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Hannibal: You're doing the same thing to your dog.
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[man, they nerfed me because I would just meow the horrors away]
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the wound girl
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[I'm so sorry for the absence, got evicted for no fucking reason out of my apartment suddenly and I had to deal with that before I could be on here, responses will come soon, it's just been a long week for me]
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Will didn't look like he believed Ambrose, but sighed, knowing he couldn't push anymore without detriment. "I'll hold you to that," He murmured, quiet and very tired.
24th September 2014. Ambrose Michael de Silas. I’m sorry.
"..... What?? What is this? Is this a joke??" Will looked anxious, trying to parse whatever this meant, the implications making his throat close up.
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Shenandoah national park, close to the river bank. Possibly.
Will blinked before burying his face into his hands with a long, low sigh, rubbing his eyes and trying so hard to tamper the flutter of anxiety in the pit of his gut. ".... why?"
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Will's brow furrowed as he looked into Ambrose's eyes, mouth turning to a taut line even as he pressed into his hands. ".... What are you hiding Ambrose?"
24th September 2014. Ambrose Michael de Silas. I’m sorry.
"..... What?? What is this? Is this a joke??" Will looked anxious, trying to parse whatever this meant, the implications making his throat close up.
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"Know what??" Will whipped around to Ambrose, looking horribly anxious. "Ambrose-"
24th September 2014. Ambrose Michael de Silas. I’m sorry.
"..... What?? What is this? Is this a joke??" Will looked anxious, trying to parse whatever this meant, the implications making his throat close up.
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"Will," Faust put away the bags of groceries when he saw those teary eyes. What had happened while he was away? His heart ached as he scooped up Will into his arms, holding him close to his chest - placing a kiss atop of his nose. "Cher, what happened? You seem distressed- shh... I'm Here. I'm not going anywhere"
[ — @corxner hehehegehehe ]
Will gave a whine, burying his face into Faust's shoulder despite the fact that he knew this wasn't anything, knew this couldn't be real, knew his brain was lying to him again. Always. His shirt grew wet from Will's tears overflowing, a harsh sob wracking the older man. "... You're not real and I don't know what to do with that. I can't do this again Faust, can't deal with it again. I miss you too much for this, I can't.... I can't-" He mumbled into him, voice cracking and wavering, pausing frequently to swallow around sobs.
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24th September 2014. Ambrose Michael de Silas. I’m sorry.
"..... What?? What is this? Is this a joke??" Will looked anxious, trying to parse whatever this meant, the implications making his throat close up.
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What are you on about? Who's Faust? Are you good, Will?
Will looked horribly startled for a second, the flood of panic rolling down his spine and making his hands clutch each other, whiteknuckling his own fingers in an attempt to keep them still. Had he been imagining him again...? Another hallucination tormenting him with the near presence of someone who'd left a hole of their shape in his soul? God.... He couldn't keep doing this, not again. They couldn't see him could they. He was alone again, completely and utterly. Never had been anything but it seemed. "I-.... Don't want to talk about it," He said eventually, voice wobbly and eyes glossy, hands letting go to rub over his face.
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Will understood immediately, even if Ambrose didn't elaborate, heart giving a pang for Carmen. It was likely too late and to the detriment of Ambrose to try and do anything though, so he buried her internally with a swallow and a nod, hugging him close instead for a moment before tugging him inside. "I don't care, you're not a guest anyways. Come, please. I can lend you some new clothes and you can shower if you'd like." The dogs strangely didn't crowd around them like they usually did, exuberant and happy, but instead were oddly quiet, just sniffing and eyeing Ambrose like they eyed a limping, small animal, somehow still moving but smelling of death, of meat. Will gave a click of his tongue and shooed them to the other room, offering quietly, "Tea?"
Two months.
Two months had passed since Ambrose had supposedly dropped off the face of the Earth, leaving behind many things that he had no use for.
But now? He had returned, much paler than before and an almost.. inhuman look about him, one only associated with the risen dead.
Night fell upon Wolf Trap, and here Ambrose was, listening to dogs barking as he approached the white farmhouse up the road. He knew who was there — who would take him in after so long.
But would he? Ambrose thought as he stopped near the perimeter, practically prowling to avoid the dogs scratching at the door. He chose, then, to disappear behind a tree, (as if that wasn’t weird enough) watching the house from afar.
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hey man
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idk why my window is so pretty sometimes but yk
"That's very pretty, wow- What time of day was this??"
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ur this fox specifically from my origami collection on my shelf:
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see also from random things from my shelf:
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the fucker himself
"..... I don't like how that frog is staring at me-"
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This would suit you
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"I've never really been one for tattoos but maybe something similar to that.... I like that quite a bit....."
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Here’s your reminder to eat, drink, and get some rest. You are loved and important to people <3
[Q-Q] "Ooh, I should go make dinner now that I think about it.... Thank you for the reminder-"
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