jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
How do you think the caregivers of SWAT would approach bedtime routines with their littles?
Bedtime Swat Caregiver headcanons
Ooo I love this so much 🫶🫶
(This is in no certain order) (I couldn’t fit Cortez in sry)
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Definitely have a set bedtime routine but if he actually follows it depends on the day
It’d probably consist of the normal, bath, pajamas, teeth, hair, story and lights out
However it can get chaotic on what pajamas and how many story’s and maybe doing his littles hair is a bit of a struggle
He’d be the type to check for monsters in the closet and under the bed (also checking window locks for his own peace of mind)
Would be strict about not having sugar too close to bedtime
If he gets home late from shift and his littles already in bed there’s a good chance he’ll end up passed out in their bed when he went to just kiss their forehead
Forehead kisses are nightly no matter what
Him and Nichelle definitely share bedtime routine responsibilities when they start to live together
He’s not a night person so once his littles down he’ll clean up a bit then head off to bed himself
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I’ve covered him in other posts but I’m happy to say it again
Reading story’s and cuddles
That’s all he needs for a bedtime routine
Yeah he makes sure his little has done all the essentials before bed but if they insist on skipping their hair to cuddle up with a book who’s Deac to say no
He doesn’t stay up particularly late, maybe 9 or 10
Honestly the only thing that could be considered a routine is how he cleans the kitchen before settling to start to get ready with bed
He likes mornings to run smoothly so keeping things clean at night is ideal
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He’s such an insomniac that bedtime routines mean nothing to him
“Oh you’re tired? Shit yeah it’s already two am, let’s go to bed”
Is adamant about teeth brushing and hair brushing though
A god at shushing nightmares away, better than anyone else
Will cave as soon as his little asks to sleep in his bed
A mountain of stuffed animals is on streets bed at all times
Cuddling is a must
Giggling 12am snacks are always a favorite in the house
Street genuinely hates being away from his little at night
it stresses him out to not know he checked all the locks himself and made sure his little was comfortable
The only people he trusts to watch his little at night are Hondo, Nichelle, Alexis and Zoe.
Tan too but he’d rather not as tan gets the same anxiety street gets at night
There’s like thirty alarms set to wake him and his little up in the morning
But as soon as he’s up, he is up
6am runs with zero issues
He doesn’t get groggy so his little learns to also be a morning and night person
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She tries to plan out everything she can and bedtime is no different
As soon as 7pm hits she’s turning the lights on dim and switching to a slower activity or show
Will only let her little stay up if they’re having a bad night, then it’s movies and popcorn
Tucks her little in very snug, making sure they can’t have “any monster get them”
If she’s not there for bedtime she leaves Tan, Zoe or Street in charge and nobody else
She’s super protective as is but nighttime really bring it out
If her little and her are out during night but she gets a bad feeling she’ll immediately take them home
She risks nothing when it comes to safety
If she does get a bad feeling and rushes home, she makes up for it with pillow forts and junk food
But makes sure her little brushes their teeth twice before bed
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Very similar to Street in the sense of her insomnia being god awful
Does have more of a schedule than Street but if it’s not stuck to Zoe could care less
Nighttime is more so chaos than day
Dance party’s in the living room at 2am happen more times than you’d think
Also late night projects, “oh you suddenly want a snow cone? Get in the car we’re gonna go buy a whole snow cone machine”
She has little to no nighttime anxiety, she’s use to going on runs by herself at 4am or maybe being on the night shift for most of her jobs
Nighttime swimming is one of Zoe’s favorite things
Basically nighttime adventures are her thing
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He gets super bad night anxiety in general but especially with his little in his house so chances are there’s a strict routine
Making sure to get them in bed at a reasonable hour but also make the night enjoyable instead of how scary it can seem
Tea and bedtime story’s are a must
Cuddles also help calm Vic down
His hates leaving his little home at night when he’s on shift but there’s people he allows to watch them
Surprisingly Nichelle is one of his favorite people to have watch his little at night, then obviously zoe, street, and Alexis all take top spots as well
Checks the locks on all the windows and doors at least five times before bed
Tan naturally wakes up early but tries to be quiet so his little can sleep in
Breakfast in bed is one of his favorite ways to wake up his little
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There’s barely a routine as she’ll just pull her little onto her hip then walk them to the bed if she thinks they need it
She’s not a morning person at all, prefers the night so bed is never rushed towards
Can spend all night playing games with her little
Loves to play with her littles hair to get them to sleep
Long car drives if someone’s having a bad night is a must
Just seeing the city at night, windows down, low music playing, long talks, Chris adores it
She checks the locks of the car or house at least five times before settling into bed
even if her littles already sleep she’ll get up to triple check
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She’s basically the designated babysitter for littles when the teams on shift at night
It’s one of her favorite things
Loves to do her littles hair, helping them pick out pajamas, read new books to them
Her routine is pretty solid but it’s not set to a certain times frame
If her littles tired earlier than normal she’ll have no problem laying down with them
Same goes for if her littles still wide awake
She does try to get them to sleep by 10:30 the latest but sometimes that doesn’t work out which is okay
So So sweet if her little has any nightmares
Will make Angel milk or just warm milk in general
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He might say he’s a night owl but it’s a lie
Literally in bed before 10 every night
Doesn’t even bother trying to pretend like he wants his little to stay in their own bed, he’d much rather have a cuddle buddy all night
Doesn’t read story’s but will make one up off the top of his head
It can be a bit of a squeeze with Luca, his little and Duke the dog on the bed but non of you would ever change it
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Dan Hondo Senior-
Everything is chaos with him anyways but especially night
He’s ready to pass out at six pm but stays up with his little
Falling asleep on the couch is normal but then he’s jumping to get his little into pajamas and brush their teeth
Hondo has come home to his little and him sleeping peacefully on the couch at seven pm
Reads story’s but it ends with you both asleep
A morning person so his little becomes one
much to Hondos annoyance, he wants sleep but his fathers up cooking breakfast while telling an animated story to his little (hondo can never stay mad)
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littleprincerianne · 1 month
Hi!! Can I ask for a cg board of Dan Heng from hsr :)?
suddenly i'm so tempted to try hsr this guy has such dad energy visually... (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠)
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jelliefishhhh · 1 year
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Dan Heng Caregiver Headcannons
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
- Doesn’t really mind any names you call him but has a preference for being called Mama, not that he’ll ever admit that to anyone
- Will sit you in his room while he works and sometimes he’ll read the data bank entries to you
- He’s better with quiet littles, and prefers to keep and eye on them as he works, if you’re more energetic he’ll probably call in March to help him
- Made a data bank specifically with Agere info (It’s very detailed) so he knows how to best help you, and shares it with anyone who comes to babysit you when he isn’t available
- When he isn’t in the archives, he’ll take you to the parlor car and sit you on his lap to watche the stars. If you want he’ll tell you about the stars you see as well, and any planets that pass by
- Not strict with rules unless they’re in place to keep you safe
- He’ll have no specific bed time for you but if he sees you getting tired he’ll put you to bed immediately
- Calls you little one or Kid
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eflen-n-reegee · 8 months
Caregiver Dan Torrance Headcanons (Doctor Sleep)
Heads up: this movie contains violence, child torture, and murder. Suggested by anon
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He’s a very calm caregiver; not super playful, but incredibly nurturing.
He uses his shine often in his caregiving. For instance, he frequently talks to you inside your head when others are around. This allows him to baby you without others being aware.
With your permission, he’ll look at your thoughts and use them to help with his caregiving. In doing so, he’s able to know exactly what you need at any given time, even if you can’t express your wants.
He can also help you access the best memories from your childhood in ways that will help you regress more deeply.
He takes you to the hospice ward to visit the residents there. They love to see you and always spoil you.
You’re allowed to help with the tiny town, and to play in it. It’s a great place to play pretend!
If you’re a horror-loving kiddo, Dan has some of the most bone-chilling stories you’ve ever heard!
(And if you don’t like scary stuff, that’s fine too. He’s had enough scary experiences in his life anyway.)
He teaches you to lock bad thoughts away. Obviously you can’t keep them prisoner the same way he keeps the ghosts prisoner, but it’s a helpful visualization exercise.
Every time you wake up, there’s a note for you on the blackboard wall, usually an affirmation or a gentle reminder.
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rancidfruit · 6 months
been watching and unfortunately enjoying One Tree Hill but didn't fully know why. After much reflection I have discerned that it's probably due to its high population of severely and absolutely pathetic men
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pwrn51 · 1 year
Congress Ignores Disability Rights
Congress ignores disability rights: we’re too distracted by the Culture Wars The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a special Ed student, but we should realize Congress should’ve stepped up for the disabled. With one in every 44 kids with autism in the US and 26% of US adult’s having a disability, we (and Congress) need to step up…and stop distracting ourselves with the culture wars! Providing the…
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baby-kuromi-coll · 3 months
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Shigiraki Themed Agere Moodboard
Little Shigaraki Headcanons:
Shigaraki spends a lot of time making little crafts and art pieces along with just general colouring and drawing
Shigaraki is autistic and do to this spends a lot of time using stim toys, wearing his noise cancelling headphones, and collecting stuffed animals as they have textures that help calm him!
Shigaraki loves gaming in his feee time and it’s no different when he’s regressed! When he’s tiny though his favourites are Animal crossing and Minecraft!
Shigaraki loves watching Disney movies and kids YouTube videos, his favourites being og Minecraft players like stamps cat and Dan tdm
Shigaraki loves curling up with his friends in a cozy little blanket fort and eating his favourite comfort snacks
Shigaraki has a tendency to impurely regress, however it’s fairly easy to help him make the regression more pure
Kurogiri is Shigaraki’s main caregiver but Dabi tends to be a babysitter, even when he is regressed aswell since he tends to regress to his teens.
Shigaraki and Toga love to regress together and are eachothers Sibby’s
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kanaria-a · 20 days
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❝Tomorrow, and beyond tomorrow, in the fleeting blink of an eye❞
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Hsr Infection AU….(Prologue)
In an alternate universe where the hsr cast is infected with an unknown disease.....
Stage 1–You wouldn’t even know that you’re infected as there aren’t any major symptoms. Patients will often report trouble breathing when lying down or sudden rashes in random spots
Stage 2–It’ll be more obvious that you’re infected. Trouble sleeping, random panic attacks, and hearing voices are all common reports from patients.
Stage 3–During the third stage, patients will start seeing things that aren’t there. They will have trouble walking, and will often just lay there. If you look closer, you’ll see that it looks like veins are emerging from the persons face.
Stage 4–The final stage. Bones will begin emerging from within the skin, usually from the joints, although it seems not to hurt the patients. They will begin to act in a hysterical manner; clawing at the protective glass and trying to attack their caregivers.
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The list of patients on the first stage were just mundane researchers for the Herta Space Station. None of them seemed to even get past the first stage before succumbing to The Infection. Even though the Stage One symptoms seemed minor, to the patients, it felt like their flesh was being ripped clean off of their skeleton. The only other patient that seems to be on Stage One besides the researchers is Dan Heng, who had been, not necessarily complaining, but hinting about itchiness and small rashes appearing in different places each day. You were one of the few who were immune to The Infection, opting to become a doctor and help the people contained within the facility that Herta and Asta had built. One of your first few patients wasn't Dan Heng, but a patient that was already on Stage Two; Stelle. While Caelus was immune, Stelle didn't get so lucky. Even when under observation, Stelle never seemed to stop making jokes and trying to make you laugh. It's best not to give into it as The Infection can seemingly do things to a patients mind, sometimes altering their brain completely. Looking at Stelle in her "confinement" left you wondering if that was truly the case after all. Could anyone be as happy as she looked under these conditions?
You decided to start asking her questions instead of just staring at her quietly. You quickly noticed that something was wrong. The more questions you'd ask, the less she'd speak, until she stopped talking at all. When you asked the final question, she just stared behind you with wide eyes, looking to the left and right frantically. After that, you knew it was time to leave. The next patient you had was a Stage Three patients named March 7th. When walking to her cell, you witness one of the medics trying to bandage up a Stage Three patient who got himself hurt in his own cell. You go over to her, only to find that the patient is now bleeding a black, tar-like substance from his still open wound. The woman sighs heavily before introducing herself as Natasha. She tells you that she's a doctor from Belobog. She immediately finishes bandaging the poor man up, propping him up on his two feet while placing his left arm around her nape, shifting away slightly as to ensure that she isn't bitten or scratched. She glances at you quickly before pulling the young man away towards the more secure cells on the second floor. You went back to your original plan of going to March 7th’s compartment. Heading towards the end of the hall, you find that it’s eerily quiet. There’s almost no sound except for the heavy breaths coming from certain cubicles. When you find March’s cell, you find that it isn’t locked like the rest of the cells are supposed to be, making you worried at first until you open the door. You find that she’s just sitting in the corner behind the protective glass, just as she’s supposed to. You walk in and begin asking her questions, just as you did with Stelle, but instead of receiving real answers, you get mumbles that sound like pleas of help. Stage Three patients are often hard to talk to as they don’t normally talk, and if they do, it sounds like a cry for help, further proof that they’re still human even after being infected.
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Yippee!! This is just a prologue, sooo say what you want or expect in the next one and i’ll see what I can do :D!!
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0bviouslyem1ly · 8 months
do you have any age regressor Lucifer Morningstar (from Lucifer) headcanons?
Hi hi! I love your blog, ty for the ask!
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Age regressor Lucifer Morningstar headcannons!
•I feel like he doesn't really know why he regresses, or what it even is. He just knows that he does it, and it helps him get his mind off all the stress from everything that's happened to him with his dad and Michael.
•He probably started acting more childish, doing some pranks, maybe bothering Dan more.
•Linda was probably the first one to know. Lucifer opened up to her about how he just wanted to feel small and safe sometimes and that he liked kids things, and Linda explained to him what age regression was, and what he can do about it.
•Once he figured out more about what he does, he felt better about it.
•Chloe noticed how he was acting differently, and confronted him about it. He was a bit nervous to tell her, but he told her some of the things Linda had talked to him about.
•Chloe was supportive and happy that he was okay sharing that with her, and that she'll help whenever she can.
•His main caregivers would probably be Amenadiel and Maze would probably "help." Her version of help would most likely be throwing knives at a wall with him, but eventually she becomes a bit soft for little Lucifer.
•He would love playing games with Trixie, all the time! They'd play Monopoly, and lots of other fun board games.
•He'd color with Trixie, too. She'd give him some of her coloring pages, crayons, markers, or whatever tools he'd like.
•I think Lucifer would love stickers and markers a lot when he's regressed. Especially stickers!
•His little age is between 3-7? Maybe younger.
•Chloe would surprise him with packs of stickers once and a while, and she's bring him some snacks or drinks. (Homemade cupcakes or cookies, maybe?)
•Dan would somehow be convinced to be his babysitter for the day, and Dan eventually gets a bit of a soft spot for Lucifer. He'd even give him a pudding cup every time he babysits him!
I hope you enjoy the headcannons! I did my best, haha. Thank you! 😊
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My Masterlist
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Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar (with Maze and Chloe)
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar (with carer Dan)
Sleepy regressor Lucifer
And yet another regressor Lucifer
Regressor Lucifer and babysitter Maze
Vent regressor Lucifer
Vent pet regressor Lucifer
Another vent regressor Lucifer
Caregiver Micheal Demiurgos (with some headcanons)
Lucifer Morningstar
Regressor Lucifer Morningstar
As Sweet as Whiskey (regressor Lucifer, carer Chloe)
Sleepy Devil (regressor Lucifer)
Wake up bud (regressor Lucifer, carer Maze)
It's not because I'm tired (regressor Lucifer, carer Amenadiel)
Good Omens:
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Regressor Crowley (with cg Aziraphale)
Regressor Angel Crowley
Regressor Crowley 👻 (spooky vibes, my favorite moodboard so far)
Regressor Beelzebub
Caregiver Aziraphale
Caregiver Aziraphale 🕊️
Another caregiver Aziraphale
Caregiver Crowley
Crowley and Aziraphale
Milk, Honey and a Tea Spoon of Vanilla (regressor Crowley, carer Aziraphale)
Cozy fireplace (regressor Crowley, carer Aziraphale)
Doctor Who:
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Regressor Tenth Doctor
Regressor Tenth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
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Regressor Dean Winchester
Regressor Dean
Another regressor Dean
9-1-1 Lone Star:
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Regressor TK Strand
House M.D:
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Regressor Greg House (with cg Wilson)
Regressor James Wilson (and teddy bears)
Regressor Robert Chase
Another regressor Chase
Caregiver James Wilson
Regressor Robert Chase
The average dog is nicer than the average person (pet regressor Wilson and carer House. *unfinished)
White Collar:
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Regressor Neal Caffrey
Regressor Neal Caffrey (with cg Peter Burke)
Another regressor Neal Caffrey
Time out (regressor Neal with El and Peter)
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Regressor Mike Ross
Vent Regressor Mike Ross (tw- weed)
Regressor Harvey Specter (Racing Hearts)
Regressor Mike Ross (Racing Hearts)
Regressors Mike and Harvey (Racing Hearts)
Racing Hearts
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Regressor Seeley Booth (with cg Temperance Brennan)
Regressor Jack Hodgins (with Booth and Angela)
Moon Knight:
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Regressor Steven Grant
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Regressor Will Graham (with cg Hannibal)
Hudson & Rex:
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Regressor Charlie Hudson
Regressor Charlie
Regressor Charlie (winter-ish theme)
Regressor Jesse Mills
Regressor Charlie Hudson
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seething-angel · 2 months
Can I ask for Dan Heng caregiver headcanons? He’s a comfort character of mine and I can barely find any agree content for him.
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CG!Dan Heng Moodboard + HCS
hi anon!!! we were already making a dan heng agere moodboard thingy so we decided to throw it in here with the headcanons! hope thats okay! and i can never find cg!dan heng, only little heng.. i love that too though!!
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— Cuddles with you more than anything. His favorite thing to do his carry you, whether he's busy or not, Dan Heng always has you in his arms. Napping? Don't worry, he'll hold you. He's got something to do? Sure, he can make some room in his arms to carry you with him. Carries his little so gently and carefully, putting his chin on the top of their head while hugging them, holding them as close as can be. It's the only time he'll be super affectionate with someone, actually. But if you aren't too fond of being held or touched constantly, let him know, he'll understand.
— Safe for padded regressors too, he doesn't care how you regress, only that you're safe and happy
— Picks up cute little toys for you wherever he goes, or makes them himself. I headcanon that he knows how to sew, and that he's actually made some of March's stuffies, as well as yours/whoever he's looking after. Often rewards his little one with a tiny stuffed animal with a heart embroidered in teal thread on the back of it
— Speaking of March, he probably babysits her :)
— Prefers not to let others watch over you, only if he absolutely needs to. His go-to babysitters for emergencies are Himeko, Welt, March, and MAYBE Trailblazer.. but Dan Heng finds it easier to care for you by himself.
— Asks March to borrow some blankets from her room so he can make a blanket fort, or steals some sheets from a closet somewhere in the express. He isn't quite sure how to make the forts all that good, but March taught him a fun way to do it by pinning the sheets to the ceiling and letting them fall over where those rail things are. He puts tons of soft blankets and pillows and toys down there for you, filling up a sippy cup or bottle with some kind of juice for you to sip on while he goes through the data bank, showing you the photos collected from different planets he's been to!
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
stopp you write tan so well!! he’d be such a sweetheart, and the bit about him indulging his little when they regress out of happiness just made my heart so happy 😭
in your hondo hcs you said if he had to leave, he’d put his dad or nichelle in charge - does he trust a lot of people to look after his little outside of them? what happens when they have to take care of his little, and how does he handle it?
- 💛
Aawwwweee thank you!! Tan is the sweetest boy ever and I’d risk it all for him,, he’d be so gentle and caring with his little it’d be the cutest thing 🥹
Ooo okay so I think he trusts the team, for the most part, to take care of his little. He’d have a lean to Tan and Deacon as they’re both known to be good with kids, Street too as he’s just as protective as Hondo is, I think Chris and Luca would be last resorts. There’s nothing wrong with either of them but Luca’s a bit too lenient on rules and Chris just isn’t the kids type but she’d have no issue ever watching you for Hondo!
When Nichelle watches you it is the best time! She loves baking with you, she makes sure to check in with Hondo as much as his work allows, will gladly take you to the park, go down to the social center where she works if she has something she needs to do, she’s just a sweetheart!! She also makes sure you eat all your vegetables and fruits, she’s very big on nutrition and mental health so her watching you is Hondos ideal set up if he can’t be there!!
If it’s Dan senior it’s a totally different story!! He’s a lot of fun and always has great stories to tell you, I think he’d be the one to drive around with you while pointing out landmarks with stories behind them! Is always happy to answer any questions you have about anything!! Definitely brings up some embarrassing (but pure) stories from when Hondo was a kid to make you giggle. I think he’d be more of a nighttime babysitter for late calls and that’d lead to the two of you asleep on the couch listening to old jazz and having his old photo albums open. He’s such a nostalgic type of guy that having a little one around makes his heart so full after watching his son and daughters grow up
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
~Hells Little's Program Chapter 2~
Blake hangs out with the big kids but he's too young to relate with any of them. Notes: If you've seen Baby CharChar's blog, they have an oc that i may or may not have added as a background character (Got permission)
After Blake was introduced, Charlie began the activities. Since it was still orientation week, they did a bunch of ice breaker stuff. Because he wasn’t there for the first day, Charlie gave him a cute, “Get to know me” sheet. He sat on the ground with a plastic lap desk and began working on it. Once he was done, he raised his hand. Lucifer came over to see what was the matter.
“Hey, whats up, buddy?” He knelt down.
“I done!” he said and showed him the worksheet.
“Great job! Right now, we’re drawing our favorite animal. Can you do that?” Lucifer asked.
“Cans i dwaw mowe dan one?”
“Of course!” Lucifer ruffled his hair before getting up and helping the others.
Blake happily drew his pictures and colored them. He was feeling very proud of himself. There was one other person on the floor with him, she had blue skin, scars on her face, and a bow headband. She looked like she was zoning out but once she realized Blake was looking at her, she waved. He waved back. Seeing how friendly some of the people were, made him feel less scared about this program.
However, that feeling soon changed. One kid, a male with gingery brown hair and some side burns (NOT ED SHEERAN) sat at the table. He looked down at Blake.
“Why are you here? The babies are supposed to be in the nursery!” The kid said. One other, assumingly the persons friend, piped in too.
“Yeah, dey separate us because dey don’t wan da annoying ones taking up everyone's time,” 
Blake looked down. Were baby regressors annoying? Is he annoying? That got him thinking about things he didn’t want to think about. Maybe the reason his parents hated him was because he was just too much for them. Too much of a freak and weirdo. He was just a big annoying baby, wasn’t he? For some reason, he really wanted to start crying. He usually wouldn’t be so affected by this but yet here he was, about to bawl over some comment.
“Is the baby gonna cry?” The ginger said in a mocking tone. 
To avoid making more of a fool of himself, he got up from the floor and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. He curled up against the changing table and began pulling at his hair. He started panicking. He shouldn’t have come. He was a freak. A weakling. Annoying.
“Blake, are you okay?” Charlie knocked on the door with a concerned tone in her voice, “I saw you run in here, you didn’t look so good,” 
“Go ‘way!” he yelled, tugging harder at his hair. His horns and scalp became irritated by all the pulling and tugging. He didn’t care, he just needed to stop this stupid panic attack.
Charlie could definitely tell he was not okay. His voice was shaky and she could hear him crying. She reached into her pocket and pulled out keys. As the main caregiver, she needed to have the bathroom keys in case she needed to reach one of the littles and the door was locked.
“Baby, I’m coming in,” she warned before turning the knob. She walked in and saw the mess he became.
Seeing him in distress, she calmly walked over to him and kneeled down before pulling his hands away from his hair.
“Out!” He yelled, wanting her to leave.
“Sweetie, please take some deep breaths,” Charlie instructed. He jerked his hands, trying to get them free. So she summoned some blue mittens and swiftly put them on his hands and tightened them so he couldn’t get them off. She didn’t like how restrictive they were, but she didn’t want him to hurt himself.
Then, he heard a voice come from the playroom.
“Uh oh, someones having a tantrum~” that ginger ass bitch was making fun of him again!
Blake wailed, hating this feeling of shame and embarrassment.
Charlie picked him up and set him in her lap, tucking his head into her upper chest/collarbone area. That muffled his screams a little. He soaked up her dress shirt with tears. 
“Sh, shh, it’s okay, I’ll deal with David later, don’t listen to him,” Charlie rubbed his back and massaged his scalp.
After a minute or two, he began to calm down. No longer wailing, he still clung to Charlie. She asked Lucifer to bring him his bag, which he did. With the bag slung over her shoulder, she picked him up and entered the nursery, sensing how he didn’t want to enter back in the playroom.
“Hey, what happened?” Vaggie asked. She had heard a little bit of the noise since she was right next door.
“I think Blake was having a panic attack. Be extra caring and show him lots of love, okay? Oh, and don’t take his mittens off until he ages back up, I don’t want him hurting himself,” she told her. Vaggie nodded and took him in her hands.
He whined a bit and made grabby hands towards Charlie. She moved his hair out of his face before handing Vaggie his bag and giving him his teddy bear.
“It’ll be okay blakey, Vaggie will take care of you,” She promised before going back to the playroom to calm everyone down and also figure out what caused his panic attack.
“Hey, sweetie, we’re having playtime right now, but you can nap if you feel like it,” Vaggie told him. He didn’t want to nap though. If he tried to fall asleep, all of those bad thoughts would come back again. So he shook his head. Vaggie placed him down on the padded mats and watched him play with the blocks. Luckily, there were only about 4 other people. In the playroom there were at least 10. 
Blake dug through his bag and pulled out his favorite dinosaur toy. He began to build a pen for his dinosaur out of blocks so it could have a nice home. After he finished making the pen, he walked it for a bit, dancing it around and making rawring noises. 
Playtime lasted for about an hour before it was checking time. It was thankfully quick because most of the mental babies were dry. Next came naptime. Blake really didn’t want to do naptime. He hated having to take naps with a burning passion. Vaggie tried to lay him down in one of the cribs but he kept protesting.
“Honey, It’ll be okay, you have beary with you. You’ll also be protected by me,” vaggie said.
“Pwomise?” He asked.
“I promise. I’ll be in here the whole time,” She gave him a kiss on the forehead before she went to do the same to the others.
Blake let his body relax and pull him into a nice, peaceful sleep.
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jelliefishhhh · 11 months
Hi!! I saw your Cg headcanons for Dan Heng. Out of curiosity, do you have any agere headcanons for the Astral Express crew? (Who do you think would be a cg or a regressor?)
Oh yes!
I definitely feel like March would be a flip she loves caregiving but also regresses sometimes, although when she regresses, she probably regresses to an older age, like 6-8
I think Himeko would be a caregiver. I feel like she's looked into regression and considered it as a coping mechanism but doesn't see it as something that'll be helpful to her. But she loves to look after her babies.
Welt is a regressor, but he's very private about it he also regresses to an older age, around 13, but there are times when he will involuntarily regress to around 1-2, and when that happens, he'll lock himself in his room.
Speaking about Dan Heng again, obviously, I think he would be a caregiver, but I think sometimes when he's looking after a little he'll end up accidentally regressing. Specifically when he's looking after March.
Stelle and Caelus are both involuntary regressors, but their regression is very frequent. Their age range is pretty young, only regressing to the ages of 0-1.
I love all the little astral express babies <33
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theogclownboy · 19 hours
can u draw caregiver! dan from dan vs with regressor y/n ? (ok if u cant :3)
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Oki so I rewatching Doctor Sleep, and actually finishrd the movie this time 😂 (I had a request that prompted me to want to rewatch it) and I forgot how much I liked Danny!!! So here are some Headcannons cause now I dids Moodboard and Headcannons!!! :D
Caregiver!Danny Torrance Headcannons
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Dan as a kid self soothed quite a lot so if your a Regressor who sucks their thumb to comfort yourself he will not stop you, he used to do it himself.
Very protective of you. Unfortunately with his shine just being around him can make you a target so you bet he is going to make sure you are safe!!!
Again as a kid Dan didn't really speak, not after everything that happened at the overlook hotel... Sooo he knows how to find other ways of communicating if you can't or don't like to speak when regressed.
He's a light sleeper so if you ever need something in the night he's on it!!!
^ He also knows how to handle nightmares and PTSD.
His voice is very calming and I fully believe that he'd be amazing at reading bedtime stories, or just reading stories in general!!!
Sometimes if you were having a hard time sleeping or calming down he finds himself humming or singing gently to aid you in falling asleep.
He makes sure he stays completely sober. He stays far away from anything like that.
He is very comforting, even when not doing anything in particular his presence is just comforting.
He will ruffle your hair and if you complain that he's "ruined your hair" he absolutely will do it again, whilst laughing. 😂
If the true knot and Rose think they are getting anywhere near you they have another thing coming which they soon realise because Dan is not letting them try to hurt you, not a chance.
Drawing >>> (especially using chalk)
His hugs feel so safe, he will hold the back of your head protectively when hugging you!!! 🥹
He can communicate with you through your mind so if you guys are ever in public and you're regressing he doesn't need to watch what he's saying as only you can hear <3
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