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kaneaken · 2 months ago
content notes; Natlan AQ spoilers, spoilers for Capitano's real name & backstory, grief, anger (reader), depictions of a nightmare, angst, gn!reader, can be seen as a continuation of my previous capitano drabble
author's note: Please, if you're going to read this, make sure you checked all the content notes! This one is pretty heavy, so please read with caution. I did my best to take from my own experiences as well as some research to make this accurate. I'd hate to write something that was insensitive to people who have gone through these experiences as well. Of course, grief is different for everyone, so I will most likely not be accurate to everyone's experience, but I did my best!
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You hate the quiet. Despite its emptiness, you feel closed in. For a nation known for its heat, you feel undeniably cold as you sit, looking out at the blazing sun.
It mocks you. Its bright rays remind you of the life prior to all of this. Your beautiful home. Your love. Everything.
There's a knock. You don't flinch. It was common for the soldiers to check up on you constantly, especially after what happened. However, the soft tone that calls out to you is unexpected.
"Sorry to disturb you. Oh, it's Ororon, by the way. Do you remember me? I brought you some carrots last week. Were they good? They were from my garden, so I can guarantee that they were fresh."
You remembered him. The child from the Masters of the Night Wind. You grew to have quite the connection when he agreed to help the Fatui. The soldiers had told you about him coming by to drop off vegetables. He hadn't stayed long, especially since the soldiers had told him you weren't taking visitors.
You sigh. You wonder what he would say in a moment like this. You should get up. Get up. Get up. Get up already.
You get to your feet, dragging yourself to the door. You must look like a mess as you crack the door open. Ororon's facial expression shifts. Pity. It's always pity when it comes to you. Pity. Pity.
You force a pleasant expression, but you know it looks strange. Your eyes are puffy and red, which help distract from the lack of light in them. Your skin has lost its color. You look pathetic. Extremely so.
"I just wanted to check in again. They actually let me through today, so are you feeling a bit better? I brought some spinach. Granny says they're good for you. Oh, and she asked me to bring you one of her wind chimes for your nightmares."
He hands you a basket with said items. You stare. Your heart felt... warm for a second, but then, the thought that had been haunting you comes back. Were you allowed to accept this? Were you allowed to be happy again? No, not without him. It wasn't fair.
"Oh, one more thing. If you're up to it, the Archon is holding a ceremony tomorrow. It's to unveil the monument to the fallen heroes."
Heroes. Was he a hero? Perhaps to the Natlanese he was. To you, he was a fool. Tied to duty all his life. He left you because his duty to his people came before you.
"I could come by, and we could go together if that would help you feel comfortable. I'm sure Granny won't mind passing by. She hasn't seen you in a while."
Could you stand to see such a thing? A monument to fallen heroes. Could you stand to stare at their immortalization of his honor? Did you owe it to him to try to attend even if the idea causes your heart to twist?
Ultimately, you nod despite the jumbling thoughts in your mind. You needed to make the first step forward, but did you deserve to take that step without him?
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It begins happy. You are staring at the cloudy sky with him by your side. You are smiling, and so is he. It almost seems unreal. You've dreamt of this before. It's a memory of when he proposed to you. It was a day you hadn't expected. He always found a way to surprise you, whether it be through gestures or gifts. That day had been no exception.
"You're stiff. Is something the matter?"
"Ah, I suppose I am nervous."
"Nervous? About what?"
"The future. Our future."
He turns to you. You see his smile soften before his face becomes a blur. Again. Just like every night since he left.
When would be the next time you'd see his face? The one hidden behind the mask? Did you even remember what he looked like? Is that why this kept happening? Were you forgetting?
"Did I frighten you?" You let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding as you stared at him. His robes changed. His face became obscured.
"It's me, my love. Do not cry. I am right here."
Liar. Liar. Liar.
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There are tears in your eyes again. However, unlike your first nightmare, they don't startle you. You simply wipe your cheeks and sit up. You were sure you wouldn't get any more sleep, so you got ready for the day.
For the past week, you had been in bed, refusing to come out of the room. The soldiers didn't mind you. They brought you food and water and reminded you of your return trip home. You couldn't stand being in Natlan any longer. Not when they threw you glances of pity.
The first knock at your door is a soldier delivering your breakfast. They seemed startled to see you out of bed, almost dropping the tray in their hands.
"It's nice to see you again." Is all they say before they exit.
The second knock at your door is the duo of Ororon and Citlali. They also seemed startled with a hint of relief amongst it. Although, you notice the crease between Citlali's eyebrows as she stares at you. Regardless, she greets you with a smile.
"Thank you for agreeing to come along. I'm sure it isn't easy for you at the moment. If you need anything, we'd be happy to assist in any way," She reminds you to which you nod.
"Granny's right. We're happy to help," Ororon adds.
"Let's get going. I'm sure the ceremony will be starting soon."
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You can feel their stares. No matter how much you look away, you feel their stares. Their pity. Stop. Stop it. Don't look. Please.
You are grateful for Ororon's tall stature. Once he notices your discomfort, he does his best to keep your figure hidden. Despite this, you continue to stare at the ground.
You don't lift your gaze as you hear Mauvika take her place in front of the monument. You didn't want to look at her. You didn't want to look at him. You didn't want to look. You were fearful of it coming down on you again. The fear. The dread. The knowledge that he was gone.
"I would also like to take the time to recognize a Fatui Harbinger who sacrificed his life for our cause."
You can't stand it. You feel your heart clench, and your eyes squeeze shut.
"You don't owe them anything! What have they done for you? They treat us as threats!"
"... he defeated his fated foe and protected me in the process."
"My duty is to my people as well as those who fight alongside me."
"But, on this occasion, we honor him as one of our own. In Natlan, all heroes are worthy are celebration."
"What about your duty to me?"
You feel a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up for the first time since you arrived. Mauvika stands before you, her hand planted on your shoulder.
"I know there are no words that will erase your pain."
"I want to be the one to hold you and love you through it all."
"But I want you to know--"
"Will you marry me?"
"He was a hero."
Hero. Hero. He was a hero to them. What was he to you? A duty bound fool.
"The Captain saved us, all of us. He will always be remembered--"
A fool, but he was your love. He still is. He always will be. Thrain. Thrain, why did you leave me?
"Thrain," you mutter. Your voice cracks. You look into Mauvika's eyes. Her confident stare is a contrast to your shaky gaze. "His name is Thrain."
Thrain. Your strength gives out. You feel your legs buckle under you, and you fall to the ground in tears. You look pathetic. You're sure of it, but you couldn't take it anymore.
Not them pitying you. Not them treating him as a hero. Not them acknowledging his strength, not his life. Not them honoring his title, not his name.
"His name is Thrain," you repeat between tears, clutching your hands to your chest. Your ring reflects the bright sun, reminding you of his smile.
"Don't cry, my love. I only wish to make you happy. Will you grant me my wish?"
"I will."
"Even if death rips me from your arms, I shall stay by your side. You will never be alone again."
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kaneaken · 2 months ago
Long time no post, sadly. College has really had me busy these past few months, so I apologize for not being able to bring any new content recently. Unfortunately, this post isn't a new post either :(
I just wanted to tell you guys that I made a new blog for my oc and art content to keep this blog from becoming too muddled. I know some of you are just here for my writing content (which is completely okay!), so I want to make sure you can access that content more easily.
If you like my oc/art content or maybe you would just like to support, feel free to check out my other blog :D Have a nice day, everyone ♡
alt account: @papalotesketches
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kaneaken · 4 months ago
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Little fun facts about my Natlan ocs because they're my babies (I'll potentially add more as they come up):
× Selena is blind due to her erasing parts of someone's memories (I'll talk more about it when I talk about their character stories) an eye for an eye kind of exchange
× Rai (an oc I've posted previously) is Selena's past disciple
× Selena's snake is called Ixtli
× Ilhuitl claims he isn't highly superstitious but still believes someone is talking about him when he sneezes
× Ilhuitl and Selena live together due to Selena losing her father (which is important to her backstory)
× Before Selena moved in, Ilhuitl used to leave his hair down (Selena braids his hair every morning)
× The reason behind their matching black eyes is that they both paid a price for their power
× Selena's hands and lower part of her arms became red after the issue mentioned before (memory erasure)
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kaneaken · 4 months ago
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author's note; bringing forth my soft capitano agenda with a short drabble
content notes; gn!reader, established relationship (married), you adopt ororon for a bit, mention of having children (as in raising them together), slight hurt/comfort, slight spoilers about capitano's origins
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When you hear your husband's been injured in an altercation with the Pyro Archon, you were rushing out of the Fatui camp immediately. Multiple Fatui soldiers chase after you, telling you to return to camp.
"Lord Capitano will have our head if their partner gets injured! Move!" You hear one of the soldiers call out to their comrades. You ignore them. The only thing on your mind is to make sure your husband is alright. You know he's strong, stronger than you know, but it doesn't ease your stress.
In your focused state, you don't notice the man you're worried about approaching. You bump into his chest, almost tumbling over if not for him catching you by the shoulders.
"What are you doing outside of the camp, beloved?" He asks, looking down at you. You don't answer, your hands quickly moving about in search of his wounds.
"I heard what happened. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Where did you get hit?" You sputter out your questions, not bothering to let him answer.
"Excuse me..." A voice interrupts, causing you to turn your head. You make eye contact with a dark-haired male. He definitely wasn't a Fatui soldier, but his clothing reminded you of the locals.
"Who is this?" You ask, turning back to Capitano.
"A child from the Masters of the Night Wind. He assisted with my escape," Capitano answers. He readjusts his hand, leading you back to the camp with his hand on your back.
The male walks beside the two of you, interjecting whenever needed to explain himself.
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Ororon is his name. You learn much about him as he spends time at the Fatui encampment. Whenever your husband is out, you find yourself making small talk with Ororon.
You learn about his garden. You smile when he promises to bring you some of his vegetables. He tells you about his family back home. He tells you that his granny will be especially furious with him when he returns home. You wonder what kind of woman his granny is.
As the days go by, you realize Ororon is a very sweet, young boy. You find yourself worrying about him more. When he goes out to search for herbs, you secretly tell the soldiers accompanying him to keep a very close watch of him. You always offer him an extra serving of food despite your husband's insistence that he's eaten enough.
"You're overfeeding him, beloved."
"It's better than underfeeding!"
When Ororon returns home for the first time, your husband notices your faltered state.
"You spoiled that child as if he was your own. I fear you have become too attached, beloved," Captiano remarks as he takes a seat next to you.
"Ah, I suppose so..." You admit. You chuckle soflty, resting your head on his shoulder. "We don't have any of our own, so I suppose I was just projecting."
"It's a silly dream of mine. Don't worry."
Capitano shakes his head. "It isn't silly at all. I suppose... I never believed you'd want children, especially with a man such as I."
That shocks you. You lift your head, facing him. "Why wouldn't I? There isn't anyone else I'd rather have children with."
You understand his hesitating. The curse he bears makes the future he once dreamed of almost impossible. You don't want him to believe that. He deserves a future as much as any other person.
"You'd be a wonderful father," You reassure, placing your head on his shoulder once again.
"You truly believe that?"
"I do."
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kaneaken · 4 months ago
hi!! i read your recent freminet fic and i LOVED IT. if i could, maybe i please request a freminet x gn!reader drabble (preferably romantic) where they meet at the aquarium? thank you!!
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author's note; hiya, nonnie >< always love a cute little drabble, so I'm happy to do your request! I wrote the drabble as if it were a date. I hope that's alright with you :D
content notes; gn!reader (per request), pretty in reference to reader, slight lyney shenanigans ft. lynette, drabble
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"Where are you heading, Freminet?" Lyney asks as he notices Freminet, stuffing his bus pass into his bag. Freminet stiffens slightly before turning back to face Lyney.
"It's nothing important..." Freminet mumbles, gripping the strap of his bag. He's avoiding eye contact. It definitely was important.
"Mind if we come with then?" Lyney proposes to which he hears Lynette shift in her seat. She gives him a look as if to ask: 'When did I become part of this?'
"No! I mean, um... I wanna go by myself," Freminet quickly retorts. He shrinks back a bit, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I need to go... before I miss the bus. I'll call when I'm coming home," He says quickly, rushing out the door.
It's quiet for a bit after the door shuts.
"Lyney, stop."
"Stop what, dear sister? I'm not doing anything."
"We're not following Freminet. He said he wanted to go alone."
"Well, who's to say we didn't just happen to end up in the same place as him on complete accident?"
"You're buying me dessert after this."
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Freminet fidgets with his plush as he waits by the aquarium's entrance. Despite only standing around for a few minutes, he already felt like an eternity passed. What if you changed your mind? No, he had to think positively, like Lyney tells him to. No jumping to conclusions.
"Freminet!" He jumps slightly as he hears his name. He looks up, spotting you rushing over. You looked pretty. Really pretty.
"Were you waiting long?" You ask as you stop in front of him. "Sorry... the bus got delayed. You know how traffic is on the weekend."
"It's okay," Freminet mumbles. "Wasn't waiting long..." How does he tell you he thinks you're pretty? Does he just say it? Does he have to lead up to it?
"Let's head in, yeah? I heard the displays are amazing here!"
"Yeah, let's go."
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The displays were as beautiful as you said. The moon jellies, starfishes, clown fishes, rays. Freminet found himself being amazed by them. He had gone to multiple aquariums before, but he continued to be a star-struck child each time. His favorite part was, and always will be, the touch pool.
You're a bit scared when you two walk into the touch pool. He notices you being hesitant to dip your fingers in the water to touch the starfish.
"Is something the matter?" Freminet asks, taking his fingers out of the water.
"Ah, it's nothing," You mumble as you continue to hover your fingers over the water's surface.
"Lynette, do you wanna touch the starfish?"
"It's slimy..."
"We can do it together... don't be scared, okay? It's a friend, like Pers..."
Freminet reaches his hand over to yours. "It's okay. We can do it together, if that'll make you more comfortable..."
"... yeah, that would make me feel better."
Freminet nods, placing his hand on top of yours. He carefully guides your hand to the top of the starfish. You flinch a bit at the sensation at first, but you keep your fingers steady.
"Wow... it's a little weird but definitely cool!" You chuckle, running your fingers on the bumps of the starfish. "And really pretty..."
Pretty. The starfish is pretty. Freminet believes all sea creatures are pretty. However, he thinks you're prettier than any sea creature he's seen.
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"Freminet's all grown up... going on dates, making moves. I'm so proud!" Lyney exclaims, practically crying into his sister's shoulder.
"You're too loud, Lyney. They're going to hear you," Lynette comments, poking at his head. She pushes him to hide into the gift shop as she notices Freminet turn his head slightly.
"Would you quit your fake sniffling?" Lynette mutters, pushing her brother's head off her shoulders.
"Just yesterday, he was asking me how to ask someone out! Look at him now!"
"Yeah, I got it. You're proud."
"Not just proud! Estatic!"
"Shush, they're coming over," Lynette whispers, ducking into a hoodie rack and pulling Lyney along with her.
"... you really do know a lot about the sea, Freminet!"
"Yeah... I do deep sea diving as a hobby, so..."
"Wow! Deep sea diving? That's amazing!"
"Really...? You think so?"
"For sure!"
As Lynette hears their voices become more distant, she carefully pokes her head out. She does a quick scan before stepping out of the rack.
"Let's head back. There's not much more for us to do," Lynette says.
"I can think of one more thing," Lyney interjects, holding up a small plush. He slips it on top of a shelf nearby.
"What's the point of doing that?"
"Oh, dear sister, you'll see!"
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"Cute..." You mumble, looking up at the penguin plush perched on the shelf.
"Do you like it?" Freminet asks, looking up at the plush.
"It's pretty cute..." Your eyes leave the plush and land on the keychain hanging from Freminet's bag. "Oh, it looks just like the one on your bag!"
Freminet looks down at his bag, nodding to himself. "It does..."
You smile, reaching up to grab the plush. "We can match!" You chuckle to yourself, skipping over to the cashier.
"Match..." Freminet mumbles, staring at your retreating figure. "Matching..."
Like partners? Romantic partners? Freminet stands still, his face blooming red. Matching with you?
"Something the matter?" You ask as you return to a blushing Freminet.
"Oh, n-no... I'm okay..."
"You sure?"
Matching... he liked that.
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kaneaken · 5 months ago
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author's note; we need more freminet content, and I'm happy to contribute whatever I can 🫶 enjoy!
content notes; modern!au, gn!reader, less cohesive than I thought, wrote this late at night so not proofread
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Wednesday. That's the first time Freminet sees you on the bus. It wasn't planned. He promises. The second time was. The third one as well. Not the first.
He doesn't remember what he was wearing. It was cold that day. It was probably his hoodie. He does remember wearing his snow boots. You told him they were cool when you sat a seat away from him.
He remembers you complimenting Pers, the small penguin plushie hanging from his bag. He remembers smiling and telling you an almost silent 'thank you'. He remembers you smiling back. He remembers wanting to see you smile again.
"Oh, this is my stop. See you around!"
He remembers you leaving before he could speak again.
That's why he's on the bus again. It's Wednesday. The bus is a bit slower today. It makes him fiddle with Pers, tugging on the chain and squeezing the plush.
He hears the ding of the bus doors opening. He looks up, hoping to find you amongst the other bus goers. It's a sea of colors, thanks to the raincoats worn by everyone. It's a flurry of florescent. It makes Freminet turn his head away. He blinks away the colors. He stares at the gray tone of the bus seats.
"Morning." Freminet turns his head, coming face to face with you. The light filtering through the window becomes brighter as he stares at you.
"Good morning..." He mumbles out, turning his head back. He didn't think this far. He thought you wouldn't be here. As much as he wanted you to be. He wasn't sure where to go past this.
"I like your freckles." That startles him.
"Sorry?" He stutters out, his ears flushing red.
"Oh, sorry, that was a little out of nowhere." You chuckle. "I like your freckles. They're cute!"
"Oh, thank you..." It goes silent, only the rumbling of the bus filling the silence. What would Lyney do? Say?
"Tell them you think their eyes are pretty!"
"Eyes..." Freminet starts, causing you to turn your head.
"Pretty eyes..." He finishes.
"Pretty eyes? Oh, you do have pretty eyes."
"No, um..."
There's a beep, signaling a stop. You look up.
"Oh, looks like this is my stop. It was nice seeing you again..."
"It was nice seeing you, Freminet! I'll see you next time." You smile at him again before rushing to stand up and exit. The world goes gray again, but Freminet knows it won't be that way for long.
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kaneaken · 6 months ago
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You've lost count of how many people you've apologized to. Although most of them were polite, it didn't make you feel any less guilty. You weren't even the one holding them up!
Boothill has always been quite the gentleman despite his, at times, colorful language. He carried you when you were tired, rushed to open doors for you, and held your bags whenever you needed to go to the bathroom.
Now, what is such a 'perfect gentleman' supposed to do when a device decides to do his job for him? Obviously, beat up the competition and take his job back.
"Boothill, are you done yet?" You whisper to the crouched cyborg. He waves you off as he finishes tinkering with the automatic doors.
He clears his throat, getting up and practically strutting over to the closed doors. With a simple pull, Boothill opens one of the doors.
"Darlin'," He calls, motioning for you to walk through. You quickly scamper over, walking through the door. He follows suit, closing the door behind him.
"Boothill, you can't just break the door and close it on everyone else!" You exclaim as he wraps his arm around your torso.
"The staff'll help 'em! Don' worry so much, darlin'!" He answers, pinching your cheek with a toothy smile.
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kaneaken · 7 months ago
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Happy 300+ followers (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪ As per tradition, it's time for another followers' event! Tell me what your favorite aspect/feature of a genshin or hsr character and I'll write a drabble. Thank you for over three hundred followers, guys <3 I hope I can continue to produce content people enjoy. Looking forward to your responses 💌
(This is a repost since I messed up the tags (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) I kept it short, so I don't take up too much space on the tags)
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kaneaken · 7 months ago
can iI venti reacting to you giving them flower romantically dabble also I'd like if the character and reader are in an established relationship?
author's note; flower giving requests are always lots of fun since I think all genshin characters deserve flowers :D this is either my first or second time writing for venti, so hopefully I can write him accurately (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
content notes; gn!reader, non vision! reader, fluff, established relationship, short since it's a drabble, whopperflower jumpscare, flowers are given but I went a bit off request (my bad), possible ooc character
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Despite knowing Venti already owns a bouquet of Cecilias in his home (you were the sender of said Cecilias), you noticed their petals wilting slightly and decided to fetch him new ones. Of course, as soon as you decide to buy him Cecilias, Flora informs you they've been sold out.
Therefore, you had to set out on a journey to pick them yourself. Flora was kind enough to mark a few locations on your map to ensure you would find the best ones.
How many Cecilias would be enough? Two, three? Perhaps four? You attempt to think back to the amount you got from Flora last time as you attempt to pick a Cecilia. It was definitely six? Or was it seven? It's not as if you had counted how many were in the bouquet at the time, especially since there were so many. You should be safe and grab a big bunch.
Your hand feels warm, so you look down and come face to face with a Pyro whopperflower. You immediately jump back, clutching the flowers you had already picked to your chest.
Since you thought the journey wasn't going to be very treacherous, you had left your weapon at home. Of course, without a vision, you had no other way to defend yourself.
You carefully take a step back, trying to not alert the Whopperflower. Silently praying to the Archons above, you take multiple steps back. Hopefully, this whopperflower would mind its own business and not attack you.
Despite your prayers, you see the whopperflower turn to you. You still, watching the whopperflower cautiously. Don't. Don't. Don't--
Your thoughts are interrupted by a large gust of wind blowing behind you. The gust becomes more aggressive as it reaches the whopperflower, sending it flying.
"Are you okay, my flower?" You hear Venti's voice behind you, causing you to turn around. You nod vigorously and thank him for saving you.
He chuckles in response. "What are you doing around here alone and without your weapon? It's dangerous."
You quickly explain how you wanted to buy flowers for him but ended up having no luck with Flora. That led you to Starsnatch Cliff, where you accidentally ran into a whopperflower. You finish off your explanation by extending the flowers in your grasp towards him.
Smiling softly, Venti takes the bunch from you. "I'll be sure to replace the ones you bought. These hold much more meaning, since you picked them yourself. Thank you."
"Now, what do you say to a little gliding? Let the winds guide us!" Venti cheerfully states, holding out a flower to tuck behind your ear. You quickly remind him that you still don't have your gliding license.
"Hehe, no one has to know!"
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kaneaken · 7 months ago
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More Natlan OC concept art, nothing official yet since I'm still doing research on their clothing :D
Thoughts on a potential cowboy OC? (Fun fact; "... the first wave of horse-riding cow wranglers in North America were Indigenous Mesoamerican men")
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kaneaken · 8 months ago
content warning; mentions of death/dying, angst, wrote this in one go, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes
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Neuvillette is happy to be the Hydro Dragon. He is able to watch humanity grow and flourish throughout the years. The continual circle of life and death intrigues him. He watches flowers bloom and rivers flow for years. He watches humans accomplish and fail. The constant rise and fall reminds him of the waves he used to swim among.
Neuvillette is happy to be the Hydro Dragon. He is able to live a life among the people of Fontaine because of his human appearance. He meets many lovely people, including you. He lives through experiences formerly foreign to him. He experiences love for the first time through you.
He is grateful for everything his life has given him, but sometimes he can't help but wish.
Neuvillette wishes he was human. With the ability to properly express emotion. When the court fills with shouts and cries, he can only look on. He cannot find his brows furrowing out of anger, or his eyes filling with tears. He merely watches.
"Why does it always rain?" Fontainians often ask after a court session. The Hydro Dragon wishes to cry only to find his eyes dry, no tears in sight.
"Why do you cry?" Is all he can ask when you break down in front of him. The Hydro Dragon wishes to understand only to find no answers when he looks into your eyes.
Neuvillette wishes he was human. With the ability to understand emotion. So, when you shed a tear, he would be the first to wipe it from your face and reassure you. Yet, when you do cry, he finds himself unable to understand why. Why do you cry? Why do you react in such a way? He doesn't understand.
Neuvillette wishes he was human. With the ability to die. So, you do not feel fear when Death's cold grip has you. So, he does not feel a common tightness in his chest when he feels your hands grow cold. So, he does not have to live without you.
Longevity is cruel when Neuvillette has to trace the carving of your name rather than your face. When he has to let the rain hit his head without your umbrella covering his head. When he can remember the sound of your voice and your bright smile years after you're gone.
"My love, I miss you." Neuvillette takes a knee in front of your gravestone, placing his cane down next to him.
"I miss you dearly... And," He pauses, feeling the rain beginning to fall, "I love you."
Neuvillette wishes he was human. With the ability to say 'I love you' without worry.
He wishes he knew how much he loved you before it was too late. He wishes and wishes, but he knows that no amount of wishing will return you to his arms.
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kaneaken · 8 months ago
cw; hurt/comfort, talk of death
"Where shall we meet again?"
"In a world where..."
... there is death." As morbid as it sounds to others, Blade believes a world with death would be ideal. For centuries, his hands have been tied to immortality with no possible escape. He only wishes to meet you in a world where his death comes as naturally as yours. He no longer appreciates life with how cruel it has been to him. However, if he knew death could take him, at any second, he would cherish the life he has with you.
... I only have one name." Childe knows better than anyone that he is a mere pawn for the divine's games. It is why he appreciates the moments he has with his family as well as you. In the moments where he is not Childe or Tartaglia, simply Ajax. A son. A brother. A lover. Not a soldier. Sometimes, he dreams of what the end may be. His first thought is always dying in a battle for the Tsaritsa. Yet, he wishes he thought of his family and you first. A life after the battle where he is allowed to be with the people who love him rather than the ones who use him. A life where his only name is Ajax.
... I am no god." The suffering of one for the happiness of many. It would be one way to describe Furina's constant turmoil. She deserved to be happy, but what would it cost? If you had to suffer, she would sit atop divinity's throne for centuries. Play the part of a reassuring god. Dance across the stage despite the pain. If she was allowed one selfish request, she would throw away her divinity for your warm embrace even if she eventually dissolved. She would be happy because her suffering would never begin. She is merely Furina.
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author's note; I honestly feel like more characters can fit under each answer, but I'm writing this with half a braincell. If you wanna see me write for these prompts again, feel free to send in a request. Hope you guys enjoyed ♡
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kaneaken · 9 months ago
Omg what about lynx and lynette rat
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kaneaken · 9 months ago
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Natlan oc stuff (concepts, full bodies)
With Natlan coming up, I wanted to quickly post these. I have an idea of how all these ocs connect with each other. Inbox is open for any questions you might have :)
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kaneaken · 9 months ago
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genshin/hsr characters as rats :D pt2
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kaneaken · 9 months ago
drawing genshin/hsr characters as rats is my new passion <3
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kaneaken · 9 months ago
You find BOOTHILL'S lack of embarrassment endearing. Whenever he hears one of his favorite songs, doesn't matter where he is, he will rope you into dancing with him. Depending on which song is playing, he could decide to slow dance with you or fling you around. If your wedding song plays, he will most definitely slow dance with you as he plants a kiss on your head. He doesn't pay attention to who stops to watch because his eyes are closed, enjoying the rhythm of the music while twirling you around. (You've definitely had to apologize to a few people who you bumped into accidentally).
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