#central 46
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fanfictions-i-cant-write · 11 months ago
What if Aizen took a greater interest in Ichigo’s life? What if Ichigo survived the Grand Fisher attack because Aizen stepped in (after his mother's death) to protect him? This newly vulnerable child, now left with a neglectful father and more responsibility than a child of his age should have, is perfect for manipulation.
What if Aizen approached Ichigo a week or two after his mother's death and, having felt his potential, offered to train him and teach him how to tell apart the living and the dead and how to protect his precious sisters from the Hollows? Ichigo, drowning in grief and guilt, would accept this offer because why wouldn't he? Aizen then begins training him in Shinigami arts in secret and tells Ichigo of Soul Society of its many faults and failures.
Being more intelligent than people give him credit, Ichigo soaks up all this information like a sponge and is fully integrated into Aizen's plans before Rukia even arrives in the picture. When Rukia does arrive, Aizen has already instructed Ichigo to pretend to be ignorant of all things Shinigami, and being Aizen’s student, he is also rather good at performing.
What if Aizen instructed him to gain the Shinigami’s trust so he could see for himself the corruption of Soul Society, and at some point during the Winter War, the cards would be down? Ichigo has to choose between Aizen and Soul Society, and is it really even a choice?
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 1 year ago
Funny how the 'authority' in the heroes's side always end up most hated and more evil than the actual villains
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Do you think each time the new Central 46 starts acting up, Kyoraku goes like: "Well... We could always apply the Aizen Method™ if you have problems with what I'm asking you..."
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hopefulkidshark · 1 year ago
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Wisma 46, Business centre, Central Jakarta, Indonesia: Wisma 46 is a 261.9-meter tall skyscraper located in the BNI City complex at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 46-floor office tower features a 10 m antenna spire, and was completed in 1996 under the design by Zeidler Roberts Partnership (Zeidler Partnership Architects) and DP Architects Private Ltd. Wikipedia
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doomxdriven · 5 months ago
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——— You won't find the answer until you've killed everyone. [sketch by astay_y !]
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years ago
Kubo has stated that there are tenure and merit increases to Gotei Captain salaries. So like, do you think Shinji, Kensei, and Rose got to come in at their old salary, or did Yamamoto make them take the pay cut and start at Captain Step 1 Base Salary all over again?
I don’t know why I’m asking this; it’s definitely Option 2!
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recurring-polynya · 1 year ago
So, my children were challenging me to name Pokemon today and as I was doing my best (their standards are very high!!), my husband blurts out "Ambassador Seaweed." After I got done laughing so hard that I fell over, he then hits me with "So...when he says his own name, is it Byakuya doing a funny voice, or does he just say it in Byakuya's regular voice?" I replied that of course it's in Byakuya's regular voice, Byakuya would never do a funny voice.
Now, in the Halloween episode, Wakame Ambassador is very much played by Byakuya's voice actor, but they're also Doing A Bit based on the Renji-Byakuya fight. Then I remembered that the Ambassador also appears in BBS, and based on this video, he does very much just seem to just have Byakuya's voice.
This is honestly so upsetting.
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hxbiris · 2 months ago
Yaijime didn’t deserve to die. I swear.
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the-hoetei-13 · 11 months ago
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🏰 Central 46:
Rosie ☆ @bleach-your-panties ▪︎ server owner/admin/mod
Fra ☆ @sleepingpillscosmos ▪︎co-admin/mod
Nymph ☆ @nymphoheretic ▪︎mod
Star ☆ @hirak0s ▪︎mod
Dessy ☆ @linpunny ▪︎mod
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🏛1st Division:
🏛2nd Division:
🏛3rd Division:
🏛4th Division:
🏛5th Division:
🏛6th Division:
🏛7th Division:
🏛8th Division:
🏛9th Division:
🏛10th Division:
🏛11th Division:
🏛12th Division:
🏛13th Division:
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mystickingstuff · 7 months ago
Mayuri and Soi Fon should've died in TYBW.
Mayuri is their smart guy, and she's vulnerable with her bankai
Like... Wtf
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fanfictions-i-cant-write · 10 months ago
What if Central 46 feared the power Ichigo possessed in the final battle against Aizen and did not realise he was losing all his powers anyway? After the war, they decided to kidnap him, but with him being so popular now, they were worried that the wrong person would find out and try to mount a rescue for him. Therefore, they put him in the one place no sane person would ever want to go: Aizen’s cell.
For various reasons, they sealed Aizen to the front of the cross and Ichigo to the back and left them there.
When they both wake up, inevitably, there are a few heated discussions between the two, given that Aizen tried to destroy Kurakura town, and Ichigo stopped him. However, forced proximity and potentially infinite hours of only having each other force them to bond.
Not wanting to tell Aizen what victory cost him specifically, Ichigo tries to keep it secret that he’s losing his soul. However, he is in soul form, and while he might have been able to survive it in his human body, he doesn't have that to keep himself together.
Eventually, Aizen realises what is happening to Ichigo and feels sort of sad. He finally had someone who could have been his equal, and now they're dying.
Subtly, because that's Aizen’s way, he gives Ichigo small slivers of his Reiatsu, all without the other knowing or realising. It's enough to maintain Ichigo’s soul for a while but it's clear that Ichigo isn't going to survive this for long.
Ichigo starts sleeping longer and gets tired more easily, and one day, Ichigo breaks down crying with the knowledge that he will die down here in the darkness while his friends and family don't know what happened to him. Aizen continues to give Ichigo more of his Reiatsu, but it's like pouring water into a desert with your bare hands.
Yhwach arrives and gives his offer to Aizen, and for a moment, he considers it if only to get Ichigo out of his cell, but ultimately, he refuses. Ichigo doesn't have much left, and he’d rather not part with the man on poor terms. Ichigo probably wouldn't appreciate Aizen joining the one who has laid waste to Soul Society.
Shunsui arrives and partially unseals Aizen, but it is enough for him to escape from the cross and pull Ichigo from it.
Having not yet said a word to Shunsui, Aizen walks out of the darkness with the weak, emaciated form of Ichigo in his arms, wrapped up protectively in Aizen’s Reiatsu.
“Bring Ichigo’s friends,” Aizen orders Shunsui as he sits on the chair and lets the Shinigami bind him to it with Ichigo in his arms, but none can take Ichigo from him. “He will not die alone and forgotten in this cell.”
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 5 months ago
But, Soul Society would be far more annoying because they arent just humans with powers, but a supernatural organization that thinking they can dictate what is right and wrong and meddle
In the matters of crossover...
Soul Society does not understand diplomacy. They are 'supreme', absolute, greedy control freaks, and 'holders of balance' or that crap. They lack rivals and others group to keep them in line.
Many group/organizations/goverments in other shows/animes/series/movies like the Wizard World (both other coutries and families), Vongola, Amestris or even Konoha and Asoiaf has 'other factions' that aren't enemies. They cannot simply do whatever thay please. Soul Society would never let another Spiritual Faction exist outside their control (even if are peaceful doing nothing bad), they would refuse to be 'allies', would demand the other faction to bow or betray them. If they ever 'ally' with an group of another anime/show, they would demand them to be subordinades to Seireitei, obey everything they say and be killed once their usefulness run out. Arrogant at the point of foolishness.
Many 'crossovers' would end up with Soul Society getting in so much trouble because they refuse to talk to solve problem and follow laws and respect the local rulers and leaders, wrongly believing they have authority and jurisdiction over everything and everyone.
The Moral Myopia also. No loyality, no trust, no partnership, nothing. No one would ever want to help them or ally with them, they would try to 'arrest/execute' someone they think is 'different', Ichigo should have noped out of here fast.
Fix-Its with most fandons has politics and talking involved, Bleach ones are about destroying Seireitei cuz Soul Society are a Butch of Motherfuckers.
See Game of Throne for exemple, you have to be careful with no only your enemies, but your allies and subordinades too. Two of Robb Stark's greatest fuck ups are Rickard Karstark (subordinade Lord) and Freys (allies), the Lannisters too (Selmy, the Faith and Tyrion), also which decisions you make and how they affect the other groups (Ned Stark's execution was a reckless foolish action and even Tywin knows it), its so fucking easy to switch sides, your enemies may be more sensible and willing to listen to ours wishes, don't you think so?
This whole 'we have an common enemy' and 'you will help us or else' would never work on many characters like it did on Ichigo and his friends.
No one is going to obey/ally with you if they get nothing in turn/are treated badly/you attempt to make them subordinades instead of allies or something similar. Their attitude towards the Vizards, Bounts, Humans in general or anyone powerful and outside their control tell us an lot. In an crossover, they would attempt to kidnap, interrogate, steal, experiment and murder innocent people with no reason whatsover or commit fucking genocide against societies they consider threats. They did nothing to deserve loyality, refusing to help those who sacrificed so much for them, declaring they own people traitors out of blue (Rukia, Hitsugaya in Diamond Rebellion, fucking Orihime when she got kidnapped) and threatening Ichigo and his friends's often. (Poor Uryu)
I also kinda love the idea where the Hero (an minor, a fucking kid) that has his whole life planned for him to involve himself in an secret world and fight wars that are not his, to put his friend and family in danger for an butch of ungratefull assholes and there is an crossover where said Hero meets people from another Fandom and when the plot starts, he looks the group that wants him to fight for them (and he knows them for like...an hour) dead in the eyes and is like 'lol, nope fuckers, #notmywar, I have better shit to do'.
Its also easier to deal with them. A centralized power that have charisma of lettuce juice (Rukongai would turn against them if given chance), the 'smallfolk' of Soul Society hate then and the Shinigami didn't even try to make some propaganda (like nobles in medieval era giving the rest of the food from feasts so when a rebellion hist, the people would be more willing to hid/help them). Horizontal leadership is more difficult to deal with, independant factions even more.
So yeah, villains like Konoha or Amestris would be far more diffucult to deal with
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intotyun · 1 year ago
ik the reason why they cannot kill aizen is cuz of the hogyoku being fused with him but how did they come to that conclusion?? Is it because urahara told them it's not possible or did they have to do some looney ass toon execution on him but then it somehow didn't work??? Who or how did they change aizen clothes into a prison one??? I NEED ANSWERS
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years ago
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I can't recall it ever being shown before, but if they consulted Kubo for this new scene then I guess it confirms that the barracks go in a numerical, circular order 📝
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berrymascarpone · 2 years ago
While watching the latest episodes of TYBW, one detail caught my eye: the way that Rukia calls out the temperature as she lowers her body temperature. And when she does this, she uses…Celsius. Now, you might say that’s not too strange, all the reasonable countries use Celsius, but consider that Rukia is a near century old ghost, who before the series began hadn’t been to the living world since she died as a baby, and didn’t know how to use a straw when she first got there. So why would she use Celsius? And how does she know about Absolute Zero to the precise tenth of a degree?
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Well, you might say, she did spend a few weeks in human High School, where she learned how to drink juice out of a box, and maybe she learned how to measure temperature there. And absolute zero is definitely a high school chemistry topic. But then I looked back and found…
…when Yamamoto used his bankai, he specifically mentions that it’s 15 million degrees (Celsius, presumably), aka the temperature of the core of the sun. (I looked it up, he says 15 million degrees specifically in the Japanese version too, so it’s not a translation thing)
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Why does Yamamoto use Celsius??? He’s over a thousand years old, and a cursory google search shows that Anders Celsius, the inventor of the Celsius unit of measurement, lived in the 1700s. So Yamamoto must have picked it up sometime after then, but how? I find it hard to imagine that the Captain Commander himself ever goes to the living world short some major emergency like Aizen’s coup, and in that case when would he have time to catch up on the latest scientific advancements?
Perhaps the 12th Squad or some other squad (maybe Ukitake’s 13th?) that is more familiar with the living world holds regular seminars to update shinigami on the modern world? Does Yamamoto also attend occasionally? Or, is there some other way for the living world to seep in to the afterlife? Some subconscious transference that means shinigami and the citizens of Rukongai too, somehow gain knowledge of the living world through a kind of osmosis? Yhwach is able to absorb and redistribute knowledge, power, etc. of the Quincy, so perhaps the Soul King, being Yhwach’s father, has a similar ability?
Also, how does Yamamoto even know how hot he is? He probably hasn’t used this technique since the last time he fought Yhwach, which is definitely before the invention of Celsius degrees, and probably before humans measured the temperature of the sun. And I don’t think he’s the type to humor any 12th division offers to measure his temperature either. Maybe he just pulled the number out of his ass because it sounded cool, since if he really were the temperature of the sun, Seireitei would probably be literal ash.
Anyways to summarize, here are the theories:
1. That Rukia or some low level shinigami went to the human world and learned about this cool new way of measuring temperature, and the knowledge somehow filtered up to Yamamoto (though I wouldn’t put it past, say, Ukitake to bring it up in a meeting sometime)
2. That Celsius degrees were invented separately in Soul Society, and they also discovered absolute zero
3. That somehow the knowledge filtered in to soul society through osmosis, maybe through recently deceased human souls, or through some other mysterious soul king related metaphysics.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years ago
I was thinking about how it's cool Rukia and Renji's bankai are pretty complementary in terms of making a good battle couple. Renji has always been a straight-to-bankai sort of guy, which makes sense. In the grand scheme of bankai, his isn't the most powerful or the most destructive, but it doesn't have any detrimental area effects and he can use it for a long time. Rukia's on the other hand, is very powerful, but it's only good for a very short time, and it leaves her vulnerable. Fighting together, she can back up Renji with kidou support or her shikai attacks, and then he can give her cover while she transitions in and out of bankai, if needed. This is a lot more fun, imo, than say, Kyouraku and Ukitake, who are both so hesitant to go to bankai that we never even see Ukitake's. (and maybe this works for them, given that they are side characters and the most senior in Soul Society, that their powers get the super slow burn reveal)
That being said, Renji and Byakuya's partnership works much the same way-- Byakuya's bankai isn't quite as perilous as Rukia's, but he tends to save it (my headcanon is actually that he can't go straight to bankai, he has to sort of build up momentum, so to speak). I'm not gonna lie, the scene early in the TYBW anime where Renji pins As Nodt with Zabimaru and then Byakuya slams him in the face with petals was one of the most satisfying moments of the anime so far.
All this is to say that for the approximately 1,000,000 characters Kubo crammed into Bleach, it's a real shame that he couldn't have developed an interesting side character that we might say "hell yeah!" to see stepping into place as Rukia's lieutenant post-time skip. I mean, not to diss Sentarou, but 98% of his job seems to be clownery and the other 2% is carrying heavy things. Would it have killed Kubo to let him do something during the Blood War? (him and Kiyone both, tbh) I honestly don't think it would have been too much to ask to see his shikai, if he's going to eventually be the battle partner of the series' deuteragonist. I dunno, I also just think it would have been cool for Rukia to have another friend in Soul Society besides her love interest and her brother. There's Hanatarou, I suppose, and on one level, I would love to see him as Rukia's no. 2, but he so thoroughly attached to the Fourth, and also his shikai is too gimmicky for a serious character.
Flaming hot cheetos take I just came up with: Ganju should have had grudgingly join the Gotei after the Soul Society arc and come around on Rukia after learning what Kaien meant to her, and then eventually taking over his brother's job. I mean, Kubo liked him enough to write him into the TYBW, an arc that definitely did not need more characters in it than it already had.
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