nonbinarydrummer · 4 years
Support the BLM movement. Black people were the backbone of the pro-LGBTQ+ protests and riots in the 1960’s and without them, we would not have the rights that we have today. The LGBTQ+ community is an inclusive one, and it has no place for racism. We need to be loud and we need to be heard #BlackLivesMatter
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nonbinarydrummer · 4 years
TRAYVON MARTIN was walking home with an iced tea and Skittles. He was shot by George Zinneman, who was found not guilty.
KEITH SCOTT was sitting in a car, reading. He was shot by a police officer, who was not charged.
ATATIANA JEFFERSON was looking out her window, and was shot by a police officer, who is still under indictment for murder.
JONATHAN FERRELL was asking for help after an auto accident. He was shot twelve times by police, case ended in mistrial.
JORDAN EDWARDS was riding in a car and was shot in the back of the head by a police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
STEPHON CLARK was holding a cell phone, and was shot 8 times, 6 in the back. The officers were not charged.
AMADOU DIALLO while taking out his wallet, 41 shots were fired by four different officers. They were all acquitted.
RENISHA MCBRIDE after an auto accident, she knocked on someone’s door for help. The homeowner was found guilty of second-degree murder.
TAMIR RICE was playing with a toy gun, and was shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was not charged.
SEAN BELL was hosting a bachelor party. 50 rounds were fired by police officers who were found not guilty of charges.
WALTER SCOTT was pulled over for brake lights, and was shot in the back by a police officer who pleaded guilty to civil rights violations.
PHILANDO CASTILE was pulled over and told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer acquitted of all charges.
AIYANA JONES was sleeping and was accidentally shot by an officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer cleared of all charges.
TERRENCE CRUTCHER needed help when his vehicle broke down. Was shot by a police officer who was found not guilty of manslaughter.
ALTON STERLING was selling CDs, and was shot at close range while being arrested. No charges filed.
FREDDIE GRAY was beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were acquitted.
JOHN CRAWFORD was shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun that was on sale—police officer was not charged for his murder.
MICHAEL BROWN was shot twelve times by an officer, including in the back. No charges filed.
JORDAN DAVIS was killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found guilty of first-degree murder.
SANDRA BLAND was pulled over for traffic ticket; was tasered and then arrested. Suspicious “suicide” while in jail. No charges.
BOTHAM JEAN was fatally shot in his home, which female officer ¿mistook for her own? (Which I’ll never understand.) Officer found guilty of murder.
OSCAR GRANT was handcuffed and placed face-down, officer then shot him in the back. Officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
COREY JONES was waiting by his car which was broken down, and was shot three times by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
AHMAUD AUBREY was jogging. He was shot by two racist men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men were charged with murder and aggravated assault.
GEORGE FLOYD was suspected of alleged fraud. He handcuffed and pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee. He begged for mercy and he was ignored.
ERIC GARNER: Stopped for selling cigarettes on a nyc street and choked by a cop in broad daylight. Complications of the stress put on his throat by the hold caused his death; Openly said “I can’t breathe” several times and pretty much died while three other cops watched their compatriot kill a man. Eric was well known for just trying to sell goods as a side hustle and never actually hurt anybody.
DJ HENRY was fatally shot in his car by police officer Aaron Hess in the early morning hours of Oct. 17, 2010. DJ's passengers say they were doing nothing wrong when Hess ran out in front of them in the road. Hess says he only fired because he was in fear for his life. Hess later admitted to lying on multiple occasions after DJ’s death about the shooting.
These were all murders. They were not accidental. All of these innocent people: men, women AND children. Were murdered because they were black. Not because they were violent. Not because they were threatening, but because they were black. Something has to change. We have to MAKE a change. Black lives matter. Black men. Black women. Black children. Non-Binary blacks. Trans blacks. Every single one of their lives matter. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your teachers. Your brothers. Your sisters. We are the change.
this list isn’t even close to a being a quarter of the wrongful African American deaths in America and if there is anyone you’d like me to add please message me. I will gladly add them because people deserve to know their names.
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nonbinarydrummer · 4 years
hello anyone who sees this I hope you are having a nice day and remember to drink water and take your meds and eat food. I support you and hope you are ok. I am here for you. 
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
In honor of International Womens Day, here is a thread of women of color, queer women of color and trans women of color who deserve to be celebrated today for their accomplishments:
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Up first: Sylvia Rivera who is a Latina trans activist, was one of the first women to throw a bottle at the Stonewall Inn raid in 1969. She was a founding member of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. She is a pioneer of trans rights!! ❤️
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Bisexual Mexican artist Frida Kahlo spoke out about being disabled after a bus accident. Her self-portraits comment on the female form and utilize traditional Mexican themes and colors!
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Kara Walker is a Black artist who creates these very powerful silhouettes highlighting race and scenerios of our past in slavery. She creates many other works as well, but those are my personal favorite. I’ve seen them in person!
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Katherine Johnson who is represented in the movie “Hidden Figures”, calculated the precise trajectories that would let Apollo 11 land on the moon in 1969. She was a very talented mathematician. In 2015, President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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Malala Yousafzai is a prominent figure in our world. Every day she fights to ensure all girls receive 12 years of free, safe, quality education. She is also the youngest Nobel Prize recipient. Even after the gunman incident, her voice never stayed quiet.
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Rosa Parks of course. She was a leader in the local NAACP and the civil rights movement, iconically refused to give up her seat. Her willingness to disobey the rule helped to spark the Montgomery boycott and other efforts to end segregation in America.
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Marsha P. (“Pay it No Mind”) Johnson was another pioneer in the trans movement. She helped created STAR with Sylvia Rivera. She was a drag queen, sex worker, and while her gender identity remains questioned in discourse, a lot of trans people claim her as one of their own.
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Cecilia Chung, an Asian trans woman living with HIV, has spent her life fighting to end discrimination, stigma and violence across marginalized communities first as the former chair of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and on the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
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Of course Michelle Obama!! She has focused on social issues like education and healthy living. She was deeply committed to the well-being of our nation and to the future of its people, especially its children.
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One more: Patsy Takemoto Mink devoted her life to advocating for gender equality and educational reform. She is the first woman of color and the first Asian-American woman elected to the House of Representatives. Title IX owes its existence largely to her efforts. So thank you to all of these amazing, intelligent, passionate, beautiful, inspiring women throughout history who are fucking badass. I just had to shed some appreciation to them for changing the world and resonating with me to continue follow in my great aunt’s activism for people of color.
Happy International Women’s Day to ALL my sisters and I’m with you in solidarity and power!
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
The ocean level rising is the warning of the warfare, humanity is choosing to ignore it
Do you have any fun facts? I’m having a rough time and I need a pick-me-up
the ocean is a conscious entity. it is in fact several conscious entities. they are in perpetual warfare. (this is the only reason land remains)
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
Jocelyn: Aerenthias, you're losing a lot of blood. What's your type?
Aerenthias: Tall, horned, probably a bard-
Jocelyn: I mean your BLOOD TYPE
Aerenthias: ... Red?
Jocelyn: aerENTHIAS
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
So I made a thing
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
thanks fish!! everyone also remember water and sleep they are important too!!!
don’t forget to eat some food today!
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
what the heck does nsfw mean in this context???
sorry for the nsfw but I could really use a hug
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
we love you too fish
hey, I love all of you so much
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
I’m scared about my mental health
I am having really bad mood swings and feel really energetic one moment and like I’m gonna pass out the next. I get angry easy, and my emotions switch with no warning. I can’t focus on anything anymore and I’m scared I have another mental illness on top of the depression and anxiety
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
I’m confused
I was born female, but go by they/them now. There was a period in middle school when I went by he/him, and it was unexplainably cool. I like feminine clothes and wear eyeliner sometimes and knee high socks and long sweaters and crop band tees and other ‘girl’ clothes. I have no one who knows anything about trans stuff and I’m tired of hearing from cis people about how I don’t need a label, they are right I don’t, but it would still be nice to get what I am feeling into words. I sometimes love he and they but she is annoying to me. 
I get this weird feeling wearing really tight sports bras that make my chest look flatter, I love wearing my brother’s clothes and shoes, and I love shopping in the ‘boys’ section at clothing stores. I also love to wear tank tops, heals, lipstick, scarves, and eyeliner. I am confused and don’t know what this means. Sometimes I want my boobs to disappear but sometimes I think they aren’t big enough. 
I don’t know what’s happening to me.
I’m scared about telling this to my parents or therapist because they don’t understand anything.
I feel alone
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
honestly best thing to respond fish. this person is dumb and doesn’t deserve to exist in the same world as you fish <3
god i fucking hate u weird unfunny lgbt rights tumblr freaks. i genuinely wish the most painful form of cancer upon your entire bloodline and your entire following.
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nonbinarydrummer · 5 years
I support you and know you are a good person we all love and support you!!!
hey everyone, people are starting a rumor that I'm "lesbophobic" to try and make me shut down, I've posted so many lesbian rights posts and have so much respect for lesbians but I've been dealing with these rumors for a whole year now. I can't make them stop and it me hurts so much that I can't make posts about respecting lesbians anymore without people saying I'm lying. I don't know what to do
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