#cassian lotp
werewolf-spit · 3 years
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The Dawnbringers!! I love them so much.
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creativekp · 3 years
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I'm realizing I haven't been posting super frequently on here, so hi, so sorry about that! I was really excited to share this anyway though, I got this idea and it was one of those ones I completely focused on, working on no other drawings really, until I finished it. This is Cassian from Life of the party, and I just... I loved this moment, I loved when he got his henna back, I love his relationship with Lia, all of it. I LOVE IT!! And y'know that style of photography you see sometimes where it's half underwater? That's what I was going for with this! 💙🌊 drawing the water was actually SO fun.
I didn't make it for the intention of the weekly art prompt, but it kind of works for it anyway, the prompt this week was gold!! I loved drawing cassians gold details, expecially the henna in progress of re-applying magically! I am just a day late for the weekly prompt but ah, what can you do 🤷‍♂️
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pixel-dewdrop · 3 years
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Just another quick drawing but Cassian’s disdain over the knitted hat just keeps visiting my brain...
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mimidisneynerd · 3 years
New Fic
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Title: Golden
Author/Artist: Me! LissyMcl (drarryismyhorcrux)
Fandom: Life of the Party D&D (web series)
Relationship: Cassian/Vanden
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 587
Content: Fluff! mention of alcohol, a scattering of love bites
Summary: A warm morning after a late night
A little fic for this week's prompt: Gold :)
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moonandstarsace · 3 years
Here is my song for the LOTP weekly prompt, magic. I really hope you like it. Lyrics are below.
This one is based on the most recent episode of The Rising Dawn, A Merchant's Revenge Part 3, and the conversation that Vanden had with Astra. It's written from Vanden's perspective and is about how his relationship with magic has changed since the beginning of the show, especially as he's seen it be used for good by the others and is now becoming a lot more comfortable using it himself.
I struggle to get the words out sometimes and say what I mean But I'm glad you're here to listen to me It's difficult for me to pretend like I don't care when you're family And if we're not together then that's not fair
Oh, it's magic when you're by my side (and not the bad kind) You've helped me reassess and realign My priorities and wishes, set on a shooting star I'm no longer afraid of the very thing we are And I have you all to thank for all that Oh, it's magic with you by my side (and it's the good kind)
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ghost-of-diogenes · 4 years
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The last of the four, my fave Cassian.
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femboy-vanden · 3 years
missing person poster
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backonmybullshitart · 4 years
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First actual fanart! I think he came out pretty good
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skulls-and-snakes · 3 years
Practice, Practice, Practice. In That Fucking Fire Poker, Cassian suggested finding a less cluttered space for Vanden to practice his magic, so Cassian helps Vanden find a new spot, and they do some arcane sparring together.
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skeffell · 4 years
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Cross posting here 👍🌻
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tickatocka · 5 years
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life of the party episode 3: river of ruin
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Life Of The Party Aesthetic: Elyse + Renard + Astra + Cassian + Boblem + Sariel
A lot can happen in a year. . .
Been a fan of @nyxrising for quite a while now and Episode 23 of @lifeofthepartydnd brought on All. Of. The. Feels. So, I present to you a little tribute to the latest collection of characters that have found a place in my heart <3.
P. S; THAT SCENE may inspire a future Renian board we shall see 
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tainas-t-t · 4 years
Vanden 🤝 Aragorn
Being royalty who at first hide it, have hair to the shoulders, emo horsegirl, travel with a bunch of people, romantically interested in an elf, not completely human, has dead parents, has a necklace, doesn't reveal their true identity at first, have had a sword held under their chin by said elf knife cat style
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pixel-dewdrop · 3 years
Warning: drawing depicts blood
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We can’t be having Vanden becoming a vampire now can we :)
(Added a little colour to their new clothes because it was all blending together a bit as I was drawing)
Images separate below.
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zandotherthings · 4 years
Listen. Listen. Modern day Vassian
Cassian is always dressed to the nines. Coordinating colors, always in season. Tasteful jewelry, most handsome man in the world. Award winning style. Has upstaged royals at their own weddings.
And his boyfriend, who has been wearing the same hoodie everyday for maybe a month because it gets cold in the history department, who understands fashion in technicalities but can’t really be bothered to keep up with it when he’s got other more important things to deal with. Vanden, who may be just a little color blind and wears one black sock and one slightly off dark grey sock and it makes Cassian’s eye twitch when he realizes.
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moonandstarsace · 3 years
Hello! This is my song for the LOTP weekly prompt, ‘Courage.’ It is from Astra’s perspective and is about finding the courage to go back home and leave the other Dawnbringers, given the storyline in A Merchant’s Revenge.
I really loved this chapter (as always) and I’m so excited to see what comes next for all the characters.
I have always known that I would leave I have always known that brighter shores lie ahead of me But I didn’t anticipate finding a family along the way And they make it so much harder to go I will find the courage to face what I know To give up on adventure and freedoms for a home Say goodbye to friends and fairer riches, farewell to something new Discover familiar forest secrets and cope with the loss of you Staying is easy but sometimes the hardest choice is right Staying is easy but sometimes the hardest choice is goodbye Goodbye
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