#Bruce Wayne is richer tho
ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 days
Gotham: Fragile Allegiances
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/J37qF0o by AudreytheSlasherSimp Gotham City. A town known for its beautiful, ancient architecture and bustling industrial complex. A place where business fires on all cylinders, and where the rich get richer. Where you can call your life your own, and take it by the reins. In addition, it is far and away the most corrupt, irredeemable city in the country. Riots every Halloween, where lockdowns have to be placed. Organized criminals and hired guns running the streets. Corruption at City Hall, where sleazy politicians would rule through dishonesty and underhanded tactics. And at the heart of it all, two opposing factions; Sionis Industrial, and the Thorne Syndicate. Each of them, fighting for control of the city's seedier elements and underbelly. One of them wanting a "new face for Gotham", the other, longing for the days of the Mafia. Detective Gordon had just found a breakthrough in the Axis Chemical case. Yet, as the tides turn around him, he finds himself questioning his allegiances. And worse still, something is roaming the streets of Gotham, stalking its corrupt elements like a predatory animal. Words: 7738, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jim Gordon (DCU), Roman Sionis, Rupert Thorne, Arnold Flass, Harvey Dent, Oswald Cobblepot, Mentioned Bruce Wayne - Character, Batman (character) - Character, Background Barbara Gordon, Background Maxie Zeus, Harvey Bullock, Background Salvatore Maroni, Mentioned Gilda Dent Relationships: Mentioned Harvey Dent & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Detective Noir, Organized Crime, Long-Suffering Jim Gordon, Smoking, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Police Brutality, Arnold Flass is a Dick, Implied/Referenced Racism, Lieutenant Bullock's Name is Douglas, mainly so no one would confuse him with dent, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drugs, Maxie Zeus' last name is Deus, Riots, Mischief Night, POV Alternating, Gotham City is Terrible, Gotham City Police Department, Pre-Two-Face Harvey Dent, Harvey Dent is Mentally Ill, Tags May Change, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, it's just a throw away line tho read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/J37qF0o
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yagirl-kore · 4 years
We all know the age old question of who's richer: Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark? I'm here to tell you the answer, heathens
So if you just plain Google who's richer it'll tell you but there's no way this information is true.
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Here it clearly says that it's Stark, despite drawing in a smaller annual avenue.
This seems like the end, right? Like it clearly states who's richer, that's gotta be it, Kore, you're done here right? No. Lmao you thought. What you have to keep in mind though is that both comics were started in the 30s and 40s. These comics have gone through inflation, different writers, publishers, etc. There's no way to have an accurate depiction of what their monetary worth is.
So I continued to dig and realized there's way more information on both companies and as I looked it became glaringly obvious who was richer. To understand this though, you need more information on each company's background.
As we see several times over, Stark Industries started in weaponry specifically for the military under Howard Stark during WW2. Once Tony really took over he left the weaponry behind and focused Stark Industries on clean energy and the Avengers. It's also stated that they monopolized clean energy, an extremely impressive feat. Tony also says in his famous line that he is a billionaire.
The Wayne's are referred to as Gotham royalty over and over but you don't realize exactly what that means until you look into the family history. The Wayne's came to Gotham as early as the Industrial Revolution, starting to buy up land cheap and holding onto the estate while building railroads, quite literally a founding family of Gotham, few of which have actually survived to present day comics. By the time the Industrial Revolution is over, the Wayne's have an extremely nice settlement in what has become Gotham and have a nice sized hand in the economy that impressively stays there through both world wars and up to present day. They are, literally, old money through and through.
"Well yeah but what do they actually do, Kore?" Well as stated earlier SI works currently primarily in clean energy while drabbling in a few other things here and there.
Wayne Enterprise however, has a hand in literally everything. When I say everything, I mean, e v e r y t h i n g. According to this post, also on my account: https://yagirl-kore.tumblr.com/post/626086856314994688/kindaangelic-carryonmy-assbutt
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Wayne Enterprises literally owns everything, and this isn't even all of it. That's 33 subsidiaries listed. According to Fandom Wiki the main branches are: technologies, biotech, foods, shipping, steel, shipbuilding, aerospace, chemicals, industries, medical, electronics, entertainment, institute, and research Institute. They literally have a hand in everything from food to aerospace. It also said they work in experimental sciences, fission, and clean energy. If you work in Gotham, even at your local grocery store, somewhere up the chain of command is Wayne Enterprise, is Bruce Wayne aka "Gotham royalty" aka "the prince of Gotham". The only way you don't work for him is crime, small family owned businesses (and even then you probably buy supplies from him), or you're also a large company in the 1%.
(If you look to the Google search shown earlier on how rich he is, there's a comic of telling the Kent's he's a trillionaire. While I don't know the context and he could just be showing off, it's not insane to imagine that he probably is, especially when he has a hand in just as much as Jeff Bezos and Amazon does AND on top of that is considered old money, literally building Gotham.) Without Batman, Gotham would fall. But it would also fall without Bruce Wayne.
Stark Industries however works in primarily clean energy. According to fandom wiki these are it's 5 subsidiaries:
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So yes while both are rich, it seems fairly clear who is most likely richer. The more I looked into this the more I realized the only reason we actually have this "argument" is because comics were popularized by the middle class, who don't see typically more than a million, if you're doing extremely well in your lifetime, meaning we never conceptualize the amount of money, a billion, or a trillion, actually is and these people have several of them.
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punkbxt · 5 years
i got tagged by a bunch of different people but they got lost in my feed lmao.
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: kingothy, kingman, boriqua spock
Zodiac: virgo
Height: 5’6”
Hogwarts House: slitherclaw (slitherin, ravenclaw)
Last thing I googled: is bruce wayne a millionaire or a billionaire? (the answer is billionaire. we were having a discussion. also tony stark is richer)
Song stuck in my head: arabian nights (it slaps so fucking hard) also filter
Following: uhhhhh i checked and it says 399 (bitches dont be active tho so like hmmmm)
Followers: 2,072
Amount I sleep: wish i knew (insomniac squad baybeee)
Lucky Numbers: 13
Dream Job: fashion designer and astronaut
Currently Wearing: black sweatshorts and a grey “live long and prosper” spock shirt
Favorite songs: depends on the times tbh
Favorite Instrument: cello (if u play marry me rn)
Random Fact about Me: i play the bass clarinet and have been playing the piano on and off since i was six years old
Favorite Authors: does janet evanovich count? idk i havent read a book in ages but she wrote my all time favorite book
Favorite Animal Noises: cats purring
Aesthetic: hella pierced up (10 piercings in da face) punk streetwear with vintage pieces. also pop punk but what i really want is futuristic punk streetwear
anyways im bad at these and idk who to tag but if you wanna do it you can totally say i tagged you in it
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faakeid · 5 years
Can you recommend me some good tv shows or movies that get you hooked
Wow, I’m surprised to find a gem in my ask box, thank you for that anon~. I will separate the list by types of media (movie/TV series) so it can be easier to classify. 
And they will have different styles, so you can just look for something that fits your mood
TV Series
Sharp Objects: I love Amy Adams. She’s such a queen and the roles she gets are superb. This series is based on a book of the same name written by the author of Gone Girl. It’s about a journalist who has a lot of traumas and needs to go back to her hometown to report some murders that are happening there. The vibe of this series is really good. If you like mystery/suspense this is a good catch. Just has one season, so you can marathon it well (mystery/drama/suspense. TW to self harm).
Mindhunter: I really like serial killer stories and this is based in real life events. Basically it show how the perception we have now of serial killers started to exist, in terms of how now the police tries to understand the mind of the person. So we see a lot of real life serial killers portraited there and mixes of the main characters personal lives. I didn’t watch the second season yet, but the first one got me hooked well. It’s not fightening, but it may describe some unsettling scenes, so if you are sensitive just ignore this one;
100 Days of My Prince: I’m just enjoying the opportunity to mention this drama and I know I’m cheating but idc. I don’t care much about kdramas and I’m not recommending this just because Kyungsoo is in it. Far from it. I’m doing it because I started watching it at 2 pm and finished at 11 pm of the same day (with my hack techniques but ok) bc I just couldn’t stop. Loved the Woon Deuk/ Lee Yeol and Hongshim, the side characters, the villains, the plot. I admit the last episode was weak compared with the rest but not enough to not recommend this and want to watch it again. (mystery/romance/drama)
Dark: OMG THIS IS PERFECT. AMAZING. NO WORDS. If you love time traveling and just stuff that will mindfuck your brain, GIVE IT A CHANCE. I was traveling at the time I started to watch this masterpiece and I gave up many opportunities of sightseeing to watch the two seasons. Yes, it’s that good (mystery/time travel/mind fuck).
The Perfectionist: I’m recommending this more for the Pretty Little Liars nostalgia than because of it’s quality and because I got hooked by it. There’s also the book, but the series makes a link with PLL when they put Alison DiLaurentis as a main character. There’s some references, mystery, some romance too. A similar formula. But you can give it a try, it makes no harm (suspense/mystery/romance/drama/teen);
Banana Fish (ANIME): ok, I know it’s an anime but it has 24 episodes and a good story. It was designed by the same studio that did Yuuri on Ice and you can see the similarities on the drawing style. The characters are catchy, the plot instigates you to keep watching the next until the end. The second half of it didn’t please me TOO much, but it’s still really good. It mentions some heavy themes like minor prostitution, but I like the way this subject is shown. (action/mafia/drama).
Joker: because WHY NOT. This movie is just too good. Period. Could feel how raw Joaquin Phoenix was during his interpretation, the themes spoken without being sappy, the catharsis. Phenomenal even if you don’t like super hero movies. This isn’t even a super hero movie but ok.
Doukyuusei: it’s so sweet, so pure, it makes me want to fall in love every time. It’s an anime beautiful portraited and just beautiful, tender, soft. I recommend reading the manga that fills out a few blanks the movie has tho (anime/romance/”yaoi”).
The Lobster:  Really good. It’s a dystopic romance, which discuss about it and the lack of it. The messages it has touched my heart tenderly, it can be raw but beautifully raw. Loved it (drama/romance/dystopic);
Get Out: watched three times and it gives you an uncomfortable feeling you know? Of knowing that something will happen, something is wrong and nothing is right. Loved the acting and the way the tension is built (suspense/terror [sort of]);
Batman Begins: that will be the last superhero movie I recommend. I know everyone LOVES dark knight and I like it too, sort of. But everyone seems to sleep on Batman Begins???? Unacceptable. The atmosphere, how they built Bruce Wayne/Batman duality, Gothan being like a living being. It marked me more than the dark knight and you can see it became an inspiration to other movies that came after that (action/super hero).
Donnie Darko: one of my favorite movies of all time. Donnie is weird, but I think everyone can see a bit of themselves on him. The soundtrack is amazing, right gold from the 80s (weird/paralel universes).
American Psycho: a rich mothefucker is surrounded by other rich mothefuckers who compete between themselves to see who’s richer. What could go wrong? A classic and still have messages for us today without being whiny and political correct (terror/slasher/crazy shit).
Moulin Rouge: the last one because I want to give other options and this is an amazing musical/romance story. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman make such a couple here it warms and hurts my soul every time. 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 days
Gotham: Fragile Allegiances
by AudreytheSlasherSimp Gotham City. A town known for its beautiful, ancient architecture and bustling industrial complex. A place where business fires on all cylinders, and where the rich get richer. Where you can call your life your own, and take it by the reins. In addition, it is far and away the most corrupt, irredeemable city in the country. Riots every Halloween, where lockdowns have to be placed. Organized criminals and hired guns running the streets. Corruption at City Hall, where sleazy politicians would rule through dishonesty and underhanded tactics. And at the heart of it all, two opposing factions; Sionis Industrial, and the Thorne Syndicate. Each of them, fighting for control of the city's seedier elements and underbelly. One of them wanting a "new face for Gotham", the other, longing for the days of the Mafia. Detective Gordon had just found a breakthrough in the Axis Chemical case. Yet, as the tides turn around him, he finds himself questioning his allegiances. And worse still, something is roaming the streets of Gotham, stalking its corrupt elements like a predatory animal. Words: 7738, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jim Gordon (DCU), Roman Sionis, Rupert Thorne, Arnold Flass, Harvey Dent, Oswald Cobblepot, Mentioned Bruce Wayne - Character, Batman (character) - Character, Background Barbara Gordon, Background Maxie Zeus, Harvey Bullock, Background Salvatore Maroni, Mentioned Gilda Dent Relationships: Mentioned Harvey Dent & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Detective Noir, Organized Crime, Long-Suffering Jim Gordon, Smoking, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Police Brutality, Arnold Flass is a Dick, Implied/Referenced Racism, Lieutenant Bullock's Name is Douglas, mainly so no one would confuse him with dent, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drugs, Maxie Zeus' last name is Deus, Riots, Mischief Night, POV Alternating, Gotham City is Terrible, Gotham City Police Department, Pre-Two-Face Harvey Dent, Harvey Dent is Mentally Ill, Tags May Change, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, it's just a throw away line tho via https://ift.tt/J37qF0o
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