#cg!Steve rogers
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delicatebarness · 8 months ago
Hi! For the Barnes rogers family adventures could you do reader who is obsessed with her paci and Steve and Bucky try and take it but she get very whiny and upset and cries for her binky please? If not I understand! Please and thank you!!! 🎀🍼
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | “No, I want my paci,” #005
Summary: ^^ Requested.
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 477
Series Masterlist
A/N: I've always wanted a paci, but it's just never been something I've ended up having :( - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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Engrossed in your coloring book, you sat on the living room floor as the Sunday afternoon sun shined brightly through the windows. Your beloved pacifier is firmly in your mouth. Exchanging a glance, Steve and Bucky silently agreed that it was time to try and get to take a break from it for today. 
“Hey, Baby…” Steve began gently as he knelt beside you. “How about we try going without your paci for a little while?” 
You clutched the pacifier even tighter as your eyes widened. “No, Papa,” you mumbled around it while shaking your head. 
He stroked your hair, offering a warm smile. “We just thought it might be good for you to play without it for a little bit.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes due to the surge of anxiety that rushed through you. “No, Papa,” you insisted, your voice starting to tremble. “I need my paci.” 
Steve gently took your hand after exchanging a concerned look with Bucky. “We’re not taking it away forever, Baby, just a short break. How about we play a game together?” 
Spilling over your cheeks, your tears soaked your skin as you shook your head vigorously. “No! I want my paci!” you cried, feeling more upset with each passing second. 
Bucky sighed softly, reaching out to wipe your tears. “Shh, it’s okay, Tiny.” 
You hiccuped through your sobs, still clinging to your pacifier. “I need it, Daddy,” you repeated. 
Steve’s hand gently stroked your back, trying to calm you down. “Okay, baby. How about we try something fun together? Would you like to bake some cookies? Cupcakes?” 
You hesitated for a moment, tempted by the idea, your tears slowly. However, you clutched your paci even tighter. “No, I need my paci,” you whispered again, almost desperately. 
Another sigh came from Bucky as he gently lifted you onto his lap, rocking you soothingly. “How about we read one of your books together? Or… maybe we watch a movie?” 
Sniffling, you shook your head again. “No, I want my paci,” your voice wavered as you insisted. 
Steve and Bucky were at a loss as they exchanged another glance. “Okay, baby. We just want you to be happy.” Steve said softly, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead. 
“And, if that means keeping your paci for now, that’s okay,” Bucky added, his fingers tracing light patterns up and down your back. 
Nodding, you snuggled close to Bucky, content with your pacifier in place as you felt the warmth and love from them. Wrapping an arm around both of you, Steve’s presence soothed you. 
Just then, Peter rushed into the room, curiosity etched on his face. “What’s going on?” he asked, noticing the cuddle. 
He climbed onto the couch, and without a word, he squeezed in beside you and Bucky. Steve wrapped his arm around Peter as well, chuckling at the antics.
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pubbiee · 12 days ago
☆ cg! steve rogers moodboard
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“ i’m with you 'til the end of the line ! “
– requested by: self induglent for myself, not requested!
- with themes of: music, dad activities, writing, affection, etc
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softspace-fics · 6 months ago
Butterfly kisses
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A/N - I have been writing TOO MUCH angst recently, so let's switch it up! Here's to my favorite thing in the world. Butterfly kisses. (Inspired by Butterfly kisses by Bob Carlisle. A song that I will forever cry to when I hear.)
Masterlist - all my work!
There was no better way to start off the day, other than wrapped up comfortably in the safety of your bed with your two favorite caregivers next to you. Your little world all in one place. You gently snuggle into Bucky's side, nuzzling his scent back into your nose as he subconsciously wraps his arm around you.
Steve safety spoons you, keeping you safe from the blowing A/C that sometimes keeps you too cold. His soft snores and breaths act as a calming measure in your dreams, reminding you that no matter what your protected on both sides.
When the time comes that one of them wakes, they don’t even move a muscle, instead they cuddle right back into the family pile, sleep or not, they weren’t going to leave until you all were ready to. When Bucky’s eyes flutter open, the sleepiness of his slumber rests in his eyes before he blinks it away and turns his head towards you and Steve.
His eyes rest on the glowing bask of sunlight that shines on Steve’s shoulders,just inches from where his face is buried in your neck to save him from the light. You mimic your dada, your face softly and comfortably hidden in your papa’s chest to do the same. The sheets and blankets are a mess and it looks like an avalanche came through, but it was nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
Bucky softly shifted to make sure you were safely tucked in his arm, while bringing his other hand to gently thread it through your hair. He gently lays butterfly kisses all over your face, just enough for your dream to include it, but not enough to wake you.
Steve wakes not long after Bucky, although he doesn’t want to move from the comfortable squish of pillow and you, as well as the scents of the most precious people in the world that surround him reminds him that he has no better place to be. He lays soft and small butterfly kisses on your neck just as Bucky did on your face before he settles back in your neck, maybe, just maybe going back to sleep.
You shuffle slightly, and Bucky and Steve stiffen,worried they woke you. That is until you grasp onto Bucky more, mumbling happy little blabbles in your sleep, and soft snores following after.
The two softly relax, and Bucky reaches over to make sure that Steve gets some love too. His hand softly rubs Steves side, a calming gesture for the Super soldiers. Steve softly moves his hand from wrapped around your stomach and curls it into Bucky’s side, smashing you just a tiny bit more between the two.
Bucky softly smiles before he settles his head back into the pillows where he once laid. He focuses on the sounds of you and Steve breathing as he falls back to sleep himself, the knowledge of love and comfort reminded through every snore and every mumble of dreams.
Needless to say, when you all wake up later on, the morning is filled with more butterfly kisses all around, the feeling of cherishment in the rays of sun that continue to shine through, and your small giggles and blabbles break through the silence of breaths that once took up the quiet before.
There’s no rush to climb out of the wrinkled sheets, and there’s no worry of what the day may hold. There’s just you, your papa, and your dada, and an endless supply of butterfly kisses.
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angelbaby-fics · 8 months ago
for summer tea party! 🌼🌿👒
how about stucky with little reader who feels shy about asking for stuffies or toys, and both daddies just make her feel comfortable about asking for what she wants? 💓
ohhh this is so relatable 🥺 i always feel so bad asking for things so i totally get that 💕 199 words
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you knew they'd say yes, but sometimes that just made it worse. it wasn't the fear of your daddies saying no that kept you from asking for things, it was the fear that they'd say yes so many times that they'd get sick of it after too long. so you made yourself smaller. you stopped asking for things you wanted, even things you needed. and your daddies took notice. steve was doing the family finances when he realized the toy budget that month had fallen significantly. at first he'd thought maybe there was nothing you'd wanted lately, but one look at your longing face during a toy commercial proved that theory wrong. "you want that, angel?" he asked, but you shook your head guiltily. "aw thats a shame, i think i want it!" your eyebrows shot up "you do?" "yeah, do you think i should buy it?" steve asked again, and you wondered what he was getting at, so this time you nodded. "i want you to be happy, dada." steve smiled. "i want you to be happy to, baby. so please don't ever feel bad asking for things you want, because making you happy makes me happy too."
you're invited to my summer tea party!
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littlespacereader · 9 months ago
Nb reader had beginning to have accidents so Steve Rogers comeforts them and helped them clean up
Such an adorable concept! I haven’t written for Steve Rogers in such a long time so when I first tackled this I had a bit of writers block. Thankfully I reworked it a bit and I think it came out so cute!! I really hope you enjoy this! Thank you for the request!
Summer in Brooklyn☀️🍼
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Caregiver! Steve Rogers & GN! Little Reader (SFW!)
Tags - Summertime fun, bathing suits & sprinklers, Bucky & Sam mentioned, accident, pull-ups, forehead kisses, cuddles and hugs
It’s a warm summer day in Brooklyn! Finally the weather matched the season and everyone on the block was outside having fun!
The same could be said for Steve and Y/N who played together in their small backyard. Steve sat on a lawn chair watching Y/N run up and down through the sprinkler Bucky had brought a day prior.
It has become an afternoon routine of Steve and Y/N’s to get changed into their bathing suits and play a little game of tag around the backyard while the sprinkler sprayed them.
Today was an especially hot day in their small backyard. To make sure his little one didn’t get a heat stroke, Steve made sure they had plenty of juice and some ice pops here and there to counteract the crazy temperatures.
As the day went on, he could see his little one start to get more and more tired. There was nothing like a nap after playing in the water all day.
“Alright Y/N, let’s head in.” Steve stood up.
“Nooooooooowwwwaaaa.” Y/N whined behind him as he turned off the hose to the sprinkler. They were currently sitting in a puddle, playing with their zoo animal figures, splashing then into the puddle below.
“We’ll play tomorrow I promise. It’s just getting late and I need to get started on some dinner.” Steve explained, without the added part of a nap. That would come later.
Y/N sighed but nodded their head as the stoop up and walked over to Steve. But there was just one problem…there were no towels outside.
“Huh? Guess Papa forgot the towels upstairs.” Steve said more to himself than Y/N.
Y/N was holding their arms close. Being out of the sun and soaking wet was making them start to shiver. “Cold Papa.” They said softly,
“Here,” Steve took his shirt off and placed it over their head. Because of his tall stature the shirt was almost like a dress on Y/N. “There you go.” Steve smiled, “That will keep you warm till I grab the towel.”
While it wasn’t the warmest, Y/N wrapped their arms around the shirt and smiled. They always loved when they got a piece of clothing from their Cg. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome sweetheart. Now let’s go inside and get some towels.” Hand in hand, Steve and Y/N stepped back into the house.
Steve wasn’t wet at all. After sitting in the sun he had dried out. Y/N on the other hand was still wet head to toe. Steve had Y/N stand on a mar by the back door.
“Here sweetheart, you stay here so we’re not tracking so much water through the house and I’ll run upstairs and grab some towels okay?”
Y/N smiled and nod their head yes. Steve smiled back, placing a small kiss to their head before heading to the stairs.
Only issue is…Y/N was still cold. They held their new shirt close to them and crossed their arms infront. Papa said he wasn’t going to be long, just grabbing towels.
But with the cold making them shiver slightly, another issue came to the surface…they needed to use the potty.
The bathroom on the first floor was on the opposite side of the house. Papa said to stay on the mat so they wouldn’t track water through the house but…how much longer was he going to be? They didn’t want to track water but they had to go potty badly.
Maybe Papa would be back soon, maybe they could hold it, they reasoned with themselves. But as the seconds ticked away. They could feel their grip slipping.
But just then they heard Papa coming down the stairs!
Steve walked down the stairs, clothes and towels in hand, “I’m sorry I took so long bug. I figured I get all of your supplies and clothes from upstairs so you wouldn’t have to-.”
Steve trailed off as his eyes met with Y/N’s form. Small trickle down their leg and a puddle beneath gave away their accident. They looked up at him with tears in their eyes. “Y-You said, no move.” They explained with a little sniffle and a tear falling from their eye.
This is the second time his little one has had an accident. The first was during a thunderstorm last week. One loud crash had Y/N running to Steve in wet pajamas.
At first Steve and even Y/N, thought it was a one off thing…until today. But Steve had already had a conversation with Y/N about this the first time it happened. Accidents were okay, and didn’t define them and their regression. He was more than willing to help his little one.
“Oh Y/N,” He walked over and brought them close, pulling them into a hug. “I am so sorry. This accident is my fault. I should’ve checked in with you earlier to see if you needed to go potty.”
Once they broke apart Steve picked his little one up, though they protested. “No! Icky!”
“It’s okay, Papa needs to get changed too. I don’t mind. Right now let’s worry about getting you changed.” Steve reassured. Y/N looked as though they were going to say something but settled for hiding their head in his shoulder.
Steve carried them into the bathroom, closing the door behind them and settle his little one down on the toilet cover.
As he organized everything a small sniffle came from the opposite end of the bathroom, “Papa i sworry.” Y/N said, tears falling from their eyes.
Steve immediately stopped what he was doing and went over to his little one. He places a soft hand on their shoulder, “Y/N what happened is nothing you need to apologize for. What did I tell you when you had your first accident last week?”
“Accidents are ‘kay.”
“That’s right. You know accidents are okay. This one is on me. I should’ve kept a better eye on your juice intake.” Steve sighed to himself. “But having an accident doesn’t mean anything bad. Sometimes our bodies just don’t realize what we need to do in time and that’s okay. Everyone’s body works differently.” He began to explain getting a small nod from Y/N.
“We’re going to clean you up, and get you into some comfy pajamas for the night. Then you can help Papa cook dinner. How does that sound?”
Y/N nodded, a small smile returning to their face. “Accident okay?” They asked one last time.
“Yes sweetheart, accidents are okay.” Steve smiled back. “Now, let’s get this little rascal dried off before you catch a cold.” That got Steve a small giggle from Y/N.
First he helped wash and dry his little one off. But before he went a step further he paused and turned to them for guidance. “Now I know this was just an accident, but do you want to wear some protection? It’s your choice bug. I won’t be mad if you say no.”
Steve watched as his little one stopped and thought long and hard about it. But after a moment they pointed to the pull-up then they put their thumb in their mouth.
“Good choice sweetheart.” Steve smiled. After that it was just getting them changed into a fresh pull-up and warm pajamas.
Once done, Steve also changed out of his wet clothes and into more comfier clothes for the evening. “There we are,” he said as he lifted Y/N into his arms. “All nice and dry.”
By now Y/N was loosing the battle to stay awake, the long but fun filled day catching up with them. Steve walked back into the living room, grabbing their pacifier off the end table and replacing their thumb with it. “There we go, much better.”
Y/N nodded snuggling closer to Steve. Steve knew that there was no way Y/N was going to let him put them down for a nap. But he did know they would fall asleep in his arms. The solution? Send a quick text to Sam and ask if he can pop over and help out dinner.
With the text sent, Steve walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it, Y/N still half asleep in his arms. He rubbed their back up and down as their head rested soundly in his shoulder.
Before they really drifted off he managed to hear them say, “Papa best.”
Steve chuckled, moving to place a small kiss to the top of their head, “I’m only the best because I have the best little in the whole wide world.”
Accidents will happen, floors and clothes can be cleaned, but what will stay forever is the trust and love between Steve and Y/N.
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babyysoka · 2 months ago
Caregiver Steve Rogers Moodboard!
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All pics from Pinterest! 💙
I fear I have fallen back into the marvel agere rabbithole on AO3, and it shows. But like!! can you blame me!! The authors are amazing 🥹🧸 Cg!Steve and Cg!Bucky are just- agh! (/pos)
I also have a half-concocted HC’s list to go with this if anyone wants it, and one each to go with my Tigger and Kanga moodboards too!
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piinktearxs · 2 years ago
my fics/headcanons!!
please note that I only write cg!character x reader w the occasional sib prompt (like sib!jack or sib!peter) i feel weird headcannoning characters I hc as carers as fellow littles, but if someone wants to take a prompt I’ve written and change the script a bit feel free to! Just tag me so I can like it :)
personal tfw headcanons
bunny food (munchkin x cgs!dean and sam)
none yet!
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agere-fics · 7 months ago
where's stevie when i'm sick :(
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buttercupagere · 1 year ago
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steve rogers as a caregiver <3
requested by anon!
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angel-bunnie · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas everyone!!! This drawing took me a little bit an' I've been wanting to draw Stucky for a while!!! I finally got around to it! Lots of tiny details went into this one! Big thanks to @pahtoosh for helping me brainstorm the sweater designs!! 🫂🩷
I hope you all get what you've been asking for, eats good food an' have fun!! Love you guys lots an' lots!!! Merry Christmas! 🩷🩷🩷
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delicatebarness · 5 months ago
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Auntie Nat to the rescue! #006
Summary: It's that time of the month, and it's only Auntie Nat that can help,
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 732
Series Masterlist
A/N: I've had this idea for months and I finally got around to bringing this family back. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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An uncomfortable, dull ache adorned your lower abdomen when you woke you. Stirring in your bed, curling up into a ball against the sheets, you realize that your period has started. You tried to ignore the discomfort and quietly approach the bathroom– you wanted to handle it yourself without drawing too much attention.
As the morning progressed, the cramps grew worse and made it difficult to hide the pain. Wincing, you tried to stay distracted with toys, but even Peter was noticing something wasn’t right.
“Are you okay?” Pete asked, he pointed to your arms clutching around your stomach, concern etched in his features. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled.
Worried, Peter made it his mission to find either Steve or Bucky. “Papa? Daddy? I think something’s wrong with Tiny,” he said, taking Steve’s hand and leading him back to where you were sitting. 
Steve knelt beside you, a large hand reaching out to rub your back, his brow furrowed with concern. “Sweetie? Are you okay? Do you need anything?” 
Shaking your head, you didn’t want to explain. “I’m o-okay, Papa.” 
“Are you sure, baby?” Bucky asked, exchanging a worried glance with Steve. “You don’t look so good.” 
Tears began to fill your eyes, the pain becoming too much to bear. “My tummy hurts,” you finally admitted, quietly.
“Do we need to take you to the doctor?” Steve asked, his heart aching to see you in pain.
“No, it's just–” you sniffled, shaking your head. “It’s my period,” you whispered, heat rushing to your cheeks.
Bucky’s face dawned with understanding, and he gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “It’s okay, Baby. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Should we call Auntie Nat? We can see if she’s free to come over.” 
Relieved at the thought of having Natasha here, you nodded. “Yes, please.” 
Within the hour, Natasha brought a comforting presence. She entered the living room to find you curled up on the couch, holding your stomach, and the two men looking on worriedly. 
“Hey there, sweets,” Nat softly said, sitting down beside you. “I hear you’re not feeling well.” 
The tears threatened to spill down your cheeks as you looked up at Nat, nodding toward her. “It hurts, Auntie Nat.” 
With a warm smile, Nat pulled a small bag out of her purse. “Don’t worry, I’ve got some things that will make it all better. Come on, let’s get you more comfortable.” 
Natasha held a heating pad against your stomach and helped you with some pain relief medication. In her bag, she also brought some snacks, sweet and salty. She gently stroked your hair while sitting beside you, and she spoke in a soothing voice– helping to distract you from the pain.
Watching gratefully from the kitchen, Steve and Bucky share a knowing look. You were in good hands, better hands than they could provide at this time. After preparing a light lunch, they brought it over to you and Nat.
“Thank you, Nat,” Steve said, his tone sincere as he handed her a cup of coffee.
“Anytime,” she replied, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m always here for my favorite little.” 
“Hey!” Peter shouted from the floor, where he was lying while watching the television. He sent an exaggerated pout toward Nat, crossing his arms over his chest. “What about me?” 
Natasha’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “You know you’re my favorite big little,” she teased, giving him a playful wink, and taking a sip of coffee.
As the day went by, your cramps eased and you felt better knowing you had people around you who cared about you. Aunt Nat stayed for the majority of the day, keeping you company until you felt more like yourself again.
And, by the time you were tucked into bed, you felt much better. “Thank you, Papa. Thank you, Daddy.” you softly spoke, fighting back a yawn. “Thank you for calling Auntie Nat.” 
“Of course, Baby,” Bucky said, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead. “We’re always here for you, no matter what.” 
Nodding, Steve took your small hand in his, placing kisses against your knuckles. “And, you can always tell us anything, okay? We love you.” 
With a sleepy nod, you smiled. “I love you too.” 
You felt grateful for your family. And, as you drifted off to sleep, you knew no matter what they would always be there to support you.
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tinie-alien · 6 months ago
Agere/Carer(s) board for Bucky & Steve 🥺
I love them sm I wanna hug from both of them 😭
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⭐ Request Info • My Masterpost ⭐
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softspace-fics · 4 months ago
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A/N - I love how this came out!! I hope you all love this just as much as I do. Another fall themed fic is ready for the posting. I love you guys! Thank you so much for the interactions and love. It means the world to me.
Masterlist - all my work!
Warnings⚠️: Food mention, bucky lifts reader. Reader goes from middle space to baby space! Generally just fluff all around!
CG!Stucky x Little!gn reader!
“Okay baby, now we just need to get one cup of flour yeah? Then you can mix it all together.”  Your dada says before he turns and grabs the measuring cups. You two had been baking all day, waiting for your papa to get back from working with uncle tony and uncle bruce.
Once bucky puts the flour in the bowl, he helps you to mix all the ingredients in the bowl, making a nicely made dough, ready to put on the pan. He walks over to where the pans are kept and as quietly as possible grabs a few cookie sheets.
After the dough is spooned out onto the different cookie sheets, dada carefully picks you up and helps you get your apron off before bringing you out to the living room and setting you onto the padded floor.
“Here baby, can you do some coloring for papa while we wait for the cookies to bake?” Dada helps pull your favorite colors and coloring sheets in front of you, turning on your favorite show and kissing the top of your head before he walks back to the kitchen to put the cookies into the oven and clean up.
Once your favorite show and coloring sheet is in front of you, the world around you disappears. The way your favorite medium moves on the page and the way the room starts to smell like your favorite cookies.
Your dada eventually comes and sits behind you, playing with your hair as he joins you in watching your favorite show and handing you the colors you need next. No words shared between you two, just an understanding of each other and a loving presence in the air.
The jingle of keys breaks you out of your daze as you hear the door open and close swiftly.
“I'm home!” A gentle soft yell comes from the door as your papa arrives home from work finally.
You want to run to him and squeeze him but your little mind had regressed further from hanging out with your dada and being able to just be little. Your small whines are immediately heard from your two caregivers and your papa rushes over.
“Shhh Baby, it’s okay! Papa can come to you. Feelin’ extra tiny yeah?” Papa quickly scoops you into his arms and kisses you all over your face.
“Papa!” You squeal in joy.
Your dada leans his head on your shoulder as you three reconnect after a few hours apart. Your papa asks you about your day and how much fun you had with your dada. You blabble back as well as you can, before your dada comes out with the cookies you and him had made earlier.
“Cookies? For me? Oh how sweet!~ Thank you my loves.” Your papa kisses both you and your dada as a thank you before he stuffs a cookie in his mouth.
The rest of your day is spent eating cookies and watching your favorite shows as you lay safe and sound in your two favorite peoples arms. The aroma of cookies and your caregivers cologne surrounds you.
Everything just was perfect. 
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year ago
chloe! it’s bear! 🥹❤️
i have to go on anon since i can’t ask from my side blog! 🥺
i love your stucky stories and i was wondering if i can request stucky taking their little to the zoo and their little wanting to run off and look at all the animals!
thank you and i hope it’s not too much 🥺 -🐻
Zoo Adventure
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Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hihi bear!!!! I'm so happy to see you!!! I combined this request with another in my inbox as well as an idea I've had for literally 2 years now about baby surprising daddies with pictures from a photobooth 😅 well better late than never hehe 💕 And I think this came out pretty adorable if I do say so myself so I hope you guys enjoy!! 💕
Your heart was practically pounding out of your chest as the car pulled into the zoo parking lot. You weren’t even sure if you could stand to wait the few moments it would take for Bucky to get out of his seat and unbuckle you from yours. You knew you had to be in one of your daddies’ arms as long as you were in the parking lot, but it took all of your energy not to bolt straight for the entrance gates. Steve and Bucky shared a proud grin as they each held one of your hands. 
You could hardly decide who you’d visit first. The entrance branched off into three different pathways, lions on the left, rhinos to the right, and monkeys down the middle.You stood in the center of the pathways, looking around with wide eyes until you were suddenly hoisted up into Steve’s arms. 
“Where do you wanna start, pumpkin?” He asked. 
“I dunno!” You answered. “I wanna see everything!”
“Well how about we start with the lions over here, and we make our way around?” Bucky suggested.
“You promise we’re gonna see them all?” You questioned. 
“Of course, angel,” Steve replied. 
“Don’t wanna leave anybody out.” You said softly. You were always looking out for others, whether it was your friends, your toys, or the animals at the zoo. Your daddies adored how considerate you were. 
To help you feel better, the three of you waved and blew kisses at the other animals you could see down the other paths, letting them know you’d be back to see them too as you made your way towards the lion cage. 
A big old lion with a giant mane and a grumpy face lumbered out into the grass of the habitat. He reminded you of Bucky in the mornings when he was growing out his hair. Past the lions was a hutch full of tortoises, and they reminded you of Bucky too. 
Steve and Bucky took turns carrying you in their arms, neither one of them ever getting tired of course. Sure, you could make your way on your own, but they loved to spoil you in every way. Plus, you could get the best views of all the animals this way, never having to stand on your tiptoes just to see over the fence. The only time you were ever on the ground was in the reptile house, where you had to crouch down to see some of the snakes and lizards in their little habitats. Steve prefered to stand outside for that exhibit.
You laughed as penguins raced each other across the pool, squealing every time one leapt out of the water. The elephants trumpeted just like in the movies, and the monkeys jumped around their cages, swinging from rope and vine like your best friend Peter. 
As the sun grew higher in the sky, there was no better time for a lunchtime picnic. The zoo had a plaza with a seating area, a little cafe, and a big shiny merry-go-round. Bucky chuckled to himself when he caught you staring longingly at the carousel. Steve was unpacking your lunches from the bag he’d brought, sandwiches for each of you and little baggies of vegetables and fruits. Finally he pulled out two big water bottles, and - uh oh -
“Oh, baby, I think we left your sippy cup at home!” He said, looking up at you apologetically. 
How were you supposed to eat your lunch without your milk or a juicebox? But Bucky came to the rescue with a perfect idea. 
“Why don’t you two take a turn on the carousel, I’ll go see what the cafe has for the little one. How about that?”
“Yes yes yes!” You answered, already dragging Steve towards the merry-go-round attendant before he could even reply. 
You circled the base of the carousel to find the perfect animal to ride on, ultimately deciding on a majestic zebra. Steve stood at your side, keeping his arm protectively around your waist throughout the ride to make sure you never lost your balance as your noble steed carried you up and down, around and around. When the adventure came to a stop, he picked you up off the zebra and carried you back to the table where Bucky was waiting with a carton of chocolate milk. 
You happily ate your lunch, telling your daddies between bites what your favorite animals were so far and which ones you were most excited to see next. After a while, however, Steve and Bucky started to talk about boring grown up stuff, and your mind began to wander as you finished up your lunch. 
That's when it caught your eye, something that tempted you even more than the carousel, or the animals, or even the gift shop. You grabbed your coin purse and headed off on your mission, Steve and Bucky too engrossed in their conversation to notice. 
At least for about 15 seconds, but by then it was too late. You were out of their sight, and the panic welled up in each of them like an erupting volcano. Wordlessly, they sprang into action, splitting up to look for you in the most efficient way. Steve circled the carousel, his heart dropping as he scanned each animal and found every one vacant. Bucky went back to the cafe, maybe you’d finished your chocolate milk and tried to go back for seconds, but no luck there either. You couldn’t have gone that far, and you definitely would never leave the zoo on your own, but being who they were, there was always the fear in the back of your daddies’ minds that someone would target you to get to them. 
They didn’t even want to give that notion a second thought. After clearing the cafe and the carousel, Steve and Bucky met back up at your table to make sure you hadn’t come back, before widening their search. They were about to find a zoo employee to help them when suddenly, a mechanical whirring caught their attention. Both their heads snapped over to the source of the noise, and they were just in time to see a strip of photos fall out of one of the photobooths in the zoo plaza - a strip of photos of you.
The breath they’d each been holding let out as you pulled back the curtain and stumbled back out into the daylight. You were surprised to see your daddies there waiting for you, expecting them to still be at your table
“Oh hi daddies!” You said cheerfully, reaching over to retrieve your pictures. “Looky! I got a present for you!”
You tore the photo strip in half, handing one section to Steve and the other to Bucky, but they just stood in stunned silence. 
“Baby…” Bucky whispered, crouching down to embrace you with all his strength. 
“You like your present, Baba?” You asked, your voice muffled in Bucky’s shirt. 
“We love them, angel,” Steve answered, “But please, don’t ever run off without telling us where you’re going, okay? You made Daddy and Baba very scared.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.” You said, disappointed in yourself. You hadn’t even realized you were misbehaving, too wrapped up in surprising your daddies with your special gift to realize you hadn’t thought through your plan all that well. 
Bucky let you go with a kiss on your cheek, and you kissed him back, and Steve as well. 
“Thank you for apologizing, baby,” Bucky said, “And thank you for the present. We love it, angel.”
Bucky put the photos of you smiling at the camera in the front pocket of his wallet where he could always look at your angelic face whenever he needed to. Steve put the photos in his shirt pocket, vowing to put it in his compass as soon as he got home. 
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kingdom-carer · 7 days ago
Lots of kiddos have dreams of interacting with fictional CGs when they’re regressed, but what about being joint CGs?
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I would love to babysit with Steve Rogers. We would play tons of outside games, and I’d prep a picnic while you guys played baseball or gathered twigs to make a snail corral, and we would pray together before we ate apple pie. He would carry you home as the sun went down, covered in grass stains and fast asleep, and I’d carry your gear.
I would love to be Tony and Pepper Stark’s go-to babysitter in Avengers Tower, caring for toddler Peter when he’s regressed like a teenager would. I would make sure he was fed and played with and ready for bedtime, problem-solving and being super responsible even though I’m only a slightly bigger kid myself. When Tony and Pepper got back from their date night, they’d praise me for being such a great babysitter, and tell me they will be asking me to come back.
I would love to babysit with Pinkie Pie. We would cook and bake and make a HUGE mess! We would all have more energy than we would know what to do with, and it would take forever to get you to bed because we would keep getting distracted by bubble bath toys and dinner dance parties and pajama fashion shows.
I would love to babysit with Sherlock and John. We would make up lots of fun games for you to play and have mock trials over who ate the last cookie. We would take you for walks in London and scramble back home in the rain since we wouldn’t all fit in a cab. John and I would tag team telling stories, and Sherlock would make you laugh by correcting the bad science along the way.
I would love to babysit with Scooby Doo when the gang is regressed. He’d be such a good boy, fetching plushies and snuggling crying babies while I make bottles and do other tasks that require opposable thumbs. He’d be tending to Shaggy the most, of course, but he would stay by everyone’s side as loyal as can be, guarding them faithfully during playground visits, bath time, and even nap time. Then, when the kids are all in bed, I would rub his belly and scratch his ears, and he could snuggle up to me like a puppy, because he’s earned it.
I would love to babysit with the Doctor and Rose. Between us, we could handle two or even three littles, since they would all be so enamored with the Doctor and his wild stories that they would keep on task perfectly well. Rose and I would be like aunties, making fun of the Doctor’s hubris in good humor and making sure everyone has gone potty and eaten a snack before stumbling out of the Tardis and into the next great adventure.
dni if nsfw
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bunny-sav · 1 month ago
yall i really wanna start writing more!! please feel free to leave ideas in my inbox!! i write for more characters than wolverine!! :D
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