#i still dunno how to tag
mipexch · 25 days
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humanoidalt · 2 years
the playlist isn't for listening to it. You'd skip every song. Its for admiring. Looking at it .
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jellyvibes710 · 1 month
(Previous bonus part)
TW: dead animal
blood (if you look really fucking hard)
Glitchy effects (I tried to go easy on it to avoid straining your eyes too much)
Enjoy!! :D
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To all those wondering where Leo was, here he is! An he’s sure been busy
@abbeyofcyn lookie lookie, it’s done! I’ve been trying new things too, like angles and perspective✨
This takes place about a day later around 3:30am, so he’s had plenty of time to himself to put his plans in motion >:3c
I’m so excited for what’s to come heheheee
I got a little Carried away with the details in this part but it was so worth it. I tried typing the words on this part and immediately gave up because it was irritating, everyone is stuck with my crappy handwriting forever
Anywizzle, here’s Leo’s character sheet :D
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Don’t mind the boxes, they aren’t important
I decided to remove the torn suit jacket so that Leo would pop out more and not get lost in the background (ended up adding the yellow/orange glow to avoid the same thing with Donnie) and to also really draw your eyes to him because well, he is the center of attention ✨
Off to the next part!
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veliya01 · 1 month
based on your winged robin post, will you please bless us with two robins hugging or one comforting the other with those big fluffy wings? (anyone really but I'm especially partial to Dick and Damian, Dick and Jason, and Steph and Cass) I'm in love with how you draw them and would love to see more
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Tadaaa! I definitely enjoyed rendering the wings and I know I'm a messy renderer but out of all my posted art on Tumblr rn this is probably messiest
"hey there's something wrong about-" "SHHH-! Just focus on Damian's beautiful eyes and Dick's blinding smile!"
I forgot to draw the scars but just imagine that everyone lives happily in here
Art requests are open! Comments and shares are appreciated!
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muzwoom · 2 months
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Deruth thing
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chill4234 · 3 months
Things that I know.
1. Yaoi is the opposite of yuri
2. According to tumblr, yuri seems to be just about anything, but I have most commonly seen it take the form of two inanimate objects in close proximity to one another. Eg minecraft furnace and crafting table, trains crashing into each other, etc.
Therefore, we can conclude that Yaoi is two inanimate objects that are very far apart from each other. The sun and the earth are yaoi.
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i-lavabean · 4 months
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I planned on it being angsty but my heart said no
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mewtwo365 · 7 days
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Duel Personality - Inspired by Dual Personality by Lucia Stern 
Heres the last art thing I submitted for the fandom Affirmation/Transformation exhibit at Marquette University If you wanna submit something heres a link!
For this one I saw the art and thought - that's totally like Yu-Gi-Oh! And the pun is perfect too XD
I hope you enjoy, and have an AWESOME day!!
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chinchilla-clown · 5 months
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//sounds of pots and pans banging together
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spidvrbatz · 3 months
Caregiver!Alfred Pennyworth
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x - x - x
x - x - x
x - x - x
(hc's always in tags 🦇💕)
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
#how much i struggled with this? a despicable amount that shall not be said.#i still dunno how to feel abt this template - also why is alfred screen caps so hard to find.#anyways.#moodboard tag#batman agere#agere batman#dc agere#fandome agere#he buttons up your little suits for you n ties your shoes n makes sure you're all put together#he allows you to get hurt n explore n always patches up your ouchies before planting a kiss to your forehead or wherever your hurt#n reassuring you that its alright n he's right here#learns cute hairstyles so that you always go out looking presentable#hes very lenient with rules - always doting on you with headpats or forehead kisses before you go to bed#you like to brush your teeth with him - its fun for you n his way of making sure you brush your teeth and wash your face the right way#this means you get up extremely early n go to bed at a decent time as well so plus#you never actually get a full nights sleep alone in bed- its either you crawling into his bed bc you had a bad dream#or him crawling into your bed because although he knows how to handle himself when things like flashbacks n stuff plague him#its nice to know someones there in his corner who he can rely on to ground him#magically knows when parties get too overwhelming and swiftly takes you out of there - consequently leaving bruce to deal with the elite#do i hate this? no - did it take me 3 tries n multiple switch ups until it felt “right?” yes - does it feel “right?” i have no idea.
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therandomartmaker · 3 months
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made some fanart for cyanide narwhal by @trashcanwithsprinkles because i’m on my nth reread and. Well.
i really love cyanide narwhal.
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kakyogay · 11 months
alri you get cool shit tonight (lets hope tumblr actually lets it appears when I post it)
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find meaning or symbolism in it all you want I honestly just wanted to mess with bones/framing and added the flowers after
It was somewhat motivated by evil but that stuff isn't really shown at all so tee hee ^^
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silly-ehggy · 30 days
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Hi sorry for being bad at. Remembering to post my art. Hey
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(Reblogs over likes pls 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛)
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nitroish · 5 months
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holy shit cloud au vessel just dropped !!! and some psyche stuff win-win
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ratcandy · 8 months
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me when i'm an old man who just appeared in the middle of nowhere with no memory of how i got there, what i've done the past few years, or how long it's been since i've seen my family and also something else has been in control of my limbs for a while so i'm having to learn how to walk again and this is made extra difficult by the Cruel Fate of mushrooms mysteriously appearing underneath my feet and also also sometimes i find myself craving to eat those mushrooms. for some odd reason
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I haven't really had a chance to hyper analyse the Two Embers trailer from the steam launch so I'm doing that
(Cutting cause it's a bit long lolol)
1. The Children
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All of the children are wearing shades of brown and yellow, except the main child who wears a bright blue cloak.
We can assume from here on that this child is The One/Alef.
The One's mask is indented and is spiked at the sides and the top, I assume this is a nod towards The One's concept mask, a usually four spoked star with power stone (?) in the middle.
The One is wearing a gold broach with a deep blue gem in it, it's clear this child was seen as an important person/a person of interest. This could also be gotten from how the child is sitting closest to the Ancestor in charge, but this may be a stretch.
The general 'vibes' of this scene may imply that this is a kind of school trip scenario, they are going to see the Elder of the Isle or just the Temple. I could see this being a coming of age ceremony, except there seems to be multiple age groups on the boat, excluding that theory.
(Edit to add) The One/Dawn Ember is referred to as an orphan, so it's possible that the boat is filled with fellow orphans that are going to the Isle Elder's Temple to learn things/ be taken care of. This is backed up by some concept/OG lore we have on the Isle Elder, in which they teach basic skills to kids, helping them find their potential, and are comparable to a kindergarten teacher. (Credit to Vivsky for this theory, wanted to add it cause it was interesting)
2. The Authority Figures
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The clothing is very distinct with these characters, pure white cloak with a head covering, adorned with a dark pink shoulder scarf. It isn't clear on the other two Ancestors, but the one in charge of keeping the children in line has a broach with a symbol on it keeping their scarf in place.
Only the Strict Ancestor has a Crowned Mask, whereas the others do not, this explains why the Chatting Ancestors are not taking control of the children or doing any work, compared to the Strict Ancestor.
Less important, but the use of clanging sticks together to keep the children inline when they got excited was something, it could be a universal form of discipline in all the realms, or it could be specific to the region.
The use of stone tablets and simple cloth bags tells us about what kind of technology they had access to at the time of the Young One.
Despite their 'limited' technology, they are capable of having massive boats in the air, using multiple stone 'wings', and possibly magic, to get in the sky. It's also something to note that there is a kind of guide directing the boat with a stick, the guide being very clearly skinny, it could imply the skies being different to ours, or the Guide Ancestor was using Cyan Magic, aka wind magic that the Valley Elders use.
3. The Manta
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This part is very short, but this image alone shows how the Greater/Elder Manta we are used to are nowhere as colossal as the Manta from the Old World. Look at the tiny ants compared to it, absolutely wild.
The heads of the Manta differ from grey to gold, depending on the evolved set of wings the Manta has -> Feathered Wings have grey heads, Smooth Wings have gold heads.
4. The Temple and Surrounding Structures
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We can see lots of boats heading into the upper island, aka the Temple. Not all boats are directly heading towards it however, it seems as though the Temple is a kind of waypoint for travellers, similar to a lighthouse, guiding people on their way to new land (strengthened by the light coming through the Bell at the top of the temple).
The Temple is much brighter and has dark blue painted patterns that are a contrast to the lighter stone. The doorway is a bright red, probably a cloth covering the doorway to create a sense of privacy, it is a sacred (?) Temple after all.
The area around the Temple is a lot less bustling and full of life then the main Isle, maybe people don't have a reason to be there or the Elder doesn't like people loitering in sacred land (as far as I remember, Isle Elder was described as spiritual or 'traditional' so this could very well be possible imo)
There is a lot of land that has been covered up by clouds, now visible, it's almost anticlimactic that it is simply a glade, but somehow extremely fitting for the Isle of Dawn.
Once again, the proportions are different than in-game, the Temple looks massive compared to the boat.
There are triangular banners (forgot the name lol) coming from the spokes of the Temple, this is shared by the Prairie Temple, and could have some prevalence. I like to think it's just to make the Temple more welcoming to guests however.
There are two other structures in these shots, a small building, one story probably, off to the side of the Temple, and a tall bell tower.
Going off the previous point, the small building could have multiple purposes. It could be a communal area for travellers, similarly it could be a kind of station for merchants or others to manage resources when traveling in the Isle Region. In a different direction, it could be a place of religion, a prayer building of sorts? We know that there was prominent religious belief before the Power/Technological Era so I wouldn't think it would be too far of a stretch to assume it's something of the sort. The building, assuming the Temple's interior is consistent with the in-game design, could also be where the Isle Elder resides, as there aren't many other visible places in the Temple, unless they're a bat or something.
There isn't much to think about around the Bell Tower. It's definitely interesting that it exists at all considering there is a bell at the top of the Isle Temple but it could have significance that just isn't shown in the trailer. It could also serve as a Lighthouse as the Temple does, there is a bit of distance between the two so it's likely that the Bell Tower is for those travelling into the Isle. It could also serve as a watchtower, keeping a lookout for wandering manta or storms.
Anyways, that's pretty much all I have to say and I've already said a lot so I'll shut my yap for now lolol. In all seriousness, I can't wait for Two Embers to come out and finally learn about the Old World and its people, apparently it's supposed to be coming out in 2024? I read somewhere that it was supposed to but idk if it actually will. Garghhhh I'm so autistic for this silly friendship game.
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