#catherine x farmer
starlightcleric · 1 year
Autumn With a Witch - Chapter 2 - Rain
Fandom: Sun Haven
Relationships: Catherine/Farmer
Other: Fluff, established relationship
With the town of Sun Haven saved, Calliope can turn to enjoying the start of autumn with her wonderful wife, Catherine.
Also on AO3
Calliope awoke to the soft sound of rain pattering on the window and to the warm breath of her wife on her neck. And Catherine’s hair in her mouth. Catherine’s rabbit ears were folded back across her head as she slept, but her voluminous, purple hair spread everywhere.
Calliope used her free hand that wasn’t pinned down by her wife cuddling into her to remove the affronting hair from her mouth and rub her eyes. With the rain today, she wouldn’t need to water the crops by hand (or, well, rain cloud spell). She still needed to check in on the animals, make sure they had enough food, but she could afford to spend a bit longer in bed.
“Mreowf.” A soft lump launched itself onto Calliope’s stomach and started making biscuits.
Or maybe the inside pets still wanted breakfast on schedule.
The little, black witch cat stared Calliope in the face intently as it let out another large meow.
“Mmmmmhm.” Catherin stirred, her ears starting to perk up.
Calliope kissed her on the forehead as she detangled herself to get up. “You can go back to sleep, love. It’s a lazy, rainy day.”
Catherine slowly opened one eye. “Then why are you getting up?”
The black cat bumped into Calliope’s back as she finagled to put on socks. “Someone still wants breakfast. Which means I should check on all the animals–here and in Nel’Vari. Oh!” She stood up straight and gave the cat a scratch on the back. “If I’m headed to Nel’Vari, and it’s raining, I should hunt for water runes!”
Catherine sat up and stretched. “I don’t know what my day looks like. I should stop by the store, check in, but Lucia and I won’t have our lunch outside in this weather.”
Calliope laced up her boots. “Then why don’t you come with me? It’s past time you’ve seen the farm in Nel’Vari. I think you would find the amount of magic just in the world there absolutely fascinating. There are plants I can only grow there, potions I can only make there—”
“Hmmm.” Catherine surged forward to kiss Calliope on the nose. “Well, I can’t have my wife out-witching me, now can I?”
“I could never. You’re Sun Haven’s best witch.” Calliope kissed her back.
The black cat made its presence known again by thrusting its head into her stomach.
Calliope pulled away from Catherine and laughed. “Alright, alright. I’m getting breakfast now.”
The cat trailed her all the way to the kitchen with excited mews, only stopping to stuff its face when Calliope placed its bowl on the floor.
Calliope stopped for a moment to stare out the kitchen window. The rain trailed down the window pane in lazy patterns, and farther out dripped down from the trees into little puddles. She normally took the griffon straight to the Nel’Vari farm, but she didn’t think he could carry both her and Catherine. Flying in this weather also sounded miserable. Well, a nice walk it was, then. They could forage in the woods together.
As she prepared her and Catherine’s morning carrot juice, the cat had finished its breakfast and was now meowing and scratching at the front door. “I don’t think you want to go out there, buddy.”
“MREOWW.” Scratch scratch scratch.
“Okay, fine.” Calliope opened the door for the cat.
It took one look outside at the rain, sniffed, then turned around and headed back toward the bedroom.
“That’s what I thought.” Calliope finished pouring the carrot juice just as Catherine walked into the kitchen, dressed warmly and carrying a waterproof cloak.
The journey was not unfamiliar. Catherine had grown up exploring the wilds of Sun Haven for herbs, and Calliope had made many an expedition to Nel’Vari. So they knew how to skirt the edges to avoid the beasts of the wild, though many were hidden, sheltering from the rain. The fresh smell of wet dirt filled her nostrils while the dirt itself caked their fingertips as they collected mushrooms.
Unfortunately she couldn’t walk too closely to Catherine, since the rain would run off the brim of Catherine’s hat right to the top of Calliope’s head. So she danced in circles around her, darting to and fro as Catherine proceeded languidly through the forest like a nymph.
As they approached the bridge that marked the transition to the elven forest, Calliope heard Catherine catch her breath.
“I’ve never been this deep before,” Catherine said. “It’s beautiful. And what are those?” she pointed at the colorful stones peaking up out of the earth.
“The magical runes! Like how Sun Haven gets elemental crystals around in places? Nel’Vari gets these elemental runes. I can use them in crafting stuff. Here, we’ll pick them up and I’ll show you when we get to the farm.”
They proceeded farther into the forest towards Nel’Vari, eventually reaching the elven town itself. Most of the residents were holed up inside on this rainy day, but they still attracted some stares. Not that Nel’Vari didn’t have its own population of amari, but the residents were tight knit. Outsiders were rare.
Spotting Wesley at the bulletin board, Calliope hurried Catherine along. She didn’t feel like receiving a lecture at the moment. 
Catherine still lingered to gawk at the great tree in the distance. “The trees here, I can feel their connection to the earth. There’s so much life here.” She held out her palm to catch some falling raindrops. “It’s in the earth, in the water, in the air.”
“I think you and Iris could have some interesting conversations once she stopped being terrified of you, but I really do need to check up on the animals.”
“Alright, alright. But later.” Catherine let Calliope pull her by the hand down the road towards the farm.
The raindrops played a soft melody over the many pools of the Nel’Vari farm as Calliope and Catherine approached. “Can you check on the crops while I tend to the animals?” Calliope asked.
“Oh I am itching to dig my fingers around some new magical plants,” Catherine laughed. “You don’t even have to ask.”
As Calliope fed the animals (giving the baby griffon extra scritches), her gaze kept returning to Catherine. She kneeled directly in the mud, skirts pulled around to shield her knees, with a look of childlike wonder as she reverently touched each plant. If paper wouldn’t have been absolutely soaked, Calliope was sure she would be taking notes.
Leaving Catherine to the weeding for now, Calliope headed over to her storage chests. She had promised to show Catherine rune crafting. She grabbed a pile of water runes and some various fish, and headed to the mana infuser.
From across the yard, Catherine looked up. “Don’t say you’re doing alchemy without me!”
“I’m just prepping the materials,” Calliope protested, but Catherine was already on her way over.
She was soaked through and dirt snaked up her arms, but Catherine’s eyes were bright as Calliope explained the mana infuser.
“And then when we balance the essence of the fish against the water rune, it draws the mana into liquid form. To the best of my knowledge. Magic isn’t really my speciality, I just follow the recipes I have written down.”
“Oh I so want to experiment with this,” said Catherine. “How long will this potion take?” she asked, nodding to the concoction Calliope had started brewing.
“Uh,” Calliope checked the recipe. “Four hours. So we’ve got some time. We could head inside and dry off, we’re both drenched.” She gave her head a vigorous shake, and water droplets flew off the ends of her hair and ears.
Catherine looked down at her muddy dress ruefully. “I could do with a warm drink and a bath.”
“Well, I haven’t put as much effort into this house as the one in Sun Haven, but I do have the basic necessities stocked,” said Calliope. “Including lavender bubble bath.”
Catherine kissed her cheek. “You really are prepared. While I draw up a bath, you better tell me all about the crops you have here. There’s one that’s a rock but it’s a plant?”
And, scraping the mud off their boots, they headed inside out of the rain.
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lpa6zn · 2 years
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um... Gwendoline... do you have something to say?...
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beconcealed · 3 months
Thomas Massie (rep.)
Thomas Massie
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Thomas Massie (Born. 1971) is a farmer, engineer, researcher, and current 4th Congressman from the Kentucky District in the United States of America. Further, he stepped into politics in November 2012 through the right-wing, conservative approach ideology Party (Republican Party) since he is the representative of the Kentucky District. Prior to serving as a Lewis County Judge Executive before 2012,. Anyway, Mr. Thomas and his Party line are to not change the traditional things: like do not abort the Child, should not allow s*x before marriage, be religious, Completely ban LGBTQIA+ rights or moments and so on. On the other hand, the opposition Party (Democratic Party) is totally against the regressive mindset. And encourage this constringing's by making LGBTQIA+ community senator or Congressperson. Apart from these social differences, the Republicans call themselves far more nationalist, America First. And support the other nationalist or religious parties around the Globe. For instances, Israeli Netanyahu Government, Indian Modi Government, the Russian fascist government and so on. Read also: Catherine Engelbrecht | Age, True the Vote, Net Worth, Arrest, Jail Release, Father, Gregg Philips, Boyfriend, Husband, Children How many terms has Thomas Massie served? When it came to knowing, "How many terms has he served?". Then, after around 3 terms (2012-16-20) since November 2012, he resigned from the post of Lewis County Judge Executive. However, it would be interesting to see if he saved his designation of Representative of Kentucky or not. As anti-incumbencies dominate, following two or three terms. As people begin to find alternatives,. But his party (the Republican Party) looks like it will form the government of America in 2024 under former President Donald Trump. Because current President Joe Biden (Democratic Party) didn't fulfill, deliver of promises of he done in 2020 Presidential Election. Moreover, failed in foreign policy like Banning the India (While purchasing the Oil from Russia), Israel-Hamas-Iran War etc. Therefore maybe Americans find Best Governance in Former President Donald Trump again in November 2024 Presidential Election. Maybe it could be one of the reason Democrats making conspiracy against Trump by involving him in a False cases of alleged molestation with known Porn Star Stormy Daniels or his business related transactional scam. It is not a interesting thing that someone (Stormy) making allegation of molesting on Trump following a decade ago. Firstly, she would have enjoyed the moment or would have make millions of USD Dollars (if you see the cases from distance). And now making allegation on Trump of being Molested maybe of some greed of millions of Dollars or property offered by the Democrats. It is just a political backup to the Pornstar by Democrats to make down the images of Presidential Candidate in Public level so that he wouldn't have contest the upcoming presidential election. Thomas Massie Net Worth Well, when it comes to knowing the Annual Income to the most heard working representative from the Kentucky District Congressman Mr. Thomas. As he served as a Lewis County Judge Executive before and is currently serving to the Kentucky for 3 terms. Apart from that he is involved in different fields also like Farming, Invention, Research or Engineering kind of thing. However, if you analyze the Net Worth to the Representative on the basis of jobs he has done publicly. Then you can say $10 to $12 million USD Dollars. Including other sources of Income like Investment in Stocks or Real States etc. Read the full article
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"Raindrops and Eggs"
Canon x OC
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A heavy rain storm batters the area, and the news plays weather warnings all day. However, it's close to 1am; Leon and Catherine are sound asleep in her bed. The ambient sounds of distant rumbles and rain hitting the window is surprisingly soothing. Leon's arms are wrapped firmly but gentle around Catherine, faint whistles escaping his nose as he slept. Catherine stirs in her sleep, mumbling something incoherent before relaxing.
Leon's eyes squint and blink. His stomach rumbles, and waits until his eyes focus in the dark. He's hungry, but doesn't want to leave the bed or wake Catherine up. After several minutes of debate, Leon carefully loosens his grip on Catherine and quietly gets out of bed, adjusting his boxers.
Heading downstairs to the kitchen, Leon looks through Catherine's fridge and pantry. He's definitely hungry, but what exactly does he want to eat? He stops when he hears soft footsteps behind him.
Turning around, he sees Catherine in her pink robe and bunny slippers.
"Sorry if I woke you," Leon says, apologetic.
Catherine shook her head, "No, you didn't. Um...bad dream?"
"Not this time. Just hungry is all."
Catherine walks up to the counter and opens one of her grandfather's cookbooks.
"Have a seat, Lee. I'll whip up something good," she says, flipping through the pages.
Leon smiled warmly as he took a seat at the kitchen table. It wasn't often he had a home cooked meal, but when he did, it was usually Catherine making something for him--and the food always good.
Catherine shuffles around from the fridge to the stove, and the kitchen is soon filled with the sounds of sizzling oil, the cracking of eggs, and the banging of pots and pans. Leon occasionally looks out the window--the sky is dark and the rain isn't letting up.
Eventually, Catherine turns off the burners and serves Leon a colorful plate of eggs, bacon and potatoes all mixed together.
"Farmer's breakfast, my grandfather's version," Catherine says sitting across from him.
Leon takes his first bite--his eyes widened a little at how savory and flavorful the dish is. Catherine looks on happily, smiling at his reaction.
Leon puts his fork down to wipe his mouth. "Cathy... this is beyond amazing. You said this was your grandpa's?"
Catherine finished her current bite of her own plate, "Yeah. Grandpa was a caterer and chef in his prime. Even had his own business. All those cookbooks and journals you see me use? They were his. Growing up, I was learning from him. He used to sing or play music as he cooked."
Catherine briefly looks saddened before taking another bite.
"...Wish I could have met him," Leon says quietly.
"Yeah. He would have probably liked you a lot. I miss him every day."
Catherine looks up to see Leon gently holding her hand.
The two finish the meal and clean up the mess. Afterwards, Leon gives her a little peck on the cheek.
"Thanks, sweetheart," he says with a small smile.
@baldursbasics @notrattus @mishwanders @xxcyberhexx @the-resident-vampire
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pianotuna · 3 years
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Characters: William Wallace and Murron MacClannough Wallace
Media: Braveheart (1995)
Played by: Mel Gibson / James Robinson and Catherine McCormack/ Mhairi Calvey
Setting: 1297, Lanark
William Wallace suffers the deaths of his father and brother, as well as hundreds of his Scottish countrymen, when he is only a child, leaving the village of Lanark after their funeral carrying only a thistle given to him by Murron as a gift.
Murron MacClannough has loved William Wallace all her life, so when he returns after seventeen years of absence, she is thrilled when he returns her affections and begins to court her.
William and Murron fall madly in love with one another and decide to marry, but they are forced to do so in secret, as Murron’s family disapproves and the English soldiers demand that brides sleep with them on their wedding night instead of their husbands. After their marriage, William and Murron share only a short time of happiness together before she is ruthlessly and pointlessly murdered by the English, prompting William to slaughter the entire garrison in revenge. His love for Murron never dies, even as he leads all of Scotland in constant battle against England, and even though his own fate promises tragedy as well, William and Murron’s spirits prove never to be truly separated, even in death.
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cloudberry-sims · 3 years
I haven’t yet rolled for Mary’s remarriage roll , but I’m thinking if I should do it before the black plague (1563) or afterwards.
I'm currently on the first day of 1561 and it's been 2 years since Philip died (he died on the first day of 1559). I'm unsure how long mourning period was in the 16th century and how long a widow should stay a widow before finding a new husband.  
There is also the question of Mary new husbands occupation should be. Mary has 11 000 simoleons left from selling the horses and securing Anne’s 5000 dowry (Eleanor took over Catherine dowry) , and that’s enough money in morbid rolls to marry rich sim, since you need 10 000 in dowry. But technically it's not her money but Williams for when , or if , he becomes a teenager. Mary and the kids will probably move in with the new husband too. 
I like the idea of her marrying someone who is a craftsman or somebody who has a job. Philip was a horse breeder/farmer which was fun but also stressful with all those horses , hence why I sold them and it would’t have been easy for Mary to take care of 3 kids under the child life stage and four horses. 
I took into consideration that Mary would probably attract a older man , since she is in her thirties which at this time quite old, maybe someone who also is a widower. I don’t think I will add step-kids , mostly because it will make it hard to document in my spreadsheet and family tree. Mary and her new hubby will be allowed to have x number of kids since I will roll for that as well. 
Any thoughts , tips or opinions on what I should do or think? 
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catherinesboleyn · 4 years
I’ve recently become obsessed with stories of what happened to the Tudors graves after they died. The amount of times people have just gone in and opened their coffins for curiosity’s sake is INSANE. I wanted to share some of this with y’all.
Catherine of Valois
During the reign of Henry VII, Catherine’s tomb was destroyed during extensions at Westminster Abbey. Because of this, the lid to her coffin was accidentally opened, making her remains clearly visible, and it soon became a popular tourist attraction (?!?!?!?).
In 1669, Samuel Pepys visited Catherine’s grave and wrote this of the experience: “On Shrove Tuesday 1669, I to the Abbey went, and by favour did see the body of Queen Catherine of Valois, and had the upper part of the body in my hands, and I did kiss her mouth, reflecting upon it I did kiss a Queen: and this my birthday and I thirty-six years old and I did kiss a Queen.” Yes, you read the right. He kissed the dead body of Catherine of Valois for his thirty-sixth birthday. I hope he’s having a nice time in hell right now. x
Edward IV
On March 13th 1789, renovations were being made to St Geroge’s Chapel for George III, and Edward IV’s tomb was accidentally opened. They decided to open his coffin and take a look, and what they saw was a skeleton (obviously), but also a dark liquid at the bottom of his coffin that covered his feet. Upon examination, it was determined that the liquid came from the dissolution of his body. The people there not only decided to take locks of Edward’s hair with them, but also phials of his bodily fluid as souvenirs... 😀 huh? x x (I’m also trying to think of a scenario where the fluid didn’t touch them while they were putting it into a phial and I.... I just can’t. It definitely touched them).
Margaret Tudor
In 1559, the cemetery where Margaret was buried in was destroyed by a mob. It is said that her remains were removed from her coffin and burned. Archeologists are working to find any remains at the site, but it doesn’t seem they have found anything yet. x
Henry VIII & Jane Seymour
Henry VIII originally had big plans for his and Jane’s tomb, but none of it ever ended up happening. Their grave actually was unmarked until 1837. In 1649, their vault was opened to put in the body of the recently executed Charles I, whose coffin was placed next to Henry’s. At some point, the body of an infant child of Queen Anne’s was also put into the vault.
In 1813, the vault was rediscovered. The discovery was said to have been an accident, but that didn’t stop them from taking a look inside. A sketch was made of how it looked, and the coffin you see in the center is Henry’s (clearly not in good condition), the coffin to the left is Charles I and the coffin to the right is Jane Seymour. The lead sheets wrapped around Henry’s body still remained, and they took some souvenirs with them (I assume locks of hair/beard). They left Jane’s remains undisturbed. x x
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Mary Tudor, Queen of France
On September 6th 1784, Mary’s coffin was opened. Locks of her hair were taken, which you can still see today in the picture below. x
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Henry Fitzroy
Fitzroy’s tomb was opened in the Victorian era, and his wood coffin was found decayed. His body was still wrapped in the cerecloth, with a second body right next to him, probably his wife’s, Mary Howard. x
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Katherine Parr
Sudeley Castle was in terrible condition, and the grave of Katherine was considered to be lost. But, in 1782, a group of people “stumbled” upon her grave. They noticed a marble panel on the wall of the chapel and had a local farmer start digging. The inscription on the coffin they found was Katherine Parr. Of course, they just had to take a look inside, and they found Katherine’s remains wrapped in linen, with her skin still “white and moist” (ew).
After this, Katherine’s coffin was repeatedly opened by people until it was moved to a sealed vault in 1817. By this time, her body was heavily decayed. The picture below shows a lock of hair and a tooth that was supposedly taken from Katherine’s coffin. x
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fizziefizzco · 3 years
can I see what you've got for strawberry wine and lorenz is a fool, please?
hehehe thank you!!! of course you can!!
Strawberry Wine - Stardew Velley - Farmer oc x Alex. || Lilac Winchester spent most of her life growing up in Pelican Town, being quick friends with Sebastian, Alex and Hayley as they were all the same age growing up. During highschool she starts dating a guy from zuzu city and changes personality completely, burning every relationship and moving out as soon as she graduated. Seven years later and a bus from zuzu city pulls up with a familiar-looking young woman.
Sebastian froze as he entered into the saloon. Lilac was sitting and talking to the mayor over dinner and documents. It wasn't like she'd changed that much over the years, looking more tired and skinnier but it was still her. Yoba, it was still her. "What the fuck?" He found the words spilling from his mouth without his consent, though they were exactly what he meant to say. Lilac, and the other bar patrons turned to look at him - Abigail and Sam looking in the direction he was. Abby froze too, but Sam wasn't sure how to react. "Sebastian -" Lilac whispered his name, but he heard it over the deafening silence. "No." he spat "You don't have the right to say my name - to come back like nothing happened after what you did."
Lorenz is a Fool - Fire emblem three houses - Lorenz Hellman Gloucester x Myrrhine (oc) || Lorenz has tea with Myrrhine to apologize for insulting her in class the other day, further insults her bc he's an idiot
“Do you hate me?”Myrrhine broke the silence with a question, the words driving a stake through his heart as she hit the point dead on. Lorenz could not sputter and conjure up some fluffy, fancy words to try and brush her off. He hated this effect she had on him, ever since their first meeting. His hands shook as he set the teacup down, careful not to spill any on the table - or goddess forbid, on himself. “I… Not entirely. I do not trust you. Not as a person, and not as a fellow student. You are hard to place. Your face is marked by scars and your body is built like a warrior, yet your hold yourself with the practiced grace of a novice courtier ” Lorenz let his hands pool in his lap, scrunching up the kerchief that he’d kept in his pocket for safekeeping. “You are confusing and have come out of nowhere. I've studied everyone attending this year and yet I cannot find you - its as though you don't exist. We have only just met, and while I respect your ability on the battlefield, and believe in whatever caused you to be accepted as a student here - No. I do not like you, and I firmly believe I never will.” The words strangled themselves out of him, his throat desperately trying to cut them off before they exited. “I appreciate you getting that out into the air.” Myrrhine was far too mature, far too understanding for Lorenz to comprehend. She might not have the manners befitting a lady, but she had grace and a kind of sereneness that he only just caught a glimpse of on the battlefield. It made him even more embarrassed for the thing he said, and how he felt - still felt- about her. “I won’t bother to betray your ideas of me. I may never fit into them. My admission was of great surprise to myself. I am not a noble by any stretch of the word, in fact I've spent the last years training under Catherine. Make no mistake however," There was a kind of pointed glare as she took a deep sip of the Almyran Pine tea ", I will not tolerate any more backhanded measures like your reason for calling me here." Myrrhine set her cup down on the table and stood up slowly, tugging the hood of her uniform on - giving her some measured comfort in this awkward conversation. She stole him one last glance before leaving, adding to her words from moments earlier. “One last thing - you must also look within yourself as well. Surely you remember what Leonie said when we met? That you don’t care or like for commoners? "She notices his mouth open slightly, and raises a hand to cut him off. "The validity of the statement is beside the point. If you truly are as noble as you say, you’d do well to be kind - or at least learn to pretend like it. Otherwise, you’ll end up worse off than you perceive me to be. “ With those words, she left the tea garden - a half-lazy wave her parting gesture as Lorenz watched her retreating form with ... what? A mix of annoyance and anger and embarrassment.
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
father!Connor x Reincarnated! Modern reader!
Burning and calling out for your dad that's the last thing you remembered when the ceiling collapsed and the flames consumed you, next thing you knew you were freezing your eyes looked around wildly as you took in the surrounding area, this wasn't the streets of [city/town], it was night time and you were in a forest?... and it was winter now? Not not possible it was July, you were sure of it! 
*How did I get here?!*
You wondered as you tried to stand but couldn't move you looked to see what was restraining you. and felt your stomach curdled when you saw that you were swaddled in a soot covered blanket next to body of a woman who had her limp arms wrapped securely around your now tiny body, her dead eyes stained with frozen tears as they stared blankly at you it didn't take long for you to register that you were now in the body of a newborn and were very sure this woman is...was your mother.
Struggling between fear and confusion you did the only thing a baby could do in this situation wail at the top of your lungs and hope someone finds you, before a wolf or bear comes around.
Connor's pov 
He was returning to the homestead from Boston after ordering some upgrades and repairs for the Aquila, it was getting colder as the night settled snow crunched under the hooves as they trotted down the road home, when the assassin's nose caught a whiff of smoke in the air, he assumed some hunters had made camp somewhere and kept on route when his ears caught a high pitch scream in the distance, at first he thought it was a fox, rabbit or maybe a cougar? But something didn't feel right about it.
Connor's gut felt twisted as he brought the horse to a stop got off and strained his ears to hear through the wind before pinpointing where the scream was coming from and followed it, the screaming slowly turned into a the wails of a baby, causing the hairs on the back of Connor's stand on end as he quickened his pace to the location. 
There the assassin was met by a sickening sight as his eyes wildly swept over the remains of still smoldering cabin, he felt bile bubbling up in his throat as the smell of smoke and burning flesh invaded his nose triggering visions of his mother's death as his gaze soon landed on the snow covered body of a woman holding onto a screaming infant. 
He stared down at the pair he locked eyes with little one soon Connor eyes started burned with tears as a rogue sob escaped his throat he crouched down and hesitated before his shaking hands gently took the baby from their mother's body, he held the baby close trying to keep them warm as he managed to calmed down investigated the surrounding area, where it became very obvious that the fire was no accident.
Connor eyes noticed a mark on what was left of the walls he ran finger along it felt oily; Bear grease. the fire had started here after someone dumped bear grease around the cabin and lit aflame with the woman and child still inside, the mother's body had marks and what looked like rope stuck to her burns, the fire must've burned through the bindings and she used what all the strength left in her to get her baby out.
Someone wanted them dead, but why? there were footprints leading away from the site; Connor would've followed them, but his concerned gaze went back to the baby who was oddly quiet now and was alarmed at how cold their cheeks felt. The assassin made the wise decision to return to the homestead.
Achilles was not pleased when Connor returned late but his frustration soon turned to confusion and shock when he saw what his student was carrying a baby, his shock was replaced by fear when he noted how blue the child was looking he brought a hand up and felt the their cheek the old man retracted his hand. 
"Give me that child, and go take of your robes and shirt sit near the fire" Connor gave Achilles a incredulous look. "Do it" the old man barked before snapping a Faulkner to wake up and go get Dr. Lyle the sailor was confused until he saw the situation sobered up and ran out of the manor like a bat out of hell,
Connor was sitting in front of the fire place as he watched Achilles take the wet blankets and dress off the baby which turned out to be a girl, and handed the unresponsive child to native man as his mentor showed him how to hold her. a the old draped a blanket over them as they waited those few minutes that passed felt like hours.
 Achilles mumbled to himself wondering what was keeping the doctor, Connor while kept nervously starring at the baby she wasn't as blue looking anymore, but she was still unresponsive it was unnerving, finally the door open and Faulkner and a sleepy Lyle walked in the doctor was immediately on high alert when he saw the baby in Connor's arms.  
"Oh, my what happened?"
"Cabin fire she was the only one alive when I got there."
"Good job at keeping her warm, however she doesn't seem to be breathing too well... may i see her?"
Connor reluctantly handed the baby over, Lyle carefully held her over his knee and gave her back a few small slaps which caused the native man to jump out of his chair. "What are yo-" the baby suddenly threw up before letting out a wheeze followed a series of small coughs as air filled her lungs, her skin had a more healthier hue now before bursting out crying, doctor White wiped her mouth before handing her back to Connor.
"She was choking the poor thing! must of inhaled a lot of smoke... Your lucky you found her when you did." Connor just hummed as he tried to calm the baby down but failing, Achilles huffed and took her from the young assassin then snapped at him to put his shirt on as he rocked her, the baby instantly quietly down as Faulkner handed Achilles a blanket to cover the baby with. 
While Doctor White was instructing Connor to observe the baby overnight to make she was alright which caused a bit of a stir with both mentor and student. "W-Wait your not suggest that I take care of her?!" the young man sputtered as he awkwardly eyed the baby who seemed more alert now. 
"Well of course, who else?" Lyle hummed Connor started trying to make up excuses why he couldn’t do that! they don't have a cradle, clothes, how was he supposed to feed her? Achilles pointed at his son's old cradle that was stored under a table which also had some old baby clothes inside, and was sure Prudence wouldn't mind helping with the feeding problem, she's been complaining about making too much milk to the other women.  
Connor sighed pinching the bridge of his nose it was clear he wasn't going to win this, he then looked back at the baby who eyes were looking around the den tired and curious, She was small, alone and defenseless he felt his heart throb before sighing. "Alright, I will watch her and will send for help should something happen, thank you doctor." Lyle nodded bidding Connor and Achilles a good night.
[skip through Achilles showing Connor how to dress the baby and put her to bed.]
back to your pov
*What happened?* you thought waking up fully and looking around the room; happy that you were dry and warm, but but exasperated about still being in the dark on where the hell where you were, your e/c eyes scanned the ceiling brows furrowed somehow this room was familiar; you've seen it before, but where? you sighed and struggled to move your head to get a better look around, but your neck refused to move. *damn newborn limbs!* you huffed frustrated as your tiny hand made a fist damming whoever thought it would be a good idea to bring you back as a baby!
The the sound of footsteps and voices talking got your attention. "She's in the library, and didn't make a sound all night." a worried male voice stated, Odd you could've sworn you've heard that voice before, But damn if you can't remember where! the male's voice was followed by a reassuring female voice. "Babies can differ from one and another, I sure she's just fine." Goddamn you knew that voice too! *Just where the hell am I?* you babbled loud and annoyed as the voices were now in the room with you.
"See? she's chatting up a storm now!" the woman's voice exclaimed as a large shadowy figure came into your sight, You felt kind of scared at first at the man's imposing figure before he leaned in giving you a better look at his face ,you jaw dropped in a form of a toothless grimace when you realized who it was. *Holy Shit It's Connor Kenway,* then the second realization *Holy shit I'm in a video game!* of course the only thing that came out of your mouth was an nonsensical babble.
 the assassin hummed at the sound before he carefully took you out of the cradle and presented you to Prudence "Aw, look at you! hello pretty one.~" She cooed with big smile the second she saw you and took you from Connor. *why was she here?* you thought not seeing Connor leave as the farmer sat down in a chair you awkwardly watched the new mother [Hunter's two moths older than you.] lifted her shirt up presenting her breast to you *oh...okay." You probably would've fussed or resisted but your empty stomach gurgled leaving you no choice but to got to town.
[Skip, after feeding time, and 3rd pov]
Prudence was soon joined by Diana and Catherine who were cooing and coddling at the two babies sitting on the couch next to each other as Warren had dropped Hunter off fawned over you too before returning to work, said boy looked down right confused to see another baby for the first time, while You were having an existential crisis about your current situation which the women giggled at as they talked about you two becoming friends, sharing clothes, toys, extra blankets they had for You, however their meeting was soon interrupted by Connor arguing with Achilles. 
"My answer is no, she can't stay here!"
"Funny you didn't have a problem about it last night, old man!"
"Don't be a hypocritical and That was an emergency!"
"Well, this is an emergency as well, someone wants that child dead and I intend to find out who! So until then she stays!" 
Connor's decision as final causing Achilles let an annoyed bellow before seemingly leaving the manor to cool off, there was an a tense silence filled the air as Connor's foot steps came upstairs and he appeared in the library doorway and awkwardly stared at the women who starring stunned at the native man.
 "Ah, I apologize you all had to hear that." he coughed before looking at you and Hunter sitting on the couch you were being propped up by pillow while Hunter was on his belly starring than up at Connor confused while his mom and the women found their voices mainly questions as to how exactly did you come into Connor's care?
If reader is of native decent:
[At First they thought you were his child as it appeared you were a native as well, your skin had a similar maroon tone like his, but at a second glance it seemed getting a bit lighter/darker than his, also you shared no facial features that resembled Connor's what so ever, your hair looked black, but they could see it was falling out and patches of [Blond,Ginger,Brown.] hair was growing back in it's place, and it's type was turning out more [Wiry,Coarse,Curly,Wavy.] then Connor's and you're eyes were [Blue,grey,amber,green,hazel,brown] it became increasingly obvious that you were half or at least have some native in your bloodline.]
English,Hispanic Italian,Asian,African. descent:
It was obvious you weren't his child as your skin was too/had [fair, bronze, marigold, or chestnut ] tones to it and your eyes were [blue/green/gray, black, hazel] and your hair was looking too curly/wavy/straight [red/blond/brown/black hair, and your facial features showed a clear sign you were of [English,Hispanic Italian,Asian,African.] descent... that and the fact Connor would've told at least told one person in town (Norris) that he was seeing someone and was going to be a father, the native man answered as truthfully as he could.
The women's maternal instinct were now on high alert and stated if he was going to be this baby's guardian he was going to need help and started giving Connor child rearing advice and teaching him how to change her nappies, and assured him that they watched her if he had to go on another exposition, Connor thanked them before Diana realize they didn't know what the wee one's name was.
Connor looked down at you for a few moments thinking hard before a ghost of a smile played on his lips. "Y/n. Her name is Y/n." all the women cooed and started greeted you by name, meanwhile  you were reeling in annoyance. "Seriously? " you huffed blowing a raspberry at Connor who blinked before wiped up the drool dribbling down your chin as a result.
*I get reincarnated and you give the same name I've always had, you couldn't think of something cooler?* your e/c eyes glared daggers at hoping he'd hear you; of course he couldn't hear you or your complaints, guess you'll just have to have to live with it, what could go wrong?   
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hiheyimhuy · 4 years
Movies/TV Shows
1 Roman Empire -Season 1 -Theme Funny -Golden Age
-Birthdays -Jayden Kouli Spring -Ian Spear Summer -Rex Woodbury Fall -Taylor Phillips Winter
-Jennie Mayer “Type 1” Insults -Arlene Williams “Type 2” Conversation -Tina Fey “Type 3” It’s Not Funny, But It Is Funny -Alison Kang “Type 4” Fighting
-Annie Bucher -Bayley Lichtenberg -Brenna Harrington -Briana Jackson -Carley Wood -Christine Baker -Ellie Hoekman -Emily Dugan -Emily Ross -Heather Bateman -Heather Stams -Jessie Torlai -Kailyn Pennock -Katie Fischbeck -Katie Theisen -Kirsten Brewer -Kristen Kemper -Kylie Barrett -Kyra Pennington -Lexi n Abby Klinkenberg -Meg Mullen -Meressa Mamon -Mia Torlai -Nicole Silver -Rebecca Nixon -Samantha Holler -Tahlia Carchedi 1/2 -Taylor Green 1/2 -Tessa Acay -Zoey Golden 1/2
-Austin From Gardenscapes -Kevin Hill
-Season 2 -Theme Suffering -50 Years After The Golden Age With New Complicated Rulers/King And Government Officials -Nice People -People Who Likes To Play Games -Hard Living -Ancient Technological Society -Consequences -Crimes -Passion of the Christ Roman Guards -Green River Teachers -Guys from Han Tinh Phan Kim Lien -Rating 100% -Jessica Clarke -Kelley Flanagan -Hannah Ann -Lindsey Allemeier -Julia Newell -Annika Brauer -Catherine Berner -Olivia Carlson -Louisa Dunwiddie -Emma Linde -Savannah Billedo -Danielle Brady -Jackie Robinson -Rachel Keyser -Angela Zhang -Megan Williams -Maia Lee -McKay Njos -Tylar Philpott -Vanessa Chukri -Dan Mitchell -Brett Goldstein -Brendan Welzien -Jackson Zariski -Adam Newton -Toro -Richard Ferguson -Jared -Royals Friends -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -Matt Howard -Abby Howard -Charli D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Too Hot To Handle” IGTV video guys -Jacqueline Miller -Eileen Bruns -Johannes Huebl 2/3 -Matty Carrington -Franky Cammarata -Ben K Bowers -Colton Underwood -RJ King 2/3 -Graham Davis -Willem De Koch -Brian Pruett -Gigi Meyer  -Henry
-Hailey Napier -Blake Napier -Alex Knutson 2/3 -Elle Petschl -Sam Petschl -Anna Lynch -Ana Rae Miller -Brenna Hudson -Madeline Huletz -Claire Kennedy -Connell O’Brien -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Austin Budke -Cameron Sackett -Elliot Knapp -John Mark Lambert -Colby Franklin -Season 3 -Theme Conquering -Depicts The Fall Of The Roman Empire -Combat Tactics -Strategies -In Places That Trigger Fear -“X Ambassadors - Renegades” Feel -Austin Olson -Chris Torlai -Kevin Hall -Matt Mead -Max Liebl -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Oak Griffith -Sean Redmond -Stefan Andonian -Tanner Patnode -Travis McGuire -Wes Concepcion -Ben Affleck -Christian Bale -Tom Cruise -Cavill -Simon Pegg -Sam Quinby -Garrett Yrigoyen -Ben Higgins -Peter Weber -Jack Weber -Chris Harrison -Arie Luyendyk -Jason -Blake -Jared Haibon -Chris Soules -Jordan -David -Joe Sessa -Josh Canova -Graham Bennett -Kevin Park -Aaron Park -Julien Isnardon -Armie Hammer -Maurice Laab -Keegan Selby -Tyler Pichette -Season 4 -In Heaven With Henry And Malcolm
-Season 5 -Reunion Live “Maplestory - Ergoth’s Throne” “Maplestory - Orbis Tower” “Maplestory - Ludi PQ” -“Imagine Dragons - To Exist” 2 -“Imagine Dragons - Darkness Lies Above” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Fear Is In Your Eyes” 3 -“Imagine Dragons - Only Way Across Is Cold Water” 3 -“Alesso - To Live Without Music” 1 -“Alesso - Watery Feels” 1/2 -“Bastille - What Keeps You Awake At Night” 2 -“Bastille - Every Time You Close Your Eyes” 2 -“Benny Blanco - The 4 Amigos” 1 -“The Chainsmokers - Wishing You Can Untouch” 2 -Might Change Title When I Have Time -“Charlie Puth - Day And Night Changes” 2 -“Coldplay - To Make You Wish You Don’t Have A Soul” 2 -“DNCE - The First To Arrive And Last To Leave” 1 -“Linkin Park - Rather Fall Than Surrender” 3 -“Kaskade - Your Voice Is All I Need” 1 -“Lana Del Rey - The “H” Word” 2 -“The Lumineers - A Cold Winter Morning” 2 -“Major Lazer - Gets You Off The Ground” 1 -“Major Lazer - Hard Bed, Soft Together” 1 -“OneRepublic - Rather Whisper Than Say” 1/2 -“Selena Gomez - Hope You Can Make It Back To Me” 3 -“Selena Gomez - I Need To Give You” 3 -“Shawn Mendes - If I Was Your First Lover” 1/2 -“Shawn Mendes - Fulfill Your Wishes” 1/2 -“Taylor Swift - February Missing You” 3 -“Taylor Swift - Waking Up And You’re Not Here” 3 -“Tove Lo - Roses In Water” 1 -“X Ambassadors - Repentance” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Remorses” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - Regrets” 2/3 -“X Ambassadors - In The Woods” 3 -“X Ambassadors - No One To Be Found” 3 -“X Ambassadors - Only Nature Exists Now” 3 -“X Ambassadors - When You’re Lost” 3 -“2AM Club - I Still Remember You” 1
2 Killer -Henry Farm Childhood -Tom Cruise -Henry Cavill -Simon Pegg -Kelly Hu -Mila Kunis -Chiaki Kuriyama -Amy Johnston -Connell O’Brien -Yugioh Main Characters -Yugi -Joey -Bakura -Pegasus -Marik -Mai Valentine -Weevil -Rafael -Dartz -Charli D’amelio -Matt Howard -Alessandro Dellisola -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Taylor Swift -Shawn Mendes -Girls Non-Killers -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“Finger 11 - Paralyzer” IGTV video -Excluding Claire Miller -Abby Howard -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford
3 Witches History on Earth -Malcolm in Heaven -Hocus Pocus -Vietnamese Girls -Trang Nguyen -Nguyen Ha My -Yen Nguyen -Written By Henry And Malcolm
4 Paris by Night in Modern Time -Presidents -Ben Affleck -Leonardo DiCaprio -1/4 Europeans -Brody Jenner -1/4 Asians -Japanese -Chiaki Kuriyama -Substitute -Cheyenne Stacey Powell -Administration -Nia Nguyen -Stephanie Che -The Bachelor Girls -The Bachelorette Girls -Clothes -Elementary And Middle School -Less Normal -High School -Fashion -College -Travel After College -Love
5 Ancient Forests -Josh Brueckner -Katie Betzing -“131 Tall Tree Guys” IGTV video -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette
6 Toys
7 Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) -Inventions -Movable Type Printing (1041-1048 AD) -Gunpowder (1000 AD) -Compass (1100 AD) -Paper Money (11th century) -Arts -Music -Literature -Philosophy -Theme Romance -Marco Polo -Born in Venice -Silk Road -Visited China (1275-1292 AD) -Father and Uncle -Lingchi Torture -TVB Actors/Actresses -Kenneth Lam -Kacie Lo -Chloe Tsang -Clarissa Chan -Jessica Yi -Danny Shin -Joyce Lin -Shin -Alex Landi
8 Ancient Egypt -Theme Revenge, Ruling, Warfare -Pharaoh -Pyramids -Sphinx -Nile River -Farming -Hieroglyphics -New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) -Kings Are Called Pharaohs -Golden Age -Wealth -Prosperity -Power -Wars -Burned alive -Thrown into river with crocodiles -Charli/Dixie D’amelio -Addison Rae -“Roosevelt High School” IGTV video -Andrew Mead -Austin Perlatti -Bret Johnson -Carter Rey Johnson -Casey Manso -Christopher Wilson -Clay Barton -Colby Foss -Connor Bennett -Dalton Bond -Derek Pedersen -Hayden Njos -Jake Zylstra -Jared McAboy -Jeff Seid -Jett DiPalma -Jordan Kirkland -Ken Williams -Kevin Brown -Kevin Hall -Kevin Kennedy -Kramer Fairclough -Leo Trotz -Marco Amalfitano -Max Liebl -Michael Leverenz -Mike Suguro -Mitchell Booth -Nathan Lantz -Nathan Rodland -Matt Fisher -Nick Fisher -Nick Watson -Oak Griffith -Ozamataz Buckshank -Pabi Dhaliwal -Pat McGuire -Pierre Groenewald -Roddy Hanson -Ryan Johnson -Scott Andrew -Seth Gunning -Seth Shields -Sheldon Stober -Stephen Bishopp -Tanner Patnode -Taylor Tinney -Wes Concepcion -Zane McCanless -“Soft, Tender, Delicate” IGTV video -“INNA - Amazing” IGTV video -Elizabeth Rodland -Armie Hammer -Chace Crawford -Franky Cammarata -Johannes Huebl -Sean O’Pry -Blake Horstmann -Jan -Joe Sessa and his friends -Matt/Abby Howard -Taylor Dean -Kelley Flanagan -Jessica Clarke -Madison Prewett -Lindsey Allemeier -Katie Betzing -Ben Higgins -Hannah Ann -Ian Spear -Laguna Beach -Lauren -Kristin -Stephen -Talan -Jessica -Taylor -Adam Newton -Sean Lowe -Catherine Giudici -Brianne Schmidt -Connell O’Brien -Tyler Pichette -Hannah Brown -Max Tychsen -Dylan Inman -Tyler Cameron -Taylor Phillips
9 Mesopotamia -Daily Life -Learning To Be A Scribe -Ziggurat -One Of The Seven Wonders -Hanging Gardens -The Fertile Crescent -Invented The Plow -People Of The City-States -Nobles -Priests -Merchants -Scribes -Craftworkers -Free Farmers -Enslaved People -Farmers Who Did Not Own Their Land -Cut One Hand Off -Women’s Legal Status
10 Ancient Greece -Philosophers -Socrates -Plato -Aristotle -Mathematics/Science -Euclid -Archimedes -Eratosthenes -Hippocrates
11 Greek Gods/Goddesses -Athena, Goddess of Wisdom -Parthenon Temple
12 Alexander the Great
13 Medieval Europe (500-1500 AD) -Theme Suffering -Boiling -Baking -Burning -Brazen Bull -Cooking -Stretching Bones -Sleep Deprivation -Quartering -Children’s Crusades -Castles
14 Islam -Muhammad -Arabia -Persia -Pillars -Architecture -Learning -Astronomy -Algebra -Medicine -Mapmakers -1001 Nights Book
15 India In The Middle Centuries -Taj Mahal
16 Central/South America -Theme Coming of Age -Maya -Toltec -Aztec -Tenochtitlan -Teotihuacan -Olmec -Inca -Cotton -Maya Calendar -Maize Corn -Metal -Writing -Soccer -Rituals -Religious Ceremonies
17 Europe (1400-1750 AD) -Peasant Revolts -Wars -Renaissance -Coldplay -Exploration -North/South America -Slavery -Imperialism
18 Industrial Revolution (Late 1700s AD) -England
19 Nations in Conflict (1775-1921 AD) -Revolutions -Independence -Nationalism -Ending Ancient China
20 1900s Conflict -Hitler -Russia -Japan -Westernization -Communism -World War I -World War II -Cold War -Berlin Wall -Technology -Advancements -Independence -Space Race
21 1900s Fun -China -Shanghai -David Kangmeng -South Korea -Fashion -Music -Recreation -France -Coffee -Restaurants -Sex -Hugh Jackman -Germany -Hugh Jackman -Spain -Hugh Jackman -Great Britain -Hugh Jackman
22 United States 1970-1990 -Fraternity -Fun -Matt Damon
23 Adulthood in the United States -The Bachelor -The Bachelorette -City -Country -Jobs -Relationships -Financial Problems -Making It In Hollywood
24 Masculinity -Male To Male Friendships And Siblings -Domination -Dealing With Girls
25 Comedy PBN Part 2 “Spin Off” -Continues After “Paris By Night In Modern Time” -Age Around 30+ -Van Son Cast -Similar To “Adulthood in the United States” And “Virtues of Harmony II” But Different
26 Countryside “Que” In VN -Theme Suffering -Financial Problems -Hard Living -Making It As Singers -Dating Singers -Accidents -Human To Human Crimes -How To Get To The United States
27 Physical Buildings And Transportation -Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Hotels -Motels -Apartments -Bars -Clubs -Supermalls -Supermarkets -Companies -Motorcycles -Taxis -Trains -Airports -Gambling
28 Companies And Corporations -India And The Middle East -Work Time -Play Time
29 Modeling -Brazil, Portugal, And Spain -Amazon Rainforest -Rio De Janeiro -Marcello Alvarez -Jobs -Pay Less -Require Effort -Tired -Time Consuming -High School Drop Out -Saving Money -Criminal Offenses -Competition
30 Hierarchy In Society -Mexico -Poor -Rich -Cartels -Illegal Immigration To The United States -MTV Reality And Game Shows -Cabo San Lucas -Travel To The Caribbean
31 Route To Antarctica -Theme Living With Air Pollution 1990s -Chile -Santiago -San Antonio -Argentina -Buenos Aires -Andes Mountains -Lake Titicaca -Atacama Desert -Tierra Del Fuego -Tip Of South America -Cape Horn -Herding Farm Animals -Biking
32 High School In Vietnam -Movie Length Duration -Fun During School -Hard Times Outside Of School
33 United States Road Trip -Washington -Oregon -California to East Coast -Variety Of Climates -Route 66
34 Girl Pornstars -Hot Girls -Hard Past -Family -Friendships -Relationships -School -Money -On The Street -Need Food -Need House -Need Home -Models -Real -Instagram -Victoria’s Secrets -Pornstars -Feelings -Resentful -Fearful -Anxious -Apprehensive -Insecure -Suspicious -Trust -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry
35 Guy Pornstars -Straight Guys -Gay/Bi Guys -Henry Pheet -Malcolm -Random Grindr Hookups -Travel -Making It In The Porn Industry Leonardo DiCaprio Robert De Nero John Travolta Tom Cruise Henry Cavill Simon Pegg Christian Bale Hugh Jackman Keanu Reeves Edward Norton Sean Connery Matt Damon Mel Gibson George Clooney Tom Hardy Orlando Bloom Guy Pearce Heath Ledger Robert Redford Paul Newman Scarlett Johansson Rachel McAdams Amanda Bynes Japan -1900s WWI/II -Westernization South Korea -1990s K-POP China -Song Dynasty -Ending Ancient China -1900s Beijing Vietnam -School In United States -Travel -Love -Comedy -Countryside “Que” Thailand, Malaysia, And Singapore -Physical Buildings And Transportation Drama India -The Middle Centuries Taj Mahal -Companies And Corporations The Middle East -Companies And Corporations Europe -Medieval -Renaissance -Exploration -Imperialism Italy -Roman Empire France -1900s Great Britain -Industrial Revolution Mexico -“Hierarchy In Society” Brazil -Modeling Portugal -Modeling Spain -Modeling
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thegreatfanblog · 4 years
Would you mind doing a count orlo x reader where she has his baby and Orlo just gushes over the two of them? Or smth fluffy I just want fluff with orlo owo thanks
hi!! sorry it took longer than expected!! thank you so much for the submission. i really hope you like it!! //submissions still open!//
Orlo was an intellectual at heart. He tried to study everything he could, finding that his broad areas of knowledge were helpful at one point or another.
An example of this would be medicine. Medicine was a controversial topic in Russia, with most of it being censored by the church in fear of an educated populace. And so Orlo found studying it to be particularly tantalizing. Like he was a schoolboy about to be caught for doing one thing or another against the rules.
This was a subject he tried to educate himself fiercely in, studying the basic make up of the human anatomy, memorizing where arteries were, how different procedures worked, the basic principles of life, death, and finally, birth.
Orlo knew how birth worked, especially in Russia. Women were expected to bear children excessively, making farmers, soldiers, and servants for the Emperor’s mighty nation. Any pain they experienced would be for the greater good, with no real caution paid to the wellbeing of the women. Women dying in childbirth was a given. The church would not allow for medical research in this respect, as inserting science to one of the ultimate areas of God was seen as blasphemous. Orlo knew more women could survive if the church would just budge out of it.
And so when you both discovered your pregnancy, Orlo was fearful, mentally listing the statistics of the likelihood of death. He was scared. More fearful than you had ever seen, including the entire coup process. For the first two months you had allowed this worry to encompass your life, begrudgingly allowing Orlo to do most things for you. He would carry everything for you, wait on your every whim, regulate your diet, and even never let you out of his sight. At first, it was rather sweet of him, you thought. You had never been taking care of to this extent, but it quickly grew old as he tried to confine you to your bed, thinking no harm would come to you there. At that point you had put a terse stop to it all; as much as you loved him, a lady must have time to herself after all.
It had taken time for him to adjust, having caught him on three separate occasions spying on you, not to mention the times you did not, but eventually he settled, allowing you to escape him for a few hours at a time. You loved how protective he was.
Nine months later it all came to ahead. You had been laying in bed with him when you began to feel contractions.
“Orlo,” you tried to say casually. His eyes stayed planted on his book, but he turned his head slightly in acknowledgment.
“Yes, my love?”
“The baby’s coming.”
He nodded, casually as if he hadn’t heard, and then his head snapped towards you.
“It’s happening!” you smiled at him, wincing as another pulse of pain shot through you. Orlo shot into action, messily pulling on his trousers while calling for a servant to fetch the midwife. He tripped over the carpet in the process, causing you to erupt into giggles despite the pain. Circling back towards you, he held your hand and helped you up gently. Sharply breathing, you leaned against him heavily as he escorted you to the set up you had prepared weeks prior: a mattress on the floor in the corner of your room with several pillows and no blankets. The bed was better positioned for the midwife’s work, while allowing for Orlo to still be next you you, the clingy man he was (you wouldn’t have it any other way).
Orlo softly laid you down, laying on his stomach beside you. Using his arm to support his head, he used the other to massage your stomach lightly.
Sweat gathered at your brow. The midwife arrived, carrying a towelette and bowl of water, Marial and Catherine trailing behind her. Sitting next to your legs at the edge of the bed, the midwife passed the bowl of water and towelette to Catherine who sat on a pillow next to the mattress. The cool water on your fevered skin was a relief. Orlo moved to grasp your hand in both of his, calmly looking into your eyes -when you managed to keep them open- and whispering sweet affirmations to you. As the midwife continuously told you to breathe, your mind slipped away, focusing on the connection of your hands and pushing.
Hours later you reemerged. You were told it had taken a few hours only; you were lucky for a woman. An immense weight slipped off your back, and you breathed a sigh of relief as the cleaned your child off, handing you them. The others helped you sit up more, but you paid them no attention, focusing on your beautiful child. You heard a sniffle next to you and you turned to find Orlo with tears in his eyes. He was gorgeous.
You vaguely heard Catherine drag Marial from the room to keep her from commenting.
Sitting crisscross next to you, he wiped away a tear and you eagerly held your baby to him. Orlo took them slowly, eyes glossy with emotion. He took a huge shuttering breath. You stared at the baby in his arms.
“You’re amazing,” he said.
“Aren’t they?” you asked, gazing at your child.
“Well, yes, but I was talking about you.”
Your eyes found his, finally filling with tears at the combination of pure joy and emotion at his words. Orlo leaned down for a loving kiss, cradling your child perfectly while doing so. He is going to be an amazing father, you thought. A voice interrupted the moment.
“What will the name be?” said the midwife, overly eager.
Looking to Orlo for an answer, you found him already gazing at you, waiting on you. Your heart stuttered, still, after these long years with him. You closed your eyes in thought, awkwardly grasping one of his. They shot open.
“René,” you beamed up at Orlo. He returned a blinding smile and carefully handed you René, tucking your hair back and stroking what little hair your child had.
Yes, he would be an amazing father indeed.
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Alex Recommends: September Books
Well, autumn is finally here! A lot of September was actually really warm, which I was really disappointed about. However, the cold is finally here, it’s looking beautiful out there and I am finally in knitwear!
I’ve been pretty busy with work recently, which has been a great distraction from impending stressful times. October is looking like another crazy busy month for me and I’ll be spending quite a bit of it away from Mark, which I hate. However, the spooky season is one of my favourites of the whole year and I’m looking forward to getting my fill of horror content over the next few weeks.
The theatres are finally open again in the UK and I’ve been lucky enough to take in a few shows recently with a few more planned before the end of the year. Whenever I go to the theatre, some kind of magical warmth and excitement floods through me and I’ve missed it so much. 
I’m also trying to get fit again as I put on a lot of weight during last year’s lockdowns. I’ve been swimming twice a week and trying to go for long walks as much as possible. I wouldn’t say I enjoy exercising but I have the motivation to better myself at the moment, so I guess that’s something.
I’ve also been reading a lot and have surpassed my reading goal for the year. I don’t know whether to up the goal or simply just keep reading and see how many books I can get through before January. Let me know if you have any thoughts on what I should do! Anyway, here are five amazing reads that I’ve devoured recently and I think they should be on your radar. Enjoy!
-Love, Alex x
FICTION: The Beloved Girls by Harriet Evans.
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In the summer of 1989, a girl named Jane Lestrange has come to stay at Vanes, a mysterious Gothic manor in the West Country. Vanes is home to the Hunter family, including twins Joss and Kitty and their younger sister Merry. The Hunters lead the annual ceremony that celebrates the ancient connection between the villagers and the bees. This year, Jane and Kitty will play the part of The Beloved Girls, a starring role in the strange ritual. Years later, successful barrister Catherine vanishes from her idyllic family life and career in London. Was this triggered by a ghostly vision or a troubled mind that has finally cracked? This bewitching novel charts an epic family saga, populated by some fascinating characters. It’s a heartbreaking story about resilience and memory with plenty of twists and dark witchy vibes, which is perfect for autumn. Beware of trigger warnings for sexual abuse and suicide before diving into this utterly beguiling book.
DYSTOPIAN: The Patient by Nick Tyrone.
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Mr and Mrs Sincope are ready to welcome their first child but hours after being induced, Mrs Sincope is still awaiting her labour to begin. The hours slowly bleed into days and it becomes acutely apparent that something incredibly strange and sinister is going on within the hospital. This dark, unsettling story is full of thoroughly unlikeable characters and commentary on the very real treatment of women’s bodies when they’re at their most vulnerable. Amongst the witty social satire and funny lines, the attitudes displayed by many characters in this seemingly bleak dystopian aren’t too far away from those that really exist. This cleverly written, strange and unique read is a quick, absorbing, out-of-the-box look into the importance of women being in charge of their own bodies, which is incredibly relevant to today.
MIDDLE-GRADE: Keeper of Secrets by Sarah J. Dodd.
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Since her mother’s death, Emily has been living with her vet father in a small rural community. There are lynx rewilding efforts being carried out and local farmers are viciously against the re-introduction of these beautiful, majestic cats. So when Emily comes across a cub that has lost its mother, she does everything she can to protect the animal from those who want to kill her. Ultimately, this gorgeous story is about grief and learning to live after devastating loss. Of course, it’s also about lynx rewilding and conservation which is a much-talked about topic in some rural areas of the UK. Emily seems like a very fickle character, but the heartbreaking scenes exploring what she has been through help the reader understand her better. 
YA: The Devil Makes Three by Tori Bovalino.
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Tess is working at her school’s library over the summer and spends her days seeking out the books that academic types need for their work. Then she meets Eliot Birch, who seems to be obsessed with grimoires. When Eliot persuades Tess to help him find a book in the restricted, forbidden part of the library, a malevolent force is unleashed and wreaks true bloody horror on Tess and Eliot’s lives. This unique YA horror has characters who are very easy to care about and a slow-burning, subtle romance. It doesn’t skimp on the gore, so be prepared to retch a few times while reading the quite graphic, visceral descriptions of the state of bodies both dead and undead. A perfect, bookish, YA Halloween read.
THRILLER: Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney.
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Amelia and Adam Wright's marriage is in desperate need of saving. So when Amelia wins a weekend away to Scotland, it looks like the perfect opportunity to spend some time together and reconnect. Adam suffers from prosopagnosia, face blindness, which means he can’t recognise anyone via their face -including his wife. Every year she writes him letters that she never gives to him until now. One of them has a long buried secret and someone is determined for Adam and Amelia’s happily ever after to come to an end. This thriller is incredibly unnerving and it seems that everyone has skeletons to hide. It’s very well written, truly gripping and highly unique with a few completely unguessable twists. I ate up this fantastically creepy page-turner in no time!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
In Touch, November 2
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Scott Peterson goes free -- Laci Peterson’s family nightmare 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Style News -- hot new collab between The Vampire’s Wife X H&M -- the celeb-fave teams up with the affordable retailer for a killer gothic-glam collection 
Page 4: The Bachelorette goes bonkers -- meet Tayshia Adams’ men 
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- The Silence of the Lamb house in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania for $298,500, Number of the Week -- 5 days of fittings actress Emma Corrin had to recreate Princess Diana’s wedding gown for The Crown, Winners of the Week -- Dexter fans as Michael C. Hall is returning for a limited-series reboot of the popular Showtime drama which ran from 2006 to 2013, Loser of the Week -- The Ellen DeGeneres Show as ratings for the talk show’s Season 18 premiere week drop 38 percent 
Page 8: Up Close -- Tom Cruise does one of his own stunts on the set of Mission: Impossible 7 in Rome, then gives fans the heart 
Page 9: Cardi B in Sin City celebrating her 28th birthday, Kate Middleton inspects cells during a visit to the Institute of Reproductive and Development Biology in London 
Page 10: Kaitlyn Bristowe busts out a break-dancing move at the end of her tango with Artem Chigvintsev on Dancing With the Stars ‘80s night 
Page 12: Justin Bieber sitting out by the pool with his dog showing off the new pair of Crocs he designed for the company, Naomi Watts keeps her facial covering on as hair and makeup work their magic on set in Canada, Gwyneth Paltrow is unrecognizable as she treats herself to a spa day in NYC 
Page 14: Reese Witherspoon voted, Liam Hemsworth pretending to teach his fitness expert pal Ross Edgley how to train, Kelly Osbourne showing off her 85-pound weight loss 
Page 15: Anne Hathaway makes a terrifying transportation in the trailer for The Witches, Kim Kardashian and old pal Paris Hilton in matching SKIMS velour tracksuits 
Page 16: Billboard Music Awards -- host Kelly Clarkson, John Legend dedicated his emotional performance to his wife Chrissy Teigen, Brandy, Sheila E. accompanied Kelly Clarkson onstage 
Page 17: Lizzo, Sia, Billie Eilish 
Page 18: Play Date -- Kanye West with daughter North and son Saint and nephew Reign on a weekend getaway to Colorado 
Page 19: Sofia Richie and Nicole Richie and her daughter Harlow, Selma Blair and son Arthur 
Page 20: Lily Collins has chosen Paris for her upcoming wedding to Charlie McDowell because she fell in love with the city while filming there and Charlie loves the idea of a destination wedding 
Page 21: Don’t expect to see Prince Harry playing much polo on this side of the pond because in Montecito where he and wife Meghan Markle now live there are a group of rich polo girls who go after men even if they’re married and Harry is considered to be the ultimate catch but Meghan has done her research and knows who to watch so they aren’t going to get near Harry, R. Kelly was recently assaulted at Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center and now there’s a video of the moments leading up to the violent attack and according to court documents claim guards didn’t intervene at first to help Kelly as fellow inmate Jeremiah Farmer punched the singer
Page 22: Cover Story -- Scott Peterson getting away with murder -- the convicted murderer is a step closer to going free thanks to the actions of a juror who reached out to him in prison 
Page 26: Kylie Jenner vs. Kendall Jenner -- sisters at war -- an epic fight on KUWTK reveals deeper issues between Kylie and Kendall -- Kylie and Kendall grew up so close but they’ve let too much come between them now 
Page 28: John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John’s unbreakable bond -- how Olivia is helping John heal in the wake of his wife’s tragic death 
Page 30: Dominic West’s twisted marriage -- The Affair star Dominic gets cozy with actress Lily James but he and his wife Catherine FitzGerald insist their relationship is strong 
Page 32: Drew Barrymore’s amazing weight loss journey -- how Drew dropped 20 pounds to get in the best shape of her life
Page 36: The Big Interview -- Ross Mathews -- red carpets are boring now -- the outspoken star misses Hollywood’s more glamorous days 
Page 38: Shop Now -- Halloween Spirit -- Fright This Way! 
Page 40: Entertainment 
Page 42: Animal Overload -- my bunny looks like Don King 
Page 46: Horoscope -- Scorpio Gabrielle Union turned 48 on October 29 
Page 48: Last Laughs 
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alystayr · 5 years
Playlist musicale 2020 (1/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2020 - part. 1)
Mise à jour : 30 juin 2020
playlist 2020 (part.2), playlist 2020 (part. 1)
playlist 2019 (part.2), playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
2Pac (Feat. Talent) - Changes (1998)
AC/DC - Who Made Who (1986)
Jeanne Added - Before The Sun (2018)
Aerosmith -  Janie's Got A Gun (1989)
The Afghan Whigs - Debonair (1993)
Damon Albarn - Everyday Robots (2014)
Alice In Chains - Would? (1992)
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) (2004)
Archive - Bullets (2009)
Arno - Putain Putain (1983)
Asaf Avidan - Lost Horse (2020)
the B52’s - Rock Lobster (1979)
Axel Bauer - Eteins La Lumière (1990)
Bauhaus - She's In Parties (1983)
The Beach Boys - Darlin’ (1967)
Beck - Wow (2016)
Bénabar - Dis-lui oui (2003)
Louis Bertignac - C'est fini (2018)
Björk - Oceania (2004)
Neal Black & The Healers - Before daylight (2014)
The Black Crowes - Remedy (1992)
The Black Keys - Psychotic Girl (2008)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Let the Day Begin (2013)
blink-182 - First Date (2001)
Blur - Out Of Time (2003)
David Bowie - Modern Love (1983)
Georges Brassens - La non-demande en mariage (1966)
The Breeders - Glorious (1990)
James Brown - Living in America (from Rocky IV) (1986)
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (1985)
The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) (1965)
Cage The Elephant (Feat. Iggy Pop) - Broken Boy (2019)
Cake - Commissioning a Symphony in C (2001)
J.J. Cale - After Midnight (1972)
Cali - Elle M'a Dit (2003)
Johnny Cash (cover Merle Travis) - Sixteen Tons (1987)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! (2008)
Ray Charles - Georgia On My Mind (1960)
Cigarettes After Sex - You're All I Want (2020)
CocoRosie - Restless (2020)
Leonard Cohen - Happens to the Heart (2019)
Coolio (feat. L.V.) - Gangsta's Paradise (from Dangerous Minds) (1995)
The Coral - The Operator (2005)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (1970)
The Crimea - Opposite Ends (2005)
Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova (2020)
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Long Time Gone (1969)
Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat (2002)
Deftones - Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) (1997)
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again (1987)
dEUS - Roses (1996)
Dirty Pretty Things - Gin and Milk (2006)
Dope Lemon - Hey You (2019)
Baxter Dury - Slumlord (2019)
Jacques Dutronc - L'opportuniste (1969)
Bob Dylan - False Prophet (2020)
Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (1984)
Eels - Blinking Lights (For Me) (2005)
Billie Eilish - No Time To Die (2020)
Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (1977)
Eminem - Darkness (2020)
Eurythmics - Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four) (1984)
Faith No More - Falling to Pieces (1989)
Mylène Farmer - Ainsi Soit Je (1988)
Feu! Chatterton - La Malinche (2015)
Izo FitzRoy - Red Line (2020)
Foals - Neptune (2019)
Peter Gabriel - Red Rain (1986)
Serge Gainsbourg - Elisa (1969)
Liam Gallagher - Once (2019)
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (2005)
Grand Corps Malade - Je Viens De Là (2008)
La Grande Sophie - Une vie (2019)
Green Day - Father of All... (2020)
Johnny Hallyday (cover The Animals) - Le Pénitencier (1964)
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord (1970)
Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (1984)
Heartless Bastards - Hold Your Head High (2009)
Hole - Malibu (1998)
How to Destroy Angels - The Space in Between (2010)
IAM (feat. Kalash) - Eldorado (2019)
Idir - A vava inouva (1976)
Interpol - Everything Is Wrong (2014)
Izïa - Trop vite (2019)
Jack The Ripper - I was born a cancer (2005)
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Just Like Honey (1985)
Janis Joplin - Me And Bobby McGee (1971)
Joy Division - Decades (1980)
Gene Kelly  - Singing In The Rain (1952)
The Kills - Tape Song (2008)
B.B. King - Sweet Little Angel (1956)
Eric Kinny (Feat. Danica Dora)  - Last Goodbye (2019)
Mark Lanegan - Bleed All Over (2020)
Led Zeppelin - The Ocean (1973)
Life - Bum Hour (2019)
Limp Bizkit - Nookie (1999)
Little Richard  Long Tall Sally (1955)
Lofofora - Les Gens (1999)
Emily Loizeau - Coconut Madam (2009)
Clara Luciani - La grenade (2018)
Stephen Malkmus - Shadowbanned (2020)
Manu - Entre deux eaux (2019)
Mesparrow - The Symphony (2013)
Metallica - Sad But True (1991)
Pat Metheny (cover The Beatles) - And I Love Her (2011/1964)
Joni Mitchell - Blue (1971)
Moloko - The Time Is Now (2000)
Barry Moore - The Tide (2019)
Morcheeba - Part of the Process (1998)
Ennio Morricone -  Et pour quelques dollars de plus (1965)
Morrissey - The Truth About Ruth (2020)
Alison Mosshart - Rise (2020)
Jean-Louis Murat - Si je m'attendais / Troie (2020)
Muse - Time Is Running Out (2003)
Yael Naim - Daddy (2020)
Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (1980)
Nine Inch Nails - Every Day is Exactly the Same (2005)
Noir Désir - Joey Part I (1989)
Nothing But Thieves - Forever & Ever More (2018)
Natalia Nykiel - Volcano (2019)
Agnes Obel - The Curse (2013)
Ozzy Osbourne (Feat. Elton John) - Ordinary Man (2020)
Paz - Ta peau (2020)
Pearl Jam - Dance Of The Clairvoyants (2020)
Pierre Perret - Lily (1977)
Lucky Peterson (cover Prince) - Purple Rain (1997)
Tom Petty - Runnin’ Down A Dream (1989)
Pink Floyd - Young Lust (1979)
Pixies - Catfish Kate (2019)
Pomme - Je sais pas danser (2019)
Iggy Pop - Loves Missing (2019)
Popa Chubby - Life Is a Beatdown (2004)
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (1957)
Eddy de Pretto - Kid (2018)
Puscifer - The Green Valley (2011)
Queen - The Show Must Go On (1991)
R.E.M. - Man On The Moon (1992)
Radiohead - House of Cards (2007)
Rage Against The Machine - Testify (1999)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh) (2006)
Lou Reed - Vicious (1972)
Catherine Ringer & Iggy Pop (cover Screamin' Jay Hawkins) - I Put A Spell On You (2018/1956)
Rival Sons - Jordan (2012)
The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash (1968)
Saez - J'accuse (2010)
Santana (cover Tito Puente) - Oye Como Va (1956/1970)
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Happy House (1980)
Slipknot - Psychosocial (2008)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinoceros (1991)
Patti Smith - Because the Night (1978)
The Smiths - Stretch out and Wait (1986)
Soan - Emily (2009)
MC Solaar - Nouveau Western (1994)
Alain Souchon - C'est déjà ça (1993)
Soundgarden - Outshined (1991)
Spoon - Can I Sit Next To You (2017)
Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia (from Philadelphia) (1993)
Steelers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You (from Reservoir Dogs) (1992)
Sting - Fragile (1987)
Joss Stone - Right To Be Wrong (2004)
The Stranglers - Skin Deep (1984)
The Strokes - At The Door (2020)
System Of A Down - Forest (2001)
Tame Impala - Breathe Deeper (2020)
Têtes Raides - Le phare (1992)
Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine - La fille du coupeur de joints (2015/1978)
Tool - Vicarious (2006)
Tricky -  Nothing’s Changed (2013)
The Twilight Singers - On The Corner (2011)
Twin Peaks - Making Breakfast (2014)
U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (1987)
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Crossfire (1989)
Tom Waits - Gun Street Girl (1985)
Muddy Waters - Rolling Stone (Catfish Blues) (1950)
Roger Waters (cover Pïnk Floyd) - Mother (1979/2020)
Weezer - Hero (2020)
Erika Wennerstrom - Extraordinary Love (2018)
Jack White - Lazaretto (2014)
Emily Jane White - Washed Away (2019)
The White Stripes - The Denial Twist (2005)
Woodkid - Goliath (2020)
Neil Young - Down by the River (1969)
Hans Zimmer - S.T.A.Y. (Interstellar theme song) (2014)
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prehistoricsounds · 4 years
Great Australian Warehouse Sale
Today was originally supposed to be Record Store Day Australia 2020 (it will be later in the year) But today is the beginning of the Great Australian Warehouse Sale. We have over 500 items on offer!
We have plunged the depths of our own warehouse as well as some great offers from our suppliers. Some of the items could have slight imperfections but are priced accordingly.
Items start at less than $10! With discounts of up to 60%!
We're open from 11am till 2pm today or visit https://www.prehistoricsounds.com.au/store/Warehouse-Sale-c48362068
Warrnambool Residents can choose the local pick up option and either pick up or we will deliver for free!
Here’s The List
!!! - All U Writers / Gonna Guetta Stomp [12"], Single, Ltd - $9.50 !!! - Thr!!!er [LP] - $22.00 Adam Torres - Pearls To Swine [LP] - $20.00 Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation [LP] - $25.00 Agenda Of Swine - Waves Of Human Suffering [LP], Ltd, Gre - $14.00 Agustin Pereyra Lucena - Agustin Pereyra Lucena [LP], RE, RP - $20.00 AIR - Casanova 70 [12"], Single, Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $20.00 Albino Python - The Doomed And The Damned [LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $22.00 Alexandre Desplat - Godzilla (OST) [2LP], Ltd, Num, (Red) - $30.00 Alicja-Pop - Rats (Home Recordings 2009-2013) [LP] - $20.00 Aloe Blacc - Lift Your Spirit [LP] - $22.00 Alpha Tiger - iDENTITY [LP], (Red) + CD - $20.00 Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka-Spel - I Can Spin A Rainbow [2LP] - $32.00 American Wrestlers - American Wrestlers [LP] - $20.00 Amorphous Androgynous - A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind - The Wizards Of Oz [2LP], Comp, Mixed, Gat - $50.00 Andrew W.K. - 55 Cadillac [LP], Ltd - $40.00 Angry Angles - Angry Angles [LP], Comp - $25.00 Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This [2LP] - $25.00 Animal Collective - Danse Manatee [LP], RM, DMM - $25.00 Armored Saint – Armored Saint [12"], EP, Ltd, RE, (Red) - $22.00 Art & Language And Red Krayola - Corrected Slogans [LP], RE - $18.00 Atomic Suplex - Bathroom Party [LP] - $18.00 Atreyu - Long Live [LP] - $25.00 Audacity - Butter Knife [LP], Ltd, (Gold) - $18.00 Augie March - Bootikins [LP] - $34.00 Austra - Future Politics [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $24.00 Axegrinder - The Rise Of The Serpent Men [LP], RE, (Red) - $30.00 AXIS:SOVA - Motor Earth [LP] - $25.00 Barb Wire Dolls - Desperate [LP] - $20.00 Bardo Pond - Looking For Another Place [12"], Ltd - $32.00 Bayside - Vacancy [LP], (Yellow) - $24.00 Beat Connection - Product 3 [LP] - $20.00 Beck - Dreams [12"], Single, Ltd, Emb - $25.00 Becky Lee And Drunkfoot - Hello Black Halo [LP] + CD - $20.00 Beech Creeps - Beech Creeps [LP] - $20.00 Belphegor - Conjuring The Dead [LP], Ltd - $34.00 Bible Of The Devil - For The Love Of Thugs & Fools [LP], Ltd, (Clear) - $20.00 Big Jim Sullivan - Sitar Beat [LP], RE - $22.00 Big Scary - Four Seasons [LP], Comp - $30.00 Big Smoke - Time Is Golden [LP], RE - $32.00 Big Star - Complete Columbia: Live At University Of Missouri 4/25/93 [2LP], Ltd, RE - $32.00 Birth - Birth [12"] - $18.00 Bison Machine - Hoarfrost [LP], Ltd - $28.00 Blaak Heat Shujaa - The Edge Of An Era [LP] - $20.00 Black Magic Six - Halfway To Hell [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd - $18.00 Blackwood Jack - Triggers [12"], EP - $18.00 Blank Realm - Illegals In Heaven [LP] - $17.50 Blessed Feathers - There Will Be No Sad Tomorrow [LP], Club, (Purple) - $19.50 Blues Control - Valley Tangents [LP] - $15.00 Bob Evans - Familiar Stranger [LP] - $32.00 Bobby Darin - Bobby Darin [LP], RE - $16.00 Bon Jovi - This House Is Not For Sale [LP] - $30.00 Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Wolfroy Goes To Town [LP] - $22.00 Born From Pain - Reclaiming The Crown [LP], Ltd, RE - $25.00 Born Of Osiris - The Eternal Reign [LP], (Orange) - $42.00 Brat Farrar - Brat Farrar [LP], (Clear) - $15.00 Brendan Welch - The Gleaner [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Mad Max 2: Road Warrior OST [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Patrick (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 Brian May - The Day After Halloween (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Orange) - $30.00 Brian May - Thirst (OST) [LP], Ltd, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 British Sea Power - Machineries Of Joy [LP] - $25.00 Bruce Gilbert · Graham Lewis - 3R4 [LP], RE - $25.00 Bubbles - Raw And Unreleased [LP], Comp - $20.00 Buffalo Summer - Second Sun [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Bunny Lee - Kingston Flying Cymbals (Dubbing With The Flying Cymbals Sound 1974 - 1979) [LP], Comp - $20.00 Burn Pilot - Riots In Jerusalem [LP] - $20.00 Bushman - Higher Ground [LP] - $15.00 Buzzcocks - A Different Kind Of Tension [LP] - $30.00 Carcass - Choice Cuts [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Red) - $36.00 Catherine's Horse - Garage (Blue)es From Connecticut [LP], Ltd, RP - $24.00 CCR Headcleaner - Lace The Earth 2013 With Arms Wide Open [LP] - $16.00 Cellar Darling - This Is The Sound [2LP] - $26.00 Cellophane Suckers - White Pants, White Heat. [12"] - $24.00 Cellos - Bomb Shelter [12"], EP, Ltd, (Gold) - $20.00 Chadwick Stokes - The Horse Comanche [LP], Gat - $32.00 Charley Patton - Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Cheater Slicks - Destination Lonely [LP], RE - $18.00 Cherry Glazerr - Stuffed & Ready [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $38.00 Children Of Bodom - I Worship Chaos [LP] - $24.00 Clever - Kewdi Udi  [12"], Ltd - $22.00 Clint Mansell - In The Wall (OST) [LP], Ltd, Bro - $26.00 Clock Cleaner - Auf-Wiedersehen [12"] - $18.00 Coda Chroma - Coda Chroma [LP], Ltd, Num, (White) - $25.00 Coin Banks - Heads & Tails [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $22.00 Cola Freaks - Cola Freaks [LP] - $16.00 Conan - Existential Void Guardian [2LP] - $25.00 Courtney Barnett - Kim's Caravan [12"], Ltd - $15.00 Cowbell - Skeleton Soul [LP] - $18.00 Crobot - Welcome To Fat City [LP] - $28.00 Crystal Fairy - Crystal Fairy [LP] - $26.00 Cuntz - Force The Zone [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Here Come The Real Boys [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Solid Mates [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Cybotron - Sunday Night At The Total Theatre [LP], RE - $22.00 Damien Jurado - Brothers And Sisters Of The Eternal Son [LP] - $20.00 Dan Melchior - K-85 [LP] - $20.00 Daniel Vega - La Noche Que Precede A La Batalla [LP], RE - $17.50 Danny Graham - Danny Graham [LP], RE, RM - $25.00 Dark Angel - Live Scars [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $20.00 Daughter - Not To Disappear [LP] - $24.00 David Bridie - Wake [LP], Ltd - $34.00 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous (Remixes EP) [12"], EP - $16.50 Dead Farmers - Wasteland [LP] - $18.00 Dead Fucking Last - Proud To Be [LP], RE, Gre - $20.00 Dead Hookers - The Burial/The Rebirth [LP] - $18.00 Deaf Wish - Deaf Wish [LP], Ltd, RE, Gre - $22.00 Deap Vally - Femejism [LP], Ltd, Mar - $40.00 Deftones - Covers [LP], Comp, Ltd - $22.00 Dexter Romweber - Carrboro [LP], 180 - $25.00 Diablo Blvd - Follow The Deadlights [LP] - $20.00 Die Kreuzen - October File [LP], RE - $20.00 Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - Live In Japan Vol. 1 [LP] - $22.00 Dixie Witch - Let It Roll [LP] - $20.00 Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult - I Declare: Treason [LP], Ltd, Glo - $16.00 Dor Koren - Bigfoot [LP], (Purple) - $22.00 Drakkar Sauna - 20009 [LP] - $12.00 Dreadnaught - Caught The Vultures Sleeping [LP] - $25.00 Drnwyn - Gypsies In The Mist [LP], RE - $20.00 Dub Narcotic Sound System - Boot Party [LP] - $22.00 Duran Duran - Budokan [LP], Ltd - $36.00 Dwarves - Invented Rock & Roll [LP] - $20.00 Earthless - Sonic Prayer Jam [12"], Gre - $26.00 Eat Skull - III [LP] - $16.00 Els Masturbadors Mongolics - Els Masturbadors Mongolics [LP] - $22.00 Empire Of The Sun - Two Vines [LP], Gat - $26.00 Ennio Morricone - Butterfly (Original Soundtrack) [LP], RE - $20.00 Esben And The Witch - Wash The Sins Not Only The Face [LP] + 7" + CD + Ltd - $22.00 Every Time I Die - Low Teens [LP] - $20.00 Exene Cervenka - The Excitement Of Maybe [LP], Ltd - $16.00 Exhaustion - Biker [LP] - $25.00 Exhaustion - Phased Out [12"], EP - $14.00 Exhumed - Garbage Daze Re-Regurgitated [LP] - $24.00 Exploded View - Exploded View [LP] - $30.00 Eyes Ninety - Eyes Ninety [LP] - $18.00 Fear Like Us - Succour [LP] - $18.00 Finch - What It Is To Burn X Live [2LP], (White) - $32.00 Finntroll – Bloodsvept [LP] - $26.00 Flat Duo Jets - Go Go Harlem Baby [LP], RE - $22.00 Footy - Record [LP] - $15.00 Gerald V. Casale w/ Italy's Phunk Investigation - It's All Devo [LP], Ltd - $22.00 Germs - Germicide [LP], RE, 180 - $32.00 Get The Hater - Get The Hater [12"] - $12.50 GG King - Unending Darkness [LP] - $20.00 Giuda - Racey Roller [LP], RE - $28.00 Godflesh - Decline & Fall [12"], EP - $20.00 Gone Is Gone - Gone Is Gone [12"], EP, Ltd, (Clear) - $24.00 GravelRoad - Psychedelta [LP], (Yellow) - $20.00 Grim Tower - Anarchic Breezes [LP], (White) - $18.00 Guided By Voices - Let's Go Eat The Factory [LP] - $24.00 Guided By Voices - The Bears For Lunch [LP] - $20.00 Handguns - Disenchanted [LP], Hal - $18.00 Hanni El Khatib - Moonlight [LP] - $20.00 Heads. - Heads. [LP], Ltd, 180 - $20.00 Heavy Times - Fix It Alone [LP] - $18.00 Heavy Trash - Midnight Soul Serenade [LP] - $22.00 High Priest Of Saturn - High Priest Of Saturn - $22.00 Holy Balm - It's You [LP] - $16.00 Home Blitz - Frozen Track [12"], EP, Ltd - $10.00 Honey Hahs - Dear Someone, Happy Something [LP] - $28.00 Howard Eynon - So What If Im Standing In Apricot Jam [LP], RE + Flexi, 7", Ltd - $20.00 Howl At The Moon - A Slave To The Ghost [2LP], Dlx, Bla - $30.00 Howlin Rain - Mansion Songs [LP] - $20.00 Hudson Mohawke - Ded5ec - Watch Dogs 2 O5T [2LP], Ltd - $26.00 I Am Duckeye - Songs From The Gunt [LP], Ltd, Gre - $20.00 Iggy Azalea - Reclassified [2LP] - $30.00 Indica - Stone Future Hymns [LP], Ltd - $30.00 Jaala - Joonya Spirit [LP] - $26.00 Jad Fair & Norman Blake - Yes [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Jaga Jazzist - Starfire [LP] - $20.00 Jail Weddings - Four Future Standards [12"], EP, Ltd, (Red) - $16.00 Jail Weddings - Love Is Lawless [LP] - $18.00 James Mccann And The New Vindictives - James Mccann And The New Vindictives [LP] - $22.00 James McCann's Dirty Skirt Band - Lost Property [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd, Num - $18.00 Jay Reatard - Blood Visions [LP] - $20.00 Jayne Mansfield - Jayne Mansfield In Las Vegas [LP], RE, Unofficial, Pin - $15.00 Jeff Grace - The House Of The Devil [LP] - $32.00 Jeff The Brotherhood - Wasted On The Dream [LP] - $25.00 Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Joe Delia - Ms.45 - OST [LP], Ltd, RM, (Clear) - $26.00 Joe Satriani - Joe Satriani [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE, RM, 180 - $25.00 Joe Strummer - Gangsterville [12"], EP - $18.00 John Sangster - Ahead Of Hair [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Sangster - The Joker Is Wild [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Wesley Coleman - The Last Donkey Show [LP] - $18.00 Junior Kimbrough + Daft Punk - I Gotta Try You Girl (Daft Punk Edit) [12"], S/Sided, Etch, Ltd - $15.00 Justin Greaves - The Devil's Business [LP] - $24.00 Kalevala - People No Names [LP], Ltd, RE, RM - $55.00 Katastrophy Wife - All Kneel [LP], S/Edition, (Blue) - $30.00 Keith Hudson - Entering The Dragon [LP], RE - $25.00 Kelley Stoltz - Double Exposure [LP] - $24.00 Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I Wake Up Screaming [2LP], Gat - $22.00 Kid Rock - Cocky [2LP], RE, Tur - $36.00 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - 12 Bar Bruise (Green) [LP] - $32.00 King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Gumboot Soup (Baby Blue) - $32.00 Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - Superscope [LP] - $24.00 KLOZAPIN - Klozapin [LP] - $16.50 Kurt Cobain - Montage Of Heck: The Home Recordings [2LP], Dlx, 180 - $45.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 2 OST [2LP] - $25.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From The Upside Down (Pic Disc) [LP] - $18.00 L.A. Takedown - II [LP], 180 - $34.00 L7 - The Best Of The Slash Years (Green) [LP] - $50.00 Lacksley Castell - Princess Lady [LP], RE - $50.00 Leadfinger - Friday Night Heroes [LP], Num + CD - $32.00 Lee Perry - Holiness Righteousness [LP], Ltd, 180 - $22.00 Les Baxter - Les Baxter's Barbarian [LP], RE, 180 - $26.00 Little Cub - Still Life [LP], 180 - $24.00 Long John Baldry - Long John's Blues [LP], Mono, Ltd - $25.00 Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - On Welfare [LP] - $20.00 Lower Plenty - Life/Thrills [LP] - $15.00 Lower Plenty - Sister Sister [LP] - $20.00 Lymbyc Systym - Shutter Release [LP], (White) - $24.00 Lyres - A Promise Is A Promise [LP], RE, Gat - $22.00 Lyres - Lyres Lyres [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Lyres - On Fyre [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Machine Gun Fellatio - Paging Mr. Strike [2LP] - $45.00 Mad River - Mad River [LP], RE - $25.00 Madball - Hardcore Lives [LP] - $34.00 Man Man - Six Demon Bag [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $32.00 Man Or Astro-Man? - Your Weight On The Moon [LP], Comp, Pic - $30.00 Mark Lanegan - Scraps At Midnight [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Mark Lanegan Band - A Thousand Miles Of Midnight (Phantom Radio Remixes) [2LP] - $32.00 Mark Lanegan Band - Phantom Radio [LP], 180 - $35.00 Marty Friedman - Inferno [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Marvelous Darlings - Single Life [LP], Comp - $18.00 Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Purple) [LP] - $20.00 Mastodon - The Motherload [12"], Single, Ltd, Pic - $25.00 Matthew  E. White, Flo Morrissey - Gentlewoman, Ruby Man [LP] - $20.00 MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin) [LP], RE - $32.00 MDC - Shades Of Brown [LP], RE, (Blue) - $32.00 MDC - This (Blood Red)od's For You [LP], RE, (Clear) - $22.00 Meat Loaf - Welcome To The Neighbourhood [LP] - $45.00 Meat Puppets - Monsters [LP], RE, RM - $22.00 Megadeth - The Threat Is Real [12"], Ltd, (White) - $18.00 Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Sierra Kilo Alpha [LP], 3D - $36.00 Men With Chips - Attention Spent [12"], Ltd - $25.00 Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers [3LP], RE, RM - $49.50 Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Casino Drone [LP] - $22.00 Mike Patton - Mondo Cane [LP], RE - $40.00 Miles Tackett - The Fool Who Wonders [LP] - $18.00 Minkions - Distorted Pictures From Distorted Reality [LP], Ltd, (Yellow) - $16.00 Miriam Linna - Nobody's Baby [LP] - $20.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 5 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 1 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 3 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Missy Higgins - On A Clear Night (Clear) [LP] - $24.00 Missy Higgins - The Sound Of White (White) [LP] - $24.00 Mmoss - I [LP] - $20.00 Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out Of Something [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Moon Duo - Escape [LP] - $24.00 Mordbrand - Imago [LP] - $22.00 Mother Earth - Stoned Woman [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $30.00 Movie Star Junkies - Son Of The Dust [LP] + CD - $20.00 MS MR - How Does It Feel [LP], (Red) - $30.00 Mudhoney - My Brother The Cow [LP], RE, 180 + 7", Promo, RE - $35.00 Mudhoney - Since We've Become Translucent [LP], RE - $26.00 Nachtmystium - Addicts - Black Meddle Pt. II [2LP], Ltd, Gre - $26.00 Nathan Bowles - Whole & Cloven [LP] - $25.00 Necronomicon Beast - Sowers Of Discord [LP] - $18.00 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Colorado [2LP+7"] - $55.00 New Memphis Legs - Aaaa The New Memphis Legs [12"] - $20.00 Nickelback - The State [LP], RE - $24.00 Nico Fidenco - Emanuelle Perche' Violenza Alle Donne? - The Degradation Of Emanuelle [LP], Ltd, RE, (White) - $30.00 Night Horse - Perdition Hymns [2LP], (Red) - $20.00 Nü Sensae - Sundowning [LP], (Blue) - $18.00 OBN III's - Third Time To Harm [12"] - $20.00 Obnox - The Juke That Sat By The Door [12"], EP, (Clear) - $20.00 Of Montreal - Snare Lustrous Doomings [2LP], (Orange) + LP, (Yellow) + Album, Dlx, Ltd, 180 - $26.00 Old 97's - They Made A Monster: The Too Far To Care Demos [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Yellow) - $26.00 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Octopus Kool Aid [LP], Tra - $45.00 Oneohtrix Point Never - Commissions II [12"], EP, Ltd - $15.00 Opeth - Watershed (Gold) [2LP] - $28.00 Oren Ambarchi, Jim O'Rourke - Behold [LP] - $24.00 Otis Clay - I Can't Take It [LP], RE - $20.00 P.O.D. - The Awakening [LP] - $22.00 P'Taah - Staring At The Sun [2LP] - $24.00 Painted Wives - Obsessed With The End [LP] - $22.00 Palace Of The King - Valles Marineris [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $26.00 Palma Violets - Danger In The Club [LP] - $22.00 Pascal Comelade + The Limiñanas - The Nothing-Twist [LP], Ltd, RE, (Yellow) - $24.00 Paul McCartney - Egypt Station [2LP] - $18.00 Peace - The World Is Too Much With Us [LP] - $18.00 Pere Ubu - Lady From Shanghai [2LP] - $26.00 Pererin - Tirion Dir [LP], Ltd, RE - $20.00 Perfect Pussy - Say Yes To Love [LP] - $22.00 Peter Buck - Peter Buck [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Philm - Fire From The Evening Sun [2LP], Ltd - $24.00 Pissed Jeans - The Best Of Sub Pop 2009-2013: "Live" At The BBC [12"], EP - $16.00 Powerwolf - Blessed & Possessed [LP], Ltd - $32.00 Prince Fatty Meets Mutant Hi-Fi - In Return Of Gringo! [LP] - $20.00 Purling Hiss - High Bias [LP] - $22.00 Purling Hiss - Weirdon [LP] - $20.00 Puscifer - Donkey Punch The Night [12"] - $15.00 Quatrain - Quatrain [LP], RE, (Red) + LP, (Orange) + Album - $25.00 Queen - A Day At The Races [LP] - $32.00 R.L. Burnside - An Ass Pocket Of Whiskey [LP] - $25.00 Ralph Jones - The Slumber Party Massacre [LP], Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $32.00 Rammstein - Rammstein [2LP] - $25.00 Rat Vs Possum - Let Music And Bodies Unite [LP] - $16.00 Rattus - Turta [LP] - $25.00 Raw Power – Tired And Furious [LP], Ltd, Gre - $32.00 Ray Campi - Rockabilly [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $20.00 Red Krayola - Amor And Language [12"], RE - $22.00 Red Krayola With Art & Language - Black Snakes [LP], RE - $20.00 Reggie And The Full Effect - No Country For Old Musicians [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $18.00 Regurgitator - Mish Mash! [LP], RE, RM - $32.00 Retox - Beneath California  [LP] - $20.00 Rimauri - D.O.C. [LP] - $10.00 Roger McGuinn - Cardiff Rose [LP], RE, 180 - $30.00 Rozwell Kid - Precious Art [LP], (Orange) - $24.00 Russell St Bombings - Russell St Bombings [LP] - $20.00 Samiam - Astray [LP], Ltd, Sil - $32.00 Sarofeen And Smoke - Sarofeen And Smoke [LP], RE - $40.00 Sea Bastard - Scabrous [2LP] - $30.00 Seaweed - Actions And Indications [LP], RE, RM - $26.00 Sewers - Hoisted [LP], Ltd - $15.00 Sewers - Weight [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Shawn Lee & Clutchy Hopkins - Fascinating Fingers [2LP] - $35.00 Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Moods And Grooves [2LP] - $28.00 Shihad - The General Electric [2LP] - $50.00 Shovels - Shovels [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Silver Apples - The Garden [LP], RE - $26.00 Silverchair - Diorama (White) [LP] - $24.00 Silverchair - Young Modern (Blue) [LP] - $24.00 Silverstein - This Is How The Wind Shifts [LP], RP, Hal - $22.00 Sixtyniners - Too Drunk To Truck [LP] - $20.00 Sky Needle - Rave Cave [LP] - $16.00 Sleaford Mods - Fizzy [12"], S/Sided, Etch - $22.00 Sleaford Mods - Live At SO36 [LP] - $25.00 Sleaford Mods - Tiswas EP [12"], EP, Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Soma Coma - Dust [12"] - $15.00 Some Jerks - Strange Ways [LP], Ltd, Num - $30.00 Sonic Youth - Slaapkamers Met Slagroom [12"], EP, RE - $25.00 Sonny And The Sunsets - Talent Night At The Ashram [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Sonny Vincent - Cyanide Consommé [LP] - $22.00 Sons Of Otis - Seismic [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Space God Ritual - Eldritch Tales [LP], Ltd, Num, (Clear) - $28.00 Spacejunk - Bite Your Tongue [LP] - $30.00 Speedy Ortiz - Major Arcana [LP] - $20.00 Spider Fever - Spider Fever  [LP] - $18.00 Spock's Beard - The Oblivion Parti(Clear) [2LP], 180 + CD - $30.00 Spray Paint - Dopers [LP] - $20.00 Spray Paint - Punters On A Barge [LP] - $22.00 Stark Reality - Roller Coaster Ride [2LP], RE, RM - $28.00 Stereo Total - Les Hormones [LP], (Blue) + CD - $30.00 Steve Earle - Copperhead Road [LP] - $25.00 Steven Wilson - Transience [2LP] - $25.00 Stickmen - Man Made Stars [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blue) - $26.00 Stickmen - The Stickmen [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, Tip - $25.00 Straight Arrows - Rising [LP], Bla - $22.00 Strand Of Oaks - Hard Love [LP], Ltd, Gre - $28.00 Strawberry Alarm Clock - Best Of The Strawberry Alarm Clock [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $26.00 Stray Trolleys - Barricades And Angels [LP], RE - $28.00 Subtle Turnhips – Redhair With Some [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $24.00 Summer Blood - Comet [12"], MiniAlbum, Num, (Red) - $15.00 Sun Dial - Sun Dial [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Superchunk - I Hate Music [LP] - $24.00 Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 Surfer Blood - Astro Coast [LP], Ltd, RP, (Red) - $26.00 Sweet Apple - The Golden Age Of Glitter [LP], (Blue) - $22.00 Sylvie Simmons - Sylvie [LP] - $18.00 Tad - Infra(Red) Riding Hood [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Tapiman - The Singles [LP], MiniAlbum, Comp, RM - $25.00 Teramaze - Her Halo [2LP] - $25.00 Terveet Kädet - Musta Jumala [LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe - Cocaine Cat - $19.50 Tex Napalm & Dimi Déro - Sticky Singers [LP] - $16.00 The Acacia Strain – Gravebloom [2LP], (Clear) - $34.00 The Afghan Whigs - Do To The Beast [2LP], 180 - $24.00 The Ancients - Night Bus [LP] - $17.50 The Black Keys - Thickfreakness [LP] - $25.00 The Cairo Gang - Goes Missing [LP] - $20.00 The Casualties - Under Attack [LP], Ltd, RE, (Red) - $26.00 The Clang Group - The Clang Group - $22.00 The Comfort - What it is to Be [LP], Sea - $40.00 The Dacios - Monkey's (Blood Red)od [LP], Ltd, Num, RM - $20.00 The Daisy Chain - Straight Or Lame [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $26.00 The Deathtrip - Deep Drone Master [LP], Ltd - $28.00 The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18 [LP], Gat - $30.00 The Devil Wears Prada - Transit Blues [LP], Ele - $20.00 The Easybeats - Absolute Anthology 1965-1969 [2LP] - $40.00 The Flesh Eaters - No Questions Asked [LP], RE - $20.00 The Fleshtones Featuring Lenny Kaye - Brooklyn Sound Solution [LP] - $17.50 The Future Primitives - Into The Primitive [LP], Spl + CD - $22.00 The Hecks - The Hecks [LP] - $24.00 The Hives - Barely Legal (Bronze) [LP] - $36.00 The Ides Of March - Ideology 1965-1968 [LP], Comp, Mono - $25.00 The John Steel Singers - Midnight At The Plutonium [LP] - $26.00 The Junior Raymen - Rumble '66 [12"], MiniAlbum - $14.00 The Kills - Ash & Ice [2LP] - $32.00 The King Khan & BBQ Show - Bad News Boys [LP] - $25.00 The Krewmen - Klassic Tracks [LP], Comp - $24.00 The Lions - Soul Riot [2LP] - $25.00 The Love Language - Libraries [LP] - $20.00 The Loved Ones - Magic Box (Pink) [LP] - $22.00 The Mekons - Ancient & Modern 1911-2011 [LP] - $20.00 The Men - Tomorrow's Hits [LP] - $22.00 The Midwest Beat - Singles 2005 - 2011 [LP], Comp - $20.00 The Monochrome Set - Cosmonaut [LP] + CD - $24.00 The Murlocs - Old Locomotive (Blk/Silver) [LP] - $32.00 The Murlocs - Young Blindness (Neon Pink) [LP] - $32.00 The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers [LP], Gat - $25.00 The Ocean Party - Restless [LP] - $30.00 The Order Of Apollyon - The Sword And The Dagger [LP], (Red) - $25.00 The Pandoras - It's About Time [LP], RE - $20.00 The People's Temple - More For The Masses [LP], Bla - $20.00 The Phenomenal Handclap Band & Peaches - Walk The Night [12"] - $12.00 The Psyched - The Psyched [LP] - $15.00 The Psychic Paramount - II [LP] - $22.00 The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi [LP] - $19.50 The Reach Around Rodeo Clowns - Rockabilly Deluxe [LP], (Gold) - $20.00 The Red Paintings - The Revolution Is Never Coming [2LP], Num - $34.00 The Residents - Intermission [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE - $25.00 The Revelators - We Told You Not To Cross Us... [LP] - $20.00 The Ronettes - Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 The Scrapes - The Songs Of Baron Samedi [LP], Ltd - $26.00 The Spinning Rooms - Complicating Things  [LP], Ltd, GAT - $16.00 The Spoils - The Spoils [LP], Comp - $18.00 The Staple Singers - Freedom Highway [2LP], RE - $40.00 The Stevens - A History Of Hygiene  [LP] - $22.00 The Still - The Still [LP] - $30.00 The Strollers - Waiting Is . . . [LP], Gat - $22.00 The Third Power - Believe [LP], RE, (Red) - $32.00 The Treble Spankers - Hasheeda [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 The Tree People - Human Voices [LP], RE - $18.00 The Tree People - It's My Story [LP] - $18.00 The Tunas - The Tunas [LP] - $18.00 The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan [2LP] - $32.00 The White Stripes - Icky Thump [2LP] - $25.00 The Youngbloods - Earth Music [LP], Mono, RE - $20.00 The Yum Yums - ...Play Good Music [LP] - $18.00 The Zingers - The Zingers [LP], Ltd - $12.00 Thee Mighty Fevers - Fuckin' Great R'N'R [LP], Bla - $22.00 Therapy? - Nurse [LP], RE - $36.00 Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes [LP], RE, (White) - $34.00 Tim Hart - The Narrow Corner [LP] - $25.00 Titus Andronicus - S+@dium Rock: Five Nights at the Opera [LP] - $22.00 Tombstoned - Tombstoned [LP] - $22.00 Torres - Sprinter [LP], Club, 180 - $24.00 Totally Mild - Down Time [LP], Ltd, RP, Fou - $28.00 Totally Unicorn - Sorry [LP] - $25.00 Tracer - El Pistolero [LP], (Red) - $20.00 Tracer - Water For Thirsty Dogs [LP], (Yellow) - $28.00 Trap Them - Blissfucker [LP], 180 - $22.00 Tricky Featuring Milo Johnson & Luke Harris - Skilled Mechanics [LP] + CD - $22.00 Turbonegro - Sexual Harassment [LP], Pin - $40.00 Turbowolf - Two Hands [LP] + CD - $24.00 TV Haze - Scrap Museum [LP] - $20.00 Twitch - Dark Years [LP], Mono, Num, RM - $32.00 Tyrannamen - Tyrannamen  [LP] - $28.00 Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Wasteland [LP], (Orange) - $40.00 Unity Floors - Life Admin [LP] - $32.00 upsidedownhead - complex [12"], EP - $30.00 UV Race - Made In China [LP] - $22.00 Vader - Live In Decay [12"], RE, (White) - $25.00 Various - "Doused In Mud, Soaked In Bleach" [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $30.00 Various - 20 Big Ones 1992-2012 [2LP], Pin + LP, Gre + Comp - $24.00 Various - Absolute Belter [2LP], Comp - $32.00 Various - Axels & Sockets (The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project) [2LP], 180 + CD - $40.00 Various - Bill Brewster After Dark (Nocturne) [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $35.00 Various - Bonehead Freaks [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Epitaph For A Legend [2LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Various - Generations: A Hardcore Compilation [LP], Comp, RP, Gre - $20.00 Various - Greased Buckskin Belters [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Head Start To Purgatory [LP], Comp - $15.00 Various - Hot Wacks [LP], Comp - $10.00 Various - Just A Little Bit Of The Jumpin' Bean [2LP], Comp - $30.00 Various - Kanine Records Presents Non Violent Femmes [LP], Comp, Ltd, Pin - $18.00 Various - Kaptain Kavemen From Brisbane [LP], Mono - $28.00 Various - Land Of Nod: An Atlanta Punk And Hardcore Omnibus [LP] - $16.50 Various - Like Nashville In Naija [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $34.00 Various - Live At The Bootleggers:  Featuring Lattie Murrell And William Floyd Davis [LP] - $22.00 Various - Live From High Fidelity: The Best Of The Podcast Performances [LP], Ltd, Tra - $24.00 Various - Los Alamos Grind! [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $24.00 Various - Monster Skies [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Normalised : The Detonic Collection [LP], Comp, (Clear) - $18.00 Various - Recutting The Crap, Volume One [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num - $20.00 Various - Reverend Beatman's Dusty Record Cabinet Vol. 2 [LP], Comp - $24.00 Various - She Bop [LP], Comp + CD - $22.00 Various - Sub Pop 1000 [LP], Comp, (Blue) - $18.00 Various - Sugar Lumps 3 [LP], Comp - $26.00 Various - Suicide Squeeze Records Presents:Forever Singles [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num, Gre - $16.50 Various - Sunday Nights: The Songs Of Junior Kimbrough [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $32.00 Various - Texas Flashbacks Vol. 1 Dallas [LP], Comp - $22.00 Various - The Rough Guide To South African Jazz [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - This Is Fort Apache [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 4 [LP], Smplr - $20.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 5 [LP], Comp, Ltd - $24.00 Various - Yesterdays Universe [2LP], Comp - $20.00 Various – Bored Teenagers Vol.8: 19 Great British Punk Originals '77-'82 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Velvet Illusions - The Velvet Illusions  [LP], Comp - $22.00 Voïvod - Target Earth [2LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $32.00 Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright In The End [LP] - $22.00 White Kaps - Cannonball Man [LP] - $16.00 Wil Malone - Wil Malone [LP], RE, (Blue) - $28.00 Willie Nelson - Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin [LP] - $26.00 Winters - Winters [12"], EP - $12.00 Witch Hats - Deliverance [LP] - $20.00 With The Dead - With The Dead [LP], Sol - $35.00 Wooden Shjips - Vol. 1 [LP], Comp - $20.00 Wymyns Prysyn - Head In A Vise [LP] - $18.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Mission Bulb [LP] - $15.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Slow Release [LP] - $19.50 Yo La Tengo - Here To Fall Remixes [12"] - $16.00 Yonatan Gat - Iberian Passage [12"], EP - $18.00 Zodiac - Grain Of Soul [LP], Ltd - $25.00 Zombiefication - Procession Through Infestation [LP] - $18.00
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rottenstarlet · 5 years
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Miss Catherine "Katie" Peters was born in Ballydrehid near Clonmel in Co Tipperary, Ireland on July 18, 1884.
She was the daughter of William Peters (b. circa 1842), a farmer, and Mary Crowley (b. circa 1851), Tipperary natives who had married in Bansha, Co Tipperary on February 18, 1871.
One of a dozen children born to her parents, Katie's known siblings were: William (b. January 4, 1872), Edmund (b. October 2, 1874), Mary (b. November 20, 1876), Thomas (b. March 29, 1882), James (b. September 4, 1886), Bridget (b. June 10, 1889), Margaret (b. February 22, 1892), Helena (b. May 12, 1894) and Johanna (b. June 8, 1899).
Katie appears with her family on the 1901 census living at house 42 in Ballydrehid. She emigrated in 1906 aboard the Oceanic to New York, arriving stateside on October 3 that year when immigration records described her as a servant standing at 5' 1" and with grey eyes, auburn hair and a fair complexion. She was destined to her sister Mrs. John (Mary) Egan in Manhattan who had been living in New York since before 1901.
Katie returned to Ireland to visit her family around late 1911 or early 1912; on her return voyage to New York on Titanic, which she boarded at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 330935, £8, 2s, 9d), she was travelling, reportedly, with her sweetheart Roger Tobin, and aboard she roomed with two other Tipperary girls, Kate Connolly and Kate McCarthy. Her destined address was 243 East 45th Street, Manhattan, the home address of her sister Mrs Mary Egan.
On the night of the sinking Katie McCarthy, the only surviving member of their group, recalled that Roger Tobin called by their cabin and told them to get up and dressed and to bring lifebelts but simultaneously assured them there was no danger. McCarthy said that only she sensed any urgency and whilst she implored the other two girls to follow her, she ended up leaving alone and never saw the other two Kates again.
Katie Peters died in the sinking and her body, if recovered, was never identified.
Her estate, valued at a meagre £64, was administered to her father on October 15, 1912.
Her devastated family back in Ireland was to face heartache in the next few years when Katie's parents died only a year apart; her mother Mary died January 13, 1914 whilst her father William, afflicted with senility, died February 24, 1915. (x)
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