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fandom-nursery · 5 months ago
Hii!! Can I pls request little Mk and CG Julia??
Mk is a very mischievous little so Julia has her hands full 
Mk will not eat veggies when regressed unless she is tricked into it. Julia makes a lot of pasta sauce and smoothies to hide the fact she's making Mk eat healthy foods 
Julia likes to do Mk's hair when she's small but Mk rarely has the patience for it or any real interest in it. She will however let julia put her hair into a single ponytail or braid sometimes when she wants it out of her face 
Mk loves to make different messes with different art supplies and will draw/paint/use glue on anything. Her goal usually isn't to make something that looks good and more to make the largest messiest structure she can 
Julia has displayed some of her more successful art creations and markets them to visitors and people who follow her on social media as priceless abstract art. She’s even sold a few of them (with Mk’s enthusiastic permission) and it's become an incredibly lucrative side hustle of theirs 
Mk pulls her bennie down over her eyes when she's overwhelmed, scared, or generally upset. 
Mk really likes to dance when little. She feels less self conscious about looking silly when regressed and Julia has a lot of videos of her dancing saved to her phone 
Mk will call Julia a poopy head and it drives Julia insane that she is actually bothered by the insult  
Mk is a bit of a home body while little. The exception is being taken to aquariums to look at all the fish 
Julia will absolutely put on a movie or youtube to keep Mk occupied if she’s tired 
Mk does have a blanket that she carries everywhere with her. Julia is constantly trying to distract her long enough to wash it without Mk throwing a fit
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eddi3spaghetti · 1 year ago
Can you pretty pls do CG!julia(from tdr) and agre Y/N?!?:3 🧛‍♂️
yeah ofc
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tinylilacbun · 1 year ago
How would cg!Mike deal with a little reader who's overtired and on the verge of a tantrum?
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Definitely would be frustrated at first. You kept whining because he just couldn't understand you!
He sighs rubbing a hand over his face. He had gotten home around an hour ago and already brought Abby to bed, but now he was dealing with little you who was getting more worked up each time he tried to figure out what was bothering you.
"Listen, I'm really trying but you do need to tell me what's wrong for me to help you, alright?" he says standing before the TV and you crossed your arms pouting up at him from your position on the ground before the couch.
"Are you hungry?"
"You want to draw something?"
He could see the tears well up in your eyes and he knows you're very close to a tantrum, which is the last thing he wants to happen after the day he had.
The moment you rubbed your eyes and let out a little yawn he sighed in relief at finally figuring out what got you so moody and whiny.
Without saying anything he turned off the TV, ignoring your grunt of disapproval and held his hand out for you, glad you comply and intertwined your fingers with his.
In his room you let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly picked you up and let himself fall back first on the bed with you on top of him, smiling a little when you started to giggle.
"So, I can either read to you or we listen to something, you choose baby." he offers and you sit up thinking for a moment.
"Read to me...pwease?"
5 minutes later you were in your jammies, cuddled up into Mike's side and watching him flip through the pages, the rumbling from his chest as he reads lulling you slowly to sleep.
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coffin-ramblings · 2 months ago
January 2025 Devlog
Happy New Year's everyone! I hope that you have a good New Year's and a good 2025! Now onto devlog thoughts!
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This honestly my favorite preview pics that we got. Simply iconic. Speaks for itself. While my first thought is it's Andrew's dream/vision/psyche, it can be Ashley embracing cannibalism as a central part of her self-image/identity. Which is always interesting to see more.
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I guess this is what happens on Friendship and maybe Romance route of Decay where they successfully reconciled? I wonder if this is before they stand off with the demon, or the demon's concerned about them. This feels like a standoff with how final boss vibes this place is. But it's always possible this is when something else happens, like a new transformation? (please have them turn into demons)
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So this friend from primary school is still friends with Andrew in adulthood. I wonder what happened to him, especially since he didn't help him out in quarantine. Rip Andrew though, he seemed to be both smoking and drunk. Or sick.
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Goddamn, that's a spike in CGs, with episode 4 not even being revealed yet. And all of that content with no satisfying cliffhanger.
And now onto the devlog video!
It's interesting that it acts like a video rewinding, suggesting Andrew has the TV motif like Ashley has. This might be part of the demon's powers, since Burial vision has it start with a TV screen and the six eyes in TV screens when you're going through Ashley's past and murders. Or it could be a gameplay feature explained as the demon's powers.
TV motifs are also very interesting in regards to the siblings. They tie in with Andrew's obsession with the gaze and Ashley's insistence of simplicity and remaining a child. It can also mean the demon is watching them carefully and is actually their puppetmaster. This may spawn its own analysis/theory post, but for now, on to the actual video.
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It's so strange and funny to have the friends to be like the dummy-looking sprites. It doesn't seem to be a placeholder and an actual reflection of Andrew's psyche at this point. It appears the fully detailed sprites only go to people he deem most important in his life.
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So it is confirmed Ashley did get bullied in high school. And Julia was the one who helped her deal with them, but they don't always get along enough for her to be reliable. Ouch. But on a bright side, we finally get to see Teenshley's sprites and she is so damn adorable, I love her so much.
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Also that detail of Andrew's shoes being so worn out is. Ouch. How much money did he have to give to his parents that he couldn't even get new shoes?
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Guy really defended his friend from incest allegations and then called Ashley that. Yeah no wonder why Andrew just kinda tolerates him.
And of course that douchebag only wants to fuck Ashley because. This does confirm my speculation Ashley was desired in high school for her body by boys, but to what extent is a mystery. Cause this guy is such a sleazy horndog to the point his own friend told him straight to his face he wouldn't even let him date his sisters.
This appears to be right before or soon before Andrew asks Julia out, especially since Julia is worried if Ashley hates her. Though interestingly Ashley is blank-faced about not on talking terms with Julia.
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Anyway, this is a very interesting devlog, definitely one of my favorites!
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d3f3n3str4t10n · 2 months ago
New Year, New Update!
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I hope y'all had a good New Year's feast. Ashley certainly has! We'll be eating too, it seems, thanks to this new update!
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Firstly, the least exciting thing to someone that's already bought the game: Due to steam pricing jank, they're extending and increasing the discounts for now up until the game's price increases with the release of Episode 3A. Cool!
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Next are some words typed straight from Nemlei's hands themselves, describing how working on the game has been like for the past year, and another content comparison between episodes. It's really weird to see it laid out in plain numbers like this, but it does a good job showing the scale of 3a! And they're not even done yet! It's good to hear that the team has gotten into the groove of things, now that all the development issues we saw lined out during the devlogs have been taken care of. Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer! Now onto the REAL good stuff...
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First, we see a pretty familiar corridor. The same one what Andrew confronted Ashley in, during the dream sequence that leads to Episode 3A's beginning. Fortunately however, at least according to Ashley, everything seems to be resolved. I'm honestly a little surprised that they'd share something so... blatant, like this, but maybe that's the trick. We only have Ashley's very untrustworthy words to go off of here, of course.
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Next, we see a short reunion. One of Andrew's friends is back! It's unclear whether this is during the present day, or sometime before quarantine, however. Given Andrew's insistence that they drop all contact with anyone they knew during Chapter 1, I'd imagine that if this IS in the present day, Andrew isn't too happy about it. Probably NOT why he's throwing up, though. Either way, he still considers him a friend, so that's nice to see!
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And lastly... a video!! Hell yeah! This one shows us the full context for a previous screenshot we saw in one of the devlogs. The video begins with a CG of a VHS rewinding. Whether or not it's meant to be something dietetic or not, it makes it clear that this is meant to be a flashback. We see Friend B and Andrew chatting in their highschool class after the bell has rung. Friend B offers to go to some non-descript event with Andrew, but he can't, because he has work. During this conversation, Ashley barges in, furious that some clique of girls is preventing her from getting a drink.
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We then see the CG from the devlog, as well as Andrew's reaction. He tells her to just go with Julia, to then Ashley says they aren't talking at the moment. Something that I don't doubt happened quite a lot, in their "friendship."
On their way to the vending machine so Andrew can sort out the situation... somehow, Andrew realizes he left his notebook back in the classroom and goes back to get it. On his way, he overhears an interesting conversation...
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Some guy, presumably an acquaintance or classmate of Friend B, starts talking with them. He calls Andrew a "fucking sissy", and mistakes Ashley as his girlfriend. Again, probably happens a lot. Friend B sticks up for Andrew throughout the conversation, calling out how rude the Douchebag is being to Andrew and how creepy his not-so-subtle suggestions to get with Ashley are. Friend B claims Ashley has "A few screws loose" which may be why he thinks she's so clingy, and why Andrew goes along with it. Because, why would he go along with it, if there wasn't some reason, right? Siblings aren't just LIKE that. The further the Douchebag seems to push it, the more Friend B tells him to knock it off.
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Andrew is, at first, confused by the situation, not really understanding what the big deal is. Of course they're close, they're siblings. He has to look out for her, with all the bullies in this school, apparently.
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His confusion quickly turns to anger, and he starts to work up the motivation to tell the douchebag off... but he doesn't. The narration then lets us in on another side of Andrew's thought process.
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This is the start of Andrew's Denial. This is most likely before the "rumors" Julia brings up begin, perhaps they were even started by this Douchebag. Andrew is finally starting to realize how odd his and Ashley's relationship is. When they were kids, it could be excused and defended by adults as just, them being kids... but they're in High school now. That excuse isn't going to cut it anymore. Andrew though, still doesn't see anything wrong with it. They've been this way forever, and they're fine with it, so why does anyone else care? What's so weird about it? A very well written scene, if you ask me.
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Oh, Also there's a Q&A! Check out the steam post to participate! My question was about what Nemlei thinks Andrew and Ashley sound like. Not very creative but eh. Happy New Year, everyone!
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redclovercasefiles · 5 months ago
Check out the full trailer for The Red Clover Case Files: Seance Soireé and consider backing us on Kickstarter! http://kck.st/3BP88iv
Freshly minted occult auditor John Tsukimori receives a strange invitation to where his like isn’t wanted: the Seance Soirée, an event hosting some of the biggest stars in spiritualism. Surely it's some kind of mistake, but John's free, and his sister, Julia, is out of school for the summer. Who knows? Might be fun... ...Until a real murder disrupts the morbid circus! John must now push past the smoke and mirrors of professional psychics to prove the killer is among them, and not the great beyond. Time to get to work, Detective.
The Red Clover Casefiles is a 2D visual novel where you will be tasked with navigating a murder-mystery, investigating crime scenes and locales, interrogating a collection of bizarre but intriguing characters, and evaluate all you learn to name the real killer....Or killers.
We are so so so proud of our team and all the work they've put into this game, and we're even MORE excited to be able to share it with you! Mazzie Zumbiel (director, executive producer, line producer, financial planner, head writer, creative lead) @ShannonSketches  (assistant director, concept artist, CG artist, revisionist, storyboard artist) Jonas Tintenseher (co-writer, editor) Denaseey (sprite character artist) Tess Richards (background artist) Mark Knapp Jr (composer) Jennifer Bertaggia (assets developer, accessibility consultant)
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trafficblrpositivityproject · 6 months ago
Massive shout out to my fellow hgcz mods @kunehokki, @corvidaearts, and @cocoabats -- working with you guys has been nothing short of an incredible experience all around and i am so proud and honored to call yall friends. You guys mean the world to me!!! All of your hard work is seen and appreciated not just by me but by all of our contributors and all the readers of the zinethology itself❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Eirian, for your first ever zine modding experience you fucking knocked it out of the park. You were so on top of everything and kept such careful track of what our contributors needed-- you've definitely earned your title as the nicest mod :]]] You have a real skill for moderating social media and you've continued to do so with extreme grace and poise-- im grateful we have you on our team!! You fit into that role so smoothly it was like you were always meant to be there. I hope you are incredibly proud of your hard work, because you put in so much effort to keep that side of our project running smoothly its actually insane❤️❤️❤️ And as the dedication i wrote in the zine puts it, it was you who came up with this project's idea in the first place, and i hope everyone acknowledges your wonderful creativity that led to this once-in-a-lifetime fandom project 🫂🫂🫂🫂
Crow, ive known you for many many years, and you have always been one of the most insanely strong and organized people ive ever met ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You took on so much behind the scenes, all the logistics and technical duties that we werent equipped to handle by ourselves, and you made them easily digestible for us to keep track of like it was nothing. You are such an important member in our group!! You kept us grounded and greased the wheels when we needed help, picking up extra task after extra task wherever it was needed. All the documents you put together and the notes you helped take during our mod meetings were so crucial to how smoothly the zinethology operated-- we couldnt have done it without you. Also dude your spreadsheets are so fire how the fuck do you do that its like magic
Julia, you worked yourself to the bone organizing our layout, making logos and branding and custom emojis for the social media sections-- you're a goddamn wizard. All this while also acting as a pinch hit contributor, too!!! You were so essential to this project coming together as professionally as it did, and i had a blast working together with you on editing the zine as a whole. Those late nights while you streamed and we chatted about where things should go and how things should look will always be treasured by me, it was lovely to see you work and to just plain hang out with you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 the sheer amount of dedication you put towards our zinethology cannot be overstated and i think that truly shines through every page down to and including the absolutely adorable little hg/cg wings you put around the page numbers :]c
All of you are absolutely incredible and i wanted to pour my heart out a little to make sure you know just how AMAZING of a team you are to work with, and how grateful i am that youre all in my life!! Your passion and creativity truly shines ❤️❤️❤️ heres to next year's barrage of planned zines!! I cant wait to continue working alongside you as your head mod❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@kunehokki + @corvidaearts + @cocoabats !!!
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stupid-raccoon · 6 months ago
Mkulia headcannons
• MK has forced Julia to play every single FNaF game known to man, official and fanmade, and watch the movie
• They sit in the parking lot at Walmart and people watch
• MK is an age regressor(2-4) and Julia is her CG 100000%
• While regressed, MK usually either wanders off, or stays in the same room as her at all times, no in between but she isnt too hyper usually, just walking off while Julia isnt looking
• For Julias birthday, MK thinks its the funniest thing in the world to take her to a restraunt and get all the waiters to sing happy birthday to her and make a scene
• Parents have yelled at them for laughing their asses off whenever a kid faceplants or runs into something and falls
• They ironically read bakudeku omegaverse and have never once taken it seriously, whenever theyre in an argument MK will quote one of them while laughing and Julia will drop the whole argument and leave the room
• MK has a concerning amount of yippee creatures in their room
• Just like how MK would quote the omegaverse, Julia would say Mary Kate in every sentence to piss her off
• Mk has binge watched Bluey and made Julia watch it with her while regressed, Julia tolerates it to an extent
• Mk thrives off of redbull, Julia has made a set time of when Mk gets cut off and how many shes allowed to drink per day since Mk has gotten up at 3AM to get her 9th redbull of the night
• They were both gacha kids and have shown each other their gacha yt channel they had when they were like 8 that somehow got over 300k subs
•Also I feel like Mk is asexual, I could NOT imagine her ever having sex
•Julia convinced Mk to get fake nails one time, after she tried using the bathroom, never again. She could not function with them
•Julia would get MK a carseat. I have almost the same body size as MK shes just like 4-5 inches shorter than me and if I can fit into one she can too
•On the topic of Mk being an age regressor. She would use pacifiers sometimes while shes not regressed just for stimming. She seems like the type of person to not give a fuck, the only reason she cared abt the unicorn was bc it was announced on international TV
•Bowie would help Julia make the carseat MKproof, it would be bite proof, and tight enouh to not strangle her but she cant wiggle free
•Why would MK have a carseat you might ask? Stealing, wreckless driving, they would have a huge ass car, maybe even a bus for the whole cast to go on road trips and MK would try to jump out the window off a dare Ripper or Chase said.
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cryingatwindermerepeaks · 2 months ago
Little!Karen Sirko x Cg!Camila Dunne - Baby
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Karen meets baby Julia for the first time
Word count: 1069
The tour was over as soon as Teddy took Billy. There was no performance without their lead singer and so the rest of the band packed up and headed home. Everyone was on edge for the next few days, Camila’s mum had met her at the hospital and Graham had gone too. The rest of the band stayed home to not overcrowd the new baby, but they were all very nervously awaiting Camila’s return. Karen most of all. A baby was a big deal, a lot of work, a lot of time. And of course she was worried about her best friend, and upset at Billy for not being there for Camila, but most of all she was nervous. Camila probably wouldn’t have time to take care of Karen and a new baby, which meant Karen would probably have to stop regressing or start taking care of herself. Both of these options filled the girl with fear.
It was a few days before Camila came home, apparently that was normal after having a baby. It gave the band time to clean up the house and prepare- not that any of them knew what to do as they had abysmal amounts of experience with babies. Karen, with great effort, managed to stay big pretty much the whole time. With the exception of bed time, but she didn’t think that counted because she always regressed when it was bedtime. When Graham finally came into Karen’s room to tell her Camila was home Karen was confident she’d be ok. She was still a little nervous though, it had been a while since she’d seen Camila and she had know idea how to help her with a new baby.
Graham took Karen down to Billy and Camila’s room, urging her along gently as even he could sense she was on edge. “Go on Keys, she doesn’t bite,” He joked, encouraging the blonde to open the door. Karen did so slowly, swallowing harshly to push away the jitters she was feeling.
Camila was sat up in the bed, a small bundle of baby in her arms and exhaustion in her eyes. Despite this, she smiled warmly and widely when she saw Karen lingering in the doorway. “Oh look baby, we’ve got a visitor,” Camila cooed. Karen could feel her heart thumping in her chest. The sound of Camila’s voice and the way she was holding the baby, so gently and sweetly, made her brain fuzzy and small. “Karen’s ok here Graham, why don’t you go rest,” Camila urged, kindly sending Graham on his way as she could see straight through Karen. He left curtly, clearly exhausted from the last few days. “Hi Ren,” Camila cooed once they were alone - the nickname pushing Karen over the edge and sending her tumbling down into her younger headspace. She lingered in the doorway still, though now chewing on her jumper sleeve for comfort. “Why don’t you come over here ‘n say hi, hm? I’ve missed you.”
Karen nodded and tiptoed across the bedroom floor, not wanting to make any sudden noise and upset the baby. She hovered by the edge of the bed for a moment, peaking nervously at the sleeping bundle in Camila’s arms. “Why don’t you sit with us for a while, yeah?” The offer was too good for Karen to pass up, she’d been so big and so lonely for so long and she’d missed Mila something awful. She lowered herself onto the bed beside Camila, being as gentle as she possibly could. There were tears burning in her eyes and she felt so stupid, she didn’t even know why she was crying. She just felt so small and big at the same time. And things were changing which was scary. “Oh Mija, it’s ok,” Camila soothed. She gently shifted Julia into one arm so she could pull Karen into her side with the other. “I’ve got you, I'm not going anywhere.” Karen sniffled and sobbed, still chewing her sleeve for comfort. Camila held Karen quietly until her tears subsided and face felt raw and itchy.
“Sorry,” she wheezed.
“Oh my love, there’s no need to be sorry,” Camila promised. “But I do wanna know what’s got you so worked up, hm?” She questioned as she gently wiped Karen’s face dry of tears.
Karen looked down, fiddling with her damp sleeve. Talking about her feelings could be hard but Karen trusted Camila and that made it easier. “Was worried ‘bout things changing and that you wouldn’t have time to take care of me anymore.”
“Ren, my sweet girl. I can’t promise things won’t change but I can promise I will always have time for you,” Camila punctuated her promise with a kiss to the top of Karen’s head. Karen blushed, slightly embarrassed by her outburst - it was Camila after all, of course she’d always make time for her. “Now you’ve just got a little friend.” Karen gently peaked her head up from where it had been resting against Camila’s shoulder, looking at the baby. She had Camila’s dark brown eyes and Billy’s permanently pursed lips. “This is Julia.”
“Julia,” Karen parroted quietly, she was awake now but seemed so peaceful in Camila’s arms and Karen didn’t want to disturb her.
“Would you like to hold her?” Karen glanced nervously between the baby and Camila. She didn’t know how to hold a baby, she was sure she’d do something wrong. “Come on, I think she wants to meet her big sister.” Karen flushed but nodded, it would be nice to say a proper hello to the new member of their family.
“I don’t know how,” She admitted quietly. Camila smiled softly, pressing a kiss to Karen’s cheek.
“C’mere, I promise you’ll do so well” she urged gently, sitting up and making space for Karen to sit in front of her. Karen climbed between Camila’s knees super carefully and held her arms out. She was going to be super careful. Camila gently placed Julia into Karen’s arms. Adjusting them all slightly to make sure Julia’s head was supported. “Look at that bubba, you’re being so gentle.” Karen smiled proudly, looking down at the small baby in her arms.
“Hi Jules, I’m your big sister Karen,” She introduced quietly with a smile, and though Graham would later insist babies couldn’t smile until they were at least six weeks old, Karen was sure Julia smiled back at her.
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Read in November 2024
I do not know how I managed to read 25 books in November? I feel like i was too busy for that? yet here we are
my favourites were the Monk & Robot duology by Becky Chambers, Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White, Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin and We Can Be Heroes by Kyrie McCauley :3
Series read: Archie & Gretchen series by Chelsea Cain
Heart Sick - 3/5 (audio)
Sweetheart - 4/5 (audio)
Evil at Heart - 3/5 (audio)
Monk & Robot by Becky Chambers
A Psalm for the Wild-Built - 5/5 (audio)
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy - 4/5 (audio)
Belladonna trilogy by Adalyn Grace
Belladonna - DNF
Graves Glen trilogy by Erin Sterling
The Wedding Witch - 5/5 (audio)
Backlog books:
Breaker by Kat Ellis - DNF
Briar Girls by Rebecca Kim Wells - DNF
Familiar authors:
Don’t Let the Forest In by CG Drews - 4/5
Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin - 5/5 (audio)
My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix - 4/5 (audio)
Swordheart by T Kingfisher - 3/5 (audio)
A House With Good Bones by T Kingfisher - 5/5 (audio)
We Can Be Heroes by Kyrie McCauley - 5/5
All the Dead Lie Down by Kyrie McCauley - 4/5
Bad Graces by Kyrie McCauley - 2/5
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston - 5/5 (audio)
Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White - 5/5 (audio)
Other reads:
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield - 4/5 (audio)
The Patient by Jasper DeWitt - 2/5
And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin - 3/5
Bitterthorn by Kat Dunn - 3/5
The Wilderness of Girls by Madeline Claire Franklin - 5/5 (audio)
We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer - 3/5 (audio)
That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally - 4/5 (audio)
The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin - unrated (audio)
README.txt by Chelsea Manning - 4/5 (audio)
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half-eclipse · 2 months ago
(u get four cos im nosy)
hi ducky i love nosy mwah mwah 🦆💚
꒰ 🎸 ꒱ Do you have a fictional CG? What are they like?
i have quite a few !! but my main one is camila dunne ! she is so incredibly gentle n loving ,, whenever i see a scene of her being so kind/loving to daisy or julia i feel so small immediately .
꒰ 🎃 ꒱ What are nicknames you like to be called when regressed?
anything with “mama’s” in front of it … mama’s girl ,, etc . but m also still figuring that out cus sometimes nicknames annoy me ☹️
꒰ 💡 ꒱ What is your ideal playdate?
oh this is so fun … i LOVE exploring and animals so i think a forest walk / foraging walk would be so fun ! then we go back home n compare everything we found ,, or go to the aquarium ! :0 so many ideas !
꒰ ☔️ ꒱ Do you have gear? Do you make your own? Do you buy it?
I do !! i have two pacis nd a sippy :0 oh and a raspberry teether …
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fandom-nursery · 9 months ago
Hii! I am not sure if you have seen the total drama reboot but if you have do you think you could maybe do cg MK and little Julia? Sfw ofc!! Pls and thank you:))
I have seen it! I absolutely loved Mk and Julia's dynamic on the show so here are some of my headcanons about them
Julia usually regresses to around 6 years old
Mk doesn’t really like the label caregiver and prefers to think of herself as more of a temporary babysitter  
Mk found out by accident while snooping through Julia’s stuff. She was surprisingly chill about it and aside from their usual friendly banter and playful insults didn't have anything bad to say about Julia being small sometimes  
Mk takes embarrassing pictures of Julia when she is small and saves them in a private folder on her phone (she secretly thinks they’re really cute) 
In retaliation Julia will often makes Mk do embarrassing things while watching her like dressing up or playing humiliating roles in her pretend games 
Mk is not the best at discouraging bad behavior. If Julia steals something or gets into a fight Mk is more likely to scold her on her poor technique and the fact she got caught 
Julia has a bunch of her old barbies from when she was a kid and loves to create very intricate interpersonal drama between them while playing. Mk has a very good memory and is great at keeping up with Julia’s pretend games 
Little Julia is a super picky eater. Mk keeps a few of her favorite snacks stocked at all times just in case and has the number for her favorite take out place on speed dial 
One of Mk’s many talents as a caregiver is that she is very good at keeping anyone else from finding out that Julia regresses. She is the CEO of gaslighting anyone who even suspects something might be off about Julia. She erases any paparazzi pictures or social media posts that might be incriminating and she gets all of Julia’s little gear herself through various semi legal means so that it won't get tied back to her 
Mk is immune to the puppy dog eyes but that doesn't stop julia rom trying 
Mk is very complimentary of Julia's art when she’s little. She isn’t even lying when she says she likes them either. Mk genuinely thinks Julia’s crayon drawings look very cool 
Mk has made it a habit to steal fancy jewelry for Julia whenever she has the opportunity and she 100% uses it as a bribe when she needs a regressed julia to listen to her about something 
Little julia requires constant attention and will throw a fit if she thinks mk isn't giving her enough
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aidensteddybear · 3 months ago
Here I am once again with a request, might just use 🦇 anon if thats okay atp. But bc I have an issue with anxiety attacks daily I kinda wanna request a fic like that as comfort and since Mk is me core its gonna be CG Julia x Little MK(2) where it is infact anxiety attack o-clock for MK and shes just stimming alot, flapping her hands aggressively, continuously biting Julia, you get the point (its not I act when regressed) and Julia’s trying to figure out what to do- 🦇 anon (lmk if its okay to use that pls, tyty I fuckin love yr fics)
Regressor! MK w/ Caregiver! Julia
(Of course you can be 🦇 anon!)
MK had a lot of built up anxiety for the past couple of weeks, and unfortunately, today was when it had all gotten too much.
It caused her to start having an anxiety attack, which ultimately led to her regressing after about two minutes into it as well.
Julia was trying her best to help her calm down and give her comfort, but whatever she did wouldn’t work.
The only thing she could do to help was stay beside of MK and let her calm herself down, since trying to help any other way seemed to make everything worse.
Right now, both Julia and MK were on the bed together. MK was sitting up, rocking back and forth a little while very harshly flapping her hands.
Julia kept a close eye on her, making sure that MK didn’t start to hit her legs or arms, since she sometimes did do that. That’s when Julia would have to intervene, much to MK’s disliking.
Though, MK just continued to flail her hands and rock back and forth. She was making a ton of noise, which was only really loud whines.
Julia watched her quietly, that being the only thing she could do. That was until MK grabbed her arm and began to bite.
MK often did bite Julia a lot when she’d regress. It was usually just playful little bites, but that’s definitely not what it was now.
It wasn’t that she was made at Julia, she just needed a different form to release her stress and anxiety.
Julia didn’t say anything at first and just let MK bite, since she wasn’t biting all that hard. Until she actually did.
“Ow!” Julia yelped out of surprise. “Honey, be easy. Please be easy.” Julia spoke softly to her, but MK didn’t seem to listen, as she kept on biting.
Julia looked around the room, before seeing MK’s pacifier on the nightstand. She grabbed it and showed the item to her.
“MK, baby, do you want your pacifier? I think it’ll be more useful.” Julia offered. MK looked at her, her eyes teary.
She let Julia place the soother into her mouth, then went back to flapping her hands while aggressively sucking on the pacifier in her mouth.
After a while, MK was slowly beginning to calm down. She stopped flapping her hands, and was only rocking while whining a little and continuing to use her soother.
Julia gently placed her hand on her back, moving her hand up and down. The motion almost immediately settled MK’s whines.
A soft sigh left MK, before she put her head down on Julia’s shoulder. Julia began to play with her hair a little.
“Oh, I know, hon. You must be tired.” She said quietly. “Do you want to be cuddled? Will that make you feel better?” MK nodded, crawling into Julia’s lap.
Julia hugged her, and went back to rubbing her back, while MK laid there tiredly in her arms. Julia knew it was only a matter of time before MK would fall asleep in her arms.
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tinylilacbun · 1 year ago
cg!Mike Schmidt...any thoughts? cuz im totally up for it 👀
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blake447 · 2 years ago
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I realized I hadn't shared this here yet! Here's my 3D printed Quaternion Julia Set! See I first learned of these things reading about it from a pretty well known graphics programmer Inigo Quilez. Theirs are a lot prettier! But yeah, if you're familiar with Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot set already, this is basically that but we use 4D complex numbers called quaternions instead of the regular old complex numbers.
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The original shaders I used to render them were unity CG/HLSL implementations, but this particular one is from a GLSL implementation over on my shadertoy you can find here: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tdt3W8 It isn't exactly the same one that I've printed here (I've long lost the exact seed) but it is reasonably close. The way I printed it was I stole some marching cube code for blender and just plugged in the SDF function derived by Inigo Quilez, tweaked the values and eventually got a mesh I can print!
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This uh, isn't the one I used lol. It did take a few tries to get one that was both visually interesting and also printable. In fact i wasn't even using the marching cube algorithm at first. I was using Poisson Surface Reconstruction with a python script that casted points to form a point cloud. Basically I was attempting to create a mesh like you would with photogrammetry, just with an abstract object rather than an actual thing or place.
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The results were, well not good lol.
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*Continues digging through box* I know its around here some where, I should have the one that works. Okay this still isnt it but this one is using the same method, I just wanted to use this for a vrchat world instead of using it for 3D printing. It gets the point across lol
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But yeah. 3D printing is really cool if you're into a bit of math
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league-of-skins · 1 year ago
Riot Layoffs
Below is a list of Rioters (especially creatives) affected by the recent layoffs. Some seem to point to the generous severance package as reason for why Riot is a “good company” but I think it’s the least they could do considering that many received no warning of their termination and had to find out at the same time as the players while others were left to wonder if they still have a job.
Small edit based on some of the responses I’ve been seeing on Twitter: League of Legends is as successful as it is because of the passionate people behind it. Your favorite skin concepts and music groups and even Arcane only exist because of their creativity and determination, not because Riot, the company itself, created them.
I will try to keep updating this list.
George Ahlmeyer - Concept Artist
Stephen Auker - Design Manager (I also want to highlight that he was the lead gameplay designer for Shyvana’s VGU and this may lead to a delay)
Audrey Axt - Concept Artist
Ellie Beutler - 3D Environment Artist
Matt Burdette - Senior Environment Artist
Luana Bueno - 3D Character Artist
Sonny Burge - Animator
Crystal Chang - Illustration Lead
Zoë Chang - CG Animator
Angelina Che - Illustrator
Jason Cura - Sound Designer
Caytie Davenport - Marketing Writer
Sabrina Futch - Narrative Editor (Comics and Cinematics)
Christopher Hsing - Senior Animator
Emmanuel Lagumbay - Sound Designer
Graham McNeill - Principal Narrative Writer
Jon Moormann - Senior Designer
Natacha Nielsen - Senior Character Artist
Nick Oei - Concept Artist
samiiybl - Riot Games Music Creative Producer
Julia Shi - Senior Story/Visual Development Artist
Beckett Snedecker-Short - Riot Games Music Creative Director
Tyler Soo - 3D Character Artist
Riot Llama - Champion Designer
Tart - Concept Artist
Sean Tay - Art Lead
Tomukus - Principal Visual Designer
Nicholas Werner - Narrative Editor
Maisie Yang - Principal Concept Artist
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