#cause I worry and wonder what happened to them
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stargazerlion · 2 days ago
Not a Nazi and orange flag imo, esp depending on age/exposure to other cultures and therfore their abilities to understand how propaganda works and can spread across cultures. Ive been in a similar place in younger years and like. Music taste doesnt define a person, ever. But it can still have influence, and a particular love of Germany can give them a predisposition to fall down that pipeline. BUT at this stage they are at the top of the pipeline. It can end up working out fine, maybe theyll end up writing a paper on the history of music as propaganda and how that can be a tool used to this day by those in power, or be able to better aproach learning about nazism in depth with a better appreciation for how political ideology can infiltrate every aspect of day to day life, but that can only happen of theyre kept out of the pipeline. If theyre condemned as a nazi or future Nazi or totally shunned Im worried they wouldnt be able to get ahold of the resources they need to get out of the pipe before its too late. At this point, they still get the important bits: Nazis are bad, and no amount of banger music will change that, and if you are public about it people will perceive you as a nazi, and they dont want that. Theyre not very deep in yet. Id want to have a conversation with them about the subtleties of propaganda and how it can infect you without you realizing, giving them the tools they need to avoid falling down the pipeline, and so when they see the comment saying "this is a great example of the passion the German Nationalist Socialist party for preserving and enhancing their culture!" Theyll be able to see that and go "yeah i like this song, but this is not an example of that, since the Nazis bastardized and made up their culture and history to serve their agenda, this person, intentionally or not, is spreading propaganda, so I should ignore it" instead of "yeah i like this song, it does really feel German! I wonder what other elements of German culture the Nazis were trying to protect, it sounds like such a noble cause!" It can make all the difference in that stage
Trigger warning: mention of Nazi
*Person A is NOT German
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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legendofmorons · 1 day ago
Written in the stars (forever on loop) Chapter two - Catch my breath (what else can I do?)
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Pairing: eventual Poly! Chain x reader, platonic Wind & reader
Series Rating: T
Summary: Day two with the chain has its challenges. Thankfully, Epona and Wind are there to make things better. Four and Sky have a heart to heart while a late night talk with Warriors leaves you with some questions and thoughts.
Warnings: grief, cursing
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Previous masterlist. Next
Breakfast is your saving grace in the morning, especially because you need something to do that isn't focusing on everything that happened yesterday.
You sit by Sky again, though Wind sits on your other side.
Sky looks exhuasted, blinking blearily and having to stifle a yawn every so often. He's got puffy eyes... has he been crying? Maybe it was just a bad day...
No one else speaks to you or sits near you, though. There's a tense atmosphere you could cut with a very dull butter knife.
"So, what do you do back home?" Wind asks before stuffing a bite of his food in his mouth.
You smile politely, "I work, I listen to music, I talk to my friends and family. Nothing exciting. What about you?"
"I like to sail a lot." Wind says.
This isn't a surprise. He gives off pirate gremlin energy anyhow. It's good to know it is from a hobby and not just your own interpretation of what is apparently more than a video game.
You smile a little more real this time. "That's good, it's important to have hobbies. Do you live near the sea?"
"You know about the sea!" Wind declares excitedly.
You laugh a little, "Of course I do."
You can feel the way all the others look at you with strange gazes and furrowing brows or outright glares.
You focus your gaze on Wind, blocking out the others.
Wind looks absolutely delighted, though, his grin wide and bright. "No one else but Wild knows. You do, though!"
"I do." You agree easily.
The young teen is adoreable in the excitement that causes his ears to twitch a little.
Sky smiles too, "He's a fan of the sea."
"Maybe we can visit it." You offer.
Wind cheers, beaming at you. "I hope so!"
Time clears his throat to get everyone's attention. The air goes thick again around you.
You turn your gaze to the oldest, wondering yet again why he has the fierce diety marking on only half his face if he has them at all.
"We're going to keep looking for a town today, we need to get our new friends some supplies since they were caught unawares." Time says.
He hasn't looked at you. Most of them haven't looked at you. Not really.
You feel your face heat up a little. Embarrassment floods your being.
If you had known you were going to end up here, you would have prepared more!
"We should also probably see about finding a river or something soon." Warriors adds firmly.
The others agree with both sentiments.
Wind elbows you playfully, "Don't worry, we all got caught unawares at least once. I started my adventure by hitting things with sticks."
The teen gives a wink at the end, like he's telling you a secret.
You laugh, recalling that sequence in Wind Waker. Immediately, you feel guilty simply for having loved and played the games.
Apparently, the world of Hyrule is real.
This is all so bizarre.
You played through what were probably horrible quests and memories for fun. (You didn't know! If you had known - breathe. You remind yourself to breathe.)
Last night's dreams were weird.
Everything is so different
"Don't overthink." Sky chides lightly although, it sounds like it's something he says on autopilot, his face twisting with an unreadable emotion.
Grief, maybe? But worry, too.
"Okay." You manage.
"Twilight, Wild, Wind, Legend, and Sky, you'll all look for a river. Warriors, Four, Hyrule, and I will take (Y/n) and look for a town." Time says.
You don't want to leave Sky and Wind. They are the least tense!
At least you'll be with Four and Hyrule. They are far less intimidating than Time and Warriors.
"Don't worry," Wind whispers to you as he nudges your side lightly. "They're all big softies."
He gives you a dramatic wink.
You crack a weak smile. "Really??"
"Really." Wind assures.
"Thanks." You say softer.
The teen grins at you. He looks pretty eleated in general.
"Alright, when you are ready, we'll head out." Time says to you. He's finally looking at you, but his face is stony.
You acknowledge his words and work on finishing your food.
After you've eaten and everything has been packed up, the groups split up.
You are flanked by four men as you walk. Warriors and Four on either side of you with Time in the back and Hyrule beside him.
None of them talk except to tell you if you're turning. Their eyes never seem to be on you, but you swear they're watching.
The silence is strange. (Some strange subconscious part of you rails against the tense air around you. This is wrong!)
"So... uhm... what's with the portals?" You ask after a good twenty minutes of walking.
This seems like a solid start point. The silence is too much anyway.
The others seem to share a silent conversation around you. None of them look at you.
Warriors looks at you as he answers. "There is a Sahdow opening them and letting lose monsters of different eras."
You nod. That sounds like some Legend of Zelda stuff right there... You should probably stop thinking of this as a video game world.
Four sighs. "Of course we're all here because we're heroes."
"That makes sense... why am I here?" You ask, feeling as if you're in free fall without a parachute as far as information goes.
There's a beat of silence.
The men exchange glances around you, yet another silent converstion exchanging in seconds.
"We don't know." Time says evenly, a measured tone flowing in his voice. His gaze is still too heavy on you, as if he's daring you to do something.
"Okay." You manage.
Four offers you a slightly strained smile. "We'll figure it out."
His smile is wrong. His eyes are wrong. He dosen’t believe in what he says, does he?
"I hope so."
Hyrule hums once. "Are you a hero where you're from? That might make it make sense if you are."
You laugh a little, startled at the notion. "No. No, my life back home is... boring enough."
Four and Warriors both look spooked by your laugh, looking at you with frowns. The latter looks a little angry, too, with pinched brows.
Okay. Maybe it was rude to laugh?
"Oh." Hyrule says.
"Boring can be good." Warriors offers after a moment, face fixing itself into an overly polite mask.
You smile weakly. "I guess so."
"Are you a royal then?" Hyrule asks.
You laugh again. "No. I'm definitely not."
The silence comes back, heavy and awkward. You don't bother trying to break it again.
There's something wrong in the air. You just can't place it. You have barely interacted with any of them!
At least Hyrule and Four just seem to avoid watching you. Or maybe it just feels that way because Warriors and Time won't stop - even if you don't catch them, you can feel it.
What is it with these heroes and the staring problem?
Hopefully, when you see Wind again, He can lighten the mood.
The trip to town was awkward, stilted, and almost painful. When you're dropped off at an inn to what for the boys to get the others, you are relieved.
You've gotten a travel pack with a place for your bed roll. You've also been given a few spare clothes, which is nice.
You are apparently to share an inn room with someone tonight.
Hopefully, it's Wind or Sky. They haven't glared at you or made you feel unwanted.
You settle on one of two beds, wondering what you have done to earn their cold shoulders. Did you... over step somehow?
Maybe they know about the video games? They aren't self-aware in the game, hopefully?
Nothing makes sense anyway.
There's a knock at the door before someone calls. "Hey, it's just me! We're roommates!"
Thank goodness.
The door opens to reveal a grinning Wind.
"Did you have fun?" You ask.
The teen is practically bouncing. "I did! It was great, oh my goodness! Wild and Sky got tangled up in some roots, and we had to finish a mini dungeon!"
"That sounds... busy?"
"It was fun! We got some rupees, too."
"That's good!" You say a bit more cheerily.
The boy grins.
He asks you about your trip, and you just say it was okay, a little awkward, but not horrible.
Dinner is quick, and every time you try to make conversation with anyone but Wind they look pained by the attempt, and it peeters out.
Even Sky seems a little skittish about you during dinner, although his eyes look puffy again. Maybe he's going through something?
You sigh, deciding to go see Epona. Maybe she'll let you pet her?
Epona is at least less scared of you. She just sniffs your hand curiously.
As soon as she sniffs you, she's pressing her face into your hand insistently, as if asking for attention. Who are you to deny her?
She's sweet, at least.
"Such a good girl you are." You coo to Epona sweetly.
She isn't at fault for the tense atmosphere of the boys.
Petting her mane gently is relaxing in ways you hadn't quite expected. She's all but leaning into it, a few soft snorts here and there but otherwise seemingly content to be near you.
"Aw, I wish I had something to give you, sweetheart."
Epona just leans a little more into your touch.
"I'll just keep an eye out. Maybe we can find an apple or something for you."
You can feel a few others watching you, but you don't turn. It's much nicer here with Epona than with the heavy silence and strained attempts at conversation provided by the boys.
Although Wind is certainly picking up some slack there, he deserves some cookies or something.
"How'd you get to be so sweet, pretty girl?" You muse.
It's a nice break from havin to be around anyone. Epona is so gentle and sweet, at least with you. She's happy to let you pet her man and sctach behind her ears gently.
Animals are amazing.
Sky and Four take to their room, both looking forward to getting away from the painful reminder you are. They know it's not your fault, you seem nice, but still...
Grief is funny sometimes.
The moment the door closes, Sky's carefully polite face is falling into twisting grief.
Four just flops himself onto his bed. His head hurts, pounding like a horribly novice out of step marching band is playing their show inside his skull.
It's too much.
Sky just leans against the door, sinking to the floor with his head leaning back.
"Why couldn't they look different?" Sky asks in a shaking whisper.
The question escapes his mouth on accident.
Four turns over, so he's staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know."
Sky dosen’t turn. Instead, he just closes his eyes.
"It's not their fault." Four says, staring at the ceiling.
"No." Sky agrees. "It's not."
"I feel so bad for them." Four manages.
He does.
Against the grief and the anger and the stupid hope that twirl around his lost love, there's sympathy. Sympathy for the unexpected start of an adventure.
Sympathy for the lost look in their eyes at unfamiliarity scripts of hylian writing.
"Goddess... They looked terrified when they first saw me." Sky whispers into the room.
He uses that expression of terror to ground himself. It sounds bad. He knows it sounds bad.
But your terror is proof that you aren't his beloved sunshine.
His sunshine... never looked at him like that. They were never scared of him. Not when they saw him seal the imprisoned. Not when they saw him fight Demise.
They were never scared.
The expression of terror on your face chafes at his soul, but it helps him remember you aren't anyone else but a stranger in a scary situation.
"I think they're scared of Time." Four says.
Sky laughs weakly. "He is intimidating..."
"It's uncanny... They're identical in looks and personality."
"I know."
"How do you do it? I can barely look at them."
"I - can barely look away." Sky laughs, though it almost sounds like crying.
Four hums once, thoughtful mostly. His entire being, all of his colors, struggle under the grief you've stirred up. His empathize for his soul brothers is endless.
His grief is even more vast.
"Goddess. They'd be ashamed of me." Sky admits, "Dancing around a stranger trying to keep everything under wraps and falling apart as soon as the door shuts."
Four narrows his eyes, pushing up to lean on his elbows. His glare is trained on Sky. "Don't sully thier memory by assigning your shame to them."
"What?" Sky swallows, looking at Four with wide eyes.
The hero of skies looks like a kicked puppy, glassy eyes, and shaking form.
Four dosen’t care. Not now. Not when the memory of their soulmate's memory is being treated so poorly.
"They wouldn't be ashamed of you for doing your best in a hard situation. They wouldn't blame you for having complex feelings. Your own guilt shouldn't be projected onto their memory." Four says, or maybe that's Blue and Vio in control for now. Who can tell?
They all miss you. Every piece of him misses you.
"How could they not be?" Sky asks. "I'm messing everything up!"
"Legend hasn't stopped glaring at them, Time just stares silently, I can barely look at them. Sky, you're being more normal about this than anyone!"
"Wind is doing much better."
"Wind hasn't lost them yet. Of course, he's doing better." Four rolls his eyes, pushing down the envy.
"I know. I... Why does he still have them when no one else does?"
"He's fourteen. There's plenty of time for him to get fucked over like the rest of us." Four snaps.
"I didn't mean- I just miss them."
"I know." Four sighs, closing his eyes. "I know... I think we all do."
Silence falls over the room, heavy but not uncomfortable. It's the silence that falls over loved ones when they've had a hard conversation and need to think but still feel safe together.
Four falls back against the bed, trying to remember the way his lover once held him. Perhaps it's self destructive, but when it helps him cope, he dosen’t care.
He can feel the colors, his head is still pounding.
Blue is restless as ever, a rage at the reminder that you're gone. Anger that Sky could speak of your memory so poorly.
Green and Red are trying to calm it all down. They're trying to focus on the better times they had with thier lover.
Vio... is Vio. He's focusing on the facts again.
Like always.
Four focuses on his breathing, pretending that it's them here counting it instead of him.
Who knew trying to keep himself together would be so hard?
You're outside trying to get some air after having the same dream from last night. The argument and lead up to something horrible in the dream is - draining.
The night air is chilly, but it's a nice relief from the stifling feeling of the bed.
Stars above you make out patterns you shouldn't be able to recognize, but you swear you see a set of stars that's supposed to be a harp. It isn't the harp constellation from your world, though. It's different.
You sit on the steps that lead up to the inn porch, leaning against the banister.
There's some sort of spinning string instrument tune stuck in your head, unplayable as the origin of the second and strange harp constellation.
There's the sound of the door opening and closing behind you. Probably another person in search of some air.
"What... are you doing our here?" Asks a man.
You turn, looking over your shoulder to see Warriors, still in his entire outfit, chain mail, and all.
His gaze is heavy, not as bad as Time's but strange as ever.
You sigh, trying to avoid tensing up at the sight of him. "I needed some air... I guess you do, too."
Warriors sighs, "You could say that."
"Don't let me stop you." You say, turning your head back to facing forwards and gazing out at the small town before you.
A lazy night breeze blows across you, ruffling your hair a little.
Warriors is silent behind you, a large presence. He's unmoving.
You're left wondering if he's still there for a moment.
It seems rude to check, though.
How he can be so still is beyond you, but you suppose that's probably a skill he picked up from the war. (A war you're not meant to know about.)
Warriors moves finally, walking until he's beside you. He stands there, unmoving again as he stares up at the stars.
"You shouldn't be out here without a weapon." He says finally.
You glance up at him. "Why? It's a small town."
"Ambushes can happen anytime anywhere."
"I can't say that's something I've had to worry about much." You admit. Which is true, for all the creeps and killers of your world... none of them are literal monsters.
Besides, you don't have a weapon right now. Why would you need one while traveling with the group?
"Count yourself lucky." Warriors tells you, "You should start worrying about it, though. Our group gets ambushed often."
You take a slow breath, trying to decide if you're supposed to respond or not. What do you even say to that?
He looks at you, face carefully neutral in a way that feels vaugley threatened. "You... aren't a fighter, are you?"
"Not the way you guys seem to be."
"You've never fought a war... have you?" Warriors asks in a soft voice.
He sounds- he sounds like your answer is important to this question. He sounds like you have some huge sway over what happens with this answer.
His face is still carefully blank.
"No. I've never fought in a war." You say slowly, trying to make sense of whatever this is.
Warriors let's out a slow, heavy sigh. "I hope it stays that way."
"Me too." You say.
You mean it, too. How could you not? Who hopes to get pulled into a war? Not you.
Moments pass, and thick silence seems to press in on you.
"I'm sorry." You say finally.
Warriors looks at you, face still unnervingly calm.
What life has he led that he's so good at neutral poker faces?
"Why?" He asks you.
That's a great question. Why are you sorry?
There's so many reasons.
You're sorry you played their games and enjoyed them.
You're sorry that you're here and slowing them down.
You're sorry that you came unprepared, and they had to step up.
You're sorry he's lost so much.
"I'm sorry I've been such a pain." You settle on. "I know I slowed you guys down and that you stepped up yesterday to help make sure I'm set up for whatever it is we've all been dragged into."
Warriors sighs while something heavy flashes through his eyes before it disappears. "You don't need to apologize. We weren't going to kick you aside."
"I guess. I'm still sorry."
"Do you know how many times I've heard these kinds of apologies?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No."
He looks up to the sky again. "Too many times. Too many people have told me they're sorry for things they can't control. That they're sorry for me doing something simple."
"Don't waste time or words on things like that." Warriors tells you with a stern look.
You would imagine it's a look he picked up as a captain.
"Okay." You breathe out softly.
"I mean it, (Y/n)." He says, though he sounds far away. It's like he's actually speaking to someone else.
Someone he lost.
"Okay." You say again softer.
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finniestoncrane · 2 days ago
Hi finnie! Sorry to bother you but u was wondering if you could write something for young Justice Riddler from your list maybe 15 and 51? He is just a cutie! Sorry I don't send request a lot! (≡^∇^≡)
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Young Justice!Riddler x Fem!Reader, word count: 719 oooooooh yes please!! these are perfect for him, get ready for some nervous first time eddie!! 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: virginity loss, reader has a vagina but no gendered terms are used, first time sex, nervous eddie
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"You're ok with this, yeah?"
As you straddled Eddie's waist, it only then occurred to you that he hadn't replied as confidently as you would have liked when you asked him if he wanted you to be on top. Rather, he'd offered a nervous nod, a stammered 'yes' and then a sharp inhale that never seemed to come back out.
You'd shifted out from underneath his weak grip on your sides, then pushed him gently down onto the mattress, taking care to lift his glasses gently from his face and place them carefully next to the bed. He'd been so willing, so pliant, and you worried about whether he felt like he was just going through the motions.
"If it's not ok, Eddie, we can wait and try again some other time. I really don't-"
"No! No, no. Please, no. I want this to happen. I think I need this to happen. I just... I was nervous. I am nervous."
With a slight giggle, intended to be warming and reassuring rather than patronising, you sat up straight. As you moved, you brushed past his cock, twitching against your body as his eyes closed tight.
"Why are you so nervous?"
One of your hands rested on his abdomen, almost keeping him steady as he trembled with nerves. The other moved up his torso, fingers walking towards the tiny patch of hair on his chest before stopping to stroke it delicately. He couldn't help but smile as he made out the pattern your finger was moving it. A question mark, drawn over and over again as he spoke.
"I don't want to get it wrong."
"What do you think you're going to get wrong, Eddie? You're the Riddler. You don't get things wrong."
That little boost of confidence seemed to have done wonders for him as he reached his slightly quivering hands up and placed them on either side of your waist.
"I'm just worried about... I've not quite practised enough... bucking my hips. I wanted to get it perfect for the first time."
"Ah... did you receive bad feedback from someone else?"
He glanced to the side, lips pressed tightly shut. Somehow, everything fell into place, and you reached your hand to his cheek, stroking against his pointed sideburns and feeling the heat from the deep, red flush on his skin.
"Oh, Eddie. You mean your first time?"
Eddie nodded bashfully, his whole body seeming a shade pinker than it had moments ago. Your own body seemed warmer too, the idea that you were going to be important to Eddie, someone who was in turn so important to you, caused your heartbeat to rise steadily, your blood heating as you began to subconsciously grind your hips a little against him.
"Come here, you sweet little thing. You don't have to be embarrassed."
You helped him shift upright slightly, leaning into him and bringing his face to your bare chest, holding it close as you played with the longer hair at the nape of his neck.
"Of course not. This is actually a bit of a turn on."
There was a hesitance in his voice, as though he couldn't quite believe that you might be telling the truth. But as you brought one hand from him and helped to position his head against your now desperate cunt, he realised he might have to take your word for it.
With only a smile and a subtle bite of your lip, you began to ease yourself back and forth on his cock, feeling it throbbing against your walls as he quickly tore his hands away from you and found the sheets, clutching them with whitening knuckles and reddening fingertips.
"Are you ok, Eddie? Is this pace good for you?"
He could only nod, he feared that opening his mouth might make him whine, and whining might make him lose control, and losing conrol meant that the tiny bit of restraint he had in him would snap and his quickly formed orgasm would be released.
No, he could hold out, just a little bit longer, if only to make sure he could take it for just a little bit longer the next time.
God, he hoped there would be a next time. Practice was the only way he would get better, after all.
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bbddbopp · 2 days ago
Detaching from seeing results in 3D: Understanding the Connection Between Energy, Matter, and Manifestation
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This is going to be a relatively long blog (as if my other blogs are not long lmao) because I’ll be diving into the concepts of energy and matter before we get to the manifestation part. So, make sure you're ready for an insightful journey ahead 💗
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Matter and energy are deeply interconnected, and everything in the universe is composed of both. When we break down matter into its most fundamental building blocks—atoms—and then further into subatomic particles, we discover that, at its core, everything is simply energy.
Everything you see, touch, and experience through your five senses—whether it’s the phone in your hand, the laptop you’re typing on, or the table you’re using—has mass and occupies space, which means it is matter. But, as we’ve established, all matter is essentially just energy. These objects may appear solid, but they are made up of atoms packed together in different configurations, with particles vibrating at various frequencies. It just so happens that our senses are calibrated in a way that allows us to interact with them as solid objects.
In the world of matter, the transformation from one state to another often requires energy. For example, to turn liquid water into gas, we must provide energy in the form of heat, which makes the molecules vibrate more intensely, breaking the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms. To reverse the process, we remove the heat, causing the molecules to slow down and transition back into a liquid. This principle holds true on the quantum level as well: by adding energy to the atoms of water molecules, we excite them, enabling the bonds to break and the substance to change its state.
This concept extends to your thoughts and imagination. For them to materialize into your reality, you need to infuse them with energy. How do you do that? You give them your focus and awareness. The more energy you direct toward something—through your thoughts, emotions, or words—the more real it becomes. Essentially, the more attention you give to something, the more energy you provide it, bringing it closer to manifestation.
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’re already familiar with my perspective on “seeing results.” Simply put, I believe that if you’ve thought of something, it already exists. In other words, your desired results exist energetically in your mind, which means they also exist in your reality. This is the truth you will need to keep in mind while manifesting your desires.
Why is this important? Because by detaching from the need to see your results immediately in your physical reality, you allow them to manifest effortlessly. When you manifest from a place of belief, rather than fear or need, you align your 3D reality with your inner truth—that your desires are already yours. And if you truly understand that they’re already present in an energetic form, why feel the need to keep searching for them in your external world?
Of course, you can choose to obsessively search for your results in your reality, but doing so only means you’re focusing on their absence, which drains energy from the manifestation process and delays their arrival. There's no need to worry about whether they’re here or not, because, as was discussed in this blog, they already exist energetically. You can either choose to focus on unnecessary worry or embrace the wonderful reality that your results are already on their way.
Remember, manifestation is not about constant striving or obsessing over the results. It’s about recognizing that your desires already exist in the energetic realm and trusting that they will align with your reality. By focusing on belief, detaching from the need to see immediate results, and giving energy to what you truly desire, you allow your desires to materiallize itself effortlessly. Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are powerful forces, and when you align them with your truth, your desires will naturally unfold. Trust in the process, and know that everything you’ve envisioned is already on its way.
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emeraldbabygirl · 9 months ago
Hi :) it’s been awhile since I’ve actually had conversations with my mutuals here and I feel bad about it as always but I just wanted to post and say hi and that I think about my oldest mutuals often and hope y’all are still alive and well no matter where you are on your life journey. I know well all busy with jobs and finding what we want to do in life and that’s okay but I just wanted to say that I miss you all and miss all our cute talks and I appreciate you guys coming into my life when you did and meeting you all and sometimes I see you liked a post and I see your username in my notifications and it makes me smile. I miss you guys and I’m sorry I never reached out :( I’ve become bad at keeping connected to people but I want you all to know that I appreciate you all being in my life and I hope sometime we can have our fun conversations again. I hope what I said makes sense, it always sounds better in my head. I just hope y’all are well and if you ever come back to tumblr sometime you can say hi or leave a message even if it’s small, I enjoy the surprises and idk hi :) I miss my mutuals you guys were my first friends when I started building my blog up and I just really appreciate all the kind words and everything you’ve done for me and I wanted to say something even if I couldn’t message you individually. Sometimes it’s easier for me to make a post like this. I still think about you all and wonder how things are and I remember your usernames and pfps and it brings back memories, even if we didn’t talk a lot, maybe I mentioned you in some tag games or I popped in to say hi.
I wanna make something for you all as a thank you for just being a part of my experience here on tumblr even if we don’t talk anymore I want to do something to show my appreciation so I recently fiddled around and made some lil collage/edits and I want to make some for you guys if you’ll let me. Just tell me some things you like, like an actor or singer or animal and some colors and anything and I wanna put something together as a thank you for talking to me when I was still a young blog? Does that make sense? Cause I didn’t have a lot of followers just a couple mutuals and some of you became really close friends and I appreciate you for that.
Of course now I wanna make something for everyone but I’ll just tags the people I’ve known on here the longest and if you want me to make you something please let me know or you don’t have to. I like making things for people and stuff. Ok tagging @excindrela @yovibeispretty @seoulmates98 @ithinkilikeit-reactions @yuta-the-mountain-man @cherryeoo @uwunnie @thirdxporsche @dmbjwhxre ..I think I’ll just tag everyone that I’ve felt something special with, people that I’ve had come into my blog and played games with and stuff like that cause I really think about all of you and wish you all the best :) @wh0sthe5pecial0ne @wheezing-pterodactyl @bandluvr97 @chrismequick @despairvb @impeachybabie @atinystaypixie @princessjazzyjazz @juicylivy @boxyg28 @lowavocado4701 @witchy-weve-monbebe @ateezaligned @henlex @rai-scutum @khathastrophe @kidinthemoonlight @pleasemeosaur @moonlight--cafe @the-moon-baby @axelwolf8109 @dreamlesswonder86 @axishonor @7zenisss @straysugzhpe @halalhyungwon @elenilote @ninamarie1994 @gungumeloh @jaejoongs-nipple-piercing @dungbeatposse @hyugaruma @awritersstuff @star2fishmeg @starstruckforyou @belphies--pillow @sleepystrawberrybunny @khami-143 @simpforchuchu @thistaleisabloodyone
Even if we don’t talk a lot or anymore I see some of your posts on my dash and I’m like ‘I rember you omg’ and I get a little happy. Ok enough yapping I just wanted to say some stuff and I hope all of you are doing well and if not I’m sorry :( I hope things get better for you! Have a good day or night or evening wherever you are <3
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voiceshearingyouloud · 2 months ago
Finally properly sobbing after not being able to cry all day is such a great feeling
#long distance is actually so terrible I’m dying over here#you might be like ‘anne you’ve been in an ldr for three years now how are you not used to it?’#and the answer is that the pain gets worse every time! and the most annoying thing is that usually it peaks the first night apart and goes#easier from there; but if my mental health is bad enough in other areas it will stick around for up to two weeks which I can already tell i#happening. so that’s good#and as you may remember from me posting about it; things were a little rocky for a while because of my OCD as well as me just being a#terrible person. not really; I need to speak to myself with kindness#but also I think I’m just a bad person. like just through and through not a good person#not that I really think good or bad people exist it’s just everyone does some harm and some good and you can’t nearly divide that into good#or bad#or at least that’s what I tell myself when I think back on the shitty things I’ve done#which is a lot.#but long story short my idiocy did not cause them to dump me even though they easily could have#anyway fuck I just miss my partner and it’s unfair they’re not holding me in this moment#now I just have to keep making amends and working on myself so I don’t do it in the future. I didn’t cheat if anyone’s wondering; I feel#we’re gonna call later anyway so hopefully that will help. and I do feel better for sobbing#like that’s always my assumption when other people blog like this lol#apologies for the tag rant but it is my own post lol#this isn’t even mentioning my academic stress because that does feel secondary to the everything else#because I think I get like a camouflage worry where my brain will tell me I’m freaking out about school#but really it’s a cover for the really painful stuff underneath#anyway. this too shall pass and no emotion is forever and I will see my partner again and we’ll have a long life together :-)#anne speaks
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adreamfromnevermore · 11 months ago
AU Where the Justice League forms as usual except for one slight difference where Bruce just so happens to have been the one superheroing for the longest. (Excluding Diana, who got up to it in World War 1 and then mostly didn't while she learned about Man's World)
Bruce helps form the Justice League, ignoring all of the comments as they come to the sudden realization that Gotham's baby cryptid story is actually a man in a very intimidating armored suit who can and will break your arm if you cause problems for him. They are unaware that this is not the first team he's led, and actually he's used to teams full of mostly teenagers who also happen to be his children. This should be easier, this team is primarily adults.
He realizes rapidly that he doesn't understand these people.
His kids take bonding activities to mean learning a dozen different ways to break someones leg. That doesn't fly with these people. And that is most of Bruce's ideas, hell when he was a kid Alfred took every opportunity to get him out of his room and mostly that was with the agreement that Alfred would teach him how to defend himself. He's come by it honestly.
This team is not easier. They have more drama than when his house was actually full of kids. It's insane. He doesn't know what to do with it, usually he just sent the kids to their rooms or grounded them from patrol. That doesn't work here.
He comes to a strange crossroads. That falls apart when he forgets who he's working with and snaps at Hal with a full room of heroes that the next person to throw a punch or an insult without a reason too will be sparring with him.
A long standing rule in the batcave that worked two fold to prevent infighting between the kids and too ensure that they were well and truly trained.
It works wonders. No one says a word out of line for the rest of the debrief. Bruce becomes the unofficial mediator of the league over Clark because anytime he walked in on a fight it suddenly became 10 times more civil out of sheer terror of what he'd do to them in a sparring match.
Eventually they actually meet his kids. Well, one kid.
Half way through a mission (one of the rare ones in Gotham) the Bat comes to a complete stop at the edge of an alley. Every single league member on the team comes to a stop behind him. Slowly from the shadows of the alley a man in a red helmet stalks out to greet them.
"You don't call, you don't write"
"Red Hood."
"Don't Red Hood me! We've been worried sick!"
"I was at the cave last night."
"You didn't answer my texts B. You always answer my texts."
Somehow it ends with big and scary following them through the rest of the mission with a running commentary of how much Bats has let him down in his failure to respond in a timely manner to a text send less than an hour before he ran into them in the alley. It only ends when Red Robin shows up.
And even then it only ends because Hood can't keep himself from throwing a punch and Bruce has to snap at him that if he throws another one they're sparring when they get home.
And by god is Jason giving up the chance to punch his brothers.
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DPxDC prompt: Danny is Chronos' first child.
Well, not his first child biologically, to be completely honest.
It just so happened that the Phantom very often helped/helps/will help Clockwork at different times and his presence next to the titan required an explanation.
And the opportunity to call Zeus a little brother is worth a lot, right? So when the Ancient came up with this idea Phantom did not resist just to have such a pleasant bonus from their cooperation.
However, in the time of the gods and heroes, such a solution was not a problem. But in modern times, when Phantom tries to attract as little attention as possible in order to graduate from university, such relatives are more likely to cause a lot of problems.
Wonder Woman: Uncle Danny?
Superman, who wanted to chase away a teenager serenely strolling through still smoking battlefield, turns to Wonder Woman, who is waving affably at excactly this guy.
Well, Fenton honestly happened to be in Fawcett City by accident, and it just so happened that by chance it was on this sunny and cloudless day that the villains decided to cause riots worthy of the attention of the founders of the Justice League.
Danny: Diana! My dear, it seems like we really haven't seen each other not for a long time! In what century was it? Ah, I honestly, I barely remember it... The speed at which children grow up defies the laws of time. I mean, look at you! Your mother must be so proud. How's Dad? Still not paying child support, arrogant bastard?
Wonder Woman: Oh, uncle, please. I'm all grown up now, don't worry about me.
Danny: Hm, well, let's get back to this question later. I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends. Anyway, would you like to introduce them, little princess?
Wonder Woman: Of course, meet Kal El, Batman, and Shazam. The rest of the guys have already returned to our base. Would you like to...
Danny: Ooh, you're talking about, um... What do you young people call it? The Justice League, right? During my youth, the heroes rarely united and mostly performed all the feats alone. It's good that you help each other, kids.
Danny flies up a little to pat Superman and Batman on the head.
Under the Diana's gaze full of hope that they will get along with her uncle, the men do not move.
In the background:
Red Hood and Robin who used to hang out with Danny near the Lazarus pits: *sounds of seagulls dying of laughter*
Flash: So you're Diana's uncle?
Danny: Yes, call me Danny.
Flash: Cool, cool...
Danny: What does the temperature have to do with it? Do you need ice? Let me make some for you.
Flash: No, it's like,um, I didn't know that Zeus has a younger brother with that name. So, it's good to know?
Danny: Hmm, thanks. Many people tell me that I look quite young, hah. But actually I'm his older brother, so...
Flash: Older? Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect.
Danny: No, it's all right. It's "cool". I rarely appear on the pages of your human myths and legends, I know it. After all this business about Chronos devours his own children, my father punished me for a long time. So, yeah...It's a funny story.
Flash: Punished for what? How?
Danny: Uh, sitting in a room at a time when there is no Internet or electricity is not fun at all. You see, I just didn't want a younger brother or sister because I was afraid that my parents would pay less attention to me. So, I made up this stupid prophecy and persuaded Gaea to tell it in order to remain the only child in the family. My father would never have thought that I would decide to kill him, that's why...Phah, it's just a bad family story. In 10 thousand years, we'll all laugh about it.
Flash: Yeah, that's... funny.
Danny *is woken up by an emergency call from the League at three in the morning, although he fell asleep at two o'clock* (he gave his contact so as not to upset his niece): I knew this would happen! I knew it!
Billy Batson *stands in his human form in front of the Justice League and doesn't know what to say*,*sweating nervous*.
Danny *enters the hall*: What's up, mortals, Diana and...Batman? My father said that there is something that I have to be here for. Oh! Well, at least someone in this family is also a shapeshifter. Have you decided to make a younger form so that your uncle doesn't feel lonely? What a good boy! Usually everyone is so afraid to seem like children, once they turn a couple of centuries old. Ah, youth~
Billy: Yeah, I decided to..experiment? and it seems I got stuck by accident.
Danny: It's okay, Uncle Danny will help you. Come on, let's go...
Danny *teleports them to the Fawcett City*.
Billy: ....
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Billy: Hey, I'm still stuck!
A new portal opens and a man in a purple cape hands Billy a note. "Go to Constantine. P.S., my son always completes all assignments only by half, sorry." written on it.
Billy: Oh... OoOhHh!!!
Meanwhile, Constantine, who is forced to do additional work: Son of a bi... beloved and respected Master of Time.
Danny: Yeap, that's me.
Constantine: Damn it. Couldn't you just let Batman adopt him like in other timelines?
Danny: And where's the fun in that?
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lologoinsolo · 11 days ago
A continuation of this post! Tw: the word Daddy is mentioned but not in a sexual way!
Cats and Their Men Masterlist, Part 3
A week passed since that guy came in. You hope that the kitten's okay, the guy seems much better than you thought him to be. You did wonder if that was blood on the bills he gave when your manager had counted the register for the night. It looked a lil too red for your taste. But everyone has their secrets and you’re not about to ask that tank of a man if he killed someone or just happened to prick his finger. Still though you hope Bailey is faring much better with him than in the could and… you hope he comes back.
Sunday’s the worst but you managed to persuade your coworker to take over your register. Truck had just came in with so many things for the store and your managers are scrambling to get it all on the sales floor.
Humming along to the song from your earphones. The perks about stocking is that you hardly get bothered by your coworkers. No one likes to restock the numerous bedding and litter and pet clothing so you jumped at the chance to do it. Gives you some peace and quiet save for when the customers will tap at your shoulder. You’ll plaster a smile and use your “customer voice” to point them to where they need a certain item and then get back to stocking. You really should find a way to just work with animals. Maybe you can talk to your manager to see if you can try grooming instead of—
You jerk and nearly ruin the stack of dog cans you had just put up when someone grabs your arm. “Jesus, Jess,” glaring at your manager when you give her a scathing glare. Coincidentally this one’s the grooming manager. “What’s the matter?” Normally she wouldn’t be out of the grooming salon but the stores been short staffed and cutting corners. She’s been running around having to manage the store floor and hers.
“What’s the matter,” she scoffs, “the matter is your boyfriend is asking for you.” Boyfriend? “He’s a real asshole, ya know. We paged you twice over the intercom. Did you not— are you wearing headphones?” You wince when her voice gets screechy. You pull on your earphones and sigh, it’s an unspoken rule to not wear earphones but that literally never stops her groomers from wearing them.
“Jess, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Rolling your eyes as you give her a once over. Her hands land on her hips and you inwardly sigh. “What does he even look like? Did he say my name?” A little hopeful and also very worried because why is there a man claiming to be your boyfriend and why did your manager come get you for this? “I’m sure he’s one of the customers that’s been bitching lately. The fish tanks aren’t on sale anymore maybe he—“
“He’s not here for fish.” Cutting you off, “he asked for you. I thought he was your boyfriend cause he knew you were working right now.” The alarms start going off in your head. “Look, just go see what he wants.”
“Jess, I don’t know who this man is. Why didn’t you tell him I was like— I don’t know, not working?!”
“Because he’s refusing to fucking leave and he looks like he’s apart of the goddamn mafia!” She yells and you blink at her. Your anger boils to a simmer when she mentions what he looks like.
“Wait, wait… is he wearing a black mask? The ones people wore during COVID?” She nods and you pinch your nose hard. This motherfucker, “okay… I know him. He found a kitten a week ago. I told him to come find me. I didn’t think he’d remember my name because my name tag is so small.” Sighing loudly and stepping around her. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“Good, he’s given us all a fright and I really don’t need this right now. Bella bit the shit out of Felix and now I’m down a groomer.”
“Okay,” nodding as she tells you her woes. It’s been hard all around cause there’s not many workers but you’ll take a mask wearing customer over a shih tzu that’s known to bite. Fixing your shirt and putting on a smile when the figure that’s haunting the grooming salon takes one look at you and starts walking to you— quickly. “Evening, good to see you again. How can I—“
“She’s not eating any of the shit you told me to buy.” He cuts you off and you wonder if you’re actually just made of paper with how everyone cuts you off. There’s a black scarf he’s wearing and you notice a little bit of movement. This guy seems to favor black considering the matching jacket and pants color scheme.
You pull a face and turn to your side when he steps right in front of you. Jesus, he’s tall. Craning your neck to look up at him. “Sir, you have a weeks worth of three different foods?” Is she refusing to eat all of them? “It’s only been a week. Are you sure she’s—“
“Gave her a different one each day and she ain’t eating.” He tilts his head down, “why?” You swallow a bit when he glares at you. You wonder if whoever pisses him off gets to see this last before they get knocked the fuck out.
“You?” Shriveling up slightly, “wait,” once it runs through what he says it starts to click in your head. “You gave her a different one each day. You’re not supposed to do that.” Now it’s your turn to glare at him, “you’re supposed to ease her out into a new one before letting her try it suddenly.” You gave him the kitten version of chicken, beef, and salmon. You had a feeling that she was probably eating literal garbage and wanted her to try the chicken first. It’s your usual go to for new kittens.
“News to me,” he crosses his heavy arms over his chest. “Should’ve told me that.”
“I did tell you…” you start to trail off when you realize that you in fact did NOT tell him that. You just assumed he would know that. Goddamnit. “Okay,” he cocks an expectant brow, “maybe I forgot to mention but you didn’t ask. I thought you knew.” A measly form of an apology and taht doesn’t seem to settle him
“I told you I need things for the little shit. You made me buy those things,” he takes a step forward, “expensive things and now she’s waking me up all hours of the damn night because she’s hungry.” Your throat must be very dry from how hard you swallow. “What you didn’t tell was how to feed her.” His hands ball and flex.
Rubbing the back of your neck, you realize that maybe you are more in the wrong than your pride wishes to admit. “Look I,” taking a breath, “I’m sorry. It’s on me, I should’ve told you. I would’ve given you one of those first time pamphlets but we ran out.” Feeling like how a bug feels under a boot with how you tremble out an apology. “Was there one that she seemed interested in the most? Some cats like the chicken more while others prefer the salmon.” Maybe you can give him some wet cans to entice his little pet. A small thing like her shouldn’t be without food and you start to feel worse.
“She sniffed more at the salmon.”
“Okay, that’s good.” Perking up and you turn on your heel. “Come on, I’ll buy you some wet cans.” Before he can even protest you cut him off finally. “Look, I feel horrible, it’s the least I can do. Plus I get discounts.” Giving him a wink and he doesn’t give you anything other than a curt nod. You grab the salmon wet cans, the kitten ones, and you pray to the gods that Bailey will eat it so her dad won’t kill you. “Try the wet cans, see if that’ll work. If not then you’ll have to try for a different one. There’s a brand here that sells rabbit and turkey, a bit expensive.” You laugh shortly, “but cats have sensitive stomachs. They don’t mean to be picky.”
“Might not be picky but she sure as hell like to run my money.”
You huff a small laugh at his expense, “you should see the bills I’ve seen that get racked up here.” You skip the line to head to your register. Ringing it up and usually you’re not supposed to use your own discount for others but you’re not willing to risk mafia guy’s anger. Bagging it and passing it to him for him but he doesn’t grab it right away “Is there… is there something else you need?” You ask and he takes the bag from you finally.
He mulls over your words for a second and then says. “Need a collar,” he tilts his head to the side and out pokes Bailey’s itty bitty head from his scarf. You nearly scream when you see her but manage to bite your tongue on time. “Here,” he pulls her out and she lets out a disgruntled meow. He plops her down in your waiting arms. “Scratched up my neck.” He grumbles under his breath when he fixes his scarf back up. The kitten simply purrs in your arms when you coo and run from her nose to head. A glutton for love and you readily give it to her. “Find something for her.” He waves offhandedly once his scarf looks decent around his neck once more.
“Do have a specific—“ you trail off again when his eyes squint down at you. Right… he doesn’t really care. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” He grunts an acknowledgment and you walk off with the cutest little baby. She keeps pulling at your chest, seems eager to get to your shoulders and you wonder if she does that to her dad all the time. “Hmmmm,” looking from all the collars that the store sells. “You’re too tiny,” you hold her up like the monkey did the lion cub, a little sad that there’s not much that’ll fit her. “But,” noticing a small blue collar that shines slightly, “this could fit. It’ll give you enough room to grow into as well.” It’s a cat collar designed to unclasp if it gets snagged hard onto something. And knowing this curios kitten, she’ll need it.
Bailey doesn’t seem to mind when you let her sniff at it till the collar comes on and then she’s desperate to figure out what’s around her neck. Her back legs kicking at the edge of the collar and you cup her so she won’t tug it off. “Your daddy wants you wearing that so you gotta get used to it.” He could train her to walk on a harness later but that does take a good amount of training and
“Daddy, huh?”
You jolt from your thoughts and squeeze a little too tight around Bailey. She lets out a little hiss and you blubber an apology. “I didn’t— that’s not what I—“ the ‘daddy’ in question seems far too amused with how you stutter. “I uh… I thought you were at the front?” Coughing to push past your embarrassment. Petting Bailey as an apology on her sides and under her chin. She doesn’t forgive easily as she gives you a well deserved nips. You murmur a sorry to her and she squints up at you.
“Thought you got lost.” He comes around and pulls his kitten from your hands, he took a little longer to get her out but maybe you’re thinking too hard. You were taking a bit down the aisle but you wanted her to have a nice collar that fit her well. The heat from his fingers though makes your own cheeks warm slightly. When did he get that close and also why didn’t you hear him walking up? “Looks good,” he holds Bailey up and moves her around like she’s a little jewel. “Blue suits her.” He pushes her back inside his scarf and you can faintly hear her little purrs. A slight movement of the fabric before she settles right up against his neck.
Clearing your throat slightly, some strands of hair falls a bit forward but you’re still a bit squirmy to fix it. “I knew she would look good in blue. It matches her, I can buy it for you as well. I don’t min—“ your eyes widen when he moves his hand to tuck those loose strands back behind your ear. You stare up wide at him and he stares down at you. Nothing in his eyes give away an ounce of an emotion despite how you look. To his credit, he may have not meant to do that with how quickly he puts his hand down. “Uh… I— sir?” You manage to squeak out and his mask twitches slightly.
He flexes his hand that touched you and leaves you standing there bewildered, confused and your cheeks burning up so much that you might consider it to be a fever. You don’t follow him when he took off without giving an answer but you do touch your ear. The phantom feeling of his fingers makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. “What the fuck?” You murmur under your breath.
The next day you manage to get to work with little sleep from how you tossed and turned. You sorta waited more around your register to see if the man would come back but to your disappointment… he doesn’t. You take it in stride and continue about your day. Just as you’re about to clock out a man with a charming smile and model worthy appearance comes in holding a kitten in his hands and says, “I was told by my friend to ask you for help with cats. Can you help me, love?”
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pipermca · 6 months ago
New AO3 Tag Wrangling Policy and the Transformers Fandom
Edit in the event people come back to the original post: Please do not email AO3 about this issue. See their response about this issue!
(This is a long one, folks, but I think it's important.)
A new tag-wrangling policy on AO3 has the potential to create some massive confusion and chaos in the Transformers fanfic community, with regards to fandom tags. There is a Reddit post about it here with a focus on anime fandoms, but I want to give some concrete examples for the Transformers fandom on why we DO NOT WANT this, and why I think it's a horrible idea.
The Problem
Basically, AO3 is looking to get rid of the "All Media Types" fandom tag across the board, either by dismantling them or just not maintaining them. The Transformers - All Media Types tag has been an all-purpose tag that you could select when your story doesn't fall into any one specific continuity. Additionally, all most (see below) TF continuities on AO3 are considered a subtag of the Transformers - All Media Types tag. For example, if you look at the link above for all works in the All Media Types tag, you will see fics that are also tagged ONLY with Transformers: Animated, because it falls under the All Media Types tag.
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One exception: With the upcoming Transformers: One movie coming out imminently, there will likely be a big influx of stories tagged with Transformers: One. In fact, there are several already. However, it hasn't been linked to the larger Transformers - All Media Types tag yet. I wasn't worrying about it though, because I know these things can take time.
With information about this new tagging policy, however, I'm now wondering whether it'll EVER get linked to the All Media Types tag. If that happens, and when more continuities are developed in the coming years (since you know Hasbro loves creating new universes) this has the potential to cause massive confusion when looking for stories to read.
Searching for Stories with the New Tagging System
So let's say the All Media Types fandom tag isn't accurate anymore, because it no longer includes ALL of the continuities (such as TF:One). You will need to include ALL the Transformers continuities when browsing for TF fics.
How many tags is that? Well, here are all of the tags currently listed under the Transformers - All Media Types tag:
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Note that this doesn't include Transformers: One since it hasn't been categorized yet.
You will potentially have to have 40 or more different fandom tags in your search, just in case the author tagged their story with something you weren't expecting.
This massively decreases the findability of a story.
Tagging with the New System
The email response from the Tag Wrangling group (see the linked Reddit post above) seems to be a bit flip in the response to the user's concern. "...encourages creators to tag with the media they intend."
While I appreciate what they are attempting to do, this policy change feels like a solution in search of a problem, especially in larger fandoms with multiple continuities, versions, and media types that are all cross-pollinated in both canon and fanon. While I'm focusing on Transformers fandom, imagine a creator in the DC comic universe writing a story that incorporates bits and pieces from a dozen different reboots.
For example, let's say that I am writing a fic about Ratchet. I am using the setting of the original G1 episodes, but I also am using the characterization of him as a bit of an old man grump. That characterization originated in the Animated continuity, but I want to incorporate bits of pieces of his other characterizations as well (old friend of Optimus from TFP, Ratchet ran a faction-free clinic like he did in the War for Cybertron series, he's got a Decepticon boyfriend like in IDW1 - or maybe even Cyberverse, etc.)
With this new tagging structure, I might potentially have to tag the story with ALL of those continuities. So instead of just slapping down the "All Media Types" tag (and maybe one other fandom tag that matches the characters as best I can), I'll have to analyze my story and try to figure out how best to tag for the characters I used.
And what if you're doing a completely AU version of the story? For example, a humanformers story, or merformers? Using the All Media Types tag along with a Alternate Universe - Human or Alternate Universe - Mermaid tag worked perfectly, since you weren't writing the story to fit into one specific continuity. But now, that might not be an option.
What To Do??
The first thing I would suggest is to contact AO3 (using the Feedback and Support page) and let them know (nicely) that you think this is a horrible idea. Give them some examples on how you use the All Media Types tag to find stories to read, or to help you tag a story. People outside of the Transformers fandom don't always appreciate how absolutely tangled the continuities can be with each other, and providing examples might help them see why this would be a really messy change.
Readers: Be aware that when you are looking in the All Media Types tag, it will no longer show newer continuities. And if AO3 starts dismantling that tag like they suggested they are doing, be aware that some stories won't show up in that tag like they used to. You can also create and then bookmark a custom search page that includes all 40+ continuities. REALLY annoying, but it's a workaround.
Writers: Until they start dismantling the All Media Types tag, ALWAYS ALWAYS tag your stories using Transformers - All Media Types... Especially for newer continuities. This will be especially important if you are writing a Transformers: One story. Right now, anyone who is only browsing the All Media Types tag will not see a story tagged only with Transformers: One. Make sure you're aware of how tags work and how they can affect the visibility and findability of your story.
Ugh. That's a lot of words for a long-weekend Saturday. And maybe I'm overreacting a tiny bit. But my work involves information architecture, and this change just absolutely baffles me. It's almost as though they want to make it harder to find stories. Considering that AO3 won a Hugo partially because of its fantastic tagging system, this change seems like AO3 is doing its best to shoot itself in the foot.
When you have a square hole, a round hole, and a rectangular hole… Yeah, you DO want each peg to go in the "right" hole. But if all of the pegs fit in the square hole, who cares? You got the job done.
I love you @ao3org, but please reconsider this change... Especially for IPs that are as old and are as varied as Transformers.
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tinydefector · 9 months ago
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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flamingpudding · 2 months ago
Little Snippets #6
(A/N: Vote winner so I did my best to finish this)
"Screw it, i am done..." Danny grumbled as he stepped onto the watchtower through a portal, ignoring the startled heroes around him, or his own rather disheveled state. His green glowing eyes surveyed the room he was in for a brief moment before his eyes zeroed in on the one hero that caused to much work for him.
"YOU!" He pointed an accusing finger at the red clad hero before floating over and grabbing the hero by the front of his hero suit. "Do you have any idea how much work you cause me!"
Danny got one confused blink before he launched into a rather thorough explanation of what he just went through fixing 20 different timelines that got created because of one flashpoint while shaking the Flash like he was a ragdoll, ignoring the other heroes around him.
Clark, who arrived a little late to the meeting, looked around the meeting room confused. He glanced to the side to one of his hero colleagues. "Is there....?"
"A white haired floating teen boy giving Barry the lecture of a lifetime?" Oliver cut in arms crossed as he watched on. "Yes, there is."
Clark blinked, looking back at the scene and then back at Oliver. "And..."
"And Bruce is actually taking notes and enjoying Barry getting lectured to an inch of his speedster life while also getting information on time itself? Yes he is." Oliver added an, his tone slightly frustrated but also happy that he wasn't at the receiving end of the teen boy's rant. The kid had been going on about different time lines and the multiverse theory as well as how Barry apparently created several different timelines any time a new flashpoint happened or the past gets seemingly changed. Oliver wasn't even sure the kid was breathing with the way he had been talking non stop.
"And for the record! Changing the past does not automatically fix your present! You just created an entirely new timeline! Do you know how many times I had to fix these? You left so many unattended timelines! I would be rich now if I had gotten a dollar for every time I or my siblings had to fix the stuff you did! Did you ever hear about the multiverse theory?! Hell you are heroes! Didn't you deal with other universes already!?"
The kid rambled on and Clark was pretty sure he wasn't hearing the kid breath in once, which was worrying in so many different levels. But a little traitor part of his mind was actually finding the situation quiet funny.
"Oh and don't get me started on your spawns!" Clark winced a little as he heard the floating boy breath in for the first time in his entire rant before launching into another rant about how it wasn't just Barry but his entire family. Next to him Oliver chucked finding the moment simply funny end enjoying the show of Barry, aka the Flash getting lectured by a floating teen boy.
Though they partially wondered why Bruce wasn't stepping in but then again, the kids rant was... rather informative if he wasn't cursing at Barry's entire family.
A little earlier that day...
Danny groaned as a green note fluttered onto his desk in the middle of his English exam. His head hit the desk and he was sure he was creating some sort of misunderstanding and appearing like he didn't study enough for this exam. Which for once he did, he actually had managed to get time to study for this exam for once. And that despite all the work that had been piling up lately.
The fun fact was that work didn't pile up because of some ghost king title or something, or his rogues dogpiling on him. No it piled up because of a hero organisation outside of Amity. Now don't get him wrong, he admires these heroes. The ones from outer space are his favorites even. But unknown to them they caused im a lot of work ever since clockwork started to mentor him.
Danny glanced at his English exam and then at the note before his head hit the desk again.
Just one day... was one day to much to ask?
He blames whatever hero was at fault this time as he couldn't concentrate on is exam anymore. He barely remembers finishing it as he hurried out of the classroom, forgetting to give Sam and Tucker an explanation as he went ghost and hurried of to the ghost zone. Danny's eye twitch a little when he noticed Clockworks amused expression.
"What is it this time?" Danny groaned already knowing he wouldn't like what he was going to hear.
"Another flashpoint was created. You know what this means." Clockwork chucked handing him a time medallion and Danny groaned even more.
"Can't Dan or Dani..." He started but Clockwork cut him off with an amused headshake. "No, they are currently busy with another job I gave them."
Reluctantly Danny nodded and stepped through the time portal. While he knew, he would actually only be gone for a minute at most in the present, it still annoyed him that he had to constantly fix time. And most of the time it was because of one specific hero at that. He was not looking forward on how many different timelines he had to fix right now now. this was going to take a while too. Even if only maybe a minute will pass in his timeline.
He still had bruises from the last 20 timelines he fixed. And in all honesty he was getting tired of this kid of work, he was partially sure Clockwork was him now, so he wouldn't have to do this himself. Or the ancient of time was getting a kick out of watching Danny fumble while fixing other timelines.
He yelped as he dodged velocraptors right after coming out of the time portal. "SERIOUSLY?! THE MESOZOIC ERA THIS TIME TOO?! WHAT AM I EVEN SUPOSED TO FIX HERE?!" He yelled at nothing in particular. That was it, this time, this time he decided he would finally go and pay these heroes a visit and make them aware how much work they had been causing him...
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nachojaehyun · 10 months ago
like a part 2 where the reader just keeps on acting nonchalant like nothing happened and wonwoo gets more and more riled up. cause “why am i the only one going insane here” type of feelings. and he just ends up taking here in a dressing room or something cause damn they need to fuck
she’ll ride the dick like a carnival
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pairing. idol! wonwoo + new staff! fem reader!
summary. since that one fateful night at his apartment, jeon wonwoo realizes that he is fucked. but not really, since he can’t seem to get you in his bed.
warnings. [PLEASE READ] dom/sub dynamics, slight dom wonwoo, dirty talk, use of nicknames, THICK dick and lowkey desperate wonu, reader is VERY nonchalant, implied mirror sex, riding, wonu almost cries… AGAIN, sloppy kisses on the tits, subtle jizz play — 18+ MINORS DNI!
note. desperate sex that turns steamy and passionate is my favorite genre holy shit 😭 first time answering an ask! hope you like it :)
find part 1 here
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jeon wonwoo could only watch you from across the waiting room as you pranced around in a midi skirt, chatting happily with the staff.
he wanted to cuss you out.
shifting in his chair, he pushed his glasses further up his nose, angrily sniffing.
how could you act like this?
how were you so nonchalant? so unbothered about the fact that you had him seeing stars merely 72 hours ago?
it had been 3 days since you had sucked the soul out of his body. 3 days since he couldn’t stop rutting his cock into his fist to the thoughts of you. 3 days since he had become insane.
he tried to get your attention, he really did. the poor boy would keep trying to pry anything out of your mouth that gave him a hint about your feelings.
but you were unpredictable, just as he had thought.
your face was like a wall — completely emotionless. any thought that passed through your head could barely be understood and wonwoo wanted to smash his head into the concrete at that realization.
“jeez, what’s got you this tense?” mingyu sits down next to him, adjusting his costume as he stared at his best friend. “i’m just… worried about the performance, nothing else.”
mingyu knew that wonwoo was lying.
hell, even wonwoo knew he was lying.
but none of them seemed to question each other as they sat in silence, each immersed in their own thoughts.
“wonwoo-ssi?” your voice called out to him. the boy singled out you and your sound amid nearly 50 people in the room, surprisingly springing to his feet as he walked towards you.
“your outfit is ready, follow me.”
the man silently walked behind you, striding toward the secluded attached room in the corner.
he pulled the curtain and stepped inside, and he was immediately handed his clothes. the outfit was simple— a sleeveless shirt and some baggy white jeans.
“i’ll be outside,” you nodded, bidding him farewell as you pulled the curtain.
sighing, wonwoo turned to look at himself in the mirror. his hardened cock stared at him in the face— a haunting image of the effect you had on him.
how am i the only one who is this riled up? he wondered. i can’t be the only one… right?
he wasn’t.
you would be lying if you said your panties weren’t glued to your core since you walked in. the sight of him had your head spinning, wanting nothing more than to strip him down and pull his dick into your throat.
but of course, you were not some depraved whore.
you set boundaries after that night. he was your client, and you were his stylist. of course you weren’t supposed to suck him off!
the fitting next morning after the incident had made you lose your self control. you recall how you had to get yourself off in the bathroom, relishing in the thoughts of seeing wonwoo in a tight fitted suit.
but of course, you would never voice these thoughts out loud. being in the same room as him was punishment enough to remind you of your sins. you wondered if applying for a styling job for a different member would work—
“uh?” wonwoo’s deep voice cut off your lewd thoughts, making you shake your head to clear them out. “a little help?”
“you good?" you sighed. “i’m coming in,” sucking in a breath as you stepped inside the small box.
wonwoo was leaning against one of the mirrored walls, one leg up on a stool in the corner. “what’s wrong?” you searched for a solution in his face.
“i seem to be stuck in a seemingly hard situation.”
one look down to his hands, you immediately realized the problem.
wonwoo’s dick was hard, the bulge over his boxers made that evident. the problem? the sheer size of his chub was not allowing the zipper of his jeans to zip up.
the man had a small waist but also had weirdly broad hips. his pants always had to be altered so that they suited his body type.
however, this was a problem that no other stylist had ever had to deal with.
“what do i do?” wonwoo whined, pouting his lips as he pushed up his glasses.
“wonwoo-ssi,” you spoke. your voice remained surprisingly stable, despite the fact that you could feel your pussy pulsating.
“i think you need to solve this problem on your own,” you looked into his eyes, almost feeling bad at how he panted.
however, before you could turn around and leave, wonwoo pushed his glasses up his nose and caged you between his arms.
your back hit one of the mirrored walls, as a surprised gasp fumbled from your mouth.
“for the love of god woman, do you not see what you do to me?”
the desperation in his voice made your knees buckle as you stared into his eyes, gaze alternating to his lips as he bit them.
wonwoo heaved as he inched closer towards your face. “give me one good reason why you shouldn’t take care of my problem. you’re the one that caused it after all.”
hearing him voice out his thoughts, you turned your head to the side, embarrassed by the effect his voice had on you. how was this even your fault—
but with a harsh grip, jeon wonwoo grabbed your chin with his fingers, forcing to you look at him.
“can’t think of anything can you?” his head dipped down, tracing his teeth along your neck. the sensation made you hiss silently. “help me, please. what would carat think if i went out on stage looking like this?”
“sit,” is all you managed to say, voice enamoured with need.
you all but pushed wonwoo onto the iron stool in the corner, hauling yourself onto his lap as you crashed your lips into his.
fuck, your lips were way better than he had ever imagined. they were soft and pillowy as they engulfed his mouth, tongue grazing against his own as you ground down on his crotch.
wonwoo’s free hand pushed your head impossibly close as he licked into your mouth, wanting to memorize every crevice.
spit dribbles from your connected mouths, sloppy and wet kisses sounding obscenely loud in the secluded area. the man does not care that drool is now staining his tank top. he could never get enough of this.
his other hand gripped tightly onto your ass, groping and fondling the fat. after a second, he pulled away from you, glasses foggy and lips swollen as he tried to catch his breath.
“shit baby, i can’t take it anymore,” he whisper-screamed, tears coating his lashes. you wished you could burn this image into your head for the rest of your life.
you could only nod, ready to sink to your knees before wonwoo stopped you, tutting. “pull your panties to the side, doll,” he commanded, chest heaving.
the change in his tone had your thighs tingling. you pulled your midi skirt up, tucking the ends into the hem as you exposed yourself.
at the sight of your baby blue cotton panties, jeon wonwoo nearly growled.
the material was thoroughly soaked and ruined, a deep blue patch staining the cloth. as you pulled them to the side, he noticed how slicked up your heat was, a string of arousal connected your folds to the cotton.
you gripped onto his shoulders for support in your half-sitting position as he glided two fingers against your folds.
“so wet for me already, huh? don’t even need to work you up for my cock,” he smacked his lips. “filthy girl.”
wonwoo strained his ears to listen for any footsteps near the area as he sucked his dampened fingers into his mouth. your taste was making him dizzy, breath faltering as he rolled his eyes to the back of his head.
without wasting any more time, you pulled his cock out of its confines, sliding his boxers down just enough to free his length.
the sight of him always made you salivate. however, it was clear that he didn’t want that happening today.
steadily, you positioned yourself over him, hovering before you finally pushed his fat tip in.
the sensation had you moaning out loud— before he slapped his hand over your mouth. “shh! don’t be so loud baby, they will hear us,” he cooed.
you nodded frantically, slowly inching downwards as his dick began to fill you up. once he was bottomed out, you couldn’t help but sob into his palm.
“i know baby, i know. feels good yeah?” he smirked, shushing you with sweet words as he let you adjust to his size.
wonwoo’s thick dick was buried up to your hilt, and you felt so incredibly full. your poor walls clenched around his cock, nearly making him bust.
without a word, the man beneath you grabbed at your waist, moving you up and down on his length, slowly. with him pistoning in and out of you, you could feel your senses going into overdrive.
wonwoo tugged your top down with his teeth, suckling along the valley of your breasts to keep himself quiet. your pussy felt incredibly tight, creaming him for all he was worth.
his strong arms continued to guide you, until your legs automatically adjusted to the pace. your body began to move on its own accord— tits jiggling in wonwoo's mouth with each bounce.
"f-fuck!" you whimpered, beginning to lose your mind. for a moment, he looks up at you through his glasses, smiling widely from between your breasts.
the bastard's cheeky grin has you forgetting your own name as he lapped his tongue around your skin like he fucking owned it.
"already going dumb on my cock? shi— you ride so well baby."
your bounces show him just how stretched you were, making wonwoo's stomach clench as he split you apart. you tease him a little by slowing down, grinding down on him as he bites his lips and throws his head back.
as his hands grab onto your cheeks to spread them, he accidentally catches a glimpse of your back in the mirror opposite to you two.
god, you looked so fucking hot.
without knowing why, you felt him twitch inside. "not gonna— oh shit! — last very long now baby."
at the sound of his confession, you bring a hand down to rub at your clit. taking the hint, he begins to rut back into you, using all his strength to fuck into your heat.
"p—please wonwoo hah! cum inside, please please please,"
you're not sure why you beg, but you're too cock drunk to process anything but the fact that you want him filling you up, stuffing your cunt full with his release.
"you su— fuck fuck fuck—" wonwoo whispers, biting down on your right tit to subdue the moan that was about to leave his throat.
with that and a grunt, he cums inside your pussy, filling you up to the brim. his length twitches inside you, shooting out excess spurts. feeling himself soften, wonwoo pulls out of you. you whine at the sudden sensation of feeling so empty.
the boy stays mesmerized at the way your cum mixes together, escaping your spent hole in small globs.
as a pathetic attempt, he uses two fingers to plug the release back inside you, making you whimper again at the sudden intrusion. "sorry," he apologizes, before placing your panties back where they belonged.
with a fluid motion, jeon wonwoo tucks himself back into his calvin klein boxers and then zipping his pants up, meeting your dazed eyes with another cute smile. "see? it fits now."
you can’t help but smile back at him, panting to catch your breath.
your thighs hurt from the awkward position, but you were sure that you would never have it any other way.
so, that's how you end up walking around the rest of the working day— wonwoo's cum safely filled up inside you, as you and him exchanged comically wide-eyed looks every few minutes, a shade of pink grazing your cheeks.
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© nachojaehyun, 2024.
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etheries1015 · 1 year ago
We share the love language of biting. Now imagine TWST beatsfolk has that as an actual sign of courting. Like you're chilling with Leona, not dating or wooing him, and then you bite his cheek in affection. And all of Savanaclaw is shocked because among them, it's the same as i.e. proposing marriage. The utter chaos XD
OHH MY GOSSSHHH YOUR BRAIN >>> I LITERALLY LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? HAHAHA SODEFHSELKJD i'm gonna expand on that for a few characters...
Accidentally courting them
General warnings: Gender-neutral reader, not really proof read lol. Obvious Malleus and Lilia favoritism <3 I also decided that they ARE dating in this scenario, I think its cuter that way in my head heuheu
Featuring: Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Malleus, Lilia, ... and Rook HAHA.
TW: none! Just a bunch o' fluff of biting your non-human lover without realizing it was a sign of courtship <3
It was a typical day for Leona. You two were sitting in the lounge where most of the other students lingered, Leona becoming rather... possessive as of late. Instead of resting in his bedroom away from prying eyes as you had requested from your lover, he ignored all your feeble cries requesting privacy. Instead, he holds you in his lap without worrying what others are thinking. A form of showing others you were his, and his alone. You were conflicted in your feelings, staring at him. His eyes were closed, but he could feel your gaze burning into his head.
"How long are you-" Then it happened. You gave in. You gave his cheek a bit of a nibble. All of the sudden the chattering stopped, all eyes were on you, before they start patting Leonas back and giving him congrats while a few seemed to pull presents right out of their asses.
"Wha- what's going on?" Leona grumbled with a light blush before growling and pushing the face of someone who tried to hand him another gift.
"You all look like idiots! You know biting means something different to us. Don't be dumb." Okay, now you were extra confused. Seeing your utter ignorance, Leona sighed.
"Biting in our land is a sign of courtship, herbivore." ...Oh. You blush deeply and hide your face in his chest, Leona looking away flustered and ruffling your hair.
"Try again in a few years, and I just might bite you back."
You were walking down the halls with your boyfriend when suddenly you had the urge to just...bite him. an overwhelming sense of love and affection for the fact he had given you some of the bread he (probably legally) got ahold of. You smiled fondly at the bread and back at Ruggie before placing your mouth on the bulb of his shoulder, causing him to yelp in suprise and dropping his half of the bread.
"wha- huh?! What was that for?" He became flustered, bending over to pick up his bread and slowly move away from you with bright red cheeks. You furrowed your eyebrows and hugged yourself, almost embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I just...I dunno," Your cryptic and non specific response left him with his jaw open and eyes wide, spluttering out things like "We're still in school! I don't have the funds yet-" before a familiar fist came and knocked the back of Ruggies head. Leona stood there smiling in amusement and chuckling at you.
"I don't think they know what that means to us beastman, Ruggie." Even more confused then before, you asked for clarification.
"You just asked him to marry you with that bite of yours, herbivore." Now YOUR mouth was wide open, and Ruggie managed to get flee from the scene without much notice from you nor his senior.
Oh brother. You have a lot of communicating to do with that one.
You were sitting at the lunch table eating away at your food when you noticed...Jack's biceps. You marveled at the sight of his bulky arms- it's a wonder to you how he managed to become so strong and have the motivation to train all day. With a burst of admiration, instead of biting into your sandwich - you took a bite into his muscle. He yelped in suprise and just stared at you, face slowly turning red. Ace and Deuce laughed at his reaction, ready to ask you what was up before Jack took it upon himself to... well, flustered and rapidly spit-firing plans.
"W-we are still so young! Are you sure about this? I-i never knew our relationship was at this level!" He grabbed both of your hands and looked you in your (bewildered) eyes.
"If you're serious about this, I promise I will protect and love you for the rest of my life. But before we go ahead with the ceremony, I want you to meet my parents and get their blessings. Oh, and I need to get a stable job after we finish school first, too, so I can support you and our future. know we haven't talked about marriage before but-" You quickly cut him off in astonishment before crying out,
"MARRIAGE?! Jack, WHAT are you talking about?! I am absolutely not ready for marriage! What got into you?!"
...Queue Ruggie and Leona hysterically laughing at your utter confusion, reveling in the ignorance of it all for a few moments longer before explaining properly what you had just committed yourself unknowingly to.
You were laying in the bed of Malleus Draconias's dorm, scrolling on your phone whilst his tail wrapped around your waist as he sat next to you reading a book. You sighed lightly and leaned your head back against the board of the mattress, turning slightly to look at your handsome fae lover. Your eyes then went down to his pale and perfect skin of his neck, the way it was free from all blemishes, smooth, and bright. Something about it made you want to taint it a light shade of red... He felt you shuffle slightly to adjust your body to be in just the right position where his neck was in full view. He glanced over to you feeling you wriggle free from his tails grasp, tilting his head seeing the look in your eyes crazed as you leaned over and just...chomped down on his collarbone.
You felt his tail twitch and his hands quickly throw the book he was reading aside to grasp your wrists, turning your body around and pinning you to the bed and carrassing your cheek with his tail.
"Biting..." He murmured, "Does this mean the same to humans as it does to Fae? You wish to be wed?" Your jaw dropped and cheeks took on a rosey hue, stuttering over yourself.
"W-wed?! I mean, I like to bite when I feel affectionate b-but marriage...I mean maybe one day b-but-"
"Biting in Fae culture is a sign of courtship and ownership. How brazen of you to mark me," he chuckled, "I shall take it you wish to own the next king of Briar Valley?" You could tell at this point Malleus was teasing you, something he picked up from the time you two have been dating.
Malleus could not help but return the favor by riddling your body with his own bite marks. Although he understood you perhaps did not have the intention of marrying him with your silly little form of affection, he knew in his mind with every bite that he was very serious about your future with him.
Lilia already knew that biting in the human world did not mean marriage, yet was akin to something more of "cute aggression." So when you have the habit of biting him in the privacy of yours or his room, he knows you simply meant it as a form of affection, letting him know that you had an overwhelming sense of love for the old fae. He bit you back consistently on many occasions, it just seemed to be the perfect form of showing love for one another.
You didn't actually know it meant something much deeper, until you were in the diasomnia lounge and unable to control yourself as you grabbed Lilias hand and bit down gently on his wrist. You couldn't help it, he was being so entirely silly and loving towards you, that you couldn't help but show this public display of affection. Much to everyone else's dismay, however. Sebek stares at you with his mouth agape, sounds of disbelief escaping past his lips yet a sentence unable to form. Malleus as well seemed surprised at this.
"(y/n)," Malleus said, "You wish to marry Lilia?" You coughed at the sudden question and let out a feeble and awkward chuckle.
"I mean...I wouldn't mind one day, of course. We haven't really talked about it. Why the sudden question?"
"HOW DARE YOU," Sebek cried out after finally finding his words, "How dare you bite Lilia and be so insolent as to not move forward with your actions in dignity! YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR PROPOSAL-" Lilia started snickering, cutting Sebek off with a wave of his hand.
"It's quite alright, Sebek. Biting means something much different to humans than Fae, I suppose this is the first you had seen us put on a show of affection, hence your confusion." He turned to you, who had furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips at Sebeks sudden outburst.
"Biting, my dear, is a form of courtship to us fae. It is a sign of ownership," He chuckled.
"Why didn't you tell me that?!" You exasperated, "I mean, it wouldn't have changed anything I have done, but I would have been more careful about it... especially if it means something more to you," Lilia gracefully explained he understood it meant something slightly different to humans, before gently grabbing your hand and raising it to his mouth.
"Well, now that you understand what it means," He put your ring finger into his mouth and took a bite at the base,
"Would you like to bite me once more, my dear?"
You bit his arm and he immediately was on one knee.
"Was that a proposal? You know mon cheri, biting one affectionately is often a declaration of courtship-" You hit the top of his head and walked away from your interesting boyfriend.
"You're not a beastman or a fae! I'm never biting you again!" Your face red and folding your arms, turning away (ah, his cute tsundere lover.)
Oh woe is Rook! He begs and begs you to bite him more, he wants to be covered in your marks. It means you were claiming him as your own, right? RIGHT??
This was so fun to write DFSEFDSFIHSLDKJF thank you for the brain rot heuheuheueheueh
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everand1r · 4 months ago
Out of their league
Can’t help but think of some of the boys with a s/o who is so out of their league lmao
Gn reader, reader is taller than riddle and Lilia and there is a mention of their chest in riddles part.
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I’m a firm believer of riddle being attracted to a taller person
Not only is your height attractive, but the way you carry yourself leaves him in awe.
As much as I believe in riddle loving tall people, I feel he would be a bit insecure of his height. Riddle had always been a commanding presence on campus, his reputation turning his students into model citizens when he’s around.
But when he’s with you? All that dominance leaves his body. You love to lean down to tease him, or to rest your head on his, but your favorite is when you lift his chin with your fingers to meet his eyes. He pretty much blue screens on the spot, but be careful with your teasing or he’ll reprimand you.
Kinda hard to take him seriously when his face is flushed red and he can barely look you in the eyes. His height giving him a perfect view of your glorious assets. Yeah he’s not fooling anyone, everyone on campus can tell he’s wrapped around your finger.
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How the hell did this happen
You’re everything he’s just ken ngl sorry ace I love you
Every time he shows you off everyone wonders how the hell did someone like you end up with someone like him.
Like he’s knows you’re hot and way out of his league but cmon! He’s not that bad!
You obviously fell for his lovable and boyish charm!
Anytime someone flirts with you Ace will swoop in and wrap his arm around your waist, telling them you’re taken and to get lost.
“You? You???” They laugh in his face.
He gets so offended
Poor Ace. Pepper his face in kisses, let him know you find him so attractive and he’s back to normal.
You immediately left an impression on him. When he snapped at you for stepping on his tail, you bared your fangs right back and went off on him for sleeping in such a walkable area.
Which isn’t a good first look but don’t worry he grows on you
You guys are in that relationship where you “argue” anytime you’re in the same room, but there’s obvious sexual tension between you guys… everyone is sick of you two like just make out already damn it! They wish they were him ;(
Your assertiveness and the way you hold your head high anytime you guys go back and forth is so attractive. Not that he’ll ever admit that mind you.
You could throw insult after insult to him, but that smirk and that fiery look in your eyes has him wanting to kiss you right then and there.
“God you’re insufferable!”
“Mhmm yeah and what else?” He’ll egg you on with that damn smirk of his.
One day you guys are gonna have to admit your feelings for each other. It’ll probably have to be you though, Leona is burying his feelings deep.
Anyways let’s just say no one on campus is surprised when one day they see you guys walking together on campus, hand in hand.
How the hell did this happen #2
The radiant, intelligent, borderline untouchable Ramshackle prefect with the housewarden of Ignihyde????
Yeah no one on campus believes this is real
Ortho is doing his best to convince others that Idia can be charming, sorry bud it’s not working, the students are placing bets on if the rumor is real or not.
As much as he loves you, going out is a real struggle
Heads turn in your direction no matter where you go. You have admirers everywhere on campus, to have that many eyes on him…. Yeah no he’ll leave his room another day… probably.
If you ever do go out anywhere together Idia will most likely hide behind you, which in turn will probably draw more attention but whatever.
Your fan club is ripping their hair out cause what do you mean you fell for him of all people?!?
He’s at a total loss if someone flirts with you. On one hand, he’d love to be your knight in shining armor. On the other hand, he’d have to directly confront someone without his tablet.
He’d be so relieved if you can handle it yourself. If not? Oh boy…. Make sure you have ortho on speed dial. Someone’s gonna have to come save y’all.
You guys would have a pretty fun relationship. He ropes you into scaring others real quick, your reputation makes it easy to get away with a lot.
Getting scared by Lilia: (¬_¬)
Getting scared by you: _| ̄|○
Unlike riddle, Lilia is quite secure with his height. In fact he loves the height difference between you two. He loves to wrap his arms around you as you bring up a hand to play with his hair.
The Diasomnia gang all love you so no problems there… although if you’re human sebek might be a bit iffy about it.
Maybe not for long as he greatly respects Lilia and also there isn’t much to dislike about you. Don’t worry though sebek will find a way /j
All that aside your relationship is quite cute. You could be doing literally anything and Lilia will watch you in adoration. He’ll sigh dreamily and rant about you to anyone who’ll listen.
They’re not. No one is listening to him, Everyone around him is gripping their pens in jealousy.
The same applies for you, lovingly staring at him as he goes about his day.
“Isn’t he lovely?” You sigh, gazing at Lilia as he nearly blows up the kitchen with his cooking.
Everyone is begging you to please teach him how to cook before he creates nuclear waste. 🙏🏽
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kaneaken · 3 months ago
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author's note; bringing forth my soft capitano agenda with a short drabble
content notes; gn!reader, established relationship (married), you adopt ororon for a bit, mention of having children (as in raising them together), slight hurt/comfort, slight spoilers about capitano's origins
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When you hear your husband's been injured in an altercation with the Pyro Archon, you were rushing out of the Fatui camp immediately. Multiple Fatui soldiers chase after you, telling you to return to camp.
"Lord Capitano will have our head if their partner gets injured! Move!" You hear one of the soldiers call out to their comrades. You ignore them. The only thing on your mind is to make sure your husband is alright. You know he's strong, stronger than you know, but it doesn't ease your stress.
In your focused state, you don't notice the man you're worried about approaching. You bump into his chest, almost tumbling over if not for him catching you by the shoulders.
"What are you doing outside of the camp, beloved?" He asks, looking down at you. You don't answer, your hands quickly moving about in search of his wounds.
"I heard what happened. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Where did you get hit?" You sputter out your questions, not bothering to let him answer.
"Excuse me..." A voice interrupts, causing you to turn your head. You make eye contact with a dark-haired male. He definitely wasn't a Fatui soldier, but his clothing reminded you of the locals.
"Who is this?" You ask, turning back to Capitano.
"A child from the Masters of the Night Wind. He assisted with my escape," Capitano answers. He readjusts his hand, leading you back to the camp with his hand on your back.
The male walks beside the two of you, interjecting whenever needed to explain himself.
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Ororon is his name. You learn much about him as he spends time at the Fatui encampment. Whenever your husband is out, you find yourself making small talk with Ororon.
You learn about his garden. You smile when he promises to bring you some of his vegetables. He tells you about his family back home. He tells you that his granny will be especially furious with him when he returns home. You wonder what kind of woman his granny is.
As the days go by, you realize Ororon is a very sweet, young boy. You find yourself worrying about him more. When he goes out to search for herbs, you secretly tell the soldiers accompanying him to keep a very close watch of him. You always offer him an extra serving of food despite your husband's insistence that he's eaten enough.
"You're overfeeding him, beloved."
"It's better than underfeeding!"
When Ororon returns home for the first time, your husband notices your faltered state.
"You spoiled that child as if he was your own. I fear you have become too attached, beloved," Captiano remarks as he takes a seat next to you.
"Ah, I suppose so..." You admit. You chuckle soflty, resting your head on his shoulder. "We don't have any of our own, so I suppose I was just projecting."
"It's a silly dream of mine. Don't worry."
Capitano shakes his head. "It isn't silly at all. I suppose... I never believed you'd want children, especially with a man such as I."
That shocks you. You lift your head, facing him. "Why wouldn't I? There isn't anyone else I'd rather have children with."
You understand his hesitating. The curse he bears makes the future he once dreamed of almost impossible. You don't want him to believe that. He deserves a future as much as any other person.
"You'd be a wonderful father," You reassure, placing your head on his shoulder once again.
"You truly believe that?"
"I do."
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