#certainly one of the most autism characters of all time
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loxli · 11 months ago
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It’s Autism acceptance month again! So here’s a Chu Wanning with his lovely red haitang and golden willow vine
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adamnablelittledevil · 6 months ago
Reading Anne Rice seems to be a constant cycle of: This is one of the best things I've ever read. This is one of the worst things I've ever read. I'm bored. I don't want to do anything else but read these books. Whatever. This is problematic and offends every minority that exists. Educate yourself. Get a job, stay way from that character! You're weird. You're a creep even by this genre standards. You're annoying. You should die. This is so unnecessary. Why, just why? Stop repeating yourself, you have said that same thing 954869048 times now. Get to the point! This is so exaggeratedly descriptive. This is so wonderfully descriptive. I can see it so vividly in my head and love it! It feels like I'm experiencing it myself and not in a good way, make it stop! Laughs. Cries. Chills. Depression! Autism! BPD! ADHD! Dyslexia! Everyone gets a DSM condition! And some that aren't even discovered yet! And they're all amplified by vampirism! Nobody gets medication or therapy, though! The Catholicism and Catholic guilt are heavy on those people. The existential crisis is real. Whoa there, great discussion. I can relate. I hate this POV. You're my favorite character. You're my favorite ship. These two should kiss. Okay, I get it, Armand is the most beautiful creature that has ever existed. This is poetry. Those two should NOT kiss. This is so creative and imaginative, I love it. You're contradicting yourself. Nevermind, it makes sense. I take it back, I like this character now? Okay, you're just making random stuff happen without any explanation at this point? I don't even know who is who or what's happening anymore. Reads page again. Are you okay? Please, do therapy, you certainly have a lot of things you need to work on. What the hell is wrong with you? Your brain is so... something. Added stuff because I had more thoughts lol.
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takemebacktowheniwassane · 11 months ago
i've been seeing a lot of falsettos posts recently deconstructing the fandoms beliefs and firstly
holy fuck thank you, i try to steer clear of fandom (and fandom-izing thereof) drama but this is getting a lot more visible recently so here's some little tidbits for you
whizzer brown is not an unflawed character!
okay so i haven't seen enough dissecting this but!!! in the chess game!
the whole point of marvin using that game to determine the ending of their relationship is because he suspects whizzer is constantly deceiving him and wants to prove it.
whizzer LITERALLY proves him right!
he asks marvin to help him along (yes i know he says he doesn't want help, hear me out, it's a little more complex than that) and takes advantage of the fact that marvin is- like- infatuated with him.
he draws him into a sense of false security then starts throwing accusations at him ("since you need a man!" "what?" "who's 'brainy'," "or witty, move.") until hes able to win, which he does with ease because he's been using marvin having this idea that he isn't smart against him.
of course, marvin's side of this isn't the best either but honestly, for once the fandom should focus on a different character when they think 'insane asshole'. typically we should also probably change our perspectives a little to be more unbiased cuz fr guys, this is getting really.. annoying.
i understand he's the most visibly flawed but that doesn't excuse constantly picking the worst parts of this musical (without other context, btw) to use against him.
and this post certainly isn't here to excuse anyone either i've just got a lot of opinions that i wanted to share while falsettos is.. trending? right?
2. marvin's (headcanoned but still somewhat researched) autism
this one isn't brought up as much but when i do see it around, it's kind of a skewed viewpoint.
while rewatching bits of the proshot i realized a lot of different neurodivergent traits that he shows-
he's helpless during I Never Wanted to Love You and is childish and regressive when he's upset (not every autistic person is like this either, i know this is a bit of a touchy subject so i just wanted to add that).
usually when people depict it i see it either toned down or joked about which is fine when all in good fun, and when its done respectfully.
not here to attack anyone, just here to point it out and say that yes :) he most likely is neurodivergent, but despite that his actions aren't condoned. he's still kinda a dick who needs to get his shit together
3. ..the lesbians also have shit going on?
just putting this out there- I DON'T SEE ENOUGH FOR THE LESBIANS! OR TRINA!
the girls in this musical are like thoroughly neglected and i think that's kind of shitty just assuming the fact that william finn put them in to demonstrate how gender roles put people in degrading positions (and he even makes it more prevalent by showing marvin as something like a misogynistic character who forces whizzer into more feminine roles to show the audience what woman have to/had to go through in society).
anyways, the lesbians aren't just there guys. they have a plotline too. in Something Bad is Happening, you derive a lot from charlotte singing about the outbreak of HIV/AIDS and realize how she operates on a daily basis (she's passionate about her work and takes every bad day as a hit to her life and career, explaining in a way that as a black, jewish, lesbian, FEMALE doctor in this time, everything that goes wrong is immediately brought down on her so much more than it would as any straight white male pharmacist-).
cordelia on the other hand has to handle the fact that her girlfriend is so adamant about her work ethic that she can't actually be super present in their relationship at times like that.
but either way she still sticks by her and is constantly trying to be supportive and endearing despite feeling like she's not amounting to her gf who's basically a hero in her eyes.
i kinda just wanted to bring that up because they mean a lot to me and they don't get enough love from the fanbase, thank you for listening to my TED talk <3
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 1 month ago
I don't get why people hate on different fire emblem games. I've had a lovely time with every game I've played, even fates, which people for some reason insist sucks? It's so good. Here's my favorite things about each game I've played just cause. I am very sick so no one can criticize me btw.
Binding: obviously goes for all gba games but the battle animations are so!!!!! Lovely and charming. Roy's just a silly guy, Lilina :], the cast is excellent, everyone from the most insignificant playable characters to the nastiest of villains like Narcian and Jahn is just so fun and nicely written.
Blazing: I LOVE THE ELIBEAN LORDS SO MUCH THEY HAVE MY ENTIRE HEART AND SOUL. I think fe7 has my favorite cast. Everyone is awesome like in fe6 but cranked up a notch. And I quite like how this game isn't about war!!! Lyn's just trying to save her grandpa and Eliwood is searching for his dad. There's some hints of civil war here and there but ultimately less war than usual which is quite fun and interesting.
Sacred stones: I adore how the game is like. almost horror. In my ideal fe8 remake they would lean into the horror aspect a more and maybe have a higher age rating. I really love how it starts out like any other fe game then you start to see monsters and then there's the necromancy and characters like Riev who worship this vile demonic thing. And the art director for this game was Wada Sachiko! She was such an excellent choice for the art director because her style leans into the darker feel than fe6 and 7. Also I'm a Christian so I do really enjoy L'Arachel's character where she's obviously inspired by Christianity but not in an offensive way. She's a nice god(s) (?) honoring teenage girl full of whimsy and optimism!!! Also I love Eirika. Did a cosplay of her once and gotta say, I felt drop dead gorgeous in it lol.
Path of radiance: I have yet to finish this one but oh MAN do I love the artstyle and combat and character design. Not a single bad character, they're all nicely written. Except Devdan but he's not real if we ignore him. I love how believable Ike and Mist are as siblings and I got say I actually find the bad voice acting to be charming, especially in that opening cutscene where Mist says something like "you're finally awake! 'bout time!" like she's so silly and cute I would die for her. I also really love how Ike is not royalty, he's just some guy!!! With autism!!! Like for a while my view of Ike was kinda skewed by looking at super smash bros content of him so then playing the game and discovering he's such a kind, reasonable and autistic dude was a very pleasant surprise. Seriously though this dude NEEDS to get assessed. Anyway I quite like the laguz too. Reyson, Tibarn and Caineghis are my favorites and I'm excited to see more of Kurthnaga because he's got such a pleasant design. Also just. Caineghis is probably one of my top favorite character designs ever, like top 20. It goes so unbelievably hard.
Awakening: THE TRAGEDY. THE TRAGEDY OF EMMERYN'S DEATH. UWAAAGHHHHH. I love LOVE how Emmeryn is written, how you can't save her despite Lucina being able to time travel, how you're given the options "save Emmeryn? Yes or no?" and it doesn't matter if you pick yes cause she dies anyway. The cast is not quite on the same tier as fe7 or 8 and there's certainly some characters I do not like but my favorites really are just so wonderful and lovely. I'd kill and die for Henry, Maribelle, Libra, Gregor and like 5 other people. The child unit mechanic is also very fun! It's such a clever idea for a time travel game and it gives you so much control over how your units end up. The self sacrifice ending also makes me feel sick. /pos "there's better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Here, give me your hand" and then Robin reaches out to Chrom and the symbol of Grima is gone and when he pulls them in closer, he says "it's finally over." just. Ahdhdjsjsjsj!!!!!!!
Fates: now, I've only played birthright but it was a very nice experience. I went in expecting nothing and had my socks blown off. Combat is fun, characters are so silly billy and it's got such a nicely done representation of a broken families. It's nice. The characters and supports are nice, even if I do feel like we could've had a few less support chains. And idc if I doesn't make sense story wise, bringing back child units was fun!! Again with the unit customization but also it's so fun to give your favorite character a teenage/preteen kid that they have to deal with. Azama and Mitama's supports are peak silly. I think people would enjoy birthright more if they took it a little less seriously. It's full of whimsy and people ignore that in favor of comparing it to more serious games which I think is kinda unfair.
Shadows of Valentia: oh MAN. I LOVE THE TWO ARMIES MECHANIC!!!! And bangin' cast! Absolutely adore almost every single one of those gay bitches!!! The artstyle is so gorgeous and I hated the combat at first but grew a soft spot for it, it's so strange and I like it!!! Also the game is less hefty so my computer had an easier time running it than POR, awakening and fates which is quite nice too. I love Berkut's character (I won't defend him, he's a son of a bitch) and MAN Ian Sinclair really went HAM on that voice acting!!! Also Zeke and Tatiana feel handcrafted for me specifically. Angsty married couple? Where one has amnesia?? And the other is worried he'll leave her if he remembers another woman he was dating??? And they're voiced by Patrick Seitz and Cristina Vee, two of my favorite voice actors ever??????? SIGN ME UP!!!! I'm excited to eventually play the Marth games and see what else is up with Zeke :] also adore Celica, Silque, Jesse and Boey! Very nice, solid characters.
Three houses: different routes! DIFFERENT ROUTES!!!! You get to see all sides of a war and it's so fun piecing together the history of Fodlan and nature of Rhea's character as you play each route. And again, excellent voice acting!! And it was fun being in the 3h fandom when it first came out and seeing all the silly things the VAs did together. I've got like 400 hours on this game and it holds a special place in my heart cause it was the very first game I finished without help from siblings and it was my first fe game. Also banging soundtrack, fun and unique combat (LOVE battalions) and amazing characters.
Enage: now I'm only 8 chapters in, I think? Haven't been able to play it recently. But it's so fun! Before getting it, I hated the bright artstyle and character designs but they've grown on me and I have been enlightened so I now know that f!Alear is a cutie patootie and I love her. I love the mechanic of adopting animals. Like I am quite happy recent fe games have, in some aspects, become more a little more lighthearted and silly. I love variation in game series' and when the devs aren't way too formulaic!!! That being said I also love the archetypes!!! I just really love fire emblem :]
I'm excited to finish engage and POR and play more of the games :]
Sorry about the long ass ask, I'm full of love and I want people to know it because I wish other people could learn to be a little more positive and focus on the aspects of fe games that they like instead of being hardcore haters. Okay now everyone say thank you Senri Kita (fe9 art director) and Wada Sachiko
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coraniaid · 3 months ago
I have a confession to make: I don’t think I like Selfless very much.
It certainly feels as though I should like it.  Doesn’t everyone?  It’s one of a handful of Season 7 episodes which both supporters of and detractors of that season seem to always hold up as great.  This episode makes deliberate callbacks and references to episodes from years earlier in the show (specifically, to Season 2’s Becoming and Season 3’s Consequences), which is the sort of thing I like.  I’m on record as thinking the first third of this season was good – before Caleb and the Potentials and Spike's hypnotic trigger and the long drawn out question of whether Giles might really be dead and all the sad attempts to make the First seem more intimidating than any previous Big Bad – and, well, this is an episode from that part of the season and it doesn’t have any of that stuff. And, of course, I like Anya as a character a lot: she's probably one of of my top five characters on the show.
And yet, well.  I don��t like it. 
I don't hate it, either. I think it’s … fine.  Probably one of the better episodes of the season, yes, but if I were to rank all 144 episodes of the show I don’t think it would trouble my top fifty.
Why not?  Let me try to explain:
“Sjornjost, 880”. 
Most fans of the show seem to be particularly fond of flashback episodes.  Becoming Part 1; Fool For Love; even the detestable Lies My Parents Told Me are all consistently popular episodes.   And I get it.  It’s fun to see the characters dress up and behave in ways they’d never normally act.  But … well, the thing is, this show does not have the budget – and the writers do not have the historical understanding – to actually convincingly write flashbacks to ninth century Scandinavia. (They didn't even have the time to have the characters practice speaking proper Swedish, instead mostly preferring to have them speak "hilarious" gibberish. Although why they are even trying to speak modern Swedish a thousand years in the past in the first place is, admittedly, something of a mystery. Does Drew Goddard think King Alfred spoke Modern English?)  So what they write instead is .. well, generic European fantasy village. The sort of place that Gabrielle might wander through in a particularly underwhelming episode of Xena: Warrior Princess on her way to somewhere more convincing.
Not only does the setting feel bland and generic, all the nonsense with Aud and Olaf's domestic squabbles is just .... well, it's deeply unserious. Deliberately so, of course, but it's still irritating to sit through. I'm sure some people find Olaf's description of Aud as being "like a Baltic woman from a slightly more arid region" hilarious, but I am not one of them. This doesn't feel like a look at Anya's past so much as it feels like a flashback to that week Anya took up LARPing and joined the SCA. I’m just left thinking … well, what is the point of all this? Beyond doubling down on the idea that Anya is a joke? It's silly, is the thing. Silly in a way that none of the other flashback episodes are. And sure, the show has often been silly before: the Knights of Byzantium weren't particularly credible either, chasing after an RV on horseback in full plate. I didn't like them either though, to be fair.
“Perhaps you should take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river.” 
One of the things a lot of people like about this episode -- and the flashbacks in particular -- is the ‘reveal’ that Anya’s “strangely literal” behaviour – the way she’s acted more or less consistently since her re-introduction to the show in Season 4 – is not, in fact, something that can be explained by her being “newly human” but is in fact something that’s always been true of her.  And, okay, yes, let’s make the existing autism-coding more explicit, sure, only … Well, look, while we’re embracing being literal: Anya is literally not real.  We cannot “find out” anything about her that her original writers didn’t plan (and it seems pretty clear that this is not something the show has been sitting on for years).  It’s a retcon; the Season 7 writers have changed their minds about how Anya’s backstory works. 
Which I don’t have a problem with as such – whether it’s Drusilla having sired Spike; Spike being in love with Buffy; the Watchers Council existing; or even Angel being a vampire with a soul, the show’s lore has always been built on retcons and changes of direction like this.  That's fine. The problem I do have is that … unlike those changes, I don’t see what this retcon actually adds to Anya's story, beyond being something people can point to and go “see, Anya’s always been like this!”.  It doesn’t advance the plot or provide any interesting new context to Anya as a person.  (If I’m being cynical, it’s just an excuse for the writers to keep writing Aud the way they’d have written Anya and not bother to give her any obviously different personality.)
“Your logic is insane and happenstance, like that of a troll”. 
Except, of course, that they do give Aud the personality trait of … liking bunny rabbits.  The way Anya doesn’t, see?  This feels like an example of how it’s often better not to explain the joke: the fact that Anya, as a thousand year old vengeance demon, was afraid of something as innocuous as bunnies was already funny.  It didn’t need to be explained by some traumatic event in her pre-demon life.  Similarly, the use of the phrase “insane troll logic” from Season 5’s Triangle really didn’t need the call forward it gets here.  We can surely aspire to a higher level of writing than that awful Han Solo movie.   It just feels like the writers are pandering to long-term fans by giving them bits of “continuity” that don’t mean anything to the characters and have no bearing on the plot.
“Do you remember giving me Willow’s message?” 
By far the worst example of this sort of fan-pleasing fake continuity doesn’t appear in the flashbacks,  Selfless marks the first – and only – time after Season 2’s Becoming that the writers will acknowledge Xander’s Lie, the fact that Xander chose not to warn Buffy that Willow was attempting to restore Angel's soul but instead told her Willow wanted her to "kick his ass". And yes, Xander’s Lie should have been acknowledged at some point – in Season 3’s Dead Man’s Party, perhaps, when Xander chides Buffy for running away from home because of “boy troubles”.  Or in Season 3’s Faith, Hope & Trick, when Buffy admitted to Giles and Willow that Angel had his soul back when she sent him to hell.  Or in Season 3's Revelations, when the gang confront Buffy over the fact that Angel is back, and are outraged that she is trying to protect him from them all. Or even in Season 3’s Amends, when Xander finally admits to Buffy that he hasn’t been “the mostest best friend to you when it comes to the whole Angel thing”.  Some time during Season 3, in other words. But by Season 7?  That ship had long sailed by then.  Better by far, surely, to assume either that it was never a big deal at all or that Buffy, Willow and Xander talked things through off-screen at some point. 
Instead, the episode brings up the Lie here, in a way that makes it clear Buffy herself never learned the truth, that it’s poisoned her entire relationship with Willow over the last five years (she thinks Willow gave Angel his soul and deliberately didn’t even tell her she was going to do it!) and then … well, that’s it.  We never address the Lie again, and Buffy goes on believing the worst of her best friend for the rest of the show.  It’s as if the writers have just nudged us in the ribs, grinned, said “hey, isn’t it weird we never brought this up again?” and then … gone back to not bringing it up.  Again, what is the point of this? Other than making any attempt to headcanon that Buffy and her friends might actually sometimes sit down and talk to each other like actual friends do more difficult, of course. I like continuity, but winking and mugging to the camera about things that happened years ago and won't ever be satisfactorily resolved is not the way to go.
“There’s only me.  I am the law.” 
All of the above is … well, it’s arguably kind of pedantic, I suppose.  Just me wishing the show had a bigger budget and the writers cared more about real continuity (and about the social norms and customs of Scandinavia in the Early Middle Ages, apparently).  A more substantial problem I have with this episode – and something that I think foreshadows a lot of the problems that Season 7 will have going forward – is Buffy’s big speech as quoted above. It's a well-written speech and SMG delivers it well. It's something that shows up in gif sets on here all the time. And yes, it’s fun to compare and contrast it with Faith’s speech in Consequences.  Yes, there’s yet another slightly gratuitous continuity nod when Buffy denies the existence of any “mystical guidebook” (presumably she never did get to read the Slayer’s Handbook that Giles kept from her).  
That being said… well, one thing people who like this episode can’t seem to agree on is whether or not we’re meant to think that Buffy is actually in the right here., or if what she's saying makes sense.  The episode is shot and staged as if she is – and we don’t see any sign that Buffy learns to fundamentally question her approach when it later comes to being “General Buffy” and taking charge of the Potentials.  But she very, very obviously is in the wrong – her approach doesn’t help, her methods wouldn’t have worked anyway – and it’s troubling that the episode doesn’t quite seem to realize it. 
It's true that there’s a kinder reading of the show where this is all deliberate, and – like Buffy’s misguided choice to emotionally distance herself from the Potentials and try to train them as a quasi-military force rather than as the group of scared and powerless teenage girls they actually are – is meant to be building to a big reversal in Chosen when Buffy instead chooses to share her power with others.  I … don’t think I’m persuaded that this kinder reading is an accurate description of what’s actually happening though.  This feels more like a Dead Man’s Party situation: the pieces of the episode just don’t quite fit together in the way the writer wants you to think that they do.  Again, maybe I’m being uncharitable, but if Buffy is meant to be wrong here – and if the unconscious echoing of Faith is deliberate – it’s strange to me that the episode doesn’t lean into that more, and that we don’t see any sign Buffy has learned from her mistake this episode later on in the season.  
“The life and soul of a vengeance demon.”
Finally, I think the actual resolution of the episode: in which Anya goes back to being a human at the cost of the life of a minor recurring character who most of the audience don’t care about and who (in, admittedly, classic Buffy fashion) nobody will ever mention again after this episode, is … pretty underwhelming.  Anya only got to be a vengeance demon for eleven episodes, and this is all the show could do with that before resetting things to the status quo?  Seriously?  This too feels like a symptom of a larger problem I have with this season: a sense that the writers are desperately (over)correcting for the perceived flaws of Season 6 by undoing or ignoring as much of that season as they possibly can.  
It’s also just another case of the writers refusing to take Anya seriously as a character.  The show will keep coming back to the question of whether Angel and Spike deserve to be forgiven for the evil they did as soulless vampires.  Hell, Angel gets a whole five-season spin-off show from that question.  But the various demonic acts Anya did – for hundreds of years longer than Angel and Spike combined – just don’t seem to matter.  They’re just funny stories Anya tells people sometimes.  (Maybe they didn’t even happen.  Certainly The Wish implies that destroying Anya’s power center will undo “all of the wishes she’s granted”, but that doesn’t seem to be something the show ever remembers or sticks to later.)  Anya choosing to become a demon again should have had far more weight than the writers allowed it to have.  It should, frankly, be the sort of decision she doesn’t get to take back.  Anya actually staying as a vengeance demon gives the ending of Hells Bells the emotional weight it deserves to have.
And the pay-off for Anya becoming human again is ... she gets to rejoin the gang and maybe get back together with Xander, and then she dies. Is that really worth it? I mean, we could surely at least try to play up the parallels with Willow and Faith a little bit more, no? Why are we supposed to take Willow and Faith's quests for redemption seriously but shrug off the fact Anya reacted to having her heartbroken by signing up to kill people and torture people again? Does that not tell us something about human Anya that might perhaps be worth taking seriously?
Anyway, yeah.  Still miles better than Him or Bring on the Night or Get It Done though, obviously. But as good as the best of Season 7? No, I don't think so.
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thedeafprophet · 17 days ago
7 for Alex, 9 for Jamie
7. How did your character feel about romance growing up?
Alex... never really had a strong view of romance growing up. Of the main cast, he had the most inconsistent childhood, and as such didnt really experience the same amount of expectation and portrayal of romance to him.
of course he was Aware of romance and that being something people are expected to do, but his specific level of aromantic and autism made it so he kind of just... didn't think about it at all, even in his teens and 20s.
[and when he did. well. he certainly didnt think much of romantic love.... it didnt do any good for his parents in the end, did it? ]
9. Does your character have a QPP? If so, who are they and what does that relationship look like for them? If not, is this something your character wants in the future?
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just may-be :-)
There are a few relationships Jamie has that could blur into the concept of a platonic partner, but the most notable of all I think is The Manager of The Royal Bethlehem.
Jamies relationship with him is, for lack of a better phrase, complicated. May is not a good man, but Jamie is not looking for goodness.
It would take a novel in and of itself to articulate their relationship, from the early days of a mentally struggling poet finding care from hands that also sought to gain, to the emotional manipulation and turmoil of mental mind games, to the status of rivals in a game pushing against the others odds, to the learning of the reality of the depths of the aching heart of a very, very old man, to whatever inbetween moments they find themselves in now.
But I will say this, it is a struggle of articulation to figure out where they will some day end up. what started as a safe crush to have - for what easier manner is there to love from afar someone who will always be in love with someone else? - shifted, with time. The push and pull will one day find itself settled on a shore, and they too will find where they want to be in a relationship, far beyond the confines of ‘romance.’
Aromatic Oc Ask Game
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zoobiefish · 5 months ago
So, I nearly missed out on Auctober again, whoops! I am now 9 days behind, woohoo 😂😅 I’m an Autistic university student, so I may not always have the spoons to commit to this daily challenge, or at the very least I may not be able to draw something for each prompt…I may have to just write a little blurb about what that day’s prompt means to me lol But ideally I would like to contribute as many pieces of art to this challenge as I can! For now though, to catch up on all I’ve missed, I’m going to make individual short blurbs for the prompts I’ve missed thus far:
Day 1: Autism Plus
For myself, in addition to being Autistic, I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, EDNOS, and generalized anxiety. I also suspect I may have hEDS (hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). Fun stuff!
Day 2: Infinite
The most popular symbol for Autism Spectrum Disorder to my knowledge is a golden infinity ♾ symbol (sometimes I see a rainbow-coloured one in use as well, though my understanding is that the rainbow infinity symbol is used for neurodiversity as a whole). For a long time, the infamous puzzle piece 🧩 symbol was used to represent ASD—but most Autistics HATE this symbol!! I recognize that I don’t speak for all Autistic people, but this is the common opinion on the puzzle piece symbol and the one I share as well: The puzzle piece symbol is problematic because it suggests that Autistic people are inherently “missing a piece” or that we are “a puzzle to be solved.” Plus, this symbol is used by the evil corporation Autism Speaks. I would prefer not to go on a rant right now about why they’re evil; if anyone is curious, I would recommend doing research on why Autistic people HATE Autism Speaks. But the short version is that they support eugenicist policies around Autism and seek to eradicate us from existence. They treat us as non-humans under the guise of doing “charity work”—they are absolutely NOT a charity. Do NOT support Autism Speaks under any circumstances—any supporter of Autism Speaks (or as most of us spell it, “Autism $peaks”), is NO friend of mine!
Day 3: AuDHD
This is a fun little term I’ve seen in the Autism and ADHD communities! It’s a portmanteau of “Autism” and “ADHD” in case it wasn’t obvious heh! I myself do have AuDHD; it’s a very common comorbidity! It’s certainly…an interesting experience because the two often conflict with each other, as if I have 2 wolves fighting within my brain 🤪
Day 4: Music
Music is one of my favourite coping mechanisms. If I’m understimulated or need inspiration (especially for art or writing), I’ll put on some fun, energetic music to get the juices flowing and will dance and/or pace around the room to get the energy out of my system! If I’m overstimulated, relaxing videogame soundtracks are often my go-to—especially music from The Legend of Zelda, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing etc. Another aspect of my being on the spectrum is that my thoughts are very vivid and visual. Often times when I hear music, I can’t help but see colours, shapes, images, and even stories with characters and whatnot going along to the music. It gives me great ideas for animatics and artwork! I love this fun little bonus feature in my brain haha 😛
Day 5: Verbose
This one is rather interesting for me. I find when I feel safe around a person or I have just TOO much energy to control myself, I WILL talk—and talk—and talk—etc. I feel so bad for those who fall victim to my “infodump sessions”—but just know that if I do that to you, it’s my way of showing affection. If I talk and never seem to shut up around you…I probably really like you (platonically) 😁 Other times however, I am dead silent. This is usually around people I’m uncertain of, don’t know well enough, or I may just be burntout/too tired to talk 😅
Day 6: Individuals
As the saying goes: If you’ve met ONE (1) Autistic person, then you’ve met ONE (1) Autistic person! We are NOT a hivemind, people!! Just because I’m not like your “friend’s cousin’s aunt’s 3-year-old stepson” doesn’t mean I’m “not Autistic.” The stereotype with Autism is a white cishet dude—but we are just as diverse a population as any other demographic. We all have our differences and similarities, but we are unified in our shared diagnosis—and that’s it!
Day 7: Neuroscope
Ah yes, the “superpower” Autistic people seem to have in which we can all “sense each other” 😂😂😂 I find this to be scarily accurate actually—the majority of the people I’ve become friends with at uni turned out to be Autistic, and long before they mentioned they were on the spectrum I was able to tell. The funniest part though is that they all the said same thing about me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Day 8: Non-Speaking
So of course Autism is a spectrum, and among the ways in which Autistic people can differ from one another is whether we possess the ability to verbally speak or not. I do not want to talk in length about what being “non-speaking” means as I am not non-speaking myself and don’t wish to talk over those who are. What I do know though is that some of us are unable to verbally speak and may use alternative methods to communicate (whether through the use of sign language, AAC devices, or other means), which are equally valid methods of communication that deserve to be respected. Once again, I must iterate that I am fully capable of verbal speech and I am in no way non-speaking myself. That being said, sometimes I do have a reduced capacity to speak or feel it takes far more physical effort to speak when I am tired, stressed, overwhelmed, in sensory overload, or in the midst of a shutdown. This does NOT mean I am non-speaking—that label is exclusively for Autistic individuals who cannot verbally speak at all. I’m not sure what the proper terminology is for my specific situation (if anyone knows of it, I’d appreciate if you let me know in the comments!) but because of these situations, I am currently trying to learn ASL so I can still communicate in some way during these episodes.
And that’s it for now! I am hoping to have a drawing done by the end of today for Day 9, but we shall see! In the meantime, check out @autiebiographical on Tumblr! They are the one who started Auctober in the first place to my knowledge and they create amazing comics and other content that educates people on Autism Spectrum Disorder! Happy Auctober y’all!
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sometimesraven · 9 months ago
re: the ableism in Dot and Bubble
I understand it almost certainly wasn't Rusty's intention for the "can't walk without the arrows" thing to be ableist, but the implications are there and it was so, so hard to watch.
As I said while liveblogging, I've noted that reliance on tech like Google Maps has caused a regression in skills like navigation and a frustrating refusal to even try. I'm frequently faced with that fact as I live somewhere you have to use your eyes to see and most fast food delivery drivers just Cannot Find Us bc the GPS goes wild and they can't follow the directions I always give them so I inevitably have to go out to find them myself. Believe me, I know what he was going for with that part of the script.
When you exaggerate that point to the tune of "she literally cannot walk" without the aid, and then instead of it being deeply disturbing to the two 'kind, helpful' characters (Doc n Ruby), they actively roll their eyes at her and it's played as an "omg how stupid is she" moment, you have to see how that looks.
Let's reframe it: someone you've met was raised in a cult. A very insular, very strict cult that they literally have never seen outside of. At this point in time you know nothing about them but you do know they're in a very insular, very closed-off society. One day they tell you they have no idea how to,,,,,, idk, wash themselves without assistance. If your first instinct is to laugh at them and roll your eyes like they're overexaggerating, you're an ableist.
I struggle to believe anyone like the Doctor wouldn't perhaps initially react with confusion/incredulity but then, after realising this person is 100% serious, go "oh my god that's horrible okay uh let me try to walk you through this and teach you how".
It's a horrible, cynical response that would maybe track if at this point the characters already knew she was an entitled pissbaby. But they don't and that's why it comes across so terribly.
Especially when there's no indication that this is a side-effect of her entitlement and she's literally insulting herself "I'm so stupid!" and genuinely upset and frustrated that she can't even walk in the face of actual death. And yes, she miraculously can walk again once she meets Ricky but it wasn't because she was ignoring the Doctor's advice because racism because he had not given her any. She had literally zero clue how to walk without assistance until Ricky guided her.
This isn't a refusal to learn a skill based on entitlement, this isn't a heavy-handed metaphor, you have given this girl a disability (even if it is psychosomatic, it is still a disability). And in a time where social media + youth entitlement is being blamed for an increase of ADHD, Autism, chronic illness and DID diagnosis-seekers (among other things, but those are the ones people are most aggressive against) that just does not look good At All.
Russel could easily have made it so that they just had no idea how to navigate without the bubble and refused to learn.
Maybe at first show it as genuine frustration on Lindy's part that she can't find anything without guidance but slowly show that no, she's perfectly capable, she just doesn't care to learn.
Hell, you could have everything play out the same way but have her genuinely get offered help to begin with by the Doctor and ignore it, only for Ricky to say the same thing to her later and she gets it immediately.
Idk, anything beyond literally disabling her. The show does a great job at humanising her before showing us that she was a monster all along, but I feel like Rusty himself forgot that he was still representing a Whole Entire Person (something that people on all ends of the political spectrum do All The Time: "person is bad therefore [___ism] is okay in this instance". Ableism especially)
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comicgeekery · 8 months ago
Sherlock and Shoscombe
So, after the deep dive I did with Sherlock & Co and the issues with the Case of Identity storyline, I thought it was only fair that I talk about their take on The Adventure at Shoscombe Old Place.
*Ahem*.....This was a lot of fun! I just looked up a summary of the original story because I didn't remember it well, and no wonder! It was the very last Sherlock Holmes story Doyle published, later collected into The Casebook, and thus...one of the boring ones. I'm sorry. I really don't like The Casebook stories. It's also the last batch of stories that the Doyle estate was clutching onto before Sherlock went fully into the public domain, which makes the story feel doubly tedious to me.
But! These episodes were a blast! Practically a survey of all the best parts of Sherlock & Co! There's fun banter! Heaps of character background! A really clever update to the original set-up! BRILLIANT acting and foley work! A cheeky cameo! And a truly exciting, satisfying end! I think this is the most direct information we've gotten about John's past since, well ever, but certainly since we learned about his memories of his dad. Now we know that he grew up in a very class-divided town that once felt so much bigger. And he was deeply in love once, with a woman he lost partially because of classism. (Which is such a great mirror for Beatrice and her husband's situation!) He also lost his friends because they had privileges he didn't. (Did John join the military partly as a way to get away from his roots? Out of a desperate need to be praised as a hero?)
No wonder John has so much resentment for the wealthy when it's so deeply personal. I think it's going to be comically awkward and VERY interesting when he finds out that Sherlock is mega super rich. Holmes is often theorized to be the son of a lord in canon. I figure he's at least from a wealthy family that was able to pay for him to go to tons of fancy schools. And then personal tutors. And a full-time staff that always took care of cleaning and stocking up the groceries. (For all his observation skills, I do think Sherlock grew up never considering who made his household run.) I think part of why Sherlock has been so touchy about John's anger at rich people is because Sherlock is SUPER nervous it would ruin their friendship. I am also so pumped to see what the podcast does with Mycroft! I wonder if his autism might be more limiting than Sherlock's. Like he's got the genius skills, he's got the deceptively powerful government job, but he can't handle going out into the world. Going to Baker Street would be an ordeal. Might have a full meltdown if he's not at home, work, or whatever the Diogenes Club is updated to. But.....It's hard to tell how much Sherlock & Co wants us to suspend our disbelief about some things. John and Sherlock have very clearly committed a LOT of crimes on their publicly available podcast. Maybe that will never be addressed or MAYBE Sherlock, Mycroft, or other Holmes allies have been bribing and intervening to keep them from getting arrested. Imagine the drama! "You hate the rich, but you owe all your success to MY money and power, 'Dr.' John Watson!" *Blinks rapidly*
Where was I? Oh yeah, Shoscombe. That. God. Damn. Chase. Scene! So bold for a podcast to have a climax with a car chase at the center. The foley work was top-notch for the driving and the terrain and then the crash and sinking in the lake. Whoever plays John Watson, you did an incredible job! The reckless car chase where, OF COURSE, he still narrates everything, the diving for Robert (and the clever layer of the recorder fritzing), and that CPR! It was all so engaging and believable! I love when John does doctor stuff generally, but this was my favorite example since the gunshot wound at the wedding with The Solitary Cyclist. Not sure I buy Robert's at-home crematorium as being 100% good, but I can believe John thinks so. Might help that John's a bit more desensitized to cutting into corpses than most folks. Finally, I'm sure folks are quite excited that a certain James made a cameo. (Maybe he's interested in why Sherlock and John keep getting away with all their crimes.) I knew he was going to show up at some point, and making Moriarty a listener shout-out is delightful. I just hope it's a while longer before he's ON the show. It always frustrates me when Moriarty winds up becoming basically Lex Luthor. Then again, we've already had similar cameos for Irene Adler and Baskerville Hall (and probably some I've missed) without them showing up yet. We'll see how it goes!
Good job, Sherlock & Co! I'm excited to see what you do next!
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maaarine · 2 years ago
Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age (Sarah Hendrickx, 2015)
“Interestingly, one of the findings from research into sex differences in children with autism was that girls with autism do not have the same stereotypical, rigid interests as boys.
My research certainly found that repetitive and restricted behaviours were completely the norm for the girls studied but that topic type differed.
A small number of activities came up time and time again as being favourites for repetition: watching the same TV/video/DVD programme (e.g., Mary Poppins, Postman Pat, Peppa Pig), reading the same book (e.g., an Enid Blyton book, Jane Eyre), listening to the same song/tape.
The scripts and lyrics of their favourite shows, books and songs were all known verbatim by the children. Collecting and sorting specific objects were also mentioned.  (…)
Boys’ interests tend to be object-based – trains, dinosaurs, space – while girls’ interests tend to be people- or animal-based – soap operas, fictional characters, animals and celebrities.
This qualitative difference can explain why girls’ behaviour may not be noted as being unusual, due to the ‘typical girl’ nature of their interests.
Whereas a boy who quotes endless facts about ancient history, rather than playing football with his peers, may be flagged as atypical, a girl who obsesses about a pop star would not necessarily be seen in the same way.
The difference between the interests of a girl with autism and a typical child is the narrowness of the topic and the intensity of the interest.
These girls with ASD have single-track focus; they do not think or speak of anything other than their passion for an extended period.
They may have extensive knowledge of their subject but have more of a factual interest than a desire to live it out.
A child who speaks of nothing but horses may not actually want a horse, but just enjoys the facts about horses.
I believe that the interest provides the same outcomes for both girls and boys on the autism spectrum; once immersed in your subject of interest, there is a predictability and escape from the chaotic real world.
Knowing everything about a subject makes it known and provides a sanctuary from the anxiety and stress of a feeling of not knowing what’s going to happen most of the time.
Animals in general are a popular interest as they are far easier to deal with than people for many females with autism: their intentions are clear (no hidden agendas), their non-verbal language is minimal (cats don’t pull too many facial expressions), their needs are easily identified and their attachment and affection are unconditional and unchanging.
Some girls identify so strongly with animals that they imagine or wish themselves to be one.”
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jesterwriting · 1 year ago
JESTERRRR okay first. HI I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A GOOD DAY!! I'm absolutely taken by the magnificence that is the damn timeloop trope and that HIT HOMEEE and your other works as just as wonderful omg!! goodness i love how you write 😭 i really wish to know more of your ideas soo PLEASE IF YOU HAVE MORE SHARE that's my request for you!! whichever character it is!! (ofc do it at your own pace if u decide to take it :) ) i have some too and omg i feel like spewing them all out is it okay if i do 😭😭
what if you were an angel drabbles
pairing: shanks x reader & law x reader (separate)
contents: can be read as platonic, angel!reader, slight body horror especially in law’s, your body is Wrong, if you squint you’ll see nonhuman character as a metaphor for autism in here, angel lore that i made up on a whim don’t think too hard about it
word count: 1.8k words
note: first off feel absolutely free to come into my inbox and spew ideas!!! i'd love to hear it and you're always welcome <33 secondly, i would literally never post something like this normally, but because you asked for more of my ideas, here it is! something squished out from the creative recesses of my mind.
playlist: man on the moon - zella day
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Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. That was your motto. Even in your younger years, questions poured from your tongue like honey, coloring your world in rich, vibrant hues rather than suffocating shades of gray. You could speak for hours, annoying your instructors at the academy with your incessant questions.
It would be better if you learned to hold your tongue, they'd say.
How would I sate your hunger if I were silent, you would shoot back.
It would be easier if you could join the humans; ask them your questions face to face. Why couldn’t you walk among them? Such things were not forbidden, though they were rather frowned upon. As an angel, you were meant to observe, not intervene. If anyone were to be sent to the surface of a world, it would certainly not be an angel who couldn’t keep their mouth shut. Since time immemorial, your kind had lived in secret, housed in the spaces between stardust.
You would not be the one to ruin that.
That was what you promised yourself as you packed your bags and snuck out into the night. You could do both, get your answers and keep your secrets. For once, you wanted to live. Smile like a human, laugh like a human, love like a human. All of it was at your fingertips, the only thing you had to do was reach out and grab it. So, you did. You sent yourself spiraling to the surface of a beautiful blue pearl, a planet that was more water than land. This was where you would make your home.
For the first time in your centuries of life, you felt happy. The people of the island you found welcomed you with open arms, embracing your oddities instead of pretending they would go away. You were eccentric, both wise beyond your years and hopelessly naive. Fruits that were common were treated like precious jewels in your hands, work that no one wanted to do, you met with enthusiasm despite your clumsy hands. You told the children stories of faraway worlds, who would then parrot your truths to their parents. It was no secret that there was something off about you, but you were loved, and most importantly, you were free.
Though you were happy, your curiosity could not be sated. You wanted more. To see the world and all it had to offer. When a pirate ship appeared on the horizon, you asked the captain if you could join them on their adventures.
The villagers were sure to give you glowing reviews, you said with a broad grin.
Thus began your life at sea. In closer quarters, it was harder to keep your secrets. Your wings itched beneath your skin, feathers tickling your spine, begging to be set free. When asked of your hometown, you could only dodge the question with a laugh for so long. It wasn’t as if you could tell them the truth: that you fell from the stars like a meteor, never to return home again. You had created a niche in the crew, you would hate to be run off so soon.
Now, you were certain that this was the end of all you had built.
It had been a mistake. A simple one. An avoidable one. You were alone with him when his foot slipped, and you were alone when you dove after him, white wings unfurling to catch him. You were stronger than the average human, easily carrying his weight as you glided to the bottom of the ravine.
This was never meant to happen. Not in a million years, ever. There were rules in place to keep such situations under control, and you, somehow, managed to break every single one within seconds. Your wings ached from being confined within your vessel for so long, and though you longed to stretch them, you were well aware of the pair of eyes that studied your inhuman form.
“What are you?” His voice was soft, barely audible on the wind.
With a slick noise, your wings slotted themself back against your spine, gone as if they were never there in the first place. It felt better to have them back under your skin. Safer, especially under his scrutiny. With a deep breath, tongue gliding over your sharp incisors for comfort, you wondered if there was any way to salvage this.
Red Haired Shanks
Before you could start explaining yourself, Shanks cut you off, his expression morphing into a broad grin. “You can fly? You can fly and you never told me? I should be mad about that, you know.”
“Sorry.” You weren’t sure what else to say. Whatever you expected from your captain, it wasn’t this. Betrayal, maybe, but not excitement. Your stomach churned at the thought of what they were saying about you back home. It was no secret that they were watching you, you were not the first angel to fall from grace, nor would you be the last. Your fingers found the hem of your shirt and began to fidget. “No one was supposed to know.”
Shanks took a step closer to you, breathing heavily. Adrenaline, perhaps. He did just glide thirty meters off the edge of a cliff within the arms of a previously wingless crewmate. Besides, you couldn’t fault him too much, your heart was thundering inside your chest too, both from fear and exhilaration. You had forgotten how wonderful it felt to fly. A part of you couldn’t wait until you could do it again.
“Don’t be,” He said. The wind had swept his hair from his forehead, causing it to stick up at odd angles. You fought the urge to flatten it back against his head. “You saved me from losing a leg, at least.”
You cocked your head to the side, large eyes blinking owlishly at him. “You’re not mad. You should be mad. I’m a liar, and I can never tell you the truth.”
Shanks laughed. You liked his laugh. “Who cares about that? You save me and then expect me to be mad. You really are odd.” Craning his head to look above you, he put his hand on his hip when he caught sight of the edge he stumbled off. “Do you think you can get us back up there?”
If you were odd, Shanks was odder. That was his only question. You grew wings out of nowhere, and all he wanted to know was if you could fly him back up to the top of the ravine. Was it really that simple? You shivered, remembering the first words that left his mouth.
“What are you?”
You didn’t get to answer him. Maybe you never would. With your captain held in your arms, his head against your chest as he whooped against the wind, you wondered if the price of getting to keep your secrets would be simple. You had a feeling that this was not the first flight that Shanks would ask to be taken on, and certainly not his last.
Trafalgar Law
Law stared you down, lips pressed into a thin line.
Your wings fluttered against your spine, wanting to fly you away from this conversation to somewhere you would never be seen again. You were fast, easily able to outrun the Polar Tang even without your headstart. Still, if you left Law at the bottom of a ravine, you would never forgive yourself.
“Um,” You started.
Law crossed his arms. “And don’t you try and tell me you’re human. I’ve known for a long time you’re not.” He glanced down at your hands, palm too wide, fingers too long. “Your bones are in the wrong place.”
It was no secret that you were built… different, with limbs that were too long, disproportionate to the rest of your body, and eyes that reflected light, glowing when the sun dipped under the horizon and stars blanketed the velvet sky. If you weren’t careful, both your elbows and knees bent backwards. It had scared Shachi and Penguin more than once, their screams that you were broken echoing through the Polar Tang. You hadn’t meant to build your body so strangely. In your defense, you had never met a human before until a few months ago.
“My bones are all wrong? But I worked so hard on this body.”
To his credit, Law’s confusion at your strange statement was betrayed by a barely noticeable blink. “You need anatomy lessons if you think that’s passable enough to fool anyone.”
“You should be happy with what I look like. If I showed you my true form, your eyes would melt out of your skull,” You said.
Law scoffed. “I doubt that.”
You bit your tongue to keep from arguing. The only way your captain would believe you was if you tore free from your vessel and bestowed upon him your true holy splendor. Which you would rather not do. Not only did you not want to blind him, but the entire situation would be rather intimate. Angel’s did not show their true forms on a mere whim, and they definitely did not do so to win a petty argument.
“Alright.” The two of you stood in silence. Law was still while you kicked a rock with the toe of your boot. “If you must know, I am an angel.”
You could practically hear them booing back home.
Law was quick with his response, “Angels don’t exist. If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable.”
Sighing, Law approached and gave you a stern look out of the corner of his eye. He stood so close, you could feel his body heat. “If you don’t want to tell me the truth, then don’t. All I need to know is how to properly treat you when you get sick or injured.”
Despite his assurances, you could see the curiosity burning in his golden eyes, and you knew the conversation was far from over. With a shrug, you unfurled your wings, grabbing a hold of Law as you launched yourself to the top of the ravine with a single push. Surprise caused him to struggle in your arms, though you kept your grip on him firm.
You didn’t care how stubborn Law was, nor did you care about the inevitable onslaught of questions that awaited you back on the Polar Tang.
If there was one thing you respected, it was curiosity.
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someprettyname · 9 months ago
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | winner's list | after party
Some points to note before you move to the event visualizer : 
🟣 My anchoring style is highly energetic and bubbly so you can imagine me doing a lot of hand gestures, changing pitch and tones of my voice, moving around on the stage a lot, etc. Hehe.  
🟣 The theatre/event venue has been engineered by the best engineers of the world, with the most modern technology. The petals of the lotus can close or open to hide or reveal the night sky. It can also change its colours. For tonight, it's indigo!  
🟣 The "OUTFIT CHECK" were clicked in different places (according to where the member was spotted first) hence the different background. 
🟣 I didn't want to write too dialogues on yall's behalf but I can't really bother you with every small detail, so I hope whatever dialogues I've made up are not too out of character! 
🟣Ignore the contradiction of same blue locker entering the scene multiple times, pretend there are a few copies of each member 🥰👍🏻
🟣 Ignore the outfit mismatch in the edits (any edit after the outfit checks please, our editing skills only go so far 🙏🏻 ) 
🟣 I highly suggest that you listen to songs as you keep finding them being embedded in links for added feels and extra hype! 🔥
🟣 The performances where multiple songs have been used is supposed to be a mashup. You can imagine the mashup to be as you please! The songs I've bunched together are for the sole purpose of creating a particular vibe, so as long as to they are fulfilled it's all good! 😌🤝🏻
🟣 The posts are scheduled at a gap of 3-4 hours each, this event is going to be spread throughout 2 or more days. Feel free to go feral in the comments/reblogs/community my mates. 🔥 
🟣 I hope you enjoy this! Tagging all the attendees here : 
@glue-thief  @getosugurusbangs @bueris @soleilonthesun @galaxynajma
@sid3buns @mariyumemi @pinkinsect @refrigeratedboombursts @satosuguhastakenovermylife 
@10renz0 @simp-simp-no-mi @boinin @sharkissm @milkteansugar 
@thebestsetter @merlucide @jujutsustraycats @kurona-theshark @nskiyuriz
@asarajaa @writingonthewalls1832 @hooudie212back @sadao-tsuki @milaisreading 
@8-xnny @licoririce @rinitoshisgirl @luvingshidou  @duckydee-0
@kuro-min @gojoracle @marcsnuffy @filecurropt0 @riririnnnn 
@wroophruh @sanaexus @melodiclune
Previously on GF FC INDIGO AWARDS : 
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Fabulous performances by (RHS) TEAM BREEZE AND @/NSKIYURIZ!!! (LHS)
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"metavision is basically just autism superpowers" 
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"If any of you want an autograph from moi, just ask." 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. 
Nami : Well well well, that was certainly an ✨OSHA✨ performance. 
[*Camera cuts to Aryu who is twirling a strand in his fingers.*] 
Nami : Does our star player Aryu approve of us? 
[*Aryu is seen smiling and nodding when the camera cuts to him.*] 
Nami : Well, but I think it wouldn't be too OSHA of us if we don't honour our members who have supported us a lot from the sidelines. The one who helped us build this legacy. We shall remember that success seen on field is not just the player's hardwork, but a result of hardwork being put in everyday by a lot of other well wishers. So ladies and gentlemen please welcome on stage sid3buns for GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR BEST JERSEY DESIGN. Because who are we without our iconic jersey? 😁
[ *Crowd breaks into cheers as sid3buns makes her appearance.* ] 
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sid3buns : Thank you very much ^_^ the one who's taking this award home tonight is....
sid3buns : BILLI!!! 
[ *Billi gasps and Kurona pats her on the back, she hugs her twin Riri on her way to the stage.* ] 
Billi (@/bueris) : oh I'm blushing it was pretty casual to make, I didn't expect much of it but I'm happy you guys like it! especially to mimi (@/nskiyuriz) who actually helped with the lettering bc he has nice handwriting!
Soleil : Thank you! The next one's equally important and something similar so let's put our hands for @/kurona-theshark to hand out the GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR BEST CLEATS DESIGN!! 
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kurona-theshark : The winner for this one's none other than my wifey.....
Kurona-theshark: KIRAAAAAA!!!! (@/merlucide)
Kira : *walks up to the stage*
Kira : Wow, I… uh… *sniff* I never thought… wow 🤧
Kira : When I was a fetus in the womb, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with myself. Maybe I would be a plumber or a gynecologist, but no, I am a member of GF FC.
Kira : The past two months have been nothing short of a dream, and I *sniff* am so grateful for all of you and sniff this incredible opportunity.
Kira : I'm so thankful for the support and love from my dear friends at GF FC, and the awards given to me today. I never thought I’d be given such awards. *sniff* It truly is a pleasure being here. *sniff* Thank you.
Nami : You really did deserve that sweetheart!! A special thanks to BILLI AND KIRA for designing our jersey and cleats which we wear with a sense of proud every time we walk down on the field. And of course, (*turns around to Soleil with a grin and pats her back*) a shoutout to our dear Soleil here for designing our iconic logo!!! 
Soleil : jkjhjsjsjjjssjsj THANK YOU, NAMI!! 
Nami : Of course Soleil!! [*Raises hand in a salute gesture revealing a mini plushie kind of charm on her bracelet.*] 
Soleil : OMG :0 what is that? 
Nami : Oh this? [*looks down at her bracelet*] 
Nami : [*points*] This is a mini version of RIRI and this one...[*points*]....is a mini version of BILLI!! 😁 Aren't they so cute? My absolutely pretty daughters 🫶🏻
[ *Camera cuts to a blushy billi (@/bueris) and  a grinning and giddy Riri (@/riririnnn)* ] 
Soleil : OMG! I want one too!! For my siblings maybe, or maybe my kids 🫶🏻
Nami : Well well Soleil that's for later, for now I have to invite @/asarajaa on stage for GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR BEST MERCH SELLER!! 
Soleil : Yes! Huge round of applause ladies and gentlemen!! 
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asarajaa : Good evening! Good evening! I'm glad Indigo awards is recognising the importance of this! I'd expect nothing less, really. So let's put our hands together for the winner already shall we? 
asarajaa : ASH!!!!  (@/refrigeratedboombursts) 
[ *Camera cuts to a very hyped up and jumpy Bachira who is encouraging and hyping him, while Ash on the other side simply grins, hugs him and moves to the stage.*] 
Ash : Oh my god, thank you so much!!!
I'm super honoured to be a part of fc Girlfriend and seeing how far we've come. And I thank everyone for getting me to this point. (*Throws hand [with trophy] up in the air in victory.*) 
Soleil : You know, I can really feel the excitement and gratitude of these winners. It feels really good to be hyped up and cheered upon by my fellow team-mates 🥹
Nami : THAT'S SO TRUE SOL!! But I'm not really the best at it....I mean, I try but well, it only makes more sense if I call upon stage @/kuro-min for GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR BEST CHEERLEADER!! 
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KURO-MIN : Thanks for having me, Nami!! It's with great pleasure that I announce the name of winner, who is none other than....
kuro-min : @/MILKTEANSUGAR!!!
[ *The crowd breaks into loud applause as she grins widely, hugging and shaking hands with others around her before walking up on the stage.* ] 
milkteansugar : I’m tearing up about the fact that i’ve been nominated, it’s an honor and i feel so grateful. But even though winning an award is a feat, i’m happy just being a part of girlfriend fc with so many amazing people! I was pretty shy about joining at first since i felt a little intimidated but everyone ended up so nice, i’m happy i did. I want to thank everyone in girlfriend fc for their support aaannd my wonderful partner, Ego! He’s given me a lot of encouragement and shooed away my doubts. I hope i can continue to keep up with your expectations.
Soleil : Well miss, I think you're more than keeping up with our expectations! We just hope a certain sharky someone doesn't break our lovely couple apart! Haha! 
Nami : Well well you said it Sol! I hope they have their happy ever after, but your words have reminded me how we have some really lovely couples among us. It's only justified if we award them for being all these postive feelings and inspiration they bring to table isn't it? 
Soleil : True! It's important to appreciate true love when you see it! It's getting rare afterall, and not to mention how tough it is to stay loyal even after all the ups and downs a couple goes through!! 
Nami : More importantly having the strength to work it all out together! 😌🫶🏻
Nami : But the mood also needs to set right for that isn't it? ;) 
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Nami : Perfect 🤩 what a mood! I love this vibe that has been created here! 
Nami : My daughter is really the best 🤧 did y'all hear her amazing voice? 🤧
[ *The camera cuts to a very happy looking Kurona and Billy who was cheering on her twin.* ] 
Soleil : It was! It was! It was a beautiful performance Nami. (*Pats her on the back in a consoling manner*) But don't go crying now, we have to welcome on stage @/sanaexus for GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR BEST GLAM COUPLE!! 
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Sanaexus : Well, everyone here really is an amazing pair. Look at me and Rin for a good example 🥰🌝
Sanaexus : And Shidou and pinkinsect!! (*Camera cuts to the said pair.*) Sitting there in their perfect designer suits. 
Pinkinsect : 🤩😎
Shidou : 🤪🤑🤑🤟🏻🤟🏻
Sanaexus : That's not all! We have some other amazing nominations here, well let's leave aside @/satosuguhastakenovermylife and Aryu for obvious reasons, but look at @/asarajaa and SAE!!! (*Camera cuts to them.*) 
Sanaexus : Perfectly classy couple!! Absolutely badass!! If we're talking about badass, ISH (@/jujutsustraycats) and KARASU. Just a Lil concerned if ISH will have a...bald guy....beside him in a few years with how much gel he dumps on there.... [ *Camera cuts to a very 😐😧😒 looking Karasu and 😈🙄😏 ISH.* ] ....but HEY!! They are pretty classy!! I can go on and on about y'all here. I think we're all glam. Me and Rin specially. But the one taking home this awards tonight is.....
Sanaexus : bro really cooked with this one 🔥
[ *She almost jumps and hugs Aryu when the camera cuts to their table, shakes hand with other and move to stage. While Aryu looks certainly pleased.* ] 
Satosuguhastakenovermylife : I mean...who else could it be other than aryu and i ✨✨✨, but really thank youu for this
Satosuguhastakenovermylife : Gratitude is glamorous!
Satosuguhastakenovermylife : Glamour is a highly difficult craft to master, it is something you should shape through a lot of time and um to celebrate this win we will be throwing the biggest, most stylish and glam party tomorrow at our mansion and anyone who shows up that's not glam will not be allowed. So...be glam. Thank you again for this!!!! ✨✨✨🤍
Nami : (*giggling*) Yeah well, certainly! No one stands a chance when we got the ✨OSHA✨ KING and his queen among ourselves!! Haha!! I hope I'm invited to the party!! Hyo and I will come in our designers gown and suits so don't leave us out, okay? XD 
Soleil : Same with me and SAE too!! Skskksk. I'm glad they win this one! They deserved this!! It's quite pleasing to hangout with the couple too!! They are both quite friendly 🫶🏻
Nami : 0: 
Nami : Now that you mention it Sol, some couples are naturally a very easy going pair together aren't they? Well, atleast they don't constantly make you feel like you're third wheeling. (*sigh*) 
Soleil : Yes! Yes! I understand what you mean! And that's why we have coming up on stage @/8-xnny to give out GF FC INDIGO GRAND AWARD FOR MOST EASY GOING COUPLE!! 
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8-xnny : Phew! I have quite a few nominations here with me, so let's discuss about them one by one!! 
simp-simp-no-mi [ merlucide, kurona-theshark, thebestsetter, duckydee-0 
8-xnny : Kira (@/merlucide) and Julian! (*Kira grins and waves when camera cuts to her and Julian.*) Kira's a perfect sweetheart and Julian is perfectly calm. They are the last pair who'll ever make you feel unwelcome. In fact, they are specially in good in making you feel warm and comfortable! 
8-xnny : Then we have kurona-theshark and gagamaru (*Kurona-theshark waves enthusiastically and gagamaru waves in slo-mo, his pupils blown wide in fascination when the camera cuts to them.*)....well. I don't think this one needs any explanation for their this one, haha! They are truly a chill couple.... others being a third wheel? That doesn't exist in their couple dictionary. Period. 
8-xnny : then we have @/thebestsetter and Karasu and let's just say when you're bantering along with the pair, you'd be too busy to feel like a third wheel! 
8-xnny : then we got simp-simp-no-mi and SEISHIRO and like, come on guys! Be so fr now. You think this sweet women and bored menduksai guy will ever make you feel like a third wheel? If you've ever interacted with the pair you know what I'm talking about! 
8-xnny : Then we have duckydee-0 and charles, and when you're hanging out with them you're their homie and a homie ain't ever a third wheel. Period. 
8-xnny : So who's winning the award among these convincing pair? 
Everyone : 👀
8-xnny : Well, ladies and gentlemen you better put your hands together for.....
[ *Nagi nods and simp-simp-no-mi slaps a hand over her mouth in surprise. They both share a hug before she moves to stage to get the award.* ] 
simp-simp-no-mi : Guys! Thank you so much for this award! It's a huge compliment that you feel comfortable around us, But I can't really come up with a speech , even if my life was on line (really sorry 🙏🙏) so I'll be...ditching....the next part. (*sheepish*) Thank for the award though!! 
Nami : (*giggles*) Yeah, that's completely fine!! Some people are just not the one for big paragraph speeches and that's okay!! We are just really happy to see you both together, we all just wish you both stay content with each other <3 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. 
Stay tuned to hear more such cute couple stories...! 
[ organiser : @/someprettyname
script writing credits : @/someprettyname
proofread by : @/melodiclune
editing credits : @/soleilonthesun ]
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the-golden-comet · 6 months ago
✨Travel Buddies Tag Game 🚗✨
Thank you for tagging me for this @sableglass here @mrbexwrites here and @cowboybrunch here!! 💛✨
Rules: Imagine your characters are going on a trip for vacation. Which ones are most likely to fit the roles below?
For the purpose of this game, Ali from YWIMC is not allowed to cheat using his genie powers (sorry Ali)
1. Doing mad research for an affordable place for everyone to stay.
That would be Noah from YWIMC. Man researches for his major—that’s how he found Ali in the first place.
2. Hoping to try all the new food they can.
Both Tenshi from Tenshito and Ali from YWIMC want to try out new foods with much excitement in their hearts. Both were sheltered in their own ways, so they want to expand and explore everything….including their palates ✨
3. Wants to stay inside and sleep through the whole vacation.
Again, Noah from YWIMC. He’s used to being a shut-in, and if he’s not researching on his laptop or home computer, he’s sleeping either pissed out at his desk, or miraculously made it to the bed.
4. Believes no vacation is complete without certain activities (going to the beach, swimming, skiing, sightseeing, hiking, etc, whatever they're passionate about).
Peter from Peter Hart is all over this. He wants to drag everyone everywhere to experience this vacation to the absolute fullest. Exploring and hiking new areas would be his go-to activity, with attempting to steal from buildings and people coming in at a close second 🏴‍☠️✨
5. Is annoyed that certain people are in the same travel group as them.
Benjamin from Peter Hart is annoyed at this whole vacation in general, and Peter certainly isn’t helping here 😂
6. Buying souvenirs for everyone back home.
Buying, stealing, it’s all the same for Peter anyway. Man is loaded to his knees in riches and trinkets from last adventures. What’s a few more for the ever-growing pile? Each one will come with a great story, no doubt…and his crew will be excited to hear all about it ✨
7. Is about to turn this trip into a business trip.
Noah already made this a business trip, despite Ali’s attempts to bring him out of the room multiple times. Since Ali wants to join everyone else, he’ll have to use some more brutish measures to bring Noah along, too~
Thank you so much for this fun game! I’m going to tag the following (gently, with no pressure):
@thecomfywriter , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @autism-purgatory , @drchenquill , @honeybewrites , @nczaversnick , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @theink-stainedfolk , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @lychhiker-writes , @jev-urisk , @paeliae-occasionally , @corinneglass , @mundanemoongirl , @minamaybe , @fantasy-things-and-such , @ragin-cajun-fangirl , @indecentpause , @noxxytocin , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @finickyfelix , @thecoolerlucky , @yourpenpaldee , @ominous-feychild , @mysticstarlightduck , @rivenantiqnerd , @words-after-midnight , @musicismymoirail , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees , @the-letterbox-archives , @theaistired , @houseplantblank , @saturnine-saturneight , @coffeexafterxmidnight , @thatuselesshuman , @agirlandherquill , @theprissythumbelina , @owlsandwich , +open tag! ✨
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ihopesocomic · 10 months ago
I had been suspecting that I was autistic for a long time, and when I finally had the opportunity to see two neuropsychologists, I discovered that I do not have autism. I'm just "pretty weird" and bad at talking to people. It's a very strange feeling, including guilt for having thought I was neurodivergent. But then I was thinking, which character is most likely to be like this? It's funny to imagine this happening to Fade.
tbh I had various professionals tell me that I wasn't autistic when myself and my foster mother were pretty certain I was. This resulted in me going without a diagnosis for almost ten years and it was only when I saw a doctor who specialised in autism that I got a diagnosis and she said it was the most clear-cut case she'd ever seen in her career.
So idk if there's a broad difference between seeing a neuropsychologist and an actual doctor who specialises in the condition but I'd recommend looking into it. Sometimes, professionals can get stuff wrong. Especially if they have to cover a broad array of conditions vs. just one particular condition they got their doctorate in.
I also feel you have nothing to be guilty or ashamed about. Folks self-diagnose all the time in the absence of an official diagnosis because that stuff just isn't accessible to us a lot of the time. It's completely OK. <33
As for your question, I certainly think Quiet would go through this had she lived but it would be more like my own experience with realising I was autistic and working through it. It's certainly something I'm gonna touch upon in my AU of her I'm working on. Fade is certainly a valid choice if you feel that kind of connection to him too, though. I like the idea of an autistic Squire (somebody required to deliver messages and socialise) doing his duty to the best of his ability despite his condition aww - RJ
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kouyou-arc-when · 9 months ago
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Hey, this is a great ask and I am so sorry for not replying earlier. I am responding like this because I actually broke the character limit since I'm dumb -_- I've written a lot of posts about this on reddit, and many people came up to me and asked me something similar. Your line of thinking is good. Regarding Dazai:
So, the thing is - to properly diagnose any personality disorder, you need to talk to that very person to understand their inner mechanisms. There are certain behavioral traits we can observe from the outside and make some guesses based on that: for example, Dazai's broadly dented empathy and why that's often found in people with ASPD.
However, for many other personality disorders it is very difficult to conclude much without the person saying ~I feel x because of y. I do c because of b.
Why? Personality disorders are internal structures that cause a person's behavior to be challenging to either them or others. To understand these mental processes is much more demanding than seeing a person just feels sad or anxious, to explain it simplistic terms.
The key behind many disorders is to know WHY a person is doing what they're doing. This one thing changes whether a person has x,z,y,t,n or whatever condition.
An example: BPD and CPTSD are often mistaken for one another. Same as with BPD, CPTSD, Autism and ADD in women, but BPD and CPTSD tend to have the largest "overgap", you can even have both at the same time. That's because many of the outside observable symptoms are the same.
An example: unstable relationships are a symptom of ALL of the above, but BPD is sort of...an outdated PD according to many specialists due to the fact that it was used as an "everything" disorder, where people with socially unconventional emotions were dumped. That's why you'll find two people with BPD that are almost nothing alike.
However, even if we hold to classic diagnostic criteria, let me show how the same symptom can be a product of entirely different circumstances.
For example: Someone with BPD will have unstable relationships due to an extreme fear of abandonment. Someone with Autism may have unstable relationships due to differences in communication styles Someone with ADHD will have unstable relationships due to various circumstances: emotional regulation, executive functioning etc.
So really, the outward result may be the same, but the cause is different.
However, now, typically the main reason someone could have BPD is either due to extreme splitting, favorite person behavior, numbness and/or abandonment issues.
Dazai 100% has "favorite person" syndrome going on with Oda - the way he idealized Odasaku and then devalues everyone around him in comparison is pretty clinical - doesn't mean their relationship isn't lovely, but it's certainly something a therapist would take note of.
It's no shocker Dazai has unstable relationships, but we don't 100% know why he does what he does.
That's the whole thing Asagiri said - the character is meant to be like a donnut, where you don't really know what's in the middle - so it's extremely difficult to say which PD fits him for sure, probably even more difficult than the average neurodivergent character. In my opinion, several interpretations of Dazai are simultaneously valid due to the fact that you could assume multiple personal struggles within him, and come to a reasonable conclusion.
Does Dazai have abandonment issues? He says he always loses everything he wants, is EXTREMELY bitter over Ango, and definitely shows some levels of "splitting", especially in how he treats Oda vs Ango, Akutagawa vs Atsushi etc etc.
I'm pretty confident he has PTSD, and everything that comes with that. He certainly has a personality disorder too, due to the fact that a lot of his difficulties stem from his personality, and not just brain chemistry.
Kunikida says that most of his emotions "seem" like an act, which raises a lot of questions to what is even happening on the inside. Asagiri said Dazai is really only himself in front of people like Oda and Fyodor. That version of Dazai is...much less cheerful than with everyone else.
I don't personally think Dazai is autistic since he has a good hang on social cues and overall communication. Mamoru Miyano said PM Dazai was still learning to communicate with others back in his Dark Era days, but it wasn't that he couldn't do it - he was just not interested in learning it.
I feel like Asagiri gave Dazai this "unrealistic" trait of being primarily isolated because he's extraordinarily intelligent (which is not how geniuses tend to feel irl, most of the time) but I always feel like there is something more to it.
There is definitely some /disconnect/ between Dazai and "normal" people, where he doesn't fully seem to understand certain things, he falls short there. As someone who has CPTSD diagnosed, I get the impression he maybe has a similar thing going on as many of us: A extremely traumatic experience disrupted a lot of normal emotional and cognitive processes, and now he's both extremely hypervigilant and unable to snap out of that "shellshocked" state. He needs to "perform" conventionality, and being a normal person.
In one wan chapter, he "made a joke" that you start doing one bad thing after another, and suddenly you feel nothing at all. That's the trademark numbness in both CPTSD and BPD.
There was this TDIPUD moment where he talks about how a personality is just a bunch of unstable premises that survive to uphold the basic instincts of the human mind - but how it's easily destroyed for that reason. This is a scene where he tortures the guy, and I was like "wow, I really get it". Severe trauma can just destroy the very structure of your personality, because extreme pain just numbs everything within you. "You" as a person can't survive.
BPD is also related to an unstable sense of self - which could be connected to the former paragraph. Sometimes lowered empathy is also a byproduct of BPD, in fact, the thing is that both BPD and CPTSD come from trauma 99% of the time. They're shockingly similar disorders.
So, does Dazai have BPD? No idea. He could also be schizoid to some extent, which is funny, because Franz Kafka had this disorder, the author that inspired Asagiri's nickname.
For now, I'd just leave at he has CPTSD for sure
Most of these disorders are very broad descriptors, and it's difficult to label most humans in a way that will genuinely encompass what their experiences are. Most of the time, these diagnostics are used to match a person with the best treatment available, or to explain what they're going through - so I don't think there is a perfect diagnosis for Dazai aside from PTSD, but he's definitely extremely neurodivergent. Thanks for reading <3
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knightobreath · 1 year ago
Ok I gotta know
What’s your thoughts on that one anon (🐝)’s takes
context 1 and context 2
ohohohohhohohoohohohoh. ohohohoh. Well. Basically they're wrong about what headcanons ARE and how they work as a fan created thing. They also definitely need to examine why they feel the way they do about headcanoning characters as having marginalized identities. I wrote a whole essay on trans headcanons specifically under a similar ask and what I said can be easily applied to other aspects of headcanoning characters as minorities (i actually got a lot of the ideology for that essay from discussions of "blackwashing" in fandom)
some other things on what they said (warning: LONG)
My major issues with their thoughts on headcanons can be summed up with the essay i linked. im not going to be going into that stuff as deeply again because we would be here all day, so the rest is just specifics
"but i really hate it when people change pronouns of characters (IVE SEEN PEOPLE USE SHE/HER WHEN REFERING TO SILVER SPOON. LET THE MAN BE A MAN IF HE WANTS TO BE A MAN.)"
Silver Spoon, and other characters for that matter, are quite frankly not real and do not have actual desires or feelings that you can hurt. Also see my essay on trans headcanons.
"but what makes me the most furious is... people making characters autistic. nothing against autism, i understand that, but do you really need to make paper, fan, silver spoon, pen, etc. autistic just because they have specific interests or act... idk, just the way they act?! its just. it doesnt make sense to me."
Bee needs to examine why they feel the way they do about autistic headcanons. A majority of the times characters are being headcanoned as autistic, they're being headcanoned as that be actual neurodivergent people who seem themselves or their autistic friends in these characters or traits.
There are certainly some issues with certain aspects of autistic (or any other disability) headcanons, like infantilization, but Bee's issue seems to be the fact that there are a lot of characters being headcanoned. Which is just not a problem.
"hc's that dont affect story are fine, but ones that completely flip the story or ignore anything confirmed by the employees."
Headcanons are personal thoughts on the story and do not have any bearing on the story or how you interpret the characters. They are a fan creation like fanart or fanfiction.
"EX: "i headcanon that mic and knife are in a relationship!" that completely ignores the fact that some of the pride month art shows that knife is gay. Cakebrunch (official II storyboarder) confirmed that soap and mic are in a relationship."
Cakebrunch is not a writer and does not have any bearing on the written canon of the characters. Just because he works on the show does not mean his headcanons have any bearing on the canon.
"make as many autistic characters you want, yeah! its great to support autism! but you dont have to make every character autistic, okay? (directed towards people that hc lots of characters as autistic)"
Again, the people who are doing this are mostly autistic or otherwise neurodivergent. And they aren't "making" the characters autistic, they're depicting them as such. No harm in that.
Now for the ships ask.
This is less of my domain, as I'm not really a shipper and don't know much about romance and relationship dynamics but I will try.
Also like nothing against people who don't like shipping as a whole, I totally get it. I was in your boat before.
"i absolutely HATE osc ships. half of them are either "oh these characters dislike each other/disliked each other at one point" and the other half is "these two friends should date because theyre friends.""
and that leaves..... characters who haven't interacted?
honestly, if this was between real people that would be really disrespectful.
Except they're not, so it's completely fine. I have a feeling Bee was in an RPF heavy fandom before this one, this and the previous take about pronouns are common discourse points in those.
EX: Fantube. yeah, they tried to raise shimmer together and built bot, but platonic parents exist and CAN THEY JUST BE FRIENDS?! PLEASE?
Like headcanons, ships have no bearing on the canon and in canon they are just friends.
EX: Nickloon. ok, nickels trying to make up for being rude to balloon all throughout season two. but really? they dont have to date just because theyre friends, yknow. imagine someone saying "oh you and your best friend who you only platonicallly love- you should date!" to you. that'd honestly be rude.
They're not real so they can't experience this. Problem solved.
yeah, some ships are confirmed but thats different. EX: Knickle. offical II storyboarder Cakebrunch CONFIRMED theyre in a relationship. thats an official employee of the series saying that a ship is real. not some random person on TikTok saying that TennisGolf is canon because TB is GB's closest ally.
Again with citing Cakebrunch's fan stuff as canon. Interesting how they cited a storyboarder's fan works twice but failed to mention Balloon being arospec as said by a show creator in the nickloon section. While I have my thoughts on word-of-god confirmation, which I will not be getting into here, it is far more canon than any fanwork.
A lot of the rest of this is just confusion about why people ship things. This is different for each ship and each shipper, and if you're ever confused about where a ship came from you can just ask the shipper. There's usually a reason (and depending on who you ask, a whole essay) as to why a ship came about or how it would work. Sometimes though it is just for fun or comedy, and that's not really a bad thing. We're here to enjoy ourselves, after all.
One last thing though,
and dont get me started on those ships that throw certain characters in canon ships (looking at you, metallic salad/metallic salad + mephone shippers.) because like. why? certain characters have established relationships with others, and your just like "ohh well those two are in a relationship, but mic and knife are a cute ship so how about mic + knife + pickle? makes sense!" like. please.
I don't know much on dynamics and specifics (see: not much of a shipper) but from what I have seen of multiships and polyships, all the dynamics and how the characters would all work together is very much thought about.
Also knickle isn't canon and the people shipping knife x mic x pickle are also aware knickle isn't canon. Nobody is thinking of it like that.
Anyways, time for the conclusion.
Bee anon is fundamentally wrong about how fandom works. Headcanons and ships hold no baring on the canon or your interpretation of the canon. Fandom is a place where canon is transformed in fan works for the fan's enjoyment, it is not a place where canon is determined or changed. You can interpret a work however you please, you can even divorce it from fan works entirely if you wish. Bee also has some things they need to think about in regards to why they feel the way they do about queer and autistic headcanons.
Thanks for reading.
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