cattledogrecords · 2 years
capteingoatfrog: carryonmy-assbutt: wigglyflippingout: swampgallows: kyanve: thalassarche: beyondthetemples-ooc: cassiebones: appropriately-inappropriate: beytamacs: breastforce: “Particularly prone to serious procrastination problems are children who grew up with unusually high expectations placed on them…or else they exhibited exceptional talents early on, and thereafter “average” performances were met with concern and suspicion from parents and teachers.” Holy SHIT
ibstudyingpositively: capteingoatfrog: carryonmy-assbutt: wigglyflippingout: swampgallows: kyanve: thalassarche: beyondthetemples-ooc: cassiebones: appropriately-inappropriate: beytamacs: breastforce: “Particularly prone to serious procrastination problems are children who grew up with unusually high expectations placed on them…or else they exhibited exceptional talents early on, and thereafter “average” performances were met with concern and suspicion from parents and teachers.” Holy SHIT WELL THEN…
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striddums · 6 years
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
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ninalinovna · 7 years
Yo you're blog is so cool and I'm in love with your art :D
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Also can I please be tagged in the fic
yes you can!
“Troublemakers” (Second Chances series)
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mattelektras · 7 years
Just saw a happy birthday message and I hope I'm not too late cause HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DUDE!
thank u!!!! ur not late at all its only been my birthday for like 2 hrs :*
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owlstanding · 8 years
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yagirl-kore · 4 years
We all know the age old question of who's richer: Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark? I'm here to tell you the answer, heathens
So if you just plain Google who's richer it'll tell you but there's no way this information is true.
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Here it clearly says that it's Stark, despite drawing in a smaller annual avenue.
This seems like the end, right? Like it clearly states who's richer, that's gotta be it, Kore, you're done here right? No. Lmao you thought. What you have to keep in mind though is that both comics were started in the 30s and 40s. These comics have gone through inflation, different writers, publishers, etc. There's no way to have an accurate depiction of what their monetary worth is.
So I continued to dig and realized there's way more information on both companies and as I looked it became glaringly obvious who was richer. To understand this though, you need more information on each company's background.
As we see several times over, Stark Industries started in weaponry specifically for the military under Howard Stark during WW2. Once Tony really took over he left the weaponry behind and focused Stark Industries on clean energy and the Avengers. It's also stated that they monopolized clean energy, an extremely impressive feat. Tony also says in his famous line that he is a billionaire.
The Wayne's are referred to as Gotham royalty over and over but you don't realize exactly what that means until you look into the family history. The Wayne's came to Gotham as early as the Industrial Revolution, starting to buy up land cheap and holding onto the estate while building railroads, quite literally a founding family of Gotham, few of which have actually survived to present day comics. By the time the Industrial Revolution is over, the Wayne's have an extremely nice settlement in what has become Gotham and have a nice sized hand in the economy that impressively stays there through both world wars and up to present day. They are, literally, old money through and through.
"Well yeah but what do they actually do, Kore?" Well as stated earlier SI works currently primarily in clean energy while drabbling in a few other things here and there.
Wayne Enterprise however, has a hand in literally everything. When I say everything, I mean, e v e r y t h i n g. According to this post, also on my account: https://yagirl-kore.tumblr.com/post/626086856314994688/kindaangelic-carryonmy-assbutt
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Wayne Enterprises literally owns everything, and this isn't even all of it. That's 33 subsidiaries listed. According to Fandom Wiki the main branches are: technologies, biotech, foods, shipping, steel, shipbuilding, aerospace, chemicals, industries, medical, electronics, entertainment, institute, and research Institute. They literally have a hand in everything from food to aerospace. It also said they work in experimental sciences, fission, and clean energy. If you work in Gotham, even at your local grocery store, somewhere up the chain of command is Wayne Enterprise, is Bruce Wayne aka "Gotham royalty" aka "the prince of Gotham". The only way you don't work for him is crime, small family owned businesses (and even then you probably buy supplies from him), or you're also a large company in the 1%.
(If you look to the Google search shown earlier on how rich he is, there's a comic of telling the Kent's he's a trillionaire. While I don't know the context and he could just be showing off, it's not insane to imagine that he probably is, especially when he has a hand in just as much as Jeff Bezos and Amazon does AND on top of that is considered old money, literally building Gotham.) Without Batman, Gotham would fall. But it would also fall without Bruce Wayne.
Stark Industries however works in primarily clean energy. According to fandom wiki these are it's 5 subsidiaries:
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So yes while both are rich, it seems fairly clear who is most likely richer. The more I looked into this the more I realized the only reason we actually have this "argument" is because comics were popularized by the middle class, who don't see typically more than a million, if you're doing extremely well in your lifetime, meaning we never conceptualize the amount of money, a billion, or a trillion, actually is and these people have several of them.
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You were carryonmy-assbutt!!!!! That is when I followed you !!
Ye boiiiiii, I stopped watching spn as much so felt like I couldn't carry the name any longer
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
Do you play Mystic Messenger?
no :/
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linskywords · 6 years
professorerudite replied to your post “edenfenixblogs: phdbff: carryonmy-assbutt: thenarator: ...”
@linskywords you are correct. They used rags. If you were poor, you had to rinse and reuse them. Most likely they were held in place by some sort of girdle. Faux history posts annoy me.
Huzzah. Thank you for bringing the knowledge. :D
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dibs4ever · 7 years
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This was a request from @carryonmy-assbutt from a while ago that I honestly forgot about and I'm so sorry its late
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red-5 · 6 years
Sins of the Father (Pt. 2)
Part One
Summary: Father always told you, Gods lie.
Avengers x God of War 
A/N: Wow! Thank you all for the kind words and interest in this story! I’ve added all the beautiful people that asked to the taglist. :)
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You’d had time to think about what you would do when you finally came face to face with any of the Allfather’s kin.
Usually in theses fantasies, fueled by the raging fire of vengeance, it was in the heat of battle. The bitter, bone shattering clash of steel on steel. The roar of flames and crackle of thunder. A storm of wrath and fury. Father knew the same fire that burned within him had sparked within you. One of the few times you were able to see even the slightest hint of his mortal side, in the furrow of his brow as he sat over you while your body shook with the fever. Mother’s hands smoothing your hair away from your sweaty brow as you assured him through wracking coughs in your small, weak voice that you were fine. It had been many years since his feet had found the sands of his home, but still you knew.
Spartans did not know weakness.
Gods did not know weakness.
He had tried to temper the flames that now raged within you, knowing full well the consequences that lay down that path, wanting to spare you the same mistakes he had made. He wanted you to be better. Better than he, or any of the Gods that had come before had been. He nurtured the mercy your mother planted within you any way he knew how, and she had taught him well.
Then, Odin’s all-seeing eye fell upon you.
Your eyes flickered over your shoulder as Mjolnir’s decorated surface glinted brilliantly even in the low light as he set the wretched hammer on the counter between you. Every muscle frozen, poised either to run to freedom, or fight to the death. He knew who you were. How he could have split the skies and unleashed the wrath of Asgard in a maelstrom of thunder, and yet, he had you still as a deer in a hunter’s sight with six words.
Father would be disappointed.
You felt him shift behind you, felt the weight of his gaze.
“I do not wish to harm you.”
You scoffed. You learned your mother’s lessons well, but you were still your father’s daughter.
“You assume you could.”
The lack of malice in his brilliant smile only made you hate him more.
“Now that,” he chuckled, folding his arms across his chest, “is a challenge I would very much like to accept.”
He moved in your field of vision, still smiling broadly and leaning casually against the counter.
“I have heard only tales of the Ghost of Sparta. Slayer of Gods. The streets ran red with blood beneath his feet. The gates of the underworld wail with the tortured souls of his victims. Oh, how the babes of Asgard trembled at the very mention of his name.”
Your blood boiled, the edges of your sight fading to red. It seemed pompous arrogance was a trait the Allfather had passed down to his oaf of a son.
“You know not of what you speak,” you growled, voice low and even despite the rage that bubbled deep inside. “You would be wise to hold your tongue, Son of Odin.”
Even without Father’s blades at your side, even through the exhaustion you felt, you never had more confidence in your ability to wipe clean Asgard’s royal bloodline.
‘Temper your fury, girl. We fight with our minds first. No matter the reason, there are consequences to killing a God.’
His wide, obnoxious smile finally faltered, the mirth in his clear blue eyes finally fading. He regarded you for a moment, blonde eyebrows drawing together as he rolled his tongue between his teeth. Whatever warmth he tried to stoke between you vanished in an instant, turning instead to a chill frost that bristled with every word.
“How did you escape?”
You remained as silent as death itself, ignoring his pointed stare as your eyes flickered around you, looking for even the slightest flurry of movement. Any moment now, Odin’s ravens would descend upon you. The swirling vortex of the Bifrost would open a gateway from the heavens and envelope you in shimmering lights and swirling colors as Heimdall’s inescapable sight finally found you. The seconds ticked by, each one longer than the last, and just as still.
The smoldering behemoth of a God seemed oblivious to your heightened state.
“Mother enchanted the walls herself, how did you make it through the Bifrost?”
Confusion joined your anger, swirling into a heavy fog in your head as you finally turned to face him.
“It is impossible that Heimdall would not- “
“What the hell are you talking about?”
His words died in has throat, his bearded jaw falling slack as he blinked through his own confusion.
“Your prison,” he enunciated as if those two simple words explained everything. “The prison built… for you… after your surrender when the G… when your father fell to the Einherjar during your failed siege of- “
He cut off at your disbelieving huff. How sure he sounded. How strongly he believed in his father’s lies. You’d seen Odin’s mercy. It wasn’t fruitful banquets or toasts of honeyed mead from golden goblets. It was frost that chilled to the bone. It was the screams of the damned. It was wishing he had executed you, too.
“Is that what he told you?”
He could do little more than stare back at you, eyes clouded, and face etched heavily with puzzlement.
Neither on of you reacted to the blonde man’s call, though you were certain you both had heard it clearly. Your eyes remained locked together in silent combat until the tall, slender man swept into the kitchen only to pause abruptly at the sight that met him.
“Is… everything alright?” He asked carefully after a long moment of silence.
His tense words broke through the heavy trance that had fallen between you. You blinked away from the God’s stare, sucking in a breath as you allowed your mask to slip back into place. He responded in kind, plastering the glistening smile back on his face and turning to his brother in arms.
“Ah, Brother Steve, but of course! I was merely in search of refreshments for our gathering and stumbled upon the very topic of conversation. Of course, I had to be polite and introduce myself to our newest potential recruit.”
The loaded glance he shot in your direction did not go unnoticed by you. The blonde man nodded, caution clear in his eyes, but he didn’t pry.
“Right. Well Tony’s back, so we can- “
“Oh my is this her?”
“-get started,” he finished with an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as a shorter man with wild brown hair skirted around him with a flourish.
You recognized him, but then again, even living as a hermit, it was hard to live in New York and not recognize Tony Stark. He circled you like a vulture circles the wolf’s kill, pulling the colorful sunglasses away from his face so his eyes could scour every inch of your frame.
“What’s your secret? Core? Free weights? Radiation?”
You lifted an eyebrow at his onslaught, unsure of how to respond even if you wanted to.
“Hm. Well, we knew you had the strong down pat, looks like you’ve got the silent to go with it. Care to join us? We’re about to hear another one of Cap’s exciting team building pep talks- “
“Tony- “
“No, I mean that. You had a bit of a rocky start, but I feel as if you’ve really come into yourself as a leader- “
“Alright,” the blonde man, Steve, interjected, stepping between you and the man you suspected to be a lunatic. “She doesn’t want to join us, she wants to rest. Tony, Thor, if you please, we have a debriefing to complete.”
He leaned closer, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he whispered a single word.
You forced a smile, a small laugh, a nod at the playful wink he shot you no doubt to put you at ease.
Tony scoffed a disgusted ‘party pooper’ as Steve corralled them both towards the elevator, but their banter fell on deaf ears as the ice blue eyes of the God of Thunder once more found yours, the remnants of your unfinished conversation lingering in their depths. He wanted answers. He wanted to finish your conversation.
You didn’t care.
The Æsir would believe whatever they wish. It was none of your concern. The chill of his gaze slipped from yours as he was funneled into the elevator, the doors sliding closed with a hiss.
Only a few hours until sundown.
@angelaiswriting @wildefire @youngmoneymilla @carriewfob @storm-howlett @geeksareunique @lexie10123 @tamarzipan @karyn-esmeralda @asslikegilinsky @pusheenthecatfangirl1 @rishlo @carryonmy-assbutt @markusstraya @hey-i-really-miss-you @hertill @tearlioness
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Hey I love your sister's fics but I just wanted to ask, how old is the reader, Roy and dick in her fic? Cause in canon dick was about 9 when he first went to Bruce and Roy is a couple (or a few) years older than dick
Hello!! Thanks for asking! I’m a little fuzzy on the canon but I checked with Sam. She’s keeping track with all her stories as time passes and there’s a few places where she diverges from the canon, which is her choice. I’ll make note of that in the Author’s Notes.
In “Shattered Beginnings”, the reader is 6. “Adjusting” follows directly after that, so the reader is still 6 or 7. In “Growing Pains”, the reader grows up to 12 where she’s training. She meets Roy at that time and he’s 13, although they’re in the same class/grade. “Growing Pains” Part 2, introduces Dick who is 12 [this is one place where we’re divergent from the canon, I’ll will add that to the A/N.] “Troublemakers” takes place directly after “Growing Pains” so Roy is 13, Reader is 12 and Dick is 12. It’s that way just to keep them closer in age and age appropriate.
As we progress in the story, we’ll make note and keep track of the ages because they’re growing up throughout the series. But all ye be warned...there’s a few places that will not line up with canon. I hope that doesn’t offend anyone. we’re all just having fun and are along for the ride! :)
Sam’s Mobile Masterlist
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fen-ha-fuck-you · 6 years
fen-ha-fuck-you’s mutual appreciation
hey so it’s a bitch’s birthday (the bitch is me) and i thought what better way to celebrate than shouting out my most treasured mutuals! go follow each other if that’s your jam. if not, that’s fine too!
note - i’m absolutely certain i missed some (a lot) of you and i apologize but i’m sleep deprived and have been putting this together for over a hour so it is what it is
A - C
@a-timely-interruption @after-the-epilogue @al3xia17 @allforthetwinyards @alyshapw123 @and-the-stars-eternal @apostatehoe @apostateme @as-inevitable-as-morning @aspectraldisaster @avengersonna @awesomonster@babewardkenway @bbyboystyyles @beautyqueen-blake @bellamyblakesbeard @bellamyisbae5eva @bellamynochillblake @bellamys-princess @bellamywarriorblake @bellarkebb @bellarkelifestyle @bellarkemmd @bellarkowe @bellarrkkee @bellsbeard @bi-oware @bi-princessoftheark @blakeesgriffin @blakes-bell @blakes-griffin @blizzaurus @bloggingbellarke @bluvixen @bookworm-ft @brave-and-bold-athena @broodybellamy @brooklyn99-and-three-quarters @buckymybabybarnes @captain-fish-biscuit @carryonmy-assbutt @chellexo @clairelessly @clarissa-stayfield @clarkescrusade @clrkesbellamy @coleyoptile @commanderchazzam @comradechicken @consultingangelofthelord @cryingmanlytears
D - M
@dirty-pawprints @drizellabae @drogontamer @eileeleedon @elirwen @em-ori @empty-waterbottles @empyreansteel @emszem @eternallyconfusedforever @everydayatleast @flightxofxlight @freckled-wonder @future-mrs-tennant @galaxyblake @geniaparadox @glitterbubbbles @gray-jedi-scavenger-rey @griffinnblake @griffinpuff @halfbloodduchess @helenabonhamcartergotdrunkand @hereforbobmorley @i-am-felicity-smoak @i-see-you-bell @ileftherbehind @imusketeersmolder @inajohncriminalway @inkynyarutherford @isaravenclaw @ithadtobeme @jars-are-amason @jediquake @jesuisleslegumes @jjjunebug @julibernardo @just-little-old-me-floating-away @katerinapetrova-komtrikru @kierfnen @limitedbrainspace @love-thatfish @madisgriffin @marshmelons-are-delicious @may-daye @merlinmad65 @mermaeids @milkdaughter @millerhasmybackpack @montygreen @mostly--bellarke
N - Z
@n7kiera-ryder @nebulasparks @nerdybellamy @nightbleeder @ntbogoni @nvermindiseeyou @octannibal-blake @ofwomice-andwomen @okayxprincess@perpetualbbps @persepholily @platonic-bellarke @postimpression @punk--monsters @railloki @ravenslunas @rebellam-y @rogue-gender @rohan-in-space @rvajake @samanthaj1011 @sat-star-one @saveclementine @scarf-wearing-tyrannosaurus @scientistsalarian @scofieldspecter @sedativeundertheskin @shenko @shepavellan @sifubellamy @spideymybabe @starkdelinquents @superlegends315 @taco-bellamy @that-spectre-grey-warden @thatoneblogthere @the-bellarke-feels @the100trashcan @thecowboynerd @thenerdyrenegade @theneutronflow @thenorthernkings @thetolkiengeek @thingsinlifeyoujustdo @tigerinthelilyfield @trash-rodent @turnthepaigeover @unmecha @vanguardassassin @vintage-bellarke @vulcanwitchcraft @yorickisdead @zeeheart @zomonro
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skymoonandstardust · 6 years
The number seeing reader returns!
I’ve come up with another idea for our number seeing reader from this plot, which I've done before. only this time it’ll be a number seeing reader who meets each batboy one by one and connects the dots between them and their hero alter egos. What do you guys think?, would you read it?
Let me know
 tagging the old office heros and some other peeps
 @scionofthestars  @aquabrie @sneakingthroughyourgifs @theresnofandomforthis @bbparker @iclaudsworld  @purpledolphin-f @coltcas  @luv-what-you-do @carryonmy-assbutt @sneakingthroughyourgifs @carryonmy-assbutt @casownsmyass @the-crime-fighting-spider @cinnamon-roll-parker @a-sea-of-fandoms @shuri-owns-my-heart @lets-imagine-fanfics @letsgetoutalive @fangirl-who-dreams
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I changed my url
Used to be carryonmy-assbutt then carryonmy-fandom but now this
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