#cast reactions
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Question for the ROs, how do they react when they realize they have a crush on MC?
Okay, this one is definitely gonna be subject to some change as they continue to solidify as their own characters.
Lux: They skip the "crush" stage by virtue of obliviousness to their own feelings, which means by the time they notice their feelings they're already in the deep end and in love. The poor dear has an "oh shit, I love them" moment instead.
Rune: Mild disbelief and then slight panic because they know that Auberon will not make things easy for anyone who loves the MC. (Nor should he, Rune wouldn't want them settling for anyone who couldn't be worthy.) Once they're over their "craaaaaap" reaction they fall back into quiet pining. They don't want to ruin their friendship with MC.
Caerwyn: He's... honestly not that surprised when his feelings take on that warmth of affection. He knew that the younger Medulloi was something special to begin with, and there's always something fascinating about such people. He's more floored with surprise when the crush deepens to something more.
Rossella: She's honestly delighted by it, a little wary, but she really doesn't expect it to last long. Such fancies usually pass quickly, right, but...when reciprocated and it's not simply playful flirtation and there's meaning in it...well... that's new to her. New and precious and absolutely delightful.
Marcus: More in touch with his feelings than Lux, he knows he feels something, but decides to go into denial about it being a crush and not just "they're new to the family" affections. Poor Marc is also subject to an "Oh, shit, I'm in love" moment, except it's "Oh, shit, I'm in love with my brother's/sister's spouse!"
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timefortee · 1 year ago
Non crawling to his food after being jumped was Barcode's idea
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karihighman · 11 months ago
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And 6x07 ep description is out ©️DGE/ABC ⤵️
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Mekia & Tru’s IG stories about s7 pickup ⤵️
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Alyssa’s post & Eric’s IG story on s7 renewal ⤵️
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Lisseth & Melissa’s IG stories on s7 pickup ⤵️
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Dylan’s IG story & Brent’s post on s7 pickup ⤵️
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Shawn’s IG reel about s7 news ⤵️; Melissa’s IG story about Chenford playlist post ↘️
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Jenna & Arjay’s IG stories on s7 news ⤵️
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Updated with: Nathan’s IG post on s7 pickup⤵️
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Melissa’s IG post on s7 ft. Kevin’s comment ⤵️
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^ oh what could’ve been… but I digress. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CAST AND CREW OF THE ROOKIE ON GETTING PICKED UP FOR SEASON 7!! 🙌🙏 can’t wait for this!
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99motionpicture · 2 years ago
Wednesday(2022) | Cast Reactions | Jenna Ortega | Hunter Doohan | Percy ...
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teanao · 1 month ago
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just a group of karaoke besties hanging out 🥰
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nanihirunkits · 5 months ago
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#leng has no filter lmao
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criticalyasha · 2 years ago
Behind the scenes from C3E65 post-Imodna scene with our CR cast
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coquelicoq · 9 days ago
lan xichen is so fucking valid. it's been said before and better but he's not doing anything lan wangji isn't doing. they're both saying He Would Not Do That about their boyfriends, it's just that in lan xichen's case it turns out he actually would do that. not lan xichen's fault. he got unlucky. he made a choice just like lan wangji to trust and stand by his man and i guess you could make an argument that he was willfully ignorant but really what it comes down to is he knew jin guangyao was despised and undermined at every turn and he decided that he would presume innocence until proven guilty. just because jin guangyao did indeed get proven guilty doesn't mean it was wrong to presume him innocent in the interim.
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martanis · 3 months ago
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The Rings Of Power's Morfydd Clark & Charlie Vickers Talk with Screen Rant
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kignomd · 2 months ago
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dark seeker saga or something
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Time for the classic!
How would the ro’s react to a mc with a hickey only to find out it really a bug bite later on ?? TYY!
Assuming relationship stage for everyone! Most of the cast aren't the sort to outwardly react with regards to jealousy until there's something established.
Lucia: She ices the MC over hard. She doesn't want to confront that - not while she's still furious over the betrayal. It probably takes one of her fidelium offering a cream to treat the itch while within earshot for her to calm down. After she's very sulky and brings the MC presents that she awkwardly thrusts their way as she tries to pretend she's definitely not apologizing for anything.
Lucius: Not too different from Lucia, though more likely to actually glare and scowl at the MC before dramatically sweeping away. Still has the sense not to try to bring it up while he's still that angry. He's also more likely to apologize in words when he brings the presents, though he'll be just as awkward until reassured about the MC's reaction.
Caerwyn: Honestly - confusion? He's your bodyguard, there's only so much time you spend away from him. How did you even manage to find someone? Unless it wasn't willing in which case he has someone to kill - but why didn't MC just tell him? Once it's cleared up that it's a bug bite he's gonna tease the MC to hell and back about letting another blood sucker into their life, mind.
Rossella: Another sensible soul - she's not likely to mistake one for the other given the fact that she's basically an unofficial royal physician. She's gonna do a double-look and then offer to treat the bite with her magic so it doesn't bother MC anymore, maybe chide them about not asking her about it before they itched it that red.
Marcus: Utter heartbreak. How could MC have another lover? Did they not feel safe telling him? He's not like his father, surely they know that? He wouldn't have done anything to hurt you just because your heart had moved on even if his had not. Definitely leads to a spiral (including a shopping spree complete with venting to Rossella if it isn't cleared up quickly) and him trying to approach the MC and make sure that they know that he's happy for them but he just needs them to be honest so he doesn't accidentally hurt them. Definitely gonna be a long ramble as poor MC ends up more and more confused and then horrified before it gets cleared up.
Rune: Confusion and hurt. MC doesn't smell like anyone new - and try as they do, they can't just shut up the possessive side that their curse developed, not about MC, not without warning. So that means the MC took steps to hide it, or the one who left the mark was someone they trust. (Honestly, they're going to assume that MC changed their mind and has fallen for their spouse.) They're going to be going to Auberon and demanding assignments as far away from MC as possible rather than risk a confrontation since they aren't what MC wants, but they don't trust themself entirely anymore. It'll be up to poor Auberon to clear it up since Rune will be vanishing from every room the MC approaches and their senses are quite difficult to fool.
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timefortee · 1 year ago
Bump [brings his plushie]
Mio, JJ, and Fuaiz:
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obsidianbit · 1 year ago
I love this gay ass show with its literally life ending injuries that heal immediately, but only when convenient to the plot, and its ridiculous use of modern phrases, and its laughing in the face of historical accuracy, and its kissing the face of the fans instead of trying to outwit them, and the way everyone involved in the show seem to go 'I KNOW RIGHT! I'M EXCITED TOO!' instead of mocking the fans
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reasonandfaithinharmony · 8 months ago
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That sounds sexual. 😏
Felt like maybe we needed this reaction gif, here on tumblr dot com.
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madevampselle · 3 months ago
My brain: We haven't seen Armand go full gremlin yet.
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Gif by @thedaswolves <3
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zwoftt · 2 months ago
weekly dorym moments and other stuff in no particular order !!!
dorian casting foresight. liam fanboying.
liam sneezing and then robbie’s little “bless youuu” was so cute for no reason
robbie’s facial expressions this fight… he was so scared
orym being the only one dodging the big predathos fist, the excited cheer of robbie and the rest of the table.
“shadow-walk underneath me baby”. WAS A CRAZY LINE FROM IMOGEN HELPPPP IM SCREAMING
awwwh robbie and liam making faces at each other the entire fight like cmon bro. when orym gets hit by predathos’s maw the first time, robbie shakes his head and laughs when liam looks over to him after saying “don’t worry guys! my potion- nope i take all of that damage.”
laudna getting that crit is INSANE BTW (with the beau dice))
crown of stars on dorian storm… what a beautiful sight tbh omg omg omg… the whole table fangirling and fanboying over it. “only son of the silken squall” MADE ME CRY SO HARD
“i have a wood chisel!” - chetney
oh my god orym pulling dorian in with seedling, healing him with a potion desperately, “we need you… i- i need you! can you get up? we need you!”. is cutting into my heart
the mass cure wounds coming out once again in clutch holy shit- the image of everyone coming back to life with dorian flying into the air, casting healing on everyone but himself…
“i can hold my breath, *forever*.” says dorian. orym with a brow raise, “tell me more…” STOPPP OMG THEY DESERVE TO BE HORNY BUT THIS IS INSANE
witches be bitches. witches be bitches.
the relentless rage was so badass from ashton damnnnnnnnn meowww
okay next episode they boutta talk to the gods and i better see a bitter dorian throwing up a middle finger at lolth.
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