#cause this is good symbology
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paintedwarpony · 2 years ago
Is no one going to talk about Raine's new palisman being an adorable little fox?
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dykealloy · 1 year ago
the catholic rejection of it all
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faeruy · 5 months ago
One of the things I'm loving about Agatha All Along (among many, many things) is Lilia's sudden outbursts involving tarot. So far we've had two cards mentioned, and I kinda wanted to analyze how they're being used. Note; I'm fully just an amateur hobbyiest when it comes to tarot, I mostly use it as a backdrop to my homebrew D&D campaign cause I enjoy the symbology of it, so I may get things wrong.
So first up -
Three of Pentacles - This one is triggered when Lilia sees the 'Three Star' on her eviction notice and she writes down the names of the rest of the coven. This one is pretty straightforward - at its most basic Three of Pentacles represents teamwork. Kinda important when you're forming a coven. It emphasizes collaboration and shared goals, all the things Agatha is going to need to survive the Road.
What I find interesting is that the Reverse reading is equally important; lack of cohesion, conflict, poor motivation, and ego are all part of the Three of Pentacles Reversed. They are also very much Agatha's flaws, and her current predicament is a direct result of those flaws.
So all in all, it's use in Agatha All Along is pretty straightforward; Agatha needs a team, they need to collaborate and work together. They, especially Agatha, need to be wary of ego, selfishness and disharmony, or they will fail.
The High Priestess - This one is triggered the first time Lilia meets Jennifer Kale. This one is waaay more interesting in what it means, IMO. In it's upright position, the High Priestess invokes intuition, sacred knowledge, and the subconscious mind. It speaks of femininity, although maybe not quite as strongly as the Empress. It makes sense for Jen; she's the most overtly feminine of the witches, wearing soft, light pink when Lilia meets her. Her speciality is Potions, which speaks to having a good deal of specialized knowledge.
However, this is a case where on first glance, the Reverse is actually stronger in Jen. The High Priestess Reverse is all about the disconnect from intuition, withdrawal, and repression. Like a witch who has been disconnected from her magic because she's been bound. It's no wonder that Lilia pegged her as The High Priestess immediately, since she seems to represent at least parts of both aspects.
What's really interesting though is what we see in the third episode. It's a trial, especially tailored for Jen, and we see just how fully she represents The High Priestess. Her self-doubt, caused by the disconnect from her magic, is STRONG, because she doesn't trust the intuition and knowledge that still exist within her. They only survive when she starts to trust herself again. There's also kind of a neat detail about the fact that they all hallucinate - bringing their subconscious to the surface - which is just another facet of the High Priestess.
One other fun thing; I very much doubt this was intentional, but The High Priestess is 2 of the Major Arcana, which makes it the 3rd card (since The Fool is 0). This is the 3rd episode of Agatha All Along, but since the first 2 were shown together, this is the 2nd night of aired shows. I just think it's a fun connection.
It does suggest that the show is using the cards to do some decent foreshadowing. For sure at the end of the 2nd episode, I assumed that the reading wasn't that deep, and for the Three of Pentacles, it may not be. But after the third episode and the way Jen's connection to the card grew stronger, I'm more interested to see what other cards will be mentioned and what role they'll play in the show. I know Lilia is holding The Tower in one of the promo posters, and I can't wait to see if that ties into Lilia personally, or if it's just part of the general theme of the show. It could go either way - The Tower represents chaos, and one of the working subtitles of the show was Coven of Chaos, so it's possibly just a reference to that.
Here's the links to my other episode Tarot Posts
Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 part 1 Episode 7 part 2
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8bit-cookie-thief · 10 months ago
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Neo and Weiss
(Note: This discussion contains spoilers from Roman Holiday)
RWBY's rise from a small nickel-and-dime web series to an expansive universe with a passionate fandom can be attributed to any number of winning aspects. Perhaps none more so than its powerful storyline built upon complex character interactions and even deeper allusions and symbology. But while these canonical interactions have shaped the fandom, we should not forget how influential less-developed relationships have been. Whether they be rareships or simply characters who have never/rarely interacted on screen, we have seen an outpouring of fan-created art, stories, and discussions dedicated to creating these connections. Today, I would love to explore two characters, rarely associated with each other and yet are almost mirror images of each other. Two girls who grew up under similar conditions but decided to walk completely disparate paths.
Childhood - Spoiled and Neglected
Both Trivia Vanille (who would become Neopolitan) and Weiss Schnee were born to rich families and highly influential families within Atlas and Vale respectively. While they were spoiled beyond measure, both were ironically deprived of the one thing they needed most, the right to self-determination. They were abused by their fathers and neglected by their mothers. Both Jacque Schnee and Jimmy Vanille cared for their daughters but always put their own political ambitions above the good of their family and society (both of whom also colluded with criminal elements to gain prestigious governing positions... for a heavy price). And when Weiss and Trivia rebelled, they were imprisoned within their own rooms (until they escaped).
Likewise, Willow and Carmel loved their daughters but failed to protect them from their vengeful fathers. In Willow's case, it was a tragic tale of abuse and depression. Carmel was more manipulative and self-absorbed. Regardless, the abuse and neglect that they received left them scarred.
Despite their similar upbringings, there are still notable differences in their circumstances. First, Trivia was an only child with no friends and little contact with anyone other than her parents, who she felt disconnected with. By contrast, Weiss had two siblings. This changed the nature of their loneliness. For Trivia, the mansion was a forlorn and friendless environment. For Weiss, family life was hostile and bitter; while most non-family members (except for Klein) were either detached or sought to exploit her for their own ambitions.
Loneliness and Pain
Both Trivia and Weiss were deeply lonely. And yet, the way they handled their loneliness was completely separate. Weiss internalized her misery, hiding it under an icy and imperious facade. Trivia could not be more different. While Weiss was introspective, internalizing the isolation, Trivia externalized her trauma to create an imaginary friend named Neo. And just like her mismatched eyes, her personality was split between these two personas.
This loneliness was symbolized by glass for both of them. For Weiss, it was looking into the mirror and seeing someone she didn't recognize. While for Trivia, it was the use of illusions, especially illusions of breaking glass. Both of them are noticeably asymmetrical as well, symbolizing how neither was the 'perfect' heir to their family names.
This all comes back to their upbringing. In addition to simply being two, very different people, Weiss was a very public figure. In addition to the hostile family atmosphere, she was also shown off like a prized gem. She sang, she fought, and most likely, she socialized. She represented the family and had the mantle of responsibility thrown upon her shoulders from a young age, causing her to draw in upon herself. By contrast, Trivia's parents were ashamed of here. Between her muteness, mismatched eyes, and 'shameful' semblance (in contrast to Weiss's singing voice and lauded semblance), she was hidden from the public face. She was kept a secret from all but a few, paid-off associates. As a result, she lashed out and externalized her frustration.
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School, Love, and Revenge
School offered an escape for both Weiss and Trivia but they had wildly different experiences. Trivia didn't get to choose her school and was forced into a hostile environment where every girl sought to manipulate others to reach their ends (much like Weiss's upbringing). Weiss chose her school and in doing so, managed to escape her loneliness and expand her world horizons. But one thing it gave them in common: it was through this experience that they found that special someone who they could finally connect with. Trivia's relationship with Roman was fraught at first, neither trusting the other. And well, we know the history between Ice Queen and Crater Face, and wild and beautiful story that has evolved from that one tenuous moment.
School was also a turning point for both of them. It was where they developed their semblances and set them up for the conflicts ahead (as a side note, the headmaster/headmistress of each institution also proved more duplicitous than they seemed). It set them both up on a wild journey that would eventually lead them back home for one final confrontation with their fathers. Both ending quite spectacularly, if with very different tones. But while Weiss had the opportunity to make up with her mother and siblings, Neo became further traumatized by her parents' deaths and her role in it. It was through this trauma that she abandoned Trivia and became Neopolitan.
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The Path They Walk
I am fascinated by how parallel their stories are and yet completely opposite. Their childhoods were steeped in wealth, neglect, and loneliness. They both found that one special person who could rescue them from their loneliness. And yet, while Neo may be more powerful, there is little doubt in my mind that Weiss is stronger. Neo's semblance was all about hiding from her pain, while Weiss's was built upon her progression as a person (e.g., how her ability to summon the Nevermore despite never having slain it is representative of her trust in Ruby). Both are highly empathetic. Yet while Neo uses her empathy to exploit other people. To understand their habits and motives so that she can convincingly imitate or exploit them (for example, how she thoroughly understood Ruby's greatest fears and weaknesses and used this psychological understanding to torture her). By contrast, Weiss is not just empathetic, she actually sympathizes with other people.
Weiss looked into the mirror and overcame her darkness. She created relationships with a community of people, despite her social awkwardness and frosty aloofness. And when that one person who was most special to her died, she carried on. Her trust in Ruby and her ideals drove her forward. By contrast, Neo was never able to overcome her various traumas. She was consumed by her reflection, becoming Neopolitan and allowing 'Trivia' to die (albeit, Neo was always a part of her). Neo was never able to recover from Roman's death, not until the very end. Weiss found happiness, connection, and purpose, while Neo was left empty after exacting her revenge. What if their roles had been reversed, how would that story have turned out?
Anyways, I hope you will excuse me if I missed other salient connections between them. My writing may be obnoxiously verbose but my analytical abilities are perhaps mediocre. If you are actually still reading this rambling mess, thank you! That is very Weiss of you!
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talonabraxas · 8 months ago
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"There is a sun within every person." -Rumi.
Solar Reflection Talon Abraxas
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"The body of a man is his house; the architect who builds it is the astral world. The carpenters are at one time Jupiter, at another Venus; at one time Taurus, at another Orion.
Man is a sun and a moon and a heaven filled with stars; the world is a man, and the light of the sun and the stars is his body; the ethereal body cannot be grasped, and yet it is substantial, because if it had no substance it could not exist.
If the life of the sun did not act in the world, nothing would grow. The human body is vapour materialized by sunshine mixed with the life of the stars.
Four elements are in the world, and man consists out of four, and that which exists visibly in man exists invisibly in the ether pervading the world. "Where is the workman that cuts out the forms of lilies and roses that grow in the field? and where is his workshop and tools? The characters of the lilies and roses exist in the astral light, and in the workshop of Nature they are made into forms.
A blooming flower cannot be made out of mud, nor a man out of material clay; and he who denies the formative power of the astral light, and believes that forms grow out of the earth, believes that something can be taken out of a body in which it does not exist.” (“De Caducis.”)
"As the sunshine penetrates through a glass window into a room, likewise the influences of the astral light enter into the body of man, and as the rain is absorbed by the soil, while stones and rocks are impenetrable to it, so there are certain elements in man’s organization which absorb these influences, while other elements resist their action.
To obtain a correct idea of the construction of the microcosm, we should know how the macrocosm is constructed; we must look upon man as an integral part of universal nature, and not as something separate or different from the latter. The earth nourishes the physical body, and the astral body is nourished by the astral light, and as the former hungers and thirsts for the elements of the earth, so the latter longs for the influences which come from the astral plane.
There are many thousands of ‘magnets’ in the constitution of man; good attracts good, evil attracts evil, good improves the good and causes it to be better, evil attracts evil and is rendered worse thereby.
Innumerable are the Egos in man; in him are angels and devils, heaven and hell, the whole of the animal creation, the vegetable and mineral kingdom; and as the individual little man may be diseased, so the great universal man has his diseases which manifest themselves as the ills that affect humanity as a whole.” (“Paragran.”)
— Paracelsus (The life and the doctrines of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim by Hartmann, Franz)
Picture: Rosicrucian symbology; c. 1916, by Plummer, George Winslow
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kooki914 · 4 months ago
Haii Kooki!! First, i want to say that I love your theories, fanfic and yt videos!!
I came to ask what do you think about the possibility of Ralsei being a titan, if you think it's possible in any way?
Thank you if you see this!! Have a good day/night ✨💕
Hi, thank you for the compliments, and I hope you have a great day, too!
The idea that Ralsei could be a titan (the big one with horns specifically) was actually something my friend Shadowhaxor (@downlowbroyouknow) proposed on a server we're both in, and it kind of stuck with me since. I'm not sure if I fully buy into it yet (as there's no evidence for OR against it so there's no real arguing on the topic) but the symbology surrounding that idea just feels so specific to me that I think it might be intentional.
"The evil within" and "I choose to help when I was made to destroy" could be REALLY interesting roads to take Ralsei's character, and "your actions DO have consequences" being revealed through Ralsei turning into a titan himself would be a hell of a gut-punch and a really effective way to subvert the "your choices don't matter" beginning statement of the game. PLUS with Ralsei's inconsistent design choices there's really no telling if the resemblance to the largest titan is far fetched and impossible, or uncanny and undeniable - it can really swing both ways depending on which of Ralsei's sprites you're looking at, and I think that adds to the overall vibe of this "theory" as it adds potential layers to Ralsei's existence and identity that we wouldn't have otherwise.
He's both mysterious and malleable, he's well-meaning but not incapable of causing harm, and he was made for the prophecy but that doesn't mean he can't embody its ugliest side as well.
(I think there's also something between "The Legend" and "The Dark Truth" that feels like we're missing a piece between them, almost a missing link between the two songs that tells us the full story when we put them all together, but I'm not musically literate enough to expand on that idea.)
Again, as things stand right now I don't think this is 100% canon (no evidence = no concrete conclusion), but there's a lot of imagery and symbolism here that makes me feel like its justified to speculate about, especially knowing how neatly it could fit into Deltarune's overall narrative.
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pamicakery · 10 months ago
₊✩‧₊˚Manifesting and the Bible - Part 1 /2˚₊✩‧₊
(Neville Goddard inspired)
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Disclaimer :This is my personal thought about religion, Christianity in general. It's my point of view that I wanted to share. If it can hurt your personal belief or you feel uncomfortable with it don't read. But please don't spread hate in comments or rebblog.
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I grew up in a Christian family, practicing Baptism, going to church, listening to gospels etc from an atheist family (we believe in resurrection and life after death so it's not really atheism but I don't know how to say it in English)
We no more talk about god, Jesus or the angels. And my mom threw away our Bible.
I always had an interest in the Bible or the Christian mythology in general. And to know that Neville goddard had another way to see the Bible was interesting to me.
To make it short, the Bible is a story about us for us. What I want to say is that we are God. Not the big man sitting on his throne above the clouds throwing tantrums. We are God, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Omnipotent : we are powerful. We can manifest what we want, we can imagine every possibilities, every outcomes.
Omnipresent :with our minds we can do revisions and living in the end.
Jesus is our imagination. Create miracles. When he died on the cross it was a metaphor. It's you dying from your old self. You let your old self die to a new self, a new you with new beliefs, assumptions and self concept.
no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.
We have to cross our imagination to come into our real self. Our god state.
Satan is the doubts, the bad circumstances. When Jesus was in the desert he was tempted by the devil. He wanted to seduced him with bread, food etc. To an extent, keeping him away from God.
At the same time, the 3d or the bad circumstances want us to believe that indeed we do not have our desires. And make us doubts.. Doubt in who? Our real self. '' Am I good enough? '' '' Can I manifest that? ''
You know who you are and what you want. When we say that the 3d is an illusion is true. It's an illusion caused by doubts.
Don't let your fear or doubts make you believe that you can't have your desire. You have to keep it strong and have faith. Have faith in yourself. Because the imagination trusts your Godself by showing you what you want in your mind.
I think I will make a part 2 because it's quite long.
But what you need to understand is that the Bible is not a historical book with people who truly existed.
'' When man sees the Bible as a great psychological drama, with all of its character and actors as the personified quality and attributes of his own consciousness, then and then only will the Bible reveal to him the light of its symbology ''
Neville goddard -
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Part two here : 🩷
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almadesarrollo · 11 months ago
MLB SEASON 6 FELINETTE'S BIG TRACK IN JEREMY ZAG'S VIDEO (new Miraculous scenarios via Instagram) ANALYSIS AND FELINETTE CLUES FOR S6 PART 3 marinette's balcony : THE BALLS AND color symbology
PART 2 marinette's balcony : flowers and HYDRANSIAS.
2 BALL: the balls of light have undergone a color change, here you have a scheme AND their color palette and order.
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Ok, we can see that the balls are not placed like that because yes, if not, there is a color pattern that repeats, both on one balcony and on the other, before analyzing the color pattern, which says a lot, we have to think about what it represents in Yes the balls on Marinette's balcony.
For me it is clear, they represent her self-love and her ability to shine.
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Let's look at the two characteristics, 1 they are round and the circle or mole is the figure that represents Marinette, it is in everything, her aesthetics, her clothes, her design and of course in ladybug since this is a pattern typical of ladybugs. This speaks to us about her, her self-love and her way of being,
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2 these give light, which tells us that Marinette is a soul of light, a pure soul, they shine in the night which tells us that even in the DARKEST moments of life Marinette is able to move forward and shine.
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Well, each color represents a character and from there we get clues, right? That is why as we look at the order we have, white, yellow, hot pink, red, light green and start again. What does each one represent?
- white: kagami and tsuguri are in all their aesthetics, but it is also representative of marinette, which tells us that part of that development and self-love and billiards ability, it will be kagami who starts it and it doesn't take long considering what we have said above.
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-yellow: represents Chloe and Queen Bee, yellow is a very characteristic color of hers but also, she combines a lot with white, Chloe resettles Kagami, which would confirm the first color for us, (remember that white was both Marinette and Kagami , one of the 2) that this pattern begins with Kagami, so Marinette's evolution will occur through her actions, realizing that Chloe is nicknamed queen just like Kagami who is nicknamed queen, there you have another confirmation.
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-hot pink/fuchsia; Zoe, MARINETTE INVERSE, this color is a very particular color because we find it in a certain aesthetic, a colored wick, aha, you have this wick for Zoe and Marinette from the inverse miraculous so it represents both,
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What does this mean? Well, it is confirmation that Marinette is going to become more characterful and evolve.
Zoe represents Marinette, but a more adult, more liberal, more confident Marinette, which is why they both have a similar aesthetic,
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Now, if we remember especially MIRACULOUS INVERSE, bad Marinette also had it and also on the same side of her bangs, what do we know about that Marinette? that her life was a shit (to sum it up hahaha) so what happens to that Marinette will surely happen to ours, this is going to make her become cold and isolate herself from everything, but also make her very strong, she It will be "broken" to be "built" again due to several factors, because they are going to damage it from all sides and the causes will be kagami and lila, but above all kagami, but this will force her to mature and become strong Well, only in the darkness is where we can shine, right? and that is where we would have "zoe", a very sweet girl but also very self-confident and brave...
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-red: kagami and ladybug, red is clearly the color of ladybug and kagami,
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Now which of the two are you referring to, well clearly Ladybug, because Kagami was already represented before and remember, we come from that hot pink, what does this mean? Well, the fact that Marinette becomes stronger in herself will logically influence her form as a heroine, it's like this side is going to reinforce it more, but also she won't have as much of a complex type of "if she doesn't" "I'm nothing" she will understand that Ladybug is part of her and she is part of Ladybug, overcoming her insecurities", but that is if she had a bit of a bad time before, the inverse special gave clues.
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-Neon green: chatnoir and adrien,
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Yes, we could say that it is black but the truth is that neon green is the color that we see in many of their patterns, together we see it in their transformation, logo, print, etc... so it is a very characteristic color of theirs. , What does it mean? WELL, the relationship with both Chatnoir and Adrien is going to end, because, well, because of Kagami (and Lila's lies and Marinette herself) all that domino effect will also ruin the relationship between these two, and to confirm this , then the pattern is repeated again, leaving white, and again the same order, thus finishing one thing, and for that reason in this new season we have a new pattern of colors and balls.
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Well, the order of this pattern is as follows, red, indigo blue, green, yellow and then this series repeats, red, indigo blue etc...ok? Well, knowing the order and what the colors and balls represent, let's do it.
-red: kagami and ladybug, represents both,
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and it tells us 2 things:
1st: Kagami will be the one to ruin Marinette's life completely and the fact that she appears here means that S6 YOU WILL HAVE MORE THAN OBVIOUS CLUE THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN, to summarize, Kagami is going to betray Marinette by revealing her identity to the world, this movement will be given by lila from the shadows with manipulation.
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and this should no longer be a surprise, the Félix chapter already gave clues that SHE IS UNITED WITH CHLOE AND LILA.
esto ser aun batacazo doble para marinette porque uno se puede esperar traicion por parte de chloe y de lila, pero ¿de kagami? la serie va a ser como hermanas, así que imagínate.
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[this friendship will be broken]
This is going to destroy Marinette, so she will be left alone and this was both in civilian life and as a heroine (not counting the whole mess with Adrien and the lies and what Lila is going to get into their relationship)
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2nd after all this, Marinette will really focus on being Ladybug seriously, and she will take her place, by then, her life will be chaos and of course she will not be able to trust anyone (not even in chatnoir) so she will have to search to a new partner, IT COULD ALSO BE A CLUE THAT WITH THE MESS HE'S GOING TO BE IN, HE MAY EVEN HAVE TO CHANGE MIRACULOUS AND USE THE DRAGON,
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-índigo blue: Argos
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THIS COLOR REPRESENTS ARGOS, Argos and Félix, will play a crucial role because in S6, as we already see with my previous posts, and with all the chaos, Marinette will have the only person who will take care of her and protect, it will be Felix,
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Now, it should be noted that this color is Argos, not Félix, which would indicate that on the one hand, we will see in this S6 MUCH MORE OF ARGOS HIMSELF THAN FELIX, and that the help will be more on a heroic level than on a civilian level, Argos is going to Being Ladybug's right hand, the only one she will be able to trust, will lighten her burden as Ladybug and little will replace Chatnoir, this is because of all the loyalty, affection, care and understanding that he will show, that's why appears here, this confirms what we mentioned in many of our posts, that felinette and argonette will be real, what's more, since this is on Marinette's balcony, it is possible that we even have a scene where Argos visits her on her balcony (how romantic aww).
Now in fact that it appears after the red one, I think it is confirmation of the Argobug ship, both will be a great team AND THAT IS WHY IT APPEARS IN THAT ORDER.
-strong green: carapace,
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This color represents carapace, and you will say, what about this one in all this? It is not in itself that he is going to play an important role, it is what both Carapace and Nino represent, both represent Argos and through him they give us a clue (like with Chloe with Kagami)
Here I leave you a more extended link where we analyze everything about wayzz, nino and carapace and their connection with Argos/Félix
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This tells us about HOW he is going to protect Marinette, and the reason why he will become her constant companion, above all she will have protection from him, this will surely be at the end when Marinette's life falls apart, and He will be in charge of protecting several things; his heart, his secret identity (when she loses everything) his freedom, his friendship etc… EVERYTHING.
-yellow: Zoe
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According to the INFO that we already revealed above, it could be Chloe, but this does not make sense because as we have said through her, they tell us about Kagami and her intentions and that was already clear at the beginning, from the sequence of colors, in this case it is just zoe,
Zoe appears because through her she tells us about Marinette, as we have said, her identity will be revealed, so she will have to change in every aspect, (she will probably get blonde hair and get highlights) the fact that she is here only confirms to us that the seeds for this and its flowering will be in S6, for some reason "the end of ladybug" was announced, because it will literally be its end and they are preparing the ground, only here they will be Clues SO OBVIOUS THAT THEY WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED, until it is It is possible that she even changes her miraculous temporarily, this could be a clue that she uses the bee one.
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THEN LET'S MAKE A SUMMARY: what does the ball change and all that mean for the S6? From now on, Kagami will betray Marinette's friendship, reveal her identity, all of this motivated by Lila, this will destroy her and cause a great catharsis in her that will force her to mature through pain, she will have to change her entire style of life. life, Félix and Argos will be his greatest support and protection, all this will make them come together quite as friends and then as something more.
Reblog, like and follow me for more content of this type.
See you in the next post.
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cipher-the-sidhe · 5 months ago
Do you know of any folklore or resources about blind people and magic or spiritual site? I do remember reading something in a book about Shinto but I would have to go back and transcribe it
Of course there's Odin
And then Argus and the Cyclops are all beings having to do with eyes.... I guess if there's anything that resonates with you in particular that you want to share? I've also been thinking about Cassandra
I don’t have a particular resource to direct you to. Truth is that anytime blindness comes up in folklore it usually Means Something, and I personally haven’t researched too much into anyone’s interpretation of that symbology. My own experience with blindness as a spiritual person and as someone who practices magic feels very intentional and meaningful, but I do not think my experience with it is universal.
My mind first goes to Welsh mythology and Morda- the blind man who helps tend the cauldron of Awen under the goddess Cerridwen’s command; and to the old stories of faery doctors passing on their Sight from mentor to apprentice by having the master put the palms of their hands on their student’s head and the bottom of their foot. In this way, their Gift would transfer from one to the other. This does imply that the mentor would either need to be surrendering their own Sight so their apprentice could have it, or they would be spreading part of it from themselves (almost like an infection, which seems appropriate when one considers the often brutal consequences of having Second Sight).
In both cases, mundane vision is disregarded in favor of a guiding inner or second Sight. Morda remains faithful to the Goddess’ task of brewing the Awen, never once casting his mortal gaze onto the potion. But when Gwion Bach stares into it, he is entranced and that leads him to stealing (on purpose or not is up to debate) the gift of Awen for himself and betraying the Goddess Cerridwen, and consequently being hunted down and devoured by Her. This speaks to a frequently present theme of punishment by the Otherside for the abuse (or indeed use at all) of second sight.
At the same time, there are countless stories of people being struck blind- poc sidhe- by the fair folk for viewing them without permission. The Good Neighbors do not like to be observed as a general rule. This has always been interesting for me to think about, because while I was born with second sight, I was not born blind, and indeed I became blind/visually impaired only about 3 years ago under mysterious circumstances. That is, no doctor has yet to be able to explain what is causing my vision loss, despite conditions about myself that should have been able to otherwise explain it (I have a brain tumor that sits precisely between my optical nerves, yet does not appear to in any way be affecting them. And nothing else so far has solved this mystery as to why I am still blind). So was I punished randomly after 25 years of having second sight by some Neighbor that didn’t like me catching sight of them? I don’t think so, but it is still interesting to think about how my second sight and the loss of most of my first sight could be related.
Sorry, I ended up rambling a lot! TLDR is that no, I don’t really have any resources to suggest. I’m not sure that this topic has been covered by anyone in our position before in a comprehensive way. But if you do come across anything, please let me know! And I will do the same.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 11 months ago
Thank you for the advice! On the topic of the Miracle Box and character bloat, I do struggle with the latter as I'm quite fond of the Miracuclass and have already attach myself to them. I do want to give them character developments since the show never did, but I am aware that having a massive cast will be difficult to write. For now my source of inspiration is Young Justice since they have a huge cast of heroes as well.
As for the Miracle Box and the shows rep on Chinese representation, I'm curious to hear your thoughts and what you would have done about it. I am Chinese-Indonesian and we celebrate Chinese New Year so I'm pretty familiar with the Chinese Zodiac. There is a story that about the origin of the Chinese Zodiac, the emperor held a contest to decide the animals that will be included in the calendar. The first is the rat and the last being the pig. Interestingly enough a cat originally wanted to join the contest only for its spot to be stolen by the rat.
The massive cast could have worked if they got rid of Marinette being the source of everything wrong in the universe and just had each episode deal with a conflict caused by one classmate or another, so I don't think you have to abandon them if you're going to match canon's monster-of-the-week format. Just be aware that it's downright impossible to write 18 characters (all the teens) or 36 characters (teens + kwamis - Nooroo) in a single scene and have the audience be able to follow what's going on. I'd strongly encourage you to scrap making most of them heroes and just keep them normal teens, but it is ultimately your call as you're the one who knows what story you want to tell.
I absolutely get the temptation to use the whole class because I personally love Rose and Juleka, but I ultimately chose to keep them as minor background characters because that's what was best for the story and I live by the code of kill your darlings since my goal as a writer is telling good stories.
I'm familiar with the Zodiac myth because of the anime Fruits Basket, but I am not Chinese* nor am I an expert in Chinese symbology and beliefs*. Please keep that in mind as I discuss this next section. If I get something wrong, then anyone is welcome to chime in and correct me or to give further context as this stuff is really hard to research if you don't read the Chinese language and/or if you don't have a background in this stuff to help set off your BS detector. A random blog could have good info or it could be written by a person making stuff up and I don't have the background to tell, so I'm skeptical of all of them which is why we're just going to talk about what's on Wikipedia here since that's usually at least mostly accurate and it gives us enough info for me to explain why I took one look at the zodiac stuff and went, "Hell no!"
My rewrite came about long before we knew all of the powers of the zodiac miraculous, so one of the first things that I had to do was figure out what to do about that because I wasn't going to just make up powers. I was going to base my stuff on the actual zodiac since I do try to be respectful to other cultures. This lead to me researching the Chinese zodiac*.
I very quickly realized how complicated this thing was. Every animal in the zodiac is associated with personality traits, two of the other animals, one of the five elements, and either yin or yang as well as several other things. I'll also note that Western representation of the zodiac has simplified it as there's more than just the 12 animals of the years. There are also animal signs assigned to the month (called "inner animals"), day (called "true animals"), and hour (called "secret animals") of your birth.
In other words, there's a lot of depth to the Chinese zodiac* and it has real cultural significance in China.
I was immediately wildly uncomfortable trying to come up with random powers that somehow respected that depth and significance. I also realized that the show didn't seem to be using the real zodiac to guide the powers it had assigned or the way the kwamis were being written, which also made me uncomfortable! I had previously assumed that they must have a cultural consultant to guide the cultural elements, but that does not seem to be the case for any element of the lore or Marinette's writing. Like to point out a big one, as best I can tell, a miracle box based on Chinese lore would not use a ladybug for good luck and it definitely wouldn't use a black cat for bad luck.
In other words, the miracle box seems to be about as Chinese as fortune cookies.
Between all of that, the character bloat, and the fact that the team is fighting one villain (meaning that you really don't need 17 powers), I decided to completely scrap the idea of the miracle box being tied to a specific culture and came up with my own lore that I won't go into here.
If I had the money to hire a cultural consultant or personal knowledge of Chinese* beliefs, then I would have considered redesigning all of the zodiac miraculous to be based on Chinese* beliefs and changed them into powerups to replace the colored macarons and cheese that have basically been forgotten about. (We are never seeing what the last three colors are for. Never!) I think that would have made more sense than the potions and it would have been more fun/limiting. It's basically how the show is using the zodiac anyway. The temp heroes are defined by their powers and little else since Ladybug is the only team member who is allowed to have a meaningful role on the team.
Basically, the Zodiac animals have a ton of potential to be something really cool that teaches us about Chinese* beliefs and I would love, love, love to see someone take that on. I mean, why have a main character who is half-Chinese and a box based on Chinese lore* if you're not going to capitalize on that?
*I bet you were wondering about all the red asterixis up there, weren't you? Well, buckle in because it gets worse.
I am not going to touch on this further because I am wildly unequipped to do so, but I would be remiss to not acknowledge the fact that the miracle box is said to be Chinese, but the miraculous monks are explicitly stated to be Tibetan, which is yet another "hell no!" There is a massive conflict over the fact that China claims that Tibet is not a country, but a part of China while Tibet claims to be its own nation. Some brief research on my part indicates that Tibet may even have its own beliefs around the zodiac and no. Just no. No, no, no! I'm not touching that minefield for a million dollars! Idk what the writers were thinking combining the two cultures like that, but that does seem to be what they're doing otherwise it would be the Tibetan miracle box or the monks would be in China. Writers, what are you doing?
Once again, I am not a part of any of the above cultures and I am not claiming to be an expert on them. I am just giving you my logic for why I took one look at the miracle box and went running for the hills. Aka why redesigned it to not be a mine field for my personal ethical code what which can be summed up as "research and represent all cultures to the best of my ability as cultures are not aesthetic. If I don't want to do the research (or can't for some reason), don't tie the setting/lore/whatever to a real culture." I'm not claiming to be perfect about that, but I do try and I like to think I know when I'm wildly out of my depth which was 100% the case here. No. Just no. No, no, no.
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nuwanders · 3 months ago
Some questions from the TES OC game :D
For Mathyas:
14. Any motifs or symbolism for this character? Flowers, animals, etc.
24. What do they believe is their biggest weakness? What do you say is their biggest weakness?
For Jorunn:
18. Where do they fit on the morality chart?
21. Are they: Diplomatic or Violent? Passive or Instigating? Selfish or Selfless? Law abiding or Lawless? Trusting or Apprehensive? Caring or Indifferent?
thank you so much @dirty-bosmer! <3 great questions :)
14. Any motifs or symbolism for this character? Flowers, animals, etc.
mathyas does have a motif! it features mostly in the waiting door, but has also appeared a couple of times now in king & lionheart. that motif is a spider 🕷️
there’s an obvious lore explanation here, but in irl dream symbology, spiders are meant to signify that the dreamer is being manipulated. mathyas is being manipulated by several characters in his story—astrid, vivienne, even nazir to some extent—but he is also being manipulated by the narrative itself (i.e. me). i mean how unlucky do you have to be to pick the one house in windhelm with a traumatised boy and a rotting corpse as its inhabitants while searching for a hiding spot from slavers?
mathyas doesn’t slot naturally into the canon dark brotherhood questline so i had to manipulate the story a LOT to get it to work. thankfully there’s an in-universe explanation for all of this contrivance, which is that mathyas is one of those unfortunate souls who has been noticed by mephala and turned into one of her playthings. Which i get 100%, because torturing mathyas brings me a great deal of amusement, so basically i am mephala, mephala is me.
Spider imagery features quite heavily in The Waiting Door, but it’s supposed to be ambiguous to what extent these are just ordinary spiders, or whether it’s mephala sinking her claws into mathyas when he's young. Either way, the incident with the spider in the final scene leads mathyas to develop a lifelong case of arachnophobia. Poor boy.
24. What do they believe is their biggest weakness? What do you say is their biggest weakness?
Every misstep and miscalculation that mathyas makes throughout the course of king & lionheart (both what’s been written and what’s still to come), he blames on his not being smart enough— he thinks that if he were only cleverer, he could outsmart astrid and vivienne and beat them at their own game. He also feels held back by what he writes off as his ‘moral squeamishness’, his gut feeling that something is wrong even when his mind is telling him that it’s justifiable in the name of the greater good. 
In reality, he’s got it all back to front. His downfall is caused by his overreliance on what he thinks of as logic or rationality, his refusal to see ethics as anything other than a numbers game, even when his heart and soul are screaming at him to stop. He tries to control what he can in a situation that is soooo so far removed from his control, and in doing so commits some deeds that ultimately are never justified by some happy end. 
jórunn under the cut!
18. Where do they fit on the morality chart?
I would put jórunn somewhere between true neutral and neutral good, moving further into ‘good’ territory as the story progresses. As a disabled sex worker in the imperial city, and very much a member of cyrodiil’s urban poor, jórunn grew up in a kind of dog-eat-dog world and learned from a young age to look out for herself first and foremost. The burden of being dragonborn is not one she welcomes, BUT, she does accept it, because what’s the alternative? She has nowhere to go where she can hide from her fate, no ordinary life she can run back to; those bridges have long been burned. She rises to meet her destiny if only because she feels that she must, but in doing so she discovers a more selfless side to herself 
As far as her ‘chaos’ score is concerned, jórunn remains firmly in that middle column. she doesn’t hold the law in particularly high regard, but equally she won’t go out of her way to break it for the sake of doing so.  
21. Are they: Diplomatic or Violent? Passive or Instigating? Selfish or Selfless? Law abiding or Lawless? Trusting or Apprehensive? Caring or Indifferent?
I’m going to treat this as a a no-nuance ‘this or that’ type challenge for the sake of brevity, because i could honestly write paragraphs on every one of these lmao
violent / passive / selfish / lawless / apprehensive / caring
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somer-writes · 1 year ago
here’s a question for you about your pestilence au! So I saw your character sheets about twilight and had a question. If some of his gloom burns go down to the bone, does that impair his movement with the damaged/torn muscles or does the healing magic somehow allow him to circumvent the consequences (or perhaps heal the muscles?)? Or perhaps it’s a consequence of the gloom itself? Given how mangled the phantoms seem to be, perhaps the gloom is allowing them to move when the damage to the body should make it impossible? I mean the gloom hands are basically just gloom with form and they can move without muscles (I’m assuming)
perhaps this question is too early on (lol don’t want to make you spoil anything), so no pressure to give an answer.
that's a good question :D
CW for gore/violence, body horror beneath the cut
so the gloom has some Weird Effects. the gloom itself causes deformity/disfiguration as it rots its host but also the host acts in extreme manners which often result in some variety of self-inflicted injury. the end stage of gloom results in a living corpse more or less and as the body breaks down, it loses natural inhibitors which result in the body becoming capable of high performance strength/speed at the cost of injury. the gloom also causes convulsions which are severe enough to result in broken bones/joints, muscle tears etc
phantoms continue to be dangerous and move after brain death as gloom uses the host for as long as it physically can
the gloom doesnt particularly care about the longevity of its host (the goal is to kill after all) but does act in ways to circumvent the destructive process in order to spread the infection
gloom can pool and stretch to act as a sort of faux muscle if needed
gloom will work a muscle until entirely disintegrated
phantoms will still move as long as they're able despite broken bones/torn muscles. they only stop when they are literally physically incapable. pain is not a limit for phantoms
gloom causes intense survival in its hosts which push them over the edge of typical human activity. if the body is technically capable of it (biting through bone, endurance, etc) the gloom will make it possible
ofc this sort of bodily destruction has its cost
broken bones
sloughing/decay/loss of limbs
torn/failing muscle
gloom also has severe effects on the brain and progresses very similarly to dementia
fight response/extreme aggression
loss of fine motor skills
memory loss (primarily short term)
trouble speaking/comprehending speech
inability to complete tasks (mostly loss of long term focus)
poor spacial awareness
loss of logic/reasoning (including symbology)
increased hearing/smell, decreased sight
sensitivity to light
so! Twi gets infected, goes through stage 1 (fever, nausea, fatigue, etc) and is cured in ordon spring during stage 2 (brain infection pre brain death)
Ordona is able to stop the gloom from spreading further which while they can't heal whats already there all the way, twi's infection stops getting worse and eventually the bleeding stops as well. twi does somewhat gain control over the gloom in his body since its *mostly* blanched by light magic and is able to use it better and better as he adapts to it
as a result:
bonus strength! when tapping into his gloom strength, twi's body naturally uses the gloom as a faux muscle but he can't do this during the day if his arm is exposed bc gloom cannot survive sunlight
is prone to damaging his own body as a result of putting too much stress on it
bleeds slower but also heals slower and has a high pain tolerance
poor fine motor skills--he needs patience in order to do things like pinch but he can grab with all five fingers
forgetfulness/struggle maintaining focus for long periods of time
struggles with spacial reasoning (distance primarily)
increased scent/hearing, decreased vision (especially in the light)
sensitivity to light. hes *fine* in the light like it wont kill him but he does get sluggish and has a hard time using the gloom in daylight
phantoms and gloomhands leave him alone! hes also immune to further infection. monsters in the depths also will generally leave him be
he can sense the presence of gloom/blood moons
when twilight glooms (read becomes more phantomlike in the presence of strong gloom) he's prone to confusion, delirium, aggression, and comprehension issues. early warning signs of lots of phantoms or a blood moon include confusion, forgetfulness, and comprehension issues
he is in fact still infectious to others but only when acting as a phantom. his gloom will regain its red glow when he's contagious
this is probably a lot more info than you were asking for XD theres a lot of trade offs for the perks he gets from the gloom. most of the time they can be worked around
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song-of-the-rune · 1 month ago
@yourlocalmissingtexture since you asked and my notes still aren't organized here's some rambly shit about lorynthian deities
so. deities in lorynthia are in kind of a weird place for a few reasons. The first is because Lorynthia is connected to my husband's setting, Tyde. Tyde is an unstable plane and as part of that deities tend to use it as a testing and dumping ground. Deities who can access Tyde are fueled and shaped by belief. This carries over to Lorynthia; deities in Lorynthia may have come from somewhere before people started believing in them, but they're still very much influenced by their followers.
The second reason is that the "material" plane in Lorynthia is not a material plane in the traditonal sense. It functions more like the astral plane if you're familiar with traditional D&D lore, which is to say that it's kind of a gateway to a lot of other places, and it can be influenced by those other planes. However, it's still the "material" plane in that it's where everyday life occurs. Deities in Lorynthia are split into "pantheons" that roughly correlate to plane of origin, even if those pantheons don't really reflect modern theology.
One such pantheon is Sun & Moon -- the goddess of life/the sun, Shyllana, and her brother, the goddes of the dead/the moon, Anaeron. They together represent the material, everyday world, and the associated circle of life and death.
Another such pantheon is the Tower, which consists of the deities of different magical disciplines and their companions. Historically, Zularren is considered a member of the tower, and metaphysically, he *does* belong there because he's the force by which necromancy is able to be practiced. However, he also thematically serves as an opposing force to Sun & Moon, because he represents breaking that cycle. Depending who you ask, this may be a perversion, or it may be more like "breaking free."
I dunno if there were specific things you wanted to know but I know I've posted a couple things related. So here's a couple links real quick, even though I think you've already seen them:
Anyway. He's been kinda fit into the sun/moon pantheon through the symbology of the stars. He also represents things that affect the living, such as hunger, which is why all undead still experience hunger despite not requiring food for physical reasons. Some worshippers of Zularren (rikkal being the prime example) see Shyllana/Anaeron as sort of "evil"/antagonistic forces the same way that a god of undeath would traditionally be seen as the evil force by those worshipping "good" deities. (Quotes because I don't use alignment in this setting, and that's a common game mechanic. So it's good/evil more in the traditional, non-game sense.)
Zularren and Anaeron do often find themselves at odds because the undead do not re-enter the cycle of life and death, and Anaeron's job is essentially the recycling bit. However, they do actually have a truce, and it's therefore against the rules for either of their followers to create undead except in specific areas (where it is actually against the rules for either of their followers, conversely, to prevent the creation of or destroy undead without cause). That said, while deities do influence their followers, they tend to be pretty hush-hush about these secrets, so the rules aren't often written into religions, or they're given other justifications. It's generally easier to just declare the areas entirely off-limits than to try to communicate "the undead are okay sometimes actually."
Also, necromancy and enchanting are essentially the same thing in this setting because both rely on manipulation of the body and soul. The line is essentially whether or not the conscious mind is also manipulated, which is more about implementation than actual source of magic. So it kinda works like this -- necromancy is forcing the body to do something, not by moving it, but by making the soul/mind (same thing in-setting) do that regardless of desire. (Making the body directly move without involving the soul at all would be conjuration -- I can get into all this at some point but I'm getting off-track here). Enchanting would be making the soul/mind want to make the body move, and then letting the person do that.
Sometimes you force the soul to do things it can't consciously do. This is where you get morally good or neutral necromancers. They can heal certain ailments and they can give people forms that can't be "naturally" obtained (although a mage would potentially consider necromancy part of nature since it comes from a deity, like all magic). Reanimating corpses when there are no express wishes not to, and the soul is not forcibly kept within the body, is considered morally neutral Anaeron & Shyllana as well, as their main interest is in souls.
Sometimes, however, necromancy forces or convinces the target to do things purely for an outside force's own benefit, and these are things that it does not want; this is the type of necromancy that falls more in line with typical views of necromancy.
There are also debates about why certain things are "required" for necromancy to work. Example: do liches have to give up some (moral) piece of themselves as a sacrifice to Zularren, or a punishment from Shyllana? The answer is not very straightforward and the requirement is also influenced by the fact that people think it's a requirement, but that's the theological debate.
At the end of the day, deities don't really have moral compasses in the mortal sense. They're just interested in maintaining and expanding their domains. So they keep secrets and push the boundaries of their supposed agreements a lot.
But yeah! Essentially each deity is whatever their followers make of them, with a not-always-so-little bit of politics happening in the background.
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brujitaadinbo · 1 year ago
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hi; Thank you for following my content and continuing to reblog, you really inspire me to continue doing this. Well, I have followed the content of the good @flilisskywalker and I got hooked on a very good text that he shared days ago… you really have to check it out and reblog… and I'm sharing the link again… thank you Fliliss for uploading this gem…
And the truth is that it makes a lot of sense and if we land on the chapter in Plazir 15, which is a whole chapter with a lot of symbolic load, about a planet that metaphorically refers to love and pleasure… which is a whole chapter very loaded with signs. and now I call this whole set of tracks "bokadin winks"
And they have left each wink there so explicitly, but at the same time they have known how to hide it, because "what is essential is invisible to the eyes" they have been careful to leave us those details and if it is assumed that there is nothing between them, what is the sense???? I recommend that you read the text regardless of whether you send Din and Bo or not… Well, I didn't stay with that… Since everything has a symbology, I remembered that at the end of the adventure where they manage to catch the separatist who was causing all the disorder, the Duchess gives the keys to Plazir to Bo and Din, what caught my attention is how she mentions that Din It comes from Concordia and I kept thinking, why the key and not another type of gift or trophy? And well, if you want to use "logic" and be more objective, it makes sense to give him the keys because you make a great reference… I started to investigate the symbolism of this article and ohh surprise… it makes more sense, if you want to leave it there another little wink… if it is such that Plazir is a metaphor for the unconscious and subconscious of Din and Bo and as they mention it,
in her own conversations….she had never been in a place like that (pleasure-love) and he had never heard of that place and you find this in the text mentioned above… The symbolism of the keys or the key has a very precise meaning with knowledge, freedom and the power to obtain said knowledge, opening "doors" or "locks" symbolically.
You have the power to open doors, obtain knowledge and do whatever you want with it, it depends on your own judgment. But if you relate it to something even more emotional… Have you heard this, "The key that opens your heart"? Wooo…do you get my point?
So by obtaining this gift, this key, you also become a protector of this knowledge, of this knowing… seeing it more emotional or spiritual… you protect this feeling "I have the key to your heart, to your soul"
So… it is a very opportune wink that these two were given a key to a certain planet that is an allegory to the deepest emotions like love… the best of all is what the Duchess tells them "You are welcome to return to this paradise" they are practically not throwing away anything… so??? Who do we believe that this romance cannot happen? Coincidentally, Grogu knows this world thanks to Din and Bo and becomes a knight of this order, technically since he meets Bo katan, he has been that small bridge so that Din and Bo do not separate, Bo does not react aggressively with the child when He tells her that she is not Mandalorian, he looks for her to rescue Grogu, the boy looks for her to rescue his father… very interesting. And if Grogu is doing his job as a little cupid without knowing it, working to be the knight of the Bokadin order, he is achieving it because he technically ended up saving and protecting them in this season finale, with an iconic scene that further reinforces this new clan between they. Fliliss shared a theory about the frogs from season 2 and the meeting between Din and Bo Katan and both the frogs and the key share something similar, they are elements used in Roman mythology, the keys They are related to an ancient belief of this culture, it refers to a deity that is in charge of duality, freedom, decision and time… then why do you give this type of objects with so much symbolic load to a couple of Mandalorians???
Do you want them to start taking charge of their own bilateral feelings???
Because technically, after confronting Bo Katan's fleet, the qualities begin to be mentioned, her in front of everyone, mentioning that Din is more Mandalorian than many present there and then him at the moment of the oath, giving him comfort and mentioning his qualities.... Too suspicious and too interesting, don't you think?
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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"There is a sun within every person." --Rumi
Solar Reflection Talon Abraxas
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"The body of a man is his house; the architect who builds it is the astral world. The carpenters are at one time Jupiter, at another Venus; at one time Taurus, at another Orion. Man is a sun and a moon and a heaven filled with stars; the world is a man, and the light of the sun and the stars is his body; the ethereal body cannot be grasped, and yet it is substantial, because if it had no substance it could not exist. If the life of the sun did not act in the world, nothing would grow. The human body is vapour materialized by sunshine mixed with the life of the stars. Four elements are in the world, and man consists out of four, and that which exists visibly in man exists invisibly in the ether pervading the world. "Where is the workman that cuts out the forms of lilies and roses that grow in the field? and where is his workshop and tools? The characters of the lilies and roses exist in the astral light, and in the workshop of Nature they are made into forms. A blooming flower cannot be made out of mud, nor a man out of material clay; and he who denies the formative power of the astral light, and believes that forms grow out of the earth, believes that something can be taken out of a body in which it does not exist.” (“De Caducis.”) "As the sunshine penetrates through a glass window into a room, likewise the influences of the astral light enter into the body of man, and as the rain is absorbed by the soil, while stones and rocks are impenetrable to it, so there are certain elements in man’s organization which absorb these influences, while other elements resist their action. To obtain a correct idea of the construction of the microcosm, we should know how the macrocosm is constructed; we must look upon man as an integral part of universal nature, and not as something separate or different from the latter. The earth nourishes the physical body, and the astral body is nourished by the astral light, and as the former hungers and thirsts for the elements of the earth, so the latter longs for the influences which come from the astral plane. There are many thousands of ‘magnets’ in the constitution of man; good attracts good, evil attracts evil, good improves the good and causes it to be better, evil attracts evil and is rendered worse thereby. Innumerable are the Egos in man; in him are angels and devils, heaven and hell, the whole of the animal creation, the vegetable and mineral kingdom; and as the individual little man may be diseased, so the great universal man has his diseases which manifest themselves as the ills that affect humanity as a whole.” (“Paragran.”) — Paracelsus (The life and the doctrines of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim by Hartmann, Franz) Picture: Rosicrucian symbology; c. 1916, by Plummer, George Winslow
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avidvampirehunter · 1 year ago
Pure / Corrupted Wishes: The Symbology of The Left Eye
After Noragami released chapter 107-2, there is a recurring element that stands to be evaluated: The Left Eye.
The symbolism of a Left Eye has had many meanings in many cultures, but for the sake of this argument we shall focus on Japanese culture, Zen Buddhism, and the practices of the Daruma.
I believe that Adatchitoka have used the left eyes of our characters to introduce the concept (or foreshadowing) of intentions and wishes, specifically "Pure" wishes or "Corrupted" wishes. I believe the "pure" wishes are shown through crying/ tears (which makes sense, as water is a big thing in this series and is shown as a purifying element), and the "corrupted" wishes are shown via blight/ blood.
(Notice: when I say "left" in this post, I will refer to our left as an observer. Thanks!)
Let's go through some primary examples:
The first appearance of this Crying Left Eye symbol in Noragami comes with Yato seeing Yukine's past when naming him as a Shinki:
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The second occurrence of the Crying Left Eye is when Yato receives his shrine:
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Then we see a Corrupted Left Eye is featured prominently upon Sakura's second death (or when her vessel becomes tainted). There are some tears inside, potentially a mark of her pure intentions in seeking answers to her past?:
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Yukine also has some left eye trouble when he begins turning for the second time, but no tears, probably because his motivations are not as innocent (which makes sense, because he becomes vengeful):
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Even Kazuma is shown to have a wish come to fruition when Yato grants his request to make him a Stray to save Bishamon:
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The Crafter sheds one as well, though look: there is blood also present. The wish the Crafter once had might have been pure in intention before, but now it is corrupted, and there has been blood here for almost the whole fight, this eye seeming to be colored in more than other panels:
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And now, with the release of Chapter 107-2, we see Hiyori's Crying Left Eye after her soul is detached and she is (presumably) dead:
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Then Yato gouges his thumb into The Crafter's Left Eye, creating a visible "tear" of blood:
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There is a commonality between this implementation of the Left Eye that I theorize is tied to the Japanese Daruma. The practice of crafting a Daruma dates back centuries, but is mostly seen as a charm of good fortune. Different colors symbolize different types of fortunes:
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The interesting thing about creating a Daruma is that it requires a state of completion through "wishing," which involves the process of completing the eyes. Traditionally, the Right Eye (or the Daruma's left) is painted first, when making the wish, and the Left Eye (the Daruma's right) is painted when the wish comes true:
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All this to say, I think that small hints have been left to us to reveal a symbolic process of "wishes" that the characters are making.
Tainted Wishes= Blood/ Blight: When Sakura dies, her wish is corrupted by the gods' greatest secret. When Yukine wishes to see his home, his Left Eye is corrupted. When Yato gouges the Crafter's Left Eye, he is denying the Crafter his wish to cause more harm to Hiyori (we could even say it becomes a bloody tear as an evil version of his wish to destroy her actually coming true in that moment). When the eye remains empty, the wish is unfulfilled.
Pure Wishes= Tears/Crying: When Yato first finds Yukine, Yato's wish comes true as he had found his "one" and future Hafuri. Yato sheds a tear from the Left Eye when his wish to have his own shrine comes true. Kazuma sheds a tear from the Left Eye when he becomes a Stray to save Bishamon. When the eye sheds a tear, the wish has or will soon come true.
Hiyori's tear, therefore—assuming the symbology remains steadfast—is emblematic of a Pure Wish coming true or soon to come true (and could even be seen as a mirror of Yato's moment when he receives his Shrine). But what is that wish? As we have seen, Hiyori's wish is to be with Yato and Yukine, but also for him to become a god of happiness.
And as a cherry on top of this theory: when Yato makes Hiyori a Shinki in chapter 107-2, he calls her Shiro ("White") and Haku ("Pure"). And what is the symbol of the White Daruma? New beginnings, harmony, purity, and love. If this theory is correct, then the panel of that tear shed by Hiyori has become an homage to the symbolism of wishes that has existed from the beginning of Noragami's narrative. Now all that remains to be seen is which of Hiyori's wishes is about to come true?
Anyway, that's all I have. Thanks!
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