#cc lapis
viaphni · 2 months
i have been drawing. a LOT
Here are some highlights from recently (oldest to newest)
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kanonbreakerz · 3 months
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Credits: @iowaisms, @icchixxxxxx1, @nell-le, @saruin, @mochizencc, @rimings, @mmsims, @northernsiberiawinds, murphy-sims, sayoko, elliesimple
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rosenight143 · 1 year
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I am just going to leave this here
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cursed-collective · 2 months
Guys I had a consistent posting schedule and then something happened. I am not trying to be ominous I genuinely have clue O.o
Anyways...Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, hope everyone is doing ok!
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charismatictrait · 11 months
135 hairs in afterglow
just dumping this huge ass folder of afterglow hairs, these are all the hairs i've done (besides the alpha edits i've made that i need to upload individually). if u need a preview here:
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Download here! (list + credits under the cut)
credits: @rented-space , TNW, @redsimmer-blog, @yakumtsaki, @trappingsims2, @buckleysims, @memento-sims, @coloresurbanos, @arethabee, @falkii, @mazexworld, @miniculesim, buckgrunt, @bustedpixels, @hazelpuff, @clumsyalienn, automaticme, curiousxsubject, @wistfulpoltergeistrgeist, @deedee-sims, @xxblacksims, @applewatersugar, @platinumaspiration, @serenity-cc, @analog-mothman, @okruee, @simandy, @simborg, @simstrouble, @uxji, @delcowebneytwo, @wildpixel, @withlovefromsimtown, Aelia, Ale312, Agustin, @fanseelamb, anto/alesso/coolsims, Bucket, @powerpcinside, @casual-sims, @goatskickin, yoshiatsu, @elexissims, Zauma, funnyycats, Ginko, @martinimyb, @profesionalpartyguest, @goingmintal, jessi, newsea, @kewai-dou, @alanna-goth, lamz, lapis-lazuli, @pforestsims, vidcunds, lidiqnata, marko, @mdpthatsme, mistyblue, mullatto (on imvu i think?), @amauryhairslayer, Myos, Kale, Miki, Nightcrawler, @entropy-sims, Nouk, cheesecake-twins, Peggy, Raon, @s1ndle, @sclub-privee, rosesims, skysims, @evannamari, puchamicii, ulker, wingssims, chanelwwww, sussi, the77sim3, momosims, modishkitten, kijiko, jakea, grimcookies, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @nonsensical-pixels, cupidily, lucassims, frauhupfner, luutzi, @marsosims, oepu, @ethernalic and @julietoon-ts2
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for the hair database: every hair here is retextured in afterglow (including the clay ones)
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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The Journeys of Paul the Apostle
The journeys of Paul the Apostle, as the New Testament relates in the Book of Acts, started with his conversion experience on the way to Damascus, after which instead of seeking to thwart the growing Christian movement, he helped spread it. His four journeys by land and sea across great lengths of the Mediterranean and over vast expanses of land in Asia and Europe totaled over an estimated 16,000 km (10,000 mi).
The Journeys of Paul the Apostle, c. 55 CE
Simeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-ND)
Paul's First Missionary Journey
After persecution in Jerusalem, Antioch was one of the places to which Christians fled, and it was from there Paul began his first missionary journey. Annexed by Pompey the Great in 64 CE and made the Roman provincial capital of Syria, with an estimated population of 250,000, Antioch was one of the primary cities of the East, along with Alexandria and Constantinople. Located at the northeast end of the Mediterranean on the Persian Royal Road, Antioch benefited from its location at the end of the Silk Road and its proximity to Greece, Anatolia, and Italy. As Hughs and Jones mention, not only was "its wealth derived from being a center of civil, military, and later ecclesiastical administration of much of the Near East but also from its position on the commercial road from Asia to the Mediterranean" (103).
Besides its own wine and olive oil production and as a center for the fulling of cloth products, silk from China, lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, dye-works from the Levant, and weaved silk from Damascus could all have found their way through Antioch for distribution throughout the northern Mediterranean areas. As it lay on the Orontes River and at the edge of a fertile plain, Antioch communicated commercially with the harbor of Seleucia 26 km (16 mi) downstream on the Mediterranean. As common travelers in ancient times hitched their rides on merchant vessels, the water portion of Paul's trip was aboard a cargo ship performing trade transactions. Thus, it was at Seleucia that Paul boarded a cargo ship to the province of Asia, stopping at the island of Cyprus.
Cyprus, with a prominent location at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, was also known for its wine and olive oil production. A scenario for trade would have been a combination of Eastern goods loaded alongside refined and agricultural products accumulated at Antioch. Then, with a stop at Cyprus for partial distribution, Cyprus' products would have been added for final distribution in Asia.
With fellow evangelist Barnabas and Barnabas' nephew, John Mark, Paul first landed at Salamis on the eastern end of Cyprus after leaving the port city of Seleucia and sailing west toward Asia. Like with many of his subsequent stops, Paul first visited the local synagogue, attempting a conversion of the Jews to Christianity. From Salamis, heading west, walking nearly the length of Cyprus, Paul and Barnabas came to Paphos, their point of departure for Asia. At Paphos, the proconsul Sergius Paulus would become a convert.
Paul the Apostle's First Missionary Journey (c. 46-48 CE)
Simeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-ND)
Heading to Asia from Cyprus, Paul's ship stopped at Perga in Pamphylia, in southwestern Turkey today. From Perga, John Mark departed for Jerusalem as Paul and Barnabas pressed on into Asia. At their first stop in Antioch of Pisidia, at the synagogue, Paul preached the history of Israel as he weaved in the story of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth, said to be a descendant of David, as the resurrected Savior, son of God. Though Paul and Barnabas initially gained Jewish and Gentile converts, a faction of opposing Jews expelled them from the city.
At Iconium, with similarly mixed results on learning of a plot to kill them, Paul went on to Lystra. As many in Lystra were worshipers of gods and their idols, Paul preached they should turn from worshiping "things" to worshiping the "living God" (Acts 14:15). When some hostile Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over, both groups stoned Paul. Thinking he was dead, they dragged Paul to the outskirts of the city. When some brethren came to retrieve the body, remarkably Paul had recovered and went back into town. The next day, Paul traveled east for Derbe. With his mission ending on a more positive note, large numbers rallied at Derbe to Paul's message. Deciding to head home, retracing their steps through Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, after appointing elders in each church, the apostles went on to Perga; then, after preaching there a bit, they boarded a ship for a short junket west to the port city of Attallia, then from there they sailed back to Seleucia, then traveled up along the Orontes to Antioch.
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thebleedingwoodland · 3 months
Hi indo simmer here, I wonder why you never make an edible/functional food anymore?
Hai juga @lovrdarts Jadwalku sibuk sebetulnya. Ini aja aku lagi sempet-sempetin buat CC sebelum aku balik lagi ke dunia nyata atau main game lain tapi yang diprioritaskan yang penting-penting dulu. Belakangan lagi buat default replacement untuk budaya China/Tiongkok di Sims 3 karena representasi budaya China dibuat EA hancur banget. Kalau makanan aku prioritasin versi dekor tapi non-functional ya. Karena aku orang designer, bukan modder. Buat modding pun yang simpel-simpel saja.
Dulu tahun 2018 an aku sudah buat banyak makanan yang bisa dimakan alias edible yang memakai script buatan NonaMena, itu script cloning-an dari Dry Food-nya Expansion Pack World Adventures. Menurutku segitu sudah kebanyakan, jadi belum ada mood atau niat untuk buat makanan edible baru lagi. Kalau kamu sebelumnya sudah atau belum tahu, ini daftar makanan edible buatanku.
Hi too @lovrdarts My schedule has been really tight recently. I create CC In my limited spare time before I'm going back to real life or playing other games, but sure I prioritize the most important first. For food CC, I prioritize making the decoration version of them but non-functional. Because I am a designer, not a modder. Even though I create mods but I'm only able to create simple mods.
In year 2018 I created a lot of edible food CC using NonaMena's script which the script is cloned from World Adventures Expansion Pack's Dry Food. I think I had created a lot of edible food CC at that time. I don't have enough mood or intention to make new edible food CC recently. Just in case If you know or don't know, here is list of my own creation of edible food CC.
Edible Chicken Nugget
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2. Edible Kue Lapis & Kue Lapis Legit
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3. Edible American Fried Chicken
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4. Edible Zongzi
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5. Edible Martabak Manis
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6. Edible Tempe
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rewindremi · 4 months
im so lucky jason&lapis are cc w me right now. i was abt to start biting the next person to talk to us
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star-mail · 2 years
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hihi o/
new to tumblr :] kind of 
im an artist! (and cc) i mostly draw owlhouse, lapis smp, hermitcraft, other cartoons etc :D
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viaphni · 5 months
Nonononono why isn't anybody talking about this WHY ISN'T ANYBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS
Lapis says "COME ON!" and it triggers something in Diamond and he doesn't know why. It gives him bad memories with no source and no familiarity, nothing to pull from or gain in their presence
He doesn't know why it makes him feel that way
And what he doesn't remember is the way Balance always said that, that was Balance's catchphrase, that was funny! It was a joke! It was supposed to be a good laugh for everyone something to recall--
But for Diamond, it was murdering Bedrock, the power of Origin, of GOD, surging through him in a firey rage. For Diamond it was the argument in front of the King's Auditorium, "Pain is a teacher, Diamond," for him it was Abe dying and then turning out to be never dead at all, only gone in betrayal, for Diamond it was Origin sculpting him like a statue and chipping away all of the undesirable memories and moments and forming him back into nothing over and over, erasing every lesson and every loss
For Diamond that WAS the loss
AND DIAMOND HAS THE CAPABILITY TO SENSE THAT??????? He has the ability to recognize familiarity in things?? He?? Origin allowed that to happen????
is Origin's manipulation falling out of maintenance? Could this relate to the theory that he's become Chaotic??? Why Is Nobody Talking About This This Is Huge
im losing my marbles over this WDYM HES RESISTING THE POWER OF GOD 💀💀💀
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qserasera · 2 years
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these sunlit days our hands engrave   by lady_peony
"You would not ask for such a thing without offering anything in return. Is that not so?" The Emperor's voice echoes throughout the room, with a weight in each syllable that simply compels attention without rigid demand.  
"Yes." Childe lowers his head just an inch with the answer. Then with his head still bowed, he lifts his gaze, the light in them a little too close to the edge of fearlessness for a place like court. "Whether it is a sharp pen or a sharp sword you need in your hand—let me serve you in whatever manner you see fit, until my wish is fulfilled." 
An AU in which Ajax never falls into the Abyss and Rex Lapis rules an underground kingdom    
(other image credits are listed below the read more)
[first row, middle image] "Over view of the Forbidden City from the NE corner looking south" by Can Pac Swire is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
[first row, third image at the right] "Back Mountain - Mount Huangshan - China" by virtualwayfarer is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.  [middle row, first image] "File:Northern Song, Emperor Qin Zong - Jing Kang Yuan Bao.jpg" by Gohyuloong is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.  [middle row, third image to the right] "Fishing at Jade Belt Bridge, Summer Palace, Beijing" by Dimitry B is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 
remaining images are from in-game footage or the public domain of the Met Museum’s art collection
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randomwords247 · 10 months
Oh right I forgot I was gonna say, I think it's really sick and cool that they've been able to make a public lifesteal server!! I hopped on and played for an hour or two last night
However I got so caught up in the excitement of public lifesteal, I forgot what lifesteal was.
I got in and like got a decent amount of cool loot including a diamond helmet! Left a dungeon and was instantly chased down by a player in fully enchanted diamond gear. Tried to pearl away and hide in a water cave and got killed. No words exchanged, nothing
Cuz it's kill or be killed. I also right after (with not even starter gear or armour) got killed by a player who in the safe zone had done the shifting peace sign and gave me a piece if lapis, only to be killed by them instantly once I got outta safe zone.
I forgot I'm not personally a fan of like faction servers and the like, being at the whim of being killed by any passing player with no words given by either party. And like, I think that is a pitfall of a public server of that nature so I wanna talk about it quickly
With lifesteal, the CCs are friends, there's VCs and deals done and there's a lot more communication
With a public server you lose that, any player is just an extra heart, an extra kill. You don't know them and there may not be any guilt cuz to you, it's just another kill. Its kill or be killed and anyone seen will be killed on sight. Rather than negotiating, talking as you approach, trapping, etc that's in a private friend's server. It's different, but its difficult to avoid this pitfall in a public server. Honestly likely unavoidable
I really enjoyed playing the life series me and my friends did because we were friends in that, and there was guilt, there were traps, tricks, rather than just. Seeing a player and killing them
I'm really happy for the lifesteal crew that they've been able to do this and I do think its really cool, it's just not my personal cup of tea in server types. I'd absolutely be down for like a lifesteal between friends, like an unofficial server with a similar gimmick, but a public one with no prox chat or VC or knowing anyone definitely isn't the type of server I personally enjoy. I've never been one for faction servers
But if you are, definitely go and check it out! I don't wanna discourage anyone I just wanted to ramble a bit :D
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cursed-collective · 3 months
Guys :( our bestie just sent us the SWEETEST video that they edited. We love him sm /p
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c-wilbursoot · 1 year
Hullo! Welcome to our humble little blog.
We're the Solar System, or Solaris, collectively. (Any pronouns are collectively are fine, we use they the most) This is a blog for all the Wilbur introjects in our system (Primarily c!wilbur but we've a cc! or two floating around in here somewhere)
We aren't particularly well versed Tumblr wise, we've floated around here for years, but it's our first go at proper posting things. Hopefully we'll get the hang of all this soon!
On that note, m not really all sure what to put into an intro post, but I think frequent fronters is relatively customary?
Im Wren, one of our L'manburs, an organizer in our system. Probably fairly fitting that I got chosen to do the intro post for us.
My signoff is 🪶✉️ My Pronouns are He/Sun
Otherwise other people that'll probably be common on here ah
Rosette comes up very often, essentially just from very early dsmp/pre-dsmp? He's an absolute sweetheart, adores anyone sbi based
His signoff is 🏵🎸 Their pronous are He/They
Lapis is common too, just a general comfort for us, somewhere between a caretaker and a soother I believe? Wool was our very first Wilbur introject actually! A ghostbur, they're an absolute sweetheart as well
Wools signoff is 🎶 Their pronouns are They/Wool (Occasionally they'll use he, depending on the day? But that's up to them)
Oh Lament is almost always up, him and our host may as well be glued to eachother. They're a pogbur, but now with more ~therapy~ (The *look* I just got for that haha)
His signoff is 🎻 And their pronouns are He/They
Icarus is also almost always up, one of our reviveburs. He's taken on a few roles, a bit of an organizer like me, somewhat of a caretaker, jack of all trades like.
Flames signoff is ☀️🕯️ Suns pronouns are They/He/Sun/Flame
Monarch isn't quite as common as the others, but still fairly frequent. Shapeshifter Wilbur! Talk to her about the ocean he loves the ocean so very much, they're very commonly an orca siren out of any of their forms, talk to him about orcas.
Her signoff is 🦋🪞 Their pronouns are Any pronouns!
That's probably enough listed, I believe. Enjoy your stay in our little corner of Tumblr!
Oh right! Our Dream Introjects have a blog as well! @c-dreamwastaken
-Wren, signing off! 🪶✉️
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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Sorry for food spam (hehehe) & Work In Progress
Heavy raining in my country and what I’ve done on this weekend is eating and making Sims CC. 
1. I cooked Western food too. Mac & Cheese. Feels very The Sims 2 food. With additional a bowl of pork ham soup, brand Plumrose from Australia. 
2. Traditional Indonesian cakes. Kue Kayu Manis (Cinnamon bread with Almond topping), Kue Lapis (Green black layered cake made with glutinous rice flour), Roti Pawa goreng (Fried bread with meat filling)   
3. 蕉葉糯米雞 Lo Mai Gai with pork filling. 
4. 鳳爪蒸腸粉 Feng Zhua Zheng Chang Fen (Chicken Feet with Rice Noodles). 
5. MAMEE X DAEBAK (대박 ) GHOST PEPPER Korean ramen style instant noodles brand from Malaysia, with taste of Indonesian instant noodles. Very spicy. 
6. Pork luncheon brand from Shanghai, China. Ma Ling (梅林午餐肉)。 
7 & 8. Ghost Pepper noodles with fried Ma Ling pork luncheon. 
Below are proof of my mesh work in progress for Indonesian food. 
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Adding Ambient Occlusion, textures, normal map, roughness  
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thekinarchives · 2 years
OH WHAT A FUN QUESTION! The first two I think of most probably would assume I kin based on my kinlist + general vibe are Lapis Lazuli (su) and Starlight Glimmer (mlp) but I ended up being Jasper, and Trixie Lulamoon + Sunset Shimmer, Starlight and Lapis are huge comfort characters for me instead, and have been since I got into the sources many moons ago. I relate to them a lot still, especially in their traumas, but that's why my attachment to them is so strong. I see myself in them so much it's comforting and they helped through a lot of emotional issues, but, for one reason or another they're not me. As a sweet addition, I met my girlfriend when Lapis and Starlight were some of her biggest! and I think that's cute of us ♡
people probably expected me to be Claudine (revstar) and Apple White (eah) but nope! I'm actually Darling Charming and Maya Tendou. and both make sense when you think about it in context to me but it's still kinda silly. Idk if this is exactly what you wanted because all 4 instances for me are ccs instead of just random characters i didn't kin but i hope it was fun insight nonetheless! 🌺
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