#casey sneezed
cokowiii · 1 year
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They are relentless heheh
these are too fkn fun to do
first part
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aceofwhump · 6 months
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Wings 8x20
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tworoadsandapenny · 1 year
It's Snot Funny
It came out of nowhere.
A slight itch, followed by a tickle, and suddenly—
The sheer volume echoed throughout Draxum’s lair with such intensity, it felt as though the walls might collapse in on themselves. Everything shook and swayed, taking several moments to settle as the sound slowly disappeared into the air.
Donnie poked his head around Raph’s shell. His copyright tech kept his ears protected and unbothered, but he noted the terror on his brother’s face. “You okay?”
“Raph’s sorry!” The larger turtle squeaked in hushed tones, clearly embarrassed by the ruckus he’d just caused. “I… I forgot that I could do that.”
Donnie smiled coyly, unwilling to admit aloud how much fun it was watching his brother rediscover his physical body. “Was it satisfying?”
Raph took a moment to think. “Yes.”
“Well good—”
“WHAT WAS THAT!?” A disheveled Draxum appeared in the room, his eyes wide and worried as he searched for the source of the near-earthquake he’d felt shake his home like a shivering mammal.  
Raph rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry, that was me.”
“What did you do!? Did you blow up my lab!?” He shouted, directing the last half of his ire at Donnie, who only scoffed at the implication.
Raph shrugged. “I sneezed.”
There was a full beat of silence as Draxum digested the reply, turning it over in his head a few times, silently panicking at the destructive potential this mutant possessed.
“Okay then.” He said cooly, his even-tempered demeanour returning immediately so as not to betray his inner turmoil.  
“Sorry, Raph won’t do it again. I… I think…”
“If you say so.” Draxum turned to leave, still silently calculating how one being—even one as large as Raphael—could create such immense sound, when he paused to call over his shoulder.  “Oh, you may want to check on your child.” He pointed just behind Raph’s shell. “I think you may have broken him.”
Both turtles turned to see Casey Jr on the floor, eyes wide and ears almost visibly ringing, his tongue hanging slightly over his lip, and muscles entirely limp.
He’d been sneaking up on his uncle to trap him in a hug when the sneeze assaulted his senses with such intensity, his entire body was still stunned and dazed.
Raph scooped up his small human and held him gently. “Casey! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?”
Casey nodded slowly, the ringing in his ears finally dying down as he pulled a rag from his pocket and held it aloft with shaking hands.
“Bless you.”
Look, LOOK. Yes, it's rushed. Yes, it's dumb. And yes, it's my first sad attempt at writing for the Rise fandom. But I couldn't help myself. Reading through the non-robot Raph updates in @somerandomdudelmao's apocolypse AU, I had to add my own idea.
Given this post:
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There's no way Raph rediscovers sneezing without some hilarious collateral damage.
My words can never be as good as Cass's drawings, but we mere mortals must accept our limitations, so here we are.
End of Line.
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fletcherwilbury · 1 year
@sicktember Day 24: "Did you just sneeze?"
Warning for Illness, exhaustion, past hospital setting, medication
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stuckonmain · 2 years
2012 Raph x reader Incorrect Quotes
Uhm...mostly, that is. There's a few that are just random TMNT 2012 incorrect quotes. This was very fun for me. Might do it again sometime if the mood strikes.
(Y/N), skipping rocks on a lake with Raph: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Raph: Yeah, it is.
Raph: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
(Y/N): Why does Leo always do the laundry so loudly?
Raph: So everyone knows that no one helps them out in the house.
Leo, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*
Raph: You’re giving me a sticker?
Mikey: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Raph: I’m not a preschooler.
Mikey: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Raph: I earned this, back off.
Raph: Why am I always the bad guy?
(Y/N): Well, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
(Y/N): Is Raph always like this when they lose?
Mikey: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the fabled 'Great Jenga Tantrum'.
(Y/N): Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Leo: What the hell!?
(Y/N): Oh, sorry, my bad.
(Y/N), whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Leo, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Casey: You know what bothers me? Bats. Why can bats fly?
Raph: Not again...
Casey: No. Seriously, who gave them the right? They're mammals! Mammals walk on land, no exceptions.
(Y/N): Just wait until you hear about whales.
Casey: What now?
Casey on Monday: *glues a dime to the sidewalk* Heh heh heh.
Casey on Wednesday: *walking down the street* Ooh hey! A dime!
(Y/N): When I met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Raph: What changed your mind?
(Y/N): Oh, I still think you’re a bitch, I’ve just grown to like that about you.
Leo: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant.
Raph, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you.
(Y/N), who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please.
Raph: Coming right up.
Casey: It’s funny how well you and Raph get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
(Y/N): Raph hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Casey: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Donnie: No, that's not how you make cookies.
Casey: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!?
Raph: DO IT!
Donnie: NO-
Raph: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them??
(Y/N): What the hell do you do?
Raph: I die? What kinda question…
(Y/N): I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Raph: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
(Y/N): You don’t have to wear…
Raph: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Raph: *sneaking in through their window*
Leo: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Raph: I was with (Y/N)?
(Y/N): *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
Raph, at (Y/N)'s funeral: I need a moment with them.
Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Raph, leaning over (Y/N)′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
(Y/N): Yeah, no shit.
Raph: (Y/N), I don't like you.
(Y/N): What did you say?
Raph: You heard me!
(Y/N), internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said.
*(Y/N) sneezes*
Raph: (Y/N), are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*Donnie sneezes*
Raph: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
(Y/N): Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Raph: ...So...as enemies??
(Y/N): It was me...
Raph: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
(Y/N): What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
(Y/N): Oh my god, you have Raph.
Raph: I want to kiss you.
(Y/N), not paying attention: What?
Raph: I said if you die, I won't miss you.
*(Y/N) is crying after a breakup*
Raph: There there, (Y/N).
(Y/N), still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Raph: Great question—
Raph: *yawns*
(Y/N): Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Raph: Then you must be exhausted.
Leo: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Raph: Watcha doin?
(Y/N): Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Raph: Scandalous.
Raph: Can I help?
(Y/N): Come on, Leo. Nobody actually believes that Raph is in love with me.
Leo, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Raph is helplessly in love with (Y/N).
*Everyone raises their hand*
(Y/N): Raph, put your hand down.
(Y/N): Someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
Raph: But they said not to touch the masterpieces.
(Y/N): Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
Leo, on a walkie talkie: This is Leo, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
Mikey: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Raph: Screw that, I’m not kissing anyone.
*(Y/N) walks in*
Raph: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Raph: If you want my advice-
Donnie: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times.
Raph: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me.
(Y/N): It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder.
Casey: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
Raph: Throw rocks at he.
Mikey: Hot Dogs.
(Y/N): Kill him.
Casey: Thanks guys.
Leo: Why do you look like that?
Raph, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Leo: Like you’re dead.
Raph: It’s because I’m dying. Fuck off.
Casey: Raph accidentally called (Y/N) “babe” in front of everyone today.
Raph: *sobs into the floor*
(Y/N): I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Raph: Um...Neat.
Raph, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Donnie. Who the fuck says neat these days? 
It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Donnie, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Raph. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Casey confessed their love for me?
Raph: Didn't you thank them?
Donnie: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked them.
(Y/N): How would you like your coffee?
Raph: As dark as my soul.
(Y/N): Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
(Y/N): Raph, I need some advice.
Raph: You need advice from ME?
(Y/N): Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
(Y/N): *sighs* I have no friends...
Raph: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Leo: You need to stop swearing so much.
Raph: Shut the fuck up.
Leo: Yeah, that's not how you do it.
Raph: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it.
Leo: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine.
Raph: Shit the beep up.
Raph: *is throwing stones at (Y/N)'s window*
(Y/N): You have a phone for a reason, Raph!
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dancingdonatello · 8 months
Hiya can I get a one-shot of 2018 f!turtles separately finding out they have a daughter with their crush? Like how would they react? Like the girl comes to the present time and they look like their respective dads and also have a hidden similarity to their "mother figure". (I hope I'm using the right gn term for it, if not I apologize I'm unfamiliar with the terms.)
Thank you
rottmnt x gn reader
When Casey introduced the new turtle to Raph and his brothers, Raph didn’t really have an opinion. That was up until Casey revealed that it was his daughter. When he asked who was their other parent or did he raise them with anyone, Casey just smiled awkwardly.
Maybe Raph didn’t know them yet.
His daughter swayed back and forth nervously, asking Casey if she really wasn’t allowed to say who in fear of breaking time rules or whatever. And that’s when it clicked for Raph.
His crush, who he may or may not have been keeping away from his family so that he could spend the most time with them, did that too. Whenever they were nervous, they swayed.
It had been a week and Leo had finally decided to believe that this young turtle was his daughter in the future. She shared a lot of traits with him, not just the red stripes along his eyes. She had a good sense of humor (it had his brothers groaning), she liked comics, she liked basketball, she cracked her knuckles like he did, and she even knew some spanish.
There was one thing different though. She had a totally different laugh them him. But it sounded so familiar to him that it always caught him off guard. He listened to his family’s laughter, wondering if she picked it up from one of them. But no, it didn’t sound similar enough.
It wasn’t until he was horribly flirting with you and that you ended up laughing at one of his fails when he realized that his daughter’s laugh matched yours. Perfectly matched. He didn’t know what relieved him more, that he kept you laughing in the future or that you were able to put up with him long enough to raise a kid with him.
Donnie didn’t really think he ever wanted to be a father. But when a turtle younger with a soft shell and matching goggles (which he was later told was actually his that she took in the future), he inferred that for some reason he had changed his mind. But he couldn’t figure out what could’ve been enough to convince him.
Mikey demanded a family photo upon seeing the cute turtle. He gathered up everyone, including you and Casey and Draxum.
When Donnie looked at the photo, he noticed both you and his daughter were shyly covering their smiles with a hand in the photo.
That ended up being the first bullet point in his new journal as he began to observe both your traits and his daughter traits. When he reached about 50 shared mannerisms, he finally allowed himself to believe that he had a chance with you. Or at least, future him did.
“You guys didn’t tell me you had a sister!” you complained, rocking on the balls of your feet as you observed this new turtle. She was even shorter than you and Mikey.
She nervously stepped back and mirrored you, rocking on her feet as well.
Mikey blinked and looked back and forth between you two, the cogs and wheels in his brain slowly turning.
And then you both sneezed the same way. And then you both smiled the same way. And then—
Mikey could barely contain himself. He launched over to you and grabbed you, hugging you so tightly you wheezed for air.
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I've been binging your x readers the past few days, and they're so well done!! If it's not much trouble, could you do a 2k3 Donnie x GN Reader during the Adventures in Turtlesitting/Good Genes arc? I've been turning the thought of (Y/N) witnessing his transformation and going "Like Hell I'm not gonna do something about this" and doing what they can to make a cure; even standing up to Bishop and Stockman. I'm a sucker for "You helped me, it's the least I could do to help you" stories. >u<
Secondary Mutation (Angst)
2003!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you to say💚 This arch goes over three episodes, but I’ve tried cut it down and make it more precise, making the main focus the showdown and all that at Area 51. Hope you enjoy💜
Warning: Spelling (was a little tired towards the ending. Long day😅), Donnie with a secondary mutation, Bishop and Stockman being assholes, a little hostage situation like?
You were there when it happened. You witnessed the whole thing as it unfolded. Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo and dropped you and a sick Donatello off at April’s place. It had been Leo’s idea, citing it would be good to keep both of you out of the sewers, while he and the other’s went on a hunt for Bishop’s mutants. You too thought it was a good idea, except it meant crashing April and Casey’s long awaited date night.
It had started out great. Or as great as it could. Your boyfriend was continuously sneezing and sniffling, bags running under his eyes, and shaking even when covered by several blankets. The poor guy was going through it.
But then the black out happened, leaving all of New York City in darkness. That was the last thing you needed, sitting with your shivering boyfriend’s head in your lap, trying to sooth him with your fingers tracing across his head. But nothing helped. Donnie felt horrible, and the darkness only made it worse for him.
As Casey went to look for a flashlight, Donnie started groaning out in pain, complaining that the cut on his leg was beginning to act up. He said it felt like it was burning, causing you even more worry than before. April wanted to help, but with her own boyfriend knocking things over in her room, as he looked for the flashlight, she had to leave to make sure he didn’t bring the whole apartment down over the shop. But that was when the trouble began.
Donnie groaning almost turned to screaming, his thigh convulsing. You were terrified, asking him if he was okay, begging him for an answer, but Donnie could not speak. The pain was too much for him. Then suddenly he let out an ear piercing scream, his thigh doubling in size. He sat up, hugging onto his legs, screaming and shaking as sweat ran down his face. His body started to grow, his belt, elbow pads and knee pads ribbing before he hurried up from the sofa, as if he frantically tried to find a solution on his own.
“Donnie?”, you asked terrified, trying to find him in the dark, grabbing your phone in your pocket.
“(Y/N)”, you heard Donnie’s strained voice call out from the corner of the room. You quickly turned on your phone's flashlight, pointing it in his direction. There he stood, double in size, red eyes, sweat dripping down his face with an expression of pain. “Help me”.
“Don?”, you asked in confusion, stepping closer to him. “What’s happening?”
“No!”, he exclaimed, just as April and Casey came back into the living room. “Stay back!”
“Don!”, they called out.
“No!”, Donnie yelled, before pushing past all of you, making a b-line directly for the door, breaking it off the hinges before he ran downstairs. “Get away from me!”
The next few hours were horrible. Finding Donnie had turned into a giant alligator-like creature in the basement, before you and your friends had to defend yourselves against your boyfriend. Casey even had to go as far as mashing him over the head with a vacuum. It was even more horrible knowing he had run off into the sewers, leaving you scared and worried while the guys looked for him.
All of this led you up to this point, you and your best friends seeking out Agent Bishop in order to find a cure for your horribly inflicted boyfriend. Seeing Donnie like this broke your heart. Tears rolled down your face as you watched him unconsciously float around in the round glass bubble. Somehow this was even worse than having watched him slam against the glass or the other containment unit, roaring like a wild beast, trying to claw at whatever he saw outside the glass. Even you. You almost broke down when he snapped against the glass, wanting to bite you.
You paced around Bishop’s lab, unable to sit still. Because if you sat down you would stare, and if you stare you would cry. And you did not want to cry, you wanted to act. You wanted to do something. You couldn’t just sit around and wait for his brothers to get whatever Bishop had asked of them. Especially not when Leatherhead and Splinter kept reading Donnie’s vitals, giving each other sad looks. You knew what they were saying. You could not hear it, but you knew it. Donnie’s time was running out. His second mutation was breaking down his body. And there was nothing you could do but wait. And you hated it. You felt like you were going mad. Time was ticking and you could do nothing but watch, feeling the need to scream and cry.
“Doctor Stockman”, Splinter said, turning to the walking brain on a stick that had been testing your patience ever since you got to Area 51. “Agent Bishop told us that you would administer the cure to Donatello”.
“To think that I’ve sunk so low”, Stockman spoke to no one but himself, testing out different liquids on a creature in a different bubble. “That my unparalleled genius, would be used to save the life of one of these freaks”. You bite the inside of your cheek, holding from the temptation of smashing the glass that harbored Stockman’s brain. "Unfathomable".
“Where’s the cure, Stockman?”, Leatherhead asked, doing his best to keep his tone civil. But Stockman ignored him, moving from one console to another, still talking to himself as he went.
“I’m pulled from sweet oblivion, for what?! This?!”
Getting tired of Stockman’s rambling, Leatherhead grabbed onto the walking stick, forcing him to face him. “Show us the cure, now!”
“Cure?”, Stockman asked. “You stupid animal! Agent Bishop lied. There is no cure”.
“What?!”, Splinter exclaimed, his eyes wide. You felt your own body going pale, stopping dead in your tracks. For a moment you stopped breathing. Leatherhead growled, anger bobbling inside of him.
“You inhuman, soulless, monster!”, Leatherhead yelled, slamming Stockman against the keyboard, before getting ready to punch the glass head himself.
“Leatherhead, please”, Splinter called out, putting a hand on the mutant’s shoulder. “I share your anger, but this will not help Donatello! We need solutions not vengeance”.
“According to me, that piece of gum needs a good chewing!”, you yelled, pointing at Stockman.
“You too, (Y/N)”, Splinter said. “Please, my child. For Donatello”.
“You’ll be wise to listen to your inlaw”, Bishop’s voice sounded as he walked into the lab. Leatherhead growled and you felt your fists tightened at the sight of his smug smile. Both you and Leatherhead started seeing red, your anger so great that not even Splinter could hold you back.
“I’ve waited a long time to do this”, Leatherhead said before grabbing Stockman by the metal throat. “Now you’ll know the meaning of pain!” He threw the lump of metal onto the ground, before making his way to the well dressed man. You wasted no time stomping your foot onto Stockman’s back, making him lay flat against the floor.
“Doctor Stockman is working on a cure”, Bishop calmly said. “He’s the best change Donatello has for survival”. You sucked a breath in, staring directly into Stockman’s lone eye. Leatherhead fought the urge not to jump on Bishop. “Harm me, and Stockman stops. And your friend has no chance!”
You reluctantly let Stockman go, just as Leatherhead decided to back away from Agent Bishop.
“Fine, for now villain”, the large mutant said, before turning to the robot human hybrid that had just managed to get off the floor. “Doctor Stockman, show me what you have so far”.
The scientist sighed, before moving to the console with Leatherhead and Master Splinter. You however went straight over to Bishop, anger still fuming off of you. “This better work, Bishop”, you growled. “Or else you’ll personally have to deal with me”.
Agent Bishop faked a kind smile. “Your care for your friends is admirable, Miss (L/N), especially your care for Donatello. Although, I’m right to assume that your care for the turtle goes above just that of friendships?”
“How I care for my friends is none of your business”, you calmly said, keeping your anger in check. “What is your business, is making sure Stockman succeeds”.
“If you say so, Miss. (L/N)”, Bishop said, before walking away, leaving you back alone in your anger and sadness. How you wished you could be hugging Donnie, just one more time.
Leatherhead and Stockman made great progress on the cure, with the first test subject being a success. Who would ever have thought that you would be happy with Stockman’s work, even if it actually had been Leatherhead that had done the most out of the two? But all that slight happiness disappeared the moment the Bishop opened his mouth.
“Impressive, Mr. Leatherhead”, he said, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “And to think, I was going to dissect you”. Leatherhead growled. “What a waste that would have been. You’re even more brilliant than Doctor Stockman!”
“That doesn’t take much”, you mumbled, Splinter lifting a finger, telling you to behave. For the sake of Donnie.
“What?!”, Stockman questioned, not believing what Bishop had said.
“Then, it works?”, Splinter asked, watching as the test subject turned human again.
“Doctor, prepare an airborne version of the cure for the New York outbreak. As well as a sample for Donatello”, Bishop said, turning directly towards you and Splinter. “If his brothers fulfill their side of the agreement”.
“Don’t worry, Bishop”, you said, engaging in a stare down with the agent. “They will”.
“Brave of you to trust the life of your sweetheart with his brothers”, Bishop said. “Or maybe even foolish”.
“We trust them”, was the last thing you got to say, before there was news on a returning base helicopter. You sighed a breath of relief. They were back.
You went up to the main entrance, meeting the brothers as they came in. Bishop did not greet them, instead demanding that they handed over the item he was wanting. They looked to Master Splinter, waiting for his confirmation, before Mikey handed the stone over. The moment the stone was in Bishop’s hand, the alarm sounded, red lights shining all over the base.
“Base destruct sequence initiated”, sounded the alarm over your heads, making your ears ring.
“This base has been compromised by your presence”, Bishop said. “You have 15 minutes to collect your brother, and vacate the premises”. Then Bishop turned, smiling over his shoulder before he left. “Pleasure doing business with you”. You felt your fist clench.
It took you less than a minute to find Leatherhead. He was already working the cure on Donnie, leaving you all anxious in anticipation. Fog built up inside the machine, before the door finally opened, letting out a dazed and confused Donnie, rubbing his eyes as he took in his surroundings.
“Hey, guys”, he said tiredly. “What’s up?”
“Donnie!”, you yelled, running to him, throwing your arms around him before bringing him into a thigh hug. He wobbled slightly, leaning his weight on you as he found his footing.
“Hey, babe”, he smiled, still a little confused. “What’s going on? Where are we?”
“That’s a story for a different time”, Leo said. “Now we gotta go before this place blows up!”
He didn’t have to say that twice. Quickly you all ran outside, finding the chopper before taking off. You just managed to get up high enough, before the base blew up, sending red, orange and yellow light across the sky.
You all breathed a sigh of relief, happy to have Donnie back, safe and sound.
“Welcome back, my son”, Splinter said, taking a hold of Donnie’s hand.
“Thanks Sensei”, he smiled, still a little tired. “But I hope you guys didn’t go through too much trouble for me”.
The reaction on everybody’s faces spoke volumes. None of you had the guts to tell him, and neither should you.
You took Donnie’s hand in yours, smiling at him. “For you, nothing’s too much trouble”, you said, placing a kiss on his cheek. Donnie blushed slightly, not sure how to react in front of his family. But in all honesty, it did not matter much to him at the moment. He was just happy to be back to normal, feeling your hand in his once more.
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safficranger · 6 months
Fake Scenarios In My Head #04
It’s Friday, Casey comes home from work and is a little surprised to find Alex already lounging on the couch. She is reading through a few files, scribbling away on her pad, obviously working. The lights are dim, there is a huge cup of tea on the table, and a pack of tissues.
"Hey, are you okay?" Casey asks, concerned, feeling her forehead with the back of her hand. "If you're sick, you should rest, honey."
"Just a little cold. I need to get this done, but the office lights give me a headache," Alex replies.
"Okay, I'll make something light for dinner. You're allowed to work until dinner, after which you rest," Casey says.
Alex gives a small smile. "Yes, Ma'am."
After dinner, Alex cuddles in a warm blanket and switches on the TV for some background noise. Casey cleans the kitchen and takes a quick shower. Dressed in comfortable clothes, she comes back to the living room and slips under the blanket with Alex.
"Maybe we shouldn't... I don't want you to get sick too," Alex says.
Casey kisses her hair and pulls her closer. "Don't worry. I'm a big girl and I grew up in a military family. I don`t get sick."
"That makes no kind of sense." Alex mumbles half asleep, not denying that the warmth of Caseys embrace really helps to make her feel better.
"Stop arguing, counselor, and get some rest." Casey whispers while Alex falls asleep in her arms.
Early Monday morning, Alex is getting ready for work, prepping their coffee to go cups in the kitchen. Casey emerges from the bedroom, still wearing her pyjamas and a fluffy bathrobe, her hair ruffled, and looking even paler than usual.
"I want to file an official complaint," Casey announces.
"A complaint?" Alex is a little stunned.
"Yes!" Casey sneezes. "My girlfriend uses her knowledge about my big, warm heart and the fact that I can't stand to see her hurting to lure me into cuddling with her, making me sick with the flu in the process."
"Those are some serious accusations," Alex says, trying to keep a professional face.
"I am seriously sick!"
"How about your girlfriend brings you back to bed, brings you some medicine, and takes on your caseload for the day so you can rest?" Alex proposes, "for compensation."
Casey thinks for a minute and sniffs a little. "Throw in some ice cream for dinner, and we have a deal."
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ramonaboat · 1 year
More Alex Claremont-Diaz in NYU
Because if Casey was to write a book just about him navigating student life, having more of the college experience he didn’t get in Georgetown, while being Henry’s bf… I would read it hundreds of times over. So to fill in the need, I will supply my own headcanons
Alex gets a solid stable friend group throughout, and somehow he’s made friends with who many consider underdogs. One of them is the daughter of a plumber in NYC, who got into NYU for her undergrad under a full scholarship. One of them is a gay man who was disowned by his family, but is happily married now. His more privileged friends are more aware about the advantages they have and are not assholes about it. He himself is privileged guy after all
He does have classmates who he can sense want to use him for their own gain and social brownie points. His friends are protective about it
When it was apparent to the students that their friend group was a thing, all of a sudden the once underdogs became more popular just by association with Alex. Social climbers want in. Alex kinda feels bad about it but his friends reassure him
June and Nora are happy that Alex has friends from school and outside the Super Six
Alex’s NYU friends get close to Henry eventually, as the former hosts a lot of study sessions at the brownstone as soon as he’s sure he can trust them
Alex’s friends are fascinated by the fact that he can be so ordinary sometimes. Like yes, he’s a brilliant student, was summa cum laude for his undergrad, was a freaking prodigy, but he also gets toothpaste stains on his hoodie and forgets to shave his stubble when he’s busy. He also falls asleep in the library, waking up to one side of his curls flatter than the other. He trips and sneezes and makes mistakes and had to take several trips to the bathroom after insisting on eating his leftovers gone bad (he didn’t have time to get anything else that day, okay?) He was extraordinary but ordinary
They help him get through his fear of disappointing people, of always needing to prove that Alex Claremont-Diaz is deserving because of his own brilliance and not because of his parents (particularly his mother)
The friends also freak out when his Mom calls. They have moms that call them too but like.. hearing the President’s voice on the other line just talking to her kid and asking normal mother questions was a surreal experience. That they don’t quite get used to it.
For one of his friend’s birthdays he gives her an Apple Pencil, because she saved up to buy an iPad from her corporate job so she can annotate her readings from there but mostly used non-Apple styluses cause she didn’t have the budget for an Apple Pencil yet. When she received it she was shocked cause it was expensive for a stylus but Alex insisted. He doesn’t throw around his money, he doesn’t like to make his friends uncomfy with expensive gifts, but he knows when to help
They know Alex loves him when people genuinely don’t know things about him. There are loads of facts about him online and in the press, so when people ask him about things they know are out there and are public knowledge he gets excited. People often already know things about him, it gives him a semblance of normalcy
He still occasionally likes the spotlight though, he is ACD. He loves it most when he can use his influence to do good, like give spotlight to certain charities
He has a cool prof one semester that made them have a karaoke session during the last class. Used the class projector for it and everything. Alex sang London Boy and the class went wild
He once brings a tupperware filled with cookies to share. “My boyfriend baked them,” he said nonchalantly as if his boyfriend weren’t the Prince of freaking England. “He doesn’t have much kitchen experience but he’s been practicing and he’s pretty proud of this one” This was when his friends hadn’t met Henry yet so they were astounded
Eventually they get used to Henry making them tea, handing them drinks, serving them food (a lot of it takeout 😅)
Some study sessions end up being board game sessions, Henry’s included
Alex’s friends often tease him about how in love he is with Henry. Some fake gag when they’re being too sticky-sweet
Alex loves hosting dinners and study sessions and stuffing his friends. He knows a lot of them are struggling with scholarships and rent and jobs that barely pay the bills so he knows it helps them get their mind off a couple meals for the month. He also gets so much food that they all have leftovers to bring home and microwave for breakfast. He chalks it up not being good at estimating how much food they need, but really its his way of helping them. His friends catch on when they notice they always have their favorites ready.
This makes Henry love Alex even more
They discover Henry has a thing for when Alex uses legal jargon. They tease him about it. Henry threatens to throw them in the dungeon
His friends were once sharing horrible college dorm experiences. “Did you stay in dorms, Alex?” one of them asks even if they know the answer is now. “I, err, stayed at home” Home being the freaking WHITE HOUSE, one of them points out
His parents, June and Henry come during graduation. There was media coverage.
That’s it for today. To be honest with you I want to turn this into a fic in the POV of his classmates but I don’t have the time so let’s settle with this brain dump for now 😅
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tangledinink · 1 year
I know that Splinter didn't really train April, but I just think it'd be funny if the first person taught the Hamato way of fighting wasn't a full-blooded Hamato. Also, I want the Draxum kids to kind of look down on 'lesser humans' only for trained-since-she-was-seven Casey/Cru and student-of-Lou-Jitsu April to--well, probably they can't defeat them, but at least impress them and get a few memorable hits in.
Oh absolutely! April may not have been given a full-blown martial arts education from Splinter, but she most CERTAINLY knows a thing or two and can hold her own, and even the OCCASIONAL lesson from Lou Jitsu is nothing to sneeze at! Her and Casey/Cru can most definitely give anyone who messes with them a run for their money-- much to the Draxum Gang's surprise...
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scoobydoowhatareyou · 2 months
Ha, What’s New Scooby Doo won
Fred Jones:
-Loves snowboarding
-follows instructions from his gps to the letter
-Dad Friend
-tells Daphne that looking for clues alone is “too dangerous for a girl”
-He ignored Velma because he was talking to Shaggy
-Fred Jones tried to fight a whole sea monster so his friends could get away
-Installed an “emergency nap station” for Shaggy
-Loves sports
-Can bench 220 and likes to bring it up
Velma Dinkley:
-afraid of getting sick
-powerful fucking sneezes
-bro how did an experiment on how earth worms are affected by zero gravity beat sustainable fuel
-Nevermind, I guess it has interplanetary agricultural applications
-does not believe in violence
-gives a mean wedgie
-Doesn’t like roller coasters
-Loves hockey
Daphne Blake:
-Totally Spies energy
-She was a knockoff Girl Scout
-likes rollercoasters
-She can surf really well
-Likes alliteration
-Likes baseball
-Can pick a lock with anything
Shaggy Rogers:
-Doesn’t know a thing about sports
-Builds awesome sand castles
-Loves video games
-Vegetarian (Casey Kasem)
-Has an ex-girlfriend
-Does the stupid inflation gag that I hate
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Don't fuck with Dad
"You sure you're okay enough to go out tonight Case?" Raphael asked his friend as he sneezed into his shirt. the teen grinned at his terripin friend.
"What's the worse that can happen?"
aaannd the worse happened, one minute he and the others are looking for the thing that has been smashing cars and breaking into shops, andd they found it alright.
a Huge, spikey, menecing turtle mutant. with tough skin and a set of very sharp teeth, his eyes met Casey's.
and now, the thing was carrying him by using his mouth to hold onto the back of his mutli-layered shirts, and roaring at anyone who got too close.
it broke Mikey's leg, Snapped one of Leo's swords in two, knocked Donnie out, and Raph had a bloody nose and was now missing a tooth.
He just HAD to jinx himself today huh?
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the-hidden-writer · 9 months
No Escape From Reality.
An Alan Wake 2 oneshot. Spoilers for The Final Draft!
Summary: Despite both Alan and Saga's reassurances, Casey can't stop questioning his existence and struggles to draw the line between his own life and the books.
Words: 2,521 AO3 link: [Here!]
No Escape From Reality
He was out of the spiral.
Despite sitting relatively comfortably in the back of a van owned by the FBC, Alan felt exhausted. But he would take the deep-rooted fatigue in his body over The Dark Presence any day. Besides, he wasn't alone.
Albeit for a much shorter time, The Dark Presence had possessed Agent Casey and Scratch had used him as a vessel just as he had with Alan himself, so the FBC wanted to bring back the both of them. And while his gut told him that he would be with the FBC for a considerable amount of time, he was less certain what they had planned for Casey. Did they just want to examine him? Question him? Or did they want to run tests on him?
Even though he was fully expecting that for himself, Alan felt a sudden flash of anger at the thought. He felt strangely protective of Casey, despite only officially meeting the man so recently. He wasn't sure why.
He looked over at the man in question.
Casey sat opposite him, his head tilted back to lean against the side of the van and his hands gripping the seat, but otherwise unmoving. Alan absentmindedly wondered if he was experiencing the same exhaustion as he was.
Casey hadn't uttered a word for the entire journey. The last time he'd spoken was when he was parting with Saga, insisting that he was fine and to greet her daughter on his behalf. Though the FBC had questions for Saga too, it wasn’t as urgent and they allowed her to go home to her family first. Alan had the feeling that she would have gone even without permission.
As soon as she'd left his sight, Casey's small, reassuring smile had dropped. Alan had been too wrapped up in his own thoughts at the time and thought nothing of it. But now, with a long journey ahead of him and a familiar stranger in front of him, he started to itch for a conversation. Not to end the awkward silence between them, although it was very awkward, but instead because the two of them being alone together was beginning to remind him a little too much of The Dark Place.
Wanting to end the silence was one thing. Figuring out how to start a conversation with the stoic man after everything that had just happened was another.
Time had no meaning in The Dark Place and Alan was accustomed to being there, so he was unable to determine just how long he spent trying to think of how to initiate a conversation. Being a writer, words usually came so easily to him, and yet all of a sudden he couldn't find the right ones. Maybe it was a side-effect of exiting the loop. Or maybe it was plainly the exhaustion consuming him.
Whatever it was, it didn't matter, because Alan felt a sudden tickle in his nose and broke the silence with a loud sneeze.
"Gesundheit." Casey said, without looking at him.
"Thanks." Alan responded, slightly embarrassed.
Of course, he thought, with a hint of chagrin. His actions were no longer being determined by pre-written pages. You'd never see the hero of the story cough, sneeze, or need to use the bathroom.
At least the ice between them had been chipped at.
Alan readjusted his sitting position, purposefully making enough noise when shuffling around to catch Agent Casey's attention.
Judging by the shuffling across from him, his plan was successful.
Not wasting the opportunity, Alan spoke up.
"Are you okay?"
"Just peachy." Casey replied, his voice gruff and his words thick with disdain and sarcasm.
After a long pause, he sat forward and finally looked at Alan. His hardened features melted into a weary frown.
"Honestly, I'm just tired." He said with an air of defeat. "With that thing, that- that presence inside me… god, it felt so awful, so…"
His voice trailed off as he also seemed to struggle to find the words.
"Dark?" Alan prompted.
Casey barked out a small, humorless sound that wasn't quite a laugh.
"Yeah." He affirmed. "Don't know how you managed it."
"I'm just used to it."
They fell into a more comfortable silence then. The ice felt like it had finally broken, which Alan was grateful for. He needed allies if he was going to help Alice, and Casey seemed like a great contender.
Again, he had no idea how much time he spent listening to the gentle hum of the vehicle before Casey was the one to speak up.
"I should've asked, are you okay?"
"I've been worse." Alan answered honestly.
Casey gave a tiny nod. "Good."
His gaze lingered on him for a few more moments, before stiffly turning away. Alan got the feeling he wasn't really satisfied with the answer.
"Agent Casey?" He tried.
Casey turned back toward him, face suddenly hardened again, and his eyes locked onto Alan’s, almost like he was searching or scanning for something within them. Alan had to fight himself to not blink too much or look away. The more questions he saw in the man’s eyes, the more they started to feel like his own.
Eventually, Casey said: "Wake, I'm real."
It was a statement with no room for argument, but Alan heard the implied question underneath.
That’s when it dawned on Alan exactly what was gnawing at Casey. He must still be fighting with the concept of being a fictional character.
Alan could relate, to some degree.
“Yeah.” He replied simply.
“And your books,” Casey continued, unable to hide his distaste, “based on me, not the other way around.”
“That’s right,” Alan affirmed again, “you can’t create something out of nothing.”
Casey nodded, seemingly pleased with that answer. But he wasn’t done.
“And I’m in control of my life. Your goddamn writing didn’t start twisting it until after we got to Bright Falls. I’m my own person.”
Alan paused at that. As much as he wanted to be reassuring, the affirmation didn’t come to him as quickly.
The truth was that he had no idea. He’d only just discovered Alex Casey was a real person and not just a figment of his imagination. His books had all been unknowingly based on a real, living man. Alan tried not to dwell on that fact too much, otherwise he’d start doubting his own abilities as an author and creative.
If the real Alex Casey was a Private Investigator, then maybe the question of which came first would be easier to answer. But he wasn’t. He was an FBI agent, one whose partner possessed the necessary abilities to break Alan out of The Dark Place and one who had previously investigated Bright Falls and murder cults. That’s exactly what Alan had needed, and what he’d written about. It would be a stretch to call that a coincidence.
As for being his own person…
Alan didn’t know how many times he’d killed the Casey (that looked and sounded identical to this one) in The Dark Place. It didn’t appear to have impacted the real one, but he couldn’t be sure.
He’d come to consider the echoes of Alex Casey in The Dark Place as comforting. A friend guiding him through the endless night, written into the story to save him. His character of so many years- or so he’d thought.
They say that every character contains a piece of their creator. Heroes and protagonists are especially more likely to just be a mask of the author.
Alan tried not to think about Thomas Zane and his familiar face. Nor did he wish to dissect Zane’s film, Nightless Night, or how “Thomas Seine” playing the role of him swapped places in The Writer's Room with the man who looked like Casey playing The Detective, a role which Alan himself assumed in The Dark Place. It was unnerving to think about and Alan was afraid he would come to a revelation neither of them would like.
However, his mind did wander briefly to the actor he’d met whose name escaped him. He’d seen him before The Dark Place, he was sure of it, and he recalled that he looked so uncannily similar to Casey. His voice was nigh-identical in the movie clip as well.
And then the actor, bound to a chair by the reel of Zane’s films, desperately fighting against Alan’s pre-written narrative and begging for his life.
Wearing a mask.
Alan pulled himself out of his quickly spiraling thoughts and back into reality, realizing he had been taking a long time to respond. Casey was still looking at him expectantly, though the silence seemed to be an answer in itself. His hard mask had cracked slightly; his eyebrows furrowed and his lips slightly parted as he waited with baited breath. Alan saw a glimpse of a deeply-rooted fear, one that maybe even predated the events at Bright Falls, and an uncharacteristic sliver of anxiety.
No, Alan caught himself. He couldn’t decide that it was uncharacteristic. It might have been for his Alex Casey, but who was he to know the emotions and personality of the real one?
“Yeah.” Alan answered finally, brushing aside the reflections in his mind of the actor, the echoes, and Nightless Night. “You’re your own person.”
Looking out over the damned lake that started all of this, Casey sighed and took a big sip of coffee. Next to him, he noticed Saga doing the same.
The two of them had traveled back to Bright Falls to tie up some loose ends of their investigation, despite the case technically being transferred to the FBC. Both partners were thorough in their work and liked to see cases to completion if they could.
The real reason they’d come back was that Saga was concerned about the locals and wanted to talk to them. People like Rose and Ilmo had been through a lot and were kept more out of the loop of what was happening, and Saga wanted to see how they were doing and ensure that Wake’s story hadn’t permanently corrupted them in some way.
Casey himself, finally free from all the FBC’s prodding and poking, had no intention of letting her go by herself.
So there they were. Casey and Anderson sitting on a bench in Bright Falls overlooking Cauldron Lake with cups of Oh Deer Diner coffee in their hands, thankfully with the sun shining overhead.
It should have been peaceful. And yet any proximity to that cursed town brought back a lot of unwanted thoughts and fears in Casey. Particularly the memory of when Saga had told him that something he knew and remembered as fact at the time (Logan’s death) was untrue. Since he fully trusted Saga, he found that he couldn’t trust himself.
After spending many years contemplating the scary amount of coincidences and parallels with the fictional Alex Casey in Wake’s books, that feeling wasn’t exactly new to him. Didn’t mean it was any less unpleasant.
“What’s on your mind?” asked Saga, breaking him out of his thoughts.
Casey let out a small huff of amusement. He knew very well that she’d probably already deduced exactly what was troubling him and was only asking to be polite. He decided to humor her.
“I spoke to Wake the other day.”
“Yeah.” Was all he could say. He wasn’t sure why it was so difficult to explain what he was feeling. It was easier to think about it privately than to outwardly say: ‘Hey Anderson I think I’ve been twisted into a fictional character without realizing it’.
“Hey, Anderson?”
Saga gave him a patient smile. “What’s up?”
I don’t know if I can trust any of my memories. I don’t know if my personality was mine to begin with. I can’t rid myself of the feeling of the dark shadow writhing around inside me. I think I might end up dying in an alleyway like in Wake’s book.
His hands began to shake, causing him to lose grip on his coffee cup which fell to the ground, leaving an ugly splatter on the floor. Casey held back a sob but couldn’t stop his voice from breaking.
“...I don’t know who I am anymore.”
The sight of the lake in front of him started to burn his eyes, so he tightly closed them. A few seconds later he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder.
“Look at me, Casey.”
Casey inhaled deeply and slowly opened his eyes. Saga had moved so that she was crouched in front of him, taking up most of his vision. Her face blocked his view of the sun, causing sunlight to outline her silhouette and give her an almost angelic look.
“You’re my partner, and you are real.”
He met her gaze and a stray tear found its way down his cheek. “The changes don’t affect me, remember?” Saga continued. “I’ve known you for years, and you’ve always been the same person I know and care about. A really great FBI agent, not some gritty PI.”
She had a point, there. She was the one who could tell when Wake’s story was changing reality, and if Wake really was the source of his life being altered, then Saga would know. And if she really did have some strange mind powers, then she would know that it wasn’t normal and he trusted her to tell him if that was the case.
“You’re right, Anderson,” he said with a small smile, “as per usual.”
She smiled at that. He knew that she liked to abuse her privileges of being one of the only people he actually listened to.
“See?” Said Saga. “Now, repeat after me: My name is Alex Casey, and I’m an FBI agent.”
Casey grimaced. “Do I have to?”
“Yes!” Exclaimed Saga, using the same patronizing tone of voice she’d use to get Logan to eat something she knew she wouldn’t like.
With a frown, Casey relented. “My name is Alex Casey and I’m an FBI agent.”
“And again.”
He groaned. It was all more than a little patronizing, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t help ground him and make him feel slightly better. He repeated the phrase again.
Saga was tenacious and wouldn’t let it go. “One more time?”
“My name is Alex Casey, and I’m an FBI agent.”
“Good.” Saga smiled, standing up. “I’ll go get you another coffee.” She began to walk back toward the diner, but he cleared his throat before she could get too far. She paused and looked back.
“Thanks, Anderson.” He said, and while his voice might not betray it, he could tell that she understood that he meant it from the bottom of his heart.
She nodded knowingly before heading inside.
Casey cast his gaze back to Cauldron Lake. The water looked innocent enough from an outside perspective- even beautiful on a day like this one. It chilled him to his core to think about all that had transpired because of it and what sinister secrets lay below the surface.
He closed his eyes.
“My name is Alex Casey. I’m an FBI agent.”
Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated :)
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lute-the-faller · 4 months
[Blue awkwardly walks in, houndoom ears pricked up trying to find where Casey is. That's not exactly hard, given the crying...]
[casey sniffles, holding onto a crying davesprite tightly, looking up at blue.]
hai. sorry, im a mess right now. haha.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
Matt Casey x reader
Y/N and Casey are a couple and they have been that for almost a year and they just moved in together.
Y/N works at the firehouse with Brett on ambo.
but this is the first that Y/N are sick since many years back, but she woke up with fever and was feeling terrible. But of course Casey was there to take care of her, he even called Boden to let him know that they are both staying home.
Casey is the perfect boyfriend, he takes care of her now when she is sick and spends some time with her also. He gives her kisses even when she is sick now and he knows he can get sick too.
You Always Come First- Matt Casey
Featuring Kelly Severide and Stella Kidd, mentions of Chief Boden.
Authors note: This is a decently long fic, which I had to stop myself from writing more of since sickfics are kinda my jam. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: fever, vomiting, anxiety, hints to sex and bathing together
You have been working on Ambos for years as a floater, but finally landed yourself a permanent spot on 61 about three years ago. Working with Sylvie Brett was the easiest transition you have ever made, but she wasn’t even the best part about being on 61. Having your family at 51 was a close second, but Matthew Casey makes your decision worth while.
Now, after having been best friends for two years and dating for about a year, you and Matt have finally settled down in an apartment in the same building as Kelly and Stella. Not that you guys hated always having either Kelly or Stella around when you were at Matt’s or having Sylvie around when you were at yours, but you both did enjoy the privacy. Wink. Wink.
The move to the apartment was relatively easy. Matt’s stuff didn’t even have to be boxed, and the whole fire house helped move your stuff from your apartment a few blocks over. The hardest part for you was the decorating and rearranging. You love interior design and would do it as a side job if you didn’t run the paramedicine program with Sylvie. After thinking life was going back to normal after almost a month of getting settled in at the new place, you got a rude awakening by your body.
One morning, around 5 am, you gasped awake after a nightmare. You immediately knew something was wrong, seeing as you never wake in this manner and you haven’t had a nightmare since you and Matt started dating. Matt woke with you, being jerked into consciousness by your body.
Matt flipped over, turning on the bedside lamp before looking toward you. “Baby. What’s wrong?” Matt asked, putting a hand on your sweat soaked back. You had your face hidden in your hands, which made Matt assumed you were crying as you shook under his palm. “Sweetheart. Hey. You’re sweating. Look at me.” Matt coaxed in a gentle voice, trying to pull you into him.
You shook your head, letting Matt pull you into his lap and immediately hid your face into the crook of his neck. “The light. It hurts.” You whispered, clutching onto Matt’s bare shoulders.
“You’re burning up.” Matt murmured, pulling you firmly into his arms before he slowly stood, walking toward the bathroom with you. Matt left the light off, using the light from the lamp as he sat you down so that he could rummage around for the thermometer.
“I-I don’t. I don’t f-f-feeeel g-good.” You stuttered, shaking harder as the cool granite counters touched your underwear clad butt.
Matt sighed and pulled you closer into his body as he kept looking. “I know baby. Hang on for me.” Matt muttered, trying to concentrate on where the thermometer was stashed. “Tell me what hurts.” Matt cooed, leaving a quick kiss on your forehead.
You wrapped yourself tightly around your boyfriend as you took a proper inventory of your aching body. “Ummm. M-my head. M’ tummy. A-and m-my t-throat.” You sniffed, turning to sneeze into your elbow. “‘M stuffy.” You whined, pouting as Matt turned to look at you.
“Found it. Open up.” He whispered, caressing your cheek as he placed the thermometer under your tongue. “God, even when you’re sick you are still the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on.” Matt whispered, leaning in to kiss your nose.
You scrunched your nose and leaned away, giving Matt a look. He knew that look was a “Are you serious?! You are gonna get sick too!” Look, but you also knew he didn’t care. While you both waited, Matt grabbed a few bottles out of the cabinet and placed them on the counter to see what he was working with.
The thermometer beeped, causing Matt to pull it out before you could even begin to move for it. “102.6.” Matt sighed, clicking his tongue. “No good baby girl. You feeling up to anything to eat so that we can give you some meds?” Matt asked, putting the thermometer into the pocket of his sweatpants before pocketing some meds he thought might help.
“Meh. C-cold n n-nauseous.” You whimpered, leaning into Matt and hiding your face again. You haven’t been sick in years, let alone nauseous with a high fever. You never did do well with throwing up, completely terrified of doing it yourself, but somehow comfortable helping others with it.
Matt nodded and picked you up. “Okay. One thing at a time baby. How about we put some leggings on and we can get you a thin blanket?” Matt suggested. “That way you are covered up, but you aren’t retaining too much heat. Your fever is already pretty high.” Matt reminded, sitting you on the edge of the bed closest to the closet.
You nodded, looking up at your boyfriend with tears in your eyes as your lip quivered. You always got extra emotional when you had a fever, so you weren’t too surprised with the same thing happening to you as an adult.
“Oh baby. Don’t cry.” Matt whispered, pulling you in for a hug and then kissing you firmly on the lips.
“N-no! You, y-you’ll get s-sick!” You wailed, trying to push Matt back, but failing miserably with your weakened state.
“I don’t care. I don’t like seeing you cry baby.” Matt said, reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. “Shhhh. It’s alright. I’ve gotcha. What’s got you so upset?” Matt cooed, trying his best to gently coax the information from you.
You shook your head, looking down as you fiddled with your hands. “F-fever. Emotions a-all-always run h-high wh-when ‘m sick.” You stuttered, looking up to see Matt’s reaction.
Matt just smiled sadly, leaning forward to peck your lips again. “Okay Angel. I understand and that’s okay.” Matt reassured, rubbing your arms. “Let’s just get you as comfortable as you can and then I’ll call Boden to get us alternates.” Matt said, leaving no room for you to argue as he stood and walked to your drawers for your leggings, though you still tried.
“I can t-take care of m-my s-self!” You tried to exclaim through your stutters, though you knew you were not going to convince him otherwise. “T-they n-n-neeed you.”
Matt laughed and shook his head, coming back with your pants in hand. “Like hell I’m leaving you like this. You can’t even stop your chin from quivering since this fever has you shaking so bad. You can’t say a full sentence without it coming out as a stutter right now.” Matt pointed out, kneeling to pull your legging on for you. “I’m call us BOTH out and that’s final.” Matt stated, pulling you up to help pull your leggings completely on before lifting you up again.
“F-fine.” You said, trying to sound indignant and defiant, but it came out as more of a feeble whisper.
Matt chuckled and shook his head. He knew you wanted him there, but you weren’t going to admit to it right now. “How about some apple sauce and Gatorade? Then you can take your meds and we can nap or watch a movie or something. How’s that sound?” Matt asked, sitting you down on the kitchen counter as he moved about to get the supplies without waiting for you to answer.
You hummed your reply, nodding slightly to show your approval. You watched as Matt moved, admiring the way the muscles in his back flexed as he moved around, getting butterflies in your stomach ever time he looked over to check on you, and absolutely adoring the way he made sure to get every single thing you would need, including the puke bucket you learned to keep stashed after one too many accidents from the guys from 51 or intelligence after a night out at Molly’s.
Matt somehow managed to balance all the supplies in his arm and let you latch onto his hip like an infant all at the same time. He carried you and everything else into the living room, tossing the supplies down on the couch before adjusting you onto his front so that he could sit. Once he was settled, he emptied his pockets onto the couch as well, taking his phone out and pressing a few buttons before putting it to his ear. You took the apple sauce packet and opened it as he spoke.
“Good morning Chief.” Matt started. “I know it’s early. I’m so sorry to wake you, but Y/n is extremely sick. We will both be needing alternates.” Matt said, putting a hand to your forehead. “She’s got a raging fever of 102.6, complaining of a headache, stomach ache, sore throat, and stuffy nose. She’s shaking so bad everything is coming out as a stutter when she speaks.” Matt explained, nodding along as he listened to the Chief. “Appreciate it Chief. Thanks a lot. Will do. Be safe.” Matt replied before hanging up. “He understood and sends his best. He knows you never get sick, and we never call out. He’s pretty worried, but he figured he could pull Violet over and put Kidd in the seat for me today.” Matt explained, picking up a pill bottle and reading the label.
You listened and slightly nodded along, having a hard time finishing your apple sauce packet, but determined to finish it anyways. You sipped slowly and watched Matt with half lidded eyes. You trusted him completely to take care of you, especially seeing that you were in no shape to do it yourself right now.
“You doing okay?” Matt asked, placing two pill bottles in between the two of you as he caressed your sides.
You shrugged, putting the finished packet down on the end table. “Meh. Need a m-minute before mm—meds.” You stuttered, closing your eyes and putting your forehead on Matt’s shoulder. The room felt like it was rocking and it was not helping your nausea at all.
Matt sighed, rubbing your back with one hand while lightly holding the back of your neck with the other. “Shhhh. Breathe for me.” Matt muttered, trying his best to calm the nerves he could feel coming off of you.
You did your best to follow along, fighting the anxiety that was building along with your nausea. You felt like you were shaking to your core, completely losing control of your body as the fever kept rising within you. “M-Matt.” You whined, pressing yourself as close to him as you could.
Matt sighed and carefully shifted you closer. “I know baby. I know. I’m right here. I’ve got you.” Matt shushed, rubbing your back and your sides as a desperate attempt to comfort you. He could feel you shaking even harder now, and he was really starting to wonder if he should call 911. “What can I do?” Matt asked, kissing the crown of your head as he grabbed the thermometer and lifted your (his) shirt, placing it under your arm so that you wouldn’t have to sit up.
“I-I d-don’t n-n-know!” You all but wailed, trying to stop yourself from shaking.
The thermometer beeped a minute later, and Matt had to remember to round up a degree to get your temp right. “103.2.” Matt muttered. “Fuck. Okay. Baby, I really need to go get you a cool cloth. Can you please try to drink some Gatorade and take these fever reducers for me? If you go up any higher, I’ll have to call for an ambo.” Matt asked, leaning down to kiss your head again after he spoke.
You nodded, though you doubted you could keep anything else down right now. “I’ll t-try.” You responded, letting Matt shift you back into the couch cushion before taking the small Gatorade he grabbed for you and the pills. Matt moved the trash can a bit closer just incase, before promising he would be right back as he jogged into the half bath off the living room. You slowly drank the Gatorade and then took the pills before laying back and closing your eyes. You took even breaths and tried to focus on not throwing up everything you just put into your body. You could hear Matt muttering to himself as he tried to calm his panicked mind in order to help you. Just as the water turned on, you felt the coolness of the Gatorade in your chest. You quickly sat up, grabbing the trash can and putting it in your lap before you called out, “M-Matt!”
Luckily Matt heard your voice and turned off the tap. “Yeah?” He called, wringing out the wash rag. He listened and heard the faintest heave before liquid splashed into a receptacle. “Oh shit.” Matt muttered, running to the living room. When he got to you, he quickly steadied the trash can before he swept back your flyaways and placed the cool cloth on your neck. ”Alright. It’s okay sweetheart. I’ve gotcha.” Matt cooed, rubbing your back for a second before he realized that you probably just threw up the fever reducers. He was too panicked at this point to think clearly, so he did the only thing he could think of and called Kelly and Stella. Grabbing his phone from the cushion beside you, Matt quickly dialed Kelly knowing that he would have his ringer on.
“Case?” Kelly sleepily greeted, confused as to why his friend was calling him near 6 o’clock in the morning.
“Kel.” Matt breathed, stopping to shush you as you violently heaved again. “I need Stella. Y/N is really sick. Please.” Matt begged his best friend, letting the panic seep into his voice.
Kelly could hear you through the phone and was shaking Stella awake before Matt even finished speaking. “Alright man. You gotta relax for her. We are coming.” Kelly tried to placate his friend as he clued in a grumpy and half asleep Stella that they were leaving the apartment.
Matt didn’t get to answer before Kelly hung up. Instead, he tossed his phone to the side and focused all his attention on you, relived that you guys had thought to exchange spare keys just incase. “Help’s coming sweetheart. Shhhh.” Matt soothed, pleased to find that you were starting to calm down. The gagging was minimal, but your body had managed to reject everything you put in your system plus some in the 5 minutes since you started puking.
You shakily sat back, sobbing loudly as your body shook harder and the anxiety that was creeping up hit in full force. Just as Matt was putting the trash can to the ground and grabbing a few tissues from the box on the coffee table, Kelly and Stella came barging in.
“What’s going on?” Stella asked, running past Kelly to get to you. She did not like the situation she just walked in on. Kelly made his way to the coffee table, sitting down in front of you and slightly pushed Matt to the side so that he could also get a look at you.
“Well, she woke up abruptly at about 5. She’s got a fever of 103.2, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose and obviously nausea. This is the first time she’s puked. Her fever rose from 102.6 to 103.2 in less than an hour.” Matt explained in a panic, leaving it in the air that he was obviously too panicked to know what to do and he needed help.
Stella nodded and grabbed the thermometer to recheck you as Kelly checked your pulse. “Case, go clean that trash can out. Let us figure this out.” Kelly said, feeling how fast your pulse was racing, knowing you were probably also feeding off of Matt’s worry and anxiety.
Matt reluctantly left, leaving a kiss on your forehead before he walked off.
“103.4. That’s to be expected if she was already running hot and just puked.” Stella said, placing the thermometer to the side before checking you over completely. “Sweetie, you gotta calm down for us.” Stella said to you, breathing deeply as a prompt for you to follow along.
Kelly took your hands and met your eyes. “Hey. We gotcha. Nice and deep. Slow down.” Kelly said, leading you through a breathing exercise. “That’s it. Good girl.” Kelly murmured, squeezing your hands.
Matt walked back in, calmly sitting beside you and placing the trash can on the floor once again. “Whatcha thinkin Kidd?” Matt asked, rubbing your back and taking one of your hands from Kelly.
“Well, she’s still sweating, which we know is good. Means she’s hydrated. Maybe a lukewarm bath to cool her down and then try more meds. Obviously she needs fluids to replenish what she is losing. We still have her stash of popsicles in the freezer upstairs.” Stella said, looking to Kelly to confirm, which he did. “If she gets to 104, call an ambo. This temp isn’t great, but it’s still manageable. Just gotta get her calmed down and cooled down some before trying again with the fever reducers maybe.” Stella said, leaning back to look you over once more. “Hey sweetie. You think you wanna try a bath and try cooling down some before some meds? We can also take you to med if you want.” Stella offered, watching your face but knowing your answer already. You hate needles and would give anything not to have to go to the er for yourself.
You shook your head. “N-no Med.” You muttered, scooting closer to Matt as your breathing slightly picked up.
Stella nodded, putting her hands up. “Okay. Okay. It’s alright. That’s why I asked. We aren’t going to force you.”
“Unless it’s necessary.” Kelly corrected, not wanting to give you false hope incase you eventually had to go. You all trusted each other and he knew you would feel betrayed if the situation took a turn for the worst.
“O-okay.” You whispered, nodding your head as you leant back into Matt.
Stella and Kelly nodded and both stood up. They promised to come back with your popsicles later on and told Matt to call again if he needed to before they left.
Matt sighed and kissed your head. “How about a bath? Hmmm?” Matt asked, pulling you into his lap.
“Y-you t-t-too?” You whispered, digging your face into his neck.
Matt smiled and kissed your head. “Of course. Whatever you want. You always come first.” Matt reminded, kissing you on the head.
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soupandtissues · 7 months
Support Systems
After time slipping again, and again...and again Loki finally fixes the loom and his body shows how much it appreciates everything he's put it through. Thank goodness for friends.
There was a lot of talking in the control room, but no more alarms flashing, and no yelling that everyone was going to die so Loki sat near the steps to the gangway just listening and it was nice.  He glanced over to where Mobius was passing around hot cocoa as OB, Casey, and Victor were signing every book they had on each other.
Loki sipped his own drink and it felt good on his throat.  It was no doubt sore from the endless times coaching Victor down that gangway, but now they’d done it.  Changed the equation and lived to tell about it.  Draining the last of the cup he looked out at the tree green and gold, at its trunk, casting shimmering rainbows over the windows.  It was beautiful.  He smiled, but slumped slightly, drawing his knees up for support, as everything seemed to catch up with him and suddenly he just felt heavy.
“Hey, you okay?” Sylvie asked.
“Just happy it’s over…for now anyway,” he answered, as she sat down next to him.
“Love the new outfit.”
Loki chuckled. “Thank you.”
“You know the offer is still open to conjure me a new one.”
“I’m not sure your manager would want you out of uniform.”
She looked at him confused and he frowned in confusion as well.
“The branches are safe, Sylvie.  You can go home.”
“Do you really think so little of me?”
“Since we’ve agreed on nothing since this started I was certain it was you who think little of me-ehh…”
He curled a fist under his nose as his breath hitched sharply.
“Bless you.”
“Should we even say that to you?” Mobius asked, joining them on Loki’s other side.
Loki waved them off.  “It’s fine.”
The latent itch in the back of his nose told him they would likely be doing it again anyway.
 “You're right hope is hard, but maybe we can...replace it with something better…why do I know that?”
“I don’t even remember which cycle that was.”
Now everyone was starting to look at him with curious expressions.
“The loom was meant as a failsafe by He Who Remains to reset everything back to one timeline. I learned to control the time slipping and be able to find a solution to his plan.  So it’s possible you can learn it too, Sylvie.  Maybe that’s why you remember something I didn’t technically say.”
Mobius eye’s widened in understanding. “That’s why you knew everything you’ve done this before.”
“Just h-how many times have I gone out there?” Victor asked.
Loki just stared out the window and said nothing.
“How many times, Loki?” Mobius asked.
He leaned back closed his eyes with a sigh.
“Countless and I don’t even want to think about the rounds and rounds I did at the citadel.”
“See you soon he said…he always knew what he was doing,” Sylvie concluded.
Loki nodded in agreement before covering his nose as the itch grew once more.
“Huh…huhh hh’ITSCSHhuh!”
The sneeze scraped his throat and he let out a cough, rubbing at his eyes against the pressure that was beginning to build behind them.
“All right come on you know where OB keeps that bed he doesn’t use.”
Loki glanced over to OB and Casey.
“The readings are stable?”
OB nodded. “Yeah, we’re good.”
Mobius got Loki up, then keeping a firm hand on his shoulder began steering him out of the room and down the hall.  Sylvie went with them.
“Do I want to know why you know that or why OB doesn’t need it?” she asked.
“The version of me you saw coming out of the elevator that was when the time slipping first began happening.  It’s why I knew what to do in pruning myself.  Why I knew you were at the TVA.”
“And he collapsed that last time after we had to rip him out of timelines all at once to fix it and after all that he was still only worried about you.”
“I said I just wanted you to be okay.  I wanted to make sure you were and you are.”
They arrived at the tiny room and Loki ducked his head into his elbow.
“Huh-ISSSHHh! IESSHUuh! Ehhh…ESSHHuh!”
“You aren’t though.”
Loki shrugged and sniffled. “Small price to pay.”
Sylvie rolled her eyes and conjured a green blanket over his shoulders as he sat down on the bed.
“Yeah well consider Peter and Paul paid in full and relax,” Mobius said, putting his hand back on Loki’s shoulder and squeezing firmly. “We got this.”
“Thank you.”
Mobius smiled and Sylvie did as well and they both left the room.
Loki sighed and slumped forward, clutching the edge of the cot tightly just to make sure it was staying firm and the room wasn’t disintegrating.   Everything remained as it should and so he stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes, and at last let himself rest, trusting in them, all of them.
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