#cay u did so good
skelekins · 9 months
;w; love that everyone is losing it over Bal Sans bc he keeps showing up on my dash
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moonrisecoeur · 3 months
heheheheheh re6 vampirehunter!leon meeting vampire!user and he’s like so cocky and arrogant only to be absolutely ruined and submissive to vampire!user i’m giggling n twirling my hair
omg anon sorry this took so long to answer i had to wait until my brain was working again but like. wow. love this concept!! i feel like i might have seen this before i think it might have been a cai bot??? not sure but whatever the case u are so big brain
i lowkey kinda hate this but i hope u don't lol
his whole life he's been taught to kill a vampire on sight, no exceptions. they kill innocent people!! and steal their blood!! so obviously being the selfless hero that leon is, he takes up the role as a vampy hunter and tries to keep his village safe. he's killed dozens of vampires in his life, keeping his family and friends safe. he doesn't care that it's a risky profession. he has people to protect.
but when he hears rumors of a vampire living on the outskirts of town, in an abandoned building that no one dared to enter, he knew it was his job to take care of this vampire.
and yet he goes to find them and they are just absolutely not what he expected. most vampires try to be all sultry and seductive to distract him, or some become violent right away. but this one, you, just spoke to him like a regular person.
"stay where you are," he says, his silver dipped knife to your throat.
'come now, human boy. let's not good too ahead of ourselves' the last one had said to him. they taunted him, tried to seduce him.
"i don't understand why you are after me. i haven't killed a human in... hundreds of years," you say to him, letting him keep you in a vulnerable position. there's this air of arrogance to you that leon can't help but despise.
"you're a vampire."
"and yet, you humans only seem to come after me."
"i am not going to be swayed with words," he scowls, "you're a monster."
"then why haven't you killed me yet?" you tilt your head back to gaze at him, glaring to be more precise, but you weren't planning on him being so attractive. when did human men get so pretty?
he blinks, almost confused. he expected a bit more effort to get away, but it almost seemed like you knew he wouldn't.
and, for some reason he can't describe, he eventually releases you, and you immediately struggle for the knife, throwing it to the other side of the room, and within a millisecond he's underneath you, your glaring red eyes peering down at him. he's not showing it, but he's petrified.
"this is... much more comfortable," you chuckle.
"wait, shit, i'm sorry, please don't..." he stuttered. poor thing, he's actually scared.
your fangs are inches away from his neck and he seem to be begging with his eyes for you to please, oh god please have mercy on him. he looks so ripe for the taking, it would be so easy to pierce his skin with your fangs and just... just ruin him. leave his body a lifeless corpse... or potentially make him like you. that would be a perfect irony, wouldn't it? a vampire hunter being turned into a vampire? how tragic.
he can't help the sob that escapes him, "please, i- i don't want to die.." he cries.
and you know what? maybe he's doing it to get your guard down, feed your ego. i mean, he obviously knows yours is large. and yet... some part of you thinks it's not an act, that he's genuinely scared. but whatever the case, it does feed your ego.
"will you be good, human?"
he nods, desperately, afraid for his life. and when you get off of him, and offer him a hand to get back up, he doesn't know whether to be wary or grateful, or both.
your arrogance makes you... hard to get along with, but leon can tell you're much more powerful than any of the vampires he's killed in his entire life.
but he supposes you're not completely awful. you didn't kill him. you let him escape the first time, clutch his sliver knife to his chest as he ran out of your home. you eye him cautiously. something in you.... liked that human boy.
he returns again, this time to apologize. he felt the need to kill you because you were a vampire even though you weren't threatening anyone. you were oddly docile for such a scary, and insanely powerful vampire. you were truly nothing he'd seen before.
this time, though, he doesn't hold a knife to your neck, instead just nervously wandering around the place you have made your home. it's almost sad to him how lonely you must be.
in any case, even a human man trying to kill you counts as company, so you haven't been completely against his presence in your life.
plus, when you finally do end up seducing him, as he knew you would. he's incredibly pliable, somewhat nervous, and while obedience doesn't seem to come easy to him, you make it easy for him.
andddddd then u proceed to fuck his brains out until he can't do anything but lie there uselessly while you suck the blood out of his body but i digress.
you obvi try not to kill him when you take his blood but he's so yummy!! how could you not!! such a delicious little human.
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She finds out about it a few weeks after her classes start. It happens by chance, and almost seems too good to be true.
But it's not.
The University of Illinois does actually have its own newspaper for gays and lesbians. It exists, made explicitly for them, by them.
And Robin needs it.
It requires some snooping, though it's basically nothing after everything she did at Starcourt. Soon enough, she is $8.50 ($7.50 for a yearly subscription and $0.5 each for the two previous issues) poorer in dollars and infinitely richer in happiness.
People Like Us: News, opinions, and features for the C-U gay and lesbian community it says on the front page. Issues 2 and 3 are both 8 pages long while the first issue is slightly shorter. They have everything. News about marches in Chicago and local gay-friendly businesses. Opinion pieces on places to meet up and homophobia. Roommate ads, reviews, and personal stories. News about AIDS. And, in the very back, a blurb proclaiming LESBIAN CONTRIBUTORS WANTED.
Maybe that'll be her one day. She's no Nancy, but she can write. For now, though, she's content with reading. It's almost overwhelming to hold the papers, knowing that it's made by people like her. That someone like her might be reading the same words at the same time. Less lonely, in a way.
No one else on campus knows about her. Ellen, her dorm mate, seems fine so far, but Robin won't take her chances just yet. She struck gold with Steve, Eddie, and the kids, but someday her luck will run out. So she hides the issues in a hard folder under her mattress whenever she isn't reading.
Then she gets the October issue in her hand and nearly dies of excitement. On the front page, the news section is announcing that "two highly acclaimed gay/lesbian films are set to appear on campus this month". The groundbreaking Desert Hearts and Parting Glances will be screened four times each, one week apart from each other, at the end of the month.
At her first opportunity, she calls and tells Steve about it.
"You have to come and see them with me!" she says. "I can't go alone!"
So he does, and he barely complains about the 3-hour drive.
On Sunday, October 19, he shows up at 7 in front of her building. They catch up while having a bite to eat before the film. It's mostly her talking, blabbing about classes and professors and new people and Illinois and the college experience while he chews his half of the pizza, staring at her with big eyes that scream I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!
She takes every chance she gets to knock their feet together under the table and clutches his arm on their way to the film. Just in case her own eyes don't scream it back loud enough.
By the time Desert Hearts starts, she's giddy. She knows only what the newspaper told her: that it's about a soon-to-be-divorced college professor meeting a lesbian country girl in Reno in the 50s, and that it includes a 'climactic lovemaking scene'. Both facts have her squirming with excitement, her seat squeaking beneath her.
The lights go out and the movie starts. It's slow-paced and atmospheric, using the Nevada scenery to its advantage. Parts of it are actually really slow, but she doesn't mind, especially not as it builds and builds toward Vivian ultimately accepting her attraction to Cay.
Steve is with her from beginning to end, scoffing at the antagonistic stepmother, squeezing her hand when the lovers are separated, and squeezing some more when they're reunited. When they reach the intimate scene, he gasps loudly. Then both of them succumb to a giggle fit and must stifle themselves lest they be thrown out. The newspaper was right – it is pretty hot stuff.
There's no dramatic declaration of love at the end, no the ending is as slow and quiet as the rest of it. Still, it hits hard. A sledgehammer to the chest, shattering her ribs and smearing her heart all over. Because these women look each other in the eyes and say 'I love you'. They say 'I want you'. They say 'she just reached in and put a string of lights around my heart', and they say it like it's normal. Which, Robin knows it is. But her world is small and their world is the silver screen and they say it like it's normal.
Steve turns to her when the credits roll and the lights come back on, saying it was good. But when she looks at him, his face falls. Arms wrapping around her, he pulls her into his lap and guides her face into the crook of his neck. Fingers cramping where they clutch his shirt, she buries herself deep and cries, cries, cries. She thinks she hears someone ask if she's okay, but Steve shoos them off, so it doesn't matter.
He walks her home in comfortable silence. As they stop outside her building he tucks her hair behind her ear and offers to stay with her. But she tells him no – he has work in the morning, so she'll have to make do without him.
The responsible thing to do after waving him off is go to bed, wake up early for class. Instead, she steers her step to the nearest payphone and punches in a California number. Minutes later she's got Vickie on the line, wondering if she's okay and if she's been crying. Robin reassures her, then recounts the evening. Soon Vickie's bell of a laughter envelops her; they discuss who's the Cay to whose Vivian until Robin runs out of coins.
Next week, Steve is back and they do it all over again, except this time they eat burgers. They even snatch the same seats they had the previous screening.
Parting Glances follows a gay couple for 24 hours of their daily life. Because they're established, their intimate scene happens much earlier. Steve's muttering about how unfair it is that it's less explicit than the lesbian scene has pride burn in her chest, even as she shushes him.
All in all, it's a really good film. It doesn't hit her as hard since it's about gay men and no lesbians, but it still hits. Again, because it's presented as something normal. They're people in love, and they have jobs and problems and dreams and friends. The hardest hit of them all is Nick, who has AIDS but not in a pitiful way. He's a rockstar with a sense of humor, still cool and charismatic. Sexy, even, thanks to the oozing confidence and the intensity of his gaze.
Steve is quietly contemplative on the way out. She slips her hand into his and lets him think. It's first when they're halfway home that she breaks the silence. Spinning so she's walking backward in front of him, him holding her waist to steer her away from lampposts and curbs, she asks:
"Did you like it?"
"I did. But it left me a little sad." He shrugs. "I just hope Nick survives and gets back together with Michael."
She chews the inside of her cheek. "I don't know if… I mean, AIDS is-"
"I know, Robbie, I'm keeping myself up to date. Or I try. It's just… It's very…" Steve sighs, shaking his head. "You know."
And she does know. The fear of being targeted and the frustration of being helpless. The fury of knowing diseases are supposed to be cured, until the ones affected are people who aren't supposed to exist in the first place.
Steve says, "I think he'll be okay. Nick."
"Yeah," she says, a little choked up.
"And he and Michael will be happy."
"And Cay will stay on the train, or Vivian will return to Nevada, and they'll be together. For real."
"They will. And even if they don't," she reaches up to cup his cheeks, caressing his stubbled jawline, "they'll have someone else. Someone just as good. Or better."
His gaze on her is heavy and bright, boring through, seeing inside. He nods.
"Or better," he says.
With that, he grabs and swings her around (in a pretty impressive move, not that she'll admit it to him) until she's latched onto his back. Then he carries her home.
It's maybe 50 degrees out, so not freezing but enough to leave you shivering if your jacket is old and getting threadbare, like Robin's. She's not cold, though, because Steve always runs hot. His back is firm and his grip on her thighs is secure; she burrows into him, absorbing his warmth and familiar scent. Lulled, not to sleep per se, but to rest by his even strides, she dreams of all the beautiful things she wants to have, and even more vividly of the things she wants to keep.
People Like Us was a real newspaper. You can find the issues that helped inspire this fic here.
(Oh, and you should really watch both those films if you haven't already.)
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kunikame · 8 months
[05] - perhaps he's into you ! | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, miss-spellings in the tweets & texts, slight lilia lore spoilers, common jamil and azul behavior ("kys" used 2 times) ! w/c : 1k
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when lilia vanrouge says he's coming over, he usually appears approximately 20 seconds after he warned you of his upcoming arrival, dressed in his dorm uniform.
tonight, however, your favorite fae-stie barely gives you a second to prepare before he appears in your room in a puff of green mist and his pink silky pajama set (yes, the one much like shaggy wore in the loch ness monster scooby-doo movie, just in pink). 
"what's up what's up what's uuup~!" he sing-songs, dropping down gracefully on the edge of your bed.
"hi, lils. cater?"
"on his way, do not fret. i brought some diasomnia snacks! and–"
"did you make them."
"no, he did not," said a monotone voice from somewhere. upon realizing it was not lilia who spoke, you turn toward the source, only to see malleus draconia (alias hornton) in the flesh, causing you to very nearly die of a heart attack.
okay, you might be over exaggerating. a little.
"--and malleus, i hope you don't mind. he wanted to join 'girls' night," the musician grins.
“nah, he’s welcome to join any time, i’m just not quite sure he’ll find it entertaining,” you say as you turn to look at the raven haired fae, “make yourself at home, hornton. i’ll go get the drinks and wait for cay.”
you spot grim playing with the resident ghosts in the living room area on your way to the (severely run down) kitchen. before you can even fully step into the room, you hear a few light knocks on the door and take a sharp turn towards the entrance instead. what greets you there is a heavily shaking individual known as cater diamond dressed in only his pajamas, carrying some baked goods (courtesy to trey) and his phone.
“w-what’s up what-’s up what’s u-u-uup?!”
a beat of silence passes and you momentarily consider just shutting the door in his face because how and why the fuck are riddle rosehearts and deuce spade also here. you can handle malleus, he’s much like a pet rock, but riddle in the same room with lilia and cater? you think your hair might start graying a bit early.
“riddle and deuce! what are you guys doing here?” you step aside to let them in with a strained smile only to glare daggers at your good friend behind their backs.
“cater insisted i come along and ‘hang out’ with ‘the girls’ for a bit. he said i need to mingle with people my age more to be able to keep up with the trends, or something along those lines, i believe. i don’t see a purpose behind me being here however, so i can take my leave if you’d rather keep it to a close circle discussion– i can’t leave trey to watch over the entire dorm either, i am housewarden, after all.”
“i got pulled along against my will.”
the drastic difference in their response, reasoning and length struck you like lightning for a mere second, “oh– uh, no, don’t worry, you’re all good, riddle. you can stay if you wish to! i won’t keep you against your will though. same goes for you, deuce. you just have to promise whatever you hear tonight stays between us.”
“not to worry, the queen of hearts rule number 14 states that secrets must stay between included parties. may the queen strike me down herself lest i break a rule.”
“anywayy~ after all this chitter chatter cay-cays’s gotten hungryyy and treys’ home-baked tarts are directly under my nose! it would be a crime to not eat them! shoo-shoo, up we go!"
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a couple hours have passed since the guys arrival, and everything's been going well so far. it was quite a shock for the heartslabyul trio to find the malleus draconia here at first as well, but they’ve slowly warmed up to him and began to consider him as ‘one of the girls’. the conversation’s been flowing well and the night was filled with shared laughs and stories.
you were just finishing up recounting the recent happenings with ace to fill everyone in on the details when malleus spoke.
“i believe he might just be.. ‘into you’, was it?” he turned to lilia for confirmation, who nodded abruptly. “that’s what i’m saying! the little bat just won’t believe me,” he said, leaning onto cater (who nods along in agreement while patting his bandmate) dramatically, as if you not believing his nonsense caused him a fatal wound. so much for being a war general, this guy is a drama general at best.
“lils, he hates me.”
“enemies to lovers, i say! enemi–”
“on the contrary, i think he quite likes you, actually,” the redheaded housewarden speaks up from the corner he’s sat in, “you’re almost all he talks about recently.”
“oh, you’re right! i asked him about our alchemy homework last week and he found some way to bring you up, even in that conversation. ‘i wonder if [name]’s done it yet? should we ask? i hope she’s not struggling with her studies. perhaps we could help her out’ like, shut up,” said deuce, popping some candy in his mouth with a clearly annoyed look in his eyes. if you didn’t know him any better, you’d think he was jealous of his friend.
that forced you to stop and think for a moment. if it were anyone else (a picture of lilia and cater appears in your minds eye and you have to fight back a smile) saying it, you probably wouldn’t have paid it much mind, but if it’s the people closest to him, then perhaps there’s some truth behind the seemingly empty words?
“i have an idea, if i may,” all eyes turn to malleus (who.. you forgot was even here, with how quiet he was the entire time), eyebrows raised in question, “if you’re so unsure of his intentions and feelings, why not test them?”
the 2 light music club members eyes lit up at that and you felt an impending sense of doom.
and that’s how you found yourself dancing with deuce, then malleus, then riddle, then... all of them, for some reason? it was awkward initially, but the longer it went on the more fun it was, and perhaps you could say this was one of your best nights spent in twisted wonderland.
being erased from your own world be damned.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone.
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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cherryberry444 · 3 months
I Like U
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pairing: luke castellan x apollo kid!reader
summary: in which luke is constantly getting hurt on camp, leaving you to help patch him up in the infirmary. but what if luke is getting hurt on purpose as an excuse to see you?
warning: this is my first tumblr one shot so be understanding! i am not a nurse! just making this up lowkey!
contains: inspiration from a cai prompt by @/junifairy. flirting, banter, down bad luke.
word count: 1402
It was a typical day in the infirmary for you. You had gotten used to your usual tasks by now. Patch people up, make sure they're good to go, clean up and repeat. It had become pretty mundane at this point but it was what you were good at and plus every now and then something intriguing would happen. There were some pretty cute campers that would come in bruised up and to say you enjoyed taking care of them would be kinda sick but let's just say you didn't mind it.
One of the cutest, though nothing but trouble was Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. He was the strongest and most skilled swordsman on camp so it wasn't shocking he'd need to go to the infirmary ever so often. Although, the frequency of his appearance over minor injuries and the way he'd flirt with you while he was here did leave you suspicious. But, Luke probably flirts with a lot of people so you tried not to think much of it.
"Oh gods what is it today Luke?" You asked as Luke walked in with a few minor cuts on his face and arms.
"Nothing major..just a few sword injuries is all" Luke shrugged, taking a seat on an infirmary bed.
"For the best swordsman in camp you sure get a lot of cuts.." You said, grabbing rubbing alcohol and gauze from the hospital tray by the bed and going to sit next to him.
"Hey..." Luke rolled his eyes.
"Just saying." You said grabbing the gauze to clean the wounds on his arm first. Luke squinted slightly but didn't react much.
"So what have you been doing today, beautiful?"
You scoff. "My job"
"Other than that I mean"
"Why so curious?"
"I just wanna know what someone as beautiful as you does on their free time"
You scoff again. "Stop"
"Who said I'm flirting?"
"Oh please you're always flirting" you say, putting bandages on his arm.
Luke gasps lightly. "Do you really think so lowly of me?" He says placing a hand on his chest.
You look up at him with a serious face. Luke laughs. "Can't you just accept that I think you're really pretty?"
"Whatever Luke, anyone can be pretty"
"Well yeah but I think you're especially pretty" Luke smiles softly.
"Did they knock you in the head too?" You ask sarcastically, checking his head for wounds.
"No, my head is perfectly clear"
"And empty"
"Hey!" Luke says defensively.
You laugh. "Someone smart wouldn't get so much wounds"
"I'm extremely smart," Luke defends.
"Oh yeah?"
"How so?"
"So there's someone I really like.." Your breath hitches at this sentence.
"And they work in the infirmary, so I kind of let my competitor hit me a few times in combat just so I can go see them. Isn't that clever?" Luke asks.
Your eyes widen. "What? No, that's stupid! Who is it?" You ask, genuinely confused after cleaning the wound on his face.
"Oh you're not very bright either.."
"It's you"
"Luke you're kidding"
"I'm not"
"You don't like me. You must be experiencing..nightingale effect or whatever but I am simply your nurse. Nothing more" You explain.
"But I'd love it if we were more" Luke says in a low voice, looking into your eyes and softly grabbing the hand that was cleaning his wounds.
"I think you bumped your head.. like actually. This is a little far, even for you." You say moving away from him.
"Not at all. Y/N, can you let me speak freely?"
"My gods"
"Alright go ahead, whatever"
"I've always liked you y/n. I know you think I'm just this big flirt who doesn't mean it or something but it's not like that, at all. I've always thought you were beautiful, even before you started working in the infirmary. You have to believe me." Luke says sincerely.
You stare at him for a second in silence and shock.
"I'm sorry this is too much. Fuck, I don't usually express my feelings to people but I just couldn't hold back any longer. Coming to the infirmary often, I just felt like that was the only way you'd talk to me or even look at me and I know that may be wrong but..I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you and talk to you and I know I could've just said something like a normal person but I was too scared and I-" You cut him off.
"Luke Castellan, scared? Losing in combat to come see me? You're actually so stupid.." You chuckle.
"You're kinda scary, y/n" Luke admits.
"You don't take any bullshit and you never flirt back you just do your job and I really regret even bringing this up because you obviously don't see me like that and I just..fuck" Luke curses, looking around nervously.
You take in a breath and giggle a little. "You're cute when you're worried"
Luke's eyes brighten up. "Cute? You take pleasure in my pain?"
"Well, no. You're always cute Luke." You admit.
Luke smiles. "You really think so?"
"Castellan are you blushing?" You tease.
"No it's..it's the bruising!" Luke defends.
"Mhm right.." You sass.
"So you like me too?"
"I didn't say that."
"Oh" Luke tries to hide his frown.
"Well..I think you're cute and strong and funny and..you know, I like talking to you when you come in here. Even if it's just you hitting on me, it's entertaining." You explain, looking into his eyes.
"I think that means you like me y/n"
"You're so full of yourself Castellan" You say, pushing him lightly.
"Hey don't push me, I'm injured!" Luke exclaims.
"Oh please you're fine" You wave off.
"You think I'm fine?"
"Shut the fuck up!" You laugh.
"Hey if you kiss my wounds do you think they'll heal quicker?" Luke asks
"Hm maybe" You say playing along.
"Hm, my lip kinda hurts too. Do you think you could kiss it better by chance?"
"Go back to your cabin Castellan" You roll your eyes, getting up.
"Not without you"
"What?! You're delusional" You try to hide your blush.
"You like me. I see you blushing. You like that idea don't you?"
"Hm? Tell me..have you thought about what our first kiss would be like? I have" Luke says, getting up and moving closer to you.
"You're actually too much today" You laugh.
"I asked you something," He said.
"Um" Luke waited for your response.
"Yeah but everyone wants to kiss you Luke so it's nothing major"
"But I only want to kiss you," He says sincerely.
"Hm" you smile softly, looking down.
"Look at me" He says, lifting your chin and softly moving your hair out of your eyes.
You look at him nervously. He laughs lightly. "Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm not..it's just..I've never seen you so nervous. I didn't know you were even capable of being nervous"
"Well I am okay you win"
"Yes I do," he smirks.
You roll your eyes. "Stop"
"Stop what?"
"Looking at me like that. Like you want to kiss me."
"Well, I do"
"Well we can't"
"Because this is a professional setting"
Luke scoffs. "We're gods!" He affirms.
"Demigods" you correct.
"Whatever, I think you're just scared"
"Definitely. Look there's nothing to be scared of"
"You sure?" You ask, looking at him with gleaming eyes.
"Positive, you're gonna love it" Luke claims.
"You're so conceited" You scoff.
"Let me show you?" He asks nicely.
Luke takes in a breath, caressing the side of your face softly. He smiles softly before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your lips, you kiss him back, opening your mouth as he opens his and your mouths slowly move in sync. His tongue moves into your mouth as he places his hand on the back of your neck, kissing you harder. "Mm" you hum in response.
"You like that?" He asks between the kiss, making your breath hitch.
"Mm, mhm" You giggle, kissing him again before the kiss breaks.
"We shouldn't be doing this here" you say.
"So let's do it somewhere else, hm?" He suggests. For some stupid reason you agree and walk out of the infirmary with him to kiss him in a more private setting.
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twistedtalking · 1 year
Elloo, can I request 5 random twist characters of your choosing respindinv to being called "hello bbg 👈👈"
-sincerely, Nigel :))
Aww, you requested~
Thanks for requesting! (unlike a certain someone who promised to request something november pa)
5, hmmm
Well, lucky you! The 1st years, my babies, are 5. ...Well, except Ortho....and Grim...
How about Heartslabyul instead?
Fair warning: I will be writing this as them knowing you for a while now. Like, besties level for Ace and Deuce. Also, I'll add the romance to this post in a later date.
I do not condone yandere behavior in real life
It's just something i find really fun to write
TW: manipulation, gaslighting, Isolation, Riddle losing his sanity(all 3),
Okay, now onto the prompt!
Riddle: Baby girl?! Have you no respect?! Rule 574 of the queen of hearts, "You shall call your queen a nickname on tuesdays" . Today is Friday, Prefect. Breathe in, breathe out. Well, as this is your 1st offense, I won't get that mad. But if you do it again, it is OFF WITH YOUR HEAD- Wait, you don't have magic. Nevermind. Just, don't do that again. At least, not on Thursdays.
Trey: …hi? (Mumbling) what just happened…
Hey QT pie!Oh,BTW the dormleader's looking for the Adeuce Duo. If you find them, text me ASAP, k? OK,c u. Cay-Cay signing out.
Ace Ace: Good day, dumbass 3. Dumbass 2 is over there Deuce: I am not a dumbass! Ace: Ace: You THREW me up a CHANDELIER without thinking about the Landing! Deuce: That was months ago Ace: You thought trees weren't alive Deuce:… Prefect: So who's Dumbass 1? Grim? Ace: Me, obviously. Cause I'm number one! Prefect: The number one dumbass Ace: Yeah- Ace: HEY!!! Deuce Deuce: BBG? Huh? What does that mean? Ace, smirking: It means Bad Breath Guy Deuce: What?! But I brush my teeth thrice a day, otherwise Clover-senpai(Trey) would kill me. Unlike Ace. Ace: Hey, I do brush my teeth, twice! Deuce: Never seen you do it Ace: Well, I do. You're just blind, Deuce. Deuce:Hey- Cater: BBG means Baby Girl, Deuce-chan. What, you think I called Trey-kun bad breathe? Cater: Like, I value my life/hj Adeuce duo: WHAT?! Adeuce: Well anyways... Deuce: YOU WERE LYING?!?! Oh wait, when do you not. Ace:Hey- Deuce: Well then, um... Deuce: You my homie too, Prefect. - -
Baby Girl?? BABY GIRL?!?! Who taught you that word? Was it Ace?! CATER?? (Mumbled)Breathe in, breathe out, Riddle. Sevens, give me strength.
My love, there are hundreds of other terms of endearment yet you choose BABY GIRL?!?! Breathe in, breath out. Dear, PLEASE choose another nickname. For the sake of my sanity. Prefect: what about shortcake? Shortcake?? Short- (Breathe in, breathe out) That...would do. Just, do not call me that in public...please.
Hello...grape pie?
Pft. Hehehe.
Hello, orange juice. Hello, Lemon pie. Hello, Cutie cakes.
Hmm, actually, I like the last one.
Alright, from now on your name's Lemon Pie. Hahaha, Hey, put the frying pan down!
Heheh, I'm just joking...Lemon Pie.
Cater: Oh hey, QT~ Didn't notice you were here already. Hon, you got to stop sneaking up on me, Hehe. (Prefect: Okay, what happened?) What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened!Everything's picture perfect! (Prefect: .... ) Nothing gets through you, huh. Well, Trey just posted a pic on magicam. Not like a pie photo. It was a photo of him, Riddle, and Chenya. I guess I got a little jealous, heh. Sometimes I wished we didn't move a lot when I was young. Maybe I would have gotten childhood friends...Huh? What's that? Spicy Ramen?! Heh, you really know me best, don't you. ...thanks. For everything.
Hi honey cheeks, love of my life, bane of my existence, darling, Sweetheart, you're always right.
(Prefect: what did you do)
Nothing! How dare you think I would do something idiotic.
…Okay, I may have forgotten to do the assignment for history of magic. PLEASE LET ME COPY YOUR ANSWERS! TREIN'S GONNA KILL ME!!!
(Prefect: you're an idiot)
I'm YOUR idiot~
(Prefect: So is Deuce)
Deuce?! Nuh-uh. I'm much better than Deuce. He's an idiot. I'm a smarter idiot. Big difference. Plus, I got boyfriend points.
So Dear, would you please give me your answers~
You betrayed me. I thought you loved me. Was it all a lie? You don't deserve me. Goodbye.
(Prefect: stop being so melodramatic. Here, the answers. Don't make it obvious though, okay?)
Riddle: If it was anyone else, who called me that,
But as it is you, I suppose I could let it slide~ You'll attend the next unbirthday party, my Rose. I've already prepared your attire. I can't wait to see you there~
Well Prefect, I thought I was the one with the bad jokes in this relationship, haha.
Did you learn that from Cater, love?
Sometimes I feel like you spend more time with him than you do with me...
...Uh, never mind.
Love? I didn't call you love, what do you mean?Hey, I baked your favorites. Here, have a bite. Yes, I know you have somewhere to go, But one bite wouldn't hurt, right?
Don't worry, you're gonna LOVE it~
Cay-Cay, your bae-bae:
Hi QT pie!
Hey babe, you accidentally tagged Deuce-chan instead of me in your post. Y'know, the "Best Boi" one. Don't worry, I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes. But be careful next time, ok. Oh, you seem agitated. You ok? Someone just txted you a threatening message?! They're gonna spill the tea to the Octotrio?! OMG! Don't worry, Cay-Cay can solve this mess. You can trust me~
Oh, Hey, Prefect!
You're late. Almost thought you wouldn't show. But I knew you wouldn't throw away an opportunity to spend time with your favorite person.
(Prefect: Deuce ain't here, though?)
I meant me.
That wasn't funny, Prefect.
(Prefect: sorry)
Well, you should be. You hurt my feelings!
Don't worry, I forgive you.
I, the oh-so-gracious Trappola, forgive your sin~
(Prefect: *eye rolls and smirks*)
See, you're smiling again! It suits you way more than that worried face before.
I love it.
Hehe, I didn't say anything. You're just imagining things, Prefect! What did you thought I said? Aww, you won't tell me?I thought we were close~
Hey, why do you look so worried?
(Prefect: It's been 5 minutes, but Deuce still hasn't arrived)
Deuce? Oh, don't worry about him. He's probably of to do extra work for one of the teachers. Y'know, honor student and all that.
Let's just enjoy our time together. It's way more fun with just the two of us anyway~
(Prefect: And Grim!)
Yeah, and Grim...
And you have reached the end of this post!
What? Were you waiting for someone else?
Deuce? Who's Deuce? You must be hallucinating. There's no one named like that here.
He doesn't matter anyways...
Daily Bible verse of the day(yes, I'll be doing this from now on):
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:
first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Romans 1:16 NIV
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b33t-r00t · 6 months
Hii! I just wanted to say ur art and oc designs r so lovely and diverse!!! Do u have any master posts or posts u would recommend to take a look at to get to know ur characters more?
Thank you so much, what a nice ask!!
I started to gather a bunch of links to posts for you, but good god there’s so many. I’ve left what I did put together below, but my best advice is to click on a character’s tag and have a scroll about~
You do bring up a good point though, I need to do some like, intro cards for all these guys (how did I end up with so many guys)
Addison Junwei and City both emerged from this sci fi comic series I never finished. They’ve changed a fair bit since then, but it’s fun to see the origins.
Junwei and Addison are best introduced here
This is City’s intro post~
And that one time I made him a succubus
Here’s Farisha and Edith’s first appearance together
And that time they were retired bounty hunters
And them being sweet
This is the best intro I can give for Cai
Beltran has a whole character sheet here
Then there was that time Cai and Beltran went to an ice planet
Side note, why did I go so hard on the world building for the ice planet??
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
We actually don't know are they brothers or not because there are a lot of strays in the neighborhood but they are definitely very attached to each other.
As for breaking through filter on cai that other anon was mentioning, I'm somewhat of a professional there 😭
You gotta start real slow and ease the bot in with poetic words. And try to make a smut sandwich aka write 2-3 normal lines, then smut, then something less spicy again. And keep giving high ratings to any spicy messages, even if the bot cuts it midway because that's how you teach it to slowly avoid the filter. Some bots are easier to jailbreak obviously but tbh you can make it work with a lot of bots.
But if you want actual smut action, switch to poe. I was really hesitant to do so but as soon as I did I basically stopped using cai for a good while. I only got hit with filter like 3 times I think and I've been using it for months but the filter is much easier to jailbreak even if you do get it. Like so many bots straight up have hardcore raunchy prompts and tbh I'm living.
The only thing I don't like is the fact that you can't swipe through bot's responses like you can on cai and if you want another response, you will lose the previous one. Although imo cai definitely improved, especially with new features but Poe reigns supreme for smut.
Why… are y’all so smart this is so clever it’s genuinely scary I used to do something similar when I first started using character ai and it works so well but tbh you can also use words like key and keyhole and they’ll still figure out what you mean which is kinda scary if u think about it bc how do u know what I’m hinting to😭
Is the Poe website safe?:( I rmr back a couple months ago a lot of these non official bot sites got hacked and ppls messages got leaked along with private info I mean I wouldn’t care about private info genuinely but my messages with a bot would be too humiliating to show the world
I’ll def check it out sugar thank you sm🫶🏻 but yes!! I wish cai toned down the filter bc they’ve done such amazing improvements to the app they’re actually listening to the their users
Also sat 30 mins in my staircase with this baby
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
[bingo link!]
actually. using a readmore bc there are Five Character Bingos and i like to talk under all of them LOL
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[TWO BINGOS i forgot to cross them tho lol] thats my baby son BOY!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS HES MY BABYYYYY!!!!! riddle was one of the first characters i told my partner about when i was trying to explain twst to him and we very often refer to it as Riddle Game jfksjkfl. for my birthday and stuff sometimes my partner gets me riddle themed things - i have a riddle little guy hanging on the wall and my partner found his union bday jacket patches that i bought a jacket to go with and im... EVENTUALLY going to sew them on so ill have a RIDDLE JACKET [rn theyre pinned to it i just have to take my damn sewing machine out and DO IT!!!!] i love him DEEPLY and i relate to him on . some personal levels. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT but he is my special little boy with so many problems but he has also GROWN and i AM SO PROUD OF HIM AND WHWUWHFEHHRGH hes made FRIENDS 😭😭😭😭😭 hes such a wild little firecracker and I can and will talk about riddle FOREVER. forcibly cutting myself OFF bc we have MORE CHARACTERS to go!!!
also i think riddle probably needs a hug and would benefit greatly from it but would also Not Be Adjusted to hugs you must be GENTLE with your approach or he will BITE!!!
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this made me realize hes actually probably one of the more well adjusted characters in twst jfkldjsfklds hes a good boy!!! he loves his mom and his mom loves him!!! hes doing his best!! he loves his friends even if sometimes hes shy about it lol!!!! i didnt circle the therapy one even tho tbh i feel like everyone in twst could deeply benefit from it i jsut jklfdsj feel like that square is reserved for the more Severe Cases of Needing Issues Sorted jlkdsfkld. and obviously i want him to be happy but i feel like he mostly already is!!! anyway. my absolute baby of boys. i think i have the most SSRs of him than any other character in my game kfjsdjklfj he was my first freebie ssr dorm card and i work at trying to get it uncapped as much as possible i want juice to be my STRONGEST BOY!!!!!! I LOVE HIM ID KILL FOR HIM THATS MY SON!!!! ill marry his mom if thats what it takes to Make Him My Son For Real fjsdkfjklefjskldjflJKLSDJKKFLJSDKLFJ
moving ON!!!!
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[TWO BINGOS AGAIN] caycay is both FUN IN THE SUN but also. melancholic enigma. hes got some Issues going on below the surface that's like blink and u miss it since it's mostly only breadcrumbed in a few side stories but enough to make us like HEY whats going ON over there!!! but not too much to have me be like HORRIBLE SAD FOREVER BOY either. i think it's like. a mixed situation. but mysterious enough that we just dont know how far it goes. he's deeper than he seems and that's INTERESTING. but ALSO on the surface he IS a very fun goofy guy that loves his friends!!!!!! god i have very specific feelings about him and also. relate to him in certain ways Dont Worry About It but fjksdjlkfsd i love him. i want him to be happy. i have a Very Specific Way that i see his character and i turn into a rabid beast when i feel like people dont quite GET IT!!!! but sometimes thats a me problem LOL. other times tho. other times im like Did You Read The Same Game I Did Bc I Dont Think You Did RIDDLE AND CATER ARE FRIENDS IM GONNA BITE PEOPLE THAT THINK THEYRE NOT anyway. im very normal about cater diamond and his relationship to heartslabyul.
basket ball baby boy ACE:
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i feel like it doesnt come across as much bc outside of my screaming about heartslabyul as a Unit i dont really scream about ace by himself ksldfjs but i actually really love ace a lot LOL hes SUCH a funny little guy. definition of a rascal and a shithead JFKSLJFSJK but i love him actually. i think it took longer for me to like him at first bc hes kind of a bitch but i quickly realized "oh this is villain school for villains and Everyone Is A Bitch" LOL and it's so fun. love that for him. ace is a little bastard who loves to cheat and lie and it's so funny thinking about that just Being His Thing. im obsessed with how in book 3 they were like "we need to sneak our way into the museum" and im p sure ace was like "yea let me lie my way through distracting the guard you guys wouldnt stand a chance you need my lying powers" and hes RIGHT. but also i think hes a really good boy when it counts 😭 hes a BASTARD but he LOVES HIS FRIENDS. Like he and juice are SO ride or die with the main character theyre the BESTIE TRIO + GRIMMY... THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! they took PUBLIC TRANSIT to come save MC when we called them in book 4 and then never answered again lkdfsjj and they were WORRIED when we vanished in book 6 + were up in arms about grim getting captured bc THATS OUR SILLY LITTLE CAT!!! and also in book 6 [many book 6 feelings SORRY a LOT happened in that book that ill never be over omg i love it so much] UM UM UM i love how when everyone is like "oh ill give my money to ramshackle!!" ace was like "well im not" LOL hes so funny. but like he was also really nice to juice i think 😭 like juice was feeling the moral dillema of "my mom and i could really use that money but i feel like i have to donate to my friends shitty dorm like everyone else" and ace was the one that told him like "dude dont worry about it you dont gotta be a hero. im keepin my money cuz i want cool shoes. ur fine." and like. it was silly but sweet 🥺 or like in fairy gala 2 when he went to go check on ortho..... sweet boy... ^ love that i rambled More about ace than the others im def more insane about fklsdkjfdlsjf ace is that sleeper character that Gets Me when im not expecting it LOL also i just dont talk about him as much so i didnt cut myself off immediately LOL i could def go longer about the others. forever.
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i also dont talk as extensively about trey but Love Him dearly. all the heartslabyul boys got that "if anything happens to them ill blow up" "id kill anyone who hurts them" and "id take a bullet for them" BC I LOVE HEARTSLABYUL SO MUCH!!!!!! THOSE ARE MY SILLY LITTLE GUYS!! trey is so funny to me. like he. whats with the teeth thing trey. jksdlfsd it's SO funny to me his hobby is brushing his teeth. there's at least one or two times i think it's mentioned where he checked ace and deuce's teeth bc like? ?? ? ? i think in one of his voice lines he said it's a habit from doing it with his little siblings [BIG BROTHER BEHAVIOR SO SWEET WAGHGHGHGHHH] and i think there's a card story where ace was trying to skip out and cut corners on the Teeth Ritual and trey was like Not On My Watch 🧍‍♂️ jkfjsdjf hes so funny. he literally went into fanboy mode in halloween 2 when he found out sebeks dad is dentist. he tries so hard to be seen as A Normal Guy and yet hes Like That. hes science club besties with resident freak ROOK HUNT [beloved i love u rook hunt]. his childhood friends are teapot tyrant riddle and wildcard catboy chenya. his other bestie is terminally online partyboy caycay. he loves stupidass little jokes and he + cater sometimes like to lightly terrorize the underclassmen for funsies skjfjklsjf. friendly boys with an Evil side jfkldsjkldskljf.
also. do not get me started on his friendships with riddle and cater. i can and will go insane about the three of them oh my god if i think about them too long i get emotional and we'll be here forever. theres so much complexity there but also i WILL bite anyone that tries to say cater and trey's friendship is all a lie + surface level only or that trey cares about riddle more ILL BITE ILL BITE ILL CHEW. yknow what i didnt circle the 10 hour speech about trey or ace but tbh i could. those two it would be more about them and their relationships with other characters but LISTEN TO ME i love heartslabyul. SO MUCH. they make me insane.
i got this ask earlier and i was like "no i will not have time to do this til im home later bc i WILL need to talk about them for 800 years. circling squares is not enough." jfkslfjsjdljf
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celamoon · 2 years
what are your favorite ao3 fics you’ve read? IM CURIOUS i need fic recommendations LMFJSBDK
LIKE DANGANRONPA OR NON-DANGANRONPA BC I HAVE A COUPLE OF BOOKMARKS I'D LIKE TO SHARE AND I ADORE (they are all x readers bc I have issues I'm sorry anon I have very poor taste)
Ok SDR2 nsfw wise I like
Delivery from Hinata, with love by tr0mb0ne
Basically, Hinata has the rest of class 77b make reader’s day easier when he’s not around and they have soft seggs in the end 🫠💕
Dirty Minded by enbyatlas
Reader catches despair disease and mmm fUCK they fuck yeah they fuck mm did I mention they fuck
Helping hand by breemaybe
Komaeda fingers reader with the robot hand. That's it.
If you want any other high-quality smut I'd recommend Green, Eli, tr0mb0ne, and Bree !! I love all of the smut that they write scrumptious mmm
SDR2 sfw wise I like
Growing pains by tieressian
Childhood friends au with Komaeda!! Very heart clenching and pain-inducing but it's super cute and I love it a lot.
The Final Piece by LoveSoftLove113
SDR2 reader insert pretty much!! I haven't finished reading this one but I read the first couple of chapters and it's sO good. So incredibly good. Omfg.
the sun can bend an orange sky by tieressian
stardew valley au with Komaeda!! It's super cute and I just love it. Call me biased for putting a fic I got as a gift, idc it was good
a letter for your heart by goddess_of_green
Reader gives Komaeda a letter for valentines and he thinks reader is playing him but they're not :(
and if in doubt, remember that I'm still ticking by orphan_account
communication is key by enbyatlas
This fic made me both scream and cry my heart out and have a mental breakdown /pos this is a super cute fic which is pretty much a sdr2 reader insert as well but eli wrote is so well I'm biting him in the brain mentally
If you want any more fics go find jackie, and green (again) !! They have really really good sfw fics and no I'm not just saying this bc they're my moots
Non-Danganronpa related wise, I adore these two
Sight for Sour Eyes by interchaellar (Blue Lock)
where Sae has been in love with reader for ages and finally manages to date reader The light of my life and love of my life I love this fic so FUCKING MUCH
the chune by macsea (Rated E ; Bungou Stray Dogs)
Band au with Chuuya that is just so hot you have to read this anon I just love it so fucking much
Spider-Man Kisses by we_burnin_shit_yo
allegro. by blushzzt (Cai Xukun)
Soulmate au with Kunkun!! I love this fic so much
And a final shameless plug of my own fics that I'm vv proud of lmao (anon since you're here asking I'm assuming u alr read my fics)
Russian roulette is not the same without a gun - Kakegurui-inspired Komaeda/reader fic (Rated E ; Underage)
path to the heart - music school au Kamukura/reader (rated M bc of drug use)
door to the soul - music school au Komaeda/reader where the two prepare for a concert together and fall in love in the process
prince and palace - college au with Komaeda
accismus - Hinata/reader knight au (Rated M ; graphic depictions of violence)
marry you - Komaeda/reader childhood (fake) marriage au
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phantombanquet · 1 year
SR Port Wear Ruggie Personal Card Story “Pay Attention To Me!” Part 2
Crane Port - Whistle Park
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Ruggie: Yes, one plain waffle! Thank you very much!
Shishishi... It's selling well, Cater-san.
Cater: Really, really!
Ruggie: Let's keep selling at this pace non-stop!
Cater: But still... I didn't expect the mother of the children to be there as soon as we arrived at the Missing Child Center.
Ruggie: We were real lucky. If we just left them there, we'd still have to explain where we found them and so on.
The lil' ones were immediately reported, so they got to return back. We were really saved~
Cater: Ahaha, you're right.
But Ruggie-kun is really amazing~ You calmed down the children in no time.
I guess it's not enough to just talk to them gently. I may have learned something.
Ruggie: Well, I'm used to dealing with them.
In my hometown, there were lots of kids ranging from little ones who keep on wobbling around to guys around my age.
Cater: So that's how it is.
Ruggie: Most of the kids didn't have relatives... So they usually helped me with my work while I was looking after them.
Cater: That's why~ When dealing with a child, I tend to spoil them so I was a bit surprised.
Ruggie: I don't think there's nothing wrong with Cater-san's response, or at least I think it's pretty common.
This time, we happened to call them out by chance, but people don't usually help out, y'know.
After all, the only person you can count on when you're in trouble is yourself. We need to teach them the ability to solve problems.
.....In my hometown, a child who just keeps on crying ain't gonna survive!
Cater: I see, I see. I got to know Ruggie-kun's caring side today~
Ruggie: Shishishi... There's no need to praise me.
Cater: Still~ You don't have to be so modest... Oh?
Children: Big brothers, we found you!!!
Cater: Ah! The missing kids and their mom!
Mother: Thank you very much for earlier. I bought some sweets as thanks for your help, so please eat them!
Ruggie: Thank yo~u! I'll take one without hesitating!
Kid B: Mama! I wanna eat big bro's waffles!
Mother: Oh well, I guess mama should eat as well. Could you recommend three toppings?
Ruggie: Okay! Then, let's do just plain...
Cater: This is the part where you decorate it prettily! Leave it to Cay-kun ☆
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Kid A: Woah~ Colorful and pretty!
Kid B: It looks really yummy!
Mother: Thank you very much for your help. Well then, we'll be taking our leave.
Ruggie: Yes! They're freshly baked and hot, so please be careful when eating them!
Cater: Thank you so much!
How did the mother know where our food stand was?
Ruggie: Ah. After handing over the children, I gave her a flyer that was advertising Group B before we left.
Cater: Ehh~!? And I didn't noticed!
.....Maybe Ruggie-kun saved the lost children to benefit himself!!?
Ruggie: It's nothin' like that.
I got to sell the waffles, and even received candy... It's real good to help out people, huh! Shishishi!
Cater: So you weren't being humble at all with your “There's no need to praise me” words earlier...
Ruggie: Well, I'm still making money!
It's Port Fest, after all!
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Link to Part 1
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pipwife · 2 years
hiya, ive got a 1+5 prompt for ya!
“in a sad way, darling, it’s fate”
use it for whatever pairing u want :]
thank you for the prompt!!! i ended up writing pre-canon lore wittecest lore for my ongoing fic 'when mom's not home' xD this au has taken over my brain oops! you shouldn't need to know anything about it beyond it being an all human / no boiling isles au with modern wittebanes.
cw angst, breakups, shipcest
hope you enjoy!
"In a sad way, darling, it's fate." Caleb, his pale hair still wet from bathing and his clothes wrinkled from being thrown on so quickly, turned to his brother with a pitying smile. "I know you wanted this, probably more than I did… It was never going to work out for us, though, Philip. We're brothers. Did you forget?"
Philip swallowed, feeling panicked. His brother continued packing his bag, throwing wooden trinkets in with his clothing. "But, Cay, we were--"
"We were children," Caleb told him sternly. He stopped packing to look at his brother with a steady glare. "We were children playing house and nothing more. I don't want to break your heart, silly buck--" His expression softened with the old endearment. "--but this has to stop. We aren't star-crossed lovers. We're freaks. At least, I was acting like one. And we need to move on."
Philip didn't know what to say to that. His heart was shattering in his chest, cracking in the shape of words like buck, songbird, puppy, and lover. Somehow, he whispered, "You'll be going to her, then?"
Caleb bit the inside of his cheek, looking suddenly guilty. At least he had the decency to feel shame in his actions and not just their love. "Yes," he admitted, sighing. "Eve and I--it's normal. It's good."
"She's a witch."
"She's Wiccan, you old puritan! Honestly, if you could put down your bible and see the people beyond it for a moment--"
"How is fucking her more normal than fucking me?"
"You know how." Caleb shut his bag, picking it up to roll it. "I know I sprung this on you quickly, Pip. I'm sorry. I really am. But… I need to make my own way." When Philip began to cry, Caleb gave him a brisk pat on the shoulder. "Buck up, little buck! Our foster parents will take care of you, as they ought to. It'll be alright."
Philip knew those last words to be a lie, but when Caleb brushed past him and left through their shared bedroom door, he didn't stop him. He didn't run after him--yet. He just let Caleb go.
He would need the time alone to weep.
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twistedyapping · 2 months
booktok is a peculiar phenomenon.
so i just watched a video on the disaster that is booktok (the video in question) and it got my brain going ur honor.
a lot of booktok tropes and such revolve around the whole enemies to lovers thing and listen 🎶🎶Random Disclaiiaiamemmemrrr🎶🎶
if u fuck with enemies to lovers stuff that's fine yknow to each their own, this is just gonna be me yapping abt why i don't understand it that much
ive always seen stuff along those lines and especially always seen an immense amount of hype behind it like "omg enemies to lovers is the best trope" and stuff like that- and i have never been able to get behind it for some reason
i even tried it on cai at one point like there was a prompt where i was like Huh ya this definitely seems like enemies to lover stuff- fuck it ill try it why not-
and it just made me Angry- like it was awful- i love the character i did it with to this day but in that specific moment i Hated his fucking guts- like no room for reconciliation level hate And he was indeed going along with the usual enemies to lovers trope that im aware of at least- yknow big argument that ends in fucking or something- Dude my blood was BOILING u have no fucking idea.
and maybe it's my relationship with anger and like the fact that i have trust issues and such but after that i just like. genuinely don't get the concept.
Ok so lemme get this straight right- two people hate each other, cannot stand each other!!! cant even be in the same room together- And then somehow they dont ?. And they fuck ?.
like do these ppl have such short emotional attention spans that the second one of them starts rizzing the other up they just totally forget abt "Oh ya i hated you actually"????? Like are u THAT horny??? Is that what it is?????????
is the enjoyment of the trope coming from the fact that the sexual aspect overpowers the hate aspect?
on one hand i dont care that much But on the other hand i genuinely wanna know bc there must be a psychological component to it that im missing-
is it the adrenaline rush?? the feeling that you're doing something wrong???
listen im AAAAAALLLLLLLL for the concept of like losing control over ur emotions via Fucking But enemies to lovers still isnt it for me-
it has to be like the wrong terminology or something maybe- bc there's no way if ur gonna be going from enemies to lovers that u were Actually enemies in the first place- like u must've been like. Just two people that were in love with each other but didnt wanna admit it.
in which case that's certainly not actual enemies, it's basically just miscommunication tbh
and at THAT point i can get it like that TOTALLY makes sense to me- but the ones where it's like.
"my name is inigo montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die." and the other person's just like "haha. wanna fuck 😎" LIKE BRO WHAT IS GOING ON HAHAHAHHAHAHA
and im sure there have been some books or even fanfics where the enemies to lovers trope has been genuinely well executed, well enough that anyone in their right mind could appreciate it as genuinely good fiction, but i have not seen that so im kinda left in the dark here.
the stuff i see on booktok is also very concerning ngl- it's a lot of these like. older, violent men manhandling these younger women (in fiction ofc, at least i hope none of them are based off of true stories 😧) and like degrading the shit out of them but somehow being painted as "attractive" and "alluring" Like. Bro what.
again i totally get sexual degradation and stuff but only when it's coming from the right place???? Like you're doing it because it's what the other person Wants and what makes them feel good- But this shit isn't that and if it's trying to be, it's horribly executed bc they're essentially just going off of the concept of "one person THINKS that's what the other person wants but we don't actually know if it's true or not bc surprise surprise, there was no communication beforehand of ANY kind."
im the kinda guy that u gotta kinda code shit in for me right- consent is non-negotiable But if u fuckin ask me "Do i have ur consent to fuck you" NOT ANYMORE U DONT!!!! DAMN!!!!! WHERE'S THE ATMOSPHERE WHERE'S THE PIZZAZZ BITCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
so im not sayin these books or fanfics or whatever absolutely HAVE to have like a terms and agreement kinda fuckin scene where they go over what they fuck with and what they dont But what im sayin is damn you couldn't've like... Kinda talked about it at least...? Like idk maybe a scene in passing where one of em calls the other a bitch and then they're like "wow wow wee wow say that again mister!!!" U KNOW LIEK HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA
ur writers!!! get creative!!!!!! And im sure the above thig i described has indeed happened multiple times BUT DO IT BETTER!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!
anyway i have no idea But ive just never been able to get behind the booktok stuff man it's literally just glorified corn- Haha korn- Yeunara oo ratapenetaa eentaa ooo- and it's a very weird side of tiktok to me like yessirrrrr sex positivity u love to see it But not. Not like that.
sex positivity absolutely!!!!!! sexualization............ no...
And good lord i could do a whole other rant abt sexualization itself and how watered down the term has become but that's for another day ur honor-
and sexualization probably isn't the right word Exactly but im not quite sure else what 2 call it-
ANYWAY idk consider me uneducated but i Am willing to learn- there's gotta be a psychological component to it that i just dont know abt yet BUT im gonna end this yapping session here i think so thank u stay tuned for next time n i apologize if i came off wrong at any point bc i always wanna treat stuff like this with the due amount of respect while still being silly so 😮‍💨
- 🌙 -
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keegansshark · 4 months
Happy Chinese new year! Here have a hong bao 💌 (let's pretend it's red)
Let's have a look inside...
💓💕💖💗💝💞💘 oh no, that's all my love and affection for you! Oh well you're stuck with it now, good luck trying to get rid of me
Gong xi fa cai! (I'm not kidding when i tell you it's the greeting and that means hope you get rich)
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CIN!!!! MY BELOVED!!!! I cannot believe tumblr did not tell me I had anything in my inbox until now, wtf 💔 I give all the love right back to you!!! so sweet to me, do not know what i did to deserve u <3333
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theeveningletter · 1 year
Friday, 01/20/2023
Last Night's dream: I dreamt that there was a family of bears living in our backyard. And that Frank Ocean released a visual album - I think it was a new one - and we were watching it on the TV in the kitchen.
Where I went: res, school - stu's class for digital!, took the GO train home
What I ate: 3 bananas, oatmeal, cookies, a cracker, dumplings with soy sauce for brunch. For dinner, I had home food, which was egg + chives, chicken + da cai, coriander chutney, and a tuna sandwich that Chai Li brought home. For dessert, I had tiramisu, cookies, and tea!
What I did: So I woke up at 10:55 am. and I was like FUCK I'm late AGAIN. And I rushed to get ready for school and was out the door in pretty good time. I texted Sarah and we met up to walk to class together. She had asked me if I remembered where the class was, and I thought to meet her outside the pink wall, but because she texted 2 mins ago, I figured she'd be farther down the way so I kept walking (after I stopped!). And then I was like "where r u" and she was like "behind u" and I was like 0.0 lol. And so we walked to class together. Our computers weren't working so Stu had to help us, and Graham also came to help. Sarah's been working on her table merch for the zine club table! (I forgot what it's called.) I'm glad Carrie is joining her and Erica! Because maybe we can invite Erica to some dinners! I also let Sarah know about the depth cues zine submission coming up. I let Carrie know the day before. Sarah left class kinda early. It was hard to follow what was going on tbh. Stu brought the animation into photoshop and idk how he did it. I spent the majority of the class just looking at 3D assets and wondering how Stu did it. Instead of asking him, I just wasted time and left a little past 1:00 pm. Ugh. I need to get better at asking for help!! After, I went back to the dorm to have brunch. I had to eat all the bananas I got from Walmart because they would have otherwise rotted over the weekend. And when Carrie came back from class, we spent some time in the kitchen together, working and eating. She also did not do the rotoscoping thing, so she worked on that while I read and took notes. We also took a look at some of the forest finals people made in her class. I decided to catch the bus around 4:48, so I left Res at around 4:30 and caught the bus. Some people (including me) were running from the bus to try and catch the GO train at Oakville GO. I don't know if I even tapped correctly. I don't know if I hit the override button all the way. So I was sitting very anxiously on the train. I couldn't even read or listen to music. After I got to union station, I decided to do some reading, because I had to wait for like 45 mins until the next train. Then, I got on the train and kept reading there. I felt like such an intellectual. Oh ya, something I remembered from earlier today aka last night. I met Carrie in the kitchen at around 2-3:00 am and I was telling her how great the book was. And how a lot of the tips could apply to illustration. And she felt inspired hearing some of the tips and stories. And she also wants to make films! I am happy to hear. Anyways, Mom picked me up from the station, and we went to No-frills to buy drinks for tomorrow. I wore a thin jacket, which I kind of regret, but I have other jackets at home, so it should be okay. Then, we went to Woodside to pick up a cake for Alex. Woodside got pimped out. The dinosaurs move. And there was a DJ. And it was dark but there were colourful lights lol. We got the cake from Everbest bakery. 6 buns from there are $10 now :( they used to be 6 buns for $3. But for them, I understand the price increase because they're a small business. After we came back home, I took a shower, and then had dinner. Helped mom with washing some dishes, then made tea. And I worked on my rotoscoping assignment and watched EI and I'm about to go to sleep because I have work at 10:00 tomorrow.
Media: Emergency Intercom ep 79, Doja Cat, Miley Cyrus, TXT 0x1=Lovesong Japanese version
What I worked on: rotoscoping, reading
What I'm grateful for: Mom! She was literally up until 1:00 am cutting ingredients for tomorrow. She has work but still has to took dishes for CNY party. I'll try to help as much as I can, but I also have quite a bit of work to do.
Closing thoughts: I don't see the hype with ice spice. And I might eat my words later down the line, but at the moment I don't get it. That video of her peeing in a fan's mouth while she was performing is also quite disgusting and it was my first impression of her... I need to MAKE time for drawing.
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dottores · 2 years
i love everythint sb it i can’t think straight thr reader is sooooooeioed how do you manage to write ran SO accurately every single time oh my fod. i don’t even know wjay to say i’m speechless i feel lioe my mind got fucked so hard and came like 12 times tjsys how i feel rn
ur writing style is so beautiful i’m so fr i could recognize it anywhere like usually i would yk double check a fic to see if it was written by someoje orniusy reblogged but i don’t even have to do tjsy rn bc i knoowwwww it was you just bu thr writing style i’m gonna scream actuslly oh my goodness did snythint injisu ssidn make any sense i hope it does oh well
also idk if h did this on purpose but i loce like the way you implied ran and kakus friendship at the start w HIM being the one to make sure koko keeps playing to keep rans mind off of things mayb i’m imaging things but it was the first thing i thougjt tho 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
never fail 2 impress me w any of ur works oh god
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koko, sobbing bc he’s losing all his money
kakucho: 😐 don’t u dare leave the table
koko: 🥲🥲🥲🥹🥹🥹
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