#cfo jobs near me
forbesjobs · 1 year
Forbes.jobs delivers a first-of-its-kind career and employment experience for professional-level talent and highly qualified job candidates. Find support for your entire journey with career opportunities, education and skills development, community connections,and  coaching to secure the best and  highest paid jobs possible. Leveraging the internationally recognized Forbes brand, hiring managers and recruiters seek accomplished Forbes.job candidates for senior manager, leadership jobs, executive jobs, project management positions, CEO, CFO and all C-Suite level jobs, director-level jobs, and vice presidents in the areas of banking and finance, accounting, information technology and computer science, supply chain management and logistics, biomedical and medicine, administration, sales and marketing and much more. Find high paying jobs in the USA – in-person or remote, contract workers or full-time – at Forbes.jobs.
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detta-pica · 2 days
Mei Mei, Juju Corp’s CFO, strolls in, followed closely by her ever-present personal assistant, Ui Ui, who is an actual child and therefore definitely an illegal hire. Probably he’s not an official employee at all. When Satoru first saw him and Mei interact, he decided it would be healthiest to mind his own business, though he did leave an anonymous tip with social services. Nanami, the COO, is right behind her, steps brisk, annoyance carved deeply into the lines of his face. Immediately, Satoru knows that Nanami knows that something is not right. It’s in the way Nanami pauses in the door, takes in Satoru’s closed laptop and noodle-like sprawl on the couch, and loosens his tie with the gravitas of someone preparing for their own execution. Satoru decides not to prolong his suffering. “I quit.” “Absolutely not,” Nanami says immediately. “You can’t stop me.” “We can sue you,” Mei informs him pleasantly, “if you mean what I think you mean, which is that you want to leave right now and never come back to this office.” Satoru grins. “That’s exactly right. I could file an anonymous report on my own negligence and get myself fired, if that’s what you prefer.” Nanami pulls out his phone and dials. “We need time to find a suitable replacement, you selfish--ah, Ieiri-san. I need you to talk Gojo down from quitting his job on the spot.” Satoru takes the phone when it’s thrust at him. “Shoko! I’m quitting!” “Congrats! And hey, I actually meant to call you anyway. Your great-uncle, the one who ran away from home and settled on a farm here, died last night. Do you know if anyone will be sad or can I handle it through the Gojo legal team?” “Huh. No, no one will be… Wait, there’s a farm?” Shoko exhales in that tell-tale way that means she’s smoking, even though she swore up and down that she’d quit the last time they talked. “It’s in terrible condition. Finding a buyer will take forever, I bet.” “I want it.” “You what?” “Shoko, I’m gonna live on that farm.” He can see it in his mind’s eye. A quaint little house with a porch swing, rustic decor, and a little fireplace to make it extra cosy in winter. There’s probably a barn. Maybe a chicken coop? He could get a cat, the kind that will roam on its own and leave dead rodents on his doormat. “Gojo, wait.” Shoko sounds distressed. “You know that--” He ends the call and beams at Mei and Nanami. “I just got great news. My great-uncle is dead!”
Listen. I've wanted to write a stsg Stardew Valley AU since before the March patch, but I got distracted with other things. I'm still distracted. This thing is nowhere near done, and it's not coming soon, but I didn't have anything better for WIP Wednesday.
(Current fic timeline is something like:
witch AU, with 5 stories to go in the series
a dark fairytale thing for Halloween
vampire AU sequel
Stardew Valley AU
fantasy AU no. 1
fantasy AU no. 2
The order could change. We'll see.)
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
in the melting pot au: Ingrid does give CEO vibes but maybe like ceo of a fashion brand or fashion magazine? cfo frido too
caro works in either data analytics or software something that involves a lot of screen time so she self-prescribes mandated time outdoors and was reading in the park when she met conejita
frida works in something super specialized and local to the area to justify her having to live apart from emma and squish so maybe nature or animal conservancy it's mainly frida who teaches squish on how to forage ethically and without disturbing the local ecosystem
one time while emma is visiting, she sees that the couple running the local bakery frida always takes them to is retiring and ends up taking over when they finally move in with frida. alexia's restaurants source their bread from Emma's bakery and once a week, emma offers a specialty pastry baked with ingredients they foraged near their home
just emma and frida and squish living their best cottagecore life as they should 😌
Okay, more Melting Pot infodumps because this little au makes me feel very happy
Ingrid definitely gives fashion ceo vibes. She's probably got like a fashion empire and is earning so much money that she can keep her pack of kids and her golden retriever girlfriend afloat on just a monthly salary alone.
Frido's the best friend that she met at uni and they're just such good friends and they adopted IT Head!Caro into their friend group when they were at university. Caro runs the IT department and she works in a little office that she keeps really dark and just hunches over her computer all day.
Frido and Ingrid keep telling her to take a break and go out for once. Caro thinks they're both being stupid but the first time she actually does, she meets Marta and Conejita and Frido and Ingrid never let her live it down.
Frida working on the nearby nature reserve and she loves taking Squish to work with her on the weekends. Some of Squish's favourite things is parent day at the school when all the parents come in to talk about their jobs and everyone gets to hear about all the cool conservation things Frida does.
Emma in the bakery using the berries she and Squish foraged at the weekend in her muffins and suddenly the bakery is booming again. Bambi forcing Alexia inside because Squish's mummy runs the bakery and Alexia literally just buying a sandwich for herself and a slice of cake for each of her girls but then being really impressed and suddenly Alexia's restaurants are getting their bread and cakes from Emma's bakery.
Emma and Frida are definitely living their cottage core fantasy with Squish.
The school takes the kids out to the nature reserve Frida works at for trips sometimes and Squish counts down the days every month
But also thinking about how Magda and Frido probably went to university together so they knew each other from back then. Magda probably didn't interact much with Caro or Ingrid but knows them enough to have a chat with them out in the street. Also thinking about how Magda did a year abroad where she went to Denmark and met Pernille.
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nevernonline · 11 months
✧.* remind me; wjh
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remember when you spent the night with your best friend? or do you need a reminder of what it was like all these years later.
✿ paring: junhui x afab! reader
✿ genre/s: the one that got away, friends to lovers to strangers.
✿ warning/s: smoking, reader has female genitalia, smut, swearing, mentions of drinking. minors dni.
✿ word count: 2.3k
✿ note: not much, just me thinking of junhui. especially after the 5:26am teaser photos iykyk. also def not edited, srry lol.
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Over the course of five years the thought running into Jun had become basically nonexistent, sometimes you'd go into your favorite coffee shop or book store imagining him bowsing along as you not so casually run into him. 
His smile felt like it was fake now, something you’d imagined in your head. Maybe your ex was a made up character in your life. 
You were so casually shopping in your favorite sweat suit when you thought you caught a glimpse of his perfect side profile, but you knew it was just your imagination. Thinking some other guy in the store was him. It could never be. He left you, he left town, when he skipped you knew it was over with the both of you from the start. 
Jun had always been a bit of a nomad, but so you were you. It was just another thing in common you had put in your pros and cons column of some document you titled ‘The Perfect Man.’ He left his home town to move to a big foreign city in pursuit of a dream, for him it became reality for you it became many years climbing a corporate latter you weren’t sure would end in your favor due to, well one, being a woman and two how competitive your field was. 
The day you had met as interns you clicked right away, both working for the company's CEO one of you always grabbing his sugary coffee drinks and one of you running his investment numbers, based on your bosses tastes you always were the one running ‘wife tasks.’ like picking his kids up from school, grabbing his dry cleaning, booking him dinners that he needed you to attend for the company, but mainly to look like his much younger girlfriend to appease his clients. 
Jun was the only person who made you feel real at your job. I mean, he was the only shining light in a stepping stone to what you really wanted, because he understood. He always felt bad leaving you with the boss's dirty work. 
To be fair you never blamed him for getting the real jobs, even after you both graduated university. 
He was perfect. He was competent, smart, and well liked. But, you were those things too, it just so happened half the office was obsessed with the fact that they could fuck you that they paid no intention to how good at your job you were. 
A night spent out nearing your final days of your internships and graduation on its tails, you both decided to take the chance to get a luxury dinner from your boss. Jun texted saying you’d be a fool to miss expensive wine you didn’t have to pay for yourselves. 
At the restaurant you remembered the feeling of being the only female intern, especially once the rest of your so called class got more and more waisted, you were just a face, you were just another person for them to fantasize as they worked ‘hard’ in the office. 
Jun changed that, he fought for you, fought for your chance to be seen as more than someones ticket to a luxury hotel bedroom fuck that they didn’t have to tell their wives about. He was the only one who saw you for you. 
That night you had your first kiss, you had your first taste of his lips on yours. Not because he was the only person who understood you, well, maybe that, but also because you had a crush on him too. 
You and Jun had a romantic night in a hotel room paid by your boss, you fucked, you kissed, you even ordered food on his tab just to spite him for the way he had treated the both of you during your intern year, but the moment you woke up he was gone. 
You never could understand why he left, until you saw him on the local news being promoted to the company's CFO nearly seven years later. You had tried to move on, but did he? 
It really didn't bother you as much as you thought it might, he was successful, he was kind-hearted, came from a decent family, he was really the picture perfect person for a job like that and you knew it. 
The one thing that really bugged you is that maybe you felt like a victim, like your old boss said you didn’t deserve the job for being too distracting. 
After the news you were out with your friends, trying to avoid anything to do with the one person you never seemed to be over. But, he was here. 
Him, Wen Junhui, the boy you once knew with his perfect side profile, his perfect laugh, his charisma that went for days. 
The odds? I mean, none really. The city was big enough that you both could never run into each other, except for tonight. 
You watched him silently while your friends drank and celebrated across the room, he was confident and happy as ever. And beautiful. 
Maybe the buzz of too many tequila soda’s make you confident or maybe it was your taste buds suddenly remembering how his plump lips tasted against yours, that you were reminded of him. 
Some girls surrounded him in flocks, but you noticed how disinterested he seemed in their advances just waving them off in the most polite way he could.
Not being able to watch him much longer, you excused yourself from your friends and headed to the back door to take a hit of the joint burning in your purse pocket. 
After a few minutes of being alone in the cold post winter air the heavy metal door opened, revealing Jun. 
“Y/N? I thought it was you?” 
You weren’t sure how to respond, taking a long hit before handing it over to him. 
“Uhm, Hey. Here.” 
He took the perfectly rolled object from your long manicured fingers, nearly grazing them with his hands. 
“I haven’t seen you in a long time, I’m sorry.” 
Sorry? So he was sorry for leaving the morning after you hooked up. Isn’t that a convenient thing to say?
“Right, I’m sure.” 
Jun was taken aback by your coldness as he breathed in a deep pull into his lungs. 
 “I am. Look, I kind of chickened out. I really liked you, but everyone told me that being with a company girl was a bad look, that I should be a bachelor for a while. I guess I just took it to heart a little too much. Just, I guess trust me. I haven’t been with anyone since you.” 
Anyone? A perfect, rich, beautiful guy hasn’t been with anyone in seven years? It was heard to believe, but his expression was one you remembered, one of his sincerity. 
“In seven years? Not one person?” 
“Well, maybe for needs I couldn’t handle myself. But, there's been nobody like you I’ve met. I really tried for a while, it’s just nobody compared. I know this is so stupid, I’m drunk and I don’t care.” 
“Jun, you don’t mean that.” 
“No. I do. You’re the only person I can’t get out of my head. I think about you consistently to the point where seeing you in the bar tonight I just assumed it was some random aura, I came out here to get some air actually when I found you. You’re my youth, y/n. That intern party and finally kissed you, it stuck with me. It’s like since then I’ve only looked for people who reminded me of you, like, I guess doing myself a disservice?” 
“Me too.” 
Me too. The only words passing through the lips Jun had missed. 
“I miss you, I miss the way you felt in my arms. I miss the ways you fucking held my hands, I even miss the way you stoke french fries off my plate when you told me you didn’t want any. I was so in love with you, I think I still am. I’m sorry.” 
Jun’s body turned back to the metal door paned into the brick wall, suffocating the sound of loud club music coming from within, but before his hands could open it, you grabbed him. 
“Look, I don’t know if this is stupid or if it’s just because I’m cross-faded, but I was in love with you too. The reason I came out here was just because I saw you, I wished for so long we’d meet randomly and when it finally happened I freaked out.” 
Jun couldn’t believe his ears, the sweet sound of your love for him coming out of the mouth he so badly wanted to plant kisses on and well, do other things with. 
“Will you leave with me?” 
“Won’t all your girlfriends be mad you picked up a company girl” 
“No, fuck them anyway. Why’d you leave the company after we hooked up if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Why did you leave me the morning after we hooked up?” 
“I asked you first.” 
“Well, I overheard some of the guys talking about us. I just felt like I was being kept around because I was a good fuck or something. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I just used my new corporate business experience and opened up a bakery. Feels good to not be a suit I guess.” 
“Wait. You actually did it? Wasn’t that your dream since you were a kid?” 
“Yeah. Sweet you remember me so well.” 
“I would’ve never forgotten you anyway. That morning, I got a call from the CEO asking me to come straight to the office because of a complaint and I panicked, but really he offered to train me to be the new CFO if I became his assistant, the only catch was he told me I couldn’t date within the company and that I should forget you, get myself a basic girl that just wants to stay at home and tend to me, because I’’ll be busy. It was stupid, leaving you, but I just thought it was the right move at the time. I’m sorry, you believe that right?” 
“Yeah, I do. I’m not mad at you, you know. I just wished you would’ve told me why.” 
“Hate me?” 
“I’d never hate you, Jun.” 
“Good, let’s go.” 
Jun’s hand wrapping around yours gave you deja vu and here you were together at last. 
“Where are we going?” 
“My place.” 
“Trying to fuck and forget again, Junhui? I thought your mom taught you better.” 
“Nope, trying to bed and wed.” 
Needing to feel him closer to you, you stopped in a narrow alleyway and pushed his white collared covered back against the cold bricks of a building to your right. Placing a feral kiss onto his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt one by one. 
“Someone’s desperate.” 
“I can’t wait to get back into your apartment, just fuck me here. Please.” 
Without another thought Jun traded his position against the stone with you, now stripping you of your panties that were hidden below your skirt and putting them in his back pocket. Kneeling now, revealing his perfect face between your thighs as he went in and placed soft kisses on your soft skin, before reaching the aching spot of your pussy. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” 
Jun just mumbled into your wet center as he continued pleasuring you. You missed the way your hands felt in his hair while he ate you out so sweetly.
“Can you just fuck me already, I mean the head is great, but I need you to be inside of me so badly.” 
“Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets.” 
Jun now crawled up your body just to the point of pressing his clothed cock onto your leg, sucking on your neck, causing you to moan louder than you ever thought you had as he slowly unzipped his pants in the process. 
He was teasing you now, rubbing small circles against your center with the tip of his penis before finally entering bliss. 
“God, you feel the same.” 
“Fuck, thats kind of hot but you’re bigger than I remember.” 
“Probably the implant.” 
Your laugh rang in his ears, he missed making you laugh while he fucked you, he missed seeing the way your eyes were glazed over in pure euphoria from him being inside of you. 
His movements gained momentum, placing his hand behind your head as he fucked you faster, making sure it didn’t hit the brick wall too hard behind you. 
“I don’t think I can last much longer, Jun.” 
“It’s okay baby, you can finish. We can always go for more later.” 
WIth a few final soft kisses and thrusts you held on as long as you could before he reached his peak too, releasing himself inside of you and cleaning you up with the panties he stored away into his pocket. 
“Wait, how far do you live? I don’t think I should walk around with no panties for too long and I have to pee.” 
Jun’s hand pointed to the brick wall he just fucked you against. 
“Here actually.” 
Your cheeks grew hot and you placed a hard smack on his arm. 
“Oh my god, you mean we could’ve just went upstairs?” 
“Yeah, but where's the fun in that.” 
“Touche, cutie.” 
“Cutie? Still? I’m not like hottie, sexy, handsome?” 
“Nope, just a cutie forever and always.” 
“Not even sexy when I wrap my hands around your neck?” 
Entering through Jun’s front door, he jokingly wrapped his pretty fingers around your neck to give you an idea of how he would take you later since you provoked him by calling him cute. 
“Pulling out all the big moves tonight?” 
“Mhm, only for my girl.” 
“I’m still your girl?” 
“Yeah, my one and only. If you’ll have me.” 
“Remind me, what's your name again?” 
Suddenly your feet were pulled off the floor as Jun carried you into his bedroom where he’d remind you all night long. 
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onesapphireeye · 2 years
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yeah, i said it
You and Aemond have a workplace situationship. It's about time that changes.
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modern!aemond x reader + "Kiss my ass." "Gladly." warnings: use of she/her for reader. some cussing.
nori says: i did something and tumblr ate this ask so if you were the anon who requested this, please reach out to me again! off or on anon, i promise i won't bite!!! also lmao oops its not beta read & i thought it would be SHORTER. xoxo
more prompt asks to come!
word count: 2,094
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[new group chat started:]
[aegon added you!]
[aegon added aemond!]
AEGTAR: Dragonpit tonight? The hot new girl wants to get shown around our haunts. Baela said she’s down. I’m thinking about trying to get them to make out. ;P
OUTGOING: stop messaging me on the work chat and focus on finishing your part of the presentation.
OUTGOING: and stop making new chats! you can literally reply to the 100 other chats you make a day, just click the maximize button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AEMTAR: What she said.
AEGTAR: WHaT sHe SAid!!! Suck up.
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“Come onnnn!” You glanced up from your monitors to see Aegon leaning over the side of your cubicle. His gaze had a mischievous glint, and the corners of his mouth twitched with suppressed excitement.
He was a few years older than you and, though he had the advantage of being the CFO's grandson, his lack of ambition had kept him out of the promotion talks.
You, on the other hand, had been promoted twice from an internship and had now caught up to his fulltime employee status.
After an uncomfortable situation in the break room, where you had been the object of his workplace affections, you let him in on what unpleasant things you could do to his nut sack if it ever came near you. You had also let slip that Hannibal was your favorite tv show, and chomped your teeth dramatically in his direction.
He hadn’t spoken to you about hooking up since, but had instead relegated you to “dude friend” status and regularly tried to use you as a wingman.
You wished he didn’t talk to you at all, but this was better than before. 
“If I go, it'll be like cosigning a death sentence for her.” You cast a look at the newest employee, perched in a tiny corner cubicle. Today marked seven days since she’d joined the team, her face still holding that infectious glow of fresh enthusiasm. You had been her once, before you'd let this job (and Aegon) suck the joy right out of you.
Aegon gave you his best attempt at puppy dog eyes and you returned it with a look of stone-faced determination. But he didn't let up. “Don’t be a cockblock! She likes you and asked if you were coming before she said yes.”
“So you lied to her?” Your gaze burned straight through into the back of Aegon's head, and you heard a snort coming from in front of you.
You stood up to look over your cubicle’s divider wall and saw Aemond sat in his chair, arms crossed and brow furrowed.
You knew he was thinking about intervening on your behalf and defusing the situation, just like he did every other time his brother tried to push your buttons.
You glared at him. “You think workplace harassment is funny, Aemond? That’s not very becoming of a manager.”
Aemond's expression was stern, like he was trying to fight a smirk. He was supposed to be the steady voice of reason in the presence of his brother’s antics, yet now he remained silent.
Girls would tell you around the cooler that he probably had a crush on you, but you knew better. 
It was more than a crush.
He was pussy whipped and half in love.
You two had already been fucking for the last few months. 
At first, it had been your idea to keep it a secret and you thought Aemond would understand. But you could tell he was getting more and more frustrated with you for not wanting to make your relationship public. He didn’t want to see Aegon or anyone else hitting on you.
Aemond had been your lead when you were an intern and while he may have been into you then, your career success hadn’t been thanks to any special perks given by him.
You wanted to avoid the potential drama of work gossip while also maintaining your hard-earned reputation, but couldn't deny that you had also begun to feel an emptiness in not being able to formally declare your relationship.
Of course, you had made the decision to be private before you realized how much it bothered you to see him being flirted at. You said ‘at’ because, for most people, Aemond was like an impenetrable wall.
You were starting to think about having a real conversation about where you both stood and if there was still a chance of becoming something official. But you were afraid that he had already gotten too comfortable and settled into the status quo of being in a situationship.
"I didn't want to type it out, but think we should go." You gave Aemond a pout when he spoke up but sighed, knowing you had been out voted.
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Aemond texted that he was en route, and a quick glance at his location showed he was about ten minutes away. You finished the final touches of your make-up and zipped up your thigh-high boots. You grabbed a small purse and decided against a coat, hurrying out to the parking garage.
You spotted Aemond's car rolling up and waved to him with excitement. It stopped in front of you and you opened the door with a wide grin. “Perfect timing, Baby!”
He rolled his eyes at you and frowned. “I really wish you'd let me pick you up at the door.”
“Why, when this is more efficient?”
“You can be too pragmatic at times.”
“Hello pot, meet kettle.”
He looked amazing in his leather jacket and blue jeans. You could see a white V-neck t-shirt and his signature Valyrian steel chain peeking out from underneath.
You got into his car, and as you turned to close the door and buckle up, the dress you were wearing slid up your thighs and his hand instantly went to grab it.
You loved many things about Aemond: his long hair, the scar on his face, his morning voice...but nothing could top your love for his hands.
Especially when they were in or on you.
“Your dress doesn’t seem to want to stay in place." He smirked teasingly as he gave your thigh a kneading squeeze. “Should have worn something shorter.”
You could tell he wasn’t entirely serious, but you weren’t going to take the bait. His religious background and jealousy could suck it; you were choosing not to bite. Whether you were his girlfriend or not, you weren’t about to let him dictate what you wore. You could compromise on many things for him, but this was not one of them: it was your body and you would die on this hill. 
You playfully slapped your hand on top of the one holding your leg, then rubbed it. "Kiss my ass, you prude." 
Aemond laughed as he pulled out of the parking garage. "Gladly."
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The Dragonpit was, as always, busy as hell.
It was a the only club in town that never had a happy hour and somehow that made people feel like it was exclusive. In reality, influencers had been paid to promote it and they’d done their jobs well. The line usually stretched around the building.
You were suspicious of the online reviews, as the music was too loud, the dance floor was cramped, and one of the two exit doors was usually blocked by commercial-sized trash bins. If you were doing audits, you'd rate this place a recipe for disaster.
If there was a plus side though, it was that your Targaryen coworkers knew the owner and could walk straight in.
The acrid smell of sweat hit you as soon as the bouncer opened the door. Aemond grabbed your hand, and you both weaved your way through the throng of bodies on the dance floor until you reached the bar.
Aemond pushed his way to the ledge while you stayed close behind him. You glanced over the crowd to look for any familiar faces. You smiled as soon as you spotted Baela deep in conversation with a tall brunette, you realized it was Cregan Stark from her department upstairs. She gave you a wave and you motioned for her to come over. 
“Drinking anything?” Your attention was brought back to Aemond, who was looking over his shoulder at you. 
You nodded your head in the affirmative. “Just some shots, you pick.”
Baela, without Cregan, embraced you with a hug. Her promotion away from your work floor had happened recently, and you were amazed she hadn’t taken over the company yet. She was a motivator for you, almost like a guide. 
“I'm so glad you two showed up! Aegon said you were probably going to bail?” She sent an odd look at Aemond and you raised your eyebrow in question.
The Targaryen male cleared his throat, pointedly ignoring his cousin. He held out a short glass filled with a clear liquid and you accepted it without hesitation, offering a smile and a polite thanks.
“Aegon doesn’t know anything.” Aemond said and you verbally agreed. “Where is he anyway?” 
Baela made an expression of disgust and gestured to the same doorway you had walked through. Aegon and the new girl were in a tight lip-lock, as if they were trying to suck the air out of each other's lungs to survive. You two had walked right past them without even noticing.
“Seven days? That’s got to be some sort of new record?” You heard Baela say. That poor, poor girl. You threw back your shot in memory of her reputation at work.
You shook your head and remarked, “It’s almost insane how he always gets what he wants.” Aemond snickered and Baela gave you a cute frown.
“Honey, he’s rich.” You laughed at Baela’s words and guessed that was the only explanation you needed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a Stark to climb.”
Aemond drank his shot and returned both empty glasses to the bar counter, giving his cousin a dull look, "none of us need to know that."
She stuck her tongue out, as she floated back through the crowd. 
You both drained your second round of shots in one quick gulp. Your tolerance for alcohol wasn't great, but you weren't even close to being tipsy. You just felt a little more relaxed from borrowing some liquid courage.
You locked eyes with Aemond and gave him your most flirtatious look. "Should I go find something to climb?" He shifted his weight to rest an elbow on the bar, eliciting a few grumblings from the people trying to get by. 
“Let’s see what you can do.” He challenged you with a smirk that burned with mischievous fire. You met his challenge and sashayed to the edge of the dance floor, swaying your hips dangerously and capturing his full attention. He watched hungrily as you moved your body to the rhythm.
His look darkened when another man approached and tried to cut in. Aemond quickly stood and pulled you to him, possessive and protective. "Don't even think about it," he growled, his low voice washing over you like a stormy sea. “Pick someone else’s girlfriend.” The stranger quickly retreated in the face of his will.
You raised an eyebrow at him, testing the boundaries of his newfound declaration. "Girlfriend?" You said with a mischievous smirk, chin resting on his chest. "Don't you usually have to ask the girl you're claiming? We aren't living in medieval times."
Aemond looked down at you with wide eyes, searching for something in your expression that wasn't quite there. Then with a deep breath and a determined look, he asked "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
You beamed up at him and touched his cheek tenderly. "Yes," you breathed, standing on the tips of your toes to press a gentle kiss against his lips. "Absolutely."
Happy that mess had been sorted out, his grip was firm as he pulled you close and spun you around. The rhythm of the music reverberated through your body. His thumb traced your spine as his breath grazed your neck, a heat rising between you. 
It didn’t take long before you were grinding your ass into him. 
Off the dance floor, your coworkers looked on in wonder. Aegon and the new girl had joined Baela and Cregan. 
Baela let out a sharp cry of excitement. She slapped Aegon on the arm, nearly shoving him off his feet. “I called that shit! You owe me twenty dollars!” 
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norinote: remember you can send me prompts from here or your own ideas! xoxo.
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cursedbag · 1 year
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Author's Note: it's been about a billion years since I've written any sort of fan fiction but I saw a post that was just... inspirational (I don't remember exactly who posted it but it was for sure on Tumblr)
Anyways, warnings: 18+, minors don't interact, not proofread, afab!reader but 2nd pov used, reader is a nepo baby and not into unions, potentially degrading? Idk lmao Nanami might be a little ooc, it's been a hot minute since I read the manga
His Hard Earned Bonus
Lawyer! Nanami x CEO! Reader
Your hands gripped tightly on Nanami's hair as his tongue bullied your clit. His tongue always worked magic when you were stressed. Meetings, clients, your employees' desire to unionize, he would make those trivial problems melt away; legally and sexually.
"Nanamin~" you moaned as he tightened his grip on your thighs. He hummed in response, not pulling away to entertain anything beyond himself. His tie was thrown over his shoulder as he enjoyed his meal with messy slurps. He had your panties in his back pocket with no intention of giving them back.
Nanami was a man who always had a healthy sexual appetite. It's part of the reason why he became a lawyer. The gratification of getting his clients *exactly* what they wanted with the benefit of a solid paycheck behind it. When you first hired him, he couldn't get you out of his head. The cold glances that you'd give your subordinates, the glares you gave to your CFOs and CMOs; it made it near impossible to do his job without some sort of added benefit. Especially with how spoiled and bratty you were (on account that your father was the chairman).
Nanami loved that you were spoiled rotten; it always made his job a bit more exciting than it actually was. You could demand anything and he'd just ask for a deadline. So when the Christmas party rolled around, a well placed mistletoe was all that he needed to seduce you. Sure, there would have to be secrets for the sake of both of your careers but Nanami relished in the secret little rendezvous he planned.
"It's almost like you want to get caught," you chided with a soft moan. As if you wouldn't love something like that, to be caught with the hot blond lawyer between your legs as he feasted on you like you're the only thing he ate. You pulled at his hair, earning a groan from his lips that vibrated against your folds. Your essence dripped down his chin as he looked up at you insatiably. He pulled away, much to your dismay.
"If I wanted you to be bratty, I would have waited until I got to your penthouse," he stood up from his kneeling position, "we wouldn't want a certain chairman to find out that you're taking advantage of a lowly employee."
"As if my father would believe that. Besides, you came on to me. Metaphorically and literally," you winked as he towered over you. "plus..." your hand reached for the obvious tent growing in his pants, "you probably like that you're undermining my father's power by fucking his daughter during your lunch break."
"I think of it more as a bonus, most of the cases you ask me to cover are almost always some sort of impossible," he said before he placed a kiss on the corner of your lips.
You rolled your eyes, "well you always manage to get it done, don't you?" There you go again. Blue blooded, through and through. "Are you going to finish or...?"
"I have a meeting in ten minutes," he says with a sigh.
"... with me."
"And your father," he says as he tugged your pencil skirt to no longer be a clean sign of deviance, "wouldn't want daddy dearest to find me here alone with his CEO."
"Fine," you groaned as you leaned back on chair. You always had the most irresistible pout when you were denied what you wanted. "What about your little friend there?"
Nanami scoffed at the implication, "you were complaining about my *little* friend yesterday. I'll take care of it in the bathroom or something." You wanted to tease him for the imagery he painted in your head; His cold stoicism melting away as he fucked his fist, chasing a high that became harder and harder to satisfy on his own.
You picking up your phone and quickly dialed a number as Nanami watched you. "Hi daddy," you spoke sweetly, "I was just wondering if we could push back that meeting? I totally got food poisoning earlier and I was just about to go home." Nanami wanted to burst out laughing at your pathetic excuse, all just so that you could get your daily fuck in.
"Really? Oh thanks daddy... yes, I'll have Nanami take me home right away," you looked at him with a devious smirk before hanging up the phone.
"So I'm a personal chauffeur now?" Nanami teased as he stood by the door as you grabbed your coat, "what will my bonus be for that?"
"You act as if I didn't just do you a favor," you said as you slipped into your coat, "come on, I have to make it look at least a little believable." You leaned on his shoulder before he wrapped an arm around you and walked you to his car in the parking lot. The short walk and elevator ride felt hours long, even longer when Nanami got a call from his actual boss.
"Sir?" Nanami answered the phone, acting oblivious.
"Nanami! Would you be a pal and take my precious angel home and work from there? I'm sure they'll be so disappointed that they couldn't do work because they're a little sick," your father wasn't a successful business man because he was a smart man.
"Yes sir, I'll take them home right now," Nanami informed as he unlocked the car to let you in. You slipped into the front seat before he closed the door behind him. He hung up his phone as he entered the driver's seat.
"You know... we can't just leave right this moment," you leaned close to his ear. "Daddy will find it suspicious that you'd already have me on the road and stuff," your hot breath tempted him like no other.
"What are you suggesting?" He entertained your whims despite your recent bad behavior. You kissed his cheek as you undid his belt buckle. Nanami didn't move, not because he was particularly shocked at your choice of setting but rather to fully witness you at work. Your hand reached into his pants and wrapped itself around his dick. The warmth of your hand coupled with the sensitivity of his cock forced his head against the steering wheel as you kept a steady motion to taunt him. All Nanami could do is moan out a quiet, breathy, "fuck" and hope that you wouldn't tease him. You pulled your hand away with a mischievous giggle.
"Sorry, Nanamin," you're a liar, "we'll just have to wait until we go to the penthouse."
"...get in the back."
You laughed but it quickly faded when you looked at him again. His brows were furrowed with frustration as he removed his glasses. The green tinted glasses that once reflect you were shoved into the glove box haphazardly as Nanami motioned his head towards the backseat. You felt an unfamiliar heat rise in your chest but did as you were told and climbed into the backseat.
He starts the car wordlessly, driving out of the parking lot. You could practically hear the cogs in his brain churning as it settles to you that you pushed your luck too far. He pulled into your driveway an hour and finally looked at you.
"You think you can just toy with my cock as if it's just a plaything for you?" He climbed into the back with you, his fly and belt still undone. You didn't respond as you caught a glimpse of his tip peaking through his boxers. You bit your lip, hoping that he'll find it in his heart to forgive you and let you get a taste of the semen that stained his underwear. He sat down next to you and pulled his cock out.
His simple demand was listened to in full as you go on your knees and started slowly kissing his tip. Your slow tease grew impatience in Nanami as he grabbed the back of your hair and urged you to take his cock. He groaned softly as you took him in, inch by inch. You swirled your tongue and accepted the semen that had his familiar bitterness. You rubbed your thighs together but received a tug at your hair warning you not to push your luck again. You bobbed yourself up and down, looking up at him for approval as you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter.
"Just like that," he encouraged with a soft groan as he leaned his head back, "you're a good cock sucker, aren't you? Probably ruining my leather seating with how wet you are." You moved your head faster as you felt him twitch in your mouth.
"F-fuck, I'm so close," he panted, his hand following the bobbing of your head. Nanami forced your head down as he came, thick ropes of cum painted your throat white. You sat up and wiped your lip with a cocky smirk.
"You just had to have me, couldn't even wait until we were inside," you teased. Nanami glared at you as he attempted to catch his breath.
"You think you're done?"
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p-t-f-s · 2 months
everytime i make a new friend or i open up about shit it /always/ ends up at one point or another they say my life is like a tv show or i should write a book or pitch my life - like more a handful amount of times, like damn near every time i make a friend. and like. i wish they were wrong when i try to look objectively at what im telling them and not just. my life that i wake up and live and go to sleep with every day. but also like. thats also a looooooooooot of people ive met??? everyone has interesting and fun stories, but most of life is so similarly repetitive that we forget it more than we experience. also i do believe it is my autistic rizz. and ability to self sooth and parent.
[its all just personal life bitching/discussion/musings below]
anyways i wish life would be calm for like. a couple months pls. i know a year is too much to ask but literally this year has been a lot. like last year was a lot but it wasnt a fucking competition. getting my car stolen again, then losing my job in what was supposed to be my 5 year anniversary, and then finding out my uncle had stage 4 cancer. then it was spring break and i got to visit my cousing with a thankfully preplanned and prepayed vacation during the midst and height and she and her husband were like "heres our cocktail maker. get as drunk as you want" which was nice of them so i stayed tipsy half the time i was awake instead of high while in seattle. went to a wine tasting expo. got throw up drunk. my cousin was very impressed by my ability to keep my manners while drunk past my tits and wait to throw up till after id rolled the window down and stuck my head out. i was getting blackout drunk bc id apparently texted my friends i loved them which i had no recollection of doing considering my phone was actively dying while i was still only actually tipsy at that expo. i was also less stress then bc my car had been found. totalled, crashed and smashed in the front which thankfully i owed less than it was worth so they payout covered the downpayment for my new car. rip to not getting my personalized horse license plate with my name on it. then i get back home and my uncle is now dead and the whole family is in town for the funeral. its been a cascade of em for a few years now since my mom started the party back in 21.
by the viewing id started a new job for a week. close by home and only a dollar less than previously. they were asking a whole lot for shit pay in truth. and NOW. I FIND OUT THE JOB I STARTED WHILE TAKING A FRAUD ACCOUNTING CLASS. MIGHT BE VICTIM TO FRAUD. POSSIBLY SINCE INCEPTION AND IN THE MOST TERRIBLY HORRIBLY OBVIOUS WAY THAT JUST KEPT SLOWLY AND SLOWLY GETTING PEELED AND REVEALED. I love it when the head of one department tells me hes in cahoots with the head of another dpt and a few workers from their and others about the terrible company shit they found and are kinda looking at other jobs. ofc he did say that after i said to his face that i was spending a bit every morning applying to other jobs after learning of the possible fraud VIA OUR """CONSULTING CFO""" having been previously convicted of fraud. twice. over a decade between convictions. were getting drinks later this week for him to tell me everything else hes found and lurked about in the system. and how no one understands what accounting is or does or how i actually spend half or most of my day playing solitaire or watching anime. bc they want me to be a controller but are calling and paying me at the clerk level. so thats what they get. i love the phrase act your wage.
theres still so many other things that have happened this year too that i still havent mentioned. like the moon hole. passive aggressive fighting with my upstairs neighbor who said i was "delusional and fucking hallucinating" bc i said he stomps in the middle of the night. and literally as i typed that there he went above my head at. ah. 10:58 pm. since my second talking to him in march i know ive not been the only one to talk to him about his shaking the goddamn foundations of the building or waking the toddler constantly in the apartment next to his, diagonal from mine. the surprise birthday party my friends threw for me after literally freightening me when i came home with surprise and each giving me different hearfelt and attentive gifts of all my different interests. weekly dinners with my dad on the same days he was court ordered to have my older siblings and i during the week as he lives 10 minutes away taking care of our grandfather. hes the only reason i get updates on my older sisters life as she blocked me on all social media and cut me from her life before our mothers death for our differing political beliefs. infighting truly is the death of leftists as out beliefs were always closer together than to that of our very republican parents. but im also not an american government shoe loving authority cuck like most the rest of em. "you know what its like to be a minority bc you were a literal minority of being white kids going to a majority black school in the city." to my fucking FACE. not only is that incredibly dismissive on so many levels but like with how LEGITIMATELY my siblings took and NOODED THEIR HEADS?????? TO IT. truly fiction is a joke compared to life.
anyways this is the most any of you will ever get from me here on tumblr in months, good luck to any of my followers seeing this who were unaware i am a person and wassup to my mutuals entirely unaware of my life and smooches to my dear dear friends who are all very aware of all of this. everyone else. idgaf, this was for me to vent and proclaim. bc i lay down in my bed with my cat looking very disappointed that im not asleep despite how late it is and i have to go to sleep keeping all of that with me for the rest of my life. oh it may not stay close, it may not be completely there by the end, but i know i will always be aware even more so than before when i was living out of my car, of what i keep in and am willing to leave in and with it. I have somehow kept that cute little cactus my friend gave my for my birthday alive still, i now have a whole wall of plants that ive kept alive for over a year, and i plant to keep that as long as I can. I have presents and gifts and memories that i plan to look fondly on tomorrow and the day after and the day after that and so on. afterall. I need to check on my plants and water them, and feed my cat. everyday a tragedy happens and still i must feed my cat. my mother was dying, and still i had to feed my cat. was she suffering? no, she was not even there anymore to be suffering and still i must go home and feed my cat and sleep and wake up and there is my cat to welcome my mornings after guarding my nights, a clear agreement that she must be fed once pleased with her pettings. my elder sister blocked me and cut me from her life before our mothers death and even during she did not change, strong in her stance and belief not even grief would change or ease her foundations. nor would my grief stop my cat from being fed. every day i wake and sleep with all these things and one day my cat will die. and i will grieve. and it will not be her that gets me through it, but she will never be parted from me again. i will wake up and make the same sleepy motions that indicate her morning ritual that will not be performed. my day will be as different and as same as it was before. i will sleep and i will wake with it all and i will meet someone new and tell them the first time i really got into energy drinks was after getting a whole case for being a smartass at 7am to emergency driving instructors. that i only started drinking coffee bc a boy who liked me worked at starbucks and so gave me a large giftcard and an in to getting my first job at starbucks. you never know why or how somethings started.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Reddit user u/Adrian0091 posed the question, "What's the dumbest thing you've seen a coworker do on the job?" The thread quickly filled with jaw-dropping, eye-roll-inducing stories of workplace chaos. Here's what people shared:1."I worked at Chick-fil-A, and the kid in the cow costume decided to walk over to the nearby Walmart and ride bikes around while still in the costume. The manager called and was like, 'Hey, do you know your cow is riding bicycles around in our store?'"—u/hubertcumberdale4202."A dude once photocopied a slice of pizza. We found cheese and stuff inside the machine for weeks. It was pretty funny, though."—u/LinusMeindl Ribeirorocha / Getty Images/iStockphoto3."I worked with a lot of hazardous chemicals. I had a coworker who was notorious for being on his phone. We had to use a pump to put a hazardous chemical into a tank. The problem was that you couldn’t look at the destination and pump the pump at the same time. Someone had to pump, and someone had to watch. So, I specifically asked said coworker to not look at his phone this ONE time. The tank overflowed and spilled the chemical everywhere because he was staring at his phone. It took hours to clean up."—u/BigTiddyOstrogothGF4."A guy superglued himself to the component he was fixing twice. The second time, he was showing us how he had done it. Then, he superglued his eyelids together — all within half an hour."—u/floydie1962 Aalexx / Getty Images5."I saw a tattooist I worked with tattoo 'Laugh now, cry ladder' across a guy's chest. He was let go. A few years later, a guy came in with 'Warior' across his upper back in bold letters wanting it fixed. Same tattooist."—u/hurrythisup6."My coworker blasted his music, not realizing the jack wasn't connected to his phone. He thought he was hearing it from his earphones. Our CFO, whose office is near our department, came marching outside to the employee floor and shouted, 'Who the hell is playing that?' Someone had to get his attention. We couldn't laugh at the time, but it was really funny later that day. The song was 'Low' by Flo Rida."—u/junerlegion Wwing / Getty Images7."The general manager, who was new to the company, walked in and told all the women they weren't qualified to do their jobs. Sacked instantly."—u/p4ttl19928."I watched a woman with long, acrylic nails fish a raw chicken breast out of the marinade bucket with her bare hands, drop it on the grill, wipe her hands on her apron, and move to grab a fist full of lettuce with the same bare hands. She did not understand why this was a problem. She did not finish her shift."—u/gwart_ Milorad Kravic / Getty Images9."I asked one of the new kids to stack the shoe department. Easy, but a bit boring. I showed her what to do: stack by brand, then size, with bigger at the bottom and smaller at the top. She decided to organize by the color of the boxes instead because it looked prettier. It took me hours to fix that mess."—u/Lizzy_Of_Galtar10."I worked in the kitchen, and one of my colleagues forgot to put oil into the oil fryer, and he turned it on without noticing it. A fire shot up, and he stupidly put water on it. You now what happened next: bigger fire. Luckily, there were no injuries and just some black spots near the fryer wall."—u/PT4rd Jtyler / Getty Images11."I worked in a restaurant that had a large mixer for baking. Imagine the KitchenAid one, but five feet tall. I watched one guy hang on to the mixing paddles while another guy turned on the mixer. The guy holding the paddles was thrown across the kitchen."—u/DriedUpSquid12."A coworker of mine was fired for using his cellphone in an electrically classified area. The cellphone wasn't explosion-proof, not to mention that there were no cellphones allowed on the floor. They gave him a warning the first time, and the second time, they walked him out. The worst part for him was that his wife found out he was talking to his girlfriend. Twenty years down the drain. As we liked to say, he fired himself."—u/big_d_usernametaken Anita Kot / Getty Images13.
"They told the manager on duty, 'I’m not the one eating it, so why should I care?' while the manager was trying to explain to her how to correctly prepare a customer’s food."—u/2gecko198314."They put a bunch of freshly-sharpened knives into a sink that was full of soapy water and didn’t tell anyone. Another coworker got, like, five large cuts on his hand while reaching in to start cleaning dishes."—u/WillardFist Rapideye / Getty Images/iStockphoto15."In the late '90s, I was a custodian at a New York City public school to pay for college. One of my coworkers accidentally spilled about 15 gallons of gasoline in the school parking lot. He didn’t want to get in trouble for spilling that much gas, so he thought the best course of action was to burn off the gasoline. Of course, gasoline burns with huge billows of black smoke, so he panicked and tried to put out the fire BY DRIVING HIS CAR OVER THE GIANT PUDDLE OF BURNING GASOLINE. The fire department showed up within minutes and saw him doing donuts in the giant fire. They spent a whole hour screaming at my coworker about how stupid he was."—u/-Words-Words-Words-16."I watched a coworker of mine at a Pizza Hut (1976) clean off the food prep counter with a gross floor broom. He came into work after doing a hit of acid. The kitchen was open, so people at the tables could see the food being made. Someone saw him and yelled out to the other customers, and people started walking out. The place cleared out. Once the manager figured out what happened, he fired the guy on the spot."—u/big_d_usernametaken Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty Images17."He opened a Skype window (yes, this was ~10 years ago) and started messaging me to talk crap about a person who was in the same call as us. He forgot he was sharing his screen."—u/zyygh18."At an old warehouse job, on this dude's first day, he offered the general manager a cup of Hennessy he was drinking out of. I've never seen someone get fired faster."—u/TheShadowDemon247 Dny59 / Getty Images19."Back when I worked at a pizza place, we had a new guy that lasted only a couple days because he said he couldn't poop without smoking a cigarette at the same time. We found out after he clearly smoked a cigarette in the bathroom."—u/PupEDog20."My coworker took his girlfriend through a secure area of the airport to bypass screening before their flight. The airport was locked down, they were both arrested, and, of course, he was fired."—u/Weary-Writer758 Grandriver / Getty Images21."In high school, I worked at a Chinese restaurant taking orders and bussing tables. Another dude I vaguely knew from high school got hired there. He was a nice, popular dude, but he didn't have much common sense. Within his first two weeks, he went to make himself some food (we were allowed to do that to a certain extent), and he dropped some wontons into the deep fryer. When he decided they were done, and as we were having a conversation, he just REACHED HIS HAND into the oil to retrieve them. I don’t think I even reacted for a moment or two, and then rushed forward. He somehow ALSO didn’t react for a moment or two before pulling his hand out and yelling out a cartoon-style 'YEEOUCH!' He went to the hospital...and quit the job."—u/CwAbandon22."He cut his hair at the bar. He was the bartender…"—u/Express_Let8362 Chris Windsor / Getty Images23.'Without any hesitation, this guy swallowed his joint to avoid detection as the manager came around the corner. The manager still smelled it, and he ended up failing a drug test and being sacked, so it was all for nothing in the end."—u/Ok_Bottle_879624."Another employee put the wrong cream and sugar measurements in a cup, and once they realized their mistake, they threw the contents of the cup into our ice bin and started over."—u/HighQuality_H20 The Real Tokyo Life / Getty Images25."On his first day, he wore a shirt that said 'leg rest here' with two arrows pointing to his shoulders."—u/Ech0shift26."At one of my previous jobs, a guy thought it was a good idea to scratch his head with a hot glue gun.
He had to shave his head. Another guy at another place was working with some drugs (pharmaceutical wholesaler company), and a bunch of powder spilled from one of the broken packs, and he thought it was a good idea to blow on it to clear it. Thing is, we work with narcotics and cytotoxic drugs, among others, so that could've potentially caused harm or even death (if it was fentanyl, for example)."—u/1921Zeljo Andrii Zorii / Getty Images/iStockphoto27."I worked at Lowe’s. A guy got fired for driving the forklift to McDonald’s across the street to get a Big Mac."—u/BurghFinsFan28."We had a sales assistant pry open a container of copier toner and try to pour it into the machine. Everything was covered in fine black powder, including her."—u/FlowerGi1015 Thanasis / Getty Images29."A junior developer once sent me a chat message in his native language. I did not know what it said, but Google Translate is a thing, so I could see that he was saying some very unkind things about me. I did not let on that I knew; I just replied with '?.' He was very apologetic and said it was intended for someone else. He was obviously hoping I did not know what it said. He asked me to ignore and delete it. I saved a screenshot instead."—u/FansForFlorida30."Someone did donuts on a forklift in front of the store and the store manager, all about 10 feet from customer cars and people. I have never seen someone get fired so fast."—u/CaucasianHumus Mint Images / Getty Images/Mint Images RF31."A couple contractors were given the job of testing large screen monitors that had been returned. They decided the best way to test them was by watching porn in a corporate environment. The best part of all was that they put the monitors up on a shelf, so they could be seen at quite a distance."—u/frito12332.And: "She was a receptionist and sat at her desk right outside her boss's office while reading a self-help book about dealing with awful coworkers. She'd ignore anyone who came up to her until she finished what she was reading, including the president of the company. She would go downstairs to 'file,' but would either very obviously take a book and snacks with her, or would take her purse and leave the building for a couple hours without telling anyone. Also, she'd spend hours a day 'filing' three documents. She wasn't smart enough to hide it from anyone either. You needed a key to enter the file room, and she'd leave it in the lock, which was a huge issue with confidential info (it was the legal department). There were stacks of files piled on the floor all the time because she couldn't understand how to file in alphabetical order. When she got called out, she was mad at people for 'disrespecting' her, and then she rage-quit."—u/totally_tiredx3What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen a coworker do? Tell us in the comments!Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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steamishot · 1 year
end of sept
i'm home for 3 weeks; work has been more interesting so far. with my new position, i'm exposed to and working with more higher ups. it makes me feel like my voice matters a bit more and that my work is meaningful. this past week, we had a meeting with the vice dean about the VCP population. i've been having more interactions with our CAO, and will also be working more closely with my previous boss, HR director, CFO, and other managers. i'm getting exposed to those with 100K-500K salaries. with the promotion/new title and also more experience under my belt, i've been feeling like a more valuable member of our department and overall more confident. i think others find me approachable (at least via email) because i have a record of being responsive and getting work done.
september might have been the most social our calendar has ever been on the east coast. we hung out with K&M, R&T, S&I and G. it sucks that covid and residency were a big hamper on growing a social life for us, but i'm glad it's finally happening after 3 years
we're getting closer with S&I; they invited us on an overnight snowboarding trip this winter. this past time when we hung out, I drove us around NJ and we had two meals together that day. it was the second time that month that we had 8+ hour hangouts with friends haha
G finally met matt, and i'm happy that they got along and were comfortable with each other. during residency and the transition to attendinghood, it was always a little nervewracking for me to introduce matt to people because his social battery and overall energy level were always very low. there were more times than not where he would make a not so good impression.
it's like we're leaving the cocoon phase (hardcore working) and we are growing ourselves and our social circle 🥹
job interview: the job hunt in CA has been a touchy topic for us. i can't help but to view this as how much he cares about me, and he can't help but to feel this pressure from me to accept a job sooner than later. earlier this month, he had rejected an offer from USC arcadia because it was open ICU.
redlands: matt had an in person interview at a different redlands site, they offered the job to him that same day, and had an official offer call yesterday. from what we know about the job, it has pretty high potential to be selected - at least this is what i think now. the salary and benefits are great, the work condition seems manageable, and there is open ICU only 4 weeks of the year. the major downside outside of open ICU is that it does not offer PSLF and it is a non-academic center (no resident assistance)
regarding job selection, i decided that matt should have 80% of the say. i'm trying my best to stay neutral and not affect his decision making until he has thought through it himself without my bias. for this reason, we have not yet discussed this opportunity in depth. logistically, it would be easier if he also weren't working a week of 12 hour shifts. we plan on making a pros and cons list and having a discussion in a few days from now. he'll need to have an answer by next wednesday.
my thoughts: i thought redlands would be too far, but after coming back to LA this time around, i even felt it was too dense here with all the traffic! i'm almost seeking a retreat out in a quiet town further away after living in constant stimulation in nyc. away from traffic and people. location wise, we would be able to afford a spacious 2-bedroom, and have access to big bear, joshua tree, and other national parks. at this point, i really don't mind and maybe even prefer not living near downtown LA.
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hranugrah · 1 year
job offers near me
job offers near me
ANUGRAH HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES LLP ANUGRAH HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES LLP. has emerged as one of the top job placement consultants in Indore, Nagpur and Dealing in PAN India. Anugrah means to have favor and We understand that a talented workforce is the major pillar of an organization’s success. Hence, we identify the clients’ specific needs and deliver them the best recruiting, Contractual, consulting, HR services, Payroll Process and staffing solutions within desired deadline. What we have, is certainly out-of-the-box as well as each and every effort of our team aims at modernizing the traditional views of human resources. Our team follows the best practices in the employment industry and understands all of the regulatory requirements. This in turn, helps us provide what exactly the client needs. At ANUGRAH HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES LLP, we offer comprehensive recruitment services for job seekers and companies alike, bridging the gap between talent and opportunity. Let us help you reach your full potential today. Our Services Temporary Staffing Fill short-term staffing needs without long-term commitment. Perfect for seasonal or project-based work. Permanent Staffing Find the perfect fit for your team and your company culture. We handle everything from job posting to onboarding! Executive Search Identify and infiltrate the top echelons of your industry with ANUGRAH's cutting-edge executive search services. www.anugrahhrservices.com Job Categories We Specialize In
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forbesjobs · 1 year
Forbes.jobs delivers a first-of-its-kind career and employment experience that supports talent, recruiters and companies throughout an employee's professional life. Forbes.jobs provides career opportunities, education and skills development, community connections, and coaching to support the career journey. Leveraging the internationally recognized Forbes brand, hiring managers and recruiters seek accomplished Forbes.job candidates for senior manager, leadership jobs, director-level and management jobs, vice president, CEO, CFO and all C-Suite executives in the areas of banking and finance, accounting, information technology and computer science, supply chain management and logistics, biomedical and medicine, sales and marketing and much more. Find high paying jobs in the USA – in-person or remote, contract workers or full-time – at Forbes.jobs.
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Block Industry near me - What You Should Know
The digital transformation of the information technology sector is now well-advanced. As a result, businesses are facing new competition, new challenges, and a changing market that favors innovative solutions. To stay competitive in this rapidly changing world, businesses need to make the most of their current size, resources, and competitive advantage. In fact, it's not enough to have a great brand and an extraordinary product; you need to find ways to grow your business with every step you take so that you continue to employ your best employees, and produce the best products and services at the lowest cost. Your business should also be able to benefit from the benefits of having patents for life; this means that your company has the ability to protect your intellectual property (IP) so that others do not copy it. This protects consumers from unfair substitutes; this is more important than ever these days as supply chains are increasingly reliant on technology. So what kind of people should you avoid if you can help them?
What kind of people should you avoid if you can help them?
Incorrectly refers to a company that is too big to ignore. In these situations, the CEO must take a strategic approach to the business and make sure that it's not being neglected. The CFO must be the highest-ranking advisor to the CEO in the organization. The CIO must have full authority to issue orders for the business. The rest of the team members should be focused on doing their jobs and protecting the company's interests.
Some companies are too big to ignore
Although the notion of having too big a business is not new, it is becoming more apparent with the advent of the internet and business transformation. According to research, if you want to be taken seriously as an entrepreneur, you need to be a company with a real estate business - not an internet company. Some of the biggest names in technology, including Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, are too big to ignore. These companies have a huge reach in the developing world and are experiencing a growth spurt. These companies also have an opportunity to benefit from the changing strategy of the Block Industry near me as more countries are now using the internet for everything from healthcare to education and more.
Internet platforms must be reliable
In an era of increasingly digital products, businesses are relying more and more on the internet to support their products and services. This includes e-commerce, e-banking, e-commerce2, and more. While online platforms have grown in use, the real estate industry has been largely neglected. There is a chance this is changing soon as more companies are entering the market with the goal of capturing a large portion of the growing market of residential mortgages. There must be a clear line between operating a business and operating an internet platform. A business should not accept any payments that would require the customer to give their personal information to a third party. This would include sensitive information like financial information, health information, or medical records. A residential mortgage loan application should be signed off on by a third party.
Your company culture must be top-notch
To be successful in digital transformation, a company must have both a culture of excellence and a team-first attitude. This can be difficult to maintain when the business is a small business and has only recently been able to break into the big leagues of the corporate world. The ideal organization is one that has been around for a long time, is well-established in Block Industry near me, and is well-respected by its peers. Any changes that are necessary for your business to adapt to changing times will have to come from above. The top-down nature of corporate leadership is slowly losing its appeal in our times. The executives who run companies these days are often determined by one objective or another. The success of the company is determined more by how well it performs on the naturally occurring and artificial turf of the CEO than in the strategic directions that were once the exclusive preserve of CFOs and CIOs.
You need to supply our customers with the best technology possible
Manufacturers and marketers of all sizes are now looking at the world of digital advertising as an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Digital advertising can take many forms; online ads, mobile ads, brochures, webinars, and videos. Ads can be distributed in many different forms including print, online, and mobile. As more companies start to look at digital advertising as an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage, they should be mindful of the fact that their products would not be available without the use of digital technologies. Customers expect both high-quality and affordable digital advertising. They also expect digital advertising to be delivered in a timely fashion.
Bottom line
The Block Industry near me sector is now well-advanced. As a result, businesses are facing new competition, new challenges, and a changing market that favors innovative solutions. To stay competitive in this rapidly changing world, businesses need to make the most of their current size, resources, and competitive advantage. In fact, it's not enough to have a great brand and an extraordinary product; you need to find ways to grow your business with every step you take so that you continue to employ your best employees, and produce the best products and services at the lowest cost. Your business should also be able to benefit from the benefits of having patents for life; this means that your company has the ability to protect your intellectual property (IP) so that others do not copy it. This protects consumers from unfair substitutes; this is more important than ever these days as supply chains are increasingly reliant on technology. So what kind of people should you avoid if you can help them?
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joomlagreys · 2 years
Surf expo 2021 september
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Surf expo 2021 september full#
Surf expo 2021 september full#
As vaccination distribution continues and testing improves, the Emerald team is ramping up for a full calendar of shows in second half of year. In 2021, "we've pushed 30 events into the back half of the year," said Emerald CFO David Doft. By comparison, the public company produced more than 140 events in 2019. In spite of the decreased number of exhibitors and attendees, Emerald gained practical experience, producing its second live event in the last 11 months. It's our responsibility to provide our customers with that opportunity, even though everyone understands that the show experience will be different." And for many, our show is a critical marketplace for their survival. "Ultimately, when people ask why we're running the show, the answer is simple: Surf Expo's customers told us they want us to do business. What makes the show a success? "Buyers and sellers interacting with one another," said Emerald COO Brian Field. Someone always stopped me at the door to check it." I was wearing a jacket on the first day, so the wristband wasn't visible. "The show has done a good job with the safety measures like the wristband for temperature checks. He and his team drove eight hours from Greenville, SC, to participate. "We are excited to get back to shows this year and have the opportunity to sign new business." "We didn't know what to expect," said LaMance, who has exhibited at the Atlanta Gift Show and PPAI in Las Vegas. LaMance launched his business while in college to serve a need for tailgating. The company sells a product called Kase Mate, which was featured on Shark Tank. "The opening day of the show was our single best day at a trade show ever," said Logan LaMance, Founder of Kanga Coolers, whose company exhibited for the first time in January 2020. "We are here to do business, and I feel safe because everyone is wearing masks," Farias saidįor small businesses, like Kanga Coolers, Surf Expo offers the opportunity to meet new customers, like Farias. On the first day of the show, he wrote a Flojos sandal order and met with two new vendors a sticker brand and Kanga Coolers. Contractor: Shepard Exposition Services.Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL "I haven't taken off more than one or two days since we reopened." The population in our area has risen considerably, and we need new product," said Farias, who drove to Surf Expo to write orders. "We had a strong summer, and we were busy through the holidays. The business has expanded to seven locations on the East Coast. We opened Memorial Day weekend because we were deemed an essential business since we sell bikes," said Brian Farias, Owner of Farias Surf and Sport, whose family started the business on the New Jersey shore with one store in 1969. "We were closed for two months during the lockdown, but we shifted to online sales and promotion, which helped us survive. Retailers need product, and the supply chain shut down temporarily in China." Even before the pandemic, brands were running into production schedule delays because of tariffs and levies, he said. Even last summer, there was interest within our communities to participate in trade events. If you live near the ocean, you bought a surfboard or a boogie board. "Once the beaches opened, everybody wanted to get out of their house. "For some retailers, last summer was one of the best ever," Turner said. This sentiment amongst customers further reinforces the relevance and power of face-to-face trade events. On site, Surf Expo buyers and retailers who sell surfboards, wakeboards, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards and supplies for every other water sport, reported they prefer to touch and feel the product in-person and build relationships and trust with their vendors now more than ever. While the overall scale was not at pre-COVID levels, based on the number of exhibitors and attendees who participated, there was very clearly a market need in this sector. "In the beginning, before we even decided to go down the safety protocol path, we wanted to know: is there still a market need?" "The main concern has been safety," said Roy Turner, Surf Expo Show Director.īefore deciding to move forward with the in-person component at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), "We did research among exhibitors and attendees to determine: first, is there a market need? and second, are people willing to participate?" Turner said. The call to move forward with Surf Expo in Orlando in 2021 was complicated by so many conflicting factors the pandemic, health and safety, the fact that Florida is open for business, and market needs. Editor's note: ALHI is republishing this case study with permission from the Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO) in an effort to increase education on planning and executing large-scale events, trade shows and exhibitions.
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backspacingmyself · 2 years
08/07/2022, 16.17pm
Some people truly have it all
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winterscaptain · 4 years
a kindness.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: it is loving megan kane hours!! i’ve been working on this one for a while and i am so excited to share it with you!! we have ajf!pleasure is my business at last! as always, tell me what you think!! i adore your feedback. also, if you’re thinking ‘what the hell, tali! why am i missing from the tag list?????’ it’s because i redid it! the link to the form is below.
words: 4.8k warnings: language, canon-typical death, canon-typical discussion of sex work
summary: “i believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.” ― steve martin. au!february 2009
a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
You rap twice on the office door before pushing it open with your fingertips, peering inside while ready to retreat at a moment’s notice.
There’s no need. Aaron’s alone. 
“You’re here early,” he says, his eyes still on his paperwork. 
You snort. “So are you.” 
He looks at you over his nose. “Can I help you with something?”
Sitting down opposite him at his desk, you prop your chin on your hands and grin at him. “You stole my line.” 
“Get out of my office.” 
Your smile stays plastered on your face as you stand and cross the room, closing the door behind you. On your way out, you catch the ghost of his smile. 
You watch Hotch leave the bullpen, his go-bag slung over his shoulder. 
“Where you headed?” You ask, looking up. You’re still the only one in the bullpen, taking a few consults off your teammates’ hands by typing up quick briefs they can review without going through every single comma in the file. 
He sighs. “Dallas.”
“By yourself?”
He sighs. “Standby - not sure what’s going on yet. Can you -” He gestures to the hallway behind you.  
You nod and stand. “Yeah. Fly safe.” 
After you watch him leave, you turn and make a beeline for JJ’s office. She’s here early, too - pushing away the separation anxiety by diving into work. 
She looks away from her computer, looking exhausted. “Yeah?” 
“Hotch just left for Dallas - we might have a case there, but it didn’t sound like something that would come across your desk.” 
She squints. “Why d’you say that?” 
“He had that look on his face like he was going into a room full of lawyers.” 
You lean forward, jamming yourself into the circle around the table with the rest of your team. Hotch, on the other end of the line, sounds oddly well-rested. 
Spencer, as usual, gives you the history and textbook briefing before you get to the actual case. “Female serial killers are a fascinating field. We don't have much information on them, but what we do know involves throwing the rules completely out the window. Signature, for instance. They don't torture or take trophies.” 
“Because there’s no sexual gratification when a woman kills,” Derek adds. 
Looks like we’re all getting in on the pre-brief today. 
“Exactly. Murder is the goal. They don't have to do anything extra.” 
That makes you laugh a little. “So, basically, women are more efficient at killing?” 
Spencer shrugs. “Historically, they’ve had body counts in the hundreds.” 
Hotch, of course, is the one to get you all back on track. “So, assuming that the job is the stressor, what are some of the reasons prostitutes kill their customers?”
Derek, of course, is the first to follow. “Money, drugs, post-traumatic stress disorder…”
The team bounces for a moment, covering previous cases of serial killers with a history of sex work. Emily brings up Allison Wuornos, but Aaron shuts it down. He thinks this killer is organized, not so much driven by trauma or need but the mission itself. 
Spencer looks at the medical examiner’s reports again, comparing notes between the victims. “She’s using tetra-methylene-disulfotetramine.” 
You don’t look up from the same report. “Bless you.” 
Emily snorts. 
Spencer continues, unperturbed. “It’s a popular rat poison in China - easily soluble in alcohol.” 
“Poison is the perfect M.O.,” Dave notes. “Quiet, quick, and the victims never see it coming because they think they’re getting lucky.” He turns back toward the phone. “Does that mean something to you?” 
“Well, at $10,000 a night, these men are paying for discretion as well as sex.” 
Fair point.
“She has a history with them. They see her repeatedly.” 
You look over at Dave, trying to find the thread that connects Aaron’s thought to his.
Before you can really get to it yourself, Aaron spells it out for you. “She didn't decide to kill them in the moment. She walks in with the intent to kill them and she's doing it before she sleeps with them.” 
There we go. 
“So she's not just organized,” you add. “She's also methodical. Could she be parsing out which clients are worth killing and which aren’t?” 
“Maybe the victims all share the same fetish?” Emily offers. 
Derek shrugs, his eyebrows raised in thoughtful agreement. “Both victims were in their fifties, highly visible. Careful about their image. I mean, if they were kinky in the same way, they'd go to great lengths to hide it.” 
“And we're facing a corporate culture that'll do everything it can to keep us out.”
There’s the exhaustion I’m used to from Hotch. 
He sounds weird without it. 
“Actually,” JJ says, “I had some luck there. Hoyt Ashford's wife isn't too happy with how he died. But because every silver lining has a dark cloud, the hedge fund released a statement.” 
JJ pulls the statement from her file and reads aloud: “Ashford died peacefully in his home, according to lawyer David Madison.” She puts it down again. “They're already trying to close ranks.” 
Spencer frowns. “Does that language sound familiar to anyone else?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask. 
“The press release from the first victim.” He recalls, not needing the paper itself. “‘According to company lawyer, Stanton died peacefully in his home.’” 
Hotch begins to make assignments, directing Emily and Derek to the wife of the second victim. JJ’s tasked with the lawyers and you’re tasked with setup at the precinct with Spencer and Dave. When he’s done, you pick your phone up from the table, taking him off speaker. 
“What are you gonna do?” You ask.
Hotch snorts. “I’m gonna see which of the lawyers calls us back and in the meantime, see what I can get out of anyone else.” 
“Good luck.” 
You’re up in your hotel room, getting a little bit settled and unpacked when you get a call to your cell. 
“Hey, Hotch.” 
There’s a sigh. “We got another body.” 
“I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” 
You hop out of the car, following Aaron through the service entrance and up the back hallways to the lobby. Between your travel from your room and Aaron’s wrap-up in his, Derek and Dave beat you to the scene. 
Hotch is wearing that coat - your favorite, the one he’s apparently had for years - with the red lining and the soft wool exterior. It so rarely sees the field anymore you were afraid he’d done away with it, but every time you remember it exists and worry about its whereabouts, he brings it out again. 
Derek hands you a notebook when you reach him. You settle near Dave for the rest of the info. He, of course, delivers. 
“Victim was Joseph Fielding. He was the CFO here.” 
You frown. “Poisoned? Like the others?” 
“And staged,” Derek says. “She killed him in his office and then rolled him out here to be found.” 
“The lipstick's new,” you muse, circling the body in the elevator. “Done postmortem, it looks like.” You find Derek’s eyes with a little frown. “Reid said female serial killers don't leave a signature. I think she did that just for us. She's already exposed him at his most vulnerable.”
He hums. “Now she wants to be noticed.”
There’s some kind of scuffle at the police line - another man in a suit who thinks he’s more important than God. 
Hopefully he’s looking for Hotch. 
“Which one of you is Aaron Hotchner?” 
Ugh. Good. 
You step back and point at Aaron, getting out of his way as he shoves past the crime scene techs. 
Aaron turns. “I'm Hotchner.” 
“Larry Bartlett.” The man holds out his hand, but Aaron doesn’t take it. He retracts his hand with an unperturbed tilt of his head. “I represent Mr. Fielding in Webster Industries. 
Hotch, as usual, has no time for his bullshit. “This is a closed crime scene, Mr. Bartlett.” 
My lawyer could kick your lawyer’s ass. 
That’s a good bumper sticker. 
You shake off your thought and return to the victim, directing one of the younger crime scene techs. After a moment, you return to Derek’s side. 
“Yes. I spoke to Ellen Daniels.” This clown still sounds far too confident for his own good. “She said you're a very... reasonable man.” 
“Escort him out, please.”
You stifle a laugh. 
“No, wait. Please.” The lawyer - Mr. Bartlett - shrugs off the security team and chases after Hotch on his way to your side.  
Aaron stops, but looks inconvenienced in the extreme. 
“The press is outside and they can smell blood. Any way we can handle this discreetly?” 
“We're not about to lie for you.” Derek’s even less amused than Aaron, if that’s even possible. 
Aaron squints at the other lawyer, and you find it nearly impossible to tear your gaze from the little pinch at the corners of his brown eyes. 
You can only imagine him behind a prosecutor’s bench, laying into witnesses with the same deadpan amusement - like a bored cat with a half-dead mouse. Hoping to back him up a little bit, you get a little closer, looking skeptically at the lawyer from over Aaron’s shoulder. 
“You don't have to lie,” Mr. Bartlett insists, his eyes flickering to you. “Just don't comment.” 
“Excuse us.” He takes you by the shoulder and leads the three of you into a huddle. 
“Is there any reason to go public yet?” Aaron asks. 
Dave wavers. “Validating her is exactly what she wants.”
“If we hold back, she's more likely to make a mistake,” Derek says. 
You raise your eyebrows, looking over your shoulder for a moment. “He doesn't need to know that.” 
Hotch’s mouth twitches, and you know it’s almost a smile. He turns over his shoulder, back in game mode as he approaches Bartlett again. “We need everything you have on Fielding. Bank accounts, tax records, emails, everything.” 
“Eighteen cars, six houses, and three boats.” Spencer rattles off the numbers with only the barest hint of shock in his voice. 
Your brow pinches and you look up. “Can you even boat in Dallas?” 
“You know, when you're talking about that much money, ten grand for a call girl is like deciding where to go for dinner.” 
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience, Em,” you laugh. 
She rolls her eyes, still pinning photos to the board. “Yeah, right. My mom had a pretty cushy gig with her postings, but we were never that well-off. But...” She looks over her shoulder, “I’m sure Rossi would know a little something about that.”  
Before you can all get too out of control, Hotch reaches over you to connect to Garcia on the speakerphone. “Are you there, Garcia?” 
JJ flags him down. “I have half a million over here for something called the Bat Cave...” 
It really takes everything in you not to laugh. 
“...and here's a picture of him as fetish Batman. That is… wrong.” 
Emily pulls a face. 
“Is there anything this guy didn't like to spend money on?” Spencer asks.  
“Yeah,” Aaron replies. “His ex-wives. Fielding was married four times. He didn't have prenups for the first two, but he did everything he could to cut them off anyway.” 
You lean forward, trying to see the paper in his hands. “Are there children involved?” 
“Yes, with three of the wives.” He hands it over to you and looks at Emily. “Hoyt Ashford was married a few times, too, wasn't he?” 
She nods in the affirmative. 
“You know, considering that when Kevin takes me to dinner and a movie, he defaults on his student loans, this amount of money is sick.” 
Tell me about it, Pen. 
Emily sounds resigned. “What did you find?” 
Garcia outlines a series of bitter court battles about child support, alimony, custody, etc. “And even when the court ruled in the wife’s favor - which was almost always - these three charmers just, you know, decided not to pay.” 
Hotch asks for a cross-checked list of high-profile Dallas CEOs holding out on their ex-wives, and you figure it’s not a short one. 
“One loaded losers list, Dallas edition, comin' at ya. Penelope out.” 
The line goes dead and Aaron turns off the speaker.  
“So,” Aaron leans heavily on the table. “Why would a prominent businessman who could easily pay child support refuse to?” 
Spencer obliges. “For this type of overachieving personality, paying money after the marriage ends probably offends him.” 
“They're spending tens of thousands on an escort, but they won't drop a dime on their wife and kids? That's cold.” JJ shakes her head and looks over at Hotch, seeking an answer. 
“Narcissistic, self-absorbed, a pathological avoidance of paternal responsibilities.” 
There’s an odd kind of look that passes over Aaron’s face as he speaks, and you pin it for later. You can already tell he’s falling into a headspace that’s fraught with comparison and self-loathing. 
They bounce around for a moment while you keep your eyes on Aaron. 
“Well,” JJ brings you back. “Should I assemble the police for a profile?” 
Your mouth twists. “I just don't think it's gonna help.”
“She lives in a completely different world than they do,” Aaron adds. 
“And,” Emily pipes up, “the CEOs who sleep with her won't admit to it.” 
JJ snorts. “Like I couldn't even get past the team of lawyers protecting them.” 
“What if we give the profile to the corporate lawyers?” Aaron stands straight, his hands resting on his hips. “They've cleaned up after her, even if they don't realize that they've seen this woman.” 
“Why would they go for that?” You ask. 
“Because she's putting them at risk, too.”
Your phone rings and you answer as you always do, chirping your last name into the receiver without really looking too closely at the caller ID. 
“Hey, it’s me.”
You nod once to your team as you step out of earshot. “Hey, Haley.”
“I can’t get a hold of Aaron. Is everything alright?” She’s beyond surprise or concern at this point. You’re sure you could tell her Aaron’s been shot in the head and she’d probably just hum at you. 
“Yeah,” you say with a sigh. “Things are crazy and there are lawyers all wrapped up in this. Are you alright?”
“Jack’s got a fever - I just wanted to let Aaron know I’m taking him in to get checked out. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Okay, thanks. I’ll let him know. Give Jack a big kiss from me and I’ll do my best to get us all home quickly and in one piece.” 
She laughs a little into the phone. “Thanks. Will do. Talk soon.” 
You hang up and return to the table, shooting Hotch a significant look. He nods and pulls you aside. 
“What’s up?” 
“Jack has a fever - Haley just wanted me to let you know she’s taking him to the pediatrician to get him all checked out, just in case. I told her we’d all do our best to get home soon.” 
Aaron sighs and flips his phone in his hand. “I’ll call her now…”
“No need. She knows this is a tough one and you’re getting your money’s worth out of your JD this week.” 
When he starts to walk away, you call his name again. He turns. 
“You know - um.” You wet your lips and swallow. “You’re not like these guys. You know that, right? You’re a great dad.” 
His face lifts in surprise for a fraction of a second before he recovers. 
“Thank you,” He says. “Really.”
You offer him a crooked smile. “Anytime.”
Hotch stops you all before you enter the conference room, full to the brim with suits and pantsuits. “Let me lead on this one. I’ve handled corporate lawyers like this before and they can smell blood.” He snorts. “This time, it’s their own.” 
You and Derek raise your hands in simultaneous and identical postures of surrender. 
“Have at it,” you say, falling into line behind Aaron. “Corporate lawyers scare the fuck out of me.” 
“Hey, Prentiss. Got a whip?” Derek holds the leather outfit to Emily’s shoulders and she laughs. 
“Yeah, right.” 
You fondly roll your eyes at them and continue following off Aaron’s right shoulder. The two of you reach the bookshelf - an impressive glass case that runs from the floor to the ceiling. 
 Aaron’s gloved finger opens the case and runs over some of the spines. “Antique first editions on the bookshelves.” 
Rossi quips something about porn in the DVD player while Spencer espouses about the merits of a disposable, adaptable lifestyle in this line of work. 
“Well, these aren't just for show,” Aaron says. “The spines are cracked. Somebody's read these.” 
You peer over his shoulder. “Who reads Voltaire in French?” 
“Someone with good taste. Probably well-educated…”
You pick up where he trails off. “We profiled that she learned to fake privilege. What if she's not faking it?” 
“You're saying maybe she came from money the whole time?” 
You shrug. “It’s a possibility, at least.” 
Just then, the apartment phone rings. 
“Prentiss should answer,” Aaron says. “If it's a customer, she'll get more information out of them.” 
You hum, hedging your bets a little. ‘Unless she's calling in for her messages.” 
Too late. Derek’s already on the phone with Penelope. “Yeah, Baby Girl, we're getting a call to this line. Can you work some magic?” 
“I don't have a trap-and-trace in place yet. Give me a few. I'm gonna stay on the line.” 
Aaron gives her the go-ahead. “Prentiss, get ready to vamp.” 
The voicemail picks it up before Emily can so much as reach for the phone. 
“Hi, it's me. You know what to do.” Beep. 
You turn your head so fast you throw your neck out. You raise a hand to the crick and work it with your fingers. Aaron’s too busy frowning at the phone to notice. 
“I know you're up there. Pick up… Aaron Hotchner... Hello?” She drags out her words, almost flirting with everyone listening. 
With a sigh, Aaron pushes past the rest of you, silently counts to three, and picks up the phone while Emily clicks the speakerphone button. 
“I'm at a disadvantage. You seem to know my name, But I don't know yours. Can we start there?” 
Nice start. 
The game has begun. 
“I thought I could trust you, Aaron.”
The pinch between his brows deepens. “Who says you can't?” 
“I want to. I even looked you up online. Is that strange?”
“No.” Aaron wets his lips and begins to pace, the gears whirring in his head. “It's flattering to be noticed by a woman like you.” 
The woman continues as if he hasn’t said anything at all. “And I thought you were so... upstanding. I watched the presentation you gave on school shootings. I found it posted on YouTube...” 
She has good taste. That’s an excellent presentation. 
“...And for a moment, I actually thought there were still good people in the world.” 
“But I've disappointed you, haven't I?” He asks. “Just like all the other men in your life Who've walked out on their families, Who deserve to be punished.” 
“Did you walk out on your family?” 
His eyes flicker to you and you nod, nearly imperceptibly, reminding him he’s not alone. “No. My wife left me.” 
“Do you have kids?” 
“I have a son.” 
A sweet, thoughtful, perfect son. 
You smile a little, thinking of Jack, but it disappears when you remember that he’s home sick with Haley, probably having a miserable time. 
“How often do you see him?” She asks. 
 “I try to see him every week.” 
“Do you see him every week?” The question is mocking, smothered in dark amusement that could almost be called sarcasm save for its bitterness.  
“No,” Aaron’s eyes fall to the floor. “No, I don't get there as often as I want.” 
“I believe you.” Her response is softer, and you think she might make a decent profiler if she wasn’t on the other side. 
She is a profiler. 
In some ways, you suppose it’s true. She has to read and respond to everything her clients do, say, how they behave. It makes her good at her job and you good at yours. 
Same skillset, very different application. 
“But don't compare yourself to the men I see,” she continues. “You are nothing like them. You're just another whore.” 
Never in my life did I ever think I’d hear someone call Aaron Hotchner a whore. Unironically. 
That catches everyone’s attention, even Derek’s, still on hold with Penelope. 
“How am I a whore?” He asks. 
“You come when called. You do their bidding. In hotels you take the side elevator to avoid crowds, while the men who pay your salary walk across the ivory marble foyer into their cars.” 
Derek, behind you, presses. “Garcia.” 
You can hear her, faintly. “I'm in on the landline. Triangulating the cell. Give me like sixty seconds.” 
You gesture to Aaron when he looks. Keep going. 
He nods. “But I'm just frustrating you, aren't I?” 
She sighs, sounding a little impatient for the first time. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, you want to show the world all these bad men and my investigation's just getting in your way.” 
“No, Aaron.” You almost startle, her tone escalating to a deeply frustrated shout. “You're not doing your job! You don't want to arrest me, you don't want me in custody because you're in their pocket.” 
She’s crying now, actively. “You just want me to disappear, just like they do.” 
“Truthfully, I'm only interested in finding you.” 
Now that’s a tone you recognize - you’ve heard it when he talks to Haley. Most recently, when he couldn’t make it to some appointment or another. It’s one that’s disarming in the extreme, soft, but not condescending. 
“You've been betrayed so many times, You don't know who to trust, And that's why that first murder felt so good. But each one since has been less and less satisfying. You know that's going to continue.” He pauses, letting his words sink in. “Am I right?” 
Just like Haley always does, the woman loses steam, sniffling once before answering. “Yeah.”
“Come to me and turn yourself in. I will make sure that you get the help you need. I won't let you disappear.” 
“If we met under different circumstances... I could believe that. I won't let you cover this up.” 
A gunshot rings through the line and you flinch, turning to Derek just as the line goes dead. You know Penelope will have something for you soon. 
She never fails, directing you to an address only moments after the elevator doors close in front of the team. 
Once you found Megan Kane, it was easy enough to find her father. 
You could empathize with her mission well enough after meeting him. He’s shrouded by his lawyers - detached and seemingly indifferent to anything Aaron had to say. 
Aaron starts the car and you settle back into the seat. “So, the wall of lawyers strikes again.” 
A shadow of a smile ghosts around the creases at the corners of his eyes. “So it seems.” 
“What’s next?” 
“We tail him - home and office. He’ll meet with her soon enough.” 
Your brow furrows. “Not to protect her, right? It doesn’t seem like he cares that much.” 
Aaron turns, placing his hand on the back of your seat as he pulls out of the parking spot. You’re momentarily distracted as he turns back, spinning the wheel with the heel of his hand and gunning it out of the garage. 
“No,” he says. “Think about it.” 
It comes to you only seconds later. “To protect himself.” 
“There you go.” He turns to you, another little smile threatening. “You’re getting pretty good at this.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’ve been here over a year, Hotch. I’d fucking hope so.” 
You’re rewarded with a real smile, and it’s enough. 
You take Derek’s six through the hotel, clearing the floors and reporting back to the rest of the team. SWAT is in full deployment, clearing the hard-to-reach areas like the stairways and rooftops, just in case. 
Aaron catches up to you, taking the four o’clock position off your left shoulder as Derek breaches the door. 
The gun and chilled champagne sit like ironic centerpieces on the entry table, but they hardly use any of your bandwidth as you clear the room, your vision narrowed by the sight of your service weapon. 
You hold a hand up when you catch the figure on the balcony. “Hotch.” 
He squints, and you move to raise your gun again and make the arrest, but he stops you with a hand over yours. “Easy.” 
There’s a question in your eyes. 
He, of course, answers it. “She knows it’s over.” 
Just then, she places an empty champagne glass on the table where you can see it. 
“I’ll call 911,” Derek says, stepping out and closing the door behind him. 
You turn to leave with Derek, but catch Aaron’s open hand, subtly signaling you from just under his hip.  
Stay here. It says. Stay close. 
So, you stay. You lean on the far wall of the hotel room, watching Aaron hold the hand of this dying, hurting woman. They’re speaking softly, and she smiles at him when she drops something into his hand. His eyes are soft, gentle, not even searching. Just warm. 
You feel for her. 
It’s the best way to go, you think. If there was ever a time you were dying before your time, you’d want Aaron there, holding your hand, telling you he was going to continue the work that killed you, that it was gonna be okay. 
“How could your wife have ever left someone like you?” You hear her ask. 
As much as you love Haley, the same question often floats through your head, and your heart aches for this woman who’s been able to see Aaron so clearly, even if she’s only seeing him for the first time now. 
“You’re the first man I’ve ever met who hasn’t let me down.” 
You creep forward, further into Aaron’s eyeline, and sit on the edge of the couch. She’s close to her last breath and you can feel it - so can Aaron. His eyes flicker to you for a moment before returning to her. 
Megan’s voice is full of tears when she asks, “Will you stay with me?” 
You have a feeling it isn’t the first time she’s asked the question and you find yourself hoping Emily will be particularly rough with the handcuffs when she apprehends Mr. Kane. Hopefully he didn’t make it past the checkpoint and is still on-site.  
“Yes.” Aaron is solemn, so sincere, so genuine it makes your heart ache. 
“I promise.” 
You’re not even sure he realizes it, but he’s doing her a great kindness - one that many would not offer. 
It’s because he is good.
A good man. 
The tension drains out of her, and she grips tightly to Aaron’s hand as she fights through her final breaths. His hands are gentle, his attention only on her. He looks more like a father in this moment than any other time you’ve known him. She’s safe. She knows she can die in peace. 
Once more, you hope you have the opportunity to leave this plane of reality in such safety, when your time comes. 
When she’s gone, he places her hand in her lap and takes a moment to brush the hair off of her face, pressing the back of his fingers to her temple as if checking her for fever. 
After a minute or so, he turns to you, and you hope the pride and respect coursing through you is evident in your gaze. You pull an evidence bag out of your pocket, but he shakes his head, pocketing the SIM card. 
You rise as he gets closer, returning the evidence bag to your pocket. He’s clearly affected, tears threatening at the corners of his eyes. 
Opening your arms to him, he wilts into you, allowing you to gather him into your shoulder. His arms are loose around your waist, his fingers wrapped around his opposite wrist as an anchor. It’s a rare moment of vulnerability and you’d hate to make him feel anything less than safe. 
You still have a minute or so before they all come stomping through the door to collect Megan’s body. 
“I’m sorry, Hotch.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know why this one hurts.”
Your arms tighten around him. “It’s okay. I feel it, too.” 
A deep, shaky breath rolls through him. 
“She’s right, you know.” You almost regret your words, afraid you’re giving yourself away. 
“You didn’t let her down. You’re a good man.” 
His jaw tightens, and you can feel it against your neck where his head falls into your shoulder. 
“Oh, stop. You’ve never let me down.” Your hand reaches up, stroking the back of his head, carding your fingers through the hair. “She died knowing you kept your promise.” 
You look up to Aaron’s office when news of the leak breaks, finding his silhouette haunting the window, staring at the television. 
A ghost of a smile crosses his face, and he turns back to his desk, settling back down to work. 
tagging:  @aaronhotchnerr @ambicaos @angelsbabey @arganfics @averyhotchner @bwbatta @capricorngf @cevanswhre @crazyshannonigans @criminalsmarts @deagibs @forgottenword @genevievedarcygrangerwriting @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @hurricanejjareau @joanofarkansass @kelstark @kerrswriting @little-blue-fishie @lotties-journey-abroad @mandylove1000 @missdowntonabbey @mrs-dr-reid @pan-pride-12 @popped-weasels @quillvine @qvid-pro-qvo @reidingmelodies @reids-mismatchedsocks @roses-and-grasses @shesbiochem4 @ssahotchnerr @ssaic-jareau @ssareidbby @starsandasteroids @stxrrywildflower @sunflowersandotherthings @sunshine-em @teamhappyme @this-broken-band-girl @ughitsbaby @unicorn-bitch @venusbarnes @violet-amxthyst @word-scribbless @writefasttalkevenfaster @zizzlekwum @iconicc @avatarkorraswife @mooneylupinblack @ssworldofsw @nuvoleincielo @kaemarie23 @violentvulgarvolatile @abschaffer2 @ellyhotchner @rousethemouse @baumarvel @reidtomestyles @dreamsonthewall @jhiddles03 @willlemonheadsupremacy @infinity1321 @messyhairday-me
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Bad to Work With
Ch 1: Never the Same One Twice
Gavin liked to joke that he had bad luck, but this was something else entirely. He had done a very ill timed walk of shame this morning from one of his best hookups in recent history; and was running late. He had gone home, cleaned up quickly, and gotten changed. Running late was usually the worst of it, but apparently karma had it out for him, because on the elevator ride up to the business floor, his company from the night before stepped into the elevator. “Good morning Gavin.” Richard said with a coy smile, his steel blue eyes were alight with amusement, “If I had known we were both headed to the same place I would have given you a ride.” There were several reasons Gavin should have kept his mouth shut, not the least of which being that Richard was technically his boss. That being said, Gavin wasn’t particularly known for his sense of self preservation, “You were hardly inclines to let me out of bed when I told you I had work, so forgive me if I doubt that.” Richard rolled his eyes and leaned into Gavin’s personal space a little more and spoke in that same low purr that had gotten Gavin into this mess, “I certainly didn’t hear you complaining this morning.” “Well I’m complaining now.” Gavin huffed trying to step away and only serving to back himself into the corner of the elevator, “Because you couldn’t keep your fucking hands to yourself I have to suffer through breakroom coffee.”
“How tragic.” Richard said in a dry tone that made it clear he couldn’t possibly care less, “Give me another night and I’ll make coffee in the morning.” Gavin hesitated. It was only a few moments, but he was aware of it, and because of that he found it safe to assume Richard had been too. “No.” He said less firmly than he would have liked, “I don’t do that sort of thing.” He ducked under Richard’s arm when he heard the elevator chime. He felt the weight of those steel blue eyes on his back even after the elevator doors had closed. Sure, Richard had been one of his better nights, but he didn’t do repeats and he wasn’t going to start now. The flash of hurt in those usually composed blue eyes had been brief enough that he could pretend he hadn’t seen it. The regret of it still lingered though. This is why he didn’t do repeats, if you came back feelings got involved. Or in this case,  if you saw each other in the elevator feelings got involved. Gavin swung by the breakroom for some coffee. He was in his own head as he made it. He’d just had a night with one of his bosses, there was bound to be consequences for that. Especially if he wasn’t careful. Richard didn’t seem the type for revenge, but Gavin didn’t want to take that chance. He was going to do his job and do it well; and more importantly he wasn’t going to fall back into bed with Richard no matter how tempting the thought was. Once good night was enough.
He got settled in at his desk drank from the poor excuse for coffee, and got to work. For now there was no reason to worry, it had only been one night and he wasn’t feeling anything. Nothing more than the ghost of a touch and the memory of how he had chased it. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, he didn’t do repeats and he wasn’t about to start now. He took another drink if his coffee, which didn’t help his mood, and typed on his keyboard with enough force that one might have believed it had personally wronged him. It took time, but eventually his work pulled him in. It was monotonous and easy, but there was enough of it to keep his mind from wandering too far. What ultimately pulled him away was his need for a cigarette. He hadn’t gotten a chance to smoke last night because he had been a little distracted; and he hadn’t had time this morning. It was getting distracting. In the back of his mind he could hear Tina nagging at him to quit. He saved what he had been working on and stood from his desk, he made sure his lighter and cigarettes were still in his jacket pocket and made his way toward the bank of elevators. He’d have a smoke or two, then come back inside and have some more coffee. Then maybe he would be able to concentrate. He hit the call button for the elevator and waited. He was giving Richard more thought than the night deserved. He would like to believe that he was hung up on the fact that they were coworkers, but it was more than that and he knew it. In the elevator he had almost said yes. He’d had to put thought into saying no and that had been a first.
He huffed out an annoyed sigh and stepped into the elevator that had opened, he was alone for now. The whole point of this break was to get Richard out of his head. He was tempted to light a cigarette in the elevator to chase these thoughts away with nicotine. He knew better though and didn’t, he could make it outside. He stepped into the lobby and waved to Stephanie as he passed the main desk to get to the side door. He leaned against the wall with a content sigh and pulled the box of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket. He pressed the cigarette to his lips and lit it. He tipped his head back and let out the smoke watching it curl away into nothing. He had a moment to himself and planned to use it to try and sort out his thoughts. What was it about Richard that pulled him in? What was it that was keeping him so close? Why had he hesitated when Richard had brought up going home with him again? Gavin knew the answer to at least one of those, it was because Richard at least seemed to care. It had been a long while since any one had even pretended that much and it had been nice. It was the only thing he could think of that was worth being hung up on. At least it was the one he was willing to admit to, the rest was too close to digging up things he had reasons to keep buried. He had his reasons for not sticking around. He didn’t even normally stay the night, but he and Richard hadn’t been able to keep apart. There had to be a reason for that.
“It doesn’t fucking matter.” He snapped at the open air as he tapped the ash from his cigarette. He was thinking about him so much that he couldn’t even enjoy his fucking smoke break. He took another drag and did what he could to stop that particular train of thought. His mind had other plans. It played shadows of Richard’s touch over his body again. He had been firm with his intentions but not rough. He had known what Gavin had been chasing and gave it to him. It had been different. That was why he was stuck. It hadn’t been the quick, drunk, and desperate that he was used to. He groaned and snuffed out his cigarette, this clearly wasn’t going to help him. “Can’t even fucking smoke in peace because of that bastard.” He threw away the cigarette butt and made his way back inside. He was going to make the strongest coffee he could manage with what they had in the break room, finish his work, and then go get waisted. He was going to take someone home and he was not going to think about Richard. He was going to do what he did best; bury the problem and chase distractions until it went away. Cleo had taken over for Stephanie at the front desk and Gavin waved to him as he passed on his way to the bank of elevators. He hit the call button and pulled out his phone. He pulled up one of his hook up apps then closed it and put his phone away. He didn’t want a date, he wanted something without pretense. No familiarity and a small chance of ever crossing paths again.
The elevator at the far end of the bank opened up and a few people filed out of it. They were probably off to lunch. Gavin stepped into the elevator after they had left. He hit the button for the eleventh floor and leaned back against the wall. Ha had company for a couple of floors, but they seemed to notice that he wasn’t in the mood to make conversation and kept quiet. Once he was back on his floor he swung by the break room to make himself more coffee. With the strong coffee in hand he made his way back to his desk to find a cup from a cafe near the office that he definitely hadn’t stopped by. There was a sticky note on the lid. He sighed and sat down. He set the cup he had made by his monitor and took the sticky note off the other one and read it.
Sorry about your coffee Gavin. -Richard
Beneath that was Richard’s number. Gavin bit back a groan, apparently there was no escaping this man. He put the sticky note in his desk drawer with plans to throw it away later. Free coffee wasn’t something he was about to turn down. It was the overly flavored shit, but he would suffer through it. He finished both coffees before his work day ended. He made plans to meet Tina at their usual bar. He had blue eyes and sensual touches to drown with bad beer and cheap shots. If he thought about Richard he was going to make a mistake; assuming he hadn’t already.
“So you slept with your boss?” Tina asked once they were situated. “One of them, the CFO.” Gavin said, staring into his beer glass as though it held all the answers and to avoid the delight he knew was shining in her eyes. “And you didn’t notice this before?” She pressed, clearly hell bent on making him miserable. “I was drunk, and he’s very different outside of work Tina.” He said with a sigh that sounded a little to close to wistful for his liking, “I didn’t have to tell him anything, he seemed to just know.” “Okay so I have a couple more questions.” She continued, “You admit he’s one of the better ones and you still won’t stay?” She held up her hand to stop Gavin’s argument, “You plan to get over drunkenly sleeping with one of your bosses by getting drunk and sleeping with someone else?” “That’s the plan.” Gavin remarked, “I don’t want to take that risk. You know how last time went.” Tina didn’t respond, well not verbally at least, but her eyes said she didn’t believe him. She might have been right; but like with most other things, it would be Future Gavin’s problem. Tonight was about drinking to forget old mistakes, and to potentially make new ones. Worse ones. So long as he didn’t fall together with Richard again he would be fine. He split his time between drinking and dancing. Moving from stranger to stranger in search of someone that would help him forget. He knew he probably wouldn’t find what he was looking for, but he was determined to try. Even if it was just for show at this point. Gavin Reed didn’t fall in love and he wasn’t about to start now. He wasn’t ready.
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