The Auberon snippet was 🥰 chef kiss 💙 it got me curious, he thinks that noone knew of the engagement apart from their "family" and the Imperial one, so here my questions: 1 Who proposed this marriage?
2 What power/advantages would have granted to both parties?
3 When the murder happened, months before Auberon killing the uncle?
4 Did he suspect it was the uncle?
5 Did our bethroed already have a lover at the time?
6 Is the lover family powerful?
7 The princess was still the future ruler right?
8 how the four possible MC's teachers/masters took the news?
Oooh, lots of questions! Love that! (Gonna drop a read-more for folk's dashes though.)
The Empress whose main backing is within the major religious organization. (I have a name for them written down somewhere but can't remember which out of the list I finalized for them. They're associated with the sun god and his court though.)
Lux was actually being put at a disadvantage. The betrothal with the younger Medulloi means they can't use their marriage to increase their influence and status. However they would be coming up on being of age to start receiving military commands and so a betrothal and marriage avoids the superstitions around unwed commanders being bad luck. It could - potentially - have opened the way for Auberon to make a formal argument regarding their uncle's actions and the murders/executions that were involved. But it was a case where Viria Laetoria doesn't actually have the political pull to refuse an order from her Emperor even if she hates her charge being involved with their nonsense.
Auberon did take a few months to link his uncle to the murder. He's given the information by one of his allies among the resistance but acts on it as soon as he has it. (Auberon prior to killing his uncle is primarily involved in espionage for them, when he inherits Ausones he shifts his role because he has access to ships and men.)
He knew that his uncle was still dangerous but it had been years since there'd been any real threat from that quarter. Viria and her people had made sure of that. Auberon had him on his list of suspects but had no real proof and he knew that once he acted against someone with power his play-act of being the obedient Laetoria heir would be over so he had to be sure of his target.
Lux does not have a lover at the time of the betrothal. They meet their lover while on the Ithellen front.
Nope. They're from a respectable family but not a powerful or well-known one.
Yup! Octavia is assassinated on her way to the Ithellen front from Ausones after she finishes dealing with Auberon and sends her brothers back to the capital.
BADLY, as one would expect. Whether or not the kids call any of them by familial titles they are family so it as basically like they lost their kid or nibling.
Ashkeru is the closest to the "canon" younger Medulloi because the poisoning attempt from their childhood left them weakened in a way it doesn't the game MC. As the family healer they end up in her care a lot. She's shattered by the loss - to the point she returns to Khemia and her family after Auberon's taken the ducal seat. She's still family but she doesn't have it in her to watch him burn himself up.
Halli is off making Caerwyn's life a living nightmare. He doesn't process the grief until weeks later when he has to give up the assassin's trail completely because the other little one decided to brand himself with a hell of a nasty reputation by using corpses for decoration. He throws himself into taking care of the family he has left, especially since Zaphon has never met the meaning of "self care". It doesn't work the best but he keeps trying.
Zaphon's reaction is probably the most outwardly stoic of the four. Mostly because his self-appointed role in the family is "the sane one". He's the one making sure Auberon and the others don't break until Halli comes back. (He just sort of collapses into his arms when they finally get some privacy.) He doesn't have the most outward response but he's a lot more protective of Auberon after that - he makes sure that there IS a plan in place, even if it's a bit rushed. (It's after this that Zaphon admits - at least privately - that he thinks of Auberon as his son, and that scares the hell out of him because he knows what hatred and vengeance can do to a person.)
Viria grieves. It's quiet and lost - but she's lost a lot in her life and had to bury that grief beneath duty to survive, and it isn't something she's good at. So she ends up adrift, not quite finding her footing but forced to try because she's a general and Octavia's loss means that she is in command of the Ithellen war. She focuses on what she can but it probably doesn't surprise anyone that knows her when she falls in battle not long after the MC's and Octavia's deaths. (An unwillingness to cut down an Ithellen fighter that was the same age as the MC and another enemy who took advantage of that hesitation in the heat of combat.) House Laetoria officially dies with her, she had never named an heir intending to offer the house to the Medulloi siblings once Auberon finally gave up the idea of retaking Ausones, or offering the name and the associated lands to the MC if Auberon managed to become duke.
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so hi i just woke up and I'm crying so I'm totally devastated lmao. doomed Medoulloi siblings cannon will destroy me lmao 💔💔💔
i'm just gonna draw my mc hugging aubby and forget what i read.. everything is fineeee 💔💔💔
You're welcome! :) Don't forget that breakfast is as important a start to the day as angst!
Don't worry, your MC will have a better chance at getting them and their brother through everything safely.
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Are you open to "criticism" and by that I mean if I see a typo or something that looks to be out of place I can notify you via this. I know some writers can be...particular about it. I dont want to step on toes or anything I just want to help in a respectful way!
I'll probably laugh about typos - I'm very dyslexic and just kinda gave up on actual spelling ages ago. That said - please let me know when you see them. I keep lists of the ones pointed out so I can fix them between updates they're just not a high priority for me. ^^;
Apart from typos, I'm fine with folks popping in the ask box with anything that isn't blatantly meant to be mean.
I'm newish to coding and fairly casual with my writing voice so there's times where I sit there going "That character should probably REALLY not be using 'y'all', huh?" There's always at least one in every project that ends up inappropriately Texan until I take another look.
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I'm a sucker for siblings angst so if it's not too spoilery, what's canon-Aubby reaction when he heard about his beloved sibling death?
Decided to take this as an excuse to write a bit of angst.
Short answer is shock and then seeking vengeance. Long answer is below:
Characters: MC (GN), Auberon, Rune, various house Laetoria TW: murder, death, grief
His head aches from maintaining his presence over such long distances. It's difficult to settle into his own skin after having wings and feathers in a dozen locations scattered across the western portions of the Empire. Settling into one pair of ears, one set of eyes after having to process multiples at once -
He'll need to take notes. The others will want to know what he's seen and heard but if he's not careful it may get confused before he can share -
The room is empty. He's woken alone - and that isn't right. He never lets himself go so far along the winds without some precaution.
Rune should be there - they were supposed to stand guard while his body wasn't occupied.
The young knight wouldn't have left without a good cause -
Auberon forces himself to his feet, collecting his sword as he goes. It won't be much use until his senses settle back into his body fully but very few know how disorienting the process is and if there was one thing he learned among the Nassenians it was how to hide his thoughts from his face. He only risks true honesty with two - his sibling and his fideles.
What waits him is Rune collapsed in on themself against the wall by the door to his sibling's room. They are nearly missable beside the stack of chests in preparation for the move to the capital. Rune's gaze is a sharp amber as they lift their tear soaked face to meet Auberon's gaze.
"Auberon - you're here," it's the elf mage Ashkeru who steps out of the room of his sibling. She tries to stop him from entering, a gentle arm across his chest but he pushes past.
There is blood everywhere and the furniture is in disarray.
He doesn't feel himself fall - he's only vaguely aware of hands on his chest and the soft order to breathe. How -
He can hear Rune shouting but he can't really understand what is said - not truly - but he knows that they are lashing out. He watches as Rune's gaze lands on the sheet-covered figure on the bed. Ashkeru must have covered them when she realized her healing could do nothing.
This is a nightmare...it must be...
It takes hours for him to truly know what is happening again. Cook had shoved a mug of tea into his hands. Something strong and herbal - probably laced with one of Halli Shadeson's sedatives. House Laetoria is both too noisy and utterly silent.
People's voices are hushed but the guards are patrolling at increased intervals.
He stands up again - it feels like that moment when he's untethered before his magic draws him back to himself but it's going on for forever. He stumbles a little and Zaphon catches him by his arm.
The older man doesn't ask where he's going, just exchanges a look with Cook, and helps him back to the room.
"...who?" he demands. "Why?"
He knew that things would be dangerous but - this is Ausones. This is their home.
There wasn't supposed to be any danger for his sibling here - there weren't supposed to be any threats until they reached capital. No one is even supposed to know about the betrothal outside of Laetoria and the imperial household.
They weren't a threat, they had never been anything but his sweet, quiet sibling.
...he doesn't understand. Not yet. He will, though, and when he finds the answer there will be blood to be paid.
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I like Auberon more and more
❤️Best Brother Ever❤️
How did he fare after his sibling death? If he had succeded with the rebellion, would he be able to be happy or at least at peace?
How not-canon-Auberon would react if little MC gifted him a pendent/ring/bracialet made by MC and the same thing MC made for themselves so they could match, and told him that he is the best brother ever?
Aw, I'm glad you like him!
Canonical Auberon threw his whole self into fighting the empire with the expectation that he'd end up dead for it but might make things better before that. I think the fight was the only thing he had. I don't think that in success he'd have been happy at first. He'd have retired to Ausones to run his dukedom and protect his people but there'd be no joy in it, just his duty. Eventually the question of heirs would have come up and he'd adopt a child with that in mind. I think raising in little one would be what finally brings him a measure of peace. He'd probably end up adopting more too, because being a brother had been a joy to him and he'd want that for his child once he had begun to finally move past his grief.
Oh, you're just gonna melt Auberon doing that! He'd treasure the gift from his sibling and insist on wearing it as often as possible, and pout a little bit if MC doesn't wear the match. (Rune is gonna get so sick of him showing the thing off they might throw him in the nearest body of water.) Auberon when he's not in his "professional" mode is an obnoxiously proud big brother. Anything given to him by MC is going to be a precious treasure.
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Wait if Lux chose to rebel against their father, why killed Auberon? Couldn't they become allies to bring down the empire emperor? Does a fan!MC know who killed the canon MC since it's obvious that it's the true motive (last drop for?) of Auberon rebellion?
If canonical Lux had rebelled against the Emperor BEFORE massacring the people of Ithel then there would have been a chance that Auberon would have approached as an ally and supported them during their rebellion. They don't in canon, Lux obeyed the orders to massacre the Ithellen population and only turned against their father when their reward for that is the murder of their loved ones. Auberon has more issues with the slaughter of innocents than his "Duke of Blood" reputation would imply.
As for Auberon's death - he was a threat and wouldn't have stopped being one. Lux, by that point, wouldn't consider coexisting with that, especially when they do think the empire is better for the people living in it as a whole. Auberon holds that the empire is too large and unfeeling to care about anything but expansion and wealth and should be disassembled for the good of the people. The two of them are ridiculously similar in many ways but their goals in canon are too oppositional for both to survive and Lux had the larger, better supplied fighting force.
Fan!MC does not, not really. It's known that Auberon's sibling is dead, but they don't even have a name that's mentioned in canon. There are hints about who wielded the knife but not why and no real confirmation in canon either. (Superfan!MCs will know and reference the theory that Caerwyn was their killer when he's introduced.)
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I just read the "sentinel" snippet (was great btw 🤩), and Lucius while reading the king's letter, mentiones someone who is dead, and how beaten dogs bite back, if it's not a spoiler, who is dead? Was someone close to Lucius? And "beaten dogs" because he was sent to war in the North right? But why the king sent him there telling him to not to contact the king unless to announce Lucius victory? Our sweet Auberon was in the North to help the enemies of the empire?
So! Canonical Lux does have a lover - this figure isn't really detailed yet for me because I haven't quite decided what their role in the game-plot will be, so I won't say much about them yet. In addition to the lover Lux had left all but two of their fidelium in the capital to protect their love and help manage their political interests while they were fighting. (You may have noticed that the fidelium thing is a big deal among the Nasennians.)
Now the Emperor (who I need to give a name to) is generally just a terrible person and a worse father. Lux has been raised to be a disposable attack dog in the wars. They don't mind that enough to act out so long as they can keep "their people" safe.
The Emperor doesn't care for diplomacy as a solution to conflict in general so their reluctance to scorch Ithel as a means of ending the war is seen as an act of defiance. In addition, many people feel Lux would be a better heir than Marcus at that point. He felt that he needed to remind Lux of how little power they actually have. So the orders had been "finish this war or get yourself killed". Even in that success, though, Lux is seen by their father as overstepping and so the Emperor has Lux's people in the capital killed to make a point as well as deprive Lux of their support system when they do return. He didn't expect Lux - who while reluctant had always fallen to heel and done as told - to choose open rebellion as a response.
And yup. That's Auberon's ship that's evacuating survivors from Ithel.
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Hi! Is it possible to choose MC's race? If yes how? No matter what my MC ends up as demon blood
Okay - assuming the variables are working correctly how they die in their first world determines both your MC's phobia and race. (Locked those to the species because I didn't want to end up having to account for, like, dhampirs who are afraid of the dark when I will probably go DnD/Pathfinder style and they have some kind of low-light or dark vision as adults and so the phobia would be canceled out.)
I'm not at my PC today but I'll make an edit when I can with which species & fears go to which death.
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How bout a Rook/??? poly with "gaze"? 👀
Rook/??? + Gaze
His eyes couldn’t leave the two of you. Lingering on the edge of the garden, their form hovering over you, fingers trailing against your face and longing clear in their eyes. They gave a soft smile, hooded eyes tracing every feature.
            He didn’t understand, how someone who was so open and aware of how bloody their hands were, could touch you so easily. Whenever you were in the room, they never looked away. A gaze so open to their desires in every way. They never looked away when you caught their stare, accepting it as an invitation instead.
            Rook had never had the strength. How long had he spent turning away? Was it really so easy to reach out for the one you wanted? He wanted to say it was their lack of morals, but even then, what was his excuse? His were as twisted and warped as theirs, even if it took a different form.
            Their eyes flickered up, meeting his. The softness of their smile became sharp, reaching a hand out towards him to beckon. Your head turned, beckoning him over with a wave of your hand.
            Each step felt like a mile, “Hey.”
            “You’re late.” Their fingers thread through their long. “Unless you were standing there a while?”
            Your head falls back against the bench as you watch him, “Why were you being a creep?”
            He groans, “I wasn’t. I didn’t want to interrupt whatever you two had going on.”
            “Oh, jealous?”
            He wasn’t sure who reached for him first, but he knew how you both kissed him without even needing to look. You kissed him like you were making up for lost time. Like you were desperate for him to remain. Like he’d slip through your fingers the minute you let him go. They always kissed him quick and fierce and daring. An endless challenge to weave himself ever deeper.
            You were up on your feet before he could catch his breath, “Come on, let’s go.”
            Before either them or Rook could respond, you were already moving up ahead. They laugh softly, eyes flickering over to him, waiting for his endless hesitation. Well, they weren’t getting it. He caught up with you a second later, taking your hand. They trailed behind, footsteps silent as ever.
            Because as much as their gaze followed you, Rook knew it followed him just the same.
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Meet me at the cabin. Please.
You weren’t sure what to make of it. A cryptic late night text sent from your younger sibling, begging you to meet up at your family’s old lake home. The plea for help was as concerning as it was confusing. As far as you knew, neither of you had set foot in the cabin in a decade. You had your hesitations, but Willow seemed desperate. You couldn’t help but oblige.
Everything goes downhill fast when Willow's research into childhood ghost stories lands you in a town that doesn't exist. A town where people go missing at an alarming rate, where things that aren't quite human run businesses with hungry eyes, where time runs differently.
A town you can't leave. 
Something about Easthaven is wrong. A supernatural fog permeates the town, so thick you could choke…but you’re one of the only people who seems to notice it. You’re quick to realize the fog keeps the residents ignorant, keeps them passive, keeps them trapped. When people who have long since gone missing start coming back home, you realize Easthaven’s mysteries go deeper than you could have ever imagined.
Explore the magic and the horrors of the small town of Easthaven, team up with the few others who can see through the fog, and do everything you can to make your way back home.
The Lonely Shore is an 18+ supernatural horror story (and mystery) inspired by works such as Midnight Mass, The Mist, Scarlet Hollow, and Gravity Falls. A story about how sometimes places can feel like people, how easy it is to do terrible things for those we love, and how small towns have a way of eating you alive.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary; trans or cis. Choose up to two sets of pronouns or input your own. Customize your appearance and develop your personality throughout the game. 
Romance or befriend a cast of characters. Options for ace and aro routes, as well as three polyamorous paths.
Customize Willow, your younger sibling. Select their gender and determine what your relationship with them is. Will you rebuild a broken relationship? Or let a good one go down in flames?
Explore the world of Easthaven, a town that exists outside of time, separated completely from the rest of the world. A place where tragedy is mundane and death is around every corner. Encounter the Fog, the source of all of Easthaven’s horrors.
Build up to one of five distinct magic styles as your character comes to life; including necromancy, clairvoyance, manipulating the Fog, becoming something monstrous–or suppressing your magic instead, having it come out in uncontrollable bursts.
Solve the mystery of the Returned: citizens who have been missing for months, years, decades but who have recently started coming back home.
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Jaylen 'Jay' Jones (M/F)
A veterinarian-in-training and member of the town's Search & Rescue team who has seen Easthaven's horrors firsthand. A kindhearted but wary person who cares more about keeping people safe than they do about solving the town's mysteries. They're tired of losing people.
Yasmin Bakir-King (F)
The local librarian, a fiercely clever widow with very little patience for nonsense. Very outgoing, she's one of the most well-known figures in town. She starts the story unaware of Easthaven's dangers but very quickly gets thrust into the middle of the town's latest mystery.
Amir/Amara "Croft" (M/F)
A reclusive, ill-tempered horror author who just so happens to be the town's latest newcomer…until you show up. Croft came to town with their share of secrets, and there's nothing in the world they want more than to escape Easthaven.
Beck Dawn (genderfluid)
Fun-loving and reckless, Beck is an adrenaline junkie who can't seem to stay out of danger…despite being completely unaware of the town's secrets. A magnet for trouble, it's no surprise Beck lands right in the middle of Easthaven's latest mystery.
Ravi Singh (M)
Easthaven's local mortician. Ravi is easygoing and quick to laugh; though sometimes his humor leans towards the macabre. But his easy smiles don't cover up his almost chilling comfort with the Fog; nor do they get rid of the pile of skeletons in his closet.
Perri Loveless (M/F/NB)
Runs one of Easthaven's three radio stations. In the day they play music, and at night they host a supernatural-themed call in radio show, The Lonely Shore. Perri is an enthusiastic (if a bit awkward) person whose theories tend towards the unbelievable. It's unfortunate that, despite all of their theories, Perri has no idea what's actually going on in Easthaven.
"Willow" (M/F/NB)
Your little sibling. Flighty, impulsive, and outgoing; their fascination with the occult is what lands you in Easthaven. Your relationship can range from best friends to sworn enemies. Will they be able to save you from the mess they've made?
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DEMO | ROs | Content Warnings
( current wordcount : 225,095 without code )
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Ashkeru won! She'd be quite smug about how many people want to be her students too.
Since she's the winner here the next short/snippet I plan on writing a PoV of the night that Viria claims the siblings from Ashkeru's perspective.
The relationship with the mentor is going to be a separate choice. You'll be able to decide just how close your MC is to them emotionally but they'll learn the skills no matter if they hate their teacher or come to love them.
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".....let the Lady of Waters drag down what I love to the depths," why did he have to say THAT tho? oh my fucking goddd he already lost too much uggggaaaaahhhhhhhhh screaming and throwing up
as long as I'm isekaied n o b o d y fucks with auberon on my souuul
*evil laugh* Caught that, did ya?
The trigger for him to make his move and behave so rashly that he's risking execution and bringing the Nasenii wrath down on Ausones rather than finishing planting the evidence where the Imperials could see it and let them handle his uncle, with Auberon's hands staying clean, is the death of his sibling.
Most of the phrasing there is him being dramatic though: Auberon and Crown Princess Octavia are the same age - he's run across her during court and his military training, even if they weren't introduced (or if he was it was as "Laetorius"), she had impressed him with her plans for reformation. He really did have no intention of rebelling beyond taking care of his uncle while she's the heir.
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Til Dawn
Characters: Caerwyn, Lucia Warnings: Death, Suicide (kinda?) A snippet I had one while prepping ideas for the canon shorts, this one was meant for if Caerwyn scored high in the poll. I ended up liking it enough to type it up and share.
Dragon Spine Pass was the only safe - reliable - path through this part of the Blue Mountains. It had taken no guesswork to know that the fleeing rebels would take this path north towards the ruins of Ithel.
Mira had taken a forward party ahead to try and prevent the rebels forcing a desperate last stand in the pass where their small numbers would be bolstered by the high obsidian glass walls. That party now lay dead before the pass.
She had promised her to be careful - that she’d be there when they celebrated returning peace to her Empire. Lucia drags her gaze away from trying to determine which of the bodies is her fideles.
Their killer lifts from the crouch over the last of them and wipes his chin free of the soldier’s blood, smiling at Lucia.
Lucia glares back.
She does not recognize this vampire. Not that she questions the source of his grudge - Ithel was destroyed by her hand and she has little doubt that the rest of her reign will see many assassins whose heritage is thick with magic.
“It is nearly sunrise,” she notes.
“Not for another hour, Empress,” the vampire replies with a shrug. “You’ve already given me enough blood to hold that long - at least.”
“Medulloi has such loyalty from an assassin?”
“Let’s call it…a debt. I owe him a rather large one,” the vampire’s shrug is airy. His eyes the predatory black of a vampire on the hunt. His pale skin smeared with blood and his already red hair turned dark and sticky with it.
Lucia scoffs, “You threw away how many centuries to buy that man a few hours?”
“It is a very large debt.”
Lucia levels her sword, another glittering blade manifesting in her free hand as she forms it of ice. “What is your name, debtor? So the histories might remember this foolishness?”
“I promised him til dawn - I suppose you plan to make me work for an honorable death,” the vampire draws his daggers with a laugh too jovial to feel fitting on this killing ground. “I’m called Caerwyn.”
She nods before she's in action - a blur of movement.
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Passings and Hiatus
Hi everyone!
Bex here. We have a very very sad message from the rest of the group which needed to shared.
Hi Everyone, This was not an easy post to write, but something that still should be communicated.
During the night of Sunday to Monday, Marjorie suffered an aneurysm. Unfortunately, she passed away before anything could be done.
Marjorie had been sick for a very long time, but her state deteriorated this year, and worsened during this summer. She had felt for a while she would probably not see many more milestones or even get to the end of the year, but she did her best to stay with us for as long as she could.
Marjorie strived to fill her days with happy moments and do things that made her happy, especially at the end. She wanted others to feel loved, appreciated, and seen, with her actions. In recent years, Interactive Fiction brought her a lot of joy (and sadness, and anger, etc...), and through it, she could connect with others - others who didn't see her in pain or sickly. IF had become her safe heaven when things were rough.
What's New in IF? would not have existed without Marjorie. Truly. She was the one who came up with the idea. She wanted to do something special, she told us, to bring some positive into the world, however she could. Marjorie was the one who hyped us up, and brought us on board. It was an electric time, and we stayed up deep into the night messing around to make... something with the idea. It wasn't well thought out, and we didn't realize what we were getting into, but she'd never been this excited about something in recent time.
So, she became the captain who steered this little ship of friends, connected through our appreciation of and love for the medium. But she wasn't just the idea person, she was down in the trenches, organizing it all, spearheading us on the right path, turned words into actions. When we needed some time, she would take over without a second's notice. She was always there, no matter what, at the ready.
She hoped, by her little idea and couple of hours of afflicting efforts, she was doing at least a little good for the community. She worried, often, that she wasn't doing enough, or doing it well enough, to give back the last of herself to the community who made those past years enjoyable for her. But not once did she want to pull that string publicly: she never wanted to take attention away from those who worked hard on their craft (her words). It mattered so much to her.
Through her and thanks to her, we learned so much. About ourselves and each other. And we shared with each other our appreciation for others, what we were passionate about, what we hoped for ourselves. She made us such better people, and we could never thank her enough for it.
Marjorie was first and foremost a loving daughter, a kind and attentive friend, and a passionate woman. Even with her failing health, she advocated for all who needed even a tiny bit support. She was a wonderful and compassionate soul, who always tried to see the best in people, but was never afraid to confront those who needed to face their mistakes. She forgave easily and loved even more.
Marjorie, you left behind a very quiet and empty space, and already are and always will be sorely missed.
- Noi, Axelle, and the rest of FMoDF Gang (Erika, Joss, Olive, Derek, Chaz)
As I'm sure you can all understand that this was a surprise for us and everyone who was close to Mrajorie, I think we can all say she was an amazing woman who invited me (Bex), Brij and Dion to help and create this wonderful Zine. We do wish to continue this on but we will be pausing this until at least the end of September until we can get our bearings and talk about future plans.
Let me assure you, this tumblr will stay and be available to keep a trace of her, the memories and support she gave everyone in the IF community.
If anyone is willing to help keep this zine and Marjorie's hard work alive please contact us here, COG, or in the comments
Until then RIP Marjorie, you were a shining star gone too soon.
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Chapter 1 is here!!
Get ready to:
Meet Thyra, Ingmar, Gungir, and Anne.
(encounter Anne in three different ways through on your choices)
Get reprimanded by the Jarl. 😔
Actually travel to England.
(Get carried)
Get drunk and enjoy a fun night—or have it interrupted, depending on some variables.
(Flirt, flirt, flirt)
Do something that I feel might be a little bit too spoilery to say here.
Chapter 1 word count: 95,506.
Link: HERE!
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Okay, got twine to cooperate with my computer (and my puppy to stop nomming my feet) long enough that the bugs from the official release should be sorted now. Thanks again for everyone that sent in the bug reports!
I'm going to be changing how I set the pronouns when (or before) I release chapter two that way user-input customizable ones can be set and I should have fewer issues moving forward. If you've played TPK, the new set up will look something like that. That means that you'll need to replay chapter 1 during that release.
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Characters: Auberon, Viria Laetoria, Octavia, Lux, Marcus TW: Corpses and rot An excerpt of the first canonical appearance of Duke Auberon during the main series.
"Was this...display truly necessary?"
The General of the West is younger than most her counterparts. Less orthodox than the others as well, except perhaps her Northern comrade now that the Emperor's eldest child has been given the title.
Unlike many of those representing the Imperial party she has managed to avoid taking on a sickly green hue. She had far more familiarity with the after-effects of battle and death than the others sent by their Emperor to leash this troublesome province once more. 
She glances to the side to check on her charges. The royal children are young - this is the first time the younger two have ever seen death on this scale. The younger prince's dark skin has taken a sickly hue. The middle child watches with an icy impassivity. The Crown Princess has drawn her expression into a grim line.
There's a low chuckle from the figure who stands alone before the gates. His eyes casting up towards the walls and the enemies whose corpses rot around them. Crimson stains run down the white rock walls of Ausones that rise up from their harbor and shield the city from the sea. Their hearts had still had the strength to push blood through cut veins as they were suspended and fear and pain remains twisted into the visages of many, despair in others. There's at least fifty corpses hung along the walls.
Sea birds, crows, and ravens line the walls and perch on bloated bodies but all are still - watching the Imperials.
The figure pulls his gaze from the crowned corpse - the one that carries a ghastly resemblance to the man before them - and gives a slight bow, "My apologies for the smell, my teacher, but yes: I do believe it was."
The Crown Princess scowls and strides forward - "Who are you to murder subjects of the Nassenii throne?"
The soft golden glow in the man's gaze fades and the birds rise in a flurry of noise and feathers - those that do not take flight fall on the meals provided by the corpses.
Young Prince Marcus turns aside to vomit. His elder sibling moving closer to guard him, a hand resting uneasily upon their sword's hilt as pale violet eyes watch their sister's actions.
"I am Auberon Medulloi, Duke of Ausones," the man bows with all the correct manners of an Imperial nobleman. "I am surprised you would wish to claim traitors to your father as subjects, your Highness. It is hardly fitting that I put down my Uncle's rebellion and you accuse me of the opposite."
"Auberon," the General's tone is a warning.
He glances at her and gives a faint nod. Raising his hand he dismisses the archers on the walls. "If the corpses of traitors who have been justly punished truly upsets you so greatly I will have them burned, Your Imperial Highness."
"What proof do you have of your claims? That these people were traitors?"
"My Uncle's ledgers, a written confession by Rolant Medulloi himself regarding his theft from Ausones for his private coffers and his plans to betray the empire, correspondence with his seal recovered from the body of a resistence spy, the testimonies of Imperial Commander Ietius and the Mage Ashkeru, both fidelium of House Laetoria - I have prepared them for your examination at the ducal palace. Ausones does not stand in rebellion, I assure you, we remain your loyal subjects."
The Crown Princess narrows her eyes at the man.
He smirks at her, "I have done nothing more or less than is expected of a nobleman sworn to the Sun Throne, Your Imperial Highness."
"And yet I cannot feel as if your ravens circle for more than corpses, Medulloi."
"If my intentions were not made clear by the manner in which your ship entered the harbor unscathed then..." he hums before sighing and moving forward, taking a knee before her. "I, Auberon Medulloi, Son of Piers, the rightful Duke of Ausones do hearby give my oath of fealty to Crown Princess Octavia Nassenia. If I break this bond let the Lady of Waters drag down what I love to the depths, and the Lady of Winds strike my name from the lips of all."
"In the sight of the Sun and by the blessings of its King, I will accept your oath, Auberon Medulloi."
He rises to his feet and gestures towards his city, "Then I have my innocence to prove and pyres to have built. Allow my men and I to escort you to the palace."
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