#autistic virgil
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tmisos · 1 year ago
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been missing the purple eyeshadow a lot lately </3
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gravedigg · 1 year ago
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This is how I imagine the reunion between Virgil and Gortash went.
Virgil's not exactly tactful... Gortash just looks exhausted, ok?
I like to think that pre-tadpole Virgil was generally pretty, and that he came back looking like swiss cheese but luckily Enver seems pretty ride or die, so I doubt he minds.
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the-bisexual-bitch · 11 months ago
I need more analogical in the headspace. I don't want AUs, I want my two Little Autistic Guys shoved together in the brainspace because Virgil is having a Bad Time and none of the more 'emotional' sides are available (they were helping Thomas or something), so Logan helps. Or Virgil just SPECIFICALLY wants to be around Logan.
I need more of them being specifically described in the brainspace and looking different from Thomas. I need more of them being mildly upset that they don't look like themselves when they're helping Thomas.
I need more of the darksides and lightsides being basically two weird semi-funtional poly relationships.
I need more of Virgil having been in an unhealthy relationship with one of the Darksides and thinking he got away from them
I need more of Janus actually biting people and having venom.
I need more angst around Virgil feeling like he's a poser who's actually Bad and undeserving of the care given to by the Lightsides
I need more of Virgil not liking the phrases "Darkside" and "Lightside"
I need more of Virgil feeling infantilized by Patton and Patton struggling to get it
I need more long essays written about One Line to read and be convinced by.
(Please recommend fics, artists, tumblr accounts, etc.. I'm begging you.)
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egret-orchids · 10 months ago
analogical (thats logan & virgil right) are very audhd x autism to me and it could go either way
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warnadudenexttime · 11 months ago
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Been thinking about these with Analogical I’m gonna explode I miss them so much
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melanodis · 22 days ago
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I think mel should've gotten to shoot him. like just once. yeah maybe he died but she needs to get payback for him Almost killing her
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quackkaz · 2 years ago
Remus : Say one thing you like about me.
Virgil : Easy, your brother.
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haethealhell · 5 months ago
Virgil fanart? In this day and age??
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the eye, face and neck are based on an idea that I had a while back
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astranite · 1 year ago
John and Virgil!!! The whole range of hurt/comfort, angsting and fluff though leaning rather towards comforty. Scott also sneaks in for a good bit at the end. And there are hugs. Also there is autistic John and Virgil which it isnt about but its very there :)
This started off from the first line from a tumblr prompt from @aliceinwhumperland and the idea from @katblu42 to have John being the one limping then it grew from there!!! Minor warning for injury and medical stuff. Also that this reached 6k words!!
"You think you're hiding it, but I can see that limp from space."
Virgil leaned closer to his comm, giving John a prime view of dark, angular done-with-this-shit eyebrows.
John definitely didn’t panic. He just didn’t want the totally needless scrutiny of a medic brother all up in his business. Or asking questions like, ‘What did you do to yourself this time?’
“What limp?” he replied. He could play it off as obtuse and then no one had to ever to find out. 
Virgil gave a Scott-worthy facepalm. “Do I have to worry about a concussion too?”
Okay maybe that was too obtuse. But he was running on few hours of sleep, back to back rescues and no bloody breakfast so who could blame him. 
“I’m fine, Virgil.” John rolled his eyes. 
Virgil didn’t dignify that with a response. 
Well then, John could prove it. Ignoring the ache in his left foot and that the last time he tried this was probably what had gotten Virgil’s suspicions on him in the first place, he twisted through the central hub of Five to the entry to the gravity ring. 
Lowering himself carefully in what was usually a thoughtlessly graceful manoeuvre, he landed on his feet in the grav ring, a triumphant, “See, I’m perfectly fine,” already on his lips. Except as soon as his left foot touched the ground with his weight on it, a sharp stab shot through it.
He couldn’t hold back the painfully obvious wince. Or the sudden gasp. 
Virgil’s disappointment was another blow. “And here I thought I had one sensible brother. How did it happen?”
Mechanism of injury, a completely ordinary question for a medic to ask. One he’d compliantly answered for many accidents, even ridiculous earthside ones such as, ‘Fell over again and it’s all gravity’s fault.’ But up here he was meant to be in his element. 
John crossed his arms stubbornly, wobbling on one foot. 
“Couldn’t say.”
“Johnny.” Virgil was exasperated by now. 
“Definitely not telling you anything if you call me that.”
“Johnathan Glenn Tracy.”
“Nope. That’s not even my name.”
“Congratulations, you figured it out,” John spat. 
Virgil looked taken aback. 
A lump rose in John’s throat. 
“I’m sorry. It’s been a shit day.” 
He could feel his face growing as red as his hair with shame. It would definitely be visible over holograms. To make it worse, Virgil was probably as exhausted as he was. The last rescue had been nasty, earthquakes so often were, and Thunderbird Two had been on several more before that. He didn’t deserve to have to deal with John’s sarcastic, bitchy attitude as well. 
John admitted defeat and hopped over to the wall to hold onto a grab bar to keep his balance and take the weight off his foot. And resisted the urge to bang his head against it because that sort of thing had gotten him into this mess in the first place. 
His foot was throbbing, Virgil’s expression was soft because he’d already forgiven him and John was just over it all. 
“Please promise you won’t laugh.” He couldn’t deal with that on top of everything else, no matter how unlikely it was that Virgil would. 
“Alright, I promise. I’m not going to judge you, John.”
“I kicked a wall,” John mumbled, “On purpose, because I got mad that the bagel dispenser wasn’t working and a call came in so there was no time to fix it and I couldn’t sleep last night and I’m stressed about literally everything and just wanted a fucking bagel but clearly that was too much to ask of the universe!”
John shut his mouth with a clack. The words had come out in a torrent rising in volume that he couldn’t hold back. Over such a stupid thing too. 
When John could finally  bring himself to glance up from the stars beneath the floor outside, Virgil’s gaze held nothing but empathy. 
“You’re right, it has been a pretty shit day.”
John nodded quietly. 
Virgil continued, “Just— John, you know you don’t have to hide stuff like that from us, from me, right?  We’ve all done stupid things in anger before and probably will do so again. That big, blue splodge of paint on my studio wall? Yeah, I chucked a paintbrush at it because a painting wasn’t working out and I was frustrated and it was three am after a string of bad rescues and I lost it a bit.”
Huh. John hadn’t known that. Virgil was usually least likely to blow up as far as it went. 
“Point is, you’re not alone in this. Tracy temper, remember? We’ve all got it and we are all working out how to work with it. But it isn’t an excuse to conceal an injury that might need treatment even if it seems like it, ‘Should be fine,’ or ‘Isn’t that bad,’ or you think it’s caused by something stupid and you’re worried about us judging you. Because we won’t.”
John took a deep breath and let it out through his teeth. 
He wasn’t even getting lectured at for being an idiot, or having it brushed off as nothing because, ‘Red heads and their tempers, y’know,’ or plain old being yelled at because, ‘John, you’re meant to be better than this.’
Virgil cared about him. That was simple fact. 
So John cooperatively answered Virgil’s questions about pain, the range of motion he had and when exactly had the injury occurred this morning. That he couldn’t bear weight on it was pretty telling something was wrong. And it really did hurt. 
“You’re going to need to come down here so I can get x-rays of that foot,” Virgil said apologetically. 
John bit back the wave of disappointment, along with the accompanying urge to snap and snarl. 
“I know.”
He really didn’t want to go back to earth and deal with everyone’s concern and fussing when he just wanted to ignore them and go to bed. Up here on Five no one was close enough to be affected by his moods unless they put in a comm call which he could, as above, ignore. 
But John dutifully transferred control over to Eos and the island, packed his bag because he’d probably be there for a while but he wasn’t going to think about that and loaded himself into the space elevator. He knew how dangerous untreated injuries were in space better than anyone. 
The descent was slower than usual, as was protocol for an injury where speed was not of the essence and a less turbulent descent outweighed the need for timeliness. It gave John plenty of opportunity to stare at the rounded edge of the space elevator’s inner ceiling. Frustration over near guaranteed being grounded bubbled up until he had to screw his eyes shut and force himself to focus on the way the g-forces felt against his body so he didn’t utterly lose it. 
Landing on earth came with a jolt that managed to catch John by surprise. He flinched, then checked the systems read outs and undid his restraints. Remaining lying on the launch couch was one third to demonstrate he could be sensible and wait instead of trying to walk off a potentially serious injury, another third because he didn’t want to tangle with gravity on his own, and also so that he could childishly pretend he was still up on Five and far away for a little longer. 
Virgil knocked on the space elevator doors and a second later they slid open. John gave him a weak smile. 
The journey through the hangars to the infirmary was made with Virgil’s supportive arm around his waist and John’s arm draped across his brother’s broad shoulders as John stubbornly limped along. He did take a moment as his feet first touched the concrete floor and gravity really took hold to lean into Virgil’s half hug and just breathe. 
The infirmary was the same as it always was, with its sterile smell overloaded with the sharpness of antiseptic that made it different from the atmosphere on Five, and thankfully quiet. 
John manoeuvred himself up onto the closest bed, sinking into the stiff foam mattress as much as was physically possible. Stars, he was tired. 
Virgil was exceedingly gentle as he eased John’s foot out of his space boot. He stripped the sock off too, propping the foot up to rest in his lap to examine it. John grimaced as Virgil necessarily poked and prodded at where it was sorest.  Though the bruises and swelling were not particularly hard to spot from where contact had been made with the solid bulkhead. 
John anxiously chewed his lips waiting for Virgil to get the portable x-ray, zap him and be done with it. 
Moving his sore foot around at all the required angles for the shots was… a process. 
He did his best to be patient as Virgil took the x-rays off to Grandma for a second opinion on how they would most effectively treat him, but ended up curled in a ball on the slightly plasticky hospital sheets, stubbornly facing the wall with his foot carefully positioned in a way that it least hurt.
He wasn’t asleep, it was not late enough for that and he was far too wired but he was knocked out of his reverie nonetheless by Grandma stroking his hair. 
“Definitely broken, kiddo. No getting around that.”
Even John could see it when they showed him the x-rays. He could only be grateful the fracture was neatly aligned and wouldn’t need surgery, he’d seen plenty of worse breaks in the field. It still meant weeks of being grounded, away from Five and unable to go home to his stars. 
Virgil applied the cast under Grandma’s supervision. John shuddered at the sensations even as he tried to keep still. He was proud of how far Virgil had come in his medical education and he made sure his brother knew that. 
The usual checks after coming down from space wore on his nerves. He took the painkillers for his stupid broken foot, the anti-nausea meds as his stomach wasn’t settling from the change from microgravity and the tall lidded cup of the least disgusting flavour of electrolyte drink as directed. 
He fidgeted with his baldric, tracing over the lines of his suit; everything was a lot today. For all of them; John didn’t miss the dark circles beneath Virgil’s eyes or the way he slumped as he sat on the bed next to John once Grandma had left and the cast was setting. 
Virgil had briefly crossed his arms over his chest, hugging himself, hands rubbing the flannel of his sleeves. Then he uncrossed them, hunching his shoulders to appear smaller, less intimidating, fingertips still going over the soft, worn fuzzy material of the cuffs of his flannel.
John placed his hand, palm up on Virgil’s leg. Virgil took it and John squeezed his fingers once as they sat in silence for a while. 
Changing out of his space suit for the loose pyjama shorts and t-shirt Virgil brought was difficult and awkward with his foot. And how clumsy he was here in general. 
Trying to walk on crutches was, to put it in far politer words than John vehemently used, a disaster. 
One second he was standing with the crutches around his arms, adjusted to the correct height, his casted foot off the ground, everything done properly, about to take a step. The next he was a tangled pile of limbs on the ground. 
John’s cheeks were burning red yet again. Stupid, fucking gravity and his miraculous ability to trip over nothing. 
He shoved the useless hunks of metal away from him as the room blurred, swiping at the angry tears as they formed. 
Virgil crouched in from of him, checking him over for injury. Well, further injury. 
There wasn’t any, apart from his rather dented pride. John didn’t count the damp tears trickling down his face as he studiously attempted to ignore them. 
Virgil made a soft noise as John let himself be pulled into a hug. Warm flannel absorbed his tears as John hugged Virgil tighter. Somehow it felt like he hadn’t seen him for months even though it couldn’t’ve been that long, could it? Unless they counted for quality time rather than John being periodically dragged down to earth… He missed his quietest and closest brother in age even if they’d been talking mission only this morning. 
Maybe John tried to hide from the world for a little while, and Virgil let him. They both needed this; Virgil’s face was also buried in John’s hair. 
After a while, sitting sprawled on the hard infirmary floor caught up to them with all the aches of too long days of heavy work. And broken bones. John shifted with a grimace.
Now he had to get back up off the ground when the crutches were clearly not a help, when he was pretty near useless down here, unable to resist the inevitable pull of gravity to the centre of the earth and the unforgiving ground. 
…He was probably being far too dramatic about it. Should just get it together like everyone else seemed able to do. 
But it was still a problem that he didn’t want to deal with because fundamentally, he wished he was back on Five. 
He had been going to tell someone about the injury, of course. Just as soon as he’d thought up a watertight excuse slash explanation. As soon as got himself under control and stopped being so sensitive over everything that he’d snap at anyone who got near him. So he would not end up like this, a too-emotional mess on the floor. 
Virgil once again checked his cast and his broken foot were undamaged by his fall. John wondered whether it was as much for Virgil’s sake of making sure idiot big brothers weren’t going to suddenly keel over as for John’s. John rubbed a hand roughly over his face. It was because Virgil cared. And maybe time had proven he had a right to worry.
John protested as Virgil went to pick him up, on the grounds Virgil had already been doing plenty of heavy lifting on rescues today and he had to be exhausted already, and John really didn’t want him to throw his back out or his knees or whatever other worst case scenarios John could come up with. 
He also knew he’d look utterly ridiculous in Virgil’s hold, all gangly, lanky limbs out of proportion with Virgil’s shorter, stockier build. And John was more likely to accidentally elbow someone in the nose, which had demonstrably happened before and the guilt still chewed at him, than even Scott fighting tooth and nail against being slung over someone’s shoulder when he there was no way he could even physically stand, let alone walk any distance. He warned Virgil away sharply.
“John. I know my limits, and you aren’t any worse than Scott.” Virgil sounded done with it all. “And I’d rather carry you than have to pick up the pieces or reset that cast, which I have also had to do before, because one of my brothers is injured and deserves help but they are too damn stubborn to let me.”
The fight in John left him as a hissing exhale, like a hole in a space ship venting atmosphere. 
Virgil scooped him up off the ground, promising to figure the rest out later as John avoided flailing too much. 
His brother’s arms were secure around his knees and under his shoulders, holding him close so there was no danger of him hitting the ground, of the falling that some part of John secretly feared, even with the rocking movement of Virgil’s strides. John’s cheek stayed mushed against Virgil’s flannel-clad chest. 
The walls of the house passed him in a tired blur. He really didn’t want to be left to sit around in his room where no matter how tired he was he wouldn’t sleep yet. Lying there staring at the ceiling all afternoon with nothing better to occupy him than his turbulent thoughts was frankly not a good idea. 
He said as much to Virgil, probably far too bluntly. The usual multi-stage filter he sorted his words through before he ever said them had met its untimely demise in face of his exhaustion several hours ago. 
It wasn’t like he wanted to hang around amidst the noise and movement and peopleing of the lounge with everyone else either. John being difficult again, as usual, the voice in the back of his head snarked.
Virgil had mercy on John and took the back route through the house instead of past the comms room where everyone would see him, even if it was only his family who he should know wouldn’t judge him. Everyone had been in the position of being carried about when they’d fallen asleep somewhere or were injured or were about to be chucked into the pool, so except in the last situation, John shouldn’t’ve been embarrassed or really cared, except that he did. 
They passed by John’s bedroom. John curled a little closer to Virgil in something that could’ve been called relief. He really wasn’t sure he wanted to be completely alone right now; he trusted Virgil.
A booted foot nudged open the door before Virgil placed John down on one of the big, squishy beanbags in the corner of his studio. 
John melted into it. He didn’t think he had bones anymore. Or any outside of the ones he’d just broken which had plenty of painful evidence of their existence. But no bones. He could even forgive gravity just this once when it was letting him sink into the soft surface. 
He looked up at Virgil’s low chuckle. 
“They’re good, aren’t they? Gordon found them online and I chose the colours.” Virgil smiled fondly. 
They hadn’t been here the last time John had hung out in Virgil’s studio with him. A spike of sorrow stabbed at his chest. 
New beanbags were a tiny change. It shouldn’t even matter. Except they demonstrated precisely how he was missing out on the details of his brothers’ lives while he was away. 
The beanbag covers were greens and yellows, soft, earthen shades exactly what John would expect Virgil to pick. Colourful, but not in your face. Soothing and restful but not dull. 
Observations probably not as important to anyone else as John found them. 
Virgil ducked out and came back with John’s tablet, the one he used earth-side with its bulky, lilac shatter-proof case. 
John took it carefully from Virgil’s hands, not because it was breakable even dropped from quite a height, but because of the consideration Virgil gave him, to bring him it to read on when he couldn’t go get something himself. 
In space, alone, it wasn’t like there anyone to do that kind of thing for him. Even with the gifts snuck into monthly supply crates by his family, he’d sort of forgotten how it felt.
He shoved away the ever so familiar feeling of being torn in two. He loved the stars, loved being up on Five, he really did. In spite of this, missing his family while up there was a constant wound he packed with the duty of constantly being called upon, of constantly needing to be the Voice Who Answers, in hopes of staunching his bleeding emotions. It contrasted with how he never wanted to outstay his welcome on Earth. 
Why was it that no matter where he was, he still wanted to go home?
Why did anger seethe and rise only to leave him all hollow and empty?
John gulped, running his hands over his face. He tucked one into his hair, tugging at the strands in an effort to distract himself. Why the fuck was he like this?
Virgil had turned away to get something off his desk, so at least he didn’t have to see John freaking out over nothing.
John forced a smile when Virgil looked back at him in concern. It wasn't like he could do anything about it. 
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Virgil said.
He was wearing his set of large, over-ear noise-cancelling headphones, covered in green stickers, his chin nodding along to a beat John couldn’t hear. Virgil wasn’t smiling but the creases around his eyebrow scar were shallower. Today had been getting to him too. 
Left alone, John examined the art studio more thoroughly, letting himself become absorbed in the details, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
The whole place was very Virgil, in the best possible way. Storage for art materials was arranged with an engineer’s precision for putting and keeping things in their proper order, cupboards with closed doors painted olive green and neatly labeled in Virgil’s blocky handwriting. Only the pencils Virgil was currently using were left on his desk, in their tray reordered into an exactingly coloured gradient. John couldn’t deny that it also clicked in his brain with that urge to line stuff up. 
An electric keyboard lived along a side wall by a bookshelf containing folders of sheet music and art theory books. John knew from Virgil that the music was arranged by each song’s dominant colour palette according to folder, when he asked as at first he couldn't make sense of the system when of course Virgil would have a system. 
There were speakers in a few places around the room for the frequent times Virgil listened to music while creating. Good quality ones because Virgil said certain staticky types gave him the same sensation as putting gritty sand in his mouth.
It was Virgil’s space for making art and just being, so he’d adapted it to him. Virgil got overwhelmed when there was too much visual stimulation, with constant busy, bright colours and clutter of the world he couldn't put away, so here was an escape from that. 
The walls and ceiling were light, giving an airy feeling. A large landscape window joined inside and outside seamlessly, looked over what John privately thought was the best view on the island, except for the observatory. You could see right out past Mateo, over pokey trees and ocean. Late afternoon sunlight poured in, and there were shades if it got too much.
Greenery was introduced into the room itself by the massive monstera plant in the corner, its umbrella-like leaves forming pleasing shadows on the floor, contrasting with the near liquid golden light. More smaller plants were scattered about. John brushed his fingers over the monstera, to reach out and touch the tangible connection with life and the earth. 
Occasionally a piece of art was hung up for a while as it was finished before being moved to its intended display area in an other part of the house, like the watercolour sketch of playful dolphins amongst their reef obviously intended for Gordon. But mostly there wasn't anything to distract from the artwork, on canvas or as music, that Virgil was bringing to life. 
John found the studio calming too, even when he usually tended towards wanting all his bright stars, books, open screens and telescopes in his space at once. There was something about the soothing surroundings, how the faint smell of paints and real paper lingered, mixing with engine bio-oil and coffee, that meant safety and home. His brother’s mark on it was undeniable. 
John couldn’t help but search for the splatter of paint Virgil had mentioned earlier. It was blue and on a wall in this room, so it shouldn’t be hard to miss but in spite of all of his skills at searching, it was nowhere to be found. Eventually he resigned himself to the fact that Virgil must have painted over it, destroying the tangible proof that he’d acted out in anger.
The beanbags squished beneath him when he flopped back, long legs stretched out and foot smarting when he moved it, picking up his tablet for something to do. His substantial library of books wasn’t holding anything that could keep his attention right now as he flicked between them, opening and shutting pages. He tipped his head back, looking upwards, letting his tablet fall face down onto his chest.
And there it was. On the wall above him, the blue splodge of paint exactly from Virgil’s story. 
Except it wasn't just a splodge because a rainbow of lines had been added around it, faithfully following the original shape and expanding upon it, forming a bird with wings outstretched, flying freely across the wall. Something utterly beautiful from from what had begun as only painful.
John’s breath caught. He didn't know how Virgil did that. He wrung out hope from anger, forming all the emotion into art where John just flailed because he didn’t want to touch his feelings with a thousand kilometre stick.
But here, in Virgil’s studio surrounded by the calm quiet where he could finally breathe, he could try.
So he picked up his tablet. Opened up the word programme. And began to write.
He had no idea where he was going. No plot, no plan, no outline. When he usually did this, for reports, for academic works, he always had his ideas and arguments all laid out in his head and he simply had to put them on the page in front of him.
His fingers found the keyboard and he let them, doing his best not to second-guess and delete every word he put down. To think too much and bail out as it got too big and too scary even when this was just typing on his tablet sitting in a beanbag in the corner of the room, not doing anything at all that could be thought of as dangerous or would mess up his broken foot. 
It wasn't really much. In subject or in word count or in technical finesse. He hadn’t been doing this writing thing for very long, not since university and stories scrawled in his near illegible handwriting hidden in paper notebooks beneath his bed. Not for himself. 
He saved the document and slammed the window closed before he could look at it and convince himself it was all completely stupid and he never should’ve even tried in the first place.
But it was cathartic and it gave him somewhere to put the irrational seething anger, outlined by the sorrow that seeped through in the lines between, to bleed out on paper, in words that were his first language and first love. In the beginnings of stories that didn’t have to be perfect or real and contained far too much of himself to even think about showing anybody yet, but that maybe one day he would. 
When Virgil knocked on the door and opened it, John jumped like he’d been caught out. Then he glanced up and saw the blue paint splodge turned flying bird from the corner of his eye, and he could smile at Virgil with all the love in the world and more understanding of how his brother worked. Of why after hard rescues and bad days his first instinct was to turn to piano or canvas.
Seeing what Virgil was carrying on the tray in his hands had John wishing he hadn’t ever broken his foot so he could throw himself at Virgil to hug him this very second. Though if he hadn’t been injured, he never would’ve come down from Five today.
A blueberry bagel, toasted, with the special strawberry cream cheese that was his favourite but never lasted long in space. Or on Earth, unless his brothers saved it for him on purpose. 
There was a cup of tea too, next to Virgil’s customarily massive mug of coffee.
John just stared up at him, until he found his voice to whisper all his thanks over and over. He took the plate and the cup in slightly trembling hands, then placed them on the floor next to him. 
He raised his arms so that Virgil would crouch down and John could squish him into a hug. 
John clung to red flannel for a few seconds longer than he usually would. Virgil returned it in kind, smiling at him with soft, brown eyes. 
Then he was fussing over John’s foot again, propping it up on pillows and wrapping an icepack around it. John took it in because this was Virgil’s way of showing he cared. As well, it would mean he could get back on his feet sooner by not ignoring the injury. Plus it hurt less.
Before Virgil returned to his desk and pencils, John bumped their foreheads together in show of affection not as frequently done between them with the distance. It was often Scott and Virgil’s thing.  Virgil hummed happily at him even when John wobbled as he leaned forward, making the collision slightly more forceful than he intended. Instead they laughed together over Tracy hard heads. 
Enjoying each other’s company with no pressure to talk or interact was nice and exactly what they both needed. They could do their own things in parallel, Virgil with his art, a sketch forming beneath steady hands, and John with… whatever he was doing at this point.
Gathering up his courage, he cautiously reopened his word document from earlier and read over what he’d written. It was… okay actually. The typos and errors he grimaced at were numerous, but those were fixable problems.
It was a story, he’d written something. John found himself smiling down at his tablet with the urge to add more so he did.
The time passed in the light from the windows transforming from light gold to a fiery orange, stretching across their room and their island alike. As dusk grew closer, the bird calls and insect songs changed, and there were so many wonderful things about space that John could never give up loving but it didn't have this.
So maybe that was what was wrong with him. Instead of a flaw in his very humanity, it was more not enough food and too much stress, not sleeping right or talking to anyone. Those simple things he sort of… forgot about, ignored. John needed to be around family too, with the sunlight streaming in, plants in touching distance and the quiet company of Virgil and some care to feel better. 
Maybe while he was down here, he’d even go stargazing outside tomorrow, lying on a picnic blanket on the grass like he used to. Monitor work could be taken care of at dad’s desk, there’d be time to help Allie with his school work then play video games together and once his cast was off, swim in Gordon’s ocean. To hang out with Scott too and help pull his beloved biggest brother out of his own overwork spiral. He hadn’t had a chance to catch up with Grandma or Kayo or Brains in a while either. 
Only then would he return to Five, to his stars and space, his research and monitor duty proper. His little room up there, the gravity ring and central floating hub, with Eos as his companion, they were home too. Not in replacement of the island and his family but in addition. And he knew he could come down to Earth when he needed to even if, especially when it was just because he wanted a hug.
Right now, the soft patter of his fingertips on the glass screen blended with the scratchings of Virgil’s coloured pencils on artist’s paper. 
He munched on his bagel and sipped his tea contentedly. Virgil had been cupping his warm mug of coffee in his hands, happily sighing as John fought the urge to giggle.
It was with a cheerier and more relaxed Virgil that they ended up squished together on the beanbag pile once the sun was fully set. John snuggled into his brother’s side, it really had been too long but he was here now. 
Virgil’s fingers tapped contentedly against the knee of his jeans like he was playing a melody on the piano, other arm tucked around John, meaning John could feel the vibrations as Virgil hummed along. John went from messing with the case of his tablet to happily flickering his hands at his sides.
Also, how were the beanbags this comfortable? These ones didn’t even rustle and squeak like he remembered the ones they’d had as kids did. 
Those had met a horrific end with their guts all over the house when Gordon had wanted to know what was inside them and out of scientific curiosity John had helped find the answers, utilising his ability to read and follow the instructions on the tag of how to open the pull-less zipper with an ancient paperclip. 
He retold the story to Virgil whose eyes widened in surprise.
“So it was you!” he laughed. “I’d wondered how Gords did it, but I hadn't put anything past the fish.”
John lost his battle with holding in his own giggles and decided to let Virgil in on the secrets of a few other John-and-Gordon specials.
There was a knock before Scott ducked his head around the corner of the doorway, just as John glanced up.
Scott leant against the frame, intense blue eyes looking him over. John couldn’t tell whether they were sharper in person than over hologram or softer. They stuck on John’s cast, flicking to Virgil before scanning carefully over his body, same as if any of the others were injured in the field. 
“Scott,” John stated. An acknowledgment that his big brother was here. The tight, tangled  barbed wire ball that had been living in his stomach for days loosened further. 
“You okay?”
How was he supposed to answer that? In this moment, laughing aloud with Virgil, yeah he was. But all the rest of the day, the week beforehand? John gave a noncommittal shrug that didn’t give much either way. 
Of course that became cause for Scott to come closer. He knelt in front of John, ever so mindful of his broken foot. 
Telegraphing his movements, Scott reached out and brushed John’s hair out of his face before silently kissing his forehead, all gentle big brother who was here for him no matter what.
He repeated the motion with Virgil. 
John froze for precious seconds then threw himself at Scott. 
It hurt. He’d forgotten about his foot in its awful cast for a moment, knocking it painfully against the floor with a broken yelp. But Scott caught him anyway. Virgil’s arms went back around him too and he was still humming but in a steadier pitch. 
John was sniffling against Scott’s chest, soaking up his brothers’ warmth and all the love in the room, even as he wasn’t sure whether he was crying again from sorrow or pain or because they both cared about him so, so much and the happy-overwhelmed feeling got stuck as a lump in his throat.
Maybe together they could fix this mess John had somehow made. But right now John let them hold him close, let Scott rock them until the calm of the room could creep back in.
A cuddle pile formed on the beanbags once again, this time with Scott too. John leant back on Scott’s chest, still hiccuping occasionally from the tears. Both sets of their long legs alongside each other were tossed over Virgil’s lap, who’d very fairly called them a lanky, boney weighted blanket, while snuggling in with no suggestion they move. He could feel Scott’s chin resting on top of his head, breaths lightly tickling his hair.
Virgil had had to check again, with the medscanner he kept in his studio first aid kit, that John hadn’t screwed up his foot in its bright orange cast. Yet he hadn’t and even though John could still feel the pain of the impact, Virgil had given him another dose of ibuprofen which would take the edge off soon.
John’s eyes slid half shut with exhaustion. Scott let him fidget with his hands as he gripped them. Virgil was tapping out piano pieces again, a more relaxed melody now against the top John’s bare shin, the sensation grounding and reminding him Virgil was close.He had his brothers. All of them. All of his family. They loved him and they’d help him figure this out and that was more that enough, it was everything.
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kusurrone · 8 months ago
me and the bad bitches i pulled by being autistic
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ripjeff · 2 months ago
Minds Collide - Logicality Ch 1
Chapter 1 Word count: 1680 words
Logan sat in his favorite spot in the back of his local library. It was quiet, he loved the quiet. He spent most of his days in this spot. He sat in a comfortable chair and read his books, helping the librarians put away returned books when they needed it. He spent most days in his spot in the library while his dad was at work and his other dad took care of things at home. He worked on his online college work on his laptop, then read his books or enjoyed his lunch. It was a simple routine, but one he enjoyed nonetheless. 
Today was different, however. He noticed that there was a chair set up near the children’s books that wasn’t usually there, and a sign that read, “Papa Patton’s Storytime Hour.” Logan furrowed his brow in confusion before making his way over to the librarian. “Hello, Jess.” 
Jess smiled at him, “Hey Logan, how are ya today?”
“I am content today, thank you. May I inquire as to the events in the children’s section today?” 
Jess smiled at his formality. “Yeah, of course! So we have a gentleman coming today at 2 o’clock to read to some homeschooled kiddos. We thought it would be fun and so we called and set up an event on Facebook so that we could see how many people would be coming to be prepared.” 
Logan frowned, not a huge fan of children. “May I ask how long the event will be taking place?”
“Um.. we’re not sure? A while. I mean I know it’s not really your scene, you’re more than welcome to sit in the back office if it becomes too much.”  
Logan nodded, “I appreciate the offer, Jess.” He made his way back to his spot, dreading the inevitable group of loud children. He put his headphones on and scrolled through his phone, only looking up when a cupcake was placed in front of him on a small place with a napkin. The cupcake was decorated to look like a puppy, with fondant ears and paws. Smiling brightly at him was a pale man wearing a blue polo shirt with a cat cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. He was simply adorable in every way, although he looked like the stereotypical image of a white dad. 
“Hi, I’m Patton!” he extended a hand out to Logan to shake, still sporting the bright smile on his face. Logan hesitated for a moment, analyzing Patton’s face and wondering how is he so expressively cheerful? He shook Patton’s hand, “Hello, I am Logan.” Patton nodded, “Well it’s nice to meet you Logan, I hope you like cupcakes!” Patton took a seat, speaking excitedly. “Jess told me you are in here every day so I figured I’d introduce myself since I’ll be coming in to read to my kiddos a few times a week… we’re reading puppy-themed books today so I made the cupcakes puppy-themed!” He giggled, pointing at the ears on his cupcakes. 
Logan nodded, pushing his glasses up. “I’m not one for baking but I do enjoy the occasional treat, so thank you.” Logan noted how bright Patton’s smile was, a dimple present on either side and freckles delicately scattered across his nose and over his cheeks. “You’re welcome! I LOVE baking! It’s so much more fun than buying sweets from the store.” He giggled, his gaze falling upon Logan’s novel and laptop on the table. “So is this what you do every day? You like reading?” Patton was looking at him intensely, curiosity and intrigue evident on his face although Logan didn’t quite notice.
“Yes, reading is an enjoyable pass-time for me. I read and learn something new every day, and the library is a good place for such objectives. It is… quiet.” 
Patton nodded, resting his chin on his hands as he listened to Logan speak, his smile still plastered on his face. He’s barely just met Logan and he’s unlike anyone he’s ever met before. He’s never met someone, especially not someone his age, who sounds so smart (to put it simply.) It fascinated him that someone just had all these big words in their brain all the time and knew what they meant and when to use them. Patton’s not stupid, but his intelligence lies elsewhere. “It is quiet, I bet the quiet’s nice. I don’t get a ton of quiet every day since I work with kids but it’s nice when I do.” 
Logan shook his head slightly. “I wouldn’t be able to work for children. I am… not much of a fan of children. I do not enjoy being around overly loud people or things often.” Patton listened intently, shrugging when Logan finished speaking. “That’s fair! I mean that makes sense but I love my kiddos and I super love my job! It’s so fun, and kids are so creative, speaking of which.. Oh wow,” he exclaimed as he checked his watch, “I need to go set up before the kids flock in! It was nice meeting you Logan, I hope to see you next week?” 
Logan nodded courteously, watching as Patton rushed over to get his books ready and set up the table with the snacks and cupcakes for the kids. It didn’t take long before the kids and their parents started arriving, Patton greeting them cheerfully. Logan watched him from his spot, having turned on the noise-cancelling setting on his headphones to make this time more bearable. He found himself just watching Patton and studying his mannerisms. He watched how Patton worked with the children, being patient and caring of each child there. He watched how Patton interacted with the parents, mature and respectful. Patton fascinated him in every way and he wasn’t sure how to feel about the energetic man. 
Logan sat at the dinner table with his dads that night. He was 19 years old and in college but he saw no reason to move away from home so he still ate dinner with his dads most nights. His dad, Remy, was a thin man of average height who always seemed to have bags under his eyes. He set a plate of food down in front of Logan and his husband before finally having a seat in his chair. His husband, Emile, was a healthy-looking man with caring eyes and an inviting nature (unsurprising considering he spent his days working as a therapist). “Thank you, darling,” Emile said to his husband before taking a bite of his food, turning to Logan after he had finished chewing. “How was your day, son? Anything interesting happen?”
Logan nodded, looking at his papa. “Yes,” he said without any emotion in his voice. 
Both of his dads perked up after hearing this. Logan didn’t often deviate from his daily routine so to hear that he may have experienced something new today, and didn’t seem upset about it either, makes them quite joyous. They wanted the best for their son, and with Logan being autistic they took victories where they could get them. Remy nodded encouragingly, “Yeah? What happened?” 
“I became acquainted with someone new today. His name is Patton and he is going to be reading to children at the library twice a week.” He took a bite of his food before continuing. “He said hello to me today and asked about my novels… he was smiling. He was friendly.” 
Emile nodded, setting his fork down. “You said he’s going to be coming to the library a few times a week? Do you think this could be a potential new friend?” 
Logan shrugged, “I don’t know. He’s not like Virgil.” 
Remy took a drink from his glass before offering his son a dinner roll and a caring smile. “Well, maybe it would be good for you to have a friend that isn’t like Virgil. We love Virgil, but variety doesn’t have to be a bad thing, love.” Emile nodded in agreement with his husband. “Your dad is right, Lo. Maybe someone bright and friendly as you said could add a different perspective to your life and friendships.” 
Logan sighed softly, “Perhaps you’re correct. We aren’t very similar to each other, though.” 
Remy laughed softly at this, “That’s not a bad thing, I mean- I’d hate to be around someone exactly like me. I think I’d go insane.” 
Logan was quiet for a second before humming softly, “I did not consider that perspective.” Logan thought about the happy boy in the library as he and his parents fell into a comfortable silence, finishing their meal. After helping clean up dinner, Logan was about to head upstairs when his dad called to him, catching his attention. “Is Virge still coming over hun?” 
Logan nodded and replied with a simple ‘yes’ before heading upstairs to his favorite room in the house, his bedroom. His bedroom was his safe space. He kept the room dark, usually only lit with his special lamp that shone constellations across his ceiling. His walls were a dark blue, his carpet an aesthetically matching gray. His bed was made neatly with a space-themed comforter. He sat in his large beanbag chair in the corner where he usually resides, reading his current novel and waiting for his best friend to arrive. 
Virgil eventually arrived and they went through the usual steps of their routine. Virgil played some My Chemical Romance at a low volume on Logan’s TV before curling up in Logan’s bed and taking a nap, Logan continuing his reading in his chair. Logan liked these nights he had with Virge most weekends. He liked being able to keep his peace while still being in the presence of someone he was comfortable with, and Virge tended to be a quiet person in general so it just worked out. Virgil has been his best friend and one of his only friends for most of his life. He found comfort in Virgil’s company and wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to see that same comfort in someone else, much less someone more energetic and upbeat—someone like Patton. 
{Alrighty y'all, that's chapter 1 done. I am open to any and all constructive criticism. I'll see y'all next Monday!}
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beepmeowiskarkat · 1 year ago
Hey does anyone have any analogical fic recs where Virgil is autistic with severe sensory processing issues, suffers from OCD and / or has mobility issues? Ive seen a lot of disabled logan analogical fics but I feel like absolute shit and I need to see myself repped by my fav.
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wethinkweknow-you · 1 year ago
getting back into my sanders sides groove. I'm so excited because now I have time to actually finish the virgil jacket I've been working on and I have motivation to do it!!!
I think a big reason I was SOOO obsessed with the sides is bc none of my friends knew about it so it was like my own little secret hyperfixation/guilty pleasure?? idk man. once I infodumped to my girlfriend about it I just stopped caring. but now I'm back in the game
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casper-108 · 5 months ago
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I had to redo the purple part on top of the pocket a couple weeks ago, because I had sewn(?) the pocket shut. But turns out when I re did it i sewed the pocket shut AGAIN.
So yea.. I’m gonna have to do do it AGAIN.
(If you want to help me get a service dog please donate or share this link, also entire story/explanation for why I need a service is also in the link https://gofund.me/06426e00 )
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transfemlogan · 1 year ago
"Virgil in the giving the sides s good day vid was actually just autistic, he wasnt mean to roman!" hes actually just an asshole & this is ok. Sometimes. ... people are assholes for no reason & its not bcuz they have an underlying neurodivergency .... /j /silly
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ghost-likes-drawing · 2 years ago
I am quite litteraly a minute and six seconds in to the new sanders sides mini episode thing and I got to excited and had to stop.
Spoilers under the line
Fuck I love Logicality
Patton is trying so damn hard.
Edit with after video thoughts:
Fuck I love Prinxiety and Demus too
Janus loves Remus so damn much it doesn't matter how he just does
Girl tried so hard for Roman and Roman needed that bit at the end. Ahahah
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