#cause I’m not really trying to reduce the foods I enjoy just increase the amount of fruit and veg I eat
blodeuweddschild · 1 year
Autistic people, if you’re like me and don’t enjoy eating fruit and veg do you have any recommendations on how you encourage yourself to eat more of it? I’m really struggling and need to add more of it to what I eat but I just hate most and I don’t eat what I do like
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clemonthyne · 3 years
Happy Earth Day! ~Tips to Decreasing Your Carbon Footprint~
Although I initially said I was going to do this on my other blog, I decided to do it here :) Even though this is an art blog, I’m pretty huge advocate on sustainability. After all, it is the career I’m kinda going into.
So, I just wanted to do my part on this day by writing some tips and clearing up some myths on how you can decrease your carbon footprint, or at least being aware of how much climate change is effecting us.
Before I get into it, a great resource for any type of climate change related statistics, check out the IPCC! It’s a volunteered group of climate change scientists to give us the statistics we need to be aware of so we can do our part to help the earth!
Tip: Reduce your waste! Especially plastic waste!
Quarantine really has caused much more single use plastics and cups to enter the waste stream. Although we’ve had an issue with this pre-quarantine, it’s worse now. So, if you can (because some places don’t allow it) try your best to avoid single use plastics by buying a travel silverware kit or reusable bags! And if you’re reading this where we are in a “post-quarantine” world, then just please! Single use plastics and cups are the worst! Try your best to cut down on them.
Tip: Lower your meat intake!
This is mainly for my fellow Americans! We eat so much meat in the US, and although I have beef with the commercial meat industry (pun intended), I’m not going to get into that right now. Regardless, eating meat from commercial areas increase what’s called an “energy subsidy,” which basically means that more energy was put out to feed the livestock, process it, and package it, etc than lets say, a plant based food. I’m not saying go vegan or vegetarian, because some people simply can’t do that. Either they can’t due to their income situation, or simply cannot due to allergies (like me), or other reasons. The best is to just get your meat from local areas and/or cut down on it. America consumes way too much meat (I’m not that well versed on other cultures) and we really don’t need the amount of meat in our diet that we eat every day.
Eating more of a plant based diet saves more energy and carbon emissions than recycling and switching to a hybrid car combined!
Tip: Cut down on driving!
Another call out to my fellow Americans. We drive short distances TOO much. I know there’s not much of an incentive to not drive except help mitigate greenhouse gases (and that’s really our government’s fault for not having an economic incentive to do so). However, try to use trains, subways, bike, or walk more! If you do need to use your car, try your best to carpool. 
I’d make this into a myth category, but I just want to make a small statement here instead. Electric cars don’t do as much as we think there is. Although we could have avoided
Myth: Plastics are recyclable!
Kind of a click-baity title on my part, and although plastics can be recycled, it is very hard to do so. I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty science on this, but to dumb it down, we only truly recycle 7-9% of the plastic waste generated. Even if you do recycle all of your plastics, there is only a small chance that it will be properly recycled.
Plastics are broken down into two categories: thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics are your recyclable plastics because they can be melted down (although there’s more nuance to that). Thermosets cannot be melted down feasibly (aka it takes a LOOOOOT of energy to melt them, and we don’t have that) and are thrown in the landfill stream. To avoid this, just simply reduce plastics as much as you can! Glass, aluminum, and paper are the easiest to recycle!
Myth: Paper is bad for the environment!
Although deforestation is a big problem, foresting that is properly managed is significantly less so. Utilizing paper is a lot better for the environment than using plastic. It’s easily recyclable, not to mention the industry that makes our paper is pretty damn sustainable! It has a very low net CO2 production, making it not much of a problem. Our true problem for CO2 emissions would be the gas industry.
Although with forestry, you have the decrease in biodiversity issue. I want to work towards a solution or a compromise with that in the future!
Myth: Green plastics help the Earth!
This really salts my apples, but there is no such thing as a “green” plastic. Sure there are plant based plastics, but some commercial plant based plastics can’t be recycled, or fall into the “thermoset” category. Not to mention, a lot of plant based plastics are mixed with other plastics, so it does not make too much of a difference, since it cannot biodegrade. Biodegradation is what we should strive for in making materials for single use. 
Some ending notes:
Although there is SO much I can say here, I could only type so much. If anyone needs clarification or has any questions, feel free to reach out!
The climate change movement is an intersectional one. In order to properly address climate change, we also have to address social-economic issues as well. Climate change effects disproportionately effects low income and “developing” countries (typically countries in between high stationary and a little in the late-expanding category in the demographic transition model). Developed countries are the issue, mainly our industries. We can only do so much on our own. Getting the proper legislation passed and making industries listen is a huge step into making our planet healthy again.
Now, go outside (if you can/feel safe to do so), appreciate nature, and even plant a tree or indoor plant if you can. Being in nature can help anxiety and depression (not saying you shouldn’t get professional help for that, because you should if you need it!), or just general being-indoors-syndrome.
Enjoy earth! -Corn
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chilvanakin · 4 years
If I had to remember how it started, I would have to replay the flashback of being told that when I became obese at 15, that I couldn’t “come crying”. I was 8 when my dad told me this. Afterwards, I had this increasing feeling of being in the wrong body, like I had been misplaced at birth and was suddenly realizing it. I looked around at everyone else, having fun and enjoying their childhood while I compared me to them. I compared me to my best friend who I often I asked, “why can’t I look like you?”
I felt misplaced in a body that was my own, always had been, because someone else told me I was. How do you teach an 8 year old to go on a diet? I loved food, I was a picky eater but aren’t we all at that age? So how do you tell them that they need to change and that they don’t look pretty enough without traumatizing them? My dad now reafirms that he only said that to me because he wanted me to have high self esteem. He wanted me to “take care of myself”.
I developed anorexia at 14. I became obsessed with diet culture, “clean” eating, and exercising until I colapsed. I used my notebooks for tracking my daily intake and writing hateful messages to myself. I would motivate myself through my own hatred. Slowly, I decreased my meals until they weren’t even meals anymore. I thought I was being “healthy” by going on 3 to 4 day fasts, thinking that the kiwi I had before I began was enough. Newsflash, it wasn’t. But I continued.
My family situation got complex during this time. My parents were separated and I felt alone. I distanced myself from my friends and I had also stopped going to school. Everytime I talked to my dad through Skype, he would comment on how I was too thin. Amazingly so, I thought he was complimenting me. I got more and more obsessed, the loss of my period and hair became my motivation. The internet was my best friend because I read all about the “tips & tricks” of starving. I was tired, lonely, cold and angry. I had no patience and I was insufferable. This is what being malnourished will do to you.
After months and months of these rituals that and rules that seemed like an endless of “how to die in 10 days”, I tried to recover. How? By getting into fitness. I did Insanity while I was recovering, which was bullshit because that is NOT recovery. I didn’t challenge myself, I didn’t give my body time to rest- I exercised every day, I underfed and I normalized exhaustion. I was terrified of chocolate, processed foods and fats. The thought of putting on weight became a source of nightmares, LITERALLY. I would have NIGHTMARES about looking down at my body and seeing fat start to accumulate over my bones. Somehow, I thought that since I was exercising and eating more than my standard oatmeal and toast, that I was recovered.
I went to live with my father at 15. I feel like this decision shaped me as a person because I was forced to grow up way too fast. I made choices that no one should make a 15 year old make. At this point in time, I had put on weight and I was no longer exercising. My dad had a baby with this girlfriend of the time and all I wanted to do was be with my new baby brother. I didn’t think about food or dieting because I felt like somehow, watching him eat made me be at peace with food. My baby brother was growing and being nourished by the food we gave him and I wanted to make sure he was never hungry. It made me feel so happy to watch him laugh and wobble his way over to his mom for lunch time. I loved seeing him nibbling with a toothless mouth on a soft cookie, and offering the slobbered leftovers to me. That all stopped very suddenly, because my dad would start to make comments. Not only him, but his girlfriend too. Comments about how I was “eating too much” and how I “would look better if I was smaller”. I was experiencing extreme hunger when I moved in with my dad, because I had stopped exercising and my body no longer was focusing the energy on repairing my muscles, it was focusing on repairing me as a whole. I HAD to eat a lot because I needed to be healthy again. This was thrown completely out of the window and I caved into my disordered brain again. I felt almost grateful to them for motivating me to start losing weight again because I thought that it meant that they cared. So the food rules started again. It’s just that this time I didn’t need to learn the tips and tricks, I already knew them. Losing weight was easier now, and faster. So 2013 was the year I dedicated to my disorder. I restricted long enough that my hunger cues began to fade away. I thought that my body had gotten used to what I was eating. A green apple in the morning, some lettuce leaves and half a red bell pepper for lunch, and a single serving of prepackaged soup at night. My brain stopped screaming at me and I stopped thinking. I was reduced to being a zombie of my disorder. I stopped singing, I stopped writing, I stopped making art. I never cried, I laughed only when I was around other people. My body felt numb. I felt numb.
I remember taking showers and watching as day by day the fur growing all over my bones got longer and longer. I later found out that this is called “lanuga” which happens when you have lost an extreme amount of fat and your body reacts as an attempt at survival by growing these hairs, desperately trying to protect you. I felt tired, I couldn’t carry my baby brother anymore. He would ask me to hold him and I would try, but be very afraid of dropping him so I would have to refuse. I remember how upset he looked, we were so close. He loved being with me but I was so scared of him watching me do these things to myself. What if he learned from me? What if my actions stayed in his subconscious? I tried putting distance between us because of my fears. I hate myself for that because I miss him so much now, I miss the days we would spend and the naps we would take. I can’t take back that time.
We went to the doctor because I now, was at the brink of death. Truly I wish that I could say I’m being dramatic about that, but I’m not. My heart was weak and I could barely move. I was no longer sleeping and even sitting down hurt. My bones felt like knives crushing into my skin. I learned that I was at risk of heart failure and if I didn’t start recovering now, the next step would be having a tube thrusted down my throat. Force feeding. I couldn’t ever let that happen so I decided to once again, embarc on a lonely recovery path. As soon as I left the doctors, I told my dad to buy me chocolate. In response, he was annoyed. He thought that I was going to use my “verge of death illness” as an excuse to get obese. I cannot make this up y’all. He didn’t buy me shit and barked at me about how “you can eat at home”. Please, if anyone you know is going through restrictive eating disorder and they say they want chocolate- BUY THEM THE FUCKING CHOCOLATE!
I began refeeding and it was the most difficult thing I had ever done in my life. I couldn’t stomach food. I would eat and instantly have diarrhea. I had to have baby sized portions of food to be able to hold it down. This caused my weight to drop more, so I was now at the point where I actually did need to be hospitalized. I was afraid that I was going to die at any given point of the day. My dad once told me that “just because you have to start eating again doesn’t mean you can get as fat as you used to be”. I cried. This was the first time I had cried in so long. My numbed down feelings reflourished. The hate, the anger, the sadness I bottled up began overflowing. I didn’t stop eating, I gave myself the time I had to so I could stabilize myself. I was sent to go spend a few months with my dad’s girlfriend’s family. I barely knew these people, but they couldn’t handle me being this sick anymore. They didn’t want me. I was a bad influence to my brother. I was hurting them. My dad would have hated me if I told him I needed to be in the hospital, because that’s too much money so this was the easy way out. I guess if I needed to be hospitalized while I was there, it wouldn’t have to come out of his pocket.
I hated being away from my baby brother. I hated acting happy all the time when I was so depressed and furious. I tried making friends during my time away and all of them idolized my sick body. They asked me how I got to that point. I remember telling them I was sick, that I had to eat. They made me feel like that wasn’t neccesary, that I looked like a model. I ate anyway. I couldn’t go back home and still be sick, that would mean that I would be hated by them and maybe even have to leave home.
After a few months I gained some weight. I went back home. I asked my dad’s girlfriend if I was “fine now”, as in “am I not scary anymore”. She said I still looked very thin, but that it was fine. She told me not to go overboard. This meant “DO. NOT. GET. FAT.”
My dad and his girlfriend separated after a year and a half of my recovery. This whole period was very stressful since I was left alone with my dad. I was weight restored and I found some kind of peace with having no peace. I lived with the comments as a daily thing. “Don’t eat that, why don’t you do some arm exercises, you don’t really want that, why don’t those pants fit you anymore.” I got used to feeling foreign in my body. So being extremely malnourished was bad, bein inbetween wasn’t good enough and being restored to my set weight was just awful. I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be. I hated myself and I got used to that.
I am now 23 years old and I relapsed a few months ago. I understand now that I was never recovered. I was begging for help for years, but I got irritation and annoyance as a response. I never stopped having food rules, I never stopped being afraid of food. I cannot recover until my brain is completely rewired. I have to eat. I have to lose my fear around food. I have to HATE my disorder and push it out of every one of my pores until I am completely cleansed of it. I remember reading about how “this disorder never leaves you and you will always struggle with it”. I believed that for so long. I believed that I was never going to stop being afraid. I’m tired of feeling comfortable with my anorexia when it has ruined me to the point of feeling completely astranged from my body. I want to know who I am and not hate myself for it. I can’t recover fully until I rewire myself. Keep this with you. You cannot believe you are recovered just because some doctor tells you that you are weight restored. Your food rules need to disappear competely, you need to challenge yourself even if it terrifies you. I am so afraid, but I don’t ever want to go down this disordered path again. I want to spend time with the people that love me and not let anything get in my way. I am young and I am smart. So are you. Eat your fears.
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seokingstar · 4 years
faster way to fat loss
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Welcome To The-faster-way-to-fat-loss.com
Faster Way to Fat Loss: 30 Day Low Carb Diet Ketosis Plan!
 faster way to fat loss
 Weight Is Managed, Not Cured!
Fortunately, there’s now a way to lose weight that doesn’t require counting calories, or starving yourself, that doesn’t require the deprivation and suffering associated with conventional dieting, you will know how many carbs on keto! It’s what I call the easy way to lose weight, the faster way to fat loss, and it’s my number one secret for having a beautiful, slim, stunning body, my number one secret for enjoying the rest of your life as a happy, healthy, permanently thin person.
 It’s really quite extraordinary, even if I do say so myself! For your nutritional health and well being, I’ve formulated an entire 30 day low carb diet system that can literally trick your body into burning excess stored fat, while you happily eat 3 filling meals a day! It’s a process known to medical doctors, most notably, Dr Robert Atkins as ketosis and I absolutely guarantee that it works. The process is literally so effective that it can cause your body to go into an almost non-stop fat burning frenzy while you continue to eat your 3 filling, delicious meals each day.
 A fat burning frenzy that virtually destroys stubborn fat from your entire body, even from hard to reach areas like neck and chin fat. A fat burning frenzy so powerful that I can only recommend that you use the ketosis activating 30 Day Low Carb Diet system for one 30 day cycle at a time! Then you may need to adjust your carb intake upward a bit.
 That’s right! It’s a fact! Once you try this powerful and effective method for non-stop fat destruction you may be tempted (because it’s so incredibly easy) to use it longer than 30 days but I highly recommend that you either, increase your carbs or add a few low carbs snacks in each day, and most importantly, get prior authorization from a professional Medical Dr. After this you can go back on what I call the Fat Burning Cycle and lose additional pounds. And even if you have one hundred pounds or more to lose, you can repeat the Fat Burning Cycle as many times as necessary.
 I’m very proud to say, I’ve spent years researching and then carefully developing this diet system that tricks your body into relentlessly burning body fat, while you continue to eat your full three mouth-watering, real food meals each day. And you should know that the longer you follow the 30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' the closer you will be in your desire to achieve the beautiful, attractive and healthy body of your dreams!
  how many carbs on keto
I highly recommend a strong vitamin ritual during your entire diet, with emphasis on the following vitamin and nutrients:
CHROMIUN PICOLINATE (Considered a highly effective natural metabolic stimulator.)
BEE POLLEN/BEE PROPOLIS (Super high nutrition value promotes lasting energy.)
 B-1 THIAMIN (Essential for carbohydrate metabolism.)
RADIX GINSENG (Recognized as natural energy booster for the last 5000 yrs!)
GAMMA ORYZINOL (May contribute to increased stamina.)
LECITHIN (Powerful nutritional factor vital to both mind and body.)
 SARASAPARILLA (Absolutely wonderful herbal extract for increased health and well being.)
 INOSINE (A naturally occurring metabolic product which may help reduce fatigue and improve metabolic functioning.)
  But, believe it or not, this special mix of vitamins, minerals and herbs are NOT the reason why my 30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' will work so well for you. They’re NOT the reason why you can drop pounds and inches in record time. And they’re NOT the reason why you may see dramatic results from almost the very first week you begin!
 The real reason why you can actually lose up to twenty pounds in 30 days the easy way is due to the powerful ketosis activating in my diet system.
 And with the ketosis activating diet system you get to do the one thing everybody else has told you not to do! You get to eat without counting calories! And I mean EAT! 3 fully satisfying meals a day! East so much that one of my friends almost fainted in disbelief when she stepped on the scale after just two weeks and witnessed the incredible amount of pounds and inches that seemingly vanished!
 Just imagine being able to eat regular meals for an entire month, enjoying yourself like never before, and then fitting into clothes you once thought impossible to wear. Imagine, thirty short wonderful days and you can kiss up to twenty pounds of fat, flab and excess fluids goodbye. Thirty short days to a leaner, more seductive body. It’s truly the easy way to lose weight!
 Here is what some of my best clients are saying about their success. Of course, weight loss varies for every person and it depends on how well you follow the instructions, but nevertheless you’ll have to agree that these are some pretty impressive results:
 “Scot you’ve saved my life. I’ve been on so many diets and failed that I didn’t think I could ever try one again. Thanks to your easy way to lose weight I’ve finally lost the 35 pounds I’ve been trying to lose for more than twenty years!” Thanks again!
 Visit for more information: https://www.the-faster-way-to-fat-loss.com/
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playquiz · 5 years
What is a good thing about sleeping anyway?
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"People who say they sleep as a toddler usually don't have a toddler." Leo J. Burke
I wholeheartedly believe supported learning experience. If you haven't tried anything, how does one know if it works or not? For several years I used to be curious to understand how my body skilled some nutritional and training interventions, and that I recently started trying easy ways to "penetrate" my systems using technology within the sort of tools and applications.
Being the most unaffected copy of yourself requires tons of trial and error. We, humans, are complex beings, and that we are all different on the within as we are on the surface, so what works on behalf of me may have the other effect on you. I also love the system-based scientific approach to biology and physiology, not "well that ought to be true because I read it during a magazine" or was endorsed by a star or athlete. What involves us within the sort of food, scenes, thoughts, muscle stimulation, and sounds determines what comes out—our behavior, performance, memory, and health. If we would like to return up with something useful / better, we'd like to enter something good / better. Three of the foremost critical areas you'll specialize in when it involves self-experiences and breakthroughs in your health are food, sleep, and stress... Why? Because even small changes in each of those areas can have immediate and exciting effects on your life. I will primarily specialize in the sector of sleep, and more specifically, I will be able to test natural and cheap methods supported science to enable me to enhance the standard and quantity of my sleep. I will be able also to examine some recommended technology to ascertain how effective it's. I have been using the sleep tracker for over a year now, and although it hasn't helped me get more sleep or better sleep, it's made me more conscious of the small I'm already getting and the way different situations affect my height and depth of rest. The info I will be able to collect also still will be useful on behalf of me to work out the effectiveness of the methods that I shall develop over the subsequent month. What is good at sleeping, anyway? Let's check out this from the opposite angle. What's bad about not getting enough sleep? It's quite direct effects like bad moods, lack of focus or other signs that you simply feel exhausted, like feeling emotional, hungry, and ragged. Sleep deprivation can have severe consequences for your long-term physical health. Here is that the frightening side of lack of sleep Stroke risk According to research, even without typical risk factors, like weight gain or having a case history, lack of sleep can increase the danger of stroke. Contributes to obesity Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight! Really? Perhaps "if you postpone you lose" it seems like a true saying after hearing this. Sleep is essential if you would like to lose fat or maintain a slim body. Insufficient sleep can contribute to some less-than-ideal food options, including serving more food and looking for fast meals, because of some complex hormonal changes that happen once you aren't getting enough food. Sleeping for 6 hours or less seems to extend the assembly of the ghrelin hormone and reduce leptin, helping you balance food intake. Also, decreased sleep appears to be related to the division of unfavorable nutrients, which suggests that within the event of reduced caloric intake, more weight is going to be lost as a lean mass of body fat. It increases the danger of diabetes Studies have examined the connection between insufficient sleep and insulin resistance, a risk factor for diabetes. Among the healthy adolescents, the researchers found, their shortest sleepers had the very best insulin resistance, meaning that the body doesn't use insulin effectively. Other studies have examined fat cells, especially, and have found that lower sleep increases insulin resistance in these cells, even when caloric intake is restricted. Fuel amnesia You may know that on days once you are exhausted, you forget and not focus, but sleep deprivation can cause permanent cognitive problems. The less we sleep, the less we enjoy the memory storage characteristics of sleep. But lack of sleep can cause a deterioration within the brain, which can partially explain a minimum of some amnesia later in life. Bone damage Long-term sleep deprivation appears to contribute to osteoporosis. Loss of sleep reduces the body's secretion of the human somatotropin liable for strengthening the bones and repairing wear and tear. Your heart hurts The stress and stress caused by a scarcity of sleep can cause the body to supply more chemicals and hormones, which will cause heart condition. Lack of sleep can accelerate signs of skin aging because the body produces cortisol (stress hormone) which will break down collagen and weaken the skin's ability to repair in the dark. Finally, when our sleep suffers, our system also suffers, which makes us more susceptible to disease and infection. I always knew how important sleep was to my health, but I have never taken it seriously yet. Sleep science - it isn't as easy as spending longer in bed. To make changes, you would like to create and build achievable daily habits in your routine. However, what should these habits be? How does one know they're going to work? It's where I address the research project to assist me. I've talked tons about hormones here already and the way they affect us negatively thanks to lack of sleep but guess what? When it involves good sleep, the hormones are again... but this point, they're going to help us. Understanding which of them and the way to enhance them should be the key to improving our health. The hormones that make us sleepy The magical hormone liable for regulating sleep cycles is melatonin, which is, of course, released with darkness and tells our body to sleep. It not only controls your usual sleep pattern but also reduces stress and is additionally anti-oxidant, which suggests it slows down the aging process. Once we are younger, our melatonin levels are high, but unfortunately, we see a gradual decrease as we age. Many things can also eliminate natural melatonin production within the body. These include long flight disorder and shift work, but the foremost common cause is abnormal exposure to light after dark hours. Blue light is the most harmful emitting from cell phones, computer screens, and televisions. So yes, reading from an iPad before getting to bed is worse than reading an honest old book! Even awakening in the dark and checking the time on your phone can stop your body from producing melatonin instantly! Unfortunately, whether you've got been fighting for an hour or a second, the effect is that the same. The problems that have seem to be mainly thanks to our modern lifestyles, which differ significantly from how our ancestors wont to live. They weren't awake late using laptops or watching TV. Instead, they used light to make a decision when to sleep and when to awaken. Increased melatonin So, if melatonin is so excellent and its production will help me improve my sleep, the procedure that I will be able to take must answer the question: "What simple changes am I able to make to extend melatonin levels naturally? The straightforward answer could also be to use a dietary supplement. Still, the matter is that the utilization of Repetitive artificial melatonin can reduce my body's ability to supply it, so instead, I want to develop lifestyle habits that will maximize melatonin production without the necessity for outside help. What do I do? I always seem to sleep better after a hot shower just before bed (high and low blood heat appears to market drowsiness) and do so occasionally during the week. It's best if I throw some Epsom salts (which contain magnesium) that my body absorbs through the skin. Sometimes I will be able to use Betteryou Magnesium Spray, which I mainly use as a relaxant after training, but it's also useful for bedtime use to assist me to sleep. It appears that the body more readily absorbs magnesium through the skin instead of taking oral supplements. I regularly use Bulletproof Sleeping Mat for 20 minutes before bed. On most nights, I sleep in complete darkness (faster for dimming), even the slightest amount of sunshine can disrupt your mechanism and produce melatonin. Although there's no thermometer in my bedroom, I tend to sleep better when the weather may be a little cooler. Indeed, the perfect temperature for an honest night's sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. I regularly eat eggs, nuts/seeds, salmon, chicken, bananas, and oats, which are known to be a potent melatonin booster. I always eat a night meal that contains protein, fat or low-glycemic food in blood glucose to enhance tryptophan levels (tryptophan is an aminoalkanoic acid that promotes sleep that contributes to the assembly of serotonin, a brain chemical that helps us relax and is employed to form melatonin). I take a magnesium supplement after dinner and again before getting to bed. Magnesium is the most potent relaxing mineral available. However, it must be supported with proper nutrition for the body to soak up and use it. (Time for an additional blog) My phone, although it shouldn't be charged in my bedroom, is placed in airplane mode to avoid EMF which may disturb sleep. I now use the Lome timepiece that gently wakes me up with natural light rather than sound. What I'm not good at - what is going to I attempt to improve my sleep? Sometimes I will be able to impose a curfew on myself, but this never seems long, and that I find myself getting to sleep later. As I write this, I'm committing the last word sin of sleep. It's 11:30 pm, and that I drink coffee and stare at the pc screen! I will make a concerted effort to sleep at 10 pm nightly. It's going to be unrealistic to try to do this seven days every week, but I will be able to attempt to be as consistent as possible. Every hour of sleep before midnight is adequate to two hours after. Now, I do not skills correct this is often, but I've read it quite a couple of times, so maybe it's worth looking into it. I installed F.lux on my phone, iPad, and computer (it's free). Change the color on your screens, counting on the time of day. F.lux uses warmer colors after sunset to match the inside lighting. Although there are not any scientific studies to prove its success, the thought seems plausible and price the experiment. I have already got a pair of blue, orange glasses that block the sunshine but I admit I do not wear them that much. I downloaded "Pzizz" which is an app that claims to assist you in nodding off faster with a variety of soothing sounds and acoustic signals intended to help you relax and squeeze. I'm currently also researching other techniques supported by vocal neuroscience, and I am trying to experiment with a system developed by the brain. I will replace my coffee after dinner with herb tea (really yes!) Caffeine not only acts as a stimulant but also will start to release magnesium from my body. Getting an honest night's sleep seems to be an art and a science and that they are crucial to our health. With some simple strategies, we will all get top quality and cozy sleep that our bodies and minds deserve. There are not any shortcuts, and that we got to make sleep a priority. Our physical, mental and emotional health depends thereon. Take hold of your actions and surroundings, be consistent and allow us to enjoy Zzzzzzz.
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scripttorture · 6 years
Sorry if the ask box is closed, I looked for a post saying so but didn't see it. Is it possible to train someone to endure great amounts of pain using torture? (Hypothetical magical world here where the pain can be inflicted through nonphysical, magical means, rather than using physical instruments to do so.) I'm not going for long-term or psychological torture, just physical pain. The idea is the soldier becomes unafraid of or desensitized to pain, reducing its effects in enemy interrogation.
Forgot to specify, the torture is not restricted to one location but rather the whole body, and isn't for days, or even hours, since there still has to be training for physical fitness (thus magical non-mental, non-externally damaging, but definitely not pleasant. I'm using magic for this and the canon does display torture via magic, showing no on-the-skin damage but definitely mental if it's longer, but preparation for torture or extreme pain is not meant to be very long.)
It might help to explain that the magic in question only simulates a full-body sensation of intense pain, but if used long-term or uninterrupted, permanent mental damage definitely happens. But I'm trying to keep that as minimal a chance as possible (plus it likely would not last long at all, there's still training). The question is, is it possible to 'train' someone to be MENTALLY prepared to handle large amounts of pain, and if so/not, what would this kind of act do?
Theask box isn’t currently closed but thank you for taking the time tocheck if it was. And thank you for giving me so much informationabout the story that really helps me come up with a good answer. :)
Thequestion is… a bit more complicated then it seems.
Yousee what the canon you’re working with has done is made some commonbut wrong assumptions about pain. What you’ve thought through basedon the canon is perfectly logical but it doesn’t mesh with how painworks.
Thebig unspoken assumption here is that pain is one sensation and theresearch suggests that it just… isn’t.
Thepain from stomach ache doesn’t just feel different to the pain of astubbed toe, it is a different sensation and it’s processeddifferently. The same applies to a headache, eating a curry that’stoo hot, a scraped knee and so on.
Wedon’t just have one painthreshold, we have a lot of different thresholds for different formsof pain. This is why torturers don’t just stick to one technique,they use several different ones and switch quickly between thembecause they’re trying to find a type of pain an individual victimis particularly vulnerable to.
There’sno way to predict what kind of pain that might be by looking atsomeone. You also can’t tell from how they respond to other kindsof pain. So- knowing your friend likes their curry very hot doesn’ttell you how well they’d deal with a headache or a pulled muscle.
Nowit is possible toincrease your pain thresholds butthe important point here is that pain thresholds functionindependently. Increasing your tolerance of- let’s say a strainedmuscle- only increasesyour tolerance for that particular kind of pain.
Thisis a big part of why ‘torture training’ doesn’t have anypositive effects. It canincrease one or more pain thresholds but it’s unlikely that willactually be useful because as soon as a torturer sees that thetechnique they’re using is having little effect they’ll switchtechnique. The type of pain changes, the threshold is different, youcan see where this is going.
Atthe time of writing I don’t actually have a definitive list of howmany kinds of pain there are. Best guess? Dozens.
Raisingthe pain threshold for each and every one of those would take aprolonged period of exposure to each type of pain.
Ifwe’re trying to picture a relatively harmless and everyday example,think about those hot curries again. If you go out to eat curryregularly with friends and have a low spice tolerance (ie lowthreshold for the pain caused by chilli) you might increase that byslowly trying to eat more and more of the hotter kinds of foodavailable. And over months you’d see an improvement, you’d beable to share more dishes with your friends.
Whatthe canon you’re using has come up with… well it doesn’t reallywork.
We’veall got different ideas for how far fantasy can twist reality beforeit becomes ‘too unrealistic’ for us to enjoy. And the way you’vedescribed this spell it sounds like it’s changing a lot of thingsat once to do with how we process pain. Here’s what it looks likeit’s assuming to me:
There’sonly one ‘sort’ of pain
Apain threshold can be increased quickly
Apain threshold can be increased without pain/discomfort
Severalpain thresholds can be increased at once (without side effects)
It’seasy to judge the level of pain a person can stand
Thelevel of pain a person can stand is the same for everyone
Shockand limits on how much pain can be processed don’t exist
There’sa difference between ‘real’ and ‘simulated’ pain
Severepain can be inflicted in a way that’s guaranteed to not causetrauma/psychological damage
NowI personally could probably accepthand wavingpoint 2 and 4 as part of the magic. But the other assumptionson that list are to do with how pain works on a fundamental level andall of them are wrong.
I’mparticularly struck by the ‘simulated pain’ bit because I canremember when torture apologists used to argue that waterboarding wasnot near-drowning but ‘simulated drowning’. Increasing a painthreshold means exposure to pain, I don’t think this could be bothnon-painful and effectively increase pain thresholds.
I’mtrying to give you as much information as possible because I’m not100% sure what you want to do in your story and I want you to be ableto make the best decision you can.
Buta big part of what I’m driving at here is that all the research wehave (and admittedly it’s not much) suggests that torturetraining is useless.
Thisis partly because of how pain works. But it’s also largely becausepeople are naturallyextremely resistant to torture.Incredibly, shockingly, resistant. We can survive and recover fromthe most world shattering and painful things. More than that we cancome back fighting.
Ithink that’s remarkable.
Andthat resistance doesn’t come from notfeeling pain.
Itcomes in part from how we’re wired tofeel pain. It comes from the physical limitations on our nerve firingrates. How our memory works. Our incredible capacity for recovery.
Exposingsomeone to intense pain (or gradually increased pain) prior totorture mightincrease their tolerance for a particular kind of pain.
Butit also risks traumatising them because there is no way to safelysimulate torture.
Andit’s unclear whether this would actually have any real benefit interms of resistance because we are naturally so incredibly resistant.
Whattorture ‘training’ hasbeen shown to do is encourage torture in a military environment. Afair number of military torturers say they learnt how to torture fromprograms that were supposed to teach ‘resistance’ to torture.
Dependingon how the magic works in your setting that might not apply here.
PersonallyI think these programs represent a big risk to an organisation withno proven gain. They have the potentially to seriously injure andpsychologically scar participants. They have the potential toencourage torture. And this is done in the name of fixing somethingthat ain’t broken: the human nervous system.
Whatthis spell would actually do in your setting depends on how you wantto interpret the magic in this world.
Ithink the most realistic solution is that- it would do exactly whatconventional torture training does: slightly increase a painthreshold or two at the risk of injury and trauma to theparticipants. No noticeable increase in resistance to torture.
Ifon the other hand you’re thinking of something more intense thenconventional torture training- more pain thresholds targetted atonce, a quicker increase in pain (for faster results)  and so forth-then I think you’re looking at a severe physiological response.Shock, in the medical sense. Probablylasting psychological trauma. Possibly chronic pain. Possibly a wholeset of physical injuries depending on where and how the magic iscarried out.
Soif the victim is standing when the spell is castthey might have seriousinjuries from falling and knocking their head on the ground. Ifthey’re restrained they’d have injuries from thrashing againstthe restraints (with some sorts of electrical torture this sort ofthrashing could cause broken bones). You get the idea.
Howeveryou choose to use this sort of magic in your story please don’tshow it as harmless. These sorts of training programs are notharmless.
Pleasedon’t suggest you can ‘simulate’ the pain of torture without itactually being ‘real’ pain. That’s way too close to real lifedismissals of the pain torture survivors went through.
Beyondthat- remember that despite what the books and movies tell usresistance is naturaland normal.
Statisticalanalysis of historical French court cases that used torture to forceconfessions (something we know torture can do, torture can’tlead to accurate information) showed an average ‘success’ rate of10%.
Undertorture 90% of people do not cooperate long enough to sign theirname.
Weare remarkable, resilient, stubborn creatures capable of enduring allmanner of horrors.
Andwe don’t need help or special training to do it. We are alreadythere.
Availableon Wordpress.
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
Lose Belly Fat Fast: 3 Keys and a Killer Workout
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To much of individuals, a sexy, toned stomach resembles the Holy Grail of fitness, but like the Holy Grail, it can additionally be frustratingly evasive. A lot of the moment it's not for want of attempting, but rather due to the fact that you're putting the majority of (or also every one of) your initiative in the wrong area. Let's put it in this manner: 1000 grinds a day alone is NOT going to obtain you there - I'll explain why in a moment. As well as don't worry if you've been doing this, due to the fact that bunches of people drop afoul of this widespread fitness myth, so when you hear it you'll see precisely what you've been doing incorrect and also extra notably, what to do regarding it.
It's Your Health Too
What's even more it's not just about vanity either. Sure all of us want to look great and also the majority of us agree that a limited, toned belly is sexy, but there's even more to it. According to Harvard Female's Health Watch stubborn belly fat is even worse than hip and also thigh fat in terms of health risks.
The Bad News
If you have an interest in the science: the gist of it is that tummy fat often tends to be natural fat, i.e. below the abdominal wall surfaces as well as bordering the inner body organs. This type of fat is even worse for you than the surface-level (subcutaneous, i.e. just listed below the skin) fat since it produces even more of retinol-binding healthy protein 4 (RBP4) which increases insulin resistance (which can cause diabetes mellitus as well as a host of various other illness). The more visceral fat you have the more RBP4 is secreted into your bloodstream. Not good.
The other issue is that as we age the percentage of fat to bodyweight tends to enhance, as well as fat starts to favour being saved in the upper body over the hips and also upper legs. Which suggests that also if you do not put on weight, you waistline can grow by inches as the visceral fat pushes out versus your stomach wall. As well as sorry to be the holder of poor information, yet ladies, we're more at risk to this than males. Harvard! Why did you need to obtain all science-y on us ?!
The Great News
As with everything in life however, there's always a silver-lining (you really did not assume I would certainly simply leave you there did ya?). The terrific news is that natural fat responds really, truly well to exercise and diet regimen. Better, in reality, than fat on the hips as well as upper legs. Which means that you can get the level, sexy tummy you have actually constantly wanted, if you agree to place in the initiative and do what jobs. Which leads us nicely to ... what does not work!
Belly Fat Myths
Crunches = Sexy stomach
Remember how I said 1000 grinds a day alone will not provide you a toned stubborn belly? It's not that problems aren't a great exercise (although there are much better exercises, see the workout listed below) yet the primary reason is: you can not identify minimize fat! What this means is that you can't target a certain location of your body to selectively lose fat. So it matters not the amount of problems, sit-ups or ab-blaster device representatives you do, it won't give you a flat stomach unless you do several of the various other things I'm going to tell you regarding in a moment. Not just that, however there are far better abdominal exercises than crunches which you might be doing.
It's all about exercise
I wish this held true. Would not it be excellent to exercise as well as eat cupcakes, pizza, ice-cream and also everything else you desired ... as well as still have the ability to walk with a six-pack? I have actually tried this, and I can tell you for a truth: it doesn't function. This does not mean you need to consume a flawlessly clean diet plan - where's the enjoyable because - yet you do need to eat tidy the majority of the moment. I've found that you can actually enjoy consuming a tidy diet plan due to the fact that you retrain your body to delight in food which is actually healthy and balanced. I recognize it appears insane, yet it's true!
Just do cardio
Yes, aerobics are great for fat loss, however they're not the be-all and end-all. Make certain you incorporate several of these ideas if you wish to boost weight loss when you do cardio.
So now that I have actually covered a few of the fitness misconceptions you may have had, you might be questioning what you should be doing instead. Well stay, due to the fact that I'm concerning to inform you ...
How To Get A Sexy Stomach Fast
Now I recognize this write-up isn't labelled 'Shed Belly Fat Actually Freakin' Slowly' however there is a healthy rate most individuals must lose weight: 1 - 2 pounds each week. Yes, this isn't as fast as some people would such as, but it's the healthy and balanced alternative, plus you're less likely to shed muscular tissue in addition to the fat - which would be a negative thing, because muscle mass assists you melt fat. To put it simply, it's not going to take 3 days, it can take weeks or more probable, months.
And if you want visible abdominal muscles, that's a whole 'nother pot of fish. Initially, there are the biological factors, particularly: your genes and sex. Females need to have greater body fat percentages than guys to be healthy, this often indicates they can not have noticeable abdominals revealing as well as additionally go to a healthy and balanced, lasting body-fat. Even so, because of genetics, some ladies do have visible abs at healthy and balanced body-fat percentages. You need to do the finest you can with the genetics you have, not utilize them as a justification. Same thing goes for individuals, yet they can get away with lower healthy body-fat percents, thus the six-pack.
The other concern with getting noticeable abdominal muscles is it needs you to follow a clean diet plan a great deal more purely (once more, relying on your genetics). So you can decide if it's worth that extra commitment or otherwise (and as long as you can keep a healthy body fat).
The excellent news is despite your sex or genetics you can still get an attractive, toned tummy ... get much healthier as well as look wonderful nude. So allow's chat concerning just how to do that!
Tips To Lose Tummy Fat and Obtain An Attractive Stomach
There are actually just 3 tricks to obtaining a level tummy: exercise, a tidy and healthy and balanced diet and getting enough sleep. These are the 3 huge ones, they form the foundation of losing belly fat and getting a sexy belly. At the exact same time there are a great deal of points you can do to compliment these and improve your fat loss, which I'll consist of in a moment.
First, let's go right into a little bit more information on these 3 tricks:
You should intend to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workout most days. If you increase the duration as well as intensity of the workout you'll shed much more fat, quicker.
Combine cardio with stamina training
Most people turn to aerobic workout for fat loss, yet you will certainly increase your weight loss significantly by combining cardio workout with toughness training. This is since toughness training constructs muscular tissue and also muscular tissue burns fat (i.e. raises your metabolic price). Muscular tissue also takes up less area than fat, so although you may not drop weight ... you will lose fat as well as obtain a smaller sized waist and also even more toned belly - which is exactly why you should not make use of the ranges to judge your weight loss! Not only that, it's inadequate to just concentrate on abdominal workouts, you also intend to do whole-body training specifically making use of substance workouts like squats, deadlifts and also shoulder presses.
Eat clean and healthy
' Abdominals are made in the cooking area. 30% exercise, 70% diet. You can not out-exercise a poor diet.' You have actually probably heard those before, and they merely show just how essential a clean, healthy diet regimen is to shedding stomach fat. The important point is to devote to it as well as follow it constantly, to the very best of your capability. It's not concerning perfection, it has to do with sticking to it as best you can as well as obtaining back on when you occasionally drop off. You could create an entire publication on tidy eating (and also that's been done) but I'll offer you the standard rules below, daily:
Eat lean healthy protein, complicated carbs and also healthy and balanced fats.
Eat lots of veggies, specifically cruciferous and also dark green leafy vegetables.
Eat some fruits.
Drink water (9 mugs for ladies, 13 for males). That's complete water quantity, i.e. counting various other beverages.
For losing stubborn belly fat, there is proof that you gain much less visceral fat the a lot more calcium you take in. Yogurt, cheese, sardines, kale are all great resources of calcium.
Avoid all processed and improved foods. This suggests sugar, white flour, candies, baked goods etc.
Avoid sodas as well as juices. Don't drink your calories, obtain your calories from food.
Avoid junk food.
Especially for losing stubborn belly fat, stay clear of foods which appear to urge it: hydrogenated vegetable oils as well as fructose-sweetened foods and also beverages.
No alcohol.
Looking at the checklist above, you might be a bit daunted, but remember it's more vital to take little incremental steps which you can keep, than trying to do everything at the same time and lasting a month. I'm talking from experience below: add a little bit each time, possibly a couple of items weekly, get an excellent feeling for it and after that relocate onto the next products in the checklist. If I needed to pick two to begin with, I 'd pick to up my veggie consumption substantially and also reduce way down on sodas and juices. Pick what help you and don't hesitate to experiment.
Get enough sleep
But not too much. A five-year research showed that grownups that got less than 5 hrs sleep an evening gathered dramatically more visceral fat ... yet those that rested greater than 8 hrs a night also obtained even more visceral fat. 6 - 8 hrs seems like an excellent array. Interestingly, this wasn't the case for individuals over 40 - that stated growing older didn't have benefits!
Boost fat loss with these tips
Try out some of the 101 weight loss pointers to boost your weight loss. Bear in mind, the 3 above are the core structure of what you require to do, but by including some of these ideas they can include up to a collective impact of higher fat loss.
The Workout
Phew! Okay, now that we've laid the foundation for obtaining the limited, toned, attractive stomach you desire, allow's jump on to the exercising component. So we have actually assembled an ab-licious workout which focuses not just on the front component of your stomach (rectus abdominis), yet also on the sides (obliques) as well as a lot more notably the deep internal stomach muscles (transverse abdominis). When the majority of people think regarding abdominal muscles, they think of the usually looked for after six-pack or eight-pack in the front, as well as by the way, obtaining an eight-pack is purely to genetics, there is no workout or amount of exercise which can offer you an eight-pack if you don't have that stomach separation genetically speaking.
Sometimes individuals consist of the obliques (typically viewed as the groves to either side of the rectus abdominis, e.g. right here as well as right here) yet very couple of individuals consist of the transverse abdominis (TVA), which are the deep internal stomach muscles. Currently the incredible point concerning the TVA muscular tissues is that they function as an all-natural bodice for your body, cinching in you core - in other words, strengthening these muscles can give you a smaller sized midsection. Not just that, however your TVA muscular tissues become part of the foundational core you use in almost every compound exercise, so obtaining more powerful right here is definitely a great thing!
Now, every stomach workout you do jobs every one of your stomach muscles, yet there's one exercise I enjoy which especially targets your TVA muscle mass: the abdominal vacuum cleaner (you can see exactly how it's carried out in the video below). This is an amazing workout for strengthening your inner core and the wonderful point is you can do them anywhere. You can do the ab vacuum alone, but also for ideal efficiency it's finest to combine them with a kegel which leads right into the abdominal vacuum cleaner, so by doing this you strengthen both your pelvic floor muscle mass along with the TVA muscular tissues. Boom! Better sex and a flatter tummy - you win!
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Your turn: What are your preferred abdominal exercises? Have you attempted the stomach vacuum cleaner yet? Was this workout challenging sufficient for you? Let us know!
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almondmelkk · 6 years
How to ACTUALLY meal prep
Breaking down meal prepping 
So I see a lot of people share meal prep ideas and showing put this much brown rice, this much meat/protein source and this much veggies. But everyone’s dietary needs are different so one persons meal prepping won’t be suitable for everyone. Some people may need less calories or more protein for instance. So here’s how you can make sure your more closely getting the meal prepping you want and need.
So first things first, your going to have to do some math 🙀 (I know sorry). You’ll need to calculate your caloric needs*and then from there you can calculate your macronutrient needs. (Macronutrients “macros” are carbs, fats and protein. They provide the body it’s energy through calories.)
I know this can seem like a ton of info (because it is) but once you do all your calculations and try it a few times it becomes a lot easier and you won’t really have to think about it!
How crazy you wanna get with your meal prepping is up to you! If you wanna prep every meal and get everything perfect to the gram that’s awesome and I respect your discipline! As for me, I just like to loosely follow my macro needs and only meal prep once a day (typically lunch for me since I like packing a lunch for work). For my other meals I’m generally conscious of the approximate calories and macros but I don’t calculate them.
I’m going to try to share as much information with you as I can, but this can get VERY complex since we are talking about calculating macronutrients. Like I said everyone is different so things vary person to person due to activity level, weight, gender, height etc. Also, the more specific your goals are the more specific/tricky your meal prepping will need to be. What I mean by that is, if your goal is to gain 5lbs of muscle it may be difficult for you to judge how much you should skew your protein needs. In those cases it would be beneficial to see a dietitian who can help closely guide you. Thats not always feasible though, so I provided general recommendations of macro nutrients designed for different levels of activities and goals. 
One thing I HIGHLY RECOMMEND is a scale!! This is huge because when you look at nutrition values in food they usually have cup amounts and then gram or ounce amounts in parenthesis next to it. So when you measure something with cups the amount can vary so much! When you scoop up one cup, sometimes the food might be more or less compact causing a significantly different measurement. However, if you weigh the food you’ll always get the exact amount needed that way the nutrition info will be correct. 
Alright lets get into it! You’ll need to calculate your general calorie and macronutrient needs. 
Start with calculating your calorie needs (This will help you determine how many calories you want to eat and put into your meal preps). 
Once you have your calorie needs click here for recommended macronutrient amounts. (This is will help you determine how much grains/veggies, proteins, fats etc. to put in your meal preps
Now you may still need a little more help picking what percentages/amount of each macro you want. This is super tough to try and give advice for over a blog post but again ill do my best! 🤗
If your a sedentary individual trying to lose weight WITHOUT an exercise regime, then you may want to pick a fairly balanced amount of macronutrients such as 60% carbs, 20% protein & 25% fat. 
If your trying to lose weight WITH an exercise regime,  increasing your protein would be a good idea because a decrease in calories could cause muscle atrophy (reduction) because not enough protein would be present to sustain muscle. So a good idea might be to decrease carbs a bit to 55%, increase protein to 25% & 25% fat. 
If your trying to maintain your weight than you can focus more on just picking % that fit you (This can go for anybody/activity level too). Pick what makes the most sense to you and how you like to eat. I enjoy carbs so I would pick a higher carb percentage, I weight lift so higher protein percentage and than lower fat percentage. If you feel like carbs don’t agree with you then lower to 45% and increase proteins and fat. 
If your an average gym goer, a balanced amount of macronutrients will be appropriate as well. Perhaps, 50-55% carbs, moderate protein for muscle growth 20-25%, and moderate fat 25%. 
If your an endurance athlete (runner, marathons, triathletes), your going to be eating a lot of calories in general but you’ll definitely want to pick a higher carb percentage such as 60-65%, low-moderate protein 15-20% & low fat 20%. 
If your a power/strength athlete (powerlifter), moderate-high carbohydrates 50-65%, increase your protein to compensate for muscle growth so high protein 25-35%, and low fat 20% as its not considered beneficial for power athletes (or endurance athletes). 
*All of your daily % can fluctuate within a desired range (probably about 5-10%) as well. Like everything Ive said, this is all general recommendations and how strict you want to be is up to you*
A few more things that may apply to you!
If your:
Trying to maintain your weight- This is a little easier since all you have to do is eat the exact same amount of calories as you calculated. Also, maintaining weight doesn’t have to mean that your not trying to change your body at all. For instance, Im fine with my weight but I’m trying to gain muscle and lose some fat. Im doing this by maintaining my calories, slightly increasing my protein intake and increasing my strength training.
Trying to lose weight- Reduce daily calories by 500-1000 calories, this will give you a weekly weight loss of 1-2 lbs (.45-.9kg). Decreasing calories by more than a 1000 and loosing more than 2lbs/week is not recommended unless advised/surpervised by a physician. If your trying to lose weight, using your gram per kg of body weight recommendation won’t work because it doesn’t take into account that your trying to decrease calories. Therefor, you will need to use your daily calorie % values to calculate how much carbs to eat. Ex. You burn 2000 calories daily, your trying to lose weight so you reduce your calories to 1800 calories. So to meet daily carb recommendations (45-65%) for instance, 1800 x .45(45%)=810 cal, 1800 x .65(65%)=1170cal if you want to take it a step further and figure out how many grams that is you can divide the calories by the calories in macronutrients. Carbohydrates have 4 cal per gram therefor, 810/4=203 g and 1170/4=293 g. Therefor you can strive to eat 203-293 g of carbohydrates. 
Trying to gain weight- Is just the opposite of trying to lose weight. Your going to increase your calories, and probably your workouts because odds are your trying to gain muscle and not fat. 2300-3600 calories above weekly needs (or 300-500cal more each day) is required to gain 1/2-1lb. Again though, if your not working out enough for your body to NEED these extra calories to repair and build muscle all you will be doing is gaining fatty weight. The increased calories should correspond to the increased demand that your workout out puts on your body. Also, it is recommended that the additional calories are in the form of carbohydrates. Otherwise the body will use your protein sources as the fuel it needs therefor taking away from the protein needed to build muscle. 
So FINALLY making this all translate into actual food! With all these recommendations we can look at a few examples:
Cooked brown rice (200g)- 222 calories, 2g of fat, 45g carbs, and 5g protein
Grilled chicken breast (3oz)- 120 cal, 2g fat, 0g carbs, and 25g protein
Steamed mixed veggies (8oz)- 90 calories, 2g fat, 15g carbs, and 4g protein
TOTAL- 432 calories, 6g fat (13%), 60g carbs (56%), & 34g protein (31%) 
Based off of these percentages (not calories, as they are quite low) this meal prep might be great for a power athlete because of the high protein and low fat values (a little more fat might be good too so maybe cook the chicken breast in a little olive oil or add a little oil/butter to your rice to increase the fat). Also, you can consume more fats in your other meals to get your recommended values. 
Also with this info you can use it to calculate how many more calories, grams of carbs, fats and protein you’ll need for the rest of the day. 
Lets look at another example for a vegan perhaps. 
Cooked brown rice (200g)- 222 cal, 2g of fat, 45g carbs, and 5g protein
Chickpeas (3oz)- 276 cal, 5g fat, 45g carbs, and 14g protein
Steamed broccoli (4oz)- 39 cal, 0g fat, 8g carbs, and 3g protein. 
TOTAL- 537 calories, 7g fat (12%), 98g carbs (73%), 22g protein (16%). 
Based off of these percentages this would probably be better for an endurance athlete, because of the high carb %.  Again though this is just one meal of the day though, so you can eat more fat and protein in your other meals of the day and completely change your daily % making this meal appropriate for anyone!
 So basically what your doing is just trying to get the nutrition facts to add up to your daily needs instead of other peoples needs. The purpose of this post is just to show you how to measure your food so that your not just guessing how much food to put in without knowing how thats going to affect you. Like I said I know this is a lot but I highly recommend doing this at least a few times so you can see what a meal prep designed for you looks like. After that you won’t have to get so crazy and you can start to loosely follow these guidelines because you’ll know what to look for. 
Comment below if you have any questions or need help!!
*I posted this a while ago and a lot of people were saying it doesn’t work but I promise it does if you do the math correctly! Incorrectly adding or subtracting was the main reason why people got crazy numbers. Also, the taller you are or the more you weigh the more calories your body burns daily.
Source: Fink, Heather Hedrick., and Alan E. Mikesky. Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018.
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kindandketo-blog · 5 years
Keto Diet For Vegetarians
What is a vegetarian keto diet?
We get asked quite often about a keto diet for vegetarians. Funnily enough, many years ago before I became a full-blown vegan I was basically, unknowingly vegetarian keto. It’s a great diet for a vegetarian, really effective and so much easier to reach the magic state of ketosis with the increased protein and fats.
Now, with a little Kind & Keto collective knowledge we can help you out with some killer keto diet for vegetarians info - served with some friendly advice, and a little vegan sprinkle in the mix.
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Unlike the strict nature of the vegan diet when it comes to animal products, vegetarians do eat some animal products . Dairy and eggs are go to’s for vegetarian and many vegetarians will add fish occasionally to get their omega 3s. 
Typically though, like a traditional vegan, the vegetarian diet is packed with carbs. If you’re a vegetarian with a high carb intake it’s my guess that you experience some, or all of the below gripes...which is why you’re here seeking out a better way - good for you!
Tired & lethargic Bloated & gassy Difficulty losing weight Craving carbs & sugars
Why is it so? You think you’re doing the right thing trying to eat all the ‘healthy’ foods right?
A nice balanced diet of all fruit and veggies, legumes, rice and pasta, eggs, dairy and soy products. Our bodies break down carbs into glucose to create energy. Apparently our system can be lazy as it’s easier to burn carbs and glucose if they’re around, rather than breaking down our fat stores. The ketogenic diet principle employs a high fat, low carb diet to encourage your bod to burn fats rather than carbs.
But wouldn’t high fat consumption make you put on weight?
Isn’t fat bad for us? If your goal is to lose weight, feeding your belly with fuel that would discourage it from burning fats isn’t likely to work. The low carb high fat keto diet aims to enter the body into a state of ketosis, where it metabolizes fats for energy.?
Ketosis is not only effective for losing weight, when reached and maintained correctly, it feels amazing.
In a ketogenic state your body changes, insulin levels reduce and fats are broken down. Your liver supplies energy to your brain via ketone production which can result, incredible clarity, increased energy and alertness. Which is really handy for a writer!
The right balance of fats, carbs and protein  
The trick is to load your fork with good fats - as you likely have been trying to do as a vegetarian. Think avocados, good dairy (more on that below), nuts and seeds.
?Avoid processed, chemically altered trans fats altogether such as margarine, bakery goods and junk/fast food. Burger King veggie burger - Na Ah, no way..
When we consume good fats we feel satisfied for longer - sugary food, fruits and carbs simply make us crave more sugary foods, fruits and carbs.
What has to go? A vegetarian keto diet cuts out a lot of sweet high carb fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges and grapes. Most berries are here to stay - hooray!
You’ll need to bid farewell to starchy high carb veggies such as Potatoes, yams (sweet potato), beets and other below-ground growers. But lovely leafy greens, mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower are all good guys.
Bread, pasta and grains. “WHAT?!” Says the vegetarian; “That’s three of my favourite foods!” Yep.
Hello vegan/keto bread, zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice, goodbye bloated gut and lethargy
Is soy good or bad? I’m soy confused Typical veggie diets are very high in soy. It’s a great source of protein, and who doesn’t love a stir fry? Tofu, soy milk, miso, tempeh and edamame are all veggie staples but some research suggests that woofing down the soy can wreak havoc on your hormones and gut health?. ?To avoid this, read more about  Soy Free Vegan Keto Diet.
?The reason for this is to render the crops resistant to Roundup, so it can be sprayed with more Roundup in order to battle the bugs, without killing the bean. Makes sense - sounds suspect for us.
Unless you have a diagnosed allergy or reaction to soy, it’s a keeper in your meal plan. But the most important thing is to ensure your soy products are “Non GMO” organic. Our advice is to stick to minimally processed soy forms and cultured soy products - that is organic tempeh, tofu, miso and edamame.
Soy proteins to avoid or consume very sparingly are highly processed soy bars, yoghurts and meat analogs.
Check the labels closely - no soy bacon for you! Good news though, coconut bacon to the rescue ??
Egetarian Keto With Dairy? Here’s where you should be wary with your dairy. You know all that GMO soy we were talking about earlier? Corporate cattle are stuffed with GMO feed. How could it not wind up in their milk and cheese? If you love your cow’s milk you can find varieties made from humanely raised “no GMO” grass fed cows.
There are plenty of tasty Kind & Keto approved milks you could try. Almond milk and hemp milk are always on my shopping list. There’s also coconut, cashew, flax milk and many more keto-friendly varieties.
Cheese is a tricky one. .Mass produced pasteurized cheese kills all the good bacteria. In an ideal world (we’re working on it), try to find unpasteurized full fat cheese from a local farmer, made from humanely raised grass fed cows minus the GMO feed.
Then you can confidently keep the cheese and crackers! We have a cracking keto vegan flax cracker recipe. Remember to keep your eye on the carb intake. Harder cheeses generally have fewer carbs.
Alternatively, you could look at some vegan cheese alternatives that are super tasty. Just like milk, we can make cheese from nuts and seeds such as cashews, my personal fav macadamia, and coconut oil. Just check the labels for GMO soy or nasty additives.
So, Are You A Vego Ready To Go Keto? ?It takes a bit of trial and error and careful planning to get the balance just right. Due to the change in how our body creates energy we also lose a considerable amount of water stores - this causes us to lose electrolytes rapidly in ketosis and feel rather grim.
So you really need to concentrate on this diet, keeping up your fluids and salts. Listen closely and respond to your body along the way. Like every epic journey, there can be some twists and turns. Food is a blessing.
The most important things is to enjoy and be thankful for the earthly gifts we are so lucky to have access to.
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fiti-vation · 6 years
Hi i am following your tumblr for few days and I’m obsessed. I scrolled through your tumblr for hours! Do you have any eating/food tips for losing a little weight?
Aww thank youdear for the love and support!I’d like toapologize for the late reply.Youdon’t need to go on a fad diet to lose fat and restrict yourself from eatingcolorful delicious foods. Eatinghealthy shouldn’t be about restriction and abstention from the food that you lovethe most. It should be about making informed choices, exercising in moderationand enacting gradual positive changes.Thebest way to lose fat is to get the right mix of nutrients and energy your bodyneeds. Keep in mind that there is one major requirement to loosing fat… a caloric deficit; a caloric deficit is what happenswhen you consume less calories than your body needs to burn for energyperforming all of the tasks it needs to perform over the course of the day (move, breathe, pump blood, digestfood, etc.).Whenthat caloric deficit is present, your body is forced to find some alternativesource of energy on your body to burn instead. Ideally, this would ONLY be yourugly stored body fat. However, it can also be your pretty lean muscle tissue –so make sure to consume nutritious protein foods.Here are some nutrition tips forlosing fat in a healthy way:
Calorie Control
As mentioned above, thebiggest factor in a diet is calories in versus calories out; your totalcalories will determine if you lose or gain weight. Eating too many calorieswill lead to fat gain. But if you don’t eat enough calories you will not gainlean muscle. Setting a target calorie intake and counting the number ofcalories you eat each day is vital to losing fat and gaining lean muscle.
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Tackle hunger with fiber and protein. Don’t wait until you are sohungry that it gets hard to make smart food choices. Instead, when you start tofeel hungry, eat a small snack that combines a protein with a food that’s highin fiber, such as a whole-grain cracker with low-fat cheese. These are fillingbut not packed with calories.
That said, I’d like to point out here that I have never personallybelieved in counting calories. My philosophy is “if you eat healthy you don’thave to worry about counting calories”.  Take time to prepare healthy, colorful andnutritious meals. Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize asfood. Here are some articles that elaborate on this philosophy:
Forget about counting calories, just eat healthy & right [X]
Wantto Lose Weight? You Should Stop Counting Calories [X]
TheKey to Weight Loss Is Diet Quality, Not Quantity, a New Study Finds [X]
5Reasons To Never Count Another Calorie [X]
7tips for eating healthy when you can’t count calories [X]
Here’sWhy Counting Calories Really Isn’t Necessary for Weight Loss [X]
TheMYTH of the calorie. And why I don’t count them [X]
Once I realized that my eating is aboutmy health and getting all the nutrients my body needs and not about losingweight I started ordering healthy food not because I am trying to reducecalories but because I am trying to add nutrients.
Quality Control (Stay away from processed foods)
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Choose fresh, wholesomefoods over pre­packaged, processed foods. Packaged foods are loaded withpreservatives, especially sodium and saturated fats, and often have highamounts of sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup.
You will be amazed at how fast you can lose fat just by packing mealsfrom home rather than purchasing fast food or packaged foods. You also willsave a lot of money!
Limitfast food meals. Studies show that the more fast food you eat each week, thegreater the risk of gaining extra weight. So, try to limit fast food meals toonce a week or less.
Eatfewer sweets and unhealthy snacks. Candy, cookies, and cakes often have a lotof sugar and fat and not many nutrients. Learn about treats that are deliciousand nutritious.
Foodis our friend, and when we enjoy how food is meant to be enjoyed, whole, pureand unadulterated — food is our best friend. It all starts in the kitchen.“Poor nutrition is the single greatest driver of chronic ill health. Untilwe recognize that, [Medicine] will be unable to reverse the crippling burden ofchronic ill health caused by these nutritionally based diseases. Humans are theonly mammals that suffer from chronic ill health. One critic suggests it’sbecause we are the only animals clever enough to manufacture our own food andstupid enough to eat it.��- Tim Noakes on Nutrition and the damage of processed foods and poor diet.Beforemoving to the next section, I’d like to point out here a healthy diet is veryimportant for your body and skin. Your skin needs fresh air, exercise, a properdiet, minerals and vitamins.
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Here are a few eating tips I’ve been gathering:
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Macronutrient Manipulation
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While your total caloricintake is the most important diet factor, the ratio of protein to carbs to fatcan dictate whether the weight you gain/lose is muscle or fat. A diet thatcontains 80% of calories from carbs, 10% from protein, and 10% from fat willproduce different results than a diet containing 40% of calories from carbs,40% from protein, and 20% from fat. I have posted a lot of posts about macro onmy blog over the years. Here are a few:
What Does 2,500 Calories Look Like? [X]
Figuring macros [X]
Just in caseyou are wondering what macros are:
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Stay Hydrated
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You should drink plenty ofwater every day. Try to drink at least eight glasses (or 64 oz.) of water perday. The benefits drinking water provides are optimal hydration as well as afeeling of “fullness” without added calories. Sometimes people will mistakethirst for hunger. Because of this, staying hydrated can also preventovereating.
Avoid sugary drinks. Try not to drink a lot of sugary sodas, energy drinks, andsports drinks. They can add a lot of calories. (There are about 10 packets ofsugar in 12 ounces of soda.) Also try not to drink a lot of fruit juice. Wateris a great choice instead. Add a piece of lemon or a splash of juice for moreflavor.
Insulin ControlInsulin is the “storage”hormone. When it is secreted fat burning is blunted. By controlling insulinsecretion by choosing low GI carbs you can decrease fat gain/increase fat loss.Stable blood sugar levels also improve energy levels and one’s mood.Essential FatsEssential fatty acids (EFAs)are vital to the proper functioning on your body. Dietary fats got a bad rapdue to the diet fads of the 80’s and 90’s, which promoted eating as little fatas possible, but in reality EFAs are needed by the body and are part of ahealthy diet. Eating fats does not equate to getting fat. In fact, most EFAshelp support the fat burning process and maintaining a lean body. Do not bescared to eat good fats. EFAs are not the enemy. Also, be sure to supplement witha QUALITY EFA product.
Adequate Protein
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As mentioned above in order to maintain lean muscle whilecutting down you need to eat enough protein. You may not be used to eating enoughprotein on a daily basis, but once you get into the groove you should not haveany problems and will enjoy how full and satisfied you feel. Take a look at those amazing protein shakes I posted a while ago on my blog [X].
Final word
All that said, I could not conclude this post withoutemphasizing on How not to lose fat.  Itcan be tempting to look for a quick fix if you need to lose fat. Remember,though, that if something sounds toogood to be true, it probably is. Keep these tips in mind:
Avoid fad diets. Fad diets often allow only a few types of food. That meansyou are not getting all the nutrients you need. And these diets may cause youto lose weight for a short time, but then you likely will gain it back quickly.Learn more about faddiets .
Avoid weight-loss pills and other quick-loss products. Most weight-loss pills, drinks,supplements, and other products you can buy without a prescription have notbeen shown to work. And they can actually be very dangerous. If you arethinking about taking weight-loss pills or similar products, talk to yourdoctor first.
Don’t eat too little. Your body needs fuel to grow and be healthy. If you eatfewer than 1,600 calories each day, you may not get the nutrients you need. Anddon’t skip breakfast. Some research suggests that teens who skip breakfast aremore likely to be overweight.
Don’t try to get rid of food you eat. Some people think they can lose weightby making themselves vomit or taking laxatives (pills that make you go to thebathroom). These are very dangerous steps and signs of eatingdisorders. Your body is too precious to treatthis way, so get help if you think you may have an eating disorder.
Don’t expect to lose weight quickly. Losing about one to two pounds a weekis a healthy rate of weight loss. If you are taking extreme steps to loseweight faster, you will probably gain most or all of it back.
 I hope this will be helpful.
 Cheers,Steph 🤗
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Occur You Get Receive, simply In Opportunity For Dessert ...
My publication that refers the Moist Robotic theory - the underlying concept that clarifies exactly how the tasks illustrate above are actually achievable - has been actually out enough time (released 2013) that individuals can now report back to me exactly how the book helped them. I recognized that is the man I wish to be. I intend to enjoy on my own regardless of fat loss, gain, skin layer or even marks. The 1st 2 weeks of the diet regimen are actually incredibly rigorous; with simply 20g from carbohydrates and quick weight-loss, which could most definitely increase inspiration. They are actually blamed for the weight increase, given that when our experts eat carbohydrates, it begins putting our blood sugar up, and that's wonderfully regular, however as our blood sugar starts to increase, the body discharges the hormone insulin. The aspect of impenetrable diet regimen is to carry out whatever opposite from exactly what you been actually informed as well as this OPERATES" it is actually been actually confirmed to work! They state the tension to land a highly-paid project, work 60 hours a week, climb the corporate ladder, raise a family members, reached the gym, and comply with a rigorous diet plan all add to the issue. An Atkins Perk shake is a hassle-free option, or even any low-carb meal that includes a combination of healthy protein as well as carbs, including a tossed salad with your selection from meat, fish or even poultry. For every brand-new diet regimen fad, there is actually individuals that exaggerate this. An over weight pal of mine jumped on the juicing bandwagon as well as I have a hard time preventing him, given that the juices are good for you. I disliked my shower room incrustations for the 1st month, couldn't observe my effective weight loss despite all my tough functions - BUT THEN, that began to, reveal a tiny loss weekly and also now I have shed a stone in body weight and this excellents to currently observe the number on the incrustations showing my loss. Even if your weight has actually not altered substantially, creating muscular tissue and also losing excess fat will certainly alter the curves from your body system therefore your garments accommodate in a different way. The genuine cause a someday rest readies, is actually to proove to your metabolism that the reduced calories on the other 6 times is given that you intend to drop weight, that the low fat consumption isn't because of absence from food items. I ensure many of you have actually wondered about these concerns and also believed that if you could possibly merely start eating a specific diet and stick to that, your troubles would be solved. I am off to obtain my calculator out and useful brand-new barcode scanner to create PointsPlus values on whatever I may get my hands on. http://egeszsegeseletmod-blog.com/normalife-tapasztalatok-hol-lehet-vasarolni-milyen-arat-kell-venni-az-ebay-en-vagy-a-gyarto-honlapjan/ possessed results along with Dukan, it might be the only diet regimen I ever before stayed with. I dropped 30 extra pounds as well as gained back 14. However NOW for the first time in my life, I acquire light-headed when I eat anything at all. After a married couple years of preserving, I continued to wish surgery but held off because my brand new hubby and also I wanted to begin a household. I have to say that really felt really good to perform therefore. That really has actually been actually a long time given that I was actually completely on planning. Finally, possessing cheat dishes assists you to possess a more beneficial relationship along with meals. I decided on the Practical balanced weight-loss diet plan" and also installed it. That is a 57 page PDF report having 28 regular food plans, treat as well as convenience food choices. For variety, Anne Collins has an unique approach of making it possible for a lot more Calories accordinged to how much body weight you need to lose. Author's belief that a plant-based diet plan may certainly not deliver sufficient protein and various other nutrients is not according to standard opinion.
Dariush Mozaffarian: The set from preliminary foods which really possessed no sturdy web link in either case consisted of low fat dairy products yet additionally whole fat deposits milk was toneless relative to weight increase and also cheese was fully toneless. Yet the bottom line is this - if you do not eat, yes, you will lose weight as well as lessen your blood glucose level in style 2 diabetic issues. The Diet Slimming Fragrance by VZ Hair and Beauty is certainly not also the first of its own kind. This drug is in fact a combo from 2 much older drugs that have actually been actually known to aid with weight loss: phentermine as well as topirimate. The moment I located Blogilates and also exactly how gorgeous and certain Cassey was actually, I happened her web site and also discovered a clean eating 90 time meal plan for FREE! So individuals which were monochrome thinkers and also didn't attain their weight objective were actually most likely to back out and state well I can't arrive I may as well not bother in any way. The 17 Day Diet entails adjusting your consumption of carbohydrates, excess fat, protein and also fats over a collection of 17-day patterns, which may possess the effect from improving rate of metabolism and also protecting against the stages that are common along with most diets. My service was actually to consume exactly what college youngsters ate when the body weight grew, I would diet regimen up to just what I believed was actually an appropriate weight simply to gain it back when I quit dieting. I want to try that and also observe if that helps me. I assume the SF will work for me. I did effectively on South Coastline Diet regimen 7 years back. In general terms, the 17 Time Diet regimen is actually a carbohydrate cycling diet wherein you change your consumption from carbohydrates in accordance with whatever stage of the diet you are in. Then, you will definitely manage to customize your planning and also make any type of replacements as necessary. Through controlling parts and calories, Medifast states users may assume to drop around TWENTY pounds in their very first month on the course. The progress could usually be avoided by way of living modifications including nutritional changes, moderate-intensity exercise, as well as small weight management. Now, 8 months later I am actually incredibly delighted with the food items alternatives and the durability this kind of diet regimen. My question is. Do you people stay in phass 1 greater than 17 days then carried on to the various other period or even you completed the planning after that started around again. Adding a protein is actually essential if you wish your soup to serve as a standalone food. Purpose: Our experts contrasted the impact of high energy consumption at lunch time keeping that at dinner on weight-loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in women during a weight-loss program.Design: Obese and also obese girls n = 80; physical body mass mark (BMI; in kg/m2): 27-35; age: 18-45 y were actually inquired to eat either a main meal at lunch time (LM) or even a dinner at supper (DM) for 12 wk while in a weight-loss program. The concern with weight loss diet regimens is actually that people just do not recognize how fat receives broken down, strike the trouble at its own source instead of taking folks term for that. Within a full week from being actually property many of that body weight went over as our company came back to our normal eating routines. I'm certainly not pointing out that some of their diets are fully well-balanced or maybe long-term sustainable, as well as I definitely don't promote eating problems. Some thrive on Veggies others on fruit products others merely on meats others need to have all food kinds ... Regarding the word DIET. if you eliminate the letter T you possess words DIE. LOL involving the slaughter from creatures in Islam. we hope and make sure the animal this comfortable just before fatality. When it comes to exactly what a common time on the Paleo diet plan may include, morning meal might be rushed eggs along with a side from new berries, lunch a fresh tossed salad covered with barbequed chick bust or even shrimp, as well as supper a beef tenderloin with fresh or fit to be tied veggies. The weight decline has blended a small amount, yet I still must lose yet another six kilos.
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 07032021
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3 July, 2021
Dear Dad--
Well, the past week was a bit of a kick in the happy sack, but it wasn’t all bad! I suppose I could say the depression was bad last week, but I take some comfort knowing that it was mostly due to external causes, because it’s nice to know that, when your head is full of fuck, so to speak, it’s the store bought kind, and not something created by your own anxieties and shortcomings. Basically my job has been poopy and unchanged. I’m still learning the new and more complicated audit, and I still haven’t mastered it, although I have improved a great deal. And for lots of reasons my boss probably wouldn’t want me discussing, it is better if I master this audit as soon as I possibly can. Only problem is, of all the reasons why I need to learn it faster, none of them actually helps me learn it faster; they only increase the pressure on me, which, if anything, makes me learn it slower.
And because all this is work that’s second nature to my boss, he doesn’t have a tremendous amount of baked-in empathy for my plight. He’s sitting there thinking, “It’s just tic-tac-toe. I explained how to play a dozen times now. Why can’t he play tic-tac-toe yet?” (From my point of view, you can remove “tic-tac-toe” and substitute “Chinese algebra in Braille” and it’ll be more accurate.) That means, for about five weeks now, I’ve come to work every day I’m scheduled and I fail at this audit again, and I don’t get any positive reinforcement from anyone, because I’m not impressing anyone. It’s not long before that sort of thing takes all the wind out of your sails.
Part of the problem with learning the new audit was my desire to create a comprehensive how-to document about it for my own reference, and my boss’s concern that such a guide would only be confusing and slow things down. But I was finally permitted to create it, so now it’ll be good if I can do more of the audit on my own, without help. And I did! It’s still not very impressive to my boss, though, because I’ve moved from the stage where I fuck it up because it’s frightening, confusing, and awful, to the point where I fuck it up because I think I understand it now, so I do more of it on my own, and little shit gets missed. But the next step is, I’ll actually understand it, and stop making mistakes. That part should arrive soon.
To add to the mental fuckery, is the fact that they’re only scheduling me three days a week, and working part time like that earns me no benefits at all, and only pays enough that I’d have to eat leaves and insects, if I didn’t have a retirement savings that’s just about gone. So yeah, my problem is that the job sucks, and there’s too little of it. (It’s the old joke, “The food here is terrible.” “Yes, and the portions are too small.”) The boss just texted me yesterday to tell me the auditor above me is leaving on the 19th, and I assume, once that full time guy is gone, I’ll get to take his full time shift. As soon as I start working full time at the casino, I should be making enough to cover all my bills, and I’ll be self-sustaining again. Although I hate that my co-auditor is leaving the company--and I do hate it, because this guy is sweet and kind, in addition to being good at the work--this should remove a lot of my financial anxieties. Now I can stop drawing on savings and start sticking money back into my retirement instead.
So! Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and the first day of my work week. And because our parking garage is one of the tallest structures in downtown Bangor, it should be filled beyond capacity by the time I get off work by people who want to stand on the top level to watch fireworks. I’ll go to work, and because it’s actually a Sunday, it’s a day with just the boss and me, no other auditors. And we’ll sit down and have a little chat about where my job is going. This may sound heavy, but it’s not the kind of thing that makes me nervous. He now needs me more than ever, because I’m about to be the second-most experienced auditor in the office, right behind him. Perhaps he will take the opportunity to impress upon me the urgency of mastering the new audit, at which time I will impress upon him my belief that, if he’d let me build the notes I wanted from day one, I would no longer need them, because I’d have mastered it by now. Chex Mix, libtards.
Enough about my job. I learned something about how airplanes fly that blew my mind. I love science shit! You know the basic concept of how airplanes fly: you just need air passing over the wings. Because of the wing’s shape, air passes more quickly over the wing than under it. The faster-moving air equals reduced air pressure, and this negative air pressure over the wings grabs the plane and sucks it up into the sky by its wings. (I don’t know why it is, but I know that faster wind speed equals lower air pressure. It’s how you know a tornado or hurricane is coming: The air pressure drops, because the air is moving so fast.) More speed, or bigger wings, equals more lift. The way the air slides over the wing is called a laminar flow. BUT!!!! On a delta-wing aircraft, like a Concorde, where the wing makes a big triangle shape, that’s not how the lift is generated. It’s not a layer of air passing over the wing providing lift; it’s something else. (When I heard this, I thought, “No it’s not, and you’re a lying sack of shit!”) But as it turns out, with a triangle-shaped airplane, like the Concorde, the wing actually creates twin vortices of air, one above each wing. It’s not air passing over the wing providing lift, it’s a little tornado on its side, right above the wing, which you generally can’t see because it’s composed of air, spinning so quickly that it creates the low air pressure that sucks the plane up into the air by its wings. I learned this in a documentary about the Concorde that crashed and brought all Concorde flights to a halt.
It’s been a good weekend, and I assume this will end up being one of my last unwanted four-day weekends before I go full time. We went to visit plant scientist guy and his husband yesterday, and Zach made a big slow cooker full of barbecue pulled pork for us all to make sandwiches out of. We added grilled pineapple rings to our sandwiches; that shit was amazing. And he (plant scientist guy) is growing a garden that Zach has planted some stuff in. By the fall, we should have some pumpkins, and something like four different kinds of basil. I use basil in cooking about as often as I use kitty litter, but Bryan/plant scientist guy did pick a handful of lemon basil and let me smell it. That, too, was kind of amazing, because it smelled just like a handful of lemon-scented dish soap. I’ve now googled it, and yeah, it’s good in cooking, because of its unmistakable lemony scent. And it goes by other names, including Thai lemon basil, and hoary basil, uh-huh-huh-huh.
Apropos of nothing, the weather here has been fucking with my brain of late. For four days last week, we had highs in the 90s, which is unusual here, or at least it used to be. Without central AC, of course, living with 90s outside means living with 90s inside, and it sucks, especially when you try to fall asleep and it’s still hot. Finally, the place where I live remembered that it’s in Maine, and a big storm front came through, and now our highs are in the 50s again with 100% clouds and rain, and I had to put on a sweater this morning, and my poor brain thinks it’s the holiday season. I keep catching myself having the same first half of a thought: “We may have a couple of problems, but at least it’s Christm--oh shit.”
Since I’m expecting this to be one of my last four day weekends, I should endeavor to enjoy the last day of it, so I shall now begin exerting pressure on myself to think of fun things to do, and ultimately spend the day thinking more about what I should do than doing anything. (That really is the most efficient way to get nothing done, I’ve found.) I believe I’m going to have less difficulty filling my weekend with fun diversions, once the weekend is only two days long, the way it is for most people, especially since we can now go to movies and restaurants again. We seem to have survived the plague! Well done, all of us!
More next week. All my love and hugs to you both!
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diabetese009 · 4 years
11 ways to start reversing type 2 diabetes today
by Dr Rangan Chatterjee / November 11, 2015
Whether you have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or or you’ve been told you’re at risk, read on for 11 ways to start reversing the effects immediately.
Type 2 diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions. There are 3.9 million people living with diabetes – 90 per cent those of being affected by type 2 diabetes. Here’s another shocking statistic: 1 in 3 UK adults has prediabetes, the condition that precedes diabetes.
As you’ll soon see on BBC One’s Doctor in the House, it is entirely possible to both prevent as well as reverse type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, a lot of the advice that is given for the condition is, in my opinion, unhelpful and misguided. Most people think of it as a blood sugar problem but this is the ultimate effect rather than the cause.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition that is characterised by chronically elevated blood sugar levels. However, the main cause as well as the driver for this condition is something called Insulin Resistance. When you eat certain foods, particularly refined carbohydrates, that food is converted to sugar inside your body. Your body’s way of dealing with this sugar is to produce a hormone called insulin. Insulin moves the sugar inside your cells so that it can be used for energy. Sounds great, right?
Well, yes and no. When working efficiently, this is a fantastic system that helps your body to function well. But when you have type 2 diabetes, prediabetes or significant abdominal obesity, that system does not work so well.
Eating too many refined carbohydrates elevates your insulin levels for long periods of time and your cells start to become resistant to the effects of insulin. Think of this a bit like alcohol. When you start to drink, a single glass of wine can make you feel drunk. Once your body becomes accustomed to drinking, you need more and more alcohol to achieve the same effect. This is what happens in diabetes. You need more and more insulin to do the same thing. The problem is that too much insulin is toxic to the body.
It causes water and salt retention, which causes raised blood pressure
You become at risk of atherosclerosis (“furring of arteries”), which can lead to heart attacks
Raised insulin levels increases VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), a type of blood fat and one of the “bad” forms of cholesterol
Can drive the growth of certain cancer cells
In women, it can cause the ovaries to produce more testosterone, which is associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Significantly increases your risk of getting type 2 diabetes
The only way to effectively reverse type 2 diabetes (or even pre-diabetes) is to deal with the underlying cause – Insulin Resistance. Trying to address the blood sugar levels (with medication) without addressing the insulin levels is treating the symptoms, not treating the root cause. It is similar to using a bucket to remove water from an overflowing sink rather than actually turning off the tap!
The most important thing to do is to stop adding fuel to the fire. If Insulin Resistance is driving the condition, you need to firstly stop consuming foods that increase insulin production. Secondly, you need to make some lifestyle changes so that you can become sensitive to insulin once again
All carbohydrates – to some degree at least – will raise your blood insulin levels. That is why I consider type 2 diabetes a form of “carbohydrate intolerance”. Protein can also raise levels but to a much lesser degree. The only macronutrient that keeps your insulin levels and, therefore, your blood sugar stable is FAT! Therefore, if you are trying to reduce insulin levels, you need to reduce your amount of certain carbohydrates and replace them instead with healthy, natural fats.
What does that mean in terms of actual FOOD CHOICES though?
When I say healthy, natural fat – think nuts and seeds, avocados, omega 3 fats (found in almonds, flax seed and cold water fish, like wild salmon, herring, mackerel and tuna), extra virgin olive oil and whole eggs.
And when I talk about reducing certain carbohydrates, I mainly mean reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and bread. Non starchy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower) are fine and can be eaten in abundance. Many fruits are packed with carbohydrates, so if you’re trying to reduce your carb intake, try and limit your intake to low-carb fruit, such as rhubarb, watermelon, berries, peaches and blackberries.
It is really important to say that I do not believe that there is one perfect diet for everyone. Different people respond to different diets.
However, if you have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or if you have been told you are at high risk or if you have significant abdominal obesity, here are 11 ways to start reversing the effects immediately:
Avoid ALL refined carbohydrates. That means no pasta, rice or bread (even wholegrain bread will spike your insulin)
Avoid ALL added sugar. If your body is already in a state where you cannot process carbohydrates and sugars properly, you are going to have to take steps to fully eliminate all sugars, at least in the short term.
Avoid ALL sweet drinks. It is best to stick to water, tea, coffee.
Do not be scared of good quality, healthy, natural fat – avocados, olives, almonds etc. Don’t worry about this causing you to put on weight. A study published in 2003 showed that people who supplemented their diet with almonds lost more weight than those who supplemented with so-called “healthy, complex carbs”
Do not waste your energy counting calories. Concentrate on the quality of the food that you are eating and the calorie control will take care of itself.
FEED YOUR GUT BUGS, not just yourself. There are trillions of bugs that live in your gut – their health is critical in determining your health. Many studiesshow links between the state of your gut bugs (your microbiota) and type 2 diabetes. Start improving the health of your gut immediately by eating five servings of different coloured vegetables each day. The non digestible fibre in vegetables is the preferred food for your gut bacteria and when your gut bugs are happy, you will be happy. The wider the variety of colours, the more phytonutrients you will be getting.
Do my 5 minute kitchen workout once a day. This could be before breakfast, lunch or dinner – whatever works for you.
If you like to snack, keep some high fat healthy snacks with you, such as olives, nuts or hummus. When you snack on refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, you go on a blood sugar rollercoaster that results in you feeling hungry shortly after. Fats, on the other hand, will keep you fuller for longer.
Include high quality protein and fat with EVERY single meal. This helps to stabilise your blood sugars and promotes satiety and fullness, making it less likely that you will want to reach for dessert after your meal.
Eat your meals sitting down at a table. Eating on the sofa while watching TV encourages a mindless form of eating – this can lead you to eat higher quantities than you otherwise would. If you sit at a table and concentrate on what you’re eating, you are more likely to enjoy your food, feel satisfied at the end of your meal and eat less.
Consider a form of regular fasting (more to come in a later blog), such as intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding (TRF). TRF means eating your calories during a specific window of the day, and choosing not to eat food for the rest. It’s a great way to reduce insulin levels in your body and help undo the effects of chronically elevated levels.
As always, I’m here to answer any questions, so please get in touch via Facebookand Twitter if you’d like to chat.
— Dr Chatterjee
DISCLAIMER: The content in this blog is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog or on this website.
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Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
MbChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP
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michelineszt · 4 years
Does Your Partner Have A Reduced Sex Commute? What You Can Do About It
The drug works from a simple fashion. The drug increases the flow of blood on the penis assists in that makes it erect. Hence after investing in this drug this will likely to see the difference quite readily. Insurance provider millions of folks that have taken this drug on an identical basis then get felt profitable. They now enjoy a strong sexual relationship with their partner. In as much as the effects are concerned, this drug is fairly useful because it's too really. Once taken the effects of decreases stays for just a good 3-4 hours. While this is useful as it is quite beneficial in getting quite best help.
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Yoga workout. There are various poses strengthen your flow for the targeted areas like your groin and Viagro back. Two popular poses are the cobra pose and uncomplicated shot bridge generate. Very briefly, cobra pose is when you arch backwards. Legs and buttock on ground. Bridge pose is when your buttocks are lifted away. Head and shoulder on flooring. Warning: do not perform them if you do not exactly what I am talking. Obesity is another cause for decreased libido in boys. If one is overweight, unfit and unhealthy then physique does not function to the optimum. Really obvious if you is unfit and unenergetic then its quiet natural that his eagerness to possess sex will not work. His energy levels and wish to have sex can low. In like manner rectify dilemma one should exercise regularly at least for 1 hour. Some times it isn't feasible for all to go with gym. But instead of that occurrences simply walk briskly, use the stairs regarding using the elevator. Person suffering from decreased libido should also maintain the correct diet and must try to use some balanced diet as almost as much ast possible and must avoid processed food. Now that I've completed it, I'm able to relate to my Mom's symptoms. They include: night sweats, depression, insomnia, irritability,weight gain, Viagro Pills Men Libido, tension, swift changes in moods and menopausal flashes. Yeah, I was not fun to be around maybe that or. But I recently read today, the contemporary of signs that you experience the less your kinds of getting breast or ovarian cancer down the queue. Something good to withhold from this era of strife. Stressor #2: Parenting - the youngsters are exhausting yourself! If you have a new baby in the home, that sweet little bundle of joy requires what looks like 24/7 undivided attention. Or maybe you have toddlers running around who possessed an inordinate amount of their time - or school-aged children that are being chauffeured around - everyone - allowing you to run regarding your steam by the end of day time! Cleaning your colon is the best option to obtain your sexual drive back. Cleaning a constipated colon can get rid of all the clutter and waste. Averagely, an adult has accumulated around 20 pounds of waste planet colon. For quite some time the waste just sits in our colon and creating toxin to our system. Just imagine how improved your will feel considerably less accidents . those 20 pounds of junk is flushed out from the colon. As men are becoming more aware of the really Libido tips looks after a woman happy in the sack. Inspire possible in order to discover for on the first try what assistance them perform as a necessity. You have to admit that your chosen small penis is an excessive letdown. A lot of men have experienced embarrassing situations because they fail to reach their the woman. A small manhood can have a great adverse impact upon the confidence and self self-esteem. To avoid embarrassing yourself you need to learn one practical and extremely easy way to boost your penis size. Alcohol abuse makes you drop every one of your inhibitions however in the outlook it will affect your libido. Is actually because largely although it tends expand estrogen level which lowers testosterone end production. Another sex drive killer is self-esteem, in addition to lack than me. When one gets a poor body image (women being uncomfortable with dimensions of their features, men feeling their penis is not sizeable) their sex drive drops. Have confidence about the particular body. Accept it and love the program. Talk to a therapist if needed. If obese, exercise, Viagro eat healthy and seek medical help out.
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andrewkroger0 · 4 years
7 Proven Weight Loss Tips For Teens
Exercise raises the metabolic rate, improves circulation, increases bone density, tones and strengthens the muscles, burns calories among many, many, issues. Just 20 mins per can cause the world of difference. If went right do this consistently plus faith and patient, we will have results. Why am I so surely? Because God and His Word never face a setback. Enjoy your new and healthy life because prove "How to Lose Weight God's Way" really will continue to work!
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First regarding you will have to start drinking lots of water. Drink a massive amount water sign in forums lose weight fast. Tap water flushes out toxins which get in entire body from your every single day diet. Water is vital as it aids you fight illnesses and water also helps your body get on state to begin losing entire body. Sure enough, Britons have become obese at an alarming rate too. Those adverts and Colexalean trends as well visible in mainland Europe, but at least there are enough warnings proper. Anybody who falls for into the junk food trap these days, has only himself at fault. We are usually warned. Cutting out most of sugar out of your diet can greatly reduce the weight you're packing nearly. That means not more red half truths! Energy drinks are packed with sugar, 12 teaspoons far more. That is unhealthy specially when you're drinking more than a single of these a moment. Sugar is great, but reasonably. It's a good idea to get natural sugars in fruit. As opposed to grabbing that red bull, grab 1 / 2 of a grapefruit with a packet of Splenda. Or maybe even have one or two of strawberries. Not only will cutting the actual sugar help, but incorporating healthy fruits will lower weight a lot more! Not to mention, you will likely have much more energy a person did before, with the appropriate approach . of red bull. Perhaps what I'm trying say here is are you looking regarding any motivation & Weight Loss Tips? Is definitely the to shape up and Colexalean Review healthy so an individual can be around for a long time and enjoy life. You might imagine it is a priority, nevertheless you in order to come track of every excuse in the book and keep eating all the wrong foods, then you are How to Lose Weight Safely just lying to your presentation. The quality of the health doesn't really matter much. It does not you want to avoid it, that means will be the it haven't yet become the perfect number one focus. Eat Four to six Meals Every Day: As an alternative to eating three big meals every day, Colexalean Ingredients eat four to six small meals every daytime. This suppresses your appetite and boosts the body's fat burning process.
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