#casual sonamy
sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
"Sonic's Weird Napping Places"
Part 2 - Amy
Amy loved having Sonic come over for visits. After the years in their childhood when it seemed like she could never be close to him, they'd both finally matured to the point that they could hang out comfortably.
Yes, she still loved him as passionately as she always had. But she could understand better now that overwhelming him with affection wasn't the way to win his heart. Besides that, she loved their friendship, too. The little, lighter things. Like playing video games together, him telling her about his adventures, her teaching him arts and crafts, etc.
He'd come over earlier in the afternoon on a whim, seeming a bit more worn out than usual, and asked if she'd wanted to hang out. Of course she did! They'd spent an hour or so watching a show they both liked, talked for a little bit, then Amy had wandered off to try and finish the mountain-scape painting she'd been working on for almost a week now.
Last she'd seen Sonic, he'd been sitting back on her couch, staring at some vague point on the ceiling as if it held all the secrets of the universe. The room had been silent ever since. She wasn't quite sure what was going through his head; it was often hard to tell.
After an hour and a half or so of painting, Amy stood up and rubbed her sore hand. Time for a little snack break.
She made her way over to the kitchen, making sure to take off her paint-stained gloves before getting food out. "Hey Sonic, you want anything to eat?" she called to the living room as she opened the cupboard.
Only silence answered her.
"Sonic?" she called again, a little louder, but there was still no response.
Half concerned if he was alright, and half wondering if he'd just left without saying anything, Amy walked back into the living room and glanced around in confusion. From her standpoint, there was no sign of the blue hedgehog.
Had he really just left without a word?
She started walking around the couch to check out the window, when she suddenly tripped over a pair of legs and fell flat onto her stomach.
Stunned and trying to figure out what just happened, Amy paused for a moment before trying to sit back up. As she did, she met Sonic's bleary-eyed gaze. He was half sitting up, a couple quills out of place, having quite clearly just woken up.
Despite herself, Amy giggled. "Were you napping on the floor behind the couch?!"
Sonic looked around for a moment before shrugging and nodding. "Yep. It looked comfy."
She giggled some more, and a grin crossed Sonic's face. "You're weird," she teased, poking his arm as she stood up again.
He smirked. "Not the first time I've heard that." Then, with a yawn that was cuter than it should've been, he proceeded to lay right back down where he'd been on the floor and close his eyes once again.
(part 1, even though the order doesn't matter ;D)
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beanbagstab · 26 days
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Quick Sonamy sketch I made for twitter !
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essycogany · 6 months
SonAmy Headcanons
Because why not.
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This is how I personally see their relationship. I’ll try to keep it somewhat accurate to how they’d act canonically. I’d say where they are now is great, but I’d like to add a few things. Some of these may or may not be influenced by other amazing creators.
You are free to steal if you want.
Sonic and Amy mostly act like a couple in private areas or when they think no one is paying attention. They might tell a few of their friends, but often try to keep things discreet. Even if their overall relationship isn’t different in a third person’s perspective.
Tails: “You two sure you’re not still friends or are you actually together?”
Sonic And Amy: “Yes!”
Sonic’s the most chill and casual boyfriend and shows a good amount of affection. Amy is an overjoyed and loving girlfriend who shows a huge amount of affection.
Amy does her best to not tell most people about her and Sonic. Making an effort to call him her “best friend.” Sonic doesn’t mind it much, even saying it’s “not a big deal.” Leaving Amy confused.
Sonic tells whoever he feels like telling that Amy’s his girlfriend without thinking and thinks it’s funny when she’s shocked about it.
The hedgehogs are unsure of what normal couple standers are. They usually already know what works for them. Except who they should tell.
Sonic shows affection by kissing Amy on the hand and hugging her. When feeling extra, he carries her and takes her out on a run. Amy shows affection by constant cheek kissing, hugging, and ear rubbing. (which he pretends to not enjoy but does.)
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These and basically everything that happened between them recently are what I have in mind in terms of physical affection.
Instead of kissing they touch each other’s cheeks.
Sonic (being a casual boyfriend) puts his arm around Amy’s shoulder indistinctively in public.
Both hedgehogs forget how they got together. All they remember is it happening.
They enjoy having tea with Cream in order to hang out more. And to spend time with Cream of course.
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Amy instantly starts cooking more food after Sonic finishes eating.
Sonic and Amy love gardening and cooking together after defeating Eggman.
Amy admires Sonic’s knowledge about plants, guitars, and books. Sonic admires Amy’s optimistic side whenever she geeks out about silly stuff.
Their brief arguments stems to worrying about one another or what cake tastes better.
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Sonic’s favorite times with Amy are when he teases her and she chases after him.
Amy laughs at Sonic’s jokes. Even when they’re not funny.
They both find bungee-jumping romantic and relaxing.
Amy and Sonic plays with each other’s quills when they’re bored.
The best dates are when they’re on dangerous adventures. Sometimes dates aren’t fun when nothing crazy happens. On those days, they go find trouble to be satisfied. But normal dates can be cool if it means they get to travel together.
Amy mostly sends gifts on holidays and Sonic gives gifts when she doesn’t expect it.
Sonic only dresses up when Amy reminds him. Amy doesn’t mind if he forgets because she ends up buying him outfits. She even makes Sonic a red hoodie and he wears it a lot.
When apart for a long time, they write each other letters.
Sonic randomly comes over Amy’s place at any time of day without warning. She acts as if she doesn’t like it, but really enjoys the company of her boyfriend.
On movie nights, Amy and Sonic always forget how long Sonic stays and ends up sleeping on the couch together with one head on top of the other. The same thing happens when they go outside for a “short run,” and end up sleeping outside.
The blue blur’s way of saying “I love you” back to Amy is by using sign language or saying “right back at ya.” He’ll eventually start saying “I love you,” later on. Which surprises Amy to no end when he does it out of nowhere.
The romance Sonic and Amy have isn’t only romance, but an updated version of their friendship. The ability to still be their own people even when in different places. Sonic and Amy are a power couple whose love for adventure strengthens their love for each other. The hedgehogs are equally as happy as when they were close friends. That is what keeps them attached.
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That’s a rap! This most likely will never happen, but I don’t mind. Them officially being friends with crushes on each other is stellar and I’m satisfied with it.
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saltynsassy31 · 6 months
You asked for Sonamy doodle requests? I’ll give you four!
1. Amy pretending to laugh at one of Sonic’s terrible jokes.
2. Sonic casually putting his arm around Amy.
3. Boom Sonic and Amy playing a video game.
4. Prime Sonic hugging Amy tightly.
Have Fun! 💙🩷
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I didn't think I'd actually be able to do all of them, but then my sis and friend decided to do a ait down drawing session so....yeah XD
Took that opportunity with speed lol
I didn't use reference for the hug or gaming controllers...or anything actually, but I'm tired so ignore the awkward everything XD
Thanks for the requests!
Also got really lazy with the hug by the end so also ignore how stupid it looks, it's 2 am I'm not gonna fix it vjdjsjwaj
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the-sky-queen · 12 days
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Tada!!! I updated Rose's design a bit!!! (She's one of my Sonamy fankids for those unaware.) The art in her old pic was like over a year old, so I figured since Elise got a small redesign recently, I might as well do Rose too! (I'll slowly do the rest of the Hedgehog Family and the Robotnik Family too, I promise.) I mostly only changed Rose's quills since I felt they most desperately needed an update. I kept her suit and boots the same since I love them so much. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! I want to design Rose a casual outfit at some point. We'll see if I actually get around to that.
For those unfamiliar with Rose, I'll go over her personality and such under the cut!
Rose Hedgehog is the middle child in Sonic and Amy's family. Her older siblings are the twins Joy and Lux, and her younger siblings are Elise and Chip.
Rose is 12 years old. She's very spunky, ambitious, and tends to get into trouble quite a bit by accident. Her dream goal is to become a hero by the time she turns 15. So she's only got 3 years to go! Better hurry up!
Rose can summon a weapon much like Amy can summon her Piko Piko Hammer. Rose's weapon is a staff! She can increase it's length, but not excessively. It maxes out at like a few feet.
Rose has a bit of a passion for design! She designed her suit and boots all by herself and then took the designs to Uncle Tails, who made them a reality for her. She has quite a few notebooks filled with sketches of clothes. Some people have suggested she become a designer when she grows up, but Rose has dismissed those ideas every time. This is just a hobby! She wants to become a hero like her parents!
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kittydoremi · 5 months
Brutally honest opinion on Sonamy, Sonadow and Whispangle? :P
Sorry for the late reply ><
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Hoo boy... I have many thoughts... most not very good...
At best, I'm apathetic towards it. At worst, I'm actively annoyed and/or frusterated by it.
I think it's heavily overrated and isn't that good of a ship in general. The amount of bad portrayals of s0namy outweigh the good and/or okay ones imo, and the toxicity of the fandom surrounding it only adds to my dislike for it.
(I'm not saying everyone who likes s0namy is toxic. There are many people in the s0namy fandom that are chill. Unfortunately, there's a vocal part of the s0namy fandom that is very toxic and gatekeepy)
Alot of s0namy portrayals unfortunately fall into "Amy makes Sonic uncomfortable and/or is possessive, but it's seen as cute" which is a dynamic I really don't like. For example, Sonic X has arguably the most popular portrayal of the ship, but imo is one of if not the worst portrayals of the ship.
Then you have other extreme that the ship sometimes falls into, where I can best describe it as "they sure are standing next to eachother" (Frontiers) where there's just... nothing to it, besides "oh it's the main girl and main boy so you have to ship them, they're obviously meant for eachother!"
Another thing, it can be annoying sometimes how the fandom will exaggerate how much the ship is actually canon, saying things like "they're totally dating! they're a couple!" when in reality Sonic is single and will most likely continue to be. At most, it's teased because it's a popular ship, but it won't go further than that.
So the best way to describe how canon S0namy actually is:
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I like it! I think it's cute! I can't see it working out in canon, but I really like fanon sonadow and it's fun to write.
Also, even though prime sonadow is nothing like sonic or shadow would act in canon, I still think it's cute and it's the only thing I enjoyed about the show lol.
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This one kinda hurts... 😔
I used to really like Whispangle, I thought it was really cute. The mini series did a good job of showing their bond.
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But then the city arc happened...
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What the hell is this.
Why is Tangle reminding Whisper of her trauma so casually when she was shown to be considerate of her feelings before.
Why is Whisper being shown as in the wrong for being upset by this.
Why does Tangle get a 2 panel half assed apology while Whisper gets a THREE PAGE apology.
After this whole mess, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't get behind this ship anymore because of how badly this was handled, and how flanderized it is now (it seems very onesided now, a lot of "Whisper angsting, Tangle comforting" over and over)
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aeroranger100 · 2 months
SonAmy Mixed Doubles Tennis - Paris 2024
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Hope you're all enjoying the Olympics so far, everyone! 😊
I haven't drawn anything SonAmy related lately, so I thought I'd make something more casual and fun. Maybe I'll get back to the romantic stuff later, but for now, here's the two of them having a fun and competitive game of tennis as a mixed team in Paris.
Also, in the wake of the news that there won't be any more installments of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, I thought I'd draw this as a tribute to the series.
Enjoy! ☺️💙🩷
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anniestoney · 1 year
Little Sonamy Headcanon
Sonic has this charm that he unintentionally rizzes his admirers but really is a dork when he actually tries to w/ Amy (tho I feel like she'll still quickly melt)
When Amy flirts, she's so corny Sonic would practically chuckle at it more, but when she's just casually saying how much she loves him with the gentlest look, he can't look at her directly.
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howlingday · 7 months
Ruby: By the way, we BETTER see a SonAmy wedding in the next series. If they just casually drop Sonic saying, "Oh, this is my wife," I WILL FLUSH MYSELF DOWN THE FUCKING TOILET!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Amy Rose
WAUGH okay so basically like everyone villainizes her when shipping Sonic with any other character (and 99% of the time its Amy being villainized against a m/m ship ://) but yeah Amy canonically has a "crush" on Sonic and stuff (which is weird in its self cuz age gaps and things but creators smh) and anyways any time people write Sonic in a relationship with other characters they always make her super upset and mad that Sonic isn't dating her etc etc and basically make her a pouting 12 year old because her super hero crush doesn't date her instead of writing her as a supportive best friend to sonic WHICH SHE SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS !!!! and uh yeah if you couldn't tell this makes me so upset because amy is such a good character people should stop ruining her
sonamy isnt even real but people still hate her for her pink girl swag and crush on sonic. amy rose forever victim of girlhatred among sth fans. charm points: big hammer. cute. sillay. constantly in positions of power that make you go how is this 12 year old so responsible.
Mia Winters
she's Ethan's wife and Rose's mother, and I tend to see her villainized in fanfiction (especially chris/ethan and ESPECIALLY karl/ethan) because shes a genuinely traumatized and complicated character, but people turn her into the shitty, abusive wife or the dead wife trope for the sake of her technically getting in the way of their ship. The best I've seen her written while still placing her out of the story was her being casually divorced but like, co parenting. 
people are so mean to her just so they can push Wintersberg (Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg). she's not the best all the time but the evil forces r so bad to her. so i don't think it's her fault. Mia Winters haters DNI!!!!!!!! 
Mia Winters is a secret agent, researcher and BOW handler who is married to Just Some Guy. When she accidentally lures her white bread husband to a spooky den of mold monsters, she sacrifices herself to save him from the mess she made (god forbid women do anything). Chronic victim of getting fridged or turned into a third wheel so one or more of a handful of men can play house with her husband and daughter.
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kazerflame · 3 days
New fanchild!
[Still deciding on her name]
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She's a Sonamy fanchild!!
She's a strong gal like her mother and fast like her father.
Has two outfits. Left one is her training/hero outfit(based on one of the mc of my favorite anime's) and right one her casual outfit.
Instead of welding a hammer she uses boomerangs, which she can throw at fast speeds
bangs are based off of Nicky the hedgehog
loves strawberries
can turn invisible if she concentrates really hard
Was going to be named Chili but Amy rejected the idea, but it's now her nickname
Voice claims(still haven't decided):  Franziska von Karma(Ace attorney)/Cass (Bee and puppy cat)/Gwen(Total Drama)/ Frosta (She-ra)
List of names for her:
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i think part of the reason i dont like sonamy is because actually i do like sonamy i just dont like the way people characterise them. sonic would NOT be all 'oooh honeybun i love you mwah ☺️' in that ship, hed be so much more casual about it, meanwhile amy would be the most excited person ever and i like that dynamic.
i know this is the case because even when i absolutely could not stand sonamy i still liked it when sonic saw amy doing something cool and was sort of like 'oh my god i love her' but kept it to himself.
btw dont take this as 'so if you like sonamy where sonic is lovey dovey you SUCK' because that would make me a hypocrite seeing as a like sonadow where shadow is all lovey dovey even though i know damn well that would never happen
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webcoremage · 1 year
I NEED Shadow to be Amy's gay best friend, because it means that if either Sonamy or Sonadow or both of them happen, one of them can lean in closely to Sonic and casually whisper that they'll fuck him UP if he breaks their heart while the other isn't listening.
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wprowers · 2 years
Sonic boom (series) little silly facts
that I've gathered around. pt 1
• tails home smells like rotten fish (or knuckles said that out of pettiness, both are very possible if u ask me!)
• not a fact but this world seems very post apocalyptic to me like what u want me 2 say
• eggman absolutely has both mommy and daddy issues (my guy built himself a robot mom)
• tails is unhinged (my baby has the most dangerous workshop ever and does not care, he just does the most unsafe things)
• sonic has a lovely singing voice (said by tails and i believe him)
• sonic and tails have sibling fights and i adore that (assuming sonic raised tails like in every universe makes sense they are both so petty and chaotic.)
• Everyone has their own home but knuckles, (he tried to get one for his lamp but ultimately decided to keep on being a nomad) but we know he lived in tails' porch for a while.
• Knuckles doesn't sweat due to a medical condition on his sudoriparous glands.
• Sonic said something like "i dont think they will accept 'gotta go fast' as a medical condition" .... so perhaps adhd sonic canon on boom universe ?
• Shadow is just a bitch like theres literally no purpose to his actions he's just bitchy and edgy god bless him.
• Sticks technically should be the town's mayor !! she obviously doesnt see herself fit for that role so she keeps being the hero of the hedgehog village.
• Sticks gave the name of hedgehog village in honor to Amy, thats so sweet ( this name lately gets roasted by the robots from, how i prefer to call it, robot utopia )
• Orbot and cubot are sentient enough to be masochists. (i will not explain u have to see this for yourself)
• Fanfictions of the sonic team are a thing on this universe, including apparently nsfw ones. (sonamy being the most popular ship)
• Amy has or has had important roles on the village besides being a local hero (participated on the election of the name of the village, and i dont remember the name but she had a part on the protection team por endangered species).
• Amy likes to paint, she seems to like anything to do with aesthetics or design.
• Amy's crush on sonic is very normal, she's not all over him and she is not crazy for his attention. with this i say that her crush in boomniverse is represented as a casual teenage crush. she calls sonic out when she needs and doesn't see him through rose tinted glasses.
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nextgensage · 6 months
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First post, of course I had to do one of the main protags of this au and the ship that kinda started it all - Silvamy, aka the Rose family! (yes all the kids have amy's last name, more on that later.) Lets get into this sweet yet spicy fam. Silver T. Hedgehog
Age: 42
Occupation (Disaster Relief Specialist/ Timestone Guardian)
Extra Notes - still not fully satisfied with silver's older design, I think its because he's supposed to feel out of place amongst the present day sonic cast to really sell the futuristic aspect, i scrolled through a ton of silver au fanart to get inspo because i was stumped and didn't want to just slap some scruff on him and call it a day, especially since he joined the guardian of powerful gems club with blaze and knuckles (still working on the kinks but basically eggman nega survived his entrapment in the chaotic inferno, found out about the timestones and made little big planet the new holding ground for an infantile infrit, slowly working on "raising" it so he can subjugate the past, present and future and accomplish what his forefathers have always lacked - world domination and an another race against time to save the future ensues.) - Silver is now the guardian of the time stones and got an boost in psychic power and I wanted to give him an indicator similar to knuckle's crescent mark or blaze's forehead gem hence the teal markings. He has pulled an captain america and now safely stays in the past with his wife and kids and works similar to the zone cops of the archie comics but way more powerful and freelance. he also helps out with natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis thanks to his upgraded psychic powers. To end on an literal fluffy note, his wife and kids love the extra chest fur.
Amy Rose
Age: 40
Occupation: Event Planner/Fitness Trainer (Part-Time)
Extra Notes - pretty happy with amy's design, wanted to do something different from the long-haired cottagecore amys for sonamy fams, not knocking them - they work well for that dynamic but amy has an trio of very unique kids to parent, an time traveling husband and spends her days dealing with picky customers for all sorts of events and still find time to occasionally teach self-defense class and yoga to young women, she needs to be ready at all times. I wanted to go for an more casual and classic feminine nicole watterson vibe (yes, she is hiding muscles under that sweater dress :P.) - kudos to anyone who can get why she has 
glasses! I think the half-moon ones really suit her!
Zenia Rose
Age: 15 (Born May 23rd)
Powers: Enhanced durability, Enhanced senses, telekinesis, minor chaos energy manipulation, empathetic sensing/linking/inundation, minor telepathy 
My precious cinnamon roll! Zenia was the first serious sonic oc I ever made so I wanted to do her justice! She leans alot more towards her father in terms of appearance, power set and personality being a bit of an socially awkward and humble overthinker but she has her mother’s big heart and very caring and optimistic outlook on life, her parents nurtured her powers and her emotional capability in equal measures and thus she’s pretty well rounded in expressing and understanding the feelings of herself and others, though she tends to get more overbearing with those she’s close with, all round an very feminine girl next door archetype. As far as design goes, I wanted silver’s vibe but amy’s coloring and clear fashion influence with a dash of zenia’s more natural and graceful preferences, so pastels, frills and flower motifs were a go. I’m pretty proud of the idea of how to mimic her dads - lets say, “unique” quill style but make it more feminine so I took the spines at the back of silvers head and moved them to the front to be curtain-like bangs to always give her an demure look and then enlarged and curled his crown of quills and pushed them back behind an headband to give an bump it style, the rest is an homage to those long haired amy designs I mentioned earlier! She looked a lot like amy’s original design when she was an bab. Also her powers are a spring green instead of a teal like her dads because they are weaker and more emotion based. Silver personally made her energy cuffs and couldn’t say no when she asked for an flower design as the insignia. 
Auger Rose
Age: 8 (Born October 10th) Powers: Enhanced durability, enhanced senses, tarot card manipulation, minor precognitive ability (boosted when using tarot cards), minor chaos energy manipulation, acrobatics. Auggie! The quintessential middle child and only boy of the family - Auger’s family never makes him feel left out which he appreciates but he appreciates his own solitude and doing things at his own pace more. Silver initially worried that his own former solitary ventures in his once ruined timeline or even the powers hes gained from the time stones themselves has re-emergence in his son especially when auger revealed how he gets  flashes of the potential future sometimes but eventually amy and silver realizes thats just how their kiddo is, he’s not trying to be standoffish or emotionless, he just does and expresses things differently and thats okay, auger knows his family loves him and he shows the same affection in his own subdued way, plus his sisters keeps him on his toes and lets him shine when need be. Augers design is an mesh of forgotten concepts or concept arts of amy and silver, I always wanted to bring back amys tarot card abilities since thats what technically got her into the main cast plus they are an fun way to connect silver and amys dynamics and personal goals into their kid. I ripped off the hair design from my first actual sonic oc - Specs the hedgecat and tweaked it a bit to fit more inline with auger’s personality - ie tamed but not stuffy. Augers eyes are perpetually half-lidded for an myriad of reasons and he always has that waist belt with him as it carries his own special deck of tarot cards. Can’t remember how I came up with his fur color, He’s an autumnal baby with his twin sister so I just rolled with that I think.  Fun Fact - Auger is a tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood and is an personal play on the word, Augur which is the ancient roman practice of observing birds to interpret omens! Maple Rose
Age: 8 (Born October 10th) Powers: Enhanced durability, enhanced senses, enhanced strength, piko-piko hammer, acrobatics, spindash, homing attack
The baby of the family, auger’s twin sister and probably the reason amy and silver stopped at three kids. Maple is the wild child of the trio and took all of her parents headstrong traits and cranked them up to 11, having a very strong sense of justice and action taking but oftentimes leaping before she looks. The type of child to constantly be sulking in the principal's office because she fought with another kid who was being a jerk, pouting not because she’s sorry but because she’s getting in trouble for something the bully started. An tomboy playground protector if you will with tons of energy to burn and big dreams to fill. Amy wonders semi-fondly if this is adorable karma for always wondering what a child with sonic will be like as her little girl looks up to the blue blur immensely and wants to be the next big hero of her generation. Amy severely regrets the day she let sonic teach maple how to spindash (fun fact - she’s the only one of her siblings who can do it successfully!) and both her and silver are still trying to figure out how to explain their decorated history with sonic without the girl jumping to fantastical conclusions, this coupled with the fact maple carries her mothers legacy of the piko piko hammer and well…knee pads, helmets and bandages are always running out at the rose household with maple playing hero. All in all however, Maple is an loyal friend and while she can be pushy at times, tell her to back off and she will, having two more soft spoken siblings has certainly helped tame her more out there ideas and tendencies. Design wise - maples coloring was to complement her brothers but I headcanon amy’s father as being an red hedgehog so took that and mixed it with silvers darker hue to make that maple sap color work and I takes cue from the classic rough and tumble troublemaker kids of old cartoons, tooth knocked out and everything as well as using silvers unique quill shape to have the excuse to emulate maple leaves for her hair, always has some form of bandage or dirt on her no matter how many times her mothers tries to keep her clean. 
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thespeedhighway · 8 months
Just casually watching a Sonic video essay about Amy with almost 170k views when I see my art pop on the screen when they're talking about people who are "pro Sonamy" loool
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