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cherryberry444 ¡ 2 months ago
december 22: mistletoe
❝kiss me underneath the mistletoe, show me, baby, that you love me so-oh-oh❞
contains: sexual innuendos, drinking
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word count: 1395
i woke up to a pounding headache and dizzy head. “ughhhh” i groaned, looking up to see i was still clinging to luke’s chest…oh.
“good morning, princess” he said in his morning voice, looking at me sweetly.
i gasped softly. “oh my god i’m sorry i’m so clingy when i’m drunk” i said getting off of him.
“you’re fine, rhé” luke shook his head.
“fuck, my head hurts” i rubbed my eyes.
“i’m sure, i’ll go get you tylenol and a snack” he said getting up before i could tell him he didn't have to. he came back less than a minute later with two pills and a granola bar.
“thank you” i said taking the pills with my water and opening the granola bar.
“you’re were pretty drunk, you know?” he said sitting next to me. “drunk enough to ask me to stay in bed with you”
“well, actually, i wanted to suggest you sleep in here since one. it’s not like it’d make things weird between us..we’re friends who cuddle” i shrugged, hating what was i saying.
“friends who cuddle..right” he repeated hesitantly. “well, i don’t know, i just didn’t know if you’d be uncomfortable or if you needed your privacy”
“i’m not uncomfortable. are you uncomfortable?”
“great! then stay” i insisted.
“even with all your plushies sharing space with us?” he teased.
“hey, i only brought two. they comfort me.”
“you’re 21 years old”
“why am i being bullied?”
“i’m not bullying you” he denied.
“you are. you’re just jealous.” i teased, taking another bite of my granola bar.
“jealous? of what?” luke asked.
“cus they get to sleep in here and you had to sleep on the couch.”
“right..well not anymore! thanks rhé! the way, how much of last night do you exactly remember?” he asked.
“uhh pretty much everything. i really wasn’t that drunk.”
“so yes i remember what you told me last night luke, even if you said it thinking i wouldn’t.”
“we don't have to talk about it at all though”
“yeah.. there's not much else to say i don't think”
“that's perfectly fine, i understand.”
we’re interrupted by thalia bursting into the room. she gasps dramatically. “i knew it!” she exclaims, pointing at us.
“what..” we respond in unison.
“i knew he’d be in here! i knew you two would do it!” thalia exclaimed, clarisse and nina came in after her.
“what!! no, no, we didn’t do it, we didn't do anything! i’d never take advantage of someone like that.” luke quickly denied.
“ohhh my mistake, i thought you were drunk too” thalia said.
“no, i was smart and only drank beer”
“you mean boring” nina chimed in.
“exactly” i nodded in agreement.
“don’t knock it til you try it!” chris said, appearing from behind them.
“oh i did..and it was trash” nina responded.
“wait so if y’all didn’t hook up..what did y’all do?” clarisse asked.
“sleep” we responded.
“oh. boring” clarisse said dismissively.
“so can everyone stop having a get together at my front door or are y’all in here for a reason?” i asked.
“sassy” thalia mumbled.
“well, we’re actually going gift shopping so, get your asses up” clarisse answered.
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we soon got up and got ready and headed to the store once again. we somehow managed to get gifts by splitting up and sneaking our bags in individually. very unconventional, but we got the job done nonetheless. once we got home, i was blasting christmas and party music once more and clarisse pulled out twister, life, charades and cup pong for us to play for the rest of the day. in which of course, i mostly dominated. i drank more rosé because it was the holidays and i don’t care!..but i did go much slower this time around. lastly we did karaoke, which i was very excited for.
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rhea was unfortunately one of those people at karaoke who could actually sing and wasn’t afraid of pretending or hiding it. her song of choice was A Nonsense Christmas by Sabrina Carpenter, which was..a choice. it was a little..provocative for sweet little rhea. it was clearly a joke and i knew how much she loved sabrina but i couldn’t help but feel a little flustered thinking about rhea doing any of the things in the song..especially with me. i listen to her soothing and honey like voice as i watch in a trance as she sweetly sways her hips, singing lyrics like “i'll take you for a ride, i'll be your vixen” and “you said you like my stockings better on the floor” proudly with a smirk. with the way she glances at me often i can’t help but think she’s actively trying to seduce me but i know it’s all in my head. we’re just friends, that’s what she said this morning and i’m sure she said it to ensure it’s kept that way. taking a chance on doing anything, anything further with rhea would just fuck shit up. and i refused to fuck shit up. letting my heart and my dick get the best of me wasn’t worth ruining a perfectly good friendship. which is why i ended up in the situation i was in later that night once karaoke was over.
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i stood there, between the kitchen and the living room, frozen in shock. luke stood directly in front of me with an unreadable expression. a mistletoe hanging from the wall on top of our heads.
oh god. when did someone even put this up here?
“well.. you know what must be done, you two” thalia said.
“go know you wanna” clarisse added.
“i’d rather not” luke answered blankly, scratching his head.
oh, ok..
i laughed awkwardly. “it’s just a stupid christmas thing anyway, it’s fine guys” i shook my head.
“since when do you think anything christmas is stupid?” chris asked.
can they leave me alone?
“one kiss won't hurt guys” nina said.
“are we being peer pressured?” i asked.
“yes” they all responded.
luke groaned.
“he clearly doesn’t want to guys, just drop it.” i said with a fake laugh.
luke looked at me for a second before leaning in and giving me a kiss.. on the cheek.
“are y’all happy now?” he asked.
my friends murmured in dislike and shook their heads in response.
i felt humiliated. i scoffed, practically running out the room and into my bedroom.
“rhé!” luke called after me.
i tried hard not to slam the door, going to sit on the bed. i felt like an idiot, being so in love with my best friend who clearly didn't feel the same way about me at all. to the point where the thought of him even kissing me casually seemed to repulse him. to the point where he refused to even consider it. was i that unappealing? was all the flirting and all the moments i saw as romantic just fun and friendly to him?
“rhea” luke said, barging in.
“don’t you knock?” i snarled, refusing to look at him.
“i sleep here” he said.
“yeah, cus i said you could, but i was drunk and clearly you don’t have to if you don’t want to”
“rhé what are you talking about?”
“don’t wanna make you uncomfortable”
“i’m not”
“well the way you just acted as if i was too disgusting and repulsive to kiss under a fucking mistletoe”
“what?! neither of those things are true, rhé” luke said, turning to look at me.
“rhea you’re being silly”
“i’m being silly?”
“yes it’s just a christmas thing it’s not mandatory we kiss, who cares?”
i sighed. “it’s the way you acted”
“rhea i already told you”
“i don’t care what you say. i know what it felt like ok?!”
“you said we’re friends”
“we are. so what’s the problem? if it’s just a casual kiss?” i asked.
“cus if i kiss you rhé..i don’t ever want it to be a casual thing”
“what are you talking about, luke?”
“rhea, i could never kiss you and have you thinking it’s meaningless to me”
“i’m..really not understanding”
“rhea” he reaches for my hand. “i like you far too much to kiss you for nothing”
i think i stopped breathing.
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cherryberry444 ¡ 2 months ago
december 21: winter things
❝my baby's in town and we're gonna do some winter things❞
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word count: 1880 contains: childhood trauma ?, drinking
day 3
the first thing i saw when i opened my eyes was rhea’s beautiful, yet irritating face not more than 3 feet away from me with a mug in hand.
“hello…” i said groggily, rubbing my eyes as she kept her composed smile.
“good morning!!” she sang happily. “drink” she said, handing me a mug.
“thanks, but can i brush my teeth first?” i said sitting up, taking the mug and placing it on top of the nook.
“fine, but just know i have a lot planned today”
“good grief” i said standing up and stretching, wincing at the ache in my lower back.
“turn that frown upside down, grinch”
i rolled my eyes, heading to the bathroom.
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me, rhea and our friends sat in the living room drinking the hot coco rhea made for everyone as whatever cheap hallmark movie played on the tv. i refused to admit to her, but this was hands down thee best hot coco i had ever had in my life. don’t get me wrong, my mom makes decent coco, but it was rare we’d ever have milk, coco mix and marshmallows all at once, so it was hard for her to reach her potential. rhea even added pink heart marshmallows and vanilla syrup to make it taste and look even better. i admired her passion and attention to detail, it was one of my favorite things about her.
“well! luke and i are going to bake the christmas cookies and then we can all do the gingerbread houses” rhea announced, the others nodding or murmuring in agreement.
“i’m what?”
“you're gonna help me bake cookies, c’mon” she said, running me to the kitchen.
i didn't realize by bake she meant completely shape the cookies. it was with cookie cutters but still. it was also sugar cookies which i did not care for.
“did you get any chocolate chip?”
“yes they’re pre baked, in the pantry” she said, clearly focused on cutting the cookies.
“thank god” i said walking towards the pantry.
“aht!..focus on the task at hand” she demanded.
“mm, bossy” i said, moving my eyebrows.
“do your job before i put you on the naughty list”
“what if i want you to put me on the naughty list?” i flirted, whispering awfully close to her ear.
i felt her let out a breath. “roll the dough, asshole” she recovered quickly, pushing me away from her.
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after luke & i finished letting the cookies bake, we frosted them, much to his dislike and prepared for our gingerbread house tournament. earlier this morning nina and i went out to get more christmas supplies now that the roads were better, thank god, and decided to buy three gingerbread houses for some friendly competition. the teams, of course would be nina & thalia, chris & clarisse & luke & i. the rules were that only one person could work on each gingerbread at once and they’d only be given two minutes at a time, with only 30 minutes to finish the entire house. i was a very competitive person and in it to win it, however i wasn’t so sure my partner felt the same, considering his dislike for the holiday in general. call me delusional, but i feel like as every minute goes by he warms up more to christmas slowly but surely. despite his disdain for the holiday, we made a decent team, he worked on making sure enough frosting was on the house parts for it to be stable and i worked on decorating. we ending up being the winning “couple” because everyone else’s houses were too busy falling apart to even be presentable. i squeezed luke tight, trying not to indulge in his cinnamon scent.
“see, i'm not too bad” luke said. “i know and neither is christmas, grinchy” i said pinching his cheek.
“both of you can die actually” thalia said, causing me to jump out of my trance.
“oh my god? what happened to christmas cheer?” nina asked her girlfriend, pinching her cheek as well.
“fuck all that” thalia rolled her eyes.
“oh ok..anyways time for christmas lights! everybody get ready!” nina announced excitedly.
“just know i’m eating the houses when we get back” chris said as we went to get our stuff.
“gluttony is a sin” luke joked.
“since when are you religious, brother?” chris laughs.
“oh never” luke answered.
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after looking at the christmas lights around town we all went to get an entire tree and ornaments, i don’t know where the tree would go once we went home but i refused to have christmas without a tree and ornaments too!
when we got home i connected my phone to the bluetooth to accompany us as we decorated the tree. we danced around as we filled the tree with ornaments. i also fortunately found stockings with each of our initials up and hung them up over the fireplace. i was working hard to ensure this christmas would be magical and grand, especially since i had to prove luke castellan wrong.
to wind down from our hard working, christmassy day, nina bought a bottle of wine for us. it was rosé, my favorite, and we drank and ate popcorn as we watched jim carrey’s how the grinch stole christmas, one of my favorite christmas movies. they also bought beer, but i’m way too classy to drink such a thing. even when luke offered me a sip i declined.
“i don’t know how you drink that..”
“too prissy to like beer, princess?” luke teased.
“well..yeah!” i said matter-of-factly.
“i’m not surprised” he said, rolling his eyes.
“who’s being the grinch now?” he teased.
“still you”
“nahh, rhé, you’re being negative. you’re judging my christmas cheer” he says taking another swig.
“please the definition of your christmas cheer is drinking beers?”
“yes ma’am” he nods.
“that is so sad” i fake pout.
“much more simple than all the extra shit you do” he bit back.
“extra shit? like celebrating christmas??”
“grinch” i said with a snarl.
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clearly, my decision to go light by only drinking beer had been wise because rhea had had about 3 whole glasses of rosĂŠ and she was practically sloshed. my princess was no longer as preppy and classy as usual.
by now, the movie had long been over and rhea had dragged me to her bed to cuddle and watch whatever was even on the tv. i could hardly tell because she was too busy showing me her fyp on tiktok, filled with baking videos, coloring videos and edits of celebrity men. i didn’t really want to see any of that, especially the celebrities who looked nothing like me.
“lukiee you’re so warm” she slurred, nuzzling into my arm.
“someone’s a touchy drunk” i said
“i’m not drunk” she denied.
“my head’s just floating a little and i feel happy. i’m happy you're here luke” she cooed.
“you literally dragged me in here”
“not the room, the trip!” she corrected me.
“yeah.. right..”
“i just want you to have a good christmas luke”
“i don’t know why” i sighed.
“cus you hate it so much. i know there's gotta be a reason”
“there isn't one, i've always hated it”
“c’mon luke..” she said looking at me with those big brown pretty eyes that always made me melt into doing whatever she wanted.
“it’s the truth”
“yeah.. but why?” she started softly playing with my hair, making it even more difficult to not give her a real reason.
“if i tell you.. just please don't pity me and please don't tell the others ok?” i ask sincerely,
“i promise, i won’t” she crosses her fingers.
“and just know i’m only telling you because you’re drunk and won't even remember this”
“not drunk”
“right..well..” i start, letting out a sigh.
“the truth is. you dad was never around. the only memories i have of him were when i was really little. it was really just my mom and i growing up” i looked over at rhea to see her listening attentively as she looked up at me, her hand on my chest, giving me courage to continue.
“my mom, she struggled mentally, she was really broken when my dad left and it was hard for her to keep a job, especially a good one. so christmas, the way you imagine christmas, i never really had. i never had a big family, we couldn't afford to do all the christmas shit cus most of it was too expensive for us. i mean, mom didn't even have a car growing up, we had to take the subway which also costs and of course i wanted to do stuff. i’d just never ask because i’d be happy enough to even have a decent meal. on christmas day, i’d get a small gift or two if i was lucky, but a lot of years it was just another day for us just trying to get by. i’d look at kids on tv or hear kids from my school talk about their christmas and would get so jealous. they would get all these fucking toys and games that i could hardly even look at for too long because it’d just upset me. what pissed me off the most were the big lego sets. i always wanted one and any time mom asked me my ideal christmas gift i’d say legos”
“did you ever get one? a lego set?” rhea asked me with puppy eyes.
i shook my head. “no, never..i’m kinda still pissed about it.” i chuckled softly. “but i know mom was doing the best she could for the situation she was in.” i pause.
“so yeah.. that's why i don't really care for christmas, i know that was a lot all at once”
“no, thank you for trusting me to tell me, luke. i’m so sorry” rhea said sincerely.
“it’s not your fault, princess”
“yeah but i’ve been forcing christmas down your throat when you have a valid reason for why you don’t like it. i’ve been so ignorant” she looks down.
“hey, you’re not ignorant. you’re my best friend and i know you’re only doing all this because you wanna see me happy” i said lifting her chin softly.
“i do”
“then keep doing what you’re doing, rhé. as much as i act as if i hate it. i’m happy to be here with you all, with you, you’re the family i never had”
“i’m glad you’re happy, luke” she smiles softly.
“i am, cus of you”
“hm, little old me?” she blushed.
“yeah, you” i smiled softly, poking her nose, her scrunching it cutely in response.
i was so enamored by her.
“i hate to ruin this cute and heartwarming moment, but i’m about to pass out in ten seconds” she admitted.
my eyes widened. “let me get up then” i said, about to sit up.
she grabbed my hand.
“stay? rhea..”
“i see you stretching your back 24/7 just fucking sleep here” she cursed.
“hm, bossy rhea’s back..if you insist” i smirked, laying back down.
“i do” she said, pulling me even closer to her and snuggling up to me, leaving no space between the two of us.
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cherryberry444 ¡ 2 months ago
december 20: let it snow!
❝ it doesn't show signs of stopping and i've bought some corn for popping, the lights are turned way down low, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!❞
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word count: 1257
day 2
i woke up on the living room couch the next morning with the sun shining brightly in my face and yet i was nearly shivering. when i stood up to crack my back— yeah, that aching pain will only worsen as the week goes on. i peaked out the window to see none other then…at least six whole inches of snow all over the ground.
“well..shit” i said shaking my head as i held my back like an aging father.
“IT SNOWED DID YOU SEE LUKIE?!!” rhea exclaimed bursting through her bedroom door.
i sighed. “yes, im seeing it right now..”
“perfect! we can make snow people oo and angels and maybe have a snowball fight” rhea rambled on, nudging my arm.
“you’re so funny rhé i’m not doing any of that” i said with a light chuckle.
“grinch, what’d i tell you last night? you have to actually participate in christmas activities if you want to prove they all suck” she crossed her arms.
i sighed, rubbing my tired eyes. “ohmygoddd fine. but just the snowman” i groaned, pointing my finger.
“you know you love me, go get ready” she said with a cute smirk.
she knew i couldn’t say no to her.
i rolled my eyes before getting my toothbrush and toothpaste and heading to the bathroom. rhea was already in there, blasting christmas music as she brushed thoroughly.
“i gotta piss so you do have to walk out when you’re done brushing babe” i said before wetting my brush under the other sink.
“aw not gonna let me stay?” she winked.
why did my heart flutter?
“ freak” i said, hiding my blush by brushing my teeth.
we brushed our teeth in unison before she walked out so i could piss, after brushing my teeth i went and got my change of clothes to put on in the bathroom. when i came out i went to sit and wait for rhea. after a few more minutes she came out of the bedroom covered head to toe in pink. earmuffs, scarf, gloves, coat, boots, the whole shebang. i smiled as i shook my head.
“you ready, princess?” i said getting up.
“you know i am” she said, following me to the door.
we walked into the snow, glad that we brought snow boots so we’d be less likely to split our heads open falling.
“ready?!” rhea asked with a bright smile.
“uh huh” i answered reluctantly before we both started molding the bottom ball of the snowman.
as enthusiastic as rhea was to build, she was much slower at collecting and forming the balls so i honestly did most of the work. we molded the body for what felt like hours before getting to the accessories.
“any bright ideas for how we’re gonna make a face, rhé?” i asked with my hands on my hips.
“uhh let's go inside and look!” rhea suggested.
we ran into the house, leaving our boots outside the door to not track melted snow. by now the rest of the house was up and sitting in the living room.
“you got castellan to build a snowman, rhé?” my brother asked in shock.
“of course! he’ll do anything if you ask nicely” she smiled.
“yeahh i think that only applies to you, rhea” thalia said as they all laughed.
“well maybe she’s the only one who deserves it” i answered with my chin up.
“exactly, luke” she said, patting my back.
“reese get up, we have to look for a face to put on the man” rhea said walking out as clarisse sighed and followed her out the room.
“or maybe you’re just in love with her, yeah?” chris teased.
“shut up, topher” i bit back.
eventually rhea came back with a candy cane, two quarters and a orange slice.
“let’s put on his faceee” she sang with a smile before we went to put our boots back on and put the quarters as his eyes, cane as his nose and orange as his mouth. we also added sticks we found as arms and rhea made me give him my beanie and scarf because her’s was ‘too cute to get snow on’.
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after finishing up the snowman and taking cute pictures with candy (what i chose to name him) we decided to shower. luke got to go first because he guilted me about forcing him to make the snowman, although i feel like he enjoyed it. he took what seemed like forever to come out, which was honestly relieving to know he cleans himself thoroughly and unexpectedly walked into my room right after.
“hello…” i said looking up to see luke with nothing but a white towel around his waist, hair and body still very wet.
“you’re getting my floor wet..” as well as other things..i for some reason was not able to do anything but stare at him gawkingly.
“i just wanted to know if i could use your moisturizer? my face feels so dry after being out in the cold. ” he said in his deep, raspy voice.
“yeah..” i said going to get it from my suitcase.
“you can just keep it in our bathroom” i said handing it to him with i’m sure the widest eyes ever. i couldn’t even choose which place to definitely not look at. his biceps, his legs, his toned and sculpted abs i knew he had but had never actually seen for such a long period of time, or worse, what was under the white towel.
“thanks rhé” he said with a soft smile before going back to the bathroom.
i let out a sigh once the door shut. dear god was he crazy, was he actually crazy?! there’s no way he came in here like that so casually.
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after my shower thankfully clarisse had cooked up some pasta for the family and we all ate in the living room with the company of the polar express playing on the tv.
“this movie is so fucking creepy” clarisse said eating her pasta snuggled up to chris on the couch in the center of the room.
“i’ll protect you my love” chris cooed, pulling her close.
“eww, not like that. it’s the animation” she explained.
“yeah, rhea, why the fuck did you pick this?” luke asked as i cuddled up to him on the couch in front of the window. i had been slowly getting closer and closer to him
as the movie went on and luckily he was allowing it. i was very thankful, because he smelled of cinnamon and spice, i could just lick him whole i mean what?
“cus it’s fucking insane and funny” i answered, inhaling him sneakily once more.
“stop sniffing me, princess”
or maybe it wasn’t so sneaky
“you so were”
“shut up no i wasn’t”
“how do i smell?”
“bad, i’ve been trying to figure out where the must is coming from you know” i lied
he gasped dramatically. “you lie!”
“i truth”
“SHHHHH” was heard from both of the other couches.
“get a room or shut up, santa’s about to walk in” thalia said pointing at the screen.
luke scoffed. “since when do you care about santa?”
“SHUT UP” thalia yelled.
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not too soon after the movie ended and everyone decided to call it a night.
unfortunately for me though, i didn't get much good sleep because i was too busy daydreaming about luke. luke naked, luke’s scent, luke’s hands on me..good god i am doomed.
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cherryberry444 ¡ 2 months ago
december 19: have yourself a merry little christmas
link to series
❝ here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore, faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more.. ❞
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word count: 1218
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day 1
it was 6 days away from christmas and i couldn’t be more excited. this year, instead of spending the holidays with my stress inducing family, i’d be spending it with my second family and best friends. my childhood best friend nina and her girlfriend thalia and my best friend clarisse and her boyfriend chris.
i know, this already sounds like ill be fifth wheeling but don’t fret, i dragged my best friend and chris’ brother luke along to keep me company. he’s my total opposite, mysterious, pessimistic, non chalant and he’s always wearing a fucking leather jacket. whereas i love pink, art and looking on the bright side. i also love christmas but i literally had to beg luke to come on this trip with me because he hates christmas..well, maybe he doesn’t hate it but i haven’t heard a single good thing come out of his beautiful mouth about christmas since we talked about this vacation..
did i mention ive had an earth crushing and soul shattering crush on luke since our freshman year in college? yeah… the girls clown me for it. they say i need to give up my bad boy fantasy and realize that luke doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body. but i disagree, i think he can be romantic and i think he can be a christmas person, i just have to reel it out of him! he’ll never admit it but i know he has a soft spot for me and with some hard work and persuasion i think i can change his mind.
“ughhh another fucking christmas song?!” luke groaned as he looked over at me from the driver's seat. he insisted on driving the rest of the way because he deems himself the best driver and trusts no one else after seeing how we’ve driven. clarisse has terrible road rage, thalia speeds like hell, nina texts and drives, chris pretends as if he’s about to crash as a joke and i don't even know how to follow maps correctly.
“it’s fucking christmas, luke!” i cursed back from the passengers’ seat. sorry, there was no way in hell there’d be a road trip and i wasn’t going to be in full control of aux, the rest of them could suggest songs of course but i had the real say.
“don't be mean, luke” nina yelled from the middle seat.
“yeah you know she's the queen of aux” chris added.
luke scoffed. “fuck that rule, i’m the driver!” he said, reaching to skip the song on the screen.
“exactly, eyes on the road, 10-2.” i said, swatting his hand away.
“says you of all people” luke bit back, but he did as i said nonetheless.
“faithful friends who are dear to ussss gather near to ussss once mooore” i sang along, pretending my phone was a microphone as i looked over at him.
“don't distract me while im driving please” he said looking at the road.
“not my fault im so entrancing” i shrugged
luke shook his head.
“are we there yetttughhh” clarisse groaned.
“no!” everyone said in unison.
“we’re like 3 hours out” luke added.
“where even are we?” nina asked.
“somewhere in colorado” i answered.
“why didn't we fly again?” thalia asked.
“because a road trip is soooo much funner and better for family time!” i squealed.
“says the person who has to drive the least” chris said as everyone murmured in agreement.
“why is everyone acting weird towards me?” i asked.
“cus you've played six fucking christmas songs in a row!” luke yells.
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by the time we pulled into the larue’s timeshare, it was practically pitch black but the snowy mountains shined faintly in close distance. it was freezing fucking cold when clarisse opened the door to go check in at the front office. she came back after about 20 more minutes of agony with a couple keycards and we drove over to our place. i was still so shocked that clarisse had somehow convinced her mom to let us stay here for the holidays, but i've honestly never seen clarisse not get what she wants.
we shivered and groaned as we walked up the stairs to our room. well, the girls that is, the boys were going up and down to bring all our stuff up, as real men should!
“sooo which room is ours?” thalia asked, referring to her and nina.
“i get the masters of course!.oh and i forgot actually, it’s just three bedrooms with one bed each, so you’ll have to share with luke, buttercup” clarisse smiled, patting my back.
“the fuck?!” i cursed
the girls all laughed in unison.
“you guys are children”
“shouldnt you be more excited about this? this is how you make your mooovee hmm?” thalia said, nudging me teasingly.
i shoved her off of me. “are you guys ill? he’ll probably just take the couch”
“that’s true” clarisse sighed.
“how unfortunate” thalia said.
“fuck the both of you” i said flipping them and nina off before the door opened.
“okay, where am i putting my stuff?” luke asked as he rolled in his suitcase.
“that one” clarisse pointed in my bedroom.
his face scrunched up.
“but..rhea’s stuff’s in there already..”
“yeah. 3 bedrooms.” clarisse said to him like it wasn’t insane.
luke squinted again. “you guys are funny, i’ll take the couch.” he said, placing his things in the living room.
i was expecting that of course but the little hope i had built up died in me at that moment. i tried to keep a cool and collected expression as our friends laughed.
“what a gentleman” chris said.
“yeah, thanks luke” i said not really meaning it at all.
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a few hours later, i sat on the other couch watching luke make his makeshift bed on the other couch.
“you sure you don’t wanna just come snuggle with me?” i asked jokingly and yet wholeheartedly.
“rhé i’ll be fine, it’s not a big deal” he said, finishing and sitting on top of his blankets.
“it’s just..sleeping on the couch is so depressing i feel like and you already hate christmas enough as it is. i just don’t want your experience to be any worse” i said going to sit next to him.
“rhea, whether i sleep in a bed or a couch i’m going to hate christmas just the same.”
i scoff. “you fucking grinch”
luke puts his hand over his heart. “such foul language, princess”
“such foul attitude, castellan. what can i do to get you to love christmas?”
“probably nothing. christmas i am forever in disdain to” luke said dramatically.
i roll my eyes. “i bet you i can change your mind by christmas morning. i’ll make it our own personal 7 days of christmas.”
“7 days of christmas, huh? you bet? and what do i get when you’re wrong?” he said with a smirk, moving closer to me.
“no money or anything involved just the pure satisfaction when i am right” i said with my chin up.
“well i personally can’t wait to be satisfied, when i win” he said, his voice sounding even deeper and sexier than usual.
my breath hitches. “in your dreams, goodnight, castellan” i say getting up to head to bed.
“goodnight, princess.”
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cherryberry444 ¡ 3 months ago
7 days of christmas! | a luke castellan series
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luke hates christmas. rhea loves it. what lengths will rhea go to to convince her longterm crush and best friend to not be such a grinch around the holidays?
in which luke & rhea go on a christmas vacation with their friends but unfortunately luke is not very excited because he doesn't care for the holidays very much. rhea makes it her mission to change his perspective on christmas by christmas day, but she only has a week to do so. she names it the 7 days of christmas and promises luke she'll succeed at changing his mind.
7 days playlist luke & rhea playlist
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
more to come!
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cherryberry444 ¡ 7 months ago
Tryna Smoke
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pairing: luke castellan x ares!reader
summary: in which you share a blunt with your sworn enemy
warning: kissing, sexual innuendos, a whole lotta weed
contains: flirting, smoking, banter, cocky luke
word count: 1562
You couldn't fucking stand Luke Castellan. As cliche as it may sound, it was absolutely true. He was a pain in your ass, the bain of your existence. He never ceased to find a way to ruin your day, every day, all summer. Everyone knew it, they were well aware that the two of you never did see eye to eye. And the fact that the two of you were the strongest swordsmen in camp sure didn't help your rilvary.
Luke was an asshole, that was a given, but you also just found him so so irritating. He was way too cocky, although, if you were honest you could say it was valid. He was gorgeous, even after he came back from his quest with that nasty scar on his eye, he was still gorgeous, strong and an incredible fighter. But so were you. If you were a man, you're sure you'd be worshipped just like he was. It's not that you weren't respected or praised for your attributes, but it just wasn't the same.
You'd never admit it, but you were jealous of all the attention Luke got. It just didnt seem fair, you were the daughter of Ares for crying out loud, not Luke. Hermes' kids were worthless bums compared to your likeness, but not him, never him.
You had just finished training for the day and you needed a breather. You went and took a warm shower before walking to a little spot between the lake and the woods. You squeeze your damp hair with the towel you brought out there in hopes it doesnt drip all over your camp half blood shirt. As youre walking towards the spot you smell something familiar but refuse to believe your senses.
You turn the corner to see none other than the bane of your existence, Luke Castellan sitting there and even more shocking, with a blunt in hand. He quickly scuffles at the sound of footsteps before realizing it was just you. He lets out a sigh.
"Shit! Y/n, you scared the shit out of me!"
"Luke Castellan? Scared? You must be up to no good" you tease. "What are you doing out here?"
"What am I doing out here? What are you doing out here?" he retorts.
"This is my secret spot" you both say at once before a moment of silence begins.
You squint.
"How is it your secret spot if it's my secret spot?" you ask.
He shrugs. "Must not be much of a secret" he says before taking a puff.
"How the hell did you sneak that in here.."
"I have my ways.." he says before taking a puff.
You roll your eyes. "You're such a criminal"
"Mm say it again im close" he teases, closing his eyes.
You scoff. "How the hell have I never seen you out here?"
"Beats me..I'm out here pretty often"
"Hm..I can't believe you're brave enough to do this out in the open"
"Please everyone's sleep, I'm not stupid"
"Yeah sure"
He scoffs. "Can I have my peace and quiet now?"
"Why should you? If anything I should snitch"
"You wouldn't.." he looks up.
You shrug. "You're right I wouldn't"
He smiles slightly, shaking his head before smoking again.
"You wanna hit this?" he asks casually, surprising you.
"Are you offering me a blunt Luke Castellan?" you walk closer towards him.
He chuckles. "Fuck no" he coughs. "Im offering you a hit, sweetheart. Dont get ahead of yourself."
You roll your eyes. "Indica or sativa?"
"Indica, of course"
You smile softly, going to sit next to him. "Pass it" he hands it over.
You take a couple hits before he asks, "So you smoke?"
You pass the blunt back, clearing your throat. "Yeah..I just haven't smoked..Shit, since I got here"
Luke laughs softly. "Man I been smoking here for years" he says before taking a hit and blowing the smoke out.
"That explains the stupidity"
"Hey! Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"
"Pass!" you demand before he obeys.
"So fucking demanding" he rolls his eyes.
"I have to be"
"Says who?"
"I just do"
"What, cus of your father? The gods aren't the only thing that matters you know"
"Shut up Castellan"
"I'm serious"
"You're high"
He shrugs and frowns. "Thats pretty likely"
You roll your eyes with a smile.
"Are you high yet?"
"Not enough" you groan
"Then keep on, I'll be generous tonight"
"What a gentleman" you say sarcastically, taking another hit.
"You know, I could be quite charming if you didn't hate me so much"
"I know you're charming, its why I hate you."
He scoffs before groaning. "You wanna be different so bad"
"Why cause I don't worship the ground you walk on like everyone else at camp?"
"No one worships me"
"Oh please" you scoff
"Can you blame them? I'm incredible"
"Youre an ass!"
"Is this how you treat the guy that grants you free weed?"
"Just stating a fact is all"
He rolls his eyes. "If im such an ass why are you here with me?"
"For free weed! Duh, c'mon!"
"Nah, youre not that shallow. I think youre tolerating me y/l/n"
"The only thing I'm tolerating is this blunt" you joke.
"Yeah but youre sitting here, close to me, late at night, by the lake, looking into my eyes" he begins
"And you came out here with your hair all damp and.."
"Luke what are you saying" you laugh lightly.
"I'm saying its kinda sultry dont you think?" he suggests.
You scoff. "In your dreams, Castellan"
"You have no idea" he says in a way that kinda makes you believe it.
You squint. "You are high"
"Yeah, but.."
He turns more towards you. "Well..I just think youre too harsh on me y/n. I think you should give me a chance"
"A chance at what, sword boy?" you tease.
He smiles. "A chance to show you why you shouldn't hate me so much"
"Oh yeah? And how do you plan to do that?"
He shrugs. "A few kind gestures, starting off with the weed obviously"
"Luke, we've always hated each other, why change that?"
"I've never hated you y/n" he says before blowing smoke out.
You squint.
"I've never hated you. I've always respected you, been impressed by you.. Yeah we have our banter but..I've never hated you"
"You just hate me"
"Finally at a lost for words? The world stopped spinning" he jokes
"I just assumed.."
"You assumed wrong"
"Well now I look horrible"
He laughs. "Youve never looked horrible a day in your life. Hey..Have you ever shotgunned?"
You laugh nervously. "What? Like with weed?"
He laughs. "Yeah, with weed princess"
"I haven't...It's kind of intimate, no?"
He shrugs. "I guess..You wanna try it?"
You tilt your head. "You tryna fuck me Castellan?"
"What?!" he laughs nervously. "No I... Do you trust me?"
You scoff. "Fuck no"
He rolls his eyes. "Alright well..Do you want to or no?"
You must be high by now because you nodded your head and said "Yes"
"Cool" he smiles nervously. "It'll be cool I promise, it's only weird if you make it weird" he moves closer to you.
"Alright" you take a nervous breath, wondering what's gotten into you.
"Alright" he says lightly pushing your hair out of your face and softly pulling your face close to his.
"Keep your mouth open"
You laugh. "Im gonna look stupid"
"Not possible, c'mon" he says before taking a long hit.
He holds in the smoke before tilting his mouth towards yours and blowing the smoke into your mouth slowly, his lips so increduously close to yours. You close your eyes and consume the smoke, trying to inhale it after before breaking into a coughing fit.
Luke laughs, but pats your back as you let it out.
"Oh gods, that was a lot" you wheeze
"You alright?"
"Think im fine now..Um that's embarrassing"
"It's alright it was your first time" he rubs your back softly.
"It was definetly something...At one point I thought we were gonna-"
"Kiss?" Luke finishes your sentence.
You blink fast.
"You want a kiss, y/n l/n?"
Suddenly youre flustered.
"Don't tease me.."
"I'm serious, why not?"
"Um cus I hate you?!"
"Yeah but you also think I'm sexy, huh?"
"No I d-"
"Y/n, be truthful."
"Shut up"
"Make me"
"Oh gods Luke"
"I could get used to the sound of that" he moves closer. "Tell me you don't want this and I'll move away"
You grow quiet.
"Hm" he smirks slightly.
"You're crazy, Castellan"
"Crazy for you"
"Quit flirting"
"Not flirting..I mean it" he cups your cheek.
"Luke what is happening?" you ask.
"Im confessing my feelings for you y/n that's what's happening. I like you, I always have."
"And it might be the weed talking but I'd really like to kiss you right now"
You lose all control of your body and plant a soft, chaste kiss on his lips, leaving him shocked.
"Thank you, but honestly sweetheart, is it ok if I kiss you a little more than that?"
You nod before he leans in and kisses you sweet and long, syncing your lips together slowly.
"Thank god for marijuana" he jokes after he breaks the kiss.
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cherryberry444 ¡ 1 year ago
Perfect For You
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pairing: luke castellan x aphroditekid!reader
summary: in which your best friend luke gets jealous when a guy asks him to hook him up with you
warning: none except for kissing
contains: angst, jealous luke, flirting, nervous luke
word count: 933
"Hey, I saw Brian talking to you earlier, what was that about?" You ask as Luke comes to sit down next to you by the lake.
"Brian? Oh it was nothing.." He waves off.
"You sure? I feel like he kept looking over to me while he was talking"
"It was nothing important, I promise" He says looking down, fidgeting with his shoelaces.
"Alright, if you say so Luke" You say, still suspicious.
"Well he's really cute, I was just wondering if maybe.."
"If maybe?"
"He asked about me or something?"
"Well, he didn't, so don't worry about it. Plus, you're way too good for Brian anyway"
"You think so?"
"I'm positive, not only is he a Hephaestus kid but..all demigods are pompous and nothing but he's a Hephaestus kid so he truly has nothing to be so proud of" Luke scoffs.
You chuckle lightly. "What do you have against Hephaestus kids? Also last time I were a demigod" You say poking his chest.
"How do you think I know? And Y/N Hephaestus is notoriously known for being ugly" You playfully push him.
"Don't say thatt I think Brian is cute"
"Right.." He breathes out.
"Just tell me what he said Luke"
"I told you it was nothing"
You give him a knowing look as Luke lets out a sigh.
"He asked if I could put him on"
"And what did you say?" You asked, beaming a smile.
"I told him if he really cared about you he'd speak to you himself"
You roll your eyes. "Then what?"
"Then what?" He repeats.
"What else did you say Luke?" You say in a serious tone.
"I may or may not have said something like..I wouldn't worry about it though because I doubt you're exactly her type" He confesses.
You sigh deeply. "So you lied?"
"I didn't know you liked him!"
"But that wasn't your place to say that Luke"
"I just don't think he's right for you!"
"Oh please! You don't think any guy here is"
"I'd rather you stay out of my love life, Castellan"
"He came to me!" Luke defends.
"Yeah but even guys that come straight to me you always judge. You're scaring them off! It's like nobody is good enough for Luke Castellan's pretty best friend. They're too afraid you'll slice them apart if they even approach me."
"Well I'm sorry for wanting the best for my best friend!" Luke defends.
"Which is nobody here apparently" You roll your eyes, looking towards the forest.
"Well, it could be" He says in a lower voice.
"Oh really, who?"
"It could be me," He mumbles, looking down at the ground.
You chuckle softly. "Wait, what?"
"Nothing..I'm just..just joking" He says, turning to look the other direction.
"No Luke, what are you talking about?"
"I'm just saying..what if the perfect guy for you..was me y'know? Wouldn't that be funny?" Luke says nervously.
"No not really"
"I don't know if I could laugh if my best friend who I've known forever was actually my soulmate the whole time and I was oblivious to the situation. I mean..aren't Aphrodite kids supposed to know that shit?"
Luke chuckles. "No, not necessarily," He says, shifting his seating position.
"So you're just joking around right?" You ask.
Luke breathes in deeply.
"Because it's really not funny.."
"Well I am joking but I do wonder about it sometimes.." Luke begins.
"Do you?"
"Well...well if I'm honest sometimes yeah" You admit.
"And how does it make you feel?" Luke asks sincerely.
"Well..I just make myself stop cus it's not serious I mean why would we...we just wouldn't make sense"
"Why do you think that Y/N?"
"You're Luke Castellan, greatest swordsman and I'm just me you know we're not on the same level"
"Y/N don't say that" Luke says looking right into your eyes.
"It's true"
"'s not at all Y/N. You're actually so naive it angers me" Luke shakes his head.
"Thanks" You say sarcastically.
"Y/N, you're the most beautiful girl at camp. Everyone either wants you or wants to be you. You're perfect." Luke explains, looking at you.
"Do you want me?" You spit out, losing control for what comes out of your mouth.
"Hm?" Luke asks, caught off guard.
"Do you want me, Luke?" You say moving closer to him.
"Is this a trick question?" He says, beginning to blush.
"No" You say, giving him your alluring gaze he just can't resist for much longer.
"I...I do yeah.." Luke stammers, looking right at you.
"So that's really why you're so overprotective?" You accuse.
"Well..." He starts.
You giggle. "So you weren't joking about us being soulmates?"
"Well, I was because just cus I like you doesn't mean you like me back and.." Luke explains.
"Of course I like you, Luke" You say never removing your gaze from him.
Luke's breath hitches. " do?"
"I always have" You say, grabbing his hand softly.
"So we like each other?" He asks.
"Yes Luke, we like each other" You giggle.
"So what do we do?" Luke asks.
"Maybe this" You say before closing the space between you two and pressing your lips against his.
His breath hitches in shock but he eventually follows up to your speed. Kissing you back softly, running his fingers through your hair as you smile into the kiss.
"You could've just told me, y'know?" You say breaking the kiss.
"Shut up" he laughs, kissing you once more.
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cherryberry444 ¡ 1 year ago
I Like U
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pairing: luke castellan x apollo kid!reader
summary: in which luke is constantly getting hurt on camp, leaving you to help patch him up in the infirmary. but what if luke is getting hurt on purpose as an excuse to see you?
warning: this is my first tumblr one shot so be understanding! i am not a nurse! just making this up lowkey!
contains: inspiration from a cai prompt by @/junifairy. flirting, banter, down bad luke.
word count: 1402
It was a typical day in the infirmary for you. You had gotten used to your usual tasks by now. Patch people up, make sure they're good to go, clean up and repeat. It had become pretty mundane at this point but it was what you were good at and plus every now and then something intriguing would happen. There were some pretty cute campers that would come in bruised up and to say you enjoyed taking care of them would be kinda sick but let's just say you didn't mind it.
One of the cutest, though nothing but trouble was Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. He was the strongest and most skilled swordsman on camp so it wasn't shocking he'd need to go to the infirmary ever so often. Although, the frequency of his appearance over minor injuries and the way he'd flirt with you while he was here did leave you suspicious. But, Luke probably flirts with a lot of people so you tried not to think much of it.
"Oh gods what is it today Luke?" You asked as Luke walked in with a few minor cuts on his face and arms.
"Nothing major..just a few sword injuries is all" Luke shrugged, taking a seat on an infirmary bed.
"For the best swordsman in camp you sure get a lot of cuts.." You said, grabbing rubbing alcohol and gauze from the hospital tray by the bed and going to sit next to him.
"Hey..." Luke rolled his eyes.
"Just saying." You said grabbing the gauze to clean the wounds on his arm first. Luke squinted slightly but didn't react much.
"So what have you been doing today, beautiful?"
You scoff. "My job"
"Other than that I mean"
"Why so curious?"
"I just wanna know what someone as beautiful as you does on their free time"
You scoff again. "Stop"
"Who said I'm flirting?"
"Oh please you're always flirting" you say, putting bandages on his arm.
Luke gasps lightly. "Do you really think so lowly of me?" He says placing a hand on his chest.
You look up at him with a serious face. Luke laughs. "Can't you just accept that I think you're really pretty?"
"Whatever Luke, anyone can be pretty"
"Well yeah but I think you're especially pretty" Luke smiles softly.
"Did they knock you in the head too?" You ask sarcastically, checking his head for wounds.
"No, my head is perfectly clear"
"And empty"
"Hey!" Luke says defensively.
You laugh. "Someone smart wouldn't get so much wounds"
"I'm extremely smart," Luke defends.
"Oh yeah?"
"How so?"
"So there's someone I really like.." Your breath hitches at this sentence.
"And they work in the infirmary, so I kind of let my competitor hit me a few times in combat just so I can go see them. Isn't that clever?" Luke asks.
Your eyes widen. "What? No, that's stupid! Who is it?" You ask, genuinely confused after cleaning the wound on his face.
"Oh you're not very bright either.."
"It's you"
"Luke you're kidding"
"I'm not"
"You don't like me. You must be experiencing..nightingale effect or whatever but I am simply your nurse. Nothing more" You explain.
"But I'd love it if we were more" Luke says in a low voice, looking into your eyes and softly grabbing the hand that was cleaning his wounds.
"I think you bumped your head.. like actually. This is a little far, even for you." You say moving away from him.
"Not at all. Y/N, can you let me speak freely?"
"My gods"
"Alright go ahead, whatever"
"I've always liked you y/n. I know you think I'm just this big flirt who doesn't mean it or something but it's not like that, at all. I've always thought you were beautiful, even before you started working in the infirmary. You have to believe me." Luke says sincerely.
You stare at him for a second in silence and shock.
"I'm sorry this is too much. Fuck, I don't usually express my feelings to people but I just couldn't hold back any longer. Coming to the infirmary often, I just felt like that was the only way you'd talk to me or even look at me and I know that may be wrong but..I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you and talk to you and I know I could've just said something like a normal person but I was too scared and I-" You cut him off.
"Luke Castellan, scared? Losing in combat to come see me? You're actually so stupid.." You chuckle.
"You're kinda scary, y/n" Luke admits.
"You don't take any bullshit and you never flirt back you just do your job and I really regret even bringing this up because you obviously don't see me like that and I just..fuck" Luke curses, looking around nervously.
You take in a breath and giggle a little. "You're cute when you're worried"
Luke's eyes brighten up. "Cute? You take pleasure in my pain?"
"Well, no. You're always cute Luke." You admit.
Luke smiles. "You really think so?"
"Castellan are you blushing?" You tease.
"No it''s the bruising!" Luke defends.
"Mhm right.." You sass.
"So you like me too?"
"I didn't say that."
"Oh" Luke tries to hide his frown.
"Well..I think you're cute and strong and funny know, I like talking to you when you come in here. Even if it's just you hitting on me, it's entertaining." You explain, looking into his eyes.
"I think that means you like me y/n"
"You're so full of yourself Castellan" You say, pushing him lightly.
"Hey don't push me, I'm injured!" Luke exclaims.
"Oh please you're fine" You wave off.
"You think I'm fine?"
"Shut the fuck up!" You laugh.
"Hey if you kiss my wounds do you think they'll heal quicker?" Luke asks
"Hm maybe" You say playing along.
"Hm, my lip kinda hurts too. Do you think you could kiss it better by chance?"
"Go back to your cabin Castellan" You roll your eyes, getting up.
"Not without you"
"What?! You're delusional" You try to hide your blush.
"You like me. I see you blushing. You like that idea don't you?"
"Hm? Tell me..have you thought about what our first kiss would be like? I have" Luke says, getting up and moving closer to you.
"You're actually too much today" You laugh.
"I asked you something," He said.
"Um" Luke waited for your response.
"Yeah but everyone wants to kiss you Luke so it's nothing major"
"But I only want to kiss you," He says sincerely.
"Hm" you smile softly, looking down.
"Look at me" He says, lifting your chin and softly moving your hair out of your eyes.
You look at him nervously. He laughs lightly. "Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm's just..I've never seen you so nervous. I didn't know you were even capable of being nervous"
"Well I am okay you win"
"Yes I do," he smirks.
You roll your eyes. "Stop"
"Stop what?"
"Looking at me like that. Like you want to kiss me."
"Well, I do"
"Well we can't"
"Because this is a professional setting"
Luke scoffs. "We're gods!" He affirms.
"Demigods" you correct.
"Whatever, I think you're just scared"
"Definitely. Look there's nothing to be scared of"
"You sure?" You ask, looking at him with gleaming eyes.
"Positive, you're gonna love it" Luke claims.
"You're so conceited" You scoff.
"Let me show you?" He asks nicely.
Luke takes in a breath, caressing the side of your face softly. He smiles softly before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your lips, you kiss him back, opening your mouth as he opens his and your mouths slowly move in sync. His tongue moves into your mouth as he places his hand on the back of your neck, kissing you harder. "Mm" you hum in response.
"You like that?" He asks between the kiss, making your breath hitch.
"Mm, mhm" You giggle, kissing him again before the kiss breaks.
"We shouldn't be doing this here" you say.
"So let's do it somewhere else, hm?" He suggests. For some stupid reason you agree and walk out of the infirmary with him to kiss him in a more private setting.
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