#cause I have poor morning motor skills
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The biggest mistake my parents ever made was me. Why? List in tags
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A Moment's Surprise--Chapter 3
Whether it's called an accident or the fates of the universe, you and Calum find yourselves taking on the next level of your relationship: parenthood.
Reader (Gender Neutral) X Calum. Multi-chapter Series.
Series Note: Across this series, pregnancy is discussed thoroughly. While I have made this series specifically a reader insert and have done my best to avoid coding for cis women, I am taking this moment to acknowledge that this content may not be suitable for every reader. I want to acknowledge even if I've been careful some things (like uteri) are still mentioned and if that causes you discomfort please DO NOT read this. You may keep scrolling (as there is a read more) / skip this as necessary.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Epilogue
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Chapter 3
“Okay, so,” Joy starts, glancing up from the rim of her glasses.  It took two months for Joy to get things straightened out enough to come out for the remainder of your pregnancy. And you’re glad for it as now more bouts of morning sickness and fatigue riddled your days. “We’ve got the baby registry together, correct?”
You nod. “Yes. Just heard back from Calum yesterday about the things he wants to add. We had to go with the second rocking chair. Calum--well, we won’t get into that,” you laugh, running a hand over your slight bump. At eighteen weeks, you weren’t showing too much, but you knew. 
Joy laughs at your comment. “He’s just nervous.” 
Calum wanted everything baby related with the highest safety ratings. You wanted things that would help promote motor skills and other development milestones. It was a struggle sometimes not only just to disagree but to also have hefty time zone differences. When difficult conversations had to be had, Calum’s day was ending as yours was just beginning and yours was ending just as his was ending. Text wasn’t the platform for these conversations either. There were a lot of early morning calls. 
Joy took special care not to intervene in those conversations nor to take sides. Her go-to line was, “All I need is a happy grandbaby.” And currently, though Joy is letting you know that Calum’s particular current quirk is because of fear, it’s not a malicious rebuttal to you. Because you know if Calum were to get huffy about your desires, Joy would simply state you just want to raise an independent and confident child. The street with Joy goes two ways. 
“I know he is,” you return. “So am I.”
“Being nervous is natural. Nothing wrong with it. But if the registry is super set, then we should be a bit more at when do you want the baby shower? I think I have Calum’s tour schedule here somewhere.” She shuffles through the pages you printed down for you. You’ve easily pulled up the schedule from the saved document on your desktop but you wait for her to find it in her pile. Though Joy was quite comfortable with technology, she still prefered her paper files. 
Once Joy finds it, you skim over your screen.“Biggest chunk of time off is between the North American leg and the Australia dates.”
“There’s a show in September right?” Joy asks. 
“Yeah, I have a date for later that month.” Joy hums writing something down in her notebook off to the side. You tack on, “Looks like there’s time too in July and August.”
“You want the baby shower a little closer to the due date. Let’s look into September or October.”
You nod. “Didn’t know that.”
Joy laughs. “Neither did I before Mali. But I think you two should talk more about that. I just want to put it on your radar.”
“I’m going to run the poor man ragged,” you tease. 
“The only way to make sure he’s okay is to ask him. Besides, he did put you in this position. I love him, but let’s be honest.”
You snort at Joy’s tease. “I’m going to let that one stay between us,” you state. 
“Fair enough. But truly having a baby is no easy feat and it is tiring from start until finish in all sorts of new ways as they get older. But you two will always have me.” 
You know Joy is right. Things would obviously be slightly easier if Calum wasn’t touring. But in the end, this is the timing that’s been handed to the both of you. In the end, this is the decision that you two agreed on. 
From her spot at the dining room table, Joy spots the time. She pushes up from the kitchen table. “What do you want for lunch, dear? There’s leftovers, but I can cook too if there’s anything in particular?”
“Can you make those breaded chicken tenderloins again?” you ask, turning in the chair a little. 
Joy grins. “Of course. Salad too?”
“Fine, Mom,” you laugh. Joy wags one finger up over her shoulder at you, like she’s agreeing with your teasing job. Your phone buzzes and you turn back to glance at it. 
How’s today? It’s a text from Calum. 
You free?
The response to your text is a call lighting up your phone. You answer the request for a FaceTime call and a moment later you can see Calum’s face filling the screen. “Hey, babe,” he says with a smile. “Hi, Mum!”
“Hey,” the two of you echo back at him. Joy laughs just a little as you ask, “What time is it for you?”
Calum glances off to the side for a moment as the cacophony of shouts interrupts through the line. He moves to somewhere slightly quieter, the slight shake of his phone alerts you to the movement. “Show just ended an hour ago or so, we’re closing in around midnight I’d reckon. How are you?”
“Good, today’s been a nice day. Chickadee hasn’t raised too much hell.”
“Glad to hear it. I did some more research on the floor beds and I will say I do like the idea of it. Just take it slow with me. I don’t want my Pumpkin growing up too fast,” Calum states. 
“Once I’m done growing them, I’ll give them the memo,” you tease. 
Calum’s tuft of laughter is soft. “I had a bummer thought which is why I called instead of just texting.”
It’s bad. Whatever it is, it is bad for Calum to even mention it to you. “Uh oh, what’s the bummer thought?”
“I’m realizing how close your due date is to the Oceania tour dates.”
“Cal, it’s just an estimate.”
“I know,” he returns. “But still. The thought that I could make the choice to continue shows and you’d go into labor without me there--it scares me. I don’t want to miss that.”
The fates really were up to the gods, but you understand the fear. With the timing of everything, you were looking at the first week of November as your due date. However, as your doctor mentioned, due dates weren’t perfect. It was briefly considered given Calum’s touring schedule if the two of you should go more for elective C-section. The risks and the fact that any more pregnancies later in life would also have to be delivered by a C-sections halted the conversations early in their tracks. 
“We’ll keep hoping things line up,” you offer. 
“There still is time, yeah,” Calum nods. 
“Do you want a distraction or just to sort of vent?” you ask. While you want to help Calum, you know sometimes it’s just about the emotional release more than anything else. 
Calum shakes his head. “Distraction. There’s time to pout later.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Love, I’m the one that got you pregnant so you don’t have to apologize.”
“I was an enthusiastic and willing partner too in this so…,” you point out, foregoing the urge to tell Calum that Joy made the exact same joke earlier. Calum laughs in return. “But that’s not the actual distraction. Baby shower is.”
“Isn’t this like…way too early?”
“You’re the one that’s touring, mister. We have to work around your schedule.”
“Okay, okay, you’re right. You’re trying to plan in advance for the date?”
You nod. “Yes. Momma Joy has informed me that closer to the due date is better. You have the show in late September. But we could do it before or in October. I think my concern is that you actually have time on your breaks to relax.”
“We’ve got a little one to prepare for. Not too many breaks will be just relaxing with me being gone on tour.”
It’s a fact you had grown intimately familiar with as more doctor’s visits lined up and more things seemed to pile up for the house. “My uncle’s visiting when the Mexico leg starts up to help with the heavy lifting for Joy and I, so there’s that thankfully.”
Calum hums at the news. “That’s a relief, truly. I was worried. There’s that shelf to be taken down and the bed.”
“Trust me Joy wouldn’t let me think of trying to take those down. I think quite literally if the thought crossed my mind, she’d give me the look.” You attempt to recreate the quite stern glance Joy no doubt perfected over the years. Calum laughs, the skin around his eyes crinkling at the action. “Not trying to witness that more than necessary.”
“It’s not a fun look to receive. You know it’s not because she’s angry, just disappointed and it’s ten times worse. But I’m 90% sure that the September gig is on a Saturday. But let’s aim for a date range of one week before and one week after?”
You nod, taking one of the pens residing on the table and making a note. “Sounds good.”
“Monday for you, what will basically be Tuesday for me, is your next appointment correct?”
Calum hums to signal him hearing you. “I need a bump update soon.”
You pop your head up. The slight drop is his voice being all too familiar to your ears. Without alerting Joy, you scramble to find your headphones. All you do is signal to Calum to give you a moment and then you scurry as quickly as you to the backyard. When the house turns to sunlight and Calum spots the white resting inside your ears, he exhales. “Do you know how hard it is? You’re so…god,” he sighs. 
“You did say I’d be hot pregnant. I just wasn’t expecting this.”
 You watch as his head drops into the wall behind him. He grazes his teeth over his bottom lip as if the thought is still lingering in his mind. 
“Fuck,” he hums and then takes just a second to shake his head, an action to clear away some of the thoughts. “It’s like, yes, absolutely would love to make love to you--no question. But also, I want to hold your bump you know? Just talk to the little one, be there to force you to sit down and take it easy.”
“There’s a break in a week,” you offer it gently, but even Calum catches the slight hitch to your voice. 
“I need it. I need you,” he whispers. “And like, I don’t mean it solely like that, sexually. I mean it is just as plain as it sounds. I think I’m driving the guys and the rest of the crew insane.”
“Soon, love. There are some perks to pregnancy.” You seal the sentiment with a wink. 
“Oh, don’t do that to me. You’re stirring an already boiling pot.”
With a playful shrug, you grin. “Maybe I’m looking to boil it over.”
“I know a spot for that,” he returns with a laugh. His name is called from somewhere off to the side and Calum catches more of it than you. He exhales deeply. “Getting rounded up. So--I’ll double check the September show, we’ll look for venues for the baby shower, and you’re sending me a bump picture as soon as you can.”
“Yes, yes, and, definitely.”
“Love you and let Pumpkin know I love them too. And Mum.”
You nod. “I will let all parties know.”
You and Joy sit at the dining room table but both of you are clearly more attuned to the front door than anything else. Joy asked Calum early in the week if he wanted her to pick him up but the thing that worried Calum was that if fans spotted Joy then they’d have questions about why she was in the States. If those questions started he’s sure that it wouldn’t be super long until they started questioning where you’d gone or what was going on with you. Though you weren’t active much at all on social media in terms of actually posting things, anything you did post would be subject to close scrutiny. Neither you or Calum truly wanted to announce the pregnancy as it alone was already a lot to work with given the tour at this particular moment. It was subject to change, but right now it felt too new and too fragile to be announced to the public. 
So you and Joy stayed home, letting the car that the band always had pick him up and drop him off at home. But the two of you are waiting and waiting. Your leg bounces as you break apart the same piece of cookie into smaller and smaller pieces. You flick your gaze over to the door. Duke is also posed on the couch, head positioned in the direction of the door as if he knows exactly what everyone else is waiting for. A smile crosses your face and then you look back down at the plate. 
When you look up again, Joy is smiling over at you. You know she knows. “Joy, don’t look at me,” you laugh, covering your face. 
“I’m glad he has you,” she says instead. “And though, I was hoping I’d get to see you two going down the aisle before this and I won’t let him get away with that so easily, I’m really really glad he has you.”
It did seem, sometimes when you thought about it, that things were happening too in ways that you hadn’t anticipated. “Life has a funny way of working things out.”
She nods. “That it does.” Her phone chimes and she pushes up just a little to check in. “Oh Mali, the earth is still spinning,” she chuckles mostly to herself. To you, she asks, “Have you thought about baby names?”
“Shit!” you exclaim. How’d you forget to look at names? Why wasn’t that the first thing on your mind? 
Joy grins. “Hey, no. There’s time. You’ve got many things on your mind. That’s why I’m here. Give me some of those things, dear. I’m not going to be spending a year out here for nothing.”
“A year?” you ask. You thought she was just saying until Calum’s tour finished. 
“Yeah. You thought I’d just up and leave to the other side of the world without spending a few months with my grandbaby. Oh, you’re sorely mistaken.”
“Joy--that’s your whole left you’ve put on pause. What do you mean?”
She shakes her head, a brighter smile lighting up her face. “Sweetheart, my whole life is right there.” She points to your abdomen. The gesture turns grander to the house around you. “Right here. I only dreamed of my children getting opportunities like this. We lived paycheck to paycheck and there were plenty of nights where I stayed up trying to crunch numbers. My kids have surpassed everything I could conceive of for them. I get to grow older, watch them grow up. Spoil grandbabies. That sounds a lot like life to me.”
“When you put it like that, yeah it does,” you nod. You take a quick second to wipe your cheeks. “Joy, I know I say it like five thousand times a day, but I appreciate you being here. Like a lot. When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I was underwater and I’d forgotten how to breathe. I still feel like that sometimes. But I need it. I know I asked for it--the help. But it’s like you expect a certain level of help but I don’t know. It just means a lot. I’m babbling and I don’t know what else to say but thank you.”
“You’re beyond welcome, hon. Now, please actually eat the cookie before I do. I’ve already had three. No more.”
You pop a piece into your mouth even with a watery smile. “Yes ma’am.” 
Duke pops, front paws resting on the couch arm rest and lets out a bark. He goes like he’s going to leap from the couch, but you’re quick to pop up from the seat. “What is it?” you ask. You know Duke can’t answer, but still the question falls easily for your lips. 
Not too soon after the question falls, there’s the distinct click of the door unlocking. You continue to the couch to help Duke down. The door opens up and Calum with backpack and suitcase in hand stands on the other side of the door. His smile is brilliant after landing his gaze on you. You reach out to pull the suitcase further inside. “I got it,” he laughs, but you don’t stop realizing that you don’t quite have the breath to talk gazing up at Calum. Duke is steadily barking at his feet and Calum is quick to pick up the small dog. “Hey, I’m back, buddy. Missed me?”
“Aye, the man of the hour,” Joy comments, before briefly kissing Calum on his cheek. 
“Hi, Mum,” he returns, giving her a quick hug. You catch Joy’s voice but can’t hear the exact words she passes along to Calum. He flicks his gaze over to you and a small blush takes over his cheeks. “Mum, please.”
“I only speak the truth,” she returns and takes Duke from Calum. “We’ll give you two some privacy. But I mean it, son.”
“I know you do,” Calum sighs, slipping the backpack from his shoulders. 
The moment Calum turns back to face you, you slide yourself up to his chest, arms encasing his waist. You burrow your head into his sternum. His shirt holds the smell of the airport’s lingering scent and beneath it is the faint hint of nicotine. The heaviest edge that dances in your nose is his own natural musk. It’s all just Calum in your arms. 
“Hey,” he whispers, arms wrapping around your shoulders. 
Calum’s left before. It happens. You’ve always known how to handle the distances that his job sometimes takes him. It could be the constant flux of hormones, or the fatigue that seemed to be settling in deeply at every turn for you. But the embrace you share with Calum sends a wave of emotion through you. The tears sting at first, for just a moment and then the wave breaks the dam. You shake into his chest. 
“It’s okay, baby,” Calum states. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m just glad you’re back. And I’m horny. And I’m hungry,” you answer.
Calum’s chuckle shakes through his chest and yours. “We can tackle all of those, I promise.” He takes half a step back. Tears are slipping down your cheeks but you’re smiling and it gives him a prompt to smile too. His thumbs swipe gently at your cheeks. “I know you’re going to holler at me about taking an actual break, but this weekend, just the two of us are going to take a little drive up the coast okay.”
“The weekend’s like your whole break?” It’s not really, but the weekend would be a third of this break. 
“And I’d always want to spend it with you.” Calum’s palms are warm against your cheek, long fingers almost wrapping around to the back of your head as he cradles your face. 
“This weekend, up the coast?” 
Calum nods. “I promise it’s nothing crazy. Just a little getaway.” Your silence lingers, eyes darting across his face. The tears have slowed. “It’ll take care of one of those issues you listed off earlier.” 
Your laughter falls easily when Calum sends a wink your way. “Will there be time for baby names?”
“Absolutely,” Calum agrees. “I’ve already been thinking of some ideas.”
“I’m so behind on that front.”
“No, you’re doing other things. Like trying to redo the guest room, putting together the registry, thinking about the baby shower. You’ve still got your job too. There’s only so many hours in the day, love.”
You tuck yourself back into Calum’s chest and nod at his statement. You miss his scent. It left the sheets after the third wash. There’s still some shirts and occasionally you dress his pillow in one but it’s not the same. Nothing is better than Calum right here in front of you. His lips are gently against the top of your head. There’s no rush as the two of you remain in the embrace. 
Calum takes it upon himself to fix you and Joy dinner. As he cooks, he takes small breaks to rest a hand on your growing stomach. It’s a reminder--the physical reminder that all the long calls and mornings spent browsing too many parents and baby websites is actually for something. Over the sizzle of the pans and through the laughter of you and Joy, Calum’s sure he’s floating. He’s sure none of it is real and yet, when you walk behind him, your hands brush over his lower back, he’s reminded that it is all real.
Tagging: @carma-fanficaddict @one-sweet-gubler
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
Principal’s Pet
This is part of the Cavill School Writing Challenge. Thank you for @killjoy-assbutt-1112 for creating this idea and @oh-for-fic-sake for making the challenge. I would love feedback from anyone who will be kind enough to give it.
Warnings: Porn without plot. Smutty bondagey goodness. BDSM, Impact play, humiliation, degradation, language, Male Dom, Fem Sub, lactation, breeding, unprotected sex, exhibitionism. If I’m missing anything, let me know.  There is barely any backstory, I just love little scenarios like this. If you are not into impact play, this might not be your flavor. However, please don’t yuck my yum.
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Pairing: Principal Cavill x Anita (ofc)
Word count: 2K
A mother’s lust
Smut below the cut!
Principal Cavill sat in his office, typing away at the report he was going to be submitting to the school board the next morning. The soft motorized sucking noise, a faint gasp and sultry moan filled the silence he left while pondering what to include next. His mechanical keyboard clacking rhythmically, he looked up from the screen and gazed at the woman tied to the chair next to his desk. She was one of the young, unwed mothers that had come to the Cavill Reform and Vocational School for Young Women seeking job skills from one of the programs they offered. The school had a private dormitory and child care for these women coming into the school for training. Some of the girls were there because other private schools would no longer take them, others were there because the school boasted a high success rate of getting the women hired after completion. Either way, over the years, it had developed a nickname. The girls enrolled referred to it as The Cavill School for Wayward Strumpets.
The strumpet currently soaking her panties on the wooden chair in his office was being punished for sneaking out after curfew. She evidently wanted to see her baby’s father. A few days ago, she had been in his office with her fussy baby, talking to him about how she didn’t know what she was going to do, but she appreciated the life skills she had been learning. She looked exhausted that afternoon. The principal asked her to hand the baby over to him. He gently rocked back and forth with the tiny infant in his arms. The little one let out a wail and then fell asleep.
“See, Anita, sometimes you just need to relax and the things you want will happen.” He said calmly. He looked at her big green eyes. Just below her eyes, he noticed the dampness growing across her breasts. The baby’s cries must have triggered her let down. He tried to keep his face neutral, but when she noticed, her face flushed deeply and he saw the humiliation written across her face. Between the breast milk, and that lovely blush that graced her face, he could feel himself stirring. She babbled an apology and covered herself. He offered her his dark blue sweater so she could go back to her dorm and change.  The sweater was so huge on her that it made him chuckle to himself. He handed the sleeping baby back to Anita and she shuffled off.
This morning, she was tied to the chair, school uniform skirt hiked up so he could see her little pink panties, her blouse was unbuttoned down to her waist, full tits pulled out over her bra cups with a fancy breast pump attached to her nipples. The pump had been draining her for the past twenty minutes and the milk pouches were almost completely full. Her pouty lips were held apart by a gag causing her to drool down her neck and chest. What the woman didn’t know was that the gag in her mouth was shaped after the head of Principal Cavill’s cock. He had shoved it her mouth after she wouldn’t stop backtalking to him in protest.
Anita let out a pained whimper. He said in a sweet tone “Oh dear, I should take those off of you, shouldn’t I. Your poor sensitive nipples.”
He removed the pumps from her chest. Eyeing the droplets left clinging on to her puffy, aching nipples, the Principal leaned forward and licked the liquid gold. The softness of his tongue after the harshness of the pump made her inhale sharply then moan. He fixed the pouches of milk and placed them in the little refrigerator in his office. He came back and started massaging her large breasts. Her eyes fluttered shut and she pushed her chest towards his hands. “You are a very good mummy, you know that right? You are doing the right thing for you and your little angel by being here. I see a lot of potential in you Anita, however, you still need to be punished.”
He took off his silk tie first, then his supple leather belt. He untied the young woman from the chair, and leaned her over his desk. She didn’t fight him at all. He used his silk tie to bind her arms behind her back. Stand behind her, he used one of his feet to spread her legs apart. He could see the pooling arousal in those light pink panties. “Little girl, you have earned fifteen lashes on this beautiful ass of yours. If you are a good girl and take this with some dignity, I’ll be sure to put in a good word with Mr Solo, and make sure he sends you something special for dinner. Alright?”
The bound woman nods her head. With his thick thumbs, he pulls the pink panties down by her knees. The first lash leaves a red welt across her perfect posterior. She yelps and flinches slightly. The second lash hits above the last, the next several hit different parts of her rump. By the ninth lash, he noticed that she was moaning more than yelping, raising her ass a little to meet the belt. Her sex glistened with her arousal. He paced out the last six as evenly as he could. Even with the special consideration he took with her backside, her skin was red and angry. He leaned forward to pull her panties back up for her when she arched her back and presented herself more to him. His office smelled like her gorgeous sex, and he wanted to bury himself in her rose colored core. He kissed one of the red welts gently. “You liked this, didn’t you? My little pain slut.”
Her eyes were dreamy as she nodded at him. He ran his hand up her thigh, stopping at the beautiful flower, begging to be watered. She pressed herself into his thumb that brushed against her sex. “You like feeling humiliated like this don’t you? Someone could just walk through that door and see what a slut you are for me. But I bet you want that, don’t you?”
Between the questions, he planted kisses on different welts, on the last one he bit down. The noise that came from around the gag in her mouth was primal and made his cock throb. He then had an idea, he wanted to test the limits of this little masochist in his grasp. He undid his tie on her wrists and then in a quick movement, he rolled her onto her back, and pushed her so her bottom and feet were on his desk. He took the straps from the chair and tied her wrists to the same side’s ankle leaving her pussy open and on display for him. He walked around to her head for a moment, taking in the beautiful tableau before him. Her breast still bare for him, nipples puffy and erect. He leaned down and whispered in her ear “I want to try something with you,” His voice was thick with desire. “None of my other students have seemed to enjoy their punishment as much as you have. I think we might both like this, but I need to know you trust me.”
Anita nodded her head, smirking behind the gag in her mouth. He leaned down and kissed her around the apparatus in her mouth. He trailed his mouth down her exposed skin, flicking his tongue on her sore nipples and he continued to her waiting center.
He fixed his belt in hand, and brought down the first stroke on her core. The young woman screamed behind the gag, she shuttered but left her legs open. He ran his hand up her thigh, “Do you want me to stop?”
She lifted her head off the table, eyebrows knitted together and violently shook her head no. “You want me to keep going?”
She nodded enthusiastically.
He brought the belt down again. Again she shuttered and cried out. A third stroke had her eyes rolling to the back of her head. A forth one had her back arching and legs trembling. A last well placed smack landed dead center and she was so close to heaven.
He watched as she trembled and writhed on his desk. He leaned his head down between her thighs and kissed the bruised flower. She gasped and her hands searched for his as he pulled to to the edge of the desk and buried his face in her lust. On his knees he ravished her sacred garden. Kissing, nibbling, sucking on her most delicate anatomy, he brought her to the edge of immense pleasure and watched as she rode the wave as it crashed around her. He wiped his face off on her thigh, leaving a lingering kiss near her knee. “I want to fuck this pretty pussy of yours, Anita. I want to fuck you like that weak little boy who knocked you up and left you to fend for yourself never could. I want to show you want a man can do for you, will you have me?”
After a moment’s hesitation, Anita again nodded enthusiastically. With that he unleashed himself from the pants he was wearing. He ripped his shirt off and his clothes fell down to the floor with a light plop. The principal rubbed himself against her opening, getting himself slick with her pleasure. In a slow, smooth movement, he entered her. Her back arched again and a sexy, deep moan of pleasure came out. He began to pound himself her red and raw flesh.
“You like this, don’t you? My little pain slut. You are so fucking sexy. You like being used, your cunt is so tight on my cock.” The principal rasped as laid claim to the woman’s body. He started rubbing her clit with his large thumb, “Do you got another one in you, baby? Think you can cum on my cock?”
Before Anita could answer, the office door swung open. Mr Walker entered the room, “Hank, you wanted to see me?”
He stopped dead in his tracks seeing the young woman being impaled on the desk with Principal Cavill thrusting into her. The interruption was just what she needed to make her see stars again. Her eye’s rolled back in her head as she screamed again behind the gag in her mouth. “Now’s not a good time, Walker. Oh, you fucking slut, cum on my dick.”
Walker chuckled to himself and left the room exclaiming, “I fucking love this job.”
The principal’s eyes never left his captive, feeling her body convulse on him, made him join her in absolute pleasure. He emptied himself into her willing body.
He rubbed the inner part of her thigh as she twitched and moaned for him. She was wrecked. He watched as the cum pooled on his desk after he had removed himself from her. He took the silk tie and cleaned himself off with it, then proceeded to untie his victim. Kissing her one more time around the gag, he unleashed her. He pointed at the mess they had made with a quite, “Do you mind cleaning that up?”
Without a word, she got up off the desk, walked over to the edge then seductively bent over and licked up every drop that had spilled from her. She moaned like it was the sweetest nectar she had ever tasted. She was going to make an excellent plaything for her remaining time at the school. 
Reaching into his desk, he pulled out the balm he used when he got too heavy handed for some of the girls. He then ever so gently rubbed the salve on her welted bottom and sex. He might be strict, but never cruel. He paid special attention to her little bruised flower. She sucked in air and ground herself against his hand. Without being asked she moved her hands behind her back, allowing him to look at her body unobstructed.
“As long as you are here, as long as you are mine, this little honey pot belongs to me. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Principal Cavill.”
“You are no longer allowed to cum without my permission. You will not fuck without my permission. You will open yourself to whoever I tell you to. You will be one of my prized bitches, and I will breed you however and to whoever I see fit. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Principal Cavill.” She bit her lip, and he felt her body get warm on his fingers. He pulled his hand out from her cum dripping core and he put them in front of her face. Her green eyes never left his blues as she sucked their fluids off of his thick digits.
“Someone tried training you before, didn’t they?” He asked, she nodded as she kept sucking. It wasn’t until his fingers were cleaned that he allowed her to redress. He looked at her lovely neck and thought how much better it would look with collar on. He wondered about the depths of her depravity and how hard she would work for his pleasure. He almost wished he could let her lay on the dog bed he kept under his desk for Kal, so she could tenderly kiss and and stroke  his cock when he wanted.
Principal Cavill instructed young Anita that when she got to her room, she would need to take a bath. And that tomorrow she would be expected to visit him again in the morning so he could make sure to tend to her welts. He handed her the milk she pumped earlier and left her with some final instructions.
“Oh, And I will have Mr Solo to send you up some vanilla ice cream tonight. I expect you to be able to hand express yourself tomorrow into my morning cup of coffee. Maybe if you are a good girl tonight and don’t sneak out again, I’ll let you sit on my cock while you do it. If yo are really good girl, I might even let you cum. However, if you are a bad girl, I’ll make Mr Walker watch as I thrash your bottom again while you are bent over my desk and you will have to tell him what a pain slut you are. Understood?”
Anita smirked mischievously. “Yes, Principal Cavill. Thank you, Principal Cavill.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Maybe. A story where Sammy and Norman get out of the studio right before hell brakes? They need a good ending ;-:
Summary: Sammy's sudden decline in health saves both him and Norman from something much more sinister than they could ever imagine.
     In another world, Norman Polk makes the mistake of ignoring the glaring signs that something is terribly wrong with Joey Drew Studios. In this one... He gets luckier. The butterfly effect could be attributed to this somewhat fortunate turn of events, as the split second decision to look for something he misplaced is what leads him to witness Sammy throwing up just outside of the men's bathroom nearest to the music department. Had he let it be for another night, he'd be none the wiser to the severity of Sammy's condition. Norman wasn't sure then how the cranky music director ingested the ink. Assumed, even, that it had been another near death experience that involved burst pipes and flooding. So he'd acted purely on instinct and taken the poor kid to the hospital.   "He's lucky to be alive. The amount of ink in his system would have been enough to kill at least three men." The doctor told him, equal parts fascinated and horrified with the case he'd been presented with. "I'm not sure how none of his organs have shut down from the toxicity levels, but I've got to say Mr. Lawrence is a resilient man."   "A pain in ta neck too... Had he called for help he likely wouldn't be in this state..." Norman had assumed it was Sammy's pride that kept him from calling out from what he was sure was just another ink flood in his department. How wrong he was. "I is gonna have ta call my brother ta see if his poor sister is at his. Can't imagine she ain't worried sick 'bout what's takin' him so long ta get home."   "You may use the reception phone to call his family, yes. I'll have a nurse get you if he wakes up." Sammy didn't wake up. Not that night at least... That would only happen the next night, and by then Norman would be busy with something else that would definitely boggle his mind.
  "Yous is sure Drew ain't said a hush o' a whisper 'bout what's goin' on?" Norman frowned as he talked on the phone with Wally. He'd gotten up that morning barely having slept after returning home from the hospital, only to discover the studio was closed down and under police investigation.   "Nothin'! Whatever happened he's keeping it real quiet... But get this: Several people in the studio up and vanished!" Wally exclaimed. "Into thin air, like it was a magic show!"   "Vanished...?" Norman frowned, sounding incredulous at the vague statement. "What does that mean exactly Wally?"   "What ya think it means pal. Gone. No clue how or why, just the when." The janitor sighed. "Bunch a good folks too... Miss Campbell, Shawn, Grant, that Piedmont fellow and Mrs. Benton..." Wally paused for a second, as if to figure out who else had apparently gone from under everyone's nose.   "Oh! Couple a' band members gone... Jack and Mel too, which Joey sounded real sad 'bout cuzz ya know... Mel gives the Butcher Gang that real voice magic o' his..." Wally dragged on before coming to stop at the two people Norman most dreaded hearing about. "Buddy and Dot, and like half 'a the art department..."   "That's 36 people gone. How in the hell did a group o' folks just up an' go without none seein'?!"   "I don't know Norman!" Wally sounded honestly freaked out. "I'm pissing my briefs just thinking something awful's gone and happened to them! But Joey insists everything is gonna be ok and... I donno, that just don't sit well with me..."   "Sure don't... Sounds mighty awful suspicious that he'd be so calm considerin' a ton of his employees went and pulled a Houdini act..." Norman hissed into the phone as he looked out the window. Something about this situation was getting him real paranoid all of a sudden.   "Eh... Wait, didn't that there Houdini fellow die during his own act...?"   "As a matter o' fact, yes. He did." Norman swore he saw someone retreating down his street. Something fishy was going on. And Joey Drew obviously knew more than he let on.   "Gosh... I think it's finally time t'a really get outta the studio."   "I'd say so kid." He pulled the curtains closed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had to think. "I'll call ya later Wally. I'm gonna go and check on Sammy at the hospital. You gimme the low down if ya find out anymore o' this scam."   "Got it Norms. Good luck with Sammy, he's probably gonna be real grumpy 'bout nearly dying again!"
     Grumpy did not described the state of mania Sammy seemed to wake up in. Later that night the blond music director had suddenly jolted up and awake and the absolute nonsense he was spouting was worrying to say the least. If Norman wasn't already so bamboozled by what was going on with the studio, he might look mortified at the scene the other was making. In fact, Norman was too busy shielding Sammy's sister from the absolutely insane tirade he was going on to really care...   "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! HE NEEDS ME! I NEED TO GO BACK! LET ME GO BACK!" Sammy Lawrence was a tall man, but he wasn't particularly strong. A beanpole that was sharp bony angles and unconventionally handsome looks. The man currently fighting off three doctors trying to jab him with syringes full of sedatives was not even flinching when he was shoved. Norman had never seen such insanity in one person's eyes, and frankly he could barely recognize his coworker as he was. The way his curly long hair framed his face almost made his eyes look darker than they should be. Like inky pools. He could only guess what Abigail must be feeling, even as he tried his best to keep her from witnessing what was likely her brother having some sort of long overdue psychotic break.   "WOULD SOMEONE SEDATE HIM ALREADY BEFORE HE GOES AN' HURTS SOMEONE?!" The projectionist hollered over the screams, just surprising Sammy enough that one needle could find its mark. A minute or so later, the blond flopped back down into the bed he'd been laying on. Quiet as a sleeping mouse. Norman held the poor weeping Abigail Lawrence even as they were pushed out of the room.
     15 years later, Norman Polk found himself reviewing the last couple of years of his life. He'd abandoned a previous career path to help fix whatever horrors Drew's brand of ink had done to Sammy. The blond had been treated for all sorts of things, none of the treatments seeming to work whatsoever in his time playing the role of a sickly lab rat. Only time seemed to have some kind of positive effect, and even still the damage was noticeable. Abby had gone to live with Norman's brother and his niece and nephew, with the ex-projectionist himself popping in every so often to help where he could. His brother was short on money so he did odd-jobs here and there to help. Norman's own kids were well off as it were so he didn't need to worry too much about how much he spent looking after the others. In the time that the investigation had come and gone, Joey Drew Studios had closed for good. None of the missing folk ever returning. In fact, Norman knew for sure more people were going missing...      As of today things were... Quiet. Too quiet really, considering how turbulent it had been. Sammy was out under his younger sister's custody, labelled some sort of invalid because his head wasn't working too good (a lie, as Norman caught him in his more lucid moments and knew how frustrated and trapped the once-music director felt about his situation that he couldn't even explain). He wasn't nearly as outspoken and ornery as he used to be. All sense of pride vanishing and being replaced with this deep dark shame over something out of his control. Less wordy and more tired looks and vague gestures. His eloquence and motor skills had also suffered greatly from having consumed a toxic liquid that inexplicably caused enough damage to ruin his independence, but not enough to damage many major organs or bodily functions. Norman visited and played chess of all things, to keep him company. The blond seemed to appreciate it, but his interest was on what Norman did nowadays. He was a private investigator. His main case? Joey Drew Studios. And tomorrow he was getting answers from none other than Joey Drew himself, as the man had reached out to him in quite the compelling letter... It was about the right time to go back to the old studio and find out what had happened the night he and Sammy left.
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autisticsidesau · 5 years
could we know more about V and Dee?? I love that they're siblings, it's one of my favourite relationship options for them!!!!
Gosh where to start. These siblings are,,,, a lot that's for sure
tw: mentions of past ABA ‘therapy’, ARFID (a type of eating disorder)
They’ve been causing their moms stress for 16 years /j
They used to share a room as kids, and while the did eventually get separate rooms, it took months until they were regularly sleeping in their own beds
They still come into the other’s room and share beds on occasion 
Their moms think it’s adorable to find them snuggling together in the morning even tho they’re both teens
Virgil has poor fine motor skills and so Dee helps them tie their shoes every morning 
They’re the best at supporting each other through each other’s worst meltdowns
Virgil knows exactly how to calm Dee down so Dee won’t hurt himself and Dee knows the best way to calm Virgil down as well as identify whether they’re about to have a panic attack or a meltdown
To calm Virgil down, Dee takes them to the Sensory Room
Since Virgil got out of ABA they’ve always had a small room in the house dedicated to sensory and autism stuff
They usually spend an hour or so together in the room after dinner 
It helps them both calm down and process their days (they do usually talk pretty in depth about their days and their classes while hanging out during Sensory Time)
Dee doesn’t need Sensory Time as much as Virgil but It’s part of Virgil’s routine and Dee joins them 
If one of them starts happy stimming, the other often will often reflect it to show agreement/support/equal happiness. They’ve definitely gotten caught in stimming loops before
Dee is super sensitive to textures so during really bad meltdowns he’ll take all his clothes off
Virgil’s really bad at recognizing their bodily needs such as sleeping, eating, peeing, etc. (they also have ARFID)
They crack jokes around each other about Virgil accidentally not sleeping or almost peeing themself and Dee “stripping” but only around each other 
They have a very special birthday tradition where they get each other gag gifts every day until their bday for the age they’re turning and on their actual bday they get each other something super sentimental that usually becomes a comfort item 
(basically if they’re turning twelve it’s 11 gag gifts, one per day leading up to their bday until their actual bday when they give each other something super genuine and thought out)
They infodump to each other all the time, especially about SpIns and their pets
Virgil was diagnosed first at four, and after learning that a lot of the symptoms their moms had observed in Virgil and Dee were symptoms of autism, Dee got tested and was diagnosed as well
Virgil really struggled with communication as a young kid and was nonverbal until about age 7
Because of this and other struggles, a friend of their moms’ suggested they put Virgil in a “really great program that helps autistic kids cope called ABA”
Virgil goes to ABA and it- being ABA- is of course awful
Once his moms find out what exactly is going on there and how bad it is they immediately pull him out and place him in actual decent therapy to cope with the experience that was ABA
Overall, Dee and Virgil are inseparable. They’ve always been together, and they’ve always loved and supported each other
Which is why it’s so weird that Dee’s suddenly stopped talking to Virgil about the things that are bothering him
And Virgil knows something’s bothering him
But what?
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blankdblank · 5 years
Forgotten Pt 6
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Prologue - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 -
All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78
X Thranduil - @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf
Sleeping alone in your new home proved to be more difficult though even after finishing off the interior of it. Once again leaving you strolling through your back door and settling out in your yard with a mug of cocoa to sip on. Under the clear night sky you lounged against a large boulder by the edge of the water. Nearly an hour you sat, simply watching as the moon and starlight danced across the surface of the lake as a pair of swans gracefully glided across, breaking through the reflections that glittered across their wings.
Shifting your eyes they landed on the only other living creature still up and roaming around off in the distance, the tall Elf that daily lingered around your shop making sure the progress on his rusted heap was coming along. Lost to sleep himself still unable to keep from thinking of the kiss you left on his cheek two days prior all but leaving him speechless in your presence in a loss for what to say. Walking to a set of chairs by the waters edge he claimed one sending a glint of icy blue at you when he stole a glance at you. Bringing a small smile to his face raising his own mug in a distant toast you sent back before taking another sip of your drinks. 
Finishing your mug you set it down beside you, shifting sideways to lay back to get a better look up at the stars relaxing your arms up around your head brushing your hair from your face propping up a leg feeling the warm breeze crossing over your bare arms and legs in your tank top and knee length sweats. Each distant flicker seemed to ease your lingering tension from the long day of sanding and scraping you’d spent on that damn boat. Closing your eyes your mind snapped back to that first boat you’d helped to repair, the same one Bifur and Bofur escorted you across the lake to your first and only dance you’d attended in Erebor.
Soft crunching of grass brought your eyes open again and causing your head to turn facing the Elf approaching with a soft smile and a thermos in hand. Nearly at your side he watched as you sat up propping your legs up in front of you resting your arms on your knees meeting his timid gaze, raising his thermos he asked, “Need a refill? Cocoa right?”
Smiling you nodded at him turning to grab your mug and offer it to him as he sat at your side filling your mug, “Can’t sleep either?”
He shook his head passing it back to you, “Rarely do. Nights are so clear here, not like back in the city, plus I never understood how Dwarves could miss some of the best parts of the day. Stars are far too gorgeous to miss out on.”
His eyes watched your smile grow as you nodded, “True. Your Ada loved to sit up and watch them with me.” From the corner of your eye you watched as he brushed back his glowing long blonde hair over his flannel coated back as his bare feet shifted on the cool grass out from under his matching flannel pajama bottoms. Glancing over you asked, “That why you moved out here, the stars? Finally convinced you out of all the noise?”
He smiled again, “That, and Ada kept insisting I not waste any more time in that scorching job. Insisted I need to move at a slower pace, funnily enough. Mainly so we could trade and he could be with Naneth again more often.” His eyes watched as you took a sip of your drink, “Why did you pick here? Ada never mentioned it.”
Your eyes met his, “My parents died.” His smile fell, remembering the loss of your Mother from the art exhibit as you pointed at your old cottage, “Bifur and Bofur, my Godfathers, took me in. Went off to school and all I could think of was coming home.” You smiled again bumping his elbow with yours, “Don’t worry about it, no need to give me that look. But that’s why a lot of people don’t bring it up. Your Ada moving in was part of the reason the town stopped focusing on me after he showed up.”
He smirked, “Quite a distraction I assume.”
You giggled drawing his eye back to you and smile larger, “Oh yes, blondes have that effect I’ve noticed.”
He chuckled as you smiled again and turned to watch the swans preening, “I hear he also caused quite a stir shutting down the diner.”
You giggled again, “There’s still a few people who refuse to speak with him after that.” Your eyes met, “I hope you’re not planning on shutting down any businesses yourself, we’re running out of social spots.”
Chuckling again he eyed his nearly empty mug then met your eyes again, “No, I wouldn’t do that. We’ve got all the room we need.”
You nodded pointing at his Manor, “I can see that.” Making him chuckle again, “You’re just focusing on taking control of the ocean.”
“Not control. Honestly I’ve never sailed a day in my life. But I took lessons and then I saw the Pearl was for sale.”
“Please tell me you didn’t spend more than 500 for it.”
He chuckled again, “I, am not that gullible, worked him down to 350. The guy just wanted to be rid of it.”
You shot him a playful smile, “So one day you just, decided to take up sailing?”
He smirked taking a sip from his mug he’d just refilled, “Well I don’t own a tractor.” Your brow rose as he gave you a timid smile, “You work on boats, and it seemed simple enough to learn, especially ones with motors.”
You asked through your giggles, “So you bought a boat, just so you could have me work on it?”
Wetting his lips he met your eyes again, “I needed an excuse to get the courage to talk to you.”
You giggled again, “You’re serious?”
“Is that so hard to believe?”
You nodded, “Ya, I’ve never had anyone work that hard for my attention before.”
He smiled larger, “I highly doubt that.” Your eyes met his with a raised brow, “Seriously?”
“Last relationship I had was a set up from a friend in trade school. I don’t think you’ve noticed but most of the people I speak with are mainly my Godfathers’ relatives.”
“So you’re truly not interested any of them?”
You giggled again, “I’m not their type.” His smile grew watching you take another sip.
“I hear there’s an old Black and White marathon on at the old theatre a town over if you’d like to see it. And there’s an incredible Italian place down the block.”
“When did you want to go?”
His smile grew, “Clinic’s closed on weekends.”
You smirked, “Well I would, but my weekends are mainly taken up by this Elf who bought this rusted heap.” You broke into giggles as he chuckled again.
“I’m sure the rusted heap can wait. Saturday?”
“Saturday’s good.”
He chuckled again and glanced back at his house spotting a small animal roaming across his lawn, leaning over he gently kissed your cheek, “I’ll see you later today. My Son’s cat is loose.”
“Thank you for the cocoa.”
He smiled at you again before turning back to his house, downing the last of his drink before starting a slow trot towards the creeping cat making you giggle watching him wrangle the creature back inside and wave at you before joining it. Leaving you to draw in a breath take another sip of cocoa as you stood and went back inside with a growing smile, finishing your drink to leave your mug in the sink. Then continuing back in to your room to lay out across your bed with another giggle about all the effort he’d put into asking you out, and wonder about what he was really like outside of him as a hovering customer.
Rolling out of bed you brushed through your hair working it back into the familiar braided bun and stripping to change into your work clothes and boots to head out of your house on your motorcycle, taking advantage of the clear day, and so you could leave it in the shop for a tune up. Parking in your usual spot you opened the shop before guiding your bike inside and starting your daily round of check ups on your supplies and files as the Durins filed in. Each giving you a second glance noticing your lingering smile, Sitting on his wheeled stool Dwalin smirked and scooted to your side making you giggle as he peered up at you, “You seem happy.”
You nodded, “I am. Good morning Dwalin.” Gently pecking him on the top of his head and walking around him only to be blocked by Frerin and Thorin with arms crossed and brows raised.
Frerin, “Spill.”
You gently poked him in the stomach stepping around him, “I, have a Date.”
Their eyes all followed you as Thorin said, “Alright, I drove you home, around 7 and somehow in the last 12 hours you’ve gotten a date?”
Dwalin scooted to their side as you turned to check the drawer of wrenches to see that it was fully stocked as he asked, “Online thing?”
They turned to follow you into the office as Frerin asked while gripping Thorin’s arm excitedly, “Wait, Doctor guy?!”
His answer came with your growing smile as Dwalin chuckled, “Oh it’s about time. Poor thing’s been fawning over you since he moved in.” Frerin grinned hugging Dwalin tightly.
Thorin’s head tilted as his smirk grew, “That explains the boat. Does he even sail?”
“He took courses.” You giggled out.
They chuckled as Frerin replied, “Well he certainly is determined, have to give him that.”
You giggled again with your smile creeping even wider, “I think it’s sweet.”
Thorin smiled at you, “Impossibly sweet. Tad bit foolish, but if he wanted to spend all that money to test your skills it seems fitting.” His arm wrapped around your back to kiss you on the forehead.
Dwalin, “Now you just have to get sick and test his healing skills to make it even.”
You rolled your eyes and joined them back in the larger area of the garage pulling on your coveralls to get started on the boat, climbing inside to scrape the engine hold only to slam your knuckles into the corner as your hand slipped hearing Dwalin shouting, “HEY BOFUR! GUESS WHO’S GOT A DATE?!”
You popped up asking, “You’re really not going to shout it at everyone that passes are you?!”
Thorin turned with a grin as Dwalin rushed over to share the news as Thorin said, “Oh come on, it’s the first time we’ve heard anything about you dating at all!” His brow rose, “Is it your first date?”
“I dated in trade school. Obviously didn’t last, but I’ve dated.” Ducking down before he could see your growing blush only to have Frerin’s head pop up above the hold asking, “How bout sex?”
You groaned as Thorin added, “Valid question.” Joining his brother peeking in at you.
“I have. Nothing to write home about.”
Frerin, “Why didn’t you bring him home?”
“Bombur met him. And he took off.”
Their brows rose and Thorin said, “That’s not happening again.”
Frerin, “We’ll tether him down if we have to.”
You rolled your eyes again, “Between you all and Dis I’ll be surprised if he even shows up on our date.”
Both, “Oh he’s going.”
Turning back to your work they chuckled again and went back to work themselves as their family and yours filed in and out before spreading the word around town until finally even the postage delivery man had congratulated you causing you to pop your head up and say, “Mahal, even he knows?!” Only to see their grins growing at the familiar car pull up causing you to groan and duck back in your hiding place.
Parking in his normal spot Thranduil chuckled softly spotting your head disappearing from sight as the Dwarves approach him for their usual greeting with growing smirks as Thranduil said, “I take it you heard as well.”
They nodded and chuckled after he said, “Word travels fast. I’ve already had upwards of 30 people congratulating me and asking for details. Including your Sister, who mentioned something about dress shopping.”
Your head popped out again pointing at Thorin, “You stop her! Last dress she picked for me nearly gave me a rash from all the taffeta and bows.”
Thranduil chuckled and moved closer to join you resting his arms on the boat at your side, “How’s she coming along?” His hand patted the side, “Looks nearly new out here.” He chuckled again spotting your quirked up smile readying to laugh at his comment, “Alright, relatively newer than it used to look.”
“Hull’s patched and scraped, just finishing the engine hold, those parts finally come in by next week.” You bit your lip glancing at the ceiling figuring the math making him smile larger, “Maybe two months to get her running, then it’s just paint and interior.”
His smile grew, “Just in time to take you out on the water in spring.”
You giggled again, “Might want to aim for early summer, the water’s really choppy around here through spring due to the rains.”
His smile grew, “Sounds like a plan.” He caught your faint blush as your eyes shifted over his shoulder, “They’re all watching aren’t they?”
You nodded, “And taking pictures.”
“Well hopefully we’ll get copies.”
“I’m sure they’ll be on the front page tomorrow.”
He chuckled again, “Even better.” Smiling larger at you again when your eyes met, “I do have another appointment, but are you off at 8?”
“Care to stop in at the pub tonight?”
“Sounds good. Though we’d have a crowd.”
“Might as well get it over with now, right?”
“Fine, but if Dis shows up don’t be surprised if I hide.”
He chuckled again patting his hands on the hull and turned to walk back to his car slipping through the approaching group who all crowded around you asking for details.
… Kili/Fili …
Barely a few years together and Kili had finally seen the error of his ways, realizing everything his Mother had tried to convince him of since she’d moved with him to Erebor. Tauriel had left him, and ran off with all the money she could snatch up before leaving with Rorrnn, a Dwarf she’d been shamelessly flirting with on the breaks Kili had taken. Years she had been shamelessly money hungry and grasping at any and all chance to wring all the money she could out of his relatives in hope of riding Kili’s coat tails to success, only to fail again and again at his refusal to use others and resort to scams and impossible loans. All this and all he could think of, even facing bankruptcy and losing everything he’d built the pub up into, was you. 
Finally out of a relationship he could finally do what he’d been fighting against attempting to build any sort of relationship with. Ignoring his crippling debt he would surely deal with later he primped extra and descended the stairs from his apartment above the pub to head on over to your shop for the asking only to meet his brother at the base of the stairs panting with a growing smirk on his face, “You are not going to believe what’s happened.”
Kili’s brow rose brushing past Fili, “It can wait, I gotta go to Jaqi’s shop.”
Fili chuckled grabbing his arm, “So you’ve heard then, about Jaqi’s date?”
Kili’s eyes met his brother’s feeling his heart skip, “Her what? Jaqi doesn’t date.”
Fili chuckled, “Apparently she does. Had an ex or two back in trade school too.” Patting his brother on the shoulder, “Guess she’s not so helplessly smitten over you anymore.”
Kili grabbed Fili’s arm stopping his leaving, “What do you mean smitten?”
Fili chuckled, “Surely you noticed, all through school.” His eyes narrowed, “You didn’t notice? At all?”
Kili’s head shook, “No, why didn’t you say anything then?”
Fili, “You never even spoke to her barely, wouldn’t have changed anything.”
Kili, “I would-.”
Fili’s tone rose, “You didn’t even have any interest in her at all until she came back from school, fully grown. Besides you had Tauriel already, and you dated all through school. You said it yourself, you thought she was boring.”
Kili, “Ya but-.”
Fili, “But nothing. Ki, you’re not going to win this one. Not now, all you can do is wait to see how this turns out.”
Kili, “Who is it? At least tell me that.”
“The Doctor.”
“The Doctor?! The one that bought that rusted heap?! He probably doesn’t even know how to sail!”
“Doesn’t really matter, he bought the boat as an excuse to see her. And went to talk to her each day. Now that, says something about how she should be treated and you know it. Not like some after thought just because you’re free.”
Fili turned to leave but stopped at the door as Kili said, “I don’t know why you’re so bent about this!”
Fili turned with a glare, “Really? Not at all?! She spent years being ignored, forgotten, pushed aside. Every dance Amad would say, ‘Don’t forget your picture with Jaqi’ and every time she still wouldn’t get asked, and if I hadn’t been seeing Em for so long I’d have asked her myself. Because she is absolutely incredible and everyone seemed to miss that until the package matched the gift! I really don’t get it, I really don’t. But I will tell you this, if it doesn’t work out with the Doctor, you give her time and space and you better crawl on flaming glass to earn a chance with her.” His hand landed on the handle to the door and he left as Kili deflated and sat down on the stool behind him remembering just how difficult the kids you had gone to school with had made it for you to be their friend.
It wasn’t until that same bowl of toothpicks skidded into his view that his eyes rose towards the obvious source. Even in the back corner of the bar Mal had still managed to knock it over in her move to keep Sam from falling off the stool he had climbed onto. The sight of the boys around the fiery haired young woman made a smirk ease onto his lips as she forced a nervous smile watching him blindly collecting the mess to right the bowl again and move it aside while reciting their usual order he got started on.
Curiously at the silence Mal peered around as Merry blurted out, “So, where’s the gold digger?”
Mal instantly glared at him, “Merry!”
Pippen glanced between them and he peered up at her, “What? Uncle said it!”
Surprisingly Kili had skipped the pained reaction he no doubt should have felt and chuckled bringing out the first round of their orders, “Tauriel left me yesterday.”
Mal’s lips parted, “Oh..”
Frodo, “She take your money?”
Sam peered up at her stating, “Valid question.”
Kili’s hand patted Mal’s stirring a deep blush across her cheeks as he shifted his weight on his suddenly wobbling legs with a comforting smile, saying, “No need to stop them. It’ll be public news soon anyways.” He glanced at the boys, “Yes, she did.”
Mal inched closer to the counter wetting her lips saying, “Is there anything we can do?”
Kili chuckled easing his hand back turning to fetch the next set of the orders to serve them, “I’ll think of something. Always do.” He fired a wink at her pleased that he could make a smile flicker on her face easing his worry about the trials ahead. As long as he could keep her smiling he knew he could make it through the day, just focusing on her and the boys he hoped the pain of missing yet another chance with you as well as you apparent massive crush on him when you were younger would fade at least a sliver.
Curiously Kili looked over the boys then asked, “Don’t you normally bring your Uncle with you for lunch?”
Mal, “He and Thorin are having lunch at his place. Planning the dinner reservation I set up for them.”
Kili grinned, “Still dragging it on?”
Mal nodded then wet her lips, “Now I just have to make us scarce tonight like I promised Bilbo.”
Kili smirked jumping on this chance to keep himself distracted all night, “It isn’t much, but you’re welcome at mine for a movie mash up if you like. There’s an extra King mattress and Siggy and Fi are off to visit her Dad in Dale, something about her brother and a science competition.”
The dopey grin growing on Mal’s face made Kili’s spread as an odd warmth coursed through his chest at her nod, brushing her hair behind her ear, “That, would be great, thank you.”
He chuckled, “Anytime. I’ll just spruce up a bit and you can drop by after the clinic closes.” She nodded and after they had eaten he waited for her to be out of sight so he could dart up to his apartment and start hiding all the piles of clothes in his and Fili’s rooms before starting on the dishes piled in the sink and all over the counter. Only going back down for the next lunch rush that eventually freed him to rush up again to vacuum and scrub up the living and guest room just in time for a shower then change into fresh clothes to meet with Mal and the boys to help them carry their bags upstairs and start on the movies as he handled the dinner crowd with his two waitresses.
Pt 7
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bersanosaurus · 5 years
The 8 Stages of Development
In this development, the prenatal development has a three trimester, it is when a woman experiencing morning sickness, enlargement of breast, and fatigue. The woman’s abdomen enlarge during the second trimester, and during third trimester the woman gains weight and may experience breast discharge in preparation for nursing. The milestone in prenatal development are; Germinal phase 0-2 weeks sperm and ovum unite forming zygote, second is Embryonic phase 3-8 weeks wherein the zygote burrows into the lining of the uterus , and in the third one is fetal (phase 9 weeks- birth) the fetus grows from 1 inch long and ¼ ounce. Male fetuses is more active than their female counterparts.
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I learned that it is not easy to be a mother by bearing a child for 9 months, but what is difficult is rearing a child and to follow him up in his different stages of life. It’s difficult to take care of yourself when you’re having a baby because you need to avoid from the food or beverages that may harm your baby such as too much intake of caffeine, alcohol, and medications that can be harmful to the growth of the baby. A mother should always be cautious of her doings and his husband should also take care of them both.
Infancy is the Process of Skills Development. Synapses, Synaptogenesis, Pruning, and Myelination are part of the Brain and Nervous system. Three types of reflexes are Rooting, Babinski, and Moro. Gross is the legs ability while the Fine Motor Skills are the hands ability. Malnutrition can impair the baby’s brain. Macronutrient results from a diet that contains few calories while Micronutrient malnutrition is cause by diet that has sufficient calories but lacks nutrients. Health and Immunization is important to avoid disease. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a disease when infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Two strategies to take a process is Habituation wherein a subject is used to stimulus and its opposite, dishabituation that responds to somewhat familiar. Theorists who claim that perceptual abilities are inborn is Nativists while those who argue that perceptual abilities are learned is Empiricists.
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I learned that in this development the infant will adjust and adapt to the new environment. Infants begin to discover how to interact with their environment and realize their actions. The infant have reflexes such as; survival and primitive. Survival reflexes are; rooting, breathing, papillary, eye blink and sucking while the primitive reflexes may be observed as swimming, stepping, Babinski, and startling. In this development, infants will learn how to discriminate between non-speech sounds and speech sounds and an infant can also show preference for human voices. Motor developments allow the infant to accomplish the raising of heads and chest followed by sitting, crawling, standing and eventually walking.
Early Childhood
This development focuses on the Physical and Cognitive Changes of a child. Changes are not as dramatic as the beginning of walking, but the child acquire skills that increase its independence and exploratory ability. Brain growth, synapse formation, and myelination is not as fast compared to infancy. Corpus callosum connectes the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. A process in which brain functions are divided between hemispheres of the cerebral cortex is called Lateralization. Handedness is another neurological milestone of this period. Rates of growth are slower and declines appetite. A factor in early childhood illnesseses are stress such as colds and flu. Grammar explosion is a period when grammatical features of a child’s speech more similar to adult speech. Fast mapping is linking new words and connects it to the real world. Intelligence Quotient is a general term for any kind of score from a test.
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I learned that in this development newborn grows into a young person who can take care of his or her own body and interact effectively with others. In this stage, a child has mastered many skills such including sitting, walking, toilet training, using a spoon, scribbling, and can catch and throw a ball. Physical changes in early childhood are accompanied by rapid changes in the child’s cognitive and language development. Children will learn how to use their senses to attend to their environment and they begin to develop a sense of cause and effect from their actions and the responses of caregivers.
Middle Childhood
This development is about Physical and Cognitive changes of a child’s life. In this period, muscle coordination continues to improve and the child develops skills,strength, and speed. Girls are ahead of boys in their overall rate of growth. Girls have slightly more body fat and muscle compared to boys. In mascular maturation, girls are coordinated but slower and weaker than boys. Selective attentions is the ability to focus cognitive activity of a problem or situation. Spatial perception is the ability to identify relationships between objects in space. Children are more active in this age because they engage in sports, in result the rates of accidental injuries arised. This could lead into a Traumatic brain injury where the brain function have lost its consciousness. The types of obesity are obese, severely obese, and overweight. In this stage the child also develops the ability to use inductive and deductive logic.
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I learned that this development focuses on play activities, gender roles, and family relationships. Social and linguistic skills are also observed in this development. This period ranges from six to to eleven years and there will be changes in cognitive. Children in this stage is exposed to peer and social influences. The children learns how to use his/her vocabulary and grammar, make social comparisons, interpret their behaviors and ability in relation to their social environment. Self conscious emotions develop as children begin to understand the concept of personal responsibility by learning to interpret the feelings of the people around them.
This development is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Puberty and sexual behavior may come first to our mind when we think about Adolescence. In this period, we are able to make realistic plans and facilitate planning and logic. An adolescent grow 3 to 6 inches a year for several years, girls reach height sooner compared to boys because their bones grow and their joints develop more rapidly. Prefrontal cortex is part of the frontal lobe that is responsible for executive processing and it matures during this period because it contributes advance of the development. Puberty is the term for the physical changes which culminate in sexual maturity. Two types of physical development are; Primary and secondary sex characteristics. Dieting is different from an eating disorder, in which eating eating behavior go far beyond most people’s everyday experience with trying to lost weight. Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa are the two types of eating disorder. Depression and Suicide is also common in this period.
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I learned that this development is where the individuals establish their identities. This development is associated with emotional strain as individuals and forced to model themselves into who they think they are and what they hope to become when they grow up. Adolescence occurs between the ages of 12 to 19 years. Hormonal changes also develops in this stage. The pituitary gland releases growth hormones which stimulate the release of a wide variety of other homes by different glands in the body. Spermarche in boys and menarche in girls are directly related to pubertal changes. I also learned that boys increase muscles while girls accumulate more fat.
Early Adulthood
In this development, we will learn about the Physical and Cognitive Changes of an adult. Two types of aging are Primary in which the changes are biological, universally shared, and inevitable while Secondary aging are due to environmental changes, poor health habits, and disease. Young adults perform better compared to middle-aged every physical measure because they have more muscle tissue, maximum bone calcium, rain mass, better eyesight, hearing,sense of smells, and immune system. In this period, diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and HIV are common. Intimate partner abuse is a physical act that intends to intimidate or harm an intimate partner while Sexual violence is to force a person to engage in a sexual act against the person’s will. Four types of Personality disorders are; Antisocial, Paranoid, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Borderline. Personality disorder is a pattern of behavior the leads to difficulty in social, educational, and occupational functioning.
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I learned that this development is a stage between 20-30 years when grown ups are independent and can explore things that they want. In this stage, grown ups are more emotionally stable which is considered as a sign of maturing. They can already decide on their own in pursuing a career at least a career direction. They already know how to manage a household, estimate the expenses, and to keep a home maintained. They may be involved in a long term relationships or with various groups in the community. I also learned that they can already establish their identity about their likes, dislikes, preferences, and philosophies in life.
Middle Adulthood
In this development, poor health habits begin to catch up with us. Two types of aging; Primary and Secondary aging. In this stage, the processing speed among middle-aged adults are declined. Adults have less ability to control attention compared to young-adults. In middle years, Erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve an erection begins to increase because of decline in testosterone. Middle-aged woman are experiencing menopausal stages such as Premenopausal, Perimenopausal, and Postmenopausal stage. Another change is a loss of calcium from bones which is the Osteoporosis. In the middle years, loss of visual acuity and hearing are common. Consequences of addiction for middle-aged is the alcoholism, in which defined as psychological and physical dependence on alcohol, this can damage brain, memory, and language functions. In this period, family role involves not only giving assistance in both directions in the generational chain but also shouldering the primary responsibility for maintaining relations.
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I learned that this development is risky for the adult because they need to take care of their health. They need to maintain their diet to avoid diseases such as arthritis and hypertention. Middle-aged woman are experiencing menopausal in this stage where they can feel hot flashes because their estrogen and progesterone levels are erratic. I realized that in this stage the middle-aged adults who provide assistance to their parents and also to their adult children are called Multigenerational caregivers and sometimes they can also feel burdened because aside from it is stressful it can also affect the caregivers health.
Late Adulthood
In this development, age-related declines in health, mobility, and cognitive functioning. Gerontology, is the scientific study of aging. Gerontologists thought that old age is about decline and loss. Three older adults are; Young old, old old, and oldest old. Disability is a limitation in an individual’s ability to perform certain roles and tasks. Activities of daily living are self-help tasks and Instrumental activities of daily living are more intellectually demanding. Conditions in this age are hypertension followed by arthritis. Some may live a long life because it is inherited from their genes. In this period, there is a decline in density of dendrites and slowers their synaptic speed. Vision and hearing arises and threats the health in late adulthood. Ability to taste does not seem to decline over the years because taste buds are continually replaced but the elders flavors seem blander and leads them to prefer more intense flavor.
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I learned that during late adulthood, their skin continues lose its elasticity and their reaction time slows, muscle strength diminishes, hearing and vision decline, and their immune system weakens. Changes in the bodies and minds of older adults are due to reduction of size of their brain as well as loss of brain plasticity. I learned that older adults have a hard time remembering things and attending to information. Their memory tends to remain stable but their working memory declines. In this stage, the older adults might also develop a disease which is the Alzheimer’s disease in which it involves loss of mental functions.
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trashcanwriting · 5 years
The Forest of God's Missing Eye
Chapter 1: Maurice Halpine and Clarence Dawyon 
As Clarence’s feelings towards the feral woman of the Forest becomes more clear, Maurice’s only becomes muddled.
Previous Chapter: Chapter 0: God’s Missing Eye
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It has been a month since they had made camp on the mountain opposite of God's Missing Eye, the Forest so many had lost their lives attempting to come to, to find. No one had ever seen the beauty of it with their own eyes, other than the crewmen. The crewmen who had suffered months traveling three mountains now could see the Forest inside and up close. The photographs did not give justice to the actual thing.
The only photographs that captured the island Forest were from airships. Blurry and far from the source, because the moment air transportation got near the island, all controls would deactivate, causing the aircraft to plummet to the ocean below.
The same odd occurrence happened to boats, where the motor would shut off and refuse to restart. It seemed every step humanity tried to make towards the Forest was somehow blocked- until them. Obstructed by mother nature herself, the crew who finally arrived in the blocked land were nothing but advantaged.
Fortunate to be birthed during a time of technological improvement where automatic weapons and motorwagens could be purchased by bulk, a time where medical research had allowed a medic to have the supplies of a hospital office in a single seat vehicle, a time where canned foods could last them the year and a half they had planned to stay.
The crewmen were lucky, they were alive, and making breakthroughs the Great British Empire would feel for the rest of history, creating stepping stones for a colony in a place that had challenged the human race for years- and now had lost.
Clarence, a young scientist fresh from college, had played a hand in such a feat. He should feel pride and the overwhelming emotion of gratefulness he would experience this in his youth, where he could watch the years to come for what came of the hard work of the crew.
However, Clarence was far more concerned with how poorly his socks reeked, of how bored he was of heated vegetables and tinned goods- and how deeply he wanted to shower as his fingers racked his greased soaked mane.
Clarence was suffering from the part of the research expeditions no one prepares you for; leaving your comfy apartment in London to survive in a wilderness. Showering was far and few in between, the food was canned or the berries Doctor Halpine deemed 'safe,' and most of his clothes were fetor with sweat and filth. He always felt grimy- he hated the feeling. He hated living his life inside a tent, a small personal one where he could hardly sit on his knees in his cramped place.
It had been a month, and each day, the two scientist- alongside another crew member for safety- would adventure into the Forest to explore. After returning, worn and tired, he would eat a bowl of beans and whatever vegetable is about to wilt, before going to bed. He only had a few outfits, and each of them had the stench of his body odor as of late, so often he slept nude. The blistering mountain's heat played a factor, and he hated the weather- he missed the rainy days of London, where he could relax in his apartment, shower nightly, and read a book.
The heat was a shock to his system, he would never grow used to the hot sun gleaming down on his burnt skin, he would never grow accustomed to the reddened peeling skin of his exposed arms and neck, and he would never enjoy the constant supply of canned food they had to consume. These problems for Clarence hadn't fazed doctor Maurice; he had spent years dwelling in different harsh climates for the name of science. The only thing that held the older Doctor back was his lame leg, which helped him and Clarence to be on a far more fair playing field.
Clarence couldn't deny his appreciation for being on this trip, the first ever humans to make it to the forsaken land. The Forest God had kept from the hands of humans- now, he and a few selected people were making it possible for humans to own. He knew the Great British Empire would want to colonize this Forest in the next numbering years, after scientists like him and Maurice had combed the realm, photographing and analyzing each tree, each animal- each sand grain.
And God did Clarence want to do it. But he wished he had some mobilized home to stay in- not the tent, the disgusting thing. The fresh scientist would forever be too traumatized to camp for leisure ever again; he swore on his first-born son. He was happy for the rays of the sun to illuminate the thin walls of the cloth, stirring him from his light sleep.
He had never been a morning person. He enjoyed to sleep in until the afternoon the days he had free, reading a book late into the night until the words swam in his head, usually his mind creating the visuals of the literature as he slept. Nowadays, he couldn't focus on his favorite books during the nights, too much heat and exhaustion for his mind to concentrate on anything.
Once he had his boots laced, he clambered from his tent to find Doctor Hapline was already waiting for him. He was sitting on one of the logs they had taken for seating, whistling away as if he had no care in the world as he tapped his cane on the dirt floor. Clarence could understand the joy he felt; he had succeeded in his life work, after years of careful planning he had it in his grasp, and Maurice would never allow it to slip away.
After a quick meal of chopped boiled potatoes, the three were planning the walk for the extended path towards the Forest. The young man had placed some of the boiled potatoes in a metal container, plopping it within his messenger bag. Maurice had attempted to ask what he was doing, but Clarence waved him off. "Can't I have a snack?"
Maurice only shrugged, "Do not feed any animals these, we aren't disturbing the natural ecosystem."
"Now, why would I waste my food on animals?" Clarence had that smug grin of his, causing Maurice almost shake his head. The walk was quiet, as Mr. Underhill readied his rifle with the bullets he might need if they had run into any predatory animals. They had to walk slower, as Maurice's knee pain had grown worse with climbing about and walking for long periods. Despite having to live in the wilderness for expeditions since he was only a child, it had been years since he had been on one, and he was feeling his old age.
Nelson Underhill was a skilled hunter, having thirty years of hunting experience under his belt. Maurice had personally contacted him, offering the role on the research expedition with payment. Nelson couldn't deny an offer to be one of the first humans on God's Missing Eye.
Nelson was trigger happy, hoping to get an animal's corpse as a trophy for his study, to display to all of his hunting company to show his worth. Maurice had told him time and time again of how if they could help it, no animal would be harmed, much to Underhill's dismay.
Arriving at the ringed trees, the three men had to attempt to slide past. Many of the crew had spoken of merely cutting down the wall, yet Maurice was firm on his stance of respecting the lands as he called it. Despite his weak knee that had been injured trying to crawl through the narrow cracks, he still wanted to keep the property safe. He had resorted to using his cane, as the crawling through each day was doing damage to his joints. The three men had slipped past the trees yet again to enter the Forest.
“Alright, today we will go to the Northside.” Maurice announced, already hobbling off with Nelson quick to shadow the man. Clarence nearly rolled his eyes, beginning to trail after the two. Maurice had planned how they would explore the Forest each day, and without Clarence’s input. He felt like a prop rather than an equal.
Clarence hated he had to stay close to the crew, he wished he could break off and explore, taking samples and photographs on his own, but Maurice had insisted the unknown animals were unpredictable, that Clarence could get mauled just as quickly as the poor soul they had lost in the mountains.
He felt slighted by the fact that each day, since the Simian creatures and the unnamed woman, there has been no life seen in this Forest, except the plants. There were no animals to spook. However, Maurice had been so sure, refusing the younger man from his sight.
Nelson held his automatic rifle tight, ready to fire at the first signs of danger. He was trigger happy, so Maurice had to keep the man calm mostly.
As the usual routine, they were wandering near the tree barrier, snapping still lives of any organisms they had yet to capture in their photographer. Clarence took a peek at the puncture holes of the bark, the mysterious creatures or the Forest woman has yet to be seen again. As if she disappeared from the Forest, they had only seen her once- and Maurice was the only one who had seen her in person.
Did she exist?
As the men continued their hiking through God's Missing Eye, the three had begun a whispering, light discussion of the weather and how much longer they could handle eating potatoes before hearing the faint yelps and squeaks in the distance. It was in a whispering voice, trying to keep themselves quiet.
Maurice stopped the two, listening for a moment before he slowly hunched lower, the two other men copying his actions as they made their way through the bushes and plants, Clarence couldn't shake the feeling of being watched intensely now. The air had more moisture in this area; the floor was flooded and muddy against their feet.
Maurice gently moved the scrub, revealing the scene before the three. The hunter nearly shot, but Maurice grabbed the barrel and yanked it down, refusing to allow the creatures before him to come in harm's way because of a startled grown man. Nelson stopped in his tracks by the evident annoyance of the older man, kneeling as the other two had.
There was a large pond before them, roots and vines coming from the sides of the water. The bioluminescent algae shined a shimmering pink, making the scales of the creatures almost glowing. Two creatures had surfaced from the pond, their bony arms leaning lazily against the grassy floor.
The animals could be described as mermaids, but not the beautiful half-humans wrote about in literature. Their hair was dry, withered away only to have spotting gray hair across their skulls.
Their lower part was a muscle-bound, fish-like tail that was thicker than the rest of their body. The upper torso was covered in bony scutes. Their faces were sunken in, with small, buggy black serpent eyes. Their mouth was thin and pallid, without lips, so their long teeth were on full display. The rest of their body had a green hue, dark like the pond they were sticking out from.
The mercreatures were speaking to none other than the feral woman; she was on her knees, moving her head side to side as she squawks at them. In turn, they chirp and hum, seeming to hold a conversation.
After her being impossible to find for weeks, it was a shock to them all. Especially the hunter, who hadn't believed she had even existed before seeing her.
As they spoke, the larger mermaid came up further to the surface, grasping the feral woman's face with gentleness.
The hands of the creature had four digits, ending in claws, her fingers were webbed and covered in harsh scales. The mercreature was chirping quiet, as the feral woman leaned closer for the creature.
"Clarence, you take the photographs; yours is much quieter than mine," Maurice mumbled, as Clarence inched along with the scrubs, holding his photographer ready as he began snapping pictures.
His was a newer model, quiet and without the big flash of Maurice's. He promised himself when he returned to London. He was going to spend the funds he needs to get such a sophisticated device. He can't deny how satisfying it was to get the pictures without scaring away the subjects.
This did not last long, as when the mermaids noticed the moving plants, they all dived within the ocean in unison. The feral woman had tried to grab hold of one before they disappeared within the deep body of water, desperate for them to stay.
Then, silence. The human looked around before moving towards one of the trees. She ran as an ape, using all of her limbs to move across the ground. She opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Clarence had stood. Thoughtlessly acting, Clarence knew she would disappear again, for now long, he didn't know.
This could be his last time to make an imprint for some time, maybe months.
Revealing himself to the feral woman, Maurice gripped his wrist, short nails digging into his flesh. Clarence jerked himself from the other's vice-like grasp, moving forward as the savage woman growled lowly, giving warning to the man who slowly approached her.
He pulled back the flap of his baggage, moving slowly as the undomesticated woman stared intensely, circling his form. He pulled the tin from his carrier, bringing it to his chest and twisting open the metallic container to grab some of the mushy potatoes. The girl pressed her side to the tree, glaring as she bared her teeth.
Clarence wanted to vomit at the state of the teeth, with black buildup at the tops, yellowed to the point of almost brown, they looked as if they had never been cleaned. He couldn't imagine what reeked from her mouth. She needed a dentist or some physical hygiene. He reached within the container, before holding out the boiled mush.
He held the food in his open palm. He had often fed stray animals as a schoolboy, so he applied the same tactics he had then. Slowly approaching her, he halted a few steps in, holding the food to allow her to come to him. Something like food would always sweeten the deal for the sick, skinny dogs that dwelled near his school's courtyard.
She paused, moving closer at the palm. She brought her head closer, smelling the food cautiously. She slowly reached her hands towards his palm, taking the food from them before she crawled away. She was eating it fiercely, mouth smacking as she squinted her eyes, the taste and texture was something she was unused to. As her expression twisted, she chewed sluggish, hoping to understand if she liked it or not.
He couldn't imagine her ever tasting anything boiled, nor potatoes from the natural vegetation that grew from Forest's grounds and around the trees. After she had swallowed the mush in her mouth, she began to crawl against the trees. After a moment, smacking away the potatoes in her mouth, she had started to shriek. She barely finished getting the food down her throat when she began her screaming.
Maurice had jumped from his perched position, reaching to grab Clarence and pull him back to the safety of the shrubbery. He was sure she was calling an alarm of her people, going to get them attacked. Maurice grabbed the young man, yanking him to the ground before the tree the feral woman had pressed herself against began to shake.
The form slid down, using their rough textured palms on both pairs of limbs to glide down the bark as if it was a smooth pole- a normal hand would be bruised and sliced from trying such a thing. The form had slid from the tree the woman had pressed herself to, reaching towards the woman. In turn, the mortal was squawking up a storm, making grabby hands for the ape.
This creature was the same species of the first animals they had found her with. However, this one differed from the last ones they had seen. This one had wrinkles carved in the hairless portion of their face, with white, silver, and light black fur that covered their skin. The protracted armed primate snatched the woman's arm, swinging her to their chest. The woman sighed in relief, gripping onto the fur of the animal and holding onto them tight.
The woman seemed accustomed to the jerking, only wrapping her arms around the neck of the other, before her legs ringed across the other's shallow hips. The primate took no notice of the other humans, using her claws to crawl upon the bark lazily. The woman, however, gave a concise wave to the men as she disappeared far up the trees.
Maurice paused, trying to process the current events as it all happened so quickly, to Clarence acting like a maniac to the woman having some alerting call to the other species. The information swam in his head, almost making the poor man cross-eyed.
When he gained his bearings, he twisted his torso towards the younger. "Zounderkite! What happened to not wasting it? Do you realize what you have done?" His voice was coarse, cutting the air like snapping leather as he struggled to his feet, using his cane for support. Between his harsh words, he was allowing himself to groan from the pain of his knees, having to jump and move so quickly.
"Maurice, I wanted to be known by her, I only fed her some-"
"Clarence, you interacted and disturbed the natural order, something I have told you multiple times not to do."
"There is no way that a human woman in this Forest is natural; I want to gain her trust; we get closer; we might learn more of the animals. They have been hidden from us, but when we saw one of them." He gestures towards the lake, "She is with them. We never saw one of them until we saw one with her. She could be the key to knowing this Forest."
Maurice mumbled under his breath, only stewing more within his anger. He felt rage for being disrespected by such a younger companion, trying to teach the expert on what he knew. After releasing the held air he had kept in his lungs, he decided to think calmly.
Clarence, the bright-eyed college graduate who had never even left London, had fed a feral woman they found in the most dangerous Forest known to man. But she lived there, unharmed by the other creatures. She was able to even call for one of them, and communicate with the fish creatures that have longed disappeared from the pond's mossy surface.
He hated Clarence was right. They had struggled to meet any life that was not rooted in the ground. The only animals they had met were alongside the woman. The woman almost felt like the guide to the creatures, and he hated it. Maurice hated he was not the first human to discover the Forest, to step foot in the place God had kept secret since the dawn of time.
Instead, a girl, a simple girl who paraded herself as an animal got his right, his right as a man of science who sacrificed everything he had to get here, but she had been gifted the human of the Forest. The protector, it seemed, what he wanted to be. He had wished to lead this land, to colonize and rule it as the proper one who had discovered it. The emotions hit him like bricks, the thoughts he tried to keep to himself was boiling over- and becoming targeted towards Clarence, the poor young man who saw this much clearer than he could.
"We discovered a feral woman in this place… It's a miracle. It proves we could survive here. We can colonize!" Clarence grabs the shoulders of the older gentleman, his eyes full of passion, of knowing he was changing history. Maurice couldn't fault him for his excitement, perhaps he would make mistakes, but that was why Maurice was here, to take the new scientist under his wing to teach him all he knew.
No matter how he felt, he had to calm. "I, we have no choice now, do we?"
Clarence's smile only grew, knowing he had won the argument. "No, she will expect food now- like a stray."
"It's why I never fed the strays." Maurice shook his head, "Far too needy, too dependent."
Clarence's eyes had a glint to them, something Maurice couldn't describe. Sinful, a look of lust and greed that he saw in Colonizers' eyes when they have the land before them. Maurice had little time to analyze the meaning of such a look, as the men were quick to return to the task of research, and discussing what the feral woman meant.  
Hiking through the vast land was short that day, Maurice's injured knee had finally slowed him down, and all three men left the Forest. Nelson had to walk back himself to receive a motorwagen for Maurice, for he could not handle such a walk today.
When he returned with the transport, all three men began driving back to the campsite where the poor medic would do what he can with Maurice's knees.
The ride from the long corridor of the dirt bridge was quiet. Maurice was far too focused on the tense throbbing in his legs to continue any conversation, rubbing his weak knee, hoping to slight the pain. Nelson was enjoying the short moment of his trip without scientific terms and theories constantly whirling in the air. The quietness was a welcome change from the debates the two scientists and the rest of the crewmen would carry on about.
Clarence was staring outside the pane of the motorwagen, thoughts darting in his mind like a pinball bouncing in a billiards table, the flippers forcing his ideas to new possibilities the next time they would meet the girl again.
The photographs, blurred and shaky, could not correctly illustrate her appearance. Despite her being on her hands and feet, he saw how short she was- it made sense. Malnourished from the lack of vitamins and minerals, he could have easily mistaken her as a younger child than a woman. He wanted to see her stand on those legs, to see how she compared to him at full height. Regardless of her undernourishment, she was pursy. Of course, it wasn't uncommon for someone who was undernourished to be overweight; she could have a plentiful supply of calories, but without the essential nourishment she would need.
Clarence thought of the poor state of her teeth and physical hygiene, how he could fix all of those things, and take her to London. The problem was Maurice, with his holier than thou stance upon the natural order.
When the motorwagen returned to the campsite, all three men went their separate ways. Maurice wobbled to the medic. Clarence left for his tent, and Nelson wanted nothing more than to clean his weapons. The three men all busy in their own mindsets.
Maurice would spend that evening adding towards the pile of letters he had written, the majority of the letters would never be sent, and only served for mental release. His loved ones would only expect the letters nearing his return. He would have to wait until the blimp came at the end of the year to send any of the messages, as the Messenger Pigeons' radio wave would have interference as any ship's motherboard.  
The robotic birds he had sent before had fallen straight into the turbulent waters below only a few short miles just off the coast of the village towards the Mountains. He knew then that he had no chance to send any letters in the eye of the storm. He wished he could send messages after letters to Theodosia and Enoch; the middle-aged servant he had left to care for his house and his adoptive son.
The letters, even if they rarely saw the light of day, was therapeutic. He felt he was having a conversation with someone, anybody, but his co-workers. He wanted to talk to someone who he chose to love and desire to speak to, instead of for professional purposes. Of course, other than Clarence. However, Clarence was a child swept up in his stew of morals and self fantasy of what he wanted the girl to become, Maurice had little time for such things.
The study of a feral woman, alongside the newly discovered creatures, was nothing but a once in a lifetime chance for research. He wouldn't spoil this chance with the ideals of a correct society, where a feral woman could come to civilization and grow to be normal. No, she would never be normal. Her development years, her years required to learn how to be a proper mother and wife has been wasted on survival in the wild.  
She could never transition to society the way he knew Clarence desired. Maurice could understand the bright-eyed mindset of fixing her, but he had read the reports of multiple feral cases. It was nearly impossible to help a young child of twelve after living in the wild for so long, how would a woman, someone fully grown, take to somewhere like London?
To study her was to investigate the creatures of the Forest, and if she truly knew the Forest, she would be just what they needed to comb the area for a colony, years down the line. She was useful, but Maurice refused to see her as more. When the territory began settlement, the wild woman would most likely become caged in a Psychiatric hospital for the rest of her years.
This was the reality of her situation, a lost cause, but an interesting study on both the human psyche and the inhuman creations that roam the Forest.
His mind lazily learched from thoughts, writing down his mindset into formal documents cleansed him, allowing him to understand his situation better. He could also feel less lonely this way, in his little fantasy of speaking to his beloveds once more. He missed the modern luxuries of his home, where Theodosia would set his fireplace ablaze before plating his supper, where he could read a novel in peace and worry not for his weaker knee.
Mindlessly, his fingers trace over the pained kneecap, attempting to soothe the pain from his joints. Years of walking had worn down his legs, and now he was paying the price for such a lifestyle. The moment he could stand, his father had taken him off on research missions and hunting, he lived out in early settlements and newly discovered lands, right beside his father.
Those days he would remember fondly, days he wished he could reminisce about with his son. All those thoughts were for another day, he told himself, sealing the leather journal pages before discarding the possession back under his sleeping bag of sorts. It was two blankets folded in two and sewn together except for one side, and he found it comforting.
Two blankets that held the scent of his home brought him the sanity he would need for the year in the wild. Unlacing his boots and rolling underneath the sheets, he didn't bother to change into the thin sleepwear. He only undid his shoes, belt, and sometimes, when the heat got too much, removing his buttoned shirt.
As he closed his eyes, the throbbing of the knee and the gentle breeze against the tent's fabric slowly dissolved, drifting off to slumber. He had no dreams; his mind and thoughts were blank until the following morning when he would wake. He would stir from the sun's blistering rays of heat shining down on him, or from one of the crew members being forced to rouse him. Though, it had been quite some time since that was necessary: The first few weeks having to grow accustomed to his schedule once more.
Clarence had fallen asleep much sooner than Maurice, who had stayed awake to think and analyze. After a supper of grits and pasta, he had taken his place in his tent to sleep the evening away. The younger man escaped to his dreams, without having to try and be friendly with the crewmen or listen to Maurice's rambling of colonies. He could dream of home, his favorite literature, all the sane things a man would create in his mind.
He laid in the make shifted sleeping bag; his mind created a scene before him. Recently, he had dreamed of lounging around the home, or sitting in an air-conditioned room reading a newspaper, yet, this fantasy was different.
Clarence stood in front of a tropical waterfall, a sprinkling of rain came down with the soothing sound of thunder echoing far behind him. The chirping of birds and the quiet ambiance of a forest was all he could hear. It was so calm, unlike the Forest, it was not cold and damp. Instead, it was a perfect sunny temperature, with a breeze grazing his warmed flesh. He felt the grassy sand underneath his feet, the sun kissing his face, it felt so vivid, as if he was alive and awake.
He wasn't alone in his creation, only a foot away from him was the woman from the wild, playing in the waters. She splashed about, acting more of a child at a pool than the grown woman she was. She looked up, using a circling gesture of her wrist to beckon him to the cleaner waters. He blinked slowly, moving forward from the shore to the fresh body of water that awaited him.
Clarence came to the pond. He took a breath before stepping within the watery depths, the sensation was welcoming, unlike in reality stepping inside would cause him to shiver of the sudden cold feeling over his feet. It was warm, ready for him already. The woman ran towards him, presenting him with a toothy grin. Her teeth were a perfect pearl white, unlike the rotten teeth she possessed.
She was different, the black grime that stained her form was gone, some dirt had been smeared on her cheeks and torso, but he could see her pale body. She was still nude, but she looked so much more exposed without the dirt. Her long hair was tangled, but not the sweaty mass as it was in reality. She smelled and appeared so much cleaner, more accessible for Clarence to feel lust after.
The being before him was only a sexualized version of the true woman in the Forest. She stood before him, her fragile hands finding their way on his flat stomach, invading his space as she stared up at him, keeping eye contact as she grew closer. She was fisting the fabric of his one-piece suit, worrying the shirt portion against her nails.
The woman only went to his chest, and she looked up at him with the same wonder and awe she had when he offered her the food. Her lips were plumper, possessing a bright pink hue, one that only lipstick could provide. Thoughtlessly, he grabbed her chin. The submissive creature allowed him to move her face side to side.
Clarence leaned over the woman before he yanked her chin forward, smashing the lips together. Of course, the passion was shared, her arms finding their way to loop around his neck. She was soft, from her full lips to the silky skin that pressed to his bare neck. His hands traveled lower, gripping her waist as he forced her mouth open with his tongue.
She panted, her voice high pitched, so naive and youthful. Clarence had lost himself to the fantasy, of tainting the woman and taking her as his own he barely registered he had woken until he noticed the stillness, slowing his humping motions. His eyes flutter slowly, realizing he had woken himself from the erratic movements he had begun in his sleep.
Sweat glued loose hair to his forehead and his clothes to his body. His pants were tightened, causing him to flop on his back. He took a moment, before unbuttoning his bottoms and pulling his cock from the sealed fabric that had made it uncomfortable. He didn't care for the time or if the crewmen would find him, arching his neck against the pillow as he stroked himself.
Thumbing the tip, he tried to relive the fantasy of the waterfall, her fingers raking through his hair as he placed her on the beach, her back pressed to the sand as he leveled himself to thrust inside. She was moaning, gripping against him as she opened her legs. Pure and untouched, ready for someone of her species to whisk her away, take her away from the Forest and the place she was meant to be.
He continued to pump himself to this dream, allowing shaky groans and sharp hisses to escape his chapped lips. Thrusting inside her, she would cry out, holding him so tight, scratching down his back as she wrapped her legs around his hips, pushing him deeper. Her hair was scattered out, lips parted as she groans, her arms clinging to him- she would need for him.
Itching closer, his mind raced through thoughts of her atop him, moving against his length, to her in his bedroom in London, wearing some lingerie he had once seen in a store catalog as he pulled her to bed. He could fix her faults, poor hygiene, and feral behavior, creating the image in his head.
He shudders, climaxing against his palm as he laid in bliss for several moments. The pent up frustration and anger from the trip were sliding from his mind. The glow of the after orgasm washed over him. He lazily wiped his dirtied hand the inside of his sleeping bag. He concealed his flaccid penis under the wraps of his undergarments and pants, he rolled on his side, curling further into himself as he now had to live with the fact he pleasured himself to his research.
The many thoughts of her had ran through his head, burning a hole within his skull as he gripped the hair of his mane, guilt, and disgust creeping upon him before he released a breathy hiss. He was a man, a man that had needs, and a nude woman had come before him. She walked on her hands and feet, allowing her legs to be spread as her knees bent always. She exposed herself to everyone, if she were a woman of society, he wouldn't have had these sinful thoughts of her.
She needed to be civilized, to learn how to behave and become a true woman.
She needed him.
The two scientists had risen early, Maurice had struggled his way to the medic, allowing the doctor to apply some ointment on his knee before the trip to the Forest, the long hiking of today made him dread it so. The pain traveled down his leg, his ankle even aches after walking for so long. He loves the outdoors, hiking and camping were something he used to do so much before old age had taken its toll.
Clarence was quiet that morning, saving some of his breakfast as last time in his tin for the girl in the wild. He was suited up, ready to embark before the rest of the men. But with Maurice's knee problems, that would be expected. Maurice took longer to finish his meal, savoring the eggs they had stored up for the journey.
Despite the episode Maurice created over feeding the girl, he had placed some of his leftovers in a tin container. Clarence felt nothing but smugness when he realized the older man's motives as they board the motorwagen to pass the bridge.
The crowd had once hiked the mile travel to the island, not wanting to waste their resources of Motorwagens for returning off the mountains. Unfortunately, for Maurice's knee, the two knew he could not handle the long walk today. The three piled into the motorwagen without a word, and towards the isolated Forest.
Underhill was quiet as usual, driving as the two men spoke of their current findings. The conversation had grown dry since the majority of their conclusions was plant life, but after finding the sea beings, the two had the spark to speak for hours of what that could mean.  
The ride was short, Underhill parking near the Forest's barrier as usual, as the three clamber out of the automobile to crawl through the openings once more. Underhill trekked his way through, pushing past the barks and lush plants to enter the Forest.
Clarence stood beside the older man. "Can I help you inside?"
"My knee will ache no matter who coddles me. I can walk through fine." Maurice would not slow down the research, become the burden of the crew. He was the reason this was possible, without him, and his lifetime of the investigation, no one would be here without him. He wasn't an older man who troubled people with his nonsense. He turned to slide through on his side, using his cane to try and support his weight.
He shifts through the vines and trees, nearly falling as he had to use all of his strength to stand on his feet. Clarence hurried through the mass of green life to find Maurice. "Mau-"
"I am fine. Let's continue." He gripped the cane, walking towards Underhill, who had patiently awaited the man. The fog rolled across the lands; silhouettes were blurred, barely visual as the men continue to explore the area.
"The fog has never been this intense." Clarence began, walking alongside the men. He could hardly see his hand in front of his face. Underhill rolled his shoulders.
"If you wish to see fog, come to Russia." Underhill almost chuckled, a cracked smile hung on his lips that made Clarence almost made him have a second take. Nelson was a pragmatic man, who treated every person as a lower co-worker, Clarence had to contain himself when the man had slightly chuckled.
"Indeed? You were born in the Russian District?" Clarence hurried to the man’s side, hoping to continue this ice breaker for the two. He prayed for another person on this trip to enjoy his company, even if it was an obsessed hunter.
"Born and raised until I was four, then we moved to the Capital District."
"Ah, beautiful place, Britain is. Which region were you raised in?"
It had gone over Maurice's head. All his thoughts were centered on the freshly returned pain of his knee. The ointment had worn off, for how much budget he had on a doctor and supplies, he had expected the workforce of a pharmacists office.
Ointment, for a hurt knee, what a lazy solution. He trudges forward, using the cane to allow weight off the leg. He was hiking at a further distance from the two other men, who were lost in a discussion of their own. They did not notice how Maurice slowed, losing both of their shadowy figures in the murkiness.
The man took a few more selected steps, before leaning against a tree closest to him. "Clarence!" He shouted, awaiting any reply. "Clarence! Nelson!" All of his yellings fell onto deaf ears, sliding his weakened body down the bark. He flopped onto the overgrown floors below, panting heavily as the knee finally had some solace.
He didn't know how long he laid there, lying his head upon the trunk, eyes heavy with exhaustion already. The realization hit him, causing his stomach to turn violently. He would probably never finish his exploration, his advancing age holding him back from his reward, his earned prize.
His eyes flutter closed, thinking of how he barely saw his adoptive son or siblings for his pursuit of the Forest. How he wasted years to come here, and now? He was a wasted man who might die in this Forest.
Maybe it was a deserving fate.
Darkness encased him, drifting into slumber as his body was hidden away by the fog. His sleep was peaceful, despite how stressed he was when he had fallen asleep, escaping the pain for longer. When he had first injured his knee, and back then, at the brightness of young manhood, he used to shake it off. Now, it only grew, like a fungus.
He was awakened from his misery from something touching him, unlike a predator who would eat their prey, hands ran over his clothes, repeated as if to savor the texture. The hands roam his bottoms, tops, and begun to touch his shoes before he had the strength to open his eyes.
Halpine had nearly forgotten how he had fallen asleep; startled shudders crawl up his spine at the sight of the feral woman holding his excellent leg, lifting his shoe to take a look. Maurice gulped, both hands firmly pressed to the ground for support before the girl looked back at him.
She had been too far either time for him to gaze into her eyes, round and wide, colored sea green and full of curiosity. They were full of the innocence of an animal, untainted of the sins of men. The woman continued eye contact, scooting her way back to his face.
Her fingers lift to touch his jawline. The other's fingers interlocking with his dark brown and grayed mutton chops, seeming interested by his facial hair. The touches were gentle and slow as if he was the easily spooked animal. He barely had time to register most of what she was doing, watching as her hand not touching his beard grabbed his wrist, and pressed it to her cheek.
The contrast of their skin was clearer to see now. Maurice's suntanned skin was so dark against her colorless flesh. He had spent a lifetime outside, basking in the sunlight for years. But she had probably never seen the sun or felt the heat of the rays. She leaned closer, touching his face, brushing over his eyebrows, nose, lips- he had to admit, it was a bit disgusting.
Her dirtied hand felt over his face, head tilting as she had felt her own a couple of times to sense the differences. His hand stayed where it was placed by her, slowly falling back into his lap. With her being so close, he got to see more of her face.
She wasn't a woman, in reality, a girl in her mid-adolescent- his first theory was she was older, he knew now that wasn't right. She had a juvenile appearance, underneath all the grime and scars: She possessed oval, full lips, alongside a round jawline, her face had been drained of any coloring except the stained dirt. Her fingernails were surprisingly short, peacefully tracing over his wrinkles and whiskers quietly.
Maurice supposed she had her full, as she slowly moved back, glancing towards his carrier, before looking back at him quietly. As if a pet begging for food, her hand slowly reached towards it, but she didn't understand how to undo the flap as Clarence had before offering her the treat.
"You're hungry." He mumbled, knowing she had no possible way to understand him. The language barrier between the two was far more than English and Spanish, but some primate's form of communications with sounds versus his proper language. He pulled the flap of fabric back, pulling out his tin container.
He twisted it open for the girl, sitting it between them as she was quick to hurry towards him, she glanced at the canned beans for a moment. The seeds had been canned with a gravy mixture of brown sugar and some molasses. Giving it a sweetened punch, she used her closed fingers as a scoop, shoveling it down her throat before she pinched her face, coughing lightly after each sampling of the food.
Of course, she didn't grow up on candies and sweets as a child, or sweet teas and coffees as an adult. She might have never tasted sugar cane, so this must have been a surprise for her system. She still fed herself each finger full, smacking away. Her mouth hung open, having the gravy drip from her lips and onto the forest grounds.
She ate, moved, and acted like a primate. It was so surreal for a human to perform so. He could hardly picture her being human in this state. How in God's green Earth did she ever make it here? The last colony attempt was over thirty years ago, and they had all died on the other mountain. Did her family crash from a powered aircraft and she was the survivor? They had yet to see any accident near the island, but the Forest was so vast.
It did not matter how she might have become part of the Forest, she was there now, and Maurice needed to focus on research. He tried to sit up, but the throbbing in his knee made him fall right back on his backside. The girl squawked in confusion, moving from the tin she had been licking the dregs of to circling him. She had begun to touch over his body, his chest, stomach, thighs, pressing down and watching his expression.
He had attempted to pry her off, he didn't want her to place pressure on his kneecap, but the moment she touched his bad knee, he hissed through clenched teeth, thrusting himself against the bark in instinct.
She paused at his reaction, before scampering off from the right. Her running style was of an ape, using both hands and feet to take off, her form dissolves through the mist, and he was left alone again. He wondered if he had been abandoned as he was lame, or if she had gone to get help.
The idea of being so close to the eight feet creatures was almost terrifying. He couldn't deny the amazing opportunity it would, to see them so closely and how they would react to something injured. Hopefully, it wouldn't be to kill him.
His eyes grew too heavy; his mind was slipping back into the unconscious. For how long he was asleep was unknown, but he awoke to the thumping of a body beside him. He was stirred violently by the scurrying of the chubby girl. Within her mouth, she had been smacking on something red and thick. The sludge dribbled down her chin, making him wince as she drew closer, her foot pressed to his thigh as he had the sinking fear she would want to spit that into his mouth.
He shudders, gagging at the mental image as he moved his head away. However, she had no interest in his face. Instead, she spat the substance into her palms. She then slapped her hands onto his knee. He let out a startled gasp at the heated mass that was applied to his kneecap.
"Oh, dear lord!" He exclaims, his first instinct was to wipe it off, but the girl gripped his wrists, moving them away from his leg as she squeaks and yelps. Her noises felt unnatural being made from her vocal cords. It sounded right for the primates to squeal like that, with high pitched voices- but hers had to pitch higher than her natural tone.
The muck against his hairy leg started to burn, slowly before it was near blistering. The two began to wrestle a bit, with him trying to get it off before he found acidic burns as she kept moving his hands away, she continued to squall. She tried so hard to explain whatever she was doing. He had little time for this, and god it hurts.
The moment it grew so hot he knew he must have third-degree burns, it became as if ice on him. He curled slightly, his head lowering in the shock as the girl let go of his wrists, wiping her own hands against the grass before she touched at his shoulders. The cold feeling left sooner than the burning, leaving his knee numbed. It had no sense. It took him a moment to realize the subtle throbbing had gone.
Maurice's head swung to the girl, as she slowly scooted to his side, flicking off the hardened paste as the effect she had wanted passed. He was quick to join her, wanting it off him as soon as possible. The bend of his leg had no lasting burns, only a faint redness, as if an ice cube had run over his skin. The girl grinned, showing her yellowed teeth as she moves away; using her legs and keeping her knuckles as support.
He gripped the cane he had carelessly abandoned when he had fallen, still lying beside him. He used the tree as support, forcing his weight upon his legs once more. He was expecting some sort of pain from his patella, the shooting ache that has poisoned his time. As he stood fully on both legs, his knee continued to stay numb.
Maurice took a moment, realizing she had healed him, somehow. For how long it lasted, he could not tell, but he had little care for such a thing. The man could walk, he felt like running a mile or jumping into the trees like the primates she lived with. No dull ache as he walked, no searing pain when he tried to hurry in his step.
He stood, feeling the might of a young man with a new leg. His eyes laid on the crouched girl. Maurice began walking, heading towards the girl who only looked back, perfectly still as he stood before her. She stares up, awaiting his reaction to her. Maurice could only watch in wonder. She has shown him a new form of potential medicine, and he wanted to know everything about it.
He could only imagine what this could mean for humankind, the breakthroughs that could succeed with something a seemingly magical cure. He needed to see it, to hold it within his grasp.
The scientist reached lower and tapped his fingertip to his kneecap. “Show me where you found it.” He spoke softly, with a gentleness he honestly had no idea he possessed. She inches towards the red hue left from the paste on his skin, only glancing to where he had pointed before she seemed to understand what he wanted. She began crawling towards the direction the savage woman had run off to when she realized he was hurt.
Maurice was quick to follow, having a spring to his step now that his leg no longer held him back.
The travel with her through the Forest was something new and awe-inspiring, the flowers blossomed when she walked past, with the once faint chirping and yelps of animals grew as she continued down the path. She sometimes lifted her head and squawked in reply. Was she human, or a fae of a forest? Had he met a guardian that was not of this world?
She had the pattern of her arms making a step first, then her feet. It was interesting. It looked awkward for a human body to contort in such a way. However she was moving quickly, keeping a steady pace.
Maurice had not the slightest clue of how long they had walked, yet, when the feral girl darted off in a specific direction- he figured they were close. He began to rush after her, feeling a sudden pride wash over him. He was able to chase someone, to keep up.
His mind kept wandering to trying to catch Enoch in the halls, only to be forced to plop on the stairs only moments in their run because of his knees. He could almost see the child looking back with a look of pure disappointment. Shaking his head, he sped up after her. She glanced back, assuring he was following. She looked so much like Enoch, he had to turn his head away to collect his thoughts.
She stops in front of a tree that looked out of a storybook, the pale bark of the other trees contrasted the dark, oak trunk. This tree was thick, with long, twisting roots that came from the ground and made loops in the field. The branches, unlike the other trees, came down to the baseline to the top, he had never seen branches touching the floor before. This tree seemed to go past all the rest of the trees, as the tree went past the leave roof the rest made.
This one was so unlike the others. It appeared to have been plucked from another place. She came to this tree, careful and gentle of the roots and branches that hung low, locating a side of the oak. She climbed on top of the roots, as she started to crawl across the elevated roots and base of the tree.
She only had to explore for a few moments before she looked back at him squawking once more. He groaned, beginning to crawl onto the roots.
When he came to her side, she sidestepped to display what she had been searching for. Plump, large berries grew from vines that were protected with thorns. These berries were stewed red, with black dotting. They were as large as the tip of a thumb. He reached and extracted one from the vine.
He was startled by how hardened the skin of the berry was, it was hard as rocks, and he had trouble to squish it between his fingertips. The flesh of the fruit was as sturdy as rich glass. When she realized he was trying to pop the fruit, she gripped his wrist, yanking his hand towards her and ripping the thing from him.
Gasping, he stepped away when she stole the berry from him. She held it within her palm, squeezing it until he heard it burst. Unclenching her fingers, he watched steam swimming from her flesh, as she waved the squished liquid off her hand. Her hand was burned by the heat of the plumped red sustenance, a large, black seed fell alongside it. The seed was a bit smaller than the actual berry. Was that why it was so hard?
She licked it off her fingers, used to the heat of the berries. She had protected him from the pain of the berry, and if it was so hot on his skin after being popped, he couldn’t imagine the blistering heat she must have just endured to prove the point of _don't pop it._
Maurice grabbed a test tube from his bag, clipping the berries inside for later testing. If these could be extracted for medicine, this could change the path of modern healing practices. Addictive painkillers and most corrective surgeries could be a thing of the past. The amount of money they could sell these for, and the money he could make for discovering it- was unimaginable.
“You just helped a lot of people, little one.” He grinned, patting the head of the girl as she tilted her head at his action. He chuckled, the look in her eyes was endearing. With a few strokes of her mane, he began to move his hand only to have her grab his wrist.
“So needy.” He began to stroke her crusted mane; he could feel the knots and filth underneath his gloves. How long has she been here? He could only wonder, he did hope one day he could speak to her, to understand the secrets she kept from them. His daze snapped when she moved her head away from him, hurrying from the large roots she had climbed up before turning and starting down a path.
He blinked a few times, climbing from the great foundation of the tree and towards the girl. He knew this tree was particular, somehow, so he tried to memorize the journey to wherever she was taking him. Pondering where she would lead him next, he had his answers when he heard the faint conversation of his crewmen.
”Where is he?”
”Goddamn it. The old man just disappeared!”
”What if some predator got him?”
He huffed at the words, treating him as some nursing home patient rather than the great scientist he was. She halted when they neared the group, giving him a final glance before pressing her forehead to his thigh for a few seconds before he could pet her once more, she ran from the scene.
He watched her for a moment, quiet as she hastened, her bellowing footsteps fading as he knew he needed to return to his crewmen, she had done whatever she had wanted to do and left him just as quick. She healed him and shown him the berries that did this. The feral woman- girl, that is, had taken an interest in him. He peeked downward at his legs, she had some human in her, if he could reach further in and grab it.
As if Clarence had rubbed off on him, he felt excitement for their next chance meeting. She could really be the answer to getting to know this Forest and finding everything that had hidden inside and what a thing to show the king. A human girl found in the Forest. He could already see the media becoming obsessed with her, and the cash he could gain from such a story of her adapting into society.
He stepped from the bushes, watching the two men run to him. Clarence was the only one who had valid concerns for his well-being; it was clear from his many questions and looking over the man. “What happened?”
“My knee, I had to take a break. The girl found me, and healed me.” He bent his knee in midair, making Clarence’s eyes widened. Maurice could hardly move the damned leg before. Nelson stepped forward, having a closer look at the man. He was shocked beyond words, did the Forest possess some sort of magic?
“If we use what she healed me with, we found God’s healing elixir.” Maurice held his arms out to gesture how great it was, only for Clarence to bend his knees to see the redden hue of the paste had left behind on the man’s kneecap.
Nelson rolled his shoulders, “You think it could help my back aches?” He questioned, patting his back with a quiet groan. Standing beside the other man, Maurice could only grin up at the gentleman.
“Oh dear Underhill, it could do so much more! It’ll make your back feel young again!” Maurice came to the other man’s side, wrapping an arm over his shoulders. “I think we just made a fortune here!”
Underhill appeared more than pleased by that, grinning right back at the other man. Clarence was less concerned with the money, but more with the logical reasoning almost being thrown out as some sort of paste just cured Maurice, and perhaps even kept the human girl alive. It could explain the lack of major scars.
“This Forest, it is Unearthly.” Clarence mumbled to himself, touching the red crust of whatever was left on the man’s leg. If it was true, if something healed Maurice like this, this could prolong the human’s lifespan, even make it where senior citizens could be as active as school children.
“Oh Clarence, this is only the beginning.” Maurice lifted the younger man, gripping his shoulders. “In a year time, we might have all the answers to the World’s problems.”
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cravenvind1-blog · 6 years
Binge Drinking, What is it?
The actual amount of alcohol you need to drink in a session for it to be labeled as binge drinking varies depending on who you ask, but the standard definition is roughly 8 units of alcohol (around 3 pints of strong beer), and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (around two large glasses of wine) consumed in a brief period of time. However, these numbers are far from accurate, and in the real world, binge drinking is better defined by the level of intoxication than the amount of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) designates binge drinking as "a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to.08 % or above". In layperson's terms, if you're drinking to "get hammered ", you're binge drinking. What Are The Results Of Binge Drinking? A wide range of research studies have established that drinking significant amounts of alcohol in single drinking sessions is actually a bit more hazardous to your health than consuming lesser amounts on a regular basis. In countless nations, binge drinking is considered an acceptable social activity among younger professionals and college age kids. As a matter of fact, frequent binge drinking is normally viewed as an initiation rite into adulthood. That being said, it's far from 100 % safe. Getting exceedingly drunk can adversely impact both your mental and physical well-being: rasputin Binge drinkers exercise incredibly poor judgment and aggression. Binge drinkers commonly make imperfect conclusions they would not make when sober or when drinking alcohol within their limits. 2. Mishaps and tumbles are commonplace. This is because of the dangerous effects intoxication has on judgment, balance and motor skills. 3. In rare instances, binge drinkers could experience fatal alcohol poisoning. Binge drinkers are likewise susceptible to choking to death on their own throw up if they lose consciousness on their back. If you're caring for an individual who is passed out drunk, always make certain to keep them face down. 4. Binge drinking is a gateway to long-term abuse and addiction. Everyone who has ever abused alcohol or develop into an alcoholic has binged. This does not suggest binge drinking brings about alcoholism, because, most binge drinkers are functional members of society. Unfortunately, for those who have obsessive inclinations or for whom dependency on alcohol runs deep in the family, staying away from binge drinking activities may be a method to escape plunging right into the trap of alcohol addiction to begin with. 5. Binge drinking can cause depression in some people, particularly when its utilized as a way to cloak psychological and mental suffering. 6. Routinely engaging in binge drinking poses long-term health and well-being risks, normally including increased possibility of stroke, heart disease, liver disease, and hypertension. Should I Avoid Binge Drinking Entirely? rasputin If you have problems with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no. For any young college age kids reading this, I can't really stand here and tell you not to do it. That's your choice to make. Many young adults get hammered on weekends and have a good time. Although this oftentimes causes blackouts, dreadful mornings, day-after regrets For countless, these kinds of mistakes are actually a rite of passage. I had a fabulous time partying and drinking in college and a fair bit afterwards. Needlessly to say, things started going south for me at some point, but I have plenty of friends who party and binge sometimes, yet do so sensibly and lead perfectly gratifying lives without any alcohol tolerance or abuse problems. I can't tell you not to binge drink, however, I can instruct you that it's not without its risks. Mistakes and accidents do happen, and some of these mishaps and mistakes can have irreversible, life changing consequences. If you are going to drink to get drunk, do it as responsibly as possible. Pay attention these warning signs that might tell you when your weekend social binge drinking has morphed into a serious alcohol problem: * The repercussions of a wild night out are continuously escalating * You start to binge drink more and more commonly * You're running into issues with the law * You've had a pregnancy fright
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* You drink and drive * You hardly ever go more than a couple weeks without binge drinking * You've passed out somewhere without any one to watch out for you * You've thrown up in your sleep * You're racking up charge card debt to afford your bar-hopping habits * You have un-safe sex activity * Friends/family have actually confronted you about your drinking * You binge drink alone (major warning here). In numerous countries, binge drinking is regarded as a satisfactory social activity among young individuals and college or university age children. Regular binge drinking is frequently viewed as a rite of passage into adulthood. Binge drinkers commonly make imperfect judgments they wouldn't make when sober or when drinking within their limits. When it comes to those with addictive inclinations or for whom alcoholism runs the family, avoiding binge drinking sessions may be a way to steer clear of plunging into the snare of alcoholism at all. If you have issues with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no.
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davisalvarez81-blog · 6 years
What's The Definition Of Binge Drinking?
The actual amount of alcohol you need to drink in a session for it to be labeled as binge drinking varies depending on who you ask, but the everyday definition is around 8 units of alcohol (around three pints of strong beer), and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (around two large glasses of wine) consumed in a short time frame. These numbers are far from accurate, and in the real world, binge drinking is better defined by the level of drunkenness than the quantity of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as "a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to.08 % or above". In layperson's terms, if you're drinking to "get drunk ", you're binge drinking. Just what Are The Effects Of Binge Drinking? A wide range of studies have substantiated that consuming significant quantities of alcohol in solitary drinking sessions is a bit more harmful to your health than drinking smaller quantities on a regular basis. In numerous countries, binge drinking is considered an acceptable social activity among young professionals and college age kids. Regular binge drinking is oftentimes seen as a rite of passage into maturity. rasputin Binge drinkers use exceptionally poor judgment and aggression. Binge drinkers commonly make imperfect conclusions they definitely would not make when sober or when consuming alcohol within their limits. 2. Mishaps and falls are commonplace. This is due to the severe effects drunkenness has on decision making, balance and motor skills. 3. In rare instances, binge drinkers can experience fatal alcohol poisoning. Binge drinkers are also susceptible to suffocating to death on their own vomit if they pass out on their back. If you're taking caring of a person who is passed out drunk, always make certain to keep them face down. 4. Binge drinking is a gateway to long term misuse and dependency. Every person that has ever abused alcohol or develop into an alcoholic has binged. This does not suggest binge drinking causes alcohol dependency, because, the majority of binge drinkers are functioning members of society. For people who have addictive inclinations or for whom alcohol addiction runs deep in the family, avoiding binge drinking sessions may be a way to prevent nose-diving into the snare of alcohol addiction in the first place. 5. Binge drinking is able to induce clinical depression in some people, most notably when its used as a way to cover-up emotional suffering. 6. Routinely engaging in binge drinking poses long-term health and well-being risks, including increased possibility of stroke, heart disease, liver disease, and hypertension. Should I Avoid Binge Drinking Altogether? rasputin If you have difficulties with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no. But for any youthful college age kids reading this, I can't seriously stand here and tell you not to do it. That's your decision to make. Countless young adults get hammered on weekends and have a fantastic time. Although this frequently causes memory loss, painful mornings, day-after remorse For numerous, these kinds of misjudgments are an initiation rite. I had a good time partying and drinking in college and university and quite a bit afterwards. Needlessly to say, things started to deteriorate for me at some point, but I have a number of friends who party and binge sometimes, yet do so sensibly and live wonderfully gratifying lives with no alcohol tolerance or abuse troubles. I can't advise you not to binge drink, having said that, I can instruct you that it is not without its hazards. I can certainly tell you to be careful and realize that despite the fact that you're young you are absolutely not superhuman. Accidents and mistakes do happen, and some of these mishaps and problems can have irreversible, life changing repercussions. In many instances, all it takes is 1 evening to transform your life forever. If you're intending to binge drink, do this as responsibly as possible. Also, pay attention these warning signs that might instruct you when your weekend social binge drinking has morphed into a serious alcohol problem: * The repercussions of a wild night out are continuously escalating * You start to binge drink more and more often * You are bumping into troubles with the law * You've had a pregnancy fright * You drink and drive * You don't ever go more than a few weeks without binge drinking * You've passed out somewhere without any one to watch out for you * You've regurgitated in your sleep * You're racking up bank card debt to pay for your bar-hopping habits * You have un-safe sex activity * Friends/family have actually challenged you about your drinking * You binge drink on your own (massive red flag here). In lots of countries, binge drinking is regarded as an acceptable social activity amongst younger professionals and college and university age children. Regular binge drinking is often viewed as a rite of passage into the adult years. Binge drinkers commonly make imperfect judgments they definitely would not make when clear-headed or when drinking within their limits. When it comes to those with addictive leanings or for whom alcohol addiction runs the family, avoiding binge drinking sessions may be a way to keep away from plunging into the snare of alcoholism in the first place. If you have problems with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no.
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noonantodd2-blog · 6 years
What's The Definition Of Binge Drinking?
The actual amount of alcohol you need to drink in a session for it to be classified as binge drinking varies depending on who you ask, but the general definition is approx. 8 units of alcohol (around 3 pints of strong beer), and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (around two large glasses of wine) ingested in a short period of time. These numbers are far from accurate, and in the real world, binge drinking is better defined by the level of intoxication than the quantity of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as "a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to.08 % or above". In layperson's words, if you're drinking to "get drunk ", you're binge drinking. What Are The Effects Of Binge Drinking? Numerous research studies have confirmed that drinking large quantities of alcohol in single drinking sessions is actually more detrimental to your overall health than consuming smaller amounts on a regular basis. In lots of places, binge drinking is considered an acceptable social activity among blossoming professionals and college age kids. In fact, frequent binge drinking is normally seen as an initiation rite into adulthood. It's far from 100 % safe. Getting completely intoxicated could negatively affect both your mental and physical well being: rasputin Binge drinkers exercise incredibly imperfect judgment and aggressiveness. Observations On Drinking Alcohol As A Social Lubricant make poor conclusions they definitely would not make when sober or when drinking alcohol within their limits. 2. Accidents and falls are common. This is because of the dangerous effects intoxication has on judgment, balance and motor skills. Do you get anxiety and panic attacks caused by booze 3. In rare instances, binge drinkers can experience fatal alcohol poisoning. Binge drinkers are likewise vulnerable to suffocating to death on their own throw up if they pass out on their back. If you're caring for someone who is passed out drunk, always make certain to keep them face down. 4. Binge drinking is a portal to long-term misuse and dependence. Every person who has ever abused alcohol or eventually become an alcoholic has binged. This doesn't suggest binge drinking brings about alcohol dependence, because, most binge drinkers are functional members of society. That being said, for those who have habit-forming tendencies or for whom alcoholism runs deep in the family, preventing binge drinking sessions could be a way to avoid plunging into the snare of alcohol dependence in the first place. 5. Binge drinking is able to induce clinical depression in some individuals, particularly when its utilized as a way to cloak emotional distress. 6. Regularly taking part in binge drinking poses longer term health and well-being hazards, normally including raised possibility of stroke, heart disease, liver disease, and hypertension. Should I Discontinue Binge Drinking Entirely? rasputin If you have problems with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no. For any young college age kids reading this, I can't really stand here and tell you not to do it. That's your choice to make. Lots of young people get hammered on weekends and have a good time. Although this frequently produces blackouts, agonizing mornings, day-after remorse For countless, these kinds of problems are actually an initiation rite. What's The Definition Of Binge Drinking? had a good time drinking and partying in college and university and a fair bit afterwards. Clearly, things started going downhill for me eventually, but I have plenty of good friends whom party and binge on occasion, but do so sensibly and lead wonderfully gratifying lives with no alcohol tolerance or abuse troubles. I cannot instruct you not to binge drink, that being said, I can instruct you that it is not free from its hazards. I can advise you to be cautious and recognize that despite the fact that you're young you're certainly not superhuman. Mishaps and misjudgments do happen, and some of these accidents and problems can have irreversible, life changing consequences. In many instances, all it takes is 1 evening to transform your life forever. If you are going to binge drink, do it as responsibly as possible. Also, pay attention these warning signs that might advise you when your weekend social binge drinking has morphed into a serious alcohol problem: * The consequences of a wild night out are continuously escalating * You start to binge drink more and more often * You are bumping into troubles with the police * You've had a pregnancy scare * You drink and drive * You hardly ever go more than a couple weeks without binge drinking * You've lost consciousness someplace or another with no one to keep an eye out for you * You've thrown up in your sleep * You're running up charge card debt to pay for your bar-hopping habits * You have unprotected intercourse * Friends/family have actually challenged you about your alcohol consumption * You binge drink by yourself (major warning here). In many nations, binge drinking is considered a satisfactory social activity among young professionals and college or university age children. Regular binge drinking is often seen as a rite of passage into adulthood. Binge drinkers usually make bad judgments they would not make when clear-headed or when drinking within their limits. When it comes to those with addictive inclinations or for whom dependency on alcohol runs the family, avoiding binge drinking sessions may be a way to steer clear of plunging into the trap of alcoholism at all. If you have problems with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no.
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davekatprompts · 6 years
Written for the @strilondefanjams Theme Sprints  Prompt: Smoke/Fog/Haze
Synopsis: Davekat Humanstuck College AU. Drinking alcohol and dancing with hot strangers.
NSFW Content Warning 18+ Only
Karkat was walking way faster than he believed one should ever walk past midnight. Kanaya was taller and took longer strides than he did; it was hard to keep pace, especially after the few drinks he’d had already. He wasn’t drunk, but there was definitely a loss of some fine motor skills and basic coordination happening. She didn't really notice he was trailing behind, too busy looking down at the map on her phone, presumably leading them to yet another fucking club. She stops suddenly and Karkat nearly barrels into her back. Oh, no.
The club was shaped like a giant cowboy hat, and it was fucking called Spurs. It looked like a miserable pit of a place, Karkat could see the multicolored lights flashing and hear the shitty pop music blasting from their place on the sidewalk. Drunk people oozed continuously out of the doors, stumbling and giggling, like pus from a gaping wound. God did Karkat hate clubs.
“Kanaya, this place is a shithole!”
She smiled at him, the glitter of her lipstick gleaming in the moonlight. “For once, I agree. But Rose asked if we could meet her here. She mentioned something about knowing the DJ.”
Of course it was Rose. A good friend of hers who Karkat was pretty sure she wanted to be more than just a friend. Everything suddenly clicked into place. Kanaya’s crazy outfit, the way they had gone out of their way to travel to this one bar in the middle of another fucking town and not stayed by the usual ones near campus.
Not that any clubs were what Karkat would really consider his scene. He didn’t particularly enjoy the thought or the reality of being pressed bodily against dozens of sweat and alcohol soaked strangers while loud trashy music took a sledgehammer to his ear drums. Karkat’s prefered nocturnal pastime was closer to watching Will & Grace reruns in his cramped dorm room until the wee hours of the morning.
As it were, tonight was Kanaya’s birthday, and she had wanted to go clubbing. With graduation only a couple of weeks away, their years as fun, free college students were coming to an end. He understood the sentiment, really. And he was doing his best to behave. This was their fourth stop, and everyone they had been with earlier had dropped off one by one as the night went on at varying stages of intoxication. They got in line for the club, reflexively pulling out their IDs for the bouncer at the door.
“You’re lucky that I’m such a considerate roommate,” Karkat said.
“I know, Karkat. I’m very grateful to you. And frankly, your humbleness is something I truly admire.”
Karkat rolled his eyes, but said nothing else as they both stepped into the club. The music instantly intensified, the floor almost vibrating under Karkat's feet. There was a light layer of fog over everything, because of fucking course there was. Karkat turned to lament this to Kanaya only to watch her materialize into the crowd. The only clues Karkat got before she vanished were a flash of blonde hair and a hint of flowery perfume. Rose, of course.
Sighing, Karkat made his way to the bar. It was almost empty, everyone was out on the dance floor. The bartender smiled in his direction. She was short, with blonde, curly hair and piercing eyes that looked almost pink under the flashing lights. She grinned and winked when he ordered himself two cosmos. This was gonna be a long night.
Karkat drank idly, wondering what he was going to do in the very likely scenario that he didn't see Kanaya again. It would be a real bitch paying for a cab back to campus by himself. Waiting became easier the longer he sat at the bar, happily watching the bartender move back and forth. He looked for a DJ booth, wondering who in the hell could be so important that they needed to trek all the way to downtown Houston of all places. His search was fruitless, the club was lost in a sea of fog, no DJ in sight. The music itself was terrible, a mixture of country pop and radio singles, blending together very inelegantly, to say the least. There's no way anyone more skilled than a two setting toaster could be assembling this playlist.
Halfway through cosmo number two, a stranger sat down at the bar a few stools away from his own and started chatting up the bartender. Karkat took immediate notice of him, because for some shitbrained reason he was wearing fucking sunglasses in a darkened bar. After midnight. And the more Karkat looked at him, the more annoyed he got. He couldn't be real. He was wearing a white button down shirt with a red handkerchief tied around his neck, blue jeans and actual literal cowboy boots. Cowboy boots! This was Texas, but he looked like a cartoon character. He was tall, taller than Karkat at any rate, and leaned in close when he spoke. The bartender giggled in response, twirling her hair like he was the hottest shit on two legs and Karkat huffed. What a tool.
The conspicuous glowering in the stranger's direction might have been a poor idea in retrospect, because he suddenly turned to face Karkat. His smile was wide and sure, and Karkat felt a not so comprehensible, possibly alcohol fueled urge to smack it away.
"What's a desert lily like yourself doing in a place like this?" His voice was loud and carried easily through the space between them. A true texan twang ran through his words that you rarely heard around campus. A native then. Some of his annoyance fades, but not much. It's still no excuse to dress like a total fucking jackass.
A small area of Karkat's brain lit up that he fortunately still had the facilities to suppress. Absolutely not, in no life here on Earth or reborn, would he be caught dead considering getting with this guy, even if he was kind of good looking. Keeping eye contact, Karkat downed the rest of his drink instead of answering. When Karkat still felt the strangers eyes still lingering on him is when he opened his mouth to say, "Fuck off."
To his credit, the guy didn't press any further. He tilted his head, smirked, then shrugged and got up, quickly disappearing into the pulse of the crowd. What the fuck.
Karkat ordered more drinks. After about another cosmo and a half, Kanaya stumbled up to the bar, arm in arm with a drunk looking Rose. "There you are Karkat! Are you quite enjoying yourself? We are going to go dance, if you would care to accompany us!"
Rose gave a celebratory woo, pumping her arm and pushing herself off balance and further into Kanaya's arms. Karkat hesitated. Normally this would have been an easy no, but as the seconds ticked by he found that the alcohol leeching into his veins was softening his resolve, if not snapping it completely.
"Okay." He nodded, moving to hoist himself off the stool with far more difficulty than it warranted. He followed them, following the gaps they created in the throng of clubgoers as expertly as a sickle cutting through a field of wheat.
Karkat wasn't a dancer, but he was enthusiastic, moving to the beat and feeling the bass thumping through his bones. He danced and let his limbs hang loose, the alcohol creating a warm, bubbly feeling in his chest. Kanaya and Rose were gyrating against each other in a way that made Karkat's stomach churn with a feeling he wasn't equipped to handle in his present state. Still he had fun, until once again they disappeared into the crowd. Confused, Karkat turned to find them only to come face to face with the cowboy douche from earlier.
Immediately, he lifted his shades up into his hair. He was only a foot away from Karkat and the sight was like a slap to the face. God was he was beautiful. Karkat's face grew hot as he took in everything about the stranger, the sharp line of his jaw, the soft looking wheat blonde hair, the dusting of freckles claiming the bridge of his nose, the eyes that were locked on his. The eyes that even in the dimness, Karkat could see were a shocking blood red. He was still wearing that cocky as all hell grin and cowboy boots, but suddenly they weren't tacky and embarrassing, not at all. He was suddenly breathless in front of this stranger who had called him a flower, of all things.
"I'm Dave," he said simply.  
Speaking took a few tries, and Karkat's tongue felt thick and foreign in his mouth. "Karkat," he finally managed.
The cowboy, Dave, lifted his hand to his mouth, miming taking a drink. Karkat nodded, feeling fairly sure that he would do anything he said from here on out. Dave made a beckoning gesture, and Karkat followed him back through the crowd and toward the bar, keeping a steadying eye on his nicely fitted jeans the whole way. A warm fog clouded his mind as much as it did the club around him, leaving him floating in a pleasant haze.
When they got to the bar, the bartender smiled at him again and Dave lifted two fingers in a silent order.
Dave leaned in close, placing his face beside Karkat's to ask, "Tequila shot?"
His words were a warm breath and brush of lips against Karkat's ear, causing sudden arousal to hit him like a shock of cold water. His whole body shivered. What the fuck!
Dave was grinning, loose and easy when he pulled back. The bartender deposited several glasses down at the bar, along with a couple of limes and a salt shaker. Karkat reached out to take the shot but Dave put an arm out to halt his movements. Even the small touch sent sparks up Karkat's arm.
"Gotta do it right, alright?"
Dave brought his hand up to his face, palm facing out. Looking directly at Karkat, he slowly licked the web of his hands between his thumb and forefinger. Karkat broke the eye contact, helplessly following the pink drag of his tongue. It sent a jolt through his spine that ended at the point of his dick.
Dave used his other hand, the hand that still was holding Karkat's, to bring it up to his face. He licked up the back of Karkat's hand, then, and it was as if a match struck against his skin. Fiery arousal ran through every nerve and Karkat sucked in a shuddery gasp.
Dave grabbed the salt shaker and tipped some out onto Karkat's hand, and then his own. Then, still holding on to Karkat’s hand, he linked their arms the way just married couples do for their first drink, holding Karkat’s in front of his face, just like he had his own. With his other hand he passed off one shot glass to Karkat and kept one for himself.
The wet slide of Dave’s tongue against his skin made Karkat shudder, something hot and sticky pooling in his gut. After he licked the salt, Dave pressed a wet kiss to the same spot. Karkat was dying. Was he dying?
He grabbed Dave’s hand then, steeling himself and licking the salt off in one quick swipe. Karkat looked up as he did it, he could see the way Dave's throat flexed as he swallowed, eyes locked on Karkat. He tasted like salt and something mildly sweet, like apples. They both tipped back the shots in unison.
Before he even put the shot glass down Karkat’s self restraint toppled, finally overcome with the weight of heat and desire. When he lunged forward Dave was ready like he knew it was coming all along and grabbed Karkat by the neck, meeting his lips fiercely. It was immediately desperate and clawing and deep. Since when exactly, did kissing feel so good? It consumed his mind until his only focus was pulling every bit of heat and sweetness out of Dave’s mouth. His whole body vibrated with pleasure as he wrapped arms around Dave's middle to pull their bodies closer still.
The thing that whacked Karkat back onto this plane of reality was the amused but pointed throat clearing sound made by the apparently still existing bartender behind them. Dave pulled away first, his face attractively flushed, lips parted and shining a pretty pink.
"You forgot the limes."
Dave turned his head to address the bartender. “Shut it, Roxy.” She just giggled, collecting the glasses and turning away with a smile.
Karkat didn't have a second to ponder on why Dave knew the bartender by name because then Dave was grabbing his hand and jerking his head in the direction of dance floor. Karkat followed, his mind emptying of everything but the need to stay close to Dave and the heavy pull in his groin that told him to capture those lips again. Even the thought of it sent a cascade of tingles down his spine. Surprisingly, the crowd had only gotten thicker since they went to the bar and Karkat was happy to follow Dave's lead, squeezing through bodies and dodging drinks until they found a small space they fit into.
As soon as they settled into the crowd Karkat immediately pressed himself close to Dave, two hands wrapping around his slim waist as their bodies found the rhythm to the music. Karkat never thought of himself as the type of guy who would grind on a perfect stranger at well past three in the morning, and hadn't been, up until this point. But there was something about the hunger in Dave's eyes that turned his insides into a needy mush, ready to be scooped up and devoured.
Karkat pressed up to Dave, slotting their bodies together so that there was a delicious friction as their bodies moved to the music. Halfway through the first song he could feel his dick stirring in his pants, the slight hardness he felt pushing against him signalling that Dave was there right along with him. He looked up and once again Dave was on him like he could read Karkat's damn mind, bending down to kiss him breathless while they rocked their hips together boldly and in sync with the beat.
When Dave finally broke away from the kiss, Karkat made an audible cry that was immediately lost in the thrum of the music. Dave put two hands on Karkat's shoulders, quickly spinning him around and pressing the definite hard line of his cock into Karkat's ass. Heat flared through him, sweeping and intense, his pulse ratcheting to new heights. Karkat pushed into Dave's crotch shamelessly, throwing his neck back and Dave swooped in to suck at the skin there. He was burning up, it was all so much. Karkat let out a moan, long and low in the darkness as the combination of Dave's slight bite at the heated skin of his neck combined beautifully with a long grind against his ass.
The material of Karkat's jeans was tightening and the heat clawing all around him was becoming almost too much to bear. Dave's voice came in a whisper against his ear, making him shiver. "Hey babe, I gotta split for a sec."
Wait, what? When Karkat spun around he caught a glimpse of Dave disappearing into the crowd. Karkat stumbled a bit, off balance now that he had to fully support himself on his own. He slowly made his way back to the bar, scanning around for any sign of Dave in the thinning crowd. There were no tall, handsome cowboys in shades to be seen anywhere. The bartender smiled brightly when Karkat approached, like she was greeting a long lost friend.
"Looking for Dave?"
"Yes, how did you–"
"There," she said, pointing somewhere toward the back of the club. Karkat squinted, but nothing was really visible past the billowing clouds of fog that were densely rolling through the air.
"DJ booth!"
Once he knew where to look, Karkat saw him. He was sat at the very end of the room, elevated a few idiotic feet over everyone else, a pair of headphones slung over his neck and fingers working on a computer set in front of him. Dave was the fucking DJ? God, he vaguely thought, this music sucked. There was someone next to him, a blonde man also wearing cowboy boots and a orange neckerchief. He wasn't sure if it was just the uniforms but from this vantage they actually looked like they could be twins. At least the the cowboy getup was just the club uniform, it looked like.
Dave and the other blonde traded places as Karkat watched. He also handed Dave a drink, which he downed half of in one gulp before stepping down from the platform and checking his phone. Oh shit, Kanaya! Karkat pulled out his own phone to see a string of messages from Kanaya. Most of them were nonsensical, but one thing was clear. She had gone off with Rose somewhere. Looks like he was finding his own way home tonight.
There was a clink behind him and he turned his head to see the bartender pushing a shot of something across to him with a hearty wink.
"Go get 'im tiger."
Karkat shrugged and downed the shot. "Thanks."
Some kind of whiskey, it tasted like. It burned on the way down, but that was nothing compared to the way his heart was slamming against his chest as he got up and made his way once again through the mass of clubgoers and towards the DJ booth.
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i-may-have-a-point · 7 years
Review of 14x04 “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head”
Sorry for the delay in posting!  Life.   Amelia - I mentioned this last week, but I want to say again how surprised I am that Amelia’s brain tumor story moved so quickly.  I guess her real story this year will be figuring out who she is without this tumor impacting her actions and decisions.  Marlana Hope is a welcome addition to the writing team after seeing how she wrote this particular story in this episode.  Dr. Koracick is arrogant but likable, Amelia’s reactions are realistic, and humor is interjected well for a story about such a tough topic.  April being Amelia’s POA and explaining, “What?  Was I supposed to say no?” added levity to a scene where Amelia said her good-byes to her loved ones.  “In this moment, I love you people tremendously.”  What a perfect line.  The scene transitions to Amelia and her team standing in the superhero pose, and Dr. Koracick speaks for all of us when he whispers, “I love this,” over the stunning instrumental music.  “With surgery, you worry that you won’t wake up.  With brain surgery, you worry that you will wake up, but you won’t be there when you do.”  That is a beautiful way to explain Amelia’s fear.  Who is she without this tumor?  Well, we are about to find out as we watch Dr. Koracick cut her tumor out while singing along to the Beach Boys.  The contrast of the music with the seriousness of the scene could not have been better.  Whoever chose the music for this episode should choose the music for the rest of the season.  After surgery, Amelia being aware of what was happening but not being able to communicate was terrifying to watch but a nice nod to Derek’s death.  I also thought Deluca  was a nice addition to this story.  He never quite found his place in seasons past, but so far, I like him in neuro with Amelia.  The scene where he forced her to sit in the chair because she made him promise to do so was brilliant.  Amelia screaming in her head while collapsed against his chest, weeping, was one of my favorite scenes of the night.
I think Caterina has done an amazing job with this story, but I have to mention my issues with the story as well.  Using a brain tumor to rewrite Amelia’s personality is frustrating to me. I didn’t think her personality was THAT bad, and it’s unrealistic.  My dad passed away from cancer a little over a month ago.  It spread to his brain, and he had his brain tumor removed in April.  His tumor may have been different from the one Amelia has, but brain tumors don’t just make people act a little odd.  They are debilitating.  They affect memory, speech, vision, and motor skills.  They don’t just cause you to make poor life choices..  I  know I have to look past reality to accept this story, and that’s fine because it’s a TV show, but a part of me wishes they hadn’t depicted brain tumors so inaccurately.  
Bailey/Webber/Interns - Some of these scenes were funny, but I know we are all side-eyeing these new interns wondering how they are going to shake up Grey-Sloan Memorial.  Part of me doesn’t want to know.
Megan/Nathan/Meredith - I have been so impressed with how this story has been written.  I was not feeling Griggs last season, mainly because it was written so poorly.  This season has been just the opposite.  This story has been written so well that I want Nathan with both Megan and Meredith.  Not in a sister wives type way.  It’s just that they are all handling an unimaginable situation with maturity and class, and I want a happy ending for all of them.  Megan is incredibly likable.  She is understanding of Nathan moving on, she adopted an orphaned child and raised him in a war zone, and she has been through hell and back.  She deserves happiness.  Meredith has been understanding of Nathan’s history with Megan, she helped him bring Farouk to Megan, and she also has been through hell and back.  She deserves happiness.  I am genuinely interested to see how this story plays out.  I still assume Meredith will get the man in the end because she is Meredith, but if they keep writing this story this well, I will stay invested for as long as they want.  (Side note:  I like the parallel between Meredith telling Megan that she kidnapped her own daughter and then Meredith helping Nathan, in a way, kidnap Farouk.)
Catherine/Webber/Jackson/Koracick - I laughed out loud when Koracick said he wanted to make sure Jackson wasn’t his and Jackson said, “Nope,” and walked away.  I’m not entirely sure what the point of adding in the Koracick/Catherine connection was, but it was a funny little moment.
Jo/Alex - Either Jo is going to decide to put her name on the article despite her husband possibly finding her, or I think he will be at the Harper Avery awards.  He feels like a shadow closing in on Jolex.  We are all just waiting for him to step out of the darkness.  But what a refreshing switch it is to see Alex be her rock as opposed to last season when she feared Paul alone.  This is a more realistic portrayal of their relationship and who Alex is.
April/Arizona/Alex/Mer/Maggie scene - I like scenes like this.  I always have.  I think this particular scene is another way the writers are taking jabs at the terrible stories of last season.  Alex says, “I just wish I had a tumor to blame my stupid crap on,” and they proceed to yell out stories from last season that we could have done without. As if wishing all of them could be explained away by tumors.  “Deluca, I’m sorry I hit you. Tumor.” “Riggs. Tumor.” “Minnick!”  It was a subtle jab at the ridiculous writing of season 13.  Thanks Marlana.
Jackson/April/Maggie - After watching this week’s episode, I stand by what I said last week.  Jackson and April are both going to have individual journeys (for the most part) this season, but they will find their way back to each other.  I expect some of you to call me delusional or say I am wrong, but I only write what I see.  The first time we see Jackson and Maggie interact, she comments on his suit only to quickly realize he was at a funeral.  Again, I saw no flirting there.  And after she awkwardly walked away, Jackson very noticeably adjusted Alex’s collar.  I’m not sure how the writers/directors/show could send a more intentional message to the audience than that.  Jackson and Alex don’t touch.  That two second gesture was put in there in response to Maggie fixing Jackson’s collar.  Because that is what colleagues/friends do.  It doesn’t mean that Jackson wants to drag Alex to an on-call room, and it didn’t mean that for Maggie either.  Yes, they are intentionally toying with the audience by throwing stuff like that in there, but so many people are taking the bait and crazy tweeting about it, so why wouldn’t they?  That moment leads into Jackson’s talk with Meredith about the Harper Avery award, further supporting my thoughts from last week that Jackson will spend a good deal of the season figuring out what it means for him to be an Avery.  He is visibly annoyed that he cannot be considered for an award since he is a great surgeon and deserves recognition.  
It was nice to see more of Webbery’s home.  How many of us have forgiven Catherine Avery all her sins after the way she seemed annoyed at Maggie’s very presence at their dinner?  We feel that on a spiritual level, Catherine. When Jackson walked in, he said, “Oh. Hey,” the way I greet acquaintances.  Again, nothing.  He looked a little surprised to see her maybe, but that’s about it.  And the couple of times he smiled at her in the episode did not scream romantic feeling to me.  She is his step-sister and friend.  He should smile at her.  It would be weird if he didn’t.  He smiled at Meredith the exact same way before stealing her chips.  Awkward, boring scenes aside, I think the main point of these scenes was for the audience to know how much money Jackson inherited.  The discussion centered around the money and what he should do with it.  I suspect we will see something come of Jackson inheriting this money.  This was brought up for a reason.  
The scene that I think most people were so angered by was when Jackson said, “I appreciate you,” to Maggie.  Guys.  Come on.  If that was supposed to be a “moment” it would be the most lackluster romantic scene in the history of Grey’s   I appreciate you?  I appreciate the guy with one tooth who held the door open for me this morning.  I appreciate when my waitress refills my drink.  I appreciate when someone lets me merge on the interstate.  However, I have absolutely no romantic interest in any of these people.  That was not a Grey’s line that starts a romance.  Grey’s starts a romance by two people being drawn together in a bar, spending the night together, and then finding out he is her new boss.  Or two people connecting over their mutual understanding of what it means to lose the love of your life.  Or two people understanding that having demons in their past (drugs, ptsd) does mean you are unlovable.  Or two people who were beaten and broken down and told they were nothing can rise out of their circumstances.  Or best friends turning into soul mates who only need “me and you” to make it.  Epic love stories on Grey’s don’t begin with “I appreciate you.”  
Were they thinking about it?  Yes.  April planted the idea in their heads, and they had to at least consider what the other was thinking or feeling.  But, once again, the writers called them family in this episode.  Catherine called Maggie his sister.  SISTER.  Last week, Harper called April his wife.  WIFE.  The writers are feeding us crumbs, and that is damn annoying, but no matter how little we are getting, there is a big difference between being called the sister and the wife when it comes to Grey’s writing.
Seeing April in the chapel just feels right.  And I love that Marlana covered all aspects of who April is - religious, a fiercely loving mother, funny, and someone who feels things deeply.  April is such a complex, well-developed character. Hearing April pray “Please don’t make me have to unplug her,” was both funny and true to her character.  She wants Amelia to survive, but she has the strength to do what she needs to if it comes down to it.  We also saw that April is continuing to evaluate her life, what she wants, what makes her happy, and where she goes from here, just like last week.  Arizona seemed to be talking April into dating or having “new grown-up fun,” but I think most of that was just Arizona speaking for her own experience.  April may or may not date this season as part of her journey, but if she does, I don’t think it will be anytime soon.  She is focused on herself right now, as she should be.  Like she said, she doesn’t want a new normal.  Right now, she is surviving and that is the best she can do.  There was a quick line in the scene where they were all drinking coffee outside that caught my attention and may be insignificant, but I think it is another example of the introspection and reflection April is doing.  Meredith commented on how Riggs packed his bags and left to which April responds,  “Riggs panicked.  People panic.”  n that line, I heard April relating to Riggs because she packed her bags and left once, too.  That’s just one more part of her past that must be on her mind lately. And the chapel scene.  How is it that Sarah Drew can have a ten second scene where she says two words, and it is breathtaking? When April is unsure, hurting, or troubled, she turns to God.  But here, she went for a different reason.  April is thankful.  And not just that Amelia survived.  Despite all the hurt and heartache in her life, April is thankful.  And that just makes me love her even more.
I know many of you are angry and even jumping ship, but my feet are still planted firmly on the deck at this point.  Japril has a long journey, which is frustrating, but it’s only because they can have a story like this and remain one of the most popular couples on the show.  They have had two scenes together in six months, yet Grey’s posts are full of fans talking about Japril on every form of social media.  They are strong enough to get a story like this, and I hesitantly say, the writers this season are strong enough to make this into an amazing story.  
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biomedgrid · 5 years
Biomed Grid | Update on Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive nervous system disorder that affect movement and present other symptoms, that can be different for everyone and the exact cause of this damage is still unknown. Parkinson’s disease can’t be cured, medications and surgeries might significantly improve their symptoms, these must be prescribed by the neurologist, but it is important to understand how the medication works, what do we expect from them and what other options are available today. In this review the goal is introduce and explain to PD patients and their caregivers the PD: symptoms, stages, treatments, causes and types.
Keywords:  Parkinson’s disease; Tremors; Movement disorders; Postural instability; Levodopa; Parkinsonism; Idiopathic Parkinson’s; Atypical parkinsonism
Abbrevations:  PD: Parkinson’s Disease; CNS: Central Nervous System; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; STN: Subthalamic Nucleus; GPI: Globus Pallidus Internal; DBS: Deep Brain Stimulation; IPG: Implanted Pulse Generator; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; L-DOPA: Levodopa; LRRK2: Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2; PARK7: Parkinsonism Associated Deglycase; PRKN: Parkin Rbr E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase; TMS: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation; THC: Tetrahydrocannabinol; CBD: Cannabidiol; TCE: Trichloroethylene; CSE: Chronic Solvent Encephalopathy; MSA: Multiple System Atrophy; PSP: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy; CBS: Corticobasal Syndrome; DLB: Dementia with Lewy Bodies; VP: Vascular Parkinsonism; PBA: Pseudobulbar Affect
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease producing neuronal cell death, presenting loss of dopamineproduction in the brain area known as substancia nigra [1], altering the central nervous system CNS (brain and spinal cord), and affecting the regulation of the human movements and emotions. the exact cause of this damage is still unknown, and currently there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. PD is a form of extrapyramidal disorder that affects movements disorder caused by damage to the extrapyramidal tract, a network of nerves that controls movements.
PD is a typical movement disorder [2] and the 2nd most common neurodegenerative condition after Alzheimer’s disease. PD is a continuous neurological disorder where the symptoms continue to worsen gradually [3]. PD is a highly variable disease, meaning that different patients have different combinations of symptoms, and those symptoms can be at varying severity levels.
Symptoms of PD
The main symptoms of PD are of three kinds: primary motors, secondary motors and non-motors [4]. Where
Motors (Directly Related to Movement)
a. Tremors (shaking) in the limbs,
b. Rigidity (muscle stiffness),
c. Bradykinesia (slowness of movements),
d. Postural instability (impaired balance or difficulty standing or walking,
Secondary Motor (Consequence of Movement Disorders)
a. Hypomimia - loss of facial expressions known also as Parkinson mask.
b. Freezing of gait or shuffling gait – the gait, or way of walking, may be affected by a temporary hesitation (freezing) or dragging of the feet (shuffling).
c. Unwanted accelerations – movements which are too quick, which may appear in movement or in speech.
d. Speech difficulty or changes in speech – including slurred speech or softness of voice e. Stooped posture – the body leans forward, and the head may be slightly turned down.
f. Dystonia – prolonged muscle contractions that can cause twisting of body parts or repetitive movements.
g. Impaired fine motor dexterity – difficulty with precise hand and finger movement, such as in writing, sewing, or fastening buttons.
h. Poverty of movement – lack of natural, subtle movements like the decreased arm swing during walking
i. Akathisia – restless movement, which may appear as being jumpy or fidgety.
j. Difficulty swallowing – challenges swallowing can also cause drooling or excess saliva.
k. Cramping – muscles may stay in a contracted position and cause pain
l. Sexual dysfunction – decreased sex drive, inability to orgasm, erectile dysfunction in men, decreased lubrication in women, or pain with intercourse in women.
Non-Motors (no Related to Movement Disorders)
a. Fatigue – excessive tiredness that isn’t relieved with sleep
b. Digestive issues – difficulty swallowing, nausea, bloating, and/or constipation
c. Sleep problems – including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, vivid dreams, physically acting out dreams, sleep apnea and sleep attacks (patients may be suddenly overcome with drowsiness and fall asleep).
d. Orthostatic hypotension – low blood pressure that occurs when rising to a standing position.
e. Increased sweating.
f. Increased drooling.
g. Pain – which may accompany muscle rigidity.
h. Hyposmia – reduced sense of smell.
i. Mood changes – including apathy, depression, anxiety and Pseudobulbar Affect PBA (frequent, involuntary and uncontrollable outbursts of crying or laughing)
j. Cognitive changes – including memory difficulties, slowed thinking, confusion, impaired visual-spatial skills (such as getting lost in familiar locations), and dementia.
k. Psychotic symptoms – including hallucinations, paranoia, and agitation.
l. Incontinence _Urinary problems.
m. Orthostatic hypotension (OH) - change of arterial pressure with postural changes
n. Melanoma - an invasive form of skin cancer that has been found to develop more often in people with Parkinson’s.
PD stages
There are typical patterns of progression in Parkinson’s disease that are defined in five stages, Not everyone will experience all the symptoms of Parkinson’s, and if they do, they won’t necessarily experience them in quite the same order or at the same intensity. The typical five stages are summarized in (Table 1).
Table 1: The typical five stages of Parkinson’s.
PD Treatments
There are a variety of treatments that can help manage the motor symptoms and improve the quality of life, but there is no known treatment to stop or slow the disease progression that is different in each patient. The current treatments available must be prescribed by a neurologist, these are: medications, surgical treatments and complementary/alternative therapies.
Levodopa is the most efficacious medication for PD, it is converted to dopamine. When initiated the levodopa treatment improves symptoms through the day and night. Overtime patients develop OFF time. Off time is the time during the day when PD symptoms return or worsen, typically 40% in 5 years, 90% in 10 years [1]. Off time PD symptoms may include motor, secondary motors and non-motors. Off periods is the sum of four times that levodopa is not working:
a. Early morning Off -patients typically present with poor motor function in the morning when they wake up, before the first dose of levodopa [6],
b. Wearing Off - symptoms of Parkinson’s start to return or worsen before the next dose of levodopa is due [7],
c. Delayed On – delay in the onset of benefit of a levodopa dose [8],
d. Dose Failure - when there is no benefit from dose of levodopa [9].
Current medication for PD [
Levodopa - The most potent medication for Parkinson’s disease (PD) is levodopa. Its development in the late 1960s represents one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of medicine. Levodopa in pill form is absorbed in the blood from the small intestine and travels through the blood to the brain, where it is converted into dopamine, needed by the body for movement. Plain levodopa produces nausea and vomiting.
a. Carbidopa/levodopa remains the most effective drug to treat PD. The addition of carbidopa prevents levodopa from being converted into dopamine prematurely in the bloodstream, allowing more of it to get to the brain. Therefore, a smaller dose of levodopa is needed to treat symptoms [11].
b. Carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet®)- Levodopa is combined with carbidopa to prevent nausea and vomiting as side effect.
c. Carbidopa/levodopa (Rytary®) is a combination of long and short-acting capsule.
d. Carbidopa/levodopa (Parcopa®) is formulation that dissolves in the mouth without water.
e. Carbidopa/levodopa (Stalevo®) is combined formulation that includes the COMT inhibitor entacapone.
f. Dopamine Agonists [12]. They stimulate the parts of the human brain influenced by dopamine. In effect, the brain is tricked into thinking it is receiving the dopamine it needs. Dopamine agonists can be taken alone or in combination with medications containing levodopa. The most commonly prescribe oral pill are: pramipexole (Mirapex), ropinirole (Requip), rotigotine transdermal system (Neupro®), Bromocriptine (Parlodel®) and one special apomorphine (Apokyn), is a powerful and fast-acting injectable medication that promptly relieves symptoms of PD within minutes, but only provides 30 to 60 minutes of benefit. Its main advantage is its rapid effect. It is used for people who experience sudden wearing-off spells when their PD medication abruptly stops working, leaving them unexpectedly immobile.
g. Amantadine. it is a mild agent that is used in early PD to help tremor. In recent years, amantadine has also been found useful in reducing dyskinesias that occur with dopamine medication. h. COMT Inhibitors are used to prolong the effect of levodopa by blocking its metabolism. COMT Inhibitors are used primarily to help with “wearing off,” in which the effect of levodopa becomes short-lived. The most common are: Carbidopa/ levodopa (Stalevo®), Entacapone (Comtan®) and Tolcapone (Tasmar®)
i. Anticholinergic Drugs. They decrease the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that regulates movement. It can be helpful for tremor and may ease dystonia associated with wearing-off or peak-dose effect. The most common are: trihexyphenidyl (Artane®), benztropine mesylate (Cogentin®) and procyclidine (no longer available in the U.S.), among others.
j. MAO-B Inhibitors. They block an enzyme in the brain that breaks down levodopa, this makes more dopamine available and reduces some of the motor symptoms of PD. When used together with other medications, MAO-B inhibitors may reduce “off” time and extend “on” time. They have been shown to delay the need for Sinemet when prescribed in the earliest stage of PD and have been approved for use in later stages of PD to boost the effects of Sinemet. The most common used are: Selegiline also called Depreny (Eldepryl® and Zelapar®) and rasagiline (Azilect®).
Caution: PD medications may have interactions with certain foods, other medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, over the counter cold pills and other remedies. Anyone taking a PD medication should talk to their doctor and pharmacist about potential drug interactions.
A summary of new treatments and future treatments for Parkinson’s disease are shown in (
Table 2
) [5]  
Table 2:Summary of new treatments and future treatments for Parkinson’s disease
    Surgical Treatments
Surgical treatments can be an effective treatment option for different symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), only the symptoms that previously improved on levodopa have the potential to improve after the surgery. Surgical treatment is reserved for PD patients who have exhausted medical treatment of PD tremor or who suffer profound motor fluctuations (wearing off and dyskinesias), surgical treatments doesn’t cure PD and it does not slow PD progression. These are:
a. Carbidopa/levodopa intestinal fusion pump (DUOPA™). This is a gel formulation of the drug that requires a surgicallyplaced tube. provides 16 continuous hours of carbidopa and levodopa for motor symptoms. The small, portable infusion pump delivers carbidopa and levodopa directly into the small intestine obtaining better ON time.
b. Deep brain stimulation DBS [13]. DBS is only recommended for people who have had PD for at least four years and have motor symptoms not adequately controlled with medication. In DBS surgery, electrodes are inserted into a targeted area of the brain, using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and recordings of brain cell activity during the procedure. A second procedure is performed to implant an implanted pulse generator IPG, impulse generator battery (like a pacemaker). The IPG is placed under the collarbone or in the abdomen. The IPG provides an electrical impulse to a part of the brain involved in motor function. Those who undergo DBS surgery are given a controller to turn the device on or off. The most commonly utilized brain targets include the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the Globus pallidus internal (GPI). Target choice should be tailored to a patient’s individual needs. The STN does seem to provide more medication reduction, while GPi may be slightly safer for language and cognition. Although most people still need to take medication after undergoing DBS, many people experience considerable reduction of their PD symptoms and can greatly reduce their medications. The amount of reduction varies from person to person.
Future Surgical Treatments
PD Stem Cell Therapy. Cell transplantation in PD patients include [14-16]: adrenal medullary, retinal, carotid body, patient’s fat (adipose tissue) and human and porcine fetal cells. Cell transplantation using aborted 6 to 9 weeks-old human embryos evolved historically as the most promising approach. One of the major concerns in cell transplantation for PD is the host immune response to the grafted tissue. Cell therapy for PD have been associated with significant concerns and complications.
Although the brain is often considered “immune-privileged”, there is in fact evidence that intracerebral immunologicallymediated graft rejection can and does occur [17]. The open-label studies, and the functional engraftment of the transplanted tissue – are enough to provide hope that improvements in cell replacement strategies for PD could yield tremendous positive impact on patients’ lives. The Food and Drug Administration FDA has not yet approved stem cell therapy as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, clinical studies have demonstrated safety and potential efficacy. The FDA, however, requires further investigation before these kinds of treatment can be approved.
Complementary/Alternative Therapies
There many common Parkinson’s alternative available therapies for PD it is recommended speak with your doctor before, embarking on an alternative therapy. The most common are [18]:
a. Acupuncture, Acupuncture is recognized as a viable treatment for various illnesses and conditions. Acupuncture may improve PD‐related fatigue, but real acupuncture offers no greater benefit than sham treatments. PD‐related fatigue should be added to the growing list of conditions that acupuncture helps primarily through nonspecific or placebo effects [19].
b. Guided imagery (guided meditation), a gentle but powerful technique that focuses the imagination in proactive, positive ways. Motor imagery is a mental process by which an individual rehearses or simulates a given action. It is widely used in sport training as mental practice of action, neurological rehabilitation, and has also been employed as a research paradigm in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology to investigate the content and the structure of covert processes (i.e., unconscious) that precede the execution of action. Motor imagery is thought to be helpful in treatment of neurological motor disabilities caused by stroke, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries [20].
c. Chiropractic. The theory of chiropractic care is based on the idea that the properly adjusted body, particularly the spine, is essential for health, with influence on life force and good health attained using spinal manipulation therapy for the removal of subluxations. The dosage of chiropractic care depends on the practitioner [21]. Some reports shown that the use of alternative treatment as chiropractic procedures appeared to help in Parkinson disease signs and symptoms [22].
d. Yoga, though yoga is one of the widely used mind-body medicine for health promotion, disease prevention and as a possible treatment modality for neurological disorders. Among various types of mind-body exercises, yoga was reported to be the largest and to produce the most significant beneficial effect in reducing Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale UPDRS III scores for people with mild to moderate PD [23].
e. Hypnosis might represent an interesting complementary therapeutic approach to movement disorders, as it considers not only symptoms, but also well-being, and empowers patients to take a more active role in their treatment. Well-designed studies considering some specific methodological challenges are needed to determine the possible therapeutic utility of hypnosis in movement disorders. In addition to the potential benefits for such patients, hypnosis might also be useful for studying the neuroanatomical and functional underpinnings of normal and abnormal movements [24].
f. Biofeedback seems to be a promising tool to improve gait outcomes for both healthy individuals and patient groups. However, due to differences in study designs and outcome measurements, it remains uncertain how different forms of feedback affect gait outcomes [25].
g. Aromatherapy uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds for the purpose of altering one’s mood, cognitive, psychological or physical well-being. Aromatherapy in PD improve restlessness; anxiety, mood, works great; calming; relaxation; nausea; alertness; helped sleep; calming effect [26].
h. Herbal remedies are medication prepared from plants, including most of the world’s traditional remedies for disease. There are many herbal remedies that can be useful for PD but there are missing systematic approaches to test each one in neurologic diseases like PD. For example, Resveratrol as a natural polyphenolic compound extracted from red grapes, exerts neuroprotective effects on oxidative damage and neuronal damage through its antioxidant as well as antiinflammatory properties. Resveratrol has the potential to treat PD by inhibiting neuro-inflammation, apoptosis and promoting neuronal survival and can serve as a complementary medicine drug to reduce the L-DOPA dose needed to ameliorate PD [27].
i. Magnetic therapy, many studies conclude that further studies are needed on PD magnetic therapy. Investigations using repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS in assessing the motor system function are still in an early phase and need further evaluation. Altogether, the value of TMS for studies of the physiology and pathophysiology of the motor system is beyond any doubt and the limits of these techniques have not yet been reached [28].
j. Massage. Parkinson’s disease typically causes muscle stiffness and rigidity, individuals who utilize massage therapy find it helps to alleviate joint and muscle stiffness.
k. Marijuana also called cannabis, is made up of two major parts: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the major part that causes one to feel “high.” THC can cause hallucinations and anxiety and is therefore to be used with caution, if at all, in Parkinson disease. CBD, by comparison, may help with sleep and anxiety. A few studies have suggested that marijuana helps with some aspects of Parkinson’s and may allow a person to reduce his or her use of prescription medications. But there is no definitive data on what dose of what parts of marijuana are helpful or harmful in Parkinson’s disease. The possible association of cannabinoid receptors with ubiquitin pathway needs to be studied further in order to understand its extensive role in PD. Furthermore, epigenetic modifications resulted by cannabinoid receptor activation needs to be elucidated which can be crucial to follow up the pathology of the disease [29].
PD causes
Around 80% populations with PD are considered as idiopathic because of their unknown source of etiology whereas the remaining 20% cases are presumed to be genetic. Variations in the genetic combination of certain genes elevate the risk of PD. Studies have reported that mutation in the LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2),PARK7 (Parkinsonism Associated Deglycase), PRKN (Parkin RBR E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase), PINK1 (PTEN-induced putative kinase 1) or SNCA (alpha-synuclein) contribute to the risk of PD[30].
Factor for Parkinson’s disease
Generally, scientists speculate that the interaction between gene mutations and environmental exposures can contribute to PD progression. Studies have listed few modifiable risk factors for PD, the following factors are considered as some of the causative factors of PD [31,32] are:
Exposure to pesticide: The evidence that pesticide and herbicide use is associated with an increased risk in PD, begs the question – are there specific pesticides that are most concerning? When data is collected on this topic in large populations, often the participants in the study are unaware of which specific pesticide or herbicide exposures they have had. This makes it difficult to determine which pesticides to avoid. From that data emerged paraquat and rotenone as the two most concerning pesticides [33] and Glyphosate as herbicide [34]. Where:
a. Paraquat’s mechanism of action is the production of reactive oxygen species, intracellular molecules that cause oxidative stress and damage cells.
b. Rotenone’s mechanism of action is disruption of the mitochondria, the component of the cell that creates energy for cell survival.
c. Glyphosate is the world’s most heavily applied herbicide, and an active ingredient in Roundup®
d. Well-water drinking. Rural residents who drink water from private wells are much more likely to have Parkinson’s disease, a finding that bolsters theories that farm pesticides may be partially to blame, according to a new California study [35].
e. Heavy metals, such as iron and manganese, are involved in neurologic disease. Most often these diseases are associated with abnormal environmental exposures or abnormal accumulations of heavy metals in the body. Many epidemiological studies have shown an association between PD and exposure to metals such as: mercury, lead, manganese, copper, iron, aluminium, bismuth, thallium, and zinc [38]. The combination of high concentration of iron and the neurotransmitter, dopamine, may contribute to the selective vulnerability of the brain in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) in the basal ganglia [36].
f. Solvents, case reports of parkinsonism, including PD, have been associated with exposures to various solvents, most notably trichloroethylene (TCE) [37]. The peripheral nervous system as well as the central nervous system can both be targeted. Prolonged workplace exposure to organic solvents can induce a chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE) that persists even after the exposure is terminated [38].
g. Calcium, the international team, led by the University of Cambridge, found that calcium can mediate the interaction between small membranous structures inside nerve endings, which are important for neuronal signaling in the brain, and alpha-synuclein, the protein associated with Parkinson’s disease. Excess levels of either calcium or alpha-synuclein may be what starts the chain reaction that leads to the death of brain cells [39]. Ca2+ dysregulation and the direct consequences for mitochondrial health in PD [40].
h. Age, Parkinson’s disease can both be early- and late-onset. Many processes affected in Parkinson’s disease are linked to factors associated with age. The risk of Parkinson’s disease increases dramatically in individuals over the age of 60 and it is estimated that more than 1% of all seniors have some form of the condition [41].
i. Gender, more men than women are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and several gender differences have been documented in this disorder. One possible source of malefemale differences in the clinical and cognitive characteristics of PD is the effect of estrogen on dopaminergic neurons and pathways in the brain [42]
Parkinson ‘s diseases types
Parkinsonism is a constellation of signs and symptoms that are characteristically observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD), but that are not necessarily due to PD. Parkinsonism is the primary type of hypokinetic movement disorder. Parkinsonism describe the collection of signs and symptoms found in Parkinson’s disease (PD). These include slowness (bradykinesia), stiffness (rigidity), tremor and imbalance (postural instability). There are basically two general Parkinson’s types: Idiopathic Parkinson’s and atypical parkinsonism [43] (Table 3).
Table 3: The typical five stages of Parkinson’s.
    Idiopathic Parkinson’s
Idiopathic Parkinson’s is the most common form of Parkinsonism. It is a tremor predominant disorder that involves shaking and trembling. About 85% of people with parkinsonism have idiopathic Parkinson’s. This type of Parkinson’s disease can begin at an earlier age but progresses more slowly. It has a lower risk of cognitive (brain function) decline, but the tremors may be more difficult to treat than other symptoms [44].
Atypical parkinsonism
Atypical parkinsonism is less common, it is an instability and gait disorder that present more trouble with walking and balance. About 15% of people with parkinsonism have Atypical parkinsonism disorders, these are rarer conditions and more difficult to treat. This type of Parkinson’s disease happens at an older age but tends to progress quickly. Although people may experience fewer tremors or no tremors at all, they have a higher risk of cognitive decline. Atypical parkinsonism includes the following variations:
a. Multiple System Atrophy MSA includes several neurodegenerative disorders in which one or more systems in the body deteriorates as: incoordination (ataxia), dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system that automatically controls things such as blood pressure and bladder function. These are in addition to variable degrees of parkinsonism including symptoms such as slowness, stiffness and imbalance. Average age of onset is in the mid-50’s.
b. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy PSP is the most common degenerative type of atypical parkinsonism. Symptoms tend to progress more rapidly than PD. People with PSP may fall frequently early in the course of disease. Later symptoms include limitations in eye movements, particularly looking up and down, which also contributes to falls. Those with PSP also often have problems with swallowing (dysphagia), difficulty in producing speech (dysarthria), sleep problems, memory and thinking problems (dementia). Its average age of onset is in the mid-60’s.
c. Corticobasal Syndrome CBS is the least common of the atypical causes of Parkinsonism. Usually begins with symptoms affecting one limb. In addition to parkinsonism, other symptoms can include abnormal posturing of the affected limb (dystonia), fast, jerky movements (myoclonus), difficulty with some motor tasks despite normal muscle strength (apraxia), difficulty with language (aphasia) among others. Typically begins after age 60 [45].
d. Dementia with Lewy bodies DLB is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder in which abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein build up in multiple areas of the brain. It is second to Alzheimer’s as the most common cause of degenerative dementedly first causes progressive problems with memory and fluctuations in thinking, as well as hallucinations. These symptoms are joined later in the course of the disease by parkinsonism with slowness, stiffness and other symptoms like PD.
e. Drug-induced Parkinsonism is the most common form of what is known as secondary parkinsonism. Side effects of some drugs, especially those affecting brain dopamine levels (anti-psychotic or anti-depressant medication), can cause parkinsonism. Although tremor and postural instability may be less severe, this condition may be difficult to distinguish from Parkinson’s. Some medications can cause the development of Parkinsonism as: Antipsychotics, some antidepressants, reserpine, some calcium channel blockers and others. Usually after stopping those medications parkinsonism gradually disappears over weeks to months, though symptoms may last for up to a year.
f. Vascular Parkinsonism VP is based in evidences that suggest that multiple small strokes in key areas of the brain may cause Parkinsonism. A severe onset of parkinsonism immediately following (or progressively occurring within a year of) a stroke may indicate VP.
Parkinson’ disease is a neurologic disease that affect the functionality if the brain modifying the neural connectivity due to cell death. All medication and procedures available today only help to improve the quality of life of the patients, there is a big necessity to focus in more ways to accelerate the research on PD, like creating a cloud database with information about the development, new medications available, new surgical procedures, new way to early detection, new criteria’s and many other factors.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume2/update-on-parkinsons-disease.000614.php
For more about: Journals on Biomedical Science :Biomed Grid
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writerspink · 6 years
K-12 Words
dry wet shoe ten long stay yellow watch inch cup time words same six bones black child ear most page work white five arms snow main nine water head eggs rain test seven root law fall cow red doctor baby feet room rule one blue dark legs wind skin ball green two ever car body box orange gave door four europe picture wish purple ready try neck brown through sky grass air sign whether dance pink eight drive too sat gray three hit man love hand the of and a to in is you that it he was for on are as with his they I at be this have from or had by but not what all were we when your can said there use an each which she do how their if will up other about out many then them these so some her would make like him into has look more write go see number no way could people my than first been called who oil sit now find down day did get come made may part
anything syllables past describe winter even also eleven moon fruit sand apple women nose solve Math problem plus minus equals stone pants shirt starry thousand divided just train shall held short lay dictionary twelve suddenly mind race clothes learn picked probably raised finished end plaid years bill place hundred different drop came river milk beautiful square lake hole fingers flat sea type over new sound take only little work know live me back give most very after things our name good sentence man think say great where help through much before line right too means old any same tell boy follow want show around form three small
interest job because such think thirteen subject answer letter meet north length need times divide (by) times table edge soft months present energy point sound log south wide members exercise flowers set found things heart cause site brother teacher live read billion another distance written kept direction developed wall east happy million world must house turn west change well twenty felt put end does large big even here why ask went men land different home us move try kind hand picture again off dress play spell air away animal page mother study still learn should America
paragraph weather window third believe discovered simple gone paint new store form cells matter follow perhaps cannot good means around line center kind reason move forest sentence return instruments beside represent wild study back farmers sum difference product quotient remainder mother animal land region record summer general caterpillar scratch modern adjust passenger promise equal creak almost croak book dainty song high every near add food between own below country plant last school father keep tree never start city earth eyes light thought head under story saw left don’t few while along might close something seem next hard open example begin life always those both paper together got group often run
misty poor caution pest phrase life startle squirm alone centaur rise mountain above illustrator footprint temperature decorate country sweat sometimes hair smiled everything began thick compass themselves enough took although splendid crowded second act attach sly talk wonder let’s whirl someone Africa borrow beat belong blink per fasten pain begin drenched bed shell free earth tiny slippery count factors important until children side feet car mile night walk white sea grow river four carry state once book hear stop without late miss idea eat face watch far Indian real almost let girl mountains cut young soon list song being leave family it’s
drowsy bashful hatch glad copy possible wicked grin sibling shovel run verb sail polish ride young steep case Indian laughed soil appear bolts costume melody narrow behave howl example flee together lot filthy alarm spiral selfish idea conductor fight rolled middle glacier tree dizzy gather sneaky already construct every miss lively metal couldn’t gold plant mask chat nation hear either bundle section near rescue face divide sob celebrate family loosen jealous crash chimney daily own cozy ripe cut son natural serious carry care paper broken cue within body music color stand questions fish area mark horse birds problem complete room knew since ever piece told usually didn’t friends easy heard order red door sure become top ship across today during short better best however low hours black products happened whole measure remember early waves reached
being instead ache exactly hard speed buy age late artistic close affordable fraction eyes appetite complain sleep seem eat below remove rusty grow glum stormy trust enormous scale open add grab upset weed denied expensive story terrified lead jumped died basket side bear bend list tomb while batch grateful father gleaming dress light sprinkle amount exclaim result yank leave cheat whimper angle outside remain heap champion surprise dodge moment fancy squeeze pretend village shriek city thunder rapid iron striped don’t attitude bell hat tug isn’t applause children honest cross spring freezing listen wind rock space covered fast several hold himself toward five step morning passed vowel true hundred against pattern numeral table north expert slowly money map farm pulled draw voice seen cold cried plan notice south sing war ground fall king town I’ll unit figure certain field travel wood fire upon
pattern cave hope mile group travel blush killed seed bottom hide important let ticket timid pounds restart silent cranky keep real bright quite curved repeat trip without dart consonant mountains quiet apologize roar grip groan bolt food injury century exhausted cabin atmosphere floor it’s scold transportation delighted giant hill something build fog method rough left everyone obey deserve speak therefore soon french switch until pushed state knob hobby between surround collect fire I’ll arrive road happened certain top order astronomy inches club catch farm nibble color yourself received connect told gaze check wear English half ten fly gave box finally wait correct oh quickly person became shown minutes strong verb stars front feel fact street decided contain course surface produce building ocean class note nothing rest carefully scientists inside wheels stay green known island week less machine base ago stood
round award crowd slowly yet products, goods, services vowel himself strange whose draw team hold feel flood sent save stood yard notice warn enemy deep please flap coast music wrote safe blast behind island lizard figure famous garden correct whisper listen joined clear share net thus calf maybe cried piece fold seen england decided bank fell pair control clean telescope trouble glass float morning horse produce course hunting rest step statement contain shouted filled zigzag accident cents instrument fly single express visit desert seeds chew dome experiment break gravity against branch size low plane system ran boat game force brought understand warm common bring explain dry though language shape thousands yes equation government heat full hot check object am rule among noun power cannot able six dark ball material special heavy fine circle include built
mark wealthy row feeling across attention ran map students inside design art mouth ring skill hot during shelter full till log (book) blossom discard bring quickly scientists party town covered wise early cram grain harm goal pause inform heal clue fame freeze badge pimple dim missionary diet dumb rod march agree stick government bulb mall ban greed skiing poison stove image grew fact material dangerous flow gap ago stack explain didn’t strong voice true drawing surface gift corner cloud since king dawn pulled dozen friends greedy burning upon knew insect decimal nervous pay foot weak smooth aware steady serve lost nonetheless beach front atlas questions less cost slight motor banner wire area carefully separate equation local minutes fast table plan fine waves fair sing dive suppose boat thousands shape among toward gas factory birds wait understand sure ship report captain human game history reflect special brave bounce though else can’t matter square syllables perhaps bill felt suddenly test direction center farmers ready anything divided general energy subject Europe moon region return believe dance members picked simple cells paint mind love cause rain exercise eggs train blue wish drop developed window difference distance heart site sum summer wall forest probably
include cage language base red brain building feast better built demolish excess leap tower ocean plains cold claw information scholar climbed woman worry strand heavy herd common ground damp pack choose president least increase half english invent class measure dash tremble object become doubt became bare wheels continued shiver engine core couple business stars week peak numeral brought nothing touch reached uncle symbols however rumor evening inasmuch (as) force curious heat career system valley dust flock spray robber practice lonely remember luxury warm heard calm rock frighten leader difficulty best gum cheer key support universe stream bit usually fish parade balance money note cliff stand proof you’re pale machine complete cool shown street today shy easy several search unit war power caught settle itself fuel mention fresh planet plane straight period person able direct space wood seal field circle lady board besides hours passed known whole similar underline main winter wide written length reason kept interest arms brother race present beautiful store job edge past sign record finished discovered wild happy beside gone sky grass million west lay weather root instruments meet third months paragraph raised represent soft whether clothes flowers shall teacher held describe drive appreciate structure visible artificial
afraid absorb british seat fear stretched furniture sight oxygen coward rope clever yellow albeit confess passage france fan cattle spot explore rather active death effect mine create wash printed process origin rose swift woe planets doze gasp chief perform triumph value substances tone score predict property movement harsh tube settled defend reverse ancient blood sharp border fierce plunge consider terms vision intend total schedule attract average intelligent corn dead southern glide supply convince send continent brief mural symbol crew chance suffix habit insects entered nursery especially spread drift major fig diagram guess wit sugar predator science necessary moisture park ordeal nectar fortunate flutter gun forward globe misery molecules arctic won’t actually addition washington cling rare lie steel pastime soldiers chill accordingly capital prevent solution greek sensitive electric agreed thin provide indicate northern volunteer sell tied triangle action opposite shoulder imitate steer wander except match cross speak solve appear metal son either ice sleep village factors result jumped snow ride care floor hill pushed baby buy century outside everything tall already instead phrase soil bed copy free hope spring case laughed nation quite type themselves temperature bright lead everyone method section lake iron within dictionary bargain loyal resource struggle vary capture exclaim gloomy insist restless shallow shatter talent atmosphere brilliant endure glance precious unite certain clasp depart journey observe superb treasure wisdom
prepared journey trade delicate arrived track cotton hoe furnish exciting view grasp level branches privilege limit wrong enable ability various moreover spoil starve dollars digest advice sense accuse pretty wasn’t industry adopt loyal suggested blow treasure cook adjective doesn’t wings tools crops loud smell frail wisdom fit expect ahead lifted deed device weight gradual respect interesting arrange particular compound examine cable climate division individual talent fatal entire advantage opponent wouldn’t elements column custom enjoy grace theory suitable wife shoes determine allow marsh workers difficult repeated thrill position born distant revive magnificent shop sir army struggled deal plural rich rhythm rely poem company string locate church mystify elegant led actual responsible japanese huge fun meat observe swim office chart avoid factories block called experience win crumple brilliant located pole bought conditions sister details primary survey truck recall disease radio rate scatter decay signal approach launch hair age amount scale pounds although per broken moment tiny possible gold milk quiet natural lot stone act build middle speed count consonant someone sail rolled bear wonder smiled angle fraction Africa killed melody bottom trip hole poor let’s fight surprise French died beat exactly remain fingers clever coast explore imitate pierce rare symbol triumph ancient cling disturb expose perform remote timid bashful brief compete consider delightful honor reflex remark brink chill conquer fortunate fury intend pattern vibrant wit
capture remark western outcome risk current bold compare resident ambition arrest furthermore desire confuse accurate disclose considerable contribute calculate baggage literacy noble era benefit orchard shabby content precious manufacture dusk afford assist demonstrate instant concentrate sturdy severe blend vacant weary carefree host limb pointless prepare inspire shallow chamber vast ease attentive source frantic lack recent distress basic permit threat analyze distract meadow mistrust jagged prefer sole envy hail reduce arena tour annual apparent recognize captivity burrow proceed develop humble resist peculiar response communicate circular variety frequent reveal essential disaster plead mature appropriate attractive request congratulate address destructive fragile modest attempt tradition ancestor focus flexible conclude venture impact generosity routine tragic crafty furious blossom concern ascend awkward master queasy release portion plentiful alert heroic extraordinary frontier descend invisible coax entrance capable peer terror mock outstanding valiant typical competition hardship entertain eager limp survive tidy antonym duplicate abolish approach approve glory magnificent meek prompt revive watchful wreckage audible consume glide origin prevent punctuate representative scorn stout woe arch authentic clarify declare grant grave opponent valid yearn admirable automatic devotion distant dreary exhaust kindle predict separation stunt
evade debate dedicate budge available miniature petrify pasture banquet pedestrian solitary decline reassure nonchalant exhibit realistic exert abuse dictate minor monarch concept character strategy soar beverage tropical withdraw challenge kin navigate purchase reliable mischief solo combine vivid aroma spurt illuminate narrator retain excavate avalanche preserve suspend accomplish exasperate obsolete occasion myth reign sparse gorge intense revert antagonist talon aggressive alternate retire cautiously blizzard require endanger luxurious senseless portable sever compensate companion visual immense slither guardian compassion escalate detect protagonist oasis altitude assume seldom courteous absurd edible identical pardon approximate taunt achievement homonym hearty convert wilderness industrious sluggish thrifty deprive independent bland confident anxious astound numerous resemble route access jubilation saunter hazy impressive document moral crave gigantic bungle prefix summit overthrow perish visible translate comply intercept feeble exult compose negative suffocate frigid synonym appeal dominate deplete abundant economy desperate diligent commend boycott jovial onset burden fixture objective siege barrier conceive formal inquire penalize picturesque predator privilege slumber advantage ambition defiant fearsome imply merit negotiate purify revoke wretched absorb amateur channel elegant grace inspect lame tiresome tranquil boast eloquent glisten ideal infectious invest locate ripple sufficient uproar
apprehensive dialogue prejudice marvel eligible accommodate arrogant distinct knack deposit liberate cumulative consequence strive salvage chronological unique vow concise influence lure poverty priority legislation significant conserve verdict leisure erupt beacon stationary generate provoke efficient campaign paraphrase swarm adhere eerie mere mimic deteriorate literal preliminary solar soothe expanse ignite verge recount apparel terrain ample quest composure majority collide prominent duration pursue innovation omniscient resolute unruly optimist restrain agony convenient constant prosper elaborate genre retrieve exploit continuous dissolve dwell persecute abandon meager elude rural retaliate primitive remote blunder propel vital designate cultivate loathe consent drastic fuse maximum negotiate barren transform conspicuous possess allegiance beneficial former factor deluge vibrant intimidate idiom dense awe rigorous manipulate transport discretion hostile clarity arid parody boisterous capacity massive prosecute declare stifle remorse refuge predicament treacherous inevitable ingenious plummet adapt monotonous accumulate reinforce extract reluctant vacate hazardous inept diminish domestic linger context excel cancel distribute document fragile myth reject scuffle solitary temporary veteran assault convert dispute impressive justify misleading numerous productive shrewd strategy villain bluff cautious consist despise haven miniature monarch obstacle postpone straggle vivid aggressive associate deceive emigrate flexible glamour hazy luxurious mishap overwhelm span blemish blunt capable conclude detect fatigue festive hospitality nomad supreme
exclude civic compact painstaking supplement habitat leeway minute hoax contaminate likeness migration commentary extinct tangible originate urban unanimous subordinate collaborate obstacle esteem encounter futile cordial trait improvises superior exaggerate anticipate cope evolve eclipse dissent anguish subsequent sanctuary formulates makeshift controversy diversity terminate precise equivalent pamper prior potential obnoxious radiant predatory presume permanent pending simultaneously tamper supervise perceived vicious patronize trickle stodgy rant oration preview species poised perturb vista wince yearn persist shirk status tragedy trivial snare vindictive wrath recede peevish rupture unscathed random toxic void orthodox subtle resume sequel upright wary overwhelm perjury uncertainty prowess utmost throb pluck pique vengeance pelt urgent substantial robust sullen retort ponder whim saga sham reprimand vocation assimilate dub defect accord embark desist dialect chastise banter inaugurate ovation barter muse blasé stamina atrocity deter principal liberal epoch preposterous advocate audacious dispatch incense deplore institute deceptive component subside spontaneous bonanza ultimate wrangle clarify hindrance irascible plausible profound infinite accomplish apparent capacity civilian conceal duplicate keen provoke spurt undoing vast withdraw barrier calculate compose considerable deputy industrious jolt loot rejoice reliable senseless shrivel alternate demolish energetic enforce feat hearty mature observant primary resign strive verdict brisk cherish considerate displace downfall estimate humiliate identical improper poll soothe vicinity abolish appeal brittle condemn descend dictator expand famine portable prey thrifty visual
stance vie instill exceptional avail strident formidable rebuke enhance benign perspective tedious aloof encroach memoir mien desolate inventive prodigy staple stint fallacy grope vilify recur assail tirade antics recourse clad jurisdiction caption pseudonym reception humane ornate sage ungainly overt sedative amiss convey connoisseur rational enigma fortify servile fastidious contagious elite disgruntled eccentric pioneer abet luminous era sleek serene proficient rue articulate awry pungent wage deploy anarchy culminate inventory commemorate muster adept durable foreboding lucrative modify authority transition confiscate pivotal analogy avid flair ferret decree voracious imperative grapple deface augment shackle legendary trepidation discern glut cache endeavor attribute phenomenon balmy bizarre gullible loll rankle decipher sublime rubble renounce porous turbulent heritage hover pithy allot minimize agile renown fend revenue versa gaunt haven dire doctrine intricate conservative exotic facilitate bountiful cite panorama swelter foster indifferent millennium gingerly conscientious intervene mercenary citadel obviously rely supportive sympathy weakling atmosphere decay gradual impact noticeable recede stability variation approximately astronomical calculation criterion diameter evaluate orbit sphere agricultural decline disorder identify probable thrive expected widespread bulletin contribution diversity enlist intercept operation recruit survival abruptly ally collide confident conflict protective taunt adaptation dormant forage frigid hibernate insulate export glisten influence landscape native plantation restore urge blare connection errand exchange
feasible teem pang vice tycoon succumb capacious onslaught excerpt eventful forfeit crusade tract haggard susceptible exemplify ardent crucial excruciating embargo disdain apprehend surpass sporadic flustered languish conventional disposition theme plunder ignore project complaint title dramatic delivery litter experimental clinic arrogance preparation remind atomic occasional conscious deny maturity closure stressed translator animate observation physical further gently registration suppress combination amazing constructive allied poetry passion ecstasy mystery cheerful contribution spirit failed gummy commerce prove disagreement raid consume embarrass preference migrant devour encouragement quote mythology destined destination illuminating struggle accent ungrateful giggle approval confidence expose scientist operation superstitious emergency manners absolutely swallow readily mutual bound crisp orient stress sort stare comfort verbal heel challenging advertisement envious sex scar astonish basis accuracy enviable alliance specific chef embarrassed counter tolerable sympathetic gradually vanish informative amaze royal furry insist jealousy simplify quiver collaborate dedicated flexible function mimic obstacle technique archaeologist fragment historian intact preserve reconstruct remnant commence deed exaggeration heroic impress pose saunter wring astound concealed inquisitive interpret perplexed precise reconsider suspicious anticipation defy entitled neutral outspoken reserved sought equal absorb affect circulate conserve cycle necessity seep barren expression meaningful plume focused genius perspective prospect stunned superb transition assume guarantee nominate
install reticent corroborate regretfully strength murder concise cunning intention holy satire query confused progression disillusion background mundane abrupt multiple enormously introduce emulate harmful pragmatic pity rebut liberate enthusiastic elucidate camaraderie disparage nature creep profitability impression racist sobriety occupy autonomy currently amiable reiterate reproduce cripple modest offer atom provincial augment ungratefully expansion yield rashly allude immigration silence epitome exacerbate somber avid dispute vindicate collaborate manufacturer embellish superficial propaganda incompetent objective diminish statistics endure ambivalent perpetuate illuminate phenomenon exasperate originality restrict anxiety anthropology circumstances aesthetic manufacturing conventional dubious vulnerable reality precedent entity success term critical repair underscore stepmother republican hesitantly classic wary contents prediction immediate invoke notorious implicit excluding input skeptical foster element punish frank humanity profound dessert orthodox substance disappear encourage neighborhood elder superfluous naive ascertain complacent resilient deafening military tend prudent glare acceptance skillfully induce monster beam gullible conciliate vessel petty cantankerous disclose archaeology anecdote disdain electronics substantiate subjective tourism advisable joyful incredible provocative psychological ruins discipline condone indifferent misfortune judgmental industrialize tasty assume astute mission mar protective definitely escape oppress shocked virtual zealous endorse qualification hostile eccentric abstract disparate geographical scrutinize generalization tolerate activity claim dogmatic influential obsolete extol implausible subsequent resource chronic benevolent improve confidential ambiguous seriously dearth perplex hatred throughout dine contemporary evoke essentially economic flagrant obscure alleviate eloquent dreaadful clumsy sympathy victim condemn vigor condescend spontaneous quell reprehensible substantially sleeve equivocal ironic decry errand articulate progressive eradicate refreshments elicit aspiration recently exemplary bribery theoretical disingenuous partisan revere particle nostalgia self-aggrandizement debunk tyranny rhetoric hierarchy warning whimsical venerate commend assert miserable awful vibe constrain undermine explicit differentiate compliment scrupulous contempt erroneous ideal refute imply cynical rash presume insight revival vary delay renounce indignant offensive temperate circumstantial export peep logo advertise suppress distort chunk convoluted denounce overwhelming fertility rigorous acquire arrogant university antagonize profitable indulgent strategic breathing idiosyncrasy profession frugal discern accommodation adversary incredulous disturbance digress social belie roam smug continual pertinent voluntarily elite subtle blame sincerity lick horror censure involvement candid infer futile impetuous exploit bewilder sustain diligent sincere protect sealed musical empathy callous parenthetical insure acorn sarcasm seize sacrificially allege emphatic irrelevant progress diplomatic stunned improvise deride reconcile meticulous deject scientifically incontrovertible pressure justify gloomy depict supplant endurance analogous diary bolster slip contemplate pesticide glow religious advocate negligent creator lament fundamental embrace throne inherent inferior valuable thrive trivial pretense reserved capricious refresh refusal flight boost explanation coherent prevalent tenacious official royalty assassin rub poach delete
warrant circumscribed somewhat explosive optimistic mandate previously detract opinion intuitive feasible intimate persistent humble simplicity tempt deliberate painful unethical fundamentals discrepancy remorse pessimistic possibility conclusion acknowledge impregnate soberly creation paralyze suitability oblige tranquil medal arbitrate pacify illusory susceptible vibrate vengeance infection democratic stressful grave speculative sample identification stifle obligation revenge organization namely mediocre practical scream weaken consensus affectionate deficient treacherous console isolation ingenious memory melodrama despair awestruck composition regret recommendation celebrity decision devoid opaque ornamentation longevity participate dread restore interrogate aid accordingly mislead embarrassment optimism domestic apt funds virtue geography fundamentally thoroughly press despite horrible chilling rental esteemed disappointment innovative contemplation assign popularize haunt deafen serene percent estrangement suffer extravagant throng estimate comment priesthood mass dreadfully promote periphery animated saying relate clarity triple derivative succeed distortion register suicide improvement discreet inquisition probable curative incident praise convenience baffle covet dreadful genuinely weary undisturbed disgruntled humility renown nonchalant monopoly comedy vague decisive inconsequential announcement fabricated nevertheless vigilant scarce neglectful hushed attainment tedious explode snatch pslm agency sentimental tension adhere meanwhile sacred avert conformity likewise challenger accessible responsibility peril contact event roast fallible catastrophic competitor violate resolute deceive exaggeration discredit intolerable approve paste dimly novelist demeanor norm politician satisfaction obvious vehicle reservation defer involve restoration crush audible assistant backpack attain inanimate commemorate confrontation emigration parasite disperse quantitative laughter policy vulgar occasionally repay effective eulogy starvation empty therapeutic overall immortal encompass inappropriate opportune engagement illustrate turmoil observatory classification expression reminiscence comedian invention depress remedy protagonist gesture texture diplomatic election prolong conducive emotional invigorate curiosity expressive %
K-12 Words was originally published on PinkWrite
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loudenoughtohear · 8 years
My Autism Traits Bolded w/ Some Explanation
I copied this from mlmscout so that I could bold the traits that pertained to me. Here is a link to the original post
School/Learning/Thinking/Executive Functioning:
○ Average to high intelligence, may have high grades
○ May have low grades due to executive dysfunction
Explanation: There are times when my grades are excellent because I am able to maintain a consistent routine and there are times when things like depression, as well as family matters throw me off balance and my executive dysfuction takes over and my grades start to dip. 
○ Difficulty with executive functioning, i.e. remembering chores/assignments, beginning or finishing tasks, trouble multitasking or switching between two tasks, etc.
○ Has symptoms of AD(H)D such as forgetfulness, restlessness, impulsivity, and trouble focusing
○ Has symptoms of OCD such as anxiety, paranoia, delusions, and odd habits or routines that stem from anxiety (compulsions)
○ Has been (correctly or incorrectly) diagnosed with co-morbid disorders such as depression, anxiety, AD(H)D and OCD
I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I was incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD in elementary school. 
○ A “teacher’s pet” and tells on students for breaking rules, may be a “tattler”
○ Seen as odd, shy, eccentric, and/or annoying by peers and classmates
○ Uses “formal” or “pedantic” language rather than casual/conversational language
○ Exceptional vocabulary since childhood
○ Skills tend to be far above or far below those of peers
○ Considered “gifted” or a “savant” in areas such as math, physics, science, vocabulary, reading comprehension, art, and/or music
For me it is was reading and being hyperlexic. But I never did well on the exams given in school, so they put me in remedial english in elementary school, but I would come home from school and read my mother’s college textbooks. 
○ Superior skills in mathematics or physics
○ Poor understanding of mathematics
○ Has or has symptoms of dyscalculia, a learning disorder characterized by:
   ○ Difficulty with mathematics (including basic concepts such as addition and subtraction)
   ○ Difficulty identifying patterns
   ○ Difficulty telling left from right
   ○ Poor navigational skills and sense of direction
   ○ Difficulty remembering long sequences of numbers such as phone numbers
   ○ Difficulty reading clocks and telling time
   ○ Difficulty with applying math concepts to real-life situations
   ○ Difficulty with measurements
   ○ Difficulty applying previously-learned skills to new concepts in math
   ○ Difficulty finding different approaches to the same problem
   ○ Difficulty reading charts and graphs
   ○ Poor spatial awareness, difficulty estimating distances and have poor depth perception
○ Has or has symptoms of dyslexia, a learning disorder characterized by:
   ○ Difficulty recognized letters
   ○ Difficulty matching letters and words to sounds (i.e. pronunciation errors, not knowing what sound a “B” or an “H” makes)
   ○ Limited vocabulary
   ○ Difficulty with word sequences such as counting or the days of the week
   ○ Confuses the order of letters, makes frequent mistakes in spelling and grammar
   ○ Difficulty remembering facts
   ○ Difficulty understanding the rules of grammar
   ○ Difficulty learning and retaining information, relies on memorization without complete understanding of concept
   ○ Difficulty with word problems in math
   ○ Difficulty following a sequence of directions
   ○ Difficulty understanding jokes, idioms, metaphors, and figures of speech
   ○ Difficulty learning a foreign language
○ Obsessions with particular topics, known as “special interests” in the autistic community
○ Talking about a special interest brings comfort and happiness, conversation is limited to or focused on a special interest
○ Not interested in talking about topics besides a special interest
○ Spends long periods of time researching a special interest and categorizing information on a special interest
○ Has a “comfort item” such as a toy, blanket, or stone, may take item everywhere and refuse to part with it, doing so causes anxiety, sadness, and/or a meltdown
○ Superior long-term memory
○ Weaker short-term memory
○ Prefers to be self-taught and direct learning
○ Intense interest in literature and writing, may have taught self how to read before formal education, may be hyperlexic
○ Prolific writer
○ Deep thinker, curious
○ Drawn to philosophy, may have shown interest and curiosity in subjects such as death and the meaning of life since childhood
○ Prefers visual and kinetic learning, needs to get hands-on to understand topics
○ Highly creative and imaginative, drawn to art and writing
○ Art and writing relieve anxiety
○ Enjoys music, may be interested in songs and lyrics
○ Tasks with several steps can be troublesome
○ Difficulty remembering and following verbal instructions, needs written instructions to complete a task
○ Difficulty locating objects
○ The thought of having to leave the house for an event causes anxiety, may avoid leaving the house, talking to people, or confronting people
○ Upcoming events cause a feeling of dread of anxiety
○ Easily irritated and/or frustrated, avoids and/or gives up on tasks that are not easily overcome or mastered
○ Difficulty lying, may appear to be naïve, gullible, trusting, or a “pushover”
○ Tendency to be logical and see things at “face value” and take figures of speech, jokes, sarcasm, metaphors, etc. literally
○ Odd combination of strengths and weaknesses in regards to memory, executive functioning, motor skills, academics, intelligence, and interests
Motor Skills/Physical/Sensory/Routine:
○ Poor motor skills, may be clumsy or cumbersome, difficulty holding a pencil, kicking a ball, writing/drawing by hand, etc.
○ Auditory processing difficulties, may take a moment to process and interpret words, speech, and noises, may have auditory processing disorder (APD)
○ Odd gait or posture, may walk on toes or drag/shuffle feet, may sit in a crouching or perching position
○ Learning to ride a bike or drive a car can be difficult due to a lack of necessary skills
○ Becomes non- or semi-verbal when stressed, overwhelmed, or tired (i.e. being unable to speak, speaking takes a lot of effort and is tiring/exhausting, words feel “stuck”)
○ Experiences meltdowns/shutdowns when stressed, overwhelmed, or tired, may cry, scream, become snappy/irritated/impatient, or become withdrawn (may appear to be a “temper tantrum”)
○ Thumb-sucking lasts past childhood into adolescence
○ Bed-wetting lasts past childhood into adolescence
○ Experiences insomnia
○ Not a “morning person”
○ Has a co-morbid chronic illness, such as IBS, gluten intolerance, allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia, seizures, epilepsy, etc.
○ Resistance to and/or inability to cope with change, which causes anxiety
○ Adheres to a daily routine, straying from routine causes anxiety
○ Likes to sit in the same seat in the car or at meals, wear the same outfit, or eat the same food
○ Sensory issues, sensitive to textures, touch, sound, taste, smells, light, etc.
○ Avoids loud or harsh noises, bright light, certain tastes/textures/smells
○ Experiences “sensory overload,” may experience a meltdown or shutdown if sensory input is too much to handle
○ Dislikes physical contact with people, resists hugs/kissing
○ Engages in self-stimulating behavior to soothe, cope with sensory input, and/or express emotion, known as “stimming” by autistic community
○ Visual stimming includes watching moving objects such as water, leaves, or cars, and waving or fluttering fingers in front of eyes
○ Physical stimming includes spinning, jumping, waving arms, flapping hands, swinging, waving or fluttering fingers, flicking or rubbing fingernails, rubbing hands against a surface or texture, bouncing legs, rocking, chewing or sucking on objects, fidgeting with toys, and petting/stroking/twirling hair
○ Vocal stimming includes shrieking, laughing, singing, humming, repeating sounds or words (echolalia), and clicking tongue
○ Auditory stimming includes listening to music, blocking out noise, and listening to sounds
○ Prefers comfortable clothes over stylish clothes, may have a favorite shirt or outfit, may cut tags off of clothes due to sensory issues
○ Has or has symptoms of sensory processing disorder (SPD)
○ Has a “sixth sense,” notices the presence of people, may dislike standing close to people or standing in front of people
○ Has an odd tone of voice, may speak with an odd inflection, in a monotone voice, with an accent, or too loudly/softly for a situation
○ Difficulty understanding “social rules,” may be unaware of boundaries and personal space
○ Difficulty understanding the “social hierarchy” and roles within a family or classroom, may act as a teacher to their peers
○ Shy and quiet in social situations, may be an introvert
○ Loud and aggressive in social situations, may cross boundaries
○ Clings to one or two friends, prefers to have a small friend group
○ No interest in socializing or making friends
○ Prefers to interact with people who are younger or older, little interest in peers of the same age
○ Has trouble keeping up a conversation, whether face-to-face or online, may abandon conversations due to anxiety or boredom
○ As a child, preferred to talk to teachers than peers, may view peers as “boring” or “stupid”
○ Dislikes and avoids eye contact, eyes may wander during conversation
○ Appears rude due to lack of understanding of “social rules,” not making eye contact or using “appropriate” body language, or dominating discussion/reverting discussion back to self
○ Dislikes “small talk,” prefers to have “intelligent” discussion, talk about self, or talk about a special interest
○ Difficulty understanding social cues such as body language, gestures, tone of voice, and facial expressions, may not be able to read emotion
○ Taught self how to act “properly” in social situations and/or read emotion, may mimic people in real life or on television
○ Conversation and socializing is anxiety-inducing and exhausting, may need a lot of rest and “de-stressing” after socializing
○ Tendency to be bullied, shunned, mocked, teased, or ostracized by peers
○ Tendency to over-share
○ Difficulty understanding what is and isn’t considered “socially acceptable,” may be blunt and considered “offensive” or “rude”
○ Difficulty knowing when to speak, may interrupt
○ Considered annoying by peers, “unable to take a hint”
○ Sense of humor is “quirky” or “odd,” may not understand typical humor used by peers
○ Excess apologizing
○ Difficulty knowing when a mistake has been made, may not apologize
○ Escapes through imagination, may have maladaptive daydreaming disorder (MDD)
○ Intense, overwhelming emotions
○ Hyper- or hypoempathetic
○ Highly imaginative and creative
○ May have had imaginary friends as a child
○ Easily distracted, gets “lost in thoughts”
○ Fantasy brings comfort and relief
○ May not be interested in fantasy
○ Prefers to play with toys in an “unusual” manner, may spend time setting up scenes with toys without acting out a scene, may line up or organize toys, etc.
○ Prefers fantasy over reality
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