#cassian/renard lotp
nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
So I made a thing
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pixel-dewdrop · 4 years
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So I immediately redrew them all...
Also my first time drawing Vanden with his short hair and I’m really happy with how it came out!
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theartingace · 4 years
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I've mostly been listening to Life of the Party while I work, so here's some of my work doodles that got out of hand.. My take on the squad as I work through my love for them through drawings.
(So apparently the hummingbird’s name is Zip, and I was mis-hearing but both are great names for a hummingbird)
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ghost-of-diogenes · 4 years
This took about a month and a lot of patience, but it’s finally complete, though I will definitely tweak and change things in the future. An AMV for the Life of the Party Dawnbringers. Song is How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty.  
This is also my entry into the Life of the Party art contest, representing “Victorious” by showing (as the title says) how far the party has come and how they’ve emerged victorious.
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skeffell · 4 years
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Cross posting here 👍🌻
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tickatocka · 5 years
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life of the party episode 3: river of ruin
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Life Of The Party Aesthetic: Elyse + Renard + Astra + Cassian + Boblem + Sariel
A lot can happen in a year. . .
Been a fan of @nyxrising for quite a while now and Episode 23 of @lifeofthepartydnd brought on All. Of. The. Feels. So, I present to you a little tribute to the latest collection of characters that have found a place in my heart <3.
P. S; THAT SCENE may inspire a future Renian board we shall see 
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tainas-t-t · 4 years
Cassian: There's a version of me who would thrive in this city and I hate him now.
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deweiiii · 5 years
*spoilers for episode 23*
when Cassian opens his mouth to comment about Ren’s family and status:
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“i’ll keep your mouth shut”
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Vaguely threatening DND valentines cards Life of the Party edition!
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loudlittledemon · 5 years
Life of the Party ep 17 summary:
Boblem: Rude toads!! Woah I’m tall.
DM JD: introduces new thing
Elyse (local chaotic bi): I take that thing.
DM JD: wha- well okay, here’s this other thing.
Elyse: I take that thing too.
DM JD (kind of confused as to why you’d want some decaying giant currency): uh, okay here’s a-
Elyse: I tAkE ThE ThInG!
DM JD: Elyse! that’s a skull- what-
Elyse: mine.
Sariel: Yorrick.
Renard in the background running in circles: FUCKING YEAH! DEAD GIANT! BIG ASS TEMPLE! WHOO!
Astra: My tAiL?!?!
Cassian (on floor, battered bleeding from ears and nose): I’m...still prettier than Renard
Renard: Suddenly Zeus
DM JD: so this is a guardian-
Elyse: I TAKE IT
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edelwoodsouls · 4 years
I spent so long looking for the perfect reaction image to make a post about this but I can’t even find an adequate one to encapsulate my *feelings* beCAUSE CASSIAN KISSED RENARD
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Vanden: I need help.
Cassian: Three words.
Vanden: Bet they won't be helpful.
Cassian: Not my problem.
Vanden: Ah, I was right.
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pixel-dewdrop · 4 years
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Vanden and Cassian! I drew these quite awhile ago (as show with Vanden’s mask and coat... quite a long while). I still thought it would be fun to post them anyway though, and I plan to do the rest of the party as well eventually.
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ghost-of-diogenes · 4 years
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The cumulation of all 21 Major Arcana cards for @nyxrising‘s D&D series @lifeofthepartydnd. Took me a while, but I got it done finally. Characters are the main PCs from both the main campaign and the Delphos Saga, as well as some notable NPCs. 
Please do not repost anywhere without credit, thank you.
Reference: Rider-Waite Tarot Cards
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Bad metaphors about the sea
hey I wrote a thing for Life of the Party. Never actually posted anything I’ve written like this before now but I !!!! Love them so here’s a happy beach trip thing :)
It’s times like these that he likes the most. He wouldn’t say it out loud, it’s grossly sappy, and it’s not that he doesn’t like the action. The planning, the dramatic silences, even the fighting at times. But now, when they’re all calm and fed, it’s a reminder that they don’t stick together through the desperate times. He’s looking out over the beach, filled with strangers and his friends. Elyse and Sariel sitting just where the water meets the sand, talking quietly as the waves roll up over their legs. Elyse’s clothes are in a pile behind her, dry and safe, the beg he knows contains the arcane focus on top, while Sariel is still fully dressed. He would question it, but she doesn’t seem to mind. 
Boblem and Astra had walked straight to the far edge of the short pier, dropping their things there and jumping into the waves, laughing loudly as they swim circles before climbing up and jumping again. Jocelyn and Aerenthias followed soon after, starting a play fight in the water. His eyes dart over to them ever so often, but their heads and shoulders are always above the water. It looks like it’s shallow enough for them all to reach the bottom and stand securely, no current threatening to take them away here. But he still watches. 
He’s sitting on his own, his feet bare and the legs of his trousers rolled up to his knees, legs crossed beside one of the ladders leading up from the water to the solid wood beneath him. The pier is floating on the surface of the water, sturdy poles keeping it in place against the bottom of the shallow sea. He’s stripped out of his armor, leaving only the shirt and his mask. He thinks about how he’ll probably burn, but that’s fine. He’s alright here. Cassian had taken more care than the others, folding most of his clothes into a neat pile and dropping it beside Vanden without a word. He doesn’t like him long cassian stays under the surface, his own heart jumping into his throat whenever he sees that dark hair disappear. Once in a while he’ll pop up beside the pier to place a smooth rock or some shells on the edge, before kicking back again and just floating for a minute. 
He looks like the ocean itself. Vanden knows Cassian is as tumultuous as a storm at sea, as calm as the small waves crashing against the shoreline here, and as easily turned as the tide. But it doesn’t scare him like the water does. It’s infuriating, definitely, but not frightening. And when their eyes meet, he can’t help but to think about how dark hair falling over shoulders resemble waves, how gold henna is like the sun glinting against a still surface in the morning, and how he would follow those lips to the bottom of the sea. He shakes his head and makes sure his expression isn’t as dreamy as his heart has decided to be when Cassian walks toward him. 
“Not getting in, your highness?” It’s not really a question, because Cassian knows the answer. No, his expression says it’s a challenge, and Vanden isn’t rising to the bait. He’s standing about five feet away, water just about reaching his knees asd wet fabric clinging to his skin. The droplets falling from his hands and hair look like diamonds in the sunlight, creating little ripples on the surface when they break it. Vanden puts his hands on the edge of the wood, looking down at the water. It’s not still, too many moving bodies creating waves around, but it’s clear and shallow and doesn’t look threatening. He knows looks can be deceiving. 
His eyes focus on Cassian again, that bloody smirk on his face and he just can’t help it. He takes a deep breath to steel himself before unclossing his legs and swinging them over the edge, easing forward. The water is warm and welcoming, reaching his ankles. His calves. His knees. He’s standing on sand, and gritting his teeth he lets go of the pier. Cassian’s face is unreadable now, and he forces a smirk onto his own, taking small steps forward until they are standing nearly chest to chest. His is rising and falling quickly, while Cassian’s is as even and calm as the salty wind against their skin. His heart is fluttering like a desperate fin in his chest, and he has to clear his throat to be sure his voice won’t break when he speaks. “Stop calling me that.” The smile he gets is white and any seashell and he’s filled with such a rush of emotion when Cassian takes his hand that he thinks he might drown, even with his head far above water. He wants to laugh when he thinks that that might not be so bad. 
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