#how many carbs on keto
ms-demeanor · 7 months
Going off that post about nutrition and science, I'd love to hear what you think of the 5:2 diet/The Fast 800 and its creator, Dr. Michael Mosley. For context: in order to get an NHS-funded breast reduction (it's a gender thing, but also just a general quality-of-life thing), I need to be a certain BMI, so I've been referred to a weight management clinic. The lady I've been seeing initially just put me on a low-carb diet (130g or less of carbs per day, with an aside from her about how bullshit Keto and BMI limits for treatment are), but now she's said that, if I wanted to speed up the weight loss, I should include the 5:2 diet: 5 days in a week where I eat "normally", and 2 fast days in which I restrict myself to 800kcals. I did a little looking into it myself, and found that 5:2 - which I HAD heard about before - is now being sold as part of "The Fast 800", with Dr. Mosley being the creator of it. I was shocked by that, because I was already a fan of Dr. Mosley's work (he has a podcast called "Just One Thing" that I really liked, and thought contained reasonable-sounding advice), and yet having a diet plan that he's clearly making money off of does immediately make me feel suspicious. I've borrowed his "The Fast 800" book from the library, both to find out more about the diet I've been put on and to see if it's at all backed by evidence, and he does cite a bunch of scientific studies which seem to back up his ideas, but I don't know how valid they are, and I don't just want to accept them at face-value (especially since he's a "we got fat completely wrong in the 80s, therefore we should eat a Mediterranean diet!" types). Obviously I'll go with what my weight management lady suggests, since she's obviously more qualified to talk about it than I am, but I am curious to know what you think, and whether I'm right to be distrustful of all of this.
I am, generally speaking, against any diet for rapid weight loss. They're not sustainable so people gain the weight back (often with more weight getting added on).
There have also recently been findings that suggest that BMI cutoffs for top surgery are detrimental to patients as patients in higher BMI categories are more likely to have minor complications like UTIs or to be readmitted, but are not likely to have major complications or be at risk of significant harm from having top surgery. I don't know if anybody will listen if you bring up that study, and I know that GCS is fraught in many places for many reasons.
I'm also just.
I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad! I'm so mad about this!
One of my best friends is a guy who was pressured into a pattern of disordered eating and unhealthy exercise in order to qualify for top surgery; since then he has not been able to eat in a healthy way and has struggled with alternating between exercising to the point of harm and other destructive behaviors that make him unhappy and unsafe. And he didn't need that. He didn't need any of that! He needed a very safe surgery that had perhaps a slightly higher risk of minor complications at his size and instead he got top surgery and an eating disorder! I hate it! I'm so fucking mad about it!
Also as near as I can tell Michael Mosley qualified as a psychiatrist in the 90s, spent very little time working as a psychiatrist, and then became a media personality. From what is visible on his website and every biography I've found for him he apparently doesn't have any background in nutrition beyond whatever is standard for someone in medical school (which is NOT MUCH).
Hey I just looked at his website and this is straight-up fucked up.
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Anybody recommending an 800 calorie a day diet for 2-12 weeks in a context that is not heavily medically supervised can fucking choke. That is *ridiculously* dangerous and the website says that this can improve insulin resistance but there are a shitload of studies about people on crash diets like this *developing* insulin resistance (oh hey like my friend who became prediabetic after his rapid significant weight loss).
Also in regard to the studies he cites on the website, the "two years later patients are still going strong in their diabetes improvements" it's really important to put shit like that in context
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at 5 years 13% of the original intervention group were in remission from their type two diabetes; the average weight loss experienced by the intervention group as a whole was 6.1kg compared to 4.6kg in the control group. That's 1.5kg lower for the people who went through a twelve week medically supervised very low calorie diet compared. That's an average difference of 3.3 pounds between "starvation diet" and "no diet" for the Americans in the audience.
Yours is the second comment I've seen that has been leery of the Mediterranean diet, btw, and the Mediterranean diet is fine. It's very achievable and not super gimmicky and is based on very reasonable reassessments of fat, not the hardcore "you are fine to eat 100g of fat a day" kind of attitude that you get from the keto crew. There isn't really one Mediterranean diet and it certainly isn't low carb (which the bits from Mosely's website seem to indicate it is).
So, no, honestly I don't think much of Mosely and I'm very sorry you're in this situation, that sucks and I hate that they're refusing you treatment until you undergo an exceptionally difficult and potentially harmful weight loss excursion.
I know you're probably stuck with that and it's bullshit and I think it fucking sucks and unfortunately the medical advice you're likely to get is "eat in a significantly disordered manner at least until it is time for surgery" and it blows. That just fucking sucks.
If you're looking for rapid weight loss that you don't plan to sustain (and you shouldn't plan to sustain it, it won't stay off) you may want to look into body building forums for how they discuss cuts. It's still disordered eating and it's still not healthy, but at least they're effective and can tell you what supplements will keep you from becoming malnourished while you prepare for surgery. This is a terrible idea. I don't actually want to give this advice to anyone but bodybuilders are the exact kind of people who know how far and how fast they can push weight loss while having an awareness that it isn't really good for them and it won't stay off.
I cannot overstate enough how much I hate the thought that people are being encouraged to rapidly starve themselves in order to prepare to recover from surgery. I am so sorry and I'm so mad and
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minicy · 1 month
Really resent my culture's relationship to food. Food as a commodity, as something to be grown not to be eaten but to be sold overseas and to rot uneaten in fields and behind grocery stores. Food as a comfort, one of few things you get to actually choose and indulge in, and the least healthy choices are the ones that are easiest to buy and consume. Food as a point of control, you can't buy food if you don't sell at least so many hours of life to the Machine, and then what you do get as someone at the bottom of the hierarchy is dictated by others- paternal lawmaking, or arbitrary restrictions, or food given that is unpalatable or outside of your culture or that you don't know how to prepare. Food as a product, what you want is what we have paid for you to want, the food choices you make dictate your marketable lifestyle, the things you eat and drink show your allegiances and your subculture and your sub-subculture, you must eat this much to enter.
Food as a tool for shame is one of the worst offenders. You shouldn't have eaten those things, you should eat this thing instead, why aren't you doing what you're supposed to? You listened to those advertisements and ate what we designed to be as delicious and consumable as possible? You're disgusting. Why won't you eat what you're given? You're ungrateful. Why would you have that carb? Sorry, why would you eat that meat? Sorry, why would you eat anything besides meat? Then, food as a punishment: you must eat the unpleasant thing in unpleasant ways, or else you are irresponsible and deserving of great cruelty. Or, you must not eat anything, or else you are weak willed and deserving of great cruelty. Or, you need to get better, since eating disorders are a feminine problem, a mental health problem, a physical health problem, and being unhealthy is immoral, and unhealthy people are deserving of great cruelty. Why can't you just be normal? By the way, your entire workplace is going keto this month. Your friend is intermittent fasting. Your parents are back on Weight Watchers. Why can't you just be normal?
Then, the way white supremacy permeates it all. Different is disgusting, new is untrustworthy, flavor is unhealthy. I feel like I've been so much better since I started clean eating. That MSG gave me migraines. No, I don't mean from chips, those are fine, I mean from all the stuff they put in Chinese food. Not sure if I want to go in on some tacos, my stomach can't handle it, haha. You know that fried food is always unhealthy, right? And unhealthy is always immoral. Did you eat your vegetables today? Oh, no, of course curry doesn't count. Those vegetables were seasoned and cooked. Processed vegetables don't count. You should have a salad with that, then. You should try this quinoa salad I made. You should really be using agave instead. You should really try out this cleanse.
Food as an entitlement, too, for those with the power in this culture. Violence waged over tropical fruit. Panic over access to anything wanted at any time being interrupted, not even halted. A lack of willingness to change even the smallest amount of their diet when they find out it's killing our planet to farm this many steer, or catch this many fish (and their habitats and the bycatch), because I want steak god damnit, it's a free country!
We're sold poison for our binges and diets for our purges. Our options are growing slimmer, as time is stolen and markets are shuttered and prices continue to go up while packages continue to shrink. Health is kept behind paywalls and sickness is moralized. And somehow, you're the one who's wrong if you don't buy in.
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ovaruling · 8 months
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@thebloodiestmary its idea is that fat should make up the largest percentage of your dietary intake, with as few carbs as possible. carbs are demonized to an extreme that has made them synonymous with “weight gain” and they’re treated like toxins or contaminants. there is an obsession to have as close to zero carbs as possible in your daily intake, although the general starting point tends to be “under 100g” as the novice and then graduates to “under 50g” as the intermediate.
most of the diet is, of course, animal products. high fat, slightly less high protein (excess protein is converted to glucose and thus evil), and minimal carbohydrates.
fiber, however, cancels out “bad” carbohydrates in this theory. if a food has 10g carbs, but 4g of those are fiber, then in the keto world that food contains 6g of “net carbs.” it is a crazy-making algebraic way of calculating your intake. and even though fiber is a focus, it is de-prioritized completely in this diet which is so full of animal protein and animal fat that i am not surprised to see many keto fanatics come out with bowel cancers or leaky gut or heart disease or high liver enzymes/fatty liver disease or gallbladder disease/gallstones.
the idea is no sugar, no carbs. as little glucose activity as possible.
people tend to lose weight on it usually because they are actually eating fewer calories than they usually would, but not realizing it. keto usually counts by macros, not by calories. in fact, it often discourages calorie tracking. this sounds promising, but it also means most people who lose so much weight with it don’t tend to realize that it’s because they’re in a large caloric deficit. it’s a scam! if you tracked your calories you’d probably realize you were in a deficit all along, and that THAT’S why you’re losing weight, not bc of some magical keto spell.
only eating meat and dairy and eggs will do that. meat and dairy and eggs are PRIMARY weight loss foods and always have been. keto fanatics feel smug because they’re eating bacon and steak and fried eggs and full-fat cheese, but they don’t realize how few calories they’re taking in by eliminating all other foods.
keto has a bad reputation for making its dieters paranoid about fruit, beans, whole grains, and even vegetables.
hardcore keto dieters barely get any of those in their diet. but they lose weight, so it must be healthy!
their boasting of “lower cholesterol” and “lower blood sugar” is almost certainly bc they are losing weight IN A CALORIC DEFICIT.
it is not possible to lose weight if you are not in a caloric deficit.
there is the famous “keto flu” onboarding stage where you feel sick and tired for about a week or sometimes more as you “wean” off of carbs. that is your body starving for nutrients lol. it’s starving. you feel sick and exhausted bc you have almost nothing going in.
and i can say this with confidence bc i fell for this diet hardcore when i was 20. i lost tons of weight eating “fatty” foods. what was actually happening was rabbit starvation—i was getting so much protein and so few other nutrients that i was actually starving myself.
it’s a poisonous diet, nothing more than a weight loss fad, wholly unsustainable, and wildly expensive btw.
any “benefit” that anyone claims comes from it is usually simply from the process of weight loss in a deficit if one’s original health problems (usually heart or diabetes related) were due to being overweight.
and yeah again i won’t even bother to get into what happens to one’s colon and bowels in general eating that many animal products and hormones and that much fat with little to no fiber. with all its parading of red meat and bacon and sausage and other cured meats, it’s a recipe for colon cancer, that’s all i’ll say.
it’s done so much damage to our understanding of food and balanced nutrition and it’s sneaky and dishonest in its ~famed results. it’s a fancy way of getting yourself into a caloric deficit, that’s all.
if all you ate in one day was a McDonald’s value meal at 1200 calories or whatever, you’d lose weight. you’d be in a deficit. keto makes you think it will be possible to consume 5000 calories of fatty fried foods and lose weight—but that literally is not what happens. you usually remain in a deficit because you’re starving trying to keep your carbs as low as possible. and you don’t notice it bc you’re not keeping track of calories, only grams of carbohydrates vs grams of fat.
so many topics exist on keto forums like “why am i not losing weight with keto?!” and answers will urge the user to eat less lmfao. or go on a “fat fast” to “get your body to prioritize burning fat as its primary source of energy” which is eating mostly like 90% fat as your intake majority with 0g of carbs. aka starvation.
you cannot train your body to “prioritize” fat as its primary source of energy. it will ALWAYS prefer carbohydrates as the most efficient and easily digestible source of fuel. the only way you can sustain “ketosis” (which is a dangerous medical condition btw) is by never feeding yourself enough carbs so that your body literally thinks it’s starving—BECAUSE IT IS!!!! you’re “burning fat” bc you are STARVING!!!!
and yeah. just. terrible for your gallbladder, your liver, your digestion, your heart, your inflammatory system, everything. horrific diet.
tl;dr—snake oil, low energy starvation recipe for bowel cancer!
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suzieb-fit · 4 months
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Ok guys, I'm making changes.
Something needs fixing, and I'm going to try fix it by stepping away from my fasting routine, and seriously focusing on protein.
I've always known how important it is, particularly as a previous heavy lifter and as a fitness professional.
But I lost that focus along the way.
I'm forever my own health, nutrition and fitness experiment.
I have made many changes along my own personal journey.
From a late 30's, 190 lb, binge eating, heavy drinking, weed smoking (full disclosure from me every time!!), stressed, sedentary, very unfit type one diabetic who also seriously neglected her condition.
To an early 50's, post menopausal, 135 lb, teetotal, physically active, lean (mostly) physiqued, non smoking, strong and relatively fit fitness instructor that battles for her blood sugar regulation on a level that can only be described as obsessive.
I tried fasting as an experiment a couple of years ago. Fit it onto my life. Got nothing from it apart from an initial burst of energy that lasted a few weeks.
I also went pretty much keto. Low carb is fine for me. It would seem that high fat, like fasting, doesn't seem to do me much good.
Those two things are fantastic dietary approaches for almost everyone. Massively beneficial. I advocate both things for pretty much all of my online clients. But for the odd person, like me, certain things have more significant side effects than the benefits they give.
Some days I'll fast, some days I won't. No set number of hours. But that will be dependent on how the day is structured. Nothing planned.
Protein powder/collagen peptide decaff during my morning walk. That's just one new tweak to the very first part of my day.
Same breakfast as usual, not long after getting home. But yep, another blast of collagen and whey protein in that coffee.
Yep, another of my essays!
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rainyfestivalsweets · 11 months
Ok, couple of chapters into the Skinny Bitch book by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.
Well folks, it is copyrighted in 2005.
The language is vastly different than what people would use today. It has used the word P*ssy alot. 🤔 So.... vastly different.
It also talks about "strutting your skinny ass down the street like you are in an episode of Charlie's Angels......" and that "It's time to get skinny."
Most folks would not use that language at all. And if you used that on social media, you would be outright attacked. Since at least what, 2017?
I think they are using the language to act like this is the tough gals guide to this stuff. Super tough. No p*ssies here.
Well.... suffice it to say, I have not been a skinny bitch in my entire, very adult life. And I am currently on my most successful weight loss journey. I am not skinny. I am a size 16 and still have a rather large obese belly.
So- has this book aged well? Or is there new science or information that we have now?
Well... it does talk a bit about the "low-carb craze." Obviously, they didn't know that that particular trend had a long way to go before it peaked! I mean, the keto craze is still ongoing for some folks. Whole YouTube channels promote it. Still!
So.... the don'ts so far:
Don't smoke (agree)
Don't drink (sigh... yeah agree)
Don't Soda (liquid Satan they say)
Don't Coffee ("Coffee is for p*ssies" specfically) (Don't agree, obviously)
Don't junk food (except health store junk food? I am unclear on this) (unsure)
Don't pills (yeah, ok)
Don't over-exercise (ok... but how many people can, you know?)
Don't avoid fruit
Don't avoid bread, especially the brown stuff
Don't sugar.
Don't aspartame.
Mmmk. Big list. The Do's thus far:
Do eat fruit, but eat it alone, probably right away in the morning. And don't eat anything for awhile after it.
Do eat complex carbs.
Do eat bread.
That is all I have on that list, for now.
So..... do eat carbs.
Yeah... some people shouldn't. 🙄
That is like throwing a 1 size fits all sticker on a size 0 jumper, it ain't gonna fit, bitches.
These days, we know that the reason low carb works so well is because a huge amount of the population has undiagnosed liver or pancreas problems... things like PCOS, diabetes, and fatty liver. A lot of these problems are intermittent problems long before a person is a full-blown diabetic. Oftentimes, people who suffer from these things feel better on a low-carb plan of some sort.
So buyer beware.... if you read this book try to be aware of how YOUR body reacts to these things.
So the I there questionable thing is the fruit right away in the morning thing. Sometimes that jolt of sugar, however natural can cause more hunger and eating cues.
Some people can, idk.
And this was a NY times bestseller!
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Stay tuned:
Will I become a skinny bitch?? 🤔
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bengesko · 1 year
venting; sister in law being a bitch.
Prefacing this with- I love my partner. I adore them. I don't want to leave them....
...but... Sometimes, I wish I had the means/income to get my own place, because I canNOT stand my partner's sister, and I'm reaching my breaking point with how she treats me.
My room is next to hers. I rarely leave my room, because either I'm bedbound due to fatigue, or I'm at my desk writing/drawing etc.
When I'm awake during the night, I am so quiet- I walk on my toes, I have memorized where the creaky floorboards are, I know how far to open/shut doors so they don't squeak. I have earbuds that I put UNDER my headphones so the noise isn't heard.
I take SO MANY precautions to be quiet at night so I don't wake anyone else up.
Meanwhile, Annie stomps like an elephant doing clog dancing down the hall. She loudly calls out "HELLO???" at my partner's door to wake them up. She shrieks with laughter, she has LOUD spirited conversations with my partner about frivolous stuff, and she's LOUD AF in the kitchen.
I don't expect anyone to be quiet during the day. I'm used to this. But if she had ANY common courtesy, she would take her yelling, shrieking, laughing, etc somewhere else in the house- and wouldn't stomp and slam doors when going past my room. She doesn't.
My partner is a teacher, so it's rare when they have time off- and when they do, it rarely overlaps when I'm awake during the day.
It seems like every time these things overlap, and we try to have a long conversation, Annie screams at me for it. She works from home, she has noise cancelling headphones, but she won't wear them when we're trying to have a conversation that's longer than a few exchanged sentences.
I RARELY leave my room anymore because I swear, if there's conversation going on, and Annie isn't involved, she gets snippy.
Either she yells about taking it somewhere else (Which isn't possible, she yells if we take it outside because we're too close to her work space; if we take it somewhere else in the house, she can still hear bc the house has connected vents); or she changes the subject repeatedly/derails until the convo is focused on her and my partner.
She also usually finds passive aggressive ways to mock me when I'm involved in the convo, because she knows I'll get upset and just leave instead of standing up for myself.
Prime example: talking about food, and she says something like "Our family is higher class, so I guess we never thought to try something like that" or "That explains a lot"; or she gets up in arms about my opinion of something, and I have to backpedal and stomp on my own beliefs/opinions to avoid her being nasty and sullen for hours.
(She also has said to my partner she doesn't want me wearing tank tops anymore bc she can see my top surgery scars under my armpits and they gross her out and she doesn't want to see them, but I told my partner Good Fucking Luck changing that because I'll be damned if I'm gonna let her poor feelings change my wardrobe, especially since she bullies me into staying in my room 99% of the time ANYWAY.)
Today was a rare overlap day and I was TRYING to have a conversation with my partner about cooking, groceries and shit because we're both looking into starting the keto diet to lose weight, get in shape, and shit, and Annie just LOSES it and screams at us to take it to another room.
So I just shut up and go back to my room as I hear her say in this sugary sweet baby voice "Sorrryyyy I'm workiiiiiiing and I'm in a bad mooooood" and I just ignore her and SLAM my door and she screams that I'm an asshole and a child.
And now I'm back in my room, alone, and she and my partner are having a conversation, and Annie's laughing loudly. She just wanted me out of the way.
(She's also trying to convince my partner NOT to do the diet because "I'll be the only one eating carbs" and she doesn't want to eat what my partner will be cooking because it isn't what she wants.)
I knew she was part of the package deal when I moved in. I knew going into this relationship that my partner came with two kids- their literal child, and their infantilized sister.
But honestly, if I had the means, I'd move out. I'd stay in a relationship with my partner, but I am losing my mind with the bullying and disrespect from the SIL.
I'm so tired of it.
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dykemcqueen · 1 year
actually i will never forgive fatphobia and diet culture for taking away so many chances to connect with my parents. sharing food, eating from the same table, at the same time, is an ancient love language. it's the love language of my grandparents and their parents and their parents. but my parents were born into colonialism and western beauty standards and the fucking keto diet. not only has it fundamentally changed my family's relationship to food, it's taken so much joy away from them. especially my dad, who loves food so much that i consider my own love an inheritance: i didn't realize how much i missed eating with him until a few months ago when we both were at a ramen shop and he was finishing the whole bowl. it had been so long since i'd seen him start, let alone finish, a "bowl of carbs." this isn't even saying anything about how their food paranoia has created body image issues and EDs in my siblings and me. if we get started there we'll never stop. this is just saying: i missed eating together. i missed seeing them eat freely and be happy.
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alittledisordered · 7 months
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I keep going back and forth about my diet. On the one hand, maintaining keto is a bitch. I'm someone who (strictly judging from the "symptom data" I've collected over the last few months) has an extremely low threshold for getting kicked out of ketosis. I've heard that some folks can eat as many as 30-50 grams of carbs a day and it's smooth sailing.
I... am not one of them. It's nothing but chicken and eggs and like 15 net carbs' worth of fibrous veggies for me, or I'm stuck in that foggy "in-between" state, where I think my body is still trying to operate on whatever meager carbohydrate stores I give it instead of ketones. And that. Feeling. Sucks.
But whenever I try to balance my macros a little more, I find it extremely challenging to maintain any kind of caloric deficit. I'm not gaining heaps of weight, or anything. It's not as though I introduced a daily apple to my diet, and all of a sudden packed on pounds of fat.
But when your alarm goes off at 5:30 am, and you work 10 hour nursing shifts, the energy peaks and slumps that occur throughout the day can be difficult to manage. I usually don't have the energy to work out in a deficit. I haven't been lifting or progressing in the gym in any meaningful way. And I feel as though I'm constantly fixating on food, considering my next "micro-meal," filling up on apples and Greek yogurt and other high-volume foods only to feel desperately hungry an hour later.
And my relationship with the scale is still clearly s***.
I decided to do another three day egg fast this past week, because I saw my weight creep just over 130 lbs again and I wanted to see how much of it was water weight retained after introducing a moderate amount of carbs back into my diet.
Pre diet weight: 131.3 lbs
Post diet weight: 127.6 lbs
And now I'm at a crossroads. Once again in a comfortable and controlled state of ketosis. No energy crashes. No hunger migraines. No late night cravings, or obsessive gum chewing, or trying to find ways to "hack" my hunger.
But like.
How long can I keep this up?
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citizen-zero · 1 year
I am SO SO SO tired of these fucking recipe blogs labeling sugary indulgent shit as “healthy” like I assume it’s better for SEO bc everything’s fucked but for gods sake I am trying to eat a double chocolate chip mug cake or a mug cinnamon roll. in no universe is that “healthy” please use the words you actually mean like “keto friendly” or “vegan” or “low carb” like not only is it disingenuous but it makes it less appealing bc when you say “healthy” I assume it also means “tastes like shit because I used so many ingredient substitutions without considering how it impacts flavor”
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anotherfauxredhead · 1 year
The Post-Bisalp Diaries, Part Two: Survival Of The Tubeless
Happy Two Week Anniversary of me noping the fallopes!
When I was reading up on how others managed post-Bisalp before my own surgery, I saw suggestions like "take Gas-X for bloating", "use stool softeners so you don't 'strain' yourself", "have a heating pad for the shoulder pain", and so forth. They sounded helpful, and it was a good thing I had that stuff already on hand (for other reasons).
That said, here's what really helped me out during my recovery. ***DISCLAIMER*** Your mileage may vary, all bodies are different, and I sure as shit am no doctor or medical practitioner!
*Turmeric-Curcumin Pills*
It's what I first turn to when I get crap like PMS cramps or headaches. I do have ibuprofen on hand, but it's more of a last resort remedy for me. The ones I've been taking post-surgery are Gaia Herbs Turmeric Supreme, but I also have Terry Naturally's Curamin (regular strength) pills.
*CBD Stuff*
Thank goodness I live in a state where CBD products are legal to own. Tinctures and gummies, particularly the ones from Lazarus Naturals, have been a godsend.
I still took probiotics pre-surgery, albeit in food form (yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.) since I couldn't have supplements then. When I learned that I was given antibiotics during my surgery, I knew I needed to take probiotics later in the day; it's what balances out your digestive system after the antibiotics fuck with it. Maybe it could explain why, even if my appetite was reduced for the first few days, I didn't have bad gas. I took a high-dose probiotic (think the pills with over 40+billion cultures) in the first week, then, for the second week, went down to probiotics with no more than 25 billion cultures. And some low-sugar yogurt.
*Pedialyte Pops*
Like with many others who had a Bisalp, sore throat is a common post-surgery symptom. (It's the result of having a breathing tube down your throat during the procedure.) Though I had regular popsicles on hand, I ended up buying Pedialyte Freezer Pops as well as they also have electrolytes in them. And they're also fairly low sugar!
*Thrift Stores*
So I had to change up my wardrobe a bit for my recovery. A month leading up to my surgery, I got some jumpsuits, loose, high waisted pants with a comfortable waistband, slip-in shoes so I don't have to bend over and tie my shoes, and even a bed rest pillow in case I felt like a lazy-ass. Thanks to thrift stores, I got all that for a bargain. Who the fuck needs Wal-Mart?
By the way, because of my need to be active, and me fighting the fatigue during the first few days of recovery, I didn't use that bed rest pillow. I guess I may need it down the road, and it only cost me $5.
*Eating Low-Carb, Minimally Processed Foods*
Having been on Keto for the past few years, the diet has not only helped me shed blubber, but I've become more active from it. I can't say if eating low-carb/sugar-free foods and minimally processed foods helped my body heal quicker, but, save for the first three days after surgery, I never felt sluggish in my recovery.
*A Decent Landlord & Loan Deferments*
OK, forget the physical aspects of my recovery; it's the financial aspects that took the real beating. I'm able to receive Short Term Disability while out from work (I do not work from home and my job is very physical), but waiting for the payments have become a pain in the clit. I'm still waiting for them, and it just happens to be a holiday weekend right now. Just my luck! So, I like to give a shout-out to my landlord who was cool with me underpaying my rent for this upcoming month, and the few loan companies who I have accounts with that were able to postpone my payments so I don't go so broke to where I need to sell my sterilized ass on the streets for a few bucks. (Like, literally a few bucks--it's the going rate for old millennial ass.)
Also, a friendly reminder that just because one is childfree doesn't mean they got deep pockets. Some of those "I got to vacation in Italy last week 'cause I got no kids!!!!" posts you see on Reddit's Childfree subreddit are likely made-up as hell (it's Reddit, after all). Now that I think about it, I think I'm more of a WINK (What Income? No Kids) instead of a SINK at the moment.
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A Few Things I Got/Have That I Didn't Need In The End...
--GasX pills (I was never really gassy, and they were the 99-Cent Store version as opposed to the name brand, so I didn't lose money on that)
--Shoulder/Heating Pad (others have suggested it, but I only used it just once and that was because it was a cold night)
--stool softeners (I think the probiotics helped me out with this one)
--ibuprofen (took it once and it fucked with me. I'm used to the 200mg pills, but 600mg per pill?! Fuck no!)
--prescribed oxycodone (didn't even open that shit)
And A Couple Things You Don't Need To Buy...
--disposable underwear (the hospital will provide you with as many pairs as you need. I never bled, thankfully, but I was still given a few pairs.)
--anti-nausea patch (another thing the hospital will give you, but only if you request it. I could've saved myself $6 from the pack of anti-nausea patches I bought on eBay! *punches air*)
Again, what helped me out post-Bisalp may or may not help the next person in recovery. If there's one thing I highly recommend that will help the next person recover from a Bisalp smoothly, it's having plenty of money so you don't have to worry about financial shit like me.
**ETA: Tumblr told me this is my 100th post here. I'd celebrate but I also outed myself as a broke bitch in the post, so...
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low-carb-blog · 1 year
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Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies Reviews (Critical Update): Consumer Reports Expose The Hidden Dangers Of Weight Loss Keto ACV USA 2023 - 2024 New Updates
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☘️STEP 1 🚶 Take 2 Gummies Daily with a glass of water.
☘️STEP 2 🚶 You will notice a drastic change in a very short period of time!
☘️STEP 3 🚶 During the first month of use, Keto Gummies with BHB produces accelerated Fat Burn, which could result in weight loss.
☘️STEP 4 🚶 With your weight loss goals achieved, continue to take ACV + Keto Gummies for 3-5 months as to stabilize your appetite, as well as to maintain and transform your new, slim body.
It is a dietary supplement that can help you achieve weight loss goals in a short time. These gummies are designed with herbal, science-backed ingredients proven to burn fat. Along with fat burning, it has major health benefits. This is a 360 supplement that can help you live a healthy life. Hopefully, this comprehensive Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies review can help you make the right decision. Read more about Best Weight Loss Keto Gummies [2023 Updated Reviews] And Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies Top 5 Ranked Weight Loss Gummy!
What is Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies is a best weight reduction supplement intended to incite ketosis and help with weight reduction. It can help with digestion, power stages and serotonin creation. This supplement can valuable asset in a solid fat-consuming methodology without causing shortcoming and weariness.
Planned with the assistance of natural substances, it can increment digestion, security sugar degrees and even improve acknowledgment and mindfulness. With standard use, you could accomplish a lucky casing.
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Do keto apple juice vinegar chewy candies really work?
Indeed, in the event that you are taking a believed brand of chewy candies, you will obtain the outcomes. These chewy candies can initiate ketosis very much like a ketogenic diet and can consume fat for energy. Likewise, they can support digestion and decrease craving. They assist with controlling craving and raise energy levels. These chewy candies are an ideal dietary enhancement to get a thin conditioned body.
Also, Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies are made with the greatest fixings that can assist with accomplishing body objectives.
Do keto chewy candies truly work for weight reduction?
Indeed, it is feasible to drive our body into ketosis with the assistance of BHB salt. Keto chewy candies have a sound portion of BHB salt that can help with supporting the fat-consuming interaction.
According to a new report, BHB salt is extremely viable in transforming fat into ketones, which are scorched for energy. This entire interaction without a ketogenic diet is conceivable. Be that as it may, following a keto diet alongside Weight reduction ACV Chewy candies can obtain fast outcomes.
How powerful are ACV chewy candies for weight reduction?
Most ladies and men utilizing ACV chewy candies have figured out how to drop a couple of pounds/additional kilos. We have tried the item, and allow us to guarantee you that this dietary enhancement is equipped for conveying results. It can consume fat and lift energy simultaneously. There is no shortcoming or infection. Also, you can keep up with solid bulk while getting thinner.
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What amount of time does it require for Weight reduction Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies to work?
At the point when you begin taking the enhancement consistently, this is the thing will occur.
Week 1: No perceptible changes; your body will adapt to the fixings in Weight reduction ACV Chewy candies. What's more, you won't feel anything.
Week 2: Scarcely any individuals will feel the expansion in energy levels and diminished pace of laziness. You stay dynamic and ready the entire day. Furthermore, there are little changes that not very many individuals will take note.
Week 3 to 4: most of individuals will encounter a smidgen of weight reduction; contingent on the all out weight, way of life, age and orientation, you will encounter perceptible fat consuming.
Week 5 to 8: Individuals who are attempting to shed a couple of pounds will accomplish their objectives during this period, if they are following a severe keto diet and gym routine daily practice too. What's more, for others, this is the genuine start of weight reduction.
Week 10 to 14: Practically 80% of individuals accomplish their weight reduction objectives during this period. Also, this is the most urgent period of weight reduction. You should not quit taking chewy candies; for longer-enduring outcomes, you should keep taking them.
To accomplish longer-enduring outcomes and decrease reliance on consuming less calories for fat consuming, you should keep utilizing this item. Possibly stop when you feel sufficiently sure to follow a solid way of life.
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How could we choose to pick and survey Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
There are sure standards that an enhancement should satisfy before we prescribe it to our perusers.
Result Conveyance: Each supplement should convey the outcomes. On the off chance that it isn't conveying results, it is burning through our time and cash. Thus, the essential quality is productive outcomes conveyance.
Medical advantages: obviously, it is a weight reduction sticky; we believe that it should convey results. Simultaneously, we don't believe that our bodies should endure during weight reduction. We want an item that can support helping strength and endurance.
Client criticism: It is essential to understand what clients are talking about; anybody can guarantee anything. We are here to find what genuine clients need to say. Furthermore, on the off chance that they are disturbed and don't suggest it, then it is out of our need list.
Reasonableness: Keeping up with great wellbeing ought not be an extravagance; the vast majority need to carry on with a straightforward life inside their means. In this way, we need something simple on the pocket and a monster in conveying results. You should get a profit from each and every penny.
What are the advantages that make Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies an exceptional fat-consuming dietary enhancement? Advances weight reduction: As we expressed over, all fixings utilized in Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies are science-upheld fat-consuming spices. Obviously, BHB salt is one of the most mind-blowing known weight reduction fixings that can assist with accomplishing results rapidly. Apple juice vinegar extricate is known for its digestion sponsor properties, and along with ketosis, it can consume fat quick.
Balance sugar level and pulse
Lessening insulin responsiveness with the assistance of natural fixings can work on the absorption of glucose. In patients with higher glucose levels, it can assist with decreasing side effects of irritation and a couple of sensitivities. Likewise, as a quick burner, it can assist with pulse too.
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Further developed stomach wellbeing
The natural fixings in Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies can advance the probiotic culture in our stomach. There are great microorganisms, and afterward there are awful microscopic organisms; it can effectively give sustenance to great microbes, so they contend and can with the prevailing relationship inside our stomach. It diminishes the gamble of swelling. It can assist with heartburn and has a spotless defecation.
Better skin quality
As Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies give a decent portion of cell reinforcements, you can anticipate restored skin and helped collagen strength. By battling the free extremists, we have the ability to battle the indications of maturing. All things considered, it will assist with skin wellbeing.
Helped Digestion
Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies works by enacting ketosis and by helping digestion. A little lift in digestion, express 6% to 7%, will support helping energy consumption. The general purpose of a weight reduction diet is to be calorie inadequate, and here, you don't need to do a lot. As energy use is expanded without causing any upsetting state of resembling a stick exercise routine everyday practice.
Expansion in strength
As you gain energy by fat consuming, you experience an expansion in energy levels. You stay dynamic and ready the entire day. You won't feel feeble. Most weight reduction items instigate a dormant state; with Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies, you experience something contrary to laziness. This cautiously organized fat-consuming enhancement is an outcome situated item.
Decreased craving
It can assist you with keeping up with segment size. It encourages you for a more drawn out time frame. Halting hunger isn't going. It just defers appetite and diminishes dinner segments. You eat less and burn through more effort, an ideal state for the weight reduction to work.
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Further developed concentration and fixation
Shortcoming and absence of energy can cause mental fogginess; with this enhancement, you gain energy. Ketones can give energy to the cerebrum also. So our cerebrum stays dynamic and alarm. It can stay away from weariness and can further develop concentration and fixation.
Expanded serotonin creation
A strong synapse that assumes an imperative part in our yearning, sexual considerations and fixation. An expansion underway essentially implies we stay positive and propelled. The crude nutrients and minerals in Best Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies can help in expanded creation.
Body Certainty
There is no question that with another body, you can flaunt another you who is certain, in charge and can finish things. Being fit is important, as individuals see husky individuals as lethargic and pointless. Thus, an expansion in body certainty can deserve admiration and trust.
What are the key fixings used to fabricate Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies?
Green Tea Concentrate: A strong wellspring of cell reinforcements and weight the executives characteristics. It can support further developed strength and personal satisfaction. According to late review, it can assist with consuming fat by supporting digestion. Also, also the advantages of sound skin.
BHB Salt: The entire explanation we can accomplish the metabolic condition of ketosis without following a keto diet. This is the essential element for ketosis. BHB salt is delivered in our body yet in next to no amount. Along these lines, we supply this salt from outside. At the perfect sum, it can transform fat into ketone, and afterward ketones are utilized as a wellspring of energy.
ACV Concentrate: Alongside BHB, Apple juice vinegar is another key fixing. Alongside weight reduction, it has various medical advantages. This fixing makes it an entire dietary enhancement that hoists solid living. ACV remove utilized here is unadulterated and is of greatest.
Gracinia Concentrate: Another strong concentrate that can assist with weight the executives. It is known for its hunger stifling characteristics. Likewise, a protein in Garcinia can diminish the transformation of glucose into fat. Indeed, you read that right: glucose gets changed over into fat. While the vast majority expect that fat gets saved as fat. Thus, it helps control feast divides and can lessen fat amassing.
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Make sense of the working of Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies. How is everything turning out to consume fat?
There are two different ways that these chewy candies target fat.
First is ketosis; you probably found out about the ketogenic diet. It is a low-carb, high-fat, and protein diet. During this metabolic express, our body consumes fat for energy. It tends to be accomplished with the assistance of BHB salt. Weight reduction Weight Loss Keto ACV Gummies utilizes the BHB sat and files ketosis without any problem. In this way, you will consume fat for energy.
The second method for consuming fat is helping digestion. By expanding energy consumption, you can compel your body to consume additional fat for energy. Subsequently working on the proficiency of ketosis. Expanded digestion resembles fanning a fire.
Likewise, hunger decrease assumes a significant part in weight reduction too. Here, we have the fixings that can assist with controlling dinner size and in the middle between eating. In this manner accomplishing the ideal method for getting a consuming state.
The most effective method to consume Weight reduction Keto Gummies.
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Main Site - https://www.timesofisrael.com/spotlight/best-weight-loss-keto-gummies-2023-updated-reviews-and-acv-keto-gummies-top-5-ranked-weight-loss-gummy/
Read More:-https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/best-weight-loss-gummies-shark-tank-keto-gummies-acv-keto-gummies-reviews-2023-acv-gummies-for-weight-loss-full-guide-for-use—news-320031
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braintexs · 1 year
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Today, we're diving into the world of health and nutrition to explore a trending diet that's been gaining a lot of attention lately. Keto! We are unraveling the Mystery of the ketogenic diet and why its popularity is growing so rapidly around the globe. So, without further ado, let's jump right in!
Keto is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that has been shown to have numerous health benefits. 
The primary goal of the ketogenic diet is to put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis occurs when your body switches from using glucose for energy to burning fat instead. By doing this, your body becomes a fat-burning machine, helping you lose weight and improve your overall health. 
So, how exactly does the ketogenic diet work? Well, it's all about macronutrient balance. On a standard diet, our bodies rely on carbohydrates as the main source of fuel. However, when you restrict carbs and increase your fat intake, your body enters this state of ketosis and starts producing ketones. These ketones are then used as fuel for the brain and body.
Let's break it down into three key elements: low-carb, moderate protein, and high fat.
The low-carb aspect of Keto involves limiting your carbohydrate intake to around 20–50 grams per day, depending on your personal goals and health factors. This means cutting out sugary foods, grains, and starchy vegetables, while focusing on healthier options like leafy greens, avocados, and berries.
Moderate protein – it's important to consume a moderate amount while on Keto. This is because excess protein can actually be converted into glucose, which can potentially hinder ketosis. Prioritizing lean meats, fish, and plant-based protein sources will help you maintain the right balance.
Lastly, the high-fat aspect of Keto. Healthy fats like avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil become your new best friends. These fats not only provide energy but also keep you feeling satisfied and full. It's important to emphasize good fats and avoid unhealthy sources like processed oils.
Now that we understand the basics, let's talk about the potential benefits of the ketogenic diet.
1. Weight loss – The ketogenic diet has been shown to be highly effective for weight loss due to its ability to control hunger hormones and encourage fat metabolism.
2. Improved mental focus – Ketones are a great source of fuel for the brain, which can lead to improved cognitive function and mental clarity.
3. Increased energy levels – By relying on fat instead of carbs for energy, many Keto followers report feeling more energized throughout the day.
4. Better blood sugar control – Since carbohydrates significantly impact blood sugar levels, reducing carb intake can help maintain a stable blood sugar level and potentially benefit those with diabetes.
5. Decreased inflammation – Studies have shown that the ketogenic diet reduces inflammation in the body, which is associated with various health conditions.
As with any diet, though, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks or challenges of going Keto.
While the ketogenic diet can be highly effective for weight loss and offer numerous benefits, it requires careful planning to ensure nutrient adequacy and avoid deficiencies. That's why a personalized keto meal plan have been proven to make all the difference. But which meal plan is the right one for you? To find the answer to that question can be quite overwhelming, and  unfortunately, many Keto programs do not deliver what they promise.
However, In preparation to this article, our team has done a lot of research, and we have listed just below what we think are the 3 best and effective personalized keto programs on the market right now. Just click on the links to check them out. 
We hope you find this information helpful, Also, if you have any questions or personal experiences with the ketogenic diet, feel free to contact us or leave a comment down below – we'd love to hear from you!
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Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies Reviews
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[BURN FAT (NOT CARBS) FOR ENERGY] ☘️STEP 1 🚶 Take 2 Gummies Daily with a glass of water. ☘️STEP 2 🚶 You will notice a drastic change in a very short period of time! ☘️STEP 3 🚶 During the first month of use, Keto Gummies with BHB produces accelerated Fat Burn, which could result in weight loss. ☘️STEP 4 🚶 With your weight loss goals achieved, continue to take ACV + Keto Gummies for 3-5 months as to stabilize your appetite, as well as to maintain and transform your new, slim body. 💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙 Item Review👌 Industry 👍 Weight Loss ☘️☘🤩 Base Ingredients 👍🎉 Green Tea Leaf Extracts, Vitamin B👌👌 Any Negative Effects No Major Side Effects ❣️❣️🏋️‍♀️ Benefits 👌✔️ Maintain weight and reduce cholesterol🍀 Who can use it? Above 18+ 🏋️‍♀️ Maximum Results Time 🤷‍♀️ 2-3 Months (Results May Vary Person to Person) 🚶‍♀️ Online Details ☘️☘️ 💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙
Do you wish to modify your ketogenic diet in any way to hasten the weight reduction process? With this in mind, Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies may be the solution to all of your issues. It has been shown that using this all-natural weight reduction supplement may help some individuals lose weight more rapidly and successfully than they would be able to on their own.
This study aims to investigate the components, benefits, potential adverse effects, cost, and accessibility of a widely used weight-loss drug. The cost and accessibility of the item is further considerations. We hope that after reading this review, you will be fully informed about the keto weight loss supplement that we were requested to assess.
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If I may ask, please explain everything that goes into Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies.
Gummies containing both keto and apple cider vinegar may promote weight reduction and provide a number of extra health advantages. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be the best option if you want to lose weight without always feeling exhausted. This will enable you to continue working out as you normally would while still achieving your weight loss goals. This approach not only quickens metabolism, allowing one to continue with a healthy calorie deficit even after reaching their ideal weight, but it also makes fat loss less difficult.
A comparison of the health advantages of the ketogenic diet versus apple cider vinegar
If Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies don't enable you to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, the firm offers a money-back guarantee. The body's fat-burning mechanisms are accelerated by this dietary supplement using ketone bodies that are found in nature.
The pill must be effective, based on the many internet evaluations, as almost all customers claim to have lost weight quickly after beginning to take it. This is shown by the fact that it is possible to buy the supplement online.
The manufacturer's overstated claims that the pill will help customers lose weight are often mentioned in reviews that are less than favourable for the product as a whole. This is because it is a significant point of dispute within the product's customer base.
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How does a ketogenic diet vary from a low-carbohydrate diet?
Low in carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet is rich in fat and moderate in protein. There are obvious similarities between the Atkins diet and other low-carb eating plans. A Valerie Bertinelli condition known as ketosis, in which fat is utilised for energy rather than carbs, may be induced by following a diet known as the ketogenic diet. It's possible that doing this will result in a reduced BMI and an improvement in general health.
How to Increase Your Ketogenic Diet Success Chances A Systematic Approach to Succeed in Your Weight Loss Efforts
If you're seeking for a healthy strategy to lose weight, eating ketogenic meals could be the solution. When fat is utilised as fuel instead of carbs, the Valerie Bertinelli state called ketosis results. A ketogenic diet substantially changes the ratio of fat to carbohydrates in the diet, causing the body to use stored fat as fuel. This can be useful for those who have tried and failed to reduce weight.
Including a few ketogenic items in your diet may help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. But this is only one strategy that may be used. One strategy is to have more ketogenic meals while consuming less carbs overall. Your weight will naturally decrease as your metabolism increases and you burn fatter for energy.
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How crucial is it to enter ketosis early while trying to lose weight?
For some people, losing extra weight may be challenging. In today's fast-paced society, it may be difficult to maintain healthy practices, such as eating healthily and exercising regularly. The potential advantage of accelerating weight reduction and making it simpler to sustain the loss is offered by entering a state of ketosis. A Valerie Bertinelli state known as ketosis occurs when fat reserves are converted into molecules known as ketones.
At this time, the body begins to depend more on protein and fat for energy needs and less on carbohydrates. This is an excellent tool for those with diabetes or other diseases that need ongoing blood sugar monitoring since it promotes healthy blood sugar levels and weight reduction. People with these diseases need to have their blood sugar levels continually checked.
Currently, Vinegar Max is considered to be one of the greatest and most popular ketogenic diet products on the market. This could be the answer if you're seeking for a quick approach to start the ketosis process.
Where did Max obtain the ideas for his Keto and ACV Gummies from, as well as the ingredients?
According to some study, taking vitamins like Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies may hasten the weight loss process. However, since these claims have not been independently validated by scientific research, clients should approach with caution.
A substance known as Garcinia may be found in the rind of the Cambogia fruit.
In Asia and Africa, the garcinia cambogia fruit has been utilised for weight reduction for a very long time. This fruit is made by a plant called Garcinia cambogia. This custom presumably has its roots in India. It's important to remember that this may also help with maintaining a healthy weight, according to recent studies.
By increasing your Valerie Bertinelli rate with garcinia cambogia, you may experience a higher calorie and fat deficit and, as a result, lose weight. Additionally, it diminishes hunger, which reduces the chance that someone may participate in binge eating.
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The following are additional advantages of using Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies.
This medication may improve a person's energy and attention while decreasing their desire for unhealthy meals. Additionally, it could assist with calorie tracking and fullness, two important aspects of weight loss. The components in the Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies were specially formulated to work in concert to enhance one another's benefits.
In an attempt to lose extra weight and improve their health, more and more individuals are using medications that are modelled after the ketogenic diet. Here are five reasons to give the ketogenic diet a try:
It could lengthen the period of time you feel full as well as the pace at which you do.
The ketogenic diet is advantageous because it converts carbohydrates into fat as the body's main fuel source. A person may turn to binge eating foods they were attempting to avoid when faced with extreme hunger. (Like sweets). This indicates that, compared to using another meal plan, this diet gives you a greater chance of adhering to your eating schedule and experiencing rapid weight reduction as a consequence.
Consumption on a regular basis helps to maintain steady blood glucose levels.
Those who are inclined to having a fast rise in blood sugar levels after consuming a lot of carbohydrates may have a subsequent significant drop in blood sugar levels if insulin resistance is not corrected. This situation will only occur if the insulin resistance is not treated.
Additionally, this might result in exhaustion, limb weakness, or even the start of chronic illnesses like diabetes. However, if one consumes more fat and fewer carbohydrates, their blood sugar levels are more likely to remain steady throughout the day, which lessens the severity of these adverse effects. This is so because it takes longer for fats to be metabolised than for carbohydrates.
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Has anybody used Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies Reviews and had any negative side effects?
Clinical studies support the effectiveness of weight-loss therapies based on the ketogenic diet, such as Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies. Although there may be some undesirable side effects, they are often not much worse than those caused by other diet tablets.
Vomiting, dizziness, and nausea are a few of the most often reported adverse effects. If you suffer from any of the illnesses we've spoken about, you should never ignore your doctor's advice in lieu of a supplement.
Use of this vitamin is not recommended for people who are pregnant or under the age of 18. The majority of the target market for this product is made up of people above the age of 18.
Gummies made from apple cider vinegar may maximize the effects of your ketogenic diet. While Extending Your Life by Years
Numerous studies have shown the efficiency of the ketogenic diet and Keto and ACV Gummies in promoting weight reduction. Are you being truthful when you claim to know whether or not it works? Customers who have used the product testify to its value in managing weight reduction and weight management.
You may have confidence that it will survive for at least a while since it has shown its dependability for a significant amount of time. When searching for a trustworthy keto product, ACV Keto Gummies has to be at the top of your list.
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Valerie How Do Keto Gummies Work? How Does ACV Work? What is accurate?
No other weight reduction medication on the market has less possible health concerns than this one. Prior to purchasing an object, it's critical to discover as much as you can about its history. I wanted to know if anybody else who used Keto and ACV Gummies had any negative side effects.
How confident can we really be? Has it been successful in achieving its goals? Although it is advantageous, as shown by our study, the advantages may not always be immediately apparent.
Review of Valerie Bertinelli and Suggestions to Improve Its Performance Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies!
Although many individuals make assumptions about the effectiveness of weight-loss medications, there is little scientific evidence to back up their usage. Before deciding on a course of action, carefully weigh all of your alternatives and read as many customer reviews as you can find. Our investigation compels us to draw the solid conclusion that Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies does not (at the moment) provide the advantages that it is capable of.
The views and opinions expressed in this sponsored article are those of the sponsor/author/agency and do not represent the stand and views of Mid-Day Group.Mid-Day Group disclaims any and all liability to any party, company or product for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this content.
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Main Site - https://healthyworldstock.com/ValerieBertinelliKetoGummiesfc
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pcos-uno-reverse · 1 year
Today is day 3 for me on this new pcos lifestyle, and I'd considered waiting to see if it actually makes a difference before I posted anything. But then I thought about how there's so many other women struggling with this disorder, probably going through the same exact thing as me. So I'm inviting you to follow along this journey with me.
In just these 3 days I have noticed a difference in the way my body is feeling.
The general gist of this "diet" is no gluten, no dairy, no added sugar. It's low carb but it isn't keto. I believe this lifestyle is far more sustainable than keto.
Why are women with pcos not supposed to have gluten and dairy? (Keep in mind I'm not a doctor or a dietician. This is all info I've collected from research and from several dieticians)
Dairy has an insulin like growth factor, which will increase androgens (aka male hormones) in women with pcos.
Eating gluten regularly can result in inflammation. If you have pcos, you're already dealing with inflammation. Apparently 1 in 3 Americans already have an intolerance to gluten. So it's very likely that you and I do, too.
I also found one dietician who said that gluten turns into a hormone in your body that mimics thyroid hormones, and therefore your thyroid attacks it. A lot of women with pcos also have hypothyroidism, aka a low functioning thyroid. I am/was one of those women. My last lab results showed normal thyroid levels! So I do believe this checks out. I hadn't even quit gluten completely at the time, but I'd cut out quite a bit.
I found a study from 2012 that said every woman with pcos should be treated for insulin resistance. I have insulin resistance, I've been tested multiple times, it went away for a while but came back. A high amount of insulin in your blood will cause weight gain. When your insulin levels are high, you are going to store fat. It's why we hear women with pcos say they gained 100 lbs in a year.
I am still researching and learning all of this myself.
I am currently on metformin for the insulin resistance. I take several other vitamins as well.
-a daily multivitamin (I take a prenatal, it's got most of the things I was buying separately, so its saved me money in the long run)
-DHA/Fish oil (this is included in my prenatal)
-a probiotic with cranberry included (healthy gut, healthy urinary tract)
-Inositol. This apparently helps women with pcos regulate their cycle, which rings true for me. I'm currently out of this one, and my period was late consecutively for the 3 months I've been out of it. It's expensive so I haven't been able to re purchase yet. However, it is on the top of my list.
-Magnesium/Ashwaganda. I think the ashwaganda knocks me the hell out at night. When I take it, I fall asleep easier. Magnesium is shown to help with anxiety. I take this in a 2 for 1 pill.
-Curcumin (turmeric): this one allegedly helps with inflammation.
-Apple Cider Vinegar: I take this in a pill because I cannot stand the taste of vinegar. This one helps stabilize blood sugar if taken before meals.
I have been looking into berberine and will be purchasing it as soon as possible. Apparently, paired with metformin it can help stabilize blood sugar.
Of course, do your own research and talk to your doctor before you take anything. These are all supplements I've found through research. I'm not sponsored by anyone, and I have no followers, so obviously I'm not making money off of it. These are all things I take daily.
That's all I've got for now, I'm about to go make breakfast. Byeeeeeeeee
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proacvketo · 1 year
Pro Keto ACV Gummies Canada Weight Loss Weight Loss ACV & Pro Keto Gummies USA 2023 Buy Now Scam Alert
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[BURN FAT (NOT CARBS) FOR ENERGY] ☘️STEP 1 🚶 Take 2 Gummies Daily with a glass of water. ☘️STEP 2 🚶 You will notice a drastic change in a very short period of time! ☘️STEP 3 🚶 During the first month of use, Keto Gummies with BHB produces accelerated Fat Burn, which could result in weight loss. ☘️STEP 4 🚶 With your weight loss goals achieved, continue to take ACV + Keto Gummies for 3-5 months as to stabilize your appetite, as well as to maintain and transform your new, slim body.
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Item Review👌 Industry 👍 Weight Loss ☘️☘🤩 Base Ingredients 👍🎉 Green Tea Leaf Extracts, Vitamin B👌👌 Any Negative Effects No Major Side Effects ❣️❣️🏋️‍♀️ Benefits 👌✔️ Maintain weight and reduce cholesterol🍀 Who can use it? Above 18+ 🏋️‍♀️ Maximum Results Time 🤷‍♀️ 2-3 Months (Results May Vary Person to Person) 🚶‍♀️ Online Details ☘️☘️
What is Pro Keto ACV Gummies Canada?
The keto based natural gummy maintains the good health of the user without creating side-effects and drawbacks. You Are never required to follow any special schedule but just consume the tasty gummy that belongs to America and Canada. The major ingredients are completely natural and suit to every routine very easily. The formulation is gradually becoming successful and for this reason you should never avoid having it.
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Why Should You Choose Keto Diet ?
Pro Keto ACV Gummies Canada has protein, essential carbohydrates, fats and many other important ingredients for a healthy management of fat levels. It is the best dietary formula resulting in fat loss very easily. The traditional diet plans are very difficult to follow or create abundance of nutrient deficiency in the body. Pro Keto ACV Gummies on the other hand is safe and maintains good health for many reasons. It not only helps to reduce a portion of your body but also provides it with the energy to stay active all day throughout. You are never going to find yourself in a bad state after consuming these trustworthy gummies,
Consume Pro Keto ACV Gummies Australia as an ultimate source of nutrition and fat burning . After preferring this particular option, you are going to drastically find your weight levels dropping and health improving. The successful option for reducing it is a reason behind happiness for many. The naturally weight loss formula is a source of glory for those Who have failed in their weight loss attempts many times.
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List of Pro Keto ACV Gummies Supreme Ingredients-
Pro Keto ACV Gummies is known for weight loss on the basis of healthy ingredients only. When you start receding results, try to understand that it’s just a natural process taking place and no chemical phenomena impacting. The health boosting formula delivers mighty changes to your body. You stay happy, energetic and in a good temperament naturally. The beta hydroxybutyrate kitten provide better slimming effect. Burning fat and providing a good nutrient absorption to the body also takes place through these capable ingredients added in the formula.
Major add-on in the slimming remedy is Apple cider vinegar. It’s the most vital antimicrobial and anti inflammatory ingredient that never lets you crave for more food. You are also not going to experience hunger pangs because there is going to be a better stability within your body. Reducing weight with these positive changes optimises general health as well.
The weight loss supplement has Garcinia Cambogia, beetroot , pomegranate and various vital herbs to support the weight loss journey. You can just consume Pro Keto ACV Gummies as a normal chewing candy having a very nice flavour of fruit. It’s not at all difficult to have them because they Are simply very good in taste.
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How Do We Consume Pro Keto ACV Gummies?
A single bottle of Pro Keto ACV Gummies Australia has a minimum of 30 sweet tablets at least. These are enough to give you a full supply of energy nutrition and body support. Inducing faster weight loss result is not a difficult thing for them. Further, you can consume such a remedy without any expert consultation and a prescription also. Regardless of your gender and age, you get great weight loss outcomes.
In any circumstance, you should not exceed the recommended dose because it is not a healthy practice at all. Choose to get your weight loss results only with proper dosage guidelines and a good lifestyle.
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How Does The Pro Keto ACV Gummies Make Weight Loss Possible ?
Pro Keto ACV Gummies Canada makes weight loss possible on the basis of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It boosts metabolism and adds immunity to your whole body. Apart from that, you are you able to get a proper digestion level so that whatever you consume gives you nutrition and no fat absorption. Whatever unwonted element is consumed is well excreted and that is how slimming results take place.
The BHB ketone formula breaks the fatty molecule chain to induce healthy energy levels. The kitten nurturing therapy improves cognitive functioning and puts an end to blood barrier. The supreme Apple cider vinegar gummies support muscle system and improving appetite. It is just one important option to prevent infections and skin health naturally.
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List of Pro Keto ACV Gummies Canada Supreme Ingredients-
Pro Keto ACV Gummies is known for weight loss on the basis of healthy ingredients only. When you start receding results, try to understand that it’s just a natural process taking place and no chemical phenomena impacting. The health boosting formula delivers mighty changes to your body. You stay happy, energetic and in a good temperament naturally. The beta hydroxybutyrate kitten provide better slimming effect. Burning fat and providing a good nutrient absorption to the body also takes place through these capable ingredients added in the formula.
Major add-on in the slimming remedy is Apple cider vinegar. It’s the most vital antimicrobial and anti inflammatory ingredient that never lets you crave for more food. You are also not going to experience hunger pangs because there is going to be a better stability within your body. Reducing weight with these positive changes optimises general health as well.
The weight loss supplement has Garcinia Cambogia, beetroot , pomegranate and various vital herbs to support the weight loss journey. You can just consume Pro Keto ACV Gummies as a normal chewing candy having a very nice flavour of fruit. It’s not at all difficult to have them because they Are simply very good in taste.
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The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
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Main Site – https://www.deccanherald.com/brandspot/sponsored-health/pro-keto-acv-gummies-canada-usa-reviews-2023-review-result-where-to-buy-pro-keto-gummies-2647139
Read More:-https://www.theweek.in/focus/health-and-wellness/2023/08/11/keto-gmy-gummies-updated-warning-2023-keto-gmy-bhb-gummies-products-gummies-beware-warning.html
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