chenicka-blog · 7 years
Gap: Yesterday and Today
It was the late 60’s San  Francisco was a place where sweet grass permeated the air; a new generation occupied its streets and wore flowers in their hair and lots of jeans. Donald Fisher and his wife Doris had a vision as hippies walked the streets. It was to sell them his brand of jeans. The first store was opened in 1969.  The Gap [Point 1] name was adopted from the term “generation gap” that the hippie generation was quite different from their parents. 
 Soon Gap became more than Levi’s; it was to emerge into the fashion world with its own particular brand and meet each new generation’s needs through each decade. Yet, what made Gap unique and dominate began in 1998 when Hip Hop helped launch Khakis for Gap with music by Bill Mason. In that same year, men and women in Khakis swing danced which not only helped their clothing line but also brought back swing. In 1999 one of their commercials line danced to the country beat of Dwight Yoakim singing “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, swooning audiences to buy their brand. 
 They were king and Gap ruled the world, selling their brand globally. The Gap connected to its audience and those 90’s dancing commercials caught the world by storm. Their commercials spoke to their audience through a rhythm that each cultural group understood. They are a long standing corporation whose family includes Old Navy, Banana Republic, Athleta, Intermix and Weddington Way. 
With the evolution of social media [Point 2] things changed and Gap moved into this new arena bringing their customers into a more intimate relationship where they interacted and also talked in real time on Facebook and Twitter. YouTube proved beneficial because customers can view their brand. The feedback with these social media outlets gave Gap customers the ability to give this company thumbs up or thumbs down. In either case it helped set the tone for what the audience wanted.
Sharing conversations in real time changed the feel and look of Gap. Social media for any company will make it a perfect marriage or grounds for divorce. Gap does have its competition in this new social media world. With so many different fashion sites on line and less cost for clothing than Gap and its sister stores can be disappointing to say the least. In 2016, Gap is trying to regain their fashion identity even though Instagram didn’t work the way they wanted.
 Gap Inc. [Point 3] is very ambitious and has a strategic message by becoming involved in social issues. They have forged an ideal that bringing environmental change and human rights changes within their company and in their ads sends a positive voice globally that Gap is deeply embedded into equality.  Because of their commitment, Gap has received the non-profit Catalyst Award in March of 2016.
In 2007, Gap began P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement) which helps advance women (who make their clothes) by teaching them or advancing them in their skills for a better life. Many of these women have benefited through P.A.C.E. by becoming more confident in who they are.
 Then in 2009 when a contractor in Africa dumped toxic chemicals into a landfill for certain fashion brands, Gap was one of them. CBS picked up on the story and found that the nearby river turned a deep purplish blue making the water extremely dangerous. Stakeholders in the company put pressure on management for an outcome that would benefit the environment, the people and Gap itself. Gap made a 360 degree turnaround.
Gap [Point 4] has had its ups and downs within the fashion industry.  Gap started losing its crown after 2000 due to people’s fickle taste in the clothing industry and at this point Gap’s quality was lower then the expectations of its audience. Most will go to Gap’s sister stores for cheaper prices but those who could afford more expensive clothes would buy at Nordstroms. Gap was in a dilemma.
 Gap changed its course and entered the new social media world which helped them to wear their crown again. Gap can be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Corporate blogs.
 Gap not only listens to its stakeholders as it did in 2009 but Gap also listens to its audience on Twitter, Gap Inc. @GapInc.  It tweeted that after feedback the designers went back to work to change their brand in a more innovative way.  Gap Inc. is using a pop up on sustainable products on Facebook  and on its Corporate Blogs  you will find on Tumblr  advertisements on their sister store Old Navy and its reasonable clothes.
 Keeping their commitment to equality, Gap produced a video called, “Branding the Gap,” the corporation’s catchy phrase to advertise their brand brought together a diverse group of people expressing a message that diversity makes a culture flourish but also by using white blank tees to symbolize individuality. In other words, who every wears it expresses their own brand. I found that to be a brilliant ideas selling tees yet expressing a philosophy of different cultures, different genders and different life styles.
Keeping their tradition to support humanitarian issues Gap has helped when disasters strike and at this site they have given to the three Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and the recent earthquake  in Mexico where they have donated 2 million in relief.  
Gap Inc. sells children’s brands of clothes. Their YouTube Gap ad become so popular because the teacher was filling their minds of children with a positive outlook on life and believing they can accomplish anything they want to. Whether this will sell more jeans or children’s clothes is up in the air but this message of empowerment is important and Gap’s message of human rights has become a positive brand for their ads.
 That said, [Point 5] recently there UK Company had produced an ad for tee shirts for children with Einstein for boys and Social Butterfly for girls. These tee shirts have caused an uproar on social media. 
 Although Gap has tried to justify their tee shirts by saying that they were trying to promote individuality. It appears by the outcry that sexism is still alive. Maybe they could have done some social media research instead. According to “Social Media Marketing,” they might have used focus groups within Facebook Groups to view their new tees (Tuten, Solomon, Pg. 283).  This would have saved them much chagrin in the long run.
 I would recommend to keep Social Butterfly and spell Einstein correctly but add more tees for individuality; such as, Madam Currie, Harriet Tubman, Alan Turing, Neil Degrassse Tyson. Then have each tee with a small booklet that tells about each of these people. Children will not only be wearing tees but will learn something as well; that they can achieve greatness in their own way.
 However, Gap Inc. is a global corporation and keeping track of each company in each country can be trying. I do believe as in the past Gap has had ups and downs yet it is still a King or Queen within the fashion industry. Gap will recover from this if they use better marketing strategies with their audience. For example, Sentiment Analysis would give them a more emotional reaction by a focus group to their line of clothes ahead of time (Tuten, Solomon, Pg.270).   Then they would be able to understand if emotionally they receive a positive or negative reaction before they present the line globally to all customers.  It is important to  pay attention to the people by listening as they have done in the past to their audience only this time do more research before some of the products hit the fashion market.
Works Cited
 Tuten, Tracy L., Solomon Michael R.: Social Media Marketing.  Pearson Education, First Edition, 2012/Copyright, 2015 by Tuten, Solomon
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Under Armour | #WEWILL
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Under Armour Social Media Assessment
Under Armour is a performance apparel company founded in 1996 by Kevin Plank, a former University of Maryland football player. He had a plan to design and produce a t-shirt than could provide compression while wicking the perspiration off the body instead of absorbing it. He was tired of always having to change his cotton t-shirts during practices. He set out to find a solution to this problem of the shirt absorbing the moisture making the shirt uncomfortable. After extensive research, he designed a shirt with synthetic fabrics that kept the athlete cool, dry, and light in hot conditions.
All the players in the sports apparel industry attempt to saturate social media platforms with their products using famous personalities in their marketing. All major sports apparel companies have Twitter accounts, YouTube channels, Facebook pages, and Instagram accounts. They use these accounts to introduce new items, share fitness ideas, and promote their brand with their followers.
Overall social media use:
Being in the highly competitive sports performance apparel industry, Under Armour utilizes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr as well as RSS feeds in its social media marketing strategy. Social media is important to their marketing strategy to get their product out to the consumers using the spokespeople who promote their brand. Under Armour is also building a fitness community with the acquisition of MapMyFitness and MyFitnessPal and the development of Connected Fitness and fitness devices like Healthbox.
Under Armour has loaded up its website with different Instagram account links to different product lines. This platform looks to be the primary social media platform used to reach the public. Instagram allows them to post photographs and videos that motivate people and promote the specific product line. They do utilize Twitter as a way to promote product launches to their large following. Under Armour promotes the use of mobile devices to compare prices, reaching out to users with promotions, and YouTube for research.  
Social commerce strategy:
Under Armour utilizes a social commerce strategy that targets 13 to 24 year –olds that encourages this base as well as other companies to provide feedback about the brand on social media. Using social media they introduced the “Ultimate Intern Program” that generated over 10,000 inquires and over 5,000 applicants on Facebook and Twitter. Two finalists were chosen to join their marketing team to share the companies brand messages and values using social media. This campaign alone helped to add over 120,000 new Facebook fans and over 4,000 Twitter followers increasing the total number of followers to over one million. Under Armour also utilizes Instagram to generate brand awareness of their different lines of apparel that encourages customers to share about the product in posts. The website and all social media platforms allow for the user to contribute their opinions about a product.
  Under Armour also utilizes business relationships within communities, college sports teams, professional sports teams, and individual athletes. They spread the message that if you want to achieve something big, you have to work for it and it will require hard work. By selecting athletes that are young and emerging in their prospective sports, Under Armour can reach their target demographics. Keeping with this target audience, they flood social media with their brand utilizing videos, tweeting about new merchandise, and sharing photographs of sports stars in their brand.
The Instagram post promoting the “Inspired By Misty Copeland Collection” targets women and generated a positive response from the comments and elicited over 18,000 likes. (https://www.instagram.com/p/BZRvnI7htvG/?taken-by=underarmour) The Under Armour Jordan Spieth President’s Cup golf shoe twitter photograph post generated buzz on whether the golf shoe will be made available to the public. There were a few responses of a political nature relating to the recent NFL protests.(https://twitter.com/UAGolf/status/913453535483875328) The Lindsey Vonn #UnlikeAny Twitter post video had 72 retweets and 234 likes after five days with a positive encouraging response from those who posted comments after viewing the video. (https://twitter.com/UnderArmour/status/913437655609700352) The Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, Instagram post received over 37,000 likes and all the comments were positive including people who were asking for this product line to be available in Canada and Abu Dhabi. (https://www.instagram.com/p/BVDdGyMBVyU/?taken-by=underarmour) The Tom Brady Facebook post on September 27th elicited a negative response from those who posted comments. The responses struck a political tone concerning the NFL protests and Under Armour’s support of the NFL. Most, if not all, of those that made comments were talking of boycotting Under Armour.
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Assessment and recommendation:
Under Armour has worked to maximize their social media footprint targeting their chosen audience to promote their brand. They have utilized a plethora of social media platforms to extend their reach to their targeted customers including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube along with numerous fitness apps and RSS feeds. This approach adds to the cool factor to the brand.
I would recommend that Under Armour target the working class to increase their market share in the work clothing market category. This category has a huge untapped upside that could be dominated by the Under Armour product line. Blue collar workers (trades workers) including law enforcement officers and firemen will benefit from the performance line of apparel in their workplace. This is an area that Under Armour can extend the reach of their brand increasing sales and participation in research and reviews through social media. Under Armour needs to do some damage control over the recent political firestorm involving NFL protests and company political leanings. These can generate negative publicity that can hurt the company’s bottom line.
https://www.underarmour.com/en-us https://brandongaille.com/20-sports-apparel-industry-sales-statistics-and-trends/                       https://www.inc.com/aj-agrawal/3-ways-technology-has-changed-the-sports-industry.html                                                  https://www.statista.com/topics/961/sporting-goods/          http://www.prweb.com/releases/sports_clothing_apparel/fitness_clothing/prweb8117767.htm                                                              https://www.scribd.com/doc/214502735/Under-Armour-Case-Study-analysis https://www.marketingweek.com/2016/05/04/how-under-armour-plans-to-become-the-worlds-biggest-sports-brand/ http://www.business2community.com/consumer-marketing/can-sporting-goods-retailers-athletic-apparel-marketers-engage-millennial-audience-01263049#ZO9pJjxz1qbJ0CAF.97                                        https://twitter.com/Nike                                                 https://twitter.com/UnderArmour                        ��        https://twitter.com/adidasUS                                                      https://twitter.com/PUMA                                                                    https://nrf.com/news/how-under-armour-and-warby-parker-win-social-media
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
What a great topic! My first job was working at Walmart. I loved working with most of the people there but I had a tough time with the management but in the end they pulled through for you just like family. I love the comments you recorded about Abigail being jobless and Walmart response. It was very touching because most stores of Walmarts store do reach out and go unnoticed.
 Walmart’s Social Media Marketing
According to Wikipedia, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., “is an American multinational retailing corporation that operates as a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores.” Sam Walton opened his first store six days before I was born, on July 2, 1962, in Rogers, Arkansas.  As of January 31, 2017, there are just under 12000 stores and clubs operating under different names in 28 countries. Some of its daughter companies are Walmart, Walmart de Mexico y Centroamerica, Asda, the Seiyu Group, Best Price and Sam’s Club.  According to www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Walmart it is the world’s largest retailer.  Social media is critical to what Walmart does because Walmart’s executives are charged with the task of combatting all of the negative publicity generated due to Walmart’s sheer size and its market share.  Walmart’s executives must maintain Walmart’s image by consistently proving that they care about their consumers, despite their wealth and size.  It is no longer optional to maintain a social media presence; it is vital as more and more “mom and pop” stores are gobbled up by today’s economy. 
Most retail industries have a strong social presence, as evidenced by the top three retailers’ having active corporate websites, in addition to active Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.  Costco even has an Instagram account. 
2.  Walmart has been active on Twitter since November of 2008. Their Social Media Department employees have sent 488,000 tweets and they have 896,000 followers, 2123 likes and a subscription to “Walmart moms”.  Any customer wanting Customer Service now has the option of tweeting for help rather than standing on hold on a phone for hours to reach a “live person”.  Walmart’s tweets include highlights of aid they’ve sent to storm-ravaged areas, commercials for their products and “feel good” tweets such as this one just yesterday:  https://twitter.com/Walmart/status/916425634712293376  
Walmart also has a very active Facebook account with 31,688,702 followers.  The activity on Facebook is similar to that on Twitter, except their Facebook account seems to field many more customer questions and complaints, and their response time seems to be within three hours, which is outstanding.  They are also active on You Tube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Walmart does business with innumerable companies hoping to mass market their items for sale. According to Fast Company (https://www.fastcompany.com/47593/wal-mart-you-dont-know) Walmart bullies its suppliers into lowering their prices so drastically that they are forced to outsource from China, effectively killing United States jobs.  Theirs is a constant struggle to influence and change consumers’ minds so that they remain a favorite source of all products.  Walmart has no real competitors, but Amazon is trying to grab more of the market share, and bad publicity only hurts Walmart in this respect. 
According to Demos (http://www.demos.org/publication/not-made-america-top-10-ways-walmart-destroys-us-manufacturing-jobs) Walmart has direct relationships with 20,000 Chinese suppliers, and they also import from other countries, at the expense of the American economy.  Walmart is so big that they could choose to boost the American economy by buying and reselling goods made in America, but they don’t because the imports are cheaper.  But if given a choice, wouldn’t you gladly pay more for an item if it meant that your paycheck and that of your neighbor could be higher?
I found the most reviews of Walmart online at sitejabber (https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.walmart.com) There were 3462 reviews, and just over half earned five out of five possible stars.  After reading the reviews, it seems that they are very similar to the reviewers one would expect at other retailers as well as Walmart.  Some people love Walmart and some people hate it. Some people find buying online to be convenient; some don’t.  Overall, the reviews cancel each other out, so my opinion after reading them is the same as before.  The sentiment from the consumers on Facebook seem to be mostly positive, and I noticed that when responding to consumers’ questions, the Social Media team address the consumers by their first names and sign their first names as well, personalizing the service and endearing themselves to the consumers in the process.  See these examples here:  We are so happy that we are able to help, Tracy. This is a time for unity. -Darsy and We’re glad that we can help, Olphia. -Red.  There are 33 Walmart accounts on Twitter, with most of their being corporate content, such as Walmart Today, Walmart Newsroom, Walmart Canada, Walmart Giving, Walmart Help, Walmart Careers and more.  Some are run by individuals who dislike Walmart or are making fun of Walmart, such as the People of Walmart page, which shows photos of outrageously-dressed customers, the wilder the better.  Check out this link if you dare:  https://twitter.com/PeopleInWaImart .
5.  Walmart is doing a good job with their social marketing.  I especially respect their response times when customers ask them questions online. They show people that they care by giving them health tips 
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They of course advertise their products 
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and they promote their brand by giving back to their communities 
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They have excellent response times online Avigail Tiffany Robert  I’m jobless now!!! I want a Walmart job please! Who can help me out??? September 15 at 3:46pm Walmart  We’re happy to hear you’d like to be a member of our team, Avigail! You can find out about opportunities for employment with Walmart at http://bit.ly/qsrfAF or on Facebook here: http://on.fb.me/oZvxkH. -RedWalmart Careers What’s a career at Walmart or Sam’s Club like? To find out, explore our culture, our opportunities and the difference you can make.careers.walmart.com September 15 at 4:22pm
Like them or not, Walmart does have many happy loyal customers and is here to stay.  
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Klout score
My klout score lowered due to the least of activity. My highest score was 22.89 I think it drop drastically because my response was late and overlooked.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Most of my followers were my classmates plus one that is not in nec. Total I had 12 followers. The classmate I followed most was Frances ,Robert ,and Aaron. I don't use Facebook or other soical websites because my job doesn't allow cell phone use because of the dialysis machine. However, my opinion as changed drastically when using soical media as a tool for gaining sales in small business.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Check out @ChenickaL’s Tweet:
This engagment tweet had a lot of interaction. I wishedy classmate good luck on finishing strong. Interaction with can lead to more responses.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Check out @ChenickaL’s Tweet: In my opinion most people engage because of concern of how they may feel or something funny just to brighten up their day will cause them to engage and have more reactions.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Least tweet
The least response I have had this class would be my final assignment granted its late. In my opinion if i had time to tweet it would be more activity.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
No Retweet
I did not recieved any retweets.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Farmer’s Market
Farmer’s Market- Final assigment week 7
I have chosen farmers market for my final assignment in my blog post because my plan is to invest in my hometown Hinesville Ga. I have searched small business websites and Farmer’s Market is not listed. However, organic products are a growing industry but farmers are still competing with chain supermarket and convenience. With more people worrying about what they are putting in their body Farmer’s Market will make a strong come back. Farmer’s Market also "known as the Greenmarket" is one of the oldest organizations to direct marketing. Farmers Market is retail marketing selling homegrown foods directly by farmers to consumers. Social media is critical to Farmers Market because the vendors are meeting one or two times out of the month in my hometown.  Farmer's Market has a locator and Facebook page to announce the dates when and where they will be located with a locator so the consumers won't miss the market's  events. Without social media, the consumers would miss all the events Farmer's Market were having. Sadly that has happened to me on several occasions because I didn't have my hometown's Facebook page with the communities events. Farmers Market is a food industry that was replaced by brokers and chain supermarkets for high volumes of food production. “From this study, it was determined that 66,700 farmers serve 2,760,000 customers per week at farmers' markets. In addition, 19,000 farmers use farmers' markets as their sole marketing outlet. Farmers' markets reported retail sales of approximately $900 million. This represents 93 percent of total sales. Customers spent an average of $17.30 per week at farmers' markets (2002).” However, Farmer Market have been increasing sell in the past two years by cutting the middleman and sell directly to the consumers. The other reasons for the increase in profit are because more consumers are changing over to more plant-based diets. The vegetables and fruit market contains products with little or to none pesticides and herbicides which are known to cause health problems with daily use. Most importantly farmer is able to retain fruits and vegetable shelf life longer if the vendors are able to serve their community locally. Farmers Market uses social media to announce events online, show pictures of quality products, and prices of products. By displaying products highlights the freshness and show what is in season and show them a fresh take on an old classic by walking on a street than in a general store. However, blogs and widely used for markets that are most active with communities posting recipes, tips and events are used widely on Twitter and Facebook. The objective for the blog to give the consumers a chance to find a bargain and the products that will be sold at the marketing event. Farmers Market, a strategy is to get the community more involved so they block off a roadway within the community. They placed booths with vendors with all kinds vegetables, fruit, meats, music and art. Farmer’s Market has much potential for high sales rate due to buying at markets encourages attention to the surrounding area and ongoing activities by providing outlets for local products, farmers' markets help create distinction and uniqueness, which can increase pride and encourage visitors to return. “Utilising the framework of Conventions Theory, it assesses how producers and consumers coordinate their mutual expectations in order to circumvent the uniform standards of ‘conventionally’ produced food and create new production–consumption spaces.(2006)”
   In my opinion, the strategy that is being used in Hinesville Georgia is not advertised enough. I believe social media can have more impact on the vendor's sales using other social media website and use them consistently responding or blogging like the rest of the vendors in different Farmer’s Market districts. Sales are not often guaranteed for vendors and they can take a large financial burden if their product is not sold. The vendor has come up with selling more than one group of products but a variety of product can reduce financial burdens. However, the most effective financial success is when vendor come together to combine all products to keep the consumers motivated to buy more the products that are presented. “Research showed food value chains”, an innovative business model in which agricultural producers, processors, buyers, and other supply chain members form collaborative, transparent partnerships that intentionally attempt to combine financial success with social benefit”(2002).    
In the last two years, Farmer's Market has introduced more product of high-quality products such as handmade soap, oils, art, and music. Also, vendors create a relationship with their consumers to keep coming back. Most of their blogs are published in the town's newspapers to publish the quality of the vendor products the consumers love. Hinesville Farmers Market was given 4.6 stars out of 5 on Facebook. Twitter has over a hundred Farmer's Market listed with several states and communities but Hinesville Farmer Market is not listed on Twitter. However, Hinesville Farmers Market blog in showcased within the Liberty County of Commerce. New residents within the area use the site to find information about our town but it has not been updated since 2015 leaving the page with no rating.
Payne, T. (2002). US farmers markets, 2000: A study of emerging trends (pp. 1-40). US Department of Agriculture, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, Transportation and Marketing Programs, Marketing Services Branch.
Guthrie, J., Guthrie, A., Lawson, R., & Cameron, A. (2006). Farmers' markets: the small business counter-revolution in food production and retailing. British Food Journal, 108(7), 560-573.
Brown, A. (2002). Farmers' market research 1940–2000: An inventory and review. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 17(4), 167-176.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Viral Post
Bean Boozled Challenges
The challenge I selected was #Unameit challenge but after seeing the Bean Boozled challenge. One of my reasons for choosing this challenge because it showed a lot in what social media can do to elevate products or clientele. Bean Boozled are assorted jelly beans its gourmet flavors can taste amazing or revolting. The object of the game is to play Russian Roulette with the assorted flavor and guess what flavor they taste in order to get a point. I find this challenge to be comical because the flavors can range anywhere from tutti- fruity or can dog food once tasted the faces that are made are priceless. Although, Gustav Goelitz created Bean Boozled (jelly beans) in 1800’s the product wasn’t commercially sold until 1967. However, original gourmet jelly beans were little round drops it was the household staple of Easter holidays with limited assorted flavors such as cherry, lime, lemon, strawberry, orange, lemonade and grape with dots were produced by the billions to accommodate the millions of people who loved them. Eventually, new editions flavor addition arrived in the company now Jelly Belly company has more than a hundred flavors. Everyone knew of jelly beans but were not familiar with their variety of products and games. However, in June of 2013 the game Bean Boozled surface on Youtube.com by Meghan Camarena and (brother) David Camarena (https://youtu.be/NmbANc2FTwE). After doing extensive research this sister and brother duo were the first to make a Youtube video playing the Bean Boozled game. Megan and David are one of Youtube’s most famous comedian and gamer personality to date’ with their versatile ideas within their shows both have over a million viewers. Meghan’s fan base reaches 223k followers on Twitter, and 538k followers on Instagram and David have just as much with her brother’s fan base helped the challenge to go viral in the media circuits. After playing the game on Meghan channel they move the last part of the segment to David’s view to reach a wider fan base.Leading to a chain link of video challenges across the social media networks. Both Meghan and David posted their videos to social media sites to get a bigger response and comments from different viewers. However, both youtube sensations use the game to keep viewing rating coming Meghan video on Youtube has been view 3.3 million views.
Although, media didn’t give them credit for being the first one to post the video the challenge went viral and spread worldwide.   By 2014, Jelly Belly the company who makes Bean Boozled revenues has risen to190 million dollars within the United States (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jelly_Belly). Although the Jelly Belly company attempted to combat marketing strategies new flavors were launched beer and barf flavored jelly beans were added to the collection.  Also, giving tribute to President Ronald Reagan in helped promote Jelly Belly (beans). In the 1980’s President, Ronald Reagan wanted to stop smoking and used jelly bean jelly to kick is the habit. Jelly Belly delivered over 7,000 pounds of blueberry jellybeans to the White House in the1980’s during President Ronald Reagan inauguration. The Time magazine helped Jelly belly a tribute to President Ronald Reagan adding more publicity to its company. Also, Jelly Belly did showing the mural made of jelly beans one featured President Ronald Reagan that was created in 2009 by Peter Rouca. (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/eye-candy-the-art-of-jelly-beans/) Websites were built to give consumers a way to order directly from Jelly Belly custom made Bean Boozled because they were not distributed to commercial stores in the United States. This help boosts the morale of customers shopping online by using online contributors like Amazon or Ebay to get a wide amount of traffic to order quickly. However, it made it difficult for many customers to order product because websites were constantly out of stock. Some customers had over from different countries in order to receive products. The Bean Boozled challenge kept a steady stream of families recording their experiences of playing Russian Roulette with the unpredictable choice of flavored jelly. Until celebrities started participating in the challenge the Bean Boozled challenge game surfaced again in 2016 with the WWE superstar wrestlers were hesitant to take the challenge after calling off the distrusting flavor. It was hilarious to see muscle-bound men squeamish of the dreadful dead fish.(https://youtu.be/AZ1QCM_ctmM) This Bean Boozled Challenge aired in one of their wrestling matches shows the average setting in one session is over 121,000 fans sitting in the audience and millions of viewers watching from home. This video alone researched 5 million viewers because of superstars like Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Enzo Amore, Chris Jericho.   Because of this Jelly Belly to another spike in sales due to the advertisement of celebrities.Thus leading Jelly Belly products into another constant flow of videos to the viral stream of challenges. Although Bean Boozled wasn’t sold worldwide in commercial stores Walmart, Kmart, or Targets in the United States until 2015. The Jelly Belly strategized to put the small samples in stores and put their website on the back to order other official items in different sizes. In my opinion meme and video is the promoter of the Bean Boozled game challenge. Although strategies to market Bean Boozled game were not publicized in advertising and commercials the social media websites took to marketing by posting the video, and meme to boost because of the candid commercial response within the videos portrayed. Although this challenge isn’t what I initially tweeted on twitter I found the Bean Boozled Challenge to be more family-friendly and fun. Family quality time is what has sold these products and to share them with the social media has proven to be a success for the Jelly Belly company. I feel this challenge will be around for a long time after many challenges because family is always wanting to share their experience with this fun challenge.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
News Anchor
Diane Sawyer appeals to me because of her many years in the news industry. Sawyer has interviewed and spoke on many pressing topics making her a fearless reporter. In my opinion, Sawyer is a digital immigrant because of the institutions she built working in news and in the public eye she can revitalize her work by just using social media websites and still get her point across. Sawyer started.  broadcasting in 1967 and she also worked in several different news companies such as WLK-TV, ABC, Primetime, and Good Morning America. 60 minutes is where she capitalize her career, in my opinion, she interviewed big names such as Oprah, Caitlyn Jenner and more. Thus, making her a name we will always remember for her effort to do original and unbiased reports.
Just by focusing on a small or big scale will give her the publicity Sawyer’s name alone is a brand. Although Sawyer has over 300 followers on Twitter she influenced many people in society with following 902k. I believe she could have just as many followers if she posts more topics but she is seventy-one years old. I don’t think she wants to be savvy but objective to what is needed and give explanations that society ask and one no is willing to touch. In my opinion, Sawyer does not help the online standout. I believe her reasons is because she doesn’t work as an anchor anymore. However, Sawyer will always be known for her powerful and original reviews.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
I believe news is the culprit of the fake news epidemic and Facebook is just another social website that follows major news media corporations in lining their pockets. Personally, I don’t care for watching the news on television or in the media setting. However, in 2016 election I watch the news to know what president will come into the office. While watching the campaign I remember Bernie Sanders campaigning during the Democratic Primary the media ignored it. Bernie campaign coverage was mainly viewed through Youtube entailing of over forty-minutes of the rally but other media resources cut him down to less a two-minute segments. While Trump and Hillary stayed in every news and media segment building public relations this made him and her strong candidate. In the news, Trump and Hillary were in the media eye combating to destroy both their credentials and gain leverage to win the election. This made for great rating because both had less than a good track record. However, news stayed on the fence publicizing everything giving like a gossip column and Facebook along with other follow their lead. This ideology tactic destroyed Bernie campaign sufficiently, leaving Bernie to work harder and spend more money to run the race with twenty-two states under his belt. Although, news found other things such as an email of Bernie being atheist amongst other things. None of that attention lasted as long as Hillary’s email breach, therefore, it was backed into a corner to withdraw from the race. I believe both news and social media (Facebook) handed him the election. In my opinion, if the news companies and social media were the main attributes in the election.  
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Esty.com -SEO/SMO Etsy is an e-commerce website that focus on hand made in vintage supplies and items. Its revenue produced 195.6 million dollars in 2014. Etsy is easy to find on any search engine.
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When entering the website the interface or homepage Etsy has a variety of hyperlinks with the uses of words and images that are neatly organize and categorized.
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The website is organized from items to blog post this interface can handle a large and ongoing flow of cyber traffic. In 2008, competition speculate that Etsy would be an increasing competitor. By 2009 Etsy start to promoted through Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook more widening its audience and feedback.
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Esty.com is one of the most marketable website to date it has impeccable strategies keep customers coming back.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Breaking Bad
While I am getting sick in the hurricane Irma weather. I stumbled across the Nyquil commercial and I am thinking it is a #seed of advertisement. So I decided to do my breaking bad topic on "Vicks NyQuil, the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine." NyQuil was first test marketed in the U.S. in 1966. Commericals of people misable stuff noses took the airwaves. With a slight humorous nature people are able to connect with the misery of a cold or flu. Leading to be the #1 trusted brand in US. Nyquil is campaigned during the fall until winter months and are often market nation wide. Media has market this sleepy time medicine with ads in different media sites as well. With its different form of liquid pills and daytime medicines makes it easy to convince consumers to buy and #Rest#Easy.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Hello everyone!
I do identify with most of the Pew internet in chapter three. However I am not a frequent user of technology or media. I am at work from 4am to closing at 5pm with my dialysis patient. I can only find time during my hour long lunch break to surf the internet on my phone. It is a small price to pay when you are working in the medical field.
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
August 2017: Welcome to Week 1 of Social Media. 
You’ve found the class Tumblr page. 
Step 1: Follow the page.
Step 2: Post the URL of your page to the Week 1 Discussion Board.
Step 3: Download the Tumblr app for your iPhone or download the app for your Android.   
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