (if he’s not tired)
I definitely think he’s a flip and thank you for allowing me to recognize that. it’s like 6 am and I don’t think this is my best work but I hope you enjoy anon <3 tysm for reading
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jjtheresidentbaby · 10 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Night In ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| mike schmidt x vanessa shelly
warnings: little!vanessa, cg!mike, established mike/vanessa both romantic & regrssor/caregiver, they live together, slight angst, vanessa’s insecure about her regression, nicknames
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Mike chews the inside of his cheek as he drives down the long stretch of empty road back towards the Schmidt house, it’s far too quiet in the car, and while the car is usually a little quieter without Abby in the backseat, this is almost eerie. They’re driving forty minutes home from the hotel Abby is staying with Ness at- he’s become a trusted babysitter and had offered to take the girl to an upcoming convention for some show they both watch - Mike honestly doesn’t know how a nine year old and a twenty something year old waiter can be this excited about the same show but he was happy to get the alone time with Vanessa.
After everything that’s happened it’s been hard to find time for just them, Mike’s working a new job, Vanessa’s been doing double time since getting out of the hospital, they’ve all been going to therapy- life has been busy. Thankfully much more settled, but some time for tlc is always appreciated, and the longer this car ride goes on the more Mike thinks Vanessa really needs it.
She’s been shifting in her seat every five seconds with a twisted up look on her face as though she can’t get comfortable and her eyes have been looking anywhere but at Mike. It’s worrying him to the point he contemplates pulling over to figure out what’s wrong- but he’ll hold off and start with just asking, trying to remind himself that jumping to conclusions only leads to him getting anxious which is the last thing he needs if Vanessa’s already having a bad time.
“Nessa? You okay?” He drops his voice soft and caring, glancing at the blonde girl only to be turned away from.
“I’m fine.” The response is quick and pitchy, almost nervous sounding, she’s chewing on her thumb nail and staring out the window like she’s never seen anything more interesting in the whole world.
“Are you….feeling small?” Mike hesitates as he asks it. While he’s always eager to take care of Vanessa when she’s little and he loves to be able to help her heal from her horrid childhood; he knows Vanessa isn’t always keen on going small or even admitting she may need to/already is.
“I’m sorry…” The girl mumbles back and Mike swears his heart shatters to nothing. Screw it- he’s pulling over.
“Mike? What are you doing?” A surprised squeak leaves Vanessa when Mike swerves over to the side of the road, a little more chaotically than he thought it’d be.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. But, Nessa, you don’t have to apologize for going small.” A saddened look falls to Vanessa’s face as Mike turns in his seat to face her, reaching to take her hand carefully.
“We’re supposed to be having a romantic night to ourselves, not-.” Her eye flick away from Mike, a wetness to her lashes and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as if she’s keeping back sobs.
They have reservations for a nicer restaurant that’s a few towns over, Mike ironed his dress shirt before they left and he knows Vanessa was going to wear one of her dresses, but none of that is more important than her being comfortable. Not to Mike anyways.
“That’s not true, we’re having a night to ourselves, romantic or not. We could go home and clean the entire house if we wanted to, or drive around until I run out of gas, or hell- we could go running through the woods in the pitch black if we really wanted to. The only thing that matters is that we’re together, okay?”
“And I’d hate to miss a chance to see my best girl.” Mike moves his free hand to brush his thumb against Vanessa’s cheek, smiling when she blushes and giggles at the touch. The nickname ‘best girl’ started after Abby realized Vanessa didn’t have a version of her own nickname ‘sweet girl’ that Mike’s been calling her since she was still a baby.
“You sure? Don’t wanna ruin the night.”
“You’d never ruin the night, ever.”
Eventually the two make it home in much better spirits, Vanessa had started to sing along to the radio loudly while Mike was driving and she’s still humming as she bounces up the walkway to the front door. Mike’s more than relieved that Vanessa seems to be enjoying her regression, he always hates to see when she’s upset and small, it’s a different type of hurt.
“What do you want for dinner? We just went shopping so we still have options.” A grin breaks over Mikes lips when Vanessa comes to wrap around his waist where he’s bent to look into the fridge. There’s still leftovers from last nights dinner but there’s still plenty of fresh ingredients for Mikes to cook something new.
“Pizza? That’s the one thing I can’t make!” Vanessa giggles as Mike comes to scoop her into his arms, placing her on his hip with a playful squint when she pokes at his nose with her pointer finger.
“Pizza. With pepperoni.” He pretends to think it over for a moment- they both know he’ll cave- but he still likes to watch Vanessa’s eyes go big and puppy dog like as she waits.
“Okay, okay, enough with the eyes. We can get pizza.” Both Vanessa and Abby know giving Mike puppy dog eyes will get them just about anything they want, and judging by the smug smile on Vanessa’s face she definitely knew it’d work with this.
“With pepperoni.”
“With pepperoni.” He confirms with a kiss to the side of Vanessa’s head.
A night of pizza and cartoons honestly sounds better than going to some fancy restaurant where he’d have to wear uncomfortable clothes and eat overpriced food while pretending he didn’t feel completely out of place in the restaurant. Holding Vanessa to his chest as she steadily chews on her hoodie strings is also better than seeing her wearing a tight dress - which she looks absolutely stunning in- but he knows bothers her with how stiff it is. They don’t need some expensive dinner or anything like that, they just need each other.
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survivorkidz · 10 months
vanessa's the kind of cg that asks "can you say mama for me, little one?" or "can you count to 10"?" (I love her sm!!)
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little-babybell · 11 months
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Calls you nicknames like sweet one, kiddo, bun/bunny, little rabbit, any nicknames related to your favorite animal!!
I just have a teeny weeny feeling she's good at cooking, not super like super super good but she's good
(I also have headcanons for regressor!Mike which I might do later) but she'd probably care for him if he regressed
she LOVES bringing you stuffed animals or things related to your favorite animals ^w^
Would like building forts with you!! Not like LOVE building forts with you :3
That's all I can think of for now buttt :3
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sweetheartturtle2007 · 2 months
I dont know if you have done roxanne wolf cg headcanons yet butttttttt PLEASE I WANT SOME :3
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Of course dear ! Coming right up! @k4i-ztimz
Caregiver Roxanne wolf headcanons
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You're Roxanne's little racer, she loves you with all her heart 💜
Freddy has to wake you both up every morning cause Roxanne keeps turning her alarm off.
She always gives milk and egg toast as breakfast, she says it's healthy for you, along with some chopped fruits.
She does your hair, dress you up, pit on your shoes and tie your shoe laces, etc. she always makes sure you look your best like her!. She always sits you on her lap while doing her makeup and talking to you.
During her work hours, you play around at the pizzaplex with the other kids, she always let's you play on her race (nobody needs to know that you don't actually pay to ride).
She trusts Freddy the most to take care of you when she needs some time for herself. She lets chica take care of you too but she's worried about what she feeds you (since she knows she eats trash) but she's still a good caregiver. As for Monty, she doesn't trust him.
You wear her merch a lot, the shirts with her face are your pj's, you sleep along with her plushies.
Whenever you sleep, she wraps you with her tail to keep you warm, she loves to cuddle.
She carries you while humming lullabies to you during nap time.
Protects you from any bullies around the pizzaplex. Nobody messes with her little racer.
Her favorite activity with you is playing pretend. She puts wolf ears on your head and plays with you acting like she's your mama wolf.(She actually is)
You both also spend time with Vanessa, she likes you.
Midnight mischief with her, you both like to play during midnight.
She teaches you how to play the guitar while you use a toy guitar.
She likes watching movies with you, especially studio ghibli ones.
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Hope. You liked these ! Sorry if they're short.
Dividers by : @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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nostalgiclittlespace · 2 months
hi marty!!! if your requests are open, can you do william afton caregiver headcanons with tons of fluff please 🥺💗 he's my fictional caregiver and i love him so much... he means the world to me....
thank you so much!!! :D
Of course!!! I headcanon Springtrap as one of my fictional CGs so I got you ;). Here’s some for Peepaw Willy! ⬇️
(Tried to leave this open for Movie! or Game! Afton)
Of course he is called Peepaw Willy when you’re Little. XD. Other CG names for him would probably include dada, papa, and bunny
He on the other hand calls you sweetheart, love, darling, and dear (he’s very British 😄)
He loves reading to you while sitting in a rocking chair.
Speaks so softly and gently 🥰
If he has to work, then he’ll bring you along! He give you lots of tokens to play the arcade games, coupons for snacks, etc.
But if you’re feeling clingy, then he’ll let you sit in his office with him.
Speaking of the office, he keeps tons of your gear in there. Pacis, toys, coloring books, snacks—the works
Lets you sit on his lap while he works
(He’ll even pet your hair or rub your hands with his thumb if he’s deep in thought)
If he needs inspiration or opinions for designs, then he’ll ask you! You now what’s appealing to kids and will make sure nothing is too scary looking.
Lots of your artwork ends up in his study or around the restaurant.
Would probably show his affection through gifts. Any gear/toy you want, he’s going to get it for you!
You of course have plushies of every animatronic. They’re your friends!
He definitely does different voices for the characters during playtime or stories. He has lot of practice from working kid’s birthday parties in the Spring Bonnie suit
William says he “isn’t as young as you used to be” but if you ask him sweetly (or whine enough) he’ll play tag with you, piggyback you around, etc
One of William’s favorite games is hide and seek.
You guys have lots of tea parties too
For your sake, he would let you dress him up, put glitter and stickers on him, etc
He tucks you in every night you’re regressed. Makes sure you’re all snuggly, checks your closet and under the bed for monsters, and kisses your forehead.
He’s a very calm caregiver. He’s experienced with working around kids of all ages and personalities from Freddy’s and his own kids, so he knows what he’s doing.
Doesnt panic during meltdowns or tantrums. He lets you cry it out if you need, and waits until you’re ready to be touched before giving you a very big hug
If you’re just having a bad day in general, he’ll make sure to do something special for you. Baking a treat, playing a game, etc
If you struggle with crowds or overstimulation, then he’ll bring you to Freddy’s after hours to play. (Pre missing childrens incident)
He doesn’t do that too often though, because he wants to be sure that you get a good nights sleep too!
Movie! William would have Vanessa as your babysitter. And she’s such a sweet big sister!
Game! William on the other hand…he wouldn’t let Michael watch you in a million years. Even pre-bite of 83 he was fairly irresponsible. Henry is a far-better suited babysitter
That being said, you’d get along with the Afton children well. You’d see them around the household, at Freddy’s, etc
(Being a Caregiver has definitely been good for Will; he’s starting to remember how to be a better father too)
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Thanks so much for the ask! I hope these are good! 💜💜💜
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crayon-kitty · 9 months
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Age regressor mike x cg Vanessa hc!!
mike has nightmares and Vanessa comforts him over the phone(or in person when their together)
Vanessa gets anxious leaving mike alone on the job so she stays with him making sure he feels okay and safe
•both Vanessa and mike lay in bed together and talk about their trauma
-Vanessa makes sure to remind mike his brothers kidnapping wasn’t his fault.
•Mike often feels drowsy from his meds and struggles to stay awake. So Vanessa let’s him nap whenever she can
•mike loves listening to books,songs, or shows when he’s little
-mike LOVES Vanessa’s voice. He loves getting books read to him while he unwinds before bed.
•when Vanessa has a hard day mikes crayon drawings makes her day 100% better
-mike draws different scenery’s and animatronics he sees during his work day
•mike feels shame when he regressed but Vanessa’s mommy voice makes him slip right away even if he fights it
•mike babbles a lot the only worlds that really make sense are "mama." "Mommy" and "paci ."
-Vanessa loves when she’s called these things by mike she feels important
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emblemxeno · 9 months
Have I sacrificed my sleep schedule multiple days in a row to finish Sacred Stones cuz I was so wrapped up in it? Yes!
Here's some of my big thoughts on my replay!
-Game isn't hard, even on the most difficult setting, yeah. But it's not particularly easy either. Pretty well designed all things considered, if we're being honest. I forgot that the maps are big as fuck to make up for how few chapters there are compared to a typical FE game. But it makes for neat environments.
-GOD the music is better than I remember. Makes me wish that Sacred Stones was one of the games represented in the first FE Warriors, cuz it would've been sick to have the high energy tracks made into rock. ESPECIALLY 'POWERFUL FOE' THAT TRACK SLAPS!!!
-I will never, EVER, take criticism of the scene where Lyon takes the Renais stone seriously without some hesitation first. Eirika got manipulated for her kindness by someone wearing her closest friend's face, and Ephraim was pushed into losing his cool and letting his guard down. I don't see why moments where characters get their flaws taken advantage of is something so offensive to certain FE players, but damn is it annoying to see.
-I used characters I don't normally use, like Vanessa and Moulder, and hot damn the entire cast is just stacked I guess! They just have very good supports! Never let first impressions get the best of you like I did, cuz my tendency is to just use Tana and Natasha instead. Of course, characters like L'Arachel, Lute, Artur, Joshua, and Gilliam are forever mainstays for me. ❤️
-LYOOOOOOON😭😭😭I fucking love him aaaaaughhhh I was crying both times when the epilogue CG came up. He's an example of a well-intentioned extremist that I like, cuz fucking with the Dark Stone isn't like, explicitly dangerous at first glance but it's still a risk! He just wanted to help his people and was in a moment of despair when trying to figure out a solution. His character being dark spins on Eirika and Ephraim's traits (too kind for his own good and narrow-minded pursuit for strength) is fucking genius as well.
-Creature Campaign wasn't too bad, when you have bishops, summoners, and sacred weapons for emergencies, monster-only maps are kind of a cakewalk. The difficult part about it is managing resources for the whole tower and ruins.
-High-key Eirika and Ephraim are both in Top 5 FE main characters for me, something about this recent playthrough hit me in the heart more than others. I'm super happy that I played this game again. Now it's back to a regular sleep schedule lol.
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megatraven · 4 months
other ships on my list for icon edits that I’d like to try making:
-hydra x lucien
-alex x mc x medusa
-alex x arin
-alex x jd
-Aphrodite x mc
-alex x mc x astraeus
-astraeus x hades
-aurora x afk mc (again)
-irving x yoshimitsu
-chance x afk mc (<don't look at me)
-jd x vanessa
-emeril x runa
probably lots more :3c if anyone has any suggestions please share, my only requirements are that the characters have to be seen clearly in a cg, and that it’s not a canon ship
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smol-ender-cg-jw · 5 months
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Vanny/Vanessa is a trauma regresaor, Cg, N big sister :3
@/ur-fav-is-agere I got the idea from them ^^
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
(this was supposed to be a request but then The Thoughts and i forgot what my request was so am giving you this instead 👍)
what if ventis friend vent regressed n they where playmates what if they had matchhing stuffies that where also best frinds and regression is pretty accsepted in mondstat becuz venti regressed after his friends died and a LOTTT of people learned about it from that + its technically part of city-important history diluc tells him that he doesnt have enough mora for alcohol but more often then not its just that diluc is better at noticing when ventis small then venti is and doesnt want to give a kid wine but also hes not great at social stuff and hes trying to not sound blunt or harsh (OR IR OR ventis thats kinda like me n alsmost always regressed (premaregressor??? i gave up trying to tell) but hes insecure about it so he tries to do as much "grown-up" stuff as he can so that noone guesses but hes kinda bad at acting especcialywhen hes baby mode maybe also after his gnosis gets stolen and he runs to the tree and the travler finds him n finds out that he regresses so he helps to calm venti down n lets him play with their hair and stick grass n flowers in it ("pretty crown :D")
littles aether n venti goin on adventures together at the river by the vanessa tree and him n diluc having picnics in the grapevines and venti making up off key songs for divalin and divalin humming back how do i end sentwnces
mondstadt is the city of freedom so I have a feeling that the concept of age regressing is VERY known about, and everyone accepts it. if ur public about your regression, PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHO YOUR CG IS and if you want them, they'll hold the little's hand and bring them to the cg they want
also every shop in Mondstadt has free candy and sweets for littles who come in with their cg 100%
also i think that aether and venti are a COMPLETELY underrated duo when it comes to regression hc's. little venti cg aether? works perfect. cg venti little aether? works perfect. THEY CAN BOTH BE LITTLE TOO because paimon is probably the primary CG for aether when he's regressed so they can both be tiny :>
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dragcnbreak · 11 months
EEE THE CG MIKE DRABBLE WAS SO CUTE ^_^ thinkin’ abt mike taking little!reader and abby 2 freddy’s & they play with the animatronics and color 4 them !!
WAHHHH tysm for reading, am so glad you enjoyed :D this is such a cute idea, let me see what I can do <3 <3 <3
◞♡࿐ (takes place between abby meeting her friends for the first time and vanessa being there)
“Hi baby,” you were regressed and sitting in front of the tv with Abby, papers and crayons splayed out in front of you both. Mike had instantly smiled at the sight of you two, delighted with how well you had gotten along with his little sister. He bent down and pressed kisses to both of your foreheads.
“I’ve gotta get to work, okay?” Mike said softly, peering down at what you guys are drawing. You and Abby instantly look up with the same pleading eyes. “Can we come with?” You ask before Abby can. He hesitates, thinking it over.
Yeah, he didn’t want to leave you watching over Abby when you yourself needed to be watched when you were regressed. He also didn’t want his sister around the scary animatronics though he supposed you would probably revert back to your older self if anything happen. You had also been there before and the animatronics happened to like you, even if you were physically older. It was like they knew about the age regression too.
With a sigh, Mike slightly nodded. “Yes,” you both cheered before he could continue, “but you two have to promise to be good, okay?” You and Abby both gave as serious smiles as you could. “Alright, let me help you pack your stuff, baby.”
... ♡⃕
The car ride there was eventful as you and Abby planned what to do with your friends. Sometimes, Mike would look back in the rear view mirror and catch your eye and he would grin.
In a flash, the car was parked outside the pizzeria. You and Abby hauled your backpacks filled with crayons, markers, paper, and a stuffed animal or two inside. You both kept ahead of Mike, calling out for your friends and running up to the stages to say hi. Abby greeted Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica while you smiled up at Foxy.
Mike stayed behind, watching you both carefully interact with the animatronics. Them being possessed by ghost children still mystified him and he wasn’t sure he completely trusted them. But right now, he could settle for you and Abby being happy.
He had even gotten roped into playing hide and seek. First and foremost, he set ground rules that you and Abby couldn’t touch everything you see. Then, no hiding in storage closets or anywhere behind the scenes. Finally, you both were supposed to come out if he couldn’t find you in time. You both agreed and ran off while Mike counted loudly.
The animatronics stared at him, noting that he was going along with you and Abby playing and specifically, how he treated you. They watched as he found you first, lifting you up with a fond smile on his face as you giggled. And then they looked on as he did the same to Abby.
When hide and seek was over, the three of you sat at a table while the animatronics hovered around you all. There, you and Abby got your backpacks and spread out your coloring materials. You both made each of your friends a drawing, making sure to also include Mike in all of them. He watched you both color, pointing out specific things you did and keeping the same, soft smile on his face the entire time.
Soon enough, you fell onto Mike’s shoulder, sleepiness overtaking you. You yawned and snuggled into him further, blushing as he kissed your head. “Goodnight, baby.” He said quietly. He watched on as Abby soon fell asleep too.
Mike suddenly remembered the throw blankets he had packed into your backpack. He gently moved towards it, not wanting to disturb your rest. He got the two of them out and covered Abby first, then you. “Goodnight, Abbs.” He repeated the phrase to his sister and then, hesitantly, to the four machines. “And, uh, goodnight guys.”
The four animatronics loomed over him until they blinked owlishly with their glowing eyes. Then Freddy patted Abby on the shoulder while Foxy did the same to you (with his non-hook hand of course). They then stalked over to their stages, taking their default positions before the curtains suddenly closed on them.
Mike stared, weirded out by their behavior but also somehow relieved. He supposed it was their way of saying they were okay with him and how he treated the people he loved. So, with a sigh, Mike leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. He then put his head on his arms and eventually fell asleep as well, the sounds and sights of Nebraska not in his purview for the first time in a while.
i hope it’s to your liking <3 tysm for reading darling
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