#cardiovascular strength
fitkitty · 3 months
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bodyalive · 11 months
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Fatigue that improves with caffeine (as it forces increased cortisol secretion) or hydrocortisone intake may suggest transient (reversible) hypoadrenalism due to excess cortisol requirement. Unfortunately, hypoadrenalism is difficult to detect in blood work and is often normal even in patients with who are severely ill, unless suffering from pituitary or supradrenal tumors, etc.
One of the most important causes of reversible adrenal exertion symptoms in patients with chronic pain, is TOS CVH. TOS CVH causes high arterial brain pressures that lead to paradoxical systemic hypotension due to cerebral autoregulation. This will raise adrenal output to perform daily tasks, ie. raise blood pressure and cardiac output through the sympathetic system, often resulting in profound fatigue, and as a worst case scenario, myalgic encephalomyelitis, if it goes on over a longer period of time. Usually, years.
Patients who have fatigue that responds to caffine but who do not have chronic pain, should mainly look to their sleep, diet and training habits. If sleep and diet is ok, then cardiovascular health is perhaps the most important aspect. Poor cardiac compliance to physical stressors, ie. inadequate strength of the heart, will be compensated for by a raised sympathetic tone and raised adrenal output. Increasing sodium intake can also help, but this should not be done excessively, as the heart may not tolerate a greater blood volume until its strength has been increased. This patient group should stick to [no more than] one cup of coffee per day, preferably in the morning and avoiding high-carbohydrate meals in the evenings. Mental stress also influences, needless to say.
A good indication of improved heart strength is reduced resting heart rates, but also overall lower heart rates during activities. Training too hard too often will strain the adrenal system and make the problem worse than it was initially, so starting with a 45-minute brisk walk once to twice per week, then gradually "feel it out from there", can be appropriate.
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hopetorun · 4 months
exercise is good for you blah blah blah all kinds of positive health and wellbeing outcomes blah blah blah we aren’t talking enough about The Sweating
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suzieb-fit · 9 months
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After a good start yesterday, it all fell apart very quickly.
Let's just say that tinned baked beans are most definitely OFF the menu from now on!
I had them for lunch on Sunday. And yesterday ....wow. I was a total mess.
I'm fine with legumes, but I'm pretty sure it was the gluten aspect. I'm already gluten free, but wasn't sure about those beans. Some brands are ok, some aren't.
Best to stay off them completely.
So I took the rest of the day off everything. Including a late snack. Felt ill.
Bit better this morning. Still not 100%, bit good enough to get on with my day.
I got myself into a squat workout. Low weight/high rep to high weight/low rep pyramid. Ending it with a ten rep push at the highest weight.
Then a minute's wall sit to finish my legs off completely, lol.
I was happy to get outside with my breakfast after that. All hail the Oodie and the insulated cup!
And made even better with such a beautiful morning sky.
I'm going for a little walk in the forest before lunch, but before that, I pushed myself into getting on with some cardio HIIT.
Oof. Yeah, that was a toughie!
Lots of plyometrics in that one!!
Glad I got it in, though.
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utopiafitness · 1 year
From Cold to Hot: Importance of Warming Up Before Exercise
Are you someone who likes to jump  into a workout without taking the time to warm up first? If so, you may be putting yourself at risk for injury and missing out on the many benefits of warming up. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of warm up before exercise and why it should be an important part of your workout routine. We’ll also discuss the science behind warm-ups, the different types of warming, and tips for creating a good warm-up. So let’s get started!
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Why is Warming Up Before Exercise Important?
Warm up before exercise is important to prepare your body and mind for physical activity. When you warm up, your body goes through  physiological changes to prepare you for the demands of exercise. These changes include an increase in heart rate, blood flow, and respiration, as well as a decrease in muscle tone and an increase in muscle tone. Without a proper warm-up, you increase your risk of injury because your muscles and joints are not adequately prepared for the stress of exercise.
A warm-up is a period of low-intensity exercise or stretching that prepares the body for more vigorous exercise. A good warm-up should accomplish many things. First, it should help improve oxygen and nutrients by increasing blood flow to  working muscles. Second, it should keep the heart beating and breathing, helping to prepare the cardiovascular system to increase exercise. Thirdly, it is necessary to warm up the muscles, which will help reduce injuries and make the muscles flexible. Finally, a warm-up can help you mentally prepare  for your workout and improve focus and concentration. READ MORE....
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growhealthy · 1 year
"Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with the Keto Diet"
"Unlock Your Weight Loss Potential with the Power of the Keto Diet"
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The keto diet has gained popularity as a fast and effective way to lose weight. By reducing carbohydrates and increasing fat intake, the body enters a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy. If you're seeking rapid weight loss, the keto diet can be a valuable tool. In this blog post, we'll explore how to get started with the keto diet and provide tips for staying on track to maximize your weight loss.
What is the Keto Diet?
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The keto diet, short for ketogenic diet, is an eating plan that emphasizes high-fat and low-carbohydrate intake to induce ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body uses stored fat as its primary source of energy instead of glucose derived from carbs. This transition leads to efficient weight loss and potential additional benefits such as improved mental clarity and reduced inflammation. It is crucial to follow a comprehensive keto guide to ensure you consume the right balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to achieve and maintain ketosis. With its increasing popularity, the keto diet has become a go-to option for individuals aiming to lose weight quickly and effectively.
How Does the Keto Diet Aid Weight Loss?
The keto diet facilitates rapid and efficient weight loss through its high-fat, low-carb approach. By reducing carbohydrate intake, the body is forced to utilize stored fat for energy, resulting in ketosis. During ketosis, fat molecules are broken down into ketones, which provide energy for the body. This metabolic process enhances fat burning and promotes weight loss. Furthermore, the keto diet helps regulate blood sugar levels and suppresses appetite. By consuming more healthy fats and fewer carbs, you feel fuller for longer periods and avoid cravings that can lead to overeating. It is essential to note that not all fats are equal. While the keto diet emphasizes healthy fats, it is crucial to monitor your macronutrient intake and overall calorie consumption to prevent excessive calorie intake. To optimize weight loss on the keto diet, follow a comprehensive keto guide that offers guidance on food choices and macronutrient tracking. By adopting the right approach, you can achieve fast and effective weight loss on the keto diet.
The Importance of Tracking Macros on the Keto Diet.
Tracking macros, which involves monitoring carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake, is key to achieving rapid weight loss on the keto diet. Macro tracking ensures that you consume the appropriate types and quantities of food to maintain a state of ketosis, where fat is burned for energy instead of carbs. Utilizing a reliable keto guide can greatly assist in tracking macros by providing the correct macronutrient ratios and portion sizes tailored to your individual needs and weight loss goals. By adhering to this guide, you can ensure you are on the right path to achieving your weight loss objectives safely and healthily. Additionally, it is important to monitor your daily calorie intake. While the keto diet emphasizes high-fat foods, it is still crucial to consume the appropriate number of calories based on your body type and activity level. Consuming excess calories, even from healthy fats, can lead to weight gain. Overall, tracking your macros and calorie intake on the keto diet is vital for achieving rapid weight loss. By staying mindful of your food intake, you can ensure you consume the right types and quantities of food to maintain ketosis and achieve your weight loss goals. Top Foods for Quick Weight Loss on the Keto Diet.
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One of the most enticing aspects of the keto diet is the ability to enjoy delicious foods while still losing weight. Here are some of the best foods to incorporate into your keto diet for quick results:
Avocado: This versatile fruit is packed with healthy fats, keeping you satiated and adding creaminess to your meals without relying on dairy.
Meat and poultry: High-protein options like chicken, turkey, and beef are staples of the keto diet. They are satisfying, flavorful, and promote muscle growth during weight loss.
Nuts and seeds: Whether you prefer almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds, these provide healthy fats and protein, making them excellent choices for the keto diet.
Leafy greens: Low in carbs and rich in vitamins and minerals, vegetables like kale and spinach add bulk to your meals without contributing excessive calories.
Coconut oil: With its high concentration of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), coconut oil is a popular ingredient in keto recipes. MCTs can enhance fat burning.
Eggs: A superb source of protein and healthy fats, eggs are versatile and can be prepared in countless ways.
Cheese: Cheese is keto-friendly and adds flavor to your meals. However, be mindful of portion sizes, as it can be high in calories and fat.
To achieve your weight loss goals on the keto diet, prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body and keep you satisfied. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you will be well on your way to rapid weight loss.
Sample Meal Plan for Quick Weight Loss on the Keto Diet
Following a well-structured meal plan can help you stay on track with the keto diet and achieve your weight loss goals quickly. Here's a 3-day sample meal plan to facilitate rapid weight loss:
Day 1:
Breakfast: Avocado and egg salad
Snack: Greek yogurt with mixed nuts
Lunch: Grilled chicken with roasted broccoli
Snack: Cheese and olives
Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted Brussels sprouts
Day 2:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with bacon and spinach
Snack: Almond butter with celery sticks
Lunch: Cauliflower fried rice with shrimp
Snack: Keto protein bar
Dinner: Beef and vegetable stir-fry
Day 3:
Breakfast: Coconut milk chia pudding with raspberries
Snack: Hard-boiled egg with celery sticks
Lunch: Tuna salad lettuce wraps
Snack: Homemade kale chips
Dinner: Grilled lamb chops with cauliflower mash
Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water and herbal tea to support your weight loss efforts.
By adhering to this meal plan and avoiding high-carb foods, you can achieve rapid results on the keto diet. However, keep in mind that individual bodies vary, and it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet.
Tips for Successful Adherence to the Keto Diet for Fast Results
Meal prep: Planning and preparing your meals and snacks in advance can greatly facilitate adherence to the keto diet. By having healthy, keto-friendly options readily available, you can stay organized and make smart choices.
Find keto-friendly substitutions: Identify keto-friendly substitutes for your favorite non-keto foods. For example, replace traditional pasta with zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash, and use keto-friendly sweeteners like stevia or erythritol instead of sugar.
Stay hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is crucial on the keto diet. It aids in flushing out toxins and keeps you feeling full. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day and consider adding electrolytes as needed.
Keep healthy snacks on hand: Having convenient, healthy snacks available can help prevent reaching for high-carb options like chips or cookies. Consider nuts, seeds, cheese, or veggies with dip as satisfying and keto-friendly choices.
Seek support: Finding support from others following the keto diet can be highly beneficial. Joining online communities or involving a friend or family member in your journey can help maintain motivation and accountability.
By following these tips, you can maximize your success on the keto diet and achieve fast results. Remember to be patient, consistent, and attentive to your body's signals. Happy keto-ing!
Potential Pitfalls to Avoid on the Keto Diet
While the keto diet is effective for weight loss, it's essential to be aware of potential pitfalls and work to avoid them. Here are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:
Inadequate water intake: The keto diet can increase urine production, leading to dehydration. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and functioning properly.
Excessive consumption of processed foods: Packaged keto snacks and processed meats often contain high amounts of sodium, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods rather than relying heavily on processed options.
Overconsumption of protein: Although the keto diet is often associated with high protein intake, excessive protein consumption can hinder ketosis and slow down weight loss. Track your macros to maintain the proper balance of protein, fat, and carbs.
Inadequate fiber intake: Fiber is crucial for digestive health and helps you feel full after meals. Include fiber-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and low-carb fruits in your diet.
Impatience: While some individuals experience rapid weight loss on the keto diet, everyone's body responds differently. Be patient and give your body time to adapt to the new eating pattern. Consistency is key, and results will come with time.
By being mindful of these potential pitfalls and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can set yourself up for success on the keto diet and achieve your weight loss goals quickly and effectively.
Download our free 21 Keto Recipe Cook Book 
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hikercarl · 2 days
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werehamburglar · 2 months
man, i ran to the bus the other day, and FIRST OF ALL. i couldn't run all the way. so jot that down. it was a block and a half away and i couldn't run all the way. three minute fucking walk. and then i ended up panting for eight minutes and coughing for thirty. the entire fucking bus ride. like some sort of sick freak. and i was sitting there, looking up WHY IS MY ARM NUMB. WHY DOES MY SHOULDER BLADE HURT WHEN I RUN. ONLY WHEN I RUN. HI HELLO. I CAN'T STOP COUGHING. HELLO ANSWERS PLEASE. IT HURTS UNDER THE SHOULDERBLADE<3 COUGH COUGH. anyway that's why i stopped running in my senior year. my band director and i were both fed up of me hacking up a lung all practice long because i ran during our warmup. and i forgot i can't run anymore. because i was going to be late for the bus. and then the BUS WAS FUCKING LATE ANYWAY. hell on earth
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rufflet · 8 months
Patting myself a little too hard on the back for going to the gym twice in one week.
Trying to see if my finances allow me to buy a few cute novelty workout tanks to further incentivize me to go on a regular basis.
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